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Eric sat stonefaced, looking into the camera hardly surprised at his lack of words. The blonde woman sitting behind the camcorder cursed under her breath.
‘Jesus, here we go again.’ And then louder, ‘Look Mister uh…. Rupert,’ she said looking down at her bundle of unorganized applications and release forms. ‘You should really say something. Women don’t tend to inquire about the tapes where men just stare at the camera looking all pensive. It makes us feel creepy.’
Eric shifted nervously. The blonde was petite and rather attractive in an apathetic sort of way. She was just the kind of woman who rarely had any use for him. The stool he was perched on was godawful uncomfortable and he shifted again. This whole place was rather disturbing from the stool that was just a little too high to the garish blue screen background. (Make sure you don’t wear any blue clothing the petite blonde had made particularly clear when Eric had booked the appointment, as if he had schemed to ruin her day by deciding to deck himself out in all sorts of azure tones from head to toe. He had briefly wondered weather a pensive, floating head on a background of lovely cumulus clouds or even a babbling brook, would make women feel creepy.)
‘Anytime your ready, Mister Rupert.’
Eric nervously apologized. ‘I’m sorry. I thought it would be easy to just sit here and talk about myself, but now I’m drawing a blank.’
‘Really,’ she replied with feigned misbelieve. ‘Okay Mister Rupert…’
‘Eric. Please call me Eric,’ he said a little too nervously.
‘Mister Rupert,’ with emphasis, ‘ why don’t you begin with the facts,’ the blonde suggested in an ever more agitated tone. ‘Tell us your name.’
‘Uh…you know my name.’
The blonde threw a ‘why me’ look to the ceiling and said, ‘The camera, Mr. Rupert. Look at the camera and tell us your name,’ she moaned emphasizing the word us by scratching imaginary quotation marks in the air.
Eric smiled nervously and pointed to the camera. ‘Oh, you meant to the camera. Sorry, I just….’ He trailed off when he realized that his explanation was falling on deaf ears. The blonde looked at her watch and then began looking through her stack of papers again. Satisfied that she still had time to salvage this fiasco, she continued.
‘Now, Mister Rupert, please tell us your name…to the camera.’
‘Rupert. Uh… Eric Rupert.’
‘Mister Rupert, I’m filming you, not taking a mug shot. Feel free to talk in complete sentences. Women like that.’
‘Sorry. My name is Eric Rupert.’
‘Ah progress. Isn’t this fun? Now Mister Rupert, what do you do for a living?’
Eric was beginning to get warm. He began to loosen his tie but stopped when he received a rather stern look, no doubt prompted by his unrehearsed action. (Eric had another flashback to the telephone conversation in which the blonde had told him that it was absolutely imperative that he not only be hygienic for the filming, but also presentable. She went on to explain that presentable was considered to be a dress shirt, preferably ironed, and a tie, preferably not of the clip-on variety. He thanked her for her fashion advice.) Eric straightened his tie and continued. ‘I’m a writer. Well, to be more accurate, I write technical instruction manuals for an appliance company. You know coffee makers, toaster ovens and so forth.’
‘How romantic,’ she said rolling her eyes behind the camera. ‘Mister Rupert, what sort of things do you like to do in your free time?’
‘Well, I like to read of course. I also write. I mean, not stuff for work. Just personal stuff. Poems, short stories and the like. Someday, I hope to write a novel. I just have to find the right story. That’s the hard part.’ Eric trailed off laughing, but stopped when the blonde failed to find any interest in his answer.
‘Mister Rupert, what sort of …umm…social things do you do? You know, things that two people can do? Like on a date.’
‘Well, I suppose I enjoy movies. Eating out.’ Eric paused in thought. ‘Well you see, it’s kind of hard for me to say what I enjoy doing on a date. I haven’t exactly had too many of them.’
‘That’s why you’re here isn’t it, Mister Rupert. What would you do on a date if you got one?’ The blonde wasn’t even looking at him anymore. She just concentrated on her papers, waiting for him to answer her questions.
‘Well, I don’t know really. What sorts of things do you like to do.’ She suddenly looked up from her papers with a sort of deer in the headlights look.
‘Mister Rupert, I umm…. Uh….’ She sat franticly searching for an answer, and then in sudden relief, she blurted out, ‘We’re not allowed to date customers Mister Rupert.’ Eric’s face instantly turned crimson.
‘Oh no, no, I wasn’t asking you out. I mean, not that I wouldn’t. I wasn’t, but…I…oh boy.’ Eric was starting to believe that this had been a very bad idea. The heat was now making him sweat. Great, I’m sweaty, nervous and pensive, but I’m presentable, and I know everything you ever wanted to know about electronic lint brushes. He’d have to fend the women of with a sharp stick when they saw this video. ‘Jesus, this is stupid. Why the hell am I here? Even if somebody likes this tape, I’ll never call her. I feel too damned uncomfortable. And besides that, if somebody does like this tape, she’ll probably be a damn wackjob!’
Eric’s tirade was interrupted by the telephone ringing in the front room. The blonde was visibly relieved, as she had been trying unsuccessfully to hide her uncomfortable amusement.
‘I have to get that. Will you please excuse me?’
Eric nodded, ‘Be sure to tell him not to wear a blue, clip-on tie.’ The blonde retreated leaving Eric alone with the camcorder. He heard a barely audible ‘loser’ outside the door. He looked at his watch and saw that his lunchbreak was almost over.
The red light, flashing like a heartbeat on the camera, told Eric he was still being videotaped. The lens bore into him like an unfeeling, unblinking eye and after about a minute of silence, something in Eric Rupert snapped. He looked directly into the lens and spoke.
‘Look, I don’t know why I’m here. I mean on the surface it’s because I’m hoping this’ll get me a date with that one perfect woman, and we’ll fall madly in love, and get married, and procreate like mad, but deep down, I know that won’t happen. I’m just lonely. Lonely and desperate. So, I thought I’d try video dating, but it’s bullshit. It’s all bullshit. Why should I have to hire a service to help me meet women? Am I really gonna find anybody that’s any different than all the other women who ignore me, not to mention my perfect mate?’
Eric wiped a stray lock of hair from his forehead and gave a heavy sigh. He contemplated leaving for a moment. He should get back to work. But he began speaking again.
‘I guess I’m just sick and tired of the whole thing. The game, the hunt, the pursuit. Whatever you want to call it. Why should I have to chase women? I don’t want to chase anybody. I just want to talk to them, and maybe go out if we like each other, and take it from there. Just ’cause I’m talking to a woman, it doesn’t mean I expect, or even want, sex. Maybe I just want someone to talk to.’
‘I’m not one of those guys who thinks about sex all the time. I think about work. I think about politics. I think about how I’m gonna kill my cat if he’s pissed on the rug again. I mean sure, sex is fun and all, but in the grand scheme of relationships there are more important factors. Sex doesn’t make me feel safe. It doesn’t even make me feel loved. That’s all I really want is to feel safe and loved in a relationship.’
‘I hear women say that there are no good men left. They’ve been saying it for years so apparently the whole state of maledom is critical by now. Now, if your idea of a good man is Brad Pitt with a seven figure net worth, then you will be undoubtedly disappointed with me. What most people end up
realizing, usually later than sooner, is that physical beauty is fleeting, and mercurial, and no matter how much money you have, it’s not enough. I do not look like Brad Pitt, nor am I independently wealthy. Sorry about your luck. I do however, have a few qualities you may appreciate someday. I believe in loyalty, honesty and monogamy. That is a good man. There are admittedly not many of us left, but if you look hard enough, we’re around. Use your heart to look not your eyes. It gets so much easier.’
Eric stopped abruptly, and slightly embarrassed, he looked at his watch and then back at the camera.
‘Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to turn into a rant. This isn’t even remotely close to what this was supposed to be. I don’t even know who I’m apologizing to. If I’m lucky, this will be taped over by yet another loser who’s lookin’ for love. I don’t mean to give the impression that all women act this way, and I must admit that the male species definitely has its fallacies. If pressed, I would have to admit that we’ve all acted this way at some time or another. But that doesn’t make me feel any better or help my situation at all. I’m still lonely as hell.’
Eric brushed his hair back again. He was now, neither sweating, nor even particularly warm. In fact, he was strangely calm. He checked his watch and that’s when he noticed the blonde standing in the doorway. Eric didn’t know how long she had been standing there. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were red and puffy. She had a handful of tissues in one hand and the whole box in the other. Eric was taken aback.
‘Miss…umm…is there something wrong?’
She looked blankly at him and then she began to cry again. She sat down in her chair and hunched over, her head in her hands. Soon she was sobbing with heaving breaths and uncontrollable tears.
‘Miss, is there anything I can do?’ Eric asked nervously.
She was a quivering, fetal ball of tears. Eric considered gathering his coat and leaving her be. He felt uncomfortable, and he didn’t want to make her feel any more uncomfortable than she already was, but there was something tugging at him from the inside. He should say something. Do something. But what? He could scarcely relate to his own mother on such a personal level, let alone a near total stranger, but the feeling would not let go.
He cautiously walked over to where she sat sobbing and attempted to place his hand on her shoulder, but stopped short. His hand hovered above her shoulder, shaking slightly, as he watched in dismay. The events of the previous half-hour flashed through his mind. Why in the hell can I talk so easily to a Goddamned video camera, and I can’t for the life of me think of one simple thing to say to this poor girl, he thought. Jesus, what’s wrong with me? I’m human. She’s human. I’ve got more in common with her than I’ll ever have with any piece of machinery.
Then, much to Eric’s surprise, she looked up at him, mascara running in rivulets down her face. There was pain in her eyes and he knew pain. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and began to speak.
‘Look miss…. What’s your name anyway?’
‘Shelly,’ she said in a tiny, wavering squeak. Eric smiled kindly to comfort her.
‘Shelly, please tell me what’s wrong. Is there any thing I can do to help?’
Shelly began slowly shaking her head from side to side. ‘I don’t…he’s…he’s dead. I mean dead. It’s been thirteen years and he’s just gone.’
Eric looked mortified as he felt his breath betray him. ‘Good Lord. Poor girl. I’m so sorry for your loss. Is there someone I can call to pick you up? Do you need to call his family?’
Shelly had continued, barely paying attention to Eric. ‘I knew he was sick, but I always expected more time. God, I hope he didn’t suffer,’ then she stopped. ‘Did you say family?’ she asked looking up at Eric confusedly.
‘Your boyfriend, he replied. ‘Is there any family you should notify?’
For one long moment, she just stared at Eric. He could see the corners of her mouth begin to twitch as if forming a smile, and suddenly, Shelly burst into laughter. Eric was taken aback. Soon the laughter became hysterics. Shelly was nearly falling off her chair, and Eric was no longer sure if she was crying out of sadness or hysteria. The thought suddenly occurred to him that she was playing some sort of joke on him. He began to back away but she caught his arm.
‘Please, don’t be mad,’ she managed between fits of laughing. ‘ I think you’ve misunderstood. It wasn’t my boyfriend. I don’t even have a boyfriend. It was Rags, my dog.’
‘Your dog?’ Eric asked more confused by the second.
‘Oh I’m sorry Mister Rupert. I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that Rags has been my pet since I was fourteen. He was the runt and I just had to have him. I told my parents that it was him or nothing. For the first few weeks, we weren’t even sure he’d make it. I guess I just never thought about losing him. I didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression.’
Eric ran his fingers through his hair, still confused but slowly catching on. Shelly began gathering wadded up tissues from the floor. She was still crying, but from time to time a little chuckle escaped her lips. Eric put on his coat and checked his hair in the mirror. After apologizing once more about her loss, Eric started to leave when she caught him.
‘Mister Rupert. I could really use a break and someone to talk to. Do you have time for a cup of coffee?’
