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Due to the limitations of plain text, I have used the accent mark, ', to denote a character's thoughts Stranded By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas It was a beautiful day when we took off from the tiny airport just south of Cancun. Four of us were heading out for an expedition in Costa Rica. Our flight path was to take us out over the ocean for a quick look at some pristine islands off the Central American coast. These were the stuff of legends, uninhabited nodes of paradise in a chaotic world of disaster and plight. As we headed out over the waters, the view was nothing short of spectacular. The blue-green mix of the sea water glimmered below. Sharks, dolphins, and other aquatic creatures were performing their dance of life. Calvin was at the controls of our small plane. It had belonged to Calvin's grandfather, but Calvin inherited it when the old man passed. Martin was in the co-pilot's seat. Reed and I were seated in back. The four of us had been roommates since our first semester at college. While we all moved on to different living quarters during our sophomore year, we managed to keep together. This was our outing for the year. Each year, we got together at the close of the school year and took a month or more to make some grand adventure free of all the trappings of our increasingly complex lives. Calvin was an adventurer in old tradition. He sought out new things to do for the sake of doing it. He reveled in new experiences and challenges. Most of what he experienced he wrote into his journal. His goal was always to find something new and tell people about it for the sake of knowledge. He was pure of heart in this sense, and I admired him for that. Somehow, I suppose, that is how I came to be on this trip and all the other trips we'd taken. Martin was an adventurer for machismo sake. He sought out new things to prove he was man enough. There was no experience he would not face with a warrior's gusto and determination. He sought to conquer and tame. I think Calvin kept him around mostly for the brutality of it. Martin could be counted on to take on the most daring of tasks, and that served a purpose to the greater goal of knowledge for Calvin. Reed was an adventurer for the sex. He went on adventures to impress the ladies. He also went on adventures in the hopes of finding some exotic princess. Where ever we stayed, Reed could be found at a brothel at least once during our stay. Calvin, I suspect would be just as content to leave Reed behind, but he was Martin's friend. That left me. I was the adventurer's sidekick. Calvin and I had become friends because of our mutual interest in ancient civilizations. While Calvin was the one to charge of in search of something, I was content to read a book on the subject and wonder. Calvin insisted on my coming along to help him verify things, and I had gotten used to the idea of the travels. I generally wrote fiction based on our adventures, but I had never attempted to get anything published. It was about an hour into our flight when things started to take a turn for the worse. We had seen the storm on the horizon for abut twenty minutes, and we really thought nothing of it since thunderstorms were common this time of the year around these parts. However, as we approached this storm, it became evident that we were in for a very bumpy ride. Calvin continued to guide the plane through the storm. The electricity was wreaking all sorts of havoc on the instruments in the cockpit. We were strapped in to our seats as tight as we could. I could see Reed was beginning to feel the effects of the jostling in the cabin. Suddenly, we heard a crack, and Calvin spouted a curse. The plane began to fly erratically. I could see Calvin fighting with the controls more than ever with little to no avail. We were doomed. By that time, our altitude had dropped considerably, and we were headed for a crash landing at sea in a violent storm. Calvin was able to crash the plane with enough control to give us time to get the life raft deployed. Reed and I were in the raft when I looked to see the plane starting to sink into the water. Calvin had made it out, but Martin was stuck. Against, all better judgment, Calvin returned to the sinking wreck to try to get Martin out. That was the last I saw of him. "NO!!!" I screamed into the wild water. I felt so helpless. I couldn't believe what I had witnessed, and I hated myself for not being able to do something about it. I had not realized that I was half out of the raft when I was suddenly yanked back inside by Reed. "They're gone, man! You're only gonna get yourself killed too!" He was right, but still I found it necessary to hit him. Under most circumstances he would have decked me, but I think he too was in shock of the terrible thing that we had been a part. *** I woke with my face in the sand and waves gently tickling my feet. I looked up and saw a beach. I had made it to the shore somehow, and the storm had passed. The storm had tossed us around, and we had taken on a lot of water. We saw the hint of land. We made our way toward the vision, and the last thing I recalled was a crashing wave. I propped myself up and looked around. I did not see Reed at first, but I did see the remains of our raft. So, I made my way over to it. About that time, Reed appeared from the other side of a large outcropping of rocks. "Fuck! I didn't think we'd make it!" he yelled. I nodded my head in agreement, and I proceeded to drag the raft further onto shore. I looked around for evidence of the high tide level. With the storm having stirred things up, it took a bit of observation, but I managed to get the raft to where I thought we'd be safe from the threat of the tide. "What are you thinking?" Reed asked pointing at the raft. "Well, maybe we can use it as some sort of shelter until we figure out where we are." "Do you think we are on some sort of island?" "More than likely. See the sun?" I asked pointing to the sky. "Yeah." "Well, judging from where we were on our flight path and the position of the sun, I'd say that is the East." I pointed out to the open water, and I saw Reed make the same conclusion I had. "Shit." he said with resignation. "I guess were stuck for a while." "You might be saying that." I affirmed. "Let's