Taming the Lineman
- 3 years ago
- 38
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Taming Saskia.
The heat was stifling, the fan over my bed turned lazily barely disturbing the flies jostling for the best places to sit along its rusting blades.
"James darling, how are you?" Sarah asked with impressively convincing compassion as she swept into the room.
I raised myself up "Not so bad," I managed to say before my strength ebbed and I fell back
"Oh, dear, you look so ill, I'll send for the nurse." she replied with a barely repressed smile.
I cursed my luck, absolutely typical that I get struck by malaria miles from what I considered to be civilisation, and stuck with Saskia, my darling wife.
Lord knows why I had allowed myself to marry her, she loathed me as much as I detested her, but it seemed a good career move at the time, and she was stunningly beautiful and achingly sexy but it was because she was not a UK national while her father with typical Russian cynicism had badly wanted UK citizenship for his darling daughter and as an up and coming trader working primarily for her father's company I fitted the bill nicely, we even signed a pre nuptial agreement, so she could ditch me after two years without losing too much.
We must have had sex six or maybe seven times in that two years of married bliss, I think we had dinner together twice and otherwise we lived separate lives from the Mayfair townhouse which her father gave us as a wedding present, and to be honest, it was quite pleasant, she had her rooms I had mine, she had her lovers and I had mine, and it was all wonderfully civilised.
The holiday invitation was unexpected, but like all Vladimir's requests something that I could hardly turn down and so Saskia and I arrived in the wilds of northern Turkey that fateful day in August.
Malarial mosquito country, "It is a wonderful place to invest, and so soon will be in EU," Vladimir insisted, as we booked into the largest of the small collection of seedy hotels in the seedy little town.
I don't know how that bloody mosquito got under my mosquito net but when I woke there was the itching evidence of a bite on my arm and I didn't feel so good.
Saskia quickly found me some anti malarial pills for me, on reflection she found them surprisingly quickly, and perhaps I should have been suspicious but I had a full days program of looking around investment sites planned so I didn't query it but gradually I felt more uncomfortable and listless until by the second day I just didn't want to get up at all.
So there I was getting worse and worse, barely able to pry myself from the bad and finally they fetched the local doctor, I think it was a formality prior to getting a death certificate, but Dr Ahmed was no fool, he took one look at me and ordered me to hospital, Saskia protested but Ahmed wanted his fee which would quadruple at least if I went to Hospital so his greed triumphed and I was admitted.
The pills Saskia gave me were fine, at least the brand was, the actual pills I found later were actually a powerful nerve agent, the active constituent of nerve gas highly concentrated and should have killed me pretty instantly but for a chance encounter with the same stuff at Uni when I was paid to test a vaccine one summer holiday, and again Ahmed's greed alone led me to be given some very expensive but entirely useless locally produced pills which while having no beneficial effects at least didn't poison me.
Sadly when Ahmed stole my pills for another patient his violent reaction, vomiting and screaming with intense headaches led Ahmed to warn me. "Your pills are poisoned," he said, "I get you medical evacuation to England."
He was too late, I felt fine, prematurely as it happened, in the medium term though my strength had been well and truly sapped and I kept needing to lie down but even then I was too stupid to suspect Saskia.
The penny only dropped when I heard Saskia and her father arguing over whether they should have me shot, after all plenty of Turks have AK47s combat machine guns as toys, like Brits have Mini Motorcycles or skateboards.
It all fell into place so I decided to take her out before they could get me.
I made some calls and as she didn't want me too far out of her sight her father decided she could drive us around to check out some investment properties while O convalesce and as she couldn't map read to save her life so the next step was amazingly easy.
She drove me in the Mercedes to see yet another property, an isolated Villa, not however the one her father had intended us to see, but very similar, one I had managed to rent for a month via the internet.
She drove expertly into the front gate and down the short drive.
"Is this the one only there was no sign?" she asked
"Oh yes, but we're early, lets look round." I suggested.
It was originally an old fort or something now lovingly re worked as a modern double glazed air conditioned luxury Villa, its stone work shone honey gold in the harsh morning light.
"Are you sure it's on Daddy's list?" she asked.
"I hope so," I agreed, "Lets see if they left us a key." I knew damned well there would be a key under a plant pot so I checked in the wrong direction while she checked around the front door so it was no surprise when she found it.
"Ha!" she exclaimed, as she waved it in the air "Shall we go in."
Saskia led the way into the house, into the marble tiled hallway and through to the beautifully appointed kitchen, "It's furnished?" she said incredulously.
"I know." I told Saskia.
"You know it is furnished?" she asked
"I know you tried to poison me," I explained pleasantly enough, as she looked round.
"Oh poor poor James," she explained, "And how do you think you will prove this?"
"I don't really need to," I suggested "We both know."
"Poor James, perhaps next time." she taunted me.
"You don't understand do you?" I asked, "Daddy has no idea you are here."
"Then I shall phone him!" she said defiantly, but I stepped forward and grasped her wrist as she took out her phone, her other hand flashed around striking my cheek and raking three red gouge with her long fingernails across my cheek.
"Oh no not this time." I insisted, "No you need a lesson, far away from daddy, a serious lesson."
She tried to pull away, I released her hand but grabbed the neck of her thin white knee length dress, it tore easily, "Run then!" I challenged, as I pulled the ruined garment from her "Get yourself arrested for indecency, this isn't the beach you know."
She stopped and flew at me snarling, "You feeble excuse for a man, I shall wear your trousers," she ranted but I grabbed both her wrists and slowly forced her to a halt and then to her knees on the polished Marble floor. "Bastard!" she shouted.
I changed my grip and forced her further down until her chin was on the ground and then I knelt on the back of her neck holding her firmly as she squirmed, "Let me go my father will kill you."
she yelled.
"Be quiet," I insisted, "Or yell your head off for all I care." I undid my trouser belt and wrapped it around her wrists and pulled it tight, "No one will hear."
"Bastard!" she annunciated once more, as I tied the brown leather into a passable reef knot.
"Ok, on your feet," I insisted.
"Ha, now what?" she asked, "You have made a big mistake."
I did wonder if I had indeed made a mistake but if the house did indeed have a wine cellar then maybe I hadn't.
I dragged her to her feet, she squealed and kicked and was thoroughly objectionable, but a door at the end of the kitchen did indeed lead to a circular stone staircase leading downward.
"Walk or fall, your choice," I suggested, as I flicked the light switch and held the door open for her, "But down you go.".
"No way!" she exclaimed, but the gentlest of kicks sent her stumbling awkwardly downwards.
She landed in a heap at the bottom, swearing like a trooper.
I followed her down, and after a cursory check that she was not seriously damaged I looked around, the cellar looked much older than upstairs, its vaulted roof obviously medieval within the vaults there were rows of wine racks, many covered by thick cobwebs but just a few held bottles of what looked very much like cheap supermarket plonk.
"You idiot!" Saskia complained, as she lay sprawled on the sand covered stone floor "You're completely mad."
"And you my sweet need to learn a lesson." I told her sweetly, "You can rot here until the plonk runs out and then," I paused theatrically, "for all I care you can die."
"Ha," she snapped, "Very funny, you made your point," she suggested, "So can we go now?"
"No," I explained, "You are staying here, no one knows you are here so,"
"You're mad!" she squealed.
"Quite," I agreed, "all this wine, such a pity you cant get to it."
"What?" she asked but by now I had my fingers in the waistband of her panties.
"I really don't want you to escape do you see," I said as I ripped them of her, and then as she tried to scramble to her feet so I turned my attention to her bra, I flipped the catch but couldn't remove it because of the shoulder straps, I tried to tear it but it was tougher, much tougher than the waistband of her panties and needed a very robust pull to wrench the shoulder straps off and she screamed as I hauled furiously but it gave way and then she was naked.
"Shoes," I said, she wore trainers and ankle socks, she understood but she didn't like it and she kicked out but with her arms tied she couldn't keep her balance when I grabbed her foot.
She kept kicking, desperately kicking, but she didn't have a chance, "Idiot, moron!" she screamed.
It was when I felt the flexibility of her trainers that I changed my plans maybe there was another way to chastise her.
"Right," I ordered, "You can bend over that rack, or," I paused, "I'll bloody drag you over it by your hair."
"Don't be stupid," she replied but she was wavering, fearful now.
"Me stupid, I must be," I stared at her, contempt still burned in her piercing blue eyes, her beauty a weapon she used with ruthless efficiency so I hit her, smack in the nose, it split, it crunched and started bleeding, she screamed, not play acting now, but a real intense animalistic howl of pain.
It sounded real good, I grabbed her hair she had it pinned up Russian style, but I dragged it out straight, well most of it did, some just tore right out in a clump, and before she realised I had wrapped it around one of the wine rack supports and tied it in a knot so she couldn't move.
"James please!" she wailed. but she was stooping bending from the waist now, her naked ass just pouting waiting to be slapped, I just took her trainer and started slapping, left, right, left, right. watching her ass cheeks redden with the repeated blows and thats when I saw some bamboo canes stacked against the wall, not whippy bamboo but thicker hollow tubes, I saw the possibilities.
Saskia also saw what was coming, she screamed long and loud, the bamboo wasn't ideal, but it felt so good feeling the jarring as it slammed into her, I snapped the lower part of the Bmboo tubes by standing on it so I had a tubular handle and several different blade like flails to lacerate her with, and suddenly there was blood, each swat left three or four trails of blood across her buttocks and then I moved on up her back. She screamed of course, really howled and it sounded great, like making love almost.
I rested for a while, offered her some wine, she snarled "He will kill you!"
"I don't think he will ever find out." I suggested.
"It's your fault, He says you must die," she admitted, I realised she was playing for time, but I was tiring too.
"Why?" I asked.
"The agreement, I only get what I have before we marry if we divorce." she explained.
"Yes," I agreed.
"You are worth millions." she said, "Father says I shall get far more if you die."
"Saskia," I asked, "What was wrong with what we had?"
"I want babies one day," she said, "I need a proper man not a wimp."
"Right," I agreed "Turn over."
It must have been excruciatingly painful for her she had to bend her knees as she faced out away from the rack where her hair was tied far too low for her to stand up, but she tried not to cry.
The blood had congealed from her broken nose, her mouth was bleeding where she had bitten her lip but I saw two smallish but perfectly formed virgin tits which needed a nice diagonal criss cross of weals, and I decided they couldn't wait any longer.
She really screamed as I laid into her, left then right until her breasts were a mass of bruises and then I worked down towards her sex, all across her belly and down her crotch, neat-ish criss crosses of red weals which would bruise to purple before they faded away and finally when I was exhausted, as the effects of my illness took my energy away prematurely, s I looked at her with satisfaction.
"Can we go home now," Saskia whispered.
"Personally I'm on a flight to Heathrow this evening." I explained, "While you." I added,
"Are going nowhere."
I sat down against the wall, "Phew, this is bloody knackering," I exclaimed, and I added as an afterthought "Is there anything special you want at your funeral?
"James, please, you made your point, I'm sorry." she said as she still desperately tried to charm her way out of trouble, "Take me home, I'll say I fell off a camel, I won't tell anyone."
"Oh no you'll have me arrested instantly." I suggested, "Oh hell I don't feel so good." and the world went soft and hazy and everything melted into thick chocolate sauce with caramel topping and mashed potato with Saskia riding a Camel.
I woke much later, "James!" someone was screaming, "James!"
"What?" I replied.
"Oh James, I thought you died!" Saskia announced.
"It's where you tried to poison me," I explained, "Phew," I peered at her, she was a real mess, her long blonde hair still held her to the wine rack, her wrists were red raw from where she had been trying to slip them from my constraining trouser belt.
I peered at my watch, damn! my plane was due out at half an hour ago, I cursed, "I missed my damn plane!"
"James, can I have a drink of water." she asked.
"Say please," I snapped nastily.
"Please!" she said trying to retain some composure.
"It will only delay the inevitable," I suggested, "Probably best not, we never did decide on the funeral did we?"
"You will really leave me to die?" she asked quietly.
"You tried to poison me," I pointed out reasonably.
"You are a lousy husband," she said, "Stop gap, father said and then you start earning big bonuses."
"Ok, doesn't necessarily mean I deserve to die." I asked, "Does it?"
"But we signed an agreement so I get so much more as widow than in divorce, you do see don't you?" she asked as if it was logical.
"Just great, did you ever stop to think we could have sat down and worked something out?" I asked.
"No, you are a weak fool." she said, she was looking back at me, she had turned to face the rack again and her blood smeared bottom was facing me, the skin now turning a pleasant shade of purple as the bruising came out.
I took the cane and absent mindedly swatted her buttocks a few times and then in a fit of frustration I brought it up sharply between her legs, her scream sounded hauntingly beautiful.
"Did you like that?" I asked.
"Yes, ah I mean No!" she wailed.
"Saskia," I asked, "What did you mean, was it yes or no." I rubbed my hands over her buttocks, despite or perhaps because of the blood they felt firm and powerful, she liked to work out, on her back with some gigolo mainly but also in the gymn and swimming pool.
"No, James, please don't." she said.
"Don't what?" I asked.
"Rape me," she said quietly.
"Good god woman, you're my wife, it would hardly be rape." I said, "Anyway I'm not drunk enough to fancy you."
She sobbed, I was confused, "Never mind," I said, "I'll fuck you with a wine bottle, hows that?"
"No," she said, less stridently this time.
I selected a bottle, dragged out the cork and let her have a drink from it and then as one does I rammed it unceremoniously up her cunt, it slid in up to the taper, she moaned.
"Bloody hell woman!" I gasped, "It usually takes half a dozen goes to get inside you."
"Not with a real man." she said, "I have to stop myself being sick when you touch me."
"Really?" I rammed the bottle further in while I reached for her left breast and tweaked her nipple I had never felt her so aroused, ever.
I felt stirrings, stirrings in my boxer shorts that I couldn't resist, I took my hand from her breast and she heard the rustle of my zipper and my trousers and boxers coming off, and then I removed the bottle and slid my length into her gloriously sopping wet receptive hole.
"Oh James you're so big," she whispered in her standard turn the gigolo on voice.
"Liar," I challenged.
"It feels big," she said, "Bigger than before?"
"I never took you from behind before." I pointed out.
"No," she said, "You should have."
"Oh yeah, great," I agreed, "You scream the place down if I go near you."
"A real man takes what he wants." she said, "He does not let a few words stop him."
I saw her panties lying there and her ruined bra.
"Saskia," I said, "Shut up."
"No why should I" she protested and then when I slid out of her she cried "No!"
I forced the panties into her mouth and bound them in place with the bra strap and then I slid back inside her again.
"Actually, all things considered, when you shut up, you're not bad fuck." I grudgingly conceded.
I don't remember cumming, at some stage everything went grey and it was much later when I woke, my trousers were around my ankles and I was propped against the wall and my head hurt.
There was a crash and the tinkling of glass, red wine and pieces of glass splashed me, I looked up, she had freed her hands somehow but her hair was still wrapped around the wine rack, "Damn," she said as she stretched out to grab another bottle.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You collapsed," she said, she couldn't quite get a grip on the bottle, "Dammit."
She had freed herself, her nose looked awful, but she hadn't worked out how to free her hair so she had tried throwing bottles at me, trying to knock me out permanently, but her aim was lousy and all she managed to do was wake me up.
I stood up carefully to avoid the glass, I picked up a big piece, part of the base of the bottle with a piece of the side attached and advanced towards Saskia, "No," she pleaded, "Don't cut me"
I grabbed her shoulders and then reached for her hair, "No please," she pleaded, "Not my hair," she side-stepped and I started to cut, except the glass wouldn' t cut it, "Damn!" I exclaimed and I brutally yanked the hair back through the rudimentary knot and freed her, she fell gasping and landed on glass of the broken bottle, she screamed, blood dripped from her wrist.
"Oh no you don't," I squealed and I swept her up in my arms, "That's too quick." I informed her and that's when I tripped over my trousers which were still around my feet and I fell and landed on her pushing her to the ground.
I lay on her as she lay on the sand covered floor while she tried to get her breath back, my chest against her breasts, my sex against her sex, "No James," she said, "No please,"
She pushed my tool away but instead of discouraging me I began to stiffen, "No James we must not, please,"
"Why not?" I suggested.
"You will collapse again." she said.
"A real man takes what he wants," I told her, except it was her fingers guiding me into her, and her needs I was addressing not my own, or was it?"
"I should have whipped you years ago." I whispered, as I thrilled to the feel of her fingers against my skin.
"No, if you were a man James, you would take me." she said, "James, I could have killed you just now."
"Maybe I'll still kill you?" I suggested , as I eased inside her, she gasped.
"Yes, but James," she said, "You could have cut my throat just now, can't we start again?" she asked, "Go back to how we were?"
"I don't think so," I told her, "What was the point?"
"I'm bleeding," she said.
"Bleeding annoying," I chuckled.
"What was wrong?" she asked.
"How should I know," I asked, "You tried to poison me remember?"
"Ah, well when you put it like that!" she agreed.
"You do realise you look hideous with your nose all crooked," I reminded her.
"Do I?" she asked, "Let me see."
"And your perfect breasts are all scarred and your buttocks all scarred and poor Saskia wont be able to pull the gentlemen." I taunted her.
"Bastard," she hit me with that broken bottle, caught me just above the eye, it gushed blood like a geyser.
I grabbed her wrist and twisted her hand round until the jagged glass was a millimetre from her cheek
"Yes," she said quietly.
I made her drop the glass and then I led her away up the basement steps, I threaded my trouser belt through as I followed her, she opened the kitchen door and I followed her across the marble floor to the foyer and then up the polished wood of the stairs, she left bloody footprints at each step, "Saskia," I said, "I better carry you over the carpets you're bleeding." I offered.
"Ok," she said and we tried to find the bathroom."Oh god, is that me?" she gasped as she saw herself all bloodied and her nose crooked.
"Sure is," I agreed, "Do you like it."
"No," she said quietly, "Oh god, I look hideous, I didn't realise. James." she said despairingly.
I set her down in the shower cubicle, blood dripped from my forehead.
"This is ridiculous," I exclaimed, "Shall we find some plasters before we both bleed to death?"
"In the kitchen." she said, "I saw when we came through."
"For gods sake why didn't you say?" I asked, "Wait here Ok."
I went down, and there prominently located at the end of the overhead cupboards was a green box with a white cross.
I dragged it open and found a length of sticking plaster which I put over the cut on my forehead, and then I took the box upstairs.
She was sobbing, "James, I don't want to be ugly!" she complained.
