Tina Disciplined Again
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Tina was fifty-eight-years-old with a lovely body for a granny, grey hair, a lined face with sagging skin, bat-wing arms, large drooping breasts, an almost flat tummy, and fleshy thighs. However, she was the chummy granny of policewoman Miss Cindy, who was nineteen-years-old and who was sexily dominant and, indeed, the one unquestionably in charge of their relationship.
Tina loved being submissive to Miss Cindy and loved the way she dealt so strictly with her, with spanking and caning the most used discipline method. Tina was forgetful and too often didn’t think before she spoke. That was what got her into trouble time and again, like this morning when she was at the supermarket queuing to pay. A young lady, Miss Cindy’s age Tina reckoned, seemed to jump the queue.
“Get to the back, young missy,” Tina snapped, and then turned to the lady next to her and said angrily, “You mustn’t let these youngsters walk all over you.” Of course, she knew she obeyed a ‘youngster’ almost exactly this young lady’s age, but she just blurted out the criticism without thinking.
The young lady stayed calm but replied, “I am not in your queue, but in the queue for the till next to yours.”
Tina was about to berate the teenager again but the lady she had made the comment to said, “She’s right.”
Tina blushed a deep red as she looked again and saw that she had made a mistake. She knew she should apologise, but thought she would look bad, and said in a short tone, “Well, okay this time, but I’ll be watching out for you, young missy.”
Tina was next in her queue and paid as quickly as she could and made her way out of the supermarket and walked quickly home. Once indoors she relaxed and set about making lunch for Miss Cindy. Tina usually made lunch for her gorgeously dominant Miss Cindy, but Miss Cindy got a call from the station very early and had to leave before Tina had made her her lunch. Miss Cindy left a note for Tina to make her lunch and bring it to the station.
Tina got up and got dressed in a floral summery sleeveless dress with a hem only just below her bottom, which she loved and made her feel so sexy. Of course, it was also perfect if Miss Cindy needed to smack her legs, but Tina knew it only happened if she misbehaved, which was within her own control. Mind you, as she wanted Miss Cindy to be strict with her, she did get her legs smacked fairly often.
Tina got downstairs and saw the note. However, instead of making Cindy’s lunch straight away she decided to do some shopping first. She now regretted it because she had been so rude to the young woman in the supermarket, but, soon forgot the incident. She packed Miss Cindy’s lunch in a cool bag and made her way to the police station to give the lunch to Miss Cindy.
Tina walked into the main entrance and got such a shock when she nearly bumped into a policewoman coming out. “Watch it, will you,” Tina snapped, again forgetting she was at Miss Cindy’s workplace.
“Sorry, madam,” came a respectful reply from the policewoman.
“Right, then,” Tina replied gruffly, glaring at the policewoman, who she realised was another young woman, like her Miss Cindy.
The young policewoman, Rosie Mason, forced a smile, but then recognised Tina and ordered, “Excuse me a moment, madam.”
Tina stopped short, spun around, and snapped, “What do you want, I’m in a rush.”
The young policewoman didn’t seem fazed as she said in a firm tone, “Please come with me, madam. I need to ask you a few questions.”
Tina was about to snap a refusal but then looked more closely at the young policewoman’s face and suddenly realised that she was the young woman she had accused of jumping the queue this morning. She stuttered, “Erm, err, well, erm,” but stopped when the policewoman glared at her.
“I won’t ask again, madam. You can come quietly with me, or I can put my handcuffs on you. What do you want to do?”
Tina gasped at the threat, winced, and replied far more obediently, “I’ll come with you, then.”
The policewoman pointed back into the police station and ordered, “Down the corridor to the stairs. I’ll have to unlock the door.”
Tina winced as she walked ahead of the young policewoman and almost hoped she would bump into Miss Cindy, even though it would almost certainly lead to a spanking and caning. However, she wasn’t so lucky and got to the door leading to the stairs and stopped. She watched the young policewoman unlock the door, open it, and order, still respectfully but definitely authoritatively, “Downstairs and go to room 4, madam.”
Tina decided she couldn’t argue, although as she went downstairs she thought she should mention she was her to see Miss Cindy. So, as she got to room 4, she turned and said to the young policewoman, “I’m here to see Officer Grant.”
The policewoman, Officer Rosie Mason, smiled to herself as she knew who Cindy Grant was and so assumed Tina was here to give her her lunch. She also knew that Cindy would deal strictly with Tina and so saw no reason to do differently herself. Indeed, Cindy had told her, during one of their several discussions about her relationship with chummy granny Tina, they really loved each other but how spanking and caning was such a regular occurrence.
Rosie kept a straight face as she replied, “Just go inside, madam. We will discuss why you are here once I have taken your details.”
Tina was now worried that she was being treated like a criminal but knew she mustn’t argue, and was actually feeling turned-on by being spoken to so authoritatively. The voice wasn’t as demanding as Miss Cindy’s, which she found even more erotic, but she still had quivers in her pussy as she led the police officer into the room.
Tina looked around the room and saw a desk, which the police officer went and sat behind, and, to the side, another table slightly tilted upwards, and which looked like a punishment table. Tina told herself it couldn’t be, though.
The police officer ordered, “Sit down on the visitors' chair so I can book you in, madam.”
Tina blushed as she sat down and said, “Erm, yes, miss, erm?”
The police officer replied in her same authoritative tone, “I am police officer Mason. You can address me as miss or officer.”
Tina rather liked the idea of addressing her as, ‘miss,’ and did so. “Yes, miss.”
Rosie smiled to herself as she could see that Tina was now quite subdued and seemed to have accepted her position of authority over her.
Rosie smiled again as she heard the knock on the door and called out, “Enter.“
The door opened and in walked another policewoman, who, to Tina, looked even younger than Miss Mason. She decided to stay silent, knowing that Officer Mason was clearly in charge.
Rosie waited for the new police officer to stand next to the desk and then, looking at Tina, said sternly, “This is Officer Lawson. You should also address her as miss.”
Tina looked at Officer Lawson and said meekly, “Hello, miss.”
Officer Mason then took out a pad and got down to business. She asked for a string of details from Tina, including her name, address, occupation, and the like.
Tina gave straight answers but the two officers kept making fun of her with comments like, “You are that old, really, and, you clean for Officer Grant but she is only nineteen-years-old?”
Once Rosie was satisfied she had the information, she kept writing as she said, talking down to Tina, “Thank you, Tina. I will address you by your first name. So, Tina, we now need to do the normal check for drugs.
Tina was quite horrified at the suggestion that she was carrying drugs and whilst happily submissive until then, she was quite thrown and, speaking without thinking first, said in a tone of voice that she quickly realised was ruder than it should’ve been, “I’m not carrying any drugs, I can assure you, young lady.”
Rosie was delighted that Tina had replied so sharply and was able to respond in her own authoritative tone, “That is not for you to decide, Tina. It is standard practice to check for drugs and that is exactly what we will be doing with you. You will either agree, or I shall take you to a cell to cool off and then ask you again. What do you want me to do, Tina?”
Tina was again thrown by the forceful tone of voice and certainly did not want to spend a lot of time in a cell. She, therefore, albeit reluctantly, replied, “Shall I empty out my pockets, miss?"
Rosie was again delighted with the submissive tone and replied, “I will check your clothing and bags. So please get fully undressed so I can do that. Officer Lawson will be checking your body orifices.”
Tina was again thrown at the request to undress. However, realizing that her earlier retort was too rude, and also remembering the threat of being left in a cell, she decided she had to obey.
Tina stood up and unzipped the back of her dress, letting the straps of the sleeveless dress slide down her arms. She then pushed the dress down to her ankles and stepped out of it. After folding the dress and putting it on the adjoining chair, she put her hands behind her back, and unclipped her bra and let the straps slip down her arms, caught them, and then placed the bra on top of her dress. She felt embarrassed that her full drooping breasts were bare but felt the continuing need to obey the young policewoman as though she were her beloved Miss Cindy. Finally, although feeling uneasy knowing that she had done exactly this so many times before Miss Cindy gave her a spanking and caning, she eased her thumbs into the elastic of her knickers, pushed them down, stepped out of them, and placed them with her dress and bra. She then stood back up, looking down at the still seated young police officer, with her hands covering her hairy mound as best she could
Rosie and Officer Lawson hid their smiles as they looked at Tina from head to toe. They both rather liked the granny figure, such as the grey hair, lined face, and drooping breasts. Both actually rather fancied sucking Tina’s surprisingly taut nipples but respected the fact she was Cindy’s lover and knew that Cindy was most likely going to do exactly that later on. Instead, Rosie looked at Officer Lawson and said in a strict tone, “Go and stand facing the wall with your hands on your head. It helps shift anything downwards that way.”
Tina was about to say that was a waste of time as she didn’t have anything stuck in any of her holes, but, again, was taken by the ‘Do as I say, or else,’ authoritative tone, and so stood up, walked across to the wall, and placed her hands on top of her head, as demanded. She then spent what sounded like forever but was probably about thirty minutes, with her face inches from the blank wall and had to listen to both officers chatting about her sagging bottom cheeks and bat wings. It was so humiliating, although she felt quivers flying around her vagina as she also found the humiliation erotic.
Eventually, Tina heard Officer Mason say to Officer Lawson, “Sit on the chair and put her across your lap and please check her anal passage for drugs.“
Rosie then ordered, “Tina, come away from the wall and go to Officer Lawson.”
Tina was horrified when she turned and saw that Officer Lawson was slipping on plastic gloves and then sat down on one of the other chairs. She grimaced as she heard Officer Mason order, “Now go and get across her lap so Officer Lawson can start to check for drugs.”
Albeit reluctantly, Tina went and stood by Officer Lawson’s side. She momentarily looked down at Officer Lawson’s lap and, although not quite understanding why this was necessary but again deciding not to argue, she eased herself down, catching her fall with her hands on the floor, and then resting the whole of her weight on Officer Lawson’s lap. As always, she felt she was in the wrong because she had been rude and argued too much to figures of authority like these two policewomen, both of whom were only doing their jobs. She knew that she had also been rude to Officer Mason at the supermarket, which only added to her own guilt.
Officer Lawson smiled as she parted Tina’s bottom cheeks and ran her fingers up and down her anal hole. However, after just a few seconds, she stopped and said to Officer Mason, "The hole is too tight for me to stick my finger in.”
