- 2 years ago
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She found him, in the library of all places, in Redcliffe. Not that she thought he was stupid – quite the opposite, actually; he was smarter than he gave himself credit for, most of the time – but after weeks of walking, and fighting, and the emotional turmoil of grieving, reading was possibly the last thing she expected him to be doing.
And it was, essentially, the last thing he was doing, she realised as she crept through the door; he was fast asleep, face flopped down on an open book, snores resonating through the drafty stone room. It was a good thing he didn't drool, she decided with a soft grin. Much, at least.
Alistair Theirin was possibly the handsomest man Elissa had ever met. His burnished blond hair, aquiline nose, and cheeky smile had won her heart almost right from the beginning, when he turned to face her after teasing a grumpy mage before the battle at Ostagar. He'd been able to wring the first, unwilling smile from her after the massacre of all she held dear, and managed to keep her forward focused and holding a small shred of hope for her future ever since. Despite all the death, and the fighting, and the tragedy, she'd found something, someone, remarkable, and she couldn't bring herself to regret everything, not anymore.
He had yet to understand the depth of affection she felt for him, which secretly amused her. She knew she acted little better than a blushing school girl, most days, fawning over the tall warrior and barely managing to keep her eyes off his tight behind any time he was in front of her. Everyone else knew – the Orlesian bard she couldn't quite trust, the Antivan assassin she definitely didn't; even the witch and the circle mage, who she might have thought would be a bit more oblivious to the ways of the heart, had subtly teased or pried at some point. Perhaps the only person who hadn't figured it out was the object of her crush, Alistair himself.
Sure, he knew she thought of him as a friend, and he must have noticed she went out of her way to draw him out of himself, to elicit his opinion on various decisions, but she was quite certain he had no inkling that it ran any deeper than that. After his horrendous upbringing – between having to live with Isolde, the most petty-minded noble Elissa could think of, perhaps second only to her cousin Habren, and then being dumped unceremoniously on the Chantry's doorstep because he was inconvenient – it wasn't exactly surprising he didn't recognise her attention for what it really was.
His upbringing was to blame for much, she mused as she watched the page of the open book flutter with each steady breath. He was the heir to Ferelden's throne, not to mention one of the last two Grey Wardens in the country, and yet, he held no regard for himself. He didn't even seem to understand how handsome he was. For all of Morrigan's complaining, Elissa knew she wasn't the only one inappropriately ogling those broad shoulders or bulging biceps when he emerged from his tent in the morning to wash. But he ... he was clueless.
It was the same with his intelligence. Despite a quick wit and a thoughtful thoroughness she relied on heavily when making hard decisions, he was all too quick to believe Morrigan's claims that he was stupid. It had taken everything Elissa had to counter the drop in self-esteem she could see happening every time almost anyone spoke about Alistair, especially the witch. And she still hadn't been sure she'd succeeded, not until today.
Telling him he needed to harden up and put himself first more often had hurt Elissa, badly. Alistair was one of the few selfless, altruistic souls in the world, and ruining that would cause her to feel guilty until the day she died. But given who he was, what he was, kindness was going to be the end of him, she knew. Naivety could not be encouraged in someone who was going to be entering the cut-throat business of politics in Ferelden, whether he wanted to or not.
And enter it he would; he looked far too much like the recently deceased Cailan not to be a contender for the throne, regardless of his wishes. And Elissa wasn't convinced that was a bad thing, overall – Anora had allowed her father to declare a regency for her, despite supposedly being perfectly capable of ruling without a regent, and it made Elissa wonder if there was more going on. Had the Queen been complicit in the murder of her husband at the hands of her father? Elissa shook her head, dispelling the thoughts for a while. There were more important things to think about right now.
Yes, deliberately hurting Alistair to teach him to stand up for himself had nearly killed her, but she'd done it. Just like every other suboptimal choice she'd had since Ostagar, she had done what was necessary. But it didn't make her feel good, and she had worried it was all for naught anyway, given how quiet he'd been in the days since they'd left Denerim, left his shrew of a sister to rot in her own bitterness.
She'd told him that people were selfish. That they were only out for themselves. That he needed to look out for himself more, to put what he wanted ahead of what others wanted for him. It was a risk; there was no guarantee he wouldn't take that to mean she was out for herself, wanted something from him, or that he shouldn't just abandon her and the Wardens entirely to have what he wanted.
She sighed. It was done; there was nothing she could do about it now.
