Tina And Paula - The Last Days free porn video

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I walk into Meredith’s bookstore expecting another afternoon of cleaning, pricing and stocking instead I find Meredith and Tina sitting behind the counter. Neither notices me when I walk in. I have a moment to watch them. Meredith is older, her face more mature and her body more womanly. Tina is losing her baby fat, her face becoming that of a woman. She has matured in other ways, her clothes are nicer now, she has become adept with powders and paints and, simply put, she makes more effort to look like the princess everyone knows she is. She makes my heart beat faster by hardly trying.
Tina and Meredith laugh about something. Tina’s cute little laugh, her scrunched up little nose, and the way she puts her hand up to her face each time are so familiar to me. I can tell by her laugh that she is slightly uncomfortable but Meredith doesn’t see it. Tina is my secret, my deciphered code. I love her completely.
“Paula!” Tina shouts when she sees me.
“Oh good, you are finally here!” Meredith seems thrilled. I find this odd. I’ve had sex with Meredith and Nick only once after the incident at her house and it didn’t turn out well. I think it was mostly me. I was nervous and felt insecure. I didn’t respond well to Meredith and this made her leave. Nick and I finished but I think this only pissed Meredith off more.
“Hey guys!” I address both of them then turn to Tina, “What brings you to the shack of Satan?” I ask Tina.
Tina looks to Meredith as if asking her to explain and when Meredith doesn’t immediately respond Tina begins playing with something on the counter. Meredith is a modern woman, a woman in charge, the tension between us doesn’t bother her. She wants something and she is going to get it.
“Tina and I are going to run out for a bit, can you man the store?” Meredith asks.
“What?” I have a moment of panic. I think of “Gone with the Wind” and my brain screams, “But I don’t know nuttin’ bout birthin’ no babies!”
It’s just something that always pops into my head when I panic.
“Meredith… I don’t know how to run the register… and… if someone has questions I don’t know…”
“Paula,” Meredith pauses with a look of distaste, as if she is consoling an ignorant child, “You won’t need to run the register and you won’t be here long. Nick is coming over in a bit. I called him and asked him to run the store as soon as he can leave work.”
“Ok…well…what are you guys gonna do?” I hear the pathetic childlike whimper in my own voice. I see Meredith’s smile flatten slightly, her lips tighten, obviously annoyed with me. I can’t help it. I feel left out. I feel…I feel betrayed by Tina.
“Are you ready for the party tomorrow night?” Tina asks, always the positive and happy peacemaker.
“Sure, I guess.” Actually I haven’t done anything. What do you do for a party? Fuck if I know.
“Ok, great.” Meredith picks up her designer bag and keys. She puts her arm through Tina’s and they leave. Tina looks back over her shoulder for a minute. Her face seems to say, “Sorry, you know how it goes.”
Yeah Tina, I do.
I also know Meredith. I know what she will try to do with Tina.
Even after the luxury car pulls out and drives away, I can’t even believe it just happened! I stand there like a statue for at least twenty minutes just staring at the doorway.
“You have got to be kidding me!” My own voice breaks me out of the trance, makes me jump a little. I walk behind the counter refusing to do anything. I sit in Meredith’s chair and open a book. Fuck that bitch.

