Tales of Culverin HillChapter 17 Technical Support
- 2 years ago
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It was very late when Mike came home, so late it was early Saturday morning, just before dawn in fact. He had spent the night with Maggie. The two had used each other over and over, sucking and fucking and then resting after mutual massive orgasms. Then they would begin again, touching and kissing and building up to another round of intense sex. When Maggie kissed him goodbye before he left, she asked him to come back that evening, for an evening out and another late night. Mike nodded agreement and then staggered out to his car. After letting himself into the house, he had gone to bed, falling asleep immediately. He began dreaming immediately.
Phoramses, Pharaoh of Egypt, strode purposely down the hallways of his palace. He had been away for almost a year with the Mighty Host, campaigning against a Numidian rebellion. The campaign had resolved itself as he had expected. The rebels had been destroyed; nothing less was acceptable. The province they had tried to coopt had stayed loyal, though Pharaoh had left a heavy detachment of the Host to guard against future problems. The governor managed to keep his position, but it was not good for him. First, the costs of the detachment would be paid by the governor, who would still be required to pay the full levy of taxes for the province. Second, the governor was saddled with an adviser provided by Pharaoh, an adviser who would be loyal to the Pharaoh and not the governor and would be reporting directly back to the Pharaoh.
Third, the costs of the campaign had been more than simple gold. The governor was required to pay a significant tribute, and that tribute had included his virgin daughter as a bride to Pharaoh. Granted, his agents had quickly determined that the young woman presented had not been a daughter but a niece, but that was not critical. The governor’s two daughters were both married, older than Pharaoh, and ugly as sin, but an argument could be made that in the local dialect daughter and niece were similar. The niece had been young and adequate, though Pharaoh had a considerable doubt as to her virginal attributes. She had certainly been enthusiastic, though anything less than enthusiasm would have been less than conducive to a long life. Now she was part of Pharaoh’s harem; perhaps he would summon her another night. Her fate hinged on her production of a royal child; failure to produce would leave her in limbo, a child would raise her status immensely, especially if it was a male child.
Now that task was behind him and Phoramses felt it was time to celebrate. He had told his advisers and generals that nothing was to disturb him for the next few days. Nothing was to interrupt him except for deliveries of food and wine. Mighty Pharaoh wanted time away from his duties!
Pharaoh walked through the curtained archway to his pleasure chambers. This was where he went to partake of his pleasure slaves. His wives and concubines visited him in his sleeping chambers elsewhere in the palace. His slave girls came to him in his pleasure chamber. To one side was a large pool of water constantly refreshed from the Nile, cleaned and filtered so that it was clear year-round. There was a large lounge area and a sleeping chamber, both with many cushions and pillows. Everything was done in the finest silks and laces. The chamber was devoted to the most sybaritic of pleasures. Before leaving his regular chambers, he had ordered his favorite pleasure slave to prepare for his arrival.
Phoramses strode to the center of the chamber and found not one slave kneeling on the carpet, but three. They were all wearing short and sheer robes and were bent forward so their heads were touching the carpet. His favorite looked up at him and said, “Welcome home, Mighty Pharaoh! All Egypt rejoices at your return!”
“Many thanks, Kacira. I summoned you to serve me, but you surprise me with added blessings.”
She smiled and subtly nudged the two others. They also sat up, so that all three were kneeling before him, but now looking up at him. “Lord, forgive me if I overstep. I beg you to allow me to explain.”
Phoramses smiled and nodded. Kacira was a stunningly beautiful young woman, barely ten-and-six, with long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and breasts worthy of Isis. He looked at the others and saw they were very similar, blonde and blue-eyed, and also marvelously breasted even though they were younger. A closer look made him think the three were related. “Continue,” he replied.
“Mighty Pharaoh, when I was first brought to serve you, my sisters were brought as well. This is Tamira and Samira.” She gestured to each girl in turn, and each slave girl bent down to touch her head to the carpet and then sit up again. “At the time they were too young to attend you and would not have been able to handle your magnificence. I had wished to have them join us last year, but then you went to war before you could initiate them. Now that you are back, if you so desire, they offer themselves to you completely.”
Phoramses raised an eyebrow. “Indeed?”
Kacira bowed down again, as did her sisters. “Mighty Pharaoh, I beg your forgiveness if I have offended with my presumption. Do not blame them for my sin.”
Phoramses remembered when Kacira had first been presented to him. She had been born, not in Egypt or any of the provinces of the kingdom, but far to the north across the sea. She had been an astonishing beauty and had been purchased for his pleasure even before she had blossomed. She had first come to his bed barely three years ago, and she was the most magnificent pleasure slave he had ever enjoyed. Her mouth, her loins, even her bottom, all combined to draw his seed with the most incredible feeling, exciting his stalk like no other woman ever had! He clapped his hands once and the three rose to look at him. “A pharaoh’s life is full of surprises. Many are unpleasant, but some are quite pleasant indeed. Three beautiful women waiting for me in my pleasure chambers are a very pleasant surprise. Arise and greet me.”
The three young women all climbed to their feet gracefully and went to Mighty Pharaoh. First Kacira kissed him, rubbing her barely clad body against his, then she introduced her sisters, Tamira and Samira, as they kissed him and pressed against him. “Lord, you have had a long and taxing day. Allow us to bathe you and wash away your cares,” said Kacira.
Becca spent the next couple of days stuck in the house, in the library, grounded. On the other hand, she hadn’t been feeling all that good to begin with, since she still suffered from the lingering effects of the hangover. She had been in the library almost all of Sunday and Monday going through the journals and diaries and didn’t think she had even looked at a tenth of them. It was utterly fascinating to the teen. She had found the story about Lizzie’s Sign, though she hadn’t run across the...
“So, tell us about the first Masters of Culverin!” said Jenny. She had taken a tortilla and was piling on some of the spicy beef and veggie mix. Jack smiled and wagged a finger at her, and then began working on his own tortilla. “After dinner. I will tell you two things now, though.” Jenny’s family chuckled; their youngest hated to wait for anything. “First, at the time, the 1790s and early 1800s, this was the frontier. When Jacob showed up here, western and central North Carolina was the...
Earlier That Evening Jacob Culverin came out of his house and walked out onto his porch. He stood at the rail and gazed out smiling at what he saw. The house wasn’t even a house any longer, but was more of an estate or manor, and certainly not the one-room cabin it had been when he first arrived twenty years before. He knew that the crazy preacher in Springwater thought Jacob had sold his soul to Satan. If he only knew the truth... Summer 1794 When Jacob had arrived in Springwater, he had...
When Jack woke up, his mother had left, probably back to her own bed, to join the others. He debated drifting off again but couldn’t fall asleep, and eventually rolled out of bed. He headed into his bathroom, showered, and shaved. He dressed in slacks and a sport shirt and wandered barefoot out of his room and down to breakfast. As he passed his parents’ room, he heard enough coming from their room to realize all four of the ‘senior citizens’ were enjoying some morning glory. He smiled and...
When Megan opened the bedroom door and stepped out into the hall, she looked around and found it empty. She turned back to Adam, slipping his shoes on, and said, “You’d think they’d have signs up showing where stuff is.” She had changed into a knee-length sundress with a tube top and her dressy sandals. He came to the door and motioned her to leave. “We’ll have to take it up with the management. The stairs are right there, so I bet we go down the stairs and we’ll be back on the first floor.”...
Present Day “Jane!” Jessica Parnell squealed as she practically tore the front door off its hinges. On the other side of the screen door stood a grinning Jane Parnell Oblensky, Andrew Sr.’s younger sister. “Jessica!” Jane waited for the screen door to be unlatched and then the two women were in each other’s arms, hugging and squealing like schoolgirls. “I’ve missed you so much! How are things? Where’s Billy?” asked Jessica. “He’s stuck out on the front porch, Mom. If you two would get out...
Breakfast the next morning was a somewhat drawn-out affair, with people coming into the kitchen in ones and twos. Jessica served up bacon, eggs, and toast to most of the family, although Toby and his grandfather settled for juice and coffee. “I’m going out to play some hoops, remember? If I eat now, I’m going to lose it for sure during the game.” commented her son. “Same here. I’ll grab something at lunchtime.” commented Bill. When they were finished, the boys put their dishes in the...
Present Day “Are you boys ready to go?” called out Jessica Parnell, standing at the bottom of the steps. “Coming, Mom!” came back a loud yell from down the hallway to the bedrooms. Jessica continued standing at the foot of the steps, waiting for her sons to come down, and was on the verge of summoning them a second time when she stopped. One of the bedroom doors opened with a crash and then came a thunder of feet as her two teenage sons rumbled down the hall and down the stairs. “We’re...
