It Didn’t Work Out Ch. 07 free porn video

This is the seventh of twelve chapters. This one picks up immediately after the sixth chapter. It would be difficult to follow if you haven’t read the previous chapters. Once again, I want to thank my editor Terry for his valuable help! I hope you enjoy the story.
The activities during the night before Christmas wore out both Sian and Bridget enough that they were still sound asleep when Don came in carrying two cups of coffee. He opened up the curtains to let the morning sun in after putting them down on the nightstands. The sudden brightness had the desired impact as the two of them stirred and looked up with blinking eyes.
After a moment, Sian realized that her breasts were exposed and pulled up the sheets. Even though Don saw her completely naked as she made love to Bridget, that was different. For most of the time, she didn’t even notice that he was there. When she did, Sian just tried to ignore it. After a while it wasn’t that hard. But without the heat of her passion for Bridget, she found her normal feelings were back. She had no interest in letting Don ogle her when the two of them weren’t making love. That wasn’t part of the price she had to pay to be with Bridget.
‘Thank you, Sweetie,’ Bridget said as she picked up the cup. ‘We will be out in just a minute, okay?’ She sipped her coffee as she watched Don nod and walk back out of the room. He shut the door as he went. She put the coffee back down and turned to Sian. She loved the feel of Sian’s arms as they went around her and held her close. She brushed her lips against Sian’s as she looked into Sian’s eyes. The brush became an extended kiss. Unlike the night before it didn’t ignite passion. Instead it was just soft and caring.
When it ended, Bridget looked into Sian’s eyes again. ‘I meant it last night, Sian. I love you,’ she softly said. She hesitated for a few moments. ‘That’s all I can give now, Sian, just my love. I can’t think about the future, not now.’
Sian gently stroked Bridget’s face. It was troubled and Sian wanted to reassure Bridget. ‘I know, Bridge. I know and I’m not asking for anything more. It’s enough to know that you love me too. It’s the best Christmas present I could ask for.’ They exchanged another little kiss. Sian was happy to see that Bridget’s face lost a little of the worried look.
‘Oh, presents!’ Bridget suddenly said. ‘We need to get up so that we can do presents!’ She had an excited little voice and Sian got an image in her mind of Bridget as a little girl on Christmas morning. She smiled at the thought.
‘Okay Bridge! Enough of lying in bed. Time to go out and face the world,’ Sian said. They both got up and found their pajamas. Before going out, they both went to the bathroom to clean off a little of the remnants from the night. As Bridget brushed out her hair, she made little cries of pain as the brush caught on little dried bits of Sian’s pussy juice. Sian couldn’t help but laugh a little which earned her a light swat on the rear. Bridget’s stern look didn’t last long and she chuckled too. When at last they felt presentable, they went out. It was chilly enough that Bridget put on her robe.
There was more coffee and Don had cut some slices of panettone bread for them. It was one of their Christmas traditions. Although they were holding hands as they came out, Bridget let go to walk over to Don and give him a big hug and a kiss. Sian felt a little pang inside as she watched them kiss. It was very similar to how Bridget had just been kissing her. She tried to suppress the feeling and was mostly successful.
Having just spent all night with Sian, Bridget was a little worried about Don. Fantasies were one thing, but last night had been reality. Was he still just as okay with it?
‘Merry Christmas, Sweetie,’ Bridget said as their kiss ended.
Don smiled at her. ‘Merry Christmas, Honey,’ he replied. Looking over at Sian, he smiled at her too. ‘Merry Christmas, Sian.’ His smile seemed genuine. Sian returned the greeting.
Bridget reached up and ran her fingers along his jaw. ‘Did you sleep well, Sweetie?’
Don nodded ‘I was out like a light, once I hit the bed.’ He looked at the two of them and then shyly asked, ‘What about you two?’ When the two of them blushed, he smiled a little. ‘I guess that means you didn’t sleep the whole night through.’
Exchanging a look with Sian, Bridget shook her head without saying anything. Her blush got a little deeper. She felt Don’s cock stir a little. ‘I guess we are still okay,’ she thought with a little relief. After giving him one more kiss, she got a plate and took it over by the tree and sat down on the floor. Don and Sian copied her and joined her a few moments later. Bridget took a couple of bites and then leaned over to give them each a kiss before getting up. Both kisses had just a tiny flick of her tongue before she moved on.
For Christmas this year, Bridget put up an extra stocking for Sian. She wanted her to feel part of their Christmas in every way. She got down all three stockings and brought them over. How Bridget did stockings was a carryover from when she was little. Her parents allowed Bridget and her brother to open their stockings as soon as they were up. There was always something that they could eat, usually an orange and something chocolate, so that they could wait until her parents got up. There were always a book, some toys and a card game to keep them occupied. It mostly worked.
