Taming Billy free porn video

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Chapter 1

" I don't know what to do with my son these days. " Tracy Lyons said toher mother over the phone. The thirty something brunette was reasonably attractivewith a full figure that could have benefited from some vigorous exercise. " Thatboy of mine has a sex drive that I can't satisfy. Last night he did me twicetimes before he went to sleep, and then this morning he did me twice beforehe went off to school. As soon as he got home today he marched me upstairsto his bedroom and gave me a good pounding. Then he tells me that there arethree girls coming over to give him pussy-eating lessons while they practicetheir blowjob techniques on him. Can you imagine that!"

"To make matters worse none of these girls areeven attractive. I know all about these three. It's common knowledge that theskinny one who looks like a boy with that short haircut is the girl toy ofthe other two who are twins. Each of them must weigh at least fifty poundsmore than her. Everyone knows that the twins are real sluts and will do itwith boys as well as girls. I don't know what he sees in any of them. I'm atmy wits end."

" I need your help in the worst possible way. Canyou visit us in the next couple of weeks before I go crazy? …. You can!That's great! You're going to bring along a friend to help you straighten outyour grandson…That's marvelous! You two will be over this weekend andyou'll stay until he understands that I'm the boss; that's fantastic! Thankyou so very much. I can hardly wait to see you both."

"You say that she likes women with a little meaton their bones, and is very interested in meeting me. That's utterly thrilling!God, I'm getting wet just thinking about her. Oh mother, don't be that way.You know where my tongue is going first when you two arrive. Perhaps she mightlike to watch or maybe even help me out in getting you off. You know how hardit is for me to make you come sometimes. I love you mother, see you soon. "

An hour later Tracy went up to see what her son was doing with the girls.Billy was on his back with one of the chubby blonde twins sitting on his face.She was seated facing his spread legs, shifting her weight to make sure hisnose stayed buried between her plump cheeks. Tracy watched in fascination asBilly's super-long tongue moved up and down her shaven vulva, wetting her labiawith each pass and bringing a satisfied moan from the girl. " Oh yes baby,that's the way to make me feel good. Keep going, I'm a minute or so away fromanother big orgasm. Hope you enjoy clam sauce, cause there's a big load gonnacome oozing out of my cooze when I get off, " the girl cooed. Her sister andthe bony, boyish girl who had dyed her bobbed hair a garish shade of red wereworking on his cock and swollen balls, the blonde licking his ball sack whilethe girl suctioned the head of his hard dick like a vacuum cleaner.

The twin stopped licking his wet sack long enoughto say, " Bet we make him come before he gets you off."

Her sister laughed and replied, " Wanna bet? " Theskinny girl's head bobbed up and down even faster when she heard the bet beingmade.

The twin said, " Loser has to eat the winner outfor an hour while Billy fucks her in the ass. "

"You're on." replied her sister.

It was close, but the boyish girl managed to bring her son off just secondsbefore the chubby, pimply faced girl get out a loud moan and began franticallygrinding her wet cunt into Billy's face, cutting off his air for a few moments.Tracy took this opportunity to introduce herself to the girls. The twins wereGert and Greta, good German stock that would develop into big-breasted plumpers.She mused at the thought of having one of these sex machines as her daughter-in-law,and then dismissed it as a sick fantasy. The coltish girl was Connie, and thehungry look Tracy got indicated that she went both ways. Tracy wondered howConnie's tongue would feel going over her cunt and then wiggling its way upher asshole. Perhaps she might bed the little bitch at another time and findout. Maybe the kid would enjoy taking her big strap-on up her tight littlecunt, or maybe up her even tighter asshole.

To her delight the girls invited her to join themand watch while they settled the bet. Tracy went to her room and returned witha pair of handcuffs that she used to secure Gert's hands behind her back. Conniewas already busily refreshing Billy's flaccid cock so that he could ass fuckGert while she ate out her sister. Tracy got on the bed and soon was feedingher son a stiff nippled tit as Connie sucked his cock. Once the girl workeda knowing finger up Billy's rectum, his boner was fully restored and he wasready to slide it between the plump cheeks of Gert.

Gert had been slobbering all over her sister's clean-shaven pubes for thepast fifteen minutes as Billy reamed out her puckered asshole. Tracy was enjoyingthe sight, but couldn't help but notice that Connie was giving her the once-over.Tracy was still wearing her panties and thigh high hose. On a whim Tracy decidedto try to seduce the girl right now.

" In case you're wondering I shave my pussy."

Connie gave her a grin and answered " I love togo down on a woman who has a nice clean cunt; it makes eating pussy so muchfun. Perhaps you might like me to give you a sample while Billy and the twinsare occupied. "

Tracy grinned broadly and said, " I never thoughtyou'd ask. Let's go to my bedroom and get comfortable. I hope you eat pussyas good as you suck cock. "

" Oh wow, that's so neat! " Connie exclaimed when Tracy rolled down herbikini panties to reveal her cunt. A narrow strip of neatly trimmed pubic hairoutlined her vulva, giving emphasis to her fat labia. " Good enough to eat,I hope. " Tracy said with a big smile.

" I know I'm gonna want second and maybe eventhird helpings of that box lunch you have ready for me. " Connie said as shelicked her lips in anticipation. Then she got another surprise as Tracy producedanother set of handcuffs and motioned for the girl to put her hands behindher back.

" Oh I think you're planning to take advantageof this little innocent teenager Mrs. Lyons, aren't you, you nasty woman. "

Tracy clicked the cuffs closed and whispered; " Nowyou are in my power and unless you do exactly as I say, you'll be severelypunished."

Connie smiled and said, " I'll be a good girl Mrs.Lyons."

Tracy laughed and said, " I definitely will punishyou quite severely if that's the case. You had better be a bad girl, a really,really bad girl or it will go badly for you. I'll take the strap to that flatass of yours. Perhaps I ought to anyway so that you begin to look like a womaninstead of a boy. "

Tracy moaned and wiggled her cunt into a comfortableposition as the girl began to work on it with her tongue, moving just insidethe ring of pubic hair and leaving a trail of saliva as she licked and kissedthe tender fleshy labia prior to entering Tracy's vagina.

Tracy came the first time only minutes after Connie's knowing tongue beganto circle her clit and probe deeper into her vagina. " Oh young lady, you mademe make a mess. You had better clean it all up before I give you a good spanking.In fact I'm going to spank you while you clean it up. Get that skinny ass upin the air so I can give it some color while you lick up every drop of thatgash goo." The girl's ass was a nice uniform red by the time Tracy pronouncedherself satisfied with the cunt clean up.

Once more Connie returned to the task of gettingthe older woman off; this time it took much longer and the girl's face wascovered with cunt cream from chin to nose before Tracy groaned, clamped herthighs around Connie's ears and ground her soaking wet sex slot into the girl'sface. " Young lady, you are such a slut! Now clean up the mess you made andthen I'm going to turn over and let you use that tongue on my asshole. Getthat ass up so I can freshen up that color some more." As Connie sucked upTracy's juices, the woman's hand rose and fell as she spanked the girl's assinto a rosy glow once more.

The girl had been kissing Tracy's puckered asshole for about five minuteswhen Billy, calling for his supper, interrupted them. " You just wait untilthis little slut girlfriend of yours gets me off." Tracy said as Connie noisilysuctioned the woman's asshole and probed it with the tip of her tongue. " Goback and forth between my pussy and asshole and use lots of tongue." Tracyordered. Billy shrugged and left the bedroom.

A few moments later the twins poked their headsin and watched in fascination as Connie brought Tracy to a third and the mostpowerful orgasm of the session. They watched with interest as Connie suckedup all the cunt sludge that had oozed from Tracy's pouting pussy while herasshole had been stimulated by the girl's expert tongue.

" Wow! I didn't know you were such a lez. Tomorrowwe're gonna take you to our house and make you do my mom, Gert and me untilyour tongue falls off." Greta said."

" And we're gonna spank you while you're doin it. " Gertadded with a giggle.

