Your Master Requires Your Attendance
- 2 years ago
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Your Master RequiresYour Presence
Cathy leaned back in her seat, resigned to her fate. Inhindsight, it had been foolish and stupid, she knew better. But she had doneit anyway, and now she must pay the price. If she had only stopped to think,listened, made the effort to understand, none of this would have been necessary.As she sat there, under the guard's watchful eye, she thought back, wasit really only a day ago ?
It had been a Friday afternoon. Cecilia had called aboutthe party, all their friends would be there, and Cathy looked forward to it.She had gone to her Master, told him about the party, how excited she was aboutit, and then waited expectantly. When he had said the simple, "No, yourMaster requires your presence elsewhere" with no other explanation, shewas in shock. She had gone back to the living room to sit and think, gettingangrier and angrier. If Master thinks so little of me, she thought, perhapsa weekend without me is what he needs.
That was the fateful decision. She rushed into the bedroom,threw some clothes in a bag, and headed for her car. A quickly scrawled note, "Gonefor the weekend," was the only indication of her plans. She headed forthe freeway, determined to go somewhere, anywhere, but far from her Master.
Heading down the freeway, there was the sign, "LosAngeles 300 Miles." Perfect, a weekend on the beach, and her Master would neverfind her there. Her destination set, and her fate sealed, Cathy headed forthe City of Angels. Six hours later she was in Newport, deciding where to stay.A familiar hotel, a chance cancellation, her trusty credit card, and she hada hotel for the weekend. She went up to her room, unpacked her bag, laid backon the bed to rest after the long drive, and promptly fell asleep.
Waking at 2 a.m., she felt restless, too awake to go backto sleep, and besides, she had the entire weekend to herself. She did feela bit apprehensive, worried about how her Master would react. Certainly hehad long since found her note. She shrugged, smiled, and decided to take amoonlight drive along the beach.
Cathy showered and put on a casual dress. She grabbed herpurse and headed for the underground garage. Although the hour was late, sheremembered the attendant at the entrance and thought it would be safe. Goingdown the elevator, she again thought about her Master, the confrontation sureto happen when she got back. She knew her Master was a powerful, influentialman with ties to many organizations; in fact it was part of his attraction.She wasn't too sure just how he would react to her unplanned excursion. Afterall, she had pledged herself to him, his obedient and unquestioning submissivegirl, with no limits on what he might demand of her. When she got back he wouldbe more appreciative of her. She smiled, thinking of all the clichésabout absence makes the heart grow fonder and you never miss it till you nolonger have it.
Exiting the elevator, she entered the garage and headedfor her car. Always careful, she checked for strangers loitering or suspiciouscars. The garage was nearly full since it was a weekend, but no one was thereat the moment. She could see the outline of the attendant at the entrance.Satisfied, she headed for her car.
At the car door, she started to open her purse to get thekeys, when a large strong arm circled around her from behind, pinning her armsto her side. She started to scream, yell for help, but the other arm came up,forcing a gag into her mouth. She started to struggle, readying a kick, whenthe man pulled her back, off balance. Just then a van pulled up, the door open,and a second large heavyset man jumped out, grabbing her legs. They quicklybundled her into the van, slammed the door shut, and began driving away. Shestruggled, trying to twist out of their grip, but they were too strong. Ithad been too fast for her to react or call out to the attendant, and the sideof the van blocked his view of what had happened. She felt the van go up thegarage entrance ramp and out into the street.
Inside the two men held her face down on the carpeted floorof the van. Quickly her arms were pulled behind her back, and she heard andfelt the familiar click of handcuffs on her wrists, followed by some kind ofclosely fitting hobbles on her ankles. One man bent over her, whispered inher ear, "your Master requires your presence."
A cold chill ran through her on hearing those words. Instinctivelyshe stopped struggling, allowing the men to continue without any resistanceon her part. She now knew what was happening. The whispered rumors when shehad visited with the other girls at special parties. Bounty hunters… slavecatchers . Her Master had reacted swiftly indeed.
How had they found her so quickly? Then she realized, thecredit card, pointing right to her hotel. Her Master had the contacts to findher, to have her brought back to him, and he had used them. She had underestimatedhis reaction to her disobedience. The men who had kidnapped her must have beenwaiting in the garage for hours, on the off chance she would come out alone.
While one man held her down, the other quickly and efficientlysearched her, even to removing her shoes and jewelry. She pulled slightly onthe handcuffs, testing them. From prior experience she knew she would not beslipping them. They were on her wrists snugly but not too tight, with justenough space to allow for circulation. She was not going to be able to escapetheir hold. She and her Master had played with handcuffs many times. She hadnever been able to free herself.
After the search was finished, the men pulled waist chainsattached to the handcuffs around her body, locking them together in front ofher. Her wrists were now held close against her back. With the hobbles, reallynothing more than oversize handcuffs, fastened securely on her ankles she couldbarely move. Bound hand and foot she was easily controlled by her captors.Satisfied she could offer no resistance, one of the kidnappers helped her toa kneeling position.
Forced to turn to the back of the van, she saw a seat facingthe rear door. One of the men picked her up and placed her in it. Quickly hefastened the seat belt and shoulder straps, immobilizing her, then attachedthe linking chain of her ankle hobbles to a ring on the van floor. Cathy pulledagainst her restraints, but in a few seconds it was obvious her abductors hadcome well prepared, there was no hope that she could reach the buckles of thestraps to free herself. These men were professionals; they wouldn't make mistakeslike allowing her to escape that easily.
Sitting in the back facing the rear of the van, both ofthe men watching her every move, Cathy began to realize just how serious amistake she had made. She had disobeyed, even run away. Now she had learnedher Master would not tolerate such behavior. Sitting there, bound and helpless,heading to an unknown destination, to face certain punishment from a strictMaster, she felt a slow panic growing within her.
Could she bribe the guards? She turned to the one besideher, began explaining how it wasn't her fault, a misunderstanding, couldn'tthey free her and let her return to her Master? "Quiet, or you get a gagagain, this time for the rest of the trip," was all the closer man said.The other man, behind her, had never said a word.
At that point she came to accept that matters were now beyondher control. She settled back in the seat, made herself as comfortable as possiblewithin the restraints, and awaited her fate. Wherever they were taking her,it was outside the city. Already she had heard the traffic noise drop off.The back of the van had no windows, so she had no idea where they were going.She had lost track of direction as the van drove through the city streets.She was sure they were now on a freeway since the van was at speed and notstopping for lights, but she had no idea which freeway or in what direction.The front driver's section was partitioned off so she couldn't see out thefront windshield, and there were no windows in the back. Very thorough on theirpart; no one could see her and no one would hear her over the noise on thefreeway if she tried to scream for help.
They drove for hours with not a word spoken by anyone. Shewas sure there were at least three men in the van, the driver plus the twowatching her. None of them said a word to each other, communications were bylooks and gestures. By all appearances they were a well-practiced team. Theyhad certainly done everything right when they abducted her. After what seemedto be several hours the van slowed, then pulled off the freeway down an offramp. She heard the man sitting directly behind her get out, and then closethe side door. She started to look over her shoulder, but the man to her sidetold her to keep facing toward the rear door. There were faint sounds, as ifa heavy gate were being moved, then the van pulled forward a short distance.Again the sounds of a gate, then she heard the second man opening the sidedoor and get back in. The van began moving again, still on a paved road butslower now.
Cathy had thought the trip was nearly over, but they keptgoing, perhaps another hour or more. All this time, she had not heard any passingtraffic. Wherever they were heading, it was isolated. She was sure the stophad been to open a gate, so it was a safe assumption they were on some kindof private road. When the van door was open the outside air felt warm, so theywere probably not in the mountains. She wasn't sure of the time but it waspossible they had driven all the way to the desert. That would explain thetemperature, the straight roads, and the lack of traffic.
Again they came to a stop. The man behind her got out, thenclosed the door. Cathy had tried once more to turn and see where she was, butthe darkness hid everything. The guard next to her said nothing this time asshe tried to look. She could hear voices talking outside the van, even heardher name once, but could not understand what was said. All this time she hadbeen trying to move around, but the restraints held her close, so the remainingguard did nothing, although his eyes never left her. She had thought aboutcalling out for help, but since her guard seemed unconcerned she would cryout that told her it would be pointless.
The conversation outside stopped as she heard the latchon the rear door of the van. It opened, and standing there in the light fromthe back van door was her Master. She started to speak, but he cut her offwith one sentence, "I requires your presence, for an accounting." Thewords struck Cathy like a blow. She had disobeyed her Master, run away, nowshe had been brought to him to explain her actions. In her heart she knew shebelonged to him, and she must now answer to him for what she had done.
"Release her," came the short, clipped command.The guard next to her released the seat belt and shoulder straps holding herin the chair. The man stopped, looked over to her Master, waited for a nod,then took out a small key and unlocked the hobbles around her ankles. Leaningover her, he released the lock holding the waist chains close around her body.Finally, the guard pushed her forward, then reached behind her and unlockedthe steel handcuffs encircling her wrists.
She was free of her bonds, but as she gazed up to her Master,she saw the look in his eyes, felt his power over her. She sat very still,hands folded in her lap, head down, waiting for his command. "Out of thevan, stand before me," he ordered, pointing to a spot near him. She immediatelymoved to obey, hoping she could somehow still please him, to somehow placatehis visible anger at her disobedience.
She climbed out of the van and stood up, stumbling a bitas her sore body protested at the sudden activity after being confined forthe trip. Then she recovered her balance and stood at the spot where her Masterhad ordered her. She turned to face him, mindful of her posture, keeping herback straight, her hands at her side, legs slightly apart, and her head down.She dared not speak, for she has not been granted permission to do so. He hadtaught her to stand that way.
Her Master gestured to the guard who had sat beside herall during the trip to this lonely, isolated location. He handed an envelopeto the bounty hunter, "Good work, fast and efficient. As always your organizationprovides exemplary service."
"Thank you sir, your generous retainer guarantees weare available to you at any time," and then the men got in the van anddrove off. Cathy was surprised at the word retainer .It seemed her Master had anticipated her actions even before she had decidedto run off. Somehow he had known she would disobey and leave him without permission,and had planned for the moment.
As the van left, she saw for the first time she was standingin the driveway in front of a small building, nestled against the side of amountain, seemingly built right into the hillside. Other than the buildingand the road, all she could see was barren desert and high mountains. The predawnlight revealed little of the building, a single door in the front, what appearedto be a garage door on one side, and nothing else, no windows. Her Master turnedback to her. Cathy looked at his eyes for a moment before quickly loweringher eyes, unable to meet his gaze. "Remove your clothing, now." As quicklyas she could, off came her dress and underwear, in a neat pile beside her.Finished, she stood before him as before, arms at her side, legs slightly apart,and her head still down, open and vulnerable to her Master. She was gratefulhe had waited till the van left with the men inside. Still, she felt uncomfortablebeing outside without any clothing.
She stood there several minutes, illuminated in the dawn,waiting to be told what would be required of her. Her Master made no move.He looked at her, saying nothing, then slowly walked around her, inspecting.She stood very straight, very still, knowing she was being judged. He stopped,close in front of her, then reached behind his back and produced a pair ofplain handcuffs. He stood there, looking at her, cuffs in one hand, as if waitingfor something.
At first she was confused. What did he want of her? Thenshe knew precisely what he was waiting for. She held out her hands, wristsslightly apart, waiting to be bound, submitting herself to her Master's authority.He paused a moment, looking closely at her, then locked her wrists together.He held the connecting chain in his hand, controlling her. He turned, and beganleading her toward the building door.
She had no choice but to follow as he pulled her behindhim. He stopped at the door, a buzzer sounded and then he pushed open the doorand pulled her in behind him. Inside was a counter, with a uniformed man sittingbehind it, and a heavy steel door set into the wall behind him. "Listencarefully Cathy," her Master ordered.
"Your behavior has not been pleasing to your Master.Not only did you disobey, but also you left without permission, you ran awayfrom me. There is no excuse for this. Perhaps I have been lax in my discipline,in overseeing your training. In the past I have been lenient, understandingof your needs, but no more. Now you will learn what your Master demands fromyou."
"This is a special training school, for those girlswho have not responded properly to an indulgent Master. Rules here are strict,no exceptions allowed, no excuses accepted. You will be told what to do, andyou will stay here until you have learned how to act in a proper manner. I'mnot giving you a choice, so pay attention to what I'm telling you. As yourMaster I decide what is best for you. At this moment I believe the best placefor you is this school, regardless of where you want to go or what you wantto do. You may not like it; in fact I can guarantee you will not enjoy thisexperience. You will do it anyway.
"And you will remain here for as long as necessary.This is a secure facility. It is built underground, and you are at its onlyentrance. It is over a hundred miles from the nearest highway, across emptydesert. No one has ever left here until her Master has approved her release."
A shiver ran through Cathy's body on hearing those wordsdelivered in the harsh tones underlying her Master's irritation at what shehad done. "Not pleasing to your Master," words she had hoped neverto hear. She had failed in what she most desired to give to her Master. "Remainhere" was an ominous phrase too. The full impact of what she had donesuddenly hit her. She had broken her pledge of submission, to her one trueMaster, without asking for her release. She had asked for no limits, givenherself freely and totally to him, and now she knew she must face any punishmenthe chose for her, for she could not live without him.
"Turn and face the wall. Hands above your head, againstthe wall. Spread your legs," he ordered, pushing her ankles apart withhis foot. "Good, remain in that position, do not move," he commandedas he went to the counter where the attendant handed him a heavy box.
Her Master reached in and took out an oval metal ring, slightlylarger than her neck, about an inch high, hinged on one side, a lock on theother. She recognized it immediately, her collar, the one she wore for specialoccasions, as a token of her Master's ownership. He opened it, slid it aroundher neck and closed it, the "click" of the lock loud in the smallanteroom. "This time, it doesn't come off at the end of the day. Thistime, it doesn't come off, period." She felt the weight of the steel pressagainst her throat. She had worn it many times before, but only for short periodsof a few hours, once overnight, but never more than a day. It wasn't uncomfortablebut she wasn't used to the weight and the closeness against her throat.