Bridget waited as she watched her two lovers as they opened up their stockings. There were the usual goodies and she had carefully found books that both of them really wanted to read. But when they pulled out the games, Bridget couldn’t keep the amused smile off her face. Sian took a look at Bridget and raised an eyebrow as she picked up the cards. It was a deck of lesbian sex positions to try. Opening them up, Sian shuffled through them.
‘Done that .. yeah .. yup .. twice ..’ She stopped and laughed as Bridget lightly punched her on the arm. ‘I’m just saying,’ she said with a smile. Sian laughed again when she found the ‘foreplay’ dice.
Don had a similar set of games. He just put his aside with a smile, commenting ‘We can look at these later, Honey.’
For Bridget’s stocking, Don hadn’t been quite so imaginative but still managed to find a book she wanted to read. She gave him a big smile and a kiss.
After that Bridget started to play Santa. She went around the tree and picked out presents and brought them over to where they were sitting. They took their time with one person opening while the others watched. When buying presents, Bridget had tried to find close to the same number of presents for both Don and Sian. It meant Don was getting a few less than normal but it felt okay to both of them. With Don and Sian getting her presents, Bridget had more than normal. As she opened present after present, she felt a little spoiled but after each present she made sure to carefully thank whoever gave it.
Both Don and Sian had gotten a present for the other. Sian gave Don a bottle of his favorite single malt scotch. It was hard to find and she had to go to a couple of liquor stores before she found it. She liked Don to some degree and also wanted to maintain a civil relationship. She was really surprised when she opened Don’s present. It was a Bayern München jersey, one of the new away ones. She didn’t even recall telling Bridget that she wanted one.
‘Don,’ she cried out. ‘Oh my God, thank you! I’ve wanted one of these.’ She leaned over and gave him a big hug. ‘How did you know?’ she asked with a big smile.
‘Just a good guess. You said something about Bayern being your favorite team and I know you like soccer. Plus I have seen you wearing jerseys at the gym but your Bayern jersey is pretty old. I’m glad you like it.’ Don was glad that she liked it. And looking over at Bridget, he could tell that she was very pleased at his thoughtfulness. ‘Double score,’ he thought.
Finally Bridget just h
ad two presents left to hand out. One was for Don and the other for Sian. They were both from her. She felt a little nervous as she gave them their presents. She had put a lot of consideration into what her most special present should be. She didn’t want to slight either one. In the end she decided to risk Don feeling a little hurt but to get them both something similar.
‘Go ahead and open them at the same time,’ Bridget told them. She sat back to watch. She couldn’t help fidgeting with her hands. They were both small boxes, one wrapped in silver and the other in gold. It was interesting to watch how differently they opened them. Don just ripped his paper without trying to preserve it. Sian carefully slit the tape with one of her nails, and then carefully took off the paper and folded it up.
When they opened the box, each one of them found a locket on a chain. Don’s was very angular and thin, with a fairly thick chain. Bridget’s was round and adorned with small circular engravings.
Sian realized before Don did that they opened and she pushed in the clasp. Inside was a picture of her with Bridget. It had been taken at Sian’s party by one of Sian’s friends. Their arms were around each other and they looked very much like a couple in love. On the other side ‘Sian, Love and Joy, From your Bridge’ was engraved there. She read it and then looked over at Bridget. She reached out to take Bridget’s hand and squeezed it. Bridget could see that her eyes were shining from unshed tears.
It took Sian opening up her locket for Don to think to look for a latch on his too. When he opened it, he found a picture that was taken at their friend’s Christmas party. He remembered posing for it but he hadn’t seen it yet. Bridget was in front of him with his arms around her. They both had on very happy smiles. His locket also had an engraving. ‘Don, In my heart always, Love Bridget’ was written there. Looking over at Bridget, he saw that she was still holding hands with Sian. He waited patiently for a moment until Bridget let go. Then he leaned over and gave Bridget a kiss.
‘Thank you, Honey,’ Don said as the kiss ended. He didn’t normally wear any jewelry other than his wedding ring but Bridget had gone out of her way to find a locket that had a very masculine feel to it. And it was obvious that Sian loved hers. Don felt like he needed to wear to show he liked it just as much. Although the chain was long enough, he held it out to Bridget. ‘Would you put it on me?’ he asked. He could tell from the big grin on her face that asking was the right thing to have done. As she put it on him, she added a few soft kisses on his neck. It was the most intimate thing that she had done with him since Sian got there and felt so good that he closed his eyes. He missed seeing the little look of sadness that crossed Sian’s face. It was fleeting and completely gone when he opened them after only a couple of seconds.
Moving over to Sian, Bridget asked if she wanted help putting it on too. She nodded and handed it over to Bridget. Even though Bridget was trying to be fair in her treatment of both Sian and Don, she couldn’t help being turned on by the newness of the relationship with Sian. Just being close to her was enough for Bridget to feel a tingle. When she let her lips brush against Sian’s neck, there was a little shock that Bