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One of my coworkers, soon after I started my first job after school, owned a sailboat. He took me out several times and I fell in love with the feeling you get when you're out on the water with very little noise to distract you. There's something special about being out in nature and feeling her caress you.

After nine years of working with that same company, I was getting burned out and knew I needed something different in my life.

My epiphany came while driving home one night. The radio was playing music from my mp3 collection and a quiet song started wafting from the speakers. Reflexively, I turned up the volume so the sound would actually mean something during my drive. I heard the sounds of Crosby, Stills, and Nash singing "Southern Cross" and my mind left the traffic around me. Instantly, I was back in the sailboat, feeling the wind on my face and the shore leave me far behind. I hadn't a care in the world.

Thinking of sailing my troubles away, I realized that I wanted a sailboat. I needed the freedom that comes from having the ability to sail away.

I listened to that song over and over on my drive home, living the dream in my mind of sailing in my own boat or flying a plane, another dream of mine.

When I got home, I told my girlfriend of my epiphany and she immediately doused the my dream with the icy waters of reality, reminding me of my debts and how there was no way I'd be able to afford a boat at that time. There's nothing quite like the support of loved ones.

Unfortunately, she was right. I wasn't quite prepared to buy a boat. I did, however, have the desire and started putting money away immediately to satisfy my dreams. I started watching the local paper for boats that were for sale and checked internet sites for options. I looked into getting a loan from my bank and found that it wouldn't be too difficult. Though my debt was high, I had a long history with the bank and had not had any problems in the past, so they were willing to work with me.

To my surprise, I found a really nice looking, 26-foot sailboat for sale in South Carolina for only $13K. That was well within my price range and I knew I just needed to get out there and take a serious look. I contacted the seller and made arrangements to visit with them at their marina the following weekend. Then I called and made the appropriate flight and hotel arrangements for my visit.

Throughout the following week, I couldn't stop thinking about what I had taken to considering "my" boat. I made the appropriate arrangements with my bank so that I had funds available should I decide that I wanted to buy the boat when I got there. I found that the cheapest way to get her out to me was to have it hauled from Miami by truck. That meant I would get to sail her down from South Carolina to Florida as a maiden voyage. I made the arrangements for her delivery and downloaded a lot of pictures of similar boats so that I could tell what I was getting into with this purchase. I researched and studied as much as I could about this type of boat and the best way to handle her. I searched for any pitfalls that come with operating a boat like mine. I thought I was ready.

When the time came for me to go, I kissed my girlfriend good-bye at the airport and walked with a spring in my step towards the security check. Even the silly checks that had been in place in the airport for the past several years didn't get me down.

The flight was uneventful. I used the time to go over my research again, trying to be absolutely sure I was really ready to make the purchase.

I checked into my hotel and then went out to walk around. I was too excited to go to bed right away. I ended up in a small, seafood restaurant near the beach. While I ate, I kept looking out the window at the boats in the nearby marina, wondering which one was mine. The restaurant wasn't too busy, but there were some attractive women there. Even in my state of excitement over the boat, I couldn't help but notice them. I suppose I should have felt guilty that I had a girlfriend at home and I was checking out other women, but things had been strained at home and I needed something different. After enjoying my meal, I went back to my hotel room and phoned the current boat owner to verify that we were, indeed, on for our visit tomorrow. When I knew that was settled, I sat back and watched a little TV, then went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up early. I had the hotel's continental breakfast and then walked down to the marina. I knew I would be a bit early, but I just couldn't wait any longer. I wandered along the piers looking at the various boats, letting my mind drift to what it would be like to actually be out on the water in them.

Jim, the owner, showed up about half an hour after I got there and showed me to my boat. She was absolutely beautiful. It sure looked like he'd kept good care of her. He talked about the maintenance history, showing me the log he'd kept of everything that was done, and it looked like he must have really loved her. I asked why he was selling her and was told that his life had taken some turns recently that made it impossible for him to keep the boat and his family together. I felt for the guy. He obviously loved the boat, but sometimes family just doesn't make a boat possible.

I was just about to tell him he'd sold the boat when he offered to let me take her out in the bay to make sure that I understood how she worked and to make sure I was pleased with everything. I jumped at the chance. We motored away from the pier and then he helped me raise the main sail. We figured that was all we'd need in the bay, but he also showed me how to raise the jib so I was better prepared. We sailed around for about 45 minutes, just enjoying the wonderful weather and the feeling of being on the water. I realized he was saying his good-byes so I left him to his reverie for a while. Once he'd finished, he seemed to snap out of it and suggested we take her in. I'd found that everything felt natural and that I was really comfortable in my new boat.

We stowed everything where it needed to be and got the cabin closed tight then stepped onto the pier.

With a catch in his throat, Jim asked me what I thought of her and whether I wanted to make the purchase. Though I felt bad for him, I knew I needed her at that time and told him so.

"I'm glad she's going to someone like you," he said sadly. "I wish ... well, I'm glad she's going to you. The slip is paid up through the month, so you don't have to worry about leaving her here until you're ready to ship her out. I hope she gives you as much enjoyment as she's given me."

We completed the sale and then Jim walked away looking much sadder than when he came down to meet me that morning. He had money, but that only gets you so far. I really felt sorry for him and hoped that I would never have to sell something I loved that much.

I walked back to the hotel feeling much more free than I had in a long time. I was a boat owner. My smile must have been huge and it felt like my feet didn't touch the ground as I walked.

I checked out of the hotel that morning and walked to a nice restaurant nearby for a celebration lunch. The restaurant patrons were all enjoying their meals and I took time to examine them. I'd always been a student of human nature, enjoying going to the mall and watching people do their thing. I have learned a lot about what makes them tick, often imagining why they were there and doing what they were doing. People are generally really easy to figure out if you take the time to watch.

