Willow Autumn Dakota Elle
- 4 years ago
- 46
- 0
As the aircraft’s descent into LA began, Elle started to fidget. She was so revved up and agreed with Donovan when he said he’s never seen her so agitated over nothing.
Then she disagreed.
‘But it is something, it’s something of immense interest to me – I want to see Hannah’s face when she catches sight of the ring and it dawns on her that I’m to be her daughter-in-law.’
‘What about me?’ he protested. ‘Am I relegated to second-base after serving as the means for you achieving that end?’
‘No darling, you shall always be No. 1 – you are going to provide me with a total relationship for life. My affair of the heart with your mom is simply a mother-daughter relationship, the only difference is mine is with my mother-in-law. It’s a bonding that sits naturally with women whereas it seems men only bond with their father and father-law to go golfing, drinking or have access to vehicles or accommodation superior to their own. Sadly in your case you only have your mom, your two sisters and me to go golfing or fishing with or to accompany you to a ball game.’
That conversation immediately terminated in a prolonged kiss.
There were kisses again at the airport, Hannah diplomatically kissing Donovan first and kissing and hugging Elle for a similar length of time – so close in fact she must have been counting off the seconds.
Elle casually brushed back her hair, Hannah caught the flash of reflected light on the diamond and all hell broke loose – they having to assist Hannah to the nearest chair because her knees began giving out.
‘Oh the answer to my wildest dreams – I’m going to have you for my daughter-in-law. Ohmigod!’
‘Wasn’t your greatest hope to see me married mom?’
‘Oh yes, of course, darling, that too.’
Donovan grinned and left them to enjoy their moment of emotional overflow, striding off to the news-stand to get that day’s Los Angeles Times.
His mouth fell open when he reached the business section.
Donovan rushed back with the newspaper to Hannah.
‘Mom – look at this, you didn’t say anything and I was talking to Leigh earlier today and she didn’t say anything: don’t you people care?’
Elle was looking at a big picture of Roger’s drawing of the building, the headline under it crowing: ‘LA wins ‘Apex Bleu!’ from Frisco!’
‘That’s amazing,’ Elle said, stroking Donovan’s arm and calming him. ‘Ohmigod, it says our firm came up with the concept that blew the socks off the French who arrogantly believe they are the center of the universe when it comes to design and flair. It says you and I were summoned to New York to meet the autocratic founder of the House of René, the aged extremely temperamental Madam René Roché…’
‘How can they say that,’ snorted Elle. ‘She oozes power but has the charm of a lovely grandmother.’
‘Perhaps she needs that reputation as part of her business,’ Hannah said wisely.
Elle lost interest in the article, except to say it stated the French had appointed Business Uplift to continue the concept though the building internally which would miff the architects.
‘We may gain good mileage out of this,’ commented Donovan, rubbing his jaw and smiling at his fiancée.
‘It’s already begun – media representatives descended on us this morning, and Roger had conducted several interviews, thoroughly enjoying the limelight. But the big news is you two are to feature in Sunday night’s TV program ‘LA Skyline’. I committed you to it – I thought of calling but decided you didn’t need to be called about something you’d tell me to proceed with anyway. You are to go to the studio tomorrow to meet personnel and to brief them so they can prepare questions for presenter Lee Rhonda Hurst.’
‘That’s fine, mom, excellent really. Was there anything else?’
‘The only interesting call was from Duncan Barnes.’
Elle noted Donovan tense.
‘He wants to talk to you Donovan, you’re lunching with him tomorrow. He’s keen for you to agree to Elle working on projects for him on contract and says she can do it all without leaving our offices as it’s her ideas he wants.’
‘Sounds fine to me, Donovan but whatever you decide.’
‘Is that all you have to say?’
‘Yes because his only interest is making money Donovan. If you decide to contract me to his organization make sure you attach a high price-tag on me.’
Hannah said it was puzzling, why weren’t American’s in demand for conceptual thinking?
‘I’m sure they are and in all sorts of fields Hannah, but the question is are they really free-thinkers or are they also absorbed about their reputations, the quality of their credentials, the fear of failure and worried about maintaining charge-out rate growth and profit margins?’
‘Phew that’s a heavy mix,’ Hannah chuckled.