Alistair shifted slightly, in his sleep, and one of the multiple books stacked around him slipped off the table. Quick, like the rogue she was, she grabbed it before it hit the floor and woke him. She wasn't quite done watching him sleep, and sure didn't want to be caught doing so.
Looking down at the book in her hands, she realised it was a notebook, mostly blank. The first several pages were filled with cramped, legible but hurried script that she recognised as Alistair's. She opened to the first page of what she had assumed would be a journal, feeling guilty, but unable to resist the temptation of reading what he'd written.
To her surprise, instead of personal ramblings, there were a variety of quotes, some of which she recognised from Brother Aldous' lessons while she was growing up, others she didn't.
The first was "Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either list confidence that you can help, or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership." She couldn't remember who'd said that, but the quote was definitely familiar. In Alistair's scrawled writing underneath was a comment of his own: "And what if they never had confidence in the first place?"
There were a couple of other quotes, some with commentary, some without, from a startling variety of sources. On the next page was one that caught her eye: "It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership." And then Alistair's comment: "Yeah, 'cause that worked out so well for Cailan!"
Curious, Elissa closed the notebook and set it on a nearby table, then leaned over to pick up the book off the top of the stack nearest Alistair. And then she picked up a few others, staring at their titles in amazement. There were histories, of Orlais and Tevinter and other places, biographies of Queen Rowan, King Maric, the usurper King Meghren, and many more. There were philosophical treatises on war, leadership, and ruling, as well as detailed descriptions of the workings of politics both within Ferelden and without.
Elissa had honestly expected him to be reading yet another book about griffons. Or the Grey Wardens' miraculous victories over the previous blights. Even one of the adventure books he was so fond of quoting. She assumed he'd been pouting, blaming her, hating his supposed duty ... but here he'd been embracing it. Perhaps not in the most organised fashion, but he'd been trying to learn how to perform the duty that everyone insisted was his.
She'd underestimated him. Just like everyone else he'd ever known, she'd treated him like a child, made assumptions about him and decisions for him; she'd betrayed him every bit as badly as Maric had, leaving his child to Eamon to raise, or as Eamon himself had, shipping him off to the Chantry when he became inconvenient. It was like a blow to the stomach, realising what she'd done. She swallowed thickly, feeling nauseated.
Absent-mindedly, she flipped the pages of one of the biographies of Meghren. She stared blankly at the pages, not even reading what they said, mind a-whirl with sickening thoughts of how she'd patronised Alistair for months, without even realising it. How she hadn't defended him from Morrigan, hadn't given him the chance to talk through his loss of the entire order, hadn't really asked what he thought of his encounter with Goldanna or whether he had changed his mind about wanting his father's throne. She'd liked him – his open, honest nature and self-deprecating sense of humour – but she hadn't respected him.
A voice startled her out of her uncomfortable reverie. "Could you think less loudly? I can hear you all the way from here."
She looked up from the book to see Alistair watching her, brow furrowed. He had the remains of some dried up drool on his cheek, and a clear imprint of the edge of the book he'd been sleeping on across his face; his hair was adorably mussed up, and his clothes were wrinkled.
He was ... gorgeous.
She looked away, guilt written plain across her face. She put the stack of books she was holding down on a chair, and clasped her hands together in front of her. She stood awkwardly, looking down at the ugly Orlesian carpet, and scuffed the toe of one well-worn leather boot against the other.
"Um, hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, but you should probably go to bed. It's late..."
"Which begs the question: what are you doing up, 'Lis?"
"Couldn't sleep. And I didn't hear you go to bed – your door squeaks. So I came looking for you."
"How long've you been standing there?"
She flushed. "A while," she admitted. "I hated to disturb you. And I was curious what you were doing."
"Nothing," he replied, too quickly. Defensively. And then his eyes fell on the notebook sitting on the table where Elissa'd left it – not where he'd been writing in it. His face flushed, whether with embarrassment or irritation, she couldn't tell.
"I wasn't ... okay, I was prying, but ... it's not what you think. I didn't know it was your notebook. It fell, and I was just curious what you were reading."
"You know what they say about curiosity, 'Lis..."
She looked back at his face to see his expression wry, but not angry. She sighed and slid in to sit beside him on the couch. "So what's all this about, then?"
