How To Chain Whissies free porn video

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On the dot at twelve o'clock, Arnold entered the diner. Like every day, he walked over to his favorite booth and took a seat. It didn't take long for Pauline to appear. A mug with Tea already in her hands. "Hey Arnold, what can I get you today?" "How about a burger? With mushrooms please," Arnold replied. "Are you sure? Maybe a salad would do you better. Just kidding. One burger with mushrooms coming right up." Arnold had to stifle a sigh. The ripping of the waitresses was definitely not the reason why he spends every workday lunch break here. Nor was it the food. The bell hanging over the door rang and he saw the real reason. A gaggle of girls in office attire entered. Of them, one stood out like a flower surrounded by weed. Katherine. The one and the only reason why Arnold chose this dinner every day. From afar he studied her graceful beauty. He knew it was creepy to watch her like that every day. If he could only find the strength to ask her out. Instead, to be not as obvious, he took out his newspaper. As always the sports section was put aside. Quickly joined by the section aimed at warlocks and witches. He had no use for it as his magical potential was close to not existing. The few times he had tried to join a warlock coven counted as one of his most embarrassing times. He skimmed over the newspaper and glanced now and then to Katherine. How poised she looked. She looked so elegant even with all the ruffles she liked to wear. Pauline broke his line of sight when she carried his burger over. After she went away Arnold was surprised to see Katherine coming over. His heart leaped and started beating faster. Had he been caught staring? "Mind if I borrow this?" Katherine asked in a sweet and melodic voice. Her hand pointed to the newspaper section he had put aside. "G-go ahead," he managed. His mind raced and urged him on. This was his opportunity. He could strike a conversation now. Maybe even ask her out. The ringing of Katherine's phone broke the moment and he knew he had hesitated too long. "Excuse me," she said in her sweet voice and then answered her call. Walking away and back to her co-workers. It didn't take long before she excused herself from them too and left the diner. Must have been important Arnold reasoned. With Katherine gone all that was left was to eat his burger and maybe read his newspaper for real. Soon the doorbell of the diner rang again as two new women entered. Or so had Arnold had thought. Both of them were males and could only pass as women if viewed from far away. He got a good view of them as they sat down at the counter near him. That gave him a slight chill he couldn't explain. With renewed afford, he attacked his lunch. Now and then he felt observed and if he looked up the two men dressed as women quickly looked away. To Arnold, it was very suspicious. He called Pauline and got a doggy bag. After paying he hurried to leave the diner. A few paces away he dared to look over his shoulder. Both of the strange men had followed him out. Arnold quickened his pace yet every time he looked back they were behind him. Even with high heels, they were just as fast as him. Thoroughly freaked out he took a turn and hurried around another corner. In his haste, he slammed into someone else and fell on his butt. "I am sorry. I didn't look and ..." Arnold's voice left him. Before him was a man that surely was taller than six feet. Decked out in a ball gown for women of the last century. It looked ridiculous. "Oh don't worry sweetie," the guy replied in a deep voice. "I was looking for you anyways." Arnold first thought he had misheard. He was looking for him? He scampered to his feet and ran away. Nearly running into the first two guys that had followed him. With a sprint, he left them behind and then heard heated voices. "He is ours." "In your dreams you half portion of a sissy." "I'll show you a half portion..." The sound of an explosion made Arnold twitch. Looking over his shoulder he saw the evidence left behind by a fireball. He knew now for sure those were lunatics. To use combat magic in the light of day. Sheer madness. He didn't stop his running till he saw the entrance to his workplace. Finally, he might get to safety. Or not as he saw more men decked out in different dresses and female outfits. He channeled the last ounces of strength left and sprinted to the building's guard. Showing his ID he was let in. Not so the freaks behind him. ***** Arnold glanced at the clock. I was five. Time to go home. Yet for the first time ever he dreaded it. What if more of those crazy people were around? Just to be sure he exited the building through the underground garage. It was only five blocks to his apartment and normally he didn't mind walking. Today, however, was different. What would he give now for a car? Maybe he should have called a cab. Now it was too late. "Mister, we would like a word," a voice to his left said. Stepping from a backstreet alley were three men that looked like rejects from a domina studio. All decked out in latex or leather. Each of them had wobbling breasts the size of balloons and Arnold guessed they were air filled too. He let out a way to unmanly shriek and was once again running. He needed to find safety. Maybe call the cops? All this was freaking him out. A few dozen feet further he crashed nearly in a trio of living barbie dolls. The difference was that their legs had entirely too much wool on them and they had big full beards on their faces. An emergency turn and he was past them. "Trixie, do something!" one of them shouted. A moment later something slammed in Arnold's backside. Stumbling he caught himself and kept running. Something felt different through and he couldn't tell what. Looking behind him he saw no one of concern. He quickly ducked into a side alley and checked below his belt. "Son of a bitch ..." Instead of the gray boxer shorts, he wore today as underwear, bright pink panties greeted him. The cut and silky material told him those were definitely for a woman. "We can help you with the rest," came a voice from the side alley's entrance. It belonged to the pair of crazy stalkers from the diner. Both advanced towards him. Arnold started for the other side only to see another troop of crazy crossdressers to cut him off. He was boxed in. No way out. "I think some forgot who's territory this is." The melodic voice cut through the tense atmosphere. Arnold couldn't believe his eyes. Katherine? What was his secret crush doing here? "In the name of the east ridgeside coven, I declare you not welcome!" The duo from lunch quickly scrambled, but the group of six took threatening stances. By now Katherine had reached Arnold. Slowly she unbuttoned her jacket and held it towards him. "Be a dear and hold this, please." Arnold took the offered jacket and watched her with curiosity. Something under her blouse gave off a strong glow. As she pushed up her sleeves he saw tattoos of glowing light etched all around her arms. "Let me remind you. The east ridgeside coven is one of a twenty-three chain," she coldly told the other group. Whatever this meant it caused a reaction. The group slowed down and, after a quick and hushed discussion, retreated. "Are you okay?" Katherine asked him. Baffled Arnold only managed a nod. "We need to get you off the streets. Come. My apartment is around the corner." ***** Arnold followed Katherine into something that resembled more a loft than an apartment. "Please. Sit. You drink tea, right?" Katherine pointed to a stool at the kitchen counter and then rummaged through the kitchen cupboards. "Ah, yes. Uhm. Do you know what is happening?" Katherine gave a heavy sigh. "Sadly I do. I bet this must be confusing to you. I fear it is complicated. Do you know what Whissies are?" Arnold shook his head. "No idea." "Okay. Let's start with the basics and go from there. You know witches are the most powerful at the witching hour, right? So from midnight to one o'clock in the morning. Warlocks are strongest from eleven o'clock in the evening to midnight. Can you follow me so far?" "That is basic elementary grade knowledge. Warlocks say farewell to the day and witches greet the new one," Arnold said a bit hurt. Really everyone knew that. "Okay, but that leaves twenty-two hours. Who is strongest at that time?" Katherine challenged him. "No one of course," Arnold replied. "And there, my dear, you are wrong. Almost anyone is," she told him, before putting a steaming mug of tea before him. Sitting down she took her sweet time to continue. "The time between the witching hour and the warlockian hour belongs to those between genders." "But, that can't be true. Those between genders lose their connection to the witch or warlock hour. They are bound to the lowest part of their magic." "That is true," Katherine agreed. "But there is a way. A few decades back it was found out that if one has the anatomy of more than one gender you can connect to your personal hour in between. Those who managed it were nicknamed witching sissies. But over time it was shortened to Whissies. Those were the ones who accosted you." "But why? I didn't do them any harm. Why are they after me?" Arnold wanted to know. "Well, as I said it's complicated. You see witches and warlocks are the strongest at their hour. If they perform magic it is a one and done deal performed by the whole group. Whissies instead have each a personal hour. More or less corresponding to our time measurement. If they want to cast grand magic spells they have to chain their hours together. One Whissy starts a spell and hands it over to a Whissy who's hour is tailing his or her own. With each Whissy in a chain, the spell grows stronger. The most powerful spells can only cast if a coven manages to chain twenty-four Whissies together. Because then the first can take over from the last. In theory, a spell could be strengthened then forever." Katherine took a moment to sip her tea and gave Arnold time to stomach all this. Finally, she continued. "Every Whissie coven tries to build a twenty-four chain. The problem is most Whissies have a personal hour situated close to the night. The further in at the day the rarer a Whissy that has a personal hour there. With the rarest of them all those that are bound from noon to one o'clock in the afternoon." "Very .. interesting. But I still don't see the connection to me," Arnold threw in. "Yes. Well. You remember earlier today at the diner? The phone call I got? This was a coven member of mine informing me of intrusion of many Whissies into our territory. The reason for it is a coven one state over. They cast a grand spell if you want to call it that. That spell was aimed to find a person that, once made a Whissy, would be bound to the rarest personal hour. It put a magical marker on the person. Namely you." "Me? But I am not what you call a Whissy," Arnold protested. "I know that. They know that. The problem is that they don't care. They would try to seduce you to being one. However, things had gotten out of hand. The magic signature you now emit was leaked from within the ranks of the coven that cast the spell. Every power hungry Whissie coven in hundreds of miles around us is now after you. If I had known at the time that it was you I wouldn't have left you alone." Arnold stood up and paced the room. This was all too much. "There's got to be a way out. Maybe if I call the police..." "I don't think they can help," Katherine calmly told him. "The knowledge of Whissie covens is held more or less secret. They might not even believe you at all. Sit down and we will find out if my coven can help." She pointed at a comfortable looking armchair. Arnold complied after a moment. What else was he supposed to do? Once seated Katherine came over and grabbed for his belt. "W-what are you doing?" he protested and swatted her hand away. "I need to get to the enchantment. If placed on a male it usually is located .. well. In the balls. Now let me do my work." Arnold frowned but moved his hands away. She quickly opened the belt and then his pants. Only to reveal ... "Those aren't mine," Arnold quickly said. "I mean. They were boxer shorts when I left the house. One of those crazy people flung a spell at me and ..." "... now you wear pink panties," Katherine completed his sentence. "I wish I could say it is the first time hearing that, but sadly those underhand tactics are common among the power hungry Whissie covens. Now lean back and don't move." He did as told, but jumped as she grabbed his dick. Before he could react he felt her warm mouth envelope his member. In seconds she had him hard. Not long after he exploded in an orgasm. Coming down he wondered what a strange day this was. First the chases. Then the rescue by his secret crush. And now she had given him a surprise blowjob. Looking down he saw her swishing around his cum in her mouth like a wine connoisseur testing a new vintage. After a minute she swallowed it. "Hmm not bad. Still, I think it's worse than I had thought." It took Arnold a few moments to gather himself and ask the obvious question. "What do you mean?" "Well, there is the tracking spell. But there is more. A part of the spell targets your mind. Gradually changing you to act and dress feminine. That is probably their intended tactic. Wait a month and you would be thoroughly on the sissy side and ready to be recruited. As strange as it sounds that your information has leaked might be a blessing in disguise." "Because I know now about the spell," Arnold concluded. "I can pay now someone to have it removed before it completely rewrites my mind. Just need to find a witch or warlock coven..." "That won't be fast enough," Katherine interjected. "It's Whissie magic. A witch or warlock coven might take weeks to find the right counterspell. Not many people know about Whissies and even less had the guts to study it to create spells to counter it. You need a Whissie coven that you can trust." "That I can trust? Every one of them I meet so far was crazy!" Arnold exclaimed. "Not everyone. I am different. And my coven too," Katherine quickly interjected. "T-that can't be. You don't look like ..." "... those crazy people? Thanks for that I guess." She sighed heavily and then looked him into the eyes. "Look. Normally I don't tell that to anyone unless I know them really well. Like at least seven dates in. Then again I gave you a blowjob so that is that. Okay. Listen. I was born a man. One hundred percent male, but early into my puberty, I realized it was wrong. I meant to be a woman." Now she stood up and started to pace the room. "You see I learned about Whizzies in my quest to become a woman. I mean they were named after Sissies, but it is a magic open to all between genders. They have the magic to transform one from men to women or vise versa. It took me years to find a coven I could trust. Most are made up of men or women who are too weak to be warlocks or witches. Those are the power hungry. But after years I found the coven that is here. In east ridgeside. They help people like me." She took a deep breath to calm herself before continuing. "Back then the coven hadn't been that big. Still, they tried their best and after a few weeks, I was one hundred percent female ... with the added appendage of my penis. Back then I could have gone rid of that too, but in the end, I decided against it. For now at least. I chose to become a Whissy to help others like me. And that is what my coven does. We helped hundreds of people to get their desired gender." As silence settled over the room Arnold took the opportunity to sit beside her and take her hands. "Okay. I trust you and because I trust you I will extend this trust to them." "Thank you for your understanding," she told him with a relieved sigh at the end. "So. Your coven. How can they help?" Arnold wanted to know. "Well, this is awkward. You see Whissies hand over spells by passing body fluids," Katherine explained while blushing. "Like spit?" Arnold asked. "No. To weak. There are only two fluids that are good conductors and storage medium. One is breast milk, but since not everyone in my coven has breasts we did go with number two." There was a heavy pause till she continued. "Sperm. We chain our spells via sperm." "Sperm?" Arnold repeated flabbergasted. "Does that mean I have to ..." "For the best results, yes. And we need those. The coven that bewitched you is powerful. They have not only one chain complete, but two. With you they would have three," Katherine stated. "A complete chain being twenty-two Whissies?", Arnold inquired. "No, twenty-four. It isn't uncommon that Whissies have their personal hour at the warlockian hour or witching hour. The important part is that they can span the entire day." "How big was yours again? Coven's chain I mean," Arnold asked. "Twenty-three. Yes, the last one to complete our chain would be one of your personal time. I promise you we won't try to recruit you. My coven isn't like that." For what it was worth Arnold trusted her. While others had hunted him she had rescued him and took the time to explain everything. That she was so open and upfront endeared her to him. It was the situation that he didn't like. "So to summarize," he started. "My option are the following. Either I contact a witch or warlock coven and hope that they find a counter-spell in time. Which is unlikely. Or I can drink one-time sperm from one of your coven members?" "Well, yes. Of course, you could wait two weeks. By then you would crave sperm," Katherine joked. His deadpan face told her that the joke fell flat. "I don't know if it helps you or not," she quickly continued. "But the end of my coven's chain would be me. That means at least you know the person that ... donates ... the sperm." That got a weak laugh out of him. "To be honest I wanted to get to know you better. Would have never dreamed it would be under these circumstances." "You did? I mean I often saw you glance over. I always wondered why you didn't try to ask me out," Katherine admitted. "Are you kidding me? I would have, but ... I mean look at us. You are gorgeous and I am ..." "Cute?" Katherine offered. "Pudgy I would have said. You .. you really think I am cute?" Arnold asked with a blush. "Of course. That's why I came over today. The magic section of the newspaper isn't written for Whissies anyways. If it wouldn't have been for the call..." "... and the whole chase thing," Arnold added. "Yeah. Well, I would suggest we get to know each other better. You might as well stay here for a day or two. I have warded my apartment so you should be safe here till we get rid of the enchantment. So plenty of time." Arnold nodded. While he didn't mind spending more time with Katherine he wanted this ordeal to be over with. ***** Arnold paced the room. Eager for Katherine to return. It had been two days since he had been bewitched. Or cursed as Arnold came to think of it. This morning he had spent an hour before the mirror. Fussing with his hair and other things. By the time Katherine had knocked he had been sure that it was a good idea to let his hair grow long. Only then Arnold's trance was broken. The spell was real. No doubt about it. He was eager to get it over with. Before other changes happened. Finally, he heard keys turn in the front doors lock and he quickly walked over to greet Katherine. "Did it work? Do you have the spell?" he urged her. "Yes. Calm down. I have the spell, but I need to add my part. So hush. I need a moment," she chided him. She took to the couch and sat down there in a lotus position. Silence settled over the room as she concentrated. Arnold took the time to study her. She really was amazing and he was glad to know her. She even appeared to be open to a relationship with him. But things have changed. How much he couldn't tell. He was sure she was a woman through and through. But that little extra. He wasn't sure if he could find peace with that. "I am done," she finally said. She stood up and stretched her legs. Arnold swallowed hard. He knew what had to come now. Silently he sank on his knees before her. He thought he saw a moment of surprise on her face, but it passed quickly. Katherine lowered her skirt and then her panties. True enough there it was. A dick. If one could call it even that. The term micro-penis came to Arnold's mind. Blushing Katherine lifted her penis and grape-sized balls. Below it Arnold saw the familiar sight of a vagina. "See?" she asked. "One hundred percent female. Just a little..." "Extra," Arnold added. A little hesitant he reached for her dick. It was the first time that he touch one besides his own. Then again it wasn't as bad as he feared. Especially if he looked up at Katherine's face. He swallowed heavily and started his work. Slowly he started to stroke her dick. It didn't take long till it started to swell in his hand. Three inches. Then four. And it kept increasing. "A little Whissie trick," Katherine commented from above. He wouldn't call it little. By the end, it had the size fit for a pornstar. Maybe nine inches total and the circumference and balls to go with it. "Remember to not waste anything." Her comment reminded him of what was needed now. Dawdling he took the tip in his mouth and slowly closed his lips. He couldn't help but taste and smell her pecker. It wasn't as bad as he had feared. With the first step taken his hesitation was broken. He started to suck and slide it in and out of his mouth. Not eagerly, but well aware that it would be over sooner if he put some afford in. Cute moans above him told of his success and soon Katherine grabbed his head to guide him to an even faster pace. Suddenly she held him in place and her dick twitched in his mouth. Something salty hit his throat and he swallowed it by instinct. There was a lot and soon his eyes started to tears as he needed to breathe. Then it hit him. A warmth spread through his belly and like a wave of pleasure spread through him. He was riding on a wave of euphoria that circled through his veins. It wasn't an erotic feeling, but more along the lines of when he jogged for a while and got runners high or the high after a thrilling ride on a rollercoaster. Just like that, but better. When the feeling finally ebbed away he found himself instinctively licking Katherine's dick clean to prolong this amazing feeling. "That felt ... really great," he admitted with a goofy grin. Then he blushed after noticing that he admitted to like sucking her dick. "Don't worry," Katherine comforted him. "That was just the spell spreading through your body." She helped him up only to push him onto the couch. "My turn. Got to make sure that my counter-spell dispelled everything." Once again she fiddled with his pants and fished an already hard dick out. Her red lips closed around his cock and he couldn't help but moan. She was so much better at blowjobs then he was. No wonder he came very soon. Like before she swished his jizz around in her mouth and soon gave him a bright smile. "All done. You are a free man again. The tracking spell is off and the covens that know about you, we told off. You are under the protection of the east ridgeside coven now so don't worry." "That is good to hear," he admitted. All that was left to do was gather his stuff and get on with his life. Just when he was about to leave he turned around again. "You said you normally don't tell your little secret till the seventh or so date, right?" Katherine gained a cute blush. "Yeah, something around that." She sighed. "Usually it is the end of the relationship too." "Well..." Awkwardly he scratched his head. This was still harder than he had thought. "Because I know that means I owe you at least one date, right?" "Only if you want," she shyly replied. "It would be my pleasure," he admitted. When he finally left it was with her phone number and a date for the next Saturday. He looked forward to it. Maybe with a little hesitation, but also with excitement. ***** Her arm gently shifted on his belly and he looked over to admire her lithe body. She was sleeping soundly and she had more than earned it. Not so Arnold as the adrenaline still chased through his veins. Gently he leaned over to kiss her head. Has it already been a year since their first date? One that soon became many. And now he had moved in with this wonderful woman. That was what she was to him. One hundred percent woman. Just with a little percent male on top. He didn't even mind those few percent resting on his own tights and besides his own dick. By now he had gotten used to it. More than that. He even had gotten used to giving her now and then a blow-job. Couldn't be helped. That pesky coven over in the next city tried every few month their location spell. As the nearest candidate it always hit Arnold. Sort of like a lightning rod. Besides, there were other advantages to dating a Whissie. His hand move downward and felt his hard muscles under his skin. His body was in peak physical condition thanks to Katherine. He didn't even need to work out. If he had to give a blow-job once a month for it then so be it. It was a small price to pay. Her hand joined his and looking up he saw her awake. "What are you thinking about?" she asked him. It was amazing how good she knew him by now. Indeed recently something had been on his mind. Her gently grabbed her hand with his and their fingers intertwined. "I've been meaning to ask. That last timeslot in your coven. It is still free, right?" "Has one of them tried to recruit you? Who was it? I will wash his, hers or theirs head," she fiercely proclaimed. Arnold chuckled. By now he had met every one of Katherine's coven and then he finally understood the difference. Those covens founded by power hungry people were a travesty. They didn't care for the lifestyle. They only fulfilled the bare minimum needed to become a Whissy. Usually, that meant wearing clothes or growing a sex organ of the other gender. Most often those were breasts. However, Katherine's coven cared. They were in it first and foremost for the lifestyle. Men into woman clothes shaved and tried their best to look the best. There were androgynous members that were so good at blending genders that you would be hard pressed to tell if they had been male or female, to begin with. Their drag queens and kings amidst them were professionals and often found on stage. It was a difference between night and day. "No. None did. But listen. I love you, Katherine. Not just your personality, but also what you do together with your coven. You help people and I want to support you. Hey. What's wrong? Why are you pouting?" "Well," she hesitated. "Call me selfish, but I like you like this. My big strong man. I don't want to see you wearing women's clothing all day or grow breasts." Arnold broke out in laughter and only stopped when Katherine was playfully boxing him. "Neither do I," he admitted. "But there is another way. Last time I saw your coven member and friend Seamus he told me his little secret. I could go his way." He saw her eyes sparkle for a moment and she playfully bit her lips. A sure tell that he had won her over on the idea. "So," she purred. "I get all this to play with. One hundred percent male." She let his hand go and slid it down his belly to his junk. Then she reached behind his balls and caressed the skin there. "And down here you get a naughty little pussy for us to play with?" "That's the plan. Are you game?" "Oh, I am in. And once you get the dirty little secret down there I imagine I am literally in it too." Then she suddenly looked conflicted. "What?" Arnold softly asked. "Well, if you go through with it and become a Whissy then there is something I have to confess." "Something bad?" Arnold wanted to know. "Depends ..." Katherine admitted. "You remember the first time when I dispelled something from you?" "You mean the first time I gave you a blowjob? How could I not." "Well, technically all you had to do was swallow my sperm. I didn't say you had to ... milk it personally from me." Arnold looked at her shocked. "You mean all those blowjobs ... They hadn't been necessary? Why didn't you correct me?" "Uhm yeah about that. I mean I kind of thought that time was a one and done deal. So I thought I might take this gift offered, you know? And once we were in a relationship. Well, you should know how good blowjobs feel." Arnold nodded. "Well yeah. But still. You will pay for that. One to one." "But I already give you plenty of blowjobs," Katherine protested. "True, but I am talking about my other part. The one I do not yet have." "Oh! I guess that sounds fair," she admitted. "Though I never thought I would munch carpets one day." Arnold laughed and then grabbed her close. Planting a kiss on her lips. Which soon lead to more. Later Arnold wondered how he had gotten this lucky. She was a wonderful person and they had a lot in common. Soon they would share even more. The end.