set up a camp, and see if we can find anything to eat or drink. Then, tomorrow, we can see if there is more to this place, and maybe a way out of this mess." *** We had been keeping an eye on the sky hoping that there might be some sign of a search for us, but we had not seen anything. Fortunately, we did happen to be in some sort of paradise. Finding edible plants was quite easy, and Reed even managed to scrounge up some crabs and enough wood to build a fire and cook them. I was busy plotting our finds on a piece of bark I had pulled off of a tree as I plotted a strategy for the day. I was not certain if we should explore our island now or wait a few days in hope that a search was underway and would find us here on the open beach. I decided to hold out for one or two days before exploring anything too deep into the jungle. Reed had agreed with out reservation. The remains of the raft served as a source of shade for most of the day, but midday made our lean-to rather useless for serious protection. I proceeded to get a bit of a burn, and I was rubbing coconut milk on my skin in an effort to soothe the burning when Reed saw a ship on the horizon. "Ian! Look!" I looked out across the water. The ship was hard to make out, but it looked like a mercantile vessel of some type. I knew that they were not looking for us, nor were they going to see us. I think Reed could sense my assessment when I turned and walked back to our camp. "They're not gonna come for us." he said as he plopped next to me. "Man! I don't know how long I can survive this. Eating fruits and fish. No beer. No women. Fuck! I'm never gonna get laid again!" I just looked at him like he was completely mad which is what I was thinking. All he could think about was not getting some. That was the worst thing about being stranded on the island for him. Sure, I suppose we could have had sex if we really wanted, and I was beginning to worry that Reed might really want. "Dude, relax." I said. "At least, we have plenty of food. We won't starve to death." "Yeah, you're right, but still." He looked at me and sighed. "Oh, well." *** Much of the next two days were just like this first day. I mapped while Reed hunted and got the food. We had also built a makeshift hut. Meanwhile, I had plotted enough of the shore line to decide that we were on a fairly small island, but I was only making a guess more for my amusement than anything. On the morning of the fourth day on the island, I decided to explore the interior some. There seemed to be a good bit of elevation change, and we could see a small peak of some sort in the not too far off distance. So, we fashioned a couple of sacks out of our shirts and headed into the jungle. The thick vegetation made the going slow. We were getting cuts and scrapes from all sorts of leaves and thorns. At one point, I seriously doubted the logic of heading into this wilderness. As we continued our trek, we encountered a stream that ran down from the direction of the mountain we were climbing. It was there that I saw the first sign of an ancient civilization. It was just a couple of rocks to Reed, but I could see the clear markings of what had been a carving of some sort. I decided to adjust our path to follow the stream. It was getting close to dusk when we ran across the temple. I was anxious to look inside, but I knew that we would need to camp for the night and the dark would make it difficult to explore. So, we stopped at the entrance to the structure, and set up our camp for the night. I sat inside the entrance to the temple as Reed fell asleep. I could see curious carvings of humans, but they were fairly damaged from weather and vegetation. As the night progressed, my excitement kept me from falling asleep. Finally, I gave up, and in frustration, I grabbed one the torches we had built and headed into the temple. In side, the carvings and other markings became clearer. It seemed that this was a shrine to some sort of fertility god. What I could not discern was whether it was human fertility or soil fertility. They seemed to be intertwined. There were scenes of what appeared to be defeated warrior entering a pool on one side and young maidens exiting the other. I continued deeper into the temple until I entered what looked to be a large room. It was hard to make things out in the room for the little light that I had, but it appeared there was some sort of a platform in the center. There was a freshness to the room. The air was heavy and humid yet cool compared to the outside. From the center, there seemed to emanate a faint glow like the moonlight. I crossed to the center and approached the steps cautiously. The climb was steep, and the slipperiness of the stone made it all the more difficult. When I reached the top, I could see this was not a platform, but rather, an elevated pool. The seeming glow came from the water itself and gave a grayish blue-green hue to the water. I stooped down and touched the surface. The water was cool, yet there was an odd tingling sensation on my fingertips as I touched the water. As I shifted to stand again, my feet slipped out from under my on the slick stone. I tried to regain my balance, but it was futile as I fell into the pool of water. There seemed to be no bottom to the pool, but my buoyancy pulled me to the surface. I gasped for air as I broke the surface. I could feel a burning on my skin as if I'd fallen into a vat of acid. I struggled to find the edge of the pool. The burning was made my movement seem to tear me to shreds. I finally reached the edge, and the burning subsided. I climbed out of the pool, and tumbled down the steps. *** I woke up with an awful headache and the rest of me feeling terribly strange. I reached up and touched my head to find a horrible bump where I must have hit it during my fall. As I turned and pushed up on my hands and knees, two things startled me. First was the fact that I had hair hanging around my face, and second was the odd sensation of wiggling weight on my chest. I brushed the hair out of my face and sat back on my haunches. The weight shifted. I still could not see very well. So, I let one of my hands fall to my chest, and I gasped at what I found. While my chest was registering my hand's soft touch, my hand was registering BREAST. My other hand shot up and confirmed the first hand's diagnosis. That sensation on my chest was two nice round, firm, respectably sized breasts. I jumped to my feet and slipped a hand down the front of my pants. My worst fears were confirmed when my hand told me that it had found a perfectly normal vagina. It refused to provide any information on finding a penis. I couldn't believe what I was feeling. I let my pants drop to the floor, and I bent over to look, not that I could see anything. I closed my eyes and continued to let my hands tell me what they were finding. They were feeding me familiar information of the sensations of touching a female body, but my body was feeding me foreign information of where it was being touched. Unbeknownst to me, I had a visitor that was witnessing all of my touching. I was startled when I realized there was a flicker of a flame, but it was too late for me to react. I was suddenly off balance, and falling towards the stairs to the pool. I caught my fall on my arms and tried to push myself up. There was a weight pushing into my back and suddenly I felt something prodding at my buttocks. Before, I could fully register what was happening to me, I could feel something tearing its way into my newly formed vagina. I cried out in pain as I was torn from the inside. Whatever was behind me, began to thrust deep into me as I burned with agony. Suddenly, there were a couple of quick jerking movements by my violator, and it was over nearly as quickly as I had begun. I felt him relax, and I turned and swung in the dim light. I connected with something as I felt the pain of bones crunching in my fist and heard the sound of staggering and a thud. My pants were still around my ankles as I tried to run, and it only caused me to fall again. As I stood back up and pulled my pants up, I looked to see that the room was getting brighter. I now could see my attacker getting up. It was Reed! "You fucking son-of-a-bitch!" I screamed in my new female voice. I looked around and found one of our torches lying nearby. I reached for it. "I'm sorry." he stammered. "Sorry doesn't cut it for what you just did, asshole!" I proceeded to swing at him with the extinguished torch. In my fury, I failed to connect more often than not, but I had Reed in a full retreat. As he crawled on his back up the stairs, he was begging and pleading with me. "I'm sorry. I thought I was dreaming. I didn't..." "Dreaming! I'll show you dreaming, fucking bastard!" I screamed. "Really, I..." He was at the top of the steps trying to get into a standing position when I swung at him again. We both slipped and fell into the brightly glowing teal green water. I didn't feel the burning, and I was able to find a set of steps and my way up and out of the water. I got up onto a larger edge where I could stand more steadily, and I turned to see a young woman splashing her way to the top of the water's surface. 'Serves you right, asshole. Maybe, you won't like so much when some jackass rapes you.' I thought, and I watched coldly as she struggled to get out of the water. "Fuck!" she screamed as she surfaced, and then she yelled it even louder when she got onto the edge of the water. "What the fuck happened to me?! Oh my God! This has to be a dream! NO, this is a fucking nightmare!" "It is a nightmare, but it is real, and it serves you right!" I yelled back at her. Reed looked at me with the new feminine eyes he now had. "Ian?" the girl said with shock and realization in her voice. "Is that you?" "Do you need to ask?" I snapped. "I... How? I mean..." "Save it. There is evidently some mystical power to this place, and it looks like we are stuck." "No! We can just jump back in!" she said and she turned to hop into the pool again. "Forget it! I was just in there again, and look at me! I'm still a fucking chick!" Reed just stared at me with her eyes, and then she began to cry. "Oh, shove it, bitch! At least you haven't been raped by some horny jackass." I snapped as I turned and headed out of the temple in a fury I had not felt in a long time. I heard the Reed's footsteps behind me. "Where are you going?" "Away from your sorry ass, and this horrible place." "But..." I didn't stop I just kept walking. "And don't follow me!" I added for good measure even though I could tell she had stopped her pursuit. *** I continued along the stream for a few hours, and then stopped when I reached a waterfall. I crouched down on an outcropping that overlooked the falls and contemplated my existence. I had a fleeting thought of taking the plunge, but I decided that it was not the solution. Besides, I could rest assured knowing that Reed was in the same predicament as I was. I spent the rest of the day around the falls, eating fruit, and drinking of the fresh water. I thought about what I had seen on the walls of the temple. I thought it very strange the more I thought about it. I surmised that defeated warriors were sent into the pool to be transformed into wives for their captors, but I couldn't imagine this island being large enough for warring tribes. However, I still knew little of the island, and there were the other images that were too worn to make much sense of in the darkness of the night. I sat and watched as the sun began to set. I remained on my out cropping as the cool night settled in. I longed for some warmth, but exhausted, I fell asleep despite my discomfort. *** After a couple of days on my own, I walked my along the beach. I had reached the shore by the middle of the previous day, and I had spent my second night alone on the beach. It was mid-afternoon when I finally found the camp site that Reed and I had established. It was vacant but not seemingly abandoned. I could see fresh footprints in the sand and a pile of gathered fruit and coconuts. I was uncertain if I wanted to see Reed again after he/she had raped me. It was of little consolation to me that she too was now a woman. However, I was comforted by the fact that she had brought my shirt back to our base and made it to appear as such once again. While as ill-fitting as my pants, it was nice to have some sort of cover on my upper body. I curled up in the make- shift hut and napped. When I woke, I could hear a rustling outside the hut. I peered out and was shocked to see Reed in his male form sitting around a small fire. "What the hell?!" I said in complete confusion. "I wondered when you'd be back." he replied. "You might want to take a trip back to that temple if you want to try one more time." he continued without looking at me. "But I thought..." "So, did I." he said as he rose to face me. "I waited for you to come back, and when I took a bath the next day, I was transformed back." "Well, it worked for you because you weren't raped!" Reed's face grew long. "I am sorry about that..." He hesitated for a moment and continued. "But you never gave it another try after the first day. I realized that my change back occurred more than a day after I first changed. Perhaps..." I hadn't thought of what he was saying. Maybe he was right, and there was a time constraint on changes. I was heading towards the jungle as he was speaking his theory. "Dude, wait. Don't you think it's a bit late in the day to be heading up there?" he asked. "I want to get back to normal as soon as I can." I snapped. "It will be dark in less than an hour. You'll get lost. We can go first thing in the morning." he tried to reason. I hesitated, and I realized that he had a point. I did not want to get myself lost in the jungle again. So, I reluctantly turned around and headed back to our camp. I sat there watching the darkness settle in for the night. The moon was full and bright, and the stars were fabulous in their overwhelming number. Reed and I exchanged some idle chatter, and I was beginning to forgive him for what he'd done. His argument made some sense. Neither of us would have expected to see a girl in that place doing the things I was doing at the time. Still, I wondered about a guy who would rape a girl in his dreams. "Doesn't it feel weird?" he said as our conversation moved over to our experiences. "Yeah, I suppose. I guess I've gotten a bit used to it." I said. I really had not realized that I was better adjusted to my new body than I had given thought. I hadn't even explored it and the apparatus that came with it beyond the exam I'd given myself in the dark that night I had transformed. "I was glad to find we could change back, but man, it sure was fun. Hell, it could get addicting." "Addicting?" I asked surreptitiously. "Yeah, you know, the orgasms and shit." he paused to study my face. "You mean you haven't..." he made a suggestive nod. I looked at him like he was half crazed. Was that all he thought about was sex? Wait a minute, I used to think about it a lot too, but I had been so stressed that I hadn't given it any thought. "Shit, you haven't explored your new equipment?" he said in shock. "Well, as opposed to some people, I think of more than just sex!" I snapped. "I... Oh, never mind." he paused. Then, I saw something click. "I could show you..." I jumped up. "No way!" I screamed. "You fucking raped me once, and I am not up for round two. Contrary to your belief, it was far from enjoyable!" I turned and stormed into the hut. I lay there mad at myself for nearly forgiving him while simultaneously considering his comments. There could be a benefit to at least exploring this body before I switched back to my old form in the morning. So, I began to let my hands explore my body. *** I woke up less eager to get to the temple than I had expected. I was considering remaining as I was for a little while longer after my experience last night. It had been an interesting time to say the least. I had half expected Reed to come bursting in on me with carnal desire. I did notice however that he was dealing with it on his own. I smiled with appreciation at that thought. Before I hesitated much longer, I turned toward the trail we'd made towards the temple. I was amazed at how quickly I was able to get to the temple. The path had only been traveled three times previous to my knowledge, and yet, it seemed as a regular route to the mysterious building. Once at the door, I paused only briefly to take a deep breath before walking through the doorway. I strode up the stairs and looked at the teal-green water. I was uncertain if it would be worth my time since I still had doubts about my ability to return to a male form. I walked over to the steps leading into the pool. I put in one toe just to feel the water. I was welcomed by that burning sensation I'd experienced before. Knowing that the magic had returned for me, I surprised myself by stopping there. I thought about the night before, and turned and headed towards the exit. I took the time to look more closely at the pictures on the wall. They began to tell another story. When I returned to the camp site, Reed greeted me with a complete look of shock. "I didn't expect to see you." he said. "Like that. I mean." he added. "Me neither, but I got thinking." I paused to see his eyes light up with curiosity and excitement. "Now, don't get carried away, but I know I can change back. So, I figure I might as well capitalize on this a bit." I stood up where I was and began to remove my shirt. A cold chill washed over me as my heart began to pound. I was nervous about this course of action I was taking. The thought of having sex with a man was disgusting in most regards, but I let myself be convinced it was ok since I was now a woman. Hell, it would be better than homosexual sex I figured. I just could not figure if I was being gay or not. Mentally, I was a man, but physically, I was female. The paradox was insurmountable, but I convinced myself that it was for a greater knowledge. In an effort to get past the knowledge that I was about to have sex with a man, I imagined that I was the man, and I was about to have sex with the babe that I found myself to be. As Reed touched me, I imagined what he was feeling, but slowly, I began to soak in what my body was feeding me. I was being betrayed by the sensations. Reed was suckling my breasts. I could feel his hand on my thigh as it slowly and delicately moved up to my new sexual organs. As his tongue continued to tease my nipples, he was gently massaging the outer rims of my vagina. I was being consumed by burning waves of passion. I wanted this now, and it had consumed me to where I was not conscious of my thoughts. I only wanted to feel the pleasure I was feeling. I gasped as I felt something slip between the lips of my vagina. Reed was slowly letting his fingers slip into me as he massaged my crotch. Each penetration became deeper and more electrifying. I was grappling at the sands of the beach as my body arched in response to his touch. It seemed impossible that the same act that was horrifying a few days ago was so invigorating this time. I realized the difference in the body's reaction when it submits to an act. I was consumed. *** For the next four days, we continued having sex at a ridiculous rate. By the time I was in my eighth day as a female, I found myself getting lost in the embrace, yet I was growing weary of the constant gyrations. We mutually decided to lay off of it for a while. I am not sure at this point why we didn't consider a swap of sorts where Reed would be the girl and I could be the guy again. Day eleven rolled around, and I should have been concerned with my state of mind. For three days, Reed and I had coexisted with no sexual activity. For reasons that still elude me, I never thought twice about going back to the temple. I spent most of my days wandering around looking for things to eat and generally exploring the island, and I suppose Reed was doing the same. When I returned to the camp site that evening, I was feeling a burning need inside of me. I figured that my body was just having withdrawal from sexual activity, and the site of Reed's muscular body was only serving to heighten my carnal desire. I struggled with this in my mind for a brief moment, but I figured that I knew this was temporary. Besides, Reed was right. We could have sex and it wouldn't have to be gay sex. I just accepted the act as both of us satisfying a carnal need. There was nothing more to it. I just happened to be the female. I was troubled though at how intense my desire was at this moment. It was almost as if Reed could sense my desire. When he turned around to greet me, there was a look in his eyes that drew me in even more. I knew he could quench the fire inside of me. I walked to Reed like a predator on the prowl. My heart raced as I grabbed his head and embraced him full on the lips. In a moment, he lifted me off of my feet by my buttocks. I obligingly wrapped my legs around his waist as we continued our lip lock. This was the first time since my submission to my state that we had actually kissed like this. It only served to heighten my passion. As Reed began to lay me down, I started unbuttoning his pants. It was not long until our bodies were both naked, and our embrace became an intertwined melody and dance. I wrestled my way to the top and let the feel of him against me bring my passion higher and higher. I knew he wanted to penetrate me, but I kept control of him as I slid along his length with slow deliberate strokes. Slowly, the fire inside of me was raging, and I could feel my first climax coming. As it approached, I began to let Reed slip inside. As my passion swelled, I took him deeper. My climax was like nothing I had experienced before. It was long and drawn out. It consumed my body. I was begging for it to release me while wanting it never to end. I felt as if I would explode and implode all at the same time. When Reed released inside of me, we both collapsed in exhaustion. We had not said a word for the entire experience, and for that, I was glad. *** Another few weeks passed, and I should have been worried about my state. I had been a woman for just over a month, and I was not considering changing back at any point soon. I had grown to appreciate the role that Reed played in my day to day life. At any point, I could have made my reverse transformation as I regularly returned to the temple and studied its walls. Maybe, I could have asked Reed to be my "girl" for a while, but I never took that action. I woke up one morning about a month and a half after first becoming female not feeling very well. I was having a terrible feeling of nausea. I couldn't figure out what I had eaten. As Reed prepared breakfast, I sat on the beach clenching my knees to my chest. Several times, I nearly vomited. Finally, Reed brought me some food which I was not really sure I wanted to eat. However, I ate, and that gave me some relief. *** Over the next week, the pattern continued. Whenever I got hungry, I would get very ill to my stomach. I was beginning to think that I had somehow caught a disease of some sort. Some mornings, I was convinced of it as I felt I would die. Fifty-seven days into our ordeal, Reed and I were awoken to the rush of a fighter jet passing over at low altitude. We found this odd, but I had little hope. Reed rushed out of the hut to see what it had been. I knew that it was gone, but then, I heard the sound returning. Then a second fighter made a pass, and we could another coming over the ocean. Reed began to wave his arms in time for the third plane to pass. We were not sure what to think. "They saw us. They had to have." Reed said. "Hopefully, they'll send someone to get us." I didn't feel the same level of enthusiasm. I didn't think that a fighter would really feel that we warranted a scout party. I think Reed could see this. "Maybe, now you should head up to the temple." I looked at him for a moment. He was serious. Though I regularly visited the temple, it was the first time in over forty days that either of us had actually mentioned the temple. I was stunned for a moment. "Yeah, right." I said in a disbelieving tone. "You do want to get back to normal, right?" Reed said a bit confused and a bit hopeful as well. I looked at him with a look of scolding confirmation. "Of course I do." I snapped. "I am just..." "Just what?" "I don't know if this is going to lead to anything." "Well, if no one comes for us in the next couple of days, I'll gladly take a dip in that pool and you can make me your girl." he said bluntly. I looked at him a bit amused. So, I was "his girl"? I thought. Well, not much longer would I be. I turned and headed in the direction of the temple. Reed had kept the path fairly well marked. I am not sure why he had done this since I had not been back to the temple since I found out that I could return to normal again. By midmorning, I was at the entrance to the temple. My heart was racing as I dealt with a conflict within myself. I was eager to get back to my male self, but somehow, I felt as though I was leaving something else behind. As I walked in the temple, I could hear the distant sound of choppers approaching. I walked up to the teal-green