Bedside Luxury free porn video

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Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers. "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets. Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again.

Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright. This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room. She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here. Another surprise was that she was sitting in this weird bed completely naked. Her prior sleepiness was instantly cleared as she looked around and tried to remember what had happened the previous night. It looked like she was in some sort of hotel room, and the nice sheets suggested it was a fancy place.

As she searched her memory, her last thought was leaving work the previous day. She'd finally gotten fed up with the new secretary's attitude, and had confronted her. The argument escalated until Sammy was yelling that Carol was a "lazy fucking bitch," and that "everyone knew it." Carol simply looked stunned, but as Sammy turned around to go back to work, she saw that Tim from HR was standing right behind her.

Sammy had been disappointed as she packed up her belongings after being fired, but was at least glad that she'd been able to say what everyone had been thinking. It might be hard, but she figured she'd be able to find a job with better people to work with. She vaguely remembered going to a bar afterwards, but that's where things started to get confused.

"Did I get drunk and go home with someone, and that's how I ended up here?" Sammy asked herself. She got out of bed, and looked around to see if she could find her clothes. There wasn't anything on the floor, under the bed, or in the closet, and when she went to check the dresser, she found most of the drawers closed and locked. Oddly enough, the only drawer that opened was full of coils of rope, all in different bright colors.

As she was wandering around, Sammy realized that she really had to pee. She didn't see a bathroom door, so she tentatively opened the door exiting the room. Beyond, she saw what looked like a waiting room. To her left was a reception desk, with what looked like a nurse behind the counter. There seemed to be similar doors to the one she was peeking through up and down the other walls. She also saw that the hallway that extended beyond the reception area had a sign for a bathroom.

Sammy knew that she didn't have much time to decide, so figured that she would just be brave and walk calmly down to the bathroom, and pretend like she was clothed and that everything was normal. She stepped out of the room, and winced as her feet landed on the cold tile of the waiting area. Her left hand went down to cover her crotch, and she used the right to hide her breasts, as she slowly walked down towards the bathroom. She passed the desk, and the nurse looked at her. "I have to go to the bathroom..." Sammy looked at the name tag, "Renee. Sorry." The nurse looked to be about her age, and was also short and Asian. Renee didn't say anything, and Sammy didn't bother to wait for approval as she continued towards the bathroom.

She reached the bathroom, and saw that the door next to it was labeled, "Loading Area." Sammy pushed the door open, and stepped into the bathroom. Inside, she found three toilets, but there were no walls separating them. Even more bizarre, the far wall was made of glass, and looked out onto what was clearly the Loading Area. She saw a number of people in grey jumpsuits loading large cylinders with a forklift. To one side was a large pile of jumpsuits.

"Once I'm done here, I can go next door and get one of those, and then I can find my way out of here and get back home." Sammy went over to sit down on one of the toilets.

Back at the reception desk, Renee looked up to see her boss Debbie returning. "Where is the new girl?" Debbie asked.

"She said she had to go to the bathroom."

"Damn it, you know you're not supposed to let out of your sight. We'll discuss this later." Debbie stormed down the hallway, and burst into the bathroom, surprising Sammy. She caught Sammy before she could sit down, and tightly grabbed a hold of Sammy's left arm. "Come now, you're not getting away that easy. Don't you know we have plans for you?" Debbie led the naked and surprised girl out of the bathroom, and back down the hallway. As they walked, Debiie hooked her right elbow through Sammy's left, and used her own left hand to hold Sammy's. She then used her free right hand to unzip her uniform, letting it open down to her waist. She then directed Sammy's hand into the opening, and down between her legs.

Sammy could feel her fingers slide through the older nurse's hair, only to stop when they found the wet slit it hid. Sammy looked stunned as she was led (and half-dragged) back to the room she had started in. Once they'd returned, Debbie pushed Sammy down onto the bed, and went over to the dresser. She removed a pile of rope from it, and tossed it onto the bed next to Sammy. "Maybe I just need to tie you down, first."

"Wait, I really need to pee," was Sammy's response.

"No, I think I'd rather you be safe before we start. You'll just have to hold it for a little longer." Sammy struggled briefly as Debbie grabbed her left hand and started to pull it down, but stopped when she heard the ominous response. "We can do this the easy way, Dear, or we can just drug you, and then you won't get to enjoy yourself at all."

By the time Debbie was done, Sammy had been tied down on her back, with her arms and legs stretched to the corners of the bed. In addition, her knees had rope looped around them, and pulled out to the sides, forcing her legs to spread widely. Sammy felt very exposed, and could feel Debbie prodding her labia as she laughed to herself. Debbie then went back to the door, and shouted out at the other nurse. "Renee, I think we're ready to start now, if you'll get the supplies and join us."

A few minutes later, Renee entered the room with a large cart full of medical supplies. "I think we'll do the standard, Renee, but let's start with the fluids. She's a bit full," said Debbie.

"What are you going to do to me?" asked Sammy.

"I think it's probably best if you don't watch this part," Debbie replied, as she climbed onto the bed with her. She crawled over until she was straddling Sammy's chest before continuing, "This is probably the most effective blindfold, wouldn't you say?" She then slid forward, placing her wet cunt over Sammy's face.

Below her, Sammy's vision was immediately blotted out, and with Debbie's thighs on either side of her head, she couldn't hear much at all. As the nurse's slit lowered to her mouth, Sammy reluctantly opened her mouth and tasted it. She wasn't sure what was going on, but in her current position, she didn't think she had much room to object.

Unseen to Sammy, Renee was preparing a number of things at the foot of the bed. When ready, she removed a catheter from a sterile wrapper, lubed it, and began to insert it into Sammy's urethra. Sammy moaned as her lips were spread, but the moan quickly turned into a shout as she felt the rubber tip probing her. She felt it slip inside her as Debbie said, "Oh, I love it when you scream, Dear. The vibrations are wonderful."

Renee's response, "then you're going to love the next few steps," was too quiet for Sammy to hear it. Renee attached the catheter to a bag, and watched as Sammy's urine flooded out. Sammy was relieved as well, and renewed her attention to Debbie. Renee moved on to the next phase, and removed a large steel device from a box. She lubed it as well, and slid the large shaft into Sammy's vagina. The base of the device was flared into a large plate, which had a number of spikes facing out. Renee briefly stretched Sammy's labia over the plate, noted where the spikes landed (eliciting a few "yelp!"s from her patient), and then removed a pile of piercing needles. One by one, she pierced Sammy's labia in exactly the same positions as the spikes. Throughout the entire process, Sammy screamed as loud as she could, but for the others in the room, it was only a faint roar.

"Oh, Sammy, I love what you're doing down there. If you keep this up..." Debbie trailed off as she bent forward and braced herself against the wall. She gasped loudly, and then leaned back with a smile. "You're a natural, Dear."

Renee continued without interruption, although she could clearly smell Debbie's excitement filling the room. Once all the piercings were complete, she fed the spikes through the holes, and then locked them in place with small steel balls. She moved on to the next piercing, sliding the needle through the hood of Sammy's clit, which she then filled with a large steel bar. Renee then moved to the left side of the bed, and placed a similar bar through Sammy's left nipple. She repeated this on the other side, and then started to clean up her cart. "I've got the piercings in, so if you're ready to move on," she said to Debbie.

"Just a moment," was the response, as Debbie reached back and flicked the new nipple piercings. Sammy replied with the expected scream, and Debbie flushed a bright red while squeezing her eyes closed tightly. Sammy could tell she was orgasming again, as Debbie's thighs seemed to be trying to crush her head. She was also slowly being smothered, and could feel her lungs start to spasm. This just excited Debbie more, and she momentarily lost control and peed into Sammy's mouth, causing her to cough.

As Debbie stood up, Sammy realized what she was tasting in her mouth, and licked to try to clean her mouth. "Oh, did you enjoy that?" Debbie asked with a smile. Sammy started to answer, but Debbie cut her off. "We're ready for the next step, Dear, and I know that the last one hurt a bit, but this one will be much easier for you. If you'd like to continue to cooperate, that would be best, but rest assured that we will get our way. Are you going to be a good girl?"

Sammy again considered her options, and quietly said, "Yes."

"Very good, Dear, now let's get you up and dressed, shall we?" Debbie and Renee then started to untie the ropes that held Sammy to the bed, and then helped her to her feet. Sammy looked down at her new piercings, and realized that the device in her vagina would make it impossible for anything to penetrate her, and was held in place by the piercings. Renee checked the piercings as she stood, and then removed three small steel devices, and clipped them to the piercings in Sammy's nipples and clit. Finally, she locked the one on her clit to the exposed top part of the chastity plug. All three were like small cups, and completely covered her nipples and clit. She could feel a thin layer of rubber keeping the cold steel from her sensitive parts.

While Renee was checking the piercings, Debbie had unlocked another drawer of the dresser, and had removed a large bundle of black leather. "I think you'll enjoy how this feels, Dear." She held it up, and Sammy could see that it was a leather suit designed to cover her entire body. "Come on, let's get going." Debbie unzipped the back of the suit, and had Sammy sit down on the bed to ease her legs in. They slid in without trouble until her feet reached the ankles of the suit, at which point Renee bent down to open a zipper on the outside of each ankle. This loosened the suit enough to allow Sammy's feet to slide through. "Make sure you get your toes in the right slot," Debbie advised, and Sam realized that there were small leather straps to separate each of her toes. It took a moment, but Sammy was able to get her feet in place. Renee then zipped the ankles back up, and helped smooth the suit over Sammy's legs. It was rather tight, but did not feel uncomfortable anywhere.

As the suit reached Sammy's crotch, Debbie reached inside, and aligned a small post on the outside of the cap over Sammy's clit with a reinforced hole in the suit. She then slid a lock through a hole in the post, but did not lock it. Sammy could feel each shift of the suit from that point on, and was glad that the suit was as tight as it was. This helped keep the suit from pulling down painfully on the cap.

Renee grabbed Sammy's left arm, and helped it down its sleeve. The gloves had no fingers, and Renee had to open another zipper to get Sammy's wrist into it. Sammy felt that there were slots for her fingers like the feet had, and made sure she had each finger in place. She had to search around for the thumb, and then realized that it was located so that her thumb was held bent against her palm. Renee closed the zip on the left sleeve, and then moved to Sammy's right and helped her with that one.

While she was doing this, Debbie made sure that the front of the suit was fitted correctly, and pushed posts from Sammy's nipple covers through grommets like she had done with her clit. Again, locks were fit through the holes but not locked. When Renee finished with the other sleeve, she started to zip up the back of the suit. "Ok, Dear, now it's time to get this mask in place." She held up the attached hood that had been left loose on Sammy's chest. Sammy could see that it covered most of her head, but looked like her mouth and nose would be left free. "First we need to get a few things in place. One final thing, Dear: be good." said Debbie. She then inserted earplugs into Sammy's ears, and then pulled the hood up and over Sammy's face. Sammy felt her eyes covered with soft pads, and similar pads covered her ears, blotting out all sound. She could feel the zipper in the back being pulled up, and felt the suit compress around her body as the zipper moved up. Next, the hood seemed to shrink as it was laced and zipped closed as well.

Sammy stood for a moment when the suit was finished, and then quietly asked, "Is that it?" Renee and Debbie laughed to themselves as they pulled a set of wide steel cuffs out of another drawer. They started with Sammy's wrists, wrapping the cuff around, making sure that the zipper on the suit was correctly placed so that it would be trapped in place by the cuff, and then locked closed. Renee repeated this with Sammy's ankles, while Debbie fixed a similar collar around Sammy's neck, locking the zippers holding the suit and hood closed in a similar arrangement. With the zippers locked in place, Renee and Debbie put cuffs around Sammy's elbows, knees, and waist, pulling them tight and locking them in place so they would not move around. Sammy shifted around, and found that the cuffs held the suit to her body, making it somewhat harder to move around, as the suit had even less give, and wouldn't slide.

