Tina and Miss Cindy s Anniversary Celebration
- 3 years ago
- 57
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Tina had been drunk. Or it would never have happened in the first place. Tom was away on business, and Harry was already in the pub when she had arrived.
She hadn’t seen Harry since they were at school together over fifteen years previously, and they spent the evening catching up on old friends, and lives between leaving school and now.
Harry had been married, but his wife, Christine, had died from cancer a couple of years back, whilst Tina was happily married to Tom, though they didn’t have any children. Apparently, Tom fired blanks, but they were happy even without kids.
As the evening wore on, the two old school mates continued to drink, perhaps more than Tina was used to, and she was sure Harry was getting her doubles instead of singles. But, what the hell, they hadn’t seen each other for fifteen years, and probably wouldn’t again for another fifteen.
How she ended up in his car, she could never quite remember, but she somehow managed to direct Harry to her house, to drop her off. But that went wrong too, as Harry was soon inside her house, and sat next to her on the sofa.
Tina remembered feeling a little light headed, but even so, when Harry leaned forwards, his lips close to hers, Tina found herself responding. Even as his hands moved slowly to her breasts, she opened her mouth wider and accepted his tongue, kissing him back hard.
She didn’t remember taking her top off, or her bra, but Harry’s lips were suddenly sucking gently at her nipple, as his hand stroked her leg, sliding slowly beneath her skirt.
Her fingers were running through his hair as she felt herself getting turned on more and more, especially when Harry’s fingers slowly slid across her pussy, over her lace panties. Not even realising she was doing so. Tine opened her legs wider, allowing Harry better access, as his fingers slid under the lace, and touched her flesh, her wet flesh.
From that point, everything was a blur, but she did know that Harry and her had fucked, and she knew he was good at it. She remembered him being inside her, his cock pounding at her pussy, but could not remember how they had got to that point.
Nor did she remember him taking out his camera phone and taking pictures of her, fully nude, one or two of her with his cock in her mouth. Harry promised to delete them, and she watched as he did so. But he hadn’t, he had saved them, all of them, and was threatening to send the images to Tom, unless she did as he wanted.
For days Tina tortured herself wondering if she should tell Tom herself what had happened. But she knew what his reaction would be. There would be a great argument, and he would leave, which would leave her with nothing, as the house was in his name, as was the car and the bank account.
Harry telephoned her on the third day and told her to meet him at the park, away from prying eyes. She wanted to tell him no, but, she guessed that if he were capable of keeping the pictures and blackmailing her, then he was probably capable of sending them to Tom, and that was her worst nightmare.
Until that night, she had never been unfaithful to Tom, not even considered it. She guessed, afterwards, that Harry may have slipped something into one or more of her drinks, but she could not remember seeing him do so. that, of course, didn’t mean he hadn’t, it just meant she hadn’t seen him do it.
But she had never got that drunk before, and had never been unfaithful before. And now, Harry had the evidence, and was threatening to use it if she didn’t meet him.
Harry had even told her what to wear, so he must have been looking through her wardrobe that night as well, perhaps even taken pictures of what clothes she had. What he had told her to wear to meet him was pure slut. Short tight skirt, in red, a remnant from her youthful days, a tight top in pink, flat shoes, and neither bra or panties.
Tina toyed with the idea of not going, or not wearing what he had told her to do, but fear played a large part in her decision to do as he had said.
She had to walk over half a mile from her car to where Harry had told her to meet him, on the far side of the wooded area in the park. Tina just hoped no-one who knew her saw her. uf it got back to Tom that she had been down the park dressed that way, he would want to know why, and there was no excuse that she could think of that would soothe the waters.
Harry was sat under a tree, waiting for her. he smiled when he saw her, and beckoned her to sit down close by, but not next to him. The skirt made things awkward, as there was no ladylike way to sit down, and she guessed Harry knew this. She saw him smile as she had finally managed to sit, and guessed he had glimpsed up her skirt and seen no panties. That she was wearing no bra was plainly obvious, her n nipples pressing at the tight material.
?Today you start doing as you are told Tina.? Harry said, His voice didn’t carry malice, but she heard something there that warned her not to argue with him. ?You are going to become my slave. You will do what you are told, when you are told. If you try to argue, then I will send the first pictures to your husband, with a promise of more to follow.?
?Why are you doing this?? pleased Tina.
?Partly because I can. And partly because you rejected me back at school when I asked you out?
?That was a long time ago, you have been married since then, and I am still married. School days are long gone now.?
Harry laughed.
?Its taken me two years, and a lot of effort, to track you down. My being in the pub that night was no co-incidence, I have watched you for months, and I know that when your husband goes away on business, you go down the pub for a few drinks, and then go home to bed. It was easy to slip a little something into your drinks. Nothing that anyone else would notice, but enough to help me get what I wanted. You.?
?And if I tell the police that you are blackmailing me?? Tina demanded.
?Feel free? Harry responded. ?If I smell a cop, or see one heading my way, your husband will have enough pictures of you to last him a lifetime. So, if you want to call the police, feel free.?
?You bastard? Tina screamed at him as she lunged forward, trying to hit him. But Harry must have been aware of it, or had expected her reaction, as he was on his feet and stood out of reach before she could reach him, and the tight skirt didn’t allow much room for manoeuvring.
?On your feet and come with me?. Harry demanded. ?Its time to start paying. I have rented a cottage on the outskirts of town, and you are coming there with me. If you do as you are told, I will delete one picture. If you don’t do as you are told, I will send one picture, and then leave you here and simply disappear. You may track me down, in time, but by then your marriage will be finished, and tracking me down wont help that ?
Harry began to walk off, but not in the direction of the car park, and Tina knew that going the way they were heading, there was still a chance she would be seen.
?Isn’t there a different way?? Tina asked, her voice showing her nerves and fear.
?Of course there is, but we are going this way? Harry answered, not turning round to see if she was following. He had no doubts she would be close behind.
It took almost half an hour to get to where Harry had parked his car, out of sight, through a hole in the fence panelling that was the far limit of the park. Tina’s car was now all the way across the other side of the park, and she knew that if Harry didn’t take her back to her car, she stood a real chance of being seen.
?Get in? Harry said, his voice flat.. He opened the back passenger door for her, and smiled as she got into the car, closing the door behind her.
As Harry got into the drivers seat he informed Tina that her door had child locks on, and could only be opened from outside. Tina felt no surprise at this statement, it was looking as if Harry had covered all the bases, but he had already said he had been watching her for months, plenty of time to get his plans right.
As the car pulled away, Tina tried to make herself as small as possible in the back seat. She didn’t try ducking down, as she had already worked out that he would simply tell her to sit upright. She carefully watched through the window. In case she saw anyone she knew, but the street were almost empty, being that time when most people were at home eating dinner. That’s where Tina wished she was now, at home. With Tom, eating dinner, instead of in the car with a blackmailer.
It took a good hour to reach the cottage Harry had rented, not really on the outskirts of town, more ?in the country?. As the car approached the cottage, Harry pulled a set of metal handcuffs from his pocket and passed them to Tina.
?Put them on, hands behind your back?
?Are you crazy?? Tine said, as she threw the handcuffs back at him.
Without warning, Harry turned in his seat, his hand slicing through the air and landing square across Tina’s cheek, shocking her into silence, tears welling in her eyes immediately.
?I said put them on. Do not mess with me Tina. You are in no position to argue.?
Once more he handed the cuffs to Tina, who, this time, did as she was told, her face still stinging from the blow.
Only when Harry heard the cuffs click closed did he get out of the car and move to open Tina’s door.
?The keys for the cuffs are in the cottage, if you want them off, you do as you are told. Now get out of the car.?
It was no easy matter for her to get out, with her hands now behind her, and the tight skirt restricting her movements, but Harry made no attempt to help her, simply standing holding the door open for her, until, at last, she was stood by the car.
Taking hold of the cuffs and twisting them enough to hurt her, Harry guided Tina towards the cottage, opening the door, and forcing her inside.
The cottage was like any other in the world, stone walls, wooden sofas with flowered cushions, wooden beams across the ceiling, and an open fire, currently not lit, in one wall. Tina could imagine an old couple passing their last years away here.
Harry ushered her through the living room and through one of two doors in the far wall. In the centre of the room was a large bed, covered in a single black sheet, no pillows. The window was boarded up, and the light came from a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling.
?This will be your room while you are here? said Harry.
Tina hadn’t noticed it, but attached to the bed was a chain which Harry took up and moved towards her hands. Releasing one of the cuffs from her wrists, Harry closed the cuff on one of the links of the chain.
?Scream all you want, but that will just get you a beating. There is no one to hear you out here. There is a bucket in the corner to use, no modern plumbing as such. I will bring you something to eat in a while. Get used to your new home.?
?How long do you intend to keep me here?? Tina demanded to know.
?For as long as I want, Tina. No one knows you are with me, no one saw us together, your car is in town. When you don’t turn up soon, and your car is found abandoned, the police will look for you, but not this far out of town, and besides, if they come here, I will see them before they arrive, and I will deal with the situation. I told you that you were going to be my slave, and that’s what I meant. I will keep you here as long as I want. Though we will be moving in a day ort two.?
With that Harry turned on his heels and left the room, laughing at the tirade of abuse Tina hurled at him as he closed the door.
Alone, Tina pulled at the cuffs and chain, trying to get her hand free, but they didn’t give. Standing up she moved towards the door, but stopped a few feet short, the chain reaching no further. Sitting on the bed, tears came to her eyes, as she realised the position she was in.
Harry was right, no one had seen them together, and she knew, now, why his car had been parked where it was, away from prying eyes. He had planned this very well. He had been seen down the pub with her, but she doubted anyone would remember him very well. Though they had been drinking and chatting, he had done nothing memorable in the pub. And that little shit Louise had been on duty, and most of the time she couldn’t remember what she had for breakfast, so the chances of her remembering what Harry looked like were extremely remote.
Sitting on the bed she heard the door open, and Harry entered, carrying a plate and a cup.
?Ham sandwich and coffee. I will put them on the side table for you.?
Harry placed the items on a small table to one side of the bed, and left the room again.
It was only as she looked at the sandwich that Tina realised she had not actually eaten, worried too much over having to meet Harry. The table was in easy reach, and soon she was nibbling at the sandwich. Tina remarked to herself that it was good ham, before she realised what she was doing. Pulling herself together she finished the sandwich and sipped the coffee. As Harry had said, he must have been following her, as the coffee was just the way she liked it. About half an hour later Harry returned to pick up the empty plate and cup.
?You wont get away with this? Tina said, her voice calm, though a little shaky.
?Yes I will. I am already getting away with it. And the quicker you face up to that, the better. Your husband wont be back for another week, so. unless someone spots your car, no one will be searching for you until he comes home and finds you missing. By which time, we will be out of the area, and in your new home.?
?Bastard? Tina screamed, flying off the bed to try to reach him. But he was just out of reach, laughing at her failed attempt.
?Now, now Tina, that isn’t going to help you, is it? The bed is screwed to the floor, so unless I release you, reaching me or the door is just a dream. I told you. Get used to it, this is your life from now on.?
Tina sat back down on the bed, dejected. Her head was starting to swim, and she realised that Harry must have drugged her coffee.
?What have you done to me?? he asked, her words starting to slur.
?It’s a sedative. It’s to help you sleep, and help me with what I have to do. It should wear off in a few hours, but by then, well, wait and see.?
He could see Tina trying to stand up, but her body was refusing to do as she told it, and she fell back on the bed, her eyes closing. Harry watched her for a few moments before leaving the room, and returning with a large pair of scissors.
Starting with her skirt, Harry began to cut off her clothes, she would not be needing them again. As the skirt came off he looked again at the prize he was going to take full advantage of in the near future. Tina wasn’t shaved, but she obviously trimmed her pubes, as they wee short, and dark, matching the hair on her head. Removing the skirt, Harry began to cut the top off the sleeping woman. It was a little more awkward, as she was lying on it, but a few minutes later, and Tina lay naked on the bed before him. She did have a good body, had looked after it well.
The sedative he had used would last only a couple of hours, and Harry wanted something stronger, which is why he had brought the syringe into the room. Finding a vein was pretty easy, and her inability to move helped as he pumped the drug deep into her vein. This would take effect in just a few minutes, and would keep her out of things for almost 24 hours. By that time they would be gone from the cottage.
He hadn’t intended to do so, but Harry began to undress, his cock already hard. Opening Tina’s legs wide, he knelt on the bed between them, his finger toying with her pussy. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t wet, he was going to supply his own lubrication.
Leaning over her inert body, Harry guided his cock towards her pussy, finding the entrance, and forcing the head of his cock inside her. placing his hands under her hips, Harry slowly raised her to meet him. As he forced his cock deeper into her. satisfied that he was not going to pull out, Harry began to rock his hips, feeling his cock slide in and out of her. he had hoped she would be a little damp, but it didn’t matter, this was not for her pleasure.
For ten minutes Harry thrust ever deeper and harder into his victim, feeling that warm pleasure slowly building. By the time he was ready to come., Harry’s cock was buried fully inside her, his balls crashing against her body, as his cock erupted inside her, filling her with his juices. Even though she would not feel it, Harry placed his lips on hers and kissed her, before moving off her. There would be plenty more chances to use her in the coming months.
Dressing, Harry left the room and carried on making the preparations for leaving the cottage.
It took Harry less than an hour to gather his belongings and pack them on the rear seat of the car. The boot was left empty, as he had more important goods to put in there, Tina.
