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I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Harvey, my husband of six years was on our patio with his friend Gary. They’d just finished playing golf and were having a drink under the shade of our umbrella. I’d been working on my flower beds, and I was currently no more than a couple of feet from the corner of the house. The patio was just around the corner.

I heard Gary ask Harvey, “I didn’t want to ask in front of the other guys, but have you had any luck getting Jill to loosen up yet?”

“Nah” my husband answered with a sigh, “I keep throwing out little hints, but she just lets them fly by. I don’t know if she doesn’t understand, or if she’s just intentionally ignoring them.”

Hints? Loosening up? What hints? Loosening up how? What the fuck were they talking about?

“Sorry, buddy. I’m lucky. I didn’t even have to say anything to Sharon. When our sex life started slowing down, she took matters into her own hands.”

“That’s, awesome.” Harvey replied. “Our sex life is on life support. I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but Sharon is hot as fuck.”

Sharon? Hot as fuck? I’d known Sharon since she and Gary got married. She was about as sexy as a lobster. She was overweight; she had no sense of fashion, and she snorted when she laughed. What the hell was ‘hot as fuck’ about that?

“Mind?” Gary asked with a chuckle, “Hell, knowing other guys think she’s hot and want to fuck her just makes it even better. We talk about it, and those conversations always end with us having incredible sex.”

Sharon? Other guys think she’s hot and want to fuck her? Who are those ‘other guys’?

My husband chuckled, “Well, ole buddy, you can put my name on that list.”

What? Harvey? My husband thinks Sharon is hot and wants to fuck her? No way!

I was still fuming when Harvey came in after his shower. I was sitting in the den having a Martini.

“What’s for supper?” He asked me, obviously oblivious to my sour mood.

“I’ve been working in the yard all day while you were out playing. I’m having a drink now. Is that okay?”

He stopped in his tracks and held up his hands in surrender, “Whoa! What’s got your panties in a wad? I just asked what’s for supper.”

“I’m not hungry. You know where the kitchen is, don’t you?”

My husband had never learned not to push me when I was in a bad mood. He walked over to the bar and poured himself three fingers of Scotch. After adding two ice cubes, he swirled it around and sat in his recliner. “Okay, I give. What did I do now?”

I pointed to his drink, “Pour me one of those and I might tell you.”

He hadn’t taken a drink, so he got up and handed me his glass. He took my empty Martini glass and returned to the bar to pour himself another. I waited until he was sitting again, “So, you want to fuck Sharon Mason, huh?”

He looked like I’d just nailed his cock to the floor. I could almost hear the gears turning in his brain. When it looked like he was just about to speak, I drove in another nail, “She’s hot as fuck! Add your name to the list of men who want to fuck her! Am I misquoting you? Did I misunderstand? Go ahead. I can’t wait for you to explain it to me.”

“Okay” He finally said, “I guess this is as good of a time as any to have this conversation.”

“I’m listening.” I scowled at him with flames shooting out of my eyes.

I’ll give credit where it’s due. My husband is an Alpha Male and a lawyer—a damn good lawyer. That fact was evidenced by the income he generated. He was not accustomed to losing, and for sure, not backing down from a fight.

“First, Sharon IS hot—not like you though. She doesn’t have your looks or body, but sexy is as sexy does, and she’s got it all over you in that department. Secondly, the wanting to fuck her part; when a man says that or something similar to another man about his wife or girlfriend, it’s metaphorical. It’s the ultimate compliment. It doesn’t mean they literally WANT to fuck her.”

I didn’t relax my scowl as I let his explanation soak in. I still hadn’t decided how to respond, so I threw back the remainder of my drink and went to the bar for another.

While my back was turned to him, I pulled the ‘sexy is as sexy does, and she’s got it all over you in that department’ dagger out of my heart. If it had been a real dagger, I may have turned around and stabbed him with it.

I stayed at the bar with my back to him. “Sexy is as sexy does, huh? What does Sharon Mason do that is so sexy?”

“For one thing, at least when you and the other snooty wives aren’t around, she’s not opposed to sharing a dirty joke now and then.”

“ME and the other SNOOTY wives?” I asked him with as much venom in my voice as I could muster.

“You asked.” He said as he got to his feet. He walked around to the other side of our small bar to pour himself another drink.

I didn’t want to look at him, especially not from that close. I was tempted to throw my drink in his face, so I turned around and walked over to the picture window and stared out. “So, that’s what she does. She tells dirty jokes. I didn’t realize that was the definition of being sexy.”

And then my husband threw me a curve ball. I expected him to give me a list of what else Sharon does to be considered ‘hot as fuck’, but he didn’t. Instead, he asked me, “Jill, are you happy with our sex life?”

I tried my best to explain, “Our lives are ... we’ve been...” I almost said that other things have taken priority, but I knew how bad that would have sounded. Finally, I bowed my head, “No.”

In a much kinder, more compassionate voice, my husband said, “Maybe you should talk to Sharon.”

I could only nod as tears began running down my cheeks.

In bed that night, long after Harvey had fallen asleep, I thought back over the last year. How many times had he presented me with flowers for no reason? How many times had I gone to bed, only to find a nice new piece of jewelry on my pillow? How many times had he suggested having a date night and encouraged me to go out and buy a new dress or outfit? The answer to all those questions was the same, many, many times.

I’d never equated those things with sex, only love. How many times had I pined all day for him to come home from work so that I could jump his bones and fuck him silly? Honestly, not in two or three years.

How many times had I woken him up on Saturday or Sunday morning with a blowjob? I couldn’t remember the last time. How many times had I dressed sexy for him? Hell, I didn’t even have anything like that left in my closet. For too long, I’d played the part of the prim and proper little wife.

I did stay in shape though. I worked out in our home gym three times a week. I ate healthy food. I swam, jogged, and power-walked miles at a time. Why did I do all of that? Was it to impress him? Was it to make him desire me? No, it wasn’t any of those things. It was so his friends and business associates would see that he had a classy, beautiful wife—so they would see me as classy and proper—not sexy.

Damn! I said to myself. I hadn’t done anything for him—absolutely nothing to make myself more desirable to him, to make him want to have sex with me.

