Bedside Luxury
- 3 years ago
- 19
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Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers. "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets. Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again.
Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright. This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room. She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here. Another surprise was that she was sitting in this weird bed completely naked. Her prior sleepiness was instantly cleared as she looked around and tried to remember what had happened the previous night. It looked like she was in some sort of hotel room, and the nice sheets suggested it was a fancy place.
As she searched her memory, her last thought was leaving work the previous day. She'd finally gotten fed up with the new secretary's attitude, and had confronted her. The argument escalated until Sammy was yelling that Carol was a "lazy fucking bitch," and that "everyone knew it." Carol simply looked stunned, but as Sammy turned around to go back to work, she saw that Tim from HR was standing right behind her.
Sammy had been disappointed as she packed up her belongings after being fired, but was at least glad that she'd been able to say what everyone had been thinking. It might be hard, but she figured she'd be able to find a job with better people to work with. She vaguely remembered going to a bar afterwards, but that's where things started to get confused.
"Did I get drunk and go home with someone, and that's how I ended up here?" Sammy asked herself. She got out of bed, and looked around to see if she could find her clothes. There wasn't anything on the floor, under the bed, or in the closet, and when she went to check the dresser, she found most of the drawers closed and locked. Oddly enough, the only drawer that opened was full of coils of rope, all in different bright colors.
As she was wandering around, Sammy realized that she really had to pee. She didn't see a bathroom door, so she tentatively opened the door exiting the room. Beyond, she saw what looked like a waiting room. To her left was a reception desk, with what looked like a nurse behind the counter. There seemed to be similar doors to the one she was peeking through up and down the other walls. She also saw that the hallway that extended beyond the reception area had a sign for a bathroom.
Sammy knew that she didn't have much time to decide, so figured that she would just be brave and walk calmly down to the bathroom, and pretend like she was clothed and that everything was normal. She stepped out of the room, and winced as her feet landed on the cold tile of the waiting area. Her left hand went down to cover her crotch, and she used the right to hide her breasts, as she slowly walked down towards the bathroom. She passed the desk, and the nurse looked at her. "I have to go to the bathroom..." Sammy looked at the name tag, "Renee. Sorry." The nurse looked to be about her age, and was also short and Asian. Renee didn't say anything, and Sammy didn't bother to wait for approval as she continued towards the bathroom.
She reached the bathroom, and saw that the door next to it was labeled, "Loading Area." Sammy pushed the door open, and stepped into the bathroom. Inside, she found three toilets, but there were no walls separating them. Even more bizarre, the far wall was made of glass, and looked out onto what was clearly the Loading Area. She saw a number of people in grey jumpsuits loading large cylinders with a forklift. To one side was a large pile of jumpsuits.
"Once I'm done here, I can go next door and get one of those, and then I can find my way out of here and get back home." Sammy went over to sit down on one of the toilets.
Back at the reception desk, Renee looked up to see her boss Debbie returning. "Where is the new girl?" Debbie asked.
"She said she had to go to the bathroom."
"Damn it, you know you're not supposed to let out of your sight. We'll discuss this later." Debbie stormed down the hallway, and burst into the bathroom, surprising Sammy. She caught Sammy before she could sit down, and tightly grabbed a hold of Sammy's left arm. "Come now, you're not getting away that easy. Don't you know we have plans for you?" Debbie led the naked and surprised girl out of the bathroom, and back down the hallway. As they walked, Debiie hooked her right elbow through Sammy's left, and used her own left hand to hold Sammy's. She then used her free right hand to unzip her uniform, letting it open down to her waist. She then directed Sammy's hand into the opening, and down between her legs.
Sammy could feel her fingers slide through the older nurse's hair, only to stop when they found the wet slit it hid. Sammy looked stunned as she was led (and half-dragged) back to the room she had started in. Once they'd returned, Debbie pushed Sammy down onto the bed, and went over to the dresser. She removed a pile of rope from it, and tossed it onto the bed next to Sammy. "Maybe I just need to tie you down, first."
"Wait, I really need to pee," was Sammy's response.
"No, I think I'd rather you be safe before we start. You'll just have to hold it for a little longer." Sammy struggled briefly as Debbie grabbed her left hand and started to pull it down, but stopped when she heard the ominous response. "We can do this the easy way, Dear, or we can just drug you, and then you won't get to enjoy yourself at all."
By the time Debbie was done, Sammy had been tied down on her back, with her arms and legs stretched to the corners of the bed. In addition, her knees had rope looped around them, and pulled out to the sides, forcing her legs to spread widely. Sammy felt very exposed, and could feel Debbie prodding her labia as she laughed to herself. Debbie then went back to the door, and shouted out at the other nurse. "Renee, I think we're ready to start now, if you'll get the supplies and join us."
A few minutes later, Renee entered the room with a large cart full of medical supplies. "I think we'll do the standard, Renee, but let's start with the fluids. She's a bit full," said Debbie.
"What are you going to do to me?" asked Sammy.
"I think it's probably best if you don't watch this part," Debbie replied, as she climbed onto the bed with her. She crawled over until she was straddling Sammy's chest before continuing, "This is probably the most effective blindfold, wouldn't you say?" She then slid forward, placing her wet cunt over Sammy's face.
Below her, Sammy's vision was immediately blotted out, and with Debbie's thighs on either side of her head, she couldn't hear much at all. As the nurse's slit lowered to her mouth, Sammy reluctantly opened her mouth and tasted it. She wasn't sure what was going on, but in her current position, she didn't think she had much room to object.
Unseen to Sammy, Renee was preparing a number of things at the foot of the bed. When ready, she removed a catheter from a sterile wrapper, lubed it, and began to insert it into Sammy's urethra. Sammy moaned as her lips were spread, but the moan quickly turned into a shout as she felt the rubber tip probing her. She felt it slip inside her as Debbie said, "Oh, I love it when you scream, Dear. The vibrations are wonderful."
Renee's response, "then you're going to love the next few steps," was too quiet for Sammy to hear it. Renee attached the catheter to a bag, and watched as Sammy's urine flooded out. Sammy was relieved as well, and renewed her attention to Debbie. Renee moved on to the next phase, and removed a large steel device from a box. She lubed it as well, and slid the large shaft into Sammy's vagina. The base of the device was flared into a large plate, which had a number of spikes facing out. Renee briefly stretched Sammy's labia over the plate, noted where the spikes landed (eliciting a few "yelp!"s from her patient), and then removed a pile of piercing needles. One by one, she pierced Sammy's labia in exactly the same positions as the spikes. Throughout the entire process, Sammy screamed as loud as she could, but for the others in the room, it was only a faint roar.
"Oh, Sammy, I love what you're doing down there. If you keep this up..." Debbie trailed off as she bent forward and braced herself against the wall. She gasped loudly, and then leaned back with a smile. "You're a natural, Dear."
Renee continued without interruption, although she could clearly smell Debbie's excitement filling the room. Once all the piercings were complete, she fed the spikes through the holes, and then locked them in place with small steel balls. She moved on to the next piercing, sliding the needle through the hood of Sammy's clit, which she then filled with a large steel bar. Renee then moved to the left side of the bed, and placed a similar bar through Sammy's left nipple. She repeated this on the other side, and then started to clean up her cart. "I've got the piercings in, so if you're ready to move on," she said to Debbie.
"Just a moment," was the response, as Debbie reached back and flicked the new nipple piercings. Sammy replied with the expected scream, and Debbie flushed a bright red while squeezing her eyes closed tightly. Sammy could tell she was orgasming again, as Debbie's thighs seemed to be trying to crush her head. She was also slowly being smothered, and could feel her lungs start to spasm. This just excited Debbie more, and she momentarily lost control and peed into Sammy's mouth, causing her to cough.
As Debbie stood up, Sammy realized what she was tasting in her mouth, and licked to try to clean her mouth. "Oh, did you enjoy that?" Debbie asked with a smile. Sammy started to answer, but Debbie cut her off. "We're ready for the next step, Dear, and I know that the last one hurt a bit, but this one will be much easier for you. If you'd like to continue to cooperate, that would be best, but rest assured that we will get our way. Are you going to be a good girl?"
Sammy again considered her options, and quietly said, "Yes."
"Very good, Dear, now let's get you up and dressed, shall we?" Debbie and Renee then started to untie the ropes that held Sammy to the bed, and then helped her to her feet. Sammy looked down at her new piercings, and realized that the device in her vagina would make it impossible for anything to penetrate her, and was held in place by the piercings. Renee checked the piercings as she stood, and then removed three small steel devices, and clipped them to the piercings in Sammy's nipples and clit. Finally, she locked the one on her clit to the exposed top part of the chastity plug. All three were like small cups, and completely covered her nipples and clit. She could feel a thin layer of rubber keeping the cold steel from her sensitive parts.
While Renee was checking the piercings, Debbie had unlocked another drawer of the dresser, and had removed a large bundle of black leather. "I think you'll enjoy how this feels, Dear." She held it up, and Sammy could see that it was a leather suit designed to cover her entire body. "Come on, let's get going." Debbie unzipped the back of the suit, and had Sammy sit down on the bed to ease her legs in. They slid in without trouble until her feet reached the ankles of the suit, at which point Renee bent down to open a zipper on the outside of each ankle. This loosened the suit enough to allow Sammy's feet to slide through. "Make sure you get your toes in the right slot," Debbie advised, and Sam realized that there were small leather straps to separate each of her toes. It took a moment, but Sammy was able to get her feet in place. Renee then zipped the ankles back up, and helped smooth the suit over Sammy's legs. It was rather tight, but did not feel uncomfortable anywhere.
As the suit reached Sammy's crotch, Debbie reached inside, and aligned a small post on the outside of the cap over Sammy's clit with a reinforced hole in the suit. She then slid a lock through a hole in the post, but did not lock it. Sammy could feel each shift of the suit from that point on, and was glad that the suit was as tight as it was. This helped keep the suit from pulling down painfully on the cap.
Renee grabbed Sammy's left arm, and helped it down its sleeve. The gloves had no fingers, and Renee had to open another zipper to get Sammy's wrist into it. Sammy felt that there were slots for her fingers like the feet had, and made sure she had each finger in place. She had to search around for the thumb, and then realized that it was located so that her thumb was held bent against her palm. Renee closed the zip on the left sleeve, and then moved to Sammy's right and helped her with that one.
While she was doing this, Debbie made sure that the front of the suit was fitted correctly, and pushed posts from Sammy's nipple covers through grommets like she had done with her clit. Again, locks were fit through the holes but not locked. When Renee finished with the other sleeve, she started to zip up the back of the suit. "Ok, Dear, now it's time to get this mask in place." She held up the attached hood that had been left loose on Sammy's chest. Sammy could see that it covered most of her head, but looked like her mouth and nose would be left free. "First we need to get a few things in place. One final thing, Dear: be good." said Debbie. She then inserted earplugs into Sammy's ears, and then pulled the hood up and over Sammy's face. Sammy felt her eyes covered with soft pads, and similar pads covered her ears, blotting out all sound. She could feel the zipper in the back being pulled up, and felt the suit compress around her body as the zipper moved up. Next, the hood seemed to shrink as it was laced and zipped closed as well.
Sammy stood for a moment when the suit was finished, and then quietly asked, "Is that it?" Renee and Debbie laughed to themselves as they pulled a set of wide steel cuffs out of another drawer. They started with Sammy's wrists, wrapping the cuff around, making sure that the zipper on the suit was correctly placed so that it would be trapped in place by the cuff, and then locked closed. Renee repeated this with Sammy's ankles, while Debbie fixed a similar collar around Sammy's neck, locking the zippers holding the suit and hood closed in a similar arrangement. With the zippers locked in place, Renee and Debbie put cuffs around Sammy's elbows, knees, and waist, pulling them tight and locking them in place so they would not move around. Sammy shifted around, and found that the cuffs held the suit to her body, making it somewhat harder to move around, as the suit had even less give, and wouldn't slide.