There was a couple there that appeared to be on a date. They were dressed for sailing. From what I could hear of their conversation, she seemed a little nervous at the prospect of sailing. She seemed to have a fear of the water, but she didn't feel comfortable enough with him to share her true feelings. She was trying to be strong for him. He seemed oblivious to her feelings and was so caught up in regaling her with stories about his prowess that he was missing the boat with her entirely. At one point, she looked around the restaurant as if looking for reassurance from somewhere. Our eyes met and I smiled at her with understanding in my eyes, trying to project that reassurance she craved. She held my gaze for a while and then slowly started to smile back. The tension seemed to leave her shoulders and she took a deep breath. She smiled a thank you back at me then looked back at her date, reassured and ready to continue the charade that she was ready to sail.

After eating, I went back down to the marina to begin my maiden voyage. I couldn't wait to get out on the water in my new boat.

I stowed my gear in the cabin, donned my life vest, and did a last check of the boat to make sure I was ready to sail. It was at that point that I realized that I would probably like to have some food on my trip. I had to remove the life vest, get things locked up, and ask at the marina for a nearby store to stock up. I felt so foolish that I'd forgotten something so basic, but chalked it up to my inexperience.

After obtaining what I thought was a good, two week's worth of supplies, I went back to the marina and went through my mental checklist one more time to prepare for my trip. Things appeared to be in order so I cast off and motored my way away from the slip. As my boat cleared the last pier, I shut off the motor and raised the main sail. It was a little different doing it by myself, but not too bad. It felt really strange moving up to the front to open up the jib since nobody was manning the tiller, but it went quickly so I could get back to steering before anything went awry.

There was a nice, off-shore breeze blowing that carried me easily out of the bay into the open water. I let out the sails to catch the most wind and flew along the water. It was exactly as I'd hoped it would be. I was in my boat, sailing along the open water, free as could be. I didn't need to be in Miami for another week, at least, so I could take my time and enjoy my maiden voyage.

The rest of that first day, I sailed along at about 5 knots, just enjoying the art of sailing. I fell into a rhythm rather quickly and got a good sense for how she felt in the water. It's definitely one thing in the bay, but another to sail in open water. Still, it didn't take me too long to pick up the nuances of my boat.

As sundown approached, I looked for and found what appeared to be a sheltered cove along the shoreline. I lowered and stowed my sails, dropped anchor, and let enough rope out so my boat could move easily with the tides without pulling the anchor up and went into the cabin. I looked through my stores and decided on a sandwich for dinner. I was still pumping with adrenaline from being on my first trip and didn't have too much appetite. After preparing dinner, I went up on deck to sit and watch the last vestiges of light from the west play with the clouds in the sky. It was absolutely beautiful. The clouds were so full and billowed high up in the sky, catching the sun long after it had ceased to shine on the water.

Being so tired from my first, exciting day at sea, I decided to turn in early. I figured that waking early would give me a jump on tomorrow and I'd get a fair distance down the coast, but wanted to be well rested. The cabin rocked softly with the waves as night progressed and I found myself lulled into an easy sleep.

I was startled awake by a lurch of the boat and a loud sound. I must have been really asleep because the boat was rocking really bad as my mind tried to remember where I was and why I was there. The wind was howling outside and I could hear thunder rumbling from time to time. When I came fully awake and remembered where I was, I started to take stock of my situation. I knew that boats are designed to withstand a lot of wind and buffeting without capsizing, but still got nervous at just how much I was rocking. I really didn't expect this much motion being in what I thought was a sheltered cove.

Putting on my life vest, I stumbled towards the hatch to get on deck and see what sort of storm had come up. I guess those clouds last night were a precursor of something big, from the sound of things. It was then that I remembered another basic preparation to sailing: check the weather forecast! I had been so caught up in the idea of sailing away my boat that I neglected to think clearly about what I was really doing and all the preparations required.

Reaching the deck, I looked around to get my bearings. Everything was dark and I couldn't make out the shore. I was straining my eyes, trying to see the edge of the cove, when lightning struck overhead, lighting the sky for miles.

My heart sunk. In that one flash of light, I realized that the shore was nowhere in sight. Lightning started to strike more often, as if taunting me, showing me just what sort of trouble I'd managed to get myself into. I spun circles, trying to see shoreline in any direction and only saw wave after wave. I scrambled up to the front of the boat and found the anchor line hanging free, snapped from the anchor. I had no idea where I was or how to get back to shore. I decided the best thing to do, the only thing to do, was to wait out the storm and try to get my bearings when it cleared.

I worked my way back to the tiller, hoping to grab it and stop it from swinging wildly, thinking I could at least control something in this crazy world I woke to find. My foot slipped just as I neared it and I went down. Unfortunately, that was just as the tiller swung back towards me and it slammed into my head.

I don't remember anything else of that night.

When I regained consciousness, I didn't feel the rocking of the waves and started to breathe a sigh of relief. It really hurt to breathe that deeply, though, and that made me nervous. I started to sit up and mentally checked my extremities and just where the pain was felt most. It was mostly in my head, but I also felt pain in my left leg from a sizable cut and my side seemed to be bruised. At least the cut had stopped bleeding, but it sure looked like a mess. I leaned back, trying to ease the pain, lying back on the ... sand?

Why was I on sand? I sat up, way too quickly, to figure out what had happened. Pain shot through my body and I felt instantly sick. I got dizzy and fell sideways, vomiting on the sand. When I had recovered enough that I felt I could sit up through the pain, I slowly eased myself to a sitting position.

