Bedside Luxury free porn video

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Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers.  "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets.  Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again.

Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright.  This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room.  She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here.  Another surprise was that she was sitting in this weird bed completely naked.  Her prior sleepiness was instantly cleared as she looked around and tried to remember what had happened the previous night.  It looked like she was in some sort of hotel room, and the nice sheets suggested it was a fancy place. 

As she searched her memory, her last thought was leaving work the previous day.  She'd finally gotten fed up with the new secretary's attitude, and had confronted her.  The argument escalated until Sammy was yelling that Carol was a "lazy fucking bitch," and that "everyone knew it."  Carol simply looked stunned, but as Sammy turned around to go back to work, she saw that Tim from HR was standing right behind her.

Sammy had been disappointed as she packed up her belongings after being fired, but was at least glad that she'd been able to say what everyone had been thinking.  It might be hard, but she figured she'd be able to find a job with better people to work with.  She vaguely remembered going to a bar afterwards, but that's where things started to get confused.

"Did I get drunk and go home with someone, and that's how I ended up here?" Sammy asked herself.  She got out of bed, and looked around to see if she could find her clothes.  There wasn't anything on the floor, under the bed, or in the closet, and when she went to check the dresser, she found most of the drawers closed and locked.  Oddly enough, the only drawer that opened was full of coils of rope, all in different bright colors.

As she was wandering around, Sammy realized that she really had to pee.  She didn't see a bathroom door, so she tentatively opened the door exiting the room.  Beyond, she saw what looked like a waiting room.  To her left was a reception desk, with what looked like a nurse behind the counter.  There seemed to be similar doors to the one she was peeking through up and down the other walls.  She also saw that the hallway that extended beyond the reception area had a sign for a bathroom. 

Sammy knew that she didn't have much time to decide, so figured that she would just be brave and walk calmly down to the bathroom, and pretend like she was clothed and that everything was normal.  She stepped out of the room, and winced as her feet landed on the cold tile of the waiting area.  Her left hand went down to cover her crotch, and she used the right to hide her breasts, as she slowly walked down towards the bathroom.  She passed the desk, and the nurse looked at her.  "I have to go to the bathroom..." Sammy looked at the name tag, "Renee.  Sorry."  The nurse looked to be about her age, and was also short and Asian.  Renee didn't say anything, and Sammy didn't bother to wait for approval as she continued towards the bathroom.

She reached the bathroom, and saw that the door next to it was labeled, "Loading Area."  Sammy pushed the door open, and stepped into the bathroom.  Inside, she found three toilets, but there were no walls separating them.  Even more bizarre, the far wall was made of glass, and looked out onto what was clearly the Loading Area.  She saw a number of people in grey jumpsuits loading large cylinders with a forklift.  To one side was a large pile of jumpsuits.

"Once I'm done here, I can go next door and get one of those, and then I can find my way out of here and get back home."  Sammy went over to sit down on one of the toilets.

Back at the reception desk, Renee looked up to see her boss Debbie returning.  "Where is the new girl?" Debbie asked.

"She said she had to go to the bathroom."

"Damn it, you know you're not supposed to let out of your sight.  We'll discuss this later."  Debbie stormed down the hallway, and burst into the bathroom, surprising Sammy.  She caught Sammy before she could sit down, and tightly grabbed a hold of Sammy's left arm.  "Come now, you're not getting away that easy.  Don't you know we have plans for you?"  Debbie led the naked and surprised girl out of the bathroom, and back down the hallway.  As they walked, Debiie hooked her right elbow through Sammy's left, and used her own left hand to hold Sammy's.  She then used her free right hand to unzip her uniform, letting it open down to her waist.  She then directed Sammy's hand into the opening, and down between her legs.

Sammy could feel her fingers slide through the older nurse's hair, only to stop when they found the wet slit it hid.  Sammy looked stunned as she was led (and half-dragged) back to the room she had started in.  Once they'd returned, Debbie pushed Sammy down onto the bed, and went over to the dresser.  She removed a pile of rope from it, and tossed it onto the bed next to Sammy.  "Maybe I just need to tie you down, first."

"Wait, I really need to pee," was Sammy's response.

"No, I think I'd rather you be safe before we start.  You'll just have to hold it for a little longer."  Sammy struggled briefly as Debbie grabbed her left hand and started to pull it down, but stopped when she heard the ominous response.  "We can do this the easy way, Dear, or we can just drug you, and then you won't get to enjoy yourself at all."

By the time Debbie was done, Sammy had been tied down on her back, with her arms and legs stretched to the corners of the bed.  In addition, her knees had rope looped around them, and pulled out to the sides, forcing her legs to spread widely.  Sammy felt very exposed, and could feel Debbie prodding her labia as she laughed to herself.  Debbie then went back to the door, and shouted out at the other nurse.  "Renee, I think we're ready to start now, if you'll get the supplies and join us."


A few minutes later, Renee entered the room with a large cart full of medical supplies.  "I think we'll do the standard, Renee, but let's start with the fluids.  She's a bit full," said Debbie.

"What are you going to do to me?" asked Sammy.

"I think it's probably best if you don't watch this part," Debbie replied, as she climbed onto the bed with her.  She crawled over until she was straddling Sammy's chest before continuing, "This is probably the most effective blindfold, wouldn't you say?"  She then slid forward, placing her wet cunt over Sammy's face.

Below her, Sammy's vision was immediately blotted out, and with Debbie's thighs on either side of her head, she couldn't hear much at all.  As the nurse's slit lowered to her mouth, Sammy reluctantly opened her mouth and tasted it.  She wasn't sure what was going on, but in her current position, she didn't think she had much room to object.

Unseen to Sammy, Renee was preparing a number of things at the foot of the bed.  When ready, she removed a catheter from a sterile wrapper, lubed it, and began to insert it into Sammy's urethra.  Sammy moaned as her lips were spread, but the moan quickly turned into a shout as she felt the rubber tip probing her.  She felt it slip inside her as Debbie said, "Oh, I love it when you scream, Dear.  The vibrations are wonderful."

Renee's response, "then you're going to love the next few steps," was too quiet for Sammy to hear it.  Renee attached the catheter to a bag, and watched as Sammy's urine flooded out.  Sammy was relieved as well, and renewed her attention to Debbie.  Renee moved on to the next phase, and removed a large steel device from a box.  She lubed it as well, and slid the large shaft into Sammy's vagina.  The base of the device was flared into a large plate, which had a number of spikes facing out.  Renee briefly stretched Sammy's labia over the plate, noted where the spikes landed (eliciting a few "yelp!"s from her patient), and then removed a pile of piercing needles.  One by one, she pierced Sammy's labia in exactly the same positions as the spikes.  Throughout the entire process, Sammy screamed as loud as she could, but for the others in the room, it was only a faint roar.

"Oh, Sammy, I love what you're doing down there.  If you keep this up..." Debbie trailed off as she bent forward and braced herself against the wall.  She gasped loudly, and then leaned back with a smile.  "You're a natural, Dear."

Renee continued without interruption, although she could clearly smell Debbie's excitement filling the room.  Once all the piercings were complete, she fed the spikes through the holes, and then locked them in place with small steel balls.  She moved on to the next piercing, sliding the needle through the hood of Sammy's clit, which she then filled with a large steel bar.  Renee then moved to the left side of the bed, and placed a similar bar through Sammy's left nipple.  She repeated this on the other side, and then started to clean up her cart.  "I've got the piercings in, so if you're ready to move on," she said to Debbie.

"Just a moment," was the response, as Debbie reached back and flicked the new nipple piercings.  Sammy replied with the expected scream, and Debbie flushed a bright red while squeezing her eyes closed tightly.  Sammy could tell she was orgasming again, as Debbie's thighs seemed to be trying to crush her head.  She was also slowly being smothered, and could feel her lungs start to spasm.  This just excited Debbie more, and she momentarily lost control and peed into Sammy's mouth, causing her to cough. 

As Debbie stood up, Sammy realized what she was tasting in her mouth, and licked to try to clean her mouth.  "Oh, did you enjoy that?" Debbie asked with a smile.  Sammy started to answer, but Debbie cut her off.  "We're ready for the next step, Dear, and I know that the last one hurt a bit, but this one will be much easier for you.  If you'd like to continue to cooperate, that would be best, but rest assured that we will get our way.  Are you going to be a good girl?"

Sammy again considered her options, and quietly said, "Yes."

"Very good, Dear, now let's get you up and dressed, shall we?"  Debbie and Renee then started to untie the ropes that held Sammy to the bed, and then helped her to her feet.  Sammy looked down at her new piercings, and realized that the device in her vagina would make it impossible for anything to penetrate her, and was held in place by the piercings.  Renee checked the piercings as she stood, and then removed three small steel devices, and clipped them to the piercings in Sammy's nipples and clit.  Finally, she locked the one on her clit to the exposed top part of the chastity plug.  All three were like small cups, and completely covered her nipples and clit.  She could feel a thin layer of rubber keeping the cold steel from her sensitive parts.

While Renee was checking the piercings, Debbie had unlocked another drawer of the dresser, and had removed a large bundle of black leather.  "I think you'll enjoy how this feels, Dear."  She held it up, and Sammy could see that it was a leather suit designed to cover her entire body.  "Come on, let's get going."  Debbie unzipped the back of the suit, and had Sammy sit down on the bed to ease her legs in.  They slid in without trouble until her feet reached the ankles of the suit, at which point Renee bent down to open a zipper on the outside of each ankle.  This loosened the suit enough to allow Sammy's feet to slide through.  "Make sure you get your toes in the right slot," Debbie advised, and Sam realized that there were small leather straps to separate each of her toes.  It took a moment, but Sammy was able to get her feet in place.  Renee then zipped the ankles back up, and helped smooth the suit over Sammy's legs.  It was rather tight, but did not feel uncomfortable anywhere.

As the suit reached Sammy's crotch, Debbie reached inside, and aligned a small post on the outside of the cap over Sammy's clit with a reinforced hole in the suit.  She then slid a lock through a hole in the post, but did not lock it.  Sammy could feel each shift of the suit from that point on, and was glad that the suit was as tight as it was.  This helped keep the suit from pulling down painfully on the cap.

Renee grabbed Sammy's left arm, and helped it down its sleeve.  The gloves had no fingers, and Renee had to open another zipper to get Sammy's wrist into it.  Sammy felt that there were slots for her fingers like the feet had, and made sure she had each finger in place.  She had to search around for the thumb, and then realized that it was located so that her thumb was held bent against her palm.  Renee closed the zip on the left sleeve, and then moved to Sammy's right and helped her with that one.

While she was doing this, Debbie made sure that the front of the suit was fitted correctly, and pushed posts from Sammy's nipple covers through grommets like she had done with her clit.  Again, locks were fit through the holes but not locked.  When Renee finished with the other sleeve, she started to zip up the back of the suit.  "Ok, Dear, now it's time to get this mask in place."  She held up the attached hood that had been left loose on Sammy's chest.  Sammy could see that it covered most of her head, but looked like her mouth and nose would be left free.  "First we need to get a few things in place.  One final thing, Dear: be good." said Debbie.  She then inserted earplugs into Sammy's ears, and then pulled the hood up and over Sammy's face.  Sammy felt her eyes covered with soft pads, and similar pads covered her ears, blotting out all sound.  She could feel the zipper in the back being pulled up, and felt the suit compress around her body as the zipper moved up.  Next, the hood seemed to shrink as it was laced and zipped closed as well.

Sammy stood for a moment when the suit was finished, and then quietly asked, "Is that it?"  Renee and Debbie laughed to themselves as they pulled a set of wide steel cuffs out of another drawer.  They started with Sammy's wrists, wrapping the cuff around, making sure that the zipper on the suit was correctly placed so that it would be trapped in place by the cuff, and then locked closed.  Renee repeated this with Sammy's ankles, while Debbie fixed a similar collar around Sammy's neck, locking the zippers holding the suit and hood closed in a similar arrangement.  With the zippers locked in place, Renee and Debbie put cuffs around Sammy's elbows, knees, and waist, pulling them tight and locking them in place so they would not move around.  Sammy shifted around, and found that the cuffs held the suit to her body, making it somewhat harder to move around, as the suit had even less give, and wouldn't slide.

Sammy next felt her face and head being petted, and she tried to reach out to grab the nurse that was reassuring her.  Instead, her arms found themselves sliding into some kind of sleeves.  She felt that the sleeves were attached together, and as these new sleeves reached her armpits, she felt a thick heavy sheet meet her chest.  Renee and Debbie made sure that Sammy's arms were fully in place in the outer wrap, and checked that the posts on Sammy's wrist and elbow cuffs poked through the grommets in the thick leather.  As soon as those were in place, they quickly affixed locks to the posts, trapping Sammy's arms in place.  They then smoothed out the front of the suit, and made sure that the posts on Sammy's breasts, waist, and clit also poked through and were locked.  Sammy could feel her body being pulled forward, and felt the thick leather press against her front.

With the first side finished, the two nurses eased Sammy down onto the bed face first, and wrapped the stiffly boned outer wrap around Sammy, locking the cuffs through the suit, and finally lacing up the back.  Although Sammy could only feel the crushing tightness and pressure, she knew that she had lost pretty much all movement.  She could feel that her body was encased from her feet to her neck, with her arms trapped in sleeves at her sides.  With all the cuffs locked through the suit, no part of her body could wiggle more than a few millimeters.

"Ok, let's get her packaged up and shipped out," said Debbie, as Renee stepped out to get a cart.  They stood Sammy back up on the cart, and attached a hook to her collar.  They then wheeled her down the hallway to the loading area, where other workers unclipped Sammy from the cart, and then opened up an empty cylinder.  As they popped the handle, the top foot of the cylinder split into three parts, revealing that the cylinder was largely filled with foam, with only a narrow opening.  They aligned Sammy with the opening, and then pushed on her shoulders until she was buried in the foam up to her neck.  Next, they checked how Sammy's head was placed correctly, and then flipped the handle back closed.  This caused the to parts to close again, with first tipping Sammy's head back, then inserting a gag into her mouth, and finally sealing the cylinder around her. 

Debbie then opened a small panel on the front of the cylinder, and made sure that Sammy's catheter was attached to the correct connector.  Renee had brought the bag of urine that Sammy had filled earlier, and watched as Debbie attached it to the connection labeled "water."  "Just a little treat for her," said Debbie with a smile.

Inside the tube, Sammy knew that she was completely trapped, and couldn't move any part of her body.  She felt the tube being shifted around, and when the tube stopped for a few minutes, and then started vibrating, she realized that she'd been loaded onto a truck, and was now being delivered to where ever she was to go.


It seemed like forever to Sammy, but she eventually felt her tube being shifted around.  She could feel that she was put on another cart, and rolled somewhere, then bounced down some steps.  She was finally spun around a few times, and then felt herself being raised upwards.  Again, she sat encased in the leather and foam for a long time, and then suddenly felt herself sliding upwards.  The top of the tube opened up again, sliding backwards out of the way of Sammy's head.  Sammy then felt the tube bending forward, until she was nearly horizontal.  "Where...where am I?" asked Sammy.

Immediately, she felt electric shocks attack her nipples and clit, and then felt herself tip backwards, and the tube's cap again closed, sealing her gagged face away.  The shocks continued for a few seconds, and then Sammy again found herself trapped an alone.  Some time later, the process repeated itself, with the tube sliding up and over, and the cap opening.  Sammy wiggled her head around, but it didn't hit anything.  She wondered if the shocks would return, and after nothing happened for almost a minute, she asked again, "Hello?"  Sammy regretted this again, as the electricity bit her, and the tube sealed up.  This time, the shocks continued for nearly a minute after she had been sealed away, and when they did stop, Sammy could tell that her eyes were damp with her tears.

"I guess I need to be quiet," Sammy thought to herself as she waited for another chance.  This wait seemed longer, and Sammy fell asleep.  She was awoken by the tube rising and opening, but this time, Sammy just waited quietly when the cap opened.  Sammy didn't make a sound, and after nearly ten minutes of being quiet, she felt a vibration start in the probe buried inside her.  It slowly pulsed faintly, giving Sammy enough pleasure to moisten and get excited, but not nearly enough to reach orgasm.  She let the feelings wash over her, and eased into a pleasant mind state.

This was interrupted quickly when she felt something brush against her lips.  Sammy pulled back in surprise, and felt a quick shock hit her nipples.  She stopped immediately, and felt something pry her lips apart.  Sammy opened her mouth in response, and felt what seemed like a toe enter her mouth.  The toe waited for a moment, and then the shocks hit her nipples again.  Sammy wasn't sure what to do, so since the toe was already largely in her mouth, she started to suck on it.  This caused the vibrations to intensify, which Sammy took as a good sign.  The owner of the foot waited as Sammy cleaned each toe, and then pulled out and shifted to a new one.  With each toe, the vibrations increased, until Sammy was nearly mindlessly sucking on the foot presented to her.  It tasted clean, but by the time she had finished the first foot, Sammy knew that she would do almost anything to continue the sensations.  Since the vibrator was effectively pierced to her clit, as the strength was increased she felt the most intense sensations ever.

As Sammy finished the last toe, the vibrations stopped, and she felt the top of the foot presented to her.  She kissed it, and then felt the other foot replace it, which she again kissed.  Then, the tube closed and returned, locking Sammy away again.  Once she was back in place, the vibrations returned even more intense than before, and Sammy screamed into the gag as she came. 

Hours later, Sammy woke up to find her mouth filling with liquid.  She could taste the salty fluid on her tongue, and quickly realized that she was being given piss to drink.  However, after being gagged for so long, she welcomed any liquid, and swallowed it down.  The piss was being fed in slowly, giving her enough time to swallow around the gag, and keep her mouth clear.  Eventually, the trickle stopped, and Sammy somewhat regretted not having more to drink, as she was still thirsty.

Sammy fell asleep again, and this time was woken up by the vibrator buzzing to life.  It was pulsing the strength, pushing her towards the edge, and then easing back to a mild whirr.  Just when Sammy thought that she'd die from the teasing, the tube pushed up again, and her head was free.  She puckered her mouth to look for the foot again, but couldn't find anything.  After a few seconds, she stopped and waited, wondering what she was expected to do.  The vibrations didn't stop, and she hadn't been shocked yet, so she assumed that she hadn't broken any rules.  Moments later, she felt something fairly solid hit her in the side of the head.  She was stunned for a moment, and her mouth opened.  In that moment, she felt her mouth being filled by the thing that had hit her, a large erect cock.  The owner was not nearly as gentle as the owner of the feet, and Sammy felt it being driven back into her throat.  The man then grabbed Sammy's head between his hands, and used that to control the motion of her head.  Sammy did what she could, and kept her mouth open so as not to scratch with her teeth.  However, she could feel that she wasn't able to get enough air as the man forced her cock back to block her air.  This continued for a few minutes, and as Sammy could feel the man get more excited, the vibrations spiked almost every time the he pumped.  The man then pushed Sammy's head down hard into his crotch, and her throat struggled around his cock.  He held her there, and as she ran out of air, she could feel her lungs start to spasm.  This was apparently the trigger, and Sammy felt him shoot his cum inside her.  He held her just a moment longer, and then slowly slid out.

Sammy coughed a few times as her throat cleared, and felt some of the man's cum launch out of her mouth.  The vibrations stopped and were replaced by the shocks steadily increasing.  Sammy panicked and shot her tongue out, and found it greeted by the side of the man's cock.  She licked around to clean it, and after a few seconds of polishing, the shocks subsided, and Sammy let her head sag downward.  She felt a few pats on her head, and then was again put away and gagged.

"I guess I'm just someone's toy mouth?" Sammy wondered to herself as she tried to figure out what was going on.  Clearly talking wasn't permitted, and she wasn't allowed to make a mess, but as long as she licked and sucked, it seemed like she would avoid the shocks and be allowed to orgasm.

The next time Sammy was used, her face was directly smashed into a naked and shaved cunt.  Sammy had an idea of what was expected from her now, and used her tongue to spread the woman's labia.  She could feel the vibrations increase as she did so, and soon realized that she was being controlled by the intensity of the vibrations.  As she strayed away from the area where the woman wanted attention, the vibrations dropped, returning when Sammy hit the correct spot.  The woman seemed to know exactly what she was doing, as she knew how far to push Sammy without letting her cum.  As the woman got closer, Sammy felt her wrap her legs around her head and the tube, smothering Sammy in her quivering cunt.  After the woman calmed down, she cut Sammy's vibrations, and pulled her crotch away.  Sammy was then presented with a foot, and recognized it as the one she'd started with.  After cleaning the woman's feet again, Sammy was put away, and felt the vibrations ramp up all the way, driving her to orgasm and beyond.  Sammy didn't recall passing out, but she woke up later and the vibrations had stopped.

This treatment continued for what Sammy estimated to be days.  She'd gotten good at following the instructions given by the shocks and vibrations, and had not been shocked except for a few times when she wasn't fast enough.  Finally after being put away, she smelled something weird.  She felt her mind drift off, and when she finally came to, realized that she'd been completely removed and replaced in the suits and tube.  She had felt like she had to go to the bathroom before she had passed out, and that feeling was completely gone.  Her mouth was filling with clean cold water, and not the urine that she had grown to expect.

After some time, she felt herself being raised and opened up again. She immediately opened her mouth, and was ready to service whatever she was presented with.  Almost immediately, the shocks started, and ramped up stronger than she'd felt before.  She struggled with them, but finally let out a scream.  This was met with a new female crotch, clearly different by the thick pubic hair.  The previous woman had also had a nice clean scent, but this one smelt sweaty and dirty.  This new woman forced her crotch into Sammy's face, and ground it in, not even giving Sammy a chance to pleasure her.  The shocks subsided for a moment, and then returned again, followed by the woman cramming her slit into Sammy's mouth, and then pissing.  Sammy tried to swallow as much as possible, hoping that this would stop the torture, but the woman didn't let up at all.  Sammy knew she was spilling all over, but could do nothing to stop it.  The woman then pulled away, and moments later, Sammy felt her face being pressed between the woman's ass cheeks.  Although she hadn't done so for the previous woman, Sammy eased her tongue out, and began to suck on the woman's ass, hoping that this would satisfy her.  It did not, and the shocks continued unabated, even as Sammy crammed her tongue up the woman's anus, hoping to please her.

Suddenly, Sammy felt herself be put away, and felt the shocks stop entirely.  She was panting into her gag after that treatment, but was glad that it was at least over for now.  Less than an hour later (as far as Sammy could tell), she felt her tube sliding downwards, and then roll across a floor, and then the familiar vibration of a truck.  Finally, she felt the cap open, and her body being slid back out of the tube.  She was carried around some more, and then felt her suits being released.  When her hood finally came off, she saw Debbie standing there with another nurse.

"Oh, thank goodness.  I hoped that that bitch hadn't hurt you too much, but you look bright eyed and happy as usual," Debbie said.  Sammy stood there quietly while trying to figure out what was happening.  "I guess you're owed an explanation, Dear.  See, there are a number of very rich people who like the ability to have a convenient mouth to pleasure them while they're at home.  To satisfy this, this company supplies lovely girls like yourself encased in those tubes.  After a week or so of training, which you took to quite nicely according to your report, we ship you off to someone for the week, and then clean you up on the weekend.  It seems that a," Debbie shuffled through some papers, "Carol was angry with you, and had a daddy who was rich enough to send you to us.  However, we have very strict rules about the shock device, and she tripped a failsafe that locked your tube and sent a signal back to us.  Even though she'd paid for a year of your services, we've revoked her contract, as she was clearly in violation of the rules.  When we explained this to her father, he was very unhappy to have his money wasted, and so we came to an agreement that we all thought was fair."

Debbie continued with a smile, "Carol may disagree, but I'm sure she'll have plenty of time to make it up to her father.  However, that leaves the question of what to do with you.  Your contract is technically up, so we can drop you off wherever you'd like to go."

Sammy considered for a moment, and then dropped to her knees and crawled over to Debbie.  "Do I really have to go?  I kind of liked having a fixed set of rules to follow."

"You'd like to stay on as one of our luxury girls?"

"Can I?"

Debbie smiled even wider, "Of course, Dear, Renee is just like you.  Once she finished her term, she didn't really want to leave, so she started working here as a nurse.  She's in service this month, however, as your little escape attempt got her in a bit of trouble." Sammy blushed.  "But if you liked being treated as someone's mouth slave, then I'm sure you can have a job here.  Now, let's get you suited back up and delivered.  I'm sure that we can find someone who needs a bit of comfort this week."

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“My family would kill me if they knew I wanted to be with a woman.” “But, Lay, won’t they be even more devastated if they find out?” Aidan asked her. “I guess you’re right, but I wasn’t always bisexual though.” “What do you mean?” Aidan asked. “Well,” I said “my family thinks that I am getting married… to a man and I don’t have the heart to tell them it was called it off.” “Why did you call it off?” Aidan asked. “Craig called it off actually ‘cause he caught us in bed together.” “Caught who in...

First Time
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Bedside Manner

“Molly Murphy, Brooklyn Tanner, June Watkins, Dong… mei…… Kwah? wait here for a special assignment. Everyone else, please follow me.” June’s first day of internship as a nurse at one of the biggest hospitals in the country started out horribly. In her defense, why else would they ask for her measurements if not to provide her with scrubs? Thankfully, after begging in three different departments, someone offered her an old backup set and she eventually found an empty bed to put it on behind...

3 years ago
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Bedside Manner Chapter 2

Jimmy was fast asleep when Pam came around again to his room, so she let just him sleep. He woke the next morning and Pam had already gone home. He kicked himself for being such a child and falling asleep so early. However, there wasn't anything to do but wait until that evening to see her again. He busied himself with TV and the visit from his mother. He chatted with some of the other nurses politely, but his mind was on Pam and he hoped this wasn't her night off and he had missed her.After...

4 years ago
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Bedside Essays II

Victory walked along the campus, just site seeing and roaming around. The campus was quiet as most people were gone for the summer. Though there was less than a week left before classes started so the campus was definitely starting to fill up. She wasn’t the only one out walking the pathways, making sure she knew where all her classes were. It was getting a bit late and as she walked she came across a beautiful garden, it looked so pretty in the dying day with the last pink rays of the...

3 years ago
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Bedside Essays of Victory Delmar

Victory sat quietly on her bed and looked around at the small room. This was her first night in the dorm, her first night at college, her first night free. They told her she would be getting a roommate tomorrow, which was a little disconcerting. Victory lay back and thought about the new situation. She had never had any close friends and was used to being alone a lot other than her family. To comfort herself she decided to close her eyes and drift into her favorite fantasy. She...

3 years ago
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Bedside Manner

Edward was being driven mad by his erection. He wanted nothing more than to tear the plaster casts from his arms and touch himself, anything for a chance to come after so long immobile in this foreign hospital, surrounded by staff that spoke no English. He hardly noticed it was nearly five, nearly time for his favourite nurse to appear. Over the weeks of slow recovery since the skiing accident, Edward had been cursed with more and more painful erections, made worse by the pulleys and weights...

2 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 21 Luxuriation

It had been a great evening: fun for all. My wife Amanda had taken care of the last minute details for the kids’ trick-or-treating the following evening. All the costumes had been carefully fitted and as our little angels took turns going outside and ringing our doorbell they had turned into a pirate, a princess, and one little devil. Thankfully, for this year at least, there was not one of them who wanted to be something particular (i.e., something requiring an expensive store-bought get-up)...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 49

I went to the QT Banking and Trust Kent Island office to see if the paperwork had arrived from Jake. I had to wait for Mr. Rustone to finish a meeting with another customer. At last I was seated and going over the papers - sign here and there. Take this to the court house, this to MVA, fill out this form. After half an hour he said "OK, we are done." "Wait a minute, we haven't discussed anything about mortgage payments or truck payments," I said. "There are no payments - Jake sent...

1 year ago
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Vampire Michael

There she was standing at my door. Yes, she was young; indeed, barely sixteen years old but she was gorgeous. I just want to stop right here and give you a picture of what she looks like and who she is. Her name was Brianna and she lived next door to my house. Her parents had sent her over to pick up some sugar which they had needed for a birthday cake they had been making. Now I am betting that you knew what I was thinking, “Sure, I will give you some sugar but will you give me some of YOUR...

Erotic Fiction
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black man slut andalways III

Introduction: The cuckolding of my husband Black mans slut and always III John could see that I had something special to tell him. I started when I was on Spring Break six year ago in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I had come down with another girl from college and we had made passionate love that night and we had fucked each other with a 10 dildo. We had talked about my really wanting to meet a black man and had always fantasized about BBC and I wanted to get fuck with a large cock on this trip....

4 years ago
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Jock TalesThe Beginning PT 3

Jock Tales---The Beginning PT 3I woke the next morning exhausted. I felt like I had been jumped in the streets and r a p e d. Basically, that's pretty much what had happened. With just a a bit of stirring, I discovered that my assailants had finally untied me. At least that part was good---I could get up and piss. As I made my way to the bathroom, I felt my ass—seamed wet. Sure nuff, remnants of fresh wet cum sticking to the hairs in my crack, and---b l o o d. Those fuckers made me b l e e d !...

3 years ago
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Mothers Little Runt

Erin fidgeted in her chair as she looked around the cheesy looking office. She took in the images of all the smiling pretty faces on the walls, each frame holding a snapshot of a girl in her prime. She didn't want to be here. She hated what it all meant, what it all would lead to. She turned to her mother for sympathy and understanding. She knew she would get none. "Mother... I... I don't want to do this..." Erin gasped as she covered her bruised left cheek. "I'm......

3 years ago
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my friend Claudia

my friend claudiaThis is a story I told claudia and with his permission I will tell, Claudia is my old friend and her mulatto but born in Milan, he told me that when he was young was very hard to find work because of his color and the bigotry of a city like Milan in the eighties did not yet know all this multiracial Milan, then she finds work in a large clothing store near the train station was a tailor of high board with few staff she was hired as a second secretary of the shop his boss was a...

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I work as a programmer in a company that has several branches in the country, as I am in charge of the group that maintains the system I receive many calls from the other offices to support, so I met Rosa, a very nice woman who was also Head of one of the branches, we used to talk on the phone a few minutes after giving support, we got along very well, I met her at an employee meeting, I introduce her husband to a surgeon, and her three c***dren, I eventually became friends with the Family...

3 years ago
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Visit to the Doctor

A nurse walks me to the exam room and closes the door behind her. She asks me to strip down and take everything off. While she tosses a sheer thin gown on the examining table for me to slip on before she turns and leaves the room. The front of the gown if completely open. I put the gown on and my 36C tits are barely covered and are easily visible in the gown. My nipples are hard from the cold exam room. I lie back on the cold table in just the gown and wait for the Doctor to enter. I hear a...

3 years ago
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my cousin drunjk as can be and a little horny to b

well this happend a week a go my cousin i will just call her kim wont use her real name ask me to babysit she ask me to watch her son you know for a few hours while she was out at a bar with some girl friends i got payed 20 bucks and payed with pussy as well but i did not know this would happen when she came home a round 215am i was glad i had spent the night just watching tv and doing meetme and face book on my cell phone and watching videos here on xhamster the mobile ones you...

1 year ago
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Instant Sex With Schoolmate

Hey friends I am Vikram, Virk from Panipat, Haryana I am a average looking guy. I am a regular reader of iss, 5.9 inch height and athletic body; please send me feed back at This story is about Priya (name changed) who I fucked during my board exams. I knew Priya by coincidence as we sat together in our pre board exams she was of medical stream and I was from arts. She has a height of 5.3, big boobs, round face and a cute childish smile; in sort she was a sex bomb. She was the talk of the...

2 years ago
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Losing Pounds Gaining a Cuckold Chapter Four

Chapter Four I want to start by saying I love my husband Doug. What has transpired over the past few months was something that I wasn't looking for it just simply happened. Here I was happily married for over fourteen years, housewife, mother of two who never cheated much less flirted with other men now a slut wife. To be blunt I now have a cuckold hubby who loves watching me fuck other men as much as I love fucking them! All told I have dated and been bedded by his recently divorced best...

3 years ago
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Erotic Experience With my Neighbour

So this erotic incident occurred in my life a while ago, I’ll be using made-up names throughout the story for obvious reasons. Also, I’m pretty young so please forgive me for my teenage like way of expressing words. A little bit about me, I’m a tall brown guy with a fair complexion. My height is 6’3 and I have an athletic build and a 6-inch penis to top it all off. Now let’s come to the main lead of the story, my neighbor, let’s call her Priya, she is in her late 20s, 5’7 tall and a near...

3 years ago
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Always Taken Advantage Ofpt4

There I was on hands and knees with Bruce sexing my posterior and Charlie pumping his fuck tool back and forth in my mouth. I was crying and sobering around Charlie's fuck tool strings of mucus saliva and Charlie's pre-cum dripping from my chin. Bruce had taken hold of both my hips and was ramming the entire eight inches of his sex organ in to my anal cavity with no remorse. With each powerful am of his fuck tool into my anus, I was pushed farther on to Charlie's rock hard cock, I was gagging...

2 years ago
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A Spiders Web Ch 05

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

4 years ago
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a sister turns to her brother to show her how good sex can be

Introduction: this s fiction, and fantasy, i tend to right in the part of the frst person, as it seems easier this way for me. Its Tuesday night, my 23 year old sister is out on her hen night, shes marrying Tony on Saturday, they have a home to move into when they return from their honeymoon, dad, being into property development got the house cheep at the auctions and for the last year weve been fixing it up, he was giving it her as a wedding present, but she suggested he keep it in his name. ...

3 years ago
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Call you mommy are you serious honey part 16

Call you mommy, are you serious Honey Part 16 By Princess Pantyboy Note*** I am going to start this out as from a narrator's point of view since I am not awake in the story yet, and cannot do this in the first person like in the past. I hope you don't get too lost and you enjoy my story. Hugs, Princess Panty boy XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX "What is the matter Susan? Calm down and talk slowly." Everyone is staring at Nurse Susan as she enters the hospital room with...

1 year ago
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An educational leap

How I motivated my students to study as hard as they can My name is Leila. I'm a lesbian from Iran. I migrated to Britain a few years ago. I was a teacher in my country and the story which I want to tell happened in mid 1980s when I was in my twenties. In order to make my story understandable for a foreign reader, I should explain the situation of those years. Shortly after the 1979 revolution, a theocratic dictatorship began which harshly oppressed the women in Iran. In 1980, a war began...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Nami Lee Sucks And Fucks A Big One

“I’m going to do my best to fit it in my mouth,” said 42-year-old MILF Nami Lee, who’s from Japan, when she saw John Long’s big cock. We’d say her best is more than good. It’s great. Nami jams as much meat into her wet mouth as possible then gets banged hard. Excellent. Ten-plus, we’d say. John has a very big cock, and it looks absolutely huge in Nami, who’s only 5’2″ tall and weighs 98 pounds… Nami’s sexual fantasy:...

3 years ago
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Guardian Angel Chapter 7

Anger and Love Part 1: Back Together “Hey Jake… Can we talk?” asked Kiyan. Jake was still in his sleepy state, wearing just a white shirt and underwear. Kiyan could see the boy had just woken up. “What are you doing here…? Wait, Hunter’s with you, isn’t he?” “N-no! No, he’s not. I’m not with Hunter anymore. Look, Jake… I’m sorry; I don’t know what got into me, I just…” “Forget about it.” Interrupted Jake, “Took you long enough to open your eyes. Come on in.” Kiyan entered Jake’s room,...

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This event happened one summer morning, on my way to work some 20 yrs ago.I just got on the "A" Express train at Euclid Ave., and was heading to Jay St.- Boro Hall in Brooklyn.As usual there was a delay on the express "A"train, by the time I got to Utica Ave. train was pack and the conductor annouced that there was a disable train ahead.Well, when we finally got to Nostrand Ave., that platform was packed.When the doors opened I was pushed out of the car. People were trying to force there way on...

1 year ago
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Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman Part II

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman "For they are subtle and quick to anger." Part II By Zapper *** Part I Previously *** James, while attempting to help Kristina soon found himself in her beautiful blonde body. Her request seemed simple enough, "Live my life for two...

2 years ago
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Violated and abused pt 3

The doorbell chimed again and that was quickly followed by a sharp knock on the door. The two men nodded and opened the door. Surprised, Peter almost jumped when he saw unknown man standing in front of him. "Can I help you?" The tone wasn't unpleasant but kirt. Peter looked at the sweaty man up and down and stuttered "Is Fiona in please?" The man looked to his side and looked back obviously making a decision. "No she has just popped out" a pause and a smile later "but if you want...

2 years ago
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Me and Mum Starting Again chapter 2

The dance floor was probably very crowded, but I wouldn't have known. As far as I was concerned it was just her and me. We moved together perfectly, our eyes fixed very firmly on each other, every song the D.J. played seemed to mean something to us, every line of every song was for us, she clung to me with every step, she moaned softly in her throat when she felt my hands on her bottom."It's fat Danny," she whispered and then held me tighter when I told her it was perfect.We stopped halfway up...

4 years ago
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Wife swap Happy Birthday

My birthday was just a week away when I attended the end of school year party with my wife and all of her co-workers from the elementary school. I hate going to those things and Tonia knows it, so...

3 years ago
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Melissa Plays Messalina

Melissa had been reading all about Roman history and the lifestyles of the emperors and their wives. She had long reached the part about the famous Valeria Messalina, Claudius’s third wife who apparently challenged a prostitute to a fucking competition and won. In those days, the wealthiest women were not short of men, but in this day and age, you could wait forever.Melissa had been waiting; four weeks to be precise and today was the day; the hour, rapidly approaching. She had posted a...

4 years ago
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Roommate makes white guy her bitch with BBC

Every time my BF would come over to stay, he and my roommate would argue until one day she made him her bitch... Since I owed her for past 2 months of my rent, she asked me if she could do something and my rent would not be owed to her, so I accepted her challenge. My Name is Lisa, her name is Tina, and my BF name is Brad.All three of us are white, but Tina has been dating a Black man. she has always dated Black men since I became hew roommate, this was her 2nd in 3 years, but she said she had...

4 years ago
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Can I Cane You

"Can I cane you?""What?" I asked, nearly spilling my coffee."Can I give you a caning?""What, like a..."Sarah put down her coffee, leaned forward. Her red curls tickled my face, and she whispered, "With a stick, on your bare bottom, like a naughty boy."She sat back and raised her eyebrows at me with a nervous smile."Why would I... I'm not sure a crowded cafe is the place to discuss-""Walk me home. I'll pay for the coffees."Without waiting for a response, she got up and headed for the counter. I...

2 years ago
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The Bedroom Drawer

Author’s Note: This little tale assumes you are familiar with the base concept of Toys coming to life when not being observed. I don’t own the concept, I just want to tell you about some of the toys from an alternate reality whose adventures would have been left on the cutting room floor of a “G” rated movie. The toys are owned by Stacy, an athletic Twenty-Six-year-old blonde with a super-hot bod that give men woodies. Stacy lived with her husband Sean in a town house just up the road. The top...

2 years ago
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Medical Check Up

Amra dos jon student porpor chair-e bose achhi. Keu karur songe kotha bolchi na. Sokolei chintai achhono. Ei dos joner modhye theke matro panch jon ke select korbe management trainee hisabe. Final interview ar group discussion hoye giyeche, ekhon amra wait korchi final result er jonye. Amader ei dos jon er group er keu kauke age chinto na. Amra bibhinyo college theke campus interview-e selected hoye ekhane esechi. Eta ekta global company, foreign based. India te oder human resource department...

2 years ago
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An Incest Birthday Chapter 14 2nd Half

 The second half of Chapter 14, enjoy.We went outside and got in our van since we were taking two cars. We sat all the way in the back and made a fake wrestling scene fighting over the last seat so no one would get suspicious. We shared the seat like we planned and pulled out and followed behind the Wilson's to where we were going. It was dark enough where mom and dad couldn't see what we were doing, so we took advantage by feeling each other up as much as we could get away with, mostly on the...

3 years ago
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A Robin Hoe Hero 1

It all started when Robin posted this picture in his faceb**k status, one night: As we all know, the famous social media platform is used for people of all kinds to connect and share content; Robin was just one of the millions of them. But what made him decide to share this photo and its story on faceb**k was going to launch something of a magnitude that he never could have forseen coming. He was the kind of guy that othe rmen considered lucky; somehow, his timing very often allowed him to be...

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A high-pitched shriek splits the sweltering summer air: "Help! Oh, help, help!" Your youngest sister Clara skids to a stop in front of you. "Francisco and I were playing in the barn!" she sobs. "He was showing me spells, and he set the hay on fire, and now–" A breath of wind springs up, and the acrid scent of smoke reaches your nostrils. The barn is some ways away from your parents' villa and the vineyards–there's that. But it is full of hay for feeding the horses, and hay catches fire so...

