Chemical Ecstasy or Another Taming
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KATRINA'S TAMING (by Eve Adorer)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
?Stilt her.?
It was Jackie's voice but as I had never heard it before. It was not a shout.It was a firm assured command issued in a calm firm voice, a voice that saidthat she was going to enjoy watching what she had ordered her two pretty girlcompanions to do to me.
?Stilt the bitch.?
Jackie's repeat command brought me back from my dazed reverie. Jackie andI went back a long way, right back to childhood schooldays. We had remainedclose friends even in the final years when it was clear that I was the cleverone and she seemingly destined for no great achievement.
We split for a time when I had gone up to C****** where I got my first inmodern languages. We had kept in touch but were a little estranged. Envy playedsome part. Jackie was jealous of my education. Yet Jackie had no cause. Itwas she who was the 27-year-old millionaire and I, twenty-six now, the unemployedgraduate who had never found her place in the world of work till the wonderfuljob I had just been dismissed from after only three months.
There were three pretty young girls videoing what was happening to me on thatwarm June Saturday afternoon in the lounge of my ground floor London apartment.Two operating individual cameras, and one on sound. This was Jackie's business.This was how she had made her millions. ?Specialist erotica? she called it. ?Thecustomer wants to be sure it's the real thing happening on their screen,? she'dsay, ?And when they buy my stuff they know they get nothing that isn't 100%kosher.?
I'd known for a long time that she made films of girls being tortured sexually.Jackie never put it as basically. But that is what she did. I never reallylistened when she was in boasting mode, as often she was when she was tipsy.But I took in that there were also invited audiences who paid $2,000 a headto witness live, and participate in the fantasies that she made real, withabsolutely no make believe for the poor girl victims. And the girls she hadwere always so incredibly beautiful. ?They want triple-A meat, and I don'taccept less?. She'd say. ?I never did, not even in the beginning.?
And that was what was hurting momentarily as I heard that command. Was thathow Jackie had always regarded me. Was I just ?triple-A meat? to her?
I knew that at school she had had the ?hots? for me. She had always been agirl for girls. Me, I wanted none of that and had gently but firmly declinedher when, in our later teens, she'd grabbed me at the end of one of our drunkennights out. ?I only want a kiss you goodnight,? she'd say, but I knew fullwell it was not a sisterly kiss she was after.
For me it had been a succession of boyfriends each worse than the one whowent before. ?Was Always Not Quite Entirely Right? Jackie would giggle aboutthe latest John or Joe that had left me crying on her shoulder. ?It spells ?wanker'you know?. She'd then snort with laughter, and we'd both be cheered up. Shecould be so loving a friend.
We'd both been the belles of the school. Nobody was in our league for looksand figure. And we knew it. At eighteen I was (and still am) five feet seven,115 pounds, with a 36D; 24, 37 figure, light brown hair, and very dark browneyes. I can still turn any man's head at mile distance and more with my lovelyface and my long strong and superbly shapely legs.
And we were bitches to the boys and girls who lusted after us. I worked hardon my body (and still do). Swimming, belly-dancing, sword fencing, skating,running, cycling, aerobics, step-dancing, horse riding, and sex, lots and lotsof sex, when I can get it. I loved sex. If only I could have found a man whocould even half deliver on his boastful promises. I never did. I did a betterjob for myself than any stupid selfish man ever did for me.
There was never a time when I was not on the move. I loved the open air andfreedom. I could never, but never, sit still when I had the chance to avoidit.
That is how I lost the job and was about to lose my apartment. I'd opted fora weekend hiking in Scotland when I was supposed to be preparing for a meeting.We lost the contract and my employers soon found that they: ?were going tohave to let me go?.
Ordinarily I had never asked and never would ask Jackie for money. She'd letit be known I only had to mention it and she would willingly provide.
Before I started buying it, she'd offered to loan me the money for my apartment,interest free. She'd then said that if I was that proud about borrowing fromher, I could pay her interest on the loan if it made me feel better. But Ihad insisted on a mortgage from a bank.