Sammy next felt her face and head being petted, and she tried to reach out to grab the nurse that was reassuring her. Instead, her arms found themselves sliding into some kind of sleeves. She felt that the sleeves were attached together, and as these new sleeves reached her armpits, she felt a thick heavy sheet meet her chest. Renee and Debbie made sure that Sammy's arms were fully in place in the outer wrap, and checked that the posts on Sammy's wrist and elbow cuffs poked through the grommets in the thick leather. As soon as those were in place, they quickly affixed locks to the posts, trapping Sammy's arms in place. They then smoothed out the front of the suit, and made sure that the posts on Sammy's breasts, waist, and clit also poked through and were locked. Sammy could feel her body being pulled forward, and felt the thick leather press against her front.
Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers. "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets. Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again.
Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright. This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room. She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here. Another surprise was that she was sitting in this weird bed completely naked. Her prior sleepiness was instantly cleared as she looked around and tried to remember what had happened the previous night. It looked like she was in some sort of hotel room, and the nice sheets suggested it was a fancy place.
As she searched her memory, her last thought was leaving work the previous day. She'd finally gotten fed up with the new secretary's attitude, and had confronted her. The argument escalated until Sammy was yelling that Carol was a "lazy fucking bitch," and that "everyone knew it." Carol simply looked stunned, but as Sammy turned around to go back to work, she saw that Tim from HR was standing right behind her.
Sammy had been disappointed as she packed up her belongings after being fired, but was at least glad that she'd been able to say what everyone had been thinking. It might be hard, but she figured she'd be able to find a job with better people to work with. She vaguely remembered going to a bar afterwards, but that's where things started to get confused.
"Did I get drunk and go home with someone, and that's how I ended up here?" Sammy asked herself. She got out of bed, and looked around to see if she could find her clothes. There wasn't anything on the floor, under the bed, or in the closet, and when she went to check the dresser, she found most of the drawers closed and locked. Oddly enough, the only drawer that opened was full of coils of rope, all in different bright colors.
As she was wandering around, Sammy realized that she really had to pee. She didn't see a bathroom door, so she tentatively opened the door exiting the room. Beyond, she saw what looked like a waiting room. To her left was a reception desk, with what looked like a nurse behind the counter. There seemed to be similar doors to the one she was peeking through up and down the other walls. She also saw that the hallway that extended beyond the reception area had a sign for a bathroom.
Sammy knew that she didn't have much time to decide, so figured that she would just be brave and walk calmly down to the bathroom, and pretend like she was clothed and that everything was normal. She stepped out of the room, and winced as her feet landed on the cold tile of the waiting area. Her left hand went down to cover her crotch, and she used the right to hide her breasts, as she slowly walked down towards the bathroom. She passed the desk, and the nurse looked at her. "I have to go to the bathroom..." Sammy looked at the name tag, "Renee. Sorry." The nurse looked to be about her age, and was also short and Asian. Renee didn't say anything, and Sammy didn't bother to wait for approval as she continued towards the bathroom.
She reached the bathroom, and saw that the door next to it was labeled, "Loading Area." Sammy pushed the door open, and stepped into the bathroom. Inside, she found three toilets, but there were no walls separating them. Even more bizarre, the far wall was made of glass, and looked out onto what was clearly the Loading Area. She saw a number of people in grey jumpsuits loading large cylinders with a forklift. To one side was a large pile of jumpsuits.
"Once I'm done here, I can go next door and get one of those, and then I can find my way out of here and get back home." Sammy went over to sit down on one of the toilets.
Back at the reception desk, Renee looked up to see her boss Debbie returning. "Where is the new girl?" Debbie asked.
"She said she had to go to the bathroom."
"Damn it, you know you're not supposed to let out of your sight. We'll discuss this later." Debbie stormed down the hallway, and burst into the bathroom, surprising Sammy. She caught Sammy before she could sit down, and tightly grabbed a hold of Sammy's left arm. "Come now, you're not getting away that easy. Don't you know we have plans for you?" Debbie led the naked and surprised girl out of the bathroom, and back down the hallway. As they walked, Debiie hooked her right elbow through Sammy's left, and used her own left hand to hold Sammy's. She then used her free right hand to unzip her uniform, letting it open down to her waist. She then directed Sammy's hand into the opening, and down between her legs.
Sammy could feel her fingers slide through the older nurse's hair, only to stop when they found the wet slit it hid. Sammy looked stunned as she was led (and half-dragged) back to the room she had started in. Once they'd returned, Debbie pushed Sammy down onto the bed, and went over to the dresser. She removed a pile of rope from it, and tossed it onto the bed next to Sammy. "Maybe I just need to tie you down, first."
"Wait, I really need to pee," was Sammy's response.
"No, I think I'd rather you be safe before we start. You'll just have to hold it for a little longer." Sammy struggled briefly as Debbie grabbed her left hand and started to pull it down, but stopped when she heard the ominous response. "We can do this the easy way, Dear, or we can just drug you, and then you won't get to enjoy yourself at all."
By the time Debbie was done, Sammy had been tied down on her back, with her arms and legs stretched to the corners of the bed. In addition, her knees had rope looped around them, and pulled out to the sides, forcing her legs to spread widely. Sammy felt very exposed, and could feel Debbie prodding her labia as she laughed to herself. Debbie then went back to the door, and shouted out at the other nurse. "Renee, I think we're ready to start now, if you'll get the supplies and join us."
A few minutes later, Renee entered the room with a large cart full of medical supplies. "I think we'll do the standard, Renee, but let's start with the fluids. She's a bit full," said Debbie.
"What are you going to do to me?" asked Sammy.
"I think it's probably best if you don't watch this part," Debbie replied, as she climbed onto the bed with her. She crawled over until she was straddling Sammy's chest before continuing, "This is probably the most effective blindfold, wouldn't you say?" She then slid forward, placing her wet cunt over Sammy's face.
Below her, Sammy's vision was immediately blotted out, and with Debbie's thighs on either side of her head, she couldn't hear much at all. As the nurse's slit lowered to her mouth, Sammy reluctantly opened her mouth and tasted it. She wasn't sure what was going on, but in her current position, she didn't think she had much room to object.
Unseen to Sammy, Renee was preparing a number of things at the foot of the bed. When ready, she removed a catheter from a sterile wrapper, lubed it, and began to insert it into Sammy's urethra. Sammy moaned as her lips were spread, but the moan quickly turned into a shout as she felt the rubber tip probing her. She felt it slip inside her as Debbie said, "Oh, I love it when you scream, Dear. The vibrations are wonderful."
Renee's response, "then you're going to love the next few steps," was too quiet for Sammy to hear it. Renee attached the catheter to a bag, and watched as Sammy's urine flooded out. Sammy was relieved as well, and renewed her attention to Debbie. Renee moved on to the next phase, and removed a large steel device from a box. She lubed it as well, and slid the large shaft into Sammy's vagina. The base of the device was flared into a large plate, which had a number of spikes facing out. Renee briefly stretched Sammy's labia over the plate, noted where the spikes landed (eliciting a few "yelp!"s from her patient), and then removed a pile of piercing needles. One by one, she pierced Sammy's labia in exactly the same positions as the spikes. Throughout the entire process, Sammy screamed as loud as she could, but for the others in the room, it was only a faint roar.
"Oh, Sammy, I love what you're doing down there. If you keep this up..." Debbie trailed off as she bent forward and braced herself against the wall. She gasped loudly, and then leaned back with a smile. "You're a natural, Dear."
Renee continued without interruption, although she could clearly smell Debbie's excitement filling the room. Once all the piercings were complete, she fed the spikes through the holes, and then locked them in place with small steel balls. She moved on to the next piercing, sliding the needle through the hood of Sammy's clit, which she then filled with a large steel bar. Renee then moved to the left side of the bed, and placed a similar bar through Sammy's left nipple. She repeated this on the other side, and then started to clean up her cart. "I've got the piercings in, so if you're ready to move on," she said to Debbie.
"Just a moment," was the response, as Debbie reached back and flicked the new nipple piercings. Sammy replied with the expected scream, and Debbie flushed a bright red while squeezing her eyes closed tightly. Sammy could tell she was orgasming again, as Debbie's thighs seemed to be trying to crush her head. She was also slowly being smothered, and could feel her lungs start to spasm. This just excited Debbie more, and she momentarily lost control and peed into Sammy's mouth, causing her to cough.
As Debbie stood up, Sammy realized what she was tasting in her mouth, and licked to try to clean her mouth. "Oh, did you enjoy that?" Debbie asked with a smile. Sammy started to answer, but Debbie cut her off. "We're ready for the next step, Dear, and I know that the last one hurt a bit, but this one will be much easier for you. If you'd like to continue to cooperate, that would be best, but rest assured that we will get our way. Are you going to be a good girl?"
Sammy again considered her options, and quietly said, "Yes."
"Very good, Dear, now let's get you up and dressed, shall we?" Debbie and Renee then started to untie the ropes that held Sammy to the bed, and then helped her to her feet. Sammy looked down at her new piercings, and realized that the device in her vagina would make it impossible for anything to penetrate her, and was held in place by the piercings. Renee checked the piercings as she stood, and then removed three small steel devices, and clipped them to the piercings in Sammy's nipples and clit. Finally, she locked the one on her clit to the exposed top part of the chastity plug. All three were like small cups, and completely covered her nipples and clit. She could feel a thin layer of rubber keeping the cold steel from her sensitive parts.
While Renee was checking the piercings, Debbie had unlocked another drawer of the dresser, and had removed a large bundle of black leather. "I think you'll enjoy how this feels, Dear." She held it up, and Sammy could see that it was a leather suit designed to cover her entire body. "Come on, let's get going." Debbie unzipped the back of the suit, and had Sammy sit down on the bed to ease her legs in. They slid in without trouble until her feet reached the ankles of the suit, at which point Renee bent down to open a zipper on the outside of each ankle. This loosened the suit enough to allow Sammy's feet to slide through. "Make sure you get your toes in the right slot," Debbie advised, and Sam realized that there were small leather straps to separate each of her toes. It took a moment, but Sammy was able to get her feet in place. Renee then zipped the ankles back up, and helped smooth the suit over Sammy's legs. It was rather tight, but did not feel uncomfortable anywhere.
As the suit reached Sammy's crotch, Debbie reached inside, and aligned a small post on the outside of the cap over Sammy's clit with a reinforced hole in the suit. She then slid a lock through a hole in the post, but did not lock it. Sammy could feel each shift of the suit from that point on, and was glad that the suit was as tight as it was. This helped keep the suit from pulling down painfully on the cap.
Renee grabbed Sammy's left arm, and helped it down its sleeve. The gloves had no fingers, and Renee had to open another zipper to get Sammy's wrist into it. Sammy felt that there were slots for her fingers like the feet had, and made sure she had each finger in place. She had to search around for the thumb, and then realized that it was located so that her thumb was held bent against her palm. Renee closed the zip on the left sleeve, and then moved to Sammy's right and helped her with that one.
While she was doing this, Debbie made sure that the front of the suit was fitted correctly, and pushed posts from Sammy's nipple covers through grommets like she had done with her clit. Again, locks were fit through the holes but not locked. When Renee finished with the other sleeve, she started to zip up the back of the suit. "Ok, Dear, now it's time to get this mask in place." She held up the attached hood that had been left loose on Sammy's chest. Sammy could see that it covered most of her head, but looked like her mouth and nose would be left free. "First we need to get a few things in place. One final thing, Dear: be good." said Debbie. She then inserted earplugs into Sammy's ears, and then pulled the hood up and over Sammy's face. Sammy felt her eyes covered with soft pads, and similar pads covered her ears, blotting out all sound. She could feel the zipper in the back being pulled up, and felt the suit compress around her body as the zipper moved up. Next, the hood seemed to shrink as it was laced and zipped closed as well.