It was difficult for me to admit, even to myself, but I’d turned on ‘classy’ and turned off ‘sexy’. I finally fell asleep, but not before a question burned itself into my brain: Those two things, classy and sexy, are they mutually exclusive?

“Would you like a drink?” I asked Sharon Mason when showing her into our den.

She laughed out loud, “For the conversation we’re about to have? Absolutely!”

I had to agree, “I’m sorry, I don’t remember what you prefer.”

“Anything is fine. Whatever you’re having.”

“Scotch on the rocks?” I asked her.

“Perfect.” And then she jumped right in, “So, Gary filled me in, sort of.”

I decided to lay it all on the line. This was important to me, and important to my marriage. “I overheard a conversation between our husbands that I wasn’t supposed to hear. According to them, you are ‘hot as fuck and all the husbands want to fuck you, including my husband’. According to Harvey, our sex life is ‘on life support’.”

“Well, is it—on life support, I mean?”

“I didn’t think so before, but yes, I guess it is.” I answered truthfully.

“Okay then, we have a starting point.” She told me as I handed her a Scotch. “Now, let’s start with some basic facts: First, Harvey is a great catch, at least looking from the outside in. Secondly, you are a beautiful woman, and even though you try your best to hide it, you have a very sexy body.”

“If you say so.” I said, more than a little embarrassed about the praise of my looks. But then again, Harvey had said exactly the same thing, so maybe that’s how others saw me.

“I only have one more question before we get into specifics.”

“Okay,” I told her.

She looked me straight in the eyes, “Are we doing this for Harvey or for you?”

“I want to save my marriage.” I answered.

She was still staring at me, and then she shook her head slightly, “Jill, I know all women aren’t like me. I don’t just like sex, I LOVE IT. I can’t imagine going two weeks without it. I do what I do for me—not for Gary.”

I thought about her words for a minute before telling her, “When we were dating, and for the first couple of years of marriage, our sex life was fantastic. And then...” I showed her a shrug. “I don’t know what happened.”

“You became domesticated. That’s what happened.” She said definitively.

“Both!” I answered her previous question.


“It’s for both of us ... me too.”

She showed me a warm smile, “Alrighty then. Now we can get started.”

“Would you be a doll and bring me a Martini?” I asked my husband. I’d timed things just right, jumping into the pool just as he was pulling into the garage. I was totally naked.

“Yes Ma’am”, he said with a huge smile on his face.

When he emerged from the house with my drink in a plastic glass, and while handing it to me, he asked, “How does it feel?”

I took a sip of the Martini and grinned up at him, “Sexy.” I told him truthfully. “Why don’t you join me?”

He frowned, “I’d love to, but I have some calls I need to make. Can I have a rain check?”

“Of course,” I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

He nodded and then turned to go back into the house. And then he stopped in his tracks. I watched as he tossed his cell phone onto one of the lounge chairs. And then he began removing his tie, then his shirt, and then he kicked of his shoes. When he was totally naked, he turned to me and said, “Those calls can wait. I’m going to fix myself a drink. I’ll be right back.”

We’d owned our home for three years, but that was the first time either of us had been naked in the pool. And for sure, it was the first time we had sex in the pool. I made a mental note to remember to thank Sharon.

I sat back in a lounge chair and sipped my second Martini while watching Harvey cooking pork chops on the outdoor grill. He always looked so distinguished, with his broad shoulders on his solid six-foot two inch frame. He had salt and pepper hair, with just the right mixture of salt, mostly above his ears. But now, he looked deliciously silly. He was naked underneath his cooking apron, his shapely butt sticking out of the back.

I’d thrown on a light shrug that covered my shoulders and upper arms, but I’d made sure not to cover my breasts or legs. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen me naked thousands of times, but this was different. He hadn’t seen me naked outside. Hell, I’d never even walked around our house naked. At the very least, I’d always had on a robe.

Every couple of minutes, he abandoned the pork chops on the grill to come over and lean down, giving me a tender kiss and running his hand from my knee to my crotch. And then he’d straighten up and smile down at me. “You’re beautiful and sexy today.”

I made a mental note of his saying ‘today’. My lawyer husband didn’t use words carelessly. I understood his use of that qualifier to mean, ‘now that you’re loosening up a little’. Who would have thought that an act as simple as skinny-dipping would elicit such a profound response?

We both went to bed nude that night, another first for us. I had him lay back, and then I kissed my way down to his semi hard cock. After licking and sucking him to full hardness, I straddled him and lowered my already wet pussy down onto him. I found it sad that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had my mouth on his cock.

I wasn’t accustomed to talking about sex, but I found it easier with Sharon. When I called her and told her about the previous evening and night, she was thrilled for me.

“God, Jill, that’s wonderful.” She said into the phone. “And you haven’t really even gotten started yet. I’m envious of all the fun you’re going to have.”

“Why?” I asked her, “You’re way ahead of me in that department. Why would you be envious of me?”

She chuckled, “Because, Jill, it’s new to you. There are so many things you can do, and they’ll all be new. It takes me hours and hours to keep coming up with new things to do. It’s worth it though ... WAY worth it.”

I understood, “I’ll keep you posted. I may need some new ideas when I’ve exhausted this list.”

“Maybe we’re going to have to start having regular lunches to put our heads together.”

For some reason, that idea made me laugh. Before overhearing the conversation between Harvey and Gary, I never would have dreamed I’d be talking about sex with anyone, and surely not actually meeting to plan sexual situations with someone.

I was more than a little nervous. I hadn’t been out by myself at night for years. It was Friday and still fairly early, so the night club was only sparsely populated with couples and a few single men. It was a nice enough place though—one that Sharon had recommended. I sat in a booth in the dimly lit back of the club and ordered a Scotch on the rocks.

At eight p.m. the band started. They were a country band, but they played some rock and roll as well.

“Would you like to dance?” A rather handsome man asked me with a wide smile.

He appeared to be in his early forties. I returned his smile and told him, “I just got here. If you give me half an hour or so and ask me again, the answer will be yes.”

He nodded, tipped his imaginary hat and said, “I’ll be waiting with bells on.”