I was sitting on a beach. There was some debris around me and as far down the shore as I could see. I was still wearing my life vest, which must have saved my life when I was obviously thrown from the boat. Oddly enough, I noticed little things like the fact that my watch was gone but that I still had my shoes on my feet. It was a surreal experience to realize I'd been in a shipwreck and that I was still alive, but had no idea where I was. I sat there for a while, trying to come to grips with what must have happened to me.

After a while, I started to think of getting to civilization again. There are little towns all along the eastern coast, so I knew that if I could just walk to one of them, I'd be able to get medical attention and could get back home. Standing, however, wasn't the easiest thing for me. Luckily, there was a stick next to me that was almost long enough to work as a crutch. I used it to help me get vertical and to hobble a little down the beach. Further on, I found a more appropriately sized stick and grabbed it to help me walk. I noticed that it was engraved with the name of my boat and felt my heart drop. My new boat was now in pieces, which probably explained the debris along the shore. I had hoped it was still fine, just out on the water and that I could recover it again. I had to let that go now, though, and work towards getting to town.

I found several other items as I walked, including some of my clothes. I gathered a few items, but figured I'd buy new stuff when I got back home, if I needed it. I did find an ice chest that hadn't been mine, but that had some juice in it. Being incredibly thirsty, I downed a couple of bottles of juice right away. I felt a lot better with some liquid in me. I could feel strength returning to my body, slowly but surely. I moved the ice chest up to the treeline and put it in the shade. I couldn't carry all of that, but did take a couple more bottles and put them in the big pockets on my pant legs.

I walked a bit further until I came to the extent of what I could see earlier and realized that the beach curved back from this point and headed back behind me. I couldn't see any land in that direction and started to wonder just where I really was. I continued along the beach, starting to worry that I could see any land in any direction except where I'd been. The only way that could be was if I were on an island. I didn't like the sound of that at all!

While walking, I did pass a small stream that wound its way out of the trees, over the beach, to the shore. I knelt down and tasted the water, prepared to spit it out if it turned out to be salty. It wasn't, much to my relief, and that told me there must be a spring up in the forest. Knowing I could get water was a relief, but it didn't overshadow my worries that I wasn't actually on shore, but on an island. If this was, indeed, an island, I could very well be here for a long time.

Getting tired, I decided to follow the stream inland to see if I could find the spring and maybe some fruits that should be growing along the stream. I figured that would be a good place to rest.

Walking through the forest was a lot harder than walking on the beach because I had to maneuver around and over fallen limbs, but I did manage to work my way through it all. This really was a beautiful location. I guess if I had to choose a place to be stranded, it would have to be somewhere like this.

I heard what sounded like water splashing into a pond as I neared a stand of trees at the top of a small hill. I got excited thinking about a spring-fed pond, wondering if there were fish and if it would be as beautiful as I imagined. I reached the top of the hill and was just about to step through the trees when I spotted someone swimming in the pond. I was so relieved to see someone else that I opened my mouth to call out in pleasant surprise and go crashing through the trees when I noticed that it was a woman and my mind instantly began to wonder if she was swimming nude. The voyeur in me took control and I looked around to make sure I was hidden enough and could enjoy the view. I figured I could always just wait and enjoy the view until she was done and then could come out like I had just arrived.

She swam over near the far edge where water was cascading down into the pond from above. I guess this wasn't the spring, after all, but that it was further up the hill. She stood as the water got shallower and I saw that she was, indeed, swimming nude. She had wonderful curves, the type that I love to hold and caress. I could only see her from the back, but I found her quite attractive. Blood dutifully rushed to my penis, preparing it for any possible action I might be willing to take.

As she stood in the cascading water, she rotated enough that I could see her profile. Her breasts were a little larger than I usually like, but were rather well proportioned and made me think of what it would be like to caress them, to tease the nipples, to suck and nibble on them, causing her breathing to increase making her breasts heave under me.

In short, I was starting to think all sorts of sexual thoughts and, all of a sudden, being shipwrecked didn't seem like such a bad thing.

She continued to bathe for another ten minutes, or so, then worked her way over to the edge of the pool. It was then that I noticed her clothes sitting on a rock. She climbed out of the water and brushed as much water from her skin as she could then lay down on the rock next to her clothes. I figured she must have wanted to air dry a bit before getting dressed. She was a sight to see there, lying on the rock in the sun.

My leg started to throb and I knew I need to take care of it in some way. I didn't want to scare the woman or to let her know that I'd been watching her. I started to call out softly, as if I were yelling from further away. I saw her scramble up to a sitting position, looking around to determine the direction from which I was calling. At the same time, she started grabbing for her clothes and put them on as fast as she could. I increased the volume of my calls, letting her know that I was getting closer. Finally, I hit full volume and stumbled forward through the trees.

She caught sight of me and looked like a deer in the headlights. I could see her internal struggle, wondering if she could trust me, but also yearning for some sort of human contact. We'd not been out here too long, but it was really starting to feel lonely. The need for human companionship won out and she started to walk towards me. I imagine it helped that she could see I was hurt and that I wouldn't be able to chase after her if I turned out to be a bad guy and she needed to run away.

"Hello," I said, trying my best to comfort her with my smile. Generally, I'm a likable guy and people take to me pretty quickly. I've an easy smile that I share a lot and that can make a lot of difference.

She seemed to ease a bit at my friendly manner. She smiled back and said, "hi."

"Do you know where we are," I asked.

"I have no idea," she responded. "I've been wandering around here for a long time, though, and I don't see signs of anybody. The last thing I remember, that cocky asshole that took me out on the boat went flying over the rail and left me all alone to fight that storm. Something must have happened to me, too, because I woke up on the beach alone. I walked down the beach and didn't see anyone or anything but boat leftovers until I came to a stream that I followed up here."