Eric looked behind him as if maybe she were talking to someone else and then pointed to himself. ‘You want to have coffee with me?’ She gave a slight laugh.
‘I totally understand if you’ve got to get to work, or if you just don’t want to,’ she said in her soft voice, raspy from crying.
‘No, no, I mean yes,’ he stammered. He stopped took a deep breath and continued. ‘What I mean is that I’d be honored to accompany you. May I use your phone to call the office?’
It was nine o’clock when Shelly’s key clicked in the office door. She and Eric were laughing silhouettes in the doorway. She clicked the light switch and they were bathed in fluorescent light.
‘Thank you Eric. I feel so much better. And thank you for my new dog.’ She held up the tiny stuffed dog that Eric had bought her from a street vendor, and stroked it behind it’s tiny, pink felt ears. ‘ I think I’ll call him Rupert.’
Eric smiled, his face turning red. ‘Remember what I said. My friend knows a lot of breeders. When…if you want to get another dog, let me know. I’ll give you his number.’ Eric followed Shelly into the video room as she gathered her things. They both noticed at the same time that the red light on the video camera was still on. Shelly pointed to the camera and then gestured to the stool.
‘Well, Mister Rupert,’ she began quietly. ‘Shall we start again from the top?’
Eric smiled at her and said, ‘I think that would be a good idea.’ He held out his hand, and she accepted rather confused. He began to shake her hand and then said, ‘Hello. My name is Eric Rupert. I’m a writer and I like long walks with beautiful, distraught, professional matchmakers. Would you like to go out sometime?’
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Ek bahut hi prachlit kahawat hai:-manushya kabhi apne paas waale saaman se santusht nahin ho pata.uske paas bhale hi duniya ki harek chij maujood ho,phir bhi wo kuch aur paane ya doosre ke kisi chij ko hathiyane me laga hi rehta hai.wo apne chijon se tang aa jata hai aur sochta hai-kaash wo bhi hamara hota to kitna accha hota.bas yahi ashantushti n laalach ki kahani hai HCI n MCI ki.jahan ek or MCI ka MCA ke 50 cm diameter waale hathore jaise land se maar kha-kha ke raat raat bhar aaah-aah ki...
Meri story sabney padi hai pichli per plz mujhy reply acha mila thx mai jo bhi story likhunga sab sach likhunga many kasam khai hai ki jhut nahin likhunga. Mai apni story shuru kar raha hun. Kuch time pahly ki baat hai meri mausi ki ladki hai jiski umar mujh say choti hai hum akasar milty they per kabhi dimag uskey liye galat khayal nahin aya ek kabhi vo hamary ghar ati thee rahny kabhi mai jata tha ek din vo hamary ghar aye vo hamesha skert pahnti thee mai dopahar ko balkoni mai betha tha vo...
The holiest man to ever walk in this world, that was how Sage Dhanush was known. All over the small village of Revapur, there was a great elation. The holy sage was visiting their village with his shishya. So the village folk was busy making preparations. The main street was festooned with balloons and banners, and flowers were laid out for the holy man to walk. No one in that old village was as excited as Nanda. A boy of nineteen, he was already tired of this materialistic world. He wanted to...
Gay MaleI have to admit, it was an interesting way to be hooked up, but it was well worth it. We had known each other for several years, but neither of us had ever expressed an interest in the other outright. Until her roommate, with whom I was doing a show, told me she had asked how to get me to go out with her on a friendly date. So the friend in the show asked me to just call her. So I did. When I did, she was nonplussed, but simply asked, “So when are you free?” “When do you want...
I have a hard time recollecting the memories of my childhood, and I would think that the majority of people would feel the same. Most of it seems to be a fuzzy haze, save for one instance that has haunted me for the past fourteen years.I was four at the time, traveling to Okinawa with my mother to visit an old college friend of hers. While I cannot recall her name, I do remember that she lived in a somewhat rural area near a forest. As my mother was in the process of catching up, I was allowed...