He shifted to make room, but he was a large man, and it wasn't a large couch. Their thighs touched, lightly, the heat of her skin warming him even through the leather armour she wore. He cleared his throat nervously. "Well, you and Arl Eamon seem to think I'm to be the King ... and I'll admit, the prospect doesn't scare me as much as it once did. But ... I wasn't raised for this, like Cailan, with tutors and lessons in politics and diplomacy and such. I've got a lot of catching up to do. Eamon suggested I read some books..." He gestured helplessly at the multiple stacks of heavy, dusty tomes. "But none of them agree with each other. And none of them is really practical for application. They're all vague and contradictory."
She smiled. "My father used to give us lessons on politics, sometimes. I mean, Brother Aldous was in charge of our education, but he felt that the Couslands needed to be different than the image of nobility the rest of Ferelden seems to want to adhere to. He thought reading stuffy philosophical papers on the nature of nobility or politics or leadership were useless."
Her face lit up with the memories as she continued. "Instead, he'd give us a little lesson on this or that, and then take us with him to court to see if we were able to apply that lesson. For example, he'd teach us that trade was important, and that the people in Highever couldn't survive without lumber from Gwaren, while the people in Gwaren needed the imports from Antiva and the Free Marches that come through Highever's port. And then he'd take us to court and hear a case about bandits caught disrupting the trade routes to Denerim. And after we'd heard everything, he'd make Fergus or I step up and decide what was to be done."
"And what did you do?" Alistair's expression was curious, not judgemental.
"I'd always jump to extreme punishments. Tell father to have him executed. And father would nod, and then hand me a sword. 'A true leader doesn't rely on others to carry out their judgements, Ellie, ' he'd say, and then I'd look from his face to the terrified bandit standing in front of me, and I wouldn't be able to do it. Usually there was a family starving at home or a sick parent or something, and I just ... didn't want their blood on my hands. Sometimes father would take the sword back, and assign another punishment – join the guard, be held in prison, maybe a lashing ... other times, he'd execute the perpetrator, because, as awful as that was, sometimes it's the only thing you can do, and as a leader, sometimes you have to be prepared to get blood on your hands."
"That's not helping, you know."
"The point is, hard decisions have to be made, and as a Teyrn, or a King, you have to stand behind them. Make the best decision you can, based on the available information, knowing that sometimes you'll be wrong. And then live with the consequences. There's no greater power, and no greater responsibility. But if you asked my father, there was no greater reward, either."
"I wish I could have met him."
"So do I. He'd have loved you."
Alistair looked away shyly, and bit his lip. "You don't talk about them much."
She considered. "At first ... it hurt too much. And I was afraid if I stopped to mourn, I'd never get going again. And then it was a bit of a habit, I suppose." She glanced away, flushing slightly. "You don't talk about Duncan much, either."
"Same problem, I expect."
They sat silently for a few moments.
"These books aren't really going to help me be a good King, are they."
"I doubt it."
"Why did Eamon recommend them, I wonder?"
Elissa didn't answer, but she knew quite well – an ignorant King was an easily controlled King, as Cailan learned the hard way. "Mmm," she replied, non-commitally.
"You seem to have a pretty good handle on it, though."
"How do you figure?"
"Well, you were trained to be a noble. You know all sorts of stuff about politics and Ferelden. And you've been leading us since Ostagar – if I was leading, we'd all be lost in the Frostbacks by now without pants. And Connor would be dead, and we'd never have recruited the assassin, or Sten, or Morrigan for that matter. You've kept us all together."
"Well, I-" She stopped and thought about it. He was right, sort of. She'd kept her disparate band of renegades and rejects together largely by strength of will. But that didn't make it remarkable. "Other people could have done it."
"Maybe. But you did. And I want you to teach me."
"I want to learn as much as I can about Ferelden, and its politics, the major players, the underlying issues ... and you're the perfect person to teach me."
"I ... don't know what to say."
"Say yes." He smiled, his green eyes flashing.
Another voice joined the conversation. "I'm with Alistair on this one, my Lady."
She stood, and so did Alistair. "My Lord. I hope we didn't disturb you, Bann Teagan."
"No. And it's just Teagan, remember? I was just looking for a book to try to help me fall asleep."
She picked up the open book Alistair had so recently fallen asleep on. "Try this. You wouldn't be the first to fall asleep reading it." Not even the first tonight. She snickered, and Alistair shot her a dirty look.
Teagan glanced at the title and grimaced. "No wonder. Flaubert? I didn't know he'd condescend to write in the common tongue. Eamon's pick?" Alistair nodded. "Ugh. I think learning from Elissa would be much less odious. And probably less sedating." Teagan grinned, and Alistair blushed.
"I can't argue against you both. I'll try my best."
Alistair took her hand and squeezed, making Elissa's heart pound as her fingers easily fit into place laced with his. "Thanks, Elissa. I mean it."
"Well. Ser Leader, when do you think we should leave for Orzammar?"
"What? Why are you asking me?"
"You wanted to learn about leading – doing it, in small doses with a safety net, is the best way. Remember my story about the bandits?"
He nodded, still looking uncomfortable. "How about ... the day after tomorrow? We need to leave soon, but we don't have time to make sure everyone is ready tonight."
Elissa smiled. "Good decision."
They did get underway, and the travel was fairly uneventful. They were ambushed a couple of times by darkspawn, and then ran into a stranded merchant in Sulcher's Pass. As had been Elissa's way, since the night in Redcliffe, she deferred the decision to Alistair. In a sudden fit of confidence, he took the golem control rod, given freely, and headed them further up Sulcher's Pass.
As they travelled, Elissa had been explaining the relevant politics in Ferelden. Alistair was a fast learner, and asked clever questions, but he was right – he hadn't been raised with this sort of thing taught over breakfast. Things she felt were obvious, given her upbringing, he had no idea of at all.
"No, Alistair. I know that it seems like the King, and then the Teyrns, and then the Arls and Banns have the power, but it's actually the other way around. If the Freeholders don't approve of their Bann, they can choose to swear fealty elsewhere. If the Banns don't like the Arl or Teyrn, they can switch allegiances. And each time something like that happens, their liege lord gains or loses income in the form of taxes, influence, political connections ... for some Arls, losing a single important Bann could begin the downfall of the entire Arling.
"Likewise, if a King does not do what's best for the entire nation, the Landsmeet will remove him from power. You know that Cailan almost didn't end up as the King after Maric died? Nervous about his youth, inexperience, and undue influence from the MacTir family, a number of Banns and Arls tried to raise up my father, instead. The only reason he wasn't made King is because he threw his support behind Cailan."
"But that's ... isn't that treason? To depose the King?"
"Not if they do it legally, in the Landsmeet. Think about it. What if Cailan had been a tyrant? Or just even more incompetent than he was? What if he hadn't had Anora to run the administrative duties of the country for him? There has to be a mechanism in place to prevent someone like Meghren from remaining King."
"So if I'm the King, I have to, what? Suck up to the Bannorn?"
"No, that's not it. You have to do what's best for Ferelden, whether that means finding a compromise or making a decree and enforcing it ... and trust that those underneath you in the hierarchy will do the same. And if one link somewhere doesn't, they will lose power and be replaced. The higher up you go, the more people need to agree, so no one Bann can depose the King, but enough of them certainly could."
"And you trust all of those people – Banns, Arls, Teyrns – to do what's best for Ferelden, not just to look out for themselves? After Loghain, I'd have some trouble believing they're all just 'nice people'."
"Not at all. Most of them are selfish bastards. But their ability to reach too far is strictly limited by those around them. One noble tries to grab too much power, and the rest will rise up to block them. That's why we are in a civil war right now. The Bannorn don't agree with Loghain's power grab, nor with Howe's. They won't allow it to stand.
"If it weren't for the darkspawn, this would be simple. Messy, of course, but simple. Those who oppose Loghain and Howe would raise an army to fight, defeat them, and replace them. The problem is, with the darkspawn encroaching, every soldier who dies in the civil war, every farm burnt, makes it harder for Ferelden to defend itself against the Blight. Civil war is occasionally necessary, as awful as that is, but now is not the time."
Alistair's mouth thinned to a line in anger as he contemplated Loghain, the traitor that he'd become. The lesson ended, both Elissa and Alistair wrapped in their own, grim thoughts.
Changes in Alistair's confidence and maturity were obvious elsewhere, as well. Elissa had not intervened in Alistair's debates with Morrigan, and the mocking continued; Alistair had, to the witch's surprise, threatened to kick her out of the group, and Elissa said nothing, backing him up by the simple expedient of not contradicting him. With a thoughtful huff, Morrigan began keeping her opinions to herself.
Honnleath was not exactly a fun experience. They fought darkspawn, freed some trapped villagers, and wandered into some mad scientist's little shop of horrors in search of a frightened little girl. Elissa was starting to regret allowing Alistair to lead, when he made a deal with the demon trying to take over said little girl. She shuffled and fidgeted nervously, watching Alistair muddle his way through a logic puzzle to free the demon, increasingly worried by the second. Would he actually let a demon take over that sweet child? Her Alistair, the former templar?