Tina was about to suggest the use of some cream, but before she could say anything, Rosie ordered, “One way to loosen the hole is to spank her bottom. That will release some juices and then enable you to ease your finger inside.“
Tina was again shocked at the instruction but was now so used to obeying both police officers, she decided she had to remain silent. She heard Officer Lawson take off one of the plastic gloves and then felt her hand rubbing her bottom in circles. She then remembered how often Miss Cindy had spanked her over recent months and how the sex juice she released was in her vagina rather than the anal passage but wondered if these young police officers knew something that she didn’t and they, after all, were experienced in searching rear passages for drugs. So, still being submissive as she liked to be with women these officers' ages, as Officer Lawson landed the first spank on her bottom, so she reminded herself that she was the one that was in the wrong and needed to submit to whatever both these young police officers needed to do.
Officer Lawson smiled at Rosie as she continued to spank Tina’s bare bottom cheeks, turning them deeper and deeper shades of red. Rosie smiled back at her and also loved the way Tina’s drooping breasts swayed from side to side as she started to struggle with the increasingly stinging spanks.
Tina knew that she would be able to handle the first few spanks easily enough, and even supposed that the spanking would not go on for very long. However, as the spanks continued to land on alternate bottom cheeks, she looked at the backs of the legs of Officer Lawson and saw her muscles tense, just as Miss Cindy’s muscles tensed as she landed spank after spank. Soon, Tina found herself starting to struggle as the spanks continued, and even more so as Officer Lawson spanked what she knew was the particularly sensitive fleshy areas where her bottom cheeks met the tops of her thighs.
Tina found herself starting to struggle more and more as the spanks continued, and even more so as Officer Lawson started to spank the particularly sensitive area where her bottom cheeks met the tops of her thighs. She still doubted that this would make easing Officer Lawson’s finger inside her anus any easier, but at least the spanking was just with her hand and not with anything more horrid such as a leather slipper or wooden-backed hairbrush, both of which Miss Cindy used with a particular relish.
Eventually, after what seemed to be dozens of hard spanks, Officer Lawson asked, “Shall I try again, Officer Grant?”
Officer Grant replied, “Well it’s worth a try.”
Tina heard Officer Lawson slip the elastic glove back onto her hand and, seconds later, felt her finger pressing onto her anus hole. She even raised her bottom to help stretch her bottom cheeks apart but after a few seconds heard her say a disappointed, “Her hole is still too tight.“
Rosie gave a sigh and said in a weary tone, “I guess she will be one of those who needs to bend over the table, then.“ Rosie then ordered in a far more authoritative tone, “Please get up and go and bend over the table. It happens in a few cases, but, so far, it has always worked.”
Tina was just happy that the spanking was over and pushed yourself up from Officer Lawson’s lap and knew from the continuing stinging sensation that she had been given a good hard spanking as she went and bent over the table. She still thought that it looked more like a punishment table than one used for medical purposes, but, nevertheless, lowered herself onto the table, pressing her full breasts onto the wooden surface.
Rosie went and stood at the top of the table and sounding stern, said, “We will need to secure your wrists with these cuffs to make sure that you do not jerk as Officer Lawson checks your anus.”
Tina again thought that this was a bit extreme, but smiled to herself as she thought how similar it was to when she was secured to the bed frame by Miss Cindy before a caning.
Tina heard movement behind her and knew that it was Officer Lawson who would finally be checking her anal passage. She felt Officer Lawson’s elastic-covered finger running down her anus hole but then continuing and rubbing the inside of her thighs. She then heard Officer Lawson say sternly, “She will need to spread her legs further apart. I can see that we will need to secure her legs to make sure that she doesn’t kick me when I check her anus.”
Tina than felt Officer Lawson grab one ankle and then secure it in a cuff, before doing the same with the other ankle, and knew that her legs were now spread quite far apart. She did wince at the thought that, as well as her stretched bottom cheeks and anal hole, her pussy lips would be stretched and both young women would be looking directly at her hairy mound. However, now that she was in her submissive mode, which she found so natural when around dominant young women Miss Cindy’s age, she found the thought of the two young women with such a close-up view of her very personal bits, quite erotic.
Tina again felt Officer Lawson’s plastic-covered finger running along her anus hole and again stretched her bottom cheeks to help her get her finger inside. However, after hearing several buffs and puffs, Tina heard Officer Lawson say in a frustrated tone, “I still can’t get my finger in.”
Rosie walked over to where Officer Lawson was standing and rubbed Tina’s bottom. She then said in an equally frustrated tone of voice, “It was exactly what I was beginning to fear. There is now no alternative but to cane her bottom in order to generate the fluid to enable your finger to slide inside.”
Tina realised that the two police officers were chatting between themselves and were not directing any of the comments to her. She almost felt as though she wasn’t there, except she was, had been spanked, and was now looking likely to be getting the cane. Once again, though, she felt aroused at being dealt with by two such dominant young women who were becoming more and more like her beautifully dominant Miss Cindy. In fact, she was feeling so aroused that she was certain that she could feel some sex juice dripping out of her stretched pussy lips.
Rosie said to Officer Lawson, “We have a selection of canes in the cupboard. Please, can you get a senior cane with a hook end as I think that would be best given her extra tight butt hole.”
Moments later Tina heard the swish of a cane, and then felt it being rubbed from side to side across her still-stinging bottom cheeks. However, as she was so turned on by all of the bottom-rubbing and spanking and Officer Lawson’s finger running up and down her anal crack, together with the reminder that this was all her own fault, that she was now easily resigned to knowing that she was going to get the cane as well.
As she rubbed the cane across Tina’s bottom, she ordered, “It’s a rule that you must count each stroke, just in case I lose count, and you must thank me for each stroke. Understood, Tina? Because if you forget either then I will have to add another stroke.”
