- 2 years ago
- 48
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Billy had been watching. Watching for over three years, as Sue had developed from awkward teenager, into the beautiful girl she had become now. he had watched as her breasts grew in size, filling out, her shirts getting tighter, the impressions of the bra she was forced to wear clearly visible at certain moments. Her waist seemed to have trimmed, as her hips had rounded. Her hair, long ands black flowed freely over her shoulders and down her back, her eyes, greener than ever.
Not that Billy had ever spoken to Sue, that was something he could never have brought himself to do. But he could worship her from across the classroom, silently.
He knew that several of the other guys in class had asked her out, but the rumour was that she was a cold fish, and had turned down every offer of a date. Billy had smiled the last time he had heard this, as it made Sue perhaps the only virgin in the class. The only one who had not ?dropped them? for Alex, the class stud. It was said that if it wore a skirt, Alex had been under it. But not Sue. Her skirt had never yet been raised by anyone, as far as Billy knew.
Now, Sue was sat by the window of the cafeteria, reading from a French novel. Billy knew it was French, as he had been behind Sue at the Library when she had asked for it, but he knew she had not noticed him. She had ?never? noticed him, even though he lived just down the street.
He had often dreamed about his ?dates? with her, how they would go for coffee at the local store, walk slowly back to her place, and she would kiss him before going indoors. not that this had ever happened; of course, but the dreams were good.
But last year Billy’s parents had died, and sad though that was, it had left him wealthy, and with the knowledge that college had given him, more than capable of carrying out his plan. He looked once more at the object of his desire, and left the cafeteria. He still had some work to do before he ?invited? Sue back to his place.
Billy wasn’t exactly ugly, in fact, he was five ten, blonde with blue eyes, and had been on several dates. He never seemed to have problems picking up girls, but none of them were Sue, the one he ?really? wanted. In fact, his parents had been forced to make compensation to one girl when she found she was carrying Billy’s child. But, he really wanted Sue, and he knew that soon, she would be his. But first, he had to check that everything worked.
Billy’s family owned a house on the edge of town, and old plantation house. The house had been there before the town grew, and Billy’s family dated back well before the war of the States. The grounds had been used to hide and shelter wounded men of the South, and the basement that had hidden them in, was not on any blueprints. His ancestor had built the house, and not told anyone that the cellar stretched the whole length and breadth of the house, supported by four columns. Only the wounded had seen this, apart from the decedents, which now included Billy. Billy had found the hidden entrance by accident long ago, and had used it as a hideaway. But there was a lot of things in there that reeked of torture. After reading up on the civil war, Billy discovered that many of the Yankee soldiers who had been captured, had been tortured for information. The Briars, his house, had been one of the places this torture took place. It was no wonder the cellar was never declared.
Since his parents deaths, Billy had worked hard on the cellar, it was integral to his pursuit of Sue, but before he ?invited? Sue to see it, he had to be sure it was all working well.
For this purpose, Billy had also been watching Heather. Heather was the one most unlikely to succeed. It wasn’t that she was stupid, but she was a little slow. She always knew the answer, about half an hour after everyone else. She had ginger hair, and was quite flat chested. Whilst the other girls had developed breasts, Heather had been, as she was in class, behind everyone else.
Billy knew she had no real friends, and had decided to test the cellar out on her first, before inviting Sue.
He had spent long months working out what each piece of equipment did, and tweaking it to make sure it all worked perfectly. Some of the things he found made his heart jump, others, after investigating them, he shied away from. Even Billy had limits. Though he now knew that the Rebels perhaps didn’t.
But before he could invite Sue, he had to make sure everything worked the way he wanted it to work, and he could only do that if he had a volunteer. Heather.
Capturing the attention of Heather had actually been easier than Billy thought it would be. He had found her email address ands sent her a message telling her he had fancied her for some time, and would love to see her privately. The email address he used was a one off, perhaps never to be used again. If Heather fell for it, all well and good, if not, he would have to be more ?forceful? in getting her attention.
To his surprise she had asked when, where, and who it was. He smiled as he read her email, knowing that soon he would have his test girl. No-one would miss Heather, it would take a few days before anyone in class even missed her. and by the time they did, it would be too late for Heather.
A few more emails, and a picture of some guy he found on the internet, and Heather agreed to meet him. She even agreed to keep their meeting secret, and even though he listened in class for the next few days, there was no mention of her having a date, though her demeanour did change, she seemed to become more confident, even answering class questions before others did
Billy arranged to meet her at a remote spot, where neither would be seen, again expressing that secrecy was paramount. Billy doubted even her parents would know what she was doing the night she was meeting Billy. It was a shame really, as she would never get the chance to say goodbye to them, not if Billy’s plans worked out.
He arrived ten minutes before she did, placing a bottle of liquid on the seat she would occupy while she waited. When she arrived, Heather looked all around, expecting to see the man she had arranged to meet. Instead, her cell phone rang. She had a message.
?Running late. Been once but called away. There is a bottle of drink to keep you happy while you wait. Wont be long?
Billy stood in the bushes close by and watched.
Heather sat on the bench and waited for the man she had arranged to meet. The bottle of water stood by her on the bench, and as the minutes passed, she unthinkingly picked it up and started to drink. It mattered not how much she drank, there was enough sedative in it to knock her out even if she only took a single sip, but Billy watched as heather drank almost half the bottle in a single swig. When the sedative took effect, even if Heather drank no more, she would awaken far too late to save herself. If at all.
From the shadows, Billy watched as the drug took effect, watching as Heather tried to stand up and walk around, only for her legs to fail her, and grinning as she slumped back onto the bench.
The first part of Billy’s plan was complete. And his car was parked close by, in an unseen area of the park. He opened the trunk and walked to where Heather was now asleep, laying flat on the bench. Billy wondered if she would waken before they reached his cellar. But in his mind, he already knew that would not happen. She would sleep for hours, by which time she would be in no position to help herself
Placing the helpless Heather in the trunk, Billy watched. But was sure no-one had seen him. Part one complete. If he didn’t get stopped on the way home. He could start the next phase, and the beginning of the end for poor heather.
It would perhaps be the only cock Heather had had inside her, and she would know nothing about it. To Billy there was a sense of pleasure in that thought. He could come inside her, and not worry about another kid to pay off or bring up.
Getting back to the house safely, Billy carried Heather into the dungeon he had prepared. The restoration of the torture equipment had been carried out lovingly, especially the bed in the centre of the cellar.
It was no ordinary bed. There was no mattress, and once Heather was placed on it, with her hands and feet tied to the four corners of the bed, she would be helpless for the rest of her short life.
At each end of the bed was a large wheel, and by turning the wheel, it pulled on the ropes around the appendages. In Heather’s case, it would pull at her arms and ankles, stretching her, until her arms and legs pulled out of their sockets, if that was what Billy wanted to happen.
Billy already knew that whoever underwent this, would scream, hence the leather hood with the inflatable gag built into it. It would keep her awake to what was happening to her, but she would not scream, and would not be able to fight against what was happening to her, simply suffer
And suffer she would at Billy’s hands.
Placing the leather hood over Heather’s head, he pulled it down over her face, forcing the gag into her mouth. and pulled the cord tightly. He would inflate it later, when she started to awake. Heather would see no more, but she would certainly feel what was happening to her.