pool of water and hesitated one last time. My heart raced as I touched my breasts and felt my crotch slowly soaking in the sensations they fed me. Soon, these sensations would no longer find their way to my brain. As the sound of the choppers became louder, I jumped into the cold water. I climbed out of the water and sat on the steps. This just could not be right. I had felt the burning the day I decided to stay in female form for a while. Why had I not felt it this time? It was clear that I was immune to the transformative properties of the water, but why? Was it all the sex? Was it the timing? It all did not seem to compute since I had transformed in the first place. I sat there stunned. I heard the sound of a chopper taking off. I knew that Reed had left the island, and that I was now alone. I sat crying at the realization that I had be duped into being a woman and abandoned. *** I startled awake to the sound of voices approaching. It was late afternoon, and I looked around to see that I was still in the temple and still female. I looked at the pool as the voices got closer. I touched the water with my hand and felt nothing but cold wetness. I slowly stood where I was and turned toward the entrance. As I approached the entry, I was greeted by four soldiers in fatigues. I stood there in disbelief at what I was seeing as did the sailors. I knew that they did not expect to find a naked woman. Quickly, one of the men gave me a blanket in which I could cover myself. As I sat in the Chopper being checked for my vitals, I looked out over my home for the last two months. It was then that I began to cry realizing that I was most assuredly going to remain a woman for the rest of my life. It had all began with a little curiosity and ended with a fateful to decision not to change back when I had the chance. Still, I could not understand why I had not been able to change back that time when it seemed I could have earlier. We landed on the aircraft carrier, and I was led to the ship's surgeon's office where I was examined further. The nurse asked me a question that I had not considered. "When was your last menstrual cycle?" she said. I gave her a blank look. I had not had a menstrual cycle. It dawned on me then that I should have had one since I had been female for more than long enough. I think she saw the look in my face. "I see." she said flatly. "The doctor will be in to check you over shortly." The ship's surgeon walked into the room, and a chill ran down my spine. She was a hard looking individual. She spoke little, and when she did, it was short and direct. Some of the things they asked of me did not make much sense to me at the time, but it sunk in later. I sat there after being completely examined. I was given some standard issue clothing. It was the first time that I actually put on clothes that were intended for my body type. A chill of permanence rushed through me as I put on the panties and bra. The realization of being female was confirmed by the symbolism of these simple garments. The doctor walked back into the room. "Your tests show that you have fared quite well." she stated. "You're friend did manage to contract Malaria which it surprises me that you did not as well. I think I can say with certainty what has been causing your nausea." "And?" I said impatiently. "You are pregnant." she said bluntly. She could see the utter shock in my eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised. You were isolated with a man for quite some time. I don't imagine either of you brought protection. It is just natural in a stressed situation like that but you have a decision to make about the baby." she ended and headed out of the room. Shortly, a nurse came and escorted me to the deck. Coast guard chopper was on the flight deck, and Reed and I were boarded. We left the Navy vessel and landed on Oahu. For most the trip, Reed looked at me without saying a word. I knew what was on his mind, but I avoided any conversation as I stared out the window. I could not yet grasp the fact that I was pregnant, and it had taken me a while to realize what the doctor had meant when she told me that I needed to make a decision about the baby. "Dude!" Reed whispered in my ear after we got off the Coast Guard chopper. "What?" I snapped not wanting to be interrupted from my catatonic state. "I thought you were going to change back?" "I was." "But what happened?" I thought about it for a moment, and then, it hit me. "I couldn't." Reed looked at me clearly confused. "I'm pregnant." I continued. "Now, that I think about it. It is probably why I wasn't able to change back." Reed's face was white as a ghost. "I... I... I..." he stammered. "Save it." I snapped. "We both fucked this up. I just need to figure out what I am going to do about it." "Do about it?" "Yeah, dimwit! I can either have this baby or..." I didn't want to think about it beyond that. I had always been an opponent of abortion, and now, I was faced with an unwanted pregnancy to accompany my unwanted womanhood. Reed kept his mouth shut. I could see that he was not sure if he should run or what. I knew there was no chance of him being there for me and the baby with the terrified look in his eyes, and that bothered me somewhat. Knowing his womanizing ways, I didn't necessarily want to be with him, but I was terrified of having this baby alone. Hell, I was terrified of having a baby period. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about all that I had lost in the last couple of months. I was scared for my future, but I had no past as I was now. How could I face the world, pregnant, alone, and destitute? *** As my pregnancy continued, I contemplated the images more. I began to sense that there was something more happening in the story they told. I often thought of returning to that place once I had given birth, but how I would get back was beyond me. Reed offered to stay with me and the baby, but I refused. I didn't love him, and I knew he didn't love me. He did, however, have the decency to establish a trust for our little girl. As for me, I got to start school all over again. I decided to rewrite some of my adventures I had had with Calvin, and I dedicated my first novel to his memory. On March 17, 2002, I gave birth to my daughter, Calvina Patrice O'Connor. It was a bittersweet day. El Fin

Same as Stranded Videos

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STRANDED (Shifu’s Birthday Present) 2/7/08        I kicked the flat tire again.  I cursed it in my head.  I swore at it over and over.        ?Need some help??        I gasped as I jumped and turned to face the man who pulled over to help me.  My left hand clutched my chest as it beat rapidly within its confines.        ?Oh my God, you scared me,? I gasped for breath.        ?I’m so sorry.  I pulled over and saw you cursing and beating your poor car and thought you might need a hand.?    ...

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A Week At The Office Part Three

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Horny Woman

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Dinner in Bangkok

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It was one of those hot, muggy nights that seemed to make even breathing a chore. The crickets were playing their little violins and the katydids were joining in in full force. I was lying in my bed trying to sleep, hoping that the occasional flicker of lightning off in the distance might indicate that we were going to get some rain to cool us off later in the night. Our motel, "The Straight Flush" was filled, so Mom had turned on the "NO VACANCY" sign out front. The door between my room and...

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It8217s A Family Affair 8211 Part 4 How We Make Dreams Come True

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The Last Bus

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Dear JohnChapter 13

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A Great Show

Tonight was a really special night. I could tell from the time that he said good-morning, that he was really interested ending the night in a good way. I anxiously waited for his return home from work. As he walked in the door, I was washing the dishes. As I stood at the sink , he came up behind me and lifted my hair so that he could kiss, nibble, and suck on my neck. He knows this is a huge weakness of mine and causes my knees to go weak and goose bumps to pop up all over my body. As my knees...

