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Metamorphosis of Number 50 - Part 1 Chapter 1 - The Interview Jeffery Smith knew death all too well. When he was growing up, his younger sister lost her long battle with cancer. Trisha or 'Tish' as Jeffery use to call her, was diagnosed with cancer after doctors' had found a tumor the size of a ping pong ball inside of her brain. Tish lived with the disease for a painful eighteen months. His sister had given all they she could, but the pretty 11 year old with such an easy going demeanor had lost her battle with cancer. She died on a warm, sunny spring morning in her bedroom, surrounded by her family. Uncle Phil, who was a mortician, took care of the arrangements for Tish's death. A few day's later she would be put to rest at Greenlawn Cemetery. Tish was now gone forever. Jeffery's parents were devastated by her loss and his mother had grown into a severity of depression that she would never escape. Tish's death also had a profound impact on Jeffrey and he would look upon death as an inescapable reality. A very adult lesson for a then 12 year old kid that was already struggling between his boyhood and being a teenager. ********** A few years later Jeffrey's parents were on a much needed vacation. Jeffrey's mom was feeling some respite from her depression over Tish's death, so the timing was right for a second honeymoon between his parents. On the way back from their trip, Jeffrey's parents plane had engine problems and it was soon evident that the plane would crash into the Atlantic Ocean. Jeffrey's father had enough time to call his brother Philip from his cell phone. He made him aware of his imminent demise along with Jeffrey's mother. Moment's later, all 232 passengers had perished on the commercial airliner. Uncle Phil was given custody of Jeffrey. He was surprised at how well Jeffrey had taken the news of his parents death. He wanted to make certain that Jeffrey would not slip into the same kind of depression that consumed his sister-in-law. So it was decided that Jeffrey would work part-time with Uncle Phil at the funeral home on top of his studies at school. Uncle Phil thought it would be best to keep his nephew busy so that he would not dwell on the deaths of his parents or his sister Tish. Jeffrey was 16 when his parents died. Working in the funeral home had a somehow cathartic for Jeffrey. Being around death became so familiar to Jeffrey. Being exposed to those who officiated the wakes and funerals and listening to Uncle Phil's philosophy on life and death, Jeffrey was mentally prepared for his own death. Morose though it sounds, the lingering thought of such things allowed Jeffrey to be grateful for what he had and looked forward to living his life to its fullest. Uncle Phil worked it out so that he would at Greenlawn Cemetery as a grave digger. Jeffrey's small, thin frame did not prohibit him from doing such hard work. After his junior year in high school, Jeffrey had paid his dues and Uncle Phil decided to hire him to work at the funeral home. Uncle Phil taught his nephew his trade, and like all good morticians, he showed Jeffrey how to pay close attention to every detail and to assure the deceased looked their very best for family and friends. ********** Jeffrey was ecstatic that college was finally over. With his diploma in hand, his hard work earned him a degree in mortuary science from the esteemed Brierwood Academy. Brierwood was a college specific to careers that were specialties related to death. One could become a medical examiner with the suitable credentials of having already being a medical doctor. Another career was in criminal investigation. There was even a school for cryonic studies. Jeffrey choose the school for its reputation in the mortuary sciences where one could be a funeral director, embalmer, or a crematorium technician. It was a warm sunny day on the Brierwood campus during all of the pomp and circumstance of graduation. Uncle Phil beamed with a broad smile as he watched his nephew receive his diploma. Jeffrey, your parents would have been proud of you son. Yes, I know they would. Then his Uncle Phil tried to be less somber and decided to talk about Jeffrey's career. Jeffrey, you know you always have a job with me at the funeral home. Uncle Phil, I appreciate the offer, but I want to make it on my own. I'd like to earn my keep in this world. Maybe I'll return to the funeral home one day, but I need to move on. College has shown me that there is a world beyond the borders of our little sleepy village. Uncle Phil put his arm around Jeffrey. Just remember son, you can come home anytime, no questions asked. Thanks Uncle Phil. I love you Jeffrey. I love you too Uncle Phil. ********** In the weeks that followed, Jeffrey slowly began the process of finding a job. With his resume completed, he scoured the internet for any job proposals. Another month had passed there seemed to be no luck in sight. Not one interview. Jeffrey was beginning to feel dejected and he sighed thinking there is always a job for me at my uncle's funeral home. With one last ditch effort, he decided to place an ad on one of those job listing sites. Jeffrey created a short, but sweet entry that read: MORTUARY POSITION WANTED - Young energetic, experienced grad in mortuary science seeking a full time job at funeral home, cemetery, or morgue. Call - 892-3589. Only series inquiries - no jokesters allowed. After posting the ad, Jeffrey waited. The first day nothing. The second day nothing. Two weeks later, still no luck. Depression began to sink in and he knew it would deepen further if this was going to turn into months. Then one night, as he was falling asleep, Jeffrey's laptop began to blink. The thought crossed his mind to answer it in the morning, but he was having trouble falling asleep. Jeffrey rose to his feet and walked to the desk. Once there, I grabbed the laptop and flung it back onto the bed. He jumped back in, propped up some pillows and opened the laptop. An email alert. Jeffrey opened the browser and navigated to his email account. As he clicked a bunch of buttons on the keypad, he finally arrived at the email message. It was from a funeral home in Park Hill, Iowa. The funeral home was aptly named, Park Hill Funeral Home. Jeffrey mapped it out on the internet. 1,200 miles away from here, right into middle America. That seemed far enough away to suit Jeffrey. Truth be told, Jeffrey wanted to get away from some of the memories of the tragedies that befell him. What with his sister Tish gone and his parents being taken from him so abruptly he felt it was just time to move on. Sounding somewhat desperate he opened the email message and read it: To whom it may concern, I read your ad regarding your desire to seek a position with a funeral home and practicing the art of mortuary science. We would like to extend an interview to you for a entry-level position in our company. We offer a good salary and great benefits package. Your appointment is at 8:15 a.m. the day after tomorrow. Pick up your airline tickets at your local airport. They're already paid for. When you get to Park Hill a black town car will await your arrival. Look forward to your arrival and interview. Penny Rose Office Manager This was great news, for Jeffrey and it could not have come at a better time. He thought about how his uncle would feel if he got the job, but Jeffrey reminded himself that he was very frank about making it on his own. Then a smile grew on his face as Jeffrey had a positive outlook on this impending interview. Tomorrow, all of a sudden, was looking up! Chapter 2 - The Interview The next day Jeffrey woke up bright and early. 4 o'clock in the morning actually. Of course, he did all of the things you would expect from a young man about to go on an interview. He showered, cleaned his dress shoes, and wore the blue suit with a matching tie. He was nervous just enough to keep him on his toes, but not too much to make him act oddly or think irrationally. He made sure he had a few prints of his resume and references inside one of the pockets of his lap top bag then placed it in his suitcase. Jeffrey had a light breakfast, grabbed his suitcase and his Uncle Phil drove him to the airport. You're going to be okay. Yea sure Uncle Phil. Remember, what happened to your Mom and Dad was a fluke. You should be safe. I know Uncle Phil. It's okay. I'll be fine. Such a grown man you are! You've done very well son. I love you. Love you too. And Uncle Phil. Jeffrey pauses for a moment. Thanks. Uncle Phil and Jeffrey hug each other. Unknowingly, this is the last time that they will see each other. ********** The plane ride was uneventful. When he emerged from the Park Hill Airport terminal Jeffrey felt a breeze in the air and noted that it was a little cool for a mid-summer. Then again, he was in a different part of the country. He was in Iowa now. A black town car signaled to Jeffrey and took him straight from the airport to funeral home. He would have to check into his hotel later. Once in the town car, Jeffrey realized that the funeral home he was going to was not in town. After about 35 minutes, the car turned on to Park Hill Drive and stopped at a gate. He could see a small unobtrusive sign on one of the gate leaves that said, Park Hill Funeral Home. Flanking the gate were two large brick pillars. Beyond the pillars on either side was a continuous brick wall. It must have 12' to 15' high. Very impressive as it seemed like it would keep unwanted criminals and vandals from entering, but it dawned on Jeffrey that it could easily keep anyone from escaping. That was a strange thought. Why would anyone be kept in from escaping. He figured he had been reading too many novels and that may have put that last thought in his head. Some of areas of the brick wall were covered in ivy, which gave it a regal feeling. The wall went on forever. He watched as the driver spoke into an intercom. To Jeffrey, the gates mysteriously began to open. After being fully extended, the town car rolled forward and ascended up the driveway. Flanked by an al-lee of mature oak trees, Jeffrey could only saw the stone cobble driveway. With a smile, he somehow felt a little like Dorothy walking on the yellow brick road. After about ten minutes, he began to realized the size of the property. This is quite a large property, even for a funeral home, he thought to himself. Ten more minutes passed and the town car finally reached an opening in the the trees. In front of Jeffrey lied a huge mansion. This must be in the estate section of this town. This funeral home was so far beyond the funeral home that his Uncle Phil owned. He stopped to admire the structure. The building was dripping with architectural features on its grand facade. Mansard roofs, columns of various types, thick and rich adornment around each window and door. It was also tall and massive. Four stories and two large wings at each end. It was incredible. Jeffrey thought it was bigger and more grandiose than even the White House. The town car slowly passed beautiful fountain until he got closer to the house. Finally, it came to a full stop under the porte-cochere. He imagine town cars and limousines dropping off or picking up people to take them to the church or to the cemetery. The driver got out of the car and open the passenger door to let Jeffrey out. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the front door. The door was no different than the front gate. It too was out of scale with the height of any normal person. Like the gate, it was adorned with complicated detailing. The oval windows on each door were in a custom design and it looked to be made out of crystal. After about a minute, and shaking out some of the butterflies from his stomach, Jeffrey knocked on the door. A very tall man in a black top- hat and coat, opened one of the very large doors connecting the porte- cochere to the house. Jeffrey entered. In a bass-baritone voice the man spoke. Please state your business. I have an interview with Miss Rose at 8:15. This way. He gestured Jeffrey to walk through the front entry. Then the man closed the front door. The tumbler moved and the door was now locked. Jeffrey stood still and waited for what he now assumed was a butler. This man, who did not say much must of been 6'-9" or 10" Jeffrey thought to himself. Jeffrey was only 5'-7" so this butler towered over him. They were now in a living room or a receiving room as Jeffrey guessed. Jeffrey was asked to take a seat. May I take your bag, sir? Uh, yes, uh sure. Wait a minute. Let me grab my laptop bag and then you can hold on to my suitcase. Jeffrey, suddenly realized how odd it would be for him to drag his suitcase around a funeral home as big as this one. The butler took Jeffrey's suitcase and left the room. This is certainly the Mac Daddy of funeral homes. Jeffrey thought to himself. He thought this must be the place where billionaires come after they die. The place was so well appointed. He looked around the room and could see some areas in the trim-work that were surely gilded in gold! Again, this was so much more than what he had been used to or even had in his mind's eye as he thought about what this funeral home back at the hotel. The butler in the black top-hat returned about ten minutes later. He showed up with a lavishly styled beautiful woman under his arm. As she approached Jeffrey stood up and was nervous again. The woman was tall, beautiful, and very blonde. With a strange accent, she answered. I am Elsa. You muzt be Mr. Smith I would prezume? Yes, I am here to... She cut me off. Yez, I know why you are 'ear dahling. Elsa placed her right arm into Jeffrey's left arm and led him out of the receiving room. The two strolled down the main corridor and proceeded to go up the main staircase. Jeffrey looked down at the white marble steps and counted each one in his head and then he and Elsa ascended to the second floor. She guided him down another hall, which was adorned with expensive artwork and beautiful chandeliers. The money invested in this place, such as this, boggled Jeffrey's mind. At the end of the hall was a cream colored door. They led him into an office with a small waiting area. There was an assistant behind a work station typing on her computer. She was young, with black hair and glasses and like the woman at the hotel she too was very attractive. Patty!! Mr. Jeffery Smith is here for his interview with Ms. Rose. The young lady, quickly jumped up and went through a large ornate wooden door. Moments later she came out again. Miss Rose will see you now. The clock read 8:14 a.m. Elsa escorted me into the fantastically huge office. Behind an oversized oak desk was a woman in her 40's and seemed flawless in every shape and form. She looked like a younger Raquel Welch. Long hair that was styled perfectly, and make-up on her face that only accentuated the lovely curves on her face. Have a seat Mr. Smith as she gestured towards one of two winged-back chairs in front of her desk. That will be all Elsa. Zank you Ms. Penny. Mr. Smith, I hope we will zee each other again. As Elsa departs from the room, she closes the door slowly behind her. Mr. Smith. Welcome to Park Hill Funeral Home. She extends her right arm and Jeffrey gently shakes her hand. He studies her alabaster skin for a moment then looks up into her beautiful emerald eyes. Good morning Ms. Rose. Oh, please call me Ms. Penny, its a preference of mine. She looks at a grandfather clock in the room. 8:15 a.m. My you are punctual. That's good. I need someone who can make it to work on time. This striking woman pauses for a second and a broad smile comes across her face. Did you bring your resume? Of course, of course. Jeffrey took a copy of his resume and handed it to her. Impressive, very impressive indeed. Your credentials look good. For such a young man you have been doing this sort of work for some time. Tell me about yourself and your experience thus far as a mortician's apprentice. Jeffrey goes into great detail about schooling, his years with Uncle Phil, and his part-time work at the cemetery back home. My, my your Uncle Philip sounds like an interesting man. So Jeffrey, I don't see a need to have you come back for a second interview. Could you start today? Jeffrey look a little startled that a job offer was being given to him right there on the spot. Ms. Penny continued. Actually, could you start now, at this very minute? Jeffrey was a little tongue-tied, but managed to speak. I suppose so. Fantastic! Then it is settled. You will be on my employ from this day going forward. We'll work out the details later. At that point, Ms. Penny spoke into an intercom. Elsa, could you be so kind as to give Jeffrey a tour of the house and the gardens as well? From the intercom: Of courze my lady. Moments later Elsa returns with an odd smile on her face; as if she is all too happy to receive Jeffrey again. She quickly slides her arm around his and they embark on a very special tour. Meanwhile....outside at the gate we see that the butler has taken down the sign that says "Park Hill Funeral Home." Is it possible that Jeffrey has gone to a place that inherently does not exist? A place where he cannot be found. To be continued....

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Introduction: HE DIDNT REACH WHO HE WAS TRYING TO CALL, BUT HE MET ROXY, WHICH WAS EVEN BETTER! Could I possibly be more irritated? I thought to myself as I thumbed through a stack of porno magazines. I had to get out of this foul mood, and I hoped an erotic story or two would help. I was ready to give up when my cell phone rang. I answered and was caught off guard by the deep young voice on the other end. Is Annie there he asked. Im sorry, but Im afraid you have the wrong number. I said in...

4 years ago
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Wrong Number

The light was flashing on the answering machine. Hoping it was my sister, I eagerly punched the button as I slid out of my coat. The deep, masculine voice startled me. "Hey, Mick, its Nate. I got those tickets to the game. Had to do some sweet-talking, but they are so worth it, buddy! Second row, courtside ... we're in, man! Call me when you get back from London Thursday night. Damn, will that phone never stop? I have to go—this new secretary isn't cutting it..." I had no idea who this...

1 year ago
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Senior Year Part IIChapter 14 Pride Fear Guilt Pick a Number

Monday December 26 While I enjoyed spending the night in Palm Springs, the drive back to Malibu in the morning was a nightmare. I think karma was trying to balance out the great day we had yesterday. When I arrived home, Manaia and Lexi were waiting for me. “Hana quit,” Lexi announced when I walked in the door. “What? Why?” I asked. “She took Jiro home for Christmas to meet her family. I guess Jiro and her dad had words. Long story short, they broke up, and Hana decided she would stay...