Then he turned back to the box and pulled out a larger object.At first she wasn't able see it, but as he turned, she saw it from the cornerof her eye, and a sense of dread went through her. Too well she knew the gripof the wide steel band around her waist, the heavy, close-fitting metal shieldbetween her legs, the bar up to the waistband in the back. It was a chastitybelt, her custom-fitted chastity belt. How well she remembered the weekendhe had left it on her, her frustration as he had teased and excited her, herpulling at it, trying to slip it off, to somehow get a finger under the shield.And she remembered her failure, her inability to touch herself, the belt blockingher every attempt. Like the collar she had not worn the belt very often orfor very long at a time, only when her Master wanted to tease and play withher.
"Do not move" he ordered once again, and she washeld motionless by his words. Unlocking the belt, he stood behind her. He unlockedand pulled open the waistband, placing it around her waist, above her hips.Stepping to her side, he reached down, between her legs, and pulled up theshield, locking it in front to the waistband. Her Master stepped back, stillwith a slight smile parting his lips, "This time, it will not come offso quickly. Every minute of the day you will feel your Master's hold on you,in a most intimate way. Perhaps it will give you some incentive to learn.
"I will review your progress at certain intervals.If I am satisfied you are doing your best, meeting my expectations, perhapsI will open the front for brief periods. But if I find otherwise, then it stayson, and it stays locked shut. You will be required to wear the belt, and yourcollar, for as long as you stay here. It will be all you are allowed to wear.Now it is time."
Taking her by one arm, her wrists still imprisoned by thehandcuffs, he led her toward the rear door. The attendant stood and unlockedthe door, pulling it open. Inside was an elevator with another guard waiting.Her Master handed Cathy to the waiting guard, then stepped back. "Master?" shedared to ask, unsure of what was about to happen.
"No, I won't be with you. Learn, do your best, I willvisit you as time permits and your progress warrants. Do as you are told, don'tcause trouble, and don't ask to be released from here. Remember, the only wayyou will leave here is if and when I allow it." Those were her Master's partingwords.
The guard took her arm, pulled her into the elevator andshut the door, cutting her off from the outside world. The elevator car beganmoving down, plunging her into a terrifying yet unknown fate. She did trusther Master, but she also knew he could be unpredictable when she defied him.She had never seen him so upset at her, but as always he was outwardly calm.He would not injure or maim her but she had little doubt whatever awaited herwhen the elevator stopped would not be pleasant.
The elevator car continued its journey downward, takingher to a new and very different world. She stood quietly, looking down at herhands, the handcuffs around her wrists holding them together. She felt theguard's strong grip on her upper arm. She was conscious of how exposed andhelpless she was, her nude body covered only by the chastity belt between herlegs, her Master's collar circling her neck, proclaiming her nature to all.She had no secrets from these men. Knowing she was submissive, they would expecther obedience; take it as a matter of fact. There was a clear hierarchy ofauthority here, and she was at the lowest level.
After what seemed an eternity, the elevator car came toa stop. The inner door opened, revealing a heavy barred gate. Her escort unlockedthe gate with a key attached to his belt. He slid it open to the side. Pressurefrom the guard's grip on her arm forced her out of the elevator into the corridor.He halted her with a pull on her arm, just outside the gate. She stopped andlooked up to him, waiting for instructions. He shut the gate to the elevatorand made sure it was locked before he led her forward, walking down the hallwaytoward another door at the end. They stopped in front of a heavy, solid metaldoor. He opened it with a key, then took her into the room, never letting goof his iron grip on her arm.
In the room was a small table, a steel-barred door to anotherhallway, and a large sign next to it:
Beyond this point, females are required to:
No exceptions are allowed for any reason
Cathy looked at the sign, understanding those posted rulesapplied to her. Silent till now, her guard, a "Warden" they werecalled, spoke to her, "Read these rules. Never forget them. We will knowabout any infraction, no matter how minor."
"Yes Sir," she replied, instinctively knowingshe must behave in a respectful manner to the Wardens, hoping it was the properform of address. The Warden did not reply, instead he towed her along withhim to the far door, stopping in front of the close-set steel bars. In a momentyet another Warden appeared, on the other side of the door. Her guard unlockedthe gate, then handed her through, transferring her to the new Warden, thenhe stepped back and closed the door behind her.
Already she had passed through three locked barriers. Nowshe well understood what her master had meant when he said it was a securefacility. Her new Warden took hold of her handcuffs, "Come with me," hecommanded, and led her down yet another corridor, passing several empty cells,until they reached one with a single inhabitant.
Inside was another woman, collared and belted as Cathy was,kneeling in the rear of the small cell, back straight, legs apart, and eyesdown, hands on her thighs. Cathy's Warden pushed her against the bars at thefront of the cell, "Do not move," he ordered. He unlocked the celldoor using a large key on a ring connected to his belt, pulled open the heavysteel door, and then pushed her inside. Noticing the girl on the floor hadnot moved, Cathy stood very still, not sure what was expected of her next.The Warden closed the cell door. Cathy heard the sound of the lock as it latchedshut.
"Turn around," he ordered, and Cathy quickly turnedto face him. "This girl will explain how you are to behave while a guest here.It is in your best interests to listen to her carefully." He turned and walkedoff.
Cathy was left standing there, behind the bars of the smallcell, still wearing the handcuffs. She looked around, at the bare prison conditions.She was starting to feel trapped, closed in, as she grabbed the cell door andtried to push it open. The locked door felt as solid as the walls around her.
"I know just how you feel, I did the same thing." Thevoice behind her suddenly reminded Cathy she was not alone in her captivity. "Hi,my name is Paula, I've been here a while, I can tell you what's going to happen.You aren't going to like it much. My educated guess is that you did somethingto really piss off your Master too?"
"Hi, I'm Cathy, and yes, I sure did something reallystupid, I ran away." Paula's calm, friendly tone brought her back from theedge of panic. Turning, she saw a woman of about her age, and all too obviouslyin the same situation as Paula was dressed in nothing more than a collar andchastity belt, the same as Cathy. She watched as Paula unfolded from her kneelingposition and settled into a more comfortable pose, leaning against the rearwall while sitting.
Paula patted a spot on the floor next to her. "Makeyourself comfortable, we aren't going anywhere for a while", she saidwith a smile. Cathy took a few steps away from the cell door and sat down besidePaula, moving around slightly to find the best way to sit with the belt aroundher. "I know just how it is, it took me weeks to be able to sit down normallywith these 'steel panties' on," Paula laughed, watching Cathy squirm asshe tried to find a comfortable way to sit. "For what it's worth, a while backI was in exactly the same position you are now, so I think I can anticipatemost of your questions."
Paula continued, "Let me fill you in on what you needto know first. Your Master has sent you to a training school, a fancy namefor a prison, so that you will be taught how to properly serve and obey him.I know, you didn't agree to it, but you gave yourself to him completely, nolimits, and now he is holding you to your pledge. It's the same story for allof us. In any case, the only way you can get out of here is if your Mastercomes and takes you out. No one knows where you are, no one is going to rescueyou, and I can assure you that you are not going to escape. Any requests onour part to be released are ignored. I suppose it's illegal, false imprisonment,kidnapping, all of that stuff, but no one here seems to worry about it.
"The guards here, the Wardens, are a humorless bunch.You won't be able to influence them. They decide when you eat, sleep, whereyou go, they watch you all the time. Don't try to be friendly or make smalltalk, they won't even respond. One crucial thing: when they tell you to dosomething, do it, whatever it is, don't hesitate, don't stop to think or askquestions, do it as fast as you can."
"What happens if I don't?" Cathy asked carefully.This was not sounding too good. True, she had given herself without restrictionsto her Master, but not to be locked away in a prison cell deep underground. Andcertainly not to be handed over to strangers. A fantasy game for a day or somight be fun, but to be here for weeks, even months?
"Improper behavior is discouraged," Paula answered,in a lowered voice. "We are not allowed to discuss how it is 'discouraged.'It varies by the girl, but it is never pleasant. I have been subjected to itin the past; I will not tell you about it, it isn't permitted, but I woulddo anything to avoid facing it again."
"Some basics now. You saw the sign at the entrance?About the secured area? Those rules apply to us. We don't get clothes, so thefirst rule is easy. As for the collar, if yours is like mine it's another easyone, Master neglected to leave a key so I could take it off. Same for the chastitybelt, what the Wardens call a control belt, oh yes, it does indeed control .Not likely you will be taking that off on your own either. The other rulesare for when you are moved from one place to another. Outside of a locked celllike this, you have to be escorted by a Warden at all times, and you have tobe in restraints. Considering that a Warden won't even open the door unlesshe has the cuffs on you first, you don't have to worry about wandering aroundthe corridors by yourself."
Cathy sat back, considering what Paula had told her. TheWardens would have total, unrestricted control over her; she would not be ableto put up even a token resistance if they became aggressive. "Paula, theWardens, they are so powerful, do they ever, um, touch you? As a Master would?"
Paula laughed, and then sighed. "No, you needn't worryabout that. Only your Master can make use of you in that way. Besides, theydon't have the key to this." She tapped a finger against the metal shield heldclose against her body by the belt. "No access. It stays closed untilyour Master comes to visit. You are well protected." Paula grimaced, "protectedeven against yourself."
Cathy relaxed, glad that her Master had cared for her enoughto protect her against the Wardens. But as she sat there, pausing for a momentto consider what Paula had just said, an uneasy feeling came over her. Shehad always enjoyed the attention of her Master, sharing their mutual sexualpleasure, virtually on a daily basis. That would not be happening now. Shelooked down at the belt around her own waist, felt the steel between her legs.She put a hand over the front, touching the cool hardness there. Unconsciouslyher fingers went to the side, trying to reach underneath, the tight fit stoppingher. A cold sense of foreboding ran through Cathy's body as she turned to Paula,asking, "Paula, how long have you been here? How long since your Masterlast opened your belt?"
Paula turned to Cathy, hung her head, and in a low voice,barely audible, said, "I don't know precisely, we aren't permitted toknow the date or time, but I think I have been here at least two years. MyMaster has not visited me for at least one year. My belt has remained closedsince his last visit."
Cathy sat there in shock at Paula's words. Incarceratedhere for two years, and more than a year without her Master, Cathy couldn'timagine conditions like that. "How...why...what happened?" Cathyasked.
"I don't know why my Master has not come for me" Paulaanswered. "The Wardens prepare reports on us and send them to our Masters.If the report is favorable, a Master will visit his girl to encourage her.If the report is not favorable, well, your Master doesn't show up. If he doesn'tcome for you, then here you stay. You are not allowed any type of outside communicationat all; you can't even call or write to him. There's no limit on how long anyonestays here."
Paula continued, "You need to know about the classes.We learn from the 'teachers.' Like us, they are submissive females, but theyare here only to help train us. They must follow the same rules we do, butthey have privileges we do not. We are required to follow their orders. Theyare not allowed to strike you, or punish you directly, but they can call aWarden and report you for improper behavior. You don't want that to happen.The Wardens of course have no restrictions on what they can do.
"The teachers have had first hand experience here.They are recruited from former graduates of this very school. Every one wassent here by her Master to learn to serve, now their Masters have sent themback to teach, but not a one is happy to be back here again, and they let usknow it. Be careful around them, they can make life miserable for you, andeven worse, they can influence the progress reports sent to your Master. SometimesI think the reason I have been here so long is that some teacher keeps givingme bad reviews, but I really don't know, we are never allowed to see the reports."
Cathy covered her mouth, hiding a yawn. "I'm sorry,but I was up much of the night coming here. Will we be given some bedding tosleep on?"
"You just broke several rules" Paula admonishedCathy. "You are not allowed to discuss anything prior to coming here.Don't even tell anyone what today's date is, we are not permitted to keep trackof time. As for sleeping, eating, any activity, you do it only when given permissionto do so. No matter how tired you are, don't fall asleep until you have permission.The Wardens will bring something for us to eat, and will take us to dormitorieswhen it is time for us to sleep. Don't ever ask."
Cathy nodded, "Okay, but isn't there anything we cando?"
"You can wait, and obey," Paula shot back immediately. "That'swhat you are here for. Put anything else out of your head. You won't fool themfor a minute. These people are experts. They watch us every minute of the day,listen to every word we say. You can't keep any secrets from them. If you don'tchange, learn what they are teaching you, work as hard as you can, then yourfuture is staring at those bars.
"Now, a Warden will probably be coming soon, with somefood. When you hear the hallway gate open, you must immediately come to a kneelingposition, in the rear of the cell. Face the door in front, keep your back straight,legs apart, hands on thighs, head down, your eyes focused on a point just infront of your knees. Hmm, with handcuffs on just hold your hands in front ofyou, at your waist. Don't speak, and don't move, unless the Warden addressesyou. Stay that way until he has walked past the front of the cell. You willlearn when you can break position. For now, wait until I give you the all clear."
No sooner had Paula spoken than both the girls heard therattle of a key in the hallway gate. Quickly Cathy moved to kneel as Paulahad told her, glancing over at Paula to see if she has missed anything. Sinceher wrists were still handcuffed together she had to hold them in front ratherthan on her thighs as Paula did. At the sound of the Warden's footsteps Cathystraightened her back, then lowered her gaze.
The footsteps stopped. Cathy dared not look up, but shesensed the Warden at the cell door, standing there, inspecting them. A suddenfear grabbed at her, would her position be acceptable? Would the Warden takeher away, to "discourage her improper behavior?" She concentratedon breathing, holding herself motionless, praying that she would be found pleasing.
The Warden motioned behind him to a nearby girl with a smallcart. She came over to the cell door, the chains fastening her ankles togethermaking a faint rattle. She pushed two paper boxes through the cell door bars,then moved quickly back to her cart after a nod from the Warden. He motionedwith his hand for her to follow him as he left.
Cathy and Paula still knelt in position, waiting. Finallythe sound of the hallway gate being shut, and Paula raised her head. "It'sokay to move now, let's eat." Paula stood and picked up the bag lunches onthe floor. Each contained a sandwich and a container of water. "Another rule,you have to eat the entire meal, no matter what it is, and you can't shareany of it with anyone else. You can't save any of it for later either."
Cathy relaxed, returning to her sitting position againstthe wall. As she reached out to take one of the sack lunches from Paula shenoticed her hand trembling. What had happened? She had been terrified to move,afraid she might displease the Warden, a complete stranger. She leaned backagainst the wall, too weak and shaken to move. "I know, take a deep breath,close your eyes for a moment, calm down," came Paula's comforting words. "Tryto eat something. And no, I'm not surprised at your reaction, it happens toall of us. Just try to relax and let it be natural; it will come easier thatway. The Wardens are large powerful, commanding men, all true Dominants; youcan't help but respond to them. And in a very real sense, if you fail to pleasethem, well...," Paula trailed off.
Cathy and Paula sat together, slowly eating, each lost inthought, Paula hoping for the day her Master would return, Cathy hoping shewould be able to survive the days to come. "Is this breakfast, lunch,dinner?" Cathy asked.
"No, don't ask a question like that. It means you aretrying to keep track of the day. We have meals, we go to classes, we sleep,sometimes we have a bit of free time, and if we are very lucky a visit fromour Masters. There is no fixed schedule; we simply do as we are told. I don'tknow what will happen next. We might be taken to a class, or we might be allowedto sleep. We wait; others will make the decision for us. That's part of whatyou need to learn here."
Paula continued to tell Cathy about the rules, no fighting,don't raise your voice, be respectful and pay attention to Wardens and teachersat all times, the list went on and on. "Just remember," Paula summarized, "whenin doubt, wait for someone to tell you what to do. And one other thing. Don'tever try to get around this belt," she emphasized by tapping a fingeron the metal shield covering her. "It isn't easy, but you might be ableto work a finger under it. Don't even think about it. No matter where you are,they will catch you. Trust me, the consequences are not something you everwant to go through."
Cathy jerked her hand away from the edge of the shield,next to her leg. She had been absent-mindedly rubbing it while thinking abouther Master. Cathy looked up, all around the cell, searching for hidden camerasor microphones. Paula noticed her searching and shook her head.
"Don't bother looking. I don't know where they are,but they have to be here somewhere. These days cameras are no bigger than thesize of a pin so there is no way you can find them. Same for microphones. I'msure every room is fully wired and someone is watching. I do know they seemto see and hear everything, no one has ever been able to keep anything secrethere." Paula smiled ruefully, "I found out the hard way."
Again both of them heard the hallway gate, a Warden wascoming. Cathy and Paula quickly knelt. The Warden stopped at the cell door,then in clipped words he ordered, "Both of you, stand and approach thedoor." Paula gracefully rose to her feet, swiftly moving to the door with shortsteps. Cathy stood behind her, trying to copy Paula's graceful movements asbest she could but hampered by the handcuffs on her wrists. Both stopped atthe door, facing the Warden. Neither one moved or spoke, waiting for the nextorder. "You," he pointed to Paula, "turn around. Put your hands behind yourback."
The Warden took out a set of handcuffs from a pouch on hisbelt. He fastened Paula's hands behind her, reaching through the bars. Thenhe turned to Cathy. "Hold out your hands," he ordered. He reached in and unlockedher left wrist. "Turn around, hands behind your back." He locked her wriststogether again, this time behind her back. Then he crouched down, reachingthrough the bars to lock leg chains around Cathy's ankles. He reached overand placed an identical set of leg chains on Paula. Finished with their restraintshe stood again, unlocking their door. He took Paula out first, locking oneend of a chain to Paula's handcuffs, and then motioned for Paula to come throughthe door. He locked the other end of the chain to Cathy's handcuffs, linkingthe two of them together. Very practical, thought Cathy, they couldn't dashoff in opposite directions.
The Warden closed the cell door behind them, and then starteddown the hallway, his hand on Paula's upper arm. Chained together, Cathy hadto follow. She watched Paula closely, trying to emulate her poise and walkas Paula took short quick steps, working within the limits of her leg chainsto keep up with the Warden's pace. Cathy struggled to keep up, her own anklechains sharply limiting her ability to walk.
As they walked down the corridor, Cathy was uncertain ofwhat was to come. Was she being taken to a class, to face the dreaded teachers?Or worse, to be punished? She thought back to when the meal came, had she sensedsome kind of disappointment in the guard? Or the way her hand had rubbed againstthe belt, was that not allowed? What would they do to her and would Paula bepunished too, because Cathy had not learned quickly enough? Whatever was aboutto happen, she knew she could not stop it.
The Warden led Cathy and Paula down an empty corridor, destinationunknown. From long practice Paula was able to match the pace, but Cathy couldnot keep up with the guard, stumbling several times as the chain linking herankles pulled taut, threatening to make her trip and fall. The Warden caughther and kept her from falling, but a quick glance by Cathy revealed a frownon the Warden's face. He slowed down, but she knew he was not pleased. Cathyconcentrated on the short, swift steps Paula was taking, trying to copy them.It seemed she would even have to learn how to walk again.
Twice they stopped while the Warden unlocked a barred gatein the corridor. The point of all the security wasn't lost on Cathy. Escapingfrom a cell would get her no farther than the next door. As far as she couldsee every door required a key, and only the Wardens had the keys. Beyond thatthere were no signs or markers of any sort in the corridors or next to thedoors. Cathy realized she couldn't even retrace her steps back to the cellshe and Paula had been in. Somehow the Wardens knew exactly where to go, butshe couldn't figure out how they did it.
The Warden finally stopped at a barred gate off the corridor,opened it, led the two girls through, and locked it behind them. They walkeddown yet another hallway, passing several cells with three or four girls ineach. Cathy saw that all were kneeling, dressed in nothing more than a collarand belt, the wide strip of metal prominent between their spread legs. TheWarden stopped at a cell door, opened the door, pushed Cathy and Paula inside,then shut the door. Both girls stood just inside the door, not moving, waitingfor the next command. The Warden reached through the bars, freed their ankles,and then removed their handcuffs. He turned and walked away.
"Okay, you can relax now," Paula told Cathy. "Thisis Beth," Paula pointed to the nearer woman, "and this is 'Twenty-Three.'Her Master does not allow her to use a name, so the Wardens have assigned anumber to her." The other, younger nameless woman looked up, nodded to Cathy.Cathy looked over to Paula. "This is a dormitory. The Wardens will bringus some cushions and bedding in a while, then we will be allowed to sleep.The Wardens move us around, so no telling if we will be in the same dorm nexttime. No one knows how many girls are kept here. Because of the way we areseparated, it can be weeks before you realize someone is gone. Even then younever know if it's because her Master came for her," Paula lowered hervoice, "or if the Wardens have taken her away for another reason."
Cathy, tired after the long night, walked over to the backwall and sat down. She looked over at 'Twenty-Three', sitting close by. "Hi,it must be difficult if you can't even use your name." The girl looked backat Cathy, shrugged, and then lowered her head. Cathy thought she might havesaid something to offend the young woman.
Beth spoke up for the first time, "Cathy, you shouldknow that Twenty-Three is not allowed to speak, except when directly addressedby a Warden or teacher. She was caught whispering to another girl during atraining class. The teacher called a Warden, who ordered Twenty-Three not tospeak without permission." Cathy looked at Twenty-Three, then back to Beth, "howlong will she be punished?" Beth and Paula both smiled as Paula answered. "Untila Warden allows her to speak again. That's part of the process of discouragingimproper behavior, you don't know how long. It could be a day, or a month."
A sound in the hallway outside their cell, and all fourgirls quickly knelt facing the door. A Warden appeared at the door, followedby two girls pushing a cart laden with bedding. At a nod from the Warden thetwo girls pushed four sleeping pads through the bars, and four light blankets.The Warden then moved down the hallway. He was followed by the two girls, accompaniedby a light rattle from the leg chains between their ankles as they pushed thebedding cart behind him.
Cathy stood after the other girls rose, and followed themover to the bedding. Each one took a pad and blanket, picked out a spot onthe cell floor, and made up a modest bed with the pad and blanket. Once moreCathy looked over to Paula. "Wait until the lights dim, then you can liedown. While the lights are dim you don't have to kneel when a Warden comesby. You can sleep until you are wakened and the lights come back up. The Wardenswill walk by several times at night, making rounds. When the lights go down,you are not allowed to talk or move about." Cathy nodded at Paula's explanation.
The girls waited by their beds for several minutes, untilthe lights finally dimmed. Cathy lay down, covering herself with the lightblanket, little more than a thin sheet. She felt the events of the last daysweep over her; her rebellion, her subsequent capture, her Master putting herin here. She closed her eyes, drifting off to an exhausted sleep, feeling thefear of the unknown facing her, and the loneliness of her isolation, cut offfrom her Master's love and care.
Cathy was awakened by a hand shaking her shoulder. "Wakeup sleepy, you don't want a Warden to catch you in bed," Paula warnedher. Cathy opened her eyes, momentarily disoriented at the sight of the barewalls and the barred cell door. Then she remembered where she was, and quicklyrose from her sparse bed. She saw the other three girls quietly folding theirblankets and stacking the sleeping pads near the door. She bent to fold herown blanket as they had, and placed her bedding on top of the small pile. Cathythen looked over at Paula, a question on her face as to what would happen next.
"In a few moments the cart will come by to collectthe bedding, and we usually get something to eat at the same time. After eatingwe are taken to the showers to clean up, then an inspection, and classes afterward.That's the usual, but it doesn't always happen that way," Paula explained. "Sometimeswe don't eat, sometimes we have exercise periods, and sometimes....well, wehave disciplinary training." Paula and the other girls grimaced at those words.
A now familiar sound from the corridor, and all four girlsknelt. The bedding cart moved down the corridor, stopping at other cells untilit finally reached their door. Two girls, under the watchful eye of a Warden,pulled the bedding through the bars and piled it on the cart. The Warden raisedhis hand, and the two girls immediately stopped what they were doing. The Wardentook one of the blankets, examined the folds, and then shook it out, examiningit. Satisfied there were no messages on the blanket, or anything hidden inside,he handed it back to one of the two cart attendants, who folded it carefullyand placed it back on the cart. The Warden and the bedding cart moved off.
Cathy started to relax, but stopped as she saw that noneof the others had moved. She held her position, as the others did. And wiselyso, for in a moment another cart was at the door, this one with breakfast.After the food cart moved on, the girls rose and walked to the door, each onetaking a covered plate. Cathy followed, picking up the last plate. As theysat eating, Cathy asked Paula and Beth about the routine during the day, classes,inspections, training sessions.
The food cart returned, picking up the empty plates. Behindthe cart was a group of Wardens. Two of the Wardens stopped at their door.One stood in front of the door and ordered them, "stand up, line up insingle file facing the door." All four girls stood and got in line to complywith his command. He unlocked the door, held it open just enough for one girlto pass through at a time. "First girl, step into the corridor, extendyour wrists." First in line, Beth stepped through the open cell doorway andstopped, extending her arms out in front. The second Warden fastened handcuffson her outstretched wrists
The handcuffs were connected to a long chain with severalother pairs of cuffs. As the Wardens ordered each woman out, she was lockedinto the next set of cuffs on the chain. The last one out, Cathy was at theend of the chain. At the head of the chain, a Warden gripped Beth's arm andbegan to lead her down the hallway, the rest of the girls forced to followas the slack in the group chain was taken up. Cathy watched the others in frontof her, copying their movements, back straight, head down, quick short steps.
The Warden led them through several gates to the showerroom. One at a time, each girl was released from the coffle chain and allowedto enter the shower room through an open door. As Cathy went through, the Wardenshut and locked it behind her. She followed Paula into the showers.
The warm water and soft soap felt luxurious. Cathy stayedunder the shower as long as she could, relaxing in the feel of the water againsther skin. As the others finished and moved off she followed them into the nextarea where a girl was issuing towels from a small room. Cathy took one of thelarge, soft, fluffy towels and dried herself. Following the others, she nextpicked up a small hair dryer and, watching how the others did it, dried underher collar and belt. She closed her eyes a moment, enjoying the sensation ofthe warm air through the narrow slit of the shield in the front of her belt.But only for a moment, remembering Paula's warning about trying to defeat thebelt's control. She moved over to a sink and mirror, brushed her teeth, andcombed her hair.
Finishing up, she headed to the exit door, where the othergirls had gathered together. Cathy felt ready to face her tasks for the morning,but suddenly realized she didn't know what time it was, or even which day.Thinking back, her Master had brought her into the school at dawn Saturdaymorning, she had spent some time with Paula in a cell, and then slept, butshe had no idea of how long she had been asleep. It could be either late Saturdaynight, or some time Sunday morning. No windows, no clocks, an irregular schedule,none of them could know how long they had been here.
As before, a Warden came to the exit door, ordered thento line up single file, and again handcuffed them together in a line. As theymoved down yet another unmarked corridor, Cathy began to feel lost, unsureof which direction they were moving. There were no identifying marks anywhereon branching corridors or doors. It was like a maze, no way to know if shehad passed through the same corridor an hour ago. Even if she could escapefrom the Warden now escorting them, she would soon become lost, and the numerouslocked gates would further limit where she could go. She smiled, her Masterwas right; she would not be leaving of her own choice. She wondered how theWardens always knew exactly where to go, how they could tell direction.
Eventually they stopped in a hallway, behind another groupof girls. The group in front was chained together by the wrists too, but thisgroup was facing the wall, hands raised above their heads. As the supervisingWarden in Cathy's group stopped them, he ordered them to assume the same position,hands above their heads, against the wall, feet back, legs spread, leaningagainst the wall. Another Warden was moving down the line, inspecting eachgirl, checking the security of her collar and belt.
As the inspector reached Cathy, she tensed. She felt hishands on her, first testing the belt fit, that it wouldn't slip over her widehips, then making sure the shield was held tightly against her. He pulled onher collar, verifying it was securely fastened about her neck, then ran hishand along first the collar and then the chastity belt, feeling for any signsof tampering. He stepped back, his eyes conducting a visual inspection. Sheheld her breath, not daring to move, yet stimulated at his touch, and gaze.After a moment, he moved on, inspecting the girl Beth, next to Cathy, in thesame thorough way. Cathy remembered to breathe again, thankful she had passedinspection.
The inspection finally completed, a Warden at the frontof the line unlocked a door and began passing the girls into the classroom.As Cathy reached the door, she was freed of the chain, then the Warden tookher arm and guided her through the classroom door. Inside the classroom, Cathylooked around, seeing a larger room that her previous small cells. There wereseveral small, flat cushions in rows on the floor. The girls in front of herwere positioning themselves behind of the cushions, standing quietly. Cathywalked over to the next free one, standing as the other girls did, feet slightlyapart, hands at side, back straight, head down, not talking or moving about.Several more girls came in behind Cathy, then she heard the door shut and theloud click as the lock engaged.
