Tales of Culverin HillChapter 17 Technical Support
- 2 years ago
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Present Day
“Jane!” Jessica Parnell squealed as she practically tore the front door off its hinges. On the other side of the screen door stood a grinning Jane Parnell Oblensky, Andrew Sr.’s younger sister.
“Jessica!” Jane waited for the screen door to be unlatched and then the two women were in each other’s arms, hugging and squealing like schoolgirls.
“I’ve missed you so much! How are things? Where’s Billy?” asked Jessica.
“He’s stuck out on the front porch, Mom. If you two would get out of the way, he could come inside.” said Toby, leaning against the wall in the foyer and smiling.
“Mister smart guy!” she replied.
The two women separated, and Jane came inside. She wrapped her arms around her nephew and hugged him. “You’re so big!”
Toby laughed and lifted her off the ground. His aunt was about the same size and build as his mother, but was a year younger, and had red hair and freckles. There was some Irish heritage present, but nobody in the family knew quite where it had come from. “It’s from good clean living, and healthy habits.” he replied.
“That would be your brother, not you!”
Toby snorted and pointed her towards Andrew, who simply grinned and hugged his aunt. “You’re getting big, too!” she said.
“It’s from dirty living and filthy habits.” he told her. Jane laughed and swatted the pair of boys.
Outside, on the small porch, Jessica was repeating the hug she gave her sister-in-law with her nephew Billy. He had his mother’s red hair and complexion but was as skinny as a rail. He was still a few months shy of fifteen. He had shot up several inches in the last year, to the point where he was already taller than the two women, like his older cousins, but still hadn’t filled out yet. She had wrapped her arms around him and kissed him wetly on the cheek. “You’re getting so tall!”
“Hi, Aunt Jessica!” he replied shyly. He held his arms awkwardly around her shoulders. For years, Billy had had a very secret crush on his aunt. Now, as she pressed against him, he could feel an erection forming, which only made his discomfort more acute. He disentangled himself and pulled away, blushing.
“Toby? Andrew? Come on out here!” ordered Jessica, yelling back through the open door. The two boys came outside. “Help Billy bring in everything!” She pointed over at Jane’s GMC Yukon. It looked full of luggage, and a bike rack on the back held a pair of bicycles.
Toby groaned. If that monster was as full as he suspected, the three of them would still be unloading at about the time it was necessary to reload it. He looked over at his cousin and asked, “Does that thing get miles to the gallon or gallons to the mile?”
“It makes you want to buy stock in Exxon.” was the reply. The three boys went down the steps to the curb.
Jessica led her sister-in-law back inside. She grabbed a couple of bottles of beer from the refrigerator and the two plopped down on the couch and started chatting. “So, how have you been?”
“Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Oh, it’s so good to see you again.” The Oblenskys lived over five hundred miles away, too far for more than a yearly visit. The last visit had, in fact, been Andrew Sr.’s funeral. “How are you doing?”
Jessica nodded in understanding of the question. “Better. It hurts, but better. I don’t think anyone can every really get over it, you know, but the boys have been helpful. I’m okay.”
“Just okay?”
Jessica smiled. “I’m fine, really. You’ll see.”
“Hey, Mom, where do you want this stuff?” cried out Toby as he came inside with a pair of suitcases. He came to a stop in the foyer and the other two boys, similarly laden, piled up behind him.
Jessica turned towards Jane. “Same as before?” Before Jane could reply, she turned back to the teens. “Put your aunt’s stuff in the den and Billy’s stuff in your room. You’re bunking with your brother, remember?”
Billy gave a good-natured grumble and then led the other two into the house. Jane spoke up as Jessica turned back to her. “I feel bad about throwing Toby out of his room. Billy can bunk with me on the sofa bed.”
Jessica laughed. “Jane, Billy is fourteen and a young man, not a little boy. I really don’t think you want him sleeping in the same bed with you anymore unless you’re into that sort of thing.”
Jane gasped and her eyes snapped open. “What! No! Oh my God!” Jessica started laughing loudly at this, and Jane realized she had just been had. She shoved Jessica’s shoulder lightly and drank from her beer. “You really had me going there!”
“Maybe you ought to think about it. He’s awfully cute.”
Jane laughed. “He’s just a boy.”
Jessica smiled to herself. She had felt her nephew respond to her hug in a most un-nephew-like way earlier on the porch. Let Jane keep her delusions a little while longer.
“How’s married life treating you?” she asked, changing the subject.
“Married life is treating me just fine. Billy’s dad is in California and the check comes once a month, just like clockwork.”
“Is he still with that little bimbo?”
Jane nodded. “They got married last year. She’s already knocked up.”
“What does Billy think about that?” asked Jessica. The divorce had been civil, as such things went, but civil was a relative term, and it had been painful for all involved. It had been finalized only a couple of years ago.
Jane shrugged. “Billy and his dad were never really all that close. Now, with Dan being so far away, he only sees him a couple of times a year. He hasn’t said anything to me about it.”
“Getting any?” asked Jessica bluntly.
Jane shrugged a second time. “As needed. Not too many men are out there looking for ready-made families, you know. Especially with teenaged sons. The ones who are usually have baggage of their own.” She looked over the lip of her bottle. “You ought to know that by now yourself.”