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SRU Tuning Bimbos

SRU: Tuning Bimbos by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 "Man," Larry Bryce said, "I cannot believe the way Old Lady Reese came down on us." "I know," Bret Sanger said. "Two weeks' detention for one little joke." "Yeah, but it was almost worth it," Rick Quint said. "The way she screamed and everybody scattered when the mice jumped out of her drawer. Hell, half the guys in the class screamed." The three laughed, remembering what had happened when their teacher opened a...

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Lindas PosseChapter 07 Prisons and Seals

“Did you pack everything?” Linda asked. “I think so. I checked three times. I even packed all those free samples from the bathroom. Can I keep that big white bathrobe? It’s really warm,” Sabrina wanted to know. “No dear. Our home has everything you need. You’ll see.” “Are we going to fly on an airplane?” “Sort of. We’re riding Angel Airlines today.” “Good. The Black Angel?” “No, she’s busy back in Ohio right now. I think the Silver Angel will be showing up any minute.” Mouse caused an...

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Aunty Betty part 4

My name is Caroline. I am a very tall striking 17 year old English blond spending my summer school vacation with my Aunty Betty, a former Commonwealth games gold medal winner in swimming and and a current  gold medal holder in discipline. The year is 1979, the location England.The first week of my vacation  was rather eventful, and some rather reckless behavior on my behalf resulted in three well deserved and very thorough thrashings courtesy of Aunty Betty. However my very beautiful 19 year...

2 years ago
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My wife fucks a black buddie from my office

I was at home with my office mate Jim, discussing about some former paperwork; when my sexy wife came in, carrying some groceries. She must have gone to the gym before; because she was wearing just a black sporty bra and her skin tight yoga pants.Her entire body was sweaty and she looked hot…Anita greeted Jim and begged me to help with the rest of the groceries. But I told her we were busy there, in front of the laptop.Then she stepped in and stood in the front of the screen, blocking the view...

4 years ago
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Taking my first mouthful

So ...... this is a true story of me exploring my sexuality after years of frustration and wondering. I was early 40's long term married guy. I had a decent sex life at home, not brilliant but she never said no. I introduced her to vibrators and dildos and generally she let me do whatever I wanted to her. She just never took the lead. About 3 months earlier I had the opportunity to work away from home. It meant spending about 4 nights a week in hotel rooms. Now, I had not been faithful to the...

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Love Games 8211 Part 5 With Couples

Hello there friends, sorry for the delay in the next parts of the story. Thank you for your support. This motivates me to pin down my sexual adventures with you people. So, in the earlier parts of the story, we said you how we started to use Love Games as a medium to spice up our boring marriage. Even went on a swap weekend trip where we enjoyed to our fullest. So, after that, we even had many adventures planned between Arjun’s family and mine. But after a while, they also started to feel a bit...

4 years ago
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Trish Sarah Harry

Trish pulled in to her drive. Strange, Harry was home. He should have been at work. Maybe he wasn't feeling well. Trish put her key into the lock and entered the hall way. 'Harry love, are you home?' No answer. 'Harry are you  ok ?' Still no reply. She softly climbed the stairs and went into  their  room. Sure enough there was Harry fast asleep in  their  bed. 'Harry love' she whispered, 'are you feeling  ok ?' There was no answer so she slipped in beside him pulling the quilt over her...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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A Bikini for her BirthdayChapter 7 Graphics

I woke the next morning to a coffee being lowered onto my bedside table, by my loving wife. “It’s nearly ten,” she said as she went round to her side, shed her robe and got into bed. “Thanks,” I sat up a bit and took a sip, “I was tired.” “Zanzie certainly knows how to keep you going.” Amanda snuggled up to me. “I kept thinking that was it,” I smiled, putting an arm round her, “then she found something else to do to me... Mandz.” “You can call me ‘Mandz’.” “I thought you didn’t like...

2 years ago
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Plains of TexasChapter 9

We woke up the next morning to comparative silence. I peeked out and saw nothing had moved, we were just the first up. I crawled out of the tent and stood and stretched. It was a fresh and cool morning. Martha came to stand beside me then and snuggled under my arm. We were both naked. I looked around and noticed that, if anything, there were more tents around than there had been. I shrugged and went over to get the fire going. Martha got the coffee ready. That was what we called it though my...

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The Surgeons New Toy

I was born into an affluent family, one of 3 sons and 2 daughters to the CEO of one of the oldest and largest British Columbia based oil companies, a position he’d inherited from his father who had inherited it from his father before and so on. We lived in a mansion on the North Shore on one of the most exclusive streets on the Lower Mainland and attended the most prestigious school in Vancouver. After high school I attended medical school at Harvard in the US before returning to Vancouver,...

1 year ago
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Do you really See Him Fuck when you’re watching a straight porno? The woman or women are almost always the focus in fuck flicks, so much so that I rarely really mention the studs doing the banging unless they’re particularly noteworthy for the size of their hog, a third nipple or vestigial tail. My visitors here at ThePornDude usually care a lot more about the women, but I get the feeling you’re a little different in that respect. When you’re shaking your dick at the screen, you want to see him...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Free Adult Comix

FreeAdultComix? Well, you can't hate something that's free, right? Since as far back as I remember, when it came to porn everyone relied on Playboy magazines and other nudie mags to get the job done – they were EVERYWHERE before the internet made consuming porn as easy as a few clicks. Even when VHS porn tapes came along, people still preferred nudie mags with all kinds of tits, ass, and bush in them because of how easy it was to pick one up and fap to it. And better yet, people who fap to...

Porn Comics Sites
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A handwritten note on the pillow

I had spent a horrid stressing day at my office and, when I was trying to escape from there, my Boss appeared at the door and smiled. He sat down at a sofa and he opened his zipper.Then he showed me his hard dick, knowing I could not resist the temptation of letting him fuck me with that magnificent piece…I left my purse and my coat, falling then down to my knees. He made me crawl, going to him; the bastard smiled again and grabbed my hair. He ordered me to open my mouth; but it was not...

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