Summer Of 1992Chapter 5: Taming Kelley free porn video

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During our flight to Denver, Kelley entertained herself by reading my answer to her journal. It took the entire trip for her to read and reread what I'd written, partially because she couldn't believe what she was reading.

I struck up a conversation with our seatmate. Millie was married, the mother of three daughters and was on her way to Denver to attend a reunion with three college roommates. She didn't volunteer how many years it had been since she left college and I didn't think it would be appropriate to ask. Based on the ages she gave for her children, eight, five and three, I estimated that she had to be about thirty to thirty-two. Once her family had been described to me, Millie bombarded me with questions.

"Your wife seems to be totally engrossed in the document she's reading," Millie observed. Thinking that she must have forgotten my earlier description of Kelley as my girlfriend, I didn't correct her assumption that we were married. It was easier than explaining the wide, silver band on her ring finger.

I glanced at Kelley before answering. "It's something I wrote to express my love for her. As you may have noticed, she's been rereading the same page for forty-five minutes."

Kelley immediately turned the page and reached for my hand, which she placed on her thigh. There was excitement in her eyes as she held my hand in place.

Millie leaned forward so she could observe where my hand was resting. Kelley patted it twice, as if to say, 'stay' and withdrew her own hand, resuming reading.

"I would read the same page over and over, too, if my husband expressed those sentiments in writing. All men should follow your example."

I moved my hand on Kelley thigh, down to her knee and felt the thin material move against her skin as my hand traveled upward to where she had originally placed it. She grinned at me and went back to reading.

"Actually, I wrote it to answer something she had written about me," I said.

"Judging by your wife's concentration, your answer must be to her liking."

Based on her remark, it was evident that Millie wanted to know what was consuming Kelley's attention and with nothing else to amuse me, I told her some of what I had written.

"The part she is reading right now describes how much I enjoyed the day she wore red," I began and felt Kelley's hand on mine, moving it up on her thigh, not far, only an inch or so. Millie turned her head to me, resting it on the seatback as if to say, 'entertain me'.

"We were vacationing in Florida and spent the majority of each day in a hammock. I asked why she never wore red. The next morning she wanted to go shopping and when we got back to the house I discovered that one of the items she'd purchased was a red bikini. It was light red, near pink. She put it on and we took pictures. After lunch, we walked along the highway to get to the nearest beach."

I paused to look at Kelley to see if she was listening to me. She didn't look my way, but in her own way, moving my hand an inch closer to her pussy, I knew she wanted me to continue.

"Passing cars honked their horns and I was embarrassed for her, but Kelley took it all in stride. And when we got settled on the beach I noticed that guys went out of their way to check her out. We didn't go in the water because she said the bikini material was so sheer that she was afraid to get it wet. We didn't stay long and when we left there were howls from the guys."

Millie's eyes were closed and Kelley didn't seem to be paying any attention to me until I removed my hand from her thigh. She grabbed it and replaced it, even nearer her pussy.

"We were accustomed to removing our clothes when we were lounging in the hammock, but on this day, Kelley continued to wear the bikini."

Millie opened her eyes to acknowledge that she was listening and I continued.

"As we dressed for dinner I was surprised to see that Kelley was wearing red. The dress was short, made of chiffon material, so sheer that the outline of her bra and panties showed through. Her lip gloss matched the dress and her shoes were only a shade darker. When she turned I discovered the back of the dress was missing. Kelley drew the attention of everyone in the restaurant. I was proud to be her date for the evening."

I leaned back in my seat and I felt Kelley's hand on mine. Millie opened her eyes and gave me a, 'what's the point?' look.

"My wife never wears red. She says it clashes with her hair and skin tones. But, she did it for me! She honored my request, and as far as I know, she discarded everything, the bikini, the dress, underwear and even the shoes, because I haven't seen them since that day."

Fearing that I was wrinkling her slacks, I tried to remove my hand, but Kelley had other ideas. We exchanged a smile as she patted my hand, telling me to leave it where it was.

"You have a beautiful marriage," Millie said, drawing my attention from Kelley.

We were both startled to hear Kelley's panic-stricken screech.

I asked Millie, "Do you still think it's a beautiful marriage?"

And then went on to explain the cause for the outburst.

"She's gotten to the part where I'm scolding her for neglecting to tell me everything. She deliberately lied to me by omission and then she intentionally wrote the truth in hopes that I would find out by reading her journal. Now, she's reading how disappointed I am with the way she broke the news to me. She's reading that I know she's a spoiled brat and that I intend to break her of her annoying habits."