She pointed back to the other side of the pond where a second stream left to head in another direction to the beach from the stream I'd followed up here.

"When I saw the pond, I couldn't help myself. I had to take a swim and wash off all that salt!"

She smiled again, seemingly a little embarrassed at opening up so much.

"Look at me, chattering away and I don't even know you. You look a little familiar, though. Have we met before? I can't quite place your face, but I am pretty sure we've seen each other."

I took another good look at her face. She did look familiar to me, too. I imagined her with makeup and her hair done up in a pony tail and that's when it hit me.

"We saw each other in the restaurant at the marina," I said. "You were looking around, trying to find some escape from the guy you were with."

Her eyes lit at the memory and she grinned. "That's right! See? I knew I knew you from somewhere! I'm Michelle, by the way."

She extended her hand in the universal sign of openness and greeting. I took it and we shook hands.

"I'm Mike," I said. "If you don't mind, I'd like to slip into the water a little, myself, and see if I can't clean up my leg a little. It's starting to really get sore."

She glanced down at my leg and gasped, "Oh my god! Does it hurt?"

"Just a bit," I responded as I walked over to the water's edge and started wading in a bit. It started to sting as the water hit it and started to wash away the crusted blood and sand on my leg. Of course, I couldn't show Michelle that I was in pain so I held in my grimace. I reached down and started to wipe at the mess, hoping to help clean it further.

I hadn't been paying attention to Michelle, but she was walking back from her rocks, a white box in her hands.

"Come here," she said, "see if any of this stuff will help."

As I walked towards her, I noticed the red cross on the box. I was amazed that she had a first aid kit! I thought we'd lost most everything in our respective shipwrecks.

"I gathered what looked important while I was walking along the beach and figured this might come in handy," she said.

"I'm glad you did. I could definitely use something like that right now."

She handed me the box and I opened it up. Some water had managed to get in, but it didn't look like anything was ruined. There was a tube of antibiotic ointment, which I pulled out, as well as some gauze. I sat down rather heavily and proceeded to dress my wound. It looked a lot better now that the dried, crusted part was washed off. I probably could have used some stitches, but without a doctor, I was kind of lost there. I applied the ointment and then wrapped my leg with the gauze. It seemed to work pretty well. There was some medical tape in there that I could use to secure the gauze. I figured I couldn't do any better than that and, once again, was thankful that we even had the kit available to us.

"Have you found any food," she asked.

"I found an ice chest with some juice in it and some fruit along the stream on my way up, but haven't seen anything other than that," I replied.

"That might be one of the ice chests we had. Was it green with a white lid?"

"That's the one," I said. "I did drink a couple of those and brought these with me."

I pulled the juices from my pants pockets and showed them to her, offering her one. She took it and opened it up, downing half of it in one, long pull.

"All I found to drink, aside from the water in the pond and stream, is the cooler we had with alcohol in it."

I perked up a bit at that. I'm not a drinker, but I know that when people drink, sometimes they'll get a bit looser and I might just be able to enjoy the sight of this lovely woman again.

We sat and drank our juices, talking about our lives before and what we would do now. The sun continued its travel across the sky and, before long, we realized that we needed to find some shelter. We figured there ought to be something over near the waterfall and headed that way. Sure enough, about 20 yards from the waterfall, against the same hill, there was a bit of a hollow in the cliff. I figured we could put up a bit of a lean-to against that spot and we should be protected from the weather.

My leg felt a lot better after the cleaning, bandaging and rest so I was able to gather the wood and leaves for the lean-to. It wasn't the best, but it would get us through the first night. I figured once we had more time and energy, we'd be able to build a better shelter. Hopefully, we wouldn't need a shelter that was super strong because we wouldn't be here all that long.

Once we got the shelter built, I sat down and took the shoelace out of my shoe. Michelle watched me with interest for a while and then asked, "what are you doing?"

"I'm going to see if I can build a fire. I think we'll appreciate the warmth and maybe we can use something to create a smoke signal for anyone who might be out looking for us."

"You're going to build a fire with a shoelace," she asked.

"Watch," I suggested as I tied the shoelace to the ends of a stick, causing it to bow inward a little more. I then stuck a straight stick in between the bow and string and twisted it so the string wrapped around the straight stick once. I set one end of the straight stick down against a piece of wood against which I'd put a bunch of dried grasses and twigs, placed a rock on top of the straight stick and started moving the bow back and forth. With each movement of the bow, the straight stick would twist, creating friction at the base and warming it. After a while, we started to see smoke rising from the end of the straight stick. A little bit longer, and I could see small embers glowing. I stopped moving the bow and leaned in closely, blowing ever so lightly on the embers. They grew until, suddenly, flame burst forth from the grasses.

"Wow," Michelle said, "I've never actually seen anybody do that. That's really cool!"

I smiled at her and started putting small sticks on my little fire. I added progressively larger sticks over time until we had a nice, little blaze going.

Michelle said, "I'm going to go collect some of those fruits you mentioned. Will you please move my ice chest into the lean-to while I'm doing that so we've got something more to drink?"

"Not a problem," I said. "I'll also fill our juice bottles with water in case we want that, too."

I watched Michelle walk away and felt my cock twitch again. She sure had a sexy way of moving her hips while she walked. I certainly hoped she would start to feel a little excitable later. Once she was out of sight and I could start thinking again, I went down to the pond and found her stash of goodies. Not only did she have a cooler there, but she'd also found a small overnight bag with some clothes for herself, a pair of binoculars, and a poncho. I filled the juice bottles with water from the pond then went to put them in the ice chest. It had a lot of alcohol in it. I figured we were going to have a really good time together.

When I got back to camp, as I'd taken to calling our lean-to site, I rearranged the branches on the lean-to so the poncho was between the branches and the larger supports to help keep rain off should it come in the night. I figured we'd be a lot happier that way. I put the ice chest in the lean-to, along with her overnight bag and binoculars. I figured she'd appreciate having all of her things handy.

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She smiled at him as she came off the airplane his arms soon wrapping her in a strong embrace their lips met. She looked into his handsome face the kindness in his eyes. They walked together out to where he was parked. He started the car, his eyes lingered on her body. He leaned over and whispered to her a single word “Undress” she looked at him a bit shocked and as they left the parking garage the unfastened her skirt and pulled it down over her long smooth thighs. She couldn’t believe that...

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This is an older story I had written a few years ago.It was a cold winter night, I was heading down the road in the wind and snow, it wasn't snowing horribly bad, but I deal with it as an over the road trucker. But I was heading down the road, heading to my next destination. I had been driving for a few hours and it was getting dark when I saw a woman walking alongside the road. Now I'm not one to usually stop, but during the weather you know something could have happened, she may have had car...

4 years ago
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Evelyn Jacobs wished she could call the her unplanned stop the result of a freak snowstorm. She couldn't because she knew full well that there was a large storm predicted for the North Carolina mountains. She also knew that she had driven through them before with only minor inconveniences. That December 18th storm proved to be more than a minor inconvenience. For one thing a rather large chunk of mountain got to heavy with the accumulation of snow. The already weakened boulder just decided...

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It was a dark and stormy night... OK so it's the moldiest cliché in literature. It also happens to be true. A moonless night during the big '86 monsoons down in Tucson. The meteorologists were calling it a 100-year storm. The kind of heavy rainfall that only hits the desert once a century. Lucky me. The streets were flooded, and arroyos and normally dry rivers and dry washes were overflowing everywhere. Anyone with a lick of common sense was staying home and indoors. Me? I wasn't that...

1 year ago
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The relentless heat and humidity, that was what she felt in the last 3 days in this living hell hole. Deep in no man’s land, somewhere within the foreboding bowels of the vast and untamed Amazon rain forest lay the mangled wreckage of the DC10. The plane was enroute from Manhattan’s Newark airport to Peru, South America with its 20 passengers comprising models, photographers, agents from Sports Illustrated when it was caught in a freak thunderstorm. Smoke still trailed from the smoldering...

Group Sex
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STITCHINGby KinkySwitchLisa and John had always had an exciting sex life. She liked to dominate him and slap his arse till it went red and both cheeks glowed but she always kissed it better afterwards and told him what a good boy he was. But after her little games he opened her legs and fucked her hard, sliding in and out of her wet pussy as he continually felt amazed at the level of her wetness. Lisa's cunt was always wet. All he had to do was slip his finger inside and the juices would flow...

2 years ago
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SullyChapter 17

I drove to Sully's apartment and was lucky enough to find a parking space only one door down. It was still early, not quite four thirty, so I had plenty of time. I pressed the buzzer in the vestibule and squeezed my dick on hearing Shelly's voice. "Hello?" "Shelly, it's James Farrell." "James? What are you... what's wrong?" Her tone reflected an unspoken concern for Sully's well being. "Nothing's wrong. I just thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing." "Jack's not...

3 years ago
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Katrina Part One

The most amazing part, in my mind, might be that we made it home alive--although the sex comes in close second. After a night of hardcore whiskey abuse, Katrina and I had somehow navigated my 2001 Chevy Trailblazer through thirty-three miles of pouring rain up the dirt-road to her house. Parked thirty feet from the door, we sat in silence, considering the storm.“Not worth it,” I muttered, nestling into the upholstery. She shook me a bit harder than necessary. “Come on, my bed’s too cold for...

Love Stories
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Incredible ChangesChapter 141 Airline Delays

“We are sorry but there had been a problem with the computer systems and your connecting flight has been diverted to Atlanta. We will have to notify your parents to see what they want us to do,” a snotty bitch told us at the place the escorts dumped us off. I turned to her and said, “Ma’am. Good luck reaching them. If they were available to deal with minor annoyances, like flight delays and problems getting us to our destination, do you really think we would be flying without them? If your...

2 years ago
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The Foolish Freshman

My Mama always said she wanted me to go to college. But when I did, she cried. So weird. I wasn’t good at figuring out people, not even Mama.I grew up on a ranch miles from anywhere and Mama homeschooled me all by herself. I knew I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the bunch but my Mama always wanted me to get what she called an education. But when I got to college, I still didn’t really know much about anything except cows and state capitals. I’d tell myself the capitals any time I got angry or...

College Sex
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The Amazing Mind Control MachineChapter 4

The week passed. Marilyn and I crossed paths at class and in the study hall. I acted my part as student and she did hers as teacher. I did think perhaps she smiled several times at me in a way someone else might notice. She also had awarded me an A on a French test. I was usually lucky in get a B. French wasn’t my best subject. She had written in flowery script on the bottom. VERY GOOD JOB, MIKE. I AM EXPECTING BIG THINGS FROM YOU NOW ON! I had gained some good size early in my adolescence....

3 years ago
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Table Flip

*"Old Fashion games!" "And new fashion friends" "Come on everybody, this is Table Flip!" Welcome to Table Flip. Hosted by the lovely Suzy, and the impeccable Barry. With special guests; Trisha Hershberger, Ash from Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin? and Olivia and Courtney from Smosh! Come along, and let's flip tables!* The ladies sat around the table, naked except for their head pieces. Olivia had a braided pony tail, Courtney had a milk maid braid, Suzy had her little top hat, Trisha had some feathers...