When he double-crossed the demon, and they killed it without harming Amalia, she was so relieved, so impressed that he was able to maintain the deception, that she didn't think; she kissed him. And not a light peck, either. She pressed her lips ardently against his, then sucked his lower lip, flicking it with her tongue, and he groaned, whether in confusion or arousal, she couldn't be sure.
Realising what she'd done, she pulled away, face aflame, and fled from the basement laboratory before he or anyone else could stop her. She left it to him and the group to activate the golem on their own, and returned to camp to hide in her tent. Laying down on her bedroll, she lifted her head and banged it against the hard ground underneath, berating herself for her actions. But she couldn't deny that what had been attraction for his more obvious superficial charms had turned into something deeper. Seeing his resolve to do what was right, and his ability to lead when not given a choice ... He was possibly the sexiest man alive, and being around him, trying to remain professional ... was becoming impossible.
She sighed, a couple of tears meandering down her cheek. He'd never indicated in any way that he felt the same about her. He treated her with respect, was even friendly, but no more so than Leliana or Wynne. When she thought about it, he was probably far more interested in Leliana, with her pale, perfect skin and lilting voice.
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Thursday started overcast and remarkably cool. I was happy to wrap up in jeans and my cardigan. I confess that I had slept remarkably well and despite the change in the weather, I started the day feeling refreshed and remarkably alive. Somehow I knew this was going to be a very good day. I was so glad that Tom had fallen asleep when I arrived back to the room. I had been convinced that he would know what I had been doing just by looking at me, or worse still, smell sex. I had been convinced...
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DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....
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Hi, I am bunty, work as engineer be, stay in Bhopal now coming to the story ,as it was a young age for me , I was looking for friends , fun etc , once I got a website name from google and opened it, it was a chatting and dating website,then thought it is fake but I am feeling bored so started to chat , then I got a message from name called housewife,she sent me hi and I to replied and continued my chatting, about her she is a housewife, name Preeti Sharma age 32 ,stay in Bhopal,her hubby works...
Author’s Note: It’s here! For those of you just tuning in, I highly recommend reading at least the previous chapter before jumping into this one. As always, don’t be shy to send some feedback Thanks again to SexyGeek and abMarie for editing this. Without further ado, the chapter you’ve been waiting for… ***** Chapter 6: Happily in Lust After all the waiting, Jaz knew without a doubt that she wanted to share her first time with Emmett. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she...
As Kara poured a cup of tea in the refreshment room, Peter walked in. He said, "Wow, you look hotter every time I see you. Do you spend all your free time shopping these days?" "Whenever I can. Peter, you on the other hand, look terrible. Have you been getting any sleep?" "Not much the past week. And that trip was a bear. 38 hours of travel time." "Better you than me. Tell me something, Peter. What do you know of Carol's life before you met her?" "Almost nothing. She refused to...
Amber Addis was with Sean Lawless on a tiny little rowing boat. She was teasing him, took off her bikini. Her young body was glistening in the sun. Her tiny breasts were perfect. Then she tried some fishing. Luckily the boat had holder for the fishing pole as Sean had other plans with her. Since she was naked he pulled out his hard dick. She started to suck it in the middle of the lake. Then it was time to fuck. Amber leaned forward and Sean was fucking her doggy. The boat started to rock and...
xmoviesforyouDressed for a Trick, or Treat By Shawna Summers [email protected] "I can't believe we're doing this," I comment to my friend Jim as we walked into his house. We entered the front door of the large house, and I saw the Halloween decorations were all over the hallway. Jim's mom usually got into Halloween, I guess that's why she was cool with this. "Why? It's not a big deal," Jim commented casually. Maybe not for you, I thought, but didn't say. I was about to live...
My name is Matt. I have a gorgeous wife Elyse, and daughter Chloe. I also have a son named Freddy. I five pals Shane, Angelo, Henry, Amish and Ivan. One day we got together for a game of pool and decided we should swap.
Bin der Klaus und leider solo. So habe ich oft Lust zu ficken aber wenig Gelegenheiten. Heute hatte ich keine Lust zu arbeiten und habe mich krank gemeldet um zum Reitstall um die Ecke zu gehen. Dort sind massig geile Mädels die ich mir einpräge oder heimlich fotografiere um mir dann auf ihre ausgedruckten Bilder einen zu wichsen. Im Nachbarhaus wohnt Eveline Getta eine Schülerin, die ihren Eltern Sorgen macht, weil sie dauernd Schule schwänzt. Eveline ist recht fett hat ungepflegte lange...