Sammy stood for a moment when the suit was finished, and then quietly asked, "Is that it?" Renee and Debbie laughed to themselves as they pulled a set of wide steel cuffs out of another drawer. They started with Sammy's wrists, wrapping the cuff around, making sure that the zipper on the suit was correctly placed so that it would be trapped in place by the cuff, and then locked closed. Renee repeated this with Sammy's ankles, while Debbie fixed a similar collar around Sammy's neck, locking the zippers holding the suit and hood closed in a similar arrangement. With the zippers locked in place, Renee and Debbie put cuffs around Sammy's elbows, knees, and waist, pulling them tight and locking them in place so they would not move around. Sammy shifted around, and found that the cuffs held the suit to her body, making it somewhat harder to move around, as the suit had even less give, and wouldn't slide.
Sammy next felt her face and head being petted, and she tried to reach out to grab the nurse that was reassuring her. Instead, her arms found themselves sliding into some kind of sleeves. She felt that the sleeves were attached together, and as these new sleeves reached her armpits, she felt a thick heavy sheet meet her chest. Renee and Debbie made sure that Sammy's arms were fully in place in the outer wrap, and checked that the posts on Sammy's wrist and elbow cuffs poked through the grommets in the thick leather. As soon as those were in place, they quickly affixed locks to the posts, trapping Sammy's arms in place. They then smoothed out the front of the suit, and made sure that the posts on Sammy's breasts, waist, and clit also poked through and were locked. Sammy could feel her body being pulled forward, and felt the thick leather press against her front.
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"Get dressed. We're going out," you said in your typical laconic way. I rose from the floor to do as you commanded. You reached for my wrist and pulled me to you, whispering in my ear, "no panties." The sensation of your lips brushing against my ear, your earnestness, your voice echoing in my mind made me wet immediately, as you knew it would. I smiled as a moan rose within me. I changed into a button up-low cut blouse and a mini skirt as quickly as I could. As I bent over to secure the straps...
BDSMThe first two hundred miles of our trip was very similar to our first trip together nearly two years before. I was stewing about none of my friends showing up to see me off and didn't feel like talking. Ned gave me my space. I was disappointed that Daniel Olsen had not driven into town or that Coach Sterns, Buzz Summers and Greg Justin had not made an appearance. Becky had flatly refused to watch us drive away, saying it was not the way she wanted to remember me. My Mom was there,...
“My family would kill me if they knew I wanted to be with a woman.” “But, Lay, won’t they be even more devastated if they find out?” Aidan asked her. “I guess you’re right, but I wasn’t always bisexual though.” “What do you mean?” Aidan asked. “Well,” I said “my family thinks that I am getting married… to a man and I don’t have the heart to tell them it was called it off.” “Why did you call it off?” Aidan asked. “Craig called it off actually ‘cause he caught us in bed together.” “Caught who in...
First Time“Molly Murphy, Brooklyn Tanner, June Watkins, Dong… mei…… Kwah? wait here for a special assignment. Everyone else, please follow me.” June’s first day of internship as a nurse at one of the biggest hospitals in the country started out horribly. In her defense, why else would they ask for her measurements if not to provide her with scrubs? Thankfully, after begging in three different departments, someone offered her an old backup set and she eventually found an empty bed to put it on behind...
Jimmy was fast asleep when Pam came around again to his room, so she let just him sleep. He woke the next morning and Pam had already gone home. He kicked himself for being such a child and falling asleep so early. However, there wasn't anything to do but wait until that evening to see her again. He busied himself with TV and the visit from his mother. He chatted with some of the other nurses politely, but his mind was on Pam and he hoped this wasn't her night off and he had missed her.After...
MedicalVictory walked along the campus, just site seeing and roaming around. The campus was quiet as most people were gone for the summer. Though there was less than a week left before classes started so the campus was definitely starting to fill up. She wasn’t the only one out walking the pathways, making sure she knew where all her classes were. It was getting a bit late and as she walked she came across a beautiful garden, it looked so pretty in the dying day with the last pink rays of the...
Victory sat quietly on her bed and looked around at the small room. This was her first night in the dorm, her first night at college, her first night free. They told her she would be getting a roommate tomorrow, which was a little disconcerting. Victory lay back and thought about the new situation. She had never had any close friends and was used to being alone a lot other than her family. To comfort herself she decided to close her eyes and drift into her favorite fantasy. She...
Edward was being driven mad by his erection. He wanted nothing more than to tear the plaster casts from his arms and touch himself, anything for a chance to come after so long immobile in this foreign hospital, surrounded by staff that spoke no English. He hardly noticed it was nearly five, nearly time for his favourite nurse to appear. Over the weeks of slow recovery since the skiing accident, Edward had been cursed with more and more painful erections, made worse by the pulleys and weights...
It had been a great evening: fun for all. My wife Amanda had taken care of the last minute details for the kids’ trick-or-treating the following evening. All the costumes had been carefully fitted and as our little angels took turns going outside and ringing our doorbell they had turned into a pirate, a princess, and one little devil. Thankfully, for this year at least, there was not one of them who wanted to be something particular (i.e., something requiring an expensive store-bought get-up)...
Meike saß mal wieder vor ihrem Rechner, keine Hose an, die lag irgendwo in ihrem WG-Zimmer, zwei Finger in ihrer Möse und zog sich die neusten Futanari Comics auf reddit rein. Meike war schon immer davon fasziniert einen Schwanz zu haben. Als sie dann in ihrer Jugend Futanari entdeckte war es endgültig um sie geschehen. Schwanz und Vagina da gab es für ihrer Fantasie kein halten mehr. Auch heute wieder bearbeitet sie ihre Möse und träumte sich in die Comics rein. Wie sie eine andere Frau mit...