Leaving the bound girl alone, Billy moved upstairs and poured himself a coffee from the pot in the kitchen. It had been easier than he thought, getting Heather to the cellar, but he knew he would have to use a much different approach when it became Sue’s turn. He still wasn’t sure how he would get her to take the drink, or get her alone, but hew was working on it. Still, there was Heather for now.
Finishing his coffee Billy returned to the cellar and smiled down at the helpless girl on the rack. He had seen one on the internet, and had downloaded pictures of ancient racks. Deciding on which rack he wanted, he had then set about building it. It had taken time, but to Billy it was all worth it. And Heather would be the first to find out how it feels to have her body stretched by it.
The full size of the rack was twelve feet long but seven feet wide. No matter how tall a person was, they could be stretched on this rack. The wheels were oiled to make turning them easy, and the cogs would stop the wheel from turning back until it was released by Billy. He was pleased with his work, and he moved to the head of the rack and gave the wheel a single turn, smiling as Heather’s arms were stretched more, her body twisting in pain as she felt her shoulders pulled.
Taking the scissors Billy had brought from the kitchen he proceeded to cut away her clothing, smiling as her naked body came into sight before him. Though not as slim as Sue, Heather was not overweight. In fact, most of the illusion had been from the clothes Billy was cutting off. Her breasts were not really developed yet, but that was okay by Billy. Heather was purely a test case, so small imperfections were allowed.
Removing the last of her garments Heather lay naked on the rack, unseeing, and helpless as Billy moved towards his box of toys. There were only toys in Billy’s mind, but to anyone else they would have been implements of severe torture.
Some of them Billy had been able to make himself, some he had bought from the internet, and others were remnants of the civil war years. His prized possession would be the one he used later, after Heather had lost her virginity to him. But that could wait.
Billy waited, now. for Heather to start to awaken. She had been asleep a few hours, and he knew he had to get to sleep soon. After all. It wouldn’t do for both of them to miss class. and Heather certainly wasn’t going to be there.
Finally, Heather began to slowly awaken, her head slowly moving from side to side, as if searching for some light that she couldn’t find. Inside the hood there was only total darkness. Billy hard her start to moan around the gag in her mouth, and could tell she was trying to push it out, to no avail. Unless the hood was removed, the gag would stay exactly where Billy had put it. He picked up the bulb that would inflate the gag within her mouth, and slowly started to pump, Heather’s head moving wildly from side to side as she felt the gag grow in her mouth. As her screams became moans, Billy stopped pumping, but decided not to release the gag. It would stay inflated for a while. He knew that it was dangerous to lave it inflated overnight, but for now, it would be okay.
Billy so wanted to say something to the girl., but even though she would not be getting free, he didn’t want her to know who had kidnapped her yet. The less she knew about who, where and what, the more frightening the experience would be for her. he wanted to know how far he could take her, so that when it was Sue’s turn, he would have a better idea of what he could get away with to make her experience even better, and longer.
Right now he wanted Heather to feel some pain, to see if the straps on the rack were really strong enough to hold someone. They had not really been tested yet, even though he was certain they would hold her, was better to be safe than sorry.
Picking up the tongs, much like barbeque tongs, but with sharp spikes built into them, he placed the tongs over Heather’s right breast. In a single movement he closed them. Driving the spikes through the flesh of her breast, and watching as her body writhed in pain. He could clearly see her trying to get her wrists free of the straps, but they refused to budge, holding her in place as Billy opened the tongs and moved them away from the damaged breast. Blood slowly trickled from several points where the spikes had penetrated her flesh, and Billy moved it towards the other one. Again, in a single movement he placed the tongs on her breast and closed them, the spikes once more sinking deep into the helpless Heather’s chest.
Again a muffled scream, her body writhing, and the wrists twisting, trying to get free of her bonds, without success. When he opened the tongs and removed them, Billy was pleased to see more blood trickling down her breast. Satisfied that the straps would hold Heather in place overnight, he put the tongs away and allowed to gag to deflate. He could hear sobbing from inside the hood, as he walked away. She would be safe, now, until morning.
Just as he was about to leave the cellar her remembered, and returned to the rack, pulling open a panel in the rack beneath her buttocks. Under the flap was the large bucket. He didn’t want her spoiling the rack if nature called in the night.
Again, Billy moved towards the exit, turning and smiling as he looked over at the helpless girl. So far, it had been all so easy. If only it would be that easy with his chosen subject. But he had time to work on that as yet, he hadn’t finished with heather yet. There was still lots of fun to be had.
Alone in her darkness, Heather once more pulled at the straps holding her wrists and ankles, but they would not budge. She could twist her hands and her feet, but her wrists and ankles were held tightly in place.
Her shoulders ached badly from her arms being stretched out and up, her inner thighs ached from the same stretching. The hood would allow no light through, and, in fact, she didn’t know if where she was, was bright or dark, day or night. She had lost all sense of time when she had been drugged, and since waking, had seen no lights at all, just the blackness of the hood.
She knew she needed to empty her bladder, but also knew that if she were to do so, it would be whilst she was in this immoveable position. She was unaware that a panel had been removed between her legs to allow for this, but as the feeling began to grow, she could no longer hold herself back.
The hot stream of urine flushed itself from her body, and, to Billy’s good judgement, disappeared into the bucket under her..
Heather didn’t know if anyone was watching her or not, but could feel the hot flush on her face at the thought that someone could see her.
She tried to remember if the person who had brought her here had said anything, but she couldn’t remember hearing his, or her, voice. She had assumed it was a man, but, in truth, had no real idea.
How she slept, Heather didn’t know. But when her eyes opened again, she was still in the same painful position, the hood still covering her face, the gag, now deflated, limp in her mouth. She tried to push it out with her tonge, but, being part of the hood, she tried in vain.
The first sign she was not alone, came when she felt something warm on her crotch. A hand was rubbing a cream of some sort into her pubic hair. Seconds later she felt a scratching, tugging at her pubes.
Billy coated her pubes liberally with the shaving lotion, before picking up the cheap razors he had bought to shave her with. The shave was not as smooth as the shave he had given himself just an hour before, but quite rough, half cutting, and half pulling at her hair, smiling as her pussy began to rid itself of the hair Billy so despised.
It took him over ten minutes before he was satisfied, and her crotch was as hairless as the day she had been born. It would stay that way until Billy had done all his tests, and longer, until the hole he had dug in the back garden was occupied.
When the scratching stopped, Heather heard a man’s laugh, thought not a laugh she had heard before. Then, footsteps, moving away from her, seemingly climbing steps, as she felt the emptiness surrounding her.
Again and again, she struggled to get her arms and legs free, to ease the pain that now engulfed her. but the straps were unrelenting, and try as she may, there was no way to remove the bonds.
The footsteps could be hard returning a few minutes later and something cold was placed on Heather’s stomach. She tried to back away from the coldness, but there was nowhere to go, the rack under her back. The coldness was being rubbed over her stomach and her breasts, and Heather realised that they were ice cubes, as they were rubbed over each of her nipples.
Once Billy was happy that her nipples were cold, he let the ice drop to the floor and picked up the long skewer from where he had placed it on the rack. Grabbing Heather’s right nipple between his fingertips, and twisting first one way, then the other, to make it stand out hard, he pressed the tip of the skewer to her breast, immediately behind the nipple.
It took a few seconds for the skewer to penetrate Heather’s flesh, coinciding with a muffled scream from inside the heavy hood. Using much pressure, Billy continued to press the skewer through, until it came out of her breast on the other side of the nipple. The effects of the ice had worn off, and Billy could hear his victims cries of pain, as he pushed the skewer all the way through, until the point was almost touching her left nipple.
Again, he grabbed at the nipple and began twisting it, accompanied by Heather’s muffled begging for him not to do this. Her hands were twisting rapidly in her bonds, trying to find a way out, to stop him before he could penetrate her nipple. But no amount of struggling was going to save her, as Billy pressed the tip of the skewer to her breast, and pushed hard. Again, a muffled scream, as the tip of the skewer disappeared into Heather’s breast, only to re-appear as it exited on the other side of her nipple.
Blood seeped from both nipples as Billy lowered a hoist from above the rack, and placed the hook from the hoist in the centre of the skewer. As he began to raise the hoist slowly, it pulled on the skewer, between Heather’s newly pierced tits, pulling them upwards and away from her body. Only when it looked as if the skewers would rip through her flesh did Billy stop the hoist, standing back and smiling at his pain racked victim. She would be safe for the day while he went to class.
Heather heard footsteps moving away from her, and up the steps, leaving her once more alone in her darkness, her tits in pain, her nipples on fire.
Heather had no way of judging the time she was alone. Her nipples hurt badly for what seemed an eternity, and more than once she had answered the call of nature, her urine slowly filling the large bucket under the rack. Her back, initially slightly raised from the rack by the hoist, was again fully flat, though her tits were now fully stretched. She had tried, several times, to lift herself to ease the pressure, but to no avail, and each time she had tried, the skewer had shifted slightly, renewing the pain in her nipples.
At one stage she fell asleep, the silence of the cellar lulling her into a dream filled sleep. But not the nice dreams she usually had, these were nightmares filled with pain and anguish.
The dreams were broken when Heather suddenly felt her wrists being released from their bonds.
Whoever it was, they had returned, and were releasing her. Heather gave thanks to God, but the thanks were short lived.
Billy had spent the day at class, learning about American History, Maths and English. Right now he wanted to work off some anger, and Heather would be his target.
To do what he wanted next, would mean removing Heather’s hood, but he still didn’t want her knowing who was hurting her. for this reason he had bought a black cape with arms, and a second hood. The cape would cover his body, and the hood would show only his eyes, still keeping Heather guessing to his identity.
Now. as he released his victims wrists, he quickly brought them together, and placed handcuffs on them. At first release. Heather had no control over her arms or wrists, having been stretched out tight for so long, and it was easy for Billy to cuffs her hands.
Lowering another winch from above his head, Billy quickly fastened Heather’s cuffs to it, and raised it towards the ceiling again, lifting her arms above her head, forcing her to sit up. Only then did Billy unfasten the back of the leather hood, and remove it, taking the gag out of her mouth.
Billy expected her to scream, and was not disappointed, as her arms were pulled higher when again he pressed the button. Now she was stretched at an angle, her ankles still fastened to the rack, her wrists and arms high in the air.
He knew that she would be in pain, and the screaming and begging for release told him he was right. But there would be no release, not yet.
Heather twisted he head to see who was doing this to her, but all she could see was a black cape and a black leather hood. She could see eyes inside the hood, but they were cold eyes.
Billy stood by Heather’s side holding a second skewer, much like the one still through heather’s breasts. This one, though, had a long piece of wire soldered to the end where the ring of the skewer was usually placed. Without a word, He grabbed hold of Heathers right breast and held the skewer where he wanted it, immediately behind the one already there.
Heather screamed as Billy began to force the skewer into her, using the first one as a guide, until it came through the other side of her nipple.
Heather’s body shook with pain as Billy grinned inside his hood. Seeing Heather in pain like this was having an effect he had not expected, his manhood was getting hard, but that would wait. He was still going to take her virginity, but not yet, there were still thing to do first.;
Dragging the skewer all the way through her breast, Billy placed it against her other nipple, and began to press, forcing the sharp steel though her already painful flesh. Again, Heather screamed in aguish, as she felt the metal forced through her.
Only when both breasts were pierced for 5the second time did Billy stop for a short time. the wire attached to the skewer had not yet entered his victims breast, but it would do soon. After he had eaten.
Heather heard his steps moving away from her, and turned her head to see where he was, but the steps were behind her head, and out of sight.
Her breasts were in severe pain, her shoulders screamed out in agony, and her ankles, still fastened to the rack, felt close to breaking point. And still, she couldn’t find out who was doing this, or why.
For over an hour Billy left Heather alone watching though the cctv he had set up. He had seen her struggle to get free, all in vain, and had seen her slump into defeat when she realised she was not getting free. As he ate, he pondered his next game for her. He knew it was going to be agonising for her, and also that it could cause great damage. What he had to consider, is whether she could handle the shock or not. She was going to succumb to him eventually, but he wanted to have fun with her first. after all, she was the template for Sue when Billy managed to get her. He needed to know how far he could push before it became too much.
Billy finished his meal and made his way back to the cellar, replacing his hood as he started down the steps.
Heather was just as he had left her. stretched taut from ankles to wrists, almost at a forty five degree angle. He had already worked out that at this angle. He could get to the parts he wanted with ease.
Standing once more by her side. He could see heather turn her head to look at him. She once again begged him to free her, but Billy ignored her, placing his hand on the new skewer.
In a single movement, he pulled hard at the skewer, dragging it harshly through both breasts, dragging the steel wire through with it.
Heather screamed in pain as the skewer ripped its way through. Whether or not she felt the wire following it, Billy didn’t know, but her body shook badly as the pain overwhelmed her. for the first time, Heather had now passed out.
As she lay unconscious in her bonds, Billy cut the wire free of the skewer, and pulled it further through her breasts, so that her nipples were roughly in the centre of the wire. Only then did he lower the hoist still attached to the first skewer and release it. Her body sank as she was at last freed of the hoist. Working quickly, Billy twisted the skewer to free it from any scabbing that had formed, and pulled it out of her flesh. Leaving the steel wire still in place. This would stay where he had put it until the end. He had a use for it. It was only thin wire, very much like fuse wire, but quite strong
Billy had one more job to do before he could leave Heather. Going to one of the cupboards, he fetched out two wooden boards with a collections of straps fastened to each. This was something Billy had made himself, and was hoping it would work as well as he had planned. On one side of each board there were over fifty nails hammered through, the sharp spikes glittering in the light. Carefully he placed one of the boards so that the nail heads touched Heather’s foot, and then began arranging the straps. By the timer Billy had finished, the ?boot? was securely fixed to Heather’s foot, and two small padlocks through the securing buckles ensured she would not be able to remove it. Moving on swiftly, Billy soon had the other boot in place, and then finally released her feet from the rack.
He could hear Heather moaning, and knew that in a few seconds she would be fully awake again, but it still gave him enough time to release her hands from the hoist before he left the cellar, closing the door, and moving back to the cctv monitor.
Billy smiled as he watched Heather slowly awaken. She still had no idea where she was, or who had abducted her. He may or may not allow her to know before the end, depending on when that was. As Billy thought she would do, Heather’s first action was to sit up, and look for an exit. She spotted the steps leading upwards, and moved to sit on the edge of the rack to which she had been fastened for so long.
Without realising what she was doing, Heather moved off the edge of the rack and placed both feet firmly on the ground, standing up before she realised her mistake. With a scream, she felt the nails impale her feet, forcing her back onto the rack in an effort to relieve the pressure. She frantically tore at the straps, trying to get the ?boots? off her feet, but to no avail, the locks would hold the buckles closed.
The wire through her breasts had been largely forgotten until n now. and Heather, as expected, tried top get her hands in a position so she could pull the wire out. The cuffs made life difficult, but eventually she found a way to get her hands on one end of the wire.
As she pulled, there was another scream, as the wire tore away from the wound to which it had started to meld. Trying to ignore the pain, Heather pulled harder, and screamed again as she managed to slowly pull the wire through her breasts, slowly releasing them from it.
All she had to do now was find a way out of the cellar, but as soon as her feet touched the floor, the nails began to sink deeper into her feet, forcing her to think again.
Billy checked his hood was in place and made his way back to the cellar. Heather was working out well, and he was learning a lot about the ability of the female to handle torture. But it was time to escalate it.
As he entered the cellar Heather was on her knees, trying to find a way to stand up without driving the nails deeper into her feet. The nails were a good half inch into her flesh, and touching bone in many places. Blood seeped from many of the nail holes, and dribbled onto the floor.
Without a word, Billy grabbed hold of Heather’s still cuffed wrists, and began pulling at them, forcing Heather to her feet. He dragged her, screaming, to another hoist, to which he attached her cuffs, before raising it, forcing her to remain on her feet, her hands high above her head. Moving away for a second, Billy returned with the two skewers he had used earlier, and showed them to Heather, who was pulling on her wrists to take the pressure off her feet.
Moving from left to right, Billy found the holes he had created earlier with the skewers, and drove the first one through her left breast, and guided it to the holes on her other breast, before impaling that one as well.
Heather’s screams filled the cellar as her treatment increased. The fact that her assailant was holding the second skewer told her what he intended, and though she steeled herself for it, the pain was still agonising as he drove it through her already sore and bleeding breasts.
Billy then moved away for a few moments, and came back carrying a soldering iron. Heather feared he was going to use this on her already sore and bleeding tits, but the reality was going to be far worse.
Holding the soldering iron onto the metal of the skewers, mid way between Heather tits, the skewers soon began to heat up. It took a few minutes before they heated enough to allow Heather to feel it, but slowly, bit by bit, the heat grew, and travelled along the length of the skewer, until the heat was inside her nipples.
Heather screamed loud and hard as the heat began to grow, warming, then heating and then burning her nipples from the inside. Never before had she felt such pain, and trying to back away from it was useless. Her feet were in agony from the nails, her arms stretched high above her head, Heather had nowhere to go, no escape from the pain coming in several places at once.
Billy smiled from beneath his hood, though his victim could not see the smile. All she saw were the cold grey eyes looking at her from under the hood.
Billy could feel his cock getting hard under the cape, and knew that now was the time he had waited for. Opening the front of the cape. He grabbed at Heather’s legs and lifted them, putting all her weight on her wrists, as he moved between her open thighs.
Heather screamed as she felt him move between her legs, her wrists in sheer agony from her weight on the metal cuffs. Billy found his way to her pussy, and began to press, moving his hips to get to the right spot, until he felt himself pressing against her virginal opening.
Billy let go of Heather’s legs, allowing her to thrust down on his cock, driving it deep inside her. Heather screamed and begged for him to stop, but Billy had other ideas, placing his hands under her hips, and lifting her. his cock slid almost out of his victim, before he began to move, thrusting back inside her.
For over five minutes Billy lifted and lowered her hips, making her body do all the work, whist he gained the pleasure. Then suddenly, he felt it, growing. The urgent need to come. He began to grind his hips against the helpless Heather, thrusting as hard as he could, until his cock began to twitch, and the ejaculation started. He had originally planned to pull out and come on her body, but, he was lost in his orgasm, thrusting deeper into her, as the hot white come filled her pussy.
Heather screamed and cried, overcome with pain and humiliation. It wasn’t enough that this man was torturing her, but now he had taken her prized possession, the gift she had intended to give to the one she loved. She heard herself scream at him, but words she had never used before, made worse by his response, as he stood in front of her, his cock still stained red with her virgin blood, and laughed.
Billy lowered the hoist holding her hands in the air, smiling as her body slumped to the ground as soon as her hands were released from it. It was time to secure her for the night, and grabbing the skewers, between her tits, he dragged her towards a large wooden chair.
The chair was from the civil war period, and Billy assumed the dark stains embedded into the wood, were blood stains. This chair had been a means of past torture, and would relive its glory in his hands.
Heather’s beaten body offered no resistance as Billy lifted her into the chair, releasing her hands from the cuffs and pulling them to the arms of the chair, where leather straps and steel buckles secured them. Her feet, still tortured by the nail boots, were secured to the legs of the chair, and leather straps around her waist and chest ensured that Heather would not free herself. Directly under the chair, under a circle cut into the seat, stood another bucket, in case nature called in the night.
As an added touch, and so he would be able to discard the hood, Billy looked around and found a blindfold, using it to cover the poor girl’s eyes.
She looked weak, but then Billy had already put her through quite a bit. He wondered if Sue would hold up as well when her turn came.
Heather would wait until morning now.
Billy awoke early, he had things to do before class. So far, heather had not been missed. She had, in the past, often been absent for a few days, and she was not miised. So it was this time as well.
Walking down to the cellar, after checking the cctv to make sure the blindfold was still in place, Billy stood directly in front of his victim. She looked as if she were still sleeping, and Billy woke her by grabbing the skewers in her tis and pulling at them harshly.
A moan escaped from Heather’s lips, but, it was not as loud as it had been the previous day. Billy had given her nothing to eat or drink since her arrival, and coupled with the torture he had so far unleashed on her, it was not surprising that she was beginning to weaken. But Billy wasn’t about to be fooled into releasing any of her restraints.
He had other plans anyway, one of which he was about to put into practice.
The arm rests of the chair had several small holes drilled through, which Billy, at first, couldn’t figure out. Then, after a bit of research he discovered that there used to be wires fed through the holes, trapping the fingers, and then the wires were pulled together under the arm rest, and twisted, this forced the wires to cut into the fingers, and was useful for getting the enemy to give out information. A rifleman with no fingers was not going to shoot many more rifles.
Billy had brought some wire down into the cellar with him, and he began to feed the wires through the holes, half way down Heather’s fingers. he didn’t yet pull them tight, but tight enough to make sure she could not move her fingers out of the way.
Using a pair of pliers, he slowly began on the right hand, bringing the wires together under the rest, and slowly twisting them. Only a single twist, to make it easier for himself. Satisfied that heather couldn’t get her fingers free, and that the wires were tight but not yet cutting through her flesh, Billy turned his attention to the other side, repeating the performance until he was again satisfied.
Billy stood back and looked at his handiwork. the fingers on both of Heather’s hands were trapped under the wires, and already turning red. Billy moved to the right hand first, and began to twist the wires, watching as they cut into her fingers, cutting off the supply of blood to them. In a few minutes, they would begin to turn purple. Billy then moved to the left hand, and again twisted the wires under the arm rest, until the fingers on this hand also turned purple.