SupernaturalThe Possession of Melinda Romano, the Black Demon of lost souls, was a little pissed off at the moment. The Demon was not happy because in the past 6 months he was not having much luck collecting any of the lost souls that inhabited earth. It seemed to the Demon like more and more of the lost souls on Earth were either choosing to stay or crossover, with the Ghost Whisperer's help. The Demon's recent failure to collect the lost souls on Earth was becoming more troublesome to him, and he...
I was in the hospital 'cause of my operation. My tonsils. They didn't really even hurt, just a little scratchy, but Dr. Collins said we should take them out, 'specially since it was early August. Him and Mom agreed that it would be better to get it over with instead of having it pop back up during the school year. I guess I kinda agreed, 'cause this year I'd be starting at a new school, Maple Street Junior High. Seventh grade! I thought it was sooo lame that our elementary schools went...
Betsy Flanagan looked at the image in the mirror. The woman that stared back at her smiled. “Betsy, when you’ve got it, you’ve most definitely got it,” she whispered to herself. Her five foot eight inch form was encased, at least partially, in black leather that hugged her curves like a second skin. The pants were a mesh weave below her crotch, showing plenty of her freshly shaved legs. The leather halter was almost more of a thick bra, coming down to just under the swell of her breasts. Her...
Friday, September 5, 2008 I had to do a lot of yard work at that resort. Kelly was very insistent that the lawn needed to be mowed as often as possible. I also had to ‘clear the weeds’, ‘trim the shrubs’, ‘edge the lawn’, and perform every other possible type of yard maintenance. On the other hand, I considered it critical to provide the best customer service possible. It’s just the kind of guy I am. Still, we did have to get out of the room on occasion, if simply to gas up the mower....
Eight hours later, Luke was still sitting in a small holding cell in what passed for the headquarter of the campus police. He had received no food or drink, and his right to a phone call had been denied. That was wrong: his angry demands had simply been ignored. What had happened to John? John must have known about his arrest. He would call Luke's father, would he? The hunger was getting stronger now, but he tried to control it. He thought hard. Why did the Dean react that strongly? It was...
"I don't remember much of what happened after bursting out of that tube." Ryoko's voice continued. "Most of what followed seems hazy even now. The next, even semi-solid recollection I have is of flying through the corridors of the Soja, laughing uncontrollably! Destroying everything in my path! All without a clue to even who the hell I was! Yet somewhere somehow knowing that something was terribly wrong! I remember landing in the main hall trying to get a hold of my self! Almost...
About two-thirds of the way along the Faubourg Saint-Honore, and in the rear of one of the most imposing mansions in this rich neighborhood, where the various houses vie with each other for elegance of design and magnificence of construction, extended a large garden, where the wide-spreading chestnut-trees raised their heads high above the walls in a solid rampart, and with the coming of every spring scattered a shower of delicate pink and white blossoms into the large stone vases that stood...
Había una chica guapa, con pelo lacio y largo, ella tenía 21 años media 1.55. Hibamos a una clase de natación que estaba cerca a mi casa. Un día cuando estaban terminado las clases ella se me acerca y me dice "puedo dejar que abuses de mi pero tendrás que darme algo a cambio" Se acercó tanto a mi que vi su vagina, con ese bikini que le quedaba excelente, ella se dio cuenta que estaba viendo su vagina y agarro mi mano y la llevó a su vagina. Ella me dijo que podía apretarla, yo procedí ah...
BDSMYou probably already know or have at least seen, as this site tends to be that one pop-up Ad that everyone sees. However, how much do you really know about this site? Well, if you are wondering whether this place is legit and if they offer the crap that they promise, I am here to tell you all about it, since I have already explored this place.First of all, you will have to answer a couple of questions, so they can see if you are old enough or if you are a robot because the questions...
Hookup SitesOne Does Not Simply Review A Site Like This AV…when it’s as unique and wacky as this one.When reviewing, I wasn’t sure whether or not it was programmed by an amateur, horny yet driven 12-year-old or a particularly sophisticated but still limited AI. Some aspects of the site run well, while others are either broken or ugly as shit.In a certain sense, this site is a perfect representation of the phrase “welcome to the internet.” So, buckle up fuckers, this review is going to be a...
