The Taming Of The Shrewd free porn video

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THE TAMING OF THE SHREWD Myra Polden was very upset. Her boy George had set his mind on marrying Jane Burns but she'd got hitched instead to George's runt of a friend Peter Robbins. She decided that although she would have to bide her time for a while, eventually she would set the Universe back on the correct course and make her boy happy. The fact that he was now twenty four years old and Jane had married three years ago and seemed happy were immaterial to the single minded mother. Actually one thing was on Myra's side, Jane wasn't entirely happy with married life. Peter turned out to be a bit of a wimp. He was only short, not even as tall as her five feet seven inches and what had been the clincher to marry him, i.e., his easy going and kind manner was beginning to grate on her now. He just agreed with everything she wanted but never seemed to have the drive or manly aggression. What she loved at first, his gentle way of handling her, she would swap in an instant for some he-man to sweep her off her feet and give her rough sex. Perhaps, she thought, she should have married that ape George after all. She ran into George's mother one day in town, they had coffee together and discussed old times. They enjoyed the socialising so much that they met several times more. After a couple of weeks she sat down with her husband Peter on evening. "We've been invited to a fancy dress party the weekend after next," she told him. "Do we have to go? You know I don't like fancy dress." "Oh dear, I've already told them 'yes' now. You don't really mind just this once do you?" As usual Peter would do anything for his beloved wife, so he reluctantly agreed before she told him where it was. "The Poldens' place? George Polden? He used to bully me at school Jane, he was a thug with a violent temper, couldn't you make our excuses?" "Don't be silly Peter, that was years ago when we were all children at our school. Anyway, his mother has ordered our costumes now, she's gone to that expense so we can't let her down now. By the way the theme is nineteenth century aristocracy so don't get your hair cut, they didn't have short back and sides then." Peter was quite proud of his hair, he was blond and always wore it in the long style of the 'rockers' of his youth. He once confided in her that he thought it distracted from his lack of size and made him look tougher than he was. The trouble was that he really should have had it cut a month previously and it was now down way passed his shoulders in the low pony tail he kept it in. He had been so busy at work that he just hadn't had the time to go to the barber's. He was freelance writer of custom software for tech. companies, he had just completed the biggest job he had ever done, it had earned him an astronomical fee that he always took in a mixture of cash and shares and so he had decided to take a few months off. Jane had often said that she wanted to travel, so without telling her he had booked a round the world cruise, starting in two weeks time. It was going to be the trip of a lifetime, a surprise that would coincide with her birthday and they would sail only thirty six hours after the party. The time for the costume party date soon came round and Peter and Jane travelled the short distance by car early on the Saturday morning. His wife wanted to spend some time with Myra before the party started, they lived in a huge house in large grounds and if the weather was as hot as it had been she told him that they intended to spend most of the day in their pool. They were greeted at the door by Myra Polden, larger than life as he remembered her. "Come in my dears." She gave Jane a kiss on the cheek. "Now first thing I want you to go up to the bedrooms and try on your costumes, make sure there's nothing wrong with the sizes, alright?" She took Jane by the elbow and they all went straight upstairs. Accompanying him was a woman he didn't recognise but who introduced herself to him as Myra's sister, Nurse Goody and she led him to the far end of the corridor into what was obviously a young girl's bedroom. It had a pink, white and lilac based colour scheme with many dolls around on chairs and the bed. This itself had a chrome frame which took the outline shape of a fairytale carriage, with fake wheels on the corners and an assembly that looked roughly like the outline of a crown reaching up almost to the ceiling. The bedding was pink satin and lace. It was a little girl's dream. He was told to strip down to his underpants in the en suite bathroom which he rather self consciously did. What he didn't notice was that she locked the bedroom door behind them. She joined him carrying a tub of cream. "Yours is a special costume Peter, slip off your shorts and we'll put this cream on you." She noted his reluctance. "Don't worry, Myra told you I'm a nurse, I've seen it all before and you want the costume to look right, don't you?" He couldn't understand why or what she was going to do, but he decided that he ought be polite and obey instructions. She slathered the cream all over him from his chin and cheeks down to his feet. She then glanced at her watch and told him he had a little while to wait for the cream to cleanse his follicles completely. She ran a bath, putting crystals into the water, stirred them round to melt them, looked again at her watch, then just as the cream started to sting him, told him to get into the bath. She used a shower attachment to shampoo and wash his hair thoroughly while he sat there. It was a relief from the cream and very pleasant, if a little too highly perfumed, but the surprise came when he stepped out to find every hair below his eyes had gone. His body was as hairless as a newborn baby and felt as soft. "What have you done to me?" he demanded. "I'm only making you look right in your costume Peter," was all she said as she proceeded to dry him off in two large fluffy towels. Before he had a chance to comment further, she dived under the towel and put something very cold on his privates. He tried to push her away, but he was rather weak for a man and she was a lot stronger than she looked. He soon felt something close round his penis and balls and a distinctive click of a lock. By the time he shrugged off the towel, he saw that he was in some sort of chastity device. "What the hell are you doing?" he demanded. "If you know what is good for you, you'll keep quiet until we're done," she told him with a coldness in her voice that sent a chill up his spine. "No I won't." He decided to put his foot down. She picked him up with ease, sat on the sill of the bath, put him across her lap and proceeded to spank him. At first he struggled, the pain of the first few swipes caught him by surprise, then as she continued to hit the same spot on his cheeks, the pain built until it was unbearable. He started to cry. "Please stop, Please." "Are you going to do as you're told?" she asked him. "Yes, anything, yes." He sobbed. She led him through to the vanity unit in the bedroom where she blow dried his hair, brushing it countless times, parted it in the middle then wound it into a plat each side of his head, just behind each ear, but they hung down his front. She tied a pink ribbon in a large bow near the end of each one. While he was in shock at what she was doing, she lacquered each of his toenails with a frosted pink colour, then roughed up each fingernail and glued on self coloured false nails extending about half an inch beyond his own. Their colour also matched his toes. Next she stood him up and placed his feet in white self supporting, thigh high stockings followed by a pair of pink silk and lace pettipants. She got a swab from the cabinet, soaked it from a bottle and wiped each side of his nipples. He went to pull away as she approached him with a hypodermic syringe, but she just raised her hand and he got the message. She plunged it in where she had cleaned, picked up another, then another until he had the contents of four syringes pushed in his chest. It started to itch almost straight away. It didn't take a genius to work out what they were going to do, once she placed a half-cup bra up his arms and fastened round him. She then proceeded to pluck his eyebrows into a very fine line, arching above his eyes. Next she got out what looked like an elaborate painting kit. She started with a sponge, wiping what he recognised was a cosmetic foundation over his face, highlighted with a blush on his cheeks. She painted his eyelids pink, every stage consisting of several coats, then glued large eyelashes on top and lower lids and these were blended with his own using a thick black mascara. Thin lines of eyeliner covered the base of these and she used it to highlight what was left of his eyebrows. The make up was completed with a frosted pink shiny lipstick, again brushed on in many coats. Meanwhile his nipples were driving him mad. He could see that they and the surrounding flesh were swelling almost visibly, pressing on the moulded cups of the bra. She went out of his sight for a moment, returning with a large cameo broach in the centre of a wide thick velvet ribbon the she fitted round his neck. That also fastened with a click, so he presumed that it had been locked on, as were a pair of t-bar pink shoes with what looked like two inch wedge heels. "Actually these are the reverse of 'lift' shoes which make you look taller. These look as if they have high heels, but your feet fit right down in them so you really don't have a heel at all." She stood him up and led him to the foot of the bed, where she held open a white lace half slip with hoops sewn into it, for him to step into. It was followed by a heavy satin and lace dress in the style of a 'Southern Belle', the skirt held out by the petticoat, but it was shorter than the traditional floor length. This was a child's version, just coming down level with his knees. The bodice was laced up the back from waist to neck, the front lavishly decorated with satin bows and would have been modest, but for the heart shaped cut out, designed to show the tops of his new breasts quite clearly. The whole dress was in shades of pink. Nurse Goody finally stood him in front of the full length mirror on the closet. At first he didn't know who he was looking at. There was a young wide-eyed girl dressed in an extravagant period style, cheekily showing her ample bosoms. He had never been so humiliated in his life. "Oh no!" he exclaimed. "Oh yes," she challenged him. "I must admit that you make a remarkable girl." Having seen the result of her handiwork, the woman got out her brushes again, this time giving him some very adolescent looking freckles on his nose and below his eyes. Far from just adding blemishes, the effect made him look about thirteen years old. "The only thing that spoils the effect now is your voice Petunia." He looked puzzled. "Petunia is your new name dear. Now let me make some adjustments." She knelt down under petunia's skirt and fiddled with his chastity cover and some wires, then she held something under his skirt about mid-thigh level on each side. She made some adjustments then gave him instructions. "Put your hands out on top of your skirt each side, about half way down. Can you feel a little box in the material, that's it, grip each one tightly." The effect it had was to make it look as if he was delicately holding his skirts up a little on each side. "That gives your hands something to occupy them. Now for your choker." She dialled something on the side of the lock at the rear of his neck, holding the cameo and used her i-phone to do something. "Now you have two things to remember Petunia. The first is that if you speak your cameo will pick up the vibrations and electrocute you most painfully, so I suggest you remain silent. The second is that you are holding two buttons through your skirt. If you let go of either one you will also be electrocuted through your chastity lock and I can assure you that you won't want to repeat the experience. "The title of your costume today is: 'Little girls should be seen and not heard.' Isn't that a cute idea? Oh no, sorry, you can't answer that." She practically curled up with laughter. "Time to go down and see how your wife is getting on. She's out in the sun and we can't have your skin getting damaged, can we?" She pulled down a hat box from the top of the closet and took out a large bonnet and placed it on his head, tying the wide ribbons in a decorative bow under his chin. The top of the bonnet was several inches higher than his head and it extended down to about his ears so that it nearly formed blinkers in that he had to turn his head to see to his sides. It was coloured and trimmed to match his dress perfectly. That done, she put an arm round his waist and led him out of the room and down the stairs. In the hallway they came across the lady of the house, Myra Polden. "My oh my," she clapped her hands, "what a pretty little girl we have here, what's the matter, cat got your tongue? Oh I remember, you're shy, aren't you? Well there's something you have to do, whenever you see a grown up, do you know? "Of course you do, you give them your best curtsey, don't you? Let me see you do it." Both the women looked at him expectantly. 'If they think I'm curtseying to them they can think again,' he thought to himself. "If Petunia doesn't curtsey, nurse is going to take her hand away from her skirt, just so she knows what it feels like to be disobedient." He hesitated fraction too long. Goody pulled his left hand up and he had a jolt in his balls as bad as if someone had taken a flying kick at them. He screamed and that gave him as bad a shock on his neck. As he fell, Goody helped him grab the button in his skirt again and the jolting stopped. He was panting on his knees on the floor. He'd never experienced such pain. "Time to show us you curtsey Petunia." The nurse helped him up and he made a valiant attempt at a curtsey. Goody showed him what they wanted and he soon had it perfected. "Don't forget Petunia, you meet any adult anywhere and you curtsey, otherwise I'll give you a good paddling as well as the shocks to remind you and I won't help you find the button next time you lose it. Remember EVERY adult ANYwhere," Goody told him with considerable emphasis. If he thought he had already had the ultimate humiliation being dressed like that, he had no idea how much worse it would get. He was guided outside to where he could hear shrieks and laughter. He tried to indicate that he didn't want to be seen but that wasn't in his hosts' plan. From his point of view, the sight that met him was out of a horror movie. All his worse fears arrived at once. A crowd of people were playing in, or sunbathing round their swimming pool, most of the women were topless or naked, as were the men. When he looked further round at the faces he saw that they were all people he recognised from school. Several were playing with a large beach ball in the water when suddenly one of the laughing naked women was lifted out of the water on the shoulders of an Adonis of a man. When he looked more carefully at them he realised that the woman was his Jane and the naked man who had her on his shoulders, George Polden. He could have died on the spot. With the embarrassment he felt himself becoming hot as he blushed all over, that and the hot sun outside and the sweat was soon starting to soak him. For a while no one paid him any attention beyond a mild curiosity that a young girl in a fancy costume would attract. George carried Jane over to the side of the pool and they both got out and grabbed towels. As he was roughly drying himself he walked over to where Petunia was standing with Goody. The nurse nudged him as a reminder of what he had to do. He fought in his mind to resist but there was no way he could put up with another, perhaps even worse shock, so he had no choice but to curtsey to the thug. "Who have we here?" he asked of the ashamed man. "This is Petunia George, isn't she just a vision of feminine loveliness?" In moments his wife came over to find out who George was talking to. Petunia, still blushing scarlet did a further curtsey to her. "What do you think of Petunia here?" George asked Jane. "That's a very pretty costume dear, aren't you a bit warm?" Then she looked at him more closely. "Peter?" He couldn't look his wife in the eyes, he just stood there staring down at the ground. "Is that really you Peter? What are you doing dressed like that?" She suddenly started to roar with laughter. "Hey! Everyone!" she shouted. "Come and look at Petunia here." As each person wandered over he curtseyed to them. At first no one recognised him and they were a bit baffled as to why a small girl in fancy dress should be of interest, then one of the women, Sue Wills, suddenly jumped and cried out. "That's not a girl, that's Peter Robbins. Didn't you marry him Jane?" "You married this faggot?" asked Billy Bowden, the rather stupid, thick set member of George's gang at school. "He's got tits!" another of the men shouted and everyone looked at the pale globes trying to escape from his dress. Jane grabbed Petunia's arm and dragged him away from the others. "What are you doing? Are you deliberately trying to show me up? I thought I'd married a man not someone who would humiliate me in front of my friends, you make me sick, stay away from me." He tried as hard as he could to indicate to her that he couldn't speak, but she wasn't receptive to any form of subtle communication. He would have bitten the bullet and spoken to her, accepting the painful consequences, but she walked away from him so quickly that he didn't have a chance to work up his courage. He watched as his wife rejoined George, took his towel from him and threw it, with hers, onto a sun lounger, then she wrapped her naked body round his and gave him a long deep kiss. They walked off together hand in hand towards the house. Petunia was in shock. His mind was racing but everything he could think of was bad. For a moment he wondered if he threw himself into the pool, whether he would drown or be killed by electric shock of the devices on him shorting out. All the while he was thinking dark thoughts, his face was completely blank. For a time the nurse wondered if he was actually in clinical depression, but after a while he started to look round again, as opposed to just staring ahead. "Come along Petunia, we have to get you ready for dinner," The nurse told him and steered him back into the house and to the bedroom he changed in. She left him sat on the fairy coach bed while she searched in a cupboard, eventually pulling out a white garment that she hung over a chair. She took off his bonnet, unwound his plaited hair and started to brush and back comb it. She spent a great deal of time working on it, finally sprinkling it with a fine sparkling multi-coloured dust and finishing it with hair spray. She pinned a plastic children's crown on top and finally placed the garment, a full length frilly white apron over his head and tied it with a decorative bow behind his waist. All the time he had to continue holding his skirts and remain silent as he was pulled in front of the mirror again where he now saw that his hair was a mass of curls high on his head, dotted with a thousand pin points of light that shimmered when he moved. Just as she stood him up the bedroom door opened and his wife entered, hand in hand with George and they were both in jeans and t- shirts, his wife flushed in a way he recognised as being apr(s-sex. Once again they fell about laughing as he immediately curtseyed to them. "You make such a sweet little girl you know, Petunia." Jane looked her husband in the eyes. "When I found those tickets for the cruise I was so excited, I mentioned it to Myra over coffee. George had arranged to meet her so he joined us. When I told him about the holiday he made a bet with me. He asked, if he could get you in a dress and answering to the name of Petunia, would I let him take your place on the trip. Well I knew that would be impossible, so I agreed to the bet but only if he lost, he would have to dress as a woman for a month. Well guess what, after tomorrow I won't see you for five months but I'm going to be well looked after dear, so you don't have to worry about me." Further humiliations were to be heaped on him, but they no longer had the effect they might have. He would have done anything for his wife, but now his faith in human nature had been shattered. He was made to follow Jane and her lover back downstairs and through to a large dining room where most of the guests were already in place round the outside of a u-shaped table. George and Jane sat with Myra at the centre of the top part of the table and at the opposite end of the room was a pub-like fully stocked bar. In front of the bar were stools and what appeared to be an over-sized child's high chair with the table top hinged and set off on one side. Goody felt under Petunia's dress and collapsed the built in hoops, then lifted him up onto the chair and swung the table top round in front of him, locking it in place. Of course that also locked his arms by his sides, as he was still having to cling to the buttons in the skirt. He watched in shame as each of the remaining guests took there seats, nudging each other and laughing. Nurse Goody sat on a bar stool next to him, a glass of wine to hand. Waitresses started to serve the first course, a soup with rolls, and one came over to him and placed a bowl of something greyish brown and semi-liquid on his table. As the diners at the table started to eat, the nurse slowly drank some wine, then produced a plastic spoon, scooped up some of the mush and held it to his lips. At first he thought of refusing to eat but decided that if he was to get through this he would need to keep his strength up. It tasted as revolting as it looked, worse somehow for a person such as him, he liked fine dining but also made hobby of cooking. Once he had finished the nurse walked off, not returning until the diners had finished their main course and were being served a pudding. Petunia had to sit there while appetising aromas came from everyone else's food. Then as the rest started on their desserts, nurse returned with another plate, this time with a greyish pink mush which she fed him as before. Once he was done with that he was released from the high chair and the nurse, in a very loud voice told him to curtsey goodnight to everyone as it was past his bedtime. He was pleased to note that while it elicited smiles from all present, he was no longer of that much interest to them, although Jane and George put on a show of kissing for his benefit. Back in the room he now knew was his bedroom, the nurse stripped him of everything except his choker and chastity. She had made a show of turning off the buttons in his dress using an internet connection through her phone. "Remember that you still have that collar on, so I don't want to hear a word," she told him as she took him into the bathroom and waited while he did his business. What she failed to notice was that he had eagle eyes on her hands when she logged in, he felt that at some stage it might save his life. She dressed him in a baby doll nightdress then spent a long time brushing out his hair which she returned to braids. Upset as he was, he found a certain comfort in the wonderful feeling of satin and lace on his naked skin. He was less happy to see and feel two bouncing breasts that were very much part of his chest. "Listen to me Petunia." Goody was again fiddling with her phone, "Your collar has been deactivated for noise, so if you snore it doesn't matter, but it's now set to react if you get out of bed. You will stay here until I come to get you. Goodnight." It must have been before nine o'clock and he didn't usually go to bed until eleven or midnight, but whether it was the mental exhaustion of the day, or perhaps they put something in his food, he was asleep in minutes. The next thing he knew, Nurse Goody was waking him and telling him to use the bathroom. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and was surprised to see that his make up was as perfect still as when it was put on him. After he did what he had to, she ran him another scented bath, powdering him well once he was towel dried. By the time she put perfume on him as well he was smelling like the proverbial Paris knocking shop. The first item she put on him that morning was a corset, but it wasn't like one he'd ever seen outside a blue movie. It looked a delicate confection of white silk and lace, but hidden in it were a vicious set of steel shapes so that once she started to tighten it, he felt as if he was being cut in half and his breasts were pushed up, making them look even bigger than they were. "I know you want to tell me it's too tight but it's supposed to be like this, as you'll learn soon enough. By the way, you've probably noticed your make up. It's semi-permanent, so it won't need to be redone for at least a couple of months." By the time she tied the laces off he was only able to take quick shallow breaths. He found it impossible to bend while wearing it, so she helped him by unrolling a pair of white seemed silk stockings up his legs and attaching them to the garters from the corset. She showed him a pair of pink panties with lace dripping round the rear, then pulled them up his legs. They were followed by a half slip, bulked out by lace and crinolines and was secured round his waist by a string tie. She dropped a pink satin dress over his head and zipped up the back once it was settled. He soon realised that what she was putting on him was a French maid's costume when she tied a small frilly apron round his waist and pinned a small cap on his head. She wound his braids round the front of his hairline and back down the sides, just above his forehead and in front of his cap, making his feminine hairstyle obvious. Last to go on were his shoes. These were pumps with four inch heels and locked round his ankles so they couldn't be slipped off. She had him walk back and forth a few times to get at least some familiarity with the heel height. Once she had given him a few hints, he was managing them, so then they set off downstairs eventually to the kitchen. He had to wait nearly an hour, spending some time doing some scrubbing of cooking pans, but at a couple of minutes to ten he was given a large tray with two breakfasts on it. Another woman, presumably a maid but wearing the sort of housecoat that he would expect to see on an ordinary domestic worker, accompanied him up the stairs, saying nothing to him but indicated a door. She knocked twice then waited. "Enter." He recognised George's voice. The woman pushed the door open to allow him through then left him to curtsey and serve the breakfast. It wasn't a surprise to see both George and his wife sitting up in bed stark naked. "Put the breakfasts on the table in the window, girl," ordered George. He pointedly didn't look at either of them, pretending he hadn't noticed who George's companion was. "Why Petunia, you're making yourself useful at last," she said, determined to make sure he saw her. He ignored her, not that he could have said anything anyway. He curtseyed again, then left. In view of the lack of any other instructions he returned to the kitchen. There he was provided with a coverall apron and given the washing up job and from a large number of breakfast trays he received to work on, he guessed that most of the people from yesterday had stayed overnight. He wouldn't have been bothered about doing the job if it hadn't been for the heels. His feet were aching but at least he wasn't being sneered at by his erstwhile friends and acquaintances. After that job he was set to preparing lunch with two resident cooks, but at just before one he was told to take off the big apron and given a tray with three lunches on it. He was shown the way to a smaller dining room where Myra, George and his wife were standing with drinks. "Come here girl," said Myra, then spoke to George and Jane. "My dears, this is my 'almost married' present to you. By the time you come back from your cruise, Petunia, or shall we call him Pet, will be a fully tamed 'Pet' to use as you please. You notice that he is already submissive but by the time you get back he will be begging to come home with you and serve you as more a slave than just a maid. You will be able to treat him however you want and he won't complain." "Thank you so much for solving the problem of getting round that pre- nuptial agreement I was foolish enough to sign," Jane told her. "This way I don't need to go through the inconvenience of a divorce, we can just spend his money and not worry about employing a servant. "After lunch we'll both go back to my house for me to get my things, and then we can set off for the ship, we can board tonight." They sat down to have their lunch and dismissed him. He returned to the kitchen, his mind fixed on finding a way to escape from this house but in the meantime to keep his nose clean and make them think that he was beaten. It soon became apparent that the guests all left at the same time or before George and Jane set off. He was immediately put to work dusting and cleaning and had cleaned three rooms when he was called for something to eat. Goody had collected him and first shown him a very small room behind the kitchen. There was a bed, closet, vanity with drawers and at the back a shower and toilet just big enough for him to get into. She told him that his new uniforms were already in there and that he had to be in the room between the hours of eleven in the evening and six in the morning or he would be punished by his choker, as well as not being allowed to speak. This time he was given a proper adult meal, sitting in the kitchen with one of the cooks. This was such a sudden change of attitude that he was naturally suspicious. "What's your name girl? Speak to me!" the woman spoke roughly to him. He spotted a blackboard on the wall where they wrote memos about provisions that were running low. He got up and wrote with the chalk: 'My name is now Petunia.' He rubbed it out. "Were you born dumb?" 'I have a shock collar on me, it's set off by speaking.' The woman suddenly went serious and walked over to take a look, even handle the collar round his neck. "I'm sorry, I was told you were sullen and I should beat some sense into you, they didn't tell me you weren't allowed to talk," she spoke quietly. If there was one thing that life had taught Peter it was don't trust people until you know them. It hadn't worked very well with Jane, but at least it proved one point: Don't trust anyone. He therefore wrote: 'It's not that bad, I like not having to make decisions.' Each time he wrote, he rubbed it out afterwards. He thought to himself shortly after, that he may have been proved to have acted very cleverly. The cook walked out of the kitchen and a minute later Goody walked in. He was pretty certain that they had exchanged a few words in the corridor and if that was the case someone had been looking for an excuse to punish him. Of course, if he was wrong he had just thrown away the chance to be rescued but he was quietly confident that he had just won a round in the contest. "Time for bed Pet, I've brought you a music player to help you get off to sleep, don't play it too late now," The nurse told him, he nodded acknowledgement and she escorted him to his new miniscule bedroom. He undressed and she showed him how to tighten the laces on his corset using a hook screwed into the wall. He did his business, slipped into his baby doll, put the headphones on his ears and got into bed. Goody turned off his light and, locking the door behind her, leaving him alone. Aware that there might be an infrared camera in the room, he very carefully slid the headphones off, keeping his head on the pillow and lay awake listening to the music. Sure enough, after about twenty minutes a soothing voice started, slowly talking over the top of the music until it was replaced entirely. It was telling him that he was enjoying being a maid and that tomorrow he should ask for more duties to keep himself occupied. This was repeated many times in different ways, then it was telling him how much better he felt with his corset done up as tight as he could get it and that he should ask for higher heeled shoes. Again everything was repeated ad nauseam. He surreptitiously covered the small speakers with his pillow and dropped off to sleep. He woke before the alarm he had set and replaced the headphones on his ears under the cover of the duvet. When the alarm sounded he made a show of waking up and carried the player into the bathroom where he was sure there was no camera and examined it. As he suspected, it had a wifi connection so he had to assume that they were able to track that he had played the whole recording through. While he was getting dressed he surreptitiously examined his sleeping area and found where the camera was placed. It wasn't the best position for spying on him and he noted the blind spots for future use. His next move he didn't enjoy. He had to make his corset really tight and he did it with all his strength, fortunately he remembered to pull his stockings up and get his shoes on before he did it. His meals that day he took with the staff, so apart from not being able to talk, he was treated quite well. In mid-morning Goody came to check up on him, he was polishing in the library at the time. "I'm pleased that you managed to tighten your corset adequately Pet," she told him. He smiled back blinking, hopefully seductively, he thought. "As a reward I'm going to change the setting your choker, but don't take that as an invitation to chatter, I still expect you to be respectful. From now on it will only shock you if you try to leave the house," she used her cell phone and he memorised the stages she went through to alter the choker. "Oh thank you Nurse Goody, it was really the only thing about this I hated." To be sure of the correct reaction he finished speaking with a curtsey. "How are you getting on with your heels?" she asked. "Oh Nurse Goody, I really didn't like them, but I must admit that they are sexy and now I can walk on them easily." Another curtsey. "How are you enjoying your new role?" "Nurse Goody, I didn't like it to start with but I don't have to make any decisions and I can see straight away if I've done well because a room shines when I've finished with it." Curtsey. "If you do well this afternoon I'll get you something as a reward, would you like some new heels?" "Oh yes please Nurse Goody, could you really? I didn't like to ask you." Two curtseys. "Here is the key for your heels now, but if I see you not wearing them when you work you will be in big trouble. Do you understand?" "Yes Nurse Goody." Two more curtseys. Goody went straight upstairs to speak to Myra. "That Robbins boy is going to be a walkover, he's taken the first night's recording like a duck to water. I told you that it would be worth buying the best, didn't I?" "Are you sure he's on the level, he always was a bright lad?" Myra wasn't so sure. "I can tell that he doesn't really like it, but his voice keeps telling me that he does. That means that the recording is overcoming his scruples even though he's fighting against it. You see this first week will be the battle in his mind, after that he will be putty. Don't forget, I've done this many times before." "I hope you're right, you know as well as I that we're broke. Getting that girl to dig into Robbins' millions is going to pull us out of the mire." Pet crept away from the door in his stocking feet, returned downstairs to his cleaning area and put his shoes back on. 'That's the why and the how, now all I need is the mistake,' he thought to himself as he continued his polishing. Ten days went by, Pet was now often like a zombie, apparently drifting far away on occasions, but always polite and obedient. His duties became mundane and by now he was seriously suffering from a corset tighter than ever and while his waist thinned, his bust had grown markedly. He had asked Goody to be made more sexy, the idea on the recordings, and she had obliged both with his bust and his shoes which were now sporting six inch heels. In the real world, on his plus side he had located four regular users of cell phones, the house had no land lines that he could see, and he had observed how three of them gained access. The downside was that he was getting exhausted from lack of sleep as every night he had to stay awake to listen what the recordings were suggesting, otherwise they would know it hadn't worked. On the Thursday of the second week, Goody and Myra went out for the evening. He knew in advance because they had told the cook not to prepare meals. He decided that he only had one shot at escape so everything rested on him getting it right. Once they had left and the cook was the only other person in the house, he made his way first to Goody's room. Immediately he could see that the Gods were with him, she had left her cell phone behind. This wasn't entirely unexpected, he knew that she had two phones, the other, private one, was the one she carried in her handbag, this work one she kept in the case she carried with medicines and other work related things in. She must have assumed that even with the phone he wouldn't be any better off. She didn't realise that he often spent time in his juvenile years hacking almost anything. He soon found his choker control and turn it off. He also noticed that the house security settings could also be accessed from there and that gave him an idea. First he checked if a number was given for emergency services to confirm a problem if the alarm was triggered. He didn't recognise the number, so assumed it was perhaps George or Myra's phone. It didn't take long for him to update the contact number to Goody's phone. Then he set off the remote alarm telling the emergency services that there was a fire in the house. In seconds the phone in his hand vibrated and he was able to confirm to the young lady who asked that there was indeed a fire in the small room behind the kitchen. Then he disabled the alarm on the side door of the house and exited through it to await the arrival of the services through the gates that he was able to open remotely. As expected two fire engines plus a rescue truck arrived shortly followed by a police car. While the various personnel engaged in an argument with the cook who had just been woken from her sleep in front of the television, he opened the rear door of the police car and slid down behind the front seats, hopefully out of sight. It took nearly twenty minutes for the services to be satisfied that it was a false alarm and get away from the property. It wasn't until they were back at the police station that he showed himself and asked for their help. They took quite a bit of convincing that first; he was a man and second; he was who he said he was. Fortunately, during the course of his business he had regularly employed a lawyer with whom he had developed a good working relationship, not so good that he didn't complain at being called out late at night to help him. Eventually, after arranging to come back the next day, he got a lift home and not for the first time blessed the day he fitted a keyless entry system to his house. First thing the next morning his lawyer's wife came over with some more suitable clothes for him than the scanty uniform he had been wearing. He had realised that with the make up on his face and his new figure, there was no way he could just change into his male clothes. Meanwhile, on the round the world cruise, Jane wasn't happy. For the second time since they left, George had sloped off with another woman. That hadn't been the start of her problems. George's idea of making love was the classic 'wham, bam, thank you m'am'. He was rough, the way she dreamed of, but he didn't consider her feelings at all. Not only was she frustrated, he flirted with every woman he came across. He didn't notice what she was wearing, like Peter, he was downright rude about some of her opinions, not like Peter. All in all she was beginning to realise that she'd made the biggest mistake of her life. Then they went on a shore trip in the port of the West African country of Guinea. All George wanted to do was to stick with an American family they met when they landed. Jane knew that the only attraction they held was in the shape of their eighteen year old daughter who kept making eyes at him. Then she wanted to buy a beautiful headscarf and her debit card wouldn't work so she asked him to pay for it. He refused, saying that it was a waste of money. After then being told to clear off by the girl's father, they were making there way back to the shuttle boat when they were stopped by the Customs Officers. "Are you Peter Robbins?" the man asked George, they had to use his name so that George could spend on Peter's cards and even take the booking of the trip. "Of course, look, see?" He spoke to the man as if he was thick. After all, the forged passport was the best money could buy. "Is he Madam?" he asked Jane and of course she confirmed that it was indeed her husband Peter. At that point they were both arrested. They were charged with entering the country illegally and George's argument that all they wanted to do was to get out of their 'damn country' didn't endear him to them. They were offered bail so they could stay in a hotel until their trial, but the account of Peter's that he was using and Jane's account both refused payment. In desperation, George tried one of his own cards but that was maxed out. They were segregated and each placed in their relevant sex's cell with about twenty other prisoners. As they were being locked up they were told that their cruise ship had sailed without them. Two days later Jane learned that the reason for her cards not working was that her husband had closed the accounts. She cried. Back at home Peter had to make several decisions. He hoped it wasn't listening to those recordings, but he really did like the feel of feminine clothes, at least after he dumped the corset and six inch heels. He left it to the lawyers to deal with Myra, Goody and the cook. They all faced criminal charges but it wasn't worth suing them as it soon became apparent that they had no money. They had spent what little they had roping in Jane, they had known they had to pretend to be affluent or she may have been suspicious. A week or so after it had all hit the fan, he got a letter from Jane. She outlined what George had been like, even before they were arrested and begged his forgiveness. She told him that she had no money, no clothes, only what she stood up in and they were filthy, on top of which she was in prison for assisting an offender to enter the country. He was tempted to ignore her, but he always had a nice nature and he found he couldn't change. Once her sentence of thirty days was up he had her met at the prison and given fresh clothes (out of her wardrobe at home), and a plane ticket home. Once she cleared the entry formalities at the airport she was met by a fashionably dressed and very attractive woman. She looked at her carefully to understand why she was familiar, yet she didn't recognise her. Then she understood. "Peter?" "It's Petra now, at least while I'm dressed like this." "I'm so pleased to see you." "Don't think you're coming home Jane," he told her from the outset. "However, for old times sake I've reinstated your bank account with a few thousand in it so that you can set yourself up in a flat somewhere and until you can get a job. When you've got a place I'll send on the rest of your clothes from the house. After that I don't want to hear from you or see you again, is that clear?" They parted and Petra was glad it was all over. Of course, it wasn't for George or his family but nobody worried about helping them.

Same as The Taming of the Shrewd Videos

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Taming Billy 15

Converted from "Taming Billy 15TBS.txt" on 21-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0     Taming Billy     Chapter 15 Florence was so badly injured from the terrible punishment that she's taken fromSerena and Kim that Lucy insisted that she remain with the family until such time as shewas able to fend for herself. As for Kim and Serena, they seemed to be bonding quitenicely. In fact Serena was now sleeping with Kim, except they weren't doing much resting.The dominatrix was now spending most...

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Taming Dick

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Taming Saskia

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Taming of the Shrew

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 4 Taming the Rakshasa

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Thrak – The Free City of Hargone I clenched my fist as I marched across the deck of the Golden Hunger. The pirate crew scurried around us, preparing the ship to cast off from the river docks of Hargone. We would put out into the Elba River and sail north through the river’s mouth and into the Nimborgoth. A northeast course would takes us to the island of Yalut and the city of Grahata. There, in the city’s labyrinth, we would slay Gewin’s...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 20 Taming the Orcrsquos Wild Passion

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Solja’s ram-dao slammed down at me, the two-handed sword flashed in the sunlight. The crowd cheered, roaring with hunger...

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Taming the Dragon

When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...

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Taming Tina part 1 of 3

“She’s such a bitch,” Doug complained. “Fucking bossy all the time.” I laughed. “You knew that when you fucking married her!”“Yeah, well I thought she would lighten up a little,” he lamented. “We’ve been together twenty years.””Why bring this up now?” I asked as I sipped my drink.”It’s worse than ever these days. Her fucking promotion turned her into a ball-breaker.”Tina was now President of Operations at the corporation she worked at. She had started there right after college and before...

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The Taming of Brittpt 1

I can still remember the first time I saw her. I was working CQ (charge of quarters) at the barracks and as one of the higher ranking NCOs there I had to make sure things ran smooth. I saw her walking in, this slim girl with a huge ruck sack on her back and her arms weighed down with luggage. The biggest thing I remember is her dropping a bag and having to bend over to pick it up. Lord help me I couldn't think straight! She has brown hair that you can tell takes awhile for her to tame,...

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Taming the Duchess de Montfort Ch 01

One: Aboard the Roi de Soleil Captain Beaumont of the French ship Roi du Soleil lifted the crystal goblet of wine and stood as he proposed a toast. ‘To a safe journey home, and to our lovely guest,’ he offered to the ship’s officers assembled around the sumptuous dining table. ‘A lovelier ray of sunshine has never graced our humble ship.’ He bowed his head in the direction of the Duchess de Montfort. She was indeed a stunningly beautiful woman. No doubt that fact explained at least in part...

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Chemical Ecstasy or Another Taming

I always had a block with Gillians. Gillians. What can one say about the Gillians out there? They’ve become somewhat predictable now. It took some years of trial and error before the understanding began to dawn. And that was like waking up from a long and sacrificial slumber. I could attempt to sketch a picture to fit all the Gillians out there, but that would be neither fair nor accurate. Yes they share so many similar characteristics, pre-occupations, motives. Yes they are a precious kind...

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Taming Jasmine

Our meetings became more frequent following the blow job event. We started to see each other on a more or less weekly basis and always ended our chats with some form of sex act. Some times without leaving the premises, furtive fingering or wanking under the table when we felt we could get away with it. Other times we'd sneak into the toilet and fuck or give each other oral relief. Occasionally we would take a drive to a more remote location just outside the city, walk a while then indulge...

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Taming of Amy III My Mother in Law

"Where is my daughter?" Asked Sandra as she pushed her way past me when I opened the door."She will be along in a few minutes, Sandra." I said to her as she glared at me."You are a good for nothing bastard! I told her she could do so much better than you! Yes I am really upset! I have been trying to call her all week and she is always gone or too busy to talk! I think you have done something to her! I should have just called the police!" Sandra said in her threatening and theatrical style that...

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Taming Billy

TAMED TEEN Chapter 1 " I don't know what to do with my son these days. " Tracy Lyons said toher mother over the phone. The thirty something brunette was reasonably attractivewith a full figure that could have benefited from some vigorous exercise. " Thatboy of mine has a sex drive that I can't satisfy. Last night he did me twicetimes before he went to sleep, and then this morning he did me twice beforehe went off to school. As soon as he got home today he marched me upstairsto his bedroom and...

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No Strings Attached Taming The Kitten Chapter 4

I wake up refreshed despite the short amount of hours I've slept. Louise is no longer in bed, but her space is still warm. Looking over, I see Rebekah still asleep in the cot, so I check the time. It's only seven.I pull on my boxers to go downstairs, but I meet Louise on the landing, coming out of the bathroom in a towel."Get back in bed," I say sternly.Her eyes widen at my demand."Why?""Just go. Now!"Her cheeks flush, and I can't help smirking as I gesture to the bedroom. Slowly she does as...

3 years ago
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Taming a Wildcat

© Big Billie 2005 My name is Bill Doyle. I am an academic, aged 26, specialising in Shakespearean studies. I was recently appointed as a lecturer at a Teacher Training College attached to one of our big redbrick universities here in England. I have just been awarded my doctorate, and I am currently preparing my thesis for publication, some of it in book form, and the rest in two or three academic articles that I am hoping will be accepted by refereed journals. While I was a graduate...

3 years ago
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Taming the Badger

© 2003 She was quite a bitch and it pissed Damon off tremendously. Not only was she a bitch, but she never did anything anybody ever told her to do. Just to be difficult she did the opposite. Damon was so annoyed all day as he worked with her. He didn't really see her much throughout the day, but he thought about her while he worked. Knowing that she was somewhere doing what she does, angered him. Badger, or so her coworkers called her, was a co-manager of the large corporation where...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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It was 5:30 Thursday afternoon when Roger Hancock walked into Megan Bishop's office. "Yes, Roger?" she said to her 28 year-old mailroom clerk, not even looking up from her work. "I thought you'd left for the day." Miss Bishop had everything a woman could want – money, power, good looks, great figure. She was president of The Bishop Company, doing what was generally perceived as a stellar job running the business she'd inherited from her father. She was well respected by her peers and envied by...

4 years ago
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The Taming

On the drive back from the cruise terminal at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Fred Stallings had a lot of time to think. He had just dropped his mother and her sister off for a seven day cruise. His mother who was a widow had moved down to Fort Myers to live with her divorced sister. He tried to visit his mother three to four times a year which also enabled him to escape the cold weather from up north for a little while. Fred hoped that his mother and her sister would have a good time on the cruise...

3 years ago
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The Taming of Amy II Submission

I smiled as I drove home from the d**g store as my hand felt the small vile in my pants pocket. How could such a small container bring so much pleasure? My mind played over the night before when I fucked my little bitch wife in every position and every room in the house. It was amazing the change in Amy, after she had the potion she became nymphomaniac. Even when I used her asshole she was racked with orgasms.As I turned down the street to my house I started to wonder if Amy would still be the...

3 years ago
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The Taming of Amy

“Make sure you are home on time tonight Barry! You know I have my mother coming over for dinner! And for god’s sake put on a better shirt than that old thing! I swear you are such a slob!” Amy said as I was getting dressedI could not help but think of what a bitch she had become in the last year after I married her. She was bossy, self-centered, and worst of all frigid. I had not had sex in almost two months. She always claimed that she was on her period or that she had camps or some other...

4 years ago
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The Taming of Amy IV Sandra

I woke up and felt my wife Amy stir next to me. I looked over and could see her nude body under the thin sheet. Her face looked so relaxed. She had been such a bitch for so long. Just a week ago she would have probably scowled in her sleep. I was convinced she was a bitch even when she was sleeping. Then that wonderful potion came along and now she was the sweetest, sexiest and most submissive wife any man could have!I was pondering all of this when another slender arm moved across my chest and...

2 years ago
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The Home Maker Part 4 Taming Three Goons

This is the fourth part of the series. Please read the previous parts of ‘The Home Maker’ before reading this to understand the plot about the goons. Please send me your feedback to After that ordeal and surprisingly good sex, I am back home. My asshole is burning as it was plundered by a thick dick but what hurts more is the neighbors’ taunting. I didn’t want any of this to happen, but it happened. There is no going back now. I have to ride through this storm. I heard a knock on the door....

1 year ago
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The Taming of Tara

Chapter One Darkness. Darkness and pain. That had been her world long? Shehad lost all sense of time, almost all sense of self. Sensations. The blindfoldcovering her eyes, cutting out all light. Arms crushed together behind herback, tight hemp ropes at elbows and wrists, secure enough to keep her armsutterly immobilised, but not enough to affect her circulation. He was considerateabout some things.... A supple leather collar buckled around her neck, witha short chain bolted to a...

2 years ago
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The Taming Of The Dom

He lay naked on the bed, on his back, his arms above his head, wrists handcuffed to the headboard, eyes blindfolded, completely at her mercy.He had never been in this position with her before, hell, he had never been in this position before period. He really couldn't imagine how she had talked him into this. Where would she take this, how far would she go? She had access to any and every toy imaginable. She could make the next hour heaven or hell. Would she torture him? Torment him or...

3 years ago
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The Taming

It was Friday night, and Michael sat in the student pub, alone. It was mid-October, and normally he would be out with a number of friends. A tall, handsome, personable fellow, he'd come to Toronto from Tennessee on a scholarship, and as usual for him, had quickly acquired a sizable circle of friends. He should be out with them right now, having a good time. But he was all alone. The evening started normally enough - Michael met his friends at the usual time, looking forward to a fun evening...

3 years ago
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The Taming Of A wife

Arnold drove home barely containing his happiness, he had just gotten a promotion that would let him do most of his work from home something his wife would love. Lately the heat in their marriage had started to die down, and not for the standard reasons. Arnold knew he wasn't lacking in the bed room as his wife was quite vocal about his talents, and no amount of acting could make her squirt like that! at ten inches long and five inches thick Arnold had learned early in his sexual career that...

1 year ago
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The Taming of the Shrew

The Oxford English dictionary defines a shrew as a "Bad tempered or Scolding woman" This gave me an idea for a story. I hope it works out and you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Tony was 29 years old unmarried, and had recently been appointed as the Works Manager of a medium size Engineering works, employing about 500 people. His PA had left to have a baby, and she had indicated that she would not be returning after the birth. After several complaints to the Human Resources department...

3 years ago
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The Taming of Supergirl Other DC stories

Disclaimer: It is just a fantasy non-consent erotica with a focus on supergirl fan-fiction, uniforms, lesbians, lesbian incest and slut training. I have downloaded most pictures from the internet with no real world relevance. I do not encourage any non-consent actions against women. It is just a kinky story based on the tv-show with Melissa Benoist. In addition, I want to thank for the pictures! This story is mainly about how a gang of criminals called the...

3 years ago
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The Taming of Secret

I saw you sleeping in our bed, You looked so sexy laying there with the sheet barely covering half your body. I watched you silently, watching you breathing softly, and a slight smile on your face. I wondered if you were dreaming about our lovemaking from last night, I'm sure you were. I decided I wanted you right then and now, and I was going to take you! No tender kissing and playing, this time I wanted you hard, fast, demandingly! I stroked my cock as I watched you, getting it hard. I then...

3 years ago
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The Taming of Billie Eilish

You walk down the hall of the hotel and spot room number 6, the door ajar. You walk in and sit on the bed, but something isn't right. On the floor in front of you is an open bag with clothes piling out and the bed covers are all messed up, you realise that this is obviously not your room. You look down at your key, and realise your mistake turning the key around, turning the 6 into a 9. You go to leave but notice a pair of black lace panties lying on the floor, theres so little fabric you could...

1 year ago
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The Taming of the Shrew

John was lying on the floor of the kitchen. A half empty bottle of Glenfiddich in one hand and his phone in the other. He read it again and again. "Fuck you. I am happy you found out about us. It's over." John was back to the single life. At least he still had his job; and that meant the world to him. John was a welder. Although he had spent a number of years at university, he always preferred to work with his hands. He was always dirty; he could never get the black dirt out from under his...

3 years ago
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The Taming of Hayashi Mika

I skip effortlessly across the trees, humming softly as I flit as quietly as a shadow. My quarry runs below, gasping and panting as he tries to run. To be honest? I get a thrill from this part. I'd already made him paranoid by making noises outside his home, slipping in and moving things around, and a number of other little things. This morning, I showed up at his breakfast table and gave him a thirty second headstart. It's been ten minutes now, and he's slowing down finally. I push a little...


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