As daylight filtered in through the windows in Elaine and Stanley’s bedroom, Jack Culverin lay back on the bed, his left arm tucked behind his head, propping up the pillow. He was pleasantly exhausted. Elaine Culverin had an aptitude for moral dissipation which was world class! She and Jack had barely slept at all. Whenever they finished one bout, he or she would get up, put on a robe, and wander down the hallway to check on Rebecca. The young teen was out cold, and the only way they knew she...
Present Day As the silver-gray Lincoln Town Car pulled to the curb, Toby smiled and let his hands off the lawn mower handle. The ‘dead man’ switch kicked off and the mower shut down. He waited for the occupants of the car to climb out before yelling into the house. “Hey! Mom! Uncle Bullethead and the twins just showed up!” Inside the house Andrew laughed and Jessica yelled back a warning “Toby!” A thunder of feet in the foyer announced they were both coming to the front door. Toby’s mother...
Present Day “Just how much longer will this take?” asked Jenny Brownell. She was in the third row of the minivan, and not amused. Her brother Nick rolled his eyes at the complaint. One or the other of his sisters had been whining about the drive for hours. “Give it a rest, Jenny.” He was in the center row so that he could pass along any final directions to his father. “Shove it!” she grumped. “Yeah, really. Are we even still in North Carolina? Are we lost?” asked his other sister, Mandy....
“This place is pretty nice, hun. Maybe I should have looked south of the Mason-Dixon Line for a husband,” teased Megan Brownell. “And maybe you need a good spanking,” Adam responded. The couple were unpacking their suitcases. Megan finished first and stripped naked. “What I need is a shower. I’ll be quick if you want one, too,” she said, grabbing her toilet kit. Adam didn’t answer but simply grunted acknowledgement and finished emptying his suitcase. Afterwards he put the empty luggage in...
Megan Brownell rolled out of bed and stretched. Adam had given her two excellent fucks and she was now sweaty and filled with cum. Now he was dozing happily, and she needed a shower. She grabbed her shower kit and went to the bathroom to clean up. Fifteen minutes later she was back in their bedroom, trying to figure out what to wear. Ashley had said they were pretty casual at the house, but that was before Megan saw what the house was. What was casual at a mansion? She pulled on her pants and...
One week after school started, Honda-sama went back to work. By then, the trip to the bathroom wasn't so exhausting. I could spend the entire day in the living room sitting up reading – if I didn't tax myself too much trying to do things for myself without Honda-sama catching me. Just before Honda left for school, there was a knock at the door. "You sit." He ordered. "I got it." Mutou and Pharaoh entered together. "Hi Kaiba!" Mutou was as cheerful as ever. More so – the hint of...
She slammed her hand on the countertop. “What do you mean, there’s no reservation? Rhianne Fitzgerald, PhD. I made the reservation a month ago.” “Sorry miss,” said the harried clerk behind the counter. “I’ve got one room left with a king sized bed. I can give you a cot.” It was late afternoon, and a few rays of sunlight faded to yellow through the tinted windows of the lobby. Dr. Fitzgerald was flipping through the pages of her pocket calendar. “Here it is… Oh wait.” She turned to me...
Mike once again wished Kacey was still with him. It wasn’t just raising the girls, although that was more than sufficient reason. It also wasn’t the sex he missed. Although Kacey had been enthusiastic and skilled at that, Mike knew that wasn’t a problem. He was decent looking enough and had never had problems finding female companionship. No, he just missed her. She understood him like no other woman ever had. They met freshman year at Springwater State when they were paired as lab...
Samantha rolled around in her bed, unable to get to sleep. She had met Karen and Ricki at the mall, and the three girls had met up with their boyfriends. Even though her father had told her she couldn’t date until she was sixteen, what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. All three girls had boyfriends who met them there. Samantha’s boyfriend was Jimmy Strathbow, a tall and slim boy with pale blue eyes and a mop of curly blonde hair - and the dreamiest smile Samantha had ever seen! Every time he...
Like her sister, Tamara rolled around in bed, trying to get comfortable. Unlike Samantha, though, Tamara had enjoyed several rounds of Razor’s excellent lovemaking and was sated for the moment. It had been very late, or very early, when she came home and went to bed. As soon as she found a comfortable position, she dozed off. The carriage rolled to a stop, but Tamara du Bois, Baroness of Chelmsford, stayed seated. She was a young woman, barely ten-and-six, but had inherited the title at...