Sammy next felt her face and head being petted, and she tried to reach out to grab the nurse that was reassuring her. Instead, her arms found themselves sliding into some kind of sleeves. She felt that the sleeves were attached together, and as these new sleeves reached her armpits, she felt a thick heavy sheet meet her chest. Renee and Debbie made sure that Sammy's arms were fully in place in the outer wrap, and checked that the posts on Sammy's wrist and elbow cuffs poked through the grommets in the thick leather. As soon as those were in place, they quickly affixed locks to the posts, trapping Sammy's arms in place. They then smoothed out the front of the suit, and made sure that the posts on Sammy's breasts, waist, and clit also poked through and were locked. Sammy could feel her body being pulled forward, and felt the thick leather press against her front.

Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers. "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets. Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again.

Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright. This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room. She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here. Another surprise was that she was sitting in this weird bed completely naked. Her prior sleepiness was instantly cleared as she looked around and tried to remember what had happened the previous night. It looked like she was in some sort of hotel room, and the nice sheets suggested it was a fancy place.

As she searched her memory, her last thought was leaving work the previous day. She'd finally gotten fed up with the new secretary's attitude, and had confronted her. The argument escalated until Sammy was yelling that Carol was a "lazy fucking bitch," and that "everyone knew it." Carol simply looked stunned, but as Sammy turned around to go back to work, she saw that Tim from HR was standing right behind her.

Sammy had been disappointed as she packed up her belongings after being fired, but was at least glad that she'd been able to say what everyone had been thinking. It might be hard, but she figured she'd be able to find a job with better people to work with. She vaguely remembered going to a bar afterwards, but that's where things started to get confused.

"Did I get drunk and go home with someone, and that's how I ended up here?" Sammy asked herself. She got out of bed, and looked around to see if she could find her clothes. There wasn't anything on the floor, under the bed, or in the closet, and when she went to check the dresser, she found most of the drawers closed and locked. Oddly enough, the only drawer that opened was full of coils of rope, all in different bright colors.

As she was wandering around, Sammy realized that she really had to pee. She didn't see a bathroom door, so she tentatively opened the door exiting the room. Beyond, she saw what looked like a waiting room. To her left was a reception desk, with what looked like a nurse behind the counter. There seemed to be similar doors to the one she was peeking through up and down the other walls. She also saw that the hallway that extended beyond the reception area had a sign for a bathroom.

Sammy knew that she didn't have much time to decide, so figured that she would just be brave and walk calmly down to the bathroom, and pretend like she was clothed and that everything was normal. She stepped out of the room, and winced as her feet landed on the cold tile of the waiting area. Her left hand went down to cover her crotch, and she used the right to hide her breasts, as she slowly walked down towards the bathroom. She passed the desk, and the nurse looked at her. "I have to go to the bathroom..." Sammy looked at the name tag, "Renee. Sorry." The nurse looked to be about her age, and was also short and Asian. Renee didn't say anything, and Sammy didn't bother to wait for approval as she continued towards the bathroom.

She reached the bathroom, and saw that the door next to it was labeled, "Loading Area." Sammy pushed the door open, and stepped into the bathroom. Inside, she found three toilets, but there were no walls separating them. Even more bizarre, the far wall was made of glass, and looked out onto what was clearly the Loading Area. She saw a number of people in grey jumpsuits loading large cylinders with a forklift. To one side was a large pile of jumpsuits.

"Once I'm done here, I can go next door and get one of those, and then I can find my way out of here and get back home." Sammy went over to sit down on one of the toilets.

Back at the reception desk, Renee looked up to see her boss Debbie returning. "Where is the new girl?" Debbie asked.

"She said she had to go to the bathroom."

"Damn it, you know you're not supposed to let out of your sight. We'll discuss this later." Debbie stormed down the hallway, and burst into the bathroom, surprising Sammy. She caught Sammy before she could sit down, and tightly grabbed a hold of Sammy's left arm. "Come now, you're not getting away that easy. Don't you know we have plans for you?" Debbie led the naked and surprised girl out of the bathroom, and back down the hallway. As they walked, Debiie hooked her right elbow through Sammy's left, and used her own left hand to hold Sammy's. She then used her free right hand to unzip her uniform, letting it open down to her waist. She then directed Sammy's hand into the opening, and down between her legs.

Sammy could feel her fingers slide through the older nurse's hair, only to stop when they found the wet slit it hid. Sammy looked stunned as she was led (and half-dragged) back to the room she had started in. Once they'd returned, Debbie pushed Sammy down onto the bed, and went over to the dresser. She removed a pile of rope from it, and tossed it onto the bed next to Sammy. "Maybe I just need to tie you down, first."

"Wait, I really need to pee," was Sammy's response.

"No, I think I'd rather you be safe before we start. You'll just have to hold it for a little longer." Sammy struggled briefly as Debbie grabbed her left hand and started to pull it down, but stopped when she heard the ominous response. "We can do this the easy way, Dear, or we can just drug you, and then you won't get to enjoy yourself at all."

By the time Debbie was done, Sammy had been tied down on her back, with her arms and legs stretched to the corners of the bed. In addition, her knees had rope looped around them, and pulled out to the sides, forcing her legs to spread widely. Sammy felt very exposed, and could feel Debbie prodding her labia as she laughed to herself. Debbie then went back to the door, and shouted out at the other nurse. "Renee, I think we're ready to start now, if you'll get the supplies and join us."

A few minutes later, Renee entered the room with a large cart full of medical supplies. "I think we'll do the standard, Renee, but let's start with the fluids. She's a bit full," said Debbie.

"What are you going to do to me?" asked Sammy.

"I think it's probably best if you don't watch this part," Debbie replied, as she climbed onto the bed with her. She crawled over until she was straddling Sammy's chest before continuing, "This is probably the most effective blindfold, wouldn't you say?" She then slid forward, placing her wet cunt over Sammy's face.

Below her, Sammy's vision was immediately blotted out, and with Debbie's thighs on either side of her head, she couldn't hear much at all. As the nurse's slit lowered to her mouth, Sammy reluctantly opened her mouth and tasted it. She wasn't sure what was going on, but in her current position, she didn't think she had much room to object.