Kimberly Snow came to play some strip tennis with Jonathan Jordan. It was a win win situation. If she lost she would get naked and she would fuck a big dick. If she won, she would fuck him anyway. So they played some tennis in the heat. A few times she pretended to be bad. A few times the boys had to cheat with the rules. But she kept losing her top, her pants, her panties until she was playing naked tennis. Then she went straight for Jonathan’s cock It was bigger than her tennis racket. They...
xmoviesforyouThief Jenna Sativa breaks into the home of Angela White in the middle of the night. But the person she’s robbing sleeps with one eye open and owns a gun. When Jenna makes a noise sneaking through the gates, Angela wakens from her slumber. The sultry homeowner slips a robe over her naked body, grabs her glock and heads outside to secure the perimeter. Angela combs through each room of the house leading with her pistol and finally gets to her bedroom. There she finds a female thief, barely...
xmoviesforyouEver since my divorce, I'd gone a bit crazy enjoying all the things I missed during my long, long, very long marriage. During my marriage, I'd developed a taste for good whiskey and young chicks. I longed to stuff my thick cock in a tight little teen with daddy issues and as soon as the papers were signed, I set out to do just that. Unfortunately, there's not as many dick hungry teens as I'd hoped there'd be so I often settled for girls considerably younger which wasn't hard to do being that I...
Author’s Note: The following story is complete fiction. I’m not related to, or affiliated with, any characters depicted in this story. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys reading it. A sincere and heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to LadyVer. She graciously edited this story, despite a busy and demanding professional schedule, and her edits, recommendations, and feedback improved the story immensely. She was a joy to work with and a consummate professional. I accepted 98.9% of her changes, but also added...
Nan’s visitor. A visit by her ‘nephew.’ She was bored. Nothing and no-one to keep her company or to talk to. So Nan decided to have a look on the Internet and see what was going on in the outside world. She had a look at a few sites and came across a Dating site which looked alright. So she joined and wrote out her profile stating that although she was seventy seven - she was only interested in gentlemen between 40 and 55 years of age. She was looking for a regular, casual relationship in...
MILFAmelie's flight was late, delayed for two hours on the tarmac at Orly by a freak storm, and so she only landed at ten o'clock on New Years Eve. When she finally appeared through the doors from immigration and saw me, she ran shrieking toward me and I had to catch her as she leapt the final eight feet, landing smiling against my chest as her legs locked around my waist, her tongue stretching to find mine. "Oh Oncle Pierre, je t'aime [I love you], she yelled between long kisses, "Je...
My Uncle George who was my mother’s step brother eventually married when he was in his 30s. His wife was called Dorothy and she was a plain jane type but pleasant enough. They bought a house in a village about 6 miles away which happened to be where the football team I had started playing for was based. When we had home matches, Uncle George would sometimes come to watch me play and always invited me back to their home for a meal afterwards.I had previously enjoyed some sexual activities with...
Eileen was hired as the office manager only two weeks before I was hired as an analyst. She also doubled as the secretary for whoever happened to be our office’s director at any given time. She was married to a wealthy real estate developer, and she was just working there so she’d have something to do since her youngest daughter went off to college. Over time, she also assumed the role of head rumor monger, frequently spreading rumors about who in the office I was screwing, none of which were...
Status check: Current position (and original Party affiliation) of the human species (six men and seventy-six women). Manhattan, Wobanakik: Jada(1), Thara(2), Oona(2), Abit(2), Lynn(5), Mandy(5), Charles(5) (All unboosted) Entrance Rooms, Wobanakik: Madison(1), Sandra(2), Amy(2), Margaret(2), Sachi(2), Parni(2) (All unboosted) BeePark, an environmental enclosure inside the Black Mall diamond complex: Three members of senior Boost Team 4, arrived atBeeParkMay 8, 2019: Fatima(1), Husna(1),...
"Okay everyone, listen up." Sergeant Budzinski's voice echoed in the large room as he stepped off of the transporter pad. "I need all of the sponsors to collect their concubine's ID cards, make a list of dependents under fourteen that are to be picked up, and detail everyone's medical needs." Private Williams approached Budzinski juggling an armful of the ship's PDA units. "If each of you sponsors will use one of these handheld pads then processing the lists will be easier and faster....
Hey guys, this is my newest story called My Military Man, and it’s dedicated to one of my special friends on here, Kent1734. He has started his retraining and has only recently come back to Lush. This is a story of when he returns to port. The sun beat down on me as I stood on the concrete landing of the Navy port in Norfolk, Virginia. Sweat was running down my body, but it wasn’t because of the 95 degree weather. It was because, in a matter of minutes, the love of my life, Kent, would be...
