Metamorphosis Of Narcissus free porn video

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I was down at the gym with Phil and David. We went there three times a week after work. Phil was a bit of a bodybuilding nut but David and I were just trying to keep the middle-aged spread at bay. Phil was spotting for me as I puffed and grunted my way through the third reps, or, more accurately, tried to prevent the bar from crushing my rib cage. There was the usual early evening crowd of overweight business types plus a few guys from the local Rugby Club. And there was Charles.

As usual, Charles was over by the full-length mirrors doing bicep curls and studying his image in the mirror. He was one of those people you've just got to hate. I would guess he was in his early thirties, extremely good looking, like a male model, and rich. He ran some property development company and had made a killing in the redevelopment of derelict land in one of the scruffier parts of London. Suddenly this grotty patch is fashionable - gentrification, they call it - and our boy Charles is rolling in it. He came to me for legal advice in his early days but I'm no property lawyer so I sent him to one of the big City firms. To be honest, I was glad to see the back of him, there was something about him that didn't sit quite right with me, I don't know why. He accepted my advice with good grace and he later claimed I'd done him a huge favour, describing me as 'a man honest enough to know his own limitations'. Patronising git!

I don't know how he did it but he managed to produce this incredibly toned body with an apparent minimum of work. I saw guys sweat blood in that gym and not achieve half the results. Charles was one of the favoured few. He dressed superbly, drove a new Aston Martin and always had some trophy girlfriend hanging on his arm and every word. I think we could have accepted all of that if he'd the good grace to have some flaw - any old small blemish would have made him tolerable - but no, Charles was perfect. Irritatingly, sickeningly, unendurably perfect.

Phil looked his way and said, "What do you give to the man who has everything?" David gave a wolfish grin as he hoisted the bar off my chest and said, "Syphilis, I hope!" That about summed up our feelings. I know it's petty and admit it's entirely motivated by insane jealousy, but Charles was hard to like. The women in the club seemed to have less of a problem, though. That part didn't bother me so much as David and Phil. Both of them had lost out to Charles in the pursuit of a particularly luscious young lady called Rachel. I have to admit she was gorgeous, even if she wasn't my type. Rachel was a tall, willowy natural blonde who graced the gym for aerobics classes. She ran her own PR Agency, so she was no dumb blonde, but on the odd occasions I'd met her, there was something about her that jarred. I couldn't put my finger on it for ages until I realised that she was a bit too much like Charles. One of the chosen few: beauty, brains and success. Again, there were no obvious flaws.

I suppose I'm a bit odd that way. I like my friends to be more human, more ordinary, if you will. You need a blemish or two to keep you humble, in my opinion. I have enough imperfections to keep me abject but I like being ordinary. The way I see it, if you're too perfect, you can only go one way. All the time I had room for improvement, I could keep trying. There's also a difference between liking who you are and being in love with yourself. One is healthy; the other makes you a pain in the arse. Charles was firmly in the latter camp. He was one smug bastard, in short.

Anyway, the three of us finished our work out and staggered off to the showers. I guess I'm lucky have to friends like David and Phil. We'd met at the Law College in Guildford and hit it off straight away. We all served our time in one or other of the big City firms and had then decamped en masse to set up MacDonald, Harvey and Le Clerc, 'Solicitors to the Gentry' or something. Eight years on and the practice was thriving. We weren't making a fortune, few solicitors in small country towns ever get rich, but we were comfortable and happy enough with our lot. David handled the domestic stuff, Phil was an employment specialist and I kind of swept up with the litigation, intellectual property and bits and pieces. We had a couple of newly qualified assistants for the drudgework and although we worked reasonably hard, we still had the time and inclination to play.

We showered off and headed into the Jacuzzi to ease the aching muscles. It was a bit of a ritual for us to sit in the tub and chat about nothing in particular for a while after we'd worked out. We have an unwritten rule never to discuss business outside of the office. Anyone attempting to breach this rule is immediately set upon by the other two. I think it helps us to stay friends as well as business partners.

That particular evening we were sitting in the tub chatting away about life, the universe and everything when Charles came waltzing in, not a hair out of place, as usual.

"Ah, the Legal Eagles. How are we this evening, gentlemen?"

"Fine, Charles. Just dandy, thank you for asking."

"Good, good. I've been meaning to come to see you, James. I think I can put some work your way."

"That's kind of you Charles. Why don't you give a ring tomorrow? We can fix something up."

"Well, if you have a minute now? It's, ah, a rather delicate matter. If we could meet in the bar in say, ten minutes? You can follow me back to my place and we could have a chat."

I could feel Phil and David getting ready to pounce. There was no need. The bastard assumed I'd jump at the chance. I smiled sweetly. "Terribly sorry, Charles, I'm about to arrange a prior engagement. Call me tomorrow and we can make an appointment." His eyes flickered very briefly. I couldn't say whether it was anger or disappointment. He gave a curt nod and left us. "That will teach him to mind his manners," said Phil, "cocky bastard!" I nodded but there was something nagging at me, something that hadn't been quite right with the exchange. I shook my head, no need to worry about it until the morning. Either Charles would call or he wouldn't. I didn't care too much either way.

Charles did call. He was most insistent on seeing me urgently. I did have a free slot, as it happened, and it would have been churlish to put him off just for the Hell of it. We made a date for 4.00pm. I went through the daily grind without breaking sweat. There was nothing interesting on my plate and, it being just before Christmas, I wasn't expecting too much new activity until after the holidays. On the dot of Four O'clock, Janet, our secretary-cum-receptionist announced Mr Forsythe-Wheeler was there to see me. "Mr Harrington will see you now," she said, or rather tried to say, before she was even half way through the sentence, the egregious Charles was into my office like a long-dog after a rabbit.

"James, good of you to see me."

"A pleasure, as always, Charles."

"I won't beat about the bush. I know you for a pretty discreet sort and it's discretion I most need right now. I'm in a bit of a fix and I need your help."

"Are you sure I'm the right man for the job, Charles? As you know, commercial property is not my forte."

"This isn't a business matter. It's personal. In fact, James, it's highly personal."

"If I can help you in my professional capacity, of course I will."

"James I know that you don't like me very much, which puts you in the vast majority in this town, but I do believe that you're a fair and honest man. Let me explain the situation to you. I hope you will see that I'm not asking you to do anything that would impinge on your integrity or professional ethics."

"Ok Charles, fire away!"

Charles began to explain his problem. It seems that about four years ago he had bought some property, a flat in Caxton Street, Westminster, to be precise. He hadn't put his name on the deeds, for tax reasons, as he explained it. The flat was actually registered to a girlfriend. Unfortunately for Charles, she was now an ex-girlfriend and was cutting up rough. He wanted to sell the property; she had to sign and would get the proceeds. He was prepared to 'see her all right', as he put it, but as matters stood she would waltz off with the whole six hundred thousand pounds. I questioned him some more. No, there was nothing in writing. No, there were no reliable witnesses to the arrangement. Yes, she had turned down £50,000. He didn't seem to have too many legs to stand on.

"I see the problem, Charles. We could hit her with some sort of 'implied trust' thing but it wouldn't stand up if she has a halfway competent lawyer."

"Ah. That's one of the difficulties. You see the young lady in question is actually Sally Rodwell."

I took a minute to absorb this piece of information. Sally was the daughter of Lord Justice Sidney Rodwell - Sid Vicious to the legal profession. Rodwell LJ was one of the most feared Judges ever to sit, even including Judge Jeffries! If his darling was in a legal wrangle, any lawyer with an ounce of brains would be running for cover. Whoever said I have an ounce of brains? I knew Sally fairly well. She was a close friend of my ex-girlfriend, Pippa. Pippa and I were on good terms and still occasionally partnered each other to formal 'dos' if we didn't have a current romance on the go. To tell the truth, I still carried a bit of a torch for her. No one else had come close after we broke up.

"OK, Charles, I'll tell you what I'll do. I will meet with Sally and see if we can resolve this amicably. I'm pretty sure that you've already been advised that, legally, you're dead in the water?"

He grunted but then agreed.

"Right then, you know that I know Sally and you are hoping that I can talk her round, correct?"

Again he nodded. "I'll pay your normal rates, of course."

"No you won't, Charles, you'll pay what I say it costs, because you have no choice."

He looked startled and about to argue but then caved in. "How much is it going to cost me, then?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. At least, not financially. No, I will talk to Sally because she is a friend and I don't like to see my friends involved in shady dealings. No, Charles, hear me out. If you wish to evade tax, that is between you and the Inland Revenue. If you'd done the thing properly in the first place it would have cost you what, £100,000? It could cost you all of that and more to get out of this mess of your own making."

"If you don't want a fee, what do you want?"

"It's simple, Charles. I want you to stop putting us down. I mean, this practice and particularly me. No more of this 'knows his own limitations' stuff. No more 'perfectly competent in their own way' and definitely no more 'adequate for a town this size.' For whatever reason, Charles, people in this town listen to you, especially business people. You're the 'Golden Boy.' I can't prove it but I know you have cost us some good accounts with your damning of us with faint praise. It stops now or you're on your own."

The bastard had the good grace to look uncomfortable for about ten seconds and then agreed. He left shortly afterwards and I sat for a while thinking about how to approach Sally. In the end I decided that the direct approach was best and called Pippa to get her number. A few minutes later Sally answered the phone.

"Sally, it's James Harrington."

"James, how are you, long time no see!"

"I'm fine, Sally, in the pink, in fact. I've just had a very unhappy Charles Forsythe-Wheeler darkening my door. He's asked me to have a chat."

"James! I'm surprised at you! You're not working for that shit?"

"Not exactly, Sally, not working. Look it's a long story but I do think we need to have a chat. It's in your interests as much as his."

"James, ordinarily I'd be delighted to see you but not if you're going to take his side. Anyway, you'd be wasting your time. Daddy says he doesn't have a leg to stand on!"

"And did Daddy also tell you, Sally, that you would be committing theft?

She was silent for a moment. "OK, James, so I didn't discuss it with Daddy." There was an air of resignation in her voice. "When do you want to meet?"

"Look, Sally, this isn't at all formal. What do you say I buy you dinner and we have a chat and see if we can't put an end to this business amicably?"

She sighed but agreed and we arranged to meet at a little Italian restaurant I know in Sicilian Avenue in a couple of days time.

I was early, Sally was late, but at least she showed up. She was bright and brittle and avoiding the subject at first. She loosened up after a couple of glasses of Barolo. When she did start to talk, she rocked me to my foundations.

"Pippa says you're a nice guy, James, one of the 'good ones'. Charles is quite the opposite, but then again, so am I. I'm a party girl. I love to have fun and am a teeny weeny bit short in the inhibitions department. By the way, did you know Charles owns that Health Club you all go to? No? Well, take my word for it, he does. At least, he owns the building. Charles is a Grade A shit, James. I know you have experience of it so I don't mind saying it. However, he is wildly attractive.

"The point is, there is a private room at the back of the Gym. It has a two- way mirror or whatever you call it, into the ladies' changing rooms. Charles watches the girls getting undressed and so forth. That's not really important. The room is also a fully equipped 'dungeon' for S&M fetishists. All sorts of chains and benches and racks, all black leather or rubber or PVC. I'm sure you get the picture. Well, it isn't really my scene but given enough Columbian Marching Powder and a bit of booze I was up for it, well anyway, I agreed to give it to a try.

"Charles also invited three of his cronies so in short order I found myself stretched backwards over something like a vaulting horse with, well to be blunt, a prick in each available hole and another wanking off over my tits. Now, don't get me wrong! I do enjoy a good gang-bang as much as the next girl, especially in my rather spaced-out state. I wasn't objecting at that point, in fact, if I remember rightly, I was in the middle of some screaming orgasms. I was that original 'good time had by all'.

"It started to turn ugly from my point of view when Charles, having just come royally up my arse, started pissing on me and got the others to do the same. He was also slapping me around and calling me filthy names. The cronies did what cronies do and followed suit, and I ended up pretty well roughed-up. I couldn't go out for a fortnight, because of the bruises, and my insides were pretty messed up too. Did I say he shoved this enormous leather dildo everywhere he could? I was bleeding for two days!

"I vowed that I would have the bastard for what he did. I couldn't very well go to the Police - Daddy would have a shit-fit! So I bided my time. When he wanted to sell the flat in Caxton Street, I saw my chance. So now you know what you're up against. By the way, he's done it to quite a few girls over the last few years. We could form a club. Charles's ex-whores!"