Kelley glared at me as she turned a page and Millie's eyes were filled with concern.

"Sammy, I don't think you should divulge your issues in public. You're exposing your dirty linen to a total stranger," she said, sounding exasperated.

"That's just it, Millie. You're a total stranger. Can't you see that I'm using you?" I asked as I squeezed Kelley's thigh. She looked at me and smiled.

Seeing Kelley smile caused Millie to become suspicious. "Are you ... is this some kind of a joke you're playing on me?"

"No," I assured her.

"How are you using me, then?"

"By explaining to you what Kelley is reading, I'm speaking to her through you."

"What have you been saying to her?"

"That I love her very much. See her smile as she reads that I love her for pretending that she likes the Friday night parties with my friends. I know she detests those parties, but she goes along and says she has a good time."

Millie stared at me, mulling over what I had said, still wondering if it was all an act and she was being taken in. "How are you going to teach her a lesson?"

As I began to explain, I noticed that I had Kelly's attention, too. "You see, we've been separated for two weeks. It was Kelley's choice. She's booked the honeymoon suite in our hotel and she's planning a candlelight dinner in the room and a night of romance."

"And how are you going to teach her a lesson?" Millie repeated her question, showing genuine interest.

"By withholding sex," I said and was immediately flogged by Kelley, who swung the papers she had been reading at my head.

"You're not!" she said, struggling to maintain a normal tone. She only stopped wielding her paper weapon when I removed my hand from her thigh. A pained look came to her face and her lips curled like she was going to cry. I honestly felt sorry for her and placed my hand back on her thigh, even closer to her pussy than it had been before. Kelley flung her arms around me, letting the pages fly in all directions. I used my free arm to hold her close.

Her cheek was next to mine and I could tell she was talking more to Millie than to me, explaining really. "My husband doesn't mean it when he says he's going to withhold sex. I packed the red clothes he told you about. I'll wear them tonight and we'll have makeup sex. You don't think he can refuse, do you?"

Millie sympathized with Kelley. I heard her say she didn't see how I could turn down an offer to have makeup sex. Suddenly, involving a total stranger didn't seem like such a good idea as it had a few seconds before.

I was determined to make Kelley understand that she wasn't going to be able get by with acting the way she had. We'd been estranged from each other for two weeks. I was determined that her whims were going to result in consequences. Still, I had to admit that she felt soft and sexy in my arms. She smelled good, too.

The 'fasten seatbelts' signs flashed on and we heard the ding sound. I tried to release Kelley, but she stubbornly clung to me, demanding that I retract my threat to withhold sex.

Wanting to avoid creating more of a scene, I forcefully shoved her into her seat and buckled her seatbelt. "SAMMIE, don't treat me this way," she said.

"We'll discuss this later," I said as I began to collect the papers that she'd discarded. I'm not sure if I found them all or not. It didn't matter as Kelley had lost interest in what I had to say.

We spent a very uncomfortable fifteen minutes as the plane made its descent. Millie was peering straight ahead, silently avoiding further contact with us and Kelley was seething. I used the time to memorize my speech. Remembering what Doctor Koskowski had said about being very specific, I wanted to convey my charges and demands without creating any misunderstandings.

Millie's farewell was brief. She wished us a rather empty sounding good luck and I expressed my hope that she would have a good time with her college roommates.

Picking up the rental car was fairly painless and Kelley, who'd been to Denver before, was able to direct me to the hotel without becoming melodramatic. Once we got into the room, everything changed. As I soon discovered, she'd been memorizing her speech, too.

First, she tried her brand of logic. "You forgot to tell me about Tammy; I forgot to tell you about Phillip. One cancels the other. We're even."

"We're not even. My forgetting to name Tammy on my list was unintentional. Your failing to tell me about Phillip was not only intentional, it was devious. In reality, you lied to me about Phillip."

I watched as she absorbed my charge. "You wouldn't have known about Phillip and me if you hadn't broken into my file. It's your fault that you found out."

"You read my journal. I had a right to read yours."

Up until this point our voices had remained fairly calm. Kelley decided to try her second ploy: pity. "You don't understand how hard it was for me to fit in," she said, beginning to sob. "It was peer pressure. I was expected to sleep with Phillip."

I had to stifle a laugh. "I'm not condemning you for doing it, Kelley. Nor, am I criticizing your reasons. But, not telling me about it was more than oversight. You were just plain devious."