FetishI woke up suddenly in a cold sweat - trembling from the images in my dream. My pussy tingled from the violent rubbing I must have been doing before I woke up. They were all over me - all five of them. I resisted a little, but then I decided to just let it happen. They all took turns with me and then pushed me out of the van in front of my girlfriend's house when they were finished with me. Was it a dream? Well, yes and no... because my dream images were just a replay of something that had...
i have the entire day off with nothing 2 doso i just sit around & watch sum porn& play with my pre-cum-drooling i watch a couple of studs get it on& squeeze & stroke & pump my cockthere is a very quiet knock on the door...i press the mute button on the remoteas i quickly pull my shorts back on& do my best 2 hide my hard-on...when i open the dooru stand there& i pull u quickly inside...i am surprised 2 see ubut now i am very excited 2& i don't try 2 hide...
Practice the next morning was a little tougher, probably due to a lack of sleep, but also because some of the tackles were just that much harder. The coaches were impressed with Kyle's speed and his ability to cut direction but during one break, they emphasized that his speed was not the solution to winning games. They explained that it was just not possible to run the deep pass play more than once or twice a half, at best. The opponents aren't stupid. If we burn them a couple times with...
Partying Cheerleader Style part 2 It would help to read Partying Cheerleader Style 1 first.The first day back of class was brutal. It was hard wondering the campus and trying to stay positive. It had only been a short while since my own sister sucked my cock at football game party. I was in shock. I took a week off school to get over what happened. I wasn’t sure how life was going to change. Did the guys on the team know? Did the head cheerleader tell anyone what happened? Then there was my...
IncestI am Jeh 38 years old, tall, medium built and divorced. I have recently returned from overseas to Pune and I work for a leading MNC. After coming down, I happened to get to know a couple (real names not revealed for privacy) Vijay and Lina thru a chat forum. Vijay is 45 years, 5ft5 and a little on the large side. Lina his wife is 40 years, 5ft3, very fair and well endowed. He works for a leading MNC and she is a housewife. After one long chat session we felt comfortable with each other and...
Laura and Angel had been friends since Laura moved to the area a few months earlier. They had met through work and became fast friends. Both Angel and I had been attracted to her since we had met her. She was 25, short only about 5 feet tall, skinny, but with lovely big tits. She had big brown eyes and mouse brown hair and a beautiful smile. Not only that but a lovely girl smart and funny. Angel had asked her to join us in a threesome but she didn’t want to as she was only interested in Angel...
The gang were at the bar, having a big night. Fortunately a buddy dragged a couple of gorgeous ladies to our table and proceeded to chat , a bigger girl of Hawaiian decent, beautiful tattoos and an amazing rac. Immaculate dark hair framed her face contains the brightest smile, all the boys were consumed with her breasts. Her friend was almost the polar opposite. A petite yet Shapley blonde that could only be described as a quentisential California girl with long flowing locks and striking blue...
My car had to break down in the middle of nowhere. As I looked around all I could see was hills in the distance. I hadnt passed another car for atleast 2 hours. And it was another 2 hours to the nearest town. All I had was a frilly mini skirt and a tube top and my string bikini kexs. I could see my nipples poke through the top. I hadn’t worn a bra. I don’t generally wear tube tops as I had 34DD breasts. I could see something coming from down the road. As it came closer I could see it was a...
It was 11 am on a Saturday morning and was turning out to be an incredibly hot day. The windows were down, I had some music playing loudly, the sun was shining and everything was good. The only thing with warm, humid sunny days is they make me as horny as fuck!I was already thinking about having a wank later, after I'd finished my business in town, and it really wasn't helping matters seeing so many women wearing next to nothing as I was driving about."Christ, look at the hot blonde on the...
SeductionI work at a large bank in the accounting department and we had a new employee join us and she looked really nervous so I tried to befriend her and help her adjust and fit in with everyone. I took her around and introduced her to all my friends at work and had her join our hen fest at lunch to listen to everyone’s gossip and news. She seemed nice and had just moved to our city but she was kind of vague as to why she left home just saying that she needed to move from her parents because of...
This came to me as I was getting a good licking from my hubby:I was at my desk grading papers one afternoon when three of my students came in, Roxy, Josh, and Beth. As they walked in, closing the door behind them, Roxy closed the curtain to my door window. “Can I help you three? Today’s not my tutoring day,” I said. They came over to my desk, and as I watched them, I began to feel a bit uneasy. They were all well-behaved students, but they refused to do any of the assignments; thus, were...
Azelia about leaps across the room and her two hearts almost jump out of her chest. She still holds her hardened member, but stands there motionless and totally quiet. She can feel her heartbeats pulsing through her erection. There is another knock and then a voice to accompany it. “Azelia? Your parents let me in,” Janae says through the door. “Please open up and let me in.” I can’t open the door, especially not for her and not in the condition I am in! “Azelia, please open the door,” the...
Brad got a call from a large business wanting to transfer their advertising from Brad’s old company to him. He loved the idea, not only because the business was large but it also meant shafting his old company. He made an appointment with them. Friday afternoon at his office. He was very excited as was Jenny. “This is big honey” he said enthusiastically “it means lots of money”. That night they had passionate sex. It had been a while since Brad was so attentive. Jenny had even wondered if they...
Hi na peru jeevan vayasu 21 from hyderabad recent ga na life lo jariginna oka sex dhani valla naku sex medha challa korika perigipoyindhi meru kuda try cheyandi. Ma intti pakkana oka aunty thana peru dhurga dhani vayasu 28 structure magadu chudaganey modda lesi wish chesey structure. Dhurga vantariga untundhi dhani mogudu vadhelesadu, naku eppadi nuncho dhani puku nakallani korika enno sarlu valla entiki velli dhani bathroom lo unna vadinna underware thesukoni vasana chusthu akadey hp kotukoni...