Job gone now and the housing market dead that was where my problems lay. Ihad a massive loan on a very expensive fashionable-London property worth lessthan the money outstanding. I had no job and a gigantic loan to repay.
I'd swallowed pride. I'd phoned Jackie and asked her point blank if she couldloan me $250,000. Of course I reminded her of how she had always offered moneyand apologised that I had been so proud and independent before, adding thatI was desperate, as she well knew, else I would never have swallowed prideto phone her
I left all this in a voicemail message. Jackie was not in her office.
An hour later, I'd had a phone call from Jackie's secretary. ?Jackie saysto see your email?, said the girl's voice.
And that was where it all began. Pleased that Jackie had seen fit not to discussmy predicament with her secretary, I turned on my computer and opened my mail,getting rid of the usual uninvited credit card offers and other junk to openJackie's message to me in answer to my prayer to her. As I read her message,my mouth fell open, and I felt a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach.
My first subsequent reaction was anger. And yet I read and re-read the message.And, as time drifted past and I calmed down, there was another strange feelingit was giving me between my legs. The more I had read it the more strangelyexciting I had found it. Exciting in a nerve tingling way. It turned my tummyover. It excited me in spite of myself. It simply read:
?The Longing Alms 8.00 tonight. Miniskirt and t-shirt. No bra. No panties.Bare legs. Minimum three-inch heels. No money unless you submit to beingtamed in public and on film. You have no choice. Jax ?
I was never one to exhibit myself in the manner of dress prescribed, and ittook all my courage to wear what Jackie had directed. Why did I do it? I donot know even now. That message and my subconscious knowledge of my dependenceon Jackie had suddenly touched off something new in me.
I dressed like a whore on a warm summer's night and found every man's headturning as I glided into the Longing Alms public house, a place where Jackieand I had often driven. Jackie and two young female companions were alreadythere. Jackie knew she had won as soon as she saw how I was, or perhaps oneshould say was not, dressed.
We sat at a table next a wall in an alcove. Jackie motioned for me to sitbetween the two girls (they were no more than eighteen I'd swear). The girlsand I sat with our backs to the wall. Jackie sat opposite us.
I tried to smile at Jackie. But that was not the way that things were now.There was no answering smile. The public house was busy. Many more were drinkingoutside. The sun was still shining. It was hot and humid.
My incredible nervousness at my vulnerable nakedness beneath my skimpy garmentswas causing contractions in my bowels. But I feared to move from my seat. Myfear at what was going to happen only increased as my peripheral vision toldme the girls either side of me were drinking in the beauty of my bare thighs.
Jackie looked around to ensure she was not overheard, before quietly lookingme straight in the face and saying in a low whisper: ?You will not cross yourlegs?. I blushed and averted my gaze. Jackie nodded to her companions, whomI later found were wired for video recording and sound: ?Stroke her?, she whispered.
I sat bolt upright as I felt the warm pretty soft hands of the sexy prettygirls on my knees. I put my arms by my side to stop them touching me. Theylifted my arms back by the elbows and insisted firmly by their actions thatI keep them on the table.
I blushed crimson as they worked, hidden by the table, to pull the hem ofmy skirt even further up than it had naturally ridden when I sat. I would neverbefore have let girls touch me as these girls were now. But what choice didI have?
Again I tried to put my arms by my side and thereby stop them from touchingme, but they each pushed my arms back onto the table even more insistently.The girl on my right leaned over to whisper in my ear. ?Our orders are to strokeyou, you bitch, and you are going to be stroked. So put your hands on the tableand part your lovely legs?.
I moved my thighs nervously a little wider. ?Wider bitch?, the same girl hissed.I obeyed. The two girls set up an insistent rhythm and pattern running theireager hands up and down one each of my thighs. Up and down the inside of eachof my thighs in coordinated unison they stroked me back and forth and backand forth and back and forth, from my knees to my groin.
On and on and on and on they went their gentle but firm slow rhythmic stroking,every stoke reminding me how naked and publicly exposed I was.
