Summer of 1992Chapter 5 Taming Kelley
- 4 years ago
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It was eleven-forty-five when I left the apartment, combing my hair and knotting my tie. Gladys kissed me goodbye, opened the door, and told me to have a good time. I told her to put some clothes on.
Other than her soft voice, Erica was totally different, taller, blonder and older than the picture I had developed in my mind.
"What did you expect?" she asked, motioning for me to take the passenger's seat. The car was a Pontiac Firebird, red exterior, matching interior and a sunroof.
"I had you pictured differently."
"How did you picture me? Was it something that Rachel said?"
"I formed a mental picture based on the quiet way you speak. Rachel only told me you were coming here to pursue a Masters Degree. She didn't describe you."
"You heard my voice and thought ... what?"
"We'll go to Stella's," I said, directing her to take a left onto Main Street. "Your hair is much shorter and you even dress differently than I pictured."
Her hair reminded me of Gladys's, only Erica's hair was cut more like a man's than a boy's, combed back on the sides and longer on her neck. Instead of the wool blazer, pleated plaid skirt, knee-stockings and patent leather shoes I expected to see, Erica was wearing a leather jacket over a white knitted sweater, corduroy slacks and heavy oxford shoes.
I hadn't been to Stella's since last spring, when Shirley and I celebrated the end of the second quarter. The hostess and staff were new and I didn't recognize them from any of my classes, not that I would have expected special treatment. The restaurant was busy and we had to wait twenty minutes to be seated. I found out she was twenty-six, a political science major, and was on leave from her job. She worked for one of the agencies in Washington, D.C.
After we were seated and had ordered sandwiches, the conversation turned to the two towns and the two schools. I told her how dependent the town's economy was on the school and happened to mention the study Shirley had done on how many times a dollar changes hands before departing the town.
Erica became interested in the concept and asked questions I couldn't answer. "She wrote a paper. It may still be in my computer. If not, it would be in the library."
"Is that the girl who came to the window and said you wouldn't be long?"
Gladys went to the window? "No, that's someone else."
"She has the most amazing breasts I've ever seen," Erica commented and I agreed with her.
As we finished eating, I told her about Doctor Mercer's invitation. "He said to bring you if you would care to meet them. His wife is expecting a baby soon ... and ... or, we can stop by my apartment and make a copy of Shirley's paper if it's still in the computer."
She lifted her cup and took a sip of coffee, licking her lips before looking at me.
"I'll be glad to go with you if you will agree to do something for me," she said, timidly licking her lips again.
"What would you like me to do?"
Suddenly, her stare was direct, her eyes piercing. "Attend a debate with me."
"I'll be glad to," I said, not thinking to ask when the debate was to be held.
"Don't jump into this without hearing me out. I have to be honest with you, Sammy. First, it's more of a discussion that a debate. The moderator tries to maintain order, but it often becomes a shouting match. Secondly, what I'm asking you to do is above and beyond the normal request for help."
I looked at her; what was I getting myself into? "What are you asking?"
"I need a cover. You'll be posing as my boyfriend."
Erica watched my reaction, giving me time to contemplate my response. I paid the check and on the way to the parking lot I told her to give me the car keys. "I'm practicing," I said, helping her into the passenger's seat.
"I like an assertive man, but you need to know more. Margo and I are very open about our relationship, but you see..."
"Margo is my roommate and my lover. You've no doubt heard of Margo Morgenstern. She's a free-lance columnist."
I shook my head and drew Erica's look of indignation. "Don't you read anything?"
I responded with a shrug. "I've never heard of Margo Morgenstern."
"Never mind, the reason I need a make-believe boyfriend is to combat harassment from one individual who is giving me shit about being gay. It could get rough."
"Sounds like fun," I said.
"It's a female."
"Oh," I said, relieved that I was stopping the car in front of the small house. "His name is Doctor Mercer, my accounting professor from last year. His wife is Grace. She's pregnant," I explained to Erica on the way to the door.
We were greeted cordially. I introduced Erica and kidded Grace, saying that I hadn't seen her running lately.
It was mainly a getting-to-know-you session. Grace was very inquisitive, easily persuading Erica to talk about herself. When we left an hour later, I could count the topics of conversation on one hand. Grace managed to find out that Erica was a political science major, was on leave from a government job, and slept with Margo Morgenstern, whom Grace claimed she read as often as possible.
Doctor Mercer was unusually quiet; so was I. He pointed out a study-desk that he had purchased second hand. I was astounded when he said to Erica, "This is Sammy's design."
On the way to my apartment Erica remarked. "They're very open-minded. I felt welcome in their home."
"Let's see if that paper is still in my computer," I suggested, handing her the car keys.
She sat contemplative for a few seconds before getting out of the car. I was relieved to find the apartment empty, how neat the kitchen looked and my bed made.
"You have two of those desks," she said as I booted the computer.
"That one belonged to Shirley. Would you like to have it?"
"I would love to have it!" she exclaimed.
I found the paper and while it printed she asked, "Have you decided to help me?"
"I'll be glad to help, but I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve. Do you want to make this person believe you go both ways or that you've changed teams?" I asked.
"The former, but it's not just her. There are several members of our group that I want to think that we're sleeping together."
"But we aren't?"
Her frown enveloped her entire face. "No frigging way!"
"You're funny," I said.
"Margo made a list of suggestions," she said, taking a piece of paper out of a zipper pocket on her coat.
"One: Sammy must 'act' interested in the subject of the debate."
"Two: Sammy must 'act' interested in Erica."
"Three: Erica must 'act' interested in Sammy."
"Four: both of you must 'act' knowledgeable about the other's likes, dislikes, etcetera."
Erica folded the paper and handed it to me. "Any questions?"
"Yes, do I know you're sleeping with Margo?"
"Yes, and I know you're sleeping with the girl with the nice tits," she said with a 'gotcha' grin on her face.
I was curious. "Do I need to know if you have ever gone both ways?"
Her reaction was one of irritation with the question. She was heading toward the door when she turned. "Pretend I have," she said. "By the way, the next debate is Thursday night at seven-thirty."
"I'll pick you up at seven-fifteen. Where do you live?"
We were at the door. "Meet me at the library. You may drive my car. It will be perceived that I trust you."
She had avoided telling me where she lived. Did she trust me?
"I have another question. Does Margo sleep only with girls?"
"She sleeps only with me," Erica said. "I have a question for you. How did you get the scars?"
"This one is from high school football," I said, pointing to my cheek. "The other one is from a jealous boyfriend."
"I'm sorry I asked," she answered, showing indignation. "Act like you like me," she said, pulling my head down and kissing me on the lips. She was out the door before I recovered from the shock.
Upon hearing about my latest adventure, Marcie was cautiously apprehensive. "I don't like it. You could be hurt," she said.
I told her about the showdown with Charlie, omitting that it took place at three A.M. with all four of us sitting at the kitchen table, naked. The fact that Charlie was going to start paying rent placated her and we ended the conversation with her making a final observation about Erica. "How can you give her the desk if she won't tell you where she lives?"
I had to admit that she had a point.
I bought a gift for Alice's baby and mailed it. Otherwise, the day and night were uneventful. I didn't see or hear from Gladys. The next morning I found a check for the rent on the kitchen counter. Charlie paid for all three months, September through November.
On Friday night I described the debate at the grad school as we consumed pizza and beer. "They shouted at each other for two hours about the economy, sexual harassment in the workplace, the demise of the Soviet Union and who will oppose Bush in the presidential race. They all read the same periodicals and were saying essentially the same things, like whoever shouted the loudest won the debate."
Naturally, I only told them part of what took place. I neglected to tell about the looks I received from Erica's fellow classmates, how she held my hand when she was ranting and how she told me to put my arm around her waist as we walked to her car.
"That's enough, let me go, he's not looking," she said as we got into the car. And then, "Here he comes, kiss me," she said, sticking her tongue down my throat.
I heard a tap on the window and looked up to see a tall man leaning over to peer into the car. I recognized him as one of Erica's adversaries from the debate and rolled the window down.
"Is he hurting you, Erica?" the guy asked.
"Did it look like he was hurting me?" she answered, sounding dumbfounded.
"Yes, it looked to me like you were in danger," he answered, still looking into the car.
"What would you do about it if I were hurting her?" I asked, starting the car. He backed away from the car, not answering me.
"He knows my name. Roger knows my name. Why did you have to treat him that way?" she asked, sounding upset as we left the guy standing on the sidewalk.
"He annoyed me."
"You could really take some lessons in diplomacy, Sammy."
"I thought it was a female who you wanted to impress," I said, amazed at how she had reacted when the guy called her by her name.
"She's the moderator. I think she bought our little act. Thanks, Sammy."
This stunned me, both the fact that she thought the meek, middle-aged moderator was harassing her and that she complimented me for helping pull off a charade. As I was getting out of her car Erica said farewell. "You really should read Time or Newsweek. See you next week?"
I was so confused when I left her that I went for a late night run. Doctor Mercer caught up with me. "We were impressed with your friend," he said. "She is quite opinionated."
I told him about the debate I had attended. "Erica was very vocal and the group is very diverse. She's using me to deceive some of her detractors."
"How so?" he asked.
"She wants her peers to think she's bi. I'm her prop. It's very mysterious."
"It sounds dangerous. Be careful, Sammy," he said as we parted.
"He knows my name," I laughed, mimicking Erica.
"I'm going back next week," I said to my Friday night companions.
"Bring her for pizza," Laura suggested and the others said they would like to meet Erica too.
After taking Wendy and Zelda to their dormitory, I stopped by the pizza shop and picked up Gladys, thus continuing a routine that, with the exception of Thanksgiving break, was adhered to like clockwork. If someone wanted to find me they could simply check the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, my running route late on Tuesday and Thursday nights where I often met Doctor Mercer (he told me to call him George, but couldn't bring myself to), the political science debates at the grad school on Thursday night, and at the pizza and beer group meetings on Friday night. Later, until Saturday morning, I could be found in the sack with Gladys.
Saturday and Sundays were reserved for study. Gladys never told me what she did the other nights of the week.
It was evident that Marilyn had moved into the apartment. She kept the kitchen and bathroom in good order, did the food shopping and did some of the cooking. I did my own laundry and kept my room reasonably clean. Well, there was the one time when I was running the dust mop under my bed and the metal rod that Charlie had swung at my head rolled out. It was a half-inch in diameter and about eighteen inches long. I slammed it down on the bed and heard the thump it made. Damn, I thought, I'm glad my shoulder got in the way.
Everyone I knew left for home as soon as they could get away after quarterfinals on Friday. I didn't. I stayed in the apartment, dumped everything out of the refrigerator that could spoil while we were gone, read Time and Newsweek magazines, and was waiting across the street from the pizza shop when Gladys got off work.
"I thought you left," she said as she got into the car.
"What kind of pizza did you bring me?" I responded, not wanting to admit why I had hung around.
"How do you know I bought it for you? My mom is going to go hungry because of you."
"What kind is it?"
"Pepperoni, I knew you would want to see me," she said, grinning.
I opened the last bottle of chardonnay and we ate half of the pizza, talking very little.
Gladys kept looking around, like she was admiring the way Marilyn maintained the kitchen. "Have you fucked her yet?"
She cocked her head. "Isn't that what you said you would do?"
"I was just keeping Charlie on his toes."
"Are you going to fuck Loretta and Karen while you're home?"
Her question was too personal for me. "I don't ask you who you fuck."
nota dell'autore: Questa ? la prima storia che scrivo in Italiano. Spero vi piaccia. Tutti i diritti riservati (C) Shiraz Derwine. Sono vietate la copia e riproduzione per qualunque fine al di fuori di FictionMania o dove non espressamente autorizzata dall'autore. All rights reserved (C) Shiraz Derwine. -------------------------- Io, la spiaggia, ed Erica. -------------------------- Il piano era preciso: Maturit? e poi tre mesi di vacanza al mare lontano da pensieri, genitori, libri ...
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Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, she's 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasn't the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big city life had her well adept at hailing taxi's and hiring cars. That's...
Erica opened the car door and carefully stepped out, stretching as she gently closed the car door. She shook her now shoulder length blonde hair, seeing Liam smile in response. He then opened his own door, and looked around for the machine so he could pay is parking fee. Spinning, he finally found it, about 5 cars down the road. Flashing his smile in Erica’s direction, he said, “be right back”. Erica gazed at him as he was walking, enjoying the view. He was wearing a light pink collared shirt...
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Erica was a chubby sexy slut who lived in a small town. In high school she was skinny and quite promiscuous. 10 years after high school she has been through bad relationships. After a while she grew a few pounds but that didn’t stop guys from wanting to titty fuck her or get a great blow job from her. Erica was about five foot three and had really big tits. She was chubby but fit her curves well. She had a decent sized ass. Her eyes were so incredibly sexy and she has a “fuck me face” that you...
Group SexAUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
It never rains but it pours mused Erica as her phone rang. She was hot, flustered, in a rush, dirty and driving but she knew she needed to answer it. She pulled into the nearest parking space which was a handy parking lot, that was beside a neighbourhood store. It was her husband, frantic to do well in his newly promoted job. He'd left a document in the boot of her car and needed to check the date on it. She slid out of the car and checked the date for him before he ended the call. As she stood...
Erica woke up and looked to her right. She smiled as she saw Liam, still sleeping on the bed where he had flopped after their love making in the morning. “Poor guy” she murmured, reaching over to stroke his leg. He was completely naked, and she reached over and grabbed his cock, lightly touching the head with the tip of her finger. Pausing, she tapped his cock again with her finger, then clutched it with just the tips off all her fingers, and started moving her hand up and down his cock, softly...
Love StoriesAll rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. A version of this story in Italian is available on FictionMania -------------- Me, the beach, and Erica -------------- My plan was as simple: Graduate from high school and then do three Summer months at the seaside far from worries, parents, books, and problems. I spent my whole last year of school just imagining how...
Introduction: not exactly in order, let me know if you want more or the gaps in the timeline filled in. Erica at 14, Ranch wife I was excited in several senses of the word. My niece Erica was going to stay with me for an indefinite time. I live alone on 110 acres of prime horse prairie in Wyoming, the company would be good. The best. Erica has stayed the summer several times since she was a teenager. Now, with her having graduated High School a year and a half early, she had time to kill and...
RAPING ERICA There was an email for Laura the next day, a Sunday. She read it with her tits bared for the webcam, her nipples still connected by her painful chain, the rest of her body naked. === To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his "investment". You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can't give her any of your...
Introduction: a little harder than normal, might not be for all tastes I think I want a tattoo, Erica said. I dont fucking think so I replied. She looked hurt. Why she asked. Well, I didnt mean it THAT way, I just think you should wait until youre older. I said. I dont see why, Im learning to drive, I can cook and sew, I have a BOYFRIEND…That I have SEX with… lots and lots of SEX with… she said teasingly. With that she sat next to me at the desk and slid her hand onto my leg and grasped...
“It was a male blitzkrieg. Its Erica’s bukake moment. The spasmed sperm splash of every wanking and jerking Tom, Dick and Harry from the choir…plus a Mark and a Will… and her personal black skinned arse delighter…”Bernard really ought to give up smoking was Erica’s thought as she diverged from Chas and Beth in the vestibule. She had time to find the St Xavier’s Senior Male Choir before her own practice.....Her morning had been really pleasant, spent with Meredith. A senior dorm girl who had...
I was excited in several senses of the word. My niece Erica was going to stay with me for an indefinite time. I live alone on 110 acres of prime horse prairie in Wyoming, the company would be good. The best. Erica has stayed the summer several times since she was a teenager. Now, with her having graduated High School a year and a half early, she had time to kill and bugged her parents until they let her come back. There was no plan on when this would end. All of her previous trips were...
"I don't fucking think so" I replied. She looked hurt. "Why" she asked. "Well, I didn't mean it THAT way, I just think you should wait until you're older". I said. "I don't see why, I'm learning to drive, I can cook and sew, I have a BOYFRIEND...That I have SEX with... lots and lots of SEX with..." she said teasingly. With that she sat next to me at the desk and slid her hand onto my leg and grasped my cock through my jeans. "So, you want to play ? I asked. "No,...
The curtains were drawn in Ben's living room, ensuring any passers by in the village wouldn't be able to see the 9 naked men drinking, chatting and watching the old television set while they tugged on their pricks.It wasn't very often that his parents went away and left him alone in the house, and Ben, who was 23 and not too happy about living at home anyway, had decided to make the most of it and invite some friends around. He'd asked Mike, who knew a man who sold porno VHS tapes in the nearby...
It was a steaming hot Sunday morning in the little village of Great Tyteslove, home to the famous (or at least notorious) Cock & Ass Tavern. The sun was shining down on the playing fields, where some of the local lads were just finishing up a friendly game of rugby: farmers vs postmen. They had played a hotly-contested match, and by the time the whistle blew and the farmers were declared the winner with a narrow victory. Sweaty and exhausted, the men all shook hands and congratulated one...
‘Here you are, sir. Is there anything else I can get for you?’ The waiter had just set down one of the foo foo drinks, you know, one of those ones with an umbrella in it. Steve pushed his sunglasses onto his forehead and looked at the waiter. ‘No, I’m good right at the moment. Thank you though.’ ‘As you wish.’ The waiter left leaving Steve to lounge on the beach undisturbed. Steven Halbert, or Steve as he preferred, had just graduated college with a MBA. It was a long hard road to complete...
Erica was sitting at one of the rubber tables outside the main doors of the high school. Her two girlfriends were sitting there with her. They were all drinking Raspberry ice tea and talking amongst either, enjoying their fourth period free period and the nice warm sun that shown down upon them. Just as Erica finished her ice tea she suddenly felt the need to go potty. Standing up, she told her friends she’d be back shortly. She threw away her bottle in the nearest trash can and walked through...
Erica meets me in our local park where we walk and chat about erotic educationI offer her a lesson in love in practise, in a secluded part of the water-parkI offer her a first ever orgasm from licking love lips after her golden showerErica eagerly follows me to my place for more privacy for next lessons in loveI teach the teen to play for pleasure her love lips so she can come without meErica likes my love lessons, especially how she can climb up from first heavenErica likes most how to...
Loving Erica by SpectreOfHell Part 3 Things were normal at dinner and the rest of the night. Except that Erica and I kept looking into each other’s eyes and smiling like idiots. Was this really happening? Was my daughter willingly becoming my lover? Later, she got her bath and returned in one of her short gowns. Helen was starting to doze in her chair. Erica sat on my lap and I got instantly hard. Erica wiggled and giggled, and I realized she’d always known the effect she had on me. She...
Loving Ericaby SpectreOfHellPart 3 Things were normal at dinner and the rest of the night. Except that Erica and I kept looking into each other's eyes and smiling like idiots. Was this really happening? Was my daughter willingly becoming my lover? Later, she got her bath and returned in one of her short gowns. Helen was starting to doze in her chair. Erica sat on my lap and I got instantly hard. Erica wiggled and giggled, and I realized she'd always known the effect she had on me. She...
Erica screamed at the top of her lungs, “HELP!!! RAPE!” The boys placed a piece of duct tape over her mouth before she could say much else. She kicked with all her might, so each boy held one of her limbs down. Kyle quickly threw a piece of duct tape over her eyes as a makeshift blindfold and opened the door to the boy’s bathroom. 24 hours ago Erica Lee was Chinese and a freshman at her high school. She’s absolutely adorable and popular, but people in her class knew her as a little...
Erica stood outside the train station, waiting for Liam to pick her up. She stood on the side of the road, her bags sitting on the curb. Picking them up, she walked over to the bus bench, where she sat down, and placed her sunglasses on the top of her head. She had to come visit her best bud Liam, whom she had not seen in almost three months. Luckily, she had managed to free enough time to spend a month with Liam. He had a place, just on the outskirts of town, where they would be spending their...
NovelsShe just couldn't get it out of her mind.She wasn't really sure when it started or why, but she thought about it everyday.Erica wanted to be with another woman, experience the taste of another woman.She knew what she herself tasted like but she was consumed with the idea of a different taste, a different person, a beautiful, tender, passionate, horny woman she could eat and who would eat her!When she first started thinking about it, it was "another woman."But she had fantasized for so long that...
Group SexLoving Erica By SpectreOfHell Part 2 When I came out of the bathroom, all traces of my daughter’s vaginal fluids washed from my guilty prick, my wife Helen was home and she was talking to Erica in the kitchen. I entered and they greeted me warmly, both of them. Erica was leaning against the counter, still barefoot, still in her denim skirt and pink halter top, and I couldn’t read her expression. My wife kissed me and we sat down at the table to discuss dinner plans. I kept glancing at Erica,...
Loving EricaBy SpectreOfHellPart 2When I came out of the bathroom, all traces of my daughter's vaginal fluids washed from my guilty prick, my wife Helen was home and she was talking to Erica in the kitchen. I entered and they greeted me warmly, both of them. Erica was leaning against the counter, still barefoot, still in her denim skirt and pink halter top, and I couldn't read her expression. My wife kissed me and we sat down at the table to discuss dinner plans. I kept glancing at Erica,...
Introduction: After some hesitation , Erica finally tries anal Erica was pretty adventurous during our playtime. She had made suggestions about anal sex and offered none of the upturned-nose type behavior some people have with it. She had taken a rather vigorous anal fingering and had no problem with analingus when I performed it on her. In fact, she had motioned my head towards her butt,when I ate her out on several occasions. She was concerned about cleanliness and seemed pretty aware of...
So you can see, things can get a little old in the bedroom. In college, there was always enough sexual excitement to keep me going, whether it be the first few times with my girlfriend Jenny or just being on a campus, seeing people going at it at parties or hearing people banging in the dorm rooms. When my Jenny wasn’t around, I could flirt innocently with girls in my classes. But the thing I missed most was my Jenny’s friend Erica. Every guy has fantasies about his girlfriend’s best...
It had seemed like a good idea when Darren, Simon and Wayne decided they would trek out to the forest to do a bit of winter fishing together. None of them had banked on there being the kind of snowfall you didn't often see in England, blocking off access to the road and snowing in the Land Rover they had brought with them. Under the circumstances, they had been quite fortunate. The cabin they were stuck in was heated and had plenty of food, so they weren't in any real trouble. It had a ham...
[Independent story but continues from College Discipline]“Bernard eased in, gently; then Erica relaxed, but remained so goddamn tight, it nearly wasn’t possible. Her arse held his cock tighter than a femdom’s restraining leash.”After Chastity, Erica and Bethany were assigned their separate rooms; Monsignor Bernard stepped outside for his ritual pre-dinner smoke. It was chilly. The wind cutting to the bone. They would need a fire even with close body warmth he had planned along with the...
"So you're just gonna jam a waterhose up my ass and hope for the best ? she asked. "Well.." I started. "I could spew water out of my ass and fly across the yard, that'd be cool" she said. I knew she was joking. I needed to educate her. But I had no enema bag. I made a point to buy one from CVS the very next trip into town. I purchased a water bottle/ fountain syringe/ enema-douche bag kit from CVS. It had several attachments for all the possible needs you might have. I...
Erica batted her long eyelashes and smiled as she placed her customers orders on the table. It was chilly inside the crowded restaurant and her long nipples strained against her uniform top. She had small, perky A cup breasts and she rarely wore a bra to work because she'd learned over the years that her tips were much better when she didn't."Is there anything else I can get you gentleman?" Erica asked in a pleasant tone. She had a sexy southern drawl, pretty brown eyes and a warm smile. She'd...
New Year’s Eve of 1976 was celebrated much like it was anywhere else in the country. There were parties and gatherings that weren’t called parties, but which had a party atmosphere to them. One such was at Tilly and Jake Johnson’s house. There were only four people there, the other two being Erica and Will, but it was still a celebration. The kids were in bed, and the TV was on, but turned down. They hadn’t so much eaten a meal as snacked all evening, having a sandwich here, or some chips...
The meetings that Hank Swift and Kelsey White had requested proved to be much less stressful than the first two I had. Hank wanted to ensure that he was not going to be exiled from Crucible. From what I could decipher from his almost incoherent pleas, his concubines had made it clear that he needed to straighten up and fly right. I knew that they could not just walk away from him, but refrained from saying anything to the penitent man. It was clear that he needed their approval. Instead I...
Introduction: story continues, comments if you want more, or to fill in gaps. Erica at 14, her first time. Erica was an enthusiastic learner and would anticipate questions and seemed to be instinctive on every level of the horse ranching business. We were like peas in a pod. We would share the work that needed to be done and enjoy it. The first time we had sex was after the first few days together of settling in and catching up on work. The Timothy was coming in and the lease needed to be...
The football captain ran to the bathroom stall where he heard the voice and opened it. There he saw an adorable Asian freshman girl with her hair stained in cum. The semen pooled underneath her butt too. She was sitting on the ground with her head leaning against the wall of the bathroom. He took off her blindfold and stared at her large sparkling eyes in silence. The rest of the players had followed him in and saw the helpless young teen with tearful pleading eyes staring back at...
Erica's first year after State U. had turned out to be very disappointing for romance. She'd made friends, but just hadn't found any guys to play with. She went through her wardrobe and selected an outfit for anight on the town. First the black stockings attached to a satin garter belt. Next a pair of almost luminescent white panties, followed by a loose silk blouse and an above-the-knee skirt. Lastly, some medium heels, a tailored jacket, some light makeup and perfume. Erica decided to...
Steve had come home from college for the weekend and was just about to go out with some friends when he heard his stepmother's cell phone ringtone. Thinking it might be something important, he ran to answer it since his stepmom was in the bathroom at the time.It stopped ringing just as he got there, and whoever was calling had been sent to her voicemail. Steve waited for a few seconds so whoever was calling could leave their message, then he opened up her voicemail to see who had called."What...