Unseen to Sammy, Renee was preparing a number of things at the foot of the bed. When ready, she removed a catheter from a sterile wrapper, lubed it, and began to insert it into Sammy's urethra. Sammy moaned as her lips were spread, but the moan quickly turned into a shout as she felt the rubber tip probing her. She felt it slip inside her as Debbie said, "Oh, I love it when you scream, Dear. The vibrations are wonderful."

Renee's response, "then you're going to love the next few steps," was too quiet for Sammy to hear it. Renee attached the catheter to a bag, and watched as Sammy's urine flooded out. Sammy was relieved as well, and renewed her attention to Debbie. Renee moved on to the next phase, and removed a large steel device from a box. She lubed it as well, and slid the large shaft into Sammy's vagina. The base of the device was flared into a large plate, which had a number of spikes facing out. Renee briefly stretched Sammy's labia over the plate, noted where the spikes landed (eliciting a few "yelp!"s from her patient), and then removed a pile of piercing needles. One by one, she pierced Sammy's labia in exactly the same positions as the spikes. Throughout the entire process, Sammy screamed as loud as she could, but for the others in the room, it was only a faint roar.

"Oh, Sammy, I love what you're doing down there. If you keep this up..." Debbie trailed off as she bent forward and braced herself against the wall. She gasped loudly, and then leaned back with a smile. "You're a natural, Dear."

Renee continued without interruption, although she could clearly smell Debbie's excitement filling the room. Once all the piercings were complete, she fed the spikes through the holes, and then locked them in place with small steel balls. She moved on to the next piercing, sliding the needle through the hood of Sammy's clit, which she then filled with a large steel bar. Renee then moved to the left side of the bed, and placed a similar bar through Sammy's left nipple. She repeated this on the other side, and then started to clean up her cart. "I've got the piercings in, so if you're ready to move on," she said to Debbie.

"Just a moment," was the response, as Debbie reached back and flicked the new nipple piercings. Sammy replied with the expected scream, and Debbie flushed a bright red while squeezing her eyes closed tightly. Sammy could tell she was orgasming again, as Debbie's thighs seemed to be trying to crush her head. She was also slowly being smothered, and could feel her lungs start to spasm. This just excited Debbie more, and she momentarily lost control and peed into Sammy's mouth, causing her to cough.

As Debbie stood up, Sammy realized what she was tasting in her mouth, and licked to try to clean her mouth. "Oh, did you enjoy that?" Debbie asked with a smile. Sammy started to answer, but Debbie cut her off. "We're ready for the next step, Dear, and I know that the last one hurt a bit, but this one will be much easier for you. If you'd like to continue to cooperate, that would be best, but rest assured that we will get our way. Are you going to be a good girl?"

Sammy again considered her options, and quietly said, "Yes."

"Very good, Dear, now let's get you up and dressed, shall we?" Debbie and Renee then started to untie the ropes that held Sammy to the bed, and then helped her to her feet. Sammy looked down at her new piercings, and realized that the device in her vagina would make it impossible for anything to penetrate her, and was held in place by the piercings. Renee checked the piercings as she stood, and then removed three small steel devices, and clipped them to the piercings in Sammy's nipples and clit. Finally, she locked the one on her clit to the exposed top part of the chastity plug. All three were like small cups, and completely covered her nipples and clit. She could feel a thin layer of rubber keeping the cold steel from her sensitive parts.

While Renee was checking the piercings, Debbie had unlocked another drawer of the dresser, and had removed a large bundle of black leather. "I think you'll enjoy how this feels, Dear." She held it up, and Sammy could see that it was a leather suit designed to cover her entire body. "Come on, let's get going." Debbie unzipped the back of the suit, and had Sammy sit down on the bed to ease her legs in. They slid in without trouble until her feet reached the ankles of the suit, at which point Renee bent down to open a zipper on the outside of each ankle. This loosened the suit enough to allow Sammy's feet to slide through. "Make sure you get your toes in the right slot," Debbie advised, and Sam realized that there were small leather straps to separate each of her toes. It took a moment, but Sammy was able to get her feet in place. Renee then zipped the ankles back up, and helped smooth the suit over Sammy's legs. It was rather tight, but did not feel uncomfortable anywhere.

As the suit reached Sammy's crotch, Debbie reached inside, and aligned a small post on the outside of the cap over Sammy's clit with a reinforced hole in the suit. She then slid a lock through a hole in the post, but did not lock it. Sammy could feel each shift of the suit from that point on, and was glad that the suit was as tight as it was. This helped keep the suit from pulling down painfully on the cap.

Renee grabbed Sammy's left arm, and helped it down its sleeve. The gloves had no fingers, and Renee had to open another zipper to get Sammy's wrist into it. Sammy felt that there were slots for her fingers like the feet had, and made sure she had each finger in place. She had to search around for the thumb, and then realized that it was located so that her thumb was held bent against her palm. Renee closed the zip on the left sleeve, and then moved to Sammy's right and helped her with that one.

While she was doing this, Debbie made sure that the front of the suit was fitted correctly, and pushed posts from Sammy's nipple covers through grommets like she had done with her clit. Again, locks were fit through the holes but not locked. When Renee finished with the other sleeve, she started to zip up the back of the suit. "Ok, Dear, now it's time to get this mask in place." She held up the attached hood that had been left loose on Sammy's chest. Sammy could see that it covered most of her head, but looked like her mouth and nose would be left free. "First we need to get a few things in place. One final thing, Dear: be good." said Debbie. She then inserted earplugs into Sammy's ears, and then pulled the hood up and over Sammy's face. Sammy felt her eyes covered with soft pads, and similar pads covered her ears, blotting out all sound. She could feel the zipper in the back being pulled up, and felt the suit compress around her body as the zipper moved up. Next, the hood seemed to shrink as it was laced and zipped closed as well.

Sammy stood for a moment when the suit was finished, and then quietly asked, "Is that it?" Renee and Debbie laughed to themselves as they pulled a set of wide steel cuffs out of another drawer. They started with Sammy's wrists, wrapping the cuff around, making sure that the zipper on the suit was correctly placed so that it would be trapped in place by the cuff, and then locked closed. Renee repeated this with Sammy's ankles, while Debbie fixed a similar collar around Sammy's neck, locking the zippers holding the suit and hood closed in a similar arrangement. With the zippers locked in place, Renee and Debbie put cuffs around Sammy's elbows, knees, and waist, pulling them tight and locking them in place so they would not move around. Sammy shifted around, and found that the cuffs held the suit to her body, making it somewhat harder to move around, as the suit had even less give, and wouldn't slide.

Sammy next felt her face and head being petted, and she tried to reach out to grab the nurse that was reassuring her. Instead, her arms found themselves sliding into some kind of sleeves. She felt that the sleeves were attached together, and as these new sleeves reached her armpits, she felt a thick heavy sheet meet her chest. Renee and Debbie made sure that Sammy's arms were fully in place in the outer wrap, and checked that the posts on Sammy's wrist and elbow cuffs poked through the grommets in the thick leather. As soon as those were in place, they quickly affixed locks to the posts, trapping Sammy's arms in place. They then smoothed out the front of the suit, and made sure that the posts on Sammy's breasts, waist, and clit also poked through and were locked. Sammy could feel her body being pulled forward, and felt the thick leather press against her front.


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The first two hundred miles of our trip was very similar to our first trip together nearly two years before. I was stewing about none of my friends showing up to see me off and didn't feel like talking. Ned gave me my space. I was disappointed that Daniel Olsen had not driven into town or that Coach Sterns, Buzz Summers and Greg Justin had not made an appearance. Becky had flatly refused to watch us drive away, saying it was not the way she wanted to remember me. My Mom was there,...

1 year ago
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In the lap of luxury

“My family would kill me if they knew I wanted to be with a woman.” “But, Lay, won’t they be even more devastated if they find out?” Aidan asked her. “I guess you’re right, but I wasn’t always bisexual though.” “What do you mean?” Aidan asked. “Well,” I said “my family thinks that I am getting married… to a man and I don’t have the heart to tell them it was called it off.” “Why did you call it off?” Aidan asked. “Craig called it off actually ‘cause he caught us in bed together.” “Caught who in...

First Time
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Bedside Manner

“Molly Murphy, Brooklyn Tanner, June Watkins, Dong… mei…… Kwah? wait here for a special assignment. Everyone else, please follow me.” June’s first day of internship as a nurse at one of the biggest hospitals in the country started out horribly. In her defense, why else would they ask for her measurements if not to provide her with scrubs? Thankfully, after begging in three different departments, someone offered her an old backup set and she eventually found an empty bed to put it on behind...

3 years ago
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Bedside Manner Chapter 2

Jimmy was fast asleep when Pam came around again to his room, so she let just him sleep. He woke the next morning and Pam had already gone home. He kicked himself for being such a child and falling asleep so early. However, there wasn't anything to do but wait until that evening to see her again. He busied himself with TV and the visit from his mother. He chatted with some of the other nurses politely, but his mind was on Pam and he hoped this wasn't her night off and he had missed her.After...

4 years ago
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Bedside Essays II

Victory walked along the campus, just site seeing and roaming around. The campus was quiet as most people were gone for the summer. Though there was less than a week left before classes started so the campus was definitely starting to fill up. She wasn’t the only one out walking the pathways, making sure she knew where all her classes were. It was getting a bit late and as she walked she came across a beautiful garden, it looked so pretty in the dying day with the last pink rays of the...

3 years ago
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Bedside Essays of Victory Delmar

Victory sat quietly on her bed and looked around at the small room. This was her first night in the dorm, her first night at college, her first night free. They told her she would be getting a roommate tomorrow, which was a little disconcerting. Victory lay back and thought about the new situation. She had never had any close friends and was used to being alone a lot other than her family. To comfort herself she decided to close her eyes and drift into her favorite fantasy. She...

3 years ago
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Bedside Manner

Edward was being driven mad by his erection. He wanted nothing more than to tear the plaster casts from his arms and touch himself, anything for a chance to come after so long immobile in this foreign hospital, surrounded by staff that spoke no English. He hardly noticed it was nearly five, nearly time for his favourite nurse to appear. Over the weeks of slow recovery since the skiing accident, Edward had been cursed with more and more painful erections, made worse by the pulleys and weights...

2 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 21 Luxuriation

It had been a great evening: fun for all. My wife Amanda had taken care of the last minute details for the kids’ trick-or-treating the following evening. All the costumes had been carefully fitted and as our little angels took turns going outside and ringing our doorbell they had turned into a pirate, a princess, and one little devil. Thankfully, for this year at least, there was not one of them who wanted to be something particular (i.e., something requiring an expensive store-bought get-up)...

4 years ago
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Becoming Julie part 1 ndash The Earliest Years no se

Becoming Julie, Part 1My name is Anthony, or just Tony, for short. I was born in the American South, in the 1960s. Fortunately I was born in a college town, which meant there were educated people around, and the town was progressive, both politically and sexually, which is good for the rest of this story.I was an only c***d. My parents raised me to love everything about life. From early on I went to movies and plays with them. Our town was small enough that sometimes, weeks after a play, my...

1 year ago
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The Magic WandChapter 9

She watched as he faced the mirror. Part of Mindy’s mind appreciated how perfectly his hand made the wand move through the circle/zee. He’d never seen it done by Batiste, or at least couldn’t remember seeing it, but he apparently had some affinity for the thing. He hadn’t had to think about it to get it to work on her. Did the wand want to be used by a man? Was it made by some sorcerer, hundreds of years ago, for some man to use to get what her wanted? She blinked. That was insane. There...

1 year ago
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A Christmas StormChapter 3 Everyday Living

In the morning, I woke up at my usual time. I started coffee and returned to my room to shower and dress. I was chagrined to realize that I had walked to the kitchen and back naked as usual. I would have to remember someone else lived here! Voltage lived here but didn’t care. Gail might and I knew I shouldn’t expose me to her eyes regardless of her opinion about my body. I came out dressed and cleaned up. I poured coffee and headed for my office. Once there, I turned on the radio. It was...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Liar Date With The Devil

The Greatest Liar, Trans Erotica With A Purpose © Alexandra Rios 2019, all rights reserved Disclaimer This is a work of fiction. All characters (including the narrator), firms, business entities, organizations, teams, products, medical providers, medicines, governments, government officials, celebrities, schools, religious figures and religions, courts, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any...

3 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 43 A Funeral

The following day dawned bright, though not quite as hot. A slight summer squall had hit just before dusk the previous day and had raged throughout the night, but only the slowly burning fog, some puddles and a few mud patches were left to note it’s passing. By mid-morning, when the townspeople came to honor one of their own who’d fallen in service to his neighbors, the fog had lifted and the puddles slowly melted away. A fair breeze blew through the town further dissipating the heat, the...

1 year ago
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Black Mailed TeacherChapter 10

"Well, well, the gang's all here. And already decked out in their birthday suits!" chortled Don. "Kid, I can crush you like a fly under a boot heel. And if you try to use this against us, I'll do just that," snapped Ted. "Big man," sneered Don. The teenager looked more sure of himself than ever before. "Threatening the kid like that. What you gonna do, bust my head open? Hell no, you don't dare. You're too much of a fuckin' coward to even try." "Don't bet on it." Ted...

1 year ago
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Ginger and I

I was window shopping online for a playmate when I met her. I had been looking for a partner for a long time and her profile really caught my eye. I got started chatting with her and we had a lot in common, so we made the decision to finally meet.We met up at a local coffee shop and spent about an hour talking. We decided that we could get along well together as we both had very similar fantasies.Her name is Ginger, very fitting as she has beautiful long red hair, she is 5’2” tall and about 110...

3 years ago
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I turned on the Bose stereo in my apartment. I made a sexy playlist with songs that he loved. My boyfriend was coming over for dinner and I wanted to make it very special. I lit some candles, closed the blinds, you know, made the room romantic. But after dinner, he really had it coming. I wore a tight, little black dress with no panties or bra on underneath. I was hoping that hed get excited when he found out I had nothing on underneath this skin tight dress. I looked in the mirror. Damn, I...

3 years ago
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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 5

Finally, after I came inside Mara, I told Dad, “Go ahead and cum now.” Naturally, he came instantly, and then I ordered Agent Frostbite to, “Release him at once. He’s been restrained for a crime that he didn’t commit long enough.” The agent then uncuffed Dad, who felt his wrists, at which point I told them both bluntly, “Okay, no half-measures anymore. I now claim the whole bodies of everyone here. I also claim the whole bodies of everyone who has set foot in this house today. That should...

2 years ago
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Strip Calculus with Laurel

It is your senior year of high school and you are struggling with the monstrosity that is AP Calculus. It is really bringing down your GPA! You confess your need for help to your friend Laurel and she offers to tutor you. You really couldn't say no, you were desperate. Besides, Laurel was pretty attractive. She was about 5'5" with blonde hair and easily D or maybe even DD-cup tits (not bad for such a nerdy teen). Her perky rack certainly made up for her ass (which wasn't great, but who cared...

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Sisterly LoveChapter 22

“We love you, really love you, Howie,” Mother said. Stephie managed a quiet “Mmmmm,” to show she agreed but couldn’t verbalize anything more. I stood there and let them hold me. Actually it felt nice, very nice; only my erection grew harder and I wanted---no required relief in the way I’d become accustomed too. And so I spoke from the heart and asked, “So who wants to go first?” A stunned silence filled the kitchen. I have to give my mother credit for quick thinking. After about six...

4 years ago
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Kerbala Clay

Oh my beloved Samira… I can still remember her sweet face, her dark, doe-like eyes and those deep, ruby red lips. She stole my heart, and one day, inshallah, I will return to Iraq and find her again. I suppose that for many of you Americans, Brits and other westerners reading this right now, the idea of Iraq as being a ‘romantic’ place might seem more than a little unusual. And a couple of years ago, I might have even agreed with you on that one. But maybe after you read my story, you will...

1 year ago
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The Protector the Strength of MemoriesChapter 8

The wind was still in the darkness that always seems to deepen just before the predawn gives a hint of itself on the eastern horizon. The meandering creek burbling in its bed as it made its way toward the Red River was nearly the only sound. Ben wished it was the only sound. There was a high pitched keening that occasionally rose above the sound of the creek. They all recognized the sound of a person that has endured pain and has screamed themselves out. Ben, Bear, Elk and Han lay on the...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delight Part 3

Afternoon Delight Part 3 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. This story contains smoking, you are warned! Chapter 9 A New Problem Timothy got home and went up the stairs, feeling like he was climbing the steps up to the gallows and he knew it was his own fault. All he felt like doing was going to bed, he got undressed and did just that. His mind would not let him sleep; thoughts of impending doom were overwhelming. He...

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Advanced Metrics 1

Having a spare room in the house, I decided to rent it out for the student market to make some extra income. A selection of prospective tenants came and went, most unsuitable for one reason or another, but finally Charlie arrived. Short and bookish, with a mop of dark hair and square spectacles, he was 19 or 20, in his first year, shy, quiet, and about to start studying physics. But I liked him, and could see he’d be the sort of tenant who’d keep to himself, not make a mess, or be prone to wild...

1 year ago
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Lingerie and Domination

Just a story I wrote but would be nice.I had answered an ad on telephone dating service. She described herselfas a ‘bedroom dom’. I am not sure why I answered the ad and I didnot really expect a reply. She phoned when I least expected. I did not think she would beinterested but I had mentioned in my reply that I like to dress inlingerie — panties in particular. I met her for a drink. She was younger ( 38 ) than me and somewhatattractive but a bit on the heavy side. We had a nice chat and drink...

1 year ago
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Sharing Black Part 3 Edited

TYRELL 6:00p.m. Dinner went great. No more hounding questions at the dinner table. Everyone ate and was stuffed. Big Momma and LaJoria got up, cleared the dinner plates and went into the kitchen. She brought back the hot peach cobbler from the oven and a bucket of vanilla ice cream. She served everyone their portions and returned to the kitchen. “Why don’t we take our dessert into the living room, Rell and Jori.” my step dad suggested. Jori and I looked at each other and got up. She walked...