"Oh, well never mind," I suggested, "It won't be for long," I smiled at her, "Lets get a plaster on your foot." She let me put a plaster on her cut foot, "I'm hungry," she announced.
"There's food in the kitchen," I told her, "But first," I grabbed her around the waist as I stood behind her, "Its time for wifely duties my sweet."
I held her with my left arm and rammed three fingers from my right hand into what I expected to be her frigid sex, but she to my surprise she was hot and wet again.
"You bitch, you're turned on!" I exclaimed.
"I'm scared," she lied.
"Liar, you little liar," I accused, "Choose a bedroom." I suggested.
"James!" she protested, but she chose the master bedroom, and she watched as I stripped naked before joining her.
"James," she said, "This is the third time we've made love today."
"Fucked darling, fucked," I told her as I forced her legs apart and drove deep inside her.
"James," she asked, "Why don't we fuck at home?"
"Because," I said in time to my thrusts, "You don't like me and I don't like you."
"Perhaps I like the new you." she said, "So strong and masterful,"
"Shut it" I said and I kissed her, our noses touched and she screamed, "Sorry!" I apologised.
"What for breaking," she said, "Ohhhh James," she gasped as I ground into her, "James!"
"What,?" I said indifferently.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh James." I guessed this was Saskia faking an orgasm, I supposed I really ought to cum with her and suddenly I was cumming, pumping creamy cum into her like a fire hose.
She just lay there glistening with sweat as I pulled out, "James, tell Daddy I fell off a camel." she suggested.
"What?" I asked incredulously.
"Fell off a Camel, I'll get some supper." she said but she made no attempt to move.
"What," I asked.
"You said you love me." she said.
"Did I?" I asked.
"Yes, just then," she accused.
"So?" I queried.
"You never said you love me." she said
"I don't, you're just an ok fuck," I pointed out.
"I'm the best fuck you ever had," she challenged.
"No Tina is better." I corrected her.
"So what does she do?" she asked.
"Blow jobs." I explained.
"Ha!" she squawked, "Liar!" it seemed pointless to continue arguing.
"James," she said, "My swimsuit is in my bag in the car, would you get it please."
She knew I could never kill her, and I went downstairs, pausing only to borrow the largest knife from the kitchen and collected her swim suit from her bag in the car.
I went back inside, aqnd predictably Saskia confronted me waving a bread-knife, I pulled the even larger carving knife from the waistband of my trousers behind my back, "Check mate?" I suggested.
"Damn!" she exclaimed, and dropped the knife.
"Get some food woman," I ordered.
I watched her searching for something to cook and then she rustled up some scrambled eggs on toast.
I watched her naked and bruised body as she worked, and I started to stiffen again, there was something totally erotic about her, she looked at me and suggested, "Oh no, we eat first."
She wasn't great at scrambled egg, but she didn't try to stab me with her fork and after she made coffee and didn't throw it over me she suggested we went to bed, so she could "Do something about my bulge."
She lay still afterwards, "James," she said, "Why don't we make love when we're at home."
"You're too busy screwing anything with a pulse." reminded her.
"Well you screw anything charging less than a hundred dollars an hour." she challenged.
"How did you know?" I demanded, how in the hell did she know I wouldn't pay more than a hundred dollars, well euros actually for a fuck.
"I didn't is it true?" she asked.
"Yes," I said, "I suppose that's why you turn me on now all beat up and trashy."
"No James, it's because you see there is more to me than a pretty face and I have passion and you, well you have real guts and passion also, I see that now, and James," she paused.
"What?" I asked, "No, I like trashy," I admitted.
"I am going to fuck you into an early grave, give you heart attack," she insisted.
"Oh yeah?" I snorted, "You would say anything to stop me slitting your throat."
"Yes, we sleep in the same bed from now on and we fuck twice every night and twice every morning." she pleaded.
"Sounds ok, but you'll never keep up the pace." I challenged.
"Oh I shall," she laughed, "Indeed I shall, but maybe." she said, "First perhaps there will be a little James."
"Saskia," I said quietly, "We ought to get you to a Doctor."
"He will call the Police," she said.
"I have the pills," I said, "In the anti malaria pill bottle."
"Oh," she gasped.
"A stand off I think." I suggested.
"You don't really want to kill me do you?" she asked awkwardly.
"But you really do want me dead don't you?" I asked, she had the decency to nod.
"Then I suppose," I told her, "I had better make sure no other man will ever want you, I'll slash your face from chin to ear right across your cheek." right across here, I threatened.
Her breathing became laboured, "James," she said, "Please,"
"Please, what," I replied.
"Keep talking, tell me everything please," she pleaded,
"I'll cut your breast off," I threatened.
"Which one," she asked, she moved closer her lips on my cheek and then her teeth clamped onto my left ear.
"Left," I said.
"I'll bleed to death," she whispered.
"I'll cauterise it, is that the word? with a blow lamp." I promised.
"Do you think my nose will be all right?" she asked.
"No, we'll leave it crooked stop you screwing around." I suggested.
"I could wear one of those rubber hoods," she suggested.
"Oh all right we'll get it reset," I offered, "Have you finished nibbling my ear?"
"Yes, ok why?" she asked.
"I want to explore your mouth withy my tongue." I explained.
"I'll bite your tongue off," she said but she didn't, she did a mean attempt at tongue wrestling though.
"Now what?" I asked.
"You had a flight booked," she said.
"So?" I queried.
"Go home, I have my passport in the car."
"Yeah, why not?" I agreed, "Have you got any clothes?"
"Yes," she agreed, "Then lets go,"
I let her dress in her swimsuit, and then in the car she had a skirt and top as well as her passport so I sat back and let her drive me to the airport.
We flew to Cologne and then caught a flight to Gatwick, and before we knew we were home and only then did she phone her father, the call was not exactly low key and while she spoke to him I collected as many belts and straps as I could find, there was plenty of food in the fridge so we had a salad and then when she smiled and suggested bed I agreed.
She gasped when she saw the pile of belts beside her bed.
"You're not going to get the chance!" I told her.
"James, no!" she said.
"Undress," I ordered, she complied, stripping seductively.
"Now sit on the bed," I told her, she did as I said, "Lie back," and she did as I said and only when I grabbed her ankles and tried to push them right up beside her head did she protest, but it didn't matter, we both knew I was stronger, she couldn't resist.
A strap around her neck and then I interlocked one around her ankles anchoring them behind her head and then I quickly undressed, "No James," she said, "It's too uncomfortable."
"Shut up," I ordered, I knelt on the bed and pushed firmly into her red hot and very wet sex.
I must have thrust at least three times before I agreed, it was bloody uncomfortable, so I pulled out and lifted her from the bed, she got really worried being essentially helpless, and she screamed most of the way to my bedroom, she didn't stop when I threw her on the bed, or undid the belts and she only stopped when I insisted she climbed under the bed covers, and that's where I told her.
"This is where you sleep now," I said like it was a kennel or something.
"Twice a night," she said, "I shall fuck you to death,"
I joined her, and she welcomed me inside her, "James," she whispered, "Fuck me harder James,"
"Like this," I asked and I really ground into her.
"Yes," she agreed, "Just like that."
She woke me at seven with a blow job, I quickly turned it into a fuck, "You see I am the best fuck you ever had." she said.
"Cheapest," I agreed.
She tried to hit me but the angle was wrong so I kissed her mouth and pinched her still wobbly nose and tried to suffocate her.
We got her to a good surgeon that next afternoon and he somehow managed to put her nose in plaster.
"How did it happen," he asked.
"Fell off a Camel," she said.
"I beat her up," I said with my best "I'm joking" smile, but I suppose he didn't care either way as long as he got paid, and then we just had to face her father.
He was still furious when he got back, we had left most of our stuff in the hotel so he initially thought she had been kidnapped.
He came storming around to our house at ten o'clock in the evening, we were in the sitting room sitting on the couch together with my hand down her jeans, a log fire crackled in the grate as outside the outside temperature had plummeted as the rain fell steadily, Mrs Manners our Cook/Housekeeper let him in. "It's your father Miss Saskia," she explained apologetically, as she showed him in.
"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, "What have you done to her!" it was characteristic of him to assume I had hurt her not that it might be an accident.
"I beat her up and now she loves me," I explained, "Show him your back Sas,"
She stood up and pulled her cardigan up to reveal the part healed weals across her back, "He hit me with a cane when he found out about the pills, he was like an animal," she said, "So strong and masterful."
"A rabid dog!" he announced, "who needs to be killed!"
"And what about what you did to mother!" she lapsed into Russian.
He didn't have an answer.
I rolled over and with a smile on my face as my angel lay next to me in bed. I maneuvered over Michelle and gave her a slow passionate good morning kiss. Michelle also woke up forgetting that she had a man in her bed and had a freaked out look on her face. It took her a second or two and then she realized who I was and moved her lips back up to mine and before she kissed me and said, “Good morning lover – sorry – I’m sorry – you startled me a little, I’m not used to waking up with a man in...
Looking deep in to her eyes I said, “You have been locked in my dreams for so many months now – I’ve waited so long for this moment too – to finally be able to hold, gaze into your eyes, kiss you and make love to you – Michelle I want to make you mine and only mine!!!.” “Kiss me I want to taste your lips on mine” I leaned in and kissed her thin lips as my hands went to her face and began to caress her. Michelle wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her and then she...
This story has been created with Game Mode in mind. For the best experience, please turn Game Mode on. Your best friend Eddie had said it was urgent. Upon receiving his text, you head to your normal meeting place, Godzilla's Pizza Dojo. The place is covered in framed monster-movie posters and arcade machines that Eddie has topped the high scoreboards on. You find your overweight friend doing what he does best, wolfing down a pizza. You sit down at his table, where he says "Hey man." "What's...
BDSMHi, Readers.. Its me Kritagya again. I am now 29 years old, married and still on the hunt for women, girls and housewives who have an appetite for hard core no strings attached sex.. For those who have enjoyed reading my stories : ” Finally Nailed My Aunt” & “Finally Nailed Shalini Bhabhi” (Which was not posted by ISS due to some copyright issues but is available online) here comes a new offering from my end. Trust me its not at all fiction and is based on true events. I hail from the city of...
Author's Note: I was reading my first few stories again the other day and realized that they were a lot more steamy. This may be because the detective stories couldn't really be very hot. So I've decided to write the current series about Steve and Rob, two friends who spend their weekends as hot young women to get away from work pressures. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one. As far as this story goes, it brought back some of the thrill I felt writing about Anna and Kate. I...
Taming the BeastEmile, 2010 - 2011---I guess I'd been pretty bad, but then when you're the most handsome built jock stud in your grade, who wouldn't. I was always trailing my two older brothers in school, they were smarter, more popular, friendlier guys, but then puberty came, and I got lucky. I was already the sportsman - football, rowing, you name it, I was captain - and my tight teen body swelled out til I was packed with muscles - bulging chest and massive guns, and suddenly, I was Mr...
Taming Sayali Chapter 18 Kanan's apartment was quite small and except for a ceiling fan there was no relief from the oppressive heat that drains the spirit during this time of the year. It had taken us nearly two hours to make our way via what passes for the city's transportation system. It meant being packed tightly into hot, humid buses that belched diesel smoke and other noxious fumes as they moved...
Taming a Tempest by captv8td [email protected] 1Tempest looked around the room again. Now there were only two. She looked back at Alaine, the only other occupant of the room and saw her friend staring back at her with terror-filled eyes. What was going on here?Both women had been immobilized, as had been their four friends. They were gagged and hog-tied with their arms and legs bound together behind their backs. Then, one by one, the women had been taken from the room to who...
MF/f Modification BDSM Mc HumiliationTaming of the Shrew By BrabazonPart 1It was 10 o’clock on Saturday morning in the north London suburbs. The front door of the house slammed shut and, from his study, Bill watched his second wife, Maria, jogging down the drive in her tennis kit and jumping into her silver convertible Merc before speeding off to her tennis club. Cute bum, nice body, athletic, half Italian, beautiful, age 32, looked a bit like Eva Longoria, and independently wealthy as well...
When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...
Masturbation“She’s such a bitch,” Doug complained. “Fucking bossy all the time.” I laughed. “You knew that when you fucking married her!”“Yeah, well I thought she would lighten up a little,” he lamented. “We’ve been together twenty years.””Why bring this up now?” I asked as I sipped my drink.”It’s worse than ever these days. Her fucking promotion turned her into a ball-breaker.”Tina was now President of Operations at the corporation she worked at. She had started there right after college and before...