" Want to borrow my handcuffs? " Tracy asked witha knowing smile. The girls happily accepted her offer and promised to takepictures of the action for her amusement. Secretly she wondered about the twins.They must be even dumber than she had first thought if they were unaware oftheir companion's tastes in sex partners. How obvious did Connie have to beto make them realize it? Well, she now had that question answered.

When Billy announced he had a date that night, Tracy's face clouded up.Connie's fast tongue had made her very horny even after three orgasms, andshe was looking forward to a nice hot beef injection from her son. To let himknow that she wanted sex, she had served supper wearing only a pair of freshbikini panties that hugged her hips and revealed her pouting pussy throughthe transparent crotch. Promising to give her some cock afterwards, Billy leftfor his date.

A frustrated Tracy spent the next few hours watchingporno tapes and using her vibrator to get off. When Billy got home, his motherwas in the living room, her eyes glued to the porno tape that was showing amiddle aged woman taking a cock up her ass while she sucked happily on a secondone that had just gotten through reaming out her puckered asshole. A vibratorwas churning away deep inside Tracy's ass and a monstrous dildo modeled aftersome animal's cock stretched her cunt wide. She was holding a pocket rocketvibrator against her swollen clit and grunting as orgasm after orgasm rippledthrough her shuddering body.

" Gee mom, you started without me, that's no fair.I only fucked Betty three times just so I'd have something left for you whenI got back. Gee, mom, you're really getting out of control. " Billy said ashe watched his naked mother go off again and again. When his mother failedto respond, the boy turned and headed for his bedroom to get some sleep. Allthe fucking he'd done in the last twenty-four hours had made him a little tired.

Billy awoke from a sound sleep because his mother was in bed with him, lyingbetween his legs and sucking his cock with practiced skill, twirling her tonguearound the sensitive head of his throbbing dick as she gently squeezed hischurning balls. " Damn mom! Give me a break; I have to do to school tomorrow.Leave me alone and I'll give it to you good tomorrow morning before I leavefor school." Tracy grunted and began deep throating her son, ignoring his pleas.Popping the swollen head from her mouth, she said, " I want you to fuck menow! Then I want you to fuck me again tomorrow too. Just lay back and let medo all the work." Billy sighed and watched as his mother squatted over hisrigid rod and guided it into her wet cunt. She slowly lowered her body ontohis, causing his stiff shaft to disappear into her hungry twat. Soon the bedspringscreaked in rhythm with the movement of her body as she bounced up and downon his hard tool. Because he had fucked so much in the past day, Billy managedto hold out until his mother came with a gasp, a drawn out moan and a shudderthat shook her entire body. Her cunt gripped his dick in a spasm of lust asshe rocketed off into orgasm land. Billy waited for a minute or so until shegot her composure back and then pushed her off of his body as he said, " That'sall for now mom, I'm beat and need to get some zees. See you in the morning. "

Chapter 2

Tracy got an incredible pounding as soon as her son woke up and found heroccupying his bed. He came inside her twice before finally rolling off to goto the bathroom. She just lay there feeling his sperm rich cum oozing frombetween her raw swollen cunt lips. Her breasts hurt from the cruel way thathe handled them while he drove his nine-inch tool into her soft, wet fuck tube.It was all worth it for the titanic orgasm that had resulted in the middleof the second pile-driving fuck he gave her. Suddenly she thought of his sister,Kim, who had left home three years ago when she was only 16. Between her andTracy, they had kept Billy well-fucked and calmed down most of the time. Nowhe was three years older, tremendously strong and had a weapon for a cock.She just hoped that her mom and the other woman would put the fear of God intoher rambunctious son before he screwed her to death. She wondered what thatwould feel like, to be fucked raw and then fucked until she couldn't breathe.With a sigh she rolled out of bed and searched for her panties.