Jessica nodded agreement. There had been several offers to ‘help’ her through the bereavement process, some of which came from married sources. “Yeah.”
“What about you? You getting back into a social life of sorts?” asked Jane.
Jessica shook her head negatively. “No, not yet. It just seems too soon.”
“You need to think about it. You’re not getting any younger.”
Jessica stuck her tongue out. “Neither are you!”
“Maybe we should go out some night this week. See what we can find out there!”
Jessica rolled her eyes at the thought. “Oh my God, the two of us hanging out at a fern bar looking for Mister Right? Jesus, save me!” Both women started laughing at the thought.
The boys finished bringing in all the various gear, and then took off on their bikes. Jessica and Jane continued gossiping and catching up on old times. When the three teens came back, Jessica had Toby fire up the grill. Dinner was simple, burgers and corn on the cob.
After dinner, it was decided to simply veg out in front of the television, with a large bowl of popcorn and some action movies on DVD. Midway through the first movie, Jessica nudged her eldest son with her toe, where he was laying on the floor at her feet. “Come on, I need to bring up the laundry. Give me a hand and we can get it over with.”
Toby looked at his mother curiously. They had done the laundry just a couple of days ago and there couldn’t be much downstairs. Still, it was a movie he had seen before, and he was a good boy. He climbed to his feet and followed her.
Jessica led her son down to the basement and went around to the back corner where the washer and dryer were located. Turning to face Toby, she grinned. “I don’t have any laundry, but I didn’t think I should do this upstairs.”
Jessica giggled. She quickly unzipped her jeans and pushed them and her panties down her thighs. “Hurry up, baby, we need to make it fast.”
“Shit!” whispered Toby, totally in disbelief. He looked wildly back through the basement towards the stairs, but they were out of sight. “You’re nuts!”
“I’m horny, there’s a difference!” Jessica pushed Toby’s shoulders until he got the idea, and then he knelt in front of her and started eating her pussy. She was very horny and very wet, and it only took a few minutes for her industrious son to take the edge off by licking her to orgasm.
“Thanks, sweetie!” Jessica pulled Toby to his feet and kissed him on the lips. Glancing down, she saw that the front of his shorts was bulging out. She quickly knelt down in front of him. “We can’t let them see this, can we?” She yanked his shorts and briefs down and stuffed his cock into her mouth. Toby groaned as his mother fellated him. He was so excited he came within minutes.
Jessica stood back up and the two adjusted their clothing. She handed him a small stack of whites and told him to take them upstairs, and then put a small load of colored clothes in the washer. Andrew needed to do some laundry later - maybe a nice quick fuck would be good, right before bedtime!
Sunday morning was bright and sunny, portending a beautiful day. Saturday had been a bit dismal, cool and dark after coming off a week of showers, but the weather had broken. It was warming up nicely and looked to be perfect for most of the week.
Jessica woke at her normal early hour. She cleaned up in the bathroom, showering and dressing in sweatpants and sweatshirt before heading down the stairs to the kitchen. It was time for a nice big Sunday breakfast with the entire family. She decided on pancakes and began pulling the ingredients from the pantry and refrigerator.
“God, is it time to get up already?” grumbled Jane. She looked half asleep, barefoot with an old terry cloth bathrobe wrapped around her. She immediately slumped down into a kitchen chair and yawned loudly. “Coffee?”
“Good morning, sunshine!” chirped Jessica. “It’s going to be a glorious day!”
“Coffee!” demanded her sister-in-law.
Jessica laughed and said, “It’s still brewing.” She pointed over at the Mr. Coffee on the counter, just starting to drip.
“Gahhhh ... you need to use the timer on that thing, have it ready for you in the morning.” Jane rubbed her face, wiping the sleep from her eyes and blearily looking around.
“And you need to get up earlier, to savor the new day!” It was an argument the two had been having for twenty years or more. Jane was not a morning person, and Jessica most certainly was!
“Fuck the new day!” mumbled Jane lowly. She waited for the coffee maker to finish, then stood. She poured herself a cup and stumbled out of the kitchen. A few minutes later, Jessica heard the shower start in the hall bath upstairs.
The sound of Jane doing her morning ablutions was enough to rouse the three boys. They wandered downstairs a few minutes after she did, with teeth brushed but still wearing t-shirts and sweatpants. They looked a little bleary, but better than Jane, who was now on her second cup of coffee. “Pancakes and bacon alright with you boys?” asked Jessica. It was a rhetorical question; the mix had already been made and bacon was starting to sizzle in the griddle.
“Actually, I was hoping for eggs Benedict.” quipped her eldest.
Jessica shook her spatula at Toby. “For you, mister, it will be eggs Benedict Arnold!”
“What are eggs Benedict?” asked Billy.
Toby shrugged; he only knew the term was for some kind of fancy breakfast. Andrew looked blank as well.
“You take half a toasted English muffin, put a slice of Canadian bacon on it, put a poached egg on top of that, then cover the whole thing with Hollandaise sauce.” interjected Jane. It was almost the only thing she had said so far.
Everyone looked at her. “So, what’s a poached egg?” asked Billy.
“Uh, it’s like a sunny side up egg, but you don’t cook it in a skillet, but in boiling water. I’ve never made them myself, but that’s what they say.”
