CousinChapter 18 free porn video

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Dan came slowly awake. First he noticed bright sunlight in the room, so it must be morning. He became aware his hands and feet were still restrained, but he was also aware of a wonderfully comfortable relaxed feeling. This entire process had taken perhaps three seconds and in the next second Dan realized the wonderful feeling was a warm, wet, feminine mouth wrapped around his cock. He suddenly sucked in his breath as Lisa pushed her tongue into tip of his rigid member. She looked up and smiled at him and continued to lick and suck until Dan went over the edge and shot his load deeply into her throat.

She pulled back and, with a little cum dripping from the corner of her smile, said, "Good morning, Lover."

"A most wonderful morning," Dan replied. "Definitely a wonderful way to start the day. Now what can I do for you?"

"Well, if you can be very gentle... ," Lisa replied as she arranged her knees or either side of Dan's head. She lowered her slit towards his mouth and Dan sent his tongue stretching to meet her. For the next several minutes as he licked the aroused girl he noticed that several times he must have touched someplace a little sore because Lisa gasped or pulled away from the touch, but mostly he just noticed that she became more and more turned on. Finally his relentless attention pushed her over the edge and she came.

Lisa released him and the couple headed for the bathroom. In the shower Dan got a good chance to examine the visible results of their play yesterday. There were still several red welts on her ass and one that ran across the back and side of her left thigh. A few small lines decorated the sides of her breasts and her pussy lips and nipples still looked a little swollen. When he asked, Lisa admitted her muscles were still a little sore and several spots - especially her tits, pussy, and anus - were pretty tender. "I'm afraid we'll still have to lay off today," she said. "I think my arms might even be too strained to use a whip on your cute ass."

"The way we've been playing," Dan responded, "it's amazing we're able to move at all. Got anything in mind to do today, then?"

"Not really. What about you?"

"I don't know either." Then after a few seconds Dan added, "Just how stiff are your muscles? Would you be interested in a hike or maybe even camping a couple of days?"

"No, I'm sure I could handle that," Lisa said. "Sounds like fun. Do you have some place in mind?"

"Well, if you're really up to hiking," Dan said, "there's a beautiful spot I know of, but it's about eight miles or so from here. Are you up to that much of a hike?"

"Sure," Lisa said. "That's not really that much. I assume you mean one way and we'd camp. I don't think I'd want to try a sixteen mile round trip today. Where is this place?"

"It's back up in the national forest area beyond the next ridge north of here. We go along one of our trails until it runs into the edge of state forest land. That's about a half mile. Then along a forest trail for another mile and a half until we get to the national forest, then two miles down the White Oak Ridge Trail, and finally another four miles along another forest trail. We end up at a nice spot on Emerald Creek. There's a waterfall with a pool big enough to swim in and a good place to camp. And the nicest part is it's so far back that I don't think anyone else has found it. I've never seen any evidence that anyone else has been there, anyway."

"Sounds wonderful," Lisa said. "It really is isolated? I mean I don't expect to be this sore for very long and a spot like that sounds like it was made for lovers." She gave him a look which started his cock responding on the spot.

"Like I said," Dan replied, "I've never seen signs of anyone else. The trail is mostly just a deer trail, not even maintained. There might be a hiker or two along the White Oak Ridge Trail though, so we had probably better put on some clothes."

Lisa made a face. "Do I have to? OK, but when we get there... And one other thing, I want to bring a few toys along."

Dan grinned at her. "Why, I never would have thought of that on my own," he said sarcastically.

Lisa stuck out her tongue at him and swatted his ass with the towel she was holding and then flounced out into the bedroom. "At least we don't have to get dressed until we're ready to leave," she called over her shoulder. "Come on and let's get some breakfast. I don't know about you, but I haven't had enough to eat yet today." She then started down the stairs, the double entendre hanging in the air, as Dan shook his head and followed her.

When they had finished breakfast, Lisa went to her car to get her boots and some of her camping stuff while Dan dug out some of his own. They sorted through the equipment, deciding what to take. "Both of these bags are right hand," Dan said. "We can't zip them together and I assume you don't have in mind sleeping apart."