Billy didn't come home from school at his usual time and Tracy began tofret as the minutes went by without his appearance. Just as she was about tostart making calls to check on his whereabouts, a car pulled up to the frontof the house and Billy got out rather slowly. Tracy could make out two womenin the car, both of them in their late 30s to early 40s with dark hair pulledback into severe buns. The driver said something to Billy, who nodded his head,and then she drove off into the night. Tracy knew something was wrong whenBilly didn't react to the garter belt that framed the sheer cache-sex she worealong with the half-cup sling bra that displayed most of her tits. " Well youngman, what was it this time? " Tracy asked in a sarcastic tone of voice. Herson sighed deeply and replied, " Ms. Forbes kept me after school and then tookme to her apartment. She and her roommate really wore me out. It was toughto get it up for them because they were real ugly and their pussies smelledbad. She says I have to do her and her friend every day after school for therest of the week. " Tracy snorted and replied, " We'll see about that! "

By the next morning Billy was sufficiently recovered to give Tracy her regularmorning fucking before going off to school. Tracy spent part of the day makingsome phone calls to the school and finally reached Ms. Forbes. The discussiondid not go her way. It seems that while they were draining the boy's crankcase,flushing out his radiator and cleaning out his fuel injectors he revealed thefact that he and his mom were on rather intimate terms. Ms. Forbes was quitescandalized by this and strongly urged Tracy to join Billy at her apartmentthis afternoon for a rehabilitation session which probably would take mostof the night to complete. " This is an offer that you can't refuse Mrs. Lyons.You and your son need to discover an alternate life style or things will goquite badly for you both. Incest is not something that is tolerated in today'ssociety. " Ms. Forbes stated with an evil laugh.

It was nearly one in the morning before a totally exhausted Billy and atotally frustrated Tracy were driven to their house by the two women who hadspent the last eight hours sexually abusing the boy and utterly humiliatinghis mother. Tracy had spent the entire time naked with her hands cuffed behindher back. When she wasn't eating pussy, she was sucking Billy's cock and swallowingall the cum that he produced. Ms. Forbes and Ms. Larson evidently did not believein personal hygiene and it made Tracy's task doubly difficult. On the otherhand the women were fascinated by Tracy's semi-shaved pussy and spent plentyof time stretching her vagina with a variety of large dildoes. Mr. Forbes evenfisted Tracy into tremendous orgasms on a number of occasions during the session.As for her son, when he wasn't being sucked or jacked off, his cock was buriedto the hilt in their pungent pussies. It was Tracy's job to suck his cum fromtheir cunts and swallow it. Perhaps the worst thing that they did to her wasto collect a jar of Billy's urine and make her drink it. Fortunately they decidedto wait for another time before having her sample their piss.

What terrified Tracy the most was the picturesthat they took of her sucking off her son and engaging in sex with the twowomen. Ms. Forbes promised that they would only go on the Internet if Tracydid something foolish, like go to the authorities at school. To make the eveningcomplete, on the way home Tracy was forced to suck Billy while Ms. Larson slowlyjacked his semi-hard cock in and out of her mouth. The boy hadn't come by thetime they arrived, so Ms. Forbes parked in front of Tracy's house and waiteduntil Billy filled his mother's mouth with another load of his hot, salty cum.Her pleas to defer further rehabilitation sessions until her mother's visitended were dismissed by Ms. Forbes, who displayed a greater knowledge of whatwas going on in the Lyons family than Tracy wanted her to have. " You justmake sure that grandma and her friend keep their hands off of Billy. I'll betmoney that those two bitches are visiting for only one reason and that's tomolest this innocent child who you just sucked off. God, what a disgrace tomotherhood you are! " Ms. Forbes said as Tracy put on her dress before exitingfrom the car.

The next day Tracy wasted little time in contactingher mother and bringing her up to date on what was happening with the teacherand her roommate. " This sounds pretty serious my dear, " her mom said. " Ithink you and I ought to pay these two a visit tonight. You take Billy outof school this afternoon and make sure that he stays home. You and I will goover to their place and confront them. My friend will baby-sit Billy whilewe take care of those two. Then when we're done with that we can all get togetherand start training my grandson."

Ms Forbes and Tracy's mom hit it off immediately.Lucy Dawson at fifty-two was still an awesome woman physically. That coupledwith her dominant personality made her a woman not to be trifled with. JuliaForbes quickly realized that she was out of her league and became quite willingto negotiate an arrangement that allowed her to have access to Tracy and herson on a limited basis. To seal the deal Lucy and Tracy stripped down and allowedthe two teachers to handcuff them. " Anything goes until midnight and no hardfeelings afterward. You two get to give Billy weekly sessions to make surethat his rehabilitation is complete. Tracy will also participate in eithera top or bottom capacity at these sessions. If that's the deal, let the funand games begin." Lucy said as the two teachers licked their lips at the prospectof having mother and daughter at their mercy for the next seven and a halfhours.