‘Which is the whole point,’ said Donovan, drawing an admiring glance from Elle. ‘I think Elle, in coming from a small country where the culture among many of the population is to think big while she has gone on to attained a rarified level of being a radical free-thinker. That Frenchwoman René came wanting to be impressed by Elle, having been told about her. Elle simply blew her away without seemingly trying to impress. It was a treat to see unfold.’
‘It’s your mother you’re talking to Donovan,’ Elle said. ‘You don’t have to impress her.’
‘He knows that, Elle. It’s just that he was blown away too.’
‘Oh aren’t you guys sweet,’ Elle said, hugging him.’
‘I’ve booked to go to Sergio’s,’ Hannah said casually as they waited in line for a cab.
‘Oh not that barn of a place,’ Donovan complained.
‘I was keen to go there but if you…’
‘Its okay mom, perhaps we can find a quiet corner.’
They ran into Leigh English at the door.
‘Hi fancy seeing you here,’ Elle said kissing her. ‘Is Mike with you?’
‘No just a bunch of us from work. Hi boss,’ she said, kissing Donovan.
‘Really?’ Donovan commented, peering at the notice in the doorway, ‘Closed for private function’. You were lucky to get in.’
‘Luckier that what you think,’ Leigh smiled, taking him by the arm and marching him forward, followed by Hannah with a big smile walking arm-in-arm with Elle.
Every guest stood and clapped, with some cheering.
‘Here he is, folk, our man of the moment and here she is, folk, the prettiest head with the most active brain that anyone could wish to meet – I give you our president, Donovan Seymour and our vice-president Shaynelle Jamieson although you know her as Elle.’
There was more applause and Donovan and Elle could see their entire workforce was there with partners. This was an unscheduled office event.
As the noise died down Leigh took Elle by the hand and suddenly screamed, ‘Eeek! What’s this? Guys it’s an engagement ring!’
She looked at Donovan and he nodded.
‘Guys our bosses have gotten engaged! That’s what New York does to you.’
‘It’s true,’ Donovan shouted, ‘The bar’s open – anything you like.’
Donovan went over to the manager and asked her to zap his personal card and charge all drinks all evening to that account.
He turned to go back to Elle but she was hidden by a circle of females. Before he could move off to the bar Roger arrived with two handles of beer.
‘Cheers and my best wishes Donovan. It couldn’t happen to a nicer boss.’
‘Thanks Roger – I’ll be getting my best friend Andre Phelps to come home from Germany to be my best man but I’d like you to be groomsman – just a small wedding, towards the end of January.’
‘I’d be honored. Small wedding you say, I’m surprised Elle and your mother agreed to that.’
‘Er we actually haven’t discussed the wedding yet.’
‘I see. Well mate, I have news for you but let’s not worry about that this evening.’
‘Cheers, thanks Roger. What prompted the party?’
‘All this media attention we had this morning and into early afternoon. We were talking about having a beer and then the women wanted in and then Hannah said no, let’s have caterers bring in food and other drinks beside beer. And then a courier brought in the contract – Hannah signed and authorized me in writing to be the second signatory.’
‘We were given our two copies and the courier took away the two other copies – they had already decided we were getting the contract as it was dated and signed by then four days ago and couriered with delivery instructions. I guess if you guys had failed to impress in New York, delivery of the documents from the LA depot of the courier firm would have been cancelled.’
‘The whole of life hangs on a thread Roger. Don’t worry about it, only give your attention to what you can influence.’
Roger cocked his head and said that sounded like Elle talking.
‘Actually at times Hannah is beginning to sound like her too.’
‘Is that a bad thing?’
‘Hell no Donovan. She’ll make you into a better person – oops, I mean an even better person.’
Many drinks later Roger told Elle that Donovan was expecting to have a large wedding and she seemed surprised, saying she’d decided to have a small wedding because that’s what he’d want. Something must have made him change his mind.
Despite a befuddled mind, Roger was still sober enough to excuse himself and go to talk with the guys discussing football where he was unlikely to move the equilibrium between people.
But then he wasn’t the only person to get it wrong.
‘Darling, I’m really going to miss you,’ Hannah said, swaying with yet another glass of champagne in her hand.
‘Where am I going?’ responded Elle who was too excited and answering questions to have had much to drink. She was genuinely puzzled by the question.
‘Silly girl, you’re engaged now, you’ll be moving in with Donovan.’