Returning to the bedroom Harry unfastened the cuff from the chain, and rolled the limp woman over, pulling both her hands behind her, and cuffing them together. Harry didn’t think she would wake up before they arrived at their destination, but he was taking no chances. Taking the chain off the bed, he wrapped it around Tina’s ankles a few times, before padlocking it with the same lock that had held the chain to the bed. Picking the helpless victim up, Harry threw her over his shoulder, and headed out for the car, where the boot was already open and waiting for Tina.. she fitted in with room to spare, and once the boot was closed, she would be out of site until they reached Harry’s home.
Harry went back into the house to check there was nothing of his, or Tina’s still in the cottage, and then turned out all the lights, locked the door, and passed the keys back through the letter box as the agent had told him to do. There was still almost two weeks on the rent, but Harry didn’t mind, it was money well spent.
For the next two hours Harry drove in silence. He was not one for listening to music in the car, he always felt it was a distraction. He had taken the radio out just after acquiring the vehicle, and was happier for it.
The place he owned in Wales, was an old castle. It was small compared to some of the other places he had looked at, but it had one added advantage. It had an old cellar. Dirty, with many metal hooks hammered into the wall, and dating back to when Wales and the English were at war. It was a listed building, so he could do nothing about the exterior, but the insides had been reshaped to suit himself, and the dungeon in the cellar had painstakingly been cleaned up, and more items added. Harry was proud of the dungeon now, as it spread the whole length of the castle, with a few cells still in tact. Small cells. But big enough for one person to sleep in. Tina.
The Welsh road were empty by the time he got close to home, and like most of rural Wales, there were no street lights, and only the occasionally vehicle going in the opposite direction.
Driving through the open gates, Harry stopped the car and closed them, before driving the rest of the way, parking around the back, as was his habit. Few people ever came calling anyway, but if they sae no car in the drive, people would assume there was no one home, and not bother. Harry liked it that way.
Before checking on Tina, Harry emptied the rest of the car, carefully putting things away where they belonged. For a single man, he was a little fastidious about how things were placed and everything had to be put away neatly. Only when he was satisfied, did he return to the car for Tine.
As he opened the boot, she was still asleep. The drug was working well, and by the time it wore off, she would be safely ensconced in her cell. Her new home.
Carrying her through the castle and down into the dungeon, Harry switched on the single low watt bulb that would light her cell day and night. He had already decided that her cell would stay lit. that way there could be no surprises when he opened her cell door.
He placed the sleeping woman on the uncomfortable bed, and smiled down at her. it had all worked better than he had hoped. But now, she was his, and tomorrow, she would begin to serve him, whether she liked it or not.
Closing and locking the cell door, Tina was left alone, thought Harry didn’t expect her to waken until late the following day, giving him a chance to finish off what he had to do. It had been a long day, and he needed to sleep.
His own bedroom could not have been more different than Tina’s cell. The large king size bed took up less than half of the large room. The built in wardrobes would have kept enough clothes for a superstar, and the en suite bathroom glittered with gold taps, and the large sunken bath. Harry did like his luxuries.
Taking a quick shower, Harry undressed and lay on the bed, the soft pillows under his head, and within minutes, he was asleep.
Two floors below, Tina also slept, her first night of captivity was passing her by, and tomorrow, her new life would begin in earnest.
Harry was awake early next morning, he had many things to do before Tina’s drug wore off. He looked in on her as he entered the dungeon, but she still slept. A damp patch between her legs lay testament to the fact she had not moved during the night.
Closing her cell door, Harry moved into the dungeon itself, and began to arrange things as he wanted them. There was a wooden chair in one corner. St first look there seemed nothing unusual about the chair, until you noticed the hard cock shaped attachment fixed to the seat. It was a little over eight inches long, and was made of polished hardwood. This was screwed to the chair, and could be removed if not required. Harry smiled. He had no thoughts of removing it. He had also screwed leather straps to the chair where someone’s wrists and ankles, elbows and knees would make contact. This would ensure that whoever was sat on the chair, could not ease the pressure of the dildo. He dragged the chair to the centre of the dungeon, placing it directly under the electric hoist.
The hoist was of industrial strength, and would hold both Tina’s weight, and the chair, quite easily.
The chair and hoist were to be Tina’s introduction to her new life.
Walking back to her cell, he could see Tina was still asleep, and offered no resistance when Harry picked her up and carried her to the chair.
Very carefully, he lowered Tina onto the chair, guiding the hard wooden dildo into her, allowing her body weight to impale herself, before he fastened the straps around her wrists and ankles More straps held her elbows and knees. Tina would be totally immobile, and unable to relieve the pressure in her pussy. He knew that the full eight inches buried inside her would be painful, but this was only slight pain, compared with what was to come.. . As a last thought, Harry picked up the large ring gag, and forced her mouth open, pressing the ring in behind her teeth, forcing her mouth as wide as he could get it, before securing the straps behind her head.
Harry checked that the recorder was ready, and placed a new disc into it. He wanted to keep a record of her training.
Satisfied, Harry left the dungeon. He would return after Tina was awake.
Up in his bedroom, Harry took a long hot shower, and shaved. He never wore a beard, but now, Harry was shaving his legs, arms, and his genitals. He had heard that the sex with naked balls was better, he made a mental note to shave Tina’s pussy at some stage.
Drying himself off, Harry chose the clothes he would wear in the dungeon. Leather trousers, black and shiny, to match the leather shirt he wore. The shirt buttoned at the cuffs, and the addition of thick leather studded straps around each wrist made him look a little more menacing.
The boots he chose, also in black leather completed his outfit, and Harry spent a few moments looking at himself in the mirror, before announcing himself satisfied with his appearance.
Checking his watch, Harry walked slowly from the bedroom and headed for the dungeons. If she were not awake now, she soon would be. He had considered blindfolding her, but had decided not to do so. it would be more disorientating if she could see where she was when she awoke.
He knew Tina was awake as soon as he entered the dungeon. The garbled moans escaping past the gag were clearly her asking for help. She would soon know that help would not be coming. She would also soon know that this was just the beginning. Harry had been planning this for some time, and now, he was going to make the most of it.
?I see you’re awake then slave? Harry spoke as he stood in front of her.
He could see Tina was trying hard to move away from her position. But it was impossible. The had left sufficient leeway so she thought she could twist her arms free, but the straps on her elbows were just tight enough to make sure she could not pull her hands backwards anywhere near far enough to get free.
?As I said to you earlier, you are going to become me slave. You will do what you are told, when you are told, and that means sexually as well as other things. If I want to fuck you, you will lie down. If I want a blow job, you will kneel down. I know you think you will resist, and refuse, but I have patience, and, let’s face it, you’re really not in a good position right now.?
The ring gag made her answers almost intelligible. But Harry understood that Tina really thought someone would rescue her, and that he, Harry, would be imprisoned. Harry laughed.
?Lets get this clear, so you understand what has happened. Your car is parked up where you left it. There is no sign of any struggle either close to your car, or further afield.. you walked to my car, well away from the car park, and since then, you have been transported well over a hundred miles. This castle is in it’s own grounds, and I invite you to feel free to scream. No-one will hear you, the next house is well over five miles away. This dungeon is your training ground. Here, you will learn to serve, or learn to suffer. The choice is yours, and I am happy either way. I have enough ways to make you suffer, so really, its up to you when you accept defeat.
?I also am fully aware that you will admit defeat while you still have a fighting spirit in you, this has been thought out, and I wont stop your suffering until I, not you, decide you are actually willing to obey.
?Now then. I know you are in pain, the dildo in your pussy is larger and harder than any cock you have previously had, and I know you want it out. But it’s staying in for now. what I am going to do though, is release your ankles, and just your ankles. Instead of tying them to the chair, I am going to fasten them to a hoist, and stretch them. Its my own version of the Chinese prison torture. You will be left, fully stretched for five days, by which time, your legs will probably lose feelings, as your muscles will atrophise. I can feed you through the ring gag, but only liquid diet, which isn’t a problem, as I have plenty of things to feed you with.
?Basically, things are going to get a lot worse in the very near future, and after that, we shall see how quickly you are willing to surrender to your new life.?
With that, Harry unfastened Tina’s left ankle and tied rope around it, making sure he was out of reach of any kick that may come his way. By standing to the side, he would be out of range of anything Tina tried. Moving to her right ankle, Harry tied more ropes, and then fed the other ends of both ropes to a hook on the hoist about eight feet away in front of the chair. Satisfied that the ropes would not come loose, Harry unfastened the straps around each of Tina’s knees, and slowly began to pull at the hoist. The hoist was not fixed to the ceiling, but to the wall. Level with the chair, so it would pull her legs out straight. This would simply pull her legs out straight in front of her, but fully extended.
Within seconds, Tina’s legs were fully stretched, but still he allowed the hoist to pull on them. To Tina, it was pure agony, as her legs were pulled away from her, pulling her further onto the chair, and pressing the hard painful dildo as deep as it would go.
She tried to lift herself off the dildo, but it was soon clear that she could not do so. as long as Harry kept her in this position, the dildo would stay deep inside her.
Satisfied that she was not able to move her legs, Harry stopped the hoist. The ropes were cutting into her ankles, but that wasn’t a concern. By the time her legs were freed, her ankles would be the least of her problems.
?Now slave. I am going to leave you alone for a while to consider things. Feel free to try to escape, I really don’t mind, as it just isn’t going to happen. I shall be back in a few hours with some food for you. However, there is one slight problem. As you cant move, and I am not going to move you, your excrement and urine will stay where they come out of you. Fortunately, I don’t have to suffer it, you do.?
With that Harry left the dungeon, but this time, turned out the lights, leaving Tina in total darkness. Harry had planned to have windows put into the dungeon at some stage, but never had done, so no light at all penetrated the blackness of the cellar area. Still, it would only be a few hours and he would return, but first he had to go back and check that no-one was actually looking for her yet.
Tina’s legs were on fire, as the ropes pulled at her ankles, stretching her legs out in front of her. every muscle was being stretched further than ever before, and it was relentless.
The hard dildo buried deep in her pussy was deeper than any cock she could remember, and her jaw ached. She needed to move, but movement was impossible. Her wrists and elbows were strapped to the chair, preventing her moving them, the pull of the ropes on her ankles prevented her lifting herself off the dildo.
She struggled endlessly to get free, but it took great effort to raise herself an inch off the chair seat, but nowhere near enough to get free of the didlo.
Tears began to run from the corners of her eyes, as she felt the needles and pins in her feet, the ropes around her ankles cutting off the supply of blood to them. She tried to move her feet a little, but the tightness of the ropes on her ankles made this too painful, and she slumped in the chair, her body racked with tears.
She didn’t know why Harry was doing this to her. she had done him no wrong that she knew of. If only she had not met him in the pub that day, none of this would be happening. Surely someone would be looking for her by now.
But her husband was still away, and until he returned, no-one would know she was missing. And what then? According to Harry she was far from home already, and he really didn’t seem worried about anyone hearing her or finding her.
Surely he couldn’t keep her like this?
Again. She tried to twist her hands free of the straps, but they were secure, Harry had made sure of that. And each time she tried to move, her ankles hurt more, forcing the dildo to move inside her.
The muscles in her legs were on fire, and she would have given anything for the pain to stop. But it didn’t.
In the darkness it was impossible to keep track of time. Tina had never experienced darkness like this before. In the town there was always a little light shining through the curtains, but here, the darkness was total. Not a glimmer of light from anywhere to break the darkness. She had often heard about pitch blackness, but it was only now, alone, that she knew how frightening it could be.
She swore she could hear scurrying on the floor. Perhaps a mouse, or a rat? Or was it her mind playing tricks?
Suddenly she felt the start of cramps in her stomach. She need to pee, and if she didn’t do so soon, she would explode. She tried to think of things to take her mind off it, but the feeling was overpowering, and in the position she was in, she could do nothing to stop herself.
A trickle at first. soon gave way to a stream of hot urine. Some must have sprayed off the chair, but much of it, because of her position, ran under her butt cheeks, feeling the wetness under her, trying to lift herself off it, but in vain.
Tears once again flew freely from Tina’s eyes. She knew that when he returned, harry would know she had peed, and would probably make fun of her, and was hardly likely to release her so she could bathe.
Bright lights suddenly filled the dungeon as Harry returned. Tina twisted her head to see him, still trying to move her legs, without success. Harry had brought what looked like a hospital drip stand, complete with a bag of red liquid. Connected to the drip was a long, thin rubber tube, and Tina wondered what he was going to inject her with. She tried in vain to move her arms, butt Harry made no move towards her arms at all.
Instead he picked up a piece of apparatus that6 Tina could not see, as it was behind her, and slotted the dove tails over the back of the chair rest. As it slid into place it trapped Tina’ s head. Preventing her from twisting to either side. Another piece was slid into place across the front of her forehead, holding her head tight against the back of the chair.
?This may be a little uncomfortable? Harry started. ?Its used in prisons in some places to feed people who decide to go on hunger strike. I don’t mind if you scream a little, but the initial pain will disappear in just a few moments, after that it will simply be uncomfortable. However, it means I can feed you without having to release you.?
With that, Harry brought the drip stand closer and smiled as he offered the end of the thin rubber tube to Tina’s mouth. Her could see her trying in vain to close her mouth, but the ring gag held firm, and Harry soon had the end pressing at the back of her throat.
Tina felt as if she needed to throw up as the thin tube pressed into her throat, and began to slowly find its way into her body. Tina had expected pain, but it wasn’t really pain, it was more the need to throw up, but the inability to do so, as the tube was fed, slowly, deeper into her throat.
Harry took his time feeding the tube into her, he didn’t want to rupture the oesophagus, or damage her lungs. By taking it slowly, he could feed the tube directly into her stomach without causing too much damage.
He had carefully measured how much tube he would need to reach her stomach, and then added four inches, so that the end of the tube would be deep inside her stomach, and she would not be able to get it out, even if she were free, without causing herself some severe damage. This was a point he alluded to as the end finally began to invade her stomach.