He knew that by the time he returned, Heather’s fingers would be lifeless, but that did not serve his purpose. He also wanted her to feel remorseless pain as well. For this reason he picked up the old knife he had found in the cellar. He had cleaned and sharpened it, and now it would serve a useful purpose. He could feel Heather trying to move her hand away as she knife rested on the little finger of her right hand. Effortlessly, he pressed down on the knife, watching as it slid through her flesh, cutting away the half of her little finger.
Blood immediately began to seep from the wound, but the wire, a little higher, prevented the blood flow that might have been. Heather’s screamed filled his ears, as he moved the knife to the other end, not waiting, simply cutting off the first half of that little finger as well.
The scream from Heather was guttural, as she tried to move her hands away, as if trying to protect them. But there would be no protection. No reprieve, no escape. Billy was pleased at his handiwork, and it would give him plenty to think about while Mrs Tate went on about how the Indians almost overpowered the US Army in the late 1860’s
If Heather survived this day, she would feel an apache punishment, one Billy was both looking forward to, but knew it would signal the end for poor Heather.
Billy smiled as he left the cellar, Heather’s ravaged body had stood up better than he had hoped, but there was still something to do yet. But that would wait until after class had finished.
Heather could hear her captor walking up the steps, her whole body a mass of pain. From the nails in her feet, the skewers through her breasts, the pain in her still aching shoulders, and now her hands. Was there to be no escape from this man?
Until the rape Heather didn’t know if she had been abducted by a man or a woman, but feeling his manhood inside her, feeling him take her prized virginity, and actually come inside her, she then knew that it was a man, even though he still had not said a single word to her.
She tried to move her hands, but they would not budge. Her fingers failed to move when she asked them to do, even though her thumbs were free. She could feel pain in both little fingers, pain she had never felt before, but the feeling in her other fingers was diminishing, as they began to feel colder.
She tried in vain to get out of the seat, but the restraints held her firm.
Her body was racked with pain, her tears so long ago dried up. Her mouth was dry, and her stomach cried out for food. But there was no drink, no food to be had, just the torture of her pain.
Heather wanted to die, but she could not even accomplish that. There was nothing she could do, but sit, and wait, and suffer, until her captor returned and tortured her more, or released her. but, how could he torture her more? Her body was already tortured beyond anything she could ever have imagined. But she was sure, that he would find something new. The thought of that brought back the pains she though were subsiding.
How long she sat alone in the darkness, she couldn’t tell, but eventually she heard footsteps coming down the cellar steps again, and tensed in her seat.
Her blindfold was removed, and in front of her stood the man in the black cape and hood, what looked like leather thongs in his hands.
Billy had heard about an old Apache trick, where leather thongs were soaked for a day or so, and then tied around their captive’s necks. They were then staked out in the desert, and as the sun dried the things, it also made them shrink, slowly, very slowly, strangling the victim.
Now it was his turn to see if this actually worked. Whist he was sleeping the previous night, and all day while he was at class, the leather things had been soaking in his bathroom upstairs. By the time he returned, they were well soaked, the leather feeling a little slimy, but that didn’t matter. Donning rubber gloves he carried the leather down to the cellar, stopping in the kitchen to change his clothes. Billy wanted her to see what he was doing to her this time.
Each of the things was about the same thickness as a boot lace, and Billy picked up the first and stood directly on front of Heather, feeding one end of the thong between her breasts, under the skewer. As he brushed the skewer, heather moaned in pain, which brought an unseen smile to Billy’s face.
Heather’s breasts were not really large, so it took several minutes to get the first thong around the base of her breast, close to her chest, and begin to tighten it. As He did so, Billy saw the flesh close to her chest squeezed by the thong, and also, could feel her beast start to harden. The tighter he pulled at the thing, the harder her breast became. This gave Billy yet another idea, but that could wait until he had finished what he was doing.
The second breast was no easier to tie up, and took Billy almost five minutes before he was satisfied that it was as tight as the first. Both breasts stood out from her chest, like hardened balloons. Billy pressed his fingers into each, and met resistance immediately. Heather would never have had breasts this tight before. It was a shame this would be a one off performance.
Admiring his handiwork, Billy picked up the third thong, and passed it under her left thigh, pulling the ends together on top of her thigh, before starting to pull hard on the thong, securing it with a knot. The thing dug deep into heather’s flesh, and would soon start to cut off her blood supply when it dried. The second thigh followed, and soon Heather could feel herself getting weaker, as the blood flow was restricted. And yet, still her captor had not finished.
The fifth leather was wrapped around Heather’s upper right arm, and again, as the other things had done, was pulled tight enough to dig into the flesh. Billy smiled under his hood, as each time he tightened one of the thongs, Heather moaned in pain.
In minutes the other arm was also tied, leaving Billy with just one more thong. But now it was time to see about the idea that entered his head whilst tying her breasts up.
Billy moved to a drawer and came back carrying four more steel skewers. He watched as Heather’s eyes followed the skewers in his hands, her head shaking from side to side, begging him not to do anything else to her.
Ignoring her pleas, and her screams, Billy placed the sharp point of one skewer at the top and to one side of Heather’s breast, watching as the hard flesh tried to resist, before, as he pushed hard, the tip disappeared into her breast.
Heather screamed, as the metal penetrated her already painful tit, feeling it tear flesh as Billy pushed harder, forcing the skewer deeper, until it finally began to press the skin at the bottom. With a smile, Billy forced the skewer out of the bottom of her breast. Until now, he had been satisfied with the skewers still through her nipples, but now he wanted to do more, whilst he still could. But, they others would have to wait, as Heather, unable to handle the pain, sank into darkness, unconscious.
Billy returned to the kitchen, taking the last leather thong with him, and placing it into a tub of water. Her didn’t want it to dry out before he used it on the girl. He could wait, now, for her to regain consciousness, there was no hurry. Tomorrow was Saturday, and no classes. If this took all night, then so be it.
Billy must have fallen asleep, for when he opened his eyes it was total darkness outside the kitchen window. There were no nearby properties, and with the house lights off, Billy could look into the sky and see a multitude of starts, many invisible to those in the city who suffered light pollution.
Out here, all was peaceful. There had been a battle between the confederate army and the rebels about four miles from the house during the civil war, but now, that land and the land between there and the house, belonged to Billy. Having no neighbours allowed him the peace and quiet he loved so much.
Checking the cctv monitor, Billy could see Heather’s eyes blinking, and slowly replaced his hood and went back to the cellar.
As he entered the cellar Heather’s face wore a mask of fear, she knew that the man would not stop, as there were three more skewers laying on the table close by. Her arms and legs were tingling, as the leather’s had began to dry, and shrink. Whether heather knew she was close to the end or not, was hard to tell from her expression, as she followed Billy with her eyes. Watching, as he picked up another skewer, and stood before her.
Even though she steeled herself, the skewer forced a scream from her mouth as Billy forced it through the other breast, also at an angle, and from top to bottom. Blood flowed from the wounds Billy was creating, and he ran his fingers through the red liquid, before moving his hand towards Heather’s mouth, pulling at the skewers until her mouth opened, and then wiped the blood on the inside of her gums.
Heather spat, trying to get rid of the rusty taste in her mouth, but it wouldn’t go.
Billy picked up the two final skewers, one in each hand, and stood in front of Heather. She tried to pull away, but there was nowhere to go, as Billy placed the sharp points of each skewer on her two breasts. With a laugh, the first sound Heather had heard from Billy, he pressed both skewers hard, penetrating the flesh, and forcing them all the way through in a single thrust.
Billy laughed again as Heather’s scream filled his ears, and the cellar. Blood flowed from the new wounds and trickled down onto the helpless girl’s stomach.
Billy stood in front of her and smiled under his hood, as he picked up the last leather thong from the tub of water he had brought back down into the cellar with him.
Before placing the thong where he wanted it, Billy walked around behind the girl, and took the thong in both hands. Slowly. He pulled the leather down past heather’s eyes, allowing her to see it, and know where it was going. The thongs on her tits, arms and thighs were already starting to dry, and were digging into her flesh even harder as they did so. if this one was going where she thought, she knew the end would come, but slowly.
Finally. The leather thong was brought to rest against her throat, Billy stroking it up and down her neck, as if caressing her with the wet leather. He stopped with the thong just under the chin, and began to tie a knot at the back of her neck, not yet tight, but ready. Heather’s voice broke as she begged and pleaded with him to stop, to let her go. To have mercy. But mercy was not in Billy’s vocabulary, and Heather could feel the thong slowly start to tighten, as Billy began to pull on the two ends.
Heather’s voice became a croak, as Billy tightened the leather a little more. He was so tempted to simply pull the thong tight now, and end it all, but, he wanted his last piece of pleasure.
As the thing began to slowly press into the flesh of her neck, Billy stopped tightening it, tying the knot firmly in place. Heather would now be able to feel the thong tighten around her neck, knowing that eventually, it would crush her larynx, and stop her breathing, if her blood didn’t stop flowing first.
Billy moved over to the heating control and turned it up full. This would aid the drying process, and hasten the end.
Heather heard her abuser walking up the steps of the cellar, resigned to the fact he would not return, and she would never know who he was.
Billy sat watching the monitor, as the leather slowly started to dry, Heather’s face turning red, then purple, her tongue slowly weaving its way out of her mouth as it sought the air it could no longer find.
All night, and into the early afternoon of Saturday, Billy watched as Heather suffered for the last time. her fingers had blackened from loss of blood, the thongs on her arms and thighs were deeply embedded, and her tits were dark purple, though no longer bleeding.
At last, Billy saw Heather’s tongue fully extended, and purple. Her chest stopped moving, as her head limped to one side. At that moment. She lost control of her body, and her bowels emptied into the bucket under the seat.
Billy stood in front of her, looking at the girl who once sat in his class, but now, would grace his field for ever.
She had lasted well, had handled the pain and the suffering, and Billy was pleased. Now he had a better idea of how fart he would be able to push Sue, as soon as he found a way to get her into his cellar.
After Dad left, Mom and I moved into the Condo apartment she received from the divorce settlement. It was nice enough, but I was sixteen, and starting to feel the urges that a young boy of that age should start feeling. It was a city high-rise building with its own pool, but most of the tenants were older than I. All my friends lived a good distance away, so I really only saw them at school. I was a bit of a loner in a lot of ways, so it didn't bother me all that much. ...
BILLY HAD IT SO GOOD CHAPTER 1 "I don't want anything bad to happen to him. But I want to kill the little bastard," James said in agonizing frustration. "I know how you feel. Billy glued all my bra closures shut at the tightest eyelet. Now I walk around with my breasts pressed up because of the brat," Denise chimed in. "My friends thought I was doing it to get attention. It almost caused a riff between Gwen and me when her boyfriend could not stop staring," she added. "We are...
I met Billy at the State High School All-Star football game. Billy was an All-State receiver from Morehead City, North Carolina and I was an All-State quarterback from Garner, North Carolina. We had been selected to play for the East Team in the annual East/West High School All-Star game.The first thing I noticed about Billy was the size of his cock in the locker room at our first practice. It had to be seven inches soft. Damn, how big does that thing get? I wondered.Now I’m no slouch in the...
BisexualBilly hated being a flight attendant, mainly because dealing with public sucked. Most travelers, especially business travelers, were abusive and felt they were the only passenger on a plane. Nonetheless, the pay was good and Billy didn’t have to work too many hours. And, there was one regular traveler that Billy had his eye on. A businessman, James, who commuted on his flight every week. James was one of the few passengers who treated Billy and the other flight attendants with common courtesy....
GayI was doing some flyes on a machine and a guy came up and asked if he could work in. Without looking up, I said sure. When I was finished with my set, I looked up, and for one of the first times in my life, I was speechless. In front of me was one of the best looking men I had ever seen. We got to talking, I found out his name was Billy. He was 31, 6 foot 190 pounds, muscular, but not steroid muscular like some of the guys at the club. He had shoulder-length straight brown hair and big...
TAMED TEEN Chapter 1 " I don't know what to do with my son these days. " Tracy Lyons said toher mother over the phone. The thirty something brunette was reasonably attractivewith a full figure that could have benefited from some vigorous exercise. " Thatboy of mine has a sex drive that I can't satisfy. Last night he did me twicetimes before he went to sleep, and then this morning he did me twice beforehe went off to school. As soon as he got home today he marched me upstairsto his bedroom and...
I was eighteen, I had graduated high school about a month ago. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to start college this year, or delay it for a year.It was a rainy July night. My softball game had been canceled, and I decided to go to my health club. I saw some familiar faces there. I had worked out earlier in the day, so I was really there to socialize. There were a couple of guys that I had a gangbang with a month back. They were working hard for a repeat performance, and while it was an awesome...
Love StoriesWhen I was a girl growing up on a farm I was introduced to sex by seeing the animals on the farm fucking. My dad had a pack of hunting dogs and whenever on of the bitches went in heat all the males would be all over her. I got hot thinking what it would be like being fucked like that and one day decided to find out well this led to other things like the two minature stallions my dad raided for stud service. one day my brother Billy walked in on me in the barn naked and playing with one of the...
IncestThe day had been long and hot. The air humid and soup like. August, I had always thought started with Aug because that's what everyone said when they walked into the cool Air condition room from outside. "Aug!" I groaned coming in from outside. Cleo nodded. "Hot out there." "Yeah it is." I dropped the keys on the table and headed for the fridge and an ice cold glass of tea. "Need liquid, shower, and out of these clothes." I gulped down my tea till the glass was empty. "I'll be...
At first we didn’t get along so well but that changed. We started talking more in classes that we had together then it would be over on myspace. I started to notice I wanted to people like John Cena and Eminem and just fuck the shit out of them til none of could handle it anymore. So again by sophomore year I started watching his movement and thought about Billy’s dick. One night I was watching porn on some website, when I came across a gay video from another site. It was pretty fucking hot to...
These events took place about about six years ago when I was 35. I had known for years that I was bisexual. If I were to tell the truth, I have known since high school. It took me until I was 32 to finally try it for real though. By the time I met Billy I had already had many experiences with several men and had learned, for sure, that I was bisexual. I was married to a pretty hot woman at the time, but still craved my M2M time occasionally. I met Billy on an online chat...
L1 Lexi Seduces Uncle Billy By billy69boy“Of course she can, Mary. It was thoughtful of you to call first and ask, but you know all of yours and Beth’s friends are welcome to stay with us when you come up to visit,” I answered, as I juggled the phone with one hand, and used the pool skimmer with the other. “Oh? A new friend you say? What’s her name? Lexi? Okay, I’ll try to remember it. See you all tomorrow then. I’ll have the pool clean and sparkling for you girls…okay, have a safe...