The next week seemed like an exercise in sleep deprivation to the members of the Dubois family. Every night they would each roll around in bed, reliving their dreams, though often they differed in detail. Samantha kept reliving her assault by the various faceless golems. Sometimes there would be just the one, using her as she gave birth to clone-Samanthas. Sometimes she would give birth to more golems, who would use her over and over. Once the golem appeared and had two cocks; he stood...
It was time. The young man had been returning the favor to the young woman, kissing her breasts and probing the wet heat of her loins. She began to demand he make her a woman, but still he held off, bringing her pleasure after pleasure. Finally, it was time. Pulling her down to the blanket, he rolled her onto her back and moved over her. His cock slid easily into position, and then he pushed hard and ripped through her maidenhead. She shrieked, her back arching, but not because of pain....
Toby and Megan swam easily back across the pond, to find both Andrew and Lizzie sunning themselves naked on the grass. Megan’s top had come undone on the swim over as well, so she was almost topless herself. Regardless, neither girl commented on their own partial or full nudity, nor of Andrew’s. It seemed as if all four understood what had just occurred and it was no longer a big deal. Then Megan stripped off her swimsuit and dried off, and then both twins pulled their t-shirts and shorts on...
“So, where are you two off to?” asked Jessica. She knew her sons were going to see their girlfriends. While she would have preferred that they stay with their cousins, she also knew that she couldn’t force them to break off their commitments or drag the girls everywhere with them. “We’re double dating. I’m taking April to the movies and he’s taking Tracy.” Toby pointed his thumb over his shoulder at his brother. “What movie?” asked Megan excitedly. “Can we go?” asked Lizzie. “Uh...” Toby...
“So, what are you guys up to tonight?” asked Jessica. Her brother and his family were only going to be staying another couple of nights and she was curious about the kids’ plans. The four teens had decided to double date that evening. Toby shrugged. “The usual - movie, Mickey D’s, hang out at the mall, go parking. I figure we’ll teach the girls about what to do in the back seat.” “You know, just like they’re going to be doing back home.” commented Andrew loudly. Their uncle was over in the...
Present Day “So, when is Grandma getting here?” asked Toby. Jessica shrugged. “Sometime this morning, I guess. She’ll get here when she gets here.” “Yeah and pinch our cheeks when she does.” commented Andrew. He reached out and grabbed his brother’s cheek between thumb and forefinger and squeezed and jiggled his brother’s head. In a high falsetto, he claimed “You boys keep getting bigger and bigger!” Toby’s hand shot out and grabbed his brother’s face as well. “Bigger and bigger!” he...
It had been a vigorous end of the morning in Jessica’s room, with the three women using and abusing Bill for various ‘deviant sexual purposes.’ So said Molly, in any case, just after Bill had dramatically clutched his chest and feigned a heart attack. The three had taken pity on him at that point and climbed off the bed. Bill had staggered off to Toby’s room and collapsed onto the bed without even bothering to wash up. Not so for Jessica, Molly, and Sarah. After sending Bill off for a nap,...
“So, what’s the plan for today for you two?” asked Jessica, looking at her sons. It was the morning after their grandmothers had worked over the teens and the two boys didn’t look overly worse for the wear. They and their grandfather were sitting at the kitchen table as the three women made pancakes and puttered around the kitchen. Andrew glanced over at Toby, who simply shrugged back at his brother. “Nothing much. I’m going over to Tracy’s this afternoon, see what she’s up to. We might hang...
“So, what did Mom need to take over to the camper?” asked Jessica, looking at Bill. Her mother Sarah was sitting next to her sipping her coffee as her daughter’s late husband’s father sat across from them. Bill was still working on his breakfast, with a mouth full of food, so he didn’t answer immediately. Sarah commented “It couldn’t have been much. She only had a plastic grocery bag with her.” Bill swallowed and nodded. He wiped his mouth with his napkin before saying “It was just some...
“Bye! Bye!” Jessica waved at the departing cars. One arm was comfortably around her eldest son’s waist. Toby was also waving at his departing grandparents. Andrew Jr. was leaning against the railing on the front steps, waving as well. Both cars beeped their horns in response and then motored out of the development, with Bill and Molly in the lead. Once they were out of sight, Jessica turned and went inside, followed by her sons. “I think I need a vacation from my vacation!” she commented....