Smitha got to experience the feeling of being pleasantly satisfied. But what I did not expect is the following to happen. After resting for sometime, hugging and cuddling each other; talks went on further as below Smitha: Nish, you offer massages to those who are needy; fulfill their needs – in the process, you would be tired too. How would you get to relax? Nish: I rest well post sessions. Else, I visit normal spas to get myself de-stressed. Smitha: Nobody in-return has given you a...
My Journey to being a man's date! Oh, gosh, how do I begin! I am 23, handsome (cute for a guy, I guess), engaged to a sexy woman, who is both feminine and strong. My girlfriend Karen works the night shift as a nurse in a large metro hospital. She works from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM 5 days a week. During the day she sleeps to noon and then religiously works out in the afternoon at the local gym. She was so serious about her health and body, that she recently took on a women instructor...
Marathi Bhabhi I have from a long time being fascinated by Marathi bahbhis, they have a distinct way of dressing bright colors their ornaments and most importantly their figure. U know when they bend or put their saree aside u can see their boobs with poky nipples from the dark color blouse its different and all together they are always laughing and cheerful mood. I had a crush on one of my neighbor Marathi women her name was Sonal. Sonal was 32 married and her husband was on the ship she also...
IncestMy mates sexy daughter 3-Sep-1211:13 Once a week I used to meet up with my mate and the guys to shoot some pool now and again the wives and girlfriends used to come and have a drink while we played.My mate had just started to bring his 18 year old daughter to the the club and she usually sat looking rather bored in the corner.Emily was a curvy emo chick well I say curvy she was a good size 18 with a short blacked bobbed hairstyle and wore the cutest geek glasses and had a big pair of tits she...
Therapist Nickey Huntsman waits nervously to massage her all time crush sexy Aidra Fox. Aidra undresses for her massage as Nickey watches in awe. Nickey can’t resist but to compliment Aidra nervously as she rubs oil over her flawless back. Aidra asks why Nickey is so nervous and she explains that a ‘friend’ of hers has a crush on another girl but doesn’t know how to proceed. Aidra puts in her two cents and knows Nickey is totally infatuated with her and teases the...
xmoviesforyouMy mom started dating this older black man, he was tall a little chubby and smelled like sex. My mom invited this guy into our home and told me to stay in my room. Her room was next to mine and i could hear my mom moan and yelling “fuck me harder” then i heard my mom scream then the guy yelled “im cumming” my mom replied back “fill this slut’s pussy.” Then i quiet down for a bit I laid in bed jerking off listening to my mom in the room next to me fucking her new boyfriend. This went on for the...
Something about the rain moves me. Perhaps it is the sounds of the thunder and flashes of lightening, or the sound the rain makes as it pounds on the roof like a beautiful song. I have this romantic connection with rain and it always makes me long to be snuggled up with that special someone, much like how I feel about lying in the backyard in a hammock. Rain is both hypnotic and astonishing to me. It is mysterious and beautiful and I guess that is what makes it so sensual to me. Each time that...
If someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...
MasturbationUber sexy Vina Sky delivers a filthy feast of slippery sexual solidarity with Jules Jordan and Steve Holmes in this wickedly entertaining anal fuck show. Devilishly diminutive queen Sky is draped in what could be described as a sexual safety harness. The killer garb is matched with a delightful pair of pink high heeled boots. The outfit suits Vina perfectly while it should be mentioned all the action takes place on a razzleberry purple loveseat. Oil is immediately brought into play and Vina...
xmoviesforyouJune, 1915 Paris, France ‘A toast! A toast to Robert,’ cried Sergei Hoffmann, over the din of well-wishers. ‘Hear, hear!’ was the response from several corners of the room. We were gathered in the private room of a well-known Paris restaurant for the traditional bachelor’s night, and the good food and copious amounts of spirits in all varieties had made for a memorable evening. Stories – many of them bawdy – had been told and conversation had been brisk. These were my friends, the people I...
“It’s been several months, how are the nightmares?” Mick asked. “I went back to the parking lot with Amy. Nothing. It was a parking lot. I almost died there,” Dan shrugged “nothing. Sometimes, there’s that guy’s face, the one I blinded. It hurts, but he was trying to get Amy. I’d do it again.” Mick nodded. “It fades over time and then,” He punched his palm. “It’s OK to feel bad and it’s OK to do it again. You protected Amy and survived. Keep moving forward.” He sat back. “Are you about ready...