Present Day “Jane!” Jessica Parnell squealed as she practically tore the front door off its hinges. On the other side of the screen door stood a grinning Jane Parnell Oblensky, Andrew Sr.’s younger sister. “Jessica!” Jane waited for the screen door to be unlatched and then the two women were in each other’s arms, hugging and squealing like schoolgirls. “I’ve missed you so much! How are things? Where’s Billy?” asked Jessica. “He’s stuck out on the front porch, Mom. If you two would get out...
B&Q Billy was 12yrs old and the youngest of six children. They were Karen, Paul, Mary Tony, Peter and of course, Billy. His Father, David worked as a lorry driver for a large transport company. His mother worked on the checkouts at Tesco’s. There are two grandchildren in the family, Alfie, 2 and June, six months. They are Karen’s children. She lives with her partner Bob. Karen and Bob had just bought their own place, a nice little three bedroomed house that had been owned by an old couple...
"Billy", Kelly asked, "did you steal a pair of panties from my laundry basket last week?". Nervous and penitent, Billy acknowledged that he had. "Why, Billy?", Kelly asked, as though she didn't know the answer. "Because they smell pretty:", Billy told her. "Well, its not right to steal things, Billy, and smelling girl's underwear is naughty.". The knoledge that Billy was interested in scent of her vagina was flattering to Kelly, and even though she had told him it was naughty, there was...
Mum was always very strict, but it seamed she was always a bit harder on me than she was to my two sisters, Sue who was older than me an Jen who was was more like i was the home help and my sisters knew this. They would frequently make up stuff an tell mum who would always give me some chore to do around the house like cleaning up, or come up with something to embarrass me. Like the time they told mum i was teasing them about their school uniform as they had to where a hat , mum made...
My friend 65yr. old Billy loves me....loves my 17yr old butt hole.....he loved jamming his fat dick in my butthole.....myself I was such the boy whore, that it got me off twice as much when he would fuck my pussy while all his older friends watched and rubbed there cocks and got the cum load ready for me the sexy bitch.......he loved inviting all his old mature gay friends over and in middle of conversation he would reach in my pants and pull my big dick out for all to see stroking it while he...
I looked down and saw bright red swim trunks on a pair of scrawny legs. I could see my reflection in the water. A boy of about 12 looked out at me from the water. I fell back, wishing the leap could have waited just another hour or so. Oh well, at least I'm still male, even if a quite young one. "Hey, Billy! Are you coming or what?" I was cumming just a second ago, I thought. I looked out, and saw another young, nubile girl, standing with her hands on her hips. A small bikini clung to her...
As I walked to his driveway I discreetly scanned each house and any cars on the street. So far so good, no one around, so I turned up his driveway like it was a natural thing to do, like I belonged there and turned into the shadows at the side of the garage. There was a door there, and I put a corner of the backpack against the glass and slowly increased the pressure until the glass cracked, removed the pieces of the pane and tossed them into the shrubs along the fence. I opened the door,...
Billy's mother had to work to help support their family. Although she worked in a dress factory as a seamstress, she dressed to the nines for work everyday. Billy cherished the opportunity to hang around her while she was getting ready.Her routine was exactly the same every morning. After she finished a couple of cups of coffee, she returned to her bathroom to begin her routine of applying her make up and fixing her hair. Once she was done with that, Billy knew what was coming next. She would...
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I should start by telling you about myself. My name is Billy Adams, 28 years old, and I am a serial rapist. I have been ?doing it? for a number of years, and, so far, have not been caught.How I became a rapist, I don’t know. I tell myself it is in my genes, but I guess that isn’t really true. I do it because I enjoy it. The look on the faces of the women as I fuck them.The first was Donna. She was eighteen years old, and gorgeous, she lived in the next street to me, and often took walks in the...
Billy is someone who I have a big crush on. I can see us between the sheets and I cant wait!
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So I was at this lil party and things were getting pretty wild. My girlfriend at the time, a 19-year old asked me if she could invite two girls upstairs to have a little fun with us in our hotel room. Of course, I said sure. Once we got up there, the other two were waiting. One was 18 and one was 19. We all stripped and took a shower together, where we all washed each other. When we were done with the shower, one of the girls (the 18 year old) kinda chickened out and said she just wanted to...
So I was at this lil party and things were getting pretty wild. My girlfriend at the time, a 19-year old asked me if she could invite two girls upstairs to have a little fun with us in our hotel room. Of course, I said sure.Once we got up there, the other two were waiting. One was 18 and one was 19. We all stripped and took a shower together, where we all washed each other.When we were done with the shower, one of the girls (the 18 year old) kinda chickened out and said she just wanted to...
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IncestAs the Sage took Ramana to the furthest corner of the property, Sathyan was guiding Radhika in the opposite end. Soon they reached a hut situated near to a small pound. “How long will it take the guruji to complete the ritual?” asked Radhika. “It depends on your husband’s capability to please the goddess. The more time he takes, the more satisfied the goddess is going to be,” replied Sathya as he imagined Meena getting fucked by Ramanan “What should I be doing till the guruji comes?” asked...
Preview: The last part ended with Ramanan getting ready to pleasure Meena, who acted as the goddess of pleasure. They were to please the god of lust now. The Sage then stood up and came behind Meena, “Oh, goddess of pleasure, please raise and accept your gift from Ramanan.” Meena stood up, and the Sage signaled Ramanan to stand up too. “Come face to face with her,” said the Sage. Ramanan did as he was told and stood a mere inch away from the naked Meena. The Sage pressed his body from behind to...
Pleasing Her BossIt was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat...
Went to the gym today wanting to get a workout in but also with cock on my mind. I love going to the gym to see all the older men naked and to show off my cock as often as I can. My gym is full of older guys, and there’s no shortage of cock to see in the locker room and showers, my two favorite areas of the gym. I have gotten a lot of dick between the 3 locations I go to near me. Some really great times have been had, today was no less. I walked in to the gym, mask on, got my temp checked, and...
PLEASING CHLOE - Part 1 My friend Dave, a buddy from high school, was having a party. He is very social and being a plumber, had met and made friends with many people throughout the community. I was more private. Aside from his Christmas bashes I usually declined his party invitations. When I finally did show up for his Christmas party, I only knew a few people and left early to escape my social awkwardness. My name is Peter, I go by Pete. I’m average looking at best. I have a rather...
CuckoldFor those who may not be familiar with the movie "The Graduate", the character of Mrs. Robinson is essentially a MILF who seduces a recent college graduate (good movie and a fun scene). Anyway, I met my own "Mrs. Robinson" (Kathy) while I was at college and worked part-time on campus, and she provided me with some exxxperiences and memories that I have always cum-pletely appreciated. >:) Kathy worked in the college adminstration office, and also lived on the same block of the off-campus...
I guess you’re right Baby Doll, I am a romantic. Looking back on the stories I’ve written, regardless of whether they’ve got lot of sex in them or not, regardless of whether they’re violent or pacifist they’re all love stories. Thanks for your love. I love you very much. * Begin: My name is Albert Wolf, and I want to set the record straight about my grand-uncle Horace Featherstone and my, uh, my, um . . . I guess I’ll have to call ‘her’ my grand-aunt because, I . . . well they . . . actually...