SwingersOne: Aboard the Roi de Soleil Captain Beaumont of the French ship Roi du Soleil lifted the crystal goblet of wine and stood as he proposed a toast. ‘To a safe journey home, and to our lovely guest,’ he offered to the ship’s officers assembled around the sumptuous dining table. ‘A lovelier ray of sunshine has never graced our humble ship.’ He bowed his head in the direction of the Duchess de Montfort. She was indeed a stunningly beautiful woman. No doubt that fact explained at least in part...
Our meetings became more frequent following the blow job event. We started to see each other on a more or less weekly basis and always ended our chats with some form of sex act. Some times without leaving the premises, furtive fingering or wanking under the table when we felt we could get away with it. Other times we'd sneak into the toilet and fuck or give each other oral relief. Occasionally we would take a drive to a more remote location just outside the city, walk a while then indulge...
"Where is my daughter?" Asked Sandra as she pushed her way past me when I opened the door."She will be along in a few minutes, Sandra." I said to her as she glared at me."You are a good for nothing bastard! I told her she could do so much better than you! Yes I am really upset! I have been trying to call her all week and she is always gone or too busy to talk! I think you have done something to her! I should have just called the police!" Sandra said in her threatening and theatrical style that...
TAMED TEEN Chapter 1 " I don't know what to do with my son these days. " Tracy Lyons said toher mother over the phone. The thirty something brunette was reasonably attractivewith a full figure that could have benefited from some vigorous exercise. " Thatboy of mine has a sex drive that I can't satisfy. Last night he did me twicetimes before he went to sleep, and then this morning he did me twice beforehe went off to school. As soon as he got home today he marched me upstairsto his bedroom and...
© Big Billie 2005 My name is Bill Doyle. I am an academic, aged 26, specialising in Shakespearean studies. I was recently appointed as a lecturer at a Teacher Training College attached to one of our big redbrick universities here in England. I have just been awarded my doctorate, and I am currently preparing my thesis for publication, some of it in book form, and the rest in two or three academic articles that I am hoping will be accepted by refereed journals. While I was a graduate...
© 2003 She was quite a bitch and it pissed Damon off tremendously. Not only was she a bitch, but she never did anything anybody ever told her to do. Just to be difficult she did the opposite. Damon was so annoyed all day as he worked with her. He didn't really see her much throughout the day, but he thought about her while he worked. Knowing that she was somewhere doing what she does, angered him. Badger, or so her coworkers called her, was a co-manager of the large corporation where...
One: The Next Day Therese du Maurier, the beautiful young Duchess de Montfort, awoke with a start. In the unfamiliar surroundings it took her a while to realize where she was and how she had gotten there. She was lying on a bed, covered with a sheet. Sunlight streamed into the room through a space in the heavy curtains that covered the window. Under the sheet she was naked. Looking around she realized it was the same room in which she had been confined when she was first brought to this...
Bella stroked Alexandra’s cheek with her lips as her mouth made her way to the groin of the rich oil tycoon in front of her. This man was a premium client who had made his way to Jon’s establishment. And he was getting pleasured like one. He had paid thousands to have Bella, Leanna and Alexandra pleasure him in the upstairs lounge. The three teens were naked, save for their white stiletto heels and artificial halos that were part of their uniform. Leanna was sitting on his face,...
Dave had a tough life. He was in his sixties and still slaving away at his plumming job so that he could have enough money for retirement. All of this hard work had taken a toll on him physically. He was a big fellow with a muscular frame, standing in at 6’2”. He had really packed on some fat. He now weighed over 300 lbs, and had a very big gut to show for it. He had no hair except for the sides of his head, but he kept his head hidden under a greasy truckers’ cap. He pulled his van into...
Bella was in quite a predicament. The buxom beauty, barely 18 years old, was lying face down on a red satin covered mattress. Her round ass pointed straight in to the air, with a black studded plug inserted deep into her anus. Police grade handcuffs were tightly placed on her wrist and feet. A dog leash tethered her neck to the steel bed frame to ensure that she was completely in the grips of her master. A silk black blind fold took away her most important sense, leaving her completely...
When my relationship with my stepdaughter changed for the better.The story of my relationship change with Kimberly, my stepdaughter, could last for may chapters. We met the morning after my first date with her mother, Susan. It was a Saturday morning as Susan and I were sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee while Kimberly was playing with her six-month-old son. The date had gone quite well as we spent half the night in her bed naked and exploring each other with great passion.It was...
TabooOne evening just before sunset I was risen from my slumber to the feeling of a faint pleasure wave washing over me. I opened my eyes to find Gideon's head bobbing between my legs. My legs trembled with his every movement as I gripped the bed of animal skins with both hands. The reverberating movements of his tongue running over me added to the intensity, making my body crave his touch even more. As my breath quickened I heard Gideon let out a small growl as he lifted his lips from me....
It seemed like an eternity as she fell towards her death, but right before she hit the ground her wings spread prideful and wide as she took off in to the night sky. She felt the relief she been denied all night. She felt safe and relax as the winds encased her in their embrace. She flapped her wings a few more times to ensure her safety. She had always loved flying. Every time she had a hard day she would take the time out and fly to calm herself down. It seemed like all her troubles...
“What? Oh my god this can’t be happening to me. You are lying lady. Tell me that you are lying.” Selena did nothing but smirk at Carmen. “Well if it makes you feel any better, I can tell you this is all in that pretty little head of yours, but it’s not, you have been sold to be our servant or slave. It’s however you want to view it honey.” “What? You can’t do this to me lady.” Carmen said getting of the bed very frustrated and confused. “Who would do such a thing?” “Your lover’s...
Queen Lola felt like shit. She felt like some weak horrible little thing that could be thrown around like some rag doll and it was pissing her off to no end. Most of all she felt like this shouldn’t have happened to someone like her. Even though she was a half breed, and didn’t have too many powers or abilities, she was still a queen for Christ effing sake’s she should be treated like one, and not be manhandled by some young pup. Hell, the simple fact that some immature, amateur young wolf...
Just a small story that came to me. Hope you enjoy it. Please remember to vote and leave comments. Thank you! –~~– ‘How badly do you want this guy?’ Jessie Quinn lounged on her best friend’s couch, sipping her tea, and quelling the urge to celebrate her friend’s frustration. Her small, shapely body was the epitome of comfort, her bright blue eyes gleamed with amusement, and her usually long wavy strawberry blond locks were tucked up in a fashionable black pageboy hat. Tessa Elroy paced back...