4 years ago
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Amber and Jake an Amulet of Zulo Story

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Mr. Jacob W. Watson, known to one and all as Jake, walked with his usual energy through the parking lot to the plant. He was 35 and though he was popular, Jake would not win any beauty contests! He was 'medium'. Medium height 5' 10, hair medium brown, eyes medium brown, body not slim but not overweight. Today he was even wearing a brown suit! Jake was VP in charge of manufacturing at Schimdt tool and die company. The plant was the second...

4 years ago
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It Isnt Time Travel

It is a spring evening in 2000.  I am twenty-two years old.We sit across from one another in a restaurant booth.  Meg’s black hair comes just past her chin.  It’s the shortest it’s been since high school.  She’s wearing a white salwar kameez with a green pattern.  Her style is always evolving.   In high school, she was thrift shop chic.  In college she became preppy.  She used to hate traditional clothing.It’s the first time we’ve been face-to-face in years.I am leaving in a few weeks.  After...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 30 Morning Night and Noon

After snuggling on Keith’s bed for about an hour and even nodding off to sleep for a bit the redheaded girl in Keith’s arms whispered quietly into Keith’s ear and said, “I think I am ready for you to sex me up now but let’s start in the 69 position with you on top then let’s just fuck each other hard out. OK?” Keith then rolled over so that he was now facing this fun little girl. He kissed her on the lips again - she had such luscious red lips he thought, just made for lots of kissing - then...

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Trishs Birthday

Trish's Birthday by Pat T. "Wake up, little boy, today is the big day!" Tommy's stepsister, Beth, wasted no time in starting out on what promised to be a delightful day for her. Tommy, although it was his birthday, had dreaded this day since the previous Thanksgiving when his step mother had stood, tapped her glass for everyone s attention, then stated "Dear friends, I would like to announce a delightful surprise for little Tommy on his 13th birthday next February 2nd. ...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Natasha Nice Who Is Natasha Nice

This is the first of a wonderful, sexy, docu-style look at the amazing women you love to spank your meat too. Who better to start with than the incredible, busty, beautiful, all-natural, Natasha Nice. Enjoy a sit down conversation with this porn veteran as she talks about her career as well as her hopes for her upcoming scene with Rob Piper, aka the huge black cock she is about to receive!!! Watch her massive, natural tits, bounce up and down and her juicy tight pussy take a huge hot load deep...

3 years ago
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Housewife With A Younger Boy

Hi indian sex stories dot net, I am Reji, this is a real incident happened to my close friend Tessa. Tessa is 28 years old, married to John, 39-year-old, who is in service. They are Tamilians, residing in Mumbai. They had two kids, 8 and 6 years old. Tessa got married at the age of 19 years. She is fair, good looking and plump in physique. After becoming the mother of two, her body got fleshy and sexy. She got a good figure which can attract any opposite sex. She loves her husband very much and...

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High School Reunion Lush Style

Walking into my sister’s house I see the clock on the stove read 2:35 am. I have to be up for work in about six hours max, and I am nowhere near sleep. It’s nice when she goes out of town and I get to watch her house, but at the same time my commute to work is doubled. I let the dogs out, and once they are settled back into their beds, I wander into the bedroom. I reach over and grab my cell phone to let you know I am home safe. I open my text messages and send Home safe baby. Still smiling ;-)...

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BrownBunnies Nyna Stax Naughty Nyna Stax Fucks So Great

Today we have a random guy knock on the door thats claims he’s spreading the good word. Nyna Stax got called by her dad to pay attention because this will do her good. After stepping out for a moment the dad leaves the two alone and naughty Nyna Stax hops right on Oliver Flynn. She takes him to the back bathroom by showing him her great tits. He’s in total shocked that this is happening as horny Nyna takes full advantage to pull his dick out. She gives his cock a great sucking before getting...

2 years ago
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Hot for Teacher Part I

Christopher walked down the path from the school and by Ms. Palmer's house for the first time in what was almost 10 years. There she was, sitting on her back porch, smiling and enjoying her manicured yard filled with wild flowers and blossoming trees. Christopher passed the bushes that he once ducked between and instead opted for the side gate. She greeted him with her usual smile and a bottle of water.There weren't many things Christopher cared to remember at the 10 year reunion, but Ms....

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Mel to Melissa Part 7

Our lovemaking had been hot and passionate, and my soft curves melted against Mike's side, my big tits pressed into him, my head rested on his chest. I reached down and gently cupped his balls, my thumb touching the root of his cock. A year ago I never would have imagined that I would lay here in the afterglow, having just fucked the same cock I used to surreptitiously ogle in the men's locker room, let alone that I would have soft, full tits, a curvaceous ass, or a hungry pussy between...

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Sex on the road side

Introduction: pt of my short stories We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and Were on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off. You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers, you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do. I notice...

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Pool Anyone

All of my posts, thus far, have been about experiences in my past. They've been great to share, and I appreciate the feedback from readers. That changes as of this story.I'm on the road, as usual. Checked in at the hotel, got settled, and decided to hit the hot tub. There was no one in the entire pool area, so I was counting on some good relaxation time. While in the hot tub, one of the doors opened, permitting two young women to enter. They were dressed for the pool, though their swim suits...

3 years ago
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Like a Roman Emperor

I had been at the doors of the Naples National Archeological Museum when they opened that morning just to be able to go stand in front of the sculpture they have there of Antinous, the young lover of the Roman emperor Hadrian, for some minutes—to see a boy loved by an Emperor so much that he made him a god. Hadrian himself had been loved by the Emperor Trajan when he was a boy. There was a time in the Greek and Roman world when this was considered normal and was not remarked—certainly was not...

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Where Are You Now Bernie You SOB

This story is true, every last word of it. And it has been leaving me with the question, "why?" for many years. Let me tell you what I am. I'm a straight white male, divorced, father of three, addicted to women, and now single and dating. I've never cheated on my women. I'm not as great in bed as I once was, but I look good for my age, and women 30 years younger still ask me to call them. My sexual addiction for women has gone unchanged--or maybe even increased substantially--over the...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 20 The Frying Pan and the Fire

It was just after ten when Frank pulled into his driveway. He'd been thinking about his encounter with Gloria all the while he drove home. It was hard to put it out of his mind. "Trudy was right. I sure didn't see that coming." The downstairs was dark, but he'd seen the bedroom light on from the street. He wondered if Trudy was still burned up. If the light was out by the time he got upstairs, he would know the answer. Margaret's light was on, too; so, he knew she was in her room. The...