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 5

Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 6

Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...

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Howie RandolphChapter 6

His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...

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Howie RandolphChapter 7

It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 2

Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 4

Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 8

Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...

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Daisy ChainChapter 3

I grabbed the phone, eager to discover what was behind the newest door of this journey, if a journey was what it would be. And as I said hello into the phone, knowing it would be her, I couldn't help but think, with a slight and unexpected pang of fear, that she was calling to say, "hey, that was hot last night, but, umm... have a nice life!" No, I thought, hopefully. How could a woman be so intimate with someone, make love to them all night, sleep in their bed, and then drop them? Men...

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Daisy ChainChapter 5

The doorbell rang, and though I wanted no visitors today, I was relieved that it wasn't the ever-inquisitive Elaine Pachmeyer. I checked the peephole and cursed myself. I had almost forgotten, even after yesterday's meeting, that I was the committee house for the week. I opened the door and let the officer in. She was a pleasant girl, no more than 24 or 25 I would say, and her nametag said, "J.Clements". I glanced over her uniform, and wondered, as I always did when I saw a female police...

4 years ago
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A Keychain of Girls

Chapter 1 – The Keychain Danny sighed and looked around his room. He was going on four days without sleep now. It was after dinner time and he was just sitting in his room thinking. His life had gone consistently downhill in the past two weeks. His father and his sister passed away within a week of each other. Being a senior in high school, he could bottle himself up and push on. His mother however couldn’t. So she bottled her emotions in another way. Over the last week, she had become a...

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Golden Chain in Sherazad Chapter 4

Less sex more plot than the last ones, just some near the end, the calm before the storm :0 (M/f, nc, inter, rape, humil, bdsm) Secondly this is an adult story, if you are younger than eighteen DO NOT READ!!! If you liked it drop me an email [email protected] if not, fuck off. Chapter 4 : One Chance Kailya felt herself relax for the first time in a week, after the exhausting oral rapes it felt good not to have black cocks thrust in her face. She took a deep breath and...