Jackie went to buy all of us a drink and left me being ravished, hidden bythe table and the alcove location.
On and on and on and on and on and on and on it went stroke after gentle insistentstroke up and down my soft girl's thigh flesh. I was becoming mesmerised losingmy mind to all sensations other than that of my gorgeous bare thighs beingstoked over and over and over and over again.
Jackie had long since returned with drinks. Mine was only bottled water. ObviouslyI must experience my ravishing in full with all my senses alert. And they werealert: my nerve ends were zinging.
After twenty whole minutes of this continuous rhythmic slow firm gentle strokingof my nude thighs, my legs were like jelly, and my eyes closing with sensationalrapture. My cunt juices began to seep from my girl-lips. I let out a stifledsexual cry.
It was now the girl on my left who leant over and hissed in my ear: ?You dirtybitch?. The stroking went on and on and on and on, ten, twenty, thirty minutesmore: seemingly endlessly. And again I cried out, this time a little louder.Jackie covered for it with a laugh and made out it was the punch line to ajoke.
Then she nodded. ?How wet is she?? she asked.
The stroking stopped and I braced myself as the girl on my right eased meforward and ran an enquiring finger along my oozing girl-lips. She held thefinger up. Jackie nodded in acknowledgement.
I wanted so much more from that finger. I wanted the thigh stroking to continue.I found myself now squeezing by thighs together, though not daring to crossmy legs. I was on the verge of an orgasm and must obediently suffer my terriblefrustration. I lightly bit my lower lip and my eyes darted from side to side.I was begging the girls with my eyes. I was begging them to finish me.
?What score?? said Jackie to the first of the two girls.
?100 out of 100? for me?, came the answer. ?Me too, and some!? said her companion.
I hung my head in deep blushing shame. Then I noticed that a pen and paperwere in front of me. I struggled to hold the pen so adrift from the world wasmy mind, but somehow I signed. I had signed Jackie's contract. I was to starin one of her infamous films. A film through the sales of which the money Jackiewould loan me would be recovered many times over.
Jackie ordered me home and said to be ready at 2.00 the next afternoon: aSaturday. I was to be delivered up that evening, she said. ?We've promisedthe best entertainment yet. And I just know you're going to be just that!?
How I managed to stand and walk alone out of the Longing Alms that night Iwill never know. My legs felt as if I had even yet, at twenty-six, not learnedto walk for the first time. Jackie purposely caught my arm and pulled me toher to hear her final order. ?Don't you dare play with yourself?.
I would not. I somehow knew that my frustration was part of my taming. I steadiedmyself by holding chair backs as I staggered toward the entrance door.
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By: Virginbigdick22 Hi mera naam siddharth hai aur main katrina ka bahut bada fan hu ye story mere aur katrina ki chudai k bare main hai.thodi lambi hai par mazedar hai kch dino pehle mein ek gaali se guzar rha tha k mujhe wahan pe chiraag mila jaisi mene us chiraag ko saaf kia us mein se ek jin nikla jis ne mjh se meri wish poochi mene us k bagair ruke keh dia k mujhe apni zindagi k saaare din katrina k bahun mein guzaar ne hain jin ne ek chutki bajai or meri ankhon k samne andhera cha...
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The most amazing part, in my mind, might be that we made it home alive--although the sex comes in close second. After a night of hardcore whiskey abuse, Katrina and I had somehow navigated my 2001 Chevy Trailblazer through thirty-three miles of pouring rain up the dirt-road to her house. Parked thirty feet from the door, we sat in silence, considering the storm.“Not worth it,” I muttered, nestling into the upholstery. She shook me a bit harder than necessary. “Come on, my bed’s too cold for...
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This story is seven chapters. This is the final chapter. You may want to read the previous chapters before this one. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story. * The following morning Jeff dropped me off at home and said he had to go back to the base and finish his last three weeks of duty. He promised me he would call me whenever he got the chance. He was true to his word and called me at least three times a week during his remaining service, just to talk or tell me how...
This story is seven chapters long. I am posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. You may want to read the earlier chapters before this one. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story. * Chapter Five: Jeff called me later during the week and told me he had some bad news. He said when he had gotten back to the base, after Christmas, he had new orders. He was being transferred to Nellis Air Force base just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. He said he would be leaving...
This story is seven chapters. I am posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. You may want to read the first and second chapter before this one. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story. Chapter 3 I finally arrived home and my mom was waiting for me. She helped me bring in all of my and Alecia’s things. She had my old bedroom ready for me and had Alecia’s crib already set up in there. I hugged and kissed my little baby. I had to wonder what kind of future she...
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I finally arrived home and my mom was waiting for me. She helped me bring in all of my and Alecia's things. She had my old bedroom ready for me and had Alecia's crib already set up in there. I hugged and kissed my little baby. I had to wonder what kind of future she would have. I would make sure she didn't make the same mistakes that I did, but then realized I was talking and sounding like my mother. I was about to tell my mother the whole story, but she said I needed to eat something...
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The following morning Jeff dropped me off at home and said he had to go back to the base and finish his last three weeks of duty. He promised me he would call me whenever he got the chance. He was true to his word and called me at least three times a week during his remaining service, just to talk or tell me how much he loved and missed me. I always ended our conversations with, "I love you Jeffrey! I really do." Life for me became even busier than it already was. On top of being a busy...
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The next morning, Ryna was awakened by a light weight on his chest. His eyes snapped open, searching for the source of the weight in the dark. His eyes settled on a familiar feminine figure, sitting on his stomach. ‘Good morning!’ Sensara said, beaming down at him. She was sitting upright in the space between his stomach and the back panel of the beat-up old couch, with her legs draped lightly over his stomach. Also, he noticed, she was dressed in comfortable clothing that clung tightly to her...
Listen to what happened when I went to buy some lingerie.
LesbianMy name is Megan Carter. I am 18 years old. I have blue eyes and short brown hair. I am 5'8 with large 34d breast. I am the captain of the cheerleading team at my High School. It was the fall of my senior year when everything changed. It was a Friday night and I was getting ready to go out. I took a shower and shaved my legs then I shaved my slit bald. I'm not a girl that sleeps around. I have only had a sex with one of my ex-boyfriends but having my slit bald made me feel sexy. When...
“Michael, we can’t fall in love. I have told you that before. Make love to me all you want, but I can’t do more than that. I do care very deeply for you, but I don’t dare say what you want me to,” she said in tears. “Besides, I promised your girl.” I kissed her tears away as I felt her start lifting and dropping. I was determined not to cum too quickly. She started kissing me all over my face while riding me like I was a bull. It didn’t take long for her to climax and I didn’t have the...
One morning, Susan came downstairs wearing nothing but a short robe tied loosely around her hips, her big tits wobbling and barely contained by the thin fabric. She walked into the kitchen area to see her husband Jim sitting naked at the table in the breakfast nook. He had a mug of coffee on the table in front of him, and in one hand he held his phone, on which he was reading the news. His legs were spread wide, and between them was a naked girl—it was their step-daughter, Bella. Her back was...
Hello iss readers am a regular reader of this site. But i always thought of publishing a story here,Am from a tamilnadu doing my engg final year. This happened to me about six months back. I was virgin at that time and asusual like other teen boy i just use to surf all the porn movies and watch movies too. Me too a member in orkut searching for a real date.But am using it for more than a year i just found fakes more than real peoples there. So i stopped my frequent visit there.. This was after...
Incest"Somebody in here is nothing but a low down, conniving little weasel." The English man, Ian Knowles spat out the words in a loud voice. Then punctuated his outburst by stabbing his hunting knife into the huge sawed off tree trunk that served as a table. His thrust was so hard it buried half the eight inch blade. The rest of it vibrated back and forth like a turning fork. Only it didn't make a sound. The only noise in the make shift lean too came from the howl of the wind and the sound of...
. This story is of two adults playing out a fantasy.Dearest Daddy, I love being able to pretend I am your special girl and the games we play. Daddy your cuddles and kisses are the best and I always feel very safe in your arms. You have very slowly scared the demons of my past away and I can replace bad thoughts with nice loving ones. I love my special sleep overs every week with you. Daddy I love watching you undress and walk around the house naked, do you realise how much I...
IncestI graduated college and was lucky enough to find a job right away in a mid sized city in the mid-west. I had been fully out and dressing for about a year at this point and was really nervous about moving to a new city. No friends, no family close, no money yet. I didn't really know the area so I took one of the first cheap apartments I could find. It was a one bedroom one bathroom tiny box of a place but I was happy to finally be out on my own. As I moved in I noticed the stares from other...
Whitney Wright is really into Halloween, especially when it comes to getting dressed up to party. She chats with her boyfriend on the phone about the party they’re going to tonight. As Whitney is telling her boyfriend that his costume came in and that she’ll just wait for him, her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, listens in. Whitney tells Nathan he can’t join her at the party, then shuts the door in his face. Nathan gets back at her later when he puts on Whitney’s...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Elly I live across the street from my best friend Jane. One day I was in my room and I looked out the window and I saw Jane sitting on the curb and noticed she was crying. I sat down next to her. ‘Hey Janie why the frownie face,’ I asked wiping her tears. ‘My dad found out I’m a lesbian, he slapped me and called me a freak,’ she sobbed. ‘Aw Jane you’re not a freak, he was going to have to find out sooner or later, better now than when your 26 and with a hot blond right?’ I said.
Hello friends!! Myself Raj (name changed) I am from Nasik, Maharashtra. I want to share my fantasy with you all. It’s a fantasy story about my neighbor aunty. With whom I want to get intimate but never got a chance. As it’s my 1st story I hope you all will excuse me for my mistakes. Please do feedback my story on id- Let me tell you about myself first I am 21 years old. I am 6.1 feet tall; normal body, medium complexion not too fair. The actress of the story her name is Shilpa. She stays on...
POV: Chase "Fuck me," I moaned, covering my face with both hands.I rubbed it for a moment as I groaned and stretched out my legs too. Then I had to do the same for my arms also which lasted a moment as well.After that, I calmly rose up. "Damn, I have to stop going out with Jim and Bill," I let out, closing my eyes and slanting my head back. "Every single time I do, I feel like shit the next day."After a moment, I slowly got off the bed and stretched out a little more.It lasted for over a...
IncestSexy Spinner Jill Kassidy takes on Manuel’s huge cock in this POV. Jill’s got it all going on, tight body, perky tits, and a nice round ass you never want to let go of. Manuel has definitely got his hands full with this little firecracker. She comes down the stairs pouting that Manuel’s not ready for her, she’s been a good girl and wants her present right away. Jill teases, taking off her red bikini top and pulling her tight jean shorts to the side to show us her tiny...
xmoviesforyouThis is a love story. It’s about two people who, for a brief moment in time, fell in love with each other. This is not a happy story. Yes, there are moments of happiness, but not a happy ending. It is not just a love story, it’s my story. March 2006 was quite possibly the roughest month in my life. On March 7 my mother finally ended her brave battle with cancer. On March 17, her ninety-eight year old mother ended her own life after not being able to come to terms that she'd outlived her three...
TabooJennifer looked up breathlessly as Skip's face appeared at the bookstore's glass front door against the background of the falling twilight outside. All day long she'd been waging an inner struggle with herself, considering and rejecting and considering again the possibility that when he arrived she should just send him away in the hope of salvaging what remnants remained of her own self-respect. But she'd known deep down inside that it was a losing battle from the beginning. The die had...
Jenny Howe dreaded today. The 42 year old mother was going to be given twelve strokes of the cane and that realisation made her shiver with panic. She looked again at the Parent Discipline Slip and the instruction to see Mrs. Denver at the Academy together with her 17 year old daughter Olivia who had gone AWOL the previous week when she had a test. Having been caught Olivia had to pay the penalty by being excluded for 2 days. At least that was the easy part of the penalty. Olivia’s return to...