She was still sobbing as she switched to plan C, which was an attempt to attain my forgiveness by appealing to me, sexually. With six swift moves, two to discard her sneakers, one to lift her blouse over her head, one to lower her slacks, along with her panties, to the floor, one to unhook her bra and another to fling it away, she was nude.

I watched as she climbed into the hammock and beckoned for me to join her. "Come here, Sammy. We'll talk," she said, arms outstretched.

I looked at her with a critical eye to show my disdain. "I talk; you listen?" I asked.

She nodded, solemnly, demonstrating that she knew my rules; for her to listen in silence.

On the surface, this was my chance to tell her everything that had been bothering me over the past two weeks. Still, I wasn't sure if I could trust her. Doctor Koskowski's advice to be specific rang in my ears. Would I be able to deliver my speech without being distracted? Knowing my resolve to punish her by withholding sex would be tested; I kicked my shoes off and climbed into the hammock.

Kelley was delighted. The tears she'd shed had dried on her cheeks. Her nipples seemed to grow before my eyes and the fine, red hair above her slit had been trimmed so short it stood straight up, with no curl. A contented grin crossed her face as she began unbuttoning my shirt. I let her remove it, but when she tried to unbuckle my belt, I removed her hand and placed it on her tummy.

"I talk; you listen," I repeated, and waited for her confirming nod. "I find your impetuous nature disconcerting. Here are some examples. One, you read about Tammy in my journal and demanded that I take you to the airport without letting me explain that I had forgotten to name her on my list. Your impulsive decision caused me to make the trip home alone and..."

Movement of Kelley's lips, like she wanted to interrupt, made me put my finger to my lips to warn her not to talk. Meekly, she complied.

"Two, the moment you found out that I had read your journal, you demanded that I take you home. This happened on the night we were going to the condominium to talk. Again, your impulsive refusal to let me explain why I'd read your journal cost us a second week apart. I'm in love with you, Kelley, and want to make this work. But the summer is short and we'll never get those two weeks back."

I believe she was stunned by my admission that I was in love with her. She just looked at me with no attempt to interrupt.

"Three, you bullied our travel person into making changes to our plans without consulting me. That really tested the boundaries of how much I'll put up with. Please take this warning and never try that again.

"Four..." the quiver of Kelley's lips interfered with my thought process. Hoping to stop her from crying, I put my arm around her and pulled her to me. I became aware of three things; her body was shaking, her breasts were boring into my chest and her closeness was having an affect on my cock. I stoked the small of her back, down to the crack of her ass and back up to her shoulder blades. Her body felt warm and familiar. But, when she tried to press her lips to mine, I released her, letting her fall onto her back.

A shocked look crossed her face until she noticed how my cock was straining the front of my pants, and then I saw that same pleased expression cross her face that I'd seen before. That's when I decided to give her some of the same medicine she was attempting to dispense to me.

"Four," I began again, moving my hand to her tummy in an effort to keep her on her back. "You took me to a party at Phillip and Julia's house during Christmas break. This was well before we became intimate. Danny was there that night, but meeting him didn't bother me because you'd told me that he took your virginity on the couch in your basement playroom. What I didn't know at the time was that you were still having sex with him. How can I ever face your friends again, now that I know you screwed Phillip until he and Julia married?"

Kelley opened her mouth as if to respond, but I moved my hand down to touch her pubic hair. This drew her attention and she closed her mouth.

"Five, I believe you wanted me to read your journal. That's the reason you made the password so simple. I believe you felt ashamed that you hadn't told me about Phillip and that was your way of telling me."

Kelley didn't even try to respond. She was too busy moving her pelvis to bring her pussy in contact with my fingers. I teased the fine hair above her slit and saw that her clit had made its appearance. Aware of her arousal, and my own, I moved my hand back to her stomach. Her eyes appeared sad, almost making me sorry for her.

"Six, I also believe that your explosive anger was an attempt to disguise your embarrassment of being discovered."

Kelley didn't confirm or deny my assertions. She lay or her back and looked up at me, held prisoner by my hand on her stomach. When she was satisfied that I was finished, she wet her lips with her tongue. I nodded, giving her permission to speak.

"What do you want?" she asked, looking expectantly.

Those four words told me so much. First, she was no longer blaming me for forgetting to name Tammy on my list of sexual partners. Second, she was no longer angry that I'd read her journal. Third, the four words told me that she was admitting to being manipulative and less than honest. Most importantly, by asking what I wanted, she was admitting that she would be willing to grant anything I demanded.