The class stood, waiting, in silence, until another dooropened at the front of the room. Cathy raised her head just enough to see agirl dressed, or rather undressed, as she was, nothing but collar and belt,but Cathy knew this was a teacher. The long thin pointer stick in the teacher'shand represented authority, authority over Cathy and the rest of the class.An uneasy feeling came over Cathy, until this moment she hadn't really thoughtabout the teachers, what Paula had told her, but now Cathy realized she wouldbe forced to learn, to follow instructions and obey orders from another female.
The Teacher walked to the front center of the class, thenthe woman turned and looked at the girls in front of her. She stood there aminute, slapping the pointer against her leg, then spoke. "I am your teacherfor this class. You will address me only as Miss Sarah. Learn what I teachyou, and you will be able to leave this place. Don't learn, and we will getto know each other very well. Yes, very well indeed."
She continued, "Now, you will kneel on the cushion,facing the front of the room. You will kneel with your legs together, sittingon your heels, hands on your knees, back straight, head up, looking straightahead. You will not speak or move unless ordered to do so. You will pay attentionto what I say. Do it now."
Along with the rest of the class, Cathy knelt on the smallcushion, in the position ordered, looking straight ahead. The teacher movedabout the class, occasionally correcting someone with a word or a touch fromher pointer. As she stopped at Cathy's side, Cathy felt the pointer in thesmall of her back. "Feet slightly farther apart, and don't try to leanforward." Cathy quickly moved to change her posture as the teacher ordered.The teacher paused a moment more, then moved on.
Finishing her inspection, the teacher moved back to thefront of the class, all eyes on her. "You are here to learn how to pleaseyour Master. Each of you has done something to displease him, that's how yougot here in the first place. I and the other teachers are here to make sureyou don't make that mistake again. You are here to focus on one goal, pleasingyour Master. The isolation is to keep out the distractions. Your confinementhere, well, that's to motivate you." She smiled at the last part.
Cathy knelt on her cushion, listening to the teacher lectureabout the submissive mental attitude. As Sarah the teacher moved around inthe front of the room, Cathy followed her every movement, not daring to glanceaway. On and on the teacher droned, constantly returning to the core of herlesson, "your Master is always present." As the lecture wore on the kneelingposition became increasingly uncomfortable.
Finally the teacher stopped. "We'll take a break now.You may stand and stretch, walk about, and talk quietly." Cathy sighed in relief,then stood with the others to work out the growing pain in her legs and lowerback.
As Cathy slowly walked around, the teacher motioned forher to come to the front of the room. "Cathy, please come with me," Sarahtold her, gesturing toward the teacher's door at the front of the classroom.
"Yes, Miss Sarah," Cathy answered, following theteacher to the door. A tall, handsome looking Warden came to the door on theother side and opened it, motioning the teacher and Cathy into the hallway.A plain door was open just down the corridor. With a look at the Warden, andhis nod, Sarah led Cathy down the hall and through the door, into a small plainroom beyond.
From the furniture, it appeared to be a lounge for the teachers.There were a few round tables with chairs around them. Sarah went over to atable with a package on top of it. Unwrapping the package Sarah took out twodresses. She checked the size tags, then handed one to Cathy, "Here, thisshould fit you, put it on."
Cathy took the dress, started to put it on, and then stoppedas she remembered the sign at the lower entrance. "Miss Sarah, the rulessaid we weren't allowed clothing," Cathy questioned, looking at the teacher.
"Normally no, but teachers have special privilegesin the lounge area, including the right to wear clothes. As my guest you mayalso wear a dress. My Master, who is also a Warden here, the one you just sawin the hallway, has given permission," Sarah reassured Cathy. They bothgot dressed before sitting down at the table.
"You can relax in here; you won't be punished for breakingany rules. I like to bring the new ones here and get to know them, casually.My Master will join us in a little while. Meanwhile, we can talk over a cupof coffee," Sarah explained, while she stood and went to a coffeepot inthe corner. Sarah poured two cups, and then brought them back to the table.
Cathy took a drink from the cup, then leaned back in herchair and relaxed. "May I speak freely?" she asked Sarah.
"Yes, within reason. I won't answer questions aboutthe facility here, or about anyone else, but I can tell you a little aboutmyself," Sarah answered. Sarah went on explaining that her Master hadworked here for many years as a Warden, she herself had been sent here by herMaster once, several years ago, and later she had become a teacher, both becauseher Master wished it, and Sarah could be near her Master more often. As Sarahtalked, Cathy sat back in her chair, coffee cup balanced on one knee over hercrossed legs. It was a bit of normality, a pleasant afternoon conversationwith a friend over coffee, an escape. They sat talking for about 10 minutes,when the door opened and the same tall Warden entered. "You may remainseated," he said, "I am Sarah's Master, Cathy. You may address meas Sir ."
Cathy and Sarah both set down their cups and turned to facehim. "Thank you, Sir," Cathy spoke first, then "Welcome, Master," fromSarah. The Warden went to the coffeepot, poured a cup, and joined them at thetable. He took a sip and leaned back, smiling at Cathy and placed his handon Sarah's knee.
"Please continue your conversation. Like Sarah, I'mon a break right now. The normal rules are relaxed in here. You may talk freely,as long as you are respectful, both for myself and your teacher." He noddedtoward Sarah to emphasize his point.
"Yes Sir," Cathy said, "we were talking abouthow Sarah came to be a teacher here." As Cathy spoke to him, she set the coffeecup on the table and rested her hands on her lap, her legs together, facinghim. Cathy was self-conscious when he looked at her, even in the informal situation,and sat straight in her chair.
Sarah continued to talk a few more minutes as she and Cathydrank their coffee. When they had finished, Sarah looked at her Master. Henodded, and she stood, motioning Cathy up as well, "it's time we returnto the class. Remove your dress and leave it on the chair, and leave the cupon the table, someone else will see to it." Cathy stood with Sarah, then reluctantlyremoved her dress, following Sarah's example. The Warden, Sarah's Master, stoodand walked to the door.
"Both of you stand in front of me and extend your wrists," heordered. Once again the rules were in force. Cathy and Sarah stepped forward,raising their arms. The Warden placed handcuffs on each of them, a small chainrunning from one set of cuffs to the other. Then he took hold of the connectingchain in one hand, and opened the door with the other. Pulling on the cuffs,he led them down the corridor and back to the classroom door.
Unlocking the door, he motioned them both through, removedtheir restraints, then closed and locked the door. He continued down the hall,out of their sight. The rest of the students in the class were all standingin front of their cushions. Cathy looked at Sarah, then walked over to herplace.
The front of the classroom now had two large televisionmonitors, and a control panel between them. The teacher went to the controls,then turned to the class. "I am your teacher. You will address me onlyas Miss Sarah. You will now kneel, legs together, back straight, face front,hands on knees." Cathy and the other students did as Sarah ordered.
After everyone had knelt, the Teacher pushed a button onthe control panel and the image of Cathy and Sarah in the lounge appeared onthe screen. Cathy watched, uneasily, as the videotape was played, listeningagain to her conversation with Sarah, and her Master when he came in. Alongwith the others she again saw the entire scene in the lounge, up to the pointwhere Sarah stood up and ended it.
"Now first, remember what I was saying, your Masteris always present, even when he is not with you. Your attitude should alwaysreflect that idea. You do not act one way when he is present, another whenhe is absent." Sarah stepped away from the monitors, toward Cathy.
"Cathy, you are new, this may not be obvious to you,so listen carefully. The rest of you, what did Cathy do? Did anyone spot it?"
Silence for a moment, then Beth raised her hand, "MissSarah? May I answer?"
Sarah looked around, and then nodded toward Beth, "Goahead."
"Miss Sarah, when you first sat down and started talking,when Cathy was sitting across from you she had her legs crossed. But afteryour Master entered, she sat with her legs uncrossed."
"Exactly, very good Beth," the teacher answered. "Cathy?Why the change?"
Cathy hesitated for a moment, an understanding of what Sarahhad been lecturing about suddenly dawning in her. "Miss Sarah, it wasa difference in attitude. Talking with you, I crossed my legs without eventhinking about it. But when your Master entered, at some level I was awareof his power and dominance, even though he isn't my Master. I have always desiredto be fully open and available to my Master. I never cross my legs when heis present, it would be too much like trying to conceal myself, deny my opennessto him. I reacted without thinking, uncrossing my legs."
"Precisely, you forgot your Master's presence whenit was just the two of us talking," Sarah went on. "Yes, you behavedproperly, when my Master entered. But there should always be something youhave to remind yourself of Him, in this case the collar," Sarah smiled,a hand going to the band around her own neck. "Even if you don't havea collar on, there is always something, a bracelet, a necklace or locket, maybeyour earrings, something that represents Him. Use it as a constant reminderto think of him, about him. It is a tool to reinforce your own submissive desires."
Cathy thought for a moment, remembering the small silverlocket and chain he had given her. She always wore it when they were separatedfor any length of time, though she had left it on the dresser when she ranoff. It would take on a new meaning now, a reminder not only of her Master,but also of how she should act, and think.
"Well done, that concludes the class for today. Youmay stand, then line up single file at the rear door, Wardens will escort youto your next assignment." Sarah turned and went to the teacher's entrance,waiting for a Warden to come for her.
Cathy got in line with the others, still pondering whatshe had learned. When she came to the door, a Warden took her arm and handcuffedher to a chain with three other girls she hadn't met before. The same Wardenstarted to lead the group down the hallway. Chained to the rest, Cathy followedat the end.
All in all, she thought, it hadn't been so bad. Miss Sarah,the teacher, had been strict, but also friendly and understanding, not at alllike the harsh and cruel treatment she had dreaded. And she had really learnedsomething. She smiled, no, this wouldn't be so bad after all .All she had to do was pay attention, follow the rules, learn the lessons, andsurely her master would soon take her back home. She looked forward to talkingwith her new friend Paula about her lesson today.
The classes continued, and Cathy learned more of the submissivelifestyle. She quickly fell into the routine, up in the morning, classes, exercises,some free time to relax. Like the others she lost track of the days. She hadno idea of the time of day, the date, or even the month. She thought it hadbeen less than two weeks, but she wasn't really sure, and of course it wasforbidden to discuss it.
Interspersed with the lessons were exercise periods andwhat were called "meditation periods". The exercises weren't difficult. Therewere the typical aerobics and some more traditional exercises, usually in aroom equipped with sun lamps in the ceiling lights. Cathy looked forward tothe exercise periods because they invariably got some free rest time afterwards.Since they were never allowed outside the exercises helped to keep muscle toneand the lights helped to maintain vitamin levels from the skin.
What were euphemistically called meditation periods Cathydid not enjoy at all and dreaded each one. They were placed in a long narrowroom in a line, kneeling on a cushion facing mirrors. For however long theperiod lasted they must remain immobile, in a submissive posture, looking atthemselves in the mirror. Behind them Wardens would walk back and forth, watchingthem closely for any mistakes. The pacing behind her made Cathy very nervousand difficult for her to concentrate. After the first session, she had askedPaula why they were forced to practice their posture in such an odd way.
"That's not what it's about," Paula had told her. "Theydeliberately make it unpleasant. You aren't supposed to be enjoying your stayhere, remember? Aside from that, there is another purpose. It's a type of trainingexercise, no, not on how well you present yourself, but on how well you handleorders you don't like. It's easy to submit when you are told to do what youwant to do anyway. When it really counts is how well you obey when it isn'tfun. When you are required to kneel in front of a mirror with some strangerstaring at you, something you would never do normally. That image you see inthe mirror? You are being forced to confront your own nature, the core of whoyou are. No pretense, nothing concealed. You begin to realize just how trulydependent you are on your master. Give it some time Cathy, after a while youstart to see a change. Who knows, you may even start to like it," Paula laughed.Cathy thought about it. Paula was right in one respect, the meditation periodswere not pleasant interludes.
One particular lesson had fascinated Cathy. Like many othersit started with a teacher entering the classroom, in this case Sarah again,but for this one lesson Sarah's master also attended. At the start, he hadsat down at the front of the class. When everyone was ready, he nodded to Sarahfor her to begin.
"I'm sure you have all read the countless books and essayson what it means to be submissive, how we should behave, what makes us theway we are. But did you ever wonder what it is that goes on inside your master'shead? What is it that drives him to dominate you? In this lesson we will lookat those questions and more. Now this may surprise many of you, but I am notthe most qualified to talk about this subject." Everyone laughed at Sarah'sjoke. "So I will join you for a while and we shall all listen to my Masterdescribe the innermost dark secrets of that most feared and loved, by us atleast, species of man, our masters the dominant males. Afterwards we will discusshow we can use that knowledge to better serve." Sarah went to a cushion toone side of the rest of the class and knelt facing her master.
"Why am I a master? Why do I want to own someone like Sarah?What is it that makes me want to control her entire life, dictating rules,overseeing and approving her every action? Well, here's the secret: men wantto dominate, to master, because they are insecure. They want to control theirenvironment. They want to control anything and everything that affects theirlives. They want to be sure that what they have today they will also have tomorrow.
"Wait a minute you say, isn't it about sex? Don't men wantto have a willing woman available any time, day or night? Sure, any man whodenies it is lying, but there's more to it. Yes he does want to find you therewhenever he rolls over in bed in the middle of the night, but he also wantsto know you will be there tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. He wantsyou to be the friend who's always there, the one he can share his secrets with,the one he can trust. Yes, trust, surprised? You hear so much about how a goodsubmissive builds trust in her master, but you don't think about the rest ofit. He has to trust you as well, trust that you will keep his secrets, trustthat you will be there for him, trust that you won't walk out or turn on him."
"It goes back to that basic insecurity. He wants a womanhe can spend a lifetime with, but he has that craving for control, to makesure everything is done his way. Who can best answer that need? Someone wholoves him, is devoted to him, wants to serve him, take care of him, but alsosomeone who will obey him, defer to his judgment, be it right or wrong, someonewho can allow herself to become dependent on him. What type of woman wouldbest be suited to a role like that?"
He stopped and looked around at the class. Cathy had neverthought in those terms before. She couldn't visualize her master as being insecure.
"The answer is obvious to all of you here: a deeply submissivewoman," he continued. "Each one of you has chosen to submit to your master.Why you choose to submit is another topic, but you submit knowing that it meansyou accept his unrestricted authority over your lives. Is it what he reallywants? Yes, and don't ever doubt it. Your submission is like a powerful narcoticdrug to him. The more he gets from you, the more he wants. It draws him toyou, an attraction more powerful than you can imagine.
"As a submissive it must seem that you take all the risks.You give him everything, yet he could abandon you on a whim. Reality is fardifferent. The more you draw him in, the more power you give to him throughyour submission, the more he will desire you. Can you walk away from him ona whim? No? Well, he can't either. You are fulfilling dreams he has had sincechildhood. He would no more abandon you than he would cut off his arm. Rememberthis: just as his dominance holds you to him, so your submission holds himto you.
"To me, domination is not about what I actually do, butthe potentials, what I could do if I wished. If I were so inclined I couldorder Sarah to crawl on the floor barking like a dog. Am I going to do that?No, it would be silly. But I know I have the ability to make her do that ifI wanted it. See the distinction? That's why your master isn't some kind ofabusive monster. He doesn't need to prove he's in charge by issuing a constantstream of orders and rules, to put you through some degrading or humiliatingscene. Rather he sees, from how you obey him, that his power over you is thereanytime he wants it."
"We'll take a short break now, then Sarah will continuethe lesson. Sarah? Come to the front." He concluded his lecture and left bythe teacher's entrance. Sarah stood after he had left the room and took herplace at the front of the class.
"As my Master said, there will be a break, you can standand talk quietly. Afterward I'll speak of my own experience and how it fitswith what you've just heard." She gestured for everyone to stand.
After the break Sarah called the class to order again. "Youhave heard from my Master about what motivates a dominant male to seek oursubmission, to be our masters. Now, how do we use that information to betterserve them?
"Remember what he said about insecurity, and that driveto control to overcome it? We attract a master in part by offering our submission,but it doesn't stop there. We have a duty to make him see his control overus in tangible ways. Let's take an example to illustrate the point.
"I'm sure every one of you has certain rules imposed onyou by your master. Some may be practical, some for your own good, but thereare always a few he dictates just for his own personal enjoyment. For instance,my Master insists that I always put on my left shoe first and take off my rightshoe first. Sounds sort of ridiculous, doesn't it? How could it matter to anyonewhich shoe you put on first? It's a rule, so of course you follow it, but morethan likely you will think it silly. It isn't. There is an excellent reasonfor rules like that, if you know how to look at it."
Cathy thought about some of her own rules. One oddity wasthat her master insisted that she always wear a skirt and blouse when theyate dinner together. She hadn't thought much about it, perhaps he liked tolook at her legs, but she never understood why it had to be a skirt and nota dress. A few times she had forgotten, so he had told her to go change beforethey sat down at the table. After that she had gotten into the habit of changingclothes just before he got home from work. She listened as Sarah continued.
"Does my Master care which shoe I put on first? Not really.Does he care if I follow the rule or not? Absolutely, if I forget even oncehe's on me immediately about it. After a few, umm, let's say painful remindersI don't ever put on the right shoe first." There were several laughs at Sarah'scomment, everyone there knew what she meant by a reminder. She continued withher example. "Why does he care? Because it's a way to control me, to see thatI obey him. It's a reassurance that he's in charge and our roles are not subjectto change. He can see his dominance over me on a daily basis. It's importantto me as well, because I know I'm doing something special for him.
"That's the key point to this lesson. Why are all of youhere? In some way or another you disobeyed your master, broke one of his rulesor challenged him in some way. Do you see what happens when you do that? Youstrike at the core of his insecurity. For those of you who think being senthere is unfair and an overreaction to what you did, think about it a moment.It wasn't what you did, but what it represented, which brought you here. Remembermy master's comment about potential? When you defied your master, you tookaway that same potential from him. He no longer had the certainty that youwould be there for him. He doesn't want to lose what he has, so here you allare."
That ended the lesson for the day. Cathy thought about itas they were taken out of the classroom and back to their cells. In retrospectshe could see what she had done. It wasn't so much that she had walked out,but that she had deliberately disobeyed his direct order. She had intendedto get his attention, but not to push their relationship to the brink. Shehad not understood the impact of what she had done to him. If she could turnback the clock now she would never have left that afternoon.
She and Paula had become close friends. Cathy enjoyed thelong talks during their free time when she and Paula were assigned the samedormitory cell at night. She appreciated how Paula would listen to her, andsometimes offer helpful advice. Several times Paula had helped her understandthe lessons. For one problem in particular, Cathy needed Paula's insight andexperience.
Cathy had not felt her Master's touch in some time, it wasbecoming more difficult to sleep at night, her thoughts were filled with memoriesof her Master, the times she had been with him. More than once her hand hadstrayed to the metal strip between her legs. She had jerked it away as soonas she felt the shield, warmed by contact with her body. Her desire was becomingunbearable, satisfying that desire impossible with the belt on.
Once, late at night, unable to sleep, she had dared to leaveher hand between her legs, knowing she risked punishment if a Warden saw her,but driven to recklessness by her need. She had tried pressing against thesteel, then rubbing it, finally even trying to slip a finger underneath it.All her clandestine efforts were to no avail, the fit was too close and themetal unyielding. She could not seek release from her desire while the beltwas fastened on her. In frustration and desperation she had tried to forcethe waistband over her hips, but the loop around her waist was too narrow toslip.
She asked Paula what to do. Paula had just smiled, "Cathy,there is no answer; all you can do is wait and hope your Master comes someday. This device from hell," Paula grimaced, tapping the shield betweenher own legs with one finger, "is to make sure you don't get used to theroutine here. It isn't enough to just get by, you have to work at your lessons,earn a good report from the Wardens to your Master, so that he will come tovisit you. That's the only way to solve your problem."
Paula's words had not helped much, but Cathy did put moreeffort into her lessons. And then one day her routine began to change. Shehad not seen Paula for several days, but that was not unusual as the Wardensconstantly moved them around. Every day there was a changing mix of studentsand teachers in the classes. Each night had been with a different group too.Cathy had been asking Paula about visits by their masters, but Paula had beenevasive, not going into detail. Cathy had hoped to find out more about it,but she hadn't had the opportunity yet. But she was sure she would see Paulain a few more days. Cathy really hadn't made any friends with the other girls,other than casual conversation, and didn't feel comfortable talking to themabout intimate subjects.
The day had not seemed out of the ordinary, Cathy had gonethrough the usual routine and she had been placed in a cell for the night withthree girls she only knew slightly. She had settled in for the night, but asusual was finding it difficult to sleep. She heard the steps of a patrollingWarden, slowly walking down the hallway, pausing at each cell door. The footstepscame near her cell, then stopped. She could see him standing at the door, lookingin at them through the bars. She expected him to walk on, but he just stoodthere, looking right at her. She became uneasy, had she done something wrong?Did they know of her attempt to get around the belt? Probably, they seemedto know everything.
"Cathy, stand up, approach the door," he ordered.Immediately she pushed back her thin blanket, rose, and went to the door. Shestood in front of him, close to the bars, back straight, head down, arms ather side, waiting for his orders. "Turn around, hands behind your back,feet slightly apart." Expecting just such orders, she turned, placed her handsbehind her back, palms facing out, the backs of her wrists a few inches apart.She could see the other girls watching her from their sleeping pads. She heardthe familiar click as the Warden closed the cuffs around her wrists, then herankles. Her back to him, she heard the key in the lock, the opening door, andthen his hand was around her upper arm, pulling her into the corridor. He lockedthe door behind her.
As she stood in the hallway, a shiver went through her.How would she be punished? The Warden led her down the hallway, past severalcells. She could feel everyone's eyes on her as she went by, but of courseno one said a word. She had to concentrate on walking, her guard set a fastpace making it difficult for her to keep up given the short chain hobblingher ankles, They went past the end of the sleeping cells, through a gate, andon past other rooms with closed, solid doors.
The Warden stopped in front of one unmarked door, openedit with a key, and brought her inside. It was a small room, carpeted, a tableand one chair in a corner, a low bed with wide leather straps against the wall.Her guard placed her next to the bed, and then removed her handcuffs. "Geton the bed, on your back. Place your hands and feet next to the straps."
Seeing the smaller wrist straps at the head of the bed,she laid down, her hands toward the wrist restraints, and her legs as wideas possible, pulling the leg chain linking her ankles taut. She looked up athim as he strapped down her wrists above her head, spread widely apart. Satisfiedher hands were secured, he moved to the foot of the bed, unlocked the cuffson her ankles, and placed them in straps too, her legs now held wide apart.Finished, he looked down at her for a moment from the foot of the bed, thenwithout a word he turned around and walked out the door, leaving her alone.The door closed and a moment later the lights went out.
Cathy lay spread out on the bed in the dark, tied down andhelpless, unable to move, wearing nothing but that accursed belt and her master'scollar. Wild thoughts raced through her mind. Would she be beaten?How long would they leave her here? What if no one remembered her? Shepulled on her bonds, testing them, but it was immediately obvious she had nohope of freeing herself. She relaxed, waiting, knowing someone else would makethe decision when she would be freed of her restraints. She remembered herlessons on trust, never panic, her master would not let her come to harm. Sheclosed her eyes and awaited her fate, whatever it might be.
Time passed, and she drifted into a light sleep. She wasonly half awake when she noticed the lights were on. Opening her eyes fully,she realized someone was standing at the foot of the bed. Looking up, she sawher master towering over her, looking straight into her eyes. Shock and joyrushed through her, and an involuntary "Master..." escaped her lips beforeshe remembered she had not been given permission to speak.
She looked up at him, tears of joy filling her eyes. Withoutthinking she tried to rise up, go to him, but the bed restraints held her down.He just stood there, his eyes moving up and down her body, not saying a word.Desperate to please him in any way she could, Cathy tried to pull her legsfurther apart, to arch her back to better show him her breasts. Her eyes pleadedwith him, to allow her to speak, to let her beg for his touch.
He stood there a moment longer, enjoying her wordless pleading,and then walked around to her side. He knelt down next to her, and placed onehand on her knee. His touch felt like fire to her, she gasped for air as ashiver ran through her aroused body. Still he would not allow her to speak.He lifted up his other hand, a small key dangling from a golden chain necklacehe held in a fist. She recognized the key, and a wide smile appeared on herface as she nodded in eager agreement.
Cathy's master chuckled at her eagerness. He inserted thekey into the lock holding the belt around her waist. Cathy was very still,waiting, hoping her master would open it, but knowing the decision was nothers to make. She watched him, trying to look at him and the key at the sametime, trying to see if he would open it. He paused, a low laugh as he saw herfear he would not unlock her, then he turned the key and unlocked the beltthat had held her prisoner for so long. He pulled out the top of the shieldfrom the lock and away from her body, setting it down between her widely spreadlegs. For the first time since she had come here she was uncovered, fully opento her beloved master.
He reached down, touching her intimately, feeling her wetness.Cathy gasped, then moaned, her eyes closed as the sensation washed over her.She tried to push against his hand, but he didn't allow it. Instead his handbegan to roam over her, touching, stroking, exciting her. Cathy kept her eyesclosed, drinking in the feel of her master's touch once again, feeling herselflose control of her own body. Distantly she felt her aroused body respond,breathing faster, nipples hard, skin hot and flushed. She heard low moaningsounds, knew she was making them, but unable to stop it. Then she sensed thepresence of her master over her, around her, entering her. She pulled at thestraps on her wrists and ankles, wanting to put her arms around him and pullhim further into her.
She could not reach him, her master had chosen not to allowit, but she could push against him, trying to move in rhythm with him. Andthen the thinking stopped, she reached the point of release. Her love for hermaster, his love for her, her complete surrender to him, his power and dominance,all combined in an endless moment when she and her master merged, becomingas one, the parts completing the whole.
Slowly Cathy returned to her exhausted body. Feeling hermaster stroking her cheek, she opened her eyes, looking at him. "Quiet,no words," he told her in a low but commanding voice. She tried to reachout to him, but she was still held down. Noticing her struggle with the straps,her master leaned over and kissed her, then said "No, I'm not going tountie you. You are doing very well here, so I decided you deserved a visitas a reward. I am very pleased at your progress so far. I will not be takingyou home today, but if you continue to work hard, learn your lessons, you won'thave to stay here much longer."
With those words, he reached down and pulled the shieldup over her, inserting the top back into the lock plate of the belt. He turnedthe key, and she was once again imprisoned by the cool metal strip betweenher legs. Cathy's eyes went wide as he closed and locked the belt around her,but she knew any protest would be futile. The choice belonged to him; she hadgiven it to him willingly.
He stood up and once again looked down at Cathy. He hungher belt key around his neck, "It's safe here, I'm sure I won't lose itthis way," he told her, smiling as he patted the key. "I know thisis hard for you, Cathy. This is not a pleasant place, and the methods can beharsh at times, but I want you to go through the program here.
"I know you didn't agree to being sent here, to beimprisoned like this. I doubt you ever imagined anything like this would happen.But I think we have progressed beyond the issue of consent. We have been togetherlong enough for you to learn I will never harm you. Every decision I have madeabout your life has been toward what I thought was best for you. Being hereis no exception.
"I will come for you when you are finished, Cathy, but notuntil then. No one here will let you go, no matter how much you threaten orbeg. You have no choice but to stay here and complete the program. I won'tabandon you or forget about you. I miss you every day."
He bent down and kissed her one last time, then walked outthe door, closing it behind him. She heard the Warden lock the door behindher Master, then the lights in the room went off again. Tired, she closed hereyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of her Master. Still strapped downto the bed, unable to move and at the mercy of anyone who came into the roomnevertheless she felt safe, protected by her master, trusting him to watchout for her. Whatever her future held, she knew he would be there for her,she would feel his presence.
Though Cathy was bound tightly to the bed, still she washappy and content. As she fell asleep she thought of her master, now absentbut always watching over her. She was disappointed she would have to remainhere, more than a little annoyed her master had left that belt on her, butshe trusted him, accepted his judgment that she had not finished her lessons.
He knew her too well; he was right about not needing herconsent any more. She couldn't tell him no. He had paid for her kidnappingand confinement here, all serious crimes, but he rightly wasn't worried aboutit. Even if she somehow escaped in the next few minutes she wouldn't go tothe police. That explained in part how this place could operate; no one wholeft would ever consider filing a complaint. Cathy sighed as she drifted offto sleep. Somehow masters always rigged the game with rules to let them win,she thought drowsily.