Wife Lovers
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Lovers ShadowChapter 17

The next morning I began to wake as a huge weight dropped from above and wrapped me in its arms. “Mmm,” I mumbled. I cracked my eyes open to see the beaming face of Lady Michele wrapping me in her embrace. “You did it!” “What?” “Passion Mill made it through the night. The web is far stronger now than at first bell.” Lord Morgan rubbed his eyes, grumbled and said, “Greetings, Lady Michele.” “You two met?” “Oh, yes!” she said. “It was wonderful. I might even tell you some day if you tell...

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Pebble BeachChapter 13

We stripped off and stood under the shower heads. When we built the ablution block we decided on communal showers, this put four shower heads in both the male and female blocks. The water was nice and hot, the pressure was good and there was plenty of it. Rosie took to it like a duck takes to water, she stood under the spray and gave that satisfied shiver all down her back. "This is great Jim, the pressure is better here than the shower up at the house." "And we have endless hot water...

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Body SwapChapter 27

We flew out to Tenerife on the last weekend in July and the villa we had was situated in Los Gigantes. This was the first time either Katy or I had been in Tenerife and we spent most of the time exploring. With Joe and Isa we walked across the lunar type landscape where they made the Star Wars films and ended up at the base of the Volcano El Tilde. We visited the smugglers village and walked from there down to the beach where the smugglers used to bring their goods ashore. It was an arranged...

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A New BeginningChapter 11 Bound and gagged

Though I was pretty sure they had certainly finished dinner, and had gone downstairs to their bedroom, I was quiet as a mouse coming in. As the alarm hadn't been set, I knew there wouldn't be any problems coming in, and having Steven seeing that. (Though at the time I had no idea he wouldn't be able to anyway). I stood at the top of the stairs listening for a moment, smiling when all I did hear was the sound of music playing, coming up from their bedroom, which told me two things. One ......

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Free Service To Neighbour Bhabhi

I am sharing one of my sexual experiences. It was April and the vacations had already started. My wife had gone to my in-laws place alongwith my daughter. My parents had also gone to native place to attend a marriage. I was alone at home. Even two of our other neighbours had gone to their native places. Only the Marwari jeweller family staying next door had not gone. Surprisingly, the two brothers and their wives had stayed back. The marawari family was a strange one. The elder brother was a...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Eleven

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Eleven: Patchover "So... you've scratched my itch, and a few other places." Jill Saint John sat at the breakfast table with Cassie. They were both dressed in silk dressing gowns and complimentary hotel slippers. They had just showered and Jill wore fresh panties and nothing else. Cassie wore a pair of panties straight out of the wrapper, donated to her by Jill. She had stayed the night and for breakfast. "You didn't come to Vegas just...

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Paideia and sororitas

 April called, “Come in,” and for the third time in two weeks Brenda Valois stuck her head around the door, her pert nose and light blue eyes as always making April wish she were ten years younger.“Are you busy, Dr. Wainwright?”“No, not at the moment. I’m finishing up some extra reading before I go home for the weekend.”“It must be wonderful to be paid to read all day.”April laughed sharply. “Hardly. I mostly grade homework and fill out paperwork.”Brenda looked around the small office and shut...

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Marathi Aaichi Vaasana Part VII

Tyananter aakha aathavada kaka botivar jaaiparyanta aamhi sarvajan diwas raatra zavat hoto.Shevti kaka botivar nighun gele ani aamcha haidos thandavla.Mi tar gharaat aaichi kinvaa maavshichi panty ghalunach firat ase.Ani aai maavshi maatra somavar te shanivaar fakta sakaalychyaa bra ani panty ghalun gharaat firat asat.sandhyakalchya ani ravivaari maatra sadimadhe asat.sandhyakaali ani ravivaarcha ghari koni na koni yet ase na tyaamule aamhaala aamcha nanga naach thambvavaa laage.Kaka botivar...

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Prison Bitch

James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college kid. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...

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Isobelles Inches Forward

At last, Isobelle sits in the expensive silence of Ezra’s car. Her freshly shaven thighs peep out from the short hem of her favourite dress. On her body the fabric pools like liquid. “We’ll go to my place” Ezra glances at her. She is not relaxed. Good. He likes it when he has the upper-hand. At the high rise, Ezra uses his keys and a security pass, leading her through the foyer and up the lift. It’s up and up. From the balcony Isobelle can see the city sky – line. She stands outside, enjoying...

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