Your name is Ben. You are a 21 years old, futa loving, nerd, living and working on the East Coast. You take your cousin Mike to a Halloween party. You got invited by one of your futa friends. She said all her friends will be there and some guys. She also mentioned guys need to wear something that makes their costumes sluttier. You decide on a classic Superman costume with a twist. Instead of the normal red underwear that goes on top of the blue pants, you choose a pair of sexy red panties. They...
TranssexualFrank and I sat together in companionable silence, content to enjoy our drinks and get pleasantly high from the heady, marijuana laden atmosphere. "That was a neat little job you did yesterday Paul, that's quite a team you've got there" "They're good lads" I agreed, "Bit more importantly Frank, they're friends too, we learned a long time ago that we could rely on one another" "Yeah, it shows too mate, I agree with you, they're the best and talking about the best, would you take...
Laura awoke after her second full night of sex with her new husband much happier than the day before. Between the long periods of mind-blowing sex, they had managed to get in equally long periods of honest and totally uncensored discussions about their families. They both now knew the other's family as well as they knew their own, and they were both very proud of their lives and their kids. Looking over, Laura saw that Stan was awake and seemed somewhat pensive, "What's wrong," she asked...
Gay Mature Loafer Fantasy. I moved into the men's room apartments about a year ago. It's been a pretty nice apartment for the money now that I'm retired. It is a great group of guys. I came back in after hanging out outside with the guys. We walked down to the liquor store and bought some cigars and beer. We sat on the benches out front most of the night. It was a warm night. I wore my red button up shirt. jean shorts. Some red sheer socks. My tassel loafers. After a cigar and a few beers I...
Valerie hated his pedantry, she hated his arrogance, but most of all she hated his expertise. Storyboardland was a place on the web for aspiring authors to post their stuff, and tradition held that readers who encountered typos or other errors would bring them up with the writer. Though some (who were in it for the thrills rather than the craft) brushed these off, Valerie didn’t consider herself that shallow an artist and took every comment seriously. Countless times she’d been saved from...
Hello everybody here there are many fake stories. I don’t know which are real and which are fake. From few days i’m reading these stories . After reading i also thought to post my crush with my friend. This is my first story which happen between me and my train friend. My self suprajanand, 26 age, 5.2′, 55kgs athletic body working with reputed company in new delhi and i’m married. My life is happy with my wife. My metro friend name is sunitha 28years 50kgs5.2 hight attractive body. Married...
The sexual tension calmed down as the group took a well-deserved rest. To save time, everyone brought their favourite dish for a potluck meal and it was enjoyed by all. “I know that today is Sunday and most of you have work tomorrow but if any of you have too much to drink then you can stay the night here. We don’t want anyone driving home drunk and get arrested or worse,” Karen cautioned. “Susan took her car keys from her purse laying them on a table, “I know its early but I’ll have a...
I of course had no idea what she meant, but she indeed showed me. She laughed when i told her I Didn't know what to do. She quickly remedied the problem when she plopped down on her back, pulled off her panties and exposed her hairless pussy. It was amazing perfect lips seemingly untouched, which I know now was not the case, and she had a fairly large clit that poked out from between those lips; must have been at least the size of my thumb. She pulled her knees up to her chest, and then...
Hi Raju here. This story is the part 1 of incidents I witnessed when I was a innocent little boy. what I saw in those days makes me horny even today. Even while sharing with you this story I am having a hard on. This was back in late 90s. we used to stay in a small town. My dad was was an good private company and he used to visit us once in a month. Most of the time I would be me and my Mommy who was a very attractive lady resembling a popular Hindi television actress -tall, fair and curvy body...
Incestthe two s****rs anne and nicole, started to get scared, they wanted more privacy.on this particular island campground spot there were old abandoned cottages.why not check them out.,just as soon as my s****r got some close back we went towards the cottages karen started to get personel with me.she wanted to know more about me.she acted like she wanted a steady boyfriend, i only wanted to have fun.i just told her what she wanted to hear. she was six years older then me, and was probably...
Chapter 9: Marriage? While the last thirty-six hours had been agonizingly slow, Katie couldn’t remember the details. She remembered cancelling her meetings yesterday and today. The psychiatrist had told herself that doing so would allow her to recover from her sexual mauling at Alistair’s hands. She remembered drinking—most of Election Day had been spent with a glass of wine in her hand. And here she was, the day after, in a rough bar in the East End of London. Drinking again. Any other...
Chapter 2 A Serious Problem Special Agent Trixie Daniels had compiled her crack team of barely legal black cock sluts which included Hannah, the gorgeous brunette soccer star, Traci the pampered Vietnamese girl with a perfect ass and the sadistic MaryAnne, who was already responsible for taking the testicles of two pathetic whiteboys. The four sluts sat in an empty conference room waiting for their mission details. “Look alive ladies”, the Chief’s booming voice echoed through the room,...
The tooth-jarring slap to the face took me completely by surprised. “You bastard,” snarled Joanna Kafkasian. “Cayenne convinced me that you wanted to dance with me and that it would be worth my while staying. She even persuaded Jaymon to go with her. Since then you’ve danced with all these girls while totally ignoring me. I should have known you were playing me!” My friends looked shocked at yet another weird revelation. My first thought was how gorgeous Joanna looked when she was angry,...
Tim's thoughts were running along the same track as Kate. For such smart people, they had still managed to get wrapped up in their quests for material success, forgetting that their marriage should have been the most important part of their lives. Holding his wife in his arms, he promised her between kisses that he would never take her for granted again. Kate kissed him again, swearing that she would put their marriage before her career this time. Tim stood and took her hand, leading her to...
Hi readers this is Praveen (name changed). Since it is my 1st story bear with me for any drastic mistakes (comments are welcome at ).I am 30 yrs old this incident happened when I was 26yrs old and living in Bangalore with my family. You need to know my family to follow my story. I was 12 yrs when my mother passed away out of serious illness my dad was forced to marry a widow with a girl child who was younger to me by 3 years. We lived in Mumbai and I loved my step mum Asha as she was really...