The store is dead for another hour. Nick still hasn’t shown up. I eye the clock. A couple of overweight women enter the store. They smile as they past me, shooting me uncomfortable glances. They are probably surprised to see only me behind the counter. Fumbling through books and new age trinkets they build up the courage to ask me something. Finally one of them turns and looks at me. She studies me as if she is trying to figure out if I belong here.
“Little girl?” She asks.
“Yes Ma’am?” I reply in my best adult voice. I’m far from being a little girl but I’ve always looked about ten years younger. It’s a curse. I’m used to people thinking I’m twelve.
“Do you know the woman who owns this place?”
No lady, I broke in, decided to sit behind the counter and act like I work here. Instead I say, “Yeah, Meredith is my boss.”
“Oh, I thought maybe you were her daughter.” She smiles in an obvious effort to bring humor to her mistake.
“Can I help you with something?” I ask, trying to seem in charge.
“Well…when will Meredith be back?” She asks.
“I don’t know.”
“Ok, well thank you young lady. You are doing a good job for such a little girl.”
All sorts of things pop into my head but I know that I need this job so I don’t say anything. I smile and watch as the two women waddle to the door. Just another couple of overweight new age women in muumuus and too much jewelry, women just like them come in just about every day. Maybe there is a secret society of them I don’t know about?
The chimes by the door ring. The two fat ladies huddle close together. They are jostled by a team of college kids walking through the door. I don’t know it yet but this is my life completely changing.
The first one through is wearing a leather jacket and a white t-shirt under it. His or her hair is cut short, spiked and dyed bright pink. Holding his or her hand is a slightly shorter girl, she looks amazing. Her black shirt is skin tight and printed with faded gray and blue designs that look maybe like a band logo. I can’t tell, maybe the shirt isn’t a shirt at all but a dancer’s tank top, it’s certainly hugging her skin. She’s wearing a studded belt that hangs across her hips with a fat silver buckle hanging at an angle just above her crotch. Her jeans are super tight with a blue bandana tied around her leg. She is wearing leather shoes with thick soles and fat heels. Two silver studs poke out below her sexy bottom lip. My stare doesn’t go unnoticed by her boyfriend/girlfriend, ahhh, I’m leaning toward girlfriend because I see breasts and permanently erect nipples under the leather jacket. All five of them are covered in tats of one nature or another. In fact the pink-spiked-hair punk girl has full sleeves. I’m mesmerized and they know it. They love it.
Then SHE walks in.
SHE is black, African-American a voice says in the back of my mind. Her face is striking. Her features are almost masculine yet soft around the chin and the more I look the more she looks sweet and feminine. She has that power. Her full lips are painted a deep red that shimmers in the light as she enters. Her very presence in the room commands the attention of the others, making her seem taller in every way. Her light brown and black hair twists in tiny curls and braids that fall behind her head in a huge ponytail. Her shoulders are bare, leaving plenty of skin to dream about. Her skin actually seems to change in the light as she moves. Her top is a mix between a corset and a shirt, and presses up her breasts into fleshy cleavage that tantalizes as she walks. She wears capris that seem more painted on that real and they hug her perfectly round slender hips. Those hips flow right into long sleek legs accented with the six inch heels. I’ve never seen a woman more amazing in my life. The most amazing thing about her is that she is looking directly at me. Her eyes never move from me and I don’t seem to be able to take my eyes from her. I’ve heard about Voodoo. I’ve read that some priests can give the evil eye. Maybe you have to be black to do it because I’m telling you when she looked into my eyes I felt power. I thought I would die.
She walks straight in my direction. I sit helpless behind the counter. My instincts scream flee but my body doesn’t move.
“Hi.” She says. Her voice is a bit smokey and yet delicately feminine and cuts through me. She walks around to the side of the counter and leans against it like she’s the owner instead of Meredith.
“H..Hi.” I squeak.
Those full red lips spread open into a smile. Her brown eyes flicker and her skin keeps changing color, becoming a light milk chocolate then a dark mocha. She smells of exotic places and she makes me think of pirates.
“Are you the new woman in charge around here?” She asks.
I laugh a little too enthusiastically, a nervous habit.
“No, Meredith left and I’m just holding down the fort until Nick shows.”
“Who is Nick?” She asks.
“Her husband.”
“Oh, so not a boyfriend?”
She moves in a little closer. Behind her the pink punk girl smirks.
“No…no, not at all.” I said.
“Wow, a little bit of venom in that response.” She said.
“No, I have a boyfriend.”
I was used to trying to prove I wasn’t a lesbian or bi or whatever I am. Kissing girls at parties is one thing, really loving women is an entirely different reality. Men don’t mind if you like women but tell them you ONLY want a woman and be prepared for a completely different reaction. I didn’t really have a boyfriend. He was just a guy that came over and fucked me after school but I guess that counts. Whatever the case I knew what I was, I was confused.
“Oh, ok.” She said.
“Where…umm…are you guys from around here?” I ask.
“Yes.” It was the dark haired beauty with the punk girl. She moved with a dancer’s grace over to the counter. “We just opened a tattoo place around the corner.”
“Wow! That’s awesome!”
“You like tattoos?” They ask.
“I don’t know. I guess so. I mean no one around here really has tattoos.”
“Well, when you turn eighteen you should come by and get one.”
The black woman that smelled like a mix of Indian spice, coffee, and chocolate leans down close to me and places her hand on my shoulder whispering, “You don’t really have to be eighteen.”
“Don’t tell her that shit Dee! She’ll go tell her friends and then all these kids will be getting us shut down.”
“You wouldn’t do that would you?” She asks.
“No. You guys are the coolest people I think I’ve ever seen.”
This made the entire group erupt in laughter.
“And you are the prettiest girl I think I’ve ever seen.” Dee said. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Desire but most people just call me Dee.”
“Ok Dee.”
“No, call me Desire. You aren’t most people yet… but we can work on changing that.” And Desire winks at me.
“Dee, she is way too young for you.”
My eyes must have been as big as golf balls. Sure I was confused, sure I was in love with Tina, a GIRL, but I had never really been open about it. In fact I had been taught that it was something to be ashamed of and to suppress. I believed that I was wrong and everyone else was normal. Now, oh God, now a beautiful woman was hitting on me! Me!
“Shut up Persia. I think Paula is a woman and she can make up her own mind.” Desire looks at me and I really did have to hold my legs to keep from trembling.
“I saw the way she was looking at Amber.” Persia says. Amber smiles and tilts her head slightly allowing a lock of blue hair to fall in with the rest of her shiny soft black hair. She was a woman used to having people look at her and obviously enjoyed it.
“Persia, come look at this shit.” One of the guys in the back said.
Persia rolled her eyes and walked to the guys in the back. I heard them talking in the background. Amber moved closer and in the right light her top was completely transparent. Her navel and nipples are pierced. She seems unconcerned by her semi-nudity or the fact that the rings through her nipples are clearly visible through the sheer dance top. In fact I think that was exactly what she was going for. She told Desire she was going to join Persia in the back and I could see her tongue was pierced as well. To me, she seemed like an exotic bird.
“Like that?” Desire asked and breaking my stare.
“Her tits.”
“Wha..I wasn’t…”
“Its ok baby, she has amazing tits. I would look at them too if I didn’t see them every day. I don’t think she should have pierced her nipples though. You should have seen her cute little nipples before she shoved that metal through them. Mmmm…mmmm, it was like looking at two little white chocolate Hersey’s kisses.”
“So you guys are like…”
“Yep, Gay. One-hundred percent.”
“Stand up.”
“Stand up.”
Unsure why, I stood up. I expected that Desire was going to tell me something about my clothes. I knew I wasn’t dressed anywhere near as cool as them. In fact I was wearing the same clothes I had been wearing since the 10th grade. I became self-conscious about my body but only for a moment because Desire grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to her. Her lips locked onto mine and she wrapped her other arm around me and tipped me back. I felt like I was in a movie. Roles were unclear and I didn’t fight her when she pressed her tongue into my mouth. I felt the metal stud roll around between our tongues as she kissed me. Her hands moved up my shirt and she cupped my little breast. She pinched my nipple sending sharp sensations up my spine. Heat flooded down my body and centered right between my legs.
“Fuck Dee!”
Desire didn’t stop when she heard Persia’s voice. She moved her hand down to my ass and cupped my butt cheek. She ground her hips into me and I fully expected to feel a stiff cock but there was nothing, just the soft mound of a womanly flesh.
“What is she Dee, fourteen? Jesus Christ! Get us arrested why don’t ya?”
“Wow, maybe we should leave?” A guy’s voice came in.
“Maybe we should get them a room.” Another guy said.
Desire’s kiss faltered. Her tongue slipped out of my mouth. The last thing she did before the kiss broke completely was to slip her hand over my crotch and press her fingers into my pussy. I was beyond wet. I was beyond return. I would have done anything Desire wanted at that moment. Anything.
“I think you need to break up with your boyfriend.” Desire said.
I look over at the others and see them pretending to mind their own business. I look back at Desire and see she is absolutely serious.
“Ok.” I say.
“Want to give me a number?” Desire asks.
“I…our phone…our phone got shut off.”
I hated it the moment I said it. It sounded like an excuse and I could see by the look on Desire’s face that’s exactly how she took it.
“Yes, really. But I’m having a party tomorrow night. You guys should totally come! There will be lots of people there. Meredith is bringing some booze.”
“How quaint.” Persia said.
“Oh, you are about to have the best party your little teenie-bopper friends have ever had. What is your address? Write it down for me.”
I wrote my address down on a piece of paper and folded it handing it to Desire. Desire grabbed my hand and curled her fingers through mine like I was her girlfriend. I had never had this happen before. I had dreamed about it. I had written about it. I had masturbated about it. All my life I had felt this was what I wanted but now that it was happening I just wanted to jerk my hand away and go run and hide.
“Amber! Look at this little Voodoo bank! Isn’t it cool?”
“Oh you should get it. This would look great in our room.” Amber said.
They were like any other couple. They were cute and in love. I could have this. That could be me.
“Call him.” Desire said.
“Your boyfriend, call him.” Desire picks up the phone and hands it to me.
Amber and Persia walk away. I feel the unpleasant air that has suddenly blown into our happy lesbian party. I feel the need to challenge Desire.
“I’ll do it later.”
“Why? Why not do it now?”
“Ok, don’t get angry.”
I pick up the phone and dial Ian’s number. The phone rang and Ian picked it up.
“Hey Ian.”
“Hey Paula.” He never sounds too excited about anything.
“Hey, uh, I need to talk to you about something.”
“Oh no, I think I know what’s coming.” Ian always expects the worst.
“Yeah, I think so. I think we need to break up.”
“Uhh, ok.” There’s a pause before he says, “Can I still come to the party?”
“Well…sure…but…see…I’m kinda like seeing someone else now.”
“Ok fine. I see.” Ian sounds disappointed. In fact he sounds completely broken. I feel horrible like I’m the worst scum of the universe until he says, “So can we still have sex?”
“Bye Ian.”
I hung up the phone and Desire looks pleased, thrilled in fact.
“Here, I want to buy this bank.” Persia says. Her face held none of the pleasant air of someone who should be welcoming a new girlfriend into the gang. In fact she seemed angry.
“Uhh, ok. Well I guess…”
“Is there a problem?”
“Well Meredith said that her husband Nick was going to be back soon. I don’t know how to run this fucking register.”
“Let me see.” Amber said.
Amber walked behind the register and punched a few buttons and then said, “How much is it?”
“Says like twenty bucks.” Persia said.
“Ok, five bucks it is.” Amber said and punched in the numbers and the register popped open.
“Don’t get the poor girl in trouble.”
“It’s ok, she’s about the quit this fucking lame ass job anyway. She just doesn’t know it yet.” Desire said.
I didn’t say a word as Amber rang up Persia and then closed the register. I bagged the bank for Persia and the crew walked out the door. Desire stayed behind and she pulled me close. She ran fingers through my hair and leaned in to kiss me again. Her hand went to my little breast and this time she placed my hand on her breast. I held my hand over the tight corset top, afraid to move.
“Don’t worry little doll, soon enough you’ll get to feel everything.”
She pushed her hand down the front of my jeans and forced her way through my panties to my pussy. Her fingers found my soaked and hot little slit and pressed inside. She moved her middle finger over and inside twice before finding my clit and pressing hard against it. I held onto her neck as she fingered me and opened my mouth. I come fast. It doesn’t take much to make me cum and I was very ready.
“Wow, you are about to cum ain’t you babydoll?”
“Yes.” I whisper.
“Damn, not yet babydoll. We need to save some for the party.”
“I’m not 14 or whatever, I just look young for my age.”
“Doesn’t matter.” Desire said. She ran a finger through my hair and then our eyes met again. I felt my heart race and my knees tremble. I didn’t want her to leave.
“You are mine now.”
As quickly as all this had happened, it ended. The chimes rang and Desire walked out the door. I stood alone again but with a different feeling. For the first time in my life I was someone’s girl and it made me feel wonderful! I jumped up and shouted and did a little dance back over to the counter.