Tina was breathing heavily by the time Harry was satisfied that he had not damaged her stomach walls,
?I am now going to turn the drip on? Harry said. ?This will feed you slowly, so that your stomach can handle it, without the need to throw it all back up. If I fed you the whole bag in a single go, your stomach would reject it. We don’t want that. Its only tomato soup, but it will do for a start. It will take a while to finish this bag, and I am guessing you will not want another feed until morning. The tube, however, will be staying in place for the time you are strapped to the chair, so I suppose you had better get used to it. Tomorrow I am going to pierce your nipples, and your clit, and put your slave chain in place. I am only telling you this now, so you have something to look forward to.?
Harry checked the flow of the soup one more time before walking slowly away from his captive.
?I will leave the light on for a while, so you can see the bag slowly emptying, and will know when your meal is finished. But later, the light is going out again, no need to waste electricity, when there is nothing to see. Good night slave. Enjoy your meal?
Harry walked back up the steps of the dungeon ;leaving Tina alone. He doubted she would sleep at all tonight, but who knows? Once the lights are out, and the dungeon silenced, anything was possible.
He was able to monitor her progress thanks to the cameras he had installed in the dungeon, and linked to every one of the television sets in the castle. He could tune in from any room.
For a while he sat watching his helpless captive sitting quietly in the chair, her legs still pulled tight out in front of her. he had noticed that her feet were cold and starting to turn blue, but that couldn’t be helped, and besides, it didn’t matter. If her feet were badly damaged, she would not be able to run when he finally released her from the bondage she was currently in.
Tina had expected to feel a sensation of some sort, pain, but there was just the uncomfortable feeling of the pipe all the way down her throat and into her stomach. She could feel her stomach slowly filling, but without the sensation of actually eating.
She tried several times to cough the tube out, but it had remained firmly in place, as the bag of soup slowly emptied, and her stomach slowly filled.
Surely he couldn’t keep her here like this? The man was obviously mad if he thought he could, but at that moment in time, Tina could see no way out of her predicament. The wooden frame trapped her head so she could not even look around to see what was happening, and with her arms trapped, even if there were something to help her, she would be unable to get at it.
Her feet now felt very cold below the ankles. She had tried a few times to move her toes, but didn’t know if they were moving or not. Unable to see her feet now, and her legs stretched out so tightly, Tina was totally helpless, and had to rely on Harry coming to his senses and releasing her.
He had said something about piercing her nipples and clit tomorrow? He couldn’t do that. She had to find a way to stop him, bet even as she thought this, she knew that whatever Harry wanted to do, he would do. Her kidnap had not been a spur of the moment thing, it was pretty obvious that he had put a lot of planning into it.
No doubt, he had put planning into other things as well, and she promised herself that when she got free, she would seek revenge for everything.
Suddenly, the lights went out, leaving Tina in total blackness again.
She could still feel the thin rubber tube in her throat, but it wasn’t painful. Not that it would have mattered, as she could do nothing to remove it. Her legs ached still, but the initial pain had slowly died down, thought her feet had lost all feeling. She found herself wishing it was Harry in the chair, instead of her.
For three more days Harry kept Tina in the same position, her feet had turned black, and he guessed she would not be walking around for some time. the first morning, he had done as he told her he would, and after changing the soup bag for another one, he took the syringe from the bag he had brought into the dungeon with him, and pressed it hard against Tina’s right nipple. There had been resistance, and a scream from Tina as the needle penetrated her flesh, but quite quickly, her had the silver ring through her nipple, but not yet closed. Turning his attention to her other nipple, Tina started to scream even before the needle touched, trying to pull back away from it, but there was nowhere to go, and the nipple was soon pierced, and another silver ring pressed through the new hole.
Her clit was a different matter. Harry knew that he could not get at that whilst her legs were still held together, but he wasn’t going to release them just yet. That could wait, by which time her nipples wouldn’t be quite as sensitive. Not that they would not be sensitive at all, it would take a week or more to take that away from her. but he could wait. Tina was going nowhere yet.
He had also started to change Tina’s perception of what time of day it was, or even what day it was. He left her in darkness for many hours, and then returned, saying good morning, as if a night had passed already. As there was no daylight coming into the dungeon, her day started when the light went on, and ended when the light went off.
It would only take a few days before Tina lost all sense of what a full day felt like, and according to a Chinese teacher, who he had learned much from, she would sleep when the light was out, and wake feeling as if she had a full night’s sleep. The mind wasn’t difficult to fool, and it soon got used to change.
Harry looked back on his time in China with a certain fondness. He had been friends with a couple of guards from the local prison, and between them they had described some of the tortures that political prisoners were undergoing. Some, even HE would not consider. But many of them were just up his street, and they would be employed at some stage during Tina’s training.
The legs stretching was one of the techniques he had learned about, as was the force feeding, but using only liquid foods. They had explained that anything too solid, and the stomach would throw it back up, the feeding tube with it.
Soon, it would be time to extend Tina’s torture, but, she still had a couple of days left in the chair.
The smell in the dungeon was getting worse, and he had taken to wearing a doctor’s mask when he went there. The smell was from Tina, where the liquid food had given her diarrhoea, and even though he had sprayed it off the seat, the smell lingered.
By the third day Tina was no longer making any attempts to move. She sat in the chair and simply took whatever he was doing to her without a whimper. Even when he had placed a thin chain onto the silver rings in each nipple, and then closed them, using a hot soldering iron to seal them closed, she made no sound.
At first, Harry had to check she was still breathing, but she was alive. Simply taking whatever he was dishing out. The hate was still in her eyes though, and he knew that when he let her off the chair, he would have to stand out of reach, or at least make sure she couldn’t get at him. But he already had plans to avert any disaster.
First and foremost, Harry had to remove the feeder tube, doing so very slowly so as not to damage her stomach. It took him over five minutes to get the tube out, by which time Tina was once again coughing and feeling choked,
Releasing her left wrist first, Harry placed one end of a set of cuffs around the wrist, and then released her elbow. He expected her to lash out at him, but was pleasantly surprised that she didn’t do so. it would take her a few minutes before she could move her arm by herself, the muscles having got lazy after being motionless for three days.
Working quickly, Harry released her other arm, and by leaning her forwards in the chair, he was able to cuff her hands together behind her back before she was able to resist.
Moving to the hoist, Harry released the ropes and lowered her feet to the ground.
Tina felt the pain almost immediately, as the pressure of the ropes on her ankles released, and blood began to slowly filter back into her feet.
The pain was like nothing she had felt before, and the scream was enough to waken the dead. But Harry ignored the scream, and continued to unfasten the ropes. Harry was uncertain as to what damage had been done to her feet, but he rightly guessed that they would not support Tina’s weight yet.
Harry had to lift his victim off the chair, slowly, so that the wooden dildo slid out without causing any damage. He still had uses for her pussy, and did not want to damage it before hand.
Carrying Tina back to her cell, and laying her on the bed, Harry smiled down at her.
?I shall be back soon.? Harry said. ?If you behave, you may even get some proper food.?
Harry doubted Tina had heard him, as she seemed to have passed out. Maybe the pain had been too much to bear. But she would get used to it. This was just the beginning.
Tina awoke in absolute agony. Her feet, her stomach and her pussy all hurt.
She was lying on a hard bed, on her back, her hands cuffed and carrying her weight. It took her several minutes to even sit up, struggling to do so.
The room was small. Less than six feet wide, and only long enough to hold the bed, touching both walls. It looked as if it had been carved out of a hillside, the walls made of rock, as was the floor and ceiling.
There was a single low watt bulb high above her head, giving only just enough light to see the room itself, though not as clearly as normal. There were no windows, no other light sources. To one side, a couple of feet away from the bed stood a metal drum, with the word ?toilet? sprayed on it in bad handwriting.
Other than that, the room was empty. There were no blankets, no pillows, in fact, nothing that could be moved.
Tina sat on the side of the bed, her feet still off the floor, tears running freely from her swollen eyes.
She had no idea how long she had so far been held captive, but surely, by now., someone would be looking for her?
The pain in her pussy had started to die down a little, but her stomach ached, and her feet felt like they were on fire. She had tried several times to move her hands, to get to her feet, but the cuffs held firm, and she was unable to comfort them.
She wondered what Harry was going to do next, but hoped that it would not be in the near future. She knew she could not take punishment like she had taken again. She had never felt anything like it before, had never thought it possible for one human being to treat another so sadistically, and without a sign of remorse.
There were footsteps outside her door, and Tina immediately began to back away, moving further onto the bed.
A key scraped in a lock, and the door was flung open.
?You’re awake again then?. Harry’s voice displayed no friendship as he spoke .?I will bring you some food in a while, but, first a few basics. When I enter a room you are in, you will fall to your knees, head down, hands behind your back. And wait for further instructions. If you fail to do this, I will put you back in traction. When I eventually allow you to speak, you will not do so unless spoken to first, and then you will answer and call me Master. Again, you can refuse, and I will put you back in traction. I am sure you would want to avoid that, which is why I did it to you first. Its easier to let you feel the punishment, than let you have false hopes that it is easy to accept. Now then. I have been back to your home, but, so far, there doesn’t seem to be any panic. Your car is still parked by the park, and there are no police officers milling around it, so obviously, they are no yet looking for you.?
Harry moved deeper into the cell and stood by the bed.
?Stand up slave? he ordered Tina.
Tina withdrew as far as she could into the corner of the wall, frightened of what he was going to do to her.
Without a word, Harry’s hand flashed out, striking her across the face with a loud slap. Immediately, Tina screamed in pain.
?I will never ask you something twice, slave. You learn to do as you are told, when you are told, or suffer the consequences. Now get on your feet.?
Slowly, Tina edged closer to the edge of the bed, so her feet were dangling over it, still not touching the floor. She saw Harry raise his hand again, ready to strike her, and she made the final push to get off the bed.
As soon as she lifted her weight off the bed, she collapsed in a heap on the floor, her ankles too weak to hold her upright. She could hear Harry laughing as her head barely missed the side of the bed as she fell.
As she lay on the floor Harry grabbed the chain fixed to the wall that Tina had not noticed until that point. On the loose end was a single metal cuff which Harry had no problem in fastening to Tina’s left wrist, before removing the cuffs she already wore.
Now she would be able to move around the cell, but not reach past the doorway.
Grabbing her by the hair, Harry roughly pulled Tina to her knees, and began to remove the gag that had been a part of Tina since the day her traction had started.
Tina’s jaw hurt as she slowly closed her mouth. It felt somehow strange to be able to do so again after all this time.
?This is the position you will adopt anytime I enter a room that you occupy. Is this understood??
Tina looked up at him, saying nothing.
The backhander came without warning, sending her reeling again.
?I will not repeat myself again.?. Harry’s voice was firm and angry as he lifted his hand for another strike.
?Yes master?. It was a whisper, but Harry knew that it would improve.
?I am going to bring you some food, I suggest you eat slowly, you have had no solids for some time, and I don’t want you getting stomach cramps and constipation. When I leave the cell, you may sit on the bed again, but when I return, I expect you on your knees?.
Harry didn’t wait for a response, he simply turned on his heels and left the cell. Closing and locking the door behind him, leaving Tina alone with her tears.
Watching her through the monitor, Harry smiled as Tina tried to get back on the bed. Until her feet healed a little more, standing on them would bring her nothing but pain, a reminder of her days in traction.
Harry had learned early on that if you are cruel to your victim at the start, they fear you and will do anything they can to avoid such treatment. Then, when you start being more lenient, they are lulled into thinking you have changed, and fear you less.
Switching off the monitor, Harry went into the kitchen to prepare the food. Everything was going to plan, and it would soon be time for the next stage.
For four days Tina was confined to her cell, only seeing Harry when he came to deliver food. Twice she had felt his hand across her face when she failed to call him master when he spoke to her, but since then, even though she had nothing but contempt for Harry, she obediently knelt and called him master.;
Her feet had recovered, and she could stand and walk on them, which saved her having to crawl across the floor and force herself onto her ?toilet?. But the chain on her wrist was constant, and no matter how many times she had tried, there was no way of getting it past her wrist and off.
Harry seemed to have thought everything out very carefully. All Tina could do was wait until he made a mistake, and make the most of it to escape. But she was not holding her breath. So far, he had made none at all. There had been no chance of escape. And, so far, no rescue attempt either.
Harry entered the cell and watched as, obediently, Tina sank to her knees.
?Hands behind you? he commanded.
Reluctantly, Tina placed both her hands behind her back, and grimaced as Harry took a set of cuffs from his pocket. Cuffing both her hands behind her, he then released her from the chain, and told her to stand. Using a crop, he motioned her out of the cell, and back towards the main dungeon, heading her to a Saint Andrews cross standing against one wall.
At the cross, Harry told her to open her legs, and quickly tied then to the base of the cross, her legs open wide.
?I told you some time back, that I would pierce your clit, and attach the ring to your nipples. That is going to happen now. You can, I admit, move your upper body, but your legs are tied wide enough for Me to do what I have to do. I am not going to lie, and tell you this will not hurt. It will. But this, as with all the other pains, is something you will live with. The chain is actually shorter than the distance between your clit and nipples. This will stretch both constantly. And will remind you that you are a mere slave.?
With that, Harry took the piercing kit from the cupboard and knelt between her legs.
Grabbing her clit with the forceps, Harry pulled it out and began to force the piercing needle through the pink flesh. Tina screamed as the needle began to penetrate her, struggling to get away, but soon discovered that by struggling, she was actually making the pain worse. Right now she wished Harry had secured her upper body as well.