IncestHi Friends, Danial from karachi, 30 yrs old, working as Head of finance in a reputed company. I am a qualified Chartered Accountant. I was working with an Audit firm as manager audit and we use to go to client site for Annual Audits. Any cute giel wanna be my friend can contact me at [email protected]. This is one of the experiences when I went to audit the accounts of a Computer Institute. The first day when I went there, the Vice president of the institute introduce me with the...
My name is Rebecca, but my friends call me Becca. I am seventeen years old, and the only virgin in my group of friends. All my friends ask if I have ever been fucked, or had I ever sucked someone off before. I reply by shaking my head for no, and they all laugh. Today, I’m meeting my boyfriend, Raphael. He is so perfect, with his short blonde hair that seems to frame his face and his green eyes that stand out. I can hardly breathe just thinking about him. That’s when I see him. He’s sitting...
Penelope Kay is getting ready to go camping. She has set up her gear inside to check everything out and make sure it’s all good. When her stepbrother, Nick Strokes, joins her, Penelope explains what she’s doing while also adding some definite flair to her movement to tease him. Nick tells Penelope that he came to find his phone charger, and Penelope tells him he won’t need it while they’re camping. After a heated moment, Penelope suggests that Nick go jerk off to online...
xmoviesforyouTwila entered her huge walk in closet, running her fingers through her long black hair, twisting it up in a bun and securing it with a clip at the top of her head. It had been a long day with her sister's kids and all she wanted more than anything in the world at that moment was a nice long bubble bath and soak the day away. She went to a set of drawers designed especially for her personal bath toiletries and removed sandalwood bubble bath, some scented salts and beads and a few candles. ...
ReluctanceHi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization.I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...
IncestI've only know Dave for about a month now, and every day he calls me to talk about everything from cooking to sex. His Cajun accent fuels many of my masturbation fantasies. On this particular night, I was already turned on, and excited and was about to reach for my toy when the phone rang around midnight. "Hello." "Hi what are you doing right now?" Oh my God he has such a deep, wonderful voice. I can feel my pussy contract, already becoming wet. "Nothing yet, but I am so fucking...
“So, was it good for you?” I asked Pastor Amanda Jensen after we unwound from the church orgy. “Damn straight, it was! Suffice it to say that I would love to give you some more ... pastoral counseling, if you know what I mean. I don’t know if I’m ready to reject Christianity as such, given that it’s my livelihood, but I can definitely embrace a more ... permissive interpretation of Biblical morality. I guess that time will tell, right?” Amanda responded to me, getting laughs from the...
Hi, I am Anjana, age 27 from Chennai. Thank you all for the overwhelming response for my previous post. I am humbled. Here is my another hot sexual encounter on an AC bus. This is also a real incident. It was during my final year in college. I was 22 years old then. I had to go to Bangalore for attending an interview. I booked a Scania AC semi sleeper bus from Chennai to Bangalore. While booking, the bus was damn empty. The day arrived when I was going to the bus stand. When I boarded the bus...
This happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...
At the beginning of my career I worked on beauty pages and I learned about make-up. When I was shifted to fashion I learned to dress. Then it was the sports pages and I learned to surf, bungee jumped and joined a woman's soccer team. Rick, the editor, joked the Police Department would be unable to cope with the increased workload if he put me on the crime pages. When he moved me to homemaking I suspected the joke might also be an excuse and began looking for a new employer.Every journalist...
If Taylor hadn’t already had his hand against the wall, leaning in so Kara could slip the gun in his pocket, he would have fallen over as the ground buckled under his feet. Several people in the audience did fall as glasses from the buffet table crashed to the ground, and a statue toppled over. A massive boom drowned out the shocked yells of the crowded ballroom as even those not knocked down screamed and shouted. Taylor didn’t hesitate, moving before the world settled from the massive...
It was just the third time that we were intimate that I told JR about my foot fetish and my love her feet in particular, but as I suspected all along, she already knew. She said she could tell because every time we were in foreplay mood or whenever I got even the remotest chance, my hands were on her feet and I love having their aroma near to my nose. So, this night she told me her feet were all mine and I could do anything I want. Actually, surprise her if I could. Not being a totally...
July, 1984, Dawsonville, Georgia Through a thick fog, I heard Red call my name. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times. An accident. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been out, but I quickly took stock. I didn’t hurt, except for my neck, and I could move. I looked over and saw Red holding his head, a bit of blood dripping from his nose. I tried to turn to look back but my neck hurt too much to do that. “Stephie? Emily?” I called out. “I think I’m OK, Yankee,” Stephie said. “I can’t move...
It all started out just as a bit of crazy fun, a one-night thing, but we both got so excited that we carried on. I had been going out with Frank for a month and we had just started having sex when he invited me to stay for the weekend. Of course I said yes straight away, two days and nights of rampant sex was something to look forward to. We had dined out and returned to his flat for a nightcap and then it was off to bed. In the corner besides his wardrobes was one of those blow up...
After a night out with friends and work colleagues Lisa (my wife) and I were staying at her friend Gary's house as we live quite a distance from everyone else. We and another couple made our way back where we continued talking and having some more drinks. After about an hour the other couple left and shortly afterwards the wife said she was going to bed. Gary and I wished her goodnight and carried on chatting. Gary was a work colleague of my wife's who I'd met once or twice before and had...
Hunter stayed around to help Connor and Noah clean up after the pool party. They cleaned up the patio and around the pool first before they checked inside the pool house. Noah stepped into the pool house first. "Holy cow!" Noah exclaimed. "This place reeks." "Pussy and cum," Hunter agreed. "Nothing like it." Noah snorted, "Like you know." "I do," Hunter insisted. "There is no way Madison let you in her pants today," Noah insisted. "I don't know about Madison," Connor...