Doctor Koskowski's advice to be very specific came to mind. Looking down at Kelley, lying meekly on her back with my hand on her stomach, I didn't think I needed to remind her to be a good girl, to always be honest and to never interfere with my plans. What I wanted was to do as I pleased without feeling guilt for my action.

"I want a free pass," I said, watching closely to see if she got my meaning. I believe she did, but she needed clarification. She only considered my proposal briefly before responding.

Same as Summer of 1992
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 The Santa Ana Winds. Their original name was the Satanya winds, meaning devil winds in Spanish. They could blow up to forty and even fifty miles per hour, sustained. And the hot dry air usually brought brush fires and fear to the Angelenos. Anything could happen when the Devil winds blew...Tuesday“And this is my daughter, Bailey. Bailey, say hi to Roger.”My girlfriend, Tracy, was trying to introduce me to her 16-year-old daughter, who wasn’t showing a whole lot of interest in meeting me. We...

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JuniorChapter 20 Erica Kelley

It was eleven-forty-five when I left the apartment, combing my hair and knotting my tie. Gladys kissed me goodbye, opened the door, and told me to have a good time. I told her to put some clothes on. Other than her soft voice, Erica was totally different, taller, blonder and older than the picture I had developed in my mind. "What did you expect?" she asked, motioning for me to take the passenger's seat. The car was a Pontiac Firebird, red exterior, matching interior and a sunroof. "I...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 4 Taming the Rakshasa

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Thrak – The Free City of Hargone I clenched my fist as I marched across the deck of the Golden Hunger. The pirate crew scurried around us, preparing the ship to cast off from the river docks of Hargone. We would put out into the Elba River and sail north through the river’s mouth and into the Nimborgoth. A northeast course would takes us to the island of Yalut and the city of Grahata. There, in the city’s labyrinth, we would slay Gewin’s...

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Taming the Dragon

When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...

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Taming Tina part 1 of 3

“She’s such a bitch,” Doug complained. “Fucking bossy all the time.” I laughed. “You knew that when you fucking married her!”“Yeah, well I thought she would lighten up a little,” he lamented. “We’ve been together twenty years.””Why bring this up now?” I asked as I sipped my drink.”It’s worse than ever these days. Her fucking promotion turned her into a ball-breaker.”Tina was now President of Operations at the corporation she worked at. She had started there right after college and before...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 20 Taming the Orcrsquos Wild Passion

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Solja’s ram-dao slammed down at me, the two-handed sword flashed in the sunlight. The crowd cheered, roaring with hunger...

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The Taming of Brittpt 1

I can still remember the first time I saw her. I was working CQ (charge of quarters) at the barracks and as one of the higher ranking NCOs there I had to make sure things ran smooth. I saw her walking in, this slim girl with a huge ruck sack on her back and her arms weighed down with luggage. The biggest thing I remember is her dropping a bag and having to bend over to pick it up. Lord help me I couldn't think straight! She has brown hair that you can tell takes awhile for her to tame,...

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Taming the Duchess de Montfort Ch 01

One: Aboard the Roi de Soleil Captain Beaumont of the French ship Roi du Soleil lifted the crystal goblet of wine and stood as he proposed a toast. ‘To a safe journey home, and to our lovely guest,’ he offered to the ship’s officers assembled around the sumptuous dining table. ‘A lovelier ray of sunshine has never graced our humble ship.’ He bowed his head in the direction of the Duchess de Montfort. She was indeed a stunningly beautiful woman. No doubt that fact explained at least in part...

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Chemical Ecstasy or Another Taming

I always had a block with Gillians. Gillians. What can one say about the Gillians out there? They’ve become somewhat predictable now. It took some years of trial and error before the understanding began to dawn. And that was like waking up from a long and sacrificial slumber. I could attempt to sketch a picture to fit all the Gillians out there, but that would be neither fair nor accurate. Yes they share so many similar characteristics, pre-occupations, motives. Yes they are a precious kind...

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Taming Jasmine

Our meetings became more frequent following the blow job event. We started to see each other on a more or less weekly basis and always ended our chats with some form of sex act. Some times without leaving the premises, furtive fingering or wanking under the table when we felt we could get away with it. Other times we'd sneak into the toilet and fuck or give each other oral relief. Occasionally we would take a drive to a more remote location just outside the city, walk a while then indulge...