Moments later, and Harry saw the needle exit the other side of Tina’s clit, and attaching the ring was then an easy job. Once he had the ring through, he took the ends of the two chains still hanging from Tina’s nipple rings, and threaded them onto her new clit ring, before sealing it closed. From now, if Tina stood upright, the chain would be fully stretched, tugging on both of her nipples, and her clit.
Releasing Tina from the cross, he took hold of the chain and told her to follow him. She had no real choice, the pain in her clit magnified as Harry pulled the chain, forcing her to go with him.
Harry led Tina along a short passageway, and then through a heavy wooden door, which led into a small enclosed cobbled yard. The walls around the yard were well over nine feet tall, and Tina realised immediately, that there was no way she could climb over them. Even if her hands were free, she could see no way up the smoothly plastered walls.
Harry led her into the yard and let go of the chain.
?I am allowing you some fresh air. You will remain here in the yard until I decide to let you back in. That will not be for a while, as I have things to do, so make the most of it.?
With that, Harry turned on his heels and left the yard, closing the door behind him. Tina heard a key turn, and knew she was now trapped in her open air prison. She considere3d screaming for help, but Harry had told her that there were no neighbours close enough to hear her, and she somehow believed what he said. He had taken a lot of time and effort and planning to get her to this point, it was hardly likely that he would leave her in the yard if there was the slightest chance her screams would be heard by anyone.
Sitting against a wall, Tina tried again to get her hands free of the cuffs, but in vain. As with everything else so far, Harry had left nothing to chance. The cuffs were tight enough to stop her escaping, but not tight enough to do her any damage.
Her clit felt as if it was on fire from the piercing, but even more so because the chain was a little too short, and with each step, the natural bounce of her breasts pulled on the clit ring, and on her still tender nipples.
Only now, sat against the wall where she could take the pressure off the chains did it help, but still her clit burned, and her nipples reminded her that they, too, were newly pierced.
Tina had been in the yard about an hour when it suddenly begin to darken over head. At first, she thought it may have been dusk, as she had no idea of what the time was, but it soon became clear that a storm was heading her way.
She looked around the yard for shelter, but there was none. If it rained, she was getting wet. She wondered if Harry had known a storm was brewing when he locked her in the yard. She guessed that he had. Whether or not he really had other things to do, she would never know. He may well be sat in the warmth, sipping whiskey and watching television.
The first few drops of rain felt a little warm, but within minutes, the droplets gave way to more severe rain. Within ten minutes, Tina’s hair was wet and sticking to her head and face, and without the use of her hands, she could not do anything about it.
Then, the heavens opened, and it was as if there was a monsoon. Rain pelted her naked flesh, as she sat by the wall, hoping the wall would help shelter her. but the rain seemed to be swirling, coming from all directions at once, drenching her, her skin getting colder, her body shaking with it. There was no escape from the rain, so Tina was forced to endure what ever came.
The flash of lightning shook her. even as a child, thunder and lightning had terrified her, and still did. Startled, she stood up and ran around the yard screaming for help, a scream hidden by the clash of thunder.
The pain in her clit and nipples was forgotten, as the fear of the weather overtook her. only as the lightning moved on, and the rain started to ease, did Tina become aware of the pain she had brought on herself. Collapsing in a heap by the wall. Tears running freely from her eyes.
She had no doubts at all that Harry would have remembered her fear of thunder and lightning, and had used it against her. she wanted to curl up and die at that moment, but even that luxury was not being allowed her.
For another two hours Tina was in the yard, shivering with cold, her hair not drying yet. She did understand, by this point, t5hat Harry was capable of anything, and she knew she had, if only on the surface, to give him what he wanted. Hopefully, it would lead to a way to escape his clutches. But she knew, if that moment came, she would have but the one chance to take it. She would have to keep her eyes open.
Tina had bee4n frogmarched back to her cell from the yard, each step hurting both her clit and her nipples, the rings tugging at both with every6 movement she made.
Back in her cell Harry once more chained her wrist to the wall, but left the handcuffs in place. Before bringing her from the yard, Harry had placed a couple of items in her cell, and now he picked the first one up.
The posture collar was made of thick leather, and was almost five inches high. It was shaped to go under her throat, and higher at the sides, so she would not be able to twist her head. Nor would she be able to look down. The collar would hold her head in one position until it was removed.
The second item was the ring gag, and after strapping the collar around Tina’s neck, he picked the gag up and slapped her face hard.
As she opened her mouth to scream, Harry forced the gag between her lips, and behind her teeth, forcing her mouth wide, before fastening it tightly behind her head.
Almost immediately. Tina knew what Harry planned, as he began to unfasten his trousers, letting them drop to the floor, as his cock became exposed. It was no hardship to see that Harry was turned on, and Tina knew instinctively what his plans were.
She tried to avoid him, but in her position, she could not move as fast as him, and he soon grabbed and pulled her hair, forcing her to face his groin.
The ring gag would not allow her to bite down, as he slowly fed his cock into her mouth, using her own hair to pull her forward onto it. She could taste the slight saltiness as his cock hit the back of her throat, before he began to slide his cock in and out of her mouth.
Her lips may have been unable to slide up and down his cock, but he was hitting the back of her throat with each thrust, and Tina knew he was getting what he wanted. Especially so as he began to speed up, his breathing becoming shallower and his cock ramming harder and deeper into her throat.
Tina tried several times in vain to pull her head away, or twist her face, but he held onto her hair to prevent her pulling away, and the stiff leather collar prevented her twisting her head, as with a loud moan, his cock began to explode into her mouth, and down into her throat.
It was impossible to spit it out, and she could feel it slowly sliding down her throat. She felt like gagging, as if she were about to throw up, but was even denied that pleasure, as her throat accepted his hot come.
Even after finishing, Harry held his cock in her mouth, feeling it soften again, but knowing that she had swallowed his juices, before releasing her hair.
?I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did?, he started. ?You will be doing it a lot more in the coming weeks.?
With that, Harry pulled up his trousers and left the cell, leaving Tina still bound helplessly .
Tina was trying to think where all this violence had come from. That night after the pub, Harry had given no sign of the sadistic way he was now treating her with. The sex had been great, even though she had drunk too much, and, as it appeared later, had been drugged. But it was clean sex. He hadn’t even held her arms above her head while they fucked. But now, it was a different Harry, a sadistic Harry, and she knew it could only get worse
The fact that he could leave her chained this way, the leather collar forcing her head upright, and the gag still holding her mouth wide open, were not good signs for Tina. The new piercings hurt, especially being frogmarched down to her cell.
It was another hour before Harry returned, carrying a tray with her food on it. But before he released her hands from the cuffs, he produced a small padlock, which he fastened to the back of the collar, so that Tina would not be able to release it. Only then did he release her wrists, except the one chained to the wall.
Leaving the cell, Harry smiled to himself. By now, any come in her mouth would have been digested, so it didn’t matter if she got the gag off, the collar would remain in place until he unlocked it, which would not be fore some time yet. He watched her through the monitor as she struggled to get the collar off, the gag already having been removed and thrown to the floor.
It was all going to plan for Harry. She, he knew, wanted to be released. And if he gave her half a chance, she would be out of the door, and free. He had always liked challenges, and this was a good challenge. She was not turning into the very quiet obedient slave. Her eyes said she was fighting every act caused on her. but, as long as Harry kept her chained up, it will take time.
When Harry returned to collect the dishes from Tina’s cell. She immediately fell to her knees, but her eyes were fixed on him, and full of hate.
?Do you like the new collar slave?? he asked.
?No I fucking don’t. when are you going to let me free so I can go home??
The backhander sent Tina crashing against the bed, her chained arm preventing her getting away.
?I told you not to speak until told to do, and to answer questions simply, with the word Master?.
Tears ran freely from Tina’s eyes, the red mark on her face like a stop ;light.
?For breaking the rules you will be punished, as I said you would.?
From his pocket Harry withdrew a dog’s lead, which, even though Tina struggled, he was able to clip to her new clit ring. Using the cuffs again, he cuffed the chained hand first, and brought it behind where, obediently, in case she got another backhander, Tina allowed him to cuff her wrists together, before releasing the wrist from the chain.
?On your feet?, demanded Harry, tugging on the dog lead as he spoke.
The pain as Harry pulled on her clit almost doubled Tina over, but she managed to obey him, and rose to her feet. Harry turned on his heels and began to walk away, knowing that Tina would either follow of tear the ring out of her clit.
He deliberately didn’t walk too fast, so she could keep pace, but it was still fast enough to cause her sufficient pain that she continuously cried out. Harry led her back into the yard where she had been earlier, and walked her to the far wall. Either Tina had missed it earlier, or Harry had been out and hammered a small hook into the wall. It was just at chest height, and Harry clipped the end of the dog lead to the hook, if Tina made any attempt to get away, she would cause herself a lot of pain. However, it also meant she would have to remain standing until Harry came and released her.
?It will be dark soon? Harry started. ?Around here there is no light pollution, so when it goes dark, it goes totally dark. I am leaving you here until I am satisfied that you have learned your lesson, and will do as you are told in future?.
Tina looked at him, her expression one of pure hatred.
?You can look at me that way all you want Tina. It will do you no good. You will either learn to serve me the way I want, or I will punish you. It really is your own choice. Now, enjoy yourself.?
With that Harry left the yard and closed the door, leaving Tina once more alone and suffering. She tried a few tentative steps, but soon realised any further than a few inches, and the chain pulled on her clit. She wondered if she could turn around, and bend her arms high enough up her back to release the chain, but that was a forlorn hope as well, the length of the chain would not allow her to turn around far enough.
Harry had judged this very well, and now she fully realised that she would be on her feet continuously until he returned, whenever that was.
It was almost as if someone was pulling a dark blanket across the skies, as the light slowly began to disappear. Tina had seen starts before, but not as she could see them now. the whole sky flickered with them, not just the few she could see looking in the night sky at home. The lack of light pollution allowed her to see them much clearer.
At any other time, she would have appreciated the night sky for it’s beauty, but it was also taking away her light, and the ability so see what she was doing. An hour later, and the darkness was complete. It was just as Harry had said it would be, total blackness like she had never seen before. And total silence. Even when it was quiet at home, there were always little sounds coming though the windows, but here, the silence was deafeningly silent. Tina did not know why, but fear crept into her mind, as she stood silently facing the wall, and realising that if Harry didn’t come back for her, she would spend the whole night out here, on her feet, awake, afraid of falling and ripping her clit.
Harry left her in the pitch blackness for an hour, before returning to the yard. He released the dog lead from the hook, but not from her clit ring.
?Have you learned anything slave?? Harry asked.
?Yes Master?
The response was barely audible, but Harry was still pleased. Without a word he pulled something from his pocket, and seconds later, Tina saw a blazing light ion her left eye. It felt as if her eye were on fire, and the brightness was all she could see. Coolly, Harry turned the laser towards her other eye, and gave a singlke blast, blinding Tina. She could see nothing but white light, and both eyes now felt as if they were on fire. She tried in vain to get her hands free of the cuffs to rub her eyes, but that was never going to happen.
?Now, slave, you follow the lead, not seeing. The lasers will wear off in a few hours, and as I will not be directing where you walk, you will have to rely entirely on the pressure on your clit ring. Get it wrong, and you will hurt yourself.?
With that Harry began to walk slowly, pulling on the lead, allowing her a few seconds to decide what direction he was pulling her in. there were a few false starts, and wehelps of pain from Tina, but eventually, she was able to read which direction the gentle tugs came from, and followed Harry back into the castle.
He led her to another dungeon, one he had been working on recently, and was only just finished. The main piece of apparatus was the cross in the centre of the room, attached to a hoist immediately above it. Right now, the cross was standing upright, its feet touching the floor. At the touch of a button, the hoist would lift the cross a good four feet off the ground, leaving whoever was fastened to it suspended in mid air.
Slowly. He led Tina to this cross, turning her so that her back was resting against it, before starting his work.
Tina felt him fasten something around each of her wrists, and both her ankles. It was as she heard the buckles fastening that she realised that he put leather cuffs on her, before releasing the metal cuffs that had held her arms behind her.
Without sight, Tina was unable to struggle to prevent Harry fastening her wrists and ankles to the four points of the cross, and still wearing the posture collar meant she was unable to twist her head, not that she could see anything past the white light that still filled both of her eyes.
Once Harry had her limbs secured, he brought another strap around her waist, holding her tight to the cross, and preventing her slipping her bonds when her sight returned later. But that wasn’t on his mind at that time. telling her he would be back soon, Harry left the dungeon.
He only moved into the hallway a few feet, and began to undress. He only did it this way as he didn’t want her hearing him undress, as that would have told her what to expect next.
A few minutes later, Harry re-entered the dungeon, stroking his cock as he did so. it was already hard, but he wanted to make sure it stayed that way as he crossed the dungeon to where Tina stood waiting, and helpless. Stopping directly in front of her, Harry moved close and bent his knees a little, before slowly standing up straight, felling his cock slide into Tina’s pussy. He could see her trying to shake her head, but the collar held firm, and Harry , slowly at first, began to fuck her.
She cried out for him to stop, struggling to release her arms and legs, but Harry ignored her, and began to move faster. Slamming his cock deep inside her with every stroke.
All Harry heard were her screams of torment as his cock rammed deep inside her, ignoring the fact she was not moist. It didn’t matter how she felt about it, this was his pleasure#, and he was going to make the most of it. Earlier in the day he had filled her throat with come, not it was her pussy’s turn, and he was not pulling out until he had pumped his seed into her.
He placed his hands on her hips as he rammed his cock into her, his balls slamming against her. the chain rattled and pulled on her nipples and clit, but Harry smiled at her anguish.