“And people eat that?” asked a horrified Andrew. “That’s gross!”
“What’s Hollander sauce?” asked Toby.
“Hollandaise sauce. It’s a yellow egg and butter sauce, very tasty, very difficult to make right.”
“Gross!” he replied.
“So, smarty pants, next time you want eggs Benedict, you’d better behave, or you might just get them!” said Jessica, waving her spatula once more.
Jane was on her third cup of coffee now and was becoming human again. “What’s on the schedule today?”
“I really hadn’t thought about it. The weather the last week was pretty crappy, so I didn’t make any plans, but today looks gorgeous. We could go bike riding, I guess.”
“How about a bike picnic?” asked Andrew. The others looked over at him and he continued “We could ride out, have lunch, and then ride back.
The others looked at each other as they considered the idea. “We could do that.” commented Jane.
“Where do you want to go? The park?” asked Jessica.
“Why not go over by Culverin Hill? That would be a great place for a picnic.” answered Toby.
Suddenly his mother and brother looked at him and smiled. “That’d be a really great place. It’s a nice ride and it won’t be as packed as the park sometimes gets.” She remembered the last time they had biked over there.
“After breakfast, we’ll get the bikes ready.” said Andrew.
They continued discussing the plan as the pancakes cooked and were eaten. After breakfast, the boys all cleaned up and checked on the bicycles. They weren’t sure how they would get the gear packed, since none of the bikes had racks or saddlebags. It was decided that the three boys would wear light daypacks on their backs and carry the food and drinks in there, and that they would tie a couple of rolled up blankets to their handlebars.
The three teens goofed off for the rest of the morning, playing video games while Jane and Jessica pulled together sandwiches and drinks for the picnic. A half hour before noon, Jessica called the boys into the kitchen and allowed them to figure out packing. Surprisingly, they got everything into their three daypacks without effort or crushing, and they led the way into the garage.
Toby hit the keypad on the garage wall, opening the door. The five bikes had already been checked, their tires inflated, and water bottles filled and set in their catches. “Mom, you lead the way.” he said.
Jessica locked the door and asked “Everyone ready? Anyone need to use the bathroom? Last chance!” At that, she had to unlock the door and let her sister-in-law back into the house, much to her chagrin. Everybody laughed at Jane as she scurried back inside.
A few minutes later Jane came back outside, blushing at being the center of attention. “Ready now, Mom?” asked Billy.
“Just get on the bike,” she replied.
“Ladies first!” was the prompt reply. Jane snorted and climbed onto her bike, lifting the kick stand as she did. She and Jessica rode down the driveway, and the three boys followed. They stopped briefly so that Jessica could reach into her fanny pack and activate the remote control to close the garage door, then she led the way onto the road and towards Culverin Hill.
As before, during their last ride out to Culverin Hill, everyone wore shorts and t-shirts, along with sweat socks and sneakers. Jessica wore plain cotton panties under her brief running shorts, which gave an outline that was obvious, and a small sports bra underneath her top. Jane dressed similarly, though she wore a plain white cotton bra instead under her tank top. Both Toby and Andrew followed along behind them, occasionally smirking to each other at the delicious view in front of them. Neither said anything to their cousin, but on occasion they would glance at him and see that Billy wasn’t watching the road, but the two older women in front of him.
At the base of Culverin Hill, Jessica began feeling warm again, glancing up at the sun as it shone down brightly through a cloudless sky. She kept pedaling until she saw the small glade coming up, and then pulled over. “It’s just down here.” she said, pointing at the turnoff. She rolled down the path off the roadway, going a little further in than before, before climbing off her bicycle and laying it down on the grass.
Jane looked around. Was there somebody else in the little glade? She thought she had seen a man in old-fashioned clothing. She looked around but couldn’t find him.
“What’s up?” asked Jessica.
Jane took another look around, but still didn’t see anyone. “Nothing. I just thought I saw somebody. It’s nothing. This is just lovely!” she exclaimed. “It’s like a small private park, isn’t it?”
Jessica nodded. “It was just by accident that the boys and I found it a few weeks ago. Let’s explore a bit.” She turned back to the teens, who were still sitting on their bikes. “Why don’t you guys get set up, please?”
“Sure thing, Mom.” replied Andrew. He climbed off his bike and leaned it up against a small sapling, then peeled off his pack and set it down gently. Before he let the other two off their bikes, he untied the blanket rolls from the handlebars, and then set them to the side as well. Finally, all three boys had their gear off their bikes and their backs.
Setup wasn’t particularly elaborate. The boys spread a pair of blankets out on the ground, and then opened their packs and pulled out the wrapped sandwiches, some potato chips, and a couple of Thermoses of juice. Then they went off in search of their mothers. They found the two women a bit further down the path and around a slight bend, standing at the edge of a large pond. “Wow! I didn’t know this was here!” exclaimed Toby.
“Me neither. We didn’t see this last time.” agreed his brother
“We never went further down the path.” replied Jessica. “Isn’t it beautiful!”
“It is!” answered Jane. “It looks so calm and soothing. It almost makes you want to jump right in.”
“I’m a bit hungry. You can all jump in after lunch.” said her son.
The rest of the group laughed at Billy and headed back up the path to their picnic.