3 years ago
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Chain Gang WomenChapter 5

"Have you finished thinking yet, darling! You don't have all the time in the world, you know!" The two girls were preparing to sleep on the open air straw mattresses where they rested for such a brief time under the stars every night. Lilly had been working with Angelina for three weeks now and, apart from the first time, she had not raised the subject of her friend's agreeing to go back to her life as a female gladiator. She knew she should keep pressing her new friend and lover, but...

3 years ago
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The Goddess Of Chainmail Bikinis

Earon chuckled to himself. Which certainly was quite normal given that he was a young trickster god. But today his chuckling was a little more profound. He was sure that today's prank would be his best one yet. Not that it was hard to prank mortals. But still, he tried to beat his previous best. That is what trickster gods do. He really had to stifle his chuckling as mortals drew near. A group of adventurers. Two of them women. Perfect for his goals. As they drew nearer Earon checkes...

4 years ago
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Stuck In Her Bicycle Chain

Stuck In Her Bicycle Chain Angie was standing in front of my house crying when my wife sent me out to help her. Angie had her long skirt caught in her bicycle chain and she couldn’t get it out. I lifted her bike and carried it as she walked along with me toward my tool shed out back. She was really concerned about her dress getting ruined. I was concerned about how I was going to get it out of the sprocket with her still in it. Obviously that was not a problem because she...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 20 Joining Sinister Chain

“You are not my Tal or apprentice, so ‘Senior Gid’ or my whole name ‘Gid Chu’ is acceptable. This is how big brother Ariel told you to refer to him, might as well do the same with me”. Former Supreme Ruler Gid Chu Takeda exuded no air of haughtiness as one who grew up learning about the feats and temperament of his or her exalted founder would expect. In fact, he also did not have an iota of a cultivator’s air to him, just the impression of a middle aged man at his early forties who still...

2 years ago
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Tina Chained

BLACKMAILING TINATina had been drunk. Or it would never have happened in the first place. Tom was away on business, and Harry was already in the pub when she had arrived.She hadn’t seen Harry since they were at school together over fifteen years previously, and they spent the evening catching up on old friends, and lives between leaving school and now.Harry had been married, but his wife, Christine, had died from cancer a couple of years back, whilst Tina was happily married to Tom, though they...

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Howe and Watson

“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...

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Sideshow Bobs Revenge

SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...

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Rabbits Foot Keychain The Phone App

RABBIT'S FOOT KEYCHAIN - THE PHONE APP By CCE 4 PM YESTERDAY - The incredibly sexy girl turned and stared at me with a smile, slowly running her tongue, which was pierced by both a large silver barbell and hoop jewelry, over her wet, full lips. Dick sucking lips if ever there were some. She turned, tossing her long black hair over her shoulder, the bleached blonde tips ending just above her traffic stopping ass, beautifully on display in some very small black panties. She ran her...

2 years ago
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I found her and she found my chain

She was looking for herself, but when I found her, she denied who she really was. Too much lived by the norms and values that were not hers. Acted too long as if she fit in with the picture her surroundings had of her. Eventually she found herself at the end of my chain, to which she had been chained more or less voluntarily for more than three weeks.The first time she caught my attention by her way of writing. Ordinary words were neatly written with care that revealed a literacy that did not...

2 years ago
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Flavours The Story of the Chain Leash

I never liked plain vanilla ice cream, or chocolate for the record.Take me to the Caribbean with a few scoops of creamy coconut, crunchy frozen chocolate bits, chewy candied pineapple chunks, I’ll sprinkle spiced rum and squirt cream on it, then we’re talking.Garnish my summer evening with strawberry ice cream, made of fresh strawberries with the tiny seeds and juicy fruit-flesh, dark chocolate chunks, swimming in a coupe of prosecco. Or pure innocent vanilla with fresh mint and roughly chopped...

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Chain Gang WomenChapter 6

Mr Hargreaves, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Bastanian Republic, sadist and big time embezzler, was in a foul temper as he spoke over the telephone to the Prisons Minister. "I agree, Minister. It was right to bring the girl back. She is a good fighter and we need her. But she mustn't get it easy! Keep her under constant watch and make her life a misery. We can't have her punished to the extent that she can't fight, but make her life very hard. I hate that cow. No one...

4 years ago
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Chained CheerleaderChapter 10

"Jesus! What the hell's going on!" came a voice ringing through the empty stadium. Debbie dully turned her head and peered into the gloom. She could hardly see. A red veil of pain crossed her eyes and a strand of her once lustrous blonde hair fell over her forehead. She tossed her head and sent the vagrant hair back into place, then saw Sherry standing at the edge of the field. The other girl's expression told the entire story. She was shocked. Something inside of Debbie made her...

3 years ago
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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

2 years ago
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The Chain Link 5a

“You coming to the party later?”“Maybe,” Sam said casually. “I haven’t decided yet.”His sister, Melinda, shrugged. “Then maybe we’ll see each other later.”“Yeah.”Sam watched as his sister turned and left the room, leaving a waft of scent behind her. He waited until he heard the front door slam before leaving his room, crossing the hallway and watching through a window as she strolled down the road. He felt a little nervous, a tightening in his stomach. He could never be quite sure she hadn’t...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
5 years ago
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The view completes the chain reaction

I hated school, but my two girlfriends always lifted my spirits afterwards. On the other hand, I found myself scratching my head when I found them with Lisa. I walked into the room to find Gloria fucking Lisa doggie style with a strap on as she was eating Rhonda's pussy. If I knew it was coming, I would have loved the sight, but considering I had no idea I'd see them, I found it a little off putting. I didn't even know that Lisa liked pussy, but maybe she was swayed. Eventually, their eyes...