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I'm no prude and if Sally or anyone else got their jollies by being fucked in very hole by a bunch of guys, that's their business. I have never been able to stomach the rough stuff, though. The whole thing made me feel sick and I couldn't eat another thing. There I was thinking it was a case of 'Hell hath no fury'. It wasn't a woman scorned I was dealing with. It was a woman violated. I tried to gather my scattered wits. I managed to pick up the pieces after a while and a couple of hefty swallows of Barolo. That noble wine isn't really meant to deaden one's sense of outrage. I tried to be professional.

"Sally, I don't want to belittle in any way what must have been a horrible experience. My concern now is to find a solution to the present impasse over Caxton Street that satisfies you and doesn't leave you open to criminal proceedings. I understand he offered £50,000. I know he will go higher, we can probably double that, is there any chance you'll settle?"

She almost spat at me, she was so angry.

"Did you understand a word of what I've been telling you? It isn't about money; it's about revenge. I won't even call it justice. It's revenge, for me and the others. That's what I want. By the way, Pippa is another of Charles's victims."

I didn't know what to say. I could see no way out. Hearing Pippa had suffered similar treatment made me feel cold to my core. Pippa wasn't a 'party girl.' I felt close to tears. Whatever loyalty I had felt to Charles as my 'client' up to that point evaporated instantly.

"Hasn't anyone reported him to the Police?"

"Oh, James, come on! We all went in consenting. OK, judgement was impaired by various substances, but can you imagine what Plod would make of it?"

She had a point. Getting a straightforward rape investigated seriously is difficult enough. Given the circumstances, it's hard to see the Met exactly jumping through hoops to get a conviction. Also, girls like Sally and Pippa wouldn't want the scandal. Knowing Charles, it was unlikely that any of the victims would have been anything other than solidly upper-middle class with a lot to lose if things came out in Court.

"What does Pippa say," I asked at last.

"Oh, you know Pippa. She doesn't want to see me in trouble and doesn't want the World and his Wife to know that she got gang-banged and beaten up by that little shit and his pals. Pippa's into 'let's pretend it never happened' mode."

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Lee Hunter was the only boy in his immediate family. He lived with his 6 sisters (all older than him) and his mother. His father had died shortly after he was born and his sisters had not gone off to set up home alone, but all stayed at home for his mother after they had grown up. His oldest sister was 6 years older than him and the ages came down a year at a time. In order of oldest to youngest they were: April at 24 years old. She had shoulder length hair, dyed deep red, and a set...

4 years ago
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Snigdha Chhai Chapa Agun Part I

By : Tomal Majumder Office theke phirtei maa bollo, tor ballyganj er mashima tar bari jete bolechheb toke, ba phone number diye gechhen phone korar jonno. Mone mone birokto holam, abar ballyganj er mashima? Ei to din koyek age nati ke valo school e vorti kore dilam. Abar ki chai? Ektu shanti te thakte debe na era? Ha dorkar chhara ke kar khoj nay ei duniya te bolun? Ar mohila ja jodi akbar jante pare je apnar ektu adhtu khomota ache licence, passport, school e vorti amonki chhoto khato chakri...

4 years ago
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Randi K Saath Pehli Mazaa Bhari Chudai

Hi friend mera naam sam khan h or me dera ismail khan kpk pakistan se hoon.Me iss ka bhot bhot bara fan hoon or pichly teen saalon se parh raha ho.Or aaj ye meri pehli story h   Time zaia kiye bgher me kahani par aata hoon ye tab ki kahani h jab me 1st year kay liye collage me dakhla liya   College me dakhel honay k baad dosto se sex ki baaatain hone laagi tb hm ko sex k bare me bhot kuch pata chala kionke kisi moozo pr baat karne se experience ajata h.   Moot to is se pehle b me maarta ta pr...

2 years ago
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Love in the Cross Hairs Ch 02

Peter couldn’t get away from Laurie’s apartment fast enough. One good look at that set of documents, plus the stuff Max had given him proved beyond all doubt that she’d been lying to him from the start, and that was the least of it. For sure nobody in her family ever had to punch a clock or worry where the next month’s rent was coming from. Yes sir, little Laurie with the thick red hair and liquid hazel eyes was just another rich bitch out to skin another working stiff’s hide. At least he’d...

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Dreams of Jeannie Ch 02

Jeannie pulled her bikini back on, nestling the back up between her freshly smacked ass cheeks. She moaned softly at the feel of the tiny suit coming up over her thighs, pressing against her pussy and sliding up the crack of her ass. Her soaked pussy saturated the crotch of the bikini Joe had removed the lining from. The suit slipped up between her swollen lips, creating a delicious camel toe. ‘No need to bother with the top, Jeannie,’ Joe said in an offhand manner. ‘I’m sure Dave would enjoy...

2 years ago
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BangBros18 Anastasia Knight Anastasia Fucks her Bodyguard

Anastasia has a lot of money and wants everybody to know it, she is only nineteen and already has a million dollars contract with Bangbros. She enjoys live streaming on social media to brag about her money and loves showing off, her luxurious mansion, her expensive car and even her own bad ass body guard, she has so much money that she can do whatever she wants with him. To prove it, she unzips him and starts sucking his dick, then she gets turned on and orders the body guard to get naked so...

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My First0

I was nervous when he told me that his parents were gone for the day but I knew that I wanted to do this. I was scared and unsure of exactly what was going to go down but I knew that whatever it was it would be good. I told my parents that I was going to go over to his house for the day. Little did they know that it was just going to be me and him. When he pulled up in front of my house I started to shake a little at what we were going to do. But I didn’t let it show and I walked out of...

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Boss Lady

Boss Lady by Tim Roberts Diane was the first female supervisor I had ever had. The first day she arrivedin the office I was stunned by how beautiful she was; early 30's, long brownhair and brown eyes, about 5'6", and slender with a great build. Yes, she wastruly very pretty. But what really turned me on was the way she dressed andhow she handled herself in the office. She managed to do a real good job oflooking business-like and sexy at the same time, wearing suits but with thedress cut short...

4 years ago
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The Rendezvous P2

We head to the shower laughing and teasing each other. As you bend over to turn on the water my I get behind you and rub my still hard cock up over your wet pussy. I slip just the tip in and grab my shaft and stir it into your pussy you brace on the edge of the tub and ask me for more now. I shove deep into your pussy and you spread your legs wider as I start hammering you. You push back in rhythm to my pounding. I reach down and grab your hair and pull back forcing you to arch your back. I...

2 years ago
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Fooling Around

(MF, cheat, oral)Mark is a fucking hunk! And I can't stand it that Sharon is squeezing him on an exclusive basis. Sharon is the drum major for the school band and I'll admit that she looks great in her little uniform, but I know that Mark could be mine if I went after him. After all I'm the most popular girl in the whole fucking school. Sharon looks like a mouse compared to me. The reason I'm pissed is that Mark was going with me prior to Sharon, and he wouldn't even be with her now if I hadn't...

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FamilyXXX Ava Sinclaire Step Daddy Gives Ava A New Role

Disappointed blonde step daughter Ava did not get the reviews she was hoping for at her audition and concerned step dad Brad does his best to console her. Ava’s day got better when he admitted he would totally hook up with her and when she whipped his fat cock out she now knew exactly why her mom was with him. Ava sucked his meat as far down her throat as she could and spread her tight pussy wide for every inch of his cock to fuck her hot wet hole for a facial and tit cum explosion as...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Nina White Jasmine Wilde Wicked Hot Babes Nina White And Jasmine Wilde Are Fucking LIVE

Nina White is excited to be LIVE and can’t wait to get Jasmine Wilde all to herself for the next hour. Nina loves squeezing those big natural tits and imagines what it would be like if she had a cock so she could titty fuck those beauties! Jasmine loves how Nina explores her body and runs her fingers down to her pussy exciting her. Jasmine is in love with Ninas bubble butt getting oil all over it so you can watch it shake in her face before they grind together to cum while using some of...

5 years ago
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Brave New Womens World

Brave New Women's World! This is a story I wrote some years back that was published, just in case it may look familiar to you. This is my vision of the future, enjoy! BRAVE NEW WOMEN'S WORLD My favorite type of FEMALE Dominance is one in which the FEMALES Rule completely; in the family's home, at work, in the community, in the world! Where WOMEN take over all rights, FEMINIZE their males and control the males lives completely. I especially love when the FEMALES of a home...

1 year ago
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Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 20

When Nathan and I emerge from Jonathan’s work room, Florence is there. “Ariel, how are you doing?” “Great.” I smile at Florence. “It was intense but in a good way.” “Are you up for celebrating your initiation?” “Yes, absolutely. Why wouldn’t I be?” “As you said it is intense. Most people take some time to process. But Princess Aubrielle planned a celebration in case you were up for it.” “Wow, that’s sweet.” “I have a question about who you would like to attend. There is no right answer;...

2 years ago
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Do I Know You

A Short-Short Story Every time I look around, I see faces that look familiar to me. You know feeling where you’ve met that person before, or you’ve seen them around, but you just can’t place where you’ve met or seen them. Not to long ago I met someone. She was standing at the costumer service station at my work. She smiled at me, like she knew who I was. The more I watched her, the more familiar she looked. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to help her. But I did catch her at the register area. We...

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Hitching a lift

Jennie was really regretting not bringing a coat; her pink vest top and denim mini skirt seemed skimpy in hindsight but were hardly out of place in the August heat. It was nearly 11pm now and the temperature was cooling, goose bumps were appearing on her long slight legs and she was aware of the male glances at her hardening nipples (Jennie had nice c cup breasts but never felt the need to wear a bra). She and Matt had argued again, and this time, was the last time he would ever raise a hand...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My Little Black Beauty

He was a 58 year old white guy, she was a 16 year old black virgin. I'm Jack Livingston. I'm a 58 year old widower, and have been for just over 20 years. I have two grown girls working out of the country. I've basically been alone since my k**s graduated high school and left for college. I've also lived in the same two story, 3 bedroom house for over 30 years. One of my neighbors are Sheila Cowen and her daughter, Diane. This is the story of what happened just over a year ago and concerns...

3 years ago
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Old flame back in town

It happened so innocently. I was working in the yard and an old g/f came by to visit. It was hot that day, humid and the hard work had made me sweat something fierce so my friends visit was a welcome reprieve from the heat. Going into the basement where it was cooler we had the usual small talk that people have when they haven’t seen each other for a long time. Eventually things turned towards ‘personal’ details of our lives. We both expressed disappointment in our current relationships and the...

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Greek Salad

If you categorize a person's life: Baby, preschool, grade school, high school, young man/woman, middle age, old age, and cut it into slices, you could write about just one slice. This is a slice of the life of Roger Thomas. What in hell is that up ahead? Christ, it looked like a woman staggering down the road towards me. I eased up on the throttle of my eighteen wheeler and came to a stop opposite the woman. She came across the road and up to my door. "Can you give me a ride? The car I was...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 14

Present – Liz – At the cabin - Run Running with Mira is a joy. She is quite the runner and makes it look effortless. Someday I need to challenge her to a race, but not until I've put a few more miles 'under my belt.' When we hear a hell of a noise behind us, amazingly Mira spins around and runs backwards without losing a step. I crane my neck around just in time to see Byron, then Jens, Sharik, Zarika, Maria and Linus blow past us. Jens yells, "I'm gaining on you?" Byron laughs, "Not...

4 years ago
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My hot wife Shailaja

Hi, my name is Amit. My wife name is Shailaja and my fantasy is to watch her enjoying stranger’s huge cocks. Last 5 yrs we have settle down in Singapore due to job. Actually I never talk about my Fantasy with Shailaja as she might get upset with my thoughts. Shailaja is working women so had hot personality, she is fair, height 5.5, fig 36c 30 36, She has nice pair of boobs with brown nipples which I always love to suck hard. Recently I watch her getting fucked by a co passenger with his huge...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 50 Katiersquos Legal Resolution

Mrs. Katie Jackson was in heaven. Since her husband’s return from overseas their sex life has been phenomenal. They fucked nightly and occasionally in the morning before he left for work. Since she begged him to lick her ass in the elevator he discovered that it quickly pushes her over the edge. She was embarrassed that she asked him to do it but also in the same breath was relieved that her husband can pleasure her like Phil or the homeless man. She lied to him when he asked why she asked...

2 years ago
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The love of my life

Hi dear readers. I am Tazz from Chennai, though I am a native of Andhra Pradesh. I am a 22 years old dude with lots of attitude. I don’t look smart or handsome but kind of friendly to look at. Neither am I well built but I sport a natural big chest, due to my karate practice of 8 years. I completed my engineering in Hyderabad and as my parents are residing in Chennai, I came here after my graduation. I keep coming to Chennai for festivals etc, so the incident I am going to narrate, happened on...

2 years ago
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BangBros18 Rika Fane Put The Camera Away

Rika is masturbating in her room, assuming that she’s home alone. Her stepbrother, Max, gets home early and hears her masturbating. He can’t help but to film it so he can go and jerk his dick. She’s way too hot not to watch. He films it for a few minutes then heads to his bedroom to beat his meat. She catches him jerking off to a video of her, and it actually turns her on too. She had no idea her stepbrother had such a huge dick. She starts to give him a handjob before wanting...

4 years ago
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My Favourite memorypt 4

I know, I know...I keep meaning to get to the actual memory that always gives me the best wank and is guarenteed to get me off but I've been way-laid. First with the time when me and Dave had our first sex, then with the time that we had had our first group fuck together and lastly with the time I'd had group sex with people other than Dave. Well there are a couple more of them as well so I might as well spill my beans over those too! We'll get to the main story at some point, honestly.There...

2 years ago
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RealityJunkies Alexis Adams These Breasts Work Every Time

Johnny Castle and Diana have been dating for a while and Johnny Castle finally gives Diana a promise ring. Alexis Adams is peeking from the side of the window fuming, although she’s Diana’s roommate and best friend. So, when Diana leaves the house for work Alexis pounces on Johnny convincing him that she’s the better girl with the bigger boobs! She lets him suck on her tits and fuck her hot body. Once she’s finished with him she won’t have to worry about any other...

2 years ago
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Neue Wohnung

Wir sind etwa vor 2 Monaten, kurz nach unserer Heirat, frisch hier eingezogen. In ein schönes ruhiges 4 Familienhaus und haben eine schöne 2 Zimmerwohnung im 1. Stock. Mein Mann ist 23 und ich 25 Jahre alt. Ich bin 1, 67 m groß, bringe 58kg auf die Waage und habe eine ausgesprochen frauliche Figur. Körbchengröße 80d lässt auf einen üppigen wohlgeformten und griffigen Busen schließen. Mit meiner roten langen, lockigen Mähne verzaubere ich die Männer gerne. Wenn ich, mit meinen strahlenden Augen...

4 years ago
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Four for Me

My husband and I were married for 5 years, and as for me, I considered our sex together to be "great." I did many things for my husband to make our sex interesting and not boring. I did a lot of role playing to keep him interested. I dressing up as a whore for him, and, yes, it was a turn on for me as well. We even played out some rape skits. On a few occasions, we even talked about me taking part in a threesome with him and another man. I got home from work this one Friday, feeling somewhat...

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Christie and MichaelConfessions from the House of Pleasure Pt 1 Intro

Christie was feeling the alcohol. She had two drinks and was slowly sipping a third. The one reason she was allowing herself to get so drunk was because her hotel room was upstairs. The faint beat of the trip hop music that played through hidden speakers seemed more twisted and looped. “Sometimes I think they try to hard to be cool.” Christie turned her head. Next to her sat a man in a suit. The jacket laid across the back of the chair with the tie. The liquid in his glass was amber....

3 years ago
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CousinChapter 18

Dan came slowly awake. First he noticed bright sunlight in the room, so it must be morning. He became aware his hands and feet were still restrained, but he was also aware of a wonderfully comfortable relaxed feeling. This entire process had taken perhaps three seconds and in the next second Dan realized the wonderful feeling was a warm, wet, feminine mouth wrapped around his cock. He suddenly sucked in his breath as Lisa pushed her tongue into tip of his rigid member. She looked up and...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 130 Home Again Lickety Split

The five hour drive home, all alone in the rental car, gave me a chance to deal with my demons. I knew I had a problem, I just chose to embrace it. So it made me a little weird. Let the rest of the world see me as strange, what did I care. Hell I saw the world as strange, so I guess we were even. I hit the security gate of the apartment at 8PM, almost exactly, I walked, with my half duffel bag hanging over my shoulder, the short distance to my apartment. Even though the place was as sterile...

3 years ago
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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 5

“He’s not responding still?” Susannah told the others as they walked in a pack towards Ron’s office. He had fled the end of the period like a bat out of hell. “I’d been getting my texts returned.” “Me too,” Joss frowned. “Well, maybe this is the no evidence thing he was talking about?” Aly suggested. “Wouldn’t make sense to have us blowing up his phone twenty four seven.” “I guess not,” Susannah said. “But we had tried on all of those clothes and lingerie. He hadn’t seemed to get any of...

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