Abducted Ch. 11 free porn video

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Chapter 11 – The Execution Ground

In the morning, at 6.55 prompt, Emma was startled into consciousness by an intrusive buzzing in her vagina. For a few seconds, she wondered where she was, but then the memories came flooding back, urged by the throb of the raw pain from the four angry circles on her soft body. The pain was intense. How had she slept through it? She tried to clench her thighs, to give herself over to the throbbing in her cunt, wishing she could move the intruder closer to her hard clitoris, but her bonds did not allow it.

Oh Hell! And now she needed a toilet! How long before Hans came to release her? Another wave of mixed pain and pleasure swept over her, and she whimpered quietly to herself, oblivious to the sound of the opening door, and footsteps approaching. Suddenly, the thick curtain was pulled back.

‘Good morning, Girl,’ he said, breezily. ‘I hope you slept well.’

‘Quite well, thank you, Master, but I’m very sore.’ She looked up at Hans, admiring his plain black silk dressing-gown.

‘I see the alarm worked,’ he smiled. ‘One quick burst on maximum, and then I’ll turn it off.’ He reached for the control and turned a knob clockwise as far as it could go. Emma squealed as an intense surge of energy flooded her pussy for a few seconds, then murmured in disappointment as Hans turned it off. He chuckled, and replaced the control.

Deftly, he untied her ropes. ‘OK,’ he ordered, ‘go and anoint your wounds, and take a bath. Take off your collar and cuffs first, of course. Don’t bother about make-up. We are going out, but you will be fully dressed at all times – with full niqab. When you’re ready, put your collar and cuffs back on, as they are now, and join me for breakfast.’

Hans walked towards the door. Halfway, he stopped, turned and smiled at her. ‘And no panties! They are only for nightwear.’

‘Yes, Master.’

In the bathroom, Emma looked at herself in the long mirrors. Her buttocks looked less rosy, but the angry wheals around her body seemed just as angry. Tenderly, she anointed them while the bath filled. After extracting the vibrator, she sank gratefully into the warm soapy water, and softly bathed herself.

Twenty minutes later, pink from the warm water, her hair brushed, with minimal make-up and with her collar and cuffs re-attached, she slipped into a luxuriously soft bathrobe and entered the kitchen. Hans had his back to her as he placed dishes on the small table, but he had changed into a beautifully tailored natural linen suit. He heard her enter, and turned, looking her up and down.

‘Did I tell you to put on a bathrobe, Girl?’ he asked sternly.

‘No, Master.’

‘Well take it off then! In here, you will be naked, unless I say otherwise.’

She quickly removed the offending item, and dropped it across a chair.

‘Stand straight, Girl. Position Three! Let me look at you.’ He walked around her. ‘Mmm, still very red and sore, but you will improve.’

Suddenly, she felt a stinging pain on her buttock as his hand struck her with force. ‘YOU STUPID CUNT!’ he yelled. ‘You should be punished severely but there is no time now. Later will have to do.’

‘I… I… I’m sorry, Master. Wh… wh… what have I done, Master?’

‘Your collar is upside down, for a start.’ He pulled her towards a mirror and pointed. ‘Look, the crossed swords should be below the rose. Your wristlets are OK – probably by luck – but you have your anklets on the wrong legs, and one is upside down as well. The buckles should be on the inside, with the loose ends pointing backwards. Change them now!’

‘I’m sorry, Master. I didn’t realise.’

‘You mean you didn’t look!’ he contradicted crossly. ‘Or you looked, but you didn’t see! Hurry up and correct them, we need to go soon!’

Emma’s fingers fumbled at the buckles, as she hurriedly re-arranged her fetters. At last, she stood again.

‘That’s better. Now sit down, and help yourself,’ he said, pointing to a chair opposite himself, and waving at table with fruit juices, fresh fruits, cereals, rolls, and croissants. ‘Coffee OK? Or would you prefer tea?’

‘Coffee is fine, thank you Master. Black, please,’ Emma responded, pouring a large bowl of muesli and starting to eat ravenously.

‘This is just a quick snack. We’ll eat more when we get back from the Execution Ground, and have more time,’ he explained. ‘You’re probably hungry.’

‘Yes, Master,’ she agreed.

After breakfast, Emma chose a natural coloured abaya with matching khimar, the outfit completed by a dark brown niqab, comfortable sandals and a small leather shoulder bag. Hans attached her ankle chains and leash, and she followed him out of the building into the morning air, feeling warm, even at the early hour. She followed closely behind Hans, both keeping as much as possible to the shade. Emma recognised the Inquest Chamber as they passed it, and then turned sharply to the right, walking along a narrow passage between that building and its neighbour, to emerge into an open area, approximately the size of two tennis courts.

An official recognised Hans. ‘Good morning, Sir,’ he fawned, ‘you are expected, we have reserved a place for you in the front row.’

Hans did not reply, but followed the obsequious servant, who gestured to a comfortable armchair in the middle of the first row of seats. Hans sat, and Emma nearly sat in the chair next to him. At the last second, she remembered, and instead knelt at Hans’ feet. ‘Good Girl!’ he muttered, stroking her head. ‘You remembered.’

‘Yes, Master – just in time!’ she agreed. ‘I nearly forgot.’

‘If you had forgotten, I would have had to punish you,’ he announced. ‘Since you have admitted that you nearly forgot, I suppose I had better punish you anyway.’

‘Oh, Master, please no. I am still sore from last night. I shouldn’t have told you that I nearly forgot.’

‘So now you are contemplating hiding things from me!’ he chuckled. ‘That demands even more severe punishment.’

‘I see you are determined to punish me anyway, Master.’ She pouted.

‘Of course – and you must remember, Girl, that I don’t actually need a reason to punish you.’

‘Yes, Master,’ she agreed, reluctantly.

Hans began chatting with the man seated to his immediate right. Emma looked around. The Execution Ground was completely covered by a large canvas canopy in red and white stripes, approximately five metres high, which would give some protection from the blazing sun. In front of her was a raised stage with a wooden floor sloping upwards towards the rear of the Inquest Chamber. Two large doors, now closed, gave access to the imposing building. On the stage were several posts, frames and what appeared to be two old-fashioned mediaeval pillories. To the right of the stage was a large screen, hiding that part of the area. Behind her the ground rose steeply, with a dozen rows of seats, and behind these was a large enclosure providing standing room only. The seats were now rapidly filling. Emma noted with surprise a large number of women filling the seated area, some chaperoned by men, but most accompanied by other women, happily chatting and laughing together. The standing area, in contrast, was entirely occupied by men, and bellows of raucous laughter erupted at intervals. To Emma’s right, beyond the seats, was an area screened off from the rest of the arena. ‘That’s His Highness’ Enclosure,’ explained Hans.

Sounds of scuffling broke out behind Emma. She craned her neck, trying to see what was going on. ‘The Ground is full,’ said Hans. ‘Apparently several are disappointed that they can’t get in!’

Suddenly a trumpet sounded. ‘Seven o’clock!’ said Hans. The left-hand door leading to the Inquest Chamber swung open, and a dozen Palace Guards emerged, taking up positions around the raised stage, their rifles over their shoulders. Almost at once, an imposing figure appeared from the same door, dressed in voluminou
s white trousers with a baggy white shirt. Over his head was a hood, with holes for his eyes, mouth and nose. He stood well over 180 cm tall, and Emma estimated his weight at about 80 kilos. At his waist was a large sword, and he carried a double-headed axe which glistened as he moved.

‘That’s my friend Pedro,’ explained Hans, ‘the Chief Executioner.’

Behind him emerged two other large men, similarly dressed, but with bright red hoods rather than black ones, and without axes. Instead, they each carried one end of a rope, the other end of which was tied around the neck of a naked prisoner. Emma recognised Boris and Clyde. The two former Palace Guards walked erect, their eyes staring straight ahead and their hands tied behind their backs. In spite of their nakedness, they tried to look dignified, and marched in step.

‘Those are the Deputy Executioners, in the red masks,’ said Hans. ‘They are leading your two friends, and behind come to-day’s official Sodomists.’

Two young men emerged. To Emma they looked about twenty-five, each standing about 185 cm tall, with clean-shaven faces and piercing blue eyes and wearing traditional robes, flowing white jalabiyyahs with red aghals over their heads. They looked remarkably similar.

‘Two of His Highness’ male slaves,’ explained Hans. ‘I think that’s Abdul on the right and Aziz on the left. They’re twins, and not easy to tell apart.’

‘Male slaves, Master?’ exclaimed Emma in surprise.

‘Oh yes,’ said Hans. ‘His Highness has about a dozen. Some are heterosexual and used mainly by the ladies of the court, and others are homosexual, for male members of the court or guests who are of that inclination. Abdul and Aziz are definitely bisexual. They will have volunteered for this job. I’m not sure yet who their two assistants are.’

Emma realised that Hans was referring to the two women who brought up the rear of the little procession. Both were enveloped from head to toe in white traditional costume.

Suddenly the right-hand door at the back of the stage swung open. A trumpet sounded loudly and an important-looking individual emerged. He shouted something in what Emma recognised as the Old Language, and then translated. ‘All stand to welcome His Gracious Highness the Prince and his Court!’

A hush fell on the arena as all those who had been sitting or kneeling rose to their feet. Two servants emerged first. They walked backwards and ceremoniously brushed the ground in front of an imperious-looking man in traditional costume, wearing a pure white jalabiyyah with a gold-coloured aghal covering his head. He looked about him with piercing brown eyes. This must be ‘His Highness’ thought Emma, straining for a better view to see if she could recognise the man who had ordered her abduction. She studied his face, with a prominent hooked nose and a neat black beard, but she couldn’t recall seeing him before.

Immediately behind His Highness walked two women, completely enveloped in purple costumes. Both held leashes, one leading a fresh-faced young man (about eighteen, thought Emma) and the other leading a woman whose face and body were hidden by white traditional clothes. ‘The women in purple are two of His Highness’ wives,’ whispered Hans. ‘One flew in last night with her new male slave, as soon as she heard there was to be a ritual Sodomy. Apparently, she’s never seen one before.’

Behind the two wives trooped a further twenty or so men, all dressed in traditional white, some leading female slaves. His Highness waved to the crowd, acknowledged the Chief Executioner’s deep bow, and led his entourage into the special enclosure where they vanished from Emma’s view.

The trumpet sounded again, and the spectators resumed their seats. On a signal from the Chief Executioner, his two deputies led Boris and Clyde towards the front of the stage, to stand in front of the two pillories, with their backs to the audience. The two soldiers did not resist, apparently resigned to their fate. First, spreader bars were attached to their ankles, keeping them about sixty centimetres apart. Their hands were untied, and they were made to bend at the waist so that their wrists and necks fitted the appropriate slots on the bottom section of the pillories. Additional spreader bars were attached to their knees, forcing them further apart. Finally, the Deputy Executioners turned handles on the sides of the pillories, lowering the top of the apparatus, and forcing the two soldiers to bend their knees and thrust out their buttocks. Their genitals hung loosely below them.

The Chief Executioner approached, donning rubber gloves. He presented a tube to Boris’ anal opening and squeezed. Boris’ buttocks clenched, and clenched again as a finger was thrust into his anus to spread the lubricant. A second squeeze from the tube followed. One of his deputies handed the Chief Executioner a thin phallus, about two centimetres in diameter and thirty centimetres long. He spread some lubricant on the end, placed it against Boris’ opening, and steadily pushed, until about ten centimetres had disappeared inside. Boris squirmed slightly at the sudden discomfort. The Chief Executioner stood back, apparently examining the angle at which the phallus entered Boris’ body, ordered an adjustment to the height of the pillory, so that Boris’ knees were bent a little more, and then signalled his satisfaction.

The Chief Executioner then turned his attention to Clyde, and performed a similar operation on the bigger black man. Finally, his deputies re-appeared with two large pillows which they placed on the ground, between the prisoners’ legs. Emma looked puzzled. What were the pillows for?

‘It’ll come clear soon,’ remarked Hans, reading her thoughts.

Suddenly, Emma heard a gasp from the spectators. She turned her head and saw that the two male slaves, Abdul and Aziz, had removed their head-dresses and were in the process of removing their robes. Within seconds, their muscular tanned bodies were on view, their impressive penises dangling limply. They were naked apart from their slave collars, wristlets and anklets. The two men stretched their arms and flexed their muscles, obviously proud of their bodies. From a distance of about ten metres, Emma could make out the tattoos on their left buttocks, and what she took to be brands on the insides of their left thighs.

A murmur of expectation erupted as their two female assistants moved forward. They waited for silence, and then removed their niqabs, revealing their faces for the first time. Proudly, they looked around them, and again acting in co-ordination removed their khimars, letting them fall to the ground to join the niqabs.

‘I thought so,’ announced Hans. ‘The taller girl is Muna. She comes from Kenya, and is rumoured to have been a Maasai chieftain’s daughter. The other is Rana. I trained her myself.’

Still moving in unison, the two slaves began pulling their abayas over their heads, revealing their nakedness. A ripple of applause ran through the spectators, as the two girls stood proudly, showing off their well-honed bodies. Emma noticed Hans shuffling in his seat, and realised that he was trying to accommodate his growing erection. She looked around, and noticed several other men exhibiting a similar discomfiture. The taller girl, Muna, was about the same height as the two male slaves. She stood with her head held high, her legs slightly apart, and smiled, revealing pure white teeth, contrasting with her dark black skin which glistened in the heat. A mane of black hair surrounded her head.

In contrast, Rana was nearly fifteen centimetres shorter, with pale white skin and long blonde hair which moved slightly in the light breeze. Her skin appeared flawless, apart from her tattoo, and the mark of the brand on her left breast. Her breasts were firm and rounded, surmounted by small areolae and prominent nipples, standing proud and erect. Emma thought she had never seen anyone as beautiful before.

‘They are a good-looking pair,’ remark
ed Hans.

‘Yes, Master. Muna is certainly striking… imposing…’ Emma sought a suitable adjective, ‘but the other girl, Rana, is truly unbelievable. She is so beautiful!’

‘Agreed. One of the most beautiful slaves I have had the pleasure of training. She came from Georgia, in America.’ Hans continued, ‘They will be busy, the two girls. Their next job is to get the four men erect!’

No sooner had Hans spoken, when the two women approached Abdul and Aziz. In what was obviously a rehearsed routine, each woman wrapped her arms around the neck of her chosen man, sought his lips with hers and began a lascivious open-mouthed kiss. Each girl rubbed her naked pussy invitingly on the man’s thigh, and almost immediately both cocks twitched and began coming to life. On a murmured command from the taller girl, each woman grasped a cock in her right hand and began manipulating it expertly. As the cocks grew, they removed their lips from their partners’ mouths, kissing down the length of their bodies, until they finally knelt to envelope the engorged cocks in their mouths.

They sucked for a few seconds, and then pulled away to admire the results of their expertise, smiling at each other and at their partners. With a final kiss on the end of their partners’ cocks, the two women moved towards the pillories, to turn their attention to Boris and Clyde, indicating to Abdul and Aziz that they should stroke their own cocks to maintain their erections.

As they stood in front of the two prisoners, Clyde’s cock twitched, as if by a reflex action. Boris remained impassive, but not for long. The two girls moved behind the soldiers, lay on their backs, their feet facing towards the spectators, and shuffled backwards so as to lie on the two pillows between the prisoners’ feet, Muna lying under Clyde and Rana under Boris. Reaching up, each girl took hold of a limp cock, and started stroking, using her other hand to fondle the testicles.

From her vantage point, only about seven metres away, Emma had a clear view of Muna’s glistening pussy as she lay with her legs parted. Emma had never before seen the pussy of a black girl, and was surprised at its pinkness. She had not really thought about it before, but probably she had expected a black girl’s cunt to be black as well.

Clyde’s massive member was already growing fast, but Boris seemed less interested. However, as Rana’s full lips enveloped his penis, and her tongue began tickling his glans, he could not resist. His cock grew, especially when she started manipulating the thin phallus which was still embedded in his anus.

The two girls continued to work with expertise, each careful not to over-stimulate her prisoner. They whispered to each other as they worked, but finally both were satisfied. As one, they left the two prisoners and returned to Abdul and Aziz, each girl accepting en route a tube of lubricant from the Chief Executioner. On their knees in front of the two slaves, they again sucked the penises back to full erection, playing expertly with their balls and arseholes. They spread lubricant liberally on the two cocks, and pulled the two men towards the pillories.

Meanwhile, the two Deputy Executioners had removed the phalluses from the prisoners’ anuses, and re-lubricated the waiting holes. Muna pulled Abdul towards Clyde, and resumed her previous position between the prisoner’s legs, taking hold of his enormous cock, and opening her mouth wide to ease the tip past her lips. Clyde groaned. Abdul held his own cock in his left hand and presented its head to Clyde’s puckered anal hole. The crowd, Emma included, craned their necks to get a better view. Clyde tensed, feeling the other man’s cock at his entrance. Abdul pushed, and the first couple of centimetres of his cock vanished inside Clyde’s rectum. He grabbed hold of Clyde’s hips, and pushed again, moving his hips in a circular motion, and pulling the prisoner’s body towards him at the same time. Clyde tried to relax, to forget his shameful predicament, and gave himself over to the sensations in his anus, and around his cock, as Muna continued to suck. Expertly, Abdul inched his cock into the other man’s hole, until finally his balls met the other man’s buttocks.

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My Wife ConfessesPart Two

Linda was like a house afire all week as we waited for the day Gary would arrive. She completely redid our bedroom. She moved her old wooden school desk and chair into the corner where my computer desk had been. That was now in the store room. She hung old school pictures on the wall of Gary and Linda. There was a picture of the two of them, arms wrapped around each others shoulders, taken from about that same time. It sat on her bed table where I used to be.Our bedspread she changed...

3 years ago
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Opium and the Stick

I have dreamt about cocks for a long time. I tried to imagine what other guys cocks look like and what they would feel like to hold but when I was younger I could never imagine I would go any further and actually get to hold one, let alone suck it. I would surf the internet for hours looking at straight porn but I would always find myself finishing off on gay sites or chat rooms, looking to see as much cock as I could. I always found I could get a better hardon looking at guys jacking off than...

4 years ago
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Bk 2 Ch 1 Interlude

Alena experienced life in fits and spurts as she slipped in and out of consciousness. One second a vaguely familiar man stood over her, the next, she felt herself being carried. She heard strange voices, muddled as if she were underwater. Something tugged at her, and she was vaguely aware of someone screaming. When she finally came to she was lying down, staring at a strange ceiling. Confused, she tried to sit up... and immediately regretted it as pain lanced through her chest and...

1 year ago
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Boyfriend Ne Meri Virginity Todi

Hi friends, my name is niharika, i m from patna, ye story meri aur mere boyfriemd ki hai, meri age 20 hai mai study karti hu. Mera figure 34-28-32 hai. Mai dekhne me khubsurat hu, mano ki koi bollywood ki actress ho, mai jyada tar jeans and shirt ya t-shrt pahanti hu.Mai jab college jati hu to sab ladke muje dekh kar na jane kya kya karte hai. Mera 1 boyfriend hai jis ka name raj hai. Vo dekhne me handsome hai aur vo mujse 1 year bada hai. Vo roj subah saam gym jata hai so uski body attrective...

4 years ago
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College Sories 1

Freshman year of college I met Annie. I was walking back to my room from the shower in the dorms. Walking in front of me with a guy who lived across the hall was this blonde with the hottest ass I had ever seen. She was wearing these skin tight shorts, if she had bent over I would have seen it all! They were short and tight. I just had a towel wrapped around my waste and could feel myself getting hard as I stared at that ass!She turned and caught me looking, she looked right down to my...

3 years ago
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Kellys first time part 1 showers

It was a warm day. Kelly was sunbathing in her back yard, enjoying the sun, listening to her music and relaxing. She was 17, and had the perfect body. Slim, yet curvy. Her tits weren't too big, but not too small. She had a high waistline and long legs. With her eyes shut, she was totally oblivious to the fact her older sister had her boyfriend and a few of his friends round. They decided to interrupt Kelly's relaxing sunbathing session. "Hey twerp!" her sister shouted out. When she got no...

1 year ago
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Using Lace pt 4

The drizzling rain dotted along the cracked sidewalk. The trees swayed as the wind kicked up their thirsty leaves. It was dark now. Past midnight by Lacey’s guess. The temperature had dropped a lot since they had entered the club hours earlier. Her and Antonio were leaving now making their way through the crowded parking lot. The only lighting was a street light that flickered, littered with swarming bugs. Under it Antonio’s BMW was parked in the VIP section. “Do you own this place? I heard...

2 years ago
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New Year8217s Eve Party And Fun

Hi all, today I am going to narrate yet another incident which took place recently. As many of you know, I am Ramya 18 years of age and 32 24 32 are my stats and 5feet 6inches in height. So the story is about what happened on new years eve 31-12-2016. Its a long story so dont sleep off. I woke up in the morning feeling all excited. It was a saturday and I had school until 2pm, so I wanted to finish everything soon and get back and prepare myself for the party. So morning started with yoga class...

3 years ago
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Sisters Horny DogChapter 7

Babs awoke in the middle of the night, feeling a raging horniness in her loins. "Oooooh, I need Jake! I need my doggy!" the young girl said with a grin as she slipped out of bed, completely naked. She padded barefoot from her bedroom, in search of the big German Shepherd, the only one who could appease her sexual desires at that point. "Jake! There you are!" the youngster sang out happily as she saw her pet curled up, asleep, next to the sofa. The dog awoke at the sound of his...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 11

She groaned, but we all filed upstairs where Mom and Frank were just saying goodnight. There was a friendly hug that turned awkward when they noticed us coming into the living room. “Kids!” Mom said, horrified. “We were just-” “Saying goodnight,” Frank supplied with a nervous chuckle. “Relax,” I said as I limped over to join them. “I noticed the two of you were getting along a couple of hours ago.” I smirked. “So did Dad.” “He did?” Mom asked, looking upset. “And he saw fit to mention...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

"Luis, please go ask the next door neighbors if they have some duct tape!" "Yes mom," came the reply. 13 year old Luis Rodriguez crossed the yard of the new house he and his family were moving into towards the neighbors' house. The tall house with large windows was indimidating but Luis strolled up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Luis, a handsome young latino with brown hair and brown eyes, was stunned when a pale, blond haired and blue eyed beauty opened the door. "H-hi, I'm Luis the new...

1 year ago
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Plumber helps MILF and often

“You’re gonna leave it that way? You can’t just walk out and not finish the job young man. Just because I can’t pay you right now, doesn’t mean you’re not gonna be paid.” Mrs. Treves was shocked the two young men from the reputable 5 star company wouldn’t complete the job when they discovered she didn’t even have the money for a down payment. Lyle Davis a 4 year employee with the company and 26 years old apologized. “No, no there has to be another way” the 42 year old destitute woman pleaded....

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Some Days are Diamonds

SHIT! Almost to work and I realized I forgot my fucking pass, and my wallet! Just what I fucking need not only will I be late to work because I have to go back home to get my card and wallet but my ‘loving wife’ will get another chance to point out another of my many short comings. For some time now my relationship with my wife ‘Darla’ had been very strained to say the least. I could not remember the last time we ‘made love’ we have had a couple of very quick and, in my opinion,...

4 years ago
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Waves Part Four

Opening my eye more a female figure comes into focus “I feared that I struck you harder than I allowed myself to do!” A brunette, blue eyed beauty with skin as smooth as porcelain is hovering by my side an expressionless face looking to mine “Why did you deactivate me after having coitus?” All I can do is stare into that perfect face as I try remember what I may have done to her. Making a move to get up I find myself restrained in a bed, both legs and arms tied to the corresponding side...

4 years ago
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Sister Ki Chudai Farmhouse Py Uski 4 Dosto Kay Sath

Hi friends, kesy ho ap auntio ap kiesi ho ap ki choot jo bohat bar chud chuki hi vo kesi hi our sisters ap kesi ho ap ki to knwari choot k lye her koi din rat trpta hi Ti dosto ab story py aata hon ye story meri sister ki hi jis ka name muskan hi hmara apna business hi ghar min main mummy papa our muskan hi rehty hain main ny mba kya h our apna business snbhala hwa hi muskan bi mba kr rhi hi our us ko bi sath business main hi attach karengy To dosto muskan kya kmal ki rand hi kasa hwa jism ksy...

2 years ago
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Warcraft ENF

Azeroth, a land filled with rich characters, lands, and constant warfare. Men and women rise as equals, to face their enemies in the ever-changing strife between the factions. But what happens when things don't go according to books/games? When the events take a more humiliating turn? And how do different races, raised in different societies, react to being seen naked? What would a strong warrior or a powerful mage do if she was stripped of all clothes in front of her enemies?

3 years ago
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Fantasy come true

The IntroductionThe night begins as any other for three good friends meeting up for a drink. The only difference is that all three are bi and all are totally hot for each other. Alex is sat next to Craig and opposite me. I am wearing a low cut top and Alex can't help but stare at my chest as I breath heavily, knowing all the time I'm thinking about how much I want to grab him and kiss him. Then Craig suggests a game of vodka shot drinking. We take random numbers and must drink the flavoured...

1 year ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 56

Floating... No breathing... No heartbeat... Floating... No body... "Is this death?" thought Mayoni. "I am alone... No input... Not even a body for comfort... And yet... I'm not alone... What is it? My soul should be breaking for Keona, and yet... Something is comforting me... Shielding me from the pain... Yes, of course... Thank you Spirit... Your love never leaves me... You are so close to me now..." There was no sense of the passage of time in the drifting, no sense of anything, of...

4 years ago
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Having Some Fun 23

Title: Having Some FunRating: Hard NC17Summary: Two lovers indulge in some new activities to spice up their sex life.A/N: So superinspired after knowing what role she will play in "THIS MEANS WAR"WARNING: BDSM, so it will be rough.Jan nodded and slid out of his pants a few minutes later.He wondered what Laura had planned for him.Jan had licked off the cum on Laura's body, not even having been issued an order to do that.He had just felt like it."You're going to be in so much pain when I am...

3 years ago
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An Autumn ChillChapter 8

"I'm not an expert or anything, Brody, but ever since that thing with my teacher, I've been almost obsessed with issues surrounding sexual harassment and assault and worse." It was the Sunday afternoon after Thanksgiving, and I was finally able to talk to Mia. I was sitting in Jeff's bedroom while he was in the shower. We'd just finished a pretty intense game of one-on-one. He won, but I didn't care. I just needed to take out my aggression. He's a good friend to risk bodily injury in...

2 years ago
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Katies Awakening 3

Tom saw a silhouette through the crack of Sandy’s bedroom. Oh fuck he thought, closed his laptop and went to her bedroom. He went in and the room was dark but Sandy was sitting up on her bed. Tom lay down on his stomach and hunched himself on his elbows and asked, Hey hun did I wake you? No, I just got up to use the bathroom and I heard you saying good night to Katie. Hmm that’s funny Katie said she got up to use the bathroom and saw me sitting there and came to see what I doing. Ok, were you...

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Suzy My Little Aunty

Hello everybody! Hi All you avid reader fans! This is me jlogan3581 back with another story this time, I would like to improve a little more on my writing. This story is with another aunt of mine and where I come from I have whole lot aunties and relatives out there who want the real stuff. Fact no 01 woman don’t get off much on porn 80% I have talked to say it is way too rough for their taste and they wouldn’t like to do such things with a guy. So forgive me if I don’t cater to people with...

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aunty betty

The year was 1979, and I was in the final year at a very exclusive girls boarding school just outside London. Being a a very tall striking blond with an outgoing personality made me extremely popular and some people even considered me rather arrogant. However I was really quite unassuming. In fact I never assumed as this would only lead to assumptions. The school I attended was very prestigious and very high standards of behavior were expected from all the girls.  Any girl who did not meet...

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The Incubus is a demon in male form who, according to mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleeping women in order to engage in sexual activity with them. In reality, the Incubus possesses a male. It has grown in power from the times of old, no longer relying on a female to be sleeping, over the years it has perfected the art of seduction and rape. It’s power brought forth from the countless females it has impregnated. Now the spirit looks to take hold of another subject. Someone...

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My Sexy Elder Sister

This is my real experience with my own elder sister who is just one year older to me. We were living apart, she was living with our Maternal grand mother while I was living with our parents at the time. Our maternal grandparents did not have a son so my sister was staying with them to take care of her or rather they wanted some kids to always be with them so they do not feel lonely. My sister’s name is Ritu and she is one year elder to me, I am 23 and she is 22. She is fair not very tall but...

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the glory hole part 3

Introduction: this is continuing from my last two stories i hope you like them I was standing up my hair in my boyfriends hands as he gripped me. Kissing me on the mouth and sliding his tongue around inside of my mouth before turning me around with his hands on my hips. My body dripping with cum and spit down my chin to my stomach as he bent me over my face in front of that big thick 9 cock. My boyfriend told me to suck that cock as he pulled my hair back over away from my face and slightly...

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Ms Eileen PeachChapter 2

It didn't take me long to settle into the house and it didn't take me long to discover some of the secrets left behind by Dr. Cuthbert. By the way, I also inherited most of the good doctor's belongings since that was part of the sale, and nobody seemed to want them. I spent some time each morning going through Cuthbert's papers which were mostly research papers pertaining to his experiments on the plants, animals and bugs. Funny but a lot of his experiments were in the atrium. Some were...

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One Day

  One Day   by roccodadom44   [email protected]                                WARNING   Mg,  this story contains underaged sex, rape, violence, scat, lots of other shit, if it offends you move on...peace....rocco  Nothing finer than a young cunt, built to take cock, no blood, no hair, a perfect cum dump, that yummy young cunt taste, fresh, could eat it all day. Got my young cunt the old fashioned way, snatched her on her way home from school, quick punch, cuffs on, under a blanket,...

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BadDaddyPOV Cadey Mercury Cadey8217s Fantasies Get Dirty

Step Daddy is home early from work and walks in on his step daughter Cadey Mercury masturbating. Cadey is living out a fantasy and even thought she is caught, she isn’t about to stop. The horny teen is nude on the couch with her tight wet pussy full of cock. She is turned on and wants more so when her step father shows up Cadey is quick to seduce him. The pair continue the role play as she pulls out his big cock for her to suck on and fuck. She swaps back and forth between her step...

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Dianes Revenge

Diane's Revenge by Holly Fairfa [Author's Note: This was inspired by the "Tales of the Crypt" excerpt. I've taken a different route with it.] There was a cute guy on duty at the front desk at 1:00 A.M. His name was Robert and he was the same guy who had checked her into the hotel four hours ago. I had no problem getting the key to her room since he remembered her. We were not identical twins since I was born a boy and she was a girl, but we had always looked alike. ...

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Good things come in small packages Chapter 6

AugustMy cock length: 4 1/2 inchesLoss: 1/4 inch.The night for my August measurement duly arrived. Mandy unlocked the cage and I showered. Ten minutes later – and with my heart thumping - I once again ventured into our bedroom. Mandy was quick to get me hard, and I felt the cool ruler resting on my cock as my wife measured.She uttered a low chuckle – which could only mean one thing.“Jesus, how long now?” I inquired, my voice already thin and squeaky with suppressed excitement. I could already...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kate Quinn Tell Me Without Telling Me That Your Step Daughter Is Disrespectful

Thomas Green is so sick of his stepdaughter, Kate Quinn, being a bitch to her family. Kate steals his lunch out of the fridge right in front of him, which of course pisses him off. Later, Kate comes in and steals Thomas’s snack while changing the channel from the TV he was watching. Still later, Kate is doing laundry and tosses Thomas’s clothes out of the machine. That’s the final straw! Thomas grabs a pair of Kate’s panties and whips out his dick to start rubbing the...

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Carol tells a story3

Belldonn was one of the few guys I had toyed with that enjoyed the relationship my husband and I had. He knew how I liked sex and always did it just right- today would be no different. Belldonn smiled at me when he saw my loosely piled hair falling around my face, the fact that I was wearing my husband’s shirt made him instantly hard. Stepping inside the door and closing it behind him he asked, “mind if I come in??" then kissed me forcefully and lowered my body to the floor. “How are you?”...

2 years ago
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A Beginners Guide to FFM

I came away from lunch with Valerie with mixed emotions. Was I shocked? Not really. This, after all, wasn’t some behind-the-times country village, this was 21st Century fashionable Hampstead where supposedly unorthodox relationships weren’t uncommon. What were once regarded as bedroom secrets have become dinner party small talk. So, no, I wasn’t shocked. I admit, though, I was surprised. Valerie was forty-two. She had been my closest friend for so long I’m not sure I can even recall how we...

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