The young man in the homespun clothing looked at the family. Aside from the clothing, it reminded him of his own family, almost...
The five family members sat down on the blankets and began sorting through lunch. Jessica and Jane had prepared sub sandwiches and wrapped them in paper; the paper would serve as impromptu plates. The drinks proved somewhat more problematical. They had brought along Styrofoam cups for the fruit juice, but the blanket and grass proved too lumpy to set the cups down on. Both Jessica and Billy spilled their cups before they figured out how to park them in their laps, wedged between their knees.
As they ate, everyone noticed how the day was getting warmer. “It’s a beautiful day, but what’s the temperature supposed to get to?” asked Jane.
The boys looked at each other in ignorance, and Jessica responded, “It was supposed to be in the mid-70s, but it feels warmer than that, more like the 80s.”
“It almost makes me want to jump in that pond after all.” commented Jane.
“We didn’t wear any swimsuits, Aunt Jane, but if you want to go skinny-dipping, just go right ahead.” said Toby. The other boys snickered at this.
Jane smiled. “I just bet you’d like that!” The boys all gave their most innocent look.
The young woman was swimming in the pond in the middle of the field on top of the hill. Her clothes were on the makeshift dock sticking out into the pond. Skinny-dipping was the only way she had ever swum. It was the way her father and mother and aunts and cousins all swam. She was in her early teens and a picture of beautiful young womanhood.
Her father and mother came into view, along with her brother. He was in his teens, too, only a year younger than she was. They all greeted her and began stripping off their clothing. She smiled when she saw that her father’s and brother’s shafts were already thick and pointing outward. That seemed perfectly normal to the young woman. The only cocks she’d seen that weren’t stiff were those of the babies in the family.
“Now, behave, you guys. Besides, you can’t go swimming for two hours after eating, remember?” teased Jessica. She was feeling very warm herself, pulling her shirt away from her chest. She had finished off her lunch and rolled up her trash and tossed it next to the packs.
“Right, or we’ll get cramps and drown, dying horribly!” said Toby.
“Would that be before or after we fall and break our necks?” asked Billy.
“That would be before we break our necks, but after we put our eyes out.” answered Andrew.
“That’s right. I must have been thinking about running with scissors again.”
“While climbing a tree and playing with knives.” finished Toby.
“All right, knock it off!” Sitting up straight, Jessica grabbed the waist of her t-shirt and peeled it off over her head, leaving her in her shorts and sports bra. “It’s just too hot! I’m going to just lay back and get some sun.”
Jane stared at her sister-in-law! It was certainly hot enough to take off her shirt, but she hadn’t worn a sports bra, just a plain white poly-cotton bra. Her son and nephews were already peeling off their own t-shirts. The heat became too much for her. Feeling a trickle of sweat running down her back, she gave into the inevitable and pulled her own top off. She quickly lay back and adjusted her sunglasses.
The teenaged girl smiled at her father as he jumped off the dock into the pond. He paddled around for a moment but then swam up to her. She put her arms around him, and he held her against him. She could feel his stiffness probing for her cunny. Then he surprised her by lifting her onto the dock. Swimming between her spread legs, he lowered his face to her cunny and began licking. She shivered and squealed in delight.
As their mothers lay out on the blankets, the three boys tried to not stare too blatantly, but it was becoming difficult. Both women were coated with a faint sheen of perspiration. Their breasts, though hidden, were aroused, their nipples erect under their bras. Toby would later swear to himself that he saw a faint wet spot at both their crotches. All three boys were sporting erections in their gym shorts.
The girl looked over at her mother and brother. Unsurprisingly they were embracing, too. More than embracing, she saw her mother’s hands under the water, manipulating her brother’s stiff cock. He was breathing hard, and while one hand was holding her against him, the other was playing with her boobies. A few minutes later he groaned and shook, and she could see small white globules coming to the surface. Then she forgot about it as her father found the magic spot with his tongue and she started bucking and whimpering as she came.
It was too much for Toby. Standing, he looked around and then crept down to the pond. His brother and cousin eyed him curiously as he left, then both silently stood and followed him. They both had to adjust their massive erections to be even slightly comfortable. They followed Toby down to the water, to see him standing near a large rock at the edge of the water. His shorts and underwear were down to mid-thigh and his stiff prick was in his hand. He had just started masturbating.
Toby glanced up at the other two teens. “I couldn’t take it any longer, just looking at them laying there dressed like that. It was too much!” He spoke lowly but forcefully. He turned away and began to pound his meat vigorously.
“Yeah, that was just too much!” agreed Andrew. If it hadn’t been for Billy and Aunt Jane, he knew that both he and Toby would have stripped their mother down and fucked her senseless for several hours. He pushed his own shorts and briefs down and stood next to his brother and started jerking off.
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Present Day “Are you boys ready to go?” called out Jessica Parnell, standing at the bottom of the steps. “Coming, Mom!” came back a loud yell from down the hallway to the bedrooms. Jessica continued standing at the foot of the steps, waiting for her sons to come down, and was on the verge of summoning them a second time when she stopped. One of the bedroom doors opened with a crash and then came a thunder of feet as her two teenage sons rumbled down the hall and down the stairs. “We’re...