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Taming of Amy III My Mother in Law

"Where is my daughter?" Asked Sandra as she pushed her way past me when I opened the door."She will be along in a few minutes, Sandra." I said to her as she glared at me."You are a good for nothing bastard! I told her she could do so much better than you! Yes I am really upset! I have been trying to call her all week and she is always gone or too busy to talk! I think you have done something to her! I should have just called the police!" Sandra said in her threatening and theatrical style that...

1 year ago
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Taming Billy

TAMED TEEN Chapter 1 " I don't know what to do with my son these days. " Tracy Lyons said toher mother over the phone. The thirty something brunette was reasonably attractivewith a full figure that could have benefited from some vigorous exercise. " Thatboy of mine has a sex drive that I can't satisfy. Last night he did me twicetimes before he went to sleep, and then this morning he did me twice beforehe went off to school. As soon as he got home today he marched me upstairsto his bedroom and...

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No Strings Attached Taming The Kitten Chapter 4

I wake up refreshed despite the short amount of hours I've slept. Louise is no longer in bed, but her space is still warm. Looking over, I see Rebekah still asleep in the cot, so I check the time. It's only seven.I pull on my boxers to go downstairs, but I meet Louise on the landing, coming out of the bathroom in a towel."Get back in bed," I say sternly.Her eyes widen at my demand."Why?""Just go. Now!"Her cheeks flush, and I can't help smirking as I gesture to the bedroom. Slowly she does as...

3 years ago
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Taming a Wildcat

© Big Billie 2005 My name is Bill Doyle. I am an academic, aged 26, specialising in Shakespearean studies. I was recently appointed as a lecturer at a Teacher Training College attached to one of our big redbrick universities here in England. I have just been awarded my doctorate, and I am currently preparing my thesis for publication, some of it in book form, and the rest in two or three academic articles that I am hoping will be accepted by refereed journals. While I was a graduate...

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Taming the Badger

© 2003 She was quite a bitch and it pissed Damon off tremendously. Not only was she a bitch, but she never did anything anybody ever told her to do. Just to be difficult she did the opposite. Damon was so annoyed all day as he worked with her. He didn't really see her much throughout the day, but he thought about her while he worked. Knowing that she was somewhere doing what she does, angered him. Badger, or so her coworkers called her, was a co-manager of the large corporation where...

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Taming the Cougar 6 Bound by Love

My relationship with Pam was idyllic. We were both insatiable sex fiends and had no serious taboos as to how we obtained our gratification. Early in our relationship we had established that threesomes or more-somes were acceptable to both of us as long as we were doing them together.I loved seeing Pam fulfilled sexually be it by myself or by another man or woman. On her part, Pam felt the same way about my pleasures.I had discovered early on that before her disastrous marriage, Pam had been a...

Group Sex
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Taming the Duchess de Montfort Ch 02

One: The Next Day Therese du Maurier, the beautiful young Duchess de Montfort, awoke with a start. In the unfamiliar surroundings it took her a while to realize where she was and how she had gotten there. She was lying on a bed, covered with a sheet. Sunlight streamed into the room through a space in the heavy curtains that covered the window. Under the sheet she was naked. Looking around she realized it was the same room in which she had been confined when she was first brought to this...

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Taming the Tease Ch 8

Bella stroked Alexandra’s cheek with her lips as her mouth made her way to the groin of the rich oil tycoon in front of her. This man was a premium client who had made his way to Jon’s establishment. And he was getting pleasured like one. He had paid thousands to have Bella, Leanna and Alexandra pleasure him in the upstairs lounge. The three teens were naked, save for their white stiletto heels and artificial halos that were part of their uniform. Leanna was sitting on his face,...

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Taming the Tease Ch 7

Dave had a tough life. He was in his sixties and still slaving away at his plumming job so that he could have enough money for retirement. All of this hard work had taken a toll on him physically. He was a big fellow with a muscular frame, standing in at 6’2”. He had really packed on some fat. He now weighed over 300 lbs, and had a very big gut to show for it. He had no hair except for the sides of his head, but he kept his head hidden under a greasy truckers’ cap. He pulled his van into...

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Taming the Tease Ch 61

Bella was in quite a predicament. The buxom beauty, barely 18 years old, was lying face down on a red satin covered mattress. Her round ass pointed straight in to the air, with a black studded plug inserted deep into her anus. Police grade handcuffs were tightly placed on her wrist and feet. A dog leash tethered her neck to the steel bed frame to ensure that she was completely in the grips of her master. A silk black blind fold took away her most important sense, leaving her completely...