When they weren't eating the teachers' pussiesthey were eating each other while the teachers ass fucked them with long thickstrap-on dildoes. They gave the teachers lengthy tongue baths, concentratingon their unshaven armpits, vulvas, tits, assholes and feet. They were fistedfor long periods of time. Tracy had frequent orgasms as her cervix was treatedlike a punching bag. Lucy merely grunted as her cunt swallowed half of thefister's arm at every thrust. They were given enemas and took turns releasingthem on each other's face and body while the teachers laughed at their humiliation.Their big tits got plenty of attention from the two small-breasted teachers.Their nipples were rubbed with ice cubes and then bitten. Their breasts weredrubbed with knotted hose filled with sugar, covered with heavy-duty paperclamps, bagged with rope until they looked like two purple bowling balls, twisteduntil they groaned for mercy and slapped over and over. They took lengthy spankingsadministered by hand at first then with a paddle and finally a leather strap.They were given golden showers and forced to drink each other's urine as wellas all the piss that the teachers could provide, which was considerable becausethey consumed huge quantities of liquids while they worked on their victims.But all good things must come to an end, and promptly at midnight they werefreed and allowed to clean up before departing. " That was some workout yougave us. I know that Billy will be in good hands after this demonstration.Perhaps you might want to visit me sometime and let me show you what I candish out. " Lucy said as they took their leave. The teachers laughed and promisedto think about it.

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taming michelles ass

Looking deep in to her eyes I said, “You have been locked in my dreams for so many months now – I’ve waited so long for this moment too – to finally be able to hold, gaze into your eyes, kiss you and make love to you – Michelle I want to make you mine and only mine!!!.” “Kiss me I want to taste your lips on mine” I leaned in and kissed her thin lips as my hands went to her face and began to caress her. Michelle wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her and then she...

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Taming the Dom

This story has been created with Game Mode in mind. For the best experience, please turn Game Mode on. Your best friend Eddie had said it was urgent. Upon receiving his text, you head to your normal meeting place, Godzilla's Pizza Dojo. The place is covered in framed monster-movie posters and arcade machines that Eddie has topped the high scoreboards on. You find your overweight friend doing what he does best, wolfing down a pizza. You sit down at his table, where he says "Hey man." "What's...

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Taming A Spoiled Brat

Hi, Readers.. Its me Kritagya again. I am now 29 years old, married and still on the hunt for women, girls and housewives who have an appetite for hard core no strings attached sex.. For those who have enjoyed reading my stories : ” Finally Nailed My Aunt” & “Finally Nailed Shalini Bhabhi” (Which was not posted by ISS due to some copyright issues but is available online) here comes a new offering from my end. Trust me its not at all fiction and is based on true events. I hail from the city of...

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Taming Dick

Author's Note: I was reading my first few stories again the other day and realized that they were a lot more steamy. This may be because the detective stories couldn't really be very hot. So I've decided to write the current series about Steve and Rob, two friends who spend their weekends as hot young women to get away from work pressures. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one. As far as this story goes, it brought back some of the thrill I felt writing about Anna and Kate. I...

4 years ago
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Taming the Beast

Taming the BeastEmile, 2010 - 2011---I guess I'd been pretty bad, but then when you're the most handsome built jock stud in your grade, who wouldn't.  I was always trailing my two older brothers in school, they were smarter, more popular, friendlier guys, but then puberty came, and I got lucky.  I was already the sportsman - football, rowing, you name it, I was captain - and my tight teen body swelled out til I was packed with muscles - bulging chest and massive guns, and suddenly, I was Mr...

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Taming Saskia

Taming Saskia.The heat was stifling, the fan over my bed turned lazily barely disturbing the flies jostling for the best places to sit along its rusting blades."James darling, how are you?" Sarah asked with impressively convincing compassion as she swept into the room.I raised myself up "Not so bad," I managed to say before my strength ebbed and I fell back"Oh, dear, you look so ill, I'll send for the nurse." she replied with a barely repressed smile.I cursed my luck,  absolutely typical that I...

