Politics Ch. 09 free porn video

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Chapter 9: Marriage?

While the last thirty-six hours had been agonizingly slow, Katie couldn’t remember the details. She remembered cancelling her meetings yesterday and today. The psychiatrist had told herself that doing so would allow her to recover from her sexual mauling at Alistair’s hands. She remembered drinking—most of Election Day had been spent with a glass of wine in her hand. And here she was, the day after, in a rough bar in the East End of London. Drinking again.

Any other substantive thing was gone.

She told herself all this was necessary. The alcohol provided her with the liquid courage to face up to the repercussions of everything that had happened since she’d met Alistair Brinkley-Jones. A name she’d come to hate. Unfortunately for Britain, it was a name that was now acknowledged as the new Prime Minister.

She stared up at the big television screen above her head. He’d done it after all. Despite the Mary O’Leary allegations, he’d pulled it off. The first black Prime Minister. It had been a close run thing, but not only had the Conservative Party won the election, they’d also (only just) gained sufficient seats to guarantee them parliamentary control.

His ugly face was on the screen now.

She had no idea which News Channel it was, not that it mattered. They were all the same. Broadcasting a replay of Alistair’s acceptance speech given in the early hours of the morning. George Blair, the Labour Leader, had waited until the result was certain before conceding. He’d drawn it out as long as he could and waited for the recounts in the most closely contested seats. But in the end, there was no room for doubt.

As she listened to Alistair’s calm, reasoned, statesmanlike diatribe, her face creased in contempt. This was the man who had so roughly fucked her only two nights ago. She’d kept saying no, though she knew that her refusal was a moot point. Her body had gratefully taken everything he could give.

But it was a drug and alcohol fuelled body. Put there by his ex-girlfriend. So that she could fuck her, too! How could she have been so stupid?

The brunette had tried to help Alistair. She’d attempted to find a way to bring him out of his self-confessed ‘sex addiction’. Instead, she’d been seduced into their little games by the Conservative Party Leader and his Swedish slut ex-girlfriend. Had they set her up together? A charade designed just to fuck her? Logical thought said that was impossible. Her intuition suggested something else.

If the public knew what a sex-crazed bastard he was, things would be different. Maybe the Mary O’Leary accusations had been false, but there were lots of similar women that Alistair had taken advantage of. Unfortunately, her professional oath prevented her from revealing that secret.

And now she was one of those women.

She felt her fingers wrapping around the stem of her cheap wine glass as rage poured through her. At Alistair. At Erika. The Swedish beauty had befriended Katie with the sole purpose of seducing her. Questions bounced around her head. Had Alistair’s arrival in their suite scared the blonde seductress away? Would she actually have spent the night with Erika otherwise?

She recalled the sight of the Scandinavian woman riding Alistair’s black cock with an ecstatic look on her face. It made her cringe with horror. The problem was… it inflamed her, too.

Since leaving Glasgow, she’d been constantly horny. A bitch in heat! As much as she denied it to herself, while everything that had happened since meeting that bastard had almost ruined her life, their experiences together had rekindled the fire inside her. Her heightened arousal had always made her more sexually aware. Of people around her. The way they looked. What they might be fantasizing. Like her…

The guy sitting in the corner had been watching her for the last half an hour. Of course he hadn’t made it too obvious, but Katie knew

Hell, he was coming over to her now. Well… it had taken him long enough.

‘Can I buy you a drink?’ he asked as he reached her.

There was a knowing flicker of his dark eyes. She returned the look. It was like he’d been sent to her. For the last hour she’d alternated between hating Alistair and thinking of Eduardo. Should she go back and visit the café owner again? Instead, her answer was here. A stranger. And with his dark Indian complexion, shaved head and slender figure, he was just the way she liked them.

‘I guess I could do with another,’ she smiled, pulling at the ponytail of dark hair as she raised her empty glass. ‘Dry white.’

She watched the wiry stranger through narrowed eyes as he headed to the bar, keeping her lustful gaze on him until he’d returned with their drinks. The way he carried himself, the way he smiled—he was cocky, no doubt about that.

He thought he’d pulled. Well—he might just be right!