Asian Porn SitesReddit Jizzed To This, aka r/JizzedToThis! Every day, hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of people jack off to all kinds of porn and various alternative XXX content. But that whole process has its peaks and valleys - sometimes you don’t stroke it too hard while watching certain kinds of content, and suddenly you play one video that catches your eye, and you start beating your meat vigorously until you blow a load and stars start spinning around your head.Well, that content which you...
Reddit NSFW ListThis Vid is a pretty mundane name for a website. It’s generic as hell, and clean enough that it could even be the next obnoxious video loop app for teens. Well, maybe in an alternate universe. In our world, ThisVid is a free video-sharing site. In fact, it’s the #1 Place For Your Homemade Videos, according to the tagline above the logo. What kind of vids are we talking about? I think you already have a good idea.I am going to warn you up front, though: ain’t your typical free tube....
Fetish Porn SitesThis story starts out with a woman lusting for more than just sex. I walked into the bar and surveyed everyone in there I caught one particular woman looking at me, she quickly turned away as my eyes passed over hers I looked her over and saw that she had high arches, nice toes, and a pair of legs to die for. So I walked over and introduced myself. "Hi I'm John" I said, "Hello I'm Laura" she responded, "Shall I buy you a drink?" I asked, "Sure why the hell not?" she replied. The drinks turned...
EroticUpon Reflection by Fidget CHAPTER 1: Through the Looking-Glass "Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely...
The following is completely true and happened over the course of the past two years, gradually getting more and more exciting, until it culminated with the most intense sexual event of our lives. Unlike some "true" stories I have taken extra effort to make it not only factually correct, but to give an accurate portrayal of my perspectives at the time and my impressions of Lynn's and Greg's perspectives at the time.What follows is a recounting of events that are extremely private, intimate and...
First story I've ever written... be nice ;)-------------------------------------------After a year of being with my partner, things had come to an all time boring low.The sex was still ok, but I worked long night hours and he was always doing morning shifts as a baker. We were in that ever-obvious couples rutt. He was 25, I was 22.One night, after sucking on his 7 inch uncut cock for a mere 3 minutes before he blasteda load of cum down my throat and declared he was ready for bed, I'd decided I...
The First Valentine: A Historical Story This is a historical fantasy that is hardly original. Saint Valentine is credited with the first Valentine’s Card, among other intriguing works during his life in Imperial Rome. This is a work of fiction based on the life of Valentine. It is a romantic story and as such the eroticism is more subtle, please consider this if you are looking for harder fare. We sincerely hope you enjoy this (lengthy) tale… * * * * * It was near midnight when the hooded...
Upon Reflection by Fidget Chapter 2: Beyond Good and Evil The next week passed uneventfully. Maddie was still reeling from her breakup, and couldn't bear to see how Darren and Amber were all over each other in public, though she felt that her blackout the previous week in Cassandra's room in the basement had somehow helped, as though Darren had been less important to her after looking in that mirror. And, all the while, in the back of her mind was a constant reminder of how eager she was...
Upon Reflection by Fidget Chapter 3: The Unbearable Lightness of Being The following week, Maddie got the terrifying news from her mom that her younger sister, Kendal, had a few days off school, and would be coming to stay with her in her dorm. She tried to convince her mom that it would be a bad idea, but nothing she said made any difference, and it only resulted in her being called ungrateful. For some reason she hadn't been able to bring herself to tell her mom the real reason she...
"Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely devastated. Darren and Amber had both jumped up when she walked in, and Amber...
Mind ControlOctober 31st , otherwise known as Halloween. The one day out of the year you can be whoever or whatever you want to be, I want to be anyone but me. My name is Mari. I'm twenty-four years old and I hate my life. I graduated college last spring and since then I have been working as an intern at a local radio station. Normally this would be a great thing, except that my ex-boyfriend Mark also works there. We dated for 3 years. We met in college and we were inseparable. Then about two weeks ago he...