As daylight filtered in through the windows in Elaine and Stanley’s bedroom, Jack Culverin lay back on the bed, his left arm tucked behind his head, propping up the pillow. He was pleasantly exhausted. Elaine Culverin had an aptitude for moral dissipation which was world class! She and Jack had barely slept at all. Whenever they finished one bout, he or she would get up, put on a robe, and wander down the hallway to check on Rebecca. The young teen was out cold, and the only way they knew she...
Present Day As the silver-gray Lincoln Town Car pulled to the curb, Toby smiled and let his hands off the lawn mower handle. The ‘dead man’ switch kicked off and the mower shut down. He waited for the occupants of the car to climb out before yelling into the house. “Hey! Mom! Uncle Bullethead and the twins just showed up!” Inside the house Andrew laughed and Jessica yelled back a warning “Toby!” A thunder of feet in the foyer announced they were both coming to the front door. Toby’s mother...
Present Day “Just how much longer will this take?” asked Jenny Brownell. She was in the third row of the minivan, and not amused. Her brother Nick rolled his eyes at the complaint. One or the other of his sisters had been whining about the drive for hours. “Give it a rest, Jenny.” He was in the center row so that he could pass along any final directions to his father. “Shove it!” she grumped. “Yeah, really. Are we even still in North Carolina? Are we lost?” asked his other sister, Mandy....
“This place is pretty nice, hun. Maybe I should have looked south of the Mason-Dixon Line for a husband,” teased Megan Brownell. “And maybe you need a good spanking,” Adam responded. The couple were unpacking their suitcases. Megan finished first and stripped naked. “What I need is a shower. I’ll be quick if you want one, too,” she said, grabbing her toilet kit. Adam didn’t answer but simply grunted acknowledgement and finished emptying his suitcase. Afterwards he put the empty luggage in...
Megan Brownell rolled out of bed and stretched. Adam had given her two excellent fucks and she was now sweaty and filled with cum. Now he was dozing happily, and she needed a shower. She grabbed her shower kit and went to the bathroom to clean up. Fifteen minutes later she was back in their bedroom, trying to figure out what to wear. Ashley had said they were pretty casual at the house, but that was before Megan saw what the house was. What was casual at a mansion? She pulled on her pants and...
What a great year this was turning out to be. I had just completed my internship with a company and was offered a full time job with a sister company in another state. I was excited about moving to a new city, but because of my reckless spending I did not have much money in the bank to afford a big move like this. It was depressing to know that after just turning twenty-five, I did not have much to show for my hard work. I was scheduled to begin my new job at the beginning of the next month so...
Mom made the phone call and called me back to say that everything was settled and that Aunt Jane would not mind at all. It was settled then. I packed my belongings and headed out with about one week to move in and reacquaint myself with my Aunt. Driving up to my Aunt's house I wondered if I had made the wrong decision? I walked up to the door and was happily greeted by my Aunt Jane. After exchanging hellos we adjourned into the sitting room to catch up on each other's lives. "So Brian,...
The country lane was becoming more and more familiar, as he approached his Aunt Jane's place. This trip to visit her was certainly not his idea; it was, in fact, his mother's idea. She'd said that Jane was in a major slump, after the death Uncle Henry, and wasn't apparently getting things done. She'd then said that she hoped that a visit from Jaime might settle her down and provide some extra help that she needed to get some things done around her house.Jaime, recently arrived from Iraq, and...
My wife and I occasionally see my Aunt Jane. She has been a widow for several years and lives in an apartment by herself. We think she is a very nice lady and always thoughtful to do something for others. When I was a little boy and my parents and I stopped in to visit her, she would pat me on top of my head and give me a cookie. Now, on occasions while I'm on my way home from work, I stop in to see if I can do anything for her. Friday evening while I was out running errands, I stopped by to...
It's a terrible thing to lose your parents at a young age.When my mother, father and uncle were killed by a drunk driver, I believe I went insane, for a while.At 17, I was a tall, muscular lad, with a certain brutal handsomeness that many girls, and older women, found attractive. I was also a hard bastard, and took out my pain and fear on other men, fighting in pool halls and back alleys, welcoming the pain, the crunch of fist on bone, the feel of driving my knee into an opponents balls or...
After two very different but equally dirty sessions with Jane, again I was left wondering what was next. However, what was abundantly clear about our “relationship” if you could call that, was the fact Jane had the clear upper hand in it. She knew where I stayed, my full name and even where I worked as I had shared this information with her, but she seemed extremely reluctant to do the same and I was learning things about this granny in very small amounts, with the fact she was a teacher the...
Mike once again wished Kacey was still with him. It wasn’t just raising the girls, although that was more than sufficient reason. It also wasn’t the sex he missed. Although Kacey had been enthusiastic and skilled at that, Mike knew that wasn’t a problem. He was decent looking enough and had never had problems finding female companionship. No, he just missed her. She understood him like no other woman ever had. They met freshman year at Springwater State when they were paired as lab...
Samantha rolled around in her bed, unable to get to sleep. She had met Karen and Ricki at the mall, and the three girls had met up with their boyfriends. Even though her father had told her she couldn’t date until she was sixteen, what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. All three girls had boyfriends who met them there. Samantha’s boyfriend was Jimmy Strathbow, a tall and slim boy with pale blue eyes and a mop of curly blonde hair - and the dreamiest smile Samantha had ever seen! Every time he...