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Taming Sayali

                                       Taming Sayali                                          Chapter 18        Kanan's apartment was quite small and except for a ceiling fan there was no relief from the oppressive heat that drains the spirit during this time of the year. It had taken us nearly two hours to make our way via what passes for the city's transportation system. It meant being packed tightly into hot, humid buses that belched diesel smoke and other noxious fumes as they moved...

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Taming a Tempest

Taming a Tempest by captv8td [email protected] 1Tempest looked around the room again.  Now there were only two.  She looked back at Alaine, the only other occupant of the room and saw her friend staring back at her with terror-filled eyes.  What was going on here?Both women had been immobilized, as had been their four friends.  They were gagged and hog-tied with their arms and legs bound together behind their backs.  Then, one by one, the women had been taken from the room to who...

3 years ago
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Taming of the Shrew

MF/f Modification BDSM Mc HumiliationTaming of the Shrew By BrabazonPart 1It was 10 o’clock on Saturday morning in the north London suburbs.  The front door of the house slammed shut and, from his study, Bill watched his second wife, Maria, jogging down the drive in her tennis kit and jumping into her silver convertible Merc before speeding off to her tennis club.  Cute bum, nice body, athletic, half Italian, beautiful, age 32, looked a bit like Eva Longoria, and independently wealthy as well...

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A night with Billy

As I walked to his driveway I discreetly scanned each house and any cars on the street. So far so good, no one around, so I turned up his driveway like it was a natural thing to do, like I belonged there and turned into the shadows at the side of the garage. There was a door there, and I put a corner of the backpack against the glass and slowly increased the pressure until the glass cracked, removed the pieces of the pane and tossed them into the shrubs along the fence. I opened the door,...

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More Adventures of young Billy

Billy's mother had to work to help support their family. Although she worked in a dress factory as a seamstress, she dressed to the nines for work everyday. Billy cherished the opportunity to hang around her while she was getting ready.Her routine was exactly the same every morning. After she finished a couple of cups of coffee, she returned to her bathroom to begin her routine of applying her make up and fixing her hair. Once she was done with that, Billy knew what was coming next. She would...

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Finding My SonChapter 3 William Billy

I'd seen what mum needed as she proudly showed me the field and to say that I was impressed would have been the biggest understatement ever, she'd done miracles! It cost me all the money I had and a bit more besides thanks to my credit card, but when mum eventually surfaced, I'd already dug out the base for it. "Is it in order for me to ask what you're doing?" I looked up and grinned, she was a vision in my tee shirt and nothing else but a tiny pair of very skimpy panties, "It's...

2 years ago
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Taming the Dragon

When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...

4 years ago
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Taming Tina part 1 of 3

“She’s such a bitch,” Doug complained. “Fucking bossy all the time.” I laughed. “You knew that when you fucking married her!”“Yeah, well I thought she would lighten up a little,” he lamented. “We’ve been together twenty years.””Why bring this up now?” I asked as I sipped my drink.”It’s worse than ever these days. Her fucking promotion turned her into a ball-breaker.”Tina was now President of Operations at the corporation she worked at. She had started there right after college and before...

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Taming the Duchess de Montfort Ch 01

One: Aboard the Roi de Soleil Captain Beaumont of the French ship Roi du Soleil lifted the crystal goblet of wine and stood as he proposed a toast. ‘To a safe journey home, and to our lovely guest,’ he offered to the ship’s officers assembled around the sumptuous dining table. ‘A lovelier ray of sunshine has never graced our humble ship.’ He bowed his head in the direction of the Duchess de Montfort. She was indeed a stunningly beautiful woman. No doubt that fact explained at least in part...

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Taming Jasmine

Our meetings became more frequent following the blow job event. We started to see each other on a more or less weekly basis and always ended our chats with some form of sex act. Some times without leaving the premises, furtive fingering or wanking under the table when we felt we could get away with it. Other times we'd sneak into the toilet and fuck or give each other oral relief. Occasionally we would take a drive to a more remote location just outside the city, walk a while then indulge...