Damon Morris was a 19 year old freshman at the local university going through the motions. He was finally able to leave the confines of his home and experience life on his own with out mom and dad all over him. He was in his history class listening to his professor go over the lesson, which was rather boring he almost fell asleep a few times. When the bell rang, he quickly gathered his things and headed back to his dorm room to chage for the gym. Damon was not an athletic person, so he wanted...
Ever since my dog broke me in, the first time, I have been a fan of fucking him whenever I could. I wasn’t always able to get special time with him though due to other factors. Things like people being in the house, having school work, or countless other hassles that come up in everyday life. It was during my 16th year that I felt the need to expand a bit more. My doggy Kintaro was doing very good in terms of keeping my young pussy busy. I also has some people I would turn to when I felt...
Ron was the sort of man that was just dealt a bad hand in life. He was a male in his mid fifties who lived alone and seemed to live with no purpose. His wife had long since left him for another man, and he had grown out of touch with his k**s after they moved out with his wife. As far as looks go, he was never much of a desired man even in his youth, and now in his mid fifties he has let himself go to the point that an attractive woman would cross the street a block ahead of him rather than...
Introduction: Ch 1-6 available! Chapter 7 Dave had a tough life. He was in his sixties and still slaving away at his plumming job so that he could have enough money for retirement. All of this hard work had taken a toll on him physically. He was a big fellow with a muscular frame, standing in at 62. He had really packed on some fat. He now weighed over 300 lbs, and had a very big gut to show for it. He had no hair except for the sides of his head, but he kept his head hidden under a greasy...
Amy smiled as we drove away from the house. My mind returned to Sandra who was sl**ping on the couch after spending the day doing my will. Inwardly I was pleased with my mother in law and her willingness to set aside her racist nature and have sex with her black gardener. The large black man had used her hard all day long. I looked over at Amy who was wearing her schoolgirl outfit also pleased me. She never even raised an eyebrow when I told her we would go out for dinner and that she was to...
Tina wanted to leave as soon as they woke up. We had a little discussion about what happened and outlined some rules. Pam talked to Doug about the final video we were still going to send. She told him to make sure they watched it together. He agreed to watch at the same time as Tina and do as Tina told him.I instructed Tina to watch the video with Doug. I also told her to take control and make him do whatever she wanted after they watched it. She eyed me suspiciously. I told her that Pam had...
SwingersI showered while waiting for Pam. After towelling off I put my boxers back on and made a drink. I returned to the bedroom and sat in the chair to relax and watched Tina as she slept. She hadn’t moved since I put her in the bed.Pam arrived and came to the bedroom. We kissed before she jumped into the shower. She came back and sat on my lap.”She looks worn out,” Pam observed. “How did it go?””Great,” I replied. “But she’s not there yet.””Doug is,” she giggled. “He is very submissive.”She told...
SwingersThe last hour at work had been torturous for Kayla. The closer the clock edged to quitting time, the more her anticipation of the evening that followed swelled. The experiences of the last two evenings at Mary’s house were still fresh in her mind, and a new delight awaited in Penny this evening.She wasn’t surprised when Robert pulled up to shuttle her to Mary’s. Mary had explained that after the first happy coincidence, she had arranged for Robert to be within a block of her place of work,...
SpankingLooking back it all seemed so obvious but I just couldn’t believe my own family would betray me so severely. I looked at my bindings and tried to think where it all went wrong. I had just turned 18. For most people that is a cause for celebration as they become an adult. As a young woman in a poor family in New America, it was a potential life sentence of servitude. While legally an adult for sexual purposes at 18 your parents legal rights supersede your own until you’re 21. Many girls would...
BDSMIt's your senior year of high school and the last thing you want to worry about are your grades. However, you are on the verge of failing your history class and that would prevent you from graduating with the rest of your class. Fortunately, the class is taught by an attractive young woman named Ms. Turner. She's new to the school, so you hope that she's not wise to your scheming ways and might cut you a break. Determined to raise your F to a D, you wait until school is over on a Friday...
She invites three of her friends over. They share the same contempt for you. When they see you they can barely hide their disdain for you. You can practically see the cogs in their heads turning, thinking about all the ways they are going to fuck with you this weekend. Your sister is in her underwear already because she doesn't even care how you think about her.
IncestYou have been living with your girlfriend for many years. Kat is a graduate student, she’s very cute, with long brown hair and blue eyes. She is a little self-conscious about her body, but you love her voluptuous curvy hips, her bouncy little breasts, and her firm round ass. Your relationship has been fine in recent months, but it’s fair to say you are not ready for marriage—you were barely ready to move in together, but your financial situation required you to live with your girlfriend. While...
Fetish"Sure, let's go," you agree. She smiles and turns on the car. You drive for a few more minutes, talking and joking around more loosely than before. Eventually, she turns into the parking lot of a modest-sized apartment complex. You get out and follow her inside one of the buildings and through the door labeled 4E. Ms. Grave's place is very tidy and smells sweet. You take a seat on the sofa and look around. She has decorated the walls with various band and movie posters. You have to admit that...
BDSMYou've spent yet another day relaxing in your bedroom, not worrying about anything. You left once, dressed in skimpy shorts and no bra, just a small boob tube, to go downstairs and get a glass of water. You know your 21 year old brother, Jack, stared at you the entire time - you even wiggled your cute little 18 year old backside at him. You can hear someone creeping up the stairs as you lay back on your bed, reading your book quiety. You hear them stop outside your room and the next sound you...
IncestYou sprint excitedly from your Chevy to the door of your log cabin in the woods. Finally, the gift from your archaeologist friend, Cassandra, came, just like every month for the past 2 years. You quickly enter and shut the door, eager to see what she sent this month. You set the package on the table in the center of the room and then glance at the mirror. Your bright emerald eyes appraise yourself in the mirror. You're wearing a white tank-top, no bra, a blue skirt, your mid-back length hair...
I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for the overwhelming response that I've gotten to this story so far. I set out intending to give the reader a storytelling experience without dead ends or confusing link-threads. Unfortunately, this means that I have to post the story a full chapter at a time, so the writing happens in great big chunks. Chapter 2 is ready to read, so I hope that those of you who enjoyed the first one will keep coming back for more. Please continue to leave your...
BDSMA concept: Fucking your brat in the showerYou come home to hear the shower water running, clothes tossed on the floor creating a trail from the entrance into the bathroom. You acknowledge me by calling my name but hear no answer. Not surprising as the water is running, you try again as you start getting comfortable by beginning to take your clothes off. You wait for another moment and then with still no reply, you start walking to the bathroom.The closer you get, you start to hear muffled moans...
It was a warm sunny day outside. John was a professional photographer and was finally living his dream. Taking pictures of a scantily clad Megan Fox and Hayden Panettiere. So he got to the shoot location, which was a brightly lit Studio with a dozen or so people working at the same time on this shoot.John spent a few hours setting up his cameras and making sure that the lighting was perfect before his stars arrived."They are ready," One of his assistants said. Megan Fox came out first she was...
Ron was the sort of man that was just dealt a bad hand in life. He was a male in his mid fifties who lived alone and seemed to live with no purpose. His wife had long since left him for another man, and he had grown out of touch with his k**s after they moved out with his wife. As far as looks go, he was never much of a desired man even in his youth, and now in his mid fifties he has let himself go to the point that an attractive woman would cross the street a block ahead of him rather than...
Amy smiled as we drove away from the house. My mind returned to Sandra who was sleeping on the couch after spending the day doing my will. Inwardly I was pleased with my mother in law and her willingness to set aside her racist nature and have sex with her black gardener. The large black man had used her hard all day long.I looked over at Amy who was wearing her schoolgirl outfit also pleased me. She never even raised an eyebrow when I told her we would go out for dinner and that she was to go...
It was a sunny Saturday when it happened. I had woken up at 8 am due to the sound of a ball being repeatedly thrown at the house wall. I threw the covers off me and looked out of the window. My older brother Ryan was playing basketball at 8 am. Only he would do that. No doubt it was for a number of reasons. 1 being it probably annoyed the hell out of our parents and 2 he was just that sort of guy. To be fair Ryan always was, and will be, the black sheep of the family. He was four years older...
She knelt in the darkened corner of the room, her wrists enclosed in leather bracelets, and her black,studded collar chained to a ring in the brick wall. She was for Him to use as He saw fit. That was what her training hadtaught her. Taught her to the point of her knowing that it was all she wanted. This is what she had been born for. The pain that she had been conditioned to receive was now her life force. An entree' in the feast of His desires. As she faced the wall, she was aware of the...
Tamara awoke with a mind-splitting headache. Quickly she realized that her arms and legs were shackled to a huge ring with her in the middle. She was naked as the day that she was born. A fast look at her bonds and she knew that any possibility of escape was useless. The room was mirror polished panel beside mirror polished panel. Her flaming red hair fell down her back and seemed to have a life of its own with each breath that she took as she hung there waiting for whatever had taken her. Her...
I've always had a thing for older women and being in my mid twenties I'm well served by a large target market, so to speak. Whilst I have a girlfriend of my own age I still seek the sexual company of beautiful experienced women who are in their late 30's and early 40’s. Let's face it these women are generally married and as such aren't looking for a life partner, they know what they want in life and certainly in terms of the women I seduce they are generally financially well taken care of which...
Angie and Deb had been friends for a very long time, some twenty years or so. Angie used to tell everyone how dominant she was in bed and Reg (her old man) was a bit of a wimp in bed. as with all friend/couples we tended to share a lot. We would often go out over the weekend or have a BBQ in our garden, it was over one of these BBQ that with all the drink flowing that Angie really started to flirt with me. Now I am a big guy 6.4" 250pounds, Angie although not huge is still a size 14/16. We were...
Ranma moaned wantonly as the big man behind her pounded her wet cut. Ranma and the construction worker had been fucking for hours in the hotel bed. The tangled sheets beneath the nude redhead were soaked in sweat and semen as the fat man clutched her hips while working on her her hot slit. Ranma's redhaired head bobbed until the man grabbed a handful of her tresses. Her head lifted as she drooled, bucking on hands and knees as her pussy was roughly fucked by the fat stranger. And...
“Rajaaaa!” her yell came again. It jangled my nerves. It was none else than my mom, Shobha Roy, a divorced woman aged forty-seven years. Mom has the most annoying capacity to get on the nerves of a guy as cool as ice. My father had divorced her precisely for that reason. No man can tolerate a whining woman day after day. As long as he stayed with us, I was somewhat protected. But after he left us to marry the young, sexy Surabhi, I was left all alone to face the brunt of mom’s perpetual...
IncestINTRODUCTION: This one is from my dark side, but it is a story about how a loving wife uses her husband’s perverse behavior as a means of turning him into the man she wants and needs him to be. THREE MONTHS AGO ?Gerald,? I called to my husband, ?why are you on the computer so often? It’s taking up all of your time!? ?Sorry, Marge its work; ever since they had those cutbacks all of us have had to do extra. Frankly, I’m surprised I still have a job—that’s how bad things are.? ?Oh, you poor...
Hi, I am Sandeep. This is my first story. I have been reading stories on this website for quite sometimes and I wonder how many of them are actually true. Well this is a real life experience that happened in 2006. I stay in South Delhi and born bought up in a rich Punjabi family. This incident happened when I was 18 years old. I have elder brother who is four years elder to me and a sister who is 2 years older. My brother’s name is Mohit and my sisters’ name is Shweta. Shweta is a typical Delhi...
IncestDamon Morris was a 19 year old freshman at the local university going through the motions. He was finally able to leave the confines of his home and experience life on his own with out mom and dad all over him. He was in his history class listening to his professor go over the lesson, which was rather boring he almost fell asleep a few times. When the bell rang, he quickly gathered his things and headed back to his dorm room to chage for the gym. Damon was not an athletic person, so he wanted...
InterracialLiv is my stepsister. She, along with her friends, have been a trouble makers since I can remember. When they were fourteen my buddies called them J Birdies. We were eighteen at the time, and I didn’t really appreciate it. But the girls didn’t seem to mind. Her friend Becky was the worst of the bunch. But that was four years ago.Since then I’d moved on in life, got my own place and was happy. Until a storm crushed the roof of the flat I was renting. I had to live with my folks for while.It’s...
Group Sex