Tina could understand that if she were being punished, but she was only being checked for drugs. Still, she did that most times for Miss Cindy, so didn’t have a problem with agreeing. “Yes, miss,” she said, and waited for the caning to start.
The next moment, Tina felt the searing pain of the cane landing on her bottom. She was used to being caned by Miss Cindy and so she was able to cope with this first stroke, although knew that, as the strokes continued, she would be less and less able to cope. Still, she remembered to count out the stroke and thank Officer Grant, although again felt belittled by what the two young police officers were doing to her. When the second stroke landed she gasped and closed her eyes and when the third stroke landed she gasped, closed her eyes, and shook her head, but again counted out the stroke and thanked Officer Grant.
Rosie focused on Tina’s bottom and the three raised red welts and smiled. She always enjoyed making offenders regret their actions, and had caned three previous offenders and so knew that the cane was actually a very good implement to use. So, as she landed the fourth stroke just below the other three, and heard Tina’s pained gasp and saw her shake her head and breathe in and out with a hissing sound through clenched teeth, and saw the red welts develop, she knew Tina was now really regretting being rude to her this morning.
Tina felt the fifth stroke and again shook her head with the pain and was hissing her breath in and out through clenched teeth and started to pull at the wrist cuffs, like she did when restrained on the bed by Miss Cindy. The sixth stroke was even more intensive and the pain even greater and she yelped with the pain, and, thankful the caning was over, again counted out the stroke and thanked Officer Grant for caning her. After the sixth stroke there was a pause, and she, once again, reminded herself that she had brought the whole of this punishment upon herself.
Rosie addressed Officer Lawson. “Please check whether you can now ease your finger into her butt hole.”
Officer Lawson went up to Tina and ran her elastic glove-covered finger along her anal crack. She saw Tina stretch her bottom cheeks thinking that the finger was really going to go into her anal passage, but, instead, her finger continued downwards and along Tina’s pussy lips and quickly eased it deep inside. Officer Lawson then gave Tina finger sex, and it only took a few seconds for Tina to reach her orgasm.
Tina had expected Officer Lawson’s finger to enter her anal passage and was surprised to find that, instead, she was checking her vagina. Then it became clear, very quickly, that instead of checking anything, she was actually giving her finger sex and it only took a few seconds for her to cum because she was already so aroused by the spanking fingering and caning. It was a fabulous orgasm, in fact, and she wanted more finger sex.
Everything stopped, though as just then the door opened and Miss Cindy walked in. Tina was aware of the interruption and managed to look around and saw her Miss Cindy standing there. Whilst she momentarily thought that was a good thing, as soon as she saw the annoyed look on her face she realised that she was probably in even greater trouble.
Miss Cindy ignored Tina and went over to Rosie and asked, “Has she obeyed you?”
Rosie replied, “I am pleased to say that she has been every bit as submissive and obedient as you said she would be. She is also very aroused by being disciplined and punished.”
Miss Cindy walked around so she could look down at Tina and was pleased to see her tear stained face and reddened eyes. She said in her usual authoritative tone, “I hope this will teach you not to be rude to anyone again, especially one of my work colleagues. When Officer Mason messaged me to say you were at the station I told her to deal with you until I got back here.”
Tina looked up at her beautifully dominant Miss Cindy and replied, “I am so sorry, Miss Cindy. I will never be rude to anyone ever again and would ask that you deal with me most strictly if I am.”
Miss Cindy smirked as she replied, “Do not worry, I will most certainly deal with you strictly. In any case, your punishment is not yet over as I will be giving you six more strokes and then take you home and punish you further there.“
Tina gasped but accepted that Miss Cindy was in total control of her and would accept any punishment that Miss Cindy decided she needed.
Moments later, Miss Cindy was positioned behind Tina and was rubbing the cane backwards and forwards across her already welted bottom. She pulled her arm back and brought the cane down very hard on Tina’s bottom adding a seventh welt to the six that were already there. She waited and smiled as she heard Tina say, “Seven, Miss Cindy, thank you.”
Miss Cindy only waited a few seconds and then landed the eighth stroke and continued to cane Tina with just a couple of seconds' gap after being told the number of strokes and thank you each time before giving her the next stroke even though she was so clearly struggling to cope.
What Tina didn’t see were the smirks between Miss Cindy and Rosie, both of whom were clearly enjoying the caning far more than Tina, who let out so many pained cries. On the other hand, she did hear the two young women make comments like, “She deserves every stroke," and, "I doubt she will be rude again,” which added to her humiliation at their hands.
Tina kept on counting each stroke and saying thank you, although was struggling more and more with each stroke, and when the ninth one landed she again gasped and pulled at the wrist cuffs. However, that did not help when the tenth stroke landed and she was once again consumed with the pain of the cane stroke.
Miss Cindy saw Tina struggling with the wrist cuffs and ordered, “Stop doing that, Tina, as you deserve every stroke and you must just accept it.”
Tina did try to stop struggling but the pain was difficult to deal with although she accepted that it was Miss Cindy’s absolutely right to punish her as hard as she felt was necessary. After all, being under Miss Cindy’s control had helped Tina overcome many of her shortcomings, although there were still so many, she still earned a spanking and a caning on a regular basis.
Cindy landed the eleventh stroke and saw Tina struggle to stay still and heard her first sob. The twelfth stroke brought another sob and a fiercer shaking of her head, and Cindy knew Tina was on the cusp of uncontrolled crying, which made Cindy smile with satisfaction.
Tina kept on crying as she reconciled that the two teenage policewomen were so correct to discipline her, just as Miss Cindy was right to continue the punishment, and knew that she would apologise to all three women and show them the respect they deserved. They might be teenagers, but they were far more mature than their years, just as she felt she was less mature than each of them even being three times their age.
Well, it was her bottom that was stinging unbearably and she knew when she was eventually allowed to rub her heated cheeks, she would feel each and every one of the raised welts and see them in the mirror later on. Still, she earned everything she got today and, quite rightly, would continue to suffer every time she misbehaved.
Cindy allowed Tina to cry, still keeping her cuffs tied. She still loved her chummy granny and would continue to deal with her as strictly as ever. Knowing she was the one in charge, once Tina’s crying reduced to a sob she stood in front of her and said very sternly, “I have another thirty minutes before my shift ends so Officer Mason will stay here and you will press your nose against the wall and keep this sheet of paper up, or else.
"When it is time for me to go home, Miss Mason will be coming with us and will stay the night in my bed as I will need some serious finger and tongue sex. You will be getting another twelve strokes when we get home and then go straight to bed. Of course, as you have been so naughty, you will be sleeping in the box room on your naughty girl mattress and without a nightie. Understood?”
“Yes, Miss Cindy,” Tina replied obediently.
Moments later, Tina had her nose pressed against the wall with her nose keeping up a piece of paper that she could see had written on it: ‘I’m a naughty old girl,’ which certainly reinforced Miss Cindy’s position of authority over her, although Tina didn’t want it any other way. She also heard Officer Mason giggling but knew she would have to take all her belittling as she was coming home with them.
Tina kept the piece of paper secured against the wall with her nose as she sobbed as she hated it when not sharing Miss Cindy’s bed, but knew she deserved that punishment as well. It would be even harder being next door to Miss Cindy’s bedroom and hearing her erotic gasps as Officer Mason gave her, no doubt, several orgasms. Still, she knew that she deserved everything she got today and told herself she mustn’t ever make the same mistake again, or she would suffer the consequences again. One thing she knew for sure was that she needed Miss Cindy to continue to discipline her firmly and strictly, just as she had done since they met, and she loved her even more for it.
Cindy and Tina had been an item for two months since Tina’s speeding offence and subsequent spanking by Tina.Cindy was nineteen-years-old and a policewoman who was very much in charge of fifty-eight-year-old Tina, and set her grandma-figure girlfriend a huge number of rules and set boundaries that were strictly enforced. It would normally be the teenager who was answerable to a woman Tina’s age, but not in this relationship.Tina didn’t mind, though. She had always suffered because she lacked...
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We ate in silence, we were both very hungry, then as we sat over our coffee, Tina pointed through the kitchen window. “It's such a beautiful day out there. I wish now that I had not left my bikini at Fred and Jenny's. We could have gone to the beach, this morning.” “I have a suggestion. There is a nudist beach just 10 minutes' walk from here. I'd much rather see you naked on the beach, than covered by a bikini, however skimpy.” “OK!” I put a very large beach towel, big enough for the...
I saw them as they appeared in the station entrance, dragging pretty much the sum of their lives in two heavy suitcases. They looked tired and stressed and in the case of the youngest, close to tears, a pathetic sight, though I don't mean that in the nasty way some do, just worthy of pity I guess. "Hi Dad." Said Tina my daughter. "Thanks for coming to collect us it's been a hell of a day." "So I gathered." I replied before drawing the pair of them into a hug which seemed to open up...
Vasquez answered her phone just as she was locking the evidence kit in the trunk of her car. "Hi Tina, it's Prescott," the forensic psychologist said. "Anything new on your missing girl?" "Jeffrey, hey," Tina sighed, closing the trunk. "Nothing yet. What have you got?" "Nothing much, I'm afraid," the man replied with an apologetic shrug. "I went through some models, but we don't have much of a profile on her. That makes it tough to predict." "Yeah," Tina agreed, walking...
To get over the break up of the band Tina decided To go to a quiet little restaurant she knew in London. She knew no one would really take any notice of her because it was early evening and everyone would be more interested about getting home to notice her. As she sat down at her table she was glad to have left her boyfriend Tommy at home, she really needed to be on her own right now. As she ordered her meal she noticed a young boy walk into the restaurant Tina thought he looked quite...
"It was Friday night and Beth’s friend Tina was sleeping over, They were a little drunk on the beer Beth’s older sister had left them when she went out earlier, they were on the couch watching porno and giggling when Beth’s sister walked in with Him, He was big and had long hair and tattoos! They laughed when they saw the young girls were watching a porno on the T V. “You two little girls need to go to bed now!” Her sister ordered. The big man just grinned at them with his hand moving...
Friday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...
Bill, Ed, Tyrell and Leo were in Ralph’s garage drinking beer and in general just hanging out. “I’ve got to piss” said Tyrell. “Tyrell go in the house and piss already” Ralph replied. Leo looked as Tyrell went inside and laughed. “What’s so funny”, asked Ralph? Leo started to explain both he and Tyrell had been blessed or cursed with very big cocks, 11 and 12 inches respectively. The problem was neither of the men’s new girl friends would or could take more the half before they were...
"I gotta tell you guys." Roy was swaying in the moonlight, taking a piss in the low scrub a few yards from the bonfire. Mike felt pretty loose himself as he sucked down his eighth beer of the night and threw the empty across the fire to Miguel, who dropped it. "Butter fingers!" Larry laughed at the running back. "I gotta tell you guys," Roy repeated. "That's why I don't pull on the screens," one of the other linemen said, burping loudly. "He ain't gonna catch it...
Tina slowly drips warm oil over Toms erect cock. "Now you just relax and let me do all the work" she coos. Tom is strapped to a metal table in a dark room- "Please" he begs "no more". "We've only just begun" she says smiling and wraps her hands around him. Tina leans forward, her long dark hair brushes slowly over Tom's bare chest. "I just know this is going to do it for you", she whispers and begins to slowly masturbate him. Tom lets out a slow groan as she expertly manipulates his cock....
West Abilene Tech was a small school. The running joke was "Which College do you go to?"... "WAT"... "I said, which college do you go to?" The office of the college president was small too, but well appointed and appropriately austere. The man it belonged to was Ethan Moore and he came from a long line of Texan's dating back to the Alamo and beyond. A tall, wiry academic with thinning gray hair and a pair of reading glasses perched on his nose, Ethan didn't particularly look like...
Tina the Stripper Has an AWFUL Night ~Lana Lawrence~ The song ended and Tina walked off the stage to the back. The next girl, Lisa, a little petite Asian with titties the size of plums, walked on next and the drunk guys cheered. Tina moved past all the other strippers. They put on make up and pasties in front of mirrors. One of them, Haley, was half dike so when Tina passed she turned and whistled. "Nice looking Jailbait." Jailbait was what Haley called Tina because she was...
"Why'd you do it?" Tina asked, looking at Floyd Peterson's reflection in her rearview mirror. The older man didn't say anything, his lined face drawn into a scowl as he looked out the window. "McKinnen's talking," she shrugged. "Moore's going to roll over. I'll have a State Prosecutor here in the morning, a couple unfriendlies to drive you down to San Antonio..." "Hmph," Floyd shook his head. "Old as you are," Tina sighed, "you're looking at life, Floyd. You know...
I sleep in on Sunday, determined not to show up at the Stuffed Pussy earlier than I have to. When I get in I am dreading Eddie’s reaction to my tardiness, expecting the worst. Instead I hear Eddie yelling at someone in the back room. “How could you screw up something as fucking simple as breadsticks! How many fucking breadsticks do you think we can sell… we ain’t a pizza joint!” I hurry in and start cleaning up, relieved that Eddie is too caught up in other problems to notice my late...
Eddie quickly realized that if he was going to have Tina occupied putting on shows for the customers (and he was), he would have to bring on some additional help or resign himself to waiting a lot of tables. With the increased crowds he expected, he probably needed more than one waitress / entertainer anyways. With this in mind, when he woke up Saturday morning he placed an ad in a local free “entertainment newspaper” for an adult Waitress / Entertainer. After accomplishing this chore he...
A few days after he fucked me so masterfully that day, my friend's older associate invited me to visit him at his apartment. I wasn't sure what to do. Originally I had only had been with the one guy and now he seemed to be passing me on to his business partner. When I asked him about it he told me that he was OK with it. He had done this before: found a young guy and then introduced him to his older business contact. So I had been used all along. I was just currency. But I had liked how Mack -...
My name is Ray, I’m single and I’m a mechanic. I own a four bay garage in a family friendly area of town. I also run a tow truck 24/7 in the local area. I charge about 2/3 the hourly rate of most other garages in the area and I guarantee all my work. Consequently, busy is very good for me and allows me to have three mechanics work for me. I’m average looking with a muscular build, but I’ve been told that my smile is contagious and combined with my business ethics makes me very popular with...
Standing naked in front of the mirror, I don't look like much. I’m skinny, boney even, and my breasts are non-existent, some would even say I look like a boy. Sometimes I wish I had been born a boy. So many things would have been different, so much of my life might have turned out different. Most importantly, Tina might have fallen in love with me. I run my hands over my breasts. My nipples spring to life after my hands pass over them. I think about Tina and all the things we've done together....
LesbianTins Smith 28yrs goes to the dress shop one last time to try on her wedding dress. It's Tuesday and Saturday she is marrying Steve her long time love. Getting to the store at 8:45 15min. before they close she begs Amy to let her try the dress on one last time Amy tries to talk her out of it but Tina begs hard so she gives in saying I have to leave but if Kat says ok then I guess it's alright. Amy goes to the office to find Kat lightly knocking on the door knowing what is happing in there.(Kat...
This past Friday, I closed the garage at 6pm and then entered all of the day’s work into the computer and headed home around 7pm. I went upstairs, took a shower and then headed down to the kitchen to fix a quick bite to eat. Just as I pulled out couple of pork chops to through on the grill, my doorbell rang. The last thing I wanted was unexpected company. All I wanted to do was fix something eat and relax with a couple of beers out by the pool as it had been a very busy week. When I opened the...
Hi! My name is Paul and this is a story about me and my girlfriend's first exhibitionist experience.I'm just an average built 22 year old guy who lives in Europe. Like most students who are attending college in their own town, I live with my parents. My girlfriend Tina is 19 years old. She has long brown hair, and a smile that could melt your heart. She isn't really a sex bomb, doesn't have big boobs, or a killer ass, but her petite body and charm wouldn't be uninteresting to anyone.I met Tina...