I was approaching sixty years of age, and I still felt like a young man. I was trim and fit, although one could tell that I was old from the carefulness of my gait and the worn quality of my face. The problem was that I was attracted to younger women, much younger. If truth be told, I thought that girls from twelve to fourteen were the most beautiful females. But, of course, such girls were out of the question. Besides, they were highly illegal. The problem was, how could a guy my age attract...
At the end of part one Chloe had finished sharing herself with Dan and company, and she headed home to Dave. After I, Peter, had finished relaying the story to Dave, he asked me if I wanted to know what happened when she got home. “Of course,” I replied, thinking he might have some excuse for why Chloe behaved like that, that maybe she was getting revenge for something he had done. I was wrong. “When she got to the car she called me on her cell,” he said. “She instructed me to go to the...
CuckoldThe Sage and Satyan talked about setting up the decoratives around the firepit when they heard Radhika’s voice. “Namaste Guruji.” Both the men turned towards her voice and were mesmerized by the sight that greeted them. Standing naked with water drops dripping off her voluptuous body was Radhika. The men took their time to digest the sight that stood in front of them. Her breast was like two ruby-tipped globes on display. Drops of water kept accumulating on her nipples until gravity pulled them...
I stood with my hands bound to a chain above my head, making my body stretch to the point of discomfort but not pain. I was naked except for a collar made of leather and small sparkling jewels my Mistress had bought for me to wear during our games. I knew the small studs were real, making the gift all the more special. If I was being totally honest with myself however, I would take anything she gave me with a loving and gracious smile. I was not ashamed or at all embarrassed but my nude body, I...
Finally the day she has been planning is about to come true. She waits nervously for the knock at the door. Time seems to be going by so slowly. All of sudden the sound she has been waiting for. Amber goes to the door nervously and opens it. There standing in front of her is her Dom, John. A blush comes over her cheeks as she lowers her head and allows him to enter the house. Once inside he takes her in his arms and hugs her. Taking Ambers face in his hands he raises it so he can kiss her soft...
FetishShe stood and crossed the room to kiss him. They kissed gently at first, then more roughly, sucking and biting each others lips and tongues. He slowly backed her up against the wall as his hands began to explore her. He then pressed her against the wall, His hands finding her ass and squeezing it. She could feel his hardness through his jeans, pressing into her loins. It made her start to get wet. He then reached up and grabbed her by the hair, pulled her forward and turned her...
She sat on the bed, wearing just bra and panties. He came into the room, wearing only jeans, and holding a pair of handcuffs. She stood and crossed the room to kiss him. They kissed gently at first, then more roughly, sucking and biting each others lips and tongues. He slowly backed her up against the wall as his hands began to explore her. He then pressed her against the wall, His hands finding her ass and squeezing it. She could feel his hardness through his jeans, pressing into her loins. It...
"So, Mark, read the brief?" Vickers is looking keenly at me. He's one of the senior managers and I'm sat in his office. I nod. "Sounds interesting," I say. "But hopefully not TOO interesting, eh?" says Vickers, joshing me. I shoot him a grin - I've passed my exams and qualified (a lawyer now!) and this is the first time I'm to be let loose with 'in charge' responsibility away from the office. A fraud investigation and me and a couple of juniors are going in to do some prep before...
One very long boring day in the middle of summer, i was home all alone, my parents were at work and my siblings out somewhere. I decided it would be a good day to dress up and have fun while i was home alone. I went to my secret stash of clothes i keep in my closet and picked out my purple lingerie. It consisted of a purple and black lace bra with matching thong and garter belt with black stockings. I put it on then went to get my cute blonde shoulder length wig, it fitted nicely as i applied...
Four days later, Radhika was in Sage’s cottage. Sathyan was also present as he did not want to miss this opportunity. “We tested your husband, and he seems to be doing good, so we will test your body and see if you are capable of having a baby,” said the Sage looking at Radhika. This statement worried her, and she looked troubled. “Don’t worry, I can assure you that all your problems can be solved” This brought some joy in Radhika. “Thank you, Guruji,” said Radhika, joining her hands and...
We are two little faggot shy boy humping down on our big black cock toy training for the big dayThis weekend daddy and his cousin are coming over to use us, little white boys turned sissy sluts ''ahhh ahhh fuck i love big black cock , i love big black cock, ohhh daddy i want you here right now''on cam together sit on our pillow in panty caged up looking at daddy bbc getting all wet in and out the glesh light toy''daddy will stretch those cute pink hole all weekend long my sluts''''oh daddy...
"Ok so how long do we have to stay at your parent's house?" Nick asked Jessica once they were in bed together later on that evening. "Look, it'll just be for the weekend." "So, why do we have to be there by Thursday?" "I want to surprise them. Don't worry my parents will not be there. They are going to be out of town but will be back on Saturday." Nick groaned and stared up at the ceiling. Usually by this time of night, he was begging Jessica for a blowjob or sex, but that night...
I was happy as Monk Alanus at the Monastery of Lindisfarne in 793 A.D., I was a large man by those times standing 6” 1” inches tall. I worked in the outer wheat fields of the monastery. The fields were right next to the nearby convent and at the time I frequently met Novice Jean when we were able to sneak away and spend some time together making love in the soft grass. Because of my large cock, word had spread around the convent and I had no shortage of “sinners” who enjoyed my ten inch organ....
Hello! I am 22 years old guy living in Navi Mumbai. This is the story of my experience I had with one of my readers. Her name was Sneha. A beautiful girl that lived in Mumbai region. Just a day after my last story was posted, I got a mail from this girl. “Hey!” Since I was a bit busy, I replied: “ttyl. Busy right now”. She said alright. At evening that day, when I was free and alone at home, I replied her: “hey!” She spontaneously replied, ” Loved your story! Your girlfriend must be soo...
Copyright© The day has dragged interminably, waiting for you to come to me, my darling — my lover, my Master, my son... I'd just finished breakfast when the post landed on the doormat, and there, among the usual letters, bills and junk mail, was a tiny package, and my heart skipped a beat, knowing it was from you. I bent down to pick it up, ignoring everything else. My robe fell open — I was naked beneath it, and I rubbed the package over my body, because you'd touched it, and soon it...
[/b]I woke up early the morning after my first day of being Bill’s live in slut. I got up to listen and hear my dad and siblings leaving for work around 7. I was going to wait for all of them to leave before I dress and go back to Bill’s at 12. I went to lie back down but before I could, I heard my mom call me. “James, honey. Can you come down here?” I didn’t know what to say a first. She probably wants to talk about how she saw me last night. I guess there was nothing else I could do but go...
I glued my lips onto her and took off her bra too. I dropped it, and immediately pressed our boobs together. We made out and placed our hands onto one another's butts.She caressed my bare ass, but I scrubbed hers as hard as I could through her undergarments. 'No thong? She usually wears one, but I guess not tonight. These silk panties of hers do feel good on my skin though. Yes, this hot chick is mine, and I will have my way with her.'In no time at all, I felt juice flowing down on my leg and...
LesbianIt was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat down on the...
My mom died of cancer wjen I was [censored] years old. My dad was a bit of a nerd when it came to women: His Irish Catholic father had sent him to military school when he was 14, so he was never a "player," of you'll excuse my language.Disturbed by Mom's death, I lay awake at night, unable to sleep. I had worn pajamas for the first [censored] years of my life, but, now, I always felt overheated. I guess it was nervousness. But I took to sleeping naked. And (I hope the men here won't think badly...