Like her sister, Tamara rolled around in bed, trying to get comfortable. Unlike Samantha, though, Tamara had enjoyed several rounds of Razor’s excellent lovemaking and was sated for the moment. It had been very late, or very early, when she came home and went to bed. As soon as she found a comfortable position, she dozed off. The carriage rolled to a stop, but Tamara du Bois, Baroness of Chelmsford, stayed seated. She was a young woman, barely ten-and-six, but had inherited the title at...
It was very late when Mike came home, so late it was early Saturday morning, just before dawn in fact. He had spent the night with Maggie. The two had used each other over and over, sucking and fucking and then resting after mutual massive orgasms. Then they would begin again, touching and kissing and building up to another round of intense sex. When Maggie kissed him goodbye before he left, she asked him to come back that evening, for an evening out and another late night. Mike nodded...
The next week seemed like an exercise in sleep deprivation to the members of the Dubois family. Every night they would each roll around in bed, reliving their dreams, though often they differed in detail. Samantha kept reliving her assault by the various faceless golems. Sometimes there would be just the one, using her as she gave birth to clone-Samanthas. Sometimes she would give birth to more golems, who would use her over and over. Once the golem appeared and had two cocks; he stood...
It was time. The young man had been returning the favor to the young woman, kissing her breasts and probing the wet heat of her loins. She began to demand he make her a woman, but still he held off, bringing her pleasure after pleasure. Finally, it was time. Pulling her down to the blanket, he rolled her onto her back and moved over her. His cock slid easily into position, and then he pushed hard and ripped through her maidenhead. She shrieked, her back arching, but not because of pain....
Toby and Megan swam easily back across the pond, to find both Andrew and Lizzie sunning themselves naked on the grass. Megan’s top had come undone on the swim over as well, so she was almost topless herself. Regardless, neither girl commented on their own partial or full nudity, nor of Andrew’s. It seemed as if all four understood what had just occurred and it was no longer a big deal. Then Megan stripped off her swimsuit and dried off, and then both twins pulled their t-shirts and shorts on...
“So, where are you two off to?” asked Jessica. She knew her sons were going to see their girlfriends. While she would have preferred that they stay with their cousins, she also knew that she couldn’t force them to break off their commitments or drag the girls everywhere with them. “We’re double dating. I’m taking April to the movies and he’s taking Tracy.” Toby pointed his thumb over his shoulder at his brother. “What movie?” asked Megan excitedly. “Can we go?” asked Lizzie. “Uh...” Toby...
“So, what are you guys up to tonight?” asked Jessica. Her brother and his family were only going to be staying another couple of nights and she was curious about the kids’ plans. The four teens had decided to double date that evening. Toby shrugged. “The usual - movie, Mickey D’s, hang out at the mall, go parking. I figure we’ll teach the girls about what to do in the back seat.” “You know, just like they’re going to be doing back home.” commented Andrew loudly. Their uncle was over in the...
Present Day “So, when is Grandma getting here?” asked Toby. Jessica shrugged. “Sometime this morning, I guess. She’ll get here when she gets here.” “Yeah and pinch our cheeks when she does.” commented Andrew. He reached out and grabbed his brother’s cheek between thumb and forefinger and squeezed and jiggled his brother’s head. In a high falsetto, he claimed “You boys keep getting bigger and bigger!” Toby’s hand shot out and grabbed his brother’s face as well. “Bigger and bigger!” he...
It had been a vigorous end of the morning in Jessica’s room, with the three women using and abusing Bill for various ‘deviant sexual purposes.’ So said Molly, in any case, just after Bill had dramatically clutched his chest and feigned a heart attack. The three had taken pity on him at that point and climbed off the bed. Bill had staggered off to Toby’s room and collapsed onto the bed without even bothering to wash up. Not so for Jessica, Molly, and Sarah. After sending Bill off for a nap,...
“So, what’s the plan for today for you two?” asked Jessica, looking at her sons. It was the morning after their grandmothers had worked over the teens and the two boys didn’t look overly worse for the wear. They and their grandfather were sitting at the kitchen table as the three women made pancakes and puttered around the kitchen. Andrew glanced over at Toby, who simply shrugged back at his brother. “Nothing much. I’m going over to Tracy’s this afternoon, see what she’s up to. We might hang...
“So, what did Mom need to take over to the camper?” asked Jessica, looking at Bill. Her mother Sarah was sitting next to her sipping her coffee as her daughter’s late husband’s father sat across from them. Bill was still working on his breakfast, with a mouth full of food, so he didn’t answer immediately. Sarah commented “It couldn’t have been much. She only had a plastic grocery bag with her.” Bill swallowed and nodded. He wiped his mouth with his napkin before saying “It was just some...
“Bye! Bye!” Jessica waved at the departing cars. One arm was comfortably around her eldest son’s waist. Toby was also waving at his departing grandparents. Andrew Jr. was leaning against the railing on the front steps, waving as well. Both cars beeped their horns in response and then motored out of the development, with Bill and Molly in the lead. Once they were out of sight, Jessica turned and went inside, followed by her sons. “I think I need a vacation from my vacation!” she commented....