3 years ago
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Home Discipline

Home Discipline The highway department had chosen well when they built the ‘scenic overlook’. Looking out from the parking lot at night, the lights of the city spread out like white jewels on a black velvet background. The beauty of view was invisible to Daphne and Sol, who where in the lone care in the parking lot. The windows had steamed up a couple of hours ago. Even if they could have seen the view through the glass, it would have meant nothing to them. Their thoughts were only for each...

4 years ago
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Lost at Sea book 1 Where Theres a Will chapter 7

Janie looked up, her eyes full of suppressed panic. “How? Did he tell you?!”Bella laughed, “You’re not the only one who’s good at picking up on things.”“I really did not want you to know.” Janie set her quill down. Her shoulders slumped. “I didn’t want you to be upset with me, and I didn’t want to have to explain myself. I don’t really know why I did it. The whole night was very strange.”“Please don’t lie to me, Janie. I promise, I’m not upset. I think it’s wonderful,” Bella reached across the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sunday Morning Workout

The sun was shinning down, it was a warm summers morning. Walking through the park in the early hours of a Sunday morning was just what Kimmie needed. Birds singing and the faint smell of the dew.Finding that nice quiet area she loved Kimmie settled down on the bench. It was a little damp but she was not worried, adjusting her skirt and hold ups to get comfy she undid a button on her blouse to let in just a little cool air. She opened the bottle of water she had in her bag and took a mouthful...

2 years ago
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A death in the family

Allan’s been gone two months now. A drunk driver. Fat feckless and over fifty. A life needlessly snuffed out. It happens, far too often. We’re killing each other in droves far more efficiently than some vague shadowy organisation that our government scares us with. The car is a most lethal weapon of mass destruction and nothing is being done about this carnage. Sorry, I’m just so angry. He was only 42. I was shocked when I saw Allan’s son at the funeral service. I haven’t seen the...

Group Sex
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Naked Day part 27 LA Woman

Beth was admiring it, "I hope I can find a cock like this someday. With a nice guy attached of course! It's thick, I can just wrap my hand around it, but not too long. Your brother's is way too long. One like this he can fuck away and it's filling." "Why do you think my sister gets it every night." "Every night? Wow. Another thing on my wish list. Studly energy." "This is their like first time apart. So she asked me to help him out." "They don't mind fucking other...

1 year ago
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Apni Landlady Ko Buri Tarahe Choda

Direct story pr hi aata hu. Dheradun mai naya naya aaya tha. Ek room rent pr lia. Sb se pheli cheez jo notice kri thi wo thi, apni landlady seema aunty ka figure. Wow kya gaand thi, kya mst gol gol boobs. Dhekte hi mann bana lia tha, bs inhe chodne ko mil jaye aur kuch nai chiyea. Kuch dino mai aana jana badha. Unki ek beti bhi thi jo kabhi kabhi aati thi, bahar hi padhti thi. Waise wo bhi ek number maal thi but abhi mera focus bs seema aunty pr tha. Lucky baat yeh thi ki unka pati defence mai...

2 years ago
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The Beauty of Having a Stepbrother

I turned off the tv I had been watching and walked to the back patio. The moon above was so bright that I only lit some of the lights around the hot tub and then proceeded to turning it on. It was a somewhat chilly night and a slight shiver went down my spine as I took off the Prada shoes my mother had given me for my eighteenth birthday along with the rest of my clothes. Standing there, I closely observed my body. Mine was a thin but attractive figure with medium sized boobs and "hot...

1 year ago
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Sunita 8211 My Father8217s Personal Secretary

Since I am new to this site, let me first introduce myself .. I am Vinay Sharma ( my close friends call me vikky ) .. I m 24 years old and m from pink city Jaipur .. My father is a well known industrialist of Jaipur ( sorry, i cant disclose his name ) .. U can say that i m from a high class family .. This is a true incident which happened to me last month .. So , without wasting any time, let me start the story .. This story is about my father’s personal secretary .. Her name is Sunita .. She...

4 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 14

It had only been a week since seeing her, smelling her, being around her, listening to her—wishing it was me in bed with her. I needed the woman, but, as I kept having to remind myself, I would never have her again, probably not any woman ever again. Even prostitutes would be avoiding me, making excuses to not be with me because I was so ugly. And now the woman, the one that used to be my woman was coming to pick me up, so I could be with our children. It would be a two hour drive if we...

2 years ago
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If She Acts Like a Cougar

Carol comes over for coffee at least three times a week. She's a neighbor and actually an old school friend too. I guess she thinks that I need the company. I suppose she's right, but it's not like I'm a recluse or anything. Peter died about two years ago and he left me pretty well off. I have all the money I need and the house is paid for. The only thing that he didn't leave me, that I wish I had, is a child of his. Except for those poor women that lost their husbands in war, I guess a...

3 years ago
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Telugu sex story1

Hi telugu kathalu kosam moham masina andariki gud news this is a real story ..anduke masala add cheyyakunda vunnadi vunnattu rastunna…njoy cheyyandi..hi..This is sexy guy from hyderabad…i am goig to describe u an incident which happened in june,2007..I am 5″9″ fair and handsome with well built structure..working as a software engineer….maa kinda portion lo appude kottaga oka couple vaccharu…ataniki around 30 years vuntayi…software engineer…sruthi ki ade ee incident lo na heroine ki around 26...

2 years ago
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Our First Time

I'm a 40 year old woman living in Arizona with my long time lover. I have always had a much higher sex drive than Mike and as we get older I seem to get hornier. Our first time to bring another into our sex life was about ten years ago in Mesa, Arizona. We had been drinking most of the night with our neighbor, Franco. Franco was a thirty something old man that worked in construction. I work in an office and Mike is an executive in a software company. We had known Franco about six months and he...

Wife Lovers
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Fucked My Friend8217s Hot Son

Hello there friends, I got many requests stating about my length of the story so after huge work I brought you guys a mini sex story. As most of you read it How I got a chance to fuck my Friend’s hot son. He is young, charming in his 17s with good looks and abs. With his 6.2 inch dick, he did tear me off. This all happened during the summer of July when schools and colleges are on holidays. My Friend Sudha and her husband Harshit were working people. Their son Sujith was the one who fucked me....

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Violet Gets Nasty

Everybody was out of the house and Violet was bored.  Both her mother and father were away for the weekend.  Her older brother went to a party.  Violet was alone and took out her teddy bear who was as big as her.  She often would fantasize that the bear was human.  She did nasty things with her bear.Violet had sex with a few boys, but mostly fantasized that her bear was her brother.  Her brother was older and mostly just treated her as his kid sister.  He was always with his girlfriend, but...

1 year ago
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Rhea My Bestfriends Sister

Am aryan; I’m into role-plays and some other things. Check my blog ( dom-aryan69.Tumblr.Com ) for more and give me your feedback at . This is my first story so please bear with me and send me feedback since there are more to come. Now without much further ado, I’ll jump right into the story. When this story happened I was 20years old. I am medium build, straight black hair, black eyes with a hint of brown, a mustache and goatee often accompanied by the scurfy beard, skin is a mix of fair...

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pt3 ywom multiple partner daddymommy kink

the big man was just pulling out of me as i lay gasping on my belly when there was a peeping sound. it was his cell phone, and he answered it quietly as i rolled on my side and stretched a little. when he hung up, he leaned over me and kissed my shoulder. "A couple of friends are coming up. i want you to meet them, make nice. be a good girl for daddy," daddy. he didn't pull out the daddy kink often so that meant i was going to meet some of his friends who were into that who wanted to do me. i...

3 years ago
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From married father to sissy Cocksucker

My story starts out like most married men. I got married and had a couple k**s this part was ok my k**s are great but. After almost 20 yrs of a very empty marriage staying together only for the k**s I had had enough. One day I told her that I was done playing her game. She was a drunk, d**ggy and I needed something more out of life. I told her she could leave and so she did left me and the k**s witch was ok with me. We stayed together until they got bigger and wanted to try the world on their...

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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 1 Monday

SUSAN I was so preoccupied with being nude the first day that all other thoughts were pushed out and I couldn’t even concentrate on school work. Everything went by in a blur until after first period. First period social studies didn’t last long but this was only because of the time we spent in the principal’s office getting naked. Harriet, John and I missed the majority of this class. This was expected of first day Program attendees. However, I was wondering about poor Jay. He didn’t have...

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How I became Elainersquos toy boy

So this is how I met my older lover and started several years of being Elaine’s toy boy sex toy I was in my early twenties at the time and my job was fitting car stereos. I would give my number out all the time to try and get work so used to get quite a few odd and unusual calls and most ended in earning money so that was great. So one day I get a call from a very pleasantly spoken lady, a strong but not butch voice asking about fitting a new radio in her car. I said “of course I can when do...

3 years ago
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Help from my sister 12

The next few weeks we did some wedding planning. We picked out a church and about everything else we needed. We left out the fact that we were brother and sister and that Judy was pregnant. They both went to the doctor to make sure the babies were healthy. They both were good to go. Judy was due September 7th and Connie was due October 16th. A little close together and it was April at that point, so only so much time. But we didn't let the babies get in the way of wedding planning. It was...

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The Dogging Diaries X

Diary Entry: January 2009 What the heck am I going to do? I have this guy that I love with all of my heart and he's gone completely off the rails with this kinky sex stuff. I mean, when I was hooking, Jack wanted me dressed slutty and acting like a whore and all that, but he was a pimp for fuck's sake. This is my boyfriend and he's taking it to a whole nother level. It feels like every conversation we have is about sex and everything he wants me to do is for his thrill and...

2 years ago
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Happy Anal Anniversary to Jilly

My son is banging a neighbor house full of sluts. Trying to get back in his wife's good graces he drafts me.... Hang on for what happened next!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About two months before their third anniversary, my son called and asked if I would be willing to help him surprise his wife by helping him build a deck on the back of their house.  I agreed and over the next few weeks we measured, made plans and I even pre-made the railings and a few other features for it in my shop. So last Saturday...

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Anniversary Debauchery Part II the Conclusion

The two college boys looked at each other and quickly got up. They introduced themselves to Bill and Becky. Brett was the cocky one and the other quiet lanky college student was Russell. Bill and Becky found out they were both juniors in a local college and were celebrating Russell’s birthday. Becky also noticed that both boys were showing large bulges in the tight jeans as they all walked towards the pleasure room. Breeze was waiting at the pleasure room door wearing a pink thin lace bra and...

Group Sex
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The Cabin

Laying down on the coach to rest I drifted into a slumber. Dreamy and hazy my robe lifted to show the small of my breast. A creak came and aunt gene entered. My robe slide, ‘ I’ll help. A breeze came and I lifted to get cool.aunt Tea came beneath me and grazed my lips.stroking my curls.kissing me passionately softly.. and I felt the air dampen the room. The kiss became passionate,and turned into intense deep oral sex. ‘Mmm’, Tea moaned , softly biting my curls.’ U taste so sweet.’ She moaned as...