Jessica Parnell lay between her two sons on the grass, half dazed and in a state of disbelief. Sitting upright, she looked around the little dell. It almost felt like she was being watched by the young man in her dream. Toby and Andrew lay beside her as naked as she was, with nothing on but their socks and sneakers, dozing in sexual satiation. Their clothing seemed strewn around the little grassy glen, only her own shorts and panties were near to hand. Glancing downward, she saw the remains...
The three incestuously occupied family members lounged briefly on the bed, but Jessica decided to get up. “Come on, boys, you need to get up, too.” “Aw, Ma, do we have to?” whined Toby in an excellent mimicry of Andrew when he was little. Andrew snorted derisively, but Jessica laughed loudly. “Yes, you do! Come on, get up.” “What’s next?” asked her youngest. “Not what you think, buster. I think we should go out for dinner tonight.” “Huh?” Andrew may have been taking the new relationship...
Jessica struggled to get out of bed quietly. She woke to find herself sandwiched between her sons, both snuggled up against her, and sound asleep. Toby was nestled up against her back, snoring lightly, an arm wrapped warmly around her waist. Andrew was facing away from her but backed up against her and was snoring even louder. Jessica squirmed out from under the covers and slid down the bed to the foot, where she slipped to the floor and stood up. Turning, she tossed the sheet back over the...
“When do you think you’ll get home?” asked Jessica. Toby gave a mild shrug. “Depends.” He was examining himself critically in the hall mirror. “Depends on what?” Toby grinned broadly. “On whether Teresa’s father gives her a curfew.” Jessica rolled her eyes at her son’s response. Now that school was out, he could date any night he could get a girl to agree, and he was remarkably successful at that. He had gotten a part-time job delivering pizzas for a local pizza parlor, making just enough...
Early afternoon Thursday found Jack and Becca laying around the pool, much as they had spent Tuesday night. Aside from a sheen of suntan lotion, sweat, and mingled bodily fluids, the couple was as naked as when they were born. They were both laying on beach towels on the grass, face down, and in a condition that could best be described as acute sexual exhaustion. After their first lovemaking in the pool, the two had been inseparable. They had retired to Jack’s bedroom where they spent the...
Jane tried to sneak upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. She was so confused. She had just screwed both her nephews at the same time, twice, and she had both loved it and been mortally embarrassed. It felt both totally wrong and perfectly natural. She was tempted to get cleaned up and run away, taking Billy home, but that wasn’t right either. What was she to do? She wrapped her towel around her tighter and tried to creep silently. First things first. No matter what she did, she had to take...
The last three days in the Parnell house had been nothing but nonstop sex. The joke had been that everyone was concentrating on teaching Billy; if so, the last three days had been at a postgraduate level. Toby silently marveled at what had happened over the last few days. First, nobody had worn much clothing since that first full morning. The boys usually wandered around in boxers or shorts; their mothers hadn’t even bothered with that much. Second, the positions and people had been an...
“Do your parents let you use this place? Do they know about us?” asked Tamara. Razor laughed. “Oh my God, no! They’d kill me if they knew. You too, probably. Don’t worry, we’re safe.” “What? How? You’ve never really explained that,” she replied. He parked behind the bungalow and opened the door. “Let’s go inside and we can talk.” She grinned. “We go inside, and we are going to do more than talk.” Razor grinned back. “Maybe so. Okay, let’s sit down by the creek and hope the bugs don’t eat...
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Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
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It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...
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Tales From A Hard Drive By Angela "So 'ow did yer get 'ere then?" "It might help if I knew where 'here' was!" "Alrigh' keep yer 'air on! "Look sorry... what did you say your name was? - I know you're trying to be helpful but I'm damned if I can work it out." "Look mate, what if yer tells me where yer was doin' ... y'know, kinda before, like. Most of thems that comes 'ere, y'know sudden like, finds its best" "What do you mean 'those that come here suddenly'? Does it...
Tales From the 'Faux Fillies' Dressing Room. Cross-Dressing and Transgendered Tales by Maria Ski The dressing room was a hive of activity as the girls of 'Faux Fillies' got ready to go home after a busy night. Alexia smiled sweetly as she opened a bottle of 'Chateau Picard' white wine and poured a glass for each of the assembled girls. "So," Alexia said, "who has a tale to tell?" "I do," answered Jessica an auburn haired beauty said, "I call my little tale..." Caught by...
Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...