Some time later she was awakened by a Warden's hand shakingher shoulder. Sleepily she looked up at him, momentarily confused, forgettingwhere she was. She turned to sit up...and suddenly remembered where she wasas the bed straps halted her movements. The Warden walked over to the footof the bed, released her ankles, then walked back to the head and freed herwrists. Cathy carefully did not move, waiting to be told what she should donext. The Warden stepped back, waiting for a moment. When Cathy did not move,he nodded in approval and gestured for her to stand up. Cathy quickly got up,stretching her stiff muscles for a moment before standing in front of the guard,head lowered. He took out a pair of handcuffs, locked her wrists together infront of her, and then led her to the door, holding the chain between the cuffsin his hand.
He took her through the open door, and then closed it behindher. He stood by the door for a moment, still holding her wrists, until a lineof girls came by in the hallway. Her Warden placed Cathy at the end of theline, wrists in cuffs on a common chain, then the group moved on at a commandfrom the Warden at the head of the line.
In the showers and during classes afterward Cathy lookedfor Paula. There was so much to talk about; Cathy hoped she would be assignedto the same cell as Paula tonight, so they would have some time to talk. Cathyfelt sure she would be going home soon, and she wanted to tell Paula all aboutit. But she didn't see Paula at all, and that evening she was put in with threeothers she had never met before. Cathy was disappointed, and did ask her cellmatesif they had seen Paula, but none of them knew who she was.
The next day was back to normal, eat, shower, classes, butno sign of Paula. Cathy hadn't seen her all day, and neither had any of theother girls. Cathy was concerned, what had happened to her? Had Paula brokena rule? Was she being punished somewhere else, isolated from her friends? Cathyknew it was forbidden to ask a Warden or a teacher about Paula, it was evenrisky to ask the other girls. No one seemed to know what had happened.
Several days passed, always the same routine. Everyday Cathylooked for her friend, asked about her, and every day the same answer, no onehad seen her. The days and evenings seemed to be so long and empty withouther friend. Cathy had no one to talk to, no one to share her thoughts, no helpfuladvice about the day's lessons. And Cathy especially missed her master. Aswonderful as his visit was, he had not yet returned, and her desire for himwas as strong as ever. More than once her hand had again found its way betweenher legs, and more than once it had been stopped by that frustrating steelplate covering her.
Day after day the loss of her friend and her own needs builtup within her. The constant confinement, the lack of privacy, the Wardens alwayswatching her, her missing master, all combined to make Cathy edgy, sullen andirritable. She wasn't speaking to the other girls, and she obeyed orders reluctantlyand with little enthusiasm. Matters came to a head during an afternoon class.
Cathy had been depressed all day. Her one friend was gone,her master had abandoned her, and she felt cut off, lost, no hope of ever escapingthe misery of this place. She had forced herself to go through the motionsyet one more day, and now she was in an afternoon class, listening to the teacher,Sarah again, lecturing on how to kneel at a master's side. Cathy was only halflistening to Sarah, more concerned with her own problems.
"Cathy, come to the front and demonstrate the positionwe just went over." The words from the teacher caught her by surprise. Cathyhesitantly stood up and walked to the front of the classroom. She looked atSarah, unsure what to do next.
"Well? Show us how to kneel next to your master's chair," camethe teacher's impatient order. Sarah took her pointer stick and tapped thefloor in front of Cathy. Furiously trying to remember what the lesson had beenabout, Cathy knelt, legs wide, sitting on her heels, back straight, hands onher thighs.
"Very nice Cathy...if you were submitting yourselfto your master's use. But this lesson was about how you behave when your masterhas guests. Perhaps if you paid more attention and learned the lesson you woulddo better and not embarrass your master in the process." Sarah continued toberate Cathy, touching her with the pointer to emphasize her mistake. "Kneestogether, remember you would be wearing a dress. And legs to one side, leanagainst his chair."
Cathy knelt there, humiliated in front of the class. Sarahcontinued to correct her; Cathy seemed unable to get it right. "Come onCathy, concentrate on what you are doing. Your master will never come for youas long as you do so poorly." Sarah crouched down in front of Cathy, the pointerin Sarah's hand touching Cathy's leg.
That comment pushed Cathy over the edge. All her anger andfrustration boiled over. Cathy reached out and slapped Sarah with her hand,. "Don'ttell me what to do. You are not my master. He will come for me and take meaway from here, because he loves me," Cathy shouted. The classroom fellsilent, no one spoke or moved. Sarah put a hand to her face, where Cathy'sslap had stung her. Instantly Cathy regretted what she had done, "PleaseMiss Sarah, forgive me, I didn't mean to strike you. Please, tell me what todo."
Sarah stood up, looking down at Cathy for a moment, thenbacked up. "I'm sorry Cathy, but there isn't anything I can do for younow. Stay where you are, don't move or speak, and when they come for you, don'teven try to resist. Class, you are all to remain where you are, don't move,no talking, face front, until I tell you otherwise. Sarah then knelt down,some distance from Cathy, quietly waiting. Cathy looked around, at the class,unsure just what Sarah had meant, then froze when she saw the frightened lookon Sarah's face.
Cathy heard a noise behind her, to one side. The teacher'sdoor opened and four large heavyset Wardens came in, swiftly moving to surroundCathy. She knelt, not daring to move, too scared to even breathe. The Wardenson either side of her grabbed her arms and forced her down onto the floor,pulling her arms behind her back. The guard behind her was locking large heavycuffs around her ankles, a short solid steel bar linking them. One of the twoguards at her side was closing a matching pair of handcuffs around her wrists.The Warden in front of her knelt down, looking at her, and admonished her, "Ifyou talk you get a gag. I advise you to keep quiet, it is very unpleasant andyou will be forced to wear it for some time. Do exactly as I say. Any resistancewill only increase your punishment." Cathy looked up at him, saw the glintof determination in his eyes, and all the fight went out of her.
The Warden on her other side took out a wide padded leatherstrap and covered her eyes, fastening the blindfold behind her head with abuckle. Hands grasped her arms and pulled her up to a standing position. Someonepulled the ends of a chain, connected to the handcuffs behind her back, aroundher waist and locked them in front. Her wrists were pulled close against thesmall of her back. The bar cuffs around her ankles had a swivel where the barjoined the cuff, allowing her some movement for short, hobbled steps. The Wardensturned her around, and began to lead her forward, she guessed toward the doorthey had come in. The guards pulled her forward, she tried to keep up as bestshe could, but she was kept off balance, unable to keep her feet under herbecause of the pace of the guards. She would have fallen several times exceptfor the hands holding her arms. They didn't let up, virtually dragging herfrom the classroom.
They went through the door, paused while one Warden lockedit behind them, then they headed down the hallway. Unable to see, Cathy hadno idea where she was being taken. They stopped several times to pass throughsome kind of door or gate, she wasn't sure. Finally she heard one heavy metaldoor close behind her, and then a Warden removed her blindfold.
She blinked at the light, letting her eyes adjust beforeshe looked around. She was in a round room, a Warden seated at a circular deskin the center. Around the wall were several small brightly lit cells, someoccupied. The Warden at the desk pointed to one empty cell, and her guardsled her toward the open cell door. Inside she could see what looked like ahigh backed chair, facing a mirror. One guard led her to the chair, "Sit" heordered. She sat down, leaning forward because of the handcuffs behind herback. Two of her escorts held her in the chair, hands on her shoulders, whileanother removed the cuffs around her ankles.
As he removed the ankle cuffs he placed her ankles in heavypadded steel shackles built into the legs of the chair. Then he unlocked thechain around her waist. The two Wardens at her side pushed her forward, andthen one reached down and released her wrists, pulling the handcuffs and waistchain off her. Both Wardens at her sides immediately grabbed her wrists andarms and forced them into padded metal shackles on the chair arms. Once herwrists and ankles were secure they continued with several leather straps acrossher legs, arms, and body, fastening her tightly into the chair. Two large padswere slid into place on either side of her head, and a wide leather strap wentacross her forehead. She could not even move her head.
Her original escorts left the cell, and the Warden at thedesk entered, standing in front of her. "You are here to discourage yourimproper behavior. Striking a teacher is strictly prohibited and sternly punished.You will sit in this chair and reflect on what you did. You will not speak.If you try, you will be gagged, for an extended period. You will be watched.The fastest and easiest way to get out of here is to do exactly as you aretold." With those words he turned and left the cell, locking it behind him.
Cathy sat there, unable to move a muscle, not even ableto turn her head. The mirror in front of her showed the extensive restraintsholding her, and the Warden in the background, staring at her. She recalledPaula's words when she had first arrived, "discourage improper behavior." NowCathy would find out for herself what Paula had meant.
Cathy stared at her reflection in the mirror, strapped intothe chair, unable to even turn her head to the side. She pulled against thestraps, trying to slip a hand or ankle free, but she was held too well, noescape would be possible. She shifted her weight, trying to move the chair,but it was securely bolted to the floor. As she struggled, testing her bonds,she could see the Warden watching her, expressionless, sitting at the desk.
She gave up trying to free herself, and sat there quietly.How long would they make her sit in the chair, and what would happen afterthat? Since she had to sit anyway, she closed her eyes, trying to relax andmake the best of her situation. Her mind wandered, times with her friends,her master, her time in this school turned prison. For the first time she trulyregretted not only running away from her master but also not accepting hisdecision about that party in the first place. If she had only trusted him,waited for him to explain why she couldn't go to that party...she wouldn'tbe here.
Her thoughts wandered, and she fell asleep after a while.When she woke and opened her eyes once again she saw the same image of herself,bound to the chair. A different Warden was at the desk, but he was staringat her, watching her like the other one. Again she pulled at the straps, desperateto get away from that constant stare. But there was no escape, all she coulddo was sit there and wait. She could not bear to look directly at his reflection,but she could not turn away.
What seemed like hours passed. No one walked by, the roomwas very quiet; no sounds reached her apart from her own breathing. And alwaysthere was the Warden, watching her. Once again she shut her eyes, trying toblock out that stare. This time sleep did not come, instead she lived overand over the incident that had brought about her punishment. If only she hadpaid attention, if only she hadn't been distracted. If only her master hadvisited her again, she wouldn't have felt so lost...and then she realized,if she had trusted her master, accepted that he would come for her eventually,she wouldn't be in this chair now. For the second time, her own failure totrust her master's actions had only worsened her own situation.
She sat there pondering her actions to date, good and bad,and what had come of them. In retrospect, if she had followed the simple path,allowed her master to do his job, she wouldn't be in this punishment cell,or even in this training school. Instead she would be in her small studio,working on her next painting, waiting for him to come home from work. She smiled,thinking of how incredibly foolish she had been to ever risk losing an idylliclife like that.
She wasn't sure how long she had been in the chair, therewas no way to mark the time, and she didn't want to open her eyes and see thatWarden's cold stare looking back at her. Cathy sat there calmly, resigned toher punishment, knowing she had earned it by her own misdeeds. Time passed,she drifted, waiting. Eventually they would come and release her, but untilthen all she could do was sit, think, and hope.
Time had blurred. She might have been there a few hoursor several days, she no longer had any idea. The boredom was the worst. Attimes a girl would come in and give her some food and water, feeding her byhand. At other times someone would come in and clean her off with a bucketof warm water. No one would speak to her, not a single word. More and moreshe sought refuge in sleeping, or at least daydreams, anything to help herescape the confines of the chair.
She wasn't sure what it was, but she suddenly felt anotherpresence, close to her. At first she was afraid to open her eyes, knowing theWarden would be there, observing, watching her every move. But, somehow sheknew it was not the Warden standing near her. She could sense someone standingover her, behind her, somehow familiar. She opened her eyes, looked into themirror, and caught her breath, her master's reflection clearly visible. Shestarted to speak, but the word "master" died in her throat when shesaw the look in his eyes and on his face. It was the look she had prayed shewould never see, anger and disappointment. "I know what happened, Cathy,everything. I had hoped to take you home today; instead I find you here. Youwere doing so well, and then this. I am disappointed that you could not dobetter. I know the potential is within you, and I hope you will improve inthe future." And with those words he turned away and walked out of the smallcell, leaving her behind.
The tears flowed freely from Cathy's eyes. She was crushed,she had failed her master. She watched his receding back as he left, desperateto call out to him, but knowing she had nothing to say. He was right; it seemedhe was always right, she had failed the one person whose approval meant theworld to her. At that moment, she resolved she would never again doubt him.She had freely chosen him as her master; she had given herself to him totally,without reservations or limits. She had trusted him to decide for her, guideher path in life. But now she realized it had not been quite the full commitmentshe had thought it was. She had held back, second guessed him, but no longer.
There was no question now, she would accept him as a mastershould be, complete and total. If she had doubts or questions, she would tellhim, as he always insisted on, but whatever the outcome she would follow hiswishes. She would do her best, show him that she could learn. No matter howlong, if it was his desire, here she would stay, until he decided to come forher.
Cathy kept her eyes closed, even as she cried from the paininflicted by her master's harsh words. A few sobs crept out, but she willedherself not to make a sound. She did not have permission. No more improperbehavior, she had been well and truly discouraged. Now she understood why Paulahad never disobeyed, never broken a single rule. It wasn't the fear of somephysical punishment. That would have been relatively easy to take, especiallywhen she wasn't given a choice. Far worse was to be left alone day after day,isolated, no one else, and her master's disappointment weighing on her mind.
She opened her eyes, looking straight ahead. The picturewas the same, her body trapped in the chair, and the ever-present Warden watchingher. Her master was gone, she was alone again. She stared straight ahead, directlyinto her reflection. She had no idea how much longer she would have to sitthere, but however long it was, she would wait, with a new determination tosucceed.
At some point she fell asleep again, because she awoke witha start when she felt the Warden's hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him,at his reflection in the mirror since she couldn't move her head to look directlyat him. "Your time here is over Cathy, for the moment. But remember, thechair, and worse, is always here." The Warden moved in front of her, beganto undo the straps holding her. When he finished, he stood back, and noddedfor her to stand up.
At first it was agony, her muscles were stiff and sore atthe prolonged immobility. She staggered, nearly falling as she tried to standon her weakened legs. She caught herself on an arm of the chair, waited a momentto recover, and then shakily stood up. She could see the marks all over herbody where the straps had held her. She looked at the Warden, uncertain whatto do next. "Stand for a minute, take your time, then move around a bit," hetold her. "When you have recovered, you will be taken to the showers,then to a dormitory cell where you can sleep. You are not allowed to discusswhat has happened here or the incident in the classroom with anyone, exceptof course your master. If you break that rule you will be immediately returnedhere. You do not want that to happen."