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The Five Part 2 First Submission

GwenGwen had accepted my proposal for meeting on Wednesday night. As the youngest of the first batch, (See part 1), I was eager to meet her. She had said that she thought my age would be an advantage. Wednesday at 5 was the agreed time. I prepped as before including the suite at the casino. She arrived at the restaurant on time. A red silky blouse and black slacks, golden yellow hair just to her neck. Wait the blouse, it looks open but it is not. Gwen is showing cleavage as I requested, but to...

3 years ago
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Turn of a Friendly Card

“You are into whaaaaaaaaat?” asked my best friend Sally, her large green eyes incredulous.   “You let him beat you!” she added for good measure to my escalating regret in confiding in her.   Taking a sip of my coffee, I strived to appear calm and in control.   Most of all I tried to appear sane while she contemplated the value of a butterfly net at that moment.     “It’s not what you think, flogging can be very sensual,” I said in a dignified voice, picking my words carefully in this minefield...

2 years ago
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Ted WhoChapter 18

When we left Seattle I had hit safely in 47 consecutive games. If I had been playing in the National League, I'd now hold the League record. Except, the way I played second base, if I'd been playing in the National League, with no DH rule, I'd have probably been a spot pinch-hitter at best. They'd have had me trying to learn to play decent second base in the Arizona Fall League. The Texas Rangers series was a delight. First of all, the oppressive Texas heat was finally fading a little,...

3 years ago
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Abby Ch 13

Passion In James County XI: Abby Chapter thirteen Abby drove down the road that led to the cabin, pushed the button on the remote control that opened the security gate, then drove through. She checked the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was following her. Nobody was. ‘I guess I was just being silly,’ she thought as she drove up the narrow road toward the cabin. It seemed to her that the same car had been following her for several miles, and she’d begun to get concerned. The area where the...

3 years ago
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Dick in the dirt

My story starts about a year and a half ago. My life took a total dive. I was laid off my job of five years and saw no hope of getting to go back. My wife had lost her job 3 months before me. We had just been hanging on to our house and car when we found out that she had cancer. It wasn’t three weeks later she was gone. Just that fast. I was lost after 25 years of marriage just gone. No insurance, cards maxed out. No where to go or ask for help. Just hit rock bottom. I kept just ahead of the...

4 years ago
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Case 1

Case #1 by Miss Patricia Hood 1 Rain made for another dismal day. Nick couldn't understand why his girlfriend had become so adamant about him coming to Rittensburg. The place looked like something out of some bad horror movie. "Why did we have to come all the way here, couldn't I just find a counselor in Britain?", Nick asked. Sarah just smiled at him. "I just want us both to be happy", she replied. She told him about how she had red about this place that had a new treatment...

4 years ago
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Adventures In Rubber Chapter 14

Chapter 14"I have something very special in mind for you, dear," muttered Mr. Dodds, as he unlocked Mandy's door. For a moment, he stared appreciatively at Mandy's rubber-covered form, held immobile by the dozens of straps stretched out from her legs, arms, head, and torso. He watched in silent appreciation as she shifted slightly, trying to relieve the strain in her limbs and waist induced by the fiendish bondage suit. A faint moan issued from the thick red rubber helmet. Mandy thought she...

4 years ago
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Changes 1

ChangesMy name is Emma until recently I guess I’d lived a steady life. Done nothing to risky or excessive. I have a husband who I love even after 25 years of marriage we are still close and two grown up c***dren, at 50 I’m fit and healthy and pride myself on keeping myself looking youthful and keeping my size 12 figure. I have what you may say is a top high-profile job with the City Council, it pays well but has its stresses.I can remember the period of time life changed for me, looking back...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Angela White Angela Loves Anal

Angela White is one of the best in the industry, and today, she’s all ours. She generously shows off her perfect round ass and huge tits. We then take her inside for a game of strip pool. Our male stud comes in and she can’t wait to get some dick. She came horny and ready. She takes her clothes off and starts to suck his dick. He then quickly lifts her up and fucks her while standing. She loves it. They take it to the couch so they could have some real fun. She wants all of it in...

2 years ago
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Being A Fuck Buddy

So, back to the past my friends, with my virginity lost and having had sex twice with Karen. I then had three sexual encounters in the span of 4 months with two different women. After never having fucked a girl until my late teens, the world had changed for me. My next fuck buddy was Fran, a high school friend. It happened two times due to drunken house party antics. We did it in a bathtub while the rest of our friends were in the living room doing whatever it was they were doing. I had bruises...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 6 Reunion

It was already past eleven when Josie had an opportunity to sit with Henry. His grateful smile gave her a pleasant rush. It was hard to make superficial conversation when they had such weighty issues between them. She told him of the plan to visit Ellen and to ride over to his house for a visit. "That's great, Josie. There is a lot I want to show you. There's also a lot I need to explain." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I also want to return your husband's money to you. It's blood...

3 years ago
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the girls next door chapter 2

I woke up, hoping to find the 2 girls from next door downstairs like they were yesterday, my house was silent so I got out of bed with just my boxers on and looked out of the window towards Claire and Stacey’s house. Their car was gone from the driveway so they must have gone somewhere. I walked out of my room and down the hall to see if my mother was out or not, I opened her door and she was sitting on top of her bed, wearing her blue silk T-shirt which she always wore for bed. She looked so...

4 years ago
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American PaganChapter 11 Celebration

Melissa sailed through the winnowing process that brought 137 contestants down to twenty, ten men and ten women. After that came the six month wait. The show producers went about editing the footage and spacing the proceedings into weekly hour-long segments. During that time, she went back to Kansas City, working at the new church there. Occasionally, she would go back to Omaha, to visit her parents and the church headquarters. As the recorded shows started airing, the young priestess...

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