1 year ago
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Real Horny Housewives Tales Sorry Wrong Number

Evelyn was at a crossroad in her life. At forty-five, with her two kids away at university and her husband working long hours and travelling, she was struggling with how to fill the hours of the day she was alone with meaningful events. The recent months had proven to be especially challenging for Evelyn. Her sexual appetite had spiked and she often found herself daydreaming of a myriad of sexual fantasies.Evelyn frowned as she read the text from her husband. She had just sat down at a table...

1 year ago
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Wrong Number

It’s late, but you’re always up late. Your phone buzzes with a message and you grab it from the coffee table.Hey U upYou don’t recognise the number. Even as you read the message another arrives.He just left but I’m still horny as fuck lolA subtle thread of excitement shoots through you but you know what you need to do.— Sorry, I think you have the wrong number. Sounds like he didn’t do enough for you thoYou put the phone down and go to get a drink, thinking that will end the matter but before...

4 years ago
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Sorry Wrong Number

At the end of a very long day Sandra walked down the hallway of her tiny walk-up apartment and kicked off her shoes before falling onto the soft leather couch. Her little pussy was resting quietly waiting to be petted by her soft delicate fingers. Sandra loved to pet her pussy and her pussy loved every second of her tender strokes on her needy special places. Soon, her pussy was purring with sheer delight and Sandra used both of her hands to satisfy her pussy all over. Sandra called her pussy...

1 year ago
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Winning Numbers

What would you do if you suddenly discovered you had won the lottery? Okay, I know I'm not your typical lottery winner. I almost never played the thing. I only bought the ticket because I was feeling so depressed. My divorce had become final the week before. Hell, we hadn't lived together for over a year, so that shouldn't have depressed me, but it did. I was also having problems at work. I was an electrical engineer and had been working for the same company for five years. My boss told...

1 year ago
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Whoops Wrong Number

I frowned at the dressing room mirror. The skirt I was trying on was cute, but I couldn’t tell if it was too short or just short enough. I snapped several photos to send to my friend for her opinion. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really paying attention and accidentally sent them to the last person I was texting, a cute guy I’d met at the gym yesterday.Shit! I frantically sent him another message:“omg wrong number sorry!!!”I tried to suppress a groan of frustration. I liked this guy. He was tall,...

2 years ago
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Wrong Number

Awhile back, my job took me away from home a few days at a time. My wife began to feel adventurous while I was gone. It all started when she accidentally called the wrong number while trying to reach my cell phone. Apparently she had reached a horny black man who was well versed in seducing white suburban MILFs. She had told me what had happened, when I got home. It was a bit exciting, but I thought nothing of it. My wife was a 38 year old blond with a great body, 5 foot three about 120 lbs,...

1 year ago
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Wrong number clicked as right number

Hi ISS readers this is Shams, based at Mumbai, 31 yr old married, having a Kid. I have been reading stories since last many months but never ever thought of posting one of mine. This is the first time I decided to do it only for the readers. It happened 2 years back, I was working for a bank as an Asst Manager in loan collections, I had to call up a customer of mine who had missed his payments and as it was month end closing, I was aggressively following up with him for payments. He was...

2 years ago
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The Wrong Number

I picked up my cell phone and answered it without looking at the display. A sobbing, female voice said, “Daddy?” Being that I had no children, I responded, “I’m not your Dad. I think you have the wrong number.” “Sorry,” she sobbed. “Pardon me, I’ll try again.” A few moments later, my phone rang again. A considerably calmer voice replied to my ‘Hello?’ with, “Oh, no. Did I misdial again?” I said, “That’s OK. You misdialed twice now and got me both times. It bothers me to hear a girl cry....

2 years ago
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My Favourite Number

69. There’s no better number in my opinion. Technically, it’s just a number, but let’s admit it Lushies – we all know what pops in to your mind when you think of it. I’ll admit, I’m exactly the same. In fact, I’ll even go in to detail. This is what I think of. I am in the shower, the hot water streaming over my skin as I chat to you from behind the curtain. Unfortunately our shower is just too small to both be in there together, so you are waiting patiently for your turn. Finishing up, I turn...

4 years ago
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Unlucky Number

Sitting at the bar one evening Brian was bored but as horny as hell. The place wasn’t exactly pumping and the few guys that were there weren’t registering anything above four on his lust-o-meter. He had formerly been to bed with two of the men milling about, but those encounters had been infinitely forgettable.Lifting his glass he sipped the last bit of wine before putting the empty glass back on the table. He looked at his watch and contemplated leaving. Brian’s cock then twitched, giving him...

Gay Male
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Number. My phone chimes to alert me that I have a text message. Checking it I see its from Belinda who disappeared some time ago into the bath leaving me alone in the living room with our Daughter Holly, snuggled up watching T.V. I open the message and it simply says 'I need your help.' Gently disengaging myself from Holly I climb out from under the blanket we are sharing and wrap it back down around her and head into the bathroom thinking that she wanted her back scrubbed. This is...

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Cuckolding by Numbers

Isn’t it amazing what people get up to behind closed doors? In their day to day lives people are accountants, photographers, managers, researchers, manual labourers, security advisors, spies and all sorts of other professions. Behind closed doors, fetishes are unlocked, behaviour changed, like the flick of a switch. If they are lucky – they share their fetish with their partners; if not, they look for it elsewhere or become bitter; dwelling on the hand that life has dealt them.It never fails to...

3 years ago
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Spanking by numbers

I was in bed with my husband Mike one Saturday morning, we sleep naked so were nicely entwined with each other. We are a very sexual couple and we were just gently fooling about and starting to turn each other on. Mike was stroking my tits with their long pierced nipples encouraging them to grow and get really hard and I was  doing the same to his prick. Mike asked me to turn over so that he could work on my back and bum. So over I turned and settled down for some fun.Mike pulled the duvet off...

1 year ago
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Ding Dong Wrong Number

A month before I got a call on my cell. As soon as I lift the call n said ‘hello’ I heard a sweet voice of a lady from other end saying ‘hello’. She asked for the person she called for and it came to notice that she dialed the wrong number. She herself said ’sorry’ and disconnected the phone. I called her up again and asked whom did she called for. She said ‘I m sorry I have dialed the wrong number’. Again she disconnected the phone. After sometime I sent her a message ‘Sweet voice, can I...

2 years ago
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I Lost His Number

Disclaimer: All characters are over eighteen years of age. This story contains gratuitous drama and inordinate amounts of sex that never result in chafing. Editing credit: Blind_Justice Copyright © 2012 redskyes Prologue Kyle and I had been dating for just over a year. His firm had two offices, one in Houston, where I lived, and the home office in Rockport. Kyle frequently bounced between them, but we managed to find time for each other. We were introduced by our coworkers at a party after...

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Age Was Just Number

While getting my drink on after a hard week of work I started getting that feeling of kinkiness. So i watched some porn and got myself more worked up for some freakiness. So i head to the gloryhole after i shower and fixed another drink traveling cup. It is about 3:30 am so only freaks and pervs are out like So i pull in to place only a few cars are there as expected . So I go in pay and go to the gloryholes . It seemed pretty empty and only a few boothes were occupied an not anyone...

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Age Really is Just a Number

It was Sunday morning and I was working at home trying to finish a proposal for a client. I'd worked on it all weekend and I was finally finished. I just needed to print it, and then I could meet the guys at the gym for our squat workout. I hit print and got the dreaded "low on ink" message. Damn it, I thought. I hit 'Ok' and it printed but smeared ink across the 2nd of five pages. Fuck. This was for one of my best clients. She always insisted on a paper proposal and we sit down to go over it....

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Lucky number

I have read the stories on this site. Some of which are really horny and mind blowing. I dont know weather all these stories are true or not but it is a nice way to share our fantassy & real happenings. Now im telling you my true incidence which happened with me some 10 months back. To start let me tell you about me,i am 27 years old smart guy belonging a well to do family . I am with smart features capable of making girls & ladies staring at me.I am normal buit body with height 5’9″ and cock...

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Walk Like a ManChapter 17 And Now For My Next Number

Dad got back from his trip and almost immediately called a family meeting for that evening. The fact that there were just three of us was not lost on me. I remembered the only time we had a family meeting involved moving from Iowa to Oregon. Oh brother! Don’t tell me we’re moving again! Well, with my plans at Eastern Oregon, I wouldn’t be with them. I had a hard time digesting my dinner that night. I had no idea what Dad wanted to talk about. I noticed Mom didn’t seem particularly worried,...

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The Phone Number

Hello again. So, I called that blonde from the loading dock about three days after I got her phone number. We had an amazing first date and we’ve been seeing each other (read that as fucking like rabbits) for a few months now. To say it is a non-traditional relationship would be a gross understatement. *wink* For our first date I picked her up around 8 PM and we went to try this new Asian place near where we work. The whole way to the restaurant she was rubbing my thigh and feeling my cock...

Group Sex
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"What a nice uppercut to Johnson- and he's out!!" The announcer screamed out, as the fighter known as 'Ignition' threw his arms up in celebration after an exhausting 3 round bout with Johnson. "Let's go!" You scream out towards the TV, quickly doing a celebration as your favorite fighter just won the title belt. "Hell yeah! Ignition is the best fighter in the game right now." You smile as you come back down from your high, plopping back onto the couch next to your girlfriend. You can't help but...

4 years ago
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Age is just a number

I was sitting on the two seater sofa with a naked young Cindy on my lap stroking my rigid cock, I was watching Anne wearing nothing but suspender belt and stockings and a pair of six inch high heels dancing with Cindy's husband Stuart, who was wearing nothing other than a grin.We had met the two of them through adult friend finder at our first attempt at Internet matchmaking, we had to admit at being surprised at their interest as they were just 19 and 20 and had been married for a whole of six...

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Age Is Just A Number

Hello guys. Hope you people are doing well. People may know me by my stories. For new readers, well this is Rakesh, age 22, cute lad and now in my last days of engineering. Well, this narrative isn’t mine and one of my acquaintance. He wanted to share revenge sex story with the world as things like this can actually happen. Feel free to give your views after reading it at or you can Hangout me if the email address fails to work for you. Lets Start. Hello this is Sandeep. I am working as a...

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A Wrong Number

Hi I am Raj 30 year from Mumbai I m regular reader of sex stories 2 day time for my own real experience. This happened when I was in Bangalore, I was sending one sms to my friend and by mystically(mine friend no was not saved in cell I remembered that) it have gone to Aditi whos is 30 year old jain lady from Mumbai and having 1 son 5 years old. I was wondering why I am not getting reply from my friend so I dialed the same no which I have send the message and what I hear a very sweet voice that...

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Three is a Hole Number

By Larry Malone Tayla was a former girlfriend who became a fuck buddy and opened me up to unexpected new experiences. We dated for a while at first but it was soon evident that all we had in common was fantastic sex. When we stopped dating and became “close friends with benefits” we really got closer to each other. Other than the sex, she became the sister I never had and for her I was the brother she wished she had. There wasn't anything we couldn't discuss, ask. explain, or do for each...

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Three Is a Magic Number

My name is Lois Lynch. I am almost thirty now and even though I have been married for almost five years, we have no children. In all honesty, that is because my husband Edgar insists on wearing a condom at all times. He is quite attuned to the cost of raising children and has lectured me incessantly about the financial stain that having a little one would put on our household expenses. When we decided to finally take a well-earned vacation at the shore, I expected it would be at one of those...

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Motor home number

I knocked on the door and a tall good looking lady of about sixty years answered my knock and said, "Good afternoon, Sir. We have been expecting you. Come in!" They introduced them selves as Bob and Ann. Both were clad in business attire, he had a tie on. "Have I come at a bad time?" I asked."You seem to be dressed for a business meeting." "Oh no," he said. "We always dress like this. I was beginning to see some of their problem. They were never relaxed around one another. "Well if you want me...

Group Sex

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