‘Oh no, I may sleep some nights there but I’m not moving in to live with him until I’m married, my parents would never approve and I wouldn’t either.’
‘But your father, poor soul, is no more and you’ve said yourself you mother, well, has been sleeping around for years.’
‘That’s perfectly true, but the standards they set for me were always too high for them to attain.’
‘Oh really, no wonder you’re such a lovely young woman,’ smiled Hannah, thrilled that Elle was staying on. That gave her an idea.
‘Donovan,’ Hannah said trying hard not to slur her words. ‘Elle is not living with you until you’re married.’
He looked astonished.
‘Gawd don’t you two converse? She doesn’t know when you two will marry.’
‘Who told you she won’t move in until we are married?’
‘Elle did, you foot – I mean fool.’
‘Mom, steady on that champagne, you are beginning to sway and slur.’
‘In that case I’ll have to move the wedding forward.’
‘She did say she may stay over with you some nights.’
‘Great, in that case late January stands.’
‘Does she know she’s getting married in late January?’
‘She will when I get a chance to tell her.’
‘Gawd, Donovan – haven’t you learnt anything I’ve taught you over the years.’
‘Always listen, especially to women, and always include anyone affected in your decision-making. Are those the particularly two little mommy homilies you wanted me to recite?’
‘Indeed, and may I remind you unless you discuss with Elle when she’d like to get married you may well find the space beside you in bed permanently unoccupied, making that thingy of yours redundant.’
‘I mean it, Donovan – if she hears from people tonight that she’s getting married in late January you’ll be in danger of having that engagement ring stuffed up one of your nostrils, and not a single woman in all of Los Angeles would think her behavior was excessive.’
‘I’ll tell her later tonight.’
‘Then discuss it later tonight Donovan and if you don’t you can expect trouble from me as well as Elle.’
‘Will that be all mom? I think I’d like to find someone less threatening to talk with who wants to share words of wisdom with me.’
Later that evening after Donovan left Hannah’s apartment for his own, Elle found a wedding invitation from her mother and Rusty Owens. She called Donovan and he agreed they should go and stay seven days.
‘Tired?’ he asked.
‘Not really – that was a great evening, wasn’t it?’
‘Yeah and a great tribute to us. I feel humble.’
‘Are you humble enough to talk about wedding thoughts?’
‘Now if you wish.’
‘Okay when?’
‘Late January.’
‘Early April.’
‘Well there’s something we don’t instantly agree on.’
Elle continued, ‘A big, small or medium size wedding.’
‘How big is big.’
‘Ooh, in New Zealand terms that would be 300 guests, but here it could mean 3000.’
‘Then New Zealand big size.’
‘We wouldn’t have 300 friends and relatives.’
‘Do you have any idea of the number of friends and relatives you have?’
‘Nope do you?’
‘I thought so. Tell you what, as I’m almost asleep, let me have late January and I’ll agree to up to 300 guests.’
‘That sounds great. Agreed.’
‘Tomorrow night at dinner we’ll discuss invitation design and…’
‘No, we’ve already been offered that – at the home of Duncan Barnes and his wife in Hollywood. He’s offered to give me away.’
‘When were those offers made?’
‘When I refused to go to work for him. He just assumed I wanted to stay here because I’d decided I was going to marry you. I ignored it of course but was ignored. He told me he only hosts weddings that attract the media and ours is likely to be in magazines because I’ll look fabulous in white and short.’
‘White and short?’
‘Yes Duncan says with legs like mine I’ll look fabulous in a short dress and everyone will only need to see me to know I’m entitled to wear white without insulting tradition.’
‘But how does he know you have great legs, he’s only seen them once, hasn’t he?’
‘Yes but some men only need to look at me once to sum me up fully Donovan.’
‘Yes of course, like me. How is it you acquire all this information. Next thing you’ll tell me mom is going to live with Joe.’
‘Actually she is but she’d taking a leaf out of my book and says not until after the wedding.’
‘Mom’s going to marry Joe?’ Donovan said weakly.
‘Yes, she talked to me about it half an hour ago. She wanted someone to discuss the timing, size of wedding and venue.’
‘Could she have discussed all that with Joe?’
‘She will tell him tomorrow – er, discuss it with him tomorrow.’
‘Elle I’m coming over right now.’
‘I thought you were tired,’ she giggled, and could hear Donovan slapping his chest and howling to the ceiling.
‘I’m coming over, it’s obvious you’ll too excited to sleep.’
‘I really feel all talked out,’ she teased.
‘You don’t need to talk for what I have in mind.’
‘Ohmigod, you sound so sexy – so masterly. I think I’ll like you being masterly and in charge. Hurry over here because I’m shaking in excitement.’
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Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post it at your own site, please contact the author for permission at [email protected] Copyright 2004 Kathy Morris, All Rights Reserved. ESTELLE By Kathy...
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Il est 9 heures ce lundi matin, la journée s'annonce délicate, je croule sous le travail, après une semaine de vacances rien d'étonnant.Mon chef vient me voir accompagné d'une très belle jeune personne, je ne la connaissez pas, mais sa beauté m'éblouit et je tombe sous son charme. Mon chef m'annonce que je devrai, en plus de mon travail, la former à mon poste et aussi à tous les autres postes. J'avais deux jours pour la former avant qu'elle parte dans un autre service.Sa voix est douce et...
Annabelle woke up disgusted. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the alarm clock on the raggedy nightstand. The time was five-o-three a.m. She lay back, exasperated. Beaten. She wiped the perspiration from her forehead before closing her eyes again. She looked over at her husband and cringed. Then she started to cry. Recent Past Annabelle was sixteen when she married Fred. He was twenty-one. At the time, she thought she loved him. When she found out she was pregnant, her parents decided they...
Chapter 1: Halloween always feels like such a freeing time of year. I had always indulged that time of year. It was the one day, or multiple if it didn't fall on a weekend, where I could dress up in public as the girl I often felt I was supposed to be. I always went to the city Halloween parade. No matter when Halloween fell, they always held it on the closest Saturday. I fit right in. My wife went with me every year. She was accepting of it, if begrudgingly so. She knew my eyes...
The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....
Friday finally came! Emma had been fantasizing about her date with the blonde beauty Gabrielle! She seemed very dominant when they first met, so Emma had packed some special submissive clothing consisting of a belly dancing costume with harem pants, seven veils and a diaphomous face mask, another costume made from various pieces of lingerie. Lastly, she wore high heels, thigh high stockings and garter belt and low cut transparent panties. She wore no bra. A mid thigh length skirt and black...
Greetings, I'm Arielle. I'm five foot four and have long light red hair, green Eyes and pale skin. I am nineteen years old and I am a mage who's also very handy with a sword. Let me be blunt. If your a man and you try to fight me two things will happen. First you will get your testicles crushed and two if you persist to fight me after I crush your nuts I will kill you. I'm a bisexual and very promiscuous. Sometimes with male lovers I like to hurt their balls, it depends on if he's into a little...
BDSMWarning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. Introduction to real...
Face Value by GENEVA Made Mademoiselle When the Emperor Napoleon had invaded Austria, just before his victory at Austerlitz, Jerome Meunier and I, Henri Cachin, were part of the French forces, in an infantry regiment. I suppose I should have been proud to do military service and serve under the greatest general that France had seen, but the soldier's life was not for me. As a street urchin in Bordeaux I had been involved in some petty theft from the shopkeepers, and as I grew older...
FORTUNE TELLER.It was a few minutes after 11:00 at night, but the sign lite this late at night meant she was still open. People probably need their fortunes told late at night with a few beers in them. That's when people get into fights. Break up. Late at night is when love is lost and love is found. It is the time when tragedies occur and dreams come true. Both are impossible to believe and change a person forever.I turned into the driveway.The old crone slowly hobbled through the dark curtain...
in class, i was always known as the nice, sweet, evergrove girl. my name is richelle rose evergrove. and this is a story about how my teacher, grey, was proved wrong about who i am. in class that day, i was particularly horny and looking for a good time. mr. tompsin, his first name was grey, just happened to be there. my body was ravishing — my smooth tan skin, perky breasts with pink light brown nipples, my nice little ass. and don’t get me started on my pussy. it was nice and i’d imagine it...
Mrs. Wilson told me all this the next day before I went to their house. She came outside elevenish, looked up at my window and signaled I needed to come down NOW.We talked a bit then went into our kitchen. She sat at the table and told me what had just gone down with Ellen. I tried to be patient."Dan and I were talking about this when Ellen stepped into the room quietly. We didn't notice her for a few seconds, then Dan said, "Hello Baby." Ellen's face was red and she was breathing hard. ...