“Whew!” I said aloud in a low voice. And then I whispered, “Okay, Jill, that wasn’t so bad. You can do this.”

That man asking me to dance was confirmation that I’d chosen my new outfit well. I’d purchased a pair of western boots, snug blue jeans, western belt, a light blue push-up bra with half cups, and a light blue tank top that was cut low enough to show plenty of cleavage and was long enough to tuck in. While my C cup breasts didn’t really need a push-up bra, I’d worn it for the extra effect. I loved the way it made my breasts bulge from the half cups.

Even though the growing crowd wasn’t young by any means, for some reason I felt old. I was only thirty-two, but I hadn’t been out like this in years. They all just looked so relaxed, shaking hands with other patrons, and waving to others.

“I’m sorry.” I said to the next man that asked me to dance. “I’m not quite ready yet, and I’ve already promised the first one. I hope you’ll ask me again later.”

I glanced at my watch. Harvey would have been home for over an hour. He would have already read my note. It said:

“Hi lover. I felt like going out tonight. If you care to come out, I’ll be at the club ‘Borrowed Money’ on Central Expressway. You don’t have to come, and if you do, you don’t need to hurry. I’ll just be having a drink and dancing with strange men. Take a shower, dress casually, and leave your wedding ring at home. I did. Oh, and if you decide to come out dancing, don’t arrive before nine. And if you have any ideas about trying to pick me up, you’ll have to get in line and work for it. Someone will, and who knows, I might just pick you. Smooch!”

Of course, Sharon and I had worked on the wording for over an hour. When we had it nailed, we clinked our glasses together and laughed out loud for a long while.

I’d just ordered my second Scotch when the first man showed back up at my table. The song was a slow one. I offered him my hand, and he helped me to my feet. “I’m David.” He told me when I was standing.

I told him my name was Jill, and a few seconds later, I was polishing his belt buckle on the dance floor. He was a good dancer, about the same height as Harvey. I’m only five-eight, so I had to reach up to put my one hand on his shoulder.

When the song was over, I glanced around, but I didn’t see Harvey. That was a good thing. It wasn’t nine yet, so if he was coming, he was following my instructions. Of course, I knew he would come.

I had no sooner thanked David for the dance and sat down before the second man was there with his hand out. He was a little younger, perhaps mid thirties. The song was a lively two-step, which I hadn’t done in years, although it had always been my favorite dance.

I was lucky twice in a row. Jeremy was a great dancer as well—way out of my league, but he didn’t seem to mind toning it down to my level. “I haven’t seen you in here before.” He said immediately after spinning me around and then hauling me back in.

I showed him a smile and held up my left hand. He could clearly see the pale ring around my finger where a wedding ring had been. “Sorry.” He offered.

“Thanks, but I’m over it, or at least I’m working on getting that way.”

He grinned, “There’s nothing like a good dose of alcohol and some boot scootin to make your troubles go away.”

“And a handsome, virile cowboy to dance with.” I told him with my best imitation of a sexy, flirting tone.

When the song ended, even before we were off of the dance floor, I saw David already heading to my table. I didn’t have anything against him, but I liked Jeremy better. I turned and put my hand on Jeremy’s chest, “Why don’t we wait and see what they play next?”

He beamed with a wide smile, “I’d love that.”

While waiting on the dance floor to empty and the next song to start, I reached up and slid my hands around Jeremy’s neck. “God! I haven’t done this in forever.”

He slid his hands around my waist, “Then I’m glad you decided to come out tonight. And I’m glad I did too. Please don’t think I’m being too forward, but your ex is an idiot to let a sexy woman like you get away.”

I chuckled, “Why, thank you, kind sir. You could have said ‘fucking idiot’. I wouldn’t have minded.”

The next song was a slow one. It was obvious within seconds that my flirting was having the desired effect. Jeremy pulled me tightly to his five-ten slender body until my breasts were smashed into him. A minute into the song, one of his hands slid from my waist down to my butt. He didn’t knead it or grip it. He just rested his hand there.

I didn’t look around the club. I didn’t want to know if Harvey was there and watching, but I hoped he was. That was, after all, the whole point. I wanted him to watch his sexy wife flirting and being flirted with. I wanted his blood to boil with jealousy and lust.

When it was time, Jeremy escorted me back to my table with his arm around my shoulders. “I’ll let you rest for a minute or two, but not for too long.” He said with a chuckle.

When I finally scanned the club, I saw Harvey sitting at the bar. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was five after nine. He’d been right on time. Even though he was facing away from the dance floor, it was obvious he could clearly see it in the large mirror behind the bar. He was obviously playing along with the game, not sitting there overtly watching me, but biding his time to see what was going to happen.

Over the next hour, I danced with David again, Jeremy several times, and two other men. Jeremy was the only one who took liberties. Every slow song, he planted his hand firmly on my ass, but he’d moved past just resting his hand there. Instead, he kneaded my flesh through my jeans. I have to admit to it turning me on more than a little.

The last time Jeremy escorted me to my table, he asked, “Jill, may I join you at your table?”

I showed him a friendly smile, “Not tonight. It’s my first time out in a very long time, and I’m enjoying all the attention. I hope you’ll still dance with me some more though.”

He took the rejection graciously. “Of course.”

The band took a break, and the jukebox was fired up. A slow song came on that Harvey and I had danced to many times when we were dating. Sure enough, I watched him slowly make his way through the other patrons to my table.

“Would you like to dance, Ma’am?”

“Yes I would.” And I offered him my hand.

When we got to the dance floor and began dancing, he said, “I’m Harvey.”

“Jill” I said, showing him a friendly smile.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jill. I’ve been watching you from afar for a while now.”

“Oh? Why are you just now asking me to dance?”

“It looked like you were getting pretty tight with that lanky cowboy, and I didn’t want to cramp your style.”

I giggled, “Jeremy is sweet, and a fantastic dancer. He wanted to join me at my table, but I told him it was my first night of freedom after being dumped by my asshole husband, so I wanted to play the field.”

“Sorry to say this, but your husband must have been a lot more than an asshole to dump a beautiful, sexy woman like you.”

“Thank you. That’s exactly what Jeremy said.”

“Well, I won’t ask to join you at your table, but I would consider it an honor if you’ll let me buy you a drink.”

“Why, thank you. Scotch, if you please.” I said with a big smile.

When Harvey escorted me back to my table, I placed my hand on his chest and smiled up at him, “Don’t be a stranger.”

He smiled back at me, “Trust me, I won’t.”

After that, I knew Harvey was all in. If he hadn’t been enjoying the game, he would have let me know, even if only with a look or a tone. Quite the contrary, he seemed to be really into it. I’m sure part of him was curious how far I’d take it. I was curious about that too, but the alcohol was helping me feel sexy and naughty, and I loved it. I hadn’t had so much fun in years.

I could tell Jeremy was starting to feel his oats. During the last dance, his hands were really roaming over my back, sides, and ass. When he escorted me to my table, he said, “I have an overwhelming urge to kiss you.”

I smiled at him, “So, are you waiting on a written invitation?”

Hearing that, he immediately drew me to him and kissed me. But when he tried to make it a French kiss, I pulled my head back and put my hand on his chest, pushing him away. “Whoa, cowboy. Let’s keep it friendly.”

He appeared to be really embarrassed. The next time I saw him, he was heading for the exit.

With Jeremy not taking up so many of my dances, Harvey and two other men filled the void. I almost laughed when, during a slow song, I slithered into Harvey enough to feel his semi erect cock between us. I pulled my head off his shoulder enough to tilt my head and grin at him with a raised eyebrow. He just grinned back at me.

When that song was over, Harvey asked me, “Are you ready for another drink?”

I showed him a naughty grin, “Only if you deliver it yourself and bring your own drink with you.”

He nodded and hurried to the bar. When he returned, I scooted over next to the wall and patted the seat beside me. When he slid into the booth, I immediately put my hand on his thigh.

He shot me a look. “What?” I asked him.

He grinned, “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you’re trying to seduce me.”

“No, I’m not. If I was trying to seduce you, I’d do this.” And I moved my hand up until it was resting on his crotch.”

While my hand was still there, Harvey said, “I’d try to kiss you, but I saw what happened to the last guy who tried that.”

“He’d had one too many.” I told him. “You haven’t had one too many, have you?” I asked him, tightening my grip on his crotch. I could clearly feel his cock beginning to grow.

He chuckled, “No, not yet.”

I released his crotch, “Okay then.” And I repeated what I said to Jeremy, “Are you waiting on a written invitation?”

A half second later, Harvey was kissing me passionately. “Whew!” I said when we broke our kiss, and I wasn’t kidding. I couldn’t remember the last time he kissed me like that. I could feel the wetness in my pussy. “I think we should go somewhere more private and continue that?”

He chuckled, “My car has a big back seat.”

I knotted my brows, “Does it have room service?”

“No, but there’s a nice hotel up the street that does.”

“Much better. Let’s go.”

“Aren’t you going to finish your drink?”

“I can wait for room service.” I told him.

As we were walking out, he stopped me. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”


“There were two men dancing with you all night. Shouldn’t you at least say thank you?”

When I saw the sly grin on his face, I cocked a brow, “Oh? How good of a ‘thank you’ do you think they deserve?”

“Were they nice? Were they gentlemen? Did they treat you with respect?”


“Then the ‘thank you’ should be reflective of that.”

I stared at him for a long time, but his daring expression didn’t change. “Okay” I told him, “I’ll go thank them properly.”

Wow! Harvey WAS really getting into the game. Okay then, I’ll play. I walked up to the first man. When he saw me coming, he stood up. “Hi, I’m getting out of here.” I said, tilting my head toward Harvey. “But I couldn’t leave without giving you a proper thank you for dancing with me so many times.”

He smiled, “It was my pleasure.”

“And this is going to be my pleasure.” That said, I put my arms around his neck and gave him a very passionate kiss. When I pulled my lips away from his, I purred, “Thanks again.”

“Any time,” He said with a wide smile on his face.

I had to walk right past Harvey to get to the other man. On the way by him, I shot him a “that’ll teach you to dare me” look. But damn him, he still had that same challenging grin.

Before I got to the second man, I was determined to wipe that expression off of Harvey’s face. He saw me coming too, and I’m sure he’d seen me kiss the other man. “I just want to say thank you for all the dances.”

He was a much larger, very muscular man, and he was ruggedly handsome.

He chuckled, “Do I get the same kind of thank you the other guy got?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“What’s your husband going to say?”

“My husband?” I asked, confused.

The man grinned at me, “Lady, I wasn’t born yesterday. A lot of husbands and wives play the game you’re playing. I made him for your husband the first time the two of you danced.”

“Okay, you’re right. So are you going to play along or not?”

“It will be my pleasure.” And with that, he put his hand behind my head and drew me in for a very long, very passionate kiss. During our kiss, his other hand went to my ass and groped it. His hand that was behind my head slid down and began kneading my breast.

Holy shit! That was one hot, hot, hot kiss. Even after he finally broke that kiss, he didn’t release my breast. Instead, he spun me around so that Harvey could see where his hand was. And then he released my breast and slapped me hard on the ass. “Have fun tonight!”

None of what had just happened seemed to affect Harvey in the least. When we walked by that man on the way out, the man winked at us.

“What was all the conversation about?” Harvey asked me when we were outside.

“He knew you are my husband. He said he figured it out early on, so he played along. I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was going to do all that.”

“Did it hurt you?”

“No” I answered, but I thought to myself, what a question.

“Then if there’s no harm, there’s no foul. It all comes with playing games like that. Half the fun is not knowing what’s going to happen.”



“You need to take me somewhere and fuck me now.”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Holy shit!” I panted when Harvey rolled off of me for the third time. When I could, I glanced at the clock. It was after four a.m., and we’d been fucking for hours.

Harvey went to the wet bar and took out two small bottles of Scotch. He poured them into two glasses, added ice, and then handed me one. Before getting back into bed, he picked up the phone and asked the concierge to send him up a pack of Marlboro Lights.

When he hung up the phone, I scolded him, “You haven’t smoked in three years. What are you doing?”

“I haven’t fucked like that in three years either. I want a cigarette. Don’t give me a hard time about it, please.”

“Yes, sir.”

Later, after Harvey put out his cigarette and we were fading off, I teased my fingers through the hair on his chest and asked him, “What did you like best about tonight?”

“Last night.” He corrected me.

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Miss Crystal part 2

I won’t bore you with my weekend but suffice it to say  I had no money and was terrified.  Mostly because I knew I was going to give myself to Miss Crystal and that she was clearly cruel and sadistic.  But I had no real choice.  I could say no, not give her what she wanted.  She had given me an easy out, even encouraged me to take it.  I was allowed to say no but was just incapable of it.  I was compelled beyond my abilities to resist.  I needed to be a slave to a woman who would not hesitate...

3 years ago
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Strip Search World

In an alternate world, the constant threat of attacks by terrorists and criminals caused the public to become increasingly frightened. This fear pressed the government to create new regulations to help the people to feel more safe. Strangely, the government found that terrorist and criminal attacks were committed by females much more often than males. This resulted in the new laws being especially biased against women. Authorities had the right to strip a woman and perform a cavity search...

4 years ago
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A Samantha Mohr Christmas

I got to know Samantha Mohr some years back when we both worked in Atlanta. I took another job elsewhere in the south and moved away, but we stayed in touch. I now live near a college town that has an earth sciences program. Samantha sometimes comes out as a guest lecturer on meteorology, allowing us to get together for a day or two. A couple of years ago, she had scheduled one of these lectures just after Thanksgiving. She called to let me know the date, and we made plans to meet. Her...

3 years ago
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[Author’s note: this chapter directly follows the Prologue.] She grabbed him arm and forced him to face her, pulling back her hood to reveal a wild tangle of flame-red hair framing brilliant green eyes. She was incredibly beautiful. She was... “You ... you can’t be...” He staggered backward. One step. Two. Three. “She told me...” He fell to his knees, ignoring a cluster of sharp pains as they struck gravel and began sinking into the mud. “You’re ... you’re not...” “I’ve been waiting...

2 years ago
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Introduction to Bryce Chapter 1

MonicaMy wife Monica and I have three children that we love dearly. She’s a stay-at-home-mom and since we don’t have any family close-by, we rarely get any alone time, much less anything like the child-free weekend my parents gave us on our anniversary last year. We decided to save some cash and just drive the few hours to Houston and stay in a decent hotel. We shopped online for a deal on a room and managed to get a great suite in a 4-star hotel with a separate bedroom, Jacuzzi, and small...

Oral Sex
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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 7 Sunday

I woke up Sunday morning with him wrapped all around me. It was beautiful. And, yes, as I had hoped, I did wake up before he did. Now, how to get myself out of his arms and down where I wanted to be without him waking up? Well, very carefully, I suppose! I very gently took his top arm and very gently moved it from around my waist, putting it on his side. His top leg was around mine, too. That was a little trickier. I kind of gently nudged it with my leg. Luckily, it moved-in fact, he slipped...

4 years ago
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Daycare Charge

Little Accidents: "Oh no, oh no no no!" This was the third time in as many days that Christy had found herself in this situation: rushing to the bathroom with an intense urge to pee, fearing she may not make it in time. The first time she'd been lucky and managed to get to the toilet just in time to go, the second time she wasn't as lucky but had at least managed to get her pants off and only wet her panties. This time, however, as she rounded the corner towards the bathroom she was dismayed to...

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Wanking Fantasy Now His Lover

Having finally got to bed his boyhood crush after twenty years, thirty-seven-year-old Ben Luckhurst was ecstatic because not only had he bedded Gillian Hepworth, there was every prospect of bedding her again and again and again.It was about five in the morning and he had left Gill's hotel room about two hours previously but he had not had a moment's sleep as he thought back over the last few hours. He had attended the sixty-year-old Gills retirement party, a party to which he had been invited...

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Her Petite Possession Pt 1

Kate and Emma were kneeling on the floor of their flat looking at the glass jar, both with a look of amazement on their faces. In the jar was Kate’s boyfriend, now standing at only one inch tall. Of course they hadn’t believed the woman who claimed to be able to shrink people and Kate had certainly been joking when she’d asked for her boyfriend to be shrunk for the weekend. The woman hadn’t been joking and now here they were, two twenty five year old women and a naked one inch high guy. “Are...

2 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 4

Thursday morning, it is supposed to be Dahlia’s tern to wake me up, but she is under punishment. Instead it is Carol’s mouth I find wrapped around my cock when I wake up. Carol was my reluctant girl. I had to be careful not to push her too far. That isn’t the case anymore. Ever since the jocks tried to kill me and I fought my injuries to stay conscious and make sure she was taken care of, she has become a new woman and gave herself to me mind, body and soul. As soon as she sees my eyes open,...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Sex and Torture Club 2

CHAPTER 1 It was Friday evening. Bill and Connie sat at their kitchen tablediscussing the final preparations for the party. Their son Jimmy, and Kim, his girlfriendwho lived next door, had just left to pick up Angela. She was one of Kim's friendsand was due to be initiated into the club tonight. It really hadn't been necessary to pick her up since she only lived onthe next block, but it made it easier to tell Angela's parents a convincing story ifthey thought a group of the k**s were...

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Brians New HousekeeperChapter 13

An indeterminate time later, Kirstin sat up, looking down her nude body, spotting the smooth expanse of her sex and the complete lack of hair. “Oh god, that was...” she thought to herself, sighing in release before moving slowly, carefully setting her heeled feet down on the ground before slowly standing up. ‘I better get to breakfast and then begin cleaning’ she thought, her mind vaguely recalling what she was supposed to do this morning. Running her hand across her soft hairless mound, she...

4 years ago
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Kissin cousins And His Friend

I awoke feeling especially horny that day. I expected exciting things to happen and looked forward to my day unfolding. It was to be my last day at this particular job assignment and I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited out for happy hour drinks after work. I do mostly temp work, and rarely had the chance to socialize outside of the office. From the very start of putting on my cute skirt and matching blazer ensemble, my pussy tingled and was moist, if not wet, the entire day. Had I...

4 years ago
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The Traveling WizardsChapter 3

King Brent hurried through the corridors to his room. So preoccupied by what just happened he did not even notice his oldest son, Blake, try to get his attention. Once in his rooms, with the door closed and a glass of wine in his hand, Brent replayed the events of the last hour in his head. First he watched them have sex in a most unusual way. Then while she was doing this, she put his dick in her mouth. AND ATE HIS SEED! Then she let him fuck her, also in way he never tried before while...

4 years ago
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NightfallChapter 6

Jen realized that she was a much better actress than she had originally thought. She had managed quite well considering the circumstances. Her whole body tingled with pleasure at the thought of that kiss. She fought to suppress the emotions and it was an effort that left her exhausted and drained. Jason Williams looked at her with a knowing smile. He was an intelligent man who had sensed Devlin's possessiveness and had probably guessed what happened between them. Hannah was also a problem...

2 years ago
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Fucking my sister Swapna

I am Sandeep from Goa, my family consists of 4 members, Daddy, Mummy, me & my sexy sister Swapna. My dad works in the army & my mom works as a Nurse. This is a true incident that happened when I was 15 years old & my sister was 18 years old. I was in 10th standard & she was repeating her 12th standard Junior College. Swapna was tall and had a slim fine figure with light brown glowing skin, pretty face and sweet polite nature. We are from a simple middle-class family.Swapna used...

1 year ago
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My Experience With A Couple Of Bangalore

Hi, this is Rohit here from Bangalore this is my 6th experience and if any mistake please forgive me. Those who don’t know about me. My name is rohit I am 26 year old, 5.11 height, weight 65, and average body with the good big dick of 7.8 inch with the good stamina to fuck longer time. About that couple they both are 27 of age and they from Karnataka. She is smoking hot figure any one love to fuck her once they look to her figure. Her status is 34-26-34, the most amazing part of her body is her...

2 years ago
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Making A BitchinHeat

This happens to some women and you can only go along for the ride if it does, and I only blame myself for introducing my wife to big dicks. I became obsessed with watching porn with men fucking women with big cocks. I bought a big dildo for the wife and used it on her and that was the start for her. We could fuck for hours with a big dick in and out of her pussy, cum so many times with great intensity even to the point of crying, and having the feeling of numbness in and around her pussy....

4 years ago
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Honeymoon HotelChapter 10

Sue was troubled. Her thoughts and emotions were elusive as trout in a dark pool -- impossible to catch and examine. Something was wrong! She didn't know what it was -- but something definitely was not right. Earlier that next morning she had awakened -- languorously -- feeling more relaxed and happy than she could remember. She had been awake only seconds before the dream returned. Once again she had dreamed that Dick had made love to her -- violent, satisfying, and thoroughly enjoyable...

3 years ago
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13 months

Introduction: Captured 13 Months&hellip,it was thirteen months in captivity, now finally in the sanctity of my permanent home. We have lost one in our family, do not know if he is still alive&hellip,hope so. But we have also added three more to our family. Thirteen months ago, my husband, our two children, and myself were two months into what we perceived as a humanitarian mission. The mission precipitated by an unexpected windfall when we had won a portion of a large lottery the year before....

2 years ago
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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 15 Chapter 20

Rob woke slowly. It felt good to just lie here and relax. His whole body felt like he had been working out at the gym for hours and it was right on the edge of feeling tired and feeling like he was ready to go for a jog. The sheets were soft and warm. He searched his mind for someplace he had to be; but at the moment couldn't think of anything so he just let sleep reclaim him for a few more minutes. Finally, consciousness wormed it way into his mind and memory, or lack thereof,...

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Alice undergos DP training

Introduction: It was time for Alice to complete double penertration training……..then she could enjoy the same treatment as her whore mother fiona After the group fuck in the lane the previous night I was overly keen on readying Alice for some double penetration action. The following day I called Fiona at work and told her that I needed her to pop into town and purchase three or four dildos of various shapes and sizes and a couple of butt plugs, one small and one larger. Fiona knew better than...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Brooke Banner Sexy Mechanic Brooke Banner Satisfies

Imagine going to the auto shop to pick up your car and finding the legendary Brooke Banner as your sexy mechanic that not only works on your car, but works your cock, too. That is exactly what happens to lucky stud Evan Stone on today’s Penthouse premium porn scene and what ensues is some very hot pussy licking and blowjobs followed by nonstop fucking. With the way Evan cums all over her beautiful body, we can clearly see that he’s one satisfied customer who will be cumming back for...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 46 Lessons

April 2, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Well, I think this may have been a wasted trip,” Lieutenant Mike Washington said when he was ushered into my office. “Because of the Japanese decor?” “And me not wanting an assignment to Yokosuka.” “Don’t worry about it. If you prefer, I have a room with Western furniture.” “This is OK.” We sat down in the «zaisu» chairs and Kimmy brought me green tea and a glass of ice water for Lieutenant Washington. “If I can ask, and you can refuse to answer...

4 years ago
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When I was staying with my girlfriend in her shared flat in London, I finally realised how entranced she is by huge dicks. I've known for a few years that Mei gets really turned on by seeing or talking about bigger than average cocks, but until this weekend, it was just that - talk. I never really thought she would act on her sluttier impulses outside of our own bedroom, but perhaps she only needed the right lure. Last night I woke up alone in Mei's bed. This was a little strange because she...

1 year ago
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The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three

Introduction: This is a continuing story of a young white womans quest to bare a child for a black childless couple and her travels through rape and abusive sex with numerous black men! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three With the belt around her neck, the one brother buckled it choking her to the point of being difficult to breathe! Once this was done it allowed Deanna some relief, she had been told that to fight back and resist would guarantee the most brutal and abusive rape!...

1 year ago
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BangBus Michele James Book Nerd Gets Fucked on The Bus

This week the bus puled up on this nerdy cutie sitting by a tree reading a book. We made up some shit about paying people to review books. She seemed very interested, until we started asking questions about her pierce nipples that were visible through her shirt. She stormed off but we caught up with her and eventually convinced her with some dough to hop in the bus. Inside the bus it was game on son, we quickly got her to show us her big ass tits. Not long after, Jmac was stretching her pussy...

2 years ago
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Sacrifices to the Minotaur

Every seven years the Athenian youth shivered in fear, for every seven years seven youth, among the most gracious and beautiful, were chosen as tributes to be sent over to Crete. While the four young females and three young males boarded the dreaded black sail ship, miles from there on the island kingdom of Crete a lithe young woman was sneaking around the tall structure of the labyrinth. Her silky golden hair flowed behind her as she ducked out of sight to avoid a patrol. Everything about her...

1 year ago
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Wife brings Home Surprise

This is our first story, so let me give you a little information about us before I get started. We are a happily married couple. We love sex with each other and we like playing with others from time to time. My beautiful wife which I will call B is a forty year old brunette bombshell at five feet, two inches tall and a very shapely 130 pound body. She has Beautiful tan skin, 34 DD breast, and the most delicious shaved pussy you could ever imagine. She loves to dress sexy, and she draws looks...

Wife Lovers
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BrownBunnies Adrian Maya Jamie Marleigh Sharing is Caring

Adriana Maya and Jamie Marliegh are BFFs. roommates, and they look a lot a like. So who could blame Tony for sneaking up on the wrong girl? Tony pulled out Jamie’s brown tits thinking she was his girlfriend, but once he saw them, he wanted to see more. Jamie loves her bestie, but not as much as she loves cock. She started sucking that big white dick like she was starving, but just as things were getting good, Adriana walked in. You’d think she’d be mad about finding her boyfriend’s dick in her...

2 years ago
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Satisavitri Meri Mummy 8211 Part 3

Hi readers, mai Ajay aap sab logo ke liye apni kahani ka next part lekar aaya hun.1st or 2nd part me mujhe abtak koi acha response nhi mila hai.Plz meri story padhne ke bad aap jarur mail krna mujje. Ab mai story pe aata hun . Jisne kisi ne part 1,,2 nhi read ki ho to plz read kr lena tabhi ye part aap aasani se samajh skte ho. Karim uncle or meri mummy dono ek dusre ki bahon me jhum rhe the. Kabhi mummy uncle ke upar to kabhi uncle mummy ke upar. Uncle mummy ke pure sarir me apna hath ghuma...

3 years ago
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My First Time 2

Hi all, in my last story you read how i needed 10,000 from Roshan…(if u have not read part 1, please read it for context. Roshan called me later…. Me : Hi Roshan Roshan: arre chamilya…maan gayee tu? Bol kab choosegi? Me: Roshan, I just need 10,000. can u meet and we can talk?? Rosha: don’t waste time chamiya…main lodi garden aa jaata hoon. Maine tujhe kaha tha ke advance interest main ek blow job in a public place. Aaj kal andhera jaldee ho jaata hai. 7 pm? Kab se wait kar rahaa hoon...

3 years ago
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Talking Dirty To Your Woman in Bed

Talking Dirty To Your Woman in BedWomen just as men love to talk dirty as well as be a part of talk that is dirty in detail. Therefore, a man must know how to talk dirty to his woman. Especially when they are as close as possible in bed or somewhere else, he must know how to get her very excited with a use of choice words that will drive her over the edge of passion. How to talk dirty to your woman in bed is not difficult at all. Want to get her eating out of your hand and excited beyond words...

4 years ago
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The Evil Dead1

She gave a sigh. She had been driving all day, she was fairly exhausted. "This is fuckin' Bullshit." She said with an aggravated look at the road. She knew she had to stop somewhere and ask for directions but right now she was in what she considered hillbilly country. She shook her head seeing a wooden house up ahead of her with a few cars out front. "Fuckin' great." She said stopping in front of the house throwing up her hands, "some big 'ol stumblin' hillbilly lookin' mutha'...

3 years ago
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Someones Watching

My name is Lisa. One summer, my boyfriend and I got a wild idea that for our summer vacation we would drive down to the coast of Florida near the Key’s and get jobs and play all summer. My boyfriend Todd landed a job at a local hotel as a night security guard and I worked as a waitress at one of the local beach bars. Todd was always telling me about the guest at the hotel and their sexual escapades when they think no one is watching. Todd loved to watch. Watching all these excursions turned him...

3 years ago
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My Wife Rita

My wife Rita and I have been married for three years now and we have been very happy. She is twenty four now but because she only stands a little over 4' '7" and looks so young, you would swear she was only thirteen. She loves sex and is very multi-orgasmic. I have never met a women who could cum so easily or so often. Though she is very small she is very well proportioned and looks like a 6' fashion model in miniature. She has long golden blonde hair, wide hips, a tight ass, small breasts with...

2 years ago
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Online Biplay turns real ndash Part 2

…So, last time, Jimmy & Jenny were with Randy & Sally, tricked into having bisexual sex with them, which was their first bisexual experience ever. They later found out that the blackmail was a fake attempt to get them to share themselves, but Jimmy & Jenny really enjoyed bi-sex and were ok with it. But that was not the whole night, only the beginning…After everyone had cum, everything was quiet for a while, Randy was making out with his wife Sally while Jimmy was making out with...

3 years ago
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Dani Home Alone

Dani is a young asian college student in her early 20's. She lives with her parents and shares a room with her sister. Dani loves to masturbate but it's hard for her to play with herself because her sister is in the same room as her so she usually does it in the washroom or sneak it under her covers. Dani is rather average in height and skinny, she's a 34C. This week she was alone for the entire week because her parents were going on vacation and her sister was going on vacation with her...

2 years ago
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Remember, remember, as if you could forget the memories that are seared upon your mind. The clouds of forgetfulness hang heavy around you, but you must remember so that you can bring about justice to the one who has wronged you so evilly. Before this all began you thought that evil was just a concept, a word to be applied to something bad when it appeared on the television news or in the papers. Now you know that evil has a face, and you must remember. Remember! You remember that it started...

1 year ago
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A nympho Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello dear readers here are a wonderful Incest for you. It is totally different than my other stories. I bet you will come in your undies when you finish this story it is guaranteed. Read and comment your suggestions to my mail address It is enhance me to write more erotic. At the point of my life described in this story I had been fucking my mother almost daily for over two years. If you read the story “When I was sixteen” then you know how this...

3 years ago
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A Sylph Protected A Shootist Avenged

A Sylph Protected / A Shootist Avenged by Arcie Emm 1. A Sylph Protected Sascha focussed on the loading skiffs as they moved about the hold in their automated unconcern, content to be what they were. They did not need him, watching from above in the observation bubble, pretending that his presence was required, even though he knew it to be a lie. True, something could go wrong, maybe a skiff going out of control or breaking down, he was ready to react if that happened, had...

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Sister in Law takes a shower

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start this story by saying that I have been taking every chance I’ve had in the last twenty years to try and see my wife’s naked. I’ve had holes in walls and now I have a hidden camera with a remote receiver that I can hook up to a TV and VCR. The other day she came here for a few days to visit. The wife had the weekend off but went back to work early in the A.M. on Monday. I got up earlier then Terri and took my shower then I went out to my...

2 years ago
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About a year into my tenure with the airline, I was paired up with Tracy, who was a year older than me, and had already been a flight attendant for several years when we met. Shortly after our first shift together, I happened to walk into the cockpit while she was serving the pilot and co-pilot coffee just before take-off. I couldn’t help but notice that our pilot – Paul – was reaching under her skirt from behind and slipping two fingers past her panties and into her pussy as she bent over...

4 years ago
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Of Mice Men and Submission 2

They untied my hands and made me stand up. There was cum on my body and face and I could also feel it trickling out of my pussy and ass. I was allowed to go to the bathroom with Andrew, who cleaned my face of the smeared make-up, applied fresh, and braided my hair as to keep it out of my face. I let him work without trying to resist this time. I even used the toilet with him watching me. Not long ago, the shame of being watched would have made it impossible. Their words, “You will learn”...

3 years ago
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Imaginary story1

My name is Arjun and I am sharing with you an interesting episode in my life which turned out to be adventurous and happy for all. I am working in Delhi on a temporary job and was living in as a paying guest in Dwarka. My elder brother is working in Bangalore and stayed in a good flat with his wife Geetha. They are married for 3 years and have no children. We still have traditional way of life in the house. My father made big money on his job and after retirement when he became a contractor. He...

4 years ago
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Dorm Room Blow Job

One evening my wife was in the library on campus. She saw a guy from her biology class she thought was very cute. She told me he was shy, exceptionally shy. She went to the table where he was studying by himself. She sat down at the table across from him, made eye contact and said hello. He responded politely, but uncomfortably. She saw his eyes move from her eyes to her full tits which were thrusting out from her tight clinging t-shirt.She asked him a few questions about their biology class,...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Sisters Gift XIV

Part XIV End of Part XIII: With that she left. We knew she wasn’t upset with us, and we knew she loved us. I sighed and lay back on my pillow. My right arm was around Gabby while she lay on my chest. “I hope she finds it. I really do.” Gabby chuckled. “She already has. She just doesn’t know it yet.” I looked down at her questioningly, and she responded with one word. “Allison.” The next morning I woke up. Apparently during the night, Gabby and I had maneuvered ourselves into the classic spoon...

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 12

The empty office had once held a headhunting firm for the tech industry. They were often created to supply employees for a specific firm or company, signing up people for temporary positions that might later become permanent. Once the ranks have been filled out the employment agency would fold. That meant that office space like this changed hands three or four times a year. This office space had been unoccupied for six weeks and was due for renovation the following week. But till then there...

3 years ago
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I Was a Handyman

I was busy at work when I got a page for a phone call. When I answered, it was Kathleen saying, "Oh Trev, sorry to bother you at work but I need some help." I aked her what the touble was, ans she said, "My damn garage door is stuck closed, and I need to to be downtown for an appointment - can you run over and rescue me?" I laughed and told her I would take my lunch break and be there in fifteen minutes. "Oh, thank you - you are a dear," she said.I hadn't had any female contact for some time,...

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Jessica 4

Jessica woke dazed and sore, and sticky from the layers of dried cumthat had coated her body. She shivered in pain. Nightmares had tormented hersleep. She dreamt that she was drowning, but the blue-green sea was replacedby oceans of white sperm. Every time she raised her head, a wave of milkysemen would crash over it. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms, but tono avail. Over and over the white storm buffeted her about. Her every muscleached and cried out in agony. Choking and...

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Private Stacia Si The Debut of Stacia Si

Today in Private Specials, Young Nymphos 4 we have the pleasure of introducing you to Stacia Si, a cute teen with sexy tattooed skin who has come to for her debut with stud Nik Rock XXX. Watch this teen beauty strip off her dress and reveal that tight sexy body as she gets down on her knees for a sloppy blowjob before spreading her legs and letting her man get a taste of that sweet pussy. Then enjoy Stacia impress in her first ever scene as she goes on to enjoy a passionate fuck...

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Love of Politics Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Thinking It Over – Together I would like to say that the week following our final surrender to the fact of our mutual affairs with Mark and Phyllis were blissful and unmarked by stress. But that would not be true. We skirted the issue time and again, touching on it, then veering away. It was Friday when David began the serious talk about our weekend. It was bed time. ‘We should talk about this, … I think …’ David began. He was sitting on the end of the bed taking off his shoes. ...

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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 9

As you can guess, the following week went by slowly. I got a few ‘alone time’ moments in the shower to pleasure myself. My sister got caught in her little lie about where she was that weekend, so there was little to no privacy in our room that week. When Sunday rolled around I could barely contain myself. That night I heard a car pull in next door. I peeked out my window to see my neighbor climbing out of his Mother’s vehicle. He turned around and saw me looking at him through. We made eye...

First Time
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Double TakeChapter 14

“Heaven is not as narrowly literal-minded as hell.” —Poul Anderson, Operation Chaos FRANCIE WAS ALL OVER ME as soon as we walked in the house. She knocked one of my crutches loose and I almost fell over. She grabbed hold of me and held me up while I regained my balance and kept apologizing over and over. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just got excited. Don’t be mad at me, Jacob. I’m sorry.” I managed to get upright and clear of her before I hauled off and smacked her on the butt. Her jeans...

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