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Pleasing Master Hans Congressman Roger Malvern exited the Ethics Committee meeting and walked to where his office was

Pleasing Master Hans
Congressman Roger Malvern exited the Ethics Committee meeting and
walked to where his office was. It had now been three days since
Simone had put that damned thing on Roger's cock! Sheila had taken it
pretty well when he'd shown it to her at home. Curious, really. "You
like having this thing on your dick, honey?" Sheila had asked as she'd
lifted the plastic cock-device up and ran her fingers along his

Roger had patiently triedto explain Simone's ideas. "I think she's
being a little ridiculous to have a chastity device put on me, it's
not as if I'm some sort of tom cat, you know." Sheila looked at him
suspiciously. "You better not be! I can't believe I'm not more upset
that you let this woman take your pants down and lock this thing on
your dick,but I guess you didn't really have sex,did you?" It had
actually grown rather painful having Sheila poke and prod Roger's
cock, as she was in her beige bra and panties at the time. Roger had
begun getting rather excited, and they'd begun necking like teenagers,
but as he forced Sheila down for a screw, he realized he couldn't take
off the belt, and Sheila had laughed.

Roger had ended up goingdown on Sheila that night, because he had to
have some sort of sexual outlet. He'd  lickedher all over, her
breasts, her neck and flat little stomach and her inner thighs, as his
cock had surged frustratedly against the cruel plastic device, and
then he'd returned again and again to the vagina to give Sheila five
or six orgasms. "I am starting to like that plastic thing!" Sheilahad
crowed,  and Roger had grunted, and then he'dturned over and gone to
sleep,or hoped to,but as his contented wife had snored, Roger Malvern
laid awake, his poor, bloated penis swelling against the annoying
metal and plastic device and oh, was it awful!

And the security guardshad given him quite a time when he'd enter the
metal detectors at the Dirksen and Hart and Longworth buildings. "I
just have metal in my shoes." he'd begun as the electronic gates would
go off, sensing his metal prison...and then he'd gone through with no
shoes on, and then of course the cock lock had continued to make the
sensors beep until Roger had bribed his doctor to give him a note
stating that he had metal plates in his head from Vietnam. All this,
in the space of three days since Simone had returned to town!

Now Roger entered hisoffice, and Mitzi, his aged secretary, looked up
at him. "You have a  visitor in the nextroom, Congressman Malvern. A
nice young man." Roger looked at Mitzi suspiciously. "You letsomeone
in my office? Is he a lobbyist?" Mitzi smiled. "No, but he said hewas
on your Blue List, and so as you've often said, Blue Listers are
allowed to enter your office at will, isn't that right sir?" Roger
breathed. He had created the Blue List for  thevarious women he'd had
sexual liaisons with--call girls would drop by and he'd frolick with
them, occasionally he'd have a domme come in and tie him to the office
sofa to give him a little harmless "torture".

Simone had been on the"Blue List" for years, and when she'd been in
town, quite often she would come by and behind closed doors, some
quite interesting activities would ensue--hell, to have her over,
Roger would cancel any business meetings he had to get some marvelous
"punishments" from the raven haired vixen. But she hadn't been by,as
far as Roger could tell, he wouldn't be seeing her until next
Wednesday, when he and Sheila were showing up for their "session."
Certainly a man had never been a Blue Lister.

"I'll get to thebottom of this!" Roger said, annoyed. "He seemed like
a very nice young man." Mitzi said mildly as Roger opened the door and
strode into his inner office. Sitting at his desk was a tall young man
with a blond crewcut, having a bit of Roger's port in one of his
brandy glasses."You are a bit late, Congressman Malvern" the youngman
commented in a thick German accent. "I have been sitting here awhile
 "Excuse me, who are you?" Roger asked. "What are youdoing in my
office, drinking my liquor?"

"I am Hans." theyoung man replied smoothly. "I was sent here by
Simone Kendall. She is displeased with you, sir." Roger was startled.
"Simone-Simone sent you here?" The young man laughed, and flexedhis
shoulders. He was an extraordinarily well built young fellow, nicely
clad in a jacket and turtleneck sweater. "Mrs. Kendall is disappointed
in you, sir. You were to deliver her 1,000 lines yesterday, and they
were to read "I will learn to be an obedient chastity slut". and Mrs.
Kendall states that she only received 884 lines, sir."
Roger's face burned as he heard the "obedient chastity slut" part.Who
the hell was this kid to tell him what to do? He'd done the 1,000
lines the first two days perfectly,and what a dragit had been--hell,
today's lines had partially been written while he'd been in the damn
Ethics Committee hearing. The witness had looked somewhat alarmed as
Congressman Malvern had been scribbling, thinking these copious notes
were going to do the witnesses cause some harm,but indeed all it had
been was over and over again, "I will learn to be an obedient chastity
slut",  and certainly, Malvern had been terrified one of his aides
might look over his shoulder!

Roger coughed. "Well,uh, I have 1,000 lines today, if that will be
any help." He smiled and proffered the sheafsof paper to the young
man. "How's this? I'll do another two hundred tonight and you can take
these to her now?" Roger gave Hans his charming grin that had
bewitched Wyoming voters for fifteen years. Hansheld up his hand "No,
you can certainly send those lines by courier, Congressman
Malvern--they are your lines for today. But there is still the account
from yesterday, and Mrs. Kendall has instructed me to deal with it.
Disrobe, please."

Roger Malvern steppedback. "What?" He gritted his teeth. "Look here,
young man, I'm not up for a bunch of games from you." His voice rose.
"I'm a very busy man, and Simone is a dear friend of mine,but I hardly
think she would have the nerve to send a young pup like you--to--" The
young man arose, still smiling. "Mrs. Kendall felt that you should
understand, sir, that if you cannot comply with her policies regarding
the counseling, that she will terminate the relationship and return to
the Island. Indeed, she will return yourdeposit, should you not be
interested in further dealings,but if you wish tocontinue, you must
disrobe now, and accept your punishment for not finishing your lines
from yesterday, sir."

Roger gasped."But-but why isn't Simone herself here?" That would be
nice, being punished by his hot Miss Simone. Certainly, her
punishments were painful and at times quite unpleasant,but Simone was
at least, quite a beautiful woman! "Mrs. Kendall believes that a male
punisher will keep you from being so distracted--I-my English" The
young man shook his head apologetically. "She say you will be made to
listen if your dick not-ah."Hans shook his head again. "I
understand."Roger shook his head. What the bitch meant was, it would
be a much worse punishment for him coming from this sexless young
man...not to mention that Hans looked quite strong!

Roger looked into theouter office, giving Mitzi and George, his chief
of staff the pleasing news that they could take the afternoon off.
"Just go out for about three hours, or do as you like for the rest of
the day." Roger locked the office door and looked at the smiling young
man, and sighing, he undid his tie, and then took off the rest of his
clothes, stripping down to the hated chastity device. Hans smiled and
motioned Roger to approach him. "Mrs. Kendall has required that I
examine your cock device, sir, so you will have to be handcuffed.
Roger sighed, and put his hands behind his back, where Hans clicked

Hans then unlocked Roger'schastity belt and took it off, and dropped
to one knee and began touching and stroking Roger's cock. Mortified,
Roger tried to close his eyes, ignoring this very homoerotic
experience. But he felt his cock growing hard under Hans's nimble
As Hans carefully examined Roger's dick, Roger tried once again to
pretend it wasn't happening. But his erection, having been neglected
for three nights of servicing Sheila with no release was in full
flower now. Hans had a surprisingly gentle manipulation of it as he
pulled and stroked Roger's shaft softly. "Are you homosexual?" Hans
asked Roger curiously. "No! Not at all!" Roger replied stiffly."You
seem to enjoy thees. You would like to suck my penis?" Hans smiled up
at Roger, who blanched. "No! No, that's not my thing, I'm afraid."
Roger laughed hollowly, willing his penis to deflate.

"Well, your dicklooks to be unharmed by chastity belt, I put this in
report to Mrs. Kendall." Hans said with some satisfaction. "Now is
time for punishment." Roger watched with some trepidation as Hans
arose, removing his tweed jacket and turtleneck sweater. In a tight
white T-shirt, Hans was a model of muscle, not bulging, but certainly
in excellent form. He would give, Roger expected, a much more
energetic beating than a woman like Simone could?though her floggings
were quite vicious and  had often brought manytears to his eyes!
"It's all in the wrist?like fly fishing" Simone had explained onceat
the Volcano Bondage Society when she'd been doing a   Flagellation
Seminar demonstration on Roger with a cat o' eighteen tails.

Hans reached into an opensuitcase sitting on Roger's desk and pulled
out a large, thick wooden paddle. "Eh"?" Hans noddedapprovingly
towards the paddle, smiling as if he were trying to sell Roger a
sailboat. "Is called the  Thudder, thispaddle." Hans waved the
Thudder experimentally through the air. Roger winced. It had been many
years since he'd had a session, a real session that wasn't just play
acting with a hackneyed blonde pseudo-domme hooker. This looked fairly
serious, Hans and the Thudder.

What could he do to get out of this? My God, what if the press burst
in? Him standing naked, with his dick hanging out in front of this
muscular German waving  the paddle around.Congressman Roger Malvern,
who had been assuring the public on C-Span just the nightbefore that
the Democrats really were family values oriented?Malvern who blasted
gay marriage? Oh God. If this were discovered, it would be one helluva
  headline for the Drudge Report. Roger watched Hans with trepidation
as the young man waved the paddle back and forth happily.

Hans was such a Germantype with his Aryan looks and blond crewcut,
Roger Malvern thought. With growing horror Roger remembered confessing
once to Simone that his grandfather had been an Austrian rebbe fleeing
from the Nazis. "Although my dad converted us to Episcopalianism when
he married Mom, an Irish Gentile, I've always had nightmares about the
SS and concentration camps." Roger had told the sympathetic Simone.
But Simone remembered everything, and had always had a pipeline to
Roger's terrors.

Roger recalled GrandpaMalwicz's contempt when Dad had changed their
names to the more Gentile sounding Malvern. "You cannot hide from your
past, my cowardly son" the old man had said. "It will come afteryou."
But the voters had never questioned Roger's roots, nor had his
father's business associates?but now his past was coming after him, in
the form of this friendly, grinning Aryan waving the thick wooden

Hans came close to Roger,smiling even more. "Now you will bend over
the sofa." Hans gestured to the armrest of Roger's couch. Roger's
stomach somersaulted. "Look here, Hans. What would it be worth to you
just to let this thing go---" Roger laughed heartily, but it had a
hollow sound. "I mean, this isn't fun kinky punishment at all, and I'm
not enjoying myself. What say I give a donation to your favorite
charity, got lots of greenbacks in that desk of mine---PAC money.And
you just tell Simone you gave me a thrashing?" The Congressman smiled
gamely at Hans.

Hans smiled back at Roger."You would like to give me money? It is
here in this desk?" Roger grinned back. "Yes,   most  definitely. Just
unlock me, and I'll get dressed and give you two hundred?no five
hundred! Five hundred dollars   that I just got the other night from
the North   American Fuel Alliance." Now he was in control of
everything, Roger Malvern thought. I'll get this lunatic out of here,
and what will Simone know? Nothing, if the Kraut keeps his mouth shut.
"Where is key?" asked Hans.

Roger smiled, showing histeeth. "Well,why don't you use your key to
unlock me first?" What was truly troubling was that Roger was still
quite erect. His penis hadn't gone down a bit. "No, you give me key to
drawer!" Hans said, with a bigger smile. Leaning over, Hans slapped
the Thudder across Roger's left cheek WHACK! Oh, the sting! Tears came
to Roger's eyes. He wasn't sure but a splinter from the damn thing
might have lodged itself in his cheek.

 Oh, Jesus. Anythingto get out of this. "The key is in my suit
jacket, over there." Hans went over to where Roger had discarded his
clothes, and went through Roger's jacket, finding a set of keys, and
tried them in the drawer, finding the right one on his second attempt.
"This is the right drawer, Congressman Malwicz? I mean Malvern?" Ohmy
God. "Yes, yes." Roger stuttered. He might not get out of herealive.
She'd told him! Roger had read in horror of neo-Nazi shit in the
papers, and God knows what would happen here if he didn't give this
lunatic the money and get un-handcuffed FAST.

Hans pulled out a whiteenvelope which contained two thousand dollars.
Roger's intent had been to take five hundred out of it, and present it
to Hans, and then to dismiss him quickly. But Hans opened the envelope
and looked at the cash, and then put the entire thing in his pants
pocket. "Thank you so much, Congressman." Roger huffed, "Well,wait
you can't?" Hans waved the paddle again, landing it once again on
Roger's right cheek this time WHACK!  Roger gritted his teeth. "You
talk much too much, Congressman Malvern. American politicians are how
you say? Long winded?" Hans smiled.

 "So now you'llunlock me? Why don't you.." Malvern choked  as Hans
once again gesture to the arm-rest. "Now you will bend over thesofa."
Malvern almost shrieked. "But I just gave you two thousand dollars to
unlock me? What's wrong with you?" Hans looked confused. "No, noyou
say you want to give money to my favorite charity. I give to
Children's Hospital, which helped my baby seester with cornea
operation. Is that not what you wanted?" Hans' blue eyes were open in
seeming astonishment. Roger tried to smile. "No, that's a nice way of
saying I'm giving you a gift, in return for your cooperation in
letting me loose, don't you know?" Roger was sweating now. Was this
man a complete idiot?

"Oh, you bribeme."Hans nodded, still smiling. "Yes!" Roger said, too
eagerly. "And-and maybe there's more where that came from?sometime."
If he could just get unlocked and his clothes on, he'd call security.
This was insane. But as Roger looked down, his cock was near to
bursting. Hans looked at Roger's cock too, and smiled still more.
"Miss Simone authorize me to give you fiftywhacks with Thudder. That
is suitable punishment for not writing all your lines."

 "But she say, if you threaten or bribe, it is one hundred whacks,and
another twenty-five with cat." Hans looked in the suitcase and pulled
out Simone's old coiled cat o' eighteen tails. Roger remembered it
well, he'd almost gone into shock at theFlagellation Seminar and had
later gotten four stitches on his inner thigh. And she'd only hit him
ten times with the cat o' eighteen tails then. (Of course ten times
eighteen is oh God)

"So, is bribe or giftfor my charity?" Hans asked again, smiling. "Oh,
a gift, Master Hans." Roger said hurriedly. "I am fully in supportof
Children's Hospital, and I hope you can donate it to them, and of
course I expect my full punishment of only fifty whacks, sir."
Perspiration ran down Roger's face. He breathed a sigh of relief when
Hans put the cat back in the suitcase.  Roger sighed as Hans picked up
the paddle again, waving it sunnily, his cheerful smile once again in
evidence. Roger moved to the armrest mechanically, bending over. Oh,
he hoped it wouldn't be too miserable.

"Ach, I forgetsome-sing" Hans said in his odd pronunciation. "Stand
back from couch, please."  Hans halted Roger with his hand and  went
into the suitcase, pulling out a peculiar looking chain in a Y shape.
Two longer ends of the chain enjoined into one thicker end, and at the
ends of the first two chains were vicious little clamps. "Oh, I can't
do clamps" Roger protested feebly. "My nipples are too sensitivenow.
Simone used to use them on me quite frequently, but my doctor?I can't,
really." Roger backed up as Hans approached with the chains, still

God, he has such a ghastlysmile, Roger thought. Suddenly, Hans
reached out and grasped the middle aged legislator tightly by the
scalp and pulled him close. Grinning, Hans whispered. "You are quite a
taxing submissive, Malwicz. You irritate your Uncle Hans, Ja?" Roger
choked. "You must stand still for the clamps now, sir." Goddamnit,he
didn't have to take this. He was a United States Congressman. "Look,
I'm going to scream for security. Are you aware of my position?"

Hans grinned widely andtightened his grasp on Roger's scalp,pulling
it back so Roger had to stare up into the fluorescent office lights.
Just as Roger's eyes were starting to sting, Hans turned Roger's head
towards him. Smiling, Hans said softly, "Perhaps I push you out in
hallway of House Longworth Building for all the other congressmen and
congressional aides-- pretty office girls to see?what a crybaby you
are. That will help in next years re-election,ja?" Roger could hear
Hans' German accent thickening as the young man spoke even more softly
in his ear.
 "You don't know how much trouble you are in, son." Rogersaid, using
the steady tone he'd used with Arafat, Edwin Meese, Bork and so many
other so-called threateners. Roger felt his head turned even closer to
Hans' leering face. Hans spoke again "I am diplomat's son and Phi Beta
Kappa graduate of Georgetown University, it is doubtful that I am
deported or even jailed for making a fool of you." Hans considered.
"Perhaps I take pictures of you to send press, yes? Or will you stand
still for clamps like a good boy?"

Dumbly, Congressman RogerMalvern held still for the clamps, which
felt as if they would tear off his nipples as Hans carefully put them
on. Then, Hans attached a five pound weight to the single chain that
enjoined the clamp chains, and Roger had to close his eyes, muttering
Buddhist chants to withstand the horrific drag on his tender tits.
Roger felt as if his chest was about to be ripped into the ground.

Suddenly, his eyes stillclosed, Roger felt an especial drag on his
nipples, and opened them in horror to find Hans gaily hitting the five
pound weight with the paddle he called the Thudder. As Roger batted
the weight, Roger struggled in vain against his cuffs.  "I practicemy
tennis serve" explained the boy happily. "Please?Master?Hans?mercy,
Sir." Roger got out in a hoarse voice. Finally, Hans stopped swinging
the Thudder.

Clapping Roger on theback, which of course jounced the weight yet
again, Hans explained " You see, CongressmanMalvern, when Mrs.
Kendalls says she demands 1,000 sentences a day, that is what she
wants. She is a woman of her word." Roger nodded silently, a tear
rolling down his cheek. "Now you will bend over the couch please."
Hans gesticulated again, and Roger moved slowly to the couch and bent
over once more.

Hans moved slowly toRoger's back, and noted his erection was pressing
out between his legs. "Oh, this is not good. Mrs. Kendall did not want
to have this be a sexual experience, she say, andyour pee-pee is
still hard, even though a man is here disciplining you." Hans shook
his head. "You must be somewhat of a faggy-boy, Congressman." Roger
didn't bother to deny this, it was all too much. "Can you make this
penis soft for Hans, please?"

Roger tried hard, thinkingof baseball scores, Subcommittee hearing
testimonies, various filibusters he'd sat through, Orrin Hatch's face,
but nothing seemed to be calming his rampant erection. "You are not
obeying Hans." The young man sounded displeased for the first time
since he'd come in the office an hour before. Hans walked to where a
chart and pointer were sitting, and picked up the pointer, slashing it
through the air. He then moved back to Roger's behind and took Roger's
erect, large penis with one hand, toying with it, and then let go of

Hans had perfect aim, itseemed and the pointer landed three times
sharply, right on Roger's glans, at the very tip of his penis. Roger's
eyes rolled back in his head and he screamed. "Oh no, you mustn't
shout." Hans went into the suitcase again and pulled out a ball gag,
locking this around Roger's head. "That is all we need, a lot of
disruption." Hans gagged Roger and returned to operations with the
pointer. SWACK SWACK SWACK SWACK! Finally Roger's penis was limp, and
Hans seemed satisfied. "Very good. You understand   Mrs. Kendall
cannot have any sexual pleasure coming from this." Hans explained this

"And now, finally, wegive you the Thudder." Hans picked up the thick
wooden paddle and lifted it above Roger's quivering bottom. WHACK!
WHACK! WHACK! Hans methodically landed the paddle fifty times,
alternating from the right cheek to the left, and words cannot
describe Roger's pain. In addition to the slams from the paddle, the
jouncing of Roger's body was causing the five pound weight at the end
of the chain from his nipples to bounce, and he screamed in vain
against his gag. After twenty-five whacks, Hans paused. "My goodness,
your bottom looks very red, Malwicz." Roger winced at the name.

"Are you ashamed ofyour heritage, Malwicz?" Hans chucked Roger under
the chin as he bent over the couch, weeping through his gag. Hans
strolled over to the suitcase and pulled out what looked to be a
beanie cap like Roger had worn as a freshman in Alpha Tri Zeta, back
at Princeton in 1964. "This is yarmulke,my Raveh." Hans said gently.
Roger gasped. Raveh had been his Hebrew name just before he'd
converted with the family to Episcopalianism! But he wasn't Jewish,
Roger wanted to protest, his mother was a Gentile so he wasn't
technically?He could see his grandfather's contemptuous look again.

Roger felt Hans put theyarmulke on the back of his head, and return
to his behind. Hans lifted the paddle again, and gave Roger the final
twenty-five whacks. SLAM! SLAM! WHACK! WHACK! Finally, it was over.
Hans put the Thudder back in the suitcase, and gently helped Roger up,
his face looking concerned. "It was a harsh punishment, ja?" Hans
unlocked Roger's handcuffs, and removed his ball gag tenderly, and
took off the nipple clamps. "You must stand still while I replace the
cock-cage." Roger stood still and Hans locked the cock cage back on.
Hans stood up again. "Was it so bad liebchen?" he asked

Roger began crying softlyand Hans took Roger's silver head in his
hands. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't do the lines, Master." Roger sobbedas
Hans stroked his hair. "There there, Raveh, you are a goot boy, no?
This help you learn what your priorities are, yes? You will not
neglect lines again, Raveh." Roger nodded and sobbed against the
German's shoulder. It was such a relief?he hadn't cried like this
since his tenth year. Certainly his parents had never physically
punished Roger; indeed, they'd given him whatever he liked?this was a
new experience. He was contrite.

"Now you will writeyour two hundred remaining lines, while Uncle Hans
has a cigarette yes?" Hans smiled and propped his feet on the table,
and Roger bent on his knees and wrote the lines he had neglected the
day before and handed them to Hans. Hans smiled, and put them in his
briefcase. "You may dress now, Congressman Malvern, and perhaps I will
not have to visit you again?"

 "Wait."Roger begged. "What is it?" Hans asked with his familiar
smile. "Will you let me?" Roger pointed at Hans' crotch."Please?"
Hans smiled again and unbuckled his belt. He had put his turtleneck
and jacket back on, but he unzipped his pants and dropped them, and
sat back down in the chair, lighting another cigarette as Raveh
Malwicz moved his head between Hans' legs, taking Hans' long pink
penis between his eager lips.
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Pleasing Master Hans
Congressman Roger Malvern exited the Ethics Committee meeting and
walked to where his office was. It had now been three days since
Simone had put that damned thing on Roger's cock! Sheila had taken it
pretty well when he'd shown it to her at home. Curious, really. "You
like having this thing on your dick, honey?" Sheila had asked as she'd
lifted the plastic cock-device up and ran her fingers along his

Roger had patiently triedto explain Simone's ideas. "I think she's
being a little ridiculous to have a chastity device put on me, it's
not as if I'm some sort of tom cat, you know." Sheila looked at him
suspiciously. "You better not be! I can't believe I'm not more upset
that you let this woman take your pants down and lock this thing on
your dick,but I guess you didn't really have sex,did you?" It had
actually grown rather painful having Sheila poke and prod Roger's
cock, as she was in her beige bra and panties at the time. Roger had
begun getting rather excited, and they'd begun necking like teenagers,
but as he forced Sheila down for a screw, he realized he couldn't take
off the belt, and Sheila had laughed.

Roger had ended up goingdown on Sheila that night, because he had to
have some sort of sexual outlet. He'd  lickedher all over, her
breasts, her neck and flat little stomach and her inner thighs, as his
cock had surged frustratedly against the cruel plastic device, and
then he'd returned again and again to the vagina to give Sheila five
or six orgasms. "I am starting to like that plastic thing!" Sheilahad
crowed,  and Roger had grunted, and then he'dturned over and gone to
sleep,or hoped to,but as his contented wife had snored, Roger Malvern
laid awake, his poor, bloated penis swelling against the annoying
metal and plastic device and oh, was it awful!

And the security guardshad given him quite a time when he'd enter the
metal detectors at the Dirksen and Hart and Longworth buildings. "I
just have metal in my shoes." he'd begun as the electronic gates would
go off, sensing his metal prison...and then he'd gone through with no
shoes on, and then of course the cock lock had continued to make the
sensors beep until Roger had bribed his doctor to give him a note
stating that he had metal plates in his head from Vietnam. All this,
in the space of three days since Simone had returned to town!

Now Roger entered hisoffice, and Mitzi, his aged secretary, looked up
at him. "You have a  visitor in the nextroom, Congressman Malvern. A
nice young man." Roger looked at Mitzi suspiciously. "You letsomeone
in my office? Is he a lobbyist?" Mitzi smiled. "No, but he said hewas
on your Blue List, and so as you've often said, Blue Listers are
allowed to enter your office at will, isn't that right sir?" Roger
breathed. He had created the Blue List for  thevarious women he'd had
sexual liaisons with--call girls would drop by and he'd frolick with
them, occasionally he'd have a domme come in and tie him to the office
sofa to give him a little harmless "torture".

Simone had been on the"Blue List" for years, and when she'd been in
town, quite often she would come by and behind closed doors, some
quite interesting activities would ensue--hell, to have her over,
Roger would cancel any business meetings he had to get some marvelous
"punishments" from the raven haired vixen. But she hadn't been by,as
far as Roger could tell, he wouldn't be seeing her until next
Wednesday, when he and Sheila were showing up for their "session."
Certainly a man had never been a Blue Lister.

"I'll get to thebottom of this!" Roger said, annoyed. "He seemed like
a very nice young man." Mitzi said mildly as Roger opened the door and
strode into his inner office. Sitting at his desk was a tall young man
with a blond crewcut, having a bit of Roger's port in one of his
brandy glasses."You are a bit late, Congressman Malvern" the youngman
commented in a thick German accent. "I have been sitting here awhile
 "Excuse me, who are you?" Roger asked. "What are youdoing in my
office, drinking my liquor?"

"I am Hans." theyoung man replied smoothly. "I was sent here by
Simone Kendall. She is displeased with you, sir." Roger was startled.
"Simone-Simone sent you here?" The young man laughed, and flexedhis
shoulders. He was an extraordinarily well built young fellow, nicely
clad in a jacket and turtleneck sweater. "Mrs. Kendall is disappointed
in you, sir. You were to deliver her 1,000 lines yesterday, and they
were to read "I will learn to be an obedient chastity slut". and
Kendall states that she only received 884 lines, sir."
Roger's face burned as he heard the "obedient chastity slut" part.Who
the hell was this kid to tell him what to do? He'd done the 1,000
lines the first two days perfectly,and what a dragit had been--hell,
today's lines had partially been written while he'd been in the damn
Ethics Committee hearing. The witness had looked somewhat alarmed as
Congressman Malvern had been scribbling, thinking these copious notes
were going to do the witnesses cause some harm,but indeed all it had
been was over and over again, "I will learn to be an obedient chastity
slut",  and certainly, Malvern had been terrified one of his aides
might look over his shoulder!

Roger coughed. "Well,uh, I have 1,000 lines today, if that will be
any help." He smiled and proffered the sheafsof paper to the young
man. "How's this? I'll do another two hundred tonight and you can take
these to her now?" Roger gave Hans his charming grin that had
Wyoming voters for fifteen years. Hansheld up his hand "No,
you can certainly send those lines by courier, Congressman
Malvern--they are your lines for today. But there is still the account
from yesterday, and Mrs. Kendall has instructed me to deal with it.
Disrobe, please."

Roger Malvern steppedback. "What?" He gritted his teeth. "Look here,
young man, I'm not up for a bunch of games from you." His voice rose.
"I'm a very busy man, and Simone is a dear friend of mine,but
I hardly
think she would have the nerve to send a young pup like you--to--" The
young man arose, still smiling. "Mrs. Kendall felt that you should
understand, sir, that if you cannot comply with her policies regarding
the counseling, that she will terminate the relationship and return to
the Island. Indeed, she will return yourdeposit, should you not be
interested in further dealings,but if you wish tocontinue, you must
disrobe now, and accept your punishment for not finishing your lines
from yesterday, sir."

Roger gasped."But-but why isn't Simone herself here?" That would be
nice, being punished by his hot Miss Simone. Certainly, her
punishments were painful and at times quite unpleasant,but Simone was
at least, quite a beautiful woman! "Mrs. Kendall believes that a male
punisher will keep you from being so distracted--I-my English" The
young man shook his head apologetically. "She say you will be made to
listen if your dick not-ah."Hans shook his head again. "I
understand."Roger shook his head. What the bitch meant was,
it would
be a much worse punishment for him coming from this sexless young
man...not to mention that Hans looked quite strong!

Roger looked into theouter office, giving Mitzi and George, his chief
of staff the pleasing news that they could take the afternoon off.
"Just go out for about three hours, or do as you like for the rest of
the day." Roger locked the office door and looked at the smiling young
man, and sighing, he undid his tie, and then took off the rest of his
clothes, stripping down to the hated chastity device. Hans smiled and
motioned Roger to approach him. "Mrs. Kendall has required that I
examine your cock device, sir, so you will have to be handcuffed.
Roger sighed, and put his hands behind his back, where Hans clicked

Hans then unlocked Roger'schastity belt and took it off, and dropped
to one knee and began touching and stroking Roger's cock. Mortified,
Roger tried to close his eyes, ignoring this very homoerotic
experience. But he felt his cock growing hard under Hans's nimble
As Hans carefully examined Roger's dick, Roger tried once again to
pretend it wasn't happening. But his erection, having been neglected
for three nights of servicing Sheila with no release was in full
flower now. Hans had a surprisingly gentle manipulation of it as he
pulled and stroked Roger's shaft softly. "Are you homosexual?" Hans
asked Roger curiously. "No! Not at all!" Roger replied stiffly."You
seem to enjoy thees. You would like to suck my penis?" Hans smiled up
at Roger, who blanched. "No! No, that's not my thing, I'm afraid."
Roger laughed hollowly, willing his penis to deflate.

"Well, your dicklooks to be unharmed by chastity belt, I put this in
report to Mrs. Kendall." Hans said with some satisfaction. "Now is
time for punishment." Roger watched with some trepidation as Hans
arose, removing his tweed jacket and turtleneck sweater. In a tight
white T-shirt, Hans was a model of muscle, not bulging, but certainly
in excellent form. He would give, Roger expected, a much more
energetic beating than a woman like Simone could?though her floggings
were quite vicious and  had often brought manytears to his eyes!
"It's all in the wrist?like fly fishing" Simone had explained onceat
the Volcano Bondage Society when she'd been doing a   Flagellation
Seminar demonstration on Roger with a cat o' eighteen tails.

Hans reached into an opensuitcase sitting on Roger's desk and pulled
out a large, thick wooden paddle. "Eh"?" Hans noddedapprovingly
towards the paddle, smiling as if he were trying to sell Roger a
sailboat. "Is called the  Thudder, thispaddle." Hans waved the
Thudder experimentally through the air. Roger winced. It had been many
years since he'd had a session, a real session that wasn't just play
acting with a hackneyed blonde pseudo-domme hooker. This looked fairly
serious, Hans and the Thudder.

What could he do to get out of this? My God, what if the press burst
in? Him standing naked, with his dick hanging out in front of this
muscular German waving  the paddle around.Congressman Roger Malvern,
who had been assuring the public on C-Span just the nightbefore that
the Democrats really were family values
oriented?Malvern who blasted
gay marriage? Oh God. If this were discovered, it would be one helluva
  headline for the Drudge Report. Roger watched Hans with trepidation
as the young man waved the paddle back and forth happily.

Hans was such a Germantype with his Aryan looks and blond crewcut,
Roger Malvern thought. With growing horror Roger remembered confessing
once to Simone that his grandfather had been an Austrian rebbe fleeing
from the Nazis. "Although my dad converted us to Episcopalianism when
he married Mom, an Irish Gentile, I've always had nightmares about the
SS and concentration camps." Roger had told the sympathetic Simone.
But Simone remembered everything, and had always had a pipeline to
Roger's terrors.

Roger recalled GrandpaMalwicz's contempt when Dad had changed their
names to the more Gentile sounding Malvern. "You cannot hide from your
past, my cowardly son" the old man had said. "It will come afteryou."
But the voters had never questioned Roger's roots, nor had his
father's business associates?but now his past was coming after him, in
the form of this friendly, grinning Aryan waving the thick wooden

Hans came close to Roger,smiling even more. "Now you will bend over
the sofa." Hans gestured to the armrest of Roger's couch. Roger's
stomach somersaulted. "Look here, Hans. What would it be worth to you
just to let this thing go---" Roger laughed heartily, but it had a
hollow sound. "I mean, this isn't fun kinky punishment at all, and I'm
not enjoying myself. What say I give a donation to your favorite
charity, got lots of greenbacks in that desk of mine---PAC money.And
you just tell Simone you gave me a thrashing?" The Congressman smiled
gamely at Hans.

Hans smiled back at Roger."You would like to give me money? It is
here in this desk?" Roger grinned back. "Yes,   most  definitely
. Just
unlock me, and I'll get dressed and give you two hundred?no five
hundred! Five hundred dollars   that I just got the other night from
the North   American Fuel Alliance." Now he was in control of
everything, Roger Malvern thought. I'll get this lunatic out of here,
and what will Simone know? Nothing, if the Kraut keeps his mouth shut.
"Where is key?" asked Hans.

Roger smiled, showing histeeth. "Well,why don't you use your key to
unlock me first?" What was truly troubling was that Roger was still
quite erect. His penis hadn't gone down a bit. "No, you give me key to
drawer!" Hans said, with a bigger smile. Leaning over, Hans slapped
the Thudder across Roger's left cheek WHACK! Oh, the sting! Tears came
to Roger's eyes. He wasn't sure but a splinter from the damn thing
might have lodged itself in his cheek.

 Oh, Jesus. Anythingto get out of this. "The key is in my suit
jacket, over there." Hans went over to where Roger had discarded his
clothes, and went through Roger's jacket, finding a set of keys, and
tried them in the drawer, finding the right one on his second attempt.
"This is the right drawer, Congressman Malwicz? I mean Malvern?" Ohmy
God. "Yes, yes." Roger stuttered. He might not get out of herealive.
She'd told him! Roger had read in horror of neo-Nazi shit in the
papers, and God knows what would happen here if he didn't give this
lunatic the money and get un-handcuffed FAST.

Hans pulled out a whiteenvelope which contained two thousand dollars.
Roger's intent had been to take five hundred out of it, and present it
to Hans, and then to dismiss him quickly. But Hans opened the envelope
and looked at the cash, and then put the entire thing in his pants
pocket. "Thank you so much, Congressman." Roger huffed, "Well,wait
you can't?" Hans waved the paddle again, landing it once again on
Roger's right cheek this time WHACK!  Roger gritted his teeth. "You
talk much too much, Congressman Malvern. American politicians are how
you say? Long winded?" Hans smiled.

 "So now you'llunlock me? Why don't you.." Malvern choked  as Hans
once again gesture to the arm-rest. "Now you will bend over thesofa."
Malvern almost shrieked. "But I just gave you two thousand dollars to
unlock me? What's wrong with you?" Hans looked confused. "No, noyou
say you want to give money to my favorite charity. I give to
Children's Hospital, which helped my baby seester with cornea
operation. Is that not what you wanted?" Hans' blue eyes were open in
seeming astonishment. Roger tried to smile. "No, that's a nice way of
saying I'm giving you a gift, in return for your cooperation in
letting me loose, don't you know?" Roger was sweating now. Was this
man a complete idiot?

"Oh, you bribeme."Hans nodded, still smiling. "Yes!" Roger said, too
eagerly. "And-and maybe there's more where that came from?sometime."
If he could just get unlocked and his clothes on, he'd call security.
This was insane. But as Roger looked down, his cock was near to
bursting. Hans looked at Roger's cock too, and smiled still more.
"Miss Simone authorize me to give you fiftywhacks with Thudder. That
is suitable punishment for not writing all your lines."

 "But she say, if you threaten or bribe, it is one hundred whacks,and
another twenty-five with cat." Hans looked in the suitcase and pulled
out Simone's old coiled cat o' eighteen tails. Roger remembered it
well, he'd almost gone into shock at theFlagellation Seminar and had
later gotten four stitches on his inner thigh. And she'd only hit him
ten times with the cat o' eighteen tails then. (Of course ten times
eighteen is oh God)

"So, is bribe or giftfor my charity?" Hans asked again, smiling. "Oh,
a gift, Master Hans." Roger said hurriedly. "I am fully in supportof
Children's Hospital, and I hope you can donate it to them, and of
course I expect my full punishment of only fifty whacks, sir."
Perspiration ran down Roger's face. He breathed a sigh of relief when
Hans put the cat back in the suitcase.  Roger sighed as Hans picked up
the paddle again, waving it sunnily, his cheerful smile once again in
evidence. Roger moved to the armrest mechanically, bending over. Oh,
he hoped it wouldn't be too miserable.

"Ach, I forgetsome-sing" Hans said in his odd pronunciation. "Stand
back from couch, please."  Hans halted Roger with his hand and  went

into the suitcase, pulling out a peculiar looking chain in a Y shape.
Two longer ends of the chain enjoined into one thicker end, and at the
ends of the first two chains were vicious little clamps. "Oh, I can't
do clamps" Roger protested feebly. "My nipples are too sensitivenow.
Simone used to use them on me quite frequently, but my doctor?I can't,
really." Roger backed up as Hans approached with the chains, still

God, he has such a ghastlysmile, Roger thought. Suddenly, Hans
reached out and grasped the middle aged legislator tightly by the
scalp and pulled him close. Grinning, Hans whispered. "You are quite a
taxing submissive, Malwicz. You irritate your Uncle Hans, Ja?" Roger
choked. "You must stand still for the clamps now, sir." Goddamnit,he
didn't have to take this. He was a United States Congressman. "Look,
I'm going to scream for security. Are you aware of my position?"

Hans grinned widely andtightened his grasp on Roger's scalp,pulling
it back so Roger had to stare up into the fluorescent office lights.
Just as Roger's eyes were starting to sting, Hans turned Roger's head
towards him. Smiling, Hans said softly, "Perhaps I push you out in
hallway of
House Longworth Building for all the other congressmen and
congressional aides-- pretty office girls to see?what a crybaby you
are. That will help in next years re-election,ja?" Roger could hear
Hans' German accent thickening as the young man spoke even more softly
in his ear.
 "You don't know how much trouble you are in, son." Rogersaid, using
the steady tone he'd used with Arafat, Edwin Meese, Bork and so many
other so-called threateners. Roger felt his head turned even closer to
Hans' leering face. Hans spoke again "I am diplomat's son and Phi Beta
Kappa graduate of Georgetown University, it is doubtful that I am
deported or even jailed for making a fool of you." Hans considered.
"Perhaps I take pictures of you to send press, yes? Or will you stand
still for clamps like a good boy?"

Dumbly, Congressman RogerMalvern held still for the clamps, which
felt as if they would tear off his nipples as Hans carefully put them
on. Then, Hans attached a five pound weight to the single chain that
enjoined the clamp chains, and Roger had to close his eyes, muttering
Buddhist chants to withstand the horrific drag on his tender tits.
Roger felt as if his chest was about to be ripped into the ground.

Suddenly, his eyes stillclosed, Roger felt an especial drag on his
nipples, and opened them in horror to find Hans gaily hitting the five
pound weight with the paddle he called the Thudder. As Roger batted
the weight, Roger struggled in vain against his cuffs.  "I practicemy
tennis serve" explained the boy happily. "Please?Master?Hans?mercy,
Sir." Roger got out in a hoarse voice. Finally, Hans stopped swinging
the Thudder.

Clapping Roger on theback, which of course jounced the weight yet
again, Hans explained " You see, CongressmanMalvern, when Mrs.
Kendalls says she demands 1,000 sentences a day, that is what she
wants. She is a woman of her word." Roger nodded silently, a tear
rolling down his cheek. "Now you will bend over the couch please."
Hans gesticulated again, and Roger moved slowly to the couch and bent
over once more.

Hans moved slowly toRoger's back, and noted his erection was pressing
out between his legs. "Oh, this is not good. Mrs. Kendall did not want
to have this be a sexual experience, she say, andyour pee-pee is
still hard, even though a man is here disciplining you." Hans shook
his head. "You must be somewhat of a faggy-boy, Congressman." Roger
didn't bother to deny this, it was all too much. "Can you make this
penis soft for Hans, please?"

Roger tried hard, thinkingof baseball scores, Subcommittee hearing
testimonies, various filibusters he'd sat through, Orrin Hatch's face,
but nothing seemed to be calming his rampant erection. "You are not
obeying Hans." The young man sounded displeased for the first time
since he'd come in the office an hour before. Hans walked to where a
chart and pointer were sitting, and picked up the pointer, slashing it
through the air. He then moved back to Roger's behind and took Roger's
erect, large penis with one hand, toying with it, and then let go of

Hans had perfect aim, itseemed and the pointer landed three times
sharply, right on Roger's glans, at the very tip of his penis. Roger's
eyes rolled back in his head and he screamed. "Oh no, you mustn't
shout." Hans went into the suitcase again and pulled out a ball gag,
locking this around Roger's head. "That is all we need, a lot of
disruption." Hans gagged Roger and returned to operations with the
pointer. SWACK SWACK SWACK SWACK! Finally Roger's penis was limp, and
Hans seemed satisfied. "Very good. You understand   Mrs. Kendall
cannot have any sexual pleasure coming from this." Hans explained this

"And now, finally, wegive you the Thudder." Hans picked up the thick
wooden paddle and lifted it above Roger's quivering bottom. WHACK!
WHACK! WHACK! Hans methodically landed the paddle fifty times,
alternating from the right cheek to the left, and words cannot
describe Roger's pain. In addition to the slams from the paddle, the
jouncing of Roger's body was causing the five pound weight at the end
of the chain from his nipples to bounce, and he screamed in vain
against his gag. After twenty-five whacks, Hans paused. "My goodness,
your bottom looks very red, Malwicz." Roger winced at the name.

"Are you ashamed ofyour heritage, Malwicz?" Hans chucked Roger under
the chin as he bent over the couch, weeping through his gag. Hans
strolled over to the suitcase and pulled out what looked to be a
beanie cap like Roger had worn as a freshman in Alpha Tri Zeta, back
Princeton in 1964. "This is yarmulke,my Raveh." Hans said gently.
Roger gasped. Raveh had been his Hebrew name just before he'd
converted with the family to Episcopalianism! But he wasn't Jewish,
Roger wanted to protest, his mother was a Gentile so he wasn't
technically?He could see his grandfather's contemptuous look again.

Roger felt Hans put theyarmulke on the back of his head, and return
to his behind. Hans lifted the paddle again, and gave Roger the final
twenty-five whacks. SLAM! SLAM! WHACK! WHACK! Finally, it was over.
Hans put the Thudder back in the suitcase, and gently helped Roger up,
his face looking concerned. "It was a harsh punishment, ja?" Hans
unlocked Roger's handcuffs, and removed his ball gag tenderly, and
took off the nipple clamps. "You must stand still while I replace the
cock-cage." Roger stood still and Hans locked the cock cage back on.
Hans stood up again. "Was it so bad liebchen?" he asked

Roger began crying softlyand Hans took Roger's silver head in his
hands. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't do the lines, Master." Roger sobbedas
Hans stroked his hair. "There there, Raveh, you are a goot boy, no?
This help you learn what your priorities are, yes? You will not
neglect lines again, Raveh." Roger nodded and sobbed against the
German's shoulder. It was such a relief?he hadn't cried like this
since his tenth year. Certainly his parents had never physically
punished Roger; indeed, they'd given him whatever he liked?this was a
new experience. He was contrite.

"Now you will writeyour two hundred remaining lines, while Uncle Hans
has a cigarette yes?" Hans smiled and propped his feet on the table,
and Roger bent on his knees and wrote the lines he had neglected the
day before and handed them to Hans. Hans smiled, and put them in his
briefcase. "You may dress now, Congressman Malvern, and perhaps I will
not have to visit you again?"

 "Wait."Roger begged. "What is it?" Hans asked with his familiar
smile. "Will you let me?" Roger pointed at Hans' crotch."Please?"
Hans smiled again and unbuckled his belt. He had put his turtleneck
and jacket back on, but he unzipped his pants and dropped them, and
sat back down in the chair, lighting another cigarette as Raveh
Malwicz moved his head between Hans' legs, taking Hans' long pink
penis between his eager lips.
 want more?



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Meeting Master

Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...

1 year ago
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Meeting Master

Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...

2 years ago
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A Master8217s Wish

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… My newly proclaimed Master wanted something of me that would prove that I was ready for his collar. I have few taboos in my life, no children, water sports, animals, and no incest. The taboo that my...

2 years ago
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My Master Part 1

Chapter 1 You woke up Friday morning before the alarm went off. You did not sleep much last night. Master didn’t touch you at all. Even on the nights that he doesn't use you for his pleasure he will usually rub your pussy or finger your ass before he falls off to sleep, getting you wet and wanting more. Master likes to tease you, to make you want him even more. Even when he teaches you how to be a good pet for him, he leaves you wanting more of the pain he inflicts on you. Your body aches as...

1 year ago
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Blue collar Master white collar slave

Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN  This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now.  PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...

4 years ago
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Officially Owned by Master

Friday ? 6:00 p.m.?alexia runs through a mental checklist making sure she has completed everything and?that all is?in order for her to leave her?apartment unattended for the next two weeks as she is taking a trip to her new Master's house. she is very much looking forward to the trip because it will be her first trip to His house, with Him as her official Master. she met her Master several months previously on the internet, but it had quickly evolved past online into real life situations....

2 years ago
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Master and Mr Sybian

Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started a couple of days ago. Master Paul and I had been having problems for a while - no matter what I did, it didn't seem to be what He wanted. After being chewed out, and being told I didn't do this right or didn't do that right, I started getting fed up. Can you blame me? I mean a sub can only take so much! So I started messing up on purpose - I figured if I was going to get blamed for it anyway, ya know? But I guess Master Paul had finally...

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A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War II

A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War IINote by Jennifer Suzuki:  She was a petite, elegantly dressed Japanese woman in her later twenties.  We had met over lunch.  Me and my white boyfriend; she and her white boyfriend.  She looked elegant, but her dress was conservative and plain, without any urban panache and yet radiant with modesty and intelligence.  Her boyfriend was much taller than she was, overbearing, muscular, with crew cut dark brown...

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Master Rewards his Cunt Pig

Master Rewards his Cunt PigI had been Master’s property for over two years before he rewarded me with my number one sexual fantasy for being such a good slave.  Over the past two years I had been my Master’s slave in training.  Within the first two months I was ordered to move in with him so my training could progress to being full time and my only priority in life.  I was thrilled beyond belief when Master told me this was going to happen and as of this point I had formally become His...

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Sissy gets a black master

Sissy Gets A Black MasterI got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked andpunished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe thatall those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merelyexchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the nextminute, that very man was at my door, in my home, and then inside mybody. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who lookedto be about ten years my junior, had taken me...

1 year ago
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Ashen Master 2

After he used my name, I thought it was all over with, and it left me so frazzled that I spoke without thinking, asking him questions like that about his past because it felt like something had definitely happened there. The more I learned about him, the more it seemed clear that he was capable extreme violence. Strangely, I couldn’t say that I had any fear of that violence. Whatever it was, I knew that he wouldn’t ever truly hurt me. He was too steady, too calm. Even when his crop felt like...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Master Chapter 2 Rerun

“Oh god………” I asked in a squeaky voice. I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was laying next to me caressing my chest and stomach. My cock was not even paying attention to what my brain was trying to tell it. It was rock hard and ready for more. “Hmm baby, seems like someone is happy to see me. Think I can get some more of that lovely cream from the source?” she asked as she started kissing her way down my chest and stomach. When she reached my cock head she kissed it and...

2 years ago
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Master X

Master X: Welcome back to my chat room little Amy. What may I do for you today? Amy” I need to submit to a forceful dominant male like I told you before. It’s taken a long time for me to accept this but I’m ready now. Master X: I see, are you interested in a stirring encounter soon? Amy: Oh yes Master X. I’ve heard about you from a few other girls on Adult Friend finder and a few bondage sites. They say you’re super hot. Master X: Of course I can cum to you but I recommend...

4 years ago
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First Visit To The Master And His Men

While the transition from reading the internet advertisement to her present position of being bound and suspended by her wrists from the metal rings set in the ceiling of The Master’s playroom had been easy for Gloria, it had also been time consuming. Establishing new contacts always seemed to work out that way, if in fact they worked out at all. The classical music surged through the room but Gloria didn’t really hear it. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how she so willingly came to be in...

3 years ago
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In Search of Master Exeter

In Search of Master Exeter by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Celine was bored: bored with teaching, bored with being single, bored with life in general. A bored woman is a woman looking for trouble and the place to look for trouble is on the Internet. Celine found all she could want in the form of a little advertisement on a site called, ? It began simply enough one spring day. She came home from school, bored practically to death, having struggled to teach four...

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My Master Part 2

Chapter 4   Master picks Vicky up, the plug firmly in her tight black ass, tosses her on his shoulder and leads the way to the basement, to your special room.   What Master has done with your room in the basement is incredible. An 18th century dungeon meets Star Wars. All the traditional equipment is there, various racks, horses, a cross, two stockades, four cages of different sizes and two bondage beds, but everything is automated. Each piece of equipment adjusts for different body types...

2 years ago
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My Master Part 2

Chapter 4   Master picks Vicky up, the plug firmly in her tight black ass; tosses her on his shoulder and leads the way to the basement, to your special room.   What Master has done with your room in the basement is incredible. An 18th century dungeon meets Star Wars. All the traditional equipment is there, various racks, horses, a cross, two stockades, four cages of different sizes and two bondage beds, but everything is automated. Each piece of...

1 year ago
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Dinner At Master Ls

NOTES: Please don’t give me a negative rating without at least telling me how to improve. Same goes for positive ratings. Thank you. ^^ Every feedback is treasured to me. Oh, and this story is dedicated to PervertBiYoungGuy, who's been a constant help and cheerful contributer to these stories. ^_^ Hope you enjoy, sweetie! ___________________________________________________________________ The room was beautiful. Sweeping velvet curtains hung majestically over the windows,...

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Master M

This is the first time that I have tried my hand that this form of story. I hope that it is to your liking. I am hoping that this may turn into a set of stories. Please take a moment at the end of your read to cast a vote. I do know that it has been a long time since I have posted but writing is something that is never rushed and always savored.*It was a fairly warm January night here in Texas when I pulled my car into the new club in town. This was just the second time that I had come into...

3 years ago
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A Kitten and Her Master

Megan struggled to make it to the end of the hallway while balancing the full breakfast tray. Not only had adding her captor’s desired amount of creamer brought the coffee’s level to the brim of the mug, the chain linking the leather cuffs on her ankles only allowed for about 18 inches of movement. It also would have been easier to hold the tray by the edges, but the chain binding her wrists was even shorter, forcing her to carry the whole thing palm-up in the middle. She stopped and took a...

4 years ago
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Master and us part 2

Master turns back to the door and opens it…………………………….. Not daring to turn my head again all I hear is Master’s voice – the same tone he used on me. ‘Go and stand in the middle of the room, now My slut.’ She must have opened her mouth to say something to Master, as I hear His sharp reply, ‘I did not ask you to speak slut, I told you to go and stand in the middle of the room, don’t make me tell you twice.’ I hear my sister walk behind me, I know she’ll be standing in the same spot that I had...

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Stay the Course Part 6 Meeting Master John and the cabbie

Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...

2 years ago
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Master and us part 2

Master turns back to the door and opens it................................... Not daring to turn my head again all I hear is Master’s voice - the same tone he used on me. "Go and stand in the middle of the room, now My slut." She must have opened her mouth to say something to Master, as I hear His sharp reply, "I did not ask you to speak slut, I told you to go and stand in the middle of the room, don’t make me tell you twice." I hear my sister walk behind me; I know she’ll be standing in the...

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Master Johns Sissy Secretary

Master John's Sissy Secretary by Melissa FCD The intercom buzzes and my boss's voice booms out loud and clear. "Melissa I want you in here in ten minutes to take dictation. And bring me some coffee." "Yes sir Mr. Thomas, I'll be in there in ten minutes with your coffee sir" I reply. I get up to make a fresh pot of coffee. As I walk to the coffee maker my suntan colored nylons rub against each other at my thighs making a soft whispering sound. My four inch navy pumps...

2 years ago
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Accidental Master pt 1 edited

Accidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...

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Stay the Course Part 6 Meeting Master John and the cabbie

Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...

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40 Dawns Sale to a tempory master

40 Dawns Sale to a tempory master Dawn had been sub to Ray now for a couple of years; her husband was still happy with the situation and had been wearing her chastity device for some time as well. One afternoon Dawn received a call from Ray saying he was coming round at 7 that evening. Duly they readied them-selves for his arrival expecting some form of sexual evening, Andy by removing all her clothing and placing her cuffs round her wrists and ankles, She, by settling herself...

4 years ago
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Accidental Master pt 1

Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once she had a hold on my leg, she wasn't about to let go. "Master!" she cried out. "Who are you talking to?" I asked, warily looking around. ...

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Masters Double Subbing The Conclusion

The slave was so tired and it could not imagine what else that Master could have planned. It was late and it knew that the lady had to be leaving soon. She already had informed Master and slave that she could not stay the whole night because of prior committments. She had one more request of Master before she was fixing to get ready to leave and that was to have the slave eat her pussy one more time. Master ordered the slave to do what the lady asked. The lady laid down on the bed and opened up...

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Master Master Part 11

Part 1: That fluffy tail in my face was familiar, sweeping against my nose over and over again, smelling like dust. As a cat owner, I was used to waking up in this way, my furry roommate, Momo, sprawled out on my chest, waiting for me to feed her. But only the tail was familiar, the actual weight seemed way off. Whatever was on top of me was making it next to impossible to breathe. I raised my head as much as I could, and looking down my chest, my eyes fell on a very unfamiliar sight. Instead...

4 years ago
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Life Changing Slave Master 21

NOTE: Comments on the story not the grammar or spelling are welcome. I left Pamela chained and hobbled in the slave cell. I could not stop thinking about her submissive declaration. I knew that she said it to avoid more pain for her training but felt like she in a sense was broken and accepted her fate as a slave. I decided to see if she would actually behave as a true slave giving me her total submission. With this decision I rose the following morning, checked the monitor finding...

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Master takes slave Pixie to the Doctor

It was obvious from the moment they arrived that this was not an ordinary medical practice. First, it was located in a large house with a very long driveway. A tall fence surrounded the entire property and it was miles from anything else. Within the fence it was almost like a forest. There was no way anyone would see inside the house without permission. The front gate had an actual guard stationed 24 hrs a day. Honestly it gave Pixie the creeps, but she trusted her Master enough to have...

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Dear Master

Dear Master It is a long time since Cum Girl has watched a sunrise and she has never before watched one in her garden naked, gagged, tied to a drainpipe, stood over a pool of her own cum, her mouth drooling, her body covered in wax, her arse filled with ice and her thighs coated with her own juices.? She considers herself very fortunate to have such a caring and inventive Master who makes her every waking hour more pleasurable than she could ever have imagined.? She hopes that, as you...

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Master part 2

Note from the author: After reading through all of the comments on part 1 I couldn't resist sitting down and continuing this story! Thank you very much for the kind words and helpful suggestions everyone! This part is hopefully improved over the last, but with the same theme that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and make suggestions and I will happily take them into account for part 3 :) Master part 2 Would work never end? Time seemed to slow down...

2 years ago
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The True MasterChapter 3 Process Hang

Jan 16 2016: Opening my eyes I was treated to the same dream I had woken to every morning for the past week. Kate was in my lap, her mouth around my cock slowly moving up and down brining me out of my sleep. Looking up to see that I was awake I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes and she quickened her pace. I remained still and let her work acutely aware that only one of her hands was at my cock the other between her own legs. The act of giving head was almost enough...

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Master Master Part 21

"Didn't I tell you I was feeling sick yesterday? What do you mean you don't remember? I definitely remember telling you. Well look, I'm not coming in today. Whatever I ate, it's coming out both ends. I'm glued to my toilet. What are you, nuts? I don't even want to get in my car, let alone my cubicle. Yes, I swear it's the truth. Ok, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up the phone and Momo pounced on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and purring like a Ferrari. "My boss...

2 years ago
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The Estate of Master David

THE ESTATE OF MASTER DAVIDChapter 1Julie knelt at the Master’s bedside with tears streaming down her face.  Master was dying.His family was here now, and for the moment they were all one in their grief.  Yet even now Master’s son, Eric, regarded Julie as an interloper in this most private of moments.None of that mattered to Julie as she stared at her master.  None of them would understand the intimacy she shared with Master David.  They only saw a 78 year old man and a 32 year old woman; a...

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Master Karl8217s dog

Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...

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