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Taming of Amy III My Mother in Law

"Where is my daughter?" Asked Sandra as she pushed her way past me when I opened the door."She will be along in a few minutes, Sandra." I said to her as she glared at me."You are a good for nothing bastard! I told her she could do so much better than you! Yes I am really upset! I have been trying to call her all week and she is always gone or too busy to talk! I think you have done something to her! I should have just called the police!" Sandra said in her threatening and theatrical style that...

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Taming a Wildcat

© Big Billie 2005 My name is Bill Doyle. I am an academic, aged 26, specialising in Shakespearean studies. I was recently appointed as a lecturer at a Teacher Training College attached to one of our big redbrick universities here in England. I have just been awarded my doctorate, and I am currently preparing my thesis for publication, some of it in book form, and the rest in two or three academic articles that I am hoping will be accepted by refereed journals. While I was a graduate...

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Taming the Badger

© 2003 She was quite a bitch and it pissed Damon off tremendously. Not only was she a bitch, but she never did anything anybody ever told her to do. Just to be difficult she did the opposite. Damon was so annoyed all day as he worked with her. He didn't really see her much throughout the day, but he thought about her while he worked. Knowing that she was somewhere doing what she does, angered him. Badger, or so her coworkers called her, was a co-manager of the large corporation where...

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The wife was at work and it was a beautiful sunny day as I was hanging the washing out, with a new music Cd playing, as I walked back to the house the young lad next door but one said “That music sounds good who it is?” I told him and he asked “Can I borrow it?” I replied “Sure I’ll bring it round”, as I took the disc out of the player.Locking the door behind me I walk round to his house and knocked, he opened it quickly and motioned for me to go in. We walked into his kitchen as I gave him the...

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I should start by telling you about myself. My name is Billy Adams, 28 years old, and I am a serial rapist. I have been ?doing it? for a number of years, and, so far, have not been caught.How I became a rapist, I don’t know. I tell myself it is in my genes, but I guess that isn’t really true. I do it because I enjoy it. The look on the faces of the women as I fuck them.The first was Donna. She was eighteen years old, and gorgeous, she lived in the next street to me, and often took walks in the...

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Big Willy Billy

You are William (Billy) Cyrus, an average Caucasian type of guy, not too physically stunning but still slim and strong, fair skin and ruggish features with your most present feature being your amazing green eyes, which you’ve had complemented your whole life, and is a great conversation starter if nothing else. You have a normal hair doo and nothing else about you stands out. Except for your overwhelming cock and balls. You cock in length is up to a whole 13 inches across and your width is...

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Taming the Duchess de Montfort Ch 02

One: The Next Day Therese du Maurier, the beautiful young Duchess de Montfort, awoke with a start. In the unfamiliar surroundings it took her a while to realize where she was and how she had gotten there. She was lying on a bed, covered with a sheet. Sunlight streamed into the room through a space in the heavy curtains that covered the window. Under the sheet she was naked. Looking around she realized it was the same room in which she had been confined when she was first brought to this...

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Taming the Tease Ch 8

Bella stroked Alexandra’s cheek with her lips as her mouth made her way to the groin of the rich oil tycoon in front of her. This man was a premium client who had made his way to Jon’s establishment. And he was getting pleasured like one. He had paid thousands to have Bella, Leanna and Alexandra pleasure him in the upstairs lounge. The three teens were naked, save for their white stiletto heels and artificial halos that were part of their uniform. Leanna was sitting on his face,...

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Taming the Tease Ch 7

Dave had a tough life. He was in his sixties and still slaving away at his plumming job so that he could have enough money for retirement. All of this hard work had taken a toll on him physically. He was a big fellow with a muscular frame, standing in at 6’2”. He had really packed on some fat. He now weighed over 300 lbs, and had a very big gut to show for it. He had no hair except for the sides of his head, but he kept his head hidden under a greasy truckers’ cap. He pulled his van into...