Cathy waited for a few moments, and then tried walking around.Her steps were unsteady at first but she recovered rapidly. It seemed thatevery muscle in her body was complaining, but not quite as loudly as when shefirst tried to stand. The Warden stood close by, to catch her if she startedto fall, but allowing her to work out the stiffness herself. She walked aroundsome more, sat for a moment to rest, then stood and nodded to the Warden, "Sir,I am able to walk now."
He took hold of her arm and led her out of the cell towardthe desk. Another Warden was waiting there, out of sight from within the cell.The first Warden took her over to him. "Extend your arms in front of you,wrists slightly apart," the new Warden ordered. Cathy held out her armstoward him while he produced a set of handcuffs and locked her wrists together.He took hold of her upper arm in a firm grasp and led her to the exit door.As Cathy and her guard approached it opened from the outside, a third Wardenwatching as they left the punishment room.
He took her to the showers first, where she indulged ina long hot shower, which did wonders for her sore body. Afterward the Wardentook her to an empty sleeping cell, with bedding and a meal already inside.After the Warden left her alone she devoured the meal, not realizing how hungryshe was. She placed the empty meal carton next to the door, in a corner, andthen turned to her bed. As she lay on the pad, the thin blanket barely coveringher, her thoughts turned again to her Master, as they always did at bedtime,and once again her hand met the impenetrable metal shield covering her. A slightsmile, she would have to wait, it was for her master to decide when she wouldbe freed from her own personal prison. She fell asleep, with renewed determinationthat she would be the best she could be, for herself and for her master.
Cathy had fallen asleep immediately after eating, exhaustedfrom her punishment and emotionally drained by her master's words. She wokein the morning, but it seemed to be early as she didn't hear any activity fromthe corridor, and no Warden came by. She lay on her bed, glad for the timealone to rest and gather her thoughts. She thought about the pressures, thestress that had brought her to strike the teacher.
She had felt so lost. Her friend Paula was gone, no oneknew where, and it seemed her master had forgotten about her. Yet, he had appearedso quickly after she had been taken to the punishment room, surely within hours.If he had truly been ignoring her, how, why had he gotten here so fast? Thenshe realized, he was already on his way here, to visit her, maybe even takeher home. Once again she had doubted him, and yet once again she had made amistake. And his words, "disappointed", she could not remember thelast time he had ever said that to her, before she had been sent here.
She heard movement farther down the corridor, the beddingcart. Cathy quickly folded her blanket and placed her sleeping pad and beddingnext to the door. She moved into the daily routine once again, kneeling asshe had been taught, waiting for the bedding cart and meal carts. After hermeal was delivered, she ate thoughtfully. Everything she had done contraryto her nature had caused a problem for her. Running away, and now physicalviolence. She didn't want to be like that. She loved being submissive to herMaster, allowing him to guide her, set her boundaries, having him take on theresponsibilities that so distracted and worried her. And he asked so littleof her in return. She had a nearly ideal life, virtually all she could want,and she was throwing it away.
Cathy knew if she really insisted, demanded to be freed,the Wardens would comply, at least with the point of contacting her master.She had not asked for it, because deep within she knew she still wanted tobelong to her master, to be owned and controlled by him, and if he wanted toplace her in this "school," a virtual prison, then so be it. It wastime to stop playing. Either she accepted him totally, or she walked away fromher life with him. She had pushed him to the edge; she risked losing him, theone person she wanted to please, the one person whose approval she needed.
The Warden was at her door, gathering the girls for theday's classes. At his order she rose, approached the door, and joined the groupunder the Warden's supervision. Walking down the hallway with the others, sheresolved to do her best from now on, no more doubts; her master's presencewould always be with her, as it had always been before now, even if she hadnever really thought of it that way. Her master had put her here to learn,and as Cathy smiled ruefully, she had indeed learned her lesson.
The day went normally, no one mentioned her incident. Someof the other girls had looked at her oddly, but not one asked. For Cathy thatwas just as well, because she remembered all too well the Warden's admonitionnot to discuss it. Too, the uncertainty, a fear of the unknown, and her ownunwillingness to discuss it would only serve to discourage the other girlsfrom copying her own inappropriate behavior. That evening she was placed ina cell with three others she knew slightly. All three of them had looked ather, asked if she was feeling all right, but skirting the real question. Cathyhad smiled, thanked them for their concern, and made some small talk aboutthe day's class. The others had taken the hint, and dropped the carefully veiledquestions as to what had happened.
The days became weeks, and Cathy again lost any track oftime. She allowed herself to be absorbed into the routine. She was always attentivein class, and worked hard to understand the lessons, and how they would applyto her when her Master finally came for her. And she had no doubts now, oneday he would come. She dreamed of that day, when a Warden would come for her,and then take her to her Master, and then they would leave together. But untilthen, she would wait, because he would decide when she was ready.
Over the next few weeks, several girls seemed to leave,as the classes were getting smaller. Cathy would often find herself with onlyone or two other girls in a sleeping cell. One night Cathy found herself sharinga cell with only one other, a girl she had only seen a few times. Tonight thenew girl, she had said her name was Alicia, was very quiet, sitting in a cornerby herself. Cathy had tried to start a conversation, but Alicia had said verylittle, so Cathy left her alone, thinking she wanted some privacy. After thebedding came, they settled down for the night, but after a few minutes, beforeCathy had fallen asleep, Alicia spoke to her. "Cathy, I think somethingis wrong. I feel so sick I can hardly move. Please, call a Warden, I need help,please."
Cathy sat up. It was a serious violation to speak afterlights out. If Alicia broke that rule deliberately, something must really bewrong. She got up and went over to Alicia. At a glance she didn't seem to bethat sick, her skin didn't feel too hot or clammy, but Cathy could feel slighttremors as Alicia shook beneath her blanket. Up to now Cathy had never seenanyone get sick in the "school," and didn't know what the approvedprocedures were. But Alicia did seem to be sick, so Cathy went to the celldoor and looked to see if a Warden was close by making rounds. She didn't seeanyone in the corridor. Looking back at Alicia, Cathy could see her shivering.She got her own blanket, laid it over Alicia, and then went back to the celldoor. She hesitated, but the situation was serious, so she called out, "Sir?Is anyone there? Sir, a girl here is very sick and needs attention. Please,Sir, I think it may be an emergency." If they really did monitor everyone withcameras and microphones then her calls would surely attract some attention,even if it was late at night.
After a moment she heard the by now familiar sound of abarred gate open and footsteps heading her way. Cathy stepped back from thedoor, kneeling close to Alicia. "Relax, hon, someone is coming. They'lltake care of you." Cathy reassured her.
A Warden stopped at the door, "what's going on here?"
"Sir, this girl, Alicia, seems to be very sick, I amworried about her. She was complaining earlier, now she is shivering." Cathylooked from Alicia to the Warden, waiting for him to decide what to do. TheWarden took a set of keys out of his pocket, selected one, and unlocked thedoor. He knelt to the other side of Alicia, opposite Cathy, and made a quickexamination of Alicia, taking her pulse, feeling her forehead for fever.
"Okay, this does require attention. C'mon Alicia, tryto stand up and I'll take you to the infirmary. We do have a doctor here, I'llwake him and he can examine you." The Warden put an arm under Alicia and helpedher to stand up. Alicia didn't say anything but did stand shakily and walkedout the door with the Warden holding her. Stopping outside the door, the Wardenclosed it behind him and locked it. Just as he removed the key Alicia startedshaking violently and collapsed against him. Caught off balance the Wardenstaggered and fell to the floor, but managed to hold onto Alicia and breakher fall so she wouldn't injure herself. Alicia continued to shake and thrashabout violently, but the Warden was able to hold her down. In a moment Aliciahad stopped, just as another Warden arrived with a medical gurney. As Cathywatched, the two men loaded Alicia onto the gurney, strapped her down, andquickly wheeled her off to the infirmary.
The lights were still dimmed, and Cathy knew she shouldreturn to bed, but she was worried about Alicia. She went to the door, tryingto catch a glimpse of Alicia as the Wardens took her away. She could hear themmoving quickly down the corridor, but could see nothing. As she turned away,her eye was caught by a gleam on the floor. It was a ring of keys, less thana foot away from the bars of her cell.
Immediately she knew what had happened. Just as the Wardenwas putting the keys back in his pocket, Alicia had gone into her convulsions.As the Warden fell, holding Alicia, the keys had fallen out of his pocket.And the other Warden had been unlocking the gates; they might not miss thisset of keys for several hours. Bending down, she reached out through the barsand picked them up. Looking closely at each key in the dim light, she couldmake out the labels, "SLEEP," "GATES," "SHOWERS," "EXIT," "ELEVATOR," and "VAN." Shestopped at the last ones. This was a complete set; she could open her celldoor, make her way to the elevator, and escape in a van parked at the entrance.It was night, there were only a handful of Wardens awake, and at least twoof them were occupied. After all these weeks, months of captivity, she heldin her hand the means to leave it behind. She selected the key labeled "SLEEP," thenreached back through the cell bars and inserted it into the door lock. Thekey went in easily, it was the right one. She started to turn the key, to openher door to freedom...
And stopped. She couldn't do it. Not like that. Cathy felther master's presence, looking at her, waiting for her to choose. She pulledthe key out of the still-locked cell door, looked at the ring of keys wistfully,and then tossed them out the bars to the far side of the hallway, out of reach.She turned and went back to her bed. It was lights out; she was supposed tobe asleep. The rules did not allow her into the corridors without a Wardenas escort, and she was certain she wasn't permitted a set of keys. Fallingasleep, she smiled, she would continue on her chosen path, and wait for hermaster.
About fifteen minutes later the first Warden returned, pickedup his set of keys in the hallway, looked over at Cathy sleeping in her cell,nodded in approval, and continued on his way. His girl Alicia was a superbactress; even he had been halfway convinced she was having some type of seizure.Alicia was back in their quarters now, sleeping. He had stopped in the surveillanceroom for a few minutes, to review the tape of Cathy with the keys, and thencontinued on his rounds. Cathy's master would be pleased when he saw that tape.And he would collect that $5 bet from Joe, the other Warden who had helpedtonight. Joe had been sure she would at least open the door.
The next morning Cathy awoke to the usual routine. Whenthe Warden came to collect her, she started to ask about Alicia then thoughtbetter of it. The Warden noticed her slight hesitation, smiled, and told her, "Aliciais okay, Cathy. She had a quiet night and won't be returning here today. Shewill be well cared for."
"Yes, Sir, thank you for telling me," Cathy repliedas she took her place in line. The day proceeded normally; the incident withthe keys was never mentioned by anyone. That night Cathy was back in with severalgirls she had known for some time. Cathy and the other talked about the dayuntil lights out, when they all went to bed.
Cathy did not see Alicia again, and assumed she had beenreleased to her master for medical reasons. She had worried it might be somethingcontagious, but no one else got sick. She had seen the Warden from that nighta few times since, once he had looked at her oddly, but he had never mentionedthe keys in the hallway, or how they had gotten to the far wall. Since he stillmade rounds at night, she assumed he had not gotten into trouble over the keys,or no one had known they were missing. Just as well, he was a decent guy, andshe didn't want to see him get into trouble.
The daily routine continued for a few more days, until onemorning, after showers, as the group Cathy was in was walking down a hallwayto their assigned classroom, the Warden in charge suddenly stopped them. AnotherWarden came through the door, spoke to the supervisor for a moment, then cameback to where Cathy was standing. The Warden unlocked her wrists from the groupchain, handcuffed her hands behind her back, took hold of her upper arm, andled her away from the group. Cathy glanced back, saw them continue on, andthen turned back to her guard. What was happening? Had they finally discoveredthe incident with the keys? Was she being taken to the punishment room again?She almost spoke, to plead for leniency, but she knew better.
They continued on for a while, and then he stopped at abarred door. He unlocked the door, freed her wrists, and then pushed her inside,closing the door behind her. She looked around, suddenly realizing where shewas when she saw the sign on the wall, "SECURED AREA," and the rulesunderneath. There was the small table, and the other door, the one to the elevator.This was the lower entrance.
On the table a set of clothing was waiting for her, includingunderwear and shoes. Next to it was the familiar box that had held the chastitybelt she had worn since the day she arrived, and which she still wore. Nextto the box was a simple necklace, with two keys on it. Cathy recognized themimmediately, the keys to her belt and the collar around her neck. On top ofthe clothing was a short note in her master's handwriting, "Your timehere is over. I will arrive shortly to take you home. You may dress while waitingfor me." Cathy looked at the note, read it over and over, tears in her eyes,relieved her long ordeal was finally over and she would be with her masteronce again. She set the note down and reached for the keys to that belt thathad caused her so much frustration and misery.
Cathy smoothed her skirt one last time as she heard theentrance door unlock. It had been so long, she wanted to look her very bestfor her Master. The door opened, and there he was. She ran to him, put herarms around him, and felt his muscular arms encircle her once more. She laidher head against his chest, feeling again his sure strength holding her, surroundingher. He held her for a long moment, bent down and kissed her, then held herout at arm's length, "Let me look at you." Cathy stood with her head down,sensing his gaze on her.
"Well, I think you are more than ready to leave, shallwe go?" he asked her. He walked over to the table and picked up the boxoff the table. It felt very light so he looked inside, and saw only an emptybox.
"Master? I believe these keys belong to you," Cathysaid, placing the long necklace chain with the keys around his neck. "Butplease, master, don't lose them," she smiled back at him. He reached for her,slid a hand around her waist, and felt the hard steel band of the belt underneathher skirt. Looking close, he could just see the steel still circling her throat,under the high collar of her blouse. He looked a question at her. "Master,it is for you to decide what I will wear for you, and for how long. I wantyou to hold the keys."
He looked at her a moment, one hand holding the keys hangingaround his neck. Then he picked up the empty box in one hand, took Cathy'shand in the other, and led her into the elevator. At the top, the elevatordoor opened, and the guard looked in to make sure Cathy and her master werethe only two passengers. He unlocked the gate, nodded to them, and resumedhis seat by the door. The two of them walked out the front door, to her master'swaiting car in the driveway.
"I have a surprise for you Cathy. We aren't going straighthome. A friend has loaned me his beach house on Coronado Island, in San Diego.We will be spending a few days there first."