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Completing the Chain

Completing the Chain by LongtimeFantasy I walked toward my truck parked way out in the visitors section of the apartment complex I was coming from and started feeling sick to my stomach. It was pretty obvious that I was going to hurl, so once I got to my truck I walked around the passengers side to get between the truck and some other car parked next to it so I wouldn't be seen in board daylight puking my guts out in a parking lot. I proceeded to ralph with gusto. Having finished...

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Daisy ChainChapter 6

Though I couldn't get the note-or Vicki-out of my mind, the rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. Vicki gave me one last look when I came back from the bathroom, and I just gave her a nod and a little smile, which she returned. My new arcane, splendorous world of unspoken sapphic radar. Vicki and her husband left early, and after that one silent exchange, she was the picture of social correctness around me, as if nothing had ever transpired between us. The game went down to the wire,...

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Episode 16 Becki in Chains

Crowded pub in NewcastleA couple sat at table in the pub, when 2 gorgeous chicks walk in, stand hips touching at bar. Man cannot keep his eyes off their long legs and tight denim-clad bums, wife notices his gaze. "Stop drooling, they're much too young for you... wait a minute isn't that blonde Becki from your favourite porn site?"How did you ...?""Easy, just click on your Most Visited page on Chrome; you really should be more careful on the Junior Porn Club site " she said raising her voice...

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Alice in Chains

Alice in Chains A couple weeks before Halloween, my friend Vincent and I were sitting around my dorm room talking about costume ideas. Neither of us could come up with anything very original, and this year we really wanted to go all out and do something memorable. Agreeing to that is what started me down this rabbit hole. Vincent kept on suggesting that I do a girl's costume to be extra outrageous, but I kept turning down all his suggestions because for one, he wasn't willing to...

2 years ago
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Silken Chains Part Two

Slipping on a pair of loose black jogging pants he moves to the bathroom. Running the water in the sink he brushes his teeth then swiftly shaves off any new stubble. Walking across the living room once more he makes himself a bagel with some cream cheese. Then he eats it slowly watching her on the screen from the kitchen. Finishing his breakfast he takes a bottle of water from the fridge as well as a small dish of low fat cottage cheese. Moving to the TV he shuts it off then moves to the...

4 years ago
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She looked up from her newspaper, stretched her lazily and considered if it was time for breakfast. The sheer thought about breakfast made her stomage to send affirmative signals that it was due time. She smiled for herself, raised from her armchair and went down for the stairs to the basement.With a few swift movements she unlocked the heavy wooden door and entered a small, dark and windowless store room. Chained to the wall sat a man who at her entry immediately kneeled and lowered his...

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Mother of 5 Chained and USED

Mother of 5 Chained and USED!The wife and her hubby are out one evening at a theater performance. She is a 32 year old conservative Catholic mother of five with sandy blond hair, 42 DDD breasts. She is wearing a long black evening dress with sexy thigh hi’s and garter. As the evening draws to a close her hubby got a page, calling him to his office. He kissed her as he dropped her at home and then drove away.As she walks inside the thoughts of how she wanted her hubby that evening transition to...

3 years ago
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Winter storm means chains

Headed west to Seattle again hoping I could beat the storm. I had a heavy load so making time was just not happening. I kept telling myself I can chain this rig in forty-five minutes so I know I can at least get over the pass. I got the bypass signal at the scale in Cle Elum and I pumped my arm in glee. Not stopping in the line of trucks in the scale is something I always cherish. Thank god for ‘Pre-Pass’. I turned on the CB because I knew I was pushing the window of this storm. I hated...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Chained to the Ceiling

They had me chained to the roof by my wrists, my feet dangling freely. I was completely naked and a cool breeze played across my erect nipples. They captured me last week when they invaded Earth. They looked exactly like us, but had more advance technology, and had more knowledge in the sex department. Those, like me, who had been captured were taken deep into outer space and were chained up. My feet hadn't touched the ground since. They had only touched me once, giving me great pain and...

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Repossessed Chains of Debt

This story takes place in an alternate timeline where slavery has been reinstated as a means of lessening losses from defaulted debts. This is written from a male POV. The rain is icy cold, and relentless as the hunters you've been evading for the past month. It seems almost to mock you, threatening to douse the meager fire you managed to build in an alleyway.Your frayed, sodden windbreaker does nothing to ease the chill that permeates your bones. It's hard to remember the time before all...

4 years ago
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Megyn Kelley Chained

Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible fate Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible journey Prior: Megyn Kelley – Dancing Melons (Broadcaster Blonde MILF Bitch has been nabbed and is being held by Pro Football player Michael and other players at a rural location. Michael has her strung up and is working over her legs with a power washer, he blasted her breasts and now……….) “AHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Megyn screamed as her sensitive flesh stung from...