Jessica Parnell lay between her two sons on the grass, half dazed and in a state of disbelief. Sitting upright, she looked around the little dell. It almost felt like she was being watched by the young man in her dream. Toby and Andrew lay beside her as naked as she was, with nothing on but their socks and sneakers, dozing in sexual satiation. Their clothing seemed strewn around the little grassy glen, only her own shorts and panties were near to hand. Glancing downward, she saw the remains...
The three incestuously occupied family members lounged briefly on the bed, but Jessica decided to get up. “Come on, boys, you need to get up, too.” “Aw, Ma, do we have to?” whined Toby in an excellent mimicry of Andrew when he was little. Andrew snorted derisively, but Jessica laughed loudly. “Yes, you do! Come on, get up.” “What’s next?” asked her youngest. “Not what you think, buster. I think we should go out for dinner tonight.” “Huh?” Andrew may have been taking the new relationship...
Jessica struggled to get out of bed quietly. She woke to find herself sandwiched between her sons, both snuggled up against her, and sound asleep. Toby was nestled up against her back, snoring lightly, an arm wrapped warmly around her waist. Andrew was facing away from her but backed up against her and was snoring even louder. Jessica squirmed out from under the covers and slid down the bed to the foot, where she slipped to the floor and stood up. Turning, she tossed the sheet back over the...
“When do you think you’ll get home?” asked Jessica. Toby gave a mild shrug. “Depends.” He was examining himself critically in the hall mirror. “Depends on what?” Toby grinned broadly. “On whether Teresa’s father gives her a curfew.” Jessica rolled her eyes at her son’s response. Now that school was out, he could date any night he could get a girl to agree, and he was remarkably successful at that. He had gotten a part-time job delivering pizzas for a local pizza parlor, making just enough...
Early afternoon Thursday found Jack and Becca laying around the pool, much as they had spent Tuesday night. Aside from a sheen of suntan lotion, sweat, and mingled bodily fluids, the couple was as naked as when they were born. They were both laying on beach towels on the grass, face down, and in a condition that could best be described as acute sexual exhaustion. After their first lovemaking in the pool, the two had been inseparable. They had retired to Jack’s bedroom where they spent the...
Jane tried to sneak upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. She was so confused. She had just screwed both her nephews at the same time, twice, and she had both loved it and been mortally embarrassed. It felt both totally wrong and perfectly natural. She was tempted to get cleaned up and run away, taking Billy home, but that wasn’t right either. What was she to do? She wrapped her towel around her tighter and tried to creep silently. First things first. No matter what she did, she had to take...
The last three days in the Parnell house had been nothing but nonstop sex. The joke had been that everyone was concentrating on teaching Billy; if so, the last three days had been at a postgraduate level. Toby silently marveled at what had happened over the last few days. First, nobody had worn much clothing since that first full morning. The boys usually wandered around in boxers or shorts; their mothers hadn’t even bothered with that much. Second, the positions and people had been an...
“Do your parents let you use this place? Do they know about us?” asked Tamara. Razor laughed. “Oh my God, no! They’d kill me if they knew. You too, probably. Don’t worry, we’re safe.” “What? How? You’ve never really explained that,” she replied. He parked behind the bungalow and opened the door. “Let’s go inside and we can talk.” She grinned. “We go inside, and we are going to do more than talk.” Razor grinned back. “Maybe so. Okay, let’s sit down by the creek and hope the bugs don’t eat...
Two days later, on my way down the stairs to breakfast, I overheard Uncle Dick's remark to Aunt Jane: "Barry sure has a bounce in his step and a smile on his face lately. He must have found some cutie on the beach who's sheathing his sword." Aunt Jane replied with a tone of irony. "Don't be so cynical, Dick. What kid wouldn't be happy about spending his summer like this? I'm glad he's having a good time." "Don't get me wrong. I wasn't bemoaning his good fortune. I was just...
We both smelled of sex. Aunt Jane took the steps one at a time, and being behind her, I followed suit. She led me into her bedroom, giving me my first look at it. The room was twice the size of mine, with a king-size bed centered on the wall opposite the sliding glass doors the opened onto the deck. It was decorated in bright colors that gave it neither a particularly masculine nor feminine look. The bathroom was fully four times the size of mine. The floor, tub, shower and countertop were...
Two days passed routinely with nothing more than a regular smile and an occasional peck on the cheek from Aunt Jane. At times I began to wonder if any of the images that filled my mind so frequently had really happened at all. Then Thursday afternoon rolled around. My class ended a little late, so my usual leisurely stroll home took on a little more urgency, stimulated by my hunger. I entered the townhouse noisily by the front door, but there was no reply to my cheerful "Hi!" I walked into...
When I awoke the next morning, I lay there for several minutes recapturing the experience of the previous evening. I had to think it through more than once to convince myself that it had really happened - or my imagination at work in some other way. The air was full of the smell of coffee and bacon, and though this would normally stir my appetite, I was completely distracted by my thoughts. My reverie was dispelled by a sharp yell from Uncle Dick, warning me to get myself downstairs for...
After completing my shower, I dressed in a clean t-shirt and swim trunks. Aunt Jane was back on the deck, sunning herself and reading a magazine. I spoke to her from the open patio door to my room: "I'm going down to the beach. " She raised herself on one elbow and smiled. "Stay out of trouble, Romeo," she almost sang at me. I headed off for several hours of beach volleyball and trading stories with friends on the beach. Two more days passed without incident, but on the third day I...
I'm not really a writer but this is a true story so it compensates for the lack of flowery words.I was 18 that summer some 10 yrs ago when I answere to a newspaper ad for a Thai English translator. The job travels with the Variety show to a province in Thailand.I expected it to be in an upper class subdivision but the address brought me to a 3 bedroom house in the poorer section of the city. I ring the door bell. At first a man in his 30's appeared, he was sleepy and he called on his wife or...
Well, I know I said that Kendra was my last "Aunt Jane/Seasons of Change" derived story, but well, there is another one in the works. Dunno how long it will take because life is happening right now, and the story concept seems pretty challenging to pull off. Already, I've had to trash hours of work because I found myself taking the "easy" way out. Anyway, I have been corresponding with Brandy Dewinter on the concept and got into a basic discussion of Aunt Jane's character and make...
Now that I had discovered how similar Jane and her mother Susan were in their sexual tastes, I found myself being haunted by the vision of being in a huge bed with both of them naked beside me. I was now regularly fucking Jane, though the time was approaching when she would return to college, and I’d have to wait three months before I could taste her delights again. I was also fucking Susan, usually when Jane was away with friends. Jane knew about her mother and me, in fact I think it was one...
IncestWhen he came down in the morning he found her dressed in a thick white cotton house coat and sitting at the kitchen table over a cup of coffee. She looked at him, cool and amused."What'll you have for breakfast," she asked, "There's most things." He saw a place had been laid for him."You didn't think I'd gone then?" he asked."The great detective saw your car was still outside the house."He helped himself to orange juice and cereal."So," she said, maintaining her look of quiet amusement, "What...
PART ONEBilly had been watching. Watching for over three years, as Sue had developed from awkward teenager, into the beautiful girl she had become now. he had watched as her breasts grew in size, filling out, her shirts getting tighter, the impressions of the bra she was forced to wear clearly visible at certain moments. Her waist seemed to have trimmed, as her hips had rounded. Her hair, long ands black flowed freely over her shoulders and down her back, her eyes, greener than ever.Not that...
Day OneBilly, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, theirnew home was quite large but isolated. This didn't bother billy toomuch, living in the country with a forest beside the property soundedlike a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as hismother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing abouteither. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge ofkeeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it too.Billy was barely a year...
She wasn't really my aunt, she was our next door neighbor many years ago. Jane was from Croatia, she met her husband, Chester, when he was a GI at camp in Italy helping to resettle displaced persons after WWII. They lived in the brick bungalow next door to us. Chester was a great neighbor, always helping everyone out, that's how he died, shoveling snow for old Mrs. Rasmussen. He was only forty, leaving his Croatian war bride a widow to fend for herself. I had just turned 17 and felt sorry for...
A Bouffant for Billy By Darlene leQueen Billy was nervous to say the least as he sat at his mother's vanity dressed in a pair of her ruffled frilly pink panties ad a lacy pink bra and one of her frilliest baby doll night gowns trimmed with marabou fur all over. "Now Billy, I told you time and time again if your grades did not improve by your last report card you would be punished, did you think I was kidding?" "Your grades have not improved at all." His mother snapped as she retrieved...
By Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, Used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (F/m/M mother, father & son) [Billy’s parents give him a very thorough sex education lesson!] “The time is right, he’s almost fourteen.” said Billy’s father. “I guess your right. Does he know about sex yet?” Billy’s mom asked. Frank and Gail Turner were discussing their son’s need for sex education. A pair of former hippies they had met at Woodstock and...
I had been married to my wife for six years. From day one, everyone went to her aunt Wilma’s house to hang out, grab a drink, play cards and in general just chill out. It was where I could go for a good game of poker, as she was 67 years old and retired. I never thought anything freaky about her because she was so cool. One night, a Friday, I was at Wilma’s and we had played cards a couple hours and we had downed a few drinks. It was about 10 p.m., the news was coming on and...
After Dad left, Mom and I moved into the Condo apartment she received from the divorce settlement. It was nice enough, but I was sixteen, and starting to feel the urges that a young boy of that age should start feeling. It was a city high-rise building with its own pool, but most of the tenants were older than I. All my friends lived a good distance away, so I really only saw them at school. I was a bit of a loner in a lot of ways, so it didn't bother me all that much. ...
BILLY HAD IT SO GOOD CHAPTER 1 "I don't want anything bad to happen to him. But I want to kill the little bastard," James said in agonizing frustration. "I know how you feel. Billy glued all my bra closures shut at the tightest eyelet. Now I walk around with my breasts pressed up because of the brat," Denise chimed in. "My friends thought I was doing it to get attention. It almost caused a riff between Gwen and me when her boyfriend could not stop staring," she added. "We are...
I met Billy at the State High School All-Star football game. Billy was an All-State receiver from Morehead City, North Carolina and I was an All-State quarterback from Garner, North Carolina. We had been selected to play for the East Team in the annual East/West High School All-Star game.The first thing I noticed about Billy was the size of his cock in the locker room at our first practice. It had to be seven inches soft. Damn, how big does that thing get? I wondered.Now I’m no slouch in the...