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Jeff and I sat down and talked. He was the one person that I could tell anything to and knew for sure, he would keep it between us. He asked me if I loved Matt and about getting pregnant. I told him I wasn't really comfortable talking to him about this.
"Trina, I need to know what happened to you. You wrote and told me you were dating Matt. Then I got a letter, and you told me you were pregnant and then the one that said you had your baby. Where is Matt in all this? Do you love him?"
"Ok, I'll tell you everything but please, don't judge me. Of all people, I don't want you to hate me," I began to tell him my story. "I went to the prom with Matt and he and his friends got a bit frisky and I was so happy that you were home and took me to school the following days."
I explained that I didn't see Matt for a year until he transferred to the college I attended. We started a relationship and I decided to go on the pill. We had sex and I got pregnant.
"So, what happened? Did you love him?" asked Jeff.
"I believe we were in lust, but not in love. After getting pregnant I told him I was going to have the baby and our relationship went downhill from there."
I continued on, explaining our relationship and how Matt said he would take care of the baby, but he really did nothing. When I told him how Matt had set me up and that Tony and Brad were in on it, he got really aggravated. I told him that they spiked my wine cooler and later had their way with me.
He asked me why I didn't file charges against them, and I told him about the set up and how Matt came in and took pictures. I told him it would have been my word against the three of them as well as a witness that Matt brought along. I explained that Matt has pictures on his cell phone and said he would post them on the internet if I ever said anything.
"That son of a bitch! I ought to go kick his fucking ass," said a very angry Jeff. "I wasn't there to protect you, and now I'm totally pissed off."
I did explain how my mom had stood by me and how we got money to take care of Alecia and I never have to see Matt again.
"What kind of fucking man would abandon a sweetie like Alecia. What a fucked up asshole." I knew Jeff was really aggravated because he hardly ever swore around me.
He had to leave and be back on base before morning. He told me he would see me again, a couple of days before Christmas. We stood up and I thanked him for caring and gave him a big hug.
Mom came back in the room with Alecia and he said goodbye to mom and kissed Alecia on the cheek. She smiled at him again. I missed him as soon as he left. Mom looked at me and said, "You really do still care for him don't you."
"Yes, but I'm not sure how he feels about me right now. Things have changed, Mom. I have a child now."
"Time will tell, Honey, Time will tell," my mom said.
Life was back to normal. I was working at the hospital and on furthering my education. We were also preparing for Christmas. I knew that Jeff would come by to visit and was excited about it. He did call me once a week and we talked. He asked me more questions about Brad, Tony and Matt. Things about them playing sports and possible classes they took. I told him what little I knew.
I asked him what he did on his days off and he said he used them to rest up and get things done. His laundry and his room had to be extremely clean since he lived on base. He also said once in awhile he might take a short jaunt with his pilot friends.
It was the week before Christmas when I got a weird phone call. Lori had answered it and said it was for me; it was a woman. I never received many calls, except from work or if Jeff called me, which was about once a week.
I answered the phone and the woman on the other end said, "Trina, this is Julie from college..."
Before she said another word I interrupted and asked her how she got my number and why she was calling me. I remember seeing her fucking Matt, and then standing there with him when he said she was his witness to what was happening to me.
"When I first met you and we were friends, you gave me your home phone number. I called to apologize for having sex with Matt and to tell you what happened yesterday. You knew I always thought Matt was kind of cute and he told me that he and you were no longer a couple. That wasn't the first time I was with him," replied Julie.
"So why are you calling me now to tell me this. It's a little late isn't it? Besides, we are no longer together so you can have the bastard!"
"Trina, I haven't even talked to him since that night he set you up. I wasn't part of it; he asked me to take a ride with him to his apartment and that's when I saw Brad and Tony having sex with you."
"So I was set up! Why did he say he did it?" I asked.
"He wanted you out of his life so Brad spiked your drink and you know the rest. I didn't know anything till Matt told me when he was taking me home. He said I was his witness if you ever started any trouble. I told him to go to hell and I don't speak to him anymore."
"So why the sudden urge to call me? I haven't been around for months. I'm through with Matt and have gone on with my life."
"Yesterday, Brad and Tony were beat up in the locker room. The police report said that a man in a sweatshirt was going through the lockers and stole some of the guys' wallets. He was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and a winter face mask.
"Tony and Brad saw him and went after him. He did some kind of Rambo shit and broke Brad's jaw and then kicked Tony in the balls. He kicked them both one more time and then left before anyone else saw him. The surveillance camera caught the man outside the back of the locker room looking at the wallets. He was wearing gloves so there weren't any prints.
"What has any of that got to do with me? I'm not even at the school anymore? I don't care what happens at that school. I'm happy they got what they deserve. Too bad Matt wasn't in there too."
"Trina, the so called "robber" threw all the wallets in a trash barrel. Everything was still in them including their money. The only thing he kept was Matt's wallet. They also recovered his cell phone, but the sim card had been removed. The pictures he took of you with Tony and Brad were still on it. I thought you should know. By the way, I really am sorry for what happened and I would never have testified against you."
"Thanks for calling and letting me know what happened. I understand you didn't have to do it and I appreciate it. Hopefully, they'll never get posted. If they do, it could lead back to the robber."
"One last thing; the campus police were interviewing a number of people and asking if anyone might have an idea who might have done this. Matt told the police that he had an argument with you a few months back. They may call or question you. It was on our local news; they have no suspects."
We said our goodbyes and hung up. I was a bit worried that those pictures were out there and I had to wonder why the thief only kept Matt's wallet and sim card. I have to admit to myself that the only person to ever protect me was Jeff, but he was at the Air Force base. I did tell him about the pictures and the two guys who used me. Now I had to wonder if Jeff could be involved.
I told my mom about the robbery when she got home. She already knew about it and told me what they said on the news. They said they found the wallets in the trash and nothing was taken out of them. She never mentioned that Matt's sim card from his phone and wallet were the only things taken. I didn't mention that to Mom either.
Both Tony and Brad were in the hospital and expected to make full recoveries. However they would miss playing in the bowl game. The campus police were looking to see if the bowl game had anything to do with the assault. Neither Brad nor Tony were star players, but were starters.

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