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Bound In Chains

I wake up to the sound of water dripping on concrete . My head is so groggy , and as I open my eyes everything is still fuzzy and out of focus . At first I can barely make out the windows as the light shines through them . I close them again to try and give them time to adjust . The dripping of the water is so loud , each drop sounds as if it is crashing to the ground . I try to focus on my breathing to clear my head . When I try to move , I realize I am bound and I become dizzy as I can not...

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Silver Chains Male Bondage

She led him slowly, only touching the small of his back to indicate where she wanted him to go. He stepped carefully, keeping his arms close to his sides as he did so. It took all of his patience not to demand where they were going, even though this endeavour had been his idea to begin with. With each step, he grew more apprehensive, calming his breath only when she indicated that he stop and stand still. He began to question this fantasy of his, this desire to let another have control of him....

3 years ago
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Chained CheerleaderChapter 9

"Let's let the other cheerleaders in," said Bradford. "We can take her out with us through the equipment room." Debbie felt strong arms lifting her off the cement floor. She seemed to float, weightless. Never had she felt such power as the football player lifting her showed. He didn't even seem to notice her weight. She struggled a little and found herself as firmly trapped by him as if she had been embedded in a solid block of concrete. Bradford took out a ring of keys and opened the...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Two Chained

Chapter 2: Chained by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Damien's corpse slumped in the hot tub style bathtub, his vampiress wife and murder still straddled him, convulsing in orgasm as she sucked the last drops of his blood from his neck. Scarlet spread through the steaming water. Even now, the change transformed Damien. It would be an hour or more before his corpse awakened to undeath. The angel Aurora sighed in disgust as she watched from the Ether, the realm that lay between the Spiritual...

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Chained CheerleaderChapter 7

Bradford let the blonde teenager hang on the chain grating for some time. She tugged futilely at the locks on her wrists. The chains he had fastened were cutting into her flesh, causing ugly red welts to rise around the links. She strained to get her toes onto the concrete floor. She was barely able to succeed. It was pure torture that lanced through her legs. She had to stand on tiptoe. It wasn't even possible for her to get the balls of her feet onto the floor. The strain in the calves of...

2 years ago
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Celestial MattersThe Comforting Chains

I knew Devnik wasn't beside me. It was a strange sensation, knowing something without knowing how. I sleepily remembered Devnik had departed with Jon ... I wondered what was going on between those two. How can a demon and a human interact with each other like that? I was briefly embarrassed that Jon had seen me naked. I hardly knew the man ... just that he was a human ... but not quite the same as other humans ... I chuckled to myself. It was strange to think of humans as a different...

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Howard Colleen Ch 07

Note to the reader: The Howard and Colleen stories don’t begin with chapter 7. The previous episodes involving Howard and Colleen are in the Susie series of stories as follows: Susie chapter 8 provides a prolog to the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 9 is chapter 1 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 10 is chapter 2 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 11 is chapter 3 of the story of Howard and Colleen (Susie chapters 12-14 do not involve Howard or...

3 years ago
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Jane Bound Chained quickie Chapter 3

Jane Bound Chained quickie Chapter 3 "When I said get a quickie, I meant something else," grins Miss Imperium, tightening the chains around you. Jane stumbles as the gleaming silver chain is suddenly tightened about her, arms pinned, chest constricted, with a quick tug she is pulled into the office. Falling to her knees, the plush scarlet carpeting cushioning her fall, she crawls upon her knees towards the large high back leather office chair. It is turned away from the...

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Unchaining Alex

Unchaining Alexby Dorothy StrangeloveI lived in quite a small town. In a place like this, day follows day and nothing really changes. But sometimes someone comes into the fold who is a little different, and someone like that is always noticed. A new bar had opened up on the caravan park near the sea front and I decided to go over there with a friend of mine and check the place out. It was coming towards the end of summer and the heat was fading from the late afternoon sun, but the sky was...

5 years ago
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SueSue was 25 now, but she was playing with chains since she was about 20 years old She started playing with them at that time and found that she liked the sound and the feeling,? At first she wore little ones in her ears,? had some more holes pierced in her lobes and liked the feeling of the little chains? tickling her neck and the sound they made One day she saw a picture of a woman with a clit piercing and she immediately decided to have one of herself, the idea of having a chain dangling...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 33 Unchaining Angels

Charlotte got up after a while to change the movie. The credits had run themselves out and there was some FBI warning lighting up the room in blue. "What'd ya wanna watch now? Let's watch-" She stopped when she saw me standing there at the top of the basement stairs. I was just leaning up against the door frame, staring at the way her hair wiggled above her ass as she stepped up to the TV. I snapped out of it though, when she saw me, and straightened up my posture a bit, hoping to look...

4 years ago
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soul chain manga continuation anyone

now I know that this would not be expected and this story is adult level content so if you are a minor in your nationality then please leave as I, nor anyone else would like to be sue because you ignored this warning/disclaimer. Now as for the disclaimer: I nor any author in this interactive have any proprietary rights to the manga soul chain and its affiliated companies, publisher, author. now any characters that I, or any author, posting a chapter in this interactive are their's, if they are...

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