‘Want to talk about it?’ he said, pushing the chair back with his foot and flopping down opposite her. He plonked their drinks down onto the round wooden table.

‘About what?’

‘Whatever it is that’s troubling you. Whatever’s led you to a bar like this. A pretty lady like you.’

‘A bar like this?’

‘Yeah,’ he grunted, his narrow eyes flickering across her body as he spoke. ‘A good looking, nicely dressed woman like you. This isn’t your usual place. You’re an upmarket bird. This is far too rough for you. Want to know what I think?’

Katie smoothed a hand through her ponytail again. Her eyes remained on the rim of her wine glass. ‘And what’s that?’

‘I think you’re looking for something.’

The psychiatrist didn’t speak for a moment. Instead, she allowed the arousal building inside her to circle around her sex. It was here on a plate. All she had to do was take it. ‘I think I’ve just found it,’ she told him, meeting his hot gaze.

Throwing her head back, she drained the wine in one go. Standing up, she made her unsteady way across to the small door on the right of the bar. How much had she drunk? It wasn’t necessary to look back—she knew he’d be following. Her heart was racing.

Was this really happening? Was she really going to do this? Suck him off?

The bathrooms matched the roughness of the bar. Dirty wooden floors, grainy walls, stained porcelain sinks. The stalls were no better, with some of the slats on the dark doors broken. But Katie didn’t care about any of that. Barely saw it.

Instead, she turned to see that the sexy stranger had followed her inside. He was leaning against the wall even as his hands were working on his belt. They didn’t need to speak. In a few seconds, his trousers were down at his ankles. Her mouth watered at the sight of his swollen, uncircumcised dick.

It featured a pronounced, upward curve. Like a dark banana.

The young Indian man was hairy, although he kept his pubes trimmed short and his large balls as shaved as his head. Katie didn’t trust herself to say anything.

Almost robotically, she crossed the room and sank to her knees before him. Taking his hard cock from his stroking hand, she closed her mouth over the head. Her body shivered as an orgasm quaked through it. There was absolutely nothing as exciting as sucking on a man for the first time. It rivalled any other experience she’d had.

Even that of being fucked by Alistair.

The stranger had to sink a little along the counter in order for her to get the proper angle. She corkscrewed around the curved cock, feeling it’s spongy head graze the roof of her mouth as she swallowed more.

‘You’re good, baby,’ he groaned as he roughly gripped her ponytail. He began to jerk his hips in time with her head thrusts.

He pushed against the back of her throat, causing her to choke a little. Katie sucked off the dark banana to compose herself before diving back in. Her body was on fire. She’d soon have what she wanted. His cum. Then she’d
be out of there.

The dark stranger shuddered above her as her moan passed vibrations along his fleshy cock. He was close, she quickly recognized. She bobbed faster, taking shorter strokes designed to maximize the pleasure of her deep-throat.

She was shocked when he wordlessly came. So quickly? Only the tightened grip on her ponytail warned her. His throbbing cock spat into her mouth, little bullets of creamy manjuice. It was exactly what she needed…

She sucked his head clean, desperate to savour the moment. Much to her surprise, he only went partially limp. She wasn’t too experienced, but all of her previous lovers went soft after emptying themselves into her mouth.

Then his hands were underneath her arms, picking her up off the floor with a grin and kicking open a stall door. ‘I know, I’m a stud,’ he said, bouncing his thick brows.

His mouth crashed against hers, distracting her for a moment before she realized he was unsnapping the button of her tight jeans and pulling at the short zipper. God, he was sliding her jeans the rest of the way off. Suddenly, she realized his intent. The Indian was going to fuck her!

‘Nice thong,’ her impromptu lover commented as her lacy panties came into view. His words inflamed her more. She shoved her hand beneath the skimpy lingerie and found herself soaking.

She didn’t do this. Not fuck. She found strangers and sucked them off. That was all. Yet she didn’t protest. Nor did she stop him when he peeled her blouse over her head. She deserved this, after falling for Alistair.

It was her penance.

‘God, you’re sexy, baby,’ he grunted as his hands slid over her bra, dragging up the cups and tightly squeezing her naked breasts.