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Taming the Tease Ch 61

Bella was in quite a predicament. The buxom beauty, barely 18 years old, was lying face down on a red satin covered mattress. Her round ass pointed straight in to the air, with a black studded plug inserted deep into her anus. Police grade handcuffs were tightly placed on her wrist and feet. A dog leash tethered her neck to the steel bed frame to ensure that she was completely in the grips of her master. A silk black blind fold took away her most important sense, leaving her completely...

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Taming My Stepdaughter

When my relationship with my stepdaughter changed for the better.The story of my relationship change with Kimberly, my stepdaughter, could last for may chapters.  We met the morning after my first date with her mother, Susan.  It was a Saturday morning as Susan and I were sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee while Kimberly was playing with her six-month-old son.  The date had gone quite well as we spent half the night in her bed naked and exploring each other with great passion.It was...

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One evening just before sunset I was risen from my slumber to the feeling of a faint pleasure wave washing over me. I opened my eyes to find Gideon's head bobbing between my legs. My legs trembled with his every movement as I gripped the bed of animal skins with both hands. The reverberating movements of his tongue running over me added to the intensity, making my body crave his touch even more. As my breath quickened I heard Gideon let out a small growl as he lifted his lips from me....

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Taming The Succubus 3

It seemed like an eternity as she fell towards her death, but right before she hit the ground her wings spread prideful and wide as she took off in to the night sky. She felt the relief she been denied all night. She felt safe and relax as the winds encased her in their embrace. She flapped her wings a few more times to ensure her safety. She had always loved flying. Every time she had a hard day she would take the time out and fly to calm herself down. It seemed like all her troubles...

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Taming The Succubus 2

“What? Oh my god this can’t be happening to me. You are lying lady. Tell me that you are lying.” Selena did nothing but smirk at Carmen. “Well if it makes you feel any better, I can tell you this is all in that pretty little head of yours, but it’s not, you have been sold to be our servant or slave. It’s however you want to view it honey.” “What? You can’t do this to me lady.” Carmen said getting of the bed very frustrated and confused. “Who would do such a thing?” “Your lover’s...

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Taming The Succubus

Queen Lola felt like shit. She felt like some weak horrible little thing that could be thrown around like some rag doll and it was pissing her off to no end. Most of all she felt like this shouldn’t have happened to someone like her. Even though she was a half breed, and didn’t have too many powers or abilities, she was still a queen for Christ effing sake’s she should be treated like one, and not be manhandled by some young pup. Hell, the simple fact that some immature, amateur young wolf...

2 years ago
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Taming Fire

Just a small story that came to me. Hope you enjoy it. Please remember to vote and leave comments. Thank you! –~~– ‘How badly do you want this guy?’ Jessie Quinn lounged on her best friend’s couch, sipping her tea, and quelling the urge to celebrate her friend’s frustration. Her small, shapely body was the epitome of comfort, her bright blue eyes gleamed with amusement, and her usually long wavy strawberry blond locks were tucked up in a fashionable black pageboy hat. Tessa Elroy paced back...

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Taming Of Damon

Damon Morris was a 19 year old freshman at the local university going through the motions. He was finally able to leave the confines of his home and experience life on his own with out mom and dad all over him. He was in his history class listening to his professor go over the lesson, which was rather boring he almost fell asleep a few times. When the bell rang, he quickly gathered his things and headed back to his dorm room to chage for the gym. Damon was not an athletic person, so he wanted...

2 years ago
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Taming the Beast

Ever since my dog broke me in, the first time, I have been a fan of fucking him whenever I could. I wasn’t always able to get special time with him though due to other factors. Things like people being in the house, having school work, or countless other hassles that come up in everyday life. It was during my 16th year that I felt the need to expand a bit more. My doggy Kintaro was doing very good in terms of keeping my young pussy busy. I also has some people I would turn to when I felt...

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Taming the Tease

Ron was the sort of man that was just dealt a bad hand in life. He was a male in his mid fifties who lived alone and seemed to live with no purpose. His wife had long since left him for another man, and he had grown out of touch with his k**s after they moved out with his wife. As far as looks go, he was never much of a desired man even in his youth, and now in his mid fifties he has let himself go to the point that an attractive woman would cross the street a block ahead of him rather than...

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