Doctor: For good or ill, Kenshin's right arm took some of the force of the blow, so the arm wasn't cut off completely. But he won't be able to do kenjutsu again. Yahiko: Stop joking! He was doing great! He was a genius! Or he would have been! You're a doctor! Do something! Doctor: There's nothing I can do. Megumi: I'm sorry, Yahiko. It's hard, but medicine isn't perfect... Yahiko! (He runs out.) Kaoru: Yahiko... Doctor (to Kenshin): Are you going? Kenshin: Yes. Doctor: I know...
Donna and her best friend, Susan, were both barely seventeen when they became lovers. They had grown up together, almost like sisters, and had only gradually become aware of their budding sexuality, without ever really talking about it. Neither could put a label on her feelings for the other. They were close friends and it felt good - that was all that mattered. Donna's parents had gone away for the weekend and she was sent to stay at Susan's house. There was a spare bedroom available, but the...
IncestIris Ivy came to class today to try to get her grade for the last test, but her professor is out, and all classes are canceled. Fortunately, the creepy TA is there grading the tests, but he won’t tell her what her grade is! She decides to make a deal with him, she’ll meet him at her work “Kinky Spa” and give him a full-service massage if he’ll help her with the grade on her test. He reluctantly agrees and decides to go see her later that day. She goes all out and...
xmoviesforyouLocked up.Today I awoke expecting to reach down and feel my normal morning wood erection straining to get loose from my briefs. What I found shocked me in wondering what happened to me during my sleep, and why a strange metallic device was attached to my balls and cock. As I reached down to touch the head of my cock, it felt as if my six inch cock was no longer attached to my body. I felt nothing. My sack, which is hairless and has nuts of average size, was tight as my nuts tried to pull close...
Congratulations on completing your theoretical foundation courses. Everyone here today passed and gets to advance to the next stage. Today you begin your practical training. In future you will be assigned sexbots to test. But today you will be given a choice of sexbot. Once in the testing chambers you will be on your own, apart from the sexbot of course. Remember your checklists and to keep notes, you will be questioned after the testing. Good luck!
I used to and still do peruse a couple of websites that have chat rooms and IM capabilities geared toward ts/tv and cd chat rooms and have met with several interesting guys and other CD’s thru these sites. I easily get bored having sex with the same guys over and over, so I am always looking for new and exciting hookups. I love to dress up and look and feel sexy and just the same way a woman likes the attention that men give them, I am no different. Being retired allows me more time and freedom...
Author’s Note: I have received a couple of requests from readers asking that I write about step-mothers. Each story will be about a different step-mother and her sexual escapades. The first story was about a step-mother who hooked up with her step-son stationed in Italy. The second story is fictional but it is based on a reader suggested story line. The step-mother uses TLC to seduce her step-son. The third story is about a family who succumbs to their step-mother’s charms. The fourth story is...
The Captain undid his sash and let his robes fall to the ground. The girl watched him until he stood before her like the gods created him- except for numerous scars which he received later in his life. The tiny heart in her chest was still pounding fast and the smell of his cum lingered. The silent man picked up a few pillows that had been stacked in a corner of the room. He dropped them behind her and finally kneeled in front of her once more. The candle light made his body shine like fire,...
So i finally move out in to the new flat its been a few busy days but all my stuff is now moved in.I decide to come on here and watch some clips and look at some pics and jerk off.sitting here with my cock out and suddenly the buzzer goes, i get up and answer it "hey b*o got ya a gift let me up" came a soft sweet voice over the intercom its my sister wonder what she wants? i buzz her in and left the door open a little bit, sort myself out and sit on the sofa waiting for her to come in."Hey b*o...
While in hospital, and also while at home for the first couple of weeks of recovery, the girls keep Hal up to date with his school work by providing notes and getting teacher recommended books for him to use for self-study. He’s given extra time to lodge assignments, but he gets them all in on time; even though one is amended to allow for him to do the physical model while in bed. The teachers even bring him some exams to do. He returns to school in time to be part of the major review for the...
My name is Steve and I work for a Major Transportation company that provides food service to major fast-food restaurant chains. I am on a strict schedule every night and it's a race against daylight, the hours of service regulations as set forth by DOT, the weather and other things.I drive and deliver two routes a week, every week, and usually have the same stores. Occasionally, the volume varies significantly (super bowl week, etc, Christmas Holidays) but for the most part, there is a great...