‘Stop talking,’ she demanded, kicking her jeans off her legs. Stop talking! Just fuck me! Her heels went with them, leaving her in the presence of a man whose name she didn’t even know, in nothing but her dark lacy panties.

The guy nodded, reaching out and yanking at the expensive black material. She cried out as they snapped, thirty pounds gone in one yank. Her skin burned as he pushed her back into a stall and sat her on the closed lid of a toilet seat. He was right beside her, cock in hand. God, he was growing again!

She lifted a leg onto the toilet paper dispenser and rested the other on the floor. He still wasn’t fully erect, but when he rubbed his cock along her well-oiled furrow it didn’t take long. Her hands went for his cock and dragged him to her wet opening. With a grunt, he pushed himself inside her.

Katie reclined, hitting the old-fashioned toilet handle with her back and flushing it. She didn’t care. She didn’t even hear it. The cold metal digging into her naked skin reminded her how dangerous this was. How dirty. She was being fucked in a public lavatory! And a dirty one at that! It somehow heightened her arousal.

‘Fuck me! Fuck me!’ she moaned, feeling the Indian’s sweat drip across her tits.

He pumped inside her in long thrusts, caring only for his own pleasure. Her breath was blown out of her lungs. Stars twinkled in her vision as her nostrils flared. When she came, it was as if a series of volts was being fired through her.

It was only a few seconds later, when he turned and left her without a word, that she wondered what the hell she was doing.


Alistair Brinkley-Jones—Prime Minister! The black politician breathed out a long sigh that encapsulated the rigours of the last twenty-four hours.

It had been late into yesterday evening before his victory was confirmed. One of the closest races in modern history. Curiously, all bar one of the recounts had gone the way of the Conservatives, giving them sufficient seats for parliamentary control. The Good Lord had been smiling down on him.

Yesterday had been the most exhausting day of his political life, though as he’d been dead and almost buried just a few days ago, he wasn’t complaining. The telephone calls had started to arrive. Fillon, Berlusconi, Merkel from his European counterparts. He’d even held a brief telephone conversation with Barrack Obama. They’d agreed to meet in the next couple of months.

He’d created history! The first black British Prime Minister! All of his press conferences were completed and only a round of TV interviews remained.

The five-minute break he’d insisted on talking was supposed to allow him to collect his thought and prepare. Instead, he was realising what a fool he’d been. One thing that would make his world complete was missing…


His whole team had been wonderfully supportive. Thomas and Sally in particular had worked like Trojans and he needed them as part of his inner circle when he moved into number ten. He wouldn’t be Prime Minister without them and their experience and loyalty were essential in guiding him through his first term.

But it was thoughts of Erika that filled his mind. His ex-girlfriend had surprised him yesterday. She’d taken away a lot of pressure he was feeling by picking up everything that had slipped through Thomas and Sally’s net. After that last night in Glasgow he hadn’t even expected to see her at Headquarters.

They hadn’t discussed what had happened. Not that they’d skirted around the subject, it was just that there hadn’t been much opportunity for any sort of conversation. The day had been frenetic and Alistair had been dragged from one constituency to another to add his support for the local candidate. He’d been run ragged—and it had been worth every single chaotic second.

It had been late in the day when he’d eventually returned to their South West London Party Headquarters in Millbank and Erika had still been there.

He’d been sitting with his head in his hands as they’d waited the results of yet another recount, when she’d brought him a mug of coffee and ruffled his hair. It had been a tender gesture. Without speaking, their eyes had met and communicated as if it had been like the ‘old’ days.

Old days? How he missed them!

Rather than being upset with Erika for what had happened in Glasgow, he realised she’d opened his eyes. His brief flirtation with Katie had been a horrible mistake. How could he have thought he’d be better off with the psychiatrist than Erika? What he needed—now more than ever—was a strong woman by his side. Not someone who could so easily be seduced into bed. It was pathetic!

His Swedish girlfriend was always one step ahead and that was one of the qualities he loved in her. She was more than self-sufficient. She was his equal.

They made a wonderful team.

And then there was the sex. Yes, he admitted it. He was addicted to the lifestyle Erika offered. He’d tried to run away from it because he was apprehensive about the consequences. And the Mary O’Leary situation had fuelled that anxiety. But he should have had enough faith in his girlfriend to realise that she’d never allow anything to eke out in public. She was much too resourceful for that.

How could he have imagined that Katie was any sort of match for her? That was ridiculous. He’d thought he could start again with a strong powerful woman and adopt a different lifestyle. But she’d shown she wasn’t a strong woman. And he’d realised he didn’t want a different lifestyle. All he needed was for their way of life to remain their secret. For the women Erika procured to know their place!

Had Erika had stayed in his Glasgow suite two nights ago they would have enjoyed sensational sex with Katie. There was no doubt the psychiatrist was hot in bed, too. But his ex-girlfriend hadn’t. She was making a point. And the point was well made. If there was any comparison to be made, it was the Swedish woman who’d come out on top every time.

He sighed again, wandering to the window of his office and staring down into the South West London street below. The knock on his office door interrupted his reverie.

‘Yes,’ he grunted.

It was Sally who poked h
er head around the door. ‘The car to take you to the television studios has arrived. Sure you don’t want me there with you?’

He shook his head as he turned and headed towards her. ‘No. You enjoy the party here. I’ll be back soon enough.’

Halfway across the office the new Prime Minister paused. He knew only too well that had it not been for Erika, he wouldn’t be Prime Minister now. She’d invested so many hours in him. Accompanied him to functions. Willingly developed and cultivated relationships with key business and political contacts. She’d planned, cajoled, plotted behind the scenes—all to further his career. Most of all, she’d been the driving force behind him when he’d had doubts.

Without a shadow of a doubt, he realised he still wanted her. Wanted to be with her. He reached for the phone as he glanced across at the redhead.

‘Sally, I have a call to make. Tell the car to wait and keep people away from my office…’


Erika checked her appearance in the bedroom mirror. Just out of the shower, she was naked under the green wraparound dress. It would take only a single pull of the tie at her waist to reveal her glorious nakedness.

Becky would be hers soon and the thought of the Brazilian woman’s hot body already had her excited. In Glasgow, Katie had been the aperitif. Today, two days later, she’d taste the main course. And there was no doubt the young beauty fell into the à la Carte category. Her tongue flicked across her lips at the thought. The sexy woman would be there in half an hour. And then…

The brief thought of Glasgow made her reflect on Alistair and Katie. She momentarily wondered what had happened between the two of them after she’d left the suite. Or rather, she knew the answer to that question. It was how Katie had reacted the next morning that intrigued her.

The brunette had been so out of it with the weed and alcohol, and so incredibly horny, that she imagined the two of them fucking well into the early hours. A tinge of regret flickered in her heart. In other circumstances, she would have been with them, enjoying the fruits of her labour.

Another women seduced, for the two of them to enjoy together.

She and Alistair made such a good team. Until she’d thought about it after retiring to bed, she hadn’t quite appreciated how much she actually missed the man. She’d been so hell-bent on gaining revenge on him that she’d lost sight of the fact that the two of them went so well together.

When she’d masturbated that night, it had been Alistair she’d fantasised about.

Yesterday—Election Day—she’d seen every facet of the vulnerable man. She’d seen his strengths, his weaknesses, his aspirations and his fears. She knew them all even better than he did. Watching on television as he raced from one venue to the other, he’d looked very powerful one moment and incredibly susceptible the next. It was the Alistair she’d come to care about.

Not love—she didn’t ‘do’ love. But perhaps the next best thing?

And becoming Prime Minister wasn’t just the culmination of Alistair’s dream. It was hers, too—her dream for them both. It was what she’d put so much effort into. Groomed him for in some ways. That’s what it had been all about, hadn’t it? Erika Brinkley-Jones had such a wonderful ring to it. Wife to the first black Prime Minister, to the man who would eventually inherit millions!

Then the idiot had become infatuated with that fucking psychiatrist. How stupid! She’d have given him a little scope if that were what he’d wanted. After all, she had Guus Kessen, didn’t she? The Dutchman was too good a contact to ignore. She’d make sure she and the multi-millionaire would remain close allies. She’d position him exactly where she wanted, fuck him when he needed her, and ensure he was on hand to help her whenever it was required.