It took him ten minutes, but he felt the unmistakable heat in his balls, as he rammed deeper and deeper, groaning, his breathing getting sharper, until, finally, he stopped, his cock buried all the way into her, his juices filling her pussy. He groaned with satisfaction as he came inside her, even though he knew that much of it would simply run out, and down her thighs. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t trying to please her, she was simply a piece of meat he could use at will.
Tina could not stop the tears that ran freely from her painful eyes, and it was only as she started to swing a little, that she realised that Harry was raising the cross, lifting her off the ground. It was only a foot, but Tina didn’t know this, to her, she could have been a mile off the ground. She felt degraded from the way Harry was using her. and bow, she was sure she could still taste his salty juices in her throat from earlier, coupled with the warm sticky juices that were slowly leaking out of her pussy.
Harry stood looking at his prize, safely secured to the cross for the night. If she were lucky, the laser would wear off before morning, but Harry wasn’t sure about that, he had never known anyone use on deliberately in this way, and only two inches away from her eyes when the laser blast had hit her.
Still, if she regained her eyesight before morning, that would give him an indication as to how long a five second blast would last, and would, perhaps, increase it next time if needed.
Even as she heard Harry leave the dungeon, Tina’s eyes still burned with the pain of the laser. She could still feel his cock, as if it were still buried deep inside her, even though she knew he had gone.
She remembered that first night, he had been a great lover, and had done everything to make sure she had orgasm as well. True, he had taken the pictures that he had used to blackmail her into this, but that first night, he had been fantastic. But just now, he had not made love to her, he had used her, and in some ways, he made sure she knew he was using her. there was no tenderness, no whispered half promises. He had simply raped her because he wanted to do so, and because he could.
She had no idea how long Harry had already been holding her, but surely by now she would have been missed, and a search would have started. Her husband, Tom, he would certainly be missing her by now. she tried to work out how many days she had been a prisoner, but it was impossible. She felt it was well over a week, but it could have been much longer, and so much had happened to her in that time.
Would Tom still want her back if she were found and released? The rings through her nipples and clit would shock him. What if Harry had actually sent him the pictures he had taken? It would be immediately clear that it was not Tom’s cock she was sucking on that night, Tom had dark pubic hair, and Harry didn’t. and the picture he had shown her, made this very clear. she actually couldn’t remember giving Tom a blow job. He had always been a missionary position man.
At first, Tina didn’t realise what was happening, but there were shadows before her. dark, but shadows. Slowly, over the next hour or so, she could make things out better, as the shadows gave way to shapes, and shapes became slowly visible.
Her eyes still hurt, but, she was starting to see things again, but only what was directly in front of her, the collar making it impossible to turn her head either way.
The pain from having her clit pierced was becoming more acceptable, unless she was in so much agony she could not even feel it any more. With her arms and legs stretched as they were, the linking chains were pulled tightly, but it somehow didn’t feel quite as painful as it had earlier. She hoped Harry was not thinking of piercing her any further, she doubted she could handle it. But what choice did she have?
Unless she could find a way to escape, Harry would not give her any choices, he would do what he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted. He had already made this very clear. she now had no doubts that when he said she would be punished for something, he would mean it, and do it. But she still couldn’t bring herself to call him master without gritting her teeth.
Just then. The dungeon lights went off, and Tina was once again plunged into absolute darkness. Was it another night? Or was Harry saving electricity.
When she fell asleep, or how, escaped her, but she woke with a start as Harry grabbed her chains and pulled at them.
?Good morning slave. I can see you have regained your sight again? Well done. I am going to leave you where you are for the day, as I have things to do, and wont be here. But don’t worry, there is a bucket directly under you, if you need the toilet. You can empty it later when I get back.
And before you start thinking that if I have an accident, and get killed, someone will find this address on my person, and come rescue you. The castle was bought in my dead cousin/s name, for cash, and his name appears on the electoral roll. I have nothing on my person with this address on it, so if I do have an accident, you will remain where you are, until you die of starvation. I am told that it takes at least forty days to die of starvation. Plenty of time to wish I was still alive and still fucking you. I just thought you would like to know all this, so you don’t get any high hopes that you are going to be found any time in the near future.?
With that, Harry left the dungeon again, turning out the lights, and leaving Tina to mull over what he had just said. If the castle wasn’t in his name, Harry probably had another place registered to him. A place where she had never been. The police could check the house from top to bottom, and find nothing of hers, not even a single hair.
Tina broke down and cried again as she realised the full extent of her dilemma. Right then she wanted nothing more than for Harry to die, but knew that her very survival rested on his.
She wished, now, that he said nothing, as now she would worry about him when he was out, worried in case something really did happen to him. What would happen to her?
It was imperative that Harry was elsewhere that morning, and he wanted to make Tina suffer in a less painful way while he was out. Hence the suspension and the suggestion that should anything happened to him, she would die slowly where she
Harry was meeting his publisher, about writing a new book. The subject matter was the kidnapping of a married woman, and putting her into slavery. The publisher was not sure about the topic, but Harry was going to convince them that it was doable, and possible. He could not use Tina’s name, but he could use what he had done so far, as the opening gambit, and see if the publisher would take the bait. Even if they didn’t, Harry intended to still write the book and send it to a second publishing house. He was only contracted for one more book with his current publisher, and he had already written it, and could submit that tomorrow. But he wanted to write this new one, and leave the other one for some other time.
All the time that he spent talking to his publisher about his ideas, he was getting more and more ideas for Tina, but until he could prove they worked or didn’t, the publisher didn’t need to know. He already had done enough to make it a good tempter, if only he could get the publisher to accept the content matter.
It was a long, hard meeting, and more than once Harry could see things going against him, but just as Harry was about to admit defeat, the publisher spoke out.
?Three months. Harry, and I want to see the draft. If the draft works, we may go for it, I am not promising anything, but if it’s good enough, we will ruin with it. That’s a full draft Harry, not a synopsis. Full blood ready to go to print draft. Can you do it??
Harry worked hard to contain his pleasure, and simply nodded his head, feeling his voice may give away the fact that he was not writing fiction, simply calling it fiction. He would let Tina back into her cell as a reward.
For the next three days Tina was confined to her cell, chained to the wall. Still, but at least able to move around. The piercings had stopped hurting, though the chain was a constant reminder with every step she took. Even laying down with her hands under her head stretched her tits upwards and tugged at her clit although the pain had gone, the rings were ever present.
On the fourth day Harry entered the cell carrying the dog lead and the handcuffs. Immediately Tina sank to her knees, and placed her hands behind her, waiting for the cuffs. She had already worked out that she would not escape from her cell, and so showing that she was doing as he asked, may throw Harry off balance for a moment at another time. she waited, as Harry cuffed both of her hands together, and clipped the dog lead to her clit ring, before releasing her from the wall chain.
Only when Harry told her to stand up did she do so, silently. She had stopped speaking unless Harry asked a direct question. She could still feel the sting of his hand from the previous mistake, even though she knew that this was just in her mind. The pain could never last that long.
?We are going for a walk slave. You either follow, or the hole in your clit will get stretch, and then I will simply put a larger ring in place, and a shorter chain.?
Still not speaking, Tina followed Harry out of the cell, and along the passage that led to the yard. She was pleased to go straight past that door, but felt apprehension, as every new thing Harry had introduced her to, had been either painful or mentally painful.
She held no illusions about this being different. It was just as well, as he led her out of a door right at the end of the passage, and into a small orchard. There were small apples on some of the trees, but what caught her eye was the cross in the centre of the orchard. It was the same sort of cross that Jesus was always portrayed as being crucified on, but this one hand leather straps where her hands and feet would go.
She tried to slow down, hoping he would change his mind, but Harry simply tugged harder at the clit ring, forcing her to move, the small stoned hurting her bare feet as she did so, almost losing her footing at one stage. Harry turned Tina with her back to the cross, and forced her legs together, and then fastened a leather strap around her ankles. It was tight enough to stop Tina getting her feet free, and she though a little too tight. But Tina was not going to tell him that. He would not loosen it anyway, but may tighten it even more. Only when her feet were secure did he release her wrists from behind her. her first reaction was to hit him, but she already knew that the repercussions would be immediate and painful. She did try, without it being too obvious, to pull her hands back when he lifted the first one and stretched it out on the arm of the cross, before strapping it in place. Already, Tina’s tits were being stretched upwards, and she could feel the pressure on her nipples and clit as the chain pulled at them. By the time Harry had fastened the other wrist to the cross, the chain was fully taut, and Tina felt as if the rings were about to rip their way to freedom.
The chains held, and Tina stood naked under the hot sun. unable to move, unable to shield herself from it glare.
?You are going to stay here for two days, slave. The weather forecast is hot days, cold wet nights. You will not be fed, you will not be released, and if you need to toilet, then it’s only you that has to suffer it. If the forecast is right, you will get a shower at least twice a day to keep you clean. However, if the forecast is wrong, and it does not rain over the next two night, you will stay where you are until it does rain. The main problem here is that your arms are now stretched as your legs were in the dungeon, and the longer they stay there, inactive, the more painful it becomes, both during the torture, and when it ends, and your muscles start working again. I suggest you pray for rain.?.
He bent down and picked something up that she could not see, the posture collar having become almost a part of her now, and moved his hands to her tits..
Suddenly, both nipples began to hurt simultaneously, as he hooked the weights to them, before bending down and adding a third weight to her clit rin, forcing another scream from Tina’s lips.
?Each of these weights weighs eight ounces, and will stretch each of your piercings while you are here. I shall be along later to check that they are working, and to add more weights if they are not working fast enough. I intend to increase the size of the holes, so I can put larger rings through them. Have fun slave?.
Harry grinned as he gently pushed all three weights, watching her face as they swung gently, their work commencing.
Tina screamed as the weights began to pull at the three rings in her nipples and clit. She tried to look down at them, but the posture collar which had recently become a prt of her, stopped her from doing so. her eyes were fixed on a tree opposite her in the clearing. She knew that if he left her here fro two days, the weights would stretch the holes, but he had said that he intended to add to the weights at some stage, and the pain she was already feeling was more than enough for her.
She struggled to get her hands free of the ropes, but, as with everything else Harry had done so far, he had tied her well, and there was no escape she wondered why he wanted to make the holes bigger. He had said something about using a larger ring. Was it a slip of the tongue? Or had he said ring, not rings?
She found herself praying for good weather, but Harry had said that it would rain before she was released. She felt a cold shiver run up her spine as she remembered the last time he had left her out in the rain. Harry seemed to show no concern about it, knowing that there was a possibility that she would catch cold. There was another problem that Tina was now fully aware of.
Her stomach had started to feel bloated a day or so ago, and she knew that it meant her period would start soon, probably before Harry released her from the cross. She wondered if he knew, but then told herself that he couldn’t possibly know, and that being on a cross, and bleeding, was pure co-incidence.
Her periods were usually painful, and the cramps sometimes unbearable. But if she came on now. unable to curl up as she often did, how would she handle it?
She suddenly became aware of the pain in her elbows. Her left arm started to hurt first, and a few minutes later, her other arm. Both had been fully extended by the ropes, and although the blood supply was not cut off as her feet had been, the stretching was now taking effect, and both her elbows began to feel painful.
The sun, overhead, was hot. She remembered the old song, mad dogs and Englishmen, go out in the midday sun. she wasn’t mad, but here she was, out in the full glare of the sun, and unable to seek cover. Even though she could not see it, she knew her exposed flesh would be getting the full attention of the sun’s rays. Tina had never tanned, though she burnt easily. She screamed out to be released, but only the silence answered her.
She did not know how long she had been crucified, but the skies began to slowly darken, as evening slowly encroached on the day, bringing with it the cool evening breeze. Harry had said that the night would be cold, and wet. She began praying he was wrong, but as the minutes past, and the sun began to set, she could feel the coolness, and she began to get goose bumps.
Within an hour, the air felt much colder, and she began to shiver within her bonds. He had not tied her knees to the cross, but with her arms stretched as they were, and her ankles fastened to the cross, she could not move them. Had she done so, she could have helped her blood circulate, but, stuck in the one position, she could feel the cold more than she would normally do.
She wondered if Harry was hiding in the trees, waiting for her to submit. But she knew he wasn’t. he would not appear until he was ready to do so, and until then, he would be in the warmth of his castle.
When would he return to check the weights? Add more?
If only she had not met him in the pub that night, she would be at home, in bed, with Tom, and not here, in the open, crucified and slowly freezing.
It was then that her worst fears were answered, as the first drops of rain began to fall. In the clearing, she had no cover, as the rain slowly got heavier until it was hammering against her exposed flesh.
Tina screamed again to be released, but no-one heard her, no one came to rescue her, and the ropes, unyielding, held her in place,, the rain showing no signs of stopping.
She did not sleep at all the first night, the rain keeping her awake, feeling frozen. She lost the feeling in her hands, and knew that when she was eventually released, they would hurt. But she could do nothing about it. Harry had said she would suffer, and she was doing so.
It was early the next morning when the rain finally began to subside. Even her flesh was soaked through, and she had already began to sneeze. But then the other problem announced itself. It was immediately after she had sneezed, she felt something hot and sticky on her thighs, and a shooting pain in her stomach, as her period began.
Tina’s eyes filled with tears as the cramps seemed to take over her whole being. Her periods were always painful, and this one was no exception. She often described them as ?someone putting their hand inside her, twisting her stomach, and trying to wrench it out of her body?. And that was how she felt right then.
She heard footsteps in the woods behind her, and soon Harry appeared in the clearing, moving to stand in front of her.
Once glance was enough to tell him that she was in agony, and he smiled. He looked at her tits and pussy, and again smiled at his victim.
?The holes are improving, slave, but need more help. I can see you are already distressed, and don’t need any more pressure, but, what the hell, as I have said, you are here to serve me, not yourself.?
With this he lifted the bag he had brought, and began to pull out some more weights.
?I am adding another eight ounces to each ring. I am also going to insert the larger ring, though I doubt it will please you.?
He added the first weights to her nipples. Watching as the holes stretched even more, before adding the last one to her clit. Only then did he bring the ring out of the bag. It was a large ring, but Tina knew just be seeing it, that it was not going to be a pleasant experience, as Harry opened the ring, and began to press the end through the hole the weights on her nipples had opened up. It took Harry a few minutes to force the end of the ring through, but he managed it, and then moved the end to her other nipple, sliding the ring through the hole, with a struggle.
He ignored Tina’s screams as the ring caused her nipples to bleed, and pushed the ring through both nipples so that the open part of the ring hung down in front of her. the end of the ring was a little above her pussy, and Tina knew that if he was going to do what she suspected, this was going to be painful and very uncomfortable.
She begged Harry not to do it, but Harry looked at her and grinned, as his fingers pulled at her clit ring, pulling it up to meet the ring, which was really too small to reach comfortably. It took Harry several minutes of strong pulling before he could line her clit hole up with the ring, and another minute to force it through. Happily hearing Tina scream as he clit was stretched well away from her body, He sealed the ring, watching as it pulled harshly on both of her nipples and her clit. As long as the ring was in place, her tits would not be able to bounce, and her clit would be almost an inch long.
?See you tomorrow,. slave? he laughed as he walked away again.
Tina had expected Harry to take the weight off after forcing the ring into place, but he had not done so, and the pain she was in, was enough to send her to unconsciousness. Sixteen ounces hanging from each nipple, and from her clit. Her whole body seemed to be one continuous pain.
By morning, Tina was a mess.. her blood soaked thighs were evidence of her period, the weights dragging on her tender regions, stretching the holes Harry had made, and the ring that now connected her clit and her nipples, constantly pulling at each of them. There would be no respite from this pressure.
There was no resistance from Tina as Harry appeared to release her from the bondage. When he unfastened her arms, Tina sank to the ground, unable to support herself after the harshness of her suffering. Harry stood before her and unzipped his trousers, letting his cock loose in front of her.
Tina knew what he wanted, and though she could not raise the effort to lift her arms, she obediently opened her mouth and allowed Harry to press the head of his cock into her mouth, closing her lips around it, as he began to move his hips.;
The cruelty she had endured, the pain in her clit and nipples, had taken their toll on her, and Tina was prepared to do anything Harry wanted, simply to stop him from hurting her any more.
Harry’s thrusts became harder, more urgent, and she knew he was about to come, but she made no effort to pull away from him, resigned to accept what was happening.
Tina no longer felt that help was on it’s way. There would be no escape, no rescue. She accepted that her ordeal would only end when Harry decided to end it.
Even as his hot juices splashed against the back of her throat, Tina did not pull away, but simply swallowed what she could, feeling small rivulets escape her mouth and run down her cheeks. Harry had won, Tina could accept no more punishment, no more pain.
As Harry pulled his cock from her mouth and put it away, he stood in front of Tina looking at her. the fire in her eyes was gone, and she had placed her hands behind her back, ready for the inevitable cuffs that he always placed on her wrists.
As she knelt, Harry began to remove the weights from her nipples and her clit, still leaving the quarter inch thick surgical ring in place, so the pressure on all three areas would remain. Even though Tina was not fighting him at the moment, there may be a time when she regained her composure and her will to defy him. When that happened, the slave ring will come in handy to control her.
Allowing her to stand, he led her back towards the castle, and her cell. He continued to restrain her on her chain as he released the cuffs from her wrists. He would allow her a couple of days to recover from what she had just been through, and on the bed were several pairs of disposable incontinence pants. At least he was allowing her to cover herself, though no sanitary towels of tampons would be made available to her.
Closing the door as he left the cell, he caught from the corner of his eye that she remained still until the door was closed. Her suffering was not yet over, there was still one more phase, but he was sure that she would now accept it without complaint, fearful that if she complained, things would get worse.
Alone again, Tina remained kneeling for several minutes after the door closed. She knew that Harry would punish her if she had got off her knees before he left the room, and had decided the best course of action would be to remain kneeling until the door closed, and the key turned. By doing so, she would give him no reason to punish her.
Not that Harry seemed to need any provocation. He was obviously running to his own agenda, and to some extent, her had already succeeded. She would do anything to stop him hurting her any more, though she was sure he was going to do so anyway.
He had told her at the start that she would become his sex slave, and today, when he put his cock to her lips, she had opened her mouth willingly, and accepted what ever happened.
She had not thought of her husband for a few days, maybe because he was in no position to help her. only Harry could help her now, and he would only be nice by the second, and cruel by the hour.
There was a bowl of water and a small tablet of soap close to her ?toilet?, and Tina took advantage of them to clear away some of the blood that had dried on her legs. she wanted to clean her pussy as well, but she was having problems, as every time she tried to do so, she moved the metal ring, aggravating her nipples and clit.
It was grin, and bear the pain, or stay dirty. By the time she had finally cleaned herself up, she was in agony, tears streaming down her face. She was convinced that this was part of Harry’s plan. Not only was he causing her pain, she was causing it to herself.
She picked up a pair of the incontinence pants and looked at them. They would help to keep her cleaner, but she knew, even before putting them on, that the waist would trap the metal ring, and pull on it. Once more, to help herself, she would be helping Harry. Slowly, she began to raise the pants, feeling them tightly against her body as she did so,. she tried hard not to scream as she raised them over her hips, trying hard not to touch the ring, but it was a vain effort, and the tears flooded back very quickly.
Sitting, standing, even laying down, no position she could get into would lessen the pressure. Harry had done his homework on the ring, it continuously pulled on all three anchor points.
She knew sleep would evade her, as it had done the two previous nights during her bondage. It would be another long night.
It was five days before Harry entered Tina’s cell again. Her food was delivered through a flap in the door, and Tina began to wonder what he was planning. She knew from her experiences already, that whatever it was, she was not going to like it.
The metal ring that had become a part of her was less painful, and she had been able to catch up on some of the sleep she had been losing. Occasionally Tina would catch the ring with her arm. Or move too fast and stretch the holes it had created, but in general, it was now slightly more bearable.
When Harry finally unlocked the cell door, Tina immediately sank to her knees. She no longer fought him in this respect. She tried, discreetly, to read in his eyes what he was planning for her, but she could never have envisaged what she was going to go through over the next few days.
Harry unlocked her wrist from the chain, and Tina obediently placed her hands behind her back, allowing him to cuff her. he could feel her shake as his hands closed the cuffs, and Harry was pleased to see the fire in her eyes had dissipated completely.
After what he had planned for her now, Tina would be his.
He had been back to where he had abducted Tina from, and though there was no mention of her disappearance in the local papers, there had been a police car parked discreetly close by her house.
He had gone into the pub where he had met her that night, but no-one seemed to recognise him.
Happy that he was in the clear, he had returned to the castle to prepare Tina’s next challenge.
This was to be her worst challenge, and designed to take the last of her resistance away. It would also show her, if she wasn’t already aware of it, that Harry would hurt her if she did something wrong. He still believed that telling someone that you will hurt them, doesn’t have the same message as showing them first, and then allowing them the chance to avoid the pain in future.
She had stood up well to what she had been through so far, and her actions had reflected her acceptance of her situation. He knew he could actually, now, give her the handcuffs, and she would cuff her own hands behind her back. But he still took pleasure in restraining her himself.
Leading her from the cell he led her to a bathroom on the floor above, an area Tina had never yet seen. It was still beneath Harry’s own accommodation, but it gave Tina a change of scenery.
Leading her to a chair Harry had positioned in the centre of the room, Tina was told to sit down. The seat of the chair had a large hole cut into it, and made sitting a little uncomfortable. But she did as she was told without a fight. There were two fixtures on the sides of the chair, and Tina soon realised what they were for.
Harry grabbed on of her legs and lifted it up, and out, fastening it to the side fixture, before doing the same with her other leg. Now, Tina’s legs were high and wide apart, giving the impression she was to get a medical inspection. But worse was to come.
Harry stepped away and returned a few seconds later with an IV stand, and placed it next to the chair. It took a few minutes to work out what it was, but Tina suddenly did realise, as Harry took hold of the Bartex nozzle and began to spread lubricant on it.
Tina moaned in pain as the nozzle was pressed against her arse, the tip of it finding its way past the tight sphincter.
?I am assuming you have never had an enema before?? said Harry, as he forced the nozzle deeper inside Tina. ?This nozzle is four inches long, and once in position can be inflated to stop it falling, or being pushed, out. You will then be given a six pint enema. I am not going to tell you it’s pleasant, it isn’t. however, it will clean you out.?
Tina opened her mouth to ask Him not to do this, but the words failed to come, fearful that should she speak, he would punish her.
The nozzle was filling her arse already, but then Harry began to inflate the ring sitting just inside her. she moaned as it filled her, and she knew that Harry was right. It was not going to fall out, and she doubted very much if she could force it out.
Harry stood back and admired his work, tugging on the nozzle to ensure it’s tightness.
?This will take quite some time? He said to her, as his hands reached up to open the valve that would allow the enema to flow. ?I would love to stay here and share it with you, but I have other things to do, so you will have to do it alone. I could, of course, tell you what to expect, but that would spoil it for you. However, it will, I can promise you, be quite painful after a while?.
Checking that the flow had started, and adjusting the valve, Harry smiled at Tina wand left the room.
It was barely noticeable at first, the slow flow of the fluid from the large bag on the stand to her right, was barely doing anything at all, and Tina began to relax. At least in this position, with her legs lifted high, there was less pressure on her clit and nipples from the ring. It was the first time in ages that the pressure had been released.
Her eyes were, for some time, fixed on the bag of fluid, watching as the valve released it’s slow torture into her body.
Harry watched her through the monitor, and wondered should he have turned the valve more. But he had wanted this to be a slow torture. It would take almost six hours for the bag to empty, by which time Tina would be in great pain. The enema would fill her, causing cramps, stomach pains. He knew she would want it out long before it had fully infiltrated her. a normal first time enema was only two pints, and given quite quickly. But this was Tina’s first, and she was getting a very slow six pint enema. And then, she would be forced to hold it in until he was ready to let her release it. The nozzle would make sure the enema stayed in place.
As the time passed./ Tina felt the strange sensation as the enema began to slowly fill her bowels. It wasn’t painful, but it did feel strange, feeling them slowly fill up, and the enema moving deeper into her body. Harry had said four pints was a normal amount, but that she would be getting six pints. Never having had an enema before, she wasn’t sure what to expect, but so far, apart from the strange sensation, she was feeling no pain.
She had taken almost half of the enema when the strange feeling became discomfort, and soon started to hurt. It wasn’t a sudden pain, but the slow realisation that the pain was growing. It started to become acute when the bag was two thirds empty, and her body had consumed four pints, the cramps in her stomach were getting unbearable, and she struggled, trying to force the nozzle out, but it wasn’t moving.
She had never felt cramps like this before, her stomach was distended, and was very hard. She could feel it swelling up, and she prayed that Harry would return and free her of this, but her prayers went unanswered, as the enema continued to fill her body.
By the time the last of the enema had been absorbed, Tina was no longer able to look at the bag, the cramps in her stomach, and the fullness of her bowels were too painful for her. Her stomach felt as hard as concrete, and her entire body seemed to feel sympathetic pains. Her hands hurt from her weight on them, her legs ached from being in one position for such a long time, but worst of all, was her stomach.
Although the posture collar prevented her from looking down, she could feel how badly swollen her stomach was. Any more of the enema, and she was convinced that her stomach walls would rupture.
Even though the enema was complete, Tina gained no release, laying as she was, unable to move.
Harry sat in the kitchen eating lasagne, as he watched Tina through the monitor. She looked almost five months pregnant, such was the effect of the enema. Her stomach was badly swollen, and he knew she was in severe pain. He had sat and watched the final two pints of the enema entering her body, but felt no compassion for her. the enema was not the end, it was the start of her torture. He had prepared liquid food for her, and his machine was ready to go when he was.
Finishing his meal, he slowly walked back to the dungeon, smiling as he entered, hearing her moans of pain.
He wheeled the other medical stand close to Tina, and then showed her the ring gag, the same one she had worn when she had first arrived. Even though she didn’t want the gag, she no longer had the strength to fight as Harry opened her moth and forced the gag in place.
It took several minutes to force the tube down her throat again, taking care not to rupture the walls of her throat as he did so,
Tina looked at him, her eyes full of fright. The gag and the stand told her what was going to happen, and as Harry forced the tube down her throat, she knew she was going to become the office party slut.
The pain in her throat as Harry pushed the feeding tube down, was excruciating, but there was nothing she could do to stop it from entering her, the tears flowing freely.
Satisfied that the tube was where he wanted it, Harry turned on the valve that would feed Tina the liquid food he had prepared her. Her stomach was already full and hard from the enema, and the food she was now receiving was not going to make things any easier for her.
Walking around Tina, so that he stood between her legs, Harry checked on the Batrex. It was not leaking, thought he could see Tina flexing her muscles to try to force it out.
Behind him was the machine he had been working on, and he quickly brought it into position.
The machine was an old engine, stripped down to its barest details. The engine was fastened to a double cog mechanism, with a long pole welded to the largest cog wheel. As the cog turned, it moved the pole backwards and forwards. The end of the pole being a dildo, nine inches long, and quite large in girth. Larger than most men’s cock.
Bringing the machine closer, Harry lined the dildo up with Tina’s pussy, and inched the machine forwards again, forcing the dildo into her. the pole was at its fullest extension on the cog wheel, so Harry forced the machine more forwards, until the last of the dildo disappeared into Tina, watching with a smile as the dildo added even more pressure to her already battered stomach muscles.
The dildo would only pull back six inches, meaning Tina could not pull away from it.
?I know you are having problems at the moment, and this is just adding to them. The enema will be staying in for a while yet, and once I start this engine, the machine will fuck you non stop until it runs out of petrol. I have estimated that the petrol in its tank will last a few hours. ?
With that Harry started the engine, its soft throbbing already filling the air, as the dildo began to slowly move out of Tina’s pussy, only to thrust back in as the wheel completed its first revolution. Tina moaned through all her restraints as the dry dildo pressed deeply into her. the pressure adding to her agony. The wheel took a few revolutions, but soon settled into a constant rhythm, not over fast, but certainly a rhythm she could feel.
Harry left the dungeon, and returned to his kitchen to watch her on the monitor, getting a close up of her face and eyes, smiling at the anguish he saw there. Not only from the pressure of the enema now, but the food she was receiving, and the constant fucking that would continue for at least eight hours.
If this treatment didn’t break Tina’s spirit, nothing would. He silently thanked the Chinese torture gangs who had taught him all of this.
Tina’s whole body screamed out in pain. Her stomach still hard and distended and filled with the enema, her throat was on fire from the tube inserted to force feed her, her wrists from the constant pressure of her own weight on her cuffed wrists, and her pussy, the pounding of the dildo as it fucked her endlessly.
Harry had used no lubricant, and the dildo was larger than either Harry’s or her husband’s cock, filling her totally, and pressing deep into her.
Her legs ached from being held in the same uncomfortable position for so many hours. She had tried endlessly to relieve the pressure from anywhere, but Harry, as he always did, had made that an impossible task. She tried, as she had done previously. To cough or spit the tube out of her mouth and throat, but even this was beyond her.
The tears had stopped, unable to cry anymore, but her eyes were red and swollen.
The dildo crashing against her pussy lips was hurting more and more now it felt as if she was swollen there as well. The relentless pounding never easing, simply almost out, only to crash back in as the wheel turned, the sound of it’s filling Tina’s ears and her mind.
Harry had told her it was better to show someone what will happen, then to tell them. Take away even the slightest of notions that, perhaps, the torture was only a threat. She was fully aware that the torture was a reality, a painful reality that, even if it were to stop now, she would do anything to avoid in future.
Until Harry had abducted her, she had no idea that one human could be so cruel and violent towards another. She had heard, obviously, of the way the Japanese tortured Allied prisoners during the war, and the North Vietnamese had tortures American prisoners, but had never dreamt that that world would ever enter her life.
She was in such pain that she didn’t even hear Harry return to the dungeon, and didn’t see him until he was standing directly over her.
She looked at him, wondering what cruelty he was about to add to her torture, but Harry placed his hands between her legs, and onto the enema tube, still attached to her. in a single motion, Harry pressed the button that would let the air out of the inflated ring in her arse, and pulled it free of her body.
Tina screamed, feeling as if the nozzle had taken half of her flesh with it, her arse on fire. But then a different pain, both relief and pain as both sides of a single coin, as the enema was flushed from her body.
The smell hit her almost immediately as crap and enema fluid came out in a torrent. She would, had she been able to do, cover her mouth and nose, the smell like nothing she had known before, and even more embarrassing, knowing that she was the cause.
Her stomach loosened, but the pain remained, and at last, the torrent slowed to a trickle, as the last of the enema was flushed away.
Tina’s relief was short lived though, as Harry brought a new enema towards her on another stand.
She shook her head in fear, already feeling the pain, even before Harry had touched her with the nozzle. She knew what he was going to do, and frantically struggled to get free of her bonds, but to no avail, as she felt the tip of the nozzle re=enter her, filling her once more, and then felt the ring at it’s base begin to inflate.
Tina wanted to die, anything to stop this treatment, but as with all her other recent wishes, this one was denied, and Harry stood up and turned the valve that would release her second enema.
The last thing Harry heard as he left the dungeon, was the garbled screams of Tina as the new enema began to fill her up once more.
As the enema began to fill her again, faster than the previous one, Tina again felt her stomach getting harder, filled from both ends by the constant forced feeding, and now the enema.
She silently begged for death to come and relieve her, but death did not appear to be listening.
The pounding in her pussy was now agonising, and relentless. She swore she would never have sex again when this ordeal was over, though she knew that Harry would do what he wanted, any time he wanted, and she would blindly submit to his will.
She tried to remember Harry as he was at school, or how he was that first night at the pub. But all she could see was Harry as he was now. callous, torturous, and evil.
She didn’t even feel the needle as it slipped into her arm, the needle that would stop the pain, for now.
Harry stood watching as Tina slipped into unconsciousness, the drug taking fast effect on her weakened body. Satisfied that she was asleep, Harry turned off the fucking machine, and released the enema, taking care not to stand in what she expelled. Only when the trickle had ceased did Harry finally release her legs, and lift her from the chair, putting her limp body over his shoulder, and carrying her back to her cell.
The drug would last a few hours, which was plenty of time for what Harry planned.
The next phase of Tina’s new life, was about to begin.
Tina O’Brien visits a brothel specifically for womenBy Rosko BusbyIt was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett...
TINA By Brian Houlihan [email protected] Copyright @2005 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved I guess I should preface this by thanking the UPS delivery guy. With one simple gesture, he changed my life. Of course he had no idea of what he was doing. He was just helping himself. Let me kind of set the scene for you. I was 37 years old, single, and living in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx. I had left a very boring but secure County job in Chicago four months ago and...
It was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett with Tina's Mum & Dad; a task which they loved and therefore Tina...
“I’m about to finish up here. Who wants the next turn at this nasty whore?!” Tina could hear his far-off voice booming overtop of her choking noises and the crowd that she, as she was suddenly and unshakably aware, was standing around them. While this anonymous frat boy’s cock pistoned in and out of her well-used throat, fuzzy details became more clear. She realized she was still in the frat house that she started the evening off by entering. She realized that her knees were sore as fuck, and...
Author : Kshitiz Genre : Group Hey guys thnks for your mails…….never thought that i will receive such a warm response……..here is another one………read and enjoy……..dnt forget to leave comments on ISS and on Tina was a virgin when she began dating Kshitiz in her last year of high school. After high school they married and moved to a small college town where they were fortunate to find affordable married student housing. They were broke, like most college students and sex was about their only...
The best way that Margie Jackson could describe the morning’s events to her husband was a car wreck, a slow-motion car wreck like something in a movie or on TV or just a NASCAR race on the late news. First one car would hit the wall, and then a bit later another car would hit the first, and then after a while longer another car would wreck, and just to spice things up, a car would explode every so often. And through it all, you knew with the same morbid fascination that people watched auto...
As Tina spied on her parents having sex, she could see her dad’s huge cock slamming in and out of her mum’s pussy, her mum moaned and groaned as he rammed his log into her, she could see her mums huge tits swaying as Maureen (Tina’s mum) moaned begging for more Ted (Tina’s dad) spanked Maureen as she begged for a good fucking, Tina could feel her pussy getting wet, as she run her hands over her young tits, Tina was 18 and had just finished college and had the summer to rest before university,...
I walk into Meredith’s bookstore expecting another afternoon of cleaning, pricing and stocking instead I find Meredith and Tina sitting behind the counter. Neither notices me when I walk in. I have a moment to watch them. Meredith is older, her face more mature and her body more womanly. Tina is losing her baby fat, her face becoming that of a woman. She has matured in other ways, her clothes are nicer now, she has become adept with powders and paints and, simply put, she makes more effort to...
LesbianTina winced as she saw the annoyed look on Miss Cindy’s face. She tried to explain, though. “It was a mistake, Miss Cindy. I intended to pay for the tops but just forgot and set off the alarm as I left the department store.”Miss Cindy wasn’t impressed and angrily berated Tina. “Forgot? That isn’t good enough, my girl. Anyone can use that excuse. You need to remember or accept the consequences.”Tina knew Miss Cindy was right and judging from recent experiences she reckoned she knew that Miss...
SpankingThis is Tina the Redhead that Mechanic Ray has written about. He asked me to write about the first time I had sex so I asked him to help me write about it as I’m not a writer. From here on out, it will be Ray writing what I tell him. Tina grew up in a conservative family with a hard working father, stay at home mom, two older brothers and one younger brother. In her home, no one talked about sex or anything considered improper. Her parents controlled what they watched on television at the...
I wake up to bright sunlight, surprised that I made it through the night without being raped or molested by Eddie. I jump in the shower and finally clean away yesterday’s filth. I am getting some cereal and thinking about what I should do before work when I see Eddie’s note on the counter. Teenster, Thank’s for the hard work last night. No need to come into work today. Take the day and night off… Toby, Silv, and I will handle things tonight. You’ve earned it! Eddie P.S. I added...
We ate in silence, we were both very hungry, then as we sat over our coffee, Tina pointed through the kitchen window. “It's such a beautiful day out there. I wish now that I had not left my bikini at Fred and Jenny's. We could have gone to the beach, this morning.” “I have a suggestion. There is a nudist beach just 10 minutes' walk from here. I'd much rather see you naked on the beach, than covered by a bikini, however skimpy.” “OK!” I put a very large beach towel, big enough for the...
I saw them as they appeared in the station entrance, dragging pretty much the sum of their lives in two heavy suitcases. They looked tired and stressed and in the case of the youngest, close to tears, a pathetic sight, though I don't mean that in the nasty way some do, just worthy of pity I guess. "Hi Dad." Said Tina my daughter. "Thanks for coming to collect us it's been a hell of a day." "So I gathered." I replied before drawing the pair of them into a hug which seemed to open up...
Vasquez answered her phone just as she was locking the evidence kit in the trunk of her car. "Hi Tina, it's Prescott," the forensic psychologist said. "Anything new on your missing girl?" "Jeffrey, hey," Tina sighed, closing the trunk. "Nothing yet. What have you got?" "Nothing much, I'm afraid," the man replied with an apologetic shrug. "I went through some models, but we don't have much of a profile on her. That makes it tough to predict." "Yeah," Tina agreed, walking...
To get over the break up of the band Tina decided To go to a quiet little restaurant she knew in London. She knew no one would really take any notice of her because it was early evening and everyone would be more interested about getting home to notice her. As she sat down at her table she was glad to have left her boyfriend Tommy at home, she really needed to be on her own right now. As she ordered her meal she noticed a young boy walk into the restaurant Tina thought he looked quite...
"It was Friday night and Beth’s friend Tina was sleeping over, They were a little drunk on the beer Beth’s older sister had left them when she went out earlier, they were on the couch watching porno and giggling when Beth’s sister walked in with Him, He was big and had long hair and tattoos! They laughed when they saw the young girls were watching a porno on the T V. “You two little girls need to go to bed now!” Her sister ordered. The big man just grinned at them with his hand moving...
Friday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...
Bill, Ed, Tyrell and Leo were in Ralph’s garage drinking beer and in general just hanging out. “I’ve got to piss” said Tyrell. “Tyrell go in the house and piss already” Ralph replied. Leo looked as Tyrell went inside and laughed. “What’s so funny”, asked Ralph? Leo started to explain both he and Tyrell had been blessed or cursed with very big cocks, 11 and 12 inches respectively. The problem was neither of the men’s new girl friends would or could take more the half before they were...
"I gotta tell you guys." Roy was swaying in the moonlight, taking a piss in the low scrub a few yards from the bonfire. Mike felt pretty loose himself as he sucked down his eighth beer of the night and threw the empty across the fire to Miguel, who dropped it. "Butter fingers!" Larry laughed at the running back. "I gotta tell you guys," Roy repeated. "That's why I don't pull on the screens," one of the other linemen said, burping loudly. "He ain't gonna catch it...
Tina slowly drips warm oil over Toms erect cock. "Now you just relax and let me do all the work" she coos. Tom is strapped to a metal table in a dark room- "Please" he begs "no more". "We've only just begun" she says smiling and wraps her hands around him. Tina leans forward, her long dark hair brushes slowly over Tom's bare chest. "I just know this is going to do it for you", she whispers and begins to slowly masturbate him. Tom lets out a slow groan as she expertly manipulates his cock....
West Abilene Tech was a small school. The running joke was "Which College do you go to?"... "WAT"... "I said, which college do you go to?" The office of the college president was small too, but well appointed and appropriately austere. The man it belonged to was Ethan Moore and he came from a long line of Texan's dating back to the Alamo and beyond. A tall, wiry academic with thinning gray hair and a pair of reading glasses perched on his nose, Ethan didn't particularly look like...
Tina the Stripper Has an AWFUL Night ~Lana Lawrence~ The song ended and Tina walked off the stage to the back. The next girl, Lisa, a little petite Asian with titties the size of plums, walked on next and the drunk guys cheered. Tina moved past all the other strippers. They put on make up and pasties in front of mirrors. One of them, Haley, was half dike so when Tina passed she turned and whistled. "Nice looking Jailbait." Jailbait was what Haley called Tina because she was...
"Why'd you do it?" Tina asked, looking at Floyd Peterson's reflection in her rearview mirror. The older man didn't say anything, his lined face drawn into a scowl as he looked out the window. "McKinnen's talking," she shrugged. "Moore's going to roll over. I'll have a State Prosecutor here in the morning, a couple unfriendlies to drive you down to San Antonio..." "Hmph," Floyd shook his head. "Old as you are," Tina sighed, "you're looking at life, Floyd. You know...
I sleep in on Sunday, determined not to show up at the Stuffed Pussy earlier than I have to. When I get in I am dreading Eddie’s reaction to my tardiness, expecting the worst. Instead I hear Eddie yelling at someone in the back room. “How could you screw up something as fucking simple as breadsticks! How many fucking breadsticks do you think we can sell… we ain’t a pizza joint!” I hurry in and start cleaning up, relieved that Eddie is too caught up in other problems to notice my late...