I had admired Danielle for quite some time. We had been in a high school class together for almost a year now, talked on occasion, but never much more than that. She couldn't have stood much taller than 5'3'', and couldn't have weighed more than 100 pounds. Danielle had natural blond hair and blue eyes, with tan skin and an extremely petite, though toned frame. In the few times I had seen her outside of school, she wore tiny cheerleader shorts that showed off how beautiful her slender, firm...
I casually walked into the living room, naked and hard. I told Dan and Mrs. Wilson that my mother said it was all right to spend the night. Dan looked at me funny and I said, "I told her I was spending the night at a friend's house." Ellen walked into the living room then. She was wearing a robe. "Did you say you can spend the night Peter?" she asked breathlessly. I moved to her, kissed her on the lips and said,"Yes Ellen...ALL night." I looked at her parents, then back at her and said,...
REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink. Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...
Danielle stood in front of the full length mirror in her neighbor’s bedroom frantically trying to zip up the new dress she brought. “Macy. This dress is extremely tight. Help me zip it up!” Macy crossed the room and finished zipping up Danielle’s dress, bringing relief to her blonde neighbor. “ Danielle. What size is that dress anyway?” “It’s a size three but I guess my boobs must have grown a bit since this morning.” “Danielle. You’re just about as crazy as I’m, girl!” Danielle sat on a chair...
InterracialIt all started in the seventies. It may not be completely fair, but I blame Richard M. Nixon for it. Well why not? We blamed him for everything else, so why not for my crossdressing? It was the spring of '71 and I had just graduated with a financial degree. I was young and hopeful and sure I would soon be a member of some prestigious firm and living the high life. Fancy suits, attractive women, sleek, powerful cars and weekends at the yacht club or golfing with the...
I had been acquainted with Danielle through an ex girlfriend of mine for 3 years, but we were never close friends, but kept in touch and occasionally got together when she visited Los Angeles. She is extremely wealthy after inheriting over a billion dollars of family assets. Danielle is 31, dark haired and very curvy with beautiful facial features, a stunning ass and large natural breasts. Danielle is also a lesbian with multiple lovers whom she flies down to visit her or employs on her...
DANNY TO DANIELLE Part 1 Pretending Neighborhood kids, including the girls, were playing ball in the park down the street. Their calls, shouts, and cheers were carried by the summer breeze into the shade darkened room. The room was neat and clean. Most prominent were the pictures of pretty girls from teen magazines taped all over the door, a large map of the world hanging on one wall, a double bed, two dressers, and a television in one corner. Laying on his bed was a slender...
"Can I help you?" Mark gestured down the hall to the bedroom. "They gave us a brand-new mattress, Daniel. Just come to bed, you're the one complaining about your back." "I'm fine out here on the couch. Good night." "Dude, I know it wasn't you. Remember I had to take classes too? Didn't they tell you that everyone is different and you might have to get your collar adjusted?" Daniel rolled onto his back and looked up at Mark, who was standing at the end of the couch. "You seem to...
danielle had a lot on her mind as she lay on her bed in her new bedroom.alot had happened in the last few months.she had left school only a few days ago and was looking for a job,her mom had come home 2 months ago with the news that she was getting married to a guy she had met.not only that but he had invited them both to come live with him.it wasn't long after that her mom introduced him to danielle.he was much older than her mum,he was 50 and mom was 35.danielle thought he had a nice smile...
It was in Philadelphia on business eating at an Applebees myself. Shelley was sitting a few tables away with a gilfriend. She sent a drink over to my table. When the waitress pointed out who had bought me the drink I looked at Shelley, she gave me a beautiful smile and winked at me. I walked over and asked if I could join them. She said of course. So I had dinner with her and her friend Tammy. When dinner was over I picked up the check. Tammy was kind of a third wheel and we really could not...
Dear Diary: Thursday Julie and Doris both made comments about my dancing today. Yeah I'm an amazing dancer! Well, I CAN move and I know all the hot steps and tricks... but I love slow dancing the best. Although... I've never done that with a woman... Ha, ha, ha, I don't even know if lesbians do that, although why wouldn't they? But I've rubbed guys to orgasm without using my hand -- just my thigh and leg. Ummmm, when I realized how hard I was making the first guy -- it just turned me...