But as for Alistair and that woman, their relationship had no chance of succeeding. Even without her interference, it was doomed to disaster from the very start. The two weren’t right for each other. They weren’t a match. She’d quickly been able to see that and was surprised he hadn’t. But then, like most men, he’d never been good at relationships.

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January 1981, Cincinnati, Ohio Becky took my hand, led me from the dance floor, and walked us silently to the elevator. She pressed the button for the ninth floor and the doors closed. Alone in the elevator, Becky crushed her body against mine and we kissed hard, our tongues engaged in a duel for supremacy, our hands roaming over each other’s backs and butts. The bell rang, and the door opened on the ninth floor and we barely disengaged to walk down to my room. I unlocked the door and...

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licking my friends mothers pussy

Looking for my friends room as he is collasped downstairs i open his door and realise my mistake immediately. His mother on her bed sat up in her open robe fresh from her shower. My eyes trying hard not to stare at her pert breasts and shaven pussy. I begin to offer my apologies when she smirks opens her legs and leas back onto her elbows. drunk i cant resist i fal to my knees and kiss down hard on her inner thigh kissing licking sucking on her neat legs upto her knee down to her groin my...

1 year ago
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Nina my best cousin

Even as a young single digit age male, I've always been curious of a womans body. the way they smelled, the way they looked...even at the age 8-9 i was aroused by natural sized woman. I was sniffing panties of sister's or thier friends when I had the chance. thier smell and the feel of the panties stir something inside me to go relieve myself everytime. I wasn't really a nieve child I've seen a woman pussy, not first hand but by my dad's magazine. which i was glued to those things every time i...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Carolina Sweets Step Daughter

Carolina’s mother wants nothing more than for her to bond with her new stepfather, Eric and so she plans a weekend getaway for the two of them. Much to Eric’s surprise, the room the mother booked online only has ONE bed and it’s too late to find another place to stay. Determined NOT to misbehave Eric puts up a front – a front that quickly crumbles when sexy Carolina asks him to spread suntan lotion all over her body. His cock is instantly hard and before he realizes it the two are slammed...

2 years ago
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The Wet Domme

You wonder how do you get yourself into these situations. Dressed in only black fishnet stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels, you lie on the bed on your back. The leather cuffs on each wrist are tight but not uncomfortable. Two feet of chain, wrapped over the bar of the headboard bind one to the other. Each ankle is cuffed separately to each bedpost. You smile, still breathing hard from the recent love making session where he ravaged you lustfully. You must have climaxed at least 3 times...

4 years ago
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My Lover

Hai friends Im jeevan from kannur.Iwould like to tell my sex experiance with my lover. Actually i didnot love her because of her behaviour,whatever Ilike her for sex.her name was Suvarna, a slim beauty.This incident happens when I m stuiding in +2.. One day after class she waited for me in the class room,i entered the room with out closing the Zip of pant.I forgot to close it after mitchuration. She noticed and inform me with a smile.I become ashamed and turned to close it, that time she said...

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My foster mom

Life was pretty good in the 50s, except that Dad had been killed in an auto accident a few years earlier. Mom did all she could to make me happy, but I could see that she was always tired. Little did I know that within a couple of years I would be an orphan. Moms best friend, and next door neighbor, Nell would bring her two little boys, ages 2 and 3, to visit our house about every day. She and mom talked and laughed, and I was glad to see that. Nells husband, Hank, worked at the local college....

4 years ago
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Hands on Training

I was about midway through my morning when I noticed the mail flag. I clicked on it to bring up my yahoo account and noticed that it was from the club I had found on the internet related to mutual masturbation. Probably just an offer for Viagra but none the less I clicked the icon and read the message. I noticed your profile on mutmass and saw that we are in the same area. If your game I’ll be at the shopping center just off base at 12:10. I have never tried this so I insist you come to my...

2 years ago
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Throw Mama On The BedChapter 4

Rich looked at her closely, wanting to make sure she meant what she said. Her eyes seemed on fire, and her tongue moved about her lips as she waited expectantly. Roxie knew she was giving her son control of her body, but she was helpless. She wanted him to have that control, to ask her to do wicked things, things she would not do otherwise. Whether it was because she wanted to do them, or if she needed her son to ask her to, she didn't know. What she did know was it gave her such shivery...

3 years ago
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Ill touch yours if you touch mine

I was sitting on the bench waiting for the bus to school when a guy sat next to me, introduced himself as Troy. I was too shy to do anything but smile and respond with "I'm Lauren." I looked over at him, his black hair fell down almost covering his bright green eyes. My eyes began to wander down his body, amazed at his smooth muscular physique, a tight beater streched across his pecs.. and his arms, they were huge! I couldn't stop thinking what it would be like to be in his arms. My eyes...

2 years ago
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Ambush at Willow RunChapter 14

Joe threw the drop cloth on the floor and stomped out the fire. Joe reloaded his pistol before going for the marshal, whom he found at the first saloon he entered. The marshal came with him to the barber shop and agreed that the shooting was justified. George went for the undertaker while Joe talked to the marshal. Joe finally got his shave, but he could tell that George was still a little nervous from the incident. Joe finally got his chance to look at the ledger, told George that he was...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Adira Allure Alex Coal Moms Scout Leader

Adira Allure has recently started seeing an older man with a daughter, Alex Coal. Alex also has a stepbrother, Kyle Mason, from one of her dad’s previous relationships. Today, Alex walks into the living room to interrupt an interesting moment where Adira is wearing some sexy lingerie and shaking what she’s got for the pleasure of Kyle, who is sitting on the couch in a scouting uniform. Alex is having none of this. She takes off her shirt to set the scene for her dad to walk in and...

2 years ago
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Haleys BunchChapter 11

Camila’s turn: It has been over a month since Dave Johnson paid two hundred dollars for me. I thought I was to be abused and turned into a child whore. I know the stories. I can find them on news in Spanish and I am also beginning to read English enough to find the same stories. I am not Dave’s whore. I don’t know what I am supposed to be to Dave, but my Dave has two wives who have made me their sister. One of them, Carlita, came out of Guatemala, not carried off by men who want to sell...

4 years ago
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Wife gets a treat

After coming home from work early on a Thursday afternoon, I slip in the backdoor and as I’m putting my jacket on the hook I can hear some strange noises. I walk to the living room door and peer through the crack. To my surprise (a nice surprise at that), I see you lay on the floor naked, with porn playing on the TV. I get an instant solid erection. I notice on the floor around you there are 2 of your dildos. In your hands are another 2, a large clear one buzzing away and a smaller pink one. I...

Wife Lovers
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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 1

It had been almost a week since their daughter, Alicia, had left to return to D.C. The house didn’t seem empty, though. Little Ethan, Jake and Tabatha Hedron’s five-year-old son, completely filled it. Frank and Tanya loved having Ethan, their great-grandson, around. The youngster put them back on a schedule like normal, living people. What with starting school and everything that went with that, such as travel, clothes, school supplies, the list seemed endless. Alicia’s husband, Walter, was...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend paying her rent

My girlfriend a few years ago, let's call her Mindy, was living with her parents at this time because she was a college student and her parents graciously let her move back in with them. at this time I was in my mid-twenties and Mindy had just turned 20 herself. She stood about 5 foot 5 and she had brown hair and wore glasses to looked a lot like Velma from Scooby-Doo. Mindy had nice b cup tits and she also had a nice little ass. Our sex life was great we had sex almost every single day that we...

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The Dread Wolf

You were right to be angry. I hope, in time, you will understand. Very slowly, I open my garnet eyes. Waking up is getting more and more difficult these days, and not only because I’m getting older. I was in my thirties when I sealed the breach in the sky, and even then the careless, pain-free days of youth had been long gone. Now, some fifteen years later, they are even farther past, an I’m paying for my part in the war against Corypheus. I was the Inquisitor, once. Now, I’m simply Ellena...

1 year ago
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Nurse Help Me

Thanksgiving dinner was over. The dishes had all been washed. The family had left to go back to their own homes. And I was pooped! Hosting the family for Thanksgiving was fun but I was exhausted from all the cooking, cleaning, and getting ready for the big day. However, there was no time to rest because Christmas would be here before you know it. I love Christmas. I love decorating my home for the holidays--and man did I decorate. My philosophy of Christmas decorations was like Tammy Faye...

1 year ago
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A new found friend

Now that I have known you good folks for a while, let me introduce to you my best friend - CAN YOU GUESS,WHO HE IS? Apparently we first meet shortly after my birth, but I must admit, that I really did not pay much attention to our relationship for the first 7-8 years of my life. Now at some point in time shortly after my 8th birthday, our relationship took to turn for the better. I started to realize, that my friend could actually be interesting company and I started to grow really fond of him....

2 years ago
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Suddenly Alone

Suddenly alone! She was his life. When the drunk driver took her, it devastated him. He was only 26, and they had only been married for 2 years. Now, here he was alone again. Cliff had been working at a speedy messenger service, and made his living on the roads. How could this happen? She was coming home late after visiting with her best girl friend. It was 11 PM and a drunk came down the wrong way on the freeway and plowed head on into her. She was killed instantly. When the...

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Catrsquos Curiosity

[Cat doesn't mind when people find out about her 'friend'. Not a lot do, outside of her f*mily, and though Cat didn't come out and say, she doesn't shy away when asked. The first flashback will be how Jade found out, and the other flashback will be when Tori found out. Nothing sexual between Cat and Jade, but some small amount for Cat and Tori. The Jade flashback takes place during season one of 'VicTORIous'. The Tori one takes place early season four of 'VicTORIous', before Beck and Jade got...

3 years ago
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Our Voices So Sweet

With doors secured, windows locked, and curtains unfolded to bar any patch of light from entering, I sat in the middle of my room. My attention was focused on the film. As there was no source of light other than the screen of my television, my senses were heightened to their fullest. Every single movement and reaction of the cast was caught by my sharpened sight and all recorded on my notepad. When the film finished, I automatically turned on the lights and searched for the next disk. But...

4 years ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 12

I stepped toward the man and he backed up a few paces. "What goes on here is the business of the wives of Hassan and none of yours," I said, my voice flat and menacing. His eyebrows jogged up and down and his face became redder. "I am al Hassan so it is my business, now get off my property," he screamed, spittle flying from his mouth. I regarded him coldly, resisting the urge to throttle him for all the evil he had perpetrated. "No you are not Hassan, you are Fayez bin Faisal, the...

4 years ago
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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 2 The Kitchen

After the Bolero orgy, Mark, me and Anna thought we’d play the good guys and clear up in the kitchen. We forgot about any clothes except that Anna put on her dress but left it unbuttoned at the front. Our good intentions quickly evaporated when we saw Anna bending over to load the dishwasher. Mark and I simultaneously reached forward and stroked each bum cheek and parted them. This caused an appreciative wiggle and Anna opened her legs slightly so both her wet holes were visible. “You can’t...

1 year ago
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My wife and the babysitters

We have two babysitters for our one-year old son Pete. He likes them both... and so do I.Molly is 18, a perky redhead whose sexuality is just beginning to emerge along with a nice set of tits topping a round young ass. I catch myself staring at her, imagining what it might be like to explore the warmth between her thighs, running my fingers through the patch of what I know is natural red hair, licking her girlish slit.Samantha is taller and leaner and seems a lot more experienced than her 20...

2 years ago
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Skanky College Guy

Ricky was really excited about attending college to study computer programming. He was lanky and skanky and to be honest, unattractive. To begin with, his feet could raise the living dead and his body odour rated up there with the most pungent of men. Truthfully, he didn’t give a fuck about personal hygiene. Ricky showered when he absolutely had to and brushing his teeth was an often forgotten ritual. Ricky’s family was white trash, and his dad owned a successful plumbing business where Ricky’s...

Gay Male
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Stranger Turned OneDay Girlfriend

My love to all ISS readers.. This is my 4th story and thank you all for you feedback and love !! Few weeks back i was in a online chat room winding my time speaking to strangers.. This is where i came across Milana(name changed). We had decent chat and later we managed to exchange our numbers..Slowly we began speaking late at nights and we chit chatting everything.. I had never seen Milana yet and neither did she know how i looked.. After a few days we decided to meet at ccd and this was the...