Eddie quickly realized that if he was going to have Tina occupied putting on shows for the customers (and he was), he would have to bring on some additional help or resign himself to waiting a lot of tables. With the increased crowds he expected, he probably needed more than one waitress / entertainer anyways. With this in mind, when he woke up Saturday morning he placed an ad in a local free “entertainment newspaper” for an adult Waitress / Entertainer. After accomplishing this chore he...
A few days after he fucked me so masterfully that day, my friend's older associate invited me to visit him at his apartment. I wasn't sure what to do. Originally I had only had been with the one guy and now he seemed to be passing me on to his business partner. When I asked him about it he told me that he was OK with it. He had done this before: found a young guy and then introduced him to his older business contact. So I had been used all along. I was just currency. But I had liked how Mack -...
My name is Ray, I’m single and I’m a mechanic. I own a four bay garage in a family friendly area of town. I also run a tow truck 24/7 in the local area. I charge about 2/3 the hourly rate of most other garages in the area and I guarantee all my work. Consequently, busy is very good for me and allows me to have three mechanics work for me. I’m average looking with a muscular build, but I’ve been told that my smile is contagious and combined with my business ethics makes me very popular with...
Standing naked in front of the mirror, I don't look like much. I’m skinny, boney even, and my breasts are non-existent, some would even say I look like a boy. Sometimes I wish I had been born a boy. So many things would have been different, so much of my life might have turned out different. Most importantly, Tina might have fallen in love with me. I run my hands over my breasts. My nipples spring to life after my hands pass over them. I think about Tina and all the things we've done together....
LesbianTins Smith 28yrs goes to the dress shop one last time to try on her wedding dress. It's Tuesday and Saturday she is marrying Steve her long time love. Getting to the store at 8:45 15min. before they close she begs Amy to let her try the dress on one last time Amy tries to talk her out of it but Tina begs hard so she gives in saying I have to leave but if Kat says ok then I guess it's alright. Amy goes to the office to find Kat lightly knocking on the door knowing what is happing in there.(Kat...
This past Friday, I closed the garage at 6pm and then entered all of the day’s work into the computer and headed home around 7pm. I went upstairs, took a shower and then headed down to the kitchen to fix a quick bite to eat. Just as I pulled out couple of pork chops to through on the grill, my doorbell rang. The last thing I wanted was unexpected company. All I wanted to do was fix something eat and relax with a couple of beers out by the pool as it had been a very busy week. When I opened the...
Hi! My name is Paul and this is a story about me and my girlfriend's first exhibitionist experience.I'm just an average built 22 year old guy who lives in Europe. Like most students who are attending college in their own town, I live with my parents. My girlfriend Tina is 19 years old. She has long brown hair, and a smile that could melt your heart. She isn't really a sex bomb, doesn't have big boobs, or a killer ass, but her petite body and charm wouldn't be uninteresting to anyone.I met Tina...
Sam knew he had to talk things over with Lizzie. It was only a couple of weeks after he had told Derrick and Dickie, but it had started already. The gossip had started among the wives, and it was only a matter of time before one of them raised it with her. It would be ‘ ... for her own good... ‘ of course, but some of his brother-in-law’s wives were Class A bitches and could be counted on to screw things up royally. Noreen had already made a bunch of snide comments to him and asked what he...
The McKinnen Funeral Home turned out to be a longish building resembling a church as much as anything else. It was constructed of wood and brick, all painted white. The surrounding grounds were green and well-tended with grass and neatly trimmed hedges and it seemed out of place, like an oasis planted in the desert scrub of western Texas. There were several cars in the parking lot and the one that caught Tina's eye was a white station wagon with the words 'County Coroner' lettered on the...
This story started downtown, as it was a night that I was celebrating a friend's birthday by taking him and about a dozen of our friends down to the bars to get loaded and have some fun. We had a great time as we all took David (the birthday boy) to the strip club and watched some fine ladies shake their thing whist we observed... and then later took off to find a dance bar to boogie the night away. Things were going very cool... when it all took a turn for the better when a young and very fine...
Group SexIntroduction: How I met Tina Six months after my wife left me for a lover, that I had not known about, I was still bitter and not good company. She had taken our three kids with her and moved from Sydney to the Gold Coast, south of Brisbane. Her lover had been her boss at the job that she worked at for the past 3 years. I found out later that she was pregnant when she left me, since I had had a vasectomy after our third kid was conceived, it had to be someone elses. On Friday night I was at...
Tina takes on Three at Work Tina says if you don’t like me going out buy myself or with friends you could all was come a long "You must be k**ding!" I responded to my wife, "I'm completely wiped out by the time I finish work, the last thing I want to do is to start going out after work. We continued our breakfast in silence the only words spoken were of Al’s request to pass the butter. I tell Tina I have a busy schedule today with meetings right up to 6pm. All I wanted to do after work was...
"So..." Emily smiled self-consciously, wearing her yellow sundress from the night before and looking beautiful in the morning light. The sun was streaming through the diner's plate glass windows and the place was busy serving coffee and breakfast to the locals. Emily was oblivious to the stares she and her attractive companion were getting, but Tina had taken note of who was watching, cataloging the faces and their expressions. Some people in this town, the Ranger knew, wouldn't be happy...
On Friday night I was at home, drinking myself into a state of numbness, when the phone rang. “John! It's Jenny. I want you to come for a pool-side barbecue tomorrow. Get here about noon. OK?” Now Jenny is married to my elder brother, Fred. She is a very stubborn woman who never takes 'no' for an answer, so, even though I did not want to go to her barbecue, I replied “OK Jenny. Thank you.” and hung up. Next day I was a bit late arriving at Fred and Jenny's. I heard voices coming...
"Shit ... That's what I'm talkin' about, homes!" Roy's head turned slowly on his thick neck. "See that shit?" "What's that?" Mike tried to see past his teammate, but Roy's big black body filled the front seat of his truck. "Turn around, man," Roy slammed the dash with his palm excitedly. "That bitch was fine!" "Heh!" Mike shook his head and put his soda in the cup holder before swinging a big U-turn. He and his friend had gone to the Burger King for some lunch and now...
Eddied looked at Silvia incredulously. “Healthcare?! This isn't a 9-5 job, we don't provide healthcare!” Silvia looked back at Eddie, a picture of patience. “You need to protect your investment. Tina is making you a fortune but if we aren't careful she'll get an infection or worse. And it wouldn't hurt to let her get the girly treatment every now and again. You boys don't put much credence into hair and skin treatments but let me tell you, it makes a difference and men notice...
I wake up Sunday sore and depressed from last night’s ordeal. I can’t even grasp what has happened to me over the last 3 weeks! Four weeks ago I didn’t know anything about sex or men or as it turns out, even my own body. I blush and groan in shame as I think about all of the whorish things I have done even in the last 2 days. Thinking about Silvia frigging me on Friday, the angry cock squirting me in the face last night, and cumming on Dan’s cock in my butt makes my tummy flutter in a way...
It had all began innocently enough several weeks earlier when Tina was doing the laundry. She had taken some blouses out of the drier and taken them upstairs to iron out the wrinkles. She liked doing the ironing in the back bedroom where she could look out the window and enjoy the view to break the monotony. On this day there was nothing much to see except for two dogs in the empty lot on the other side of the block. Casually watching, she realized what she was seeing, a male dog and a bitch in...
It was Wednesday before Sam returned to the Oneonta office. He arrived at his usual time, fifteen minutes late, and settled into his office. Tina was working, but it seemed to Sam as if she was being stand-offish. ‘Shit!’ he thought to himself. Something was wrong, and he knew perfectly well what it was. He had managed to fuck up for real this time, a major league fuckup. Tina could barely look at him, let alone talk, and it was quietly tense. Mid-afternoon, Margie came into his office and...
The sun had set while Tina and I were having dinner at El Pescatore on the Oakland waterfront. Tina is my wife, a full-time slut and part-time whore. She's gorgeous, about the size and shape of Dolly Parton but Tina's DD breasts are 100% natural man magnets.I'm a voyeur and a cuckold and have been since our wedding a few years ago when Tina consummated our marriage with several men she met in the hotel bar while I watched from the closet. I adore my sexy wife and am proud to share her with...
CuckoldThis night started like many nights. I came home from my shop to find Tina horny, as usual. My wife is a small woman with oversize breasts, a firm well-rounded ass, and shapely legs. Tonight she's wearing her pink wig and a silver micro-mini dress.The dress reveals more of her 34DD breasts than it conceals and if she bends over, her pussy is fully exposed. Of course, she isn't wearing any undies. Pink lace top thigh-highs and clear plastic spike heel 'fuck me' shoes complete her ensemble....
CuckoldIf I didn't get my left and right confused it probably never would have happened. I've always been that way. I have to imagine myself writing, or something like that, to get it straight. Sometimes I don't think about it that much and I get it wrong. Today was one of those days. Brenda had asked me to go back to her place and get her free movie tickets. We had planned to go to the movies, since she had been given free tickets, but when we arrived we found that the tickets were not in her pocket...
Straight SexTina’s apartment was a converted garage loft out back of a large house on Franklin Mountain. It had begun life as a small barn but then the farm had been sold and the new owners converted it to an apartment upstairs and a garage downstairs. It was only ten minutes from her new job, and an hour away from her family, which was perfectly fine with Tina. She loved her family dearly, but she wanted to be on her own. Tina walked into her apartment to find a visitor already there. She smiled as she...
“This is music?” asked Sam. It had been two weeks since he and Tina had become involved, and Lizzie’s spending the weekend at her friends had enabled him to spend the weekend with Tina. He was sitting on her couch with her lying down, her head on his lap, and the stereo was blasting in the background. He tried to ignore the strident blaring from the speakers as he lazily traced a finger across the bones in her face. Tina’s eyes opened with a twinkle. “You don’t like it? That’s Weezer!...
“So, are you taking Tina to the Christmas Party?” asked Katie. They were standing at the copy machine waiting for it to warm up. Sam gave her a funny look. He should have known Katie would have known about him and Tina; she’d been with Busby for over ten years and was fully dialed into the gossip grapevine. Shrugging, he said, “Well, I guess so. I don’t know as I’ve even told her about it.” Katie stared briefly and laughed. “Sam, you are hopeless. The invitations go out next week. What the...
Tina walked in the house around 3am Ralph was asleep in his chair, she was glad as the guys had brought her home covered in cum, she smelled of sex she was already thinking about the cocks she had just been fucked by and how much she wanted more. She took a quick shower and got into bed all she could think about was Leo and Tyrell’s huge cock pleasuring her. Ralph was up Sunday when she got out of bed she put on a robe as she then headed for the kitchen. “Hi how was the concert? And what...
TINA'S THE BESTTina (my sexy wife), and I have been swinging for a couple years. When I told her I wanted to see her with other men she thought I meant wife-swapping and she got jealous and angry, accusing me of wanting other women instead of her. I assured her that although I did like other women, it was her and other men that I really wanted to see. That we could do it with just her and another guy of she wanted to. Then she wanted to know if I was gay...if I wanted a man and was trying to...
Let me introduce Tina to you. Tina is my ex-girlfriend. She's Japanese-Irish mix, 5'3" A cups with big puffy areolas, firm toned legs that end in a great round ass. Tina had been out at the tanning salon when I got home, she loves wearing a tiny little bikini so she's got perfect tan lines. When she got home she told me she wanted to do something nasty on Friday night and that I should plan it out for her, she'd do anything I told her to. Well, well, well this was too good to be passed...
Sam watched as Tina walked from the office. It was a Friday afternoon, warm but beginning to get dark as the sun began setting earlier in late September. The rest of the office had cleared out right on the dot at five, but he had paperwork, and Tina had volunteered to work overtime to help him. Now it was almost six, and he had let the girl go home. She had seemed almost sorry to go, and as she walked to her car, Sam watched her through his office window. She was a fine-looking young woman,...
Sam looked at the couch, debating opening it up, but decided that it wasn’t the first couch he had slept on, and probably wouldn’t be the last. He kicked off his shoes and tossed his jacket and tie onto an armchair, then opened the patio door and stepped outside. It was a warm night, and the moon was full, and Sam unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it inside onto the chair. He took off his socks while standing, then undid his belt, coming back into the living room to go to sleep. In her room,...
She's five foot six, one hundred twenty-one beautiful pounds and at age thirty-two, she is still regularly carded for alcohol purchases. We met in college where she worked on her undergraduate degree in elementary education and I, on my Master's in chemistry. She was the proverbial girl-next-door. Short brown hair, large, brown eyes, perfect smile and a one hundred percent, head-turner. Often, I felt jealousy twinges because I knew men ogled her constantly, but over time, I got over it. Our...
“I'm telling you it was hot!” Silvia repeats. “I believe you.” Eddie responds lazily as he idly runs his fingers down Silvia's skin, tracing the swell of her breast as she cuddles comfortably into him. “Any ideas we can use at the club?” “Maybe. I think maybe I'll ask for one of those mouth spreaders when we go back for a brace adjustment. I can picture the boys painting Tina's cute braces with cum if we tie her up and have her wearing one of those things.” “Yeah, that will...
I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me! “Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie...
By: Jujun DISCLAIMER: Below is a work of fantasy and fiction and in no way reflects actions or intentions of real people or the views or preferences of the author. Characters and scenes within this work do not relate to any individuals or events in real life. Writing feedback and ideas for subsequent chapters are very much appreciated! I started writing this 8 years ago and only recently have started adding more chapters so look for future additions in the coming weeks! I looked at my...