Nick’s car pulled in over an hour past time to close. I didn’t care. He rushed in and asked, “Is the till closed out?”
“I don’t know.”
“Ok, well we’ll get it tomorrow. Let’s go.”
“Why are we in such a hurry?” I asked.
“Thought you might like to hurry up and see your friend.” He said.
“Yeah, I guess. Actually I would kinda like to just go home.”
“What, and miss out on all the fun?”
“What fun?”
“You know Meredith.”
“Yeah?” I drew out the word looking into Nick’s face for what he was getting at.
“Meredith has your friend ready to play but she doesn’t feel comfortable with both of us there. We just thought that maybe you would like to, you know, join in?”
I can’t fucking believe it! They are actually bringing me over just so that they can get laid with Tina! My Tina!
“It’s going to be a great party tomorrow night huh?” Nick asked. He could obviously see that I wasn’t happy and I didn’t need more clues to tell he was implying something.
“Yeah, it’s going to be great.” I said more enthusiastically than I’m sure he expected.
“Yeah, it wouldn’t be the same without some booze huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
I could see the look on Nick’s face. He was testing me. It was insane, threatening my party just so he could get me over to their house. Meredith and Nick were swingers and sex to them is a conquest. I’m not sure if sex had ever been about anything more. I had been with them while they cruised the internet trying to pick up the elusive and always hard to find “bi-curious” female. Looking in Nick’s eyes now I could see fear. I think they were afraid I wouldn’t come over or maybe that I would stop hanging around them. I was their ticket to girls. I shook my head and stomped over to Nick’s car and jerked open the door. He followed and climbed in next to me.
“You are upset?”
I rested my head in my hand so I didn’t have to look at him. This was the least erotic thing I could possibly think of. Being solicited for sex like it was something to be bartered or traded.
“No, it’s cool. I’ll come over and fuck you.”
“You don’t have…”
“I said it was cool. Let’s just head over before I change my mind.”
Somehow I felt a little like I was betraying my new girlfriend. I guess I felt a lot like I was betraying my new girlfriend. But what could I do? They held all the cards. I had a house that was about to go away and a mom that could be missing for all I know. I need them to be there. I needed someone to be there. I turned and looked at Nick. Nick’s smile told me that he wanted everything to be ok.
“So Tina is still there?” I asked.
“Yeah, I think so, at least she was when I left.”
“You’ve been at your house?”
“Yeah, well Meredith thought you could handle the store.”
“Yeah.” Nick looked at me. It was one of those looks that said he wanted something. I waited for him to spit it out.
“You really are cute.”
“Thanks Nick.”
“Ok.” His hand found my thigh and he moved his hand up and down as he drove. We turned a corner and he had to take it off. As soon as he finished turning he put his hand back down but higher. I let him. I don’t know. Maybe I wanted this. I was definitely still turned on from Desire touching me. I closed my eyes and thought of Desire’s hand moving up my thigh. I imagined it was her hand moving between my legs. Her fingers pushing my thighs open and pressing against my pussy.
“Wow, you are already wet.”
I wished he wouldn’t talk. I didn’t want to remember this was Nick’s hand between my thighs. I didn’t want to think about his fingers unbuttoning my jeans and pushing down the front.
“You are prickly.”
“I need to shave.”
I couldn’t think of Desire with him talking. His fingers felt good just above my pussy. He pushed down into my pants harder and fingers touched the sensitive and warm skin covering my clit. I opened my eyes and placed a hand over on Nick’s massive bulge. He swerved a little but regained control. His fingers couldn’t quite get enough room to penetrate my tightly tucked little lips. His cock threatened to rip open his pants.
It doesn’t take much to get me going on a normal day and after Desire’s teasing this was really driving me insane. I wanted to cum. I just had to lift my hips a little and…ahhhh…his fingers sank down in the moist folds of my slick little cunt. Damn it. It felt wonderful!
I came and we pulled into the driveway at the same time. Just a little one, a few shivers and a little tremble but still enough to relax my muscles and take the edge off. Only thing is, I wasn’t moving my hand on his cock.
“We are here.” He said.
“Yeah. Let’s go in.”
I threw open the door and walked through the garage to get into the house. I walked through the kitchen and found Tina lying back on the couch with a finger in her mouth and her legs spread wide. Meredith knelt in front of the couch with her head buried in Tina’s pussy. Two dildo’s lay at Meredith’s feet. I couldn’t believe the sight. I couldn’t believe Tina was doing this. What had Meredith done to get her this worked up?
Nick walked past me and began to undress. He dropped his pants unceremoniously. “Paula!” Meredith slurred. I think she had been drinking.
“Oh Paula, you have to get caught up! Have a drink!” Tina said.
Nick dropped his underwear and pants in a graceless move of unbridled lust. His enormous cock flipped up and down a few times as he moved. Someone was certainly ready.
“Oh my GOD!” Tina said.
“I know, He is huge!” I said.
“You’ve fucked him Paula?” Tina asked.
I didn’t answer.
“Sure you don’t want to play?” Meredith asked.
“Paula?” Tina pleaded.
I don’t know what changed at that moment. I guess I just can’t think about Tina in the same way anymore. Something about her and Meredith just fit. Something about her was so completely unlike Desire or Persia or Amber. Tina and I would never be lovers. That’s what I had realized and I had to accept that. This was as good as it would ever get, just fucking and playing around and “good times”.
“He’s great Tina.” I said.
“Yeah? Looks painful to me.” She said.
“Oh no, Nick is amazing.”
“Oh, I want to see you both sucking his cock.” Meredith said and she sat up on the couch with the dildo in her hand ready for a show.
“Paula, you need to get naked.” Tina said. Tina moved over to me walking across the carpet on her knees. She bit her lip as she came over. Tina was fucking hot. Her breasts had grown, they moved in ways mine never would. Her ass stuck out while she pulled off my jeans. I moved a hand through her hair. She was so beautiful even drunk. Her cheeks a little red and her eyes a little unfocused but still beautiful. My underwear slipped off and Tina planted a kiss right above my pussy. We both giggled.
Nick surprised me by placing his hand on my shoulder and thrusting his enormous cock right between us, right into Tina’s face.
“Holy crap!” Tina said.
“Come on girls, please.” Meredith said. Meredith was already on the couch with one leg flung over the arm of the couch and a dildo buried deep inside her. Her gigantic boozongas pressed together between her arms. She could give any porn star a run for her money. Tina could too. In fact I would bet that Tina could put any porn star to shame, hard little nipples, firm round breasts, skinny but toned and with a full small round ass.
Tina wrapped her hand around Nick’s cock and opened her mouth wide.
“Ahhh.” She said and laughed. She was acting like his cock was a tongue depressor at the doctors. I thought it was mad funny! I couldn’t take my eyes off her mouth as she gobbled down Nick’s full length. Oh no, she gagged!
“Oh my god, I don’t…” Tina coughed a few times, “I don’t see how anyone could do that.”
“You should see Meredith.” I said.
“Huh? Why?” Tina asked.
“She can deep throat him.”
“No way!”
Meredith slowly moved the dildo in and out of her pussy. Her mouth open and her pussy hugging and moving out with the dildo and then pressing in as she shoved it back down inside her.
“Meredith…come show Tina. You’ll love it Tina, she is amazing!”
Sure this was weird, maybe even a little evil. But if this is all I’ll have with Tina then this is all I’ll have. I’m not ever going pass up a chance to be with Tina. Ever. I love her and if she wants me as her girlfriend, I’ll give up Heaven and Earth to be with her, but I know it will never happen.
Meredith kissed Tina. Two beautiful women. Nick enjoyed it, I could see. Meredith brushed back a lock of hair and wrapped her lips around that thick cock and, GULP, it was gone!
“Holy shit!”
“Wait, get’s better.”
Meredith opened her mouth a little and fucked Nick’s cock with her throat. She twisted her head and every thick, throbbing bit of his massive member disappeared and reappeared from within her mouth.
“Oh GOD! I have to see his cock in you now!”  Meredith said looking at Tina.
“I don’t know.” Tina said.
“It’s ok, we’ll help. Just sit up here.” I said.
Tina leaned back on the couch and her newly softer breasts spread out just slightly. I found this intensely erotic.
“He has to put something on.” Tina said.
“It’s cool, Nick is clean.” Meredith said.
“I don’t care. Nothing on and nothing in.” Tina said.
“It’s ok, I have some.” Nick opened a drawer and out of the back pulled a little case. He ripped open the little silver square and in a few short movements wrapped the full length of the condom down his cock but he wasn’t happy about it.
“Holy shit.” Tina said.
Meredith and I sat beside Tina and moved our hands up and down her body, across her breasts, down her stomach and back up again. Nick held his cock out and pushed the head against Tina’s little pussy. I moved my hand down to her little slit and eased open her thin pink lips. Nick’s cock pushed in a little but the condom was too dry. Meredith wet her fingers and rubbed them over Tina’s pussy. Now the head of Nick’s cock slipped easily inside her. Her moist little labia flipped in as his cock sank down.
Somehow watching his cock penetrate Tina leaves me feeling numb. I’m not sure what I feel. It’s like two worlds just came together and I didn’t really think they ever would. Maybe this is all there is? Maybe sex is always about this? Maybe I’m the fool? Tina gasps for air as Nick’s cock sinks deeper inside. I know how she feels. Been there, done that.
“I’m going to cum!” Nick said.
“That quick?” Meredith asked.
“Now! Oh…Oh god…no…gotta get this damn thing off.” Nick rips the condom off and Tina pulls her legs together tightly to keep him from fucking her. Nick turns and grabs my legs and flings them open. I hardly have time to prepare as I’m slung back against the couch and he enters me. Holy fuck! He is big! Every fucking inch of him sinks down inside me. It’s been a while since Nick fucked me.
“Jesus Christ Nick!”
“Sorr..sorry…CUMMING!” Nick shoots his load inside me. Meredith kisses Tina passionately while she fucks herself with her dildo and cums. I don’t even have a chance to recognize what just happened. I’m a bit sore and my pussy is dripping Nick’s cum.
“Thank you Paula.” Nick said.

The house is dark and empty when I come in. Nick and Meredith took Tina home and left me to walk back to my place. Like I said, I’m old porn.
I take my clothes off and look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My face looks older. I feel older. My pussy is still sore from Nick fucking me without so much as a kiss. I walk into the kitchen and lift a knife out of the drawer. I look at it for a minute. It’s got a few spots from the dishwasher but other than that it’s clean. Tears sting my eyes and I drop to the cold tile floor. Sitting back against the cabinet I press the blade to my wrist.
The saddest day in your life is when you realize the love you feel for someone will never be returned. It’s a horrible feeling to know that everything you put out will never come back. I’ve lived my entire life waiting for Tina to love me. It’ll never happen.
I press the blade harder into my skin but not enough to cut.
After all, love isn’t a boomerang. You can’t just throw it out and expect it to come back. Maybe love is hard work? You have to keep trying and keep putting it out there and don’t always expect something in return. So what if Tina will never love me the same way I love her. She does care about me. Nick and Meredith are just who they are. The world is just the way it is. My Mom is just the way she is. Nothing is worth dying over. Tomorrow is another day. I’ll live to have my party and maybe Desire will show. Maybe with enough work, love with come back and maybe that’s what this is all about. Put it out there and keep working and one day love will find me.
I drop the knife on the floor. I knew I couldn’t do it anyway. I never do.
Tonight is the end of trying to make Tina love me. It will never happen. A part of me is screaming that I just need to keep trying, but that’s insane. Tina and I are growing apart. She and I will move on with our lives and go down different paths. I always knew it would happen. She has money, I have none. She has looks, I don’t. She has friends, I have people that want to fuck me. She has a family…well…I have an empty house that is about to be foreclosed. The mail came this week. The phone is already gone. The power will go soon and no one’s paying the bills. I’m alone with no where to go and a mother that could be dead for all I know, and me not even graduated from high school yet.
“Oh well, tomorrow is my big party.” I said to myself.
Yep, and tonight is the end of my childhood. Time to leave the nest and why not go out with a bang?

Same as Tina and Paula - The last days Videos

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Tina OrsquoBrien visits a brothel specifically f

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Paulas Story

CHAPTER 1 – DESIRES EXPOSED We were driving home from another stupid client entertainment dinner.  I was getting fed up with being eye candy on my husband’s arm.  After all, I was a Phi Beta Kappa in Psychology at State before being wooed and wedded by advertising guru Paul James.  Paul was a master at selling.  I swear—Paul could sell shit to hog farmers who usually had more shit than they could ever possibly use. I sat back in the thick luxurious seat of Paul’s Mercedes CLS 550.  I was almost...

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SSBBW Paula and FA Jason

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The Pampering of Maid Paula

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Brigit and Paula Disciplinary Engineers

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Paul to Paula Part 2

Paul to Paula - Part 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the second chapter in a six part story about how a shy male...

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by tirreno12One night my young wife Paula and I were making love in our bedroom; she was being very coy and seemed more turned on than usual. She proposed a sort of riddle game, with a lot of 'what if?' questions, like she was testing me to see when I could be jealous. Her first question was rather mild, "what if a guy made a pass at her?""Well, Paula, that would be no surprise," I replied. "In fact, it would be normal because you are a very pretty girl. It's not your fault you look so sexy...

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Present for Paula

The oddest thing happened to me on my last business trip. My company had sent me and five of my coworkers to visit an important client. It seems that the client was having trouble with one of our products and they wanted it fixed yesterday. Now, this wouldn't be a big deal if not for the timing. It was the day before New Year's Eve and some of us had plans. Oh well, duty calls. We flew down to see the client and began work right away. I had hopes of getting things done quickly and then...

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Travels with Aunt PaulaChapter 2

Paula was speaking. "Attention, Cal. Not just your penis, thank you. Listen, please. This is a hard day for Aunt Paula, a day she's been dreading for a long time." "But why, auntie? You've been teaching me beautiful, true things today." "I know that, darling. But words are not enough... " "That's good, Aunt Paula. I'm glad they're not. I want to show you... I don't know... what a good learner I am... , and how much I love you, auntie." "But do you understand what I've been...

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Paula Wolfes Pack

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Mrs Kenton aka Paula Wolfe

Mrs Kenton Paula and Tony were rushing out to Oscar's van. She stepped through the side door and Oscar looked into her pantie crotch as she got in. She smiled saying, “Tony can drive if you want it now. I pulled off a squirting cock just before we came out. It's still hot and fresh Poppa”. Oscar was climbing into the back before Tony could close the door! He got behind the wheel as Oscar was rolling Paula's hips up and pulling her panties to her knees. He saw Oscar dipping his tongue into...

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Paulas Bus Riders

Bus RideI backed away from the dining room table, my cock shriving as it glistened with our mixed cum. My wife was breathing hard from her climax and did not move for a few minutes.“That was the hottest sex we have had in years,” I said as I patted her bare ass, her skirt still pushed up around her waist.“Oh, you got that right. I just don’t know what got into me.” Paula commented, her tits wobbling on her chest as she continued to breathe heavily still laying on her back, legs up, and feet on...

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Second night with mom and aunt Paula

About six months after my parents divorced, my mom and I had moved in to a small apartment. Shortly after my aunt Paula moved in, to help mom with me. At the age of ten I was a bit gullible and it was only recently I discovered Aunt Paula is not really my aunt.I had always presumed moms and Aunt’s normally shared a room, and I never had a reason to question our living accommodation. A couple of weeks ago, I had the most amazing experience, mom and Aunt Paula, had come home and caught me in...

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Holiday with Paula Pt 1

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Paula Xhapters 1 and 2

I had just finished talking with the contractor and his five man crew, they were installing a mini Japanese garden in my back yard, and I was just closing the patio door when the doorbell rang. Wondering who it could possibly be I headed to the front door. When I opened the door I was greeted with a very pleasant surprise. There before me was Paula. She was nude, shaved, standing with her feet shoulder width apart, her head bowed, and holding a leash out to me that was attached to a collar...

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Paula And Lorena

Some weeks ago, Paula, my best friend, and I had unexpectedly ended up having sex, a consequence of a couple of drinks, but also a dream. Some months ago, I had written to Paula telling her I had dreamed about her. In my dream, I had sex with her and another girl. Our lives at that moment were a mess, especially in sentimental terms, so I guess that idea stuck in our minds. So, when I saw her again, she said she wanted us to have a threesome. But first, of course, we had to have a taste of each...

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Robert Paula Me

Bob and Paula had been living together for the last three years and were my best friends. We played golf together about every week-end and I was at their house about as much as I was my own apartment. Paula was a petite little red head with green eyes and a nice trim little figure. Despite that small frame, she was a dominate type person and could hit a golf ball as far as any woman on the LPGA, except she didn't always know which direction it was going. Bob was about my size,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 25 A fun day with Paula

Taking a deep breath, I looked at Michelle and said, “If you ended up in the hospital as many times as I have, you would be more careful too. I have fallen three stories off my roof onto the pavement, been run-over, and even struck by lightning a bunch of times in a row. I mean if you have a fondness for catheters, IVs, hospital food and having nurses waking you up all the time to poke at you, then please be my guest and fall on the way up. I am pretty sure my mom has the hospital, and all of...

4 years ago
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Paula and Joanne Chapter 3

Paula and Joanne Suggest previous Chapters are read first Chapter 3 - The week-end, Friday night part 2 As we stood in the mall, the other girls ribbing me about Matt being my new boyfriend, Mrs Emery's mobile phone rings. At the end of the call, she explains that it was her work & she needs to go into her office immediately for about an hour. Julia tells her not to worry about us, we can catch the bus home. She starts reluctantly but all bar Paula & I chip in saying we...

4 years ago
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by Diomedes “Forty, and for an extra ten you can fuck my little ass as well”, Paula gave a giggle and smiled up at the man. She was nineteen but looked younger, much younger, and she played on it, her short hair, small bust and the way she dressed all served to make her look more like a sixteen-year old schoolgirl. The man nodded in agreement and handed over the notes as she took his hand to lead him to the alleyway. Something looked familiar about him, but then again all suckers...

2 years ago
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Taking Paulas Virginity

A couple of years ago I wrote the true story of my first fuck, when I lost my virginity to the mother of my best friend. You can find that story here - https://xhamster.com/stories/the-true-story-of-losing-my-virginity-to-my-best-m-700032Well, I've decided to relate my next 'conquest'. I was still fucking Carol regularly and a couple of months had gone past since that first night. It was early autumn in 1977 and I was at a party in a big rambling nightclub in the Cotham area of Bristol. The...

4 years ago
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Paula Chapter Five

When I arrived back at the hotel Paula was sitting at the table in one of the hotel bathrobes brushing her wet hair. When she saw me enter the suite she stood up and removed the robe thinking that that was the way I preferred her. I smiled to myself as I ask her if she had order breakfast yet. She hadn’t so I ordered something for her from room service as I knew she was going to have a very busy day today. When room service arrived with her food the porter could not take his eyes off of...

2 years ago
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Paula Meredith Nick and Mom

I lay naked in bed on my stomach with hands rubbing my back and moving across my naked little butt. I love the feeling of someone touching my ass. Nick’s hands moved in all the right ways. He moved down my thighs while Meredith massaged my back and shoulders. I sighed as their hands caressed my skin, moving slowly across every inch of my naked young flesh. Nick’s hands carefully inched up between my thighs. My feet were crossed as I usually do when I’m lying in bed. His hands moving up toward...

3 years ago
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Impregnating Paula

Dr. Marcia Zimmerman had the largest and most successful hypnotherapy clinic in Houston. Through hypnosis she treated eating disorders, smoking cessations, also, alcohol and drug addictions. Her assistants were very qualified in handling these disorders. Dr. Zimmerman’s expertise was the treatment of sexual problems, including premature ejaculations and impotence. The method she used treating these illnesses often caused more problems than she cured. She was an excellent hypnotist, but, had let...

4 years ago
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African Sperm For Paula

[ This is dedicated to a young couple from Poland (who's name's I am changing for privacy reasons, etc.). Though I have only just begun getting to know 'Paula' and 'Stefan', as I will call them here, many of the details contained here are at least very close to being true and factual. So, to 'Paula' and 'Stefan'---I hope this does justice your experience as an emerging interracial cuckold married couple! You are, by no means, at all alone it such a quest! ]Paula had known Habib for quite...

3 years ago
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Impregnating Paula Ch 02

Impregnating Paula part two Paula didn’t understand what was happening. They had went to the Hypnotherapy Clinic on the recommendation of their family Doctor. Hypnosis was supposed to relax them and assist in her impregnation. Instead, her husband was impotent, except at the clinic. There, he was larger and more powerful than ever before, but, he couldn’t get an erection at home. He had never been like that before their first visit to the clinic. Maybe, she had gotten pregnant when he had...

3 years ago
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Paula Lays Ron For the World to See

© 2003 (... another non-fiction turn on "tail" at SINdora's request!) SINdora's first adventure into the realm of sharing erotic memories and deeds was a success for both of us. This you know if you have read "More SIN' for you". It proved that we could trust each other not to flip out with anger or jealousy at hearing of the other's past personal sexual events. (Neither had to fear or resent the other's prior history or current intents.) It was becoming obvious that our...

3 years ago
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Paula and Joanne Part 1

Paula and Joanne Chapter 1 - Caught red-handed As many times before, I went around my friends Paul's house on the home from school. We had the house to ourselves and were up in Paul's room looking at a girlie magazine we had acquired. The model we were looking at was wearing black lacy undies and Paul said "Julia has some lingerie similar to those, do you want to see it, John?" Julia was Paul's sister, at sixteen a year older than both of us, and she was a real looker and, unknown...

5 years ago
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Paula Meredith Nick and Mom

I lay naked in bed on my stomach with hands rubbing my back and moving across my naked little butt. I love the feeling of someone touching my ass. Nick’s hands moved in all the right ways. He moved down my thighs while Meredith massaged my back and shoulders. I sighed as their hands caressed my skin, moving slowly across every inch of my naked young flesh. Nick’s hands carefully inched up between my thighs. My feet were crossed as I usually do when I’m lying in bed. His hands moving up toward...

2 years ago
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The Perils of Paula Plenty Chapter One

Paula Plenty's dreams were interrupted by the ringing of the alarm clock. Her hand reached out to turn it off but merely succeeded in knocking it to the floor where it continued to ring, forcing her to get out of bed to retrieve it. Silence at last! She looked bleary-eyed at the clock. It was 7 o'clock and it was Monday. Was there a worst time of the week than this? Paula doubted it and debated returning to her bed. No, she thought, you've got to get moving. Slowly she stood up and headed to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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BurrChapter 17 Appeasing Paula

The Augustines welcomed me into their car like a member of their family. They had only seen the last quarter of our game with the J.V. and didn't know that I had sat on the bench for most of the other three quarters. Mr. Augustine congratulated me on a great game and Grace smiled like she knew what he meant when he told me that I was 'one tough dude.' The cream colored Buick was smaller than the Mercury and I found myself sitting closer to Paula than on our last ride home together. She...

3 years ago
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Paula Chapter 3 and 4

Chapter Three Saturday most of the day was spent shopping on the Mexican side of the border until around six p.m. when we returned to the hotel and had a lite meal at a nearby outside cafe. At 8 I had Paula dressed in a skin tight black dress that barely covered her ass cheeks. We then took a cab back across the border to a place known as Boy’s Town. It looks like an old fort except the gate is guarded by Mexican police and once inside there is nothing but bedrooms and bars. This is what is...

4 years ago
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Paula Chapter Six

From Laredo we took a plane to Louisville, Ky. Paula laid her seat back and went to sleep almost as soon as the plane left the ground. I let her sleep knowing she was going to again be in for a very long night. She was dressed in heels and a blue business suit that had a very short skirt. After the seat belt sign was turned off and people started getting up and moving around the cabin I noticed guys were sneaking looks at Paula while she slept. Her short skirt was giving them fits as they were...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Paul to Paula Part 3

Paul to Paula Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the first chapter in a six part story about how a shy male...

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My First Sensation with Paula

Going back to college was always a rather special goal of mine, if only due to the fact that you never knew what kind of people you would meet during your time there. Some would meet others like themselves, others may find the unusual ones who, after some time and conversations, tend to grow on you. And then, past all of that, you have that person who is friendly to you, yet you know that you literally have NOTHING in common with that person. Well, unfortunately for me, Paula just so happened...

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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...

2 years ago
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Auntie Paula enjoys my dick

During my young years, every summer time my parents used to go for some vacation at seaside, to stay at my Auntie Paula’s house.I was well into puberty and had been masturbating for two years. My Mom sometimes would forget to close her bedroom door so there were many times when I could see her undressing or getting naked after a shower. I used to feel aroused watching at her; since she was a hot woman…She was just forty years old at that time…But my Auntie Paula was even hotter than my own Mom....

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Paula Nick and Eddie

Paula and I have been married for fifteen years now and it's been a good marriage. We have two great kids and we have a great family life. We are active in the community and the church and are fairly well known in our town. Paula is a beautiful woman who looks more like a twenty-year-old model than the thirty-six year old housewife that she is. She turns male heads wherever she goes and I long ago got used to it. For the last ten years our sex life has been good, if somewhat routine and...

4 years ago
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Interracial Office Tony and Paula

I hope you get off reading this. Please vote and leave comments. So I know what you liked or hated!Anthony Stewart Smith stood looking out across the southern part of the city thinking. He saw his tailored dark gray pinstripe suit reflected like a ghost image in the window and he smiled. He had come a long way from the projects. He had left behind the d**gs, the whores and the nightly gunshots. He remembered the summer the Hispanic gang decided the block he lived in was going to belong to...

4 years ago
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Martha and Paula

Martha Sinclair surveyed the party.  It was the office end of year party for the company her sister Deborah Sinclair owned.  Martha was a striking woman, five-feet-seven-inches tall and very curvy.  She had red hair which flowed down across her shoulders and green eyes.  She also had a very ample bosom. Tonight she wore a dark green pencil skirt and a cashmere sweater, also green.  No bra, it was hard not to look at her beautiful breasts.  Martha wandered over to the bar to get a glass of...

2 years ago
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Paul to Paula Part 1

Paul to Paula ? Part 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the first chapter in a six part story about how a shy...

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Anniversary Trip ch4 Paulas Bi Interlude

Author's Note: In Paula's Turn - Part III of Tenth Anniversary Series, my wife flashed an stranger during a Las Vegas Show. One thing led to another, and, without my knowledge, she ended up spending the night with two men. I was frantic until I finally received a call from Paula. At the end of the call, one of the men told me that Paula would be spending the night with them and I should retain the services of a hooker if I needed sex.------------------------------------------------------It was...

4 years ago
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Paula and Meredith

I changed how I masturbated around the same time that Tina became obsessed with Mark, her soccer boy. All that extra time on my hands meant my hands were always busy. I masturbated so often that regular rubbing and fingering had become boring. I tried everything I could find in my bedroom. The round handle of my curling brush made a nice smooth early dildo for my teenage pussy. Inserting it inside was, um, interesting but not the most comfortable for holding or for fucking and made me loose the...

4 years ago
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Joe Chrissie and Paula

) I don’t know why I need to get all dressed up, it’s you he’s coming to see.I know, but I like to see you looking sexy and I’m sure Joe appreciates having a sexy woman watching.Anyway, you finish off and I’ll make sure dinner is OK.It would be the second time Paula had met Joe, the first time she was only there to take photos, not taking any part in proceedings.How does that look Paula?Yes, you look good, very tarty though, I can see your stocking topsI know, but he likes me like this. Oh,Oh,...

4 years ago
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Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter Three

It’s been months since I've seen my Scottish playmate. I had the best time with her when I spent two weeks in Scotland. She showed me as much as she could when I was there. It was wonderful. I miss her and I’m ready to see what else we can get into. This time we've agreed to both travel. We've each been to our home countries and now want to go on holiday together. We talk endlessly where we want to go. She suggests a place called Maldives, but I never even heard of it, let alone know where it...

3 years ago
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Waiting On Paula

"Would you like something to drink? Coffee, a soda, a glass of wine, something stronger, maybe?" I offered. "I know I could use a shot of something." Paula smiled, putting her purse down on the end table and taking the clip out of her hair, letting it down, shaking it out a bit before she nodded. "Coffee would be good, maybe with a bit of Bailey's, if you have it?" I smiled and nodded, then turned to Evan. "The usual, sweetheart?" I asked, and he nodded as he sat down on the couch. I stepped...

4 years ago
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More of Paulas fun with others

I had mentioned Paula attending a party with Gary and Lisa, the couple she had experienced some filthy dogging fun with.She had told me that Alistair had invited her to a fancy dress party. The excitement had been building for most of the week leading up to it, Paula having been out shopping to make up her outfit and she was in a particularly playful mood for the days before the party.I hadn’t seen her naked since the Thursday a she had something she wanted to show me as a surprise on the day...

3 years ago
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Paula and our friend

Paula knew they needed to rest and ignored the desire to roll on top of him and start where they left off. Instead she quietly rolled out of bed and slipped back into her bedroom where her husband was sound asleep. She went into the ensuite bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. She looked good at 57 and as she glanced over her naked body she looked down to see her shaved pussy still showing its evidence from last night. She smiled beaming from ear to ear. Paula knew she had...

4 years ago
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Paula at 29

"Paula, at 29"A Short StoryBy russell-ville-man~~~I found her in the arrivals area. A handheld black board stated: "RUSS!" "What are you doing with that sign, sweetheart?" She was giggling."I was waiting for you, Russ." "Come, girl."Paula handed the board back to the limo driver she'd borrowed it from and shifted into my arms."You came to see me, Russ." Her whisper."Yes, baby. I came to see our girl."~~~She quickly melded back into my arms as we drove thru the streets. "I couldn't wait to see...

5 years ago
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My Sister inlaw Paula

I was 27 at the time this took place. My sister in-law Paula was 17 then. She had shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, small breasts, weighs about 120 pounds. I had borrowed a shop vac from my father-in-law and was taking it back. They had gone on vacation to see their oldest son and would be gone for a week Paula didn't go because she was working for the summer before going back to school. I had gotten to their house and didn't see Paula's car in the driveway. I had keys to get into the...

2 years ago
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Paula At 29

I found her in the arrivals area. A handheld black board stated: "RUSS""What are you doing with that sign, sweetheart?"She was giggling."I was waiting for you, Russ.""Come, girl."Paula handed the board back to the limo driver she'd borrowed it from and shifted into my arms."You came to see me, Russ." Her whisper."Yes, baby. I came to see our girl."~~~She quickly melded back into my arms as we drove thru the streets."I couldn't wait to see you, Russ."I laughed softly as we...

5 years ago
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Dominating Paula

It was a month from graduation and I had been spending many late nights in the college library working to finish my senior project. As I walking into my silent dorm room, I scanned around for Bill, my roommate, and seeing no sign of him felt relieved. Bill was a sophomore and a horrible student, spending most of his time partying and staying up late. He was an okay guy but his late hours and loud music was something I didn't need to deal with this close to graduation. The apartment was dark and...

4 years ago
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My cousin Paula between my thighs

That summer my Mom had rented a small cottage at the coast side.We had invited my cousin Paula, who was same age like me. Now Paula’s tongue was deeply shoved between my thighs, exploring some places I had never been before.We were completely naked on my bed and I was curled up against the wall. I wanted Paula to make me cum so badly. It should have been weird that she was my cousin; but, for some reason it was even hotter. It was our last year at high school and I was not even really into...

3 years ago
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Summer Sex School Paula Painal Penistration


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