1 year ago
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The GovernorChapter 22

The world had changed, the snow had started a couple of days ago, signalling the end of the campaigning season. It was rare that an army would march in the winter. The city would need to maintain its supplies to the army, but this was easier when they were static; easier, that is, balanced against the worsening roads and flooded river. Perhaps it all evened out. The snow continued to fall until the whole city was a blanket of silenced white. Work outside stopped, peopled stayed indoors as...

3 years ago
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Weddings and Reunions Part 3

Chapter 13 The excitement that Shaw's attempted kidnapping had caused thankfully didn't reach the younger kids particularly Virgil, Daisy, and Faith. It was impossible to keep it from Al, Amy, Kyle, or Stephanie as their parents were unusually vigilant that day and the four demanded an explanation from their parents when they met up that afternoon. Gabby was the most forthcoming, explaining, "Eve and Sydney are in danger from the woman who put them in foster care. She is on the run...

1 year ago
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Out of town encounter

Whenever I travel I know I am going to be horny, and I may get to "stretch my arms" a little... explore my "darker side" that must stay hidden whenever I am home. I generally like the "usual porn". Occasionally, though, I may veer off the main stream a little and open my mind for more interesting attractions. One of the first things I do when I get settled into the hotel (as "settled in" as you can get at a hotel) I open the phone book and browse the local entertainment venues. Bars,...

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Anne and MaryChapter 47 Friday

The tiny castings of torsos were interesting. Alex had made models based on himself, Mary and Heather. They showed them to the group. "Nice. These are plastic?" Saul asked. "Yeah. We can get them in gold-filled, 14-karat and 18-karat." "I made them this size as drop earrings," Heather said. "A little smaller, they'd be good ear studs, but you lose detail. Make them bigger, you've got a pendant. We really wanted to see if they worked at all." "This full-length one of Mary is...

4 years ago
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Dinner With Melinda

In this story, the sexual activity will be more consensual, but the story will still have a male dominance theme. Melinda is turned on by male dominance, spanking, anal, oral and a few other things that turn me on. While this story is written for all xnxx readers to enjoy, it is also written for one special xnxx member, Melinda. My name is Ray, I am a married man. My wife Ann and I have been married for twenty years. Ann is 5' 8” tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, small perky...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 17

LYCAVORE TWENTY-TWO KILOMETERS WEST OF SETTLEMENT Anja looked down the tunnel from where she squatted, the dimness of the work lighting in the tunnel not hindering her altered wolf eyes in any way. The tunnel was at least thirty meters wide and sixty meters high, the rock walls glistening with moisture in some spots. The entrance had been deserted when they arrived and it was a simple matter for her small team to move into the tunnel from the deep timber surrounding the entrance. They had...

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A Deal Made For Daddy Part 3 Shelbys Surrender

The memories of my night with Ben burned longer than the aches he’d left in my body. He’d fucked me like no man ever had, pushing my limits until I completely succumbed to his will. Days later, the afterglow still warmed me to my core.I took time to think through all that had happened. I dwelt on things he’d done, and others at which he'd only hinted. Images and sensations of a raw and feral act tickled my mind until my lurid desire flickered into a growing need. Long after my body recovered, I...

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Kamyabi Ki Khatir

Hi this is Huma with a new story of a new kind. Hope you all like it “Ashfaq, matherchod, apni behan ke baare essi gandi baat karte huye tujhe sharam nahin aati? Tu kaisa bhai hai jo apni behan ko badnam kar raha hai. Salma badkismat hai, lekin teri behan hai. Tujhe uski madad karni chahiye aur hamari izzat ka khyal rakhna chahiye, aakhir hum Lahore ke Mayor ke liye daavedaar hain, hum apni badnami ke karan ye kamyabi ki bazi haar nahin sakte” Shazia Begum ne apne bete ko daantatey huye...

2 years ago
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In the House of Madam Part Two

When the session had ended, Cassie and Melina took me up to the top floor of the house. A door was unlocked and I was led into a simply, but comfortably furnished bedroom. Apart from a large double bed with an iron frame, there was a bedside cabinet, an easy chair and a low coffee table. A number of books and magazines were scattered around the room. A half-open door from the bedroom revealed an en-suite bathroom. The room was tightly shuttered from the outside, giving no indication if it was...

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