"Oh master! That's wonderful. It is so pretty there.And we have so much to talk about, so much I want to say. And do, if you mightconsider using that key around your neck," she winked at her master.
Her master roared with laughter. "Yes I would imagineyou are very interested in the disposition of this particular key. By the way,I invited some guests to meet us there. I don't think you ever met Big Mike,interesting story, he's a mining engineer, was held hostage by Bolivian Indiansfor about a year. An old friend of mine, he just got back to the States a fewweeks ago. I think you do know his girl, her name is Paula."
Cathy sat back in the car seat, "Paula? You mean thePaula I met in ..." Her voice trailed off at the sight of the big smile onher master's face. "Oh master! You know all about her. Sir, I really didlearn my lesson in there. No more doubts, I want to be your girl, I want youto be my master. I will never disappoint you again."
"Cathy, I believe you. I can see the difference. Ilove you, I want to be your master, to care for and protect you, to give youthe space to grow in your own way. It hurt me, more than you can know, to havesent you to that place, but I knew it would save our relationship."
"It was a terrible place master, but it also works.Free from distractions, forced to focus on what's important, I came to realize,and accept, what I am and what I want. I hope I never have to go back there,but if you believe it is in my best interest, I will go willingly." She leanedacross the car seat, kissed him lightly on the cheek, and then settled backas they drove through the desert.
"Sir, I was wondering if you could answer just one question,about that place? I never figured out how the Wardens always seemed to knowwhere they were going, but none of the hallways or doors are marked. I neverdid figure out how they did it." All during her stay Cathy had tried to spotsome hidden mark on the wall or pattern in the floor or ceiling, but neversaw anything to mark particular locations.
"Funny you should ask, that's an idea I suggested from someunrelated research I did for a customer years ago." He started to explain. "Thereis a small radio transmitter in each wall and by many doors. As they walk bythe location is whispered into a hearing aid type receiver in their ear. It'svery short range, only a few feet. They always know exactly where they are,and they can hear announcements over a private intercom too." Cathy nodded,it made sense. She had been looking for some secret mark and had never noticedthe receivers.
She relaxed and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling ofonce again belonging to her master, the feelings of freedom and completenessin her submission to him. And she knew, with a certainty, the next time sheheard the words "your master requires your presence," she would bethere, at his side, her place.
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Rebecca had reached a point in her new Scoutmaster role where she considered all the scouts to be genderless in her eyes. In her efforts at inward self-inspection, she determined it was probably because she was always a bit bi-sexual even when she was in high school and was just as happy having a happy ending with one of the teenaged cheerleaders as she was with giving up her cherry to a football jock. She saw it in her boy and girl twins Edward and Edwina with their ability to take on...
Book ISYNOPSIS : Master Jonathan decides that it is time for His slave girl to become a pain slut. Her journey into the world of pain begins with unique training sessions conducted by multiple sadistic Masters, each man using her body to inflict His perversions and predilections for pain. The pain administered to her body is beyond anything she has experienced or could imagine. But in the end and after several days of excruciating training sessions, she learns that pain can be an...
Master and I had been talking for some time on the internet getting acquainted. He said he was straight but said he wanted to try it with a male bitch at least once and that he had some Gay and Bi Black Bull Master friends that wanted to be with a white male slave. He said that He would make sure that when He was finished breaking me in that there wouldn’t be any marks or bruises that would show or cause people to ask questions but that I would know my place and what I was when I left. We had...
Meeting Master I have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn’t too big. I had sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I had dated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. I worked at a Denny’s-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn’t give me lots of money, but I didn’t need much. And I got to serve men and call them ‘Sir’. I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy with me. I worked the evening...
Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...
Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...
Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… My newly proclaimed Master wanted something of me that would prove that I was ready for his collar. I have few taboos in my life, no children, water sports, animals, and no incest. The taboo that my...
IncestChapter 1 You woke up Friday morning before the alarm went off. You did not sleep much last night. Master didn’t touch you at all. Even on the nights that he doesn't use you for his pleasure he will usually rub your pussy or finger your ass before he falls off to sleep, getting you wet and wanting more. Master likes to tease you, to make you want him even more. Even when he teaches you how to be a good pet for him, he leaves you wanting more of the pain he inflicts on you. Your body aches as...
InterracialBlue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now. PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...
Friday ? 6:00 p.m.?alexia runs through a mental checklist making sure she has completed everything and?that all is?in order for her to leave her?apartment unattended for the next two weeks as she is taking a trip to her new Master's house. she is very much looking forward to the trip because it will be her first trip to His house, with Him as her official Master. she met her Master several months previously on the internet, but it had quickly evolved past online into real life situations....
Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started a couple of days ago. Master Paul and I had been having problems for a while - no matter what I did, it didn't seem to be what He wanted. After being chewed out, and being told I didn't do this right or didn't do that right, I started getting fed up. Can you blame me? I mean a sub can only take so much! So I started messing up on purpose - I figured if I was going to get blamed for it anyway, ya know? But I guess Master Paul had finally...
ToysA secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War IINote by Jennifer Suzuki: She was a petite, elegantly dressed Japanese woman in her later twenties. We had met over lunch. Me and my white boyfriend; she and her white boyfriend. She looked elegant, but her dress was conservative and plain, without any urban panache and yet radiant with modesty and intelligence. Her boyfriend was much taller than she was, overbearing, muscular, with crew cut dark brown...
Master Rewards his Cunt PigI had been Master’s property for over two years before he rewarded me with my number one sexual fantasy for being such a good slave. Over the past two years I had been my Master’s slave in training. Within the first two months I was ordered to move in with him so my training could progress to being full time and my only priority in life. I was thrilled beyond belief when Master told me this was going to happen and as of this point I had formally become His...
You just received a call from your Master that has just set you on edge with excitement and curiosity. He has told you to meet Him at His place, the instructions are very specific. you are to arrive at the house at 4:30, let yourself into the shower and dress in the clothes He has left you in the bedroom. Wait for Him in the front room until He arrives. You are not to do anything else. You arrive at the house and let yourself in, the anticipation is killing you so you head directly to the...
You just received a call from your Master that has just set you on edge with excitement and curiosity. He has told you to meet Him at His place, the instructions are very specific. you are to arrive at the house at 4:30, let yourself into the shower and dress in the clothes He has left you in the bedroom. Wait for Him in the front room until He arrives. You are not to do anything else. You arrive at the house and let yourself in, the anticipation is killing you so you head directly to the...
Sissy Gets A Black MasterI got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked andpunished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe thatall those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merelyexchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the nextminute, that very man was at my door, in my home, and then inside mybody. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who lookedto be about ten years my junior, had taken me...
After he used my name, I thought it was all over with, and it left me so frazzled that I spoke without thinking, asking him questions like that about his past because it felt like something had definitely happened there. The more I learned about him, the more it seemed clear that he was capable extreme violence. Strangely, I couldn’t say that I had any fear of that violence. Whatever it was, I knew that he wouldn’t ever truly hurt me. He was too steady, too calm. Even when his crop felt like...
“Oh god………” I asked in a squeaky voice. I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was laying next to me caressing my chest and stomach. My cock was not even paying attention to what my brain was trying to tell it. It was rock hard and ready for more. “Hmm baby, seems like someone is happy to see me. Think I can get some more of that lovely cream from the source?” she asked as she started kissing her way down my chest and stomach. When she reached my cock head she kissed it and...
Master X: Welcome back to my chat room little Amy. What may I do for you today? Amy” I need to submit to a forceful dominant male like I told you before. It’s taken a long time for me to accept this but I’m ready now. Master X: I see, are you interested in a stirring encounter soon? Amy: Oh yes Master X. I’ve heard about you from a few other girls on Adult Friend finder and a few bondage sites. They say you’re super hot. Master X: Of course I can cum to you but I recommend...
While the transition from reading the internet advertisement to her present position of being bound and suspended by her wrists from the metal rings set in the ceiling of The Master’s playroom had been easy for Gloria, it had also been time consuming. Establishing new contacts always seemed to work out that way, if in fact they worked out at all. The classical music surged through the room but Gloria didn’t really hear it. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how she so willingly came to be in...
In Search of Master Exeter by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Celine was bored: bored with teaching, bored with being single, bored with life in general. A bored woman is a woman looking for trouble and the place to look for trouble is on the Internet. Celine found all she could want in the form of a little advertisement on a site called, ? It began simply enough one spring day. She came home from school, bored practically to death, having struggled to teach four...
Chapter 4 Master picks Vicky up, the plug firmly in her tight black ass, tosses her on his shoulder and leads the way to the basement, to your special room. What Master has done with your room in the basement is incredible. An 18th century dungeon meets Star Wars. All the traditional equipment is there, various racks, horses, a cross, two stockades, four cages of different sizes and two bondage beds, but everything is automated. Each piece of equipment adjusts for different body types...
Chapter 4 Master picks Vicky up, the plug firmly in her tight black ass; tosses her on his shoulder and leads the way to the basement, to your special room. What Master has done with your room in the basement is incredible. An 18th century dungeon meets Star Wars. All the traditional equipment is there, various racks, horses, a cross, two stockades, four cages of different sizes and two bondage beds, but everything is automated. Each piece of...
InterracialNOTES: Please don’t give me a negative rating without at least telling me how to improve. Same goes for positive ratings. Thank you. ^^ Every feedback is treasured to me. Oh, and this story is dedicated to PervertBiYoungGuy, who's been a constant help and cheerful contributer to these stories. ^_^ Hope you enjoy, sweetie! ___________________________________________________________________ The room was beautiful. Sweeping velvet curtains hung majestically over the windows,...
This is the first time that I have tried my hand that this form of story. I hope that it is to your liking. I am hoping that this may turn into a set of stories. Please take a moment at the end of your read to cast a vote. I do know that it has been a long time since I have posted but writing is something that is never rushed and always savored.*It was a fairly warm January night here in Texas when I pulled my car into the new club in town. This was just the second time that I had come into...
Megan struggled to make it to the end of the hallway while balancing the full breakfast tray. Not only had adding her captor’s desired amount of creamer brought the coffee’s level to the brim of the mug, the chain linking the leather cuffs on her ankles only allowed for about 18 inches of movement. It also would have been easier to hold the tray by the edges, but the chain binding her wrists was even shorter, forcing her to carry the whole thing palm-up in the middle. She stopped and took a...
Master turns back to the door and opens it…………………………….. Not daring to turn my head again all I hear is Master’s voice – the same tone he used on me. ‘Go and stand in the middle of the room, now My slut.’ She must have opened her mouth to say something to Master, as I hear His sharp reply, ‘I did not ask you to speak slut, I told you to go and stand in the middle of the room, don’t make me tell you twice.’ I hear my sister walk behind me, I know she’ll be standing in the same spot that I had...
Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...
Master turns back to the door and opens it................................... Not daring to turn my head again all I hear is Master’s voice - the same tone he used on me. "Go and stand in the middle of the room, now My slut." She must have opened her mouth to say something to Master, as I hear His sharp reply, "I did not ask you to speak slut, I told you to go and stand in the middle of the room, don’t make me tell you twice." I hear my sister walk behind me; I know she’ll be standing in the...
BDSMMaster John's Sissy Secretary by Melissa FCD The intercom buzzes and my boss's voice booms out loud and clear. "Melissa I want you in here in ten minutes to take dictation. And bring me some coffee." "Yes sir Mr. Thomas, I'll be in there in ten minutes with your coffee sir" I reply. I get up to make a fresh pot of coffee. As I walk to the coffee maker my suntan colored nylons rub against each other at my thighs making a soft whispering sound. My four inch navy pumps...
Accidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...
Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...
BDSM40 Dawns Sale to a tempory master Dawn had been sub to Ray now for a couple of years; her husband was still happy with the situation and had been wearing her chastity device for some time as well. One afternoon Dawn received a call from Ray saying he was coming round at 7 that evening. Duly they readied them-selves for his arrival expecting some form of sexual evening, Andy by removing all her clothing and placing her cuffs round her wrists and ankles, She, by settling herself...
Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once she had a hold on my leg, she wasn't about to let go. "Master!" she cried out. "Who are you talking to?" I asked, warily looking around. ...
The slave was so tired and it could not imagine what else that Master could have planned. It was late and it knew that the lady had to be leaving soon. She already had informed Master and slave that she could not stay the whole night because of prior committments. She had one more request of Master before she was fixing to get ready to leave and that was to have the slave eat her pussy one more time. Master ordered the slave to do what the lady asked. The lady laid down on the bed and opened up...
Part 1: That fluffy tail in my face was familiar, sweeping against my nose over and over again, smelling like dust. As a cat owner, I was used to waking up in this way, my furry roommate, Momo, sprawled out on my chest, waiting for me to feed her. But only the tail was familiar, the actual weight seemed way off. Whatever was on top of me was making it next to impossible to breathe. I raised my head as much as I could, and looking down my chest, my eyes fell on a very unfamiliar sight. Instead...
NOTE: Comments on the story not the grammar or spelling are welcome. I left Pamela chained and hobbled in the slave cell. I could not stop thinking about her submissive declaration. I knew that she said it to avoid more pain for her training but felt like she in a sense was broken and accepted her fate as a slave. I decided to see if she would actually behave as a true slave giving me her total submission. With this decision I rose the following morning, checked the monitor finding...
It was obvious from the moment they arrived that this was not an ordinary medical practice. First, it was located in a large house with a very long driveway. A tall fence surrounded the entire property and it was miles from anything else. Within the fence it was almost like a forest. There was no way anyone would see inside the house without permission. The front gate had an actual guard stationed 24 hrs a day. Honestly it gave Pixie the creeps, but she trusted her Master enough to have...
Dear Master It is a long time since Cum Girl has watched a sunrise and she has never before watched one in her garden naked, gagged, tied to a drainpipe, stood over a pool of her own cum, her mouth drooling, her body covered in wax, her arse filled with ice and her thighs coated with her own juices.? She considers herself very fortunate to have such a caring and inventive Master who makes her every waking hour more pleasurable than she could ever have imagined.? She hopes that, as you...
Note from the author: After reading through all of the comments on part 1 I couldn't resist sitting down and continuing this story! Thank you very much for the kind words and helpful suggestions everyone! This part is hopefully improved over the last, but with the same theme that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and make suggestions and I will happily take them into account for part 3 :) Master part 2 Would work never end? Time seemed to slow down...