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Some of you will have read my other stories this one is a little different as I was not around when this happened or indeed know any thing about it until afterit had happened.I had to go away with my work for a few days on training course so Tracy was to left alone at home. I phoned Tracy when I arrived at the hotel just to let her know I had arrived safely. Tracy tod me that a friend of ours (I will call him Dan) had phoned and asked if he could stay for a couple of nights. Tracy had said no...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 182

It was only a few moments later that a mobile command vehicle came to a stop at the scene. It was the biggest motor home conversion that I had ever seen. After it stopped, a lot of things happened. Outriggers deployed with warning bells and whistles. The entire side slid out like a motor home, and then a step came out at the door, antennas extended from the top along with a rack of cameras that were moving in every direction along with flood lights. Four Ford Expedition SUVs screeched to a...

3 years ago
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Park ThisChapter 10

Back to Lane: I just 'did' a virgin. First time I did that. Even when I was a horny teenaged boy (like there's any other kind), by the time I got a girl to drop 'er pants, she'd already taken care of that little obstruction. So here I was, almost thirty, and I just, as they say, deflowered a virgin. 'Deflowered'. By trying to sound poetic, it comes off sounding so freakin' pornish, and yeah, there was a time in my life where I paid a little too much attention to porn. That ain't...

2 years ago
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By Gail Holmes Doreen had been with the occult best part of her life, now she had her own practice, using meeting places in various local towns or villages, she built up quite a community and was respected by her followers. At thirty-seven, she was getting tired of life, never had she ever been taken to bed by a member of the opposite sex, well taken anywhere for that matter. A virgin she was not, her own pleasures had taken...

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Renee RavenChapter 3

Amy and I got on a plane a week later and within an hour of landing we walked into the prison where George Raven was incarcerated. I knew immediately this was no place I wanted to be, but it could happen to me just from my association with the Clarks. We were ushered into a room and we knew we were being observed. Both Amy and I had been patted down. George could sit on one side of a long table and us on the other. There were benches going the length. There was an eighteen inch high plastic...

1 year ago
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A gift for me from sundaygirl Thank you Daisy

She knew from the minute she woke up this was going to be a real filthy session , even though they weren't meeting for hours , her pussy was already wet and ached to be touched , her fingers ran through it and she smiled at the thought of the pleasure he would give her later .She dressed slowly thinking about what he would like , sheer black stockings , high black slutty heels and a little tight basque , a simple dress over the top .....She waited as instructed in the hotel room , wanting so...

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Wonrsquot You Be My Neighbor

Sitting alone, longing for my husband whom is way too far away and daydreaming of all the things I wanted him to do to me, I was bored and incredible horny. Glancing out of the window I saw the rain lashing down, I couldn’t help but feel relieved I didn’t have to go out. It was then I see him pulling up, my new neighbour that I’ve said hello to a few times but hadn’t really talked to, and a very good looking guy.He had been living next door for a few weeks when he came round to introduce...

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Cunt Wars

CuntWars aka Chick Wars! What a fucking name for a site. They are definitely not messing around. No, Cunt Wars is not about a couple of chicks finally duking it out in a ring, though that would be amazing., made by hooligapps, is a card-based strategy game. I know, I know. It sounds lame, but before you go zipping up your pants and taking your wank elsewhere, hear me out. I’m usually pretty bored by porn games in general. There’s never enough action, the game concept is usually...

Best Porn Games
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Fucking Kens Wife

I met Ken online recently and he told me aboout how he liked to take naked pics of his hot wife Dorothy, and occasionally share them with friends. He explained that it was their fantasy to have a threesome but meanwhile, pic sharing turned her on knowing that men were wanking off to pictures of her. I asked Ken if he would share pics with me and within a few minutes he had sent a few. Dorothy was 43 years old but was in great shape, with perfect skin and a sexy body. In the pics, her face was...

2 years ago
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Cuckold yes or NO

She assumed my cock was long. Her ex-boyfriends must have been short because I didn't consider myself well endowed. Very turned on with a full erection I got just over 7 inches (18 cm) medium width. We sometimes had sex twice before going to sleep and when we had privacy, and enough time for me to get hard again, we went for a long third time! If her moans, screams, and orgasms were any indications, she was sexually satisfied. Eventually, I bought a vibrator. I chose a white model about the...

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Mafia Daughter

Mafia DaughterPart 1 By AntiphasDonna Gionese was a privileged girl; the only child of Mario Gionese, a powerful crime lord whose business acumen had amassed a sizeable fortune. Looking as stunning as a fashion model with long, fawn hair coupled with piercing doe-like gray eyes, Donna had rarely given a thought about her father’s business which employed heavy handed tactics and brutality to get his way.Twenty four years old and educated at the best schools, Donna lived the kind of life the any...

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A stable hands journey

Quick authors notes: this is my first story so I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing, if you do don't be afraid to leave a like or even write your own chapter, it's really great to see that people actually like the shit i write so I'll take any ideas or suggestions I see in the comments as well, let's see what pervy little bastards you all are. Anyway that's enough of that bullshit let's get to the adventure and sex! It's just another average afternoon on the salmonberry...

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Sex With My Cousin Sister

Guys this is my real life event. If you want to leave some comments and few more conversation please mail me to This was happened between my cousin sister during our young age. She is two yrs elder than me. I don’t know is this story is legal if I said my young age. May be in comments I will share the age if you people willing to know. We don’t know what sex is, but she used to watch her parents what they doing daily night and asked me let play some game. I don’t know what it is but we started...

1 year ago
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Chatroom Changes

It started as an innocent hello in an online chat site. How was I supposed to know that this would change my life forever? I started talking to this man, Rob I later found out his name was. At first we only exchanged greetings and the occasional how was your day, but aside from that we were merely acquaintances. All that changed during my sophomore year of college. And now I feel is a good time to describe myself; I’m a 5’3” brunette with a slim figure and rather large breasts. I don’t even...

First Time

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