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Taming My Stepdaughter

When my relationship with my stepdaughter changed for the better.The story of my relationship change with Kimberly, my stepdaughter, could last for may chapters.  We met the morning after my first date with her mother, Susan.  It was a Saturday morning as Susan and I were sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee while Kimberly was playing with her six-month-old son.  The date had gone quite well as we spent half the night in her bed naked and exploring each other with great passion.It was...

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Taming The Cougar Part 5 Freedom And Joy

"Chris, I am confused. You tell me that I am a submissive and I feel that you are right about that. However, it’s not what I had been expecting.""What were you expecting, darling?""Out of curiosity, I have been doing some research on the internet and what I see there does not match my experiences with you to date. Yes, you have spanked me, and I love it. I almost always cum when you do it. I feel they are more love spankings than anything else. I am totally in your thrall and ready to do...

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Taming the Cougar Part 4 Submission And Freedom

After our session with Adriana, Pam seemed to be riding a high. Her whole demeanour changed; the stress and worry she had exhibited seemed to fade away. I think that her realization that she was bisexual and the fact that I did not take umbrage was part of it.We were scheduled to meet with Adriana and her friend Reinaldo the coming Saturday night. Pam seemed excited about experiencing her first experience with another couple.As Saturday approached, she started to become moody and distant. Our...

1 year ago
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Taming the Cougar Part 3 Freedom in Submission

I woke alone in bed with the smell of coffee wafting into the room. I started to rise when Pam walked into the room, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee and croissants.“Back in bed, you gorgeous hunk of man,” she said, smiling at me. “We’re having breakfast in bed this morning, and you are part of the meal.”“Now what did I do to deserve this? All that beauty and to gild the cherry, domesticity?”“How do you take your coffee?”“Black as sin. Though thinking about it, I think this morning I...

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Taming The Cougar Part 2 From Cougar To Sub

I left Pam's apartment, bewildered. I had not been a choirboy in the past and had done much plain and fancy fucking. Never, however, had I been so drawn to a woman. I had at all costs avoided relationships though many women had tried to entice me into one. Why was this woman affecting me this way? I wanted more than a one-night or two-night stand with her. I had a difficult time knowing what I wanted, but I knew I wanted more.A bonus for me is that she seemed to be submissive, which really...

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Taming The Cougar

Another Friday night at the Cougar’s Den club and the cougars were out in force. I sat at my private table, keeping my eye on things ready to intervene if there was a ruckus. The barmaid brought me a single-malt scotch and gave me a bright smile. I was aware that she had a crush on me, however despite her perfect figure, bright smile and magnificent tits. I shooed her away.As she turned to go, she stopped and turned back to me. “Why do they do it?” she asked, nodding her head towards the dance...

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One evening just before sunset I was risen from my slumber to the feeling of a faint pleasure wave washing over me. I opened my eyes to find Gideon's head bobbing between my legs. My legs trembled with his every movement as I gripped the bed of animal skins with both hands. The reverberating movements of his tongue running over me added to the intensity, making my body crave his touch even more. As my breath quickened I heard Gideon let out a small growl as he lifted his lips from me....

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Taming The Succubus 3

It seemed like an eternity as she fell towards her death, but right before she hit the ground her wings spread prideful and wide as she took off in to the night sky. She felt the relief she been denied all night. She felt safe and relax as the winds encased her in their embrace. She flapped her wings a few more times to ensure her safety. She had always loved flying. Every time she had a hard day she would take the time out and fly to calm herself down. It seemed like all her troubles...

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Taming The Succubus 2

“What? Oh my god this can’t be happening to me. You are lying lady. Tell me that you are lying.” Selena did nothing but smirk at Carmen. “Well if it makes you feel any better, I can tell you this is all in that pretty little head of yours, but it’s not, you have been sold to be our servant or slave. It’s however you want to view it honey.” “What? You can’t do this to me lady.” Carmen said getting of the bed very frustrated and confused. “Who would do such a thing?” “Your lover’s...

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Taming The Succubus

Queen Lola felt like shit. She felt like some weak horrible little thing that could be thrown around like some rag doll and it was pissing her off to no end. Most of all she felt like this shouldn’t have happened to someone like her. Even though she was a half breed, and didn’t have too many powers or abilities, she was still a queen for Christ effing sake’s she should be treated like one, and not be manhandled by some young pup. Hell, the simple fact that some immature, amateur young wolf...

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