"I'm not even thinking of sleeping right now," Lisa said. "Can't we just unfold them enough to use as blankets? After all, it's pretty hot today and I expect it won't cool off too much tonight."

"Yeah, we can do that," Dan said. "I'll throw in another blanket we can use with them if we need to."

They also each grabbed a couple of things from the dungeon and added them until finally they had two light packs made up with enough food for about three days. They set them down and Dan said, "Now for the really hard part - putting on clothes. I would much rather follow your cute little naked ass down the trail, but what the heck."

"I'm not real happy about it either," Lisa said. "But I was planning on you going first so I could watch your cute little naked ass."

"I guess we'll just have to wait until tonight and then chase each other in circles," Dan responded. He put on a pair of cutoffs and a short sleeved shirt along with his hiking boots. Lisa also donned her boots and cutoffs, so short her ass cheeks almost pushed out, and a shirt with the tails tied under her breasts to reveal several inches of bare skin. After one last check around the house, they picked up their packs and went outside, locking the door behind them.

As they started towards the woods Lisa asked, "Am I covered OK? You can't see any whip marks or such can you?"

"No, not really," Dan replied. "There's that one welt around your left leg, but that could be from a slapping branch or such. No one will notice anything even if we do happen to meet someone."

The day was already warm but under the trees it wasn't too bad and the couple walked for a while in companionable silence, broken only by the sound of insects. After a few minutes they came to the edge of their aunt and uncle's property and joined a spur to a forest trail. After the better part of an hour this intersected a wider trail marked with metal oak leaf shaped tags indicating a designated hiking trail. Still they saw no one else for the next hour and a half. Dan began to look closely at trees and rocks along the trail side. "It's not too much farther to the turnoff," he said. "We've got to watch closely because this one isn't marked and is pretty hard to spot. Watch along the left side. It should be somewhere about fifty yards past a big maple with a hickory on either side."

In a few minutes Dan spotted the trees he'd described. "OK, now, somewhere just up here." He looked closely along the trail edge. Lisa peered in the same direction, but couldn't see anything different. Finally Dan said, "Right here, I think."

He pushed through some thick bushes and around the side of a large rock. Lisa followed him and when she rounded the rock could make out a faint trail leading away from the one they had been following. "How in the world did you ever find this the first time?" she asked.

"I happened to be up here one November before there was any snow on the ground. With the leaves gone you can see it a little better. Anyway I just followed it to see where it went and discovered the falls."

They followed the deer trail for another half hour when Dan finally said, "We've still got a couple of hours to go to get to the falls. Want to stop for some lunch now?"

"That sounds good," Lisa replied. "Look. How about up there." She pointed to what looked like a wide flat area part way up a hillside about a hundred yards from the trail. "That should make a nice picnic grounds, don't you think?"

"Looks good to me," Dan said and started in that direction. After a short climb they came out onto the area and found that it wasn't completely flat. In fact it was a wide depression about thirty feet across and covered with a thick mat of leaves and pine needles. "Looks perfect," Dan decreed.

They shed their packs and got out the extra blanket Dan had brought - an old cotton Indian blanket, somewhat worn, but soft - and spread it on the ground. Lisa had made some sandwiches for their lunch and got these out along with some fruit and cheese. The couple sat side by side on the blanket, Lisa leaning against Dan's shoulder, while they ate.

"This is beautiful up here," Lisa said. "Maybe I should forget about computer science and become a forest ranger." Dan laughed, but agreed that this part of the country was some of the best in existence.

When they had finished they continued to sit where they were and talk. Dan began running his hand up and down Lisa's bare legs and she started letting her hands roam also. Before too long the talk stopped and they began to neck. Lisa's breathing was becoming more rapid and as she stroked her hand across the hardening bulge in Dan's crotch, she said, "I don't know what you've done to me, Dan, but I can't seem to think about much of anything else but sex when you're around."

"It isn't just me," Dan replied. "You are definitely the hottest and sexiest woman I could ever have imagined. It sounds trite, but sex has never been like it is with you."

Lisa had her arm around Dan's neck and now pulled him closer, covering his mouth with hers. As her tongue snaked into his mouth her free hand began to unfasten his cutoffs. When she had them loosened, she let her hand move inside and wrap around his cock. She pulled her mouth back slightly and said, "You know, sometimes you talk too much." She then locked her mouth back to his and the two of them began to remove each other's clothing.

Dan started to enter her, but suddenly Lisa gave a groan and said, "I'm afraid I'm still too bruised. I want you in me desperately, but I still need a few hours to recover. Let's try this instead." She shifted around bringing them into a sixty nine position and lowered her pussy over Dan's mouth as she took his hard cock into her own mouth. Dan didn't argue, but began to lick gently and soon both were coming in a warm and easy climax.

They cuddled for another twenty minutes and finally decided they had better go if they didn't want to get to the campsite too late. "We'll have plenty more time for that once we reach the falls," Dan said, and reluctantly he and Lisa once more dressed and shouldered their packs.

The trail, such as it was, wound through the woods for another mile and then came to the bank of a small stream. Here it turned and followed the bank on upstream. Actually it intersected another deer trail which ran in both directions along the stream, but Dan indicated they wanted the upstream direction. Occasionally the woods opened up and they could see across forested valleys to other ridges beyond, but mostly the trees were heavy enough to limit their view to a short distance. After another hour the trail turned left away from the stream side and on into the woods. Here the trees were large maples and white oaks with some poplar and hickories for variety. While these weren't truly first growth, they were certainly large and a trunk three or even four feet across wasn't unusual. The only sounds were insects and the breeze in the tree tops. There was no indication of civilization at all.

Suddenly Dan stopped and cried sharply, "Wait! Hold very still."

Lisa froze where she was and Dan slowly moved around in front of her. He stopped less than a foot past her, looking intently down the faint trail in front of them. Lisa held her breath and strained forward to try and see what he was watching so intently. Than all of a sudden Dan whirled around and, catching her in his arms, pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her hard. Lisa was startled and for a second fought him, but then relaxed and returned the kiss. When Dan finally pulled away, she said, "What was that all about? What did you see up there?"

Dan grinned at her. "Nothing. I just decided I needed a kiss."

For an instant Lisa looked as though she was going to erupt at him. Then a laugh worked its way out and she broke down in hysterics. "You startled the heck out of me. Just wait, I'll get even," she said in between gasping for breath.

They went on for another half mile or so and then the trail rounded the shoulder of a steep hill. Lisa went around the corner in front of Dan and then suddenly stopped. "Here it is," Dan said.

"It's beautiful! Absolutely perfect," Lisa said. In front of them was an open glade a hundred feet across. Running through it was a stream fifteen feet wide and at the far end was a waterfall. The falls had a drop of about twelve feet into a deep pool fifty feet long. This late in the summer the water coming over the falls was not a heavy flow, but was still more than just a trickle. The pool looked like it was deep and where it flowed out the stream tumbled along the shallow bed. On the near side of the pool was a grassy glade ending in a four foot stretch of beach. The beach extended thirty feet along the pool and then gave way to large smooth rocks on either side. While the beach wasn't sand, but rather a mix of fairly small gravel, it was smooth and would be comfortable to walk on. The grassy area looked almost like it was maintained - smooth and level and practically nothing in the way of weeds. At the edge of the glade the land sloped upwards to another flat area about six feet above the stream. This area was surrounded by large trees and looked to be an ideal place to set up a tent.

Dan said, "It is probably the best campsite I've ever found. Let's set the tent up over there." He pointed to the elevated area. "If we want we can build a fire on the flat rocks down near the stream. As long as the fire danger isn't high, no one in the forest service will worry about a small campfire. After all, we don't want to be interrupted by a bunch of firefighters, now do we?"

"Most certainly not," Lisa agreed. "Come on and let's get the tent up. I want to swim in that pool."

They arranged the tent and their gear. As soon as everything was in place, Lisa pulled off her clothes. Dan watched her slim form as she undressed and than headed towards the water. He quickly began removing his own clothes. Lisa stepped into the pool and called out, "Hey! This is cold!"

"What did you expect?" Dan called, joining her in the edge of the pool. "Actually it's pretty cool but not really cold. You can swim in it without freezing. I have a number of times." He dove past her into the water, splashing her as he hit. Lisa squealed and then plunged in to follow him.

They swam around for twenty minutes and then headed for the bank. Dan had brought the cotton blanket and a couple of towels down with him and now he got the towels and tossed one to Lisa. They dried themselves and then spread the blanket on the beach strip where the afternoon sun was still striking. They lay in the sun for a time, dozing, and occasionally rubbing backs or feeling each other's ass. After a while they began to neck and soon were aroused.

Dan soon rolled Lisa onto her back and began to lick and suck her nipples. This brought a favorable response from the girl and she used her hands to excite his cock. Dan placed his head between her legs and spent several minutes using his tongue on her dripping slit and erect clit. He began to work his way up her body once again and soon was stretched above her, his arms holding him above her open body. His cock touched the entrance to her pussy and he hesitated.

Lisa said, "Go ahead, Dan. I think I may have recovered enough now." She used her hand to guide him inside and soon was moving her hips to meet his own thrusts. They worked each other higher and higher until suddenly the glade was pierced by Lisa's noisy cry as she climaxed and immediately after by Dan as he found his release.

They rested for a little time and then had another quick dip to wash away the sweat. As they were drying off, Lisa said, "If it doesn't get too cold, let's stay naked the whole time we're here."

"You know I won't object to that," Dan replied. The only thing prettier than this site is your lovely body. And if it does start to cool off, I'm sure we can find some way to keep warm."

The day was actually quite hot and Dan and Lisa were not at all uncomfortable. They spent the rest of the afternoon lying on the blanket and just talking. Well, maybe not just talking, but their sexual activity was limited to kissing and a few caresses. When they became hungry they dug into the packs for supper. Since this wasn't an extended trip they had taken mostly canned food, but for the first night Lisa had suggested hot dogs. They built a small fire on the rocks near the edge of the stream and cooked the franks over it. "Not much different than the back yard," Dan said, "but somehow out here they taste better."

"Very true," Lisa replied. Then with a leer she added, "And probably some other things taste better too."

Dan laughed and said, "Wench, you are insatiable. And I'm really, really happy about that."

Lisa joined his laughter and said, "Maybe. We'll see in a little while. Right now let's get stuff cleaned up and the food hung so we won't have to fool with any of it after dark. After all, I can think of more interesting things to do in the dark, can't you?"

They burned the trash and hung the food sack from a tree branch, high out of the reach of animals. By then it was beginning to get dark except for a full moon which had risen. "Next one is the harvest moon," Dan remarked. "But this one comes up pretty early, too."

They spread the blanket on the grass above the stream and lay together watching the stars come out and listening to the evening sounds mixing with the noise of the waterfall. Lisa propped herself on one elbow and watched Dan as he talked about some of the stories of the constellations that were appearing. She actually knew most of them herself and was only half listening. Instead she was studying Dan and thinking to herself, "He is definitely the most desirable man I've ever met. I know it's been mostly lust - I never even dreamed about sex like this - but is it something more? Here we are naked in the most beautiful place I've ever seen and, yes I definitely want to fuck him, but I keep thinking how much fun he is to be with and how much I like him. Am I falling in love with him? Well, I'm not sure and I certainly won't say anything about it unless he does. After all, we agreed that this was just fun sex games." Still, the idea wouldn't leave her mind.

Dan stopped talking and looked at her. After a few seconds he said, "That's enough about stars for now. I can think of more interesting topics. Have you got any idea what they might be?"

Lisa smiled down at him. "Maybe not the particulars, but I have a pretty good idea about the general subject." She moved a hand to slide up the inside of his thigh and across his cock.

Dan laid his own hand over hers and held it still for several long seconds. Then the pulled her to him and locked his mouth against her as his own hands began to explore her body. Soon Lisa was kneeling astride and riding him as his hands played with her breasts and clit. When they finally came it was a sweating, shrieking climax, but a warm comfortable one. Afterwards they lay entwined staring at each other's eyes, kissing and stroking. After some minutes they again snuggled side by side, watching the skies, their hands on each other's bodies.

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Rebecca Winters stood naked before the full length mirror in her bedroom observing her own beautiful body. Becky, as everyone called her, would be nineteen in two months. She was only 5’1″ and 100 pounds but it was perfectly formed in a 32C – 18 – 33 body and a lovely face with flowing brown hair, big chocolate eyes and flawless skin. She slipped on a pair of red bikini panties, then, a loose sweat pants tops and bottoms before slipping into cross trainers. She fluffed...

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Me my wife and my friend

Hi, my name is Neel. This is my first story on a site like this one. I hope I do not disappoint you while reading this. My wife’s name is Nikita. This is a true story that happened with us. I always wanted to tell it to someone. But I could not. Now I am keeping this story in front of the world. Before marriage, I had a very close friend of mine. His name is Ravi. We used to spend many nights in our house talking and dreaming and studying. We were classmates. I had a girlfriend called Nikita...

3 years ago
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Married woman and a man

Do everyone is there experience?Married woman and a man with a relationship any more mountain etc. ...In fact we are seeded in three others wife until I ... now.Of course birth as a c***d of the husband others wife who does not know anything .... Fear of the creature that woman and cute ....It may be your wife are reading this (laughs)This is such experiences.I had the time, which has been fitted into the married woman clover.In the early days, more than half of the woman coming to call on a...

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A Little Help From My Friends Its Mine

  It's Mine       I was in a state of shock the next few days.  Could Julie really have been serious?  I went over her words a thousand times.  She didn't completely rule out fucking her although that obviously wasn't right around the corner.  She was right about not being able to jack off, I tried.  I tried as soon as I got home that night.  It wasn't going to happen!  And no blowjobs from her, ever.  I knew she was serious about that one.  She had said it really wasn't to her liking anyway. ...

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Nursing at Work

Nursing At WorkI have always admired women's breasts. I like all of them and in any size. I use to work in a partially filled office building for the company that owned the building. I was in charge of the facilities as well as other company properties. So I was in and out of the office at irregular times. One day I arrived at the office after lunchtime. As I walked through the parking lot I saw one of my co workers Trish bent over while sitting in her car. I thought something was wrong so i...

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Pakistani Actress Ki Chudai

Ye meri pehli story hai. Agar koi ghalti ho to maafi chahta hoon aur meri hausla afzai kare. Iss kahani ko start karne se pehle aap ye jaan le ke ye fantasy Pakistani actress Anam Jahan ke bare mein hai. Ye kahani ek actress ki chudai ki hai. Shukaria. Kahani ke kirdaar (1)Anam Jahan:- 31 saal ki shadi shuda aurat aur ek bachi ki maa. Size- 36-30-36 Height-5 feet 5 inches (2) Abdul Qassam:- 33 saal aur Anam ka husband. Ye ek private company mein pìlot hai aur zyada tar ghar se dhur hota hai....

2 years ago
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Maausi Ki Ladki Ki Chudai

Mere naam diptiranjan samrtha hai. Me 5ft 5inch ka ek normal body wala ladka hoon. Me avi ek private company par kaam karr raha hoon. Mera age 24 hai. Mera iss par ye pelha story hai agar kuchh galti hojaye to krupaya karke khyama kariyega. Abb me story par ata hoon. Mera mausi ka ghar mein 4log rehte hain. Mousa mausi ek ladka vicky aur ek ladki mamuni. Mamuni di mujhse 3 saal badi hai aur vicky mujhse 2 saal chhota hai. Pelhe to mere mamuni di k upar kuchh v bura khayal nehi tha. Lekin...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Lana Roy Sensual Yoga Hottie

Wanting to keep her body flexible and toned, petite darling Lana Roy starts the day off with a yoga routine on the living room floor. She stretches and flexes her lithe body, moving into positions that can stir anyone’s imagination and loving every second of it. Lana knows that she can have any man’s full attention and uses that to her advantage. She lifts her leg to suck and lick on her dainty feet, knowing all too well that any guy with foot fetish will be turned on. The Russian hottie is too...

3 years ago
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Vacation with my family part I fixed For LesLara84

(note: I am not the author. I have no intention of trying to plagiarize or take credit. When the real author, LesLara84, finally posts this story without any HTLM codes, I will delete this. I apologize for any harm or anything, Im just doing this because this seems like a good story. I added limited spacing and fixed some punctuation but did not change any grammar or spelling.) edit: italicized quotation marks show up as question marks – didnt know this. Vacation with my family Hi everybody!...

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Keerthiga 8211 The Best Employee

Finally, I was moving to a new city to become the best employee. “The bubbly girl of small-town had secured a job in one of the reputed firms after completing her master’s degree in management.” My family was happy. My mom was a little worried, thinking about how I would manage alone in such a big city. I had packed my bags. The cab was waiting outside to drive me to the airport. I gave mom a tight hug, took blessings from dad, grandmother, and waved goodbye. I never knew this job would change...

4 years ago
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M*m and daughter are very rich but like to be treated as cheap whoresIt was about 1am and my m*m came it to my room and said, "i can want to go and get fucked by a dirty cock now." So we got dressed up all slutty, i was wearing a mini skirt and a business shirt with 26cm blakc high heels, and my m*m was wearing a dress which was very short and 24 cm red high heells.I drove to the highway then took a slip roap and stop by the side of the road in a lonely area, and pretended that we had a...

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CuckoldSessions Katie Morgan 01222017

What happens when you’re a bored, freaky couple? Call in the black guy, of course! Just take a look at Katie Morgan and her hubby, Alec. They’ve been together for years, and as you probably know, years of monogamy will lead to boredom. Their handyman, Jax, is in the backyard working, and since he’s pretty much done with the job, how about giving him some more work…in the form of Katie’s beautiful, blonde cunt?!? Jax happily agrees, and soon he’s on his knees...

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An Unwanted AffairChapter 4

We never know what life has in store for us. We start doing something that we don't enjoy, but end up liking it. Something similar happened to me. My amorous relationship with my father-in-law started as a non-consensual one. I hated my father-in-law for taking advantage of my vulnerability. He threatened me and then fucked me against my will. However, once I took his cock into my pussy, I forgot everything. It was a strange kind of love-hate relationship. I still hated him secretly for...

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My First Time I Went Into A Book Store

My first time in an adult book store By Dedra Post This story is true, however I have changed the names and places so not to offend or embarrass anyone. This story contains material of a mutual nature, anyone not of age to read adult material, stop here and read no more. This story is the property of the author and maybe copied, downloaded, and forwarded, but it must stay in its original form. It may not be sold or reproduce for profit of any kind. Send all comments or suggestion...

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Jakes Magic Remote IV Home Movies

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------Jake’s mind was racing as he went through the motions of working. He’d...

1 year ago
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A Surprising Occurrence

The large yacht hardly swayed with the waves that led it in all directions. The man by the name of Michael was creeping towards Lizzy's room, wearing only a pair of baggy boxers. Oh how he looked just like a super model walking down the runway with the perfect body and the clothes that just seemed to make him seem even better. Gently he pushed the wooden door open to find the girl laying comfortably on top of the cotton covers of her bed. “How beautiful,” he whispered under his breath as a...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 47

Mistress Pam said, “Let’s go whore. We have lots to do today. First we’ll get all that hair off your little cunt and then my friends, will have a lot of fun with you. Remember, they paid me a lot of money and you’ll need to do anything they want. Got it?” “Yes Mistress,” I answer. “What will they do with me?” “I promised them I wouldn’t tell you. They want everything to be a surprise for you. And they even gave me an extra bonus for not saying.” “That scares me Mistress.” I said, “Not...

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A New Profession

I was beyond pissed when she breezed through the door three hours late. “Where the hell have you been? I had to get Chad ready and take him to school. Bobby is pissed and I need to get to work.” She just shrugged. “Bill wanted us to work over, a couple of hours. Even paid us in cash so Uncle Sam doesn’t get his greedy paws on it. It’ll make up for any time you missed, and Bob already said you were the best one he had. He’ll get over it.” “Did the phones stop working? You could at least have...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 32 A Transport of Delight

Baz Butcher rang me the day after my visit to Mortimer Crippen. "Dave, I want you to drive the Shagging Waggon at weekends, and a couple of times in the week. It will mean giving up driving for Jonjo, but I will see you won't be any worse off, money wise." "Shagging waggon?" Baz laughed. "It's what we call the people carrier used by Butcher's Corporate Hospitality Company to transport eye candy to trade fairs, and to corporate piss ups for clients. The cargo consists of long haired...

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Step Daughter 1 Part 1

It was a trip to take my wife’s daughter, 33, to the big city for a shopping trip. Her ex husband cut her clothes, and she was depressed so it was a good idea. She is attractive, blonde, perfect body, prone to summer dresses with a nice flow. We went to many clothing stores, and I suffered through some of the normal, “ya that looks so nice on you”, until we broke for lunch. After a liquid lunch, she was more animated and flirty with what she tried on and opinion seeking. She put on a micro...

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The Greenwich TalesChapter 3 The Students Tale

Part 1: The Albert Hall I am Branca. I used to study here in London. It's not easy being a student here in London. Not when you come here from abroad. Everyone is so busy; it is hard to make good friends. And it is so expensive. Much more expensive here than in Lisbon or in my home town, Porto. But it is good to study here. The Imperial College is very good. To be studying engineering there is very good. And I thought I would have many friends. In Lisbon there were not so many girls that...

4 years ago
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Komal Ki Sazaa Aur Samir Ka Mazaa

Samir ek Jr College me Professor tha umar 31 saal smart tha shaadi ko 2 saal hue the and par us ki biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Iss liye college ki kamsin ladkiyo ki jawaani lootne ki us ki fantasy thi. Komal final year me Pdhnewaali ek khubsurat pari thi. Jo last 2 years se college ka beauty competition jeet ti aa rhi thi. Har ladka uska deewana tha. Woh cheez hi kuchh aisi thi. 5’6″ ka kad.. figure 34-24-36. Aankhe Kaali..lambe baal..aur tight salwar-kurta pehanti thi. Jis ki wajah se uss k...

1 year ago
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The School Part Four

The School. Part Four. “Now this happens with every intake of students, so that is why the bar is open early for you to discuss this between you. You all filled out the questionnaire and signed it. One line read that if you had any problems of any interaction because of class, colour or creed or with members of the same sex, do not bother to fill out the form etc. Interaction with members of the same sex! Now I’m not saying this in a nasty way, but it is very difficult to put it any other way....

Group Sex
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I Just Did It Ch 01

His music was louder than most people could stand. True, his ears were starting to hurt, but it was a good song. Over the noise of the guitars and the singer crooning lyrics (well, yelling is more apt), there was the distinct sound of two beeps, so out of pitch and rhythm with the song that it was immediately apparent that it wasn’t part of it at all. He made a downward spiral in the air with the hand that wasn’t strumming his air-guitar, and the music decrescendo’d until it was merely loud,...

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Silver ArrowChapter 27 Not Where I Thought Id Be

The conversation with Katherine deSilva was ... unique. I think she knew exactly why I wanted to talk to her and she decided to make it as difficult for me as possible. "Uhhm, Mrs. deSilva, ... Katherine ... I wanted to talk to you ... about Rose." "Yes," she said, expressionless. "You see, I'm in love with your daughter and I want to marry her." I'd pretty much nervously blurted this out. "What makes you think you're a suitable husband for my daughter?" Again, with the deadpan...

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Monicas beginning

My wife Monica is as slutty as any porn goddess, and it took very little coaxing to get it out of her. She is 31 years old and a very curvy lady at 5'6" 160 with the most gorgeous DD breast ever placed on a woman, and with hips that can make any man beg. 2-3 years into our relationship, our sex life had started to become a little scripted. We both were dying for some excitement, but I never realized that she wanted it more than I did. She had started a new job and was glad to be working...

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Wife is going to try modelingCuckold Style

It's pronounced same as Sharon and Shar sounds just like it does in the full name. I know I need some help and some more work possibly on this story but it is set up to run for a while and future chapters. This is the 1st of what I hope are many. *****Meet Sharyn and let's start the story, shall we?We were so at peace when we first married, I was working in the mortgage industry making a 6 figure income when I met the love of my life, Sharyn. I was mesmerized by her from head to toe. She is...

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Undercover Milf Ch 03Q

The next morning Laura did the same routine as she waited anxiously for her son to leave so she could once again snoop in his room. Most of all she wanted to see if there was another video on her son’s computer. When she entered the room, she once again found his computer left on and she sat down quickly. Sure enough there was a new video on the computer, so she clicked on it and the media player came up. It was her son inside her best friend’s living room, they were sitting on the couch...

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Culture Shock Ch 17

Elaine was trying to concentrate on finishing her breakfast but it wasn’t easy. It was Monday, she was ready for work with a half hour to spare, and was busy eating her toasted muesli while Kendra and Chelsea chatted about the guys they met the night before. Elaine wasn’t really listening. Thoughts were running through her mind. Thoughts of seeing Gary and of what he might do to her, or make her do. They were the same thoughts that had occurred to her when she’d woken up before her alarm that...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 26 Vengeance 4 An Eye for an Eye

Ted watched the Chinook helicopter, flying due north, disappear behind some nearby mountains. "Rita, where the hell is that damn lander that I asked for?" Ted said as he scanned the sky. "It will be above us in forty-five seconds. I suggest you come to a stop so it can pick us up." Ted brought the fifty-ton Mech to a stop, and scanned for the lander. The two hundred thousand ton ship came out of the clouds and hovered directly above him. The iris opened in the bottom of the ship. A...

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Cuckold 3

It's been 7 months since my last update, and a lot has happened since then! I've become braver and much more sexually active outside of my marriage, which incidentally is still fantastic and strong My first encounter since my last blog was with an older man that id met on the bus, he must have been in his late 50s, we caught each other's eye and it was an unspoken attraction, we both got off at the same stop at the local shopping centre, I walked over to him and brushed his hand with mine,...

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A Vacation of Firsts The Conclusion

Eric watched with unblinking eyes as the tiny panties revealed a small but erect cock hidden underneath, and that was another first for him. The stunning woman before him had just pulled her panties down and revealed a cock and he was not repulsed. Tonya's head was bowed in shame with this act. To her, it was like showing off a birth defect. Eric responded by placing his fist under her chin and gently raised it up and looked her in the eyes. He gave her a warm smile and then removed his boxer...

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Dear Charlotte

Dear Charlotte: I don't know if you remember me. It was so long ago, but also seems like yesterday. I had just bicycled from Kansas City to Toronto, Canada. I can still remember the smell of the fresh baked bread as I went through the Portuguese section; the stacks of fresh produce in the Chinese section and reading the newspaper headlines the next morning that Elvis Presley had just died. I remember trying to impress everyone at the cocktail reception at the convention we attended. I...

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My friendrsquos mother

We were at my friend’s country house celebrating his birthday. His parents didn’t bother us and we felt free to do whatever we wanted. On the third day his mother came to visit us. When she made sure everything was all right she decided to return to the city. I asked her to give me a lift as I had some plans there for the evening. She agreed easily and soon we were driving home in her Lexus.The car was comfortable and the driver looked very seductive. She was a slim 40-year-old woman and looked...

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Jessica Rabbits Massive Mammaries Many Mishaps

Jessica liked to shower. As strange as it sounds, the shower was the only place where she felt more or less normal. It wasn't the act of cleaning herself that gave her that feeling, but the mist: she liked her shower so hot that within seconds, everything around her disappeared behind a thick layer of vapor. The shower head, the ceiling, the walls, the shower glass door, everything vanished from her sight... even her tits. And that was when she felt normal. She was a strong woman, confident in...

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