Sam knew he had to talk things over with Lizzie. It was only a couple of weeks after he had told Derrick and Dickie, but it had started already. The gossip had started among the wives, and it was only a matter of time before one of them raised it with her. It would be ‘ ... for her own good... ‘ of course, but some of his brother-in-law’s wives were Class A bitches and could be counted on to screw things up royally. Noreen had already made a bunch of snide comments to him and asked what he...
The McKinnen Funeral Home turned out to be a longish building resembling a church as much as anything else. It was constructed of wood and brick, all painted white. The surrounding grounds were green and well-tended with grass and neatly trimmed hedges and it seemed out of place, like an oasis planted in the desert scrub of western Texas. There were several cars in the parking lot and the one that caught Tina's eye was a white station wagon with the words 'County Coroner' lettered on the...
This story started downtown, as it was a night that I was celebrating a friend's birthday by taking him and about a dozen of our friends down to the bars to get loaded and have some fun. We had a great time as we all took David (the birthday boy) to the strip club and watched some fine ladies shake their thing whist we observed... and then later took off to find a dance bar to boogie the night away. Things were going very cool... when it all took a turn for the better when a young and very fine...
Group SexIntroduction: How I met Tina Six months after my wife left me for a lover, that I had not known about, I was still bitter and not good company. She had taken our three kids with her and moved from Sydney to the Gold Coast, south of Brisbane. Her lover had been her boss at the job that she worked at for the past 3 years. I found out later that she was pregnant when she left me, since I had had a vasectomy after our third kid was conceived, it had to be someone elses. On Friday night I was at...
Tina takes on Three at Work Tina says if you don’t like me going out buy myself or with friends you could all was come a long "You must be k**ding!" I responded to my wife, "I'm completely wiped out by the time I finish work, the last thing I want to do is to start going out after work. We continued our breakfast in silence the only words spoken were of Al’s request to pass the butter. I tell Tina I have a busy schedule today with meetings right up to 6pm. All I wanted to do after work was...
"So..." Emily smiled self-consciously, wearing her yellow sundress from the night before and looking beautiful in the morning light. The sun was streaming through the diner's plate glass windows and the place was busy serving coffee and breakfast to the locals. Emily was oblivious to the stares she and her attractive companion were getting, but Tina had taken note of who was watching, cataloging the faces and their expressions. Some people in this town, the Ranger knew, wouldn't be happy...
On Friday night I was at home, drinking myself into a state of numbness, when the phone rang. “John! It's Jenny. I want you to come for a pool-side barbecue tomorrow. Get here about noon. OK?” Now Jenny is married to my elder brother, Fred. She is a very stubborn woman who never takes 'no' for an answer, so, even though I did not want to go to her barbecue, I replied “OK Jenny. Thank you.” and hung up. Next day I was a bit late arriving at Fred and Jenny's. I heard voices coming...
"Shit ... That's what I'm talkin' about, homes!" Roy's head turned slowly on his thick neck. "See that shit?" "What's that?" Mike tried to see past his teammate, but Roy's big black body filled the front seat of his truck. "Turn around, man," Roy slammed the dash with his palm excitedly. "That bitch was fine!" "Heh!" Mike shook his head and put his soda in the cup holder before swinging a big U-turn. He and his friend had gone to the Burger King for some lunch and now...
Mrs Denver stood up, hands on her hips, looked cross, was very cross, and shouted, “Mrs Howe, that was extremely dangerous and could have hurt young Emma. I’ll need to deal with you.” The afternoon had been going well. Parents and students were using the swimming pool. The swimming competition had been exciting. Now, about thirty parents and students were relaxing in the pool, some swimming lengths but most just were standing in the water and chatting to friends. Then came the incident. The one...
SpankingEddied looked at Silvia incredulously. “Healthcare?! This isn't a 9-5 job, we don't provide healthcare!” Silvia looked back at Eddie, a picture of patience. “You need to protect your investment. Tina is making you a fortune but if we aren't careful she'll get an infection or worse. And it wouldn't hurt to let her get the girly treatment every now and again. You boys don't put much credence into hair and skin treatments but let me tell you, it makes a difference and men notice...
I wake up Sunday sore and depressed from last night’s ordeal. I can’t even grasp what has happened to me over the last 3 weeks! Four weeks ago I didn’t know anything about sex or men or as it turns out, even my own body. I blush and groan in shame as I think about all of the whorish things I have done even in the last 2 days. Thinking about Silvia frigging me on Friday, the angry cock squirting me in the face last night, and cumming on Dan’s cock in my butt makes my tummy flutter in a way...
It had all began innocently enough several weeks earlier when Tina was doing the laundry. She had taken some blouses out of the drier and taken them upstairs to iron out the wrinkles. She liked doing the ironing in the back bedroom where she could look out the window and enjoy the view to break the monotony. On this day there was nothing much to see except for two dogs in the empty lot on the other side of the block. Casually watching, she realized what she was seeing, a male dog and a bitch in...
It was Wednesday before Sam returned to the Oneonta office. He arrived at his usual time, fifteen minutes late, and settled into his office. Tina was working, but it seemed to Sam as if she was being stand-offish. ‘Shit!’ he thought to himself. Something was wrong, and he knew perfectly well what it was. He had managed to fuck up for real this time, a major league fuckup. Tina could barely look at him, let alone talk, and it was quietly tense. Mid-afternoon, Margie came into his office and...
The sun had set while Tina and I were having dinner at El Pescatore on the Oakland waterfront. Tina is my wife, a full-time slut and part-time whore. She's gorgeous, about the size and shape of Dolly Parton but Tina's DD breasts are 100% natural man magnets.I'm a voyeur and a cuckold and have been since our wedding a few years ago when Tina consummated our marriage with several men she met in the hotel bar while I watched from the closet. I adore my sexy wife and am proud to share her with...
CuckoldThis night started like many nights. I came home from my shop to find Tina horny, as usual. My wife is a small woman with oversize breasts, a firm well-rounded ass, and shapely legs. Tonight she's wearing her pink wig and a silver micro-mini dress.The dress reveals more of her 34DD breasts than it conceals and if she bends over, her pussy is fully exposed. Of course, she isn't wearing any undies. Pink lace top thigh-highs and clear plastic spike heel 'fuck me' shoes complete her ensemble....
CuckoldIf I didn't get my left and right confused it probably never would have happened. I've always been that way. I have to imagine myself writing, or something like that, to get it straight. Sometimes I don't think about it that much and I get it wrong. Today was one of those days. Brenda had asked me to go back to her place and get her free movie tickets. We had planned to go to the movies, since she had been given free tickets, but when we arrived we found that the tickets were not in her pocket...
Straight SexTina’s apartment was a converted garage loft out back of a large house on Franklin Mountain. It had begun life as a small barn but then the farm had been sold and the new owners converted it to an apartment upstairs and a garage downstairs. It was only ten minutes from her new job, and an hour away from her family, which was perfectly fine with Tina. She loved her family dearly, but she wanted to be on her own. Tina walked into her apartment to find a visitor already there. She smiled as she...
“This is music?” asked Sam. It had been two weeks since he and Tina had become involved, and Lizzie’s spending the weekend at her friends had enabled him to spend the weekend with Tina. He was sitting on her couch with her lying down, her head on his lap, and the stereo was blasting in the background. He tried to ignore the strident blaring from the speakers as he lazily traced a finger across the bones in her face. Tina’s eyes opened with a twinkle. “You don’t like it? That’s Weezer!...
“So, are you taking Tina to the Christmas Party?” asked Katie. They were standing at the copy machine waiting for it to warm up. Sam gave her a funny look. He should have known Katie would have known about him and Tina; she’d been with Busby for over ten years and was fully dialed into the gossip grapevine. Shrugging, he said, “Well, I guess so. I don’t know as I’ve even told her about it.” Katie stared briefly and laughed. “Sam, you are hopeless. The invitations go out next week. What the...
Tina walked in the house around 3am Ralph was asleep in his chair, she was glad as the guys had brought her home covered in cum, she smelled of sex she was already thinking about the cocks she had just been fucked by and how much she wanted more. She took a quick shower and got into bed all she could think about was Leo and Tyrell’s huge cock pleasuring her. Ralph was up Sunday when she got out of bed she put on a robe as she then headed for the kitchen. “Hi how was the concert? And what...
TINA'S THE BESTTina (my sexy wife), and I have been swinging for a couple years. When I told her I wanted to see her with other men she thought I meant wife-swapping and she got jealous and angry, accusing me of wanting other women instead of her. I assured her that although I did like other women, it was her and other men that I really wanted to see. That we could do it with just her and another guy of she wanted to. Then she wanted to know if I was gay...if I wanted a man and was trying to...
Let me introduce Tina to you. Tina is my ex-girlfriend. She's Japanese-Irish mix, 5'3" A cups with big puffy areolas, firm toned legs that end in a great round ass. Tina had been out at the tanning salon when I got home, she loves wearing a tiny little bikini so she's got perfect tan lines. When she got home she told me she wanted to do something nasty on Friday night and that I should plan it out for her, she'd do anything I told her to. Well, well, well this was too good to be passed...
Sam watched as Tina walked from the office. It was a Friday afternoon, warm but beginning to get dark as the sun began setting earlier in late September. The rest of the office had cleared out right on the dot at five, but he had paperwork, and Tina had volunteered to work overtime to help him. Now it was almost six, and he had let the girl go home. She had seemed almost sorry to go, and as she walked to her car, Sam watched her through his office window. She was a fine-looking young woman,...
Sam looked at the couch, debating opening it up, but decided that it wasn’t the first couch he had slept on, and probably wouldn’t be the last. He kicked off his shoes and tossed his jacket and tie onto an armchair, then opened the patio door and stepped outside. It was a warm night, and the moon was full, and Sam unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it inside onto the chair. He took off his socks while standing, then undid his belt, coming back into the living room to go to sleep. In her room,...
She's five foot six, one hundred twenty-one beautiful pounds and at age thirty-two, she is still regularly carded for alcohol purchases. We met in college where she worked on her undergraduate degree in elementary education and I, on my Master's in chemistry. She was the proverbial girl-next-door. Short brown hair, large, brown eyes, perfect smile and a one hundred percent, head-turner. Often, I felt jealousy twinges because I knew men ogled her constantly, but over time, I got over it. Our...
“I'm telling you it was hot!” Silvia repeats. “I believe you.” Eddie responds lazily as he idly runs his fingers down Silvia's skin, tracing the swell of her breast as she cuddles comfortably into him. “Any ideas we can use at the club?” “Maybe. I think maybe I'll ask for one of those mouth spreaders when we go back for a brace adjustment. I can picture the boys painting Tina's cute braces with cum if we tie her up and have her wearing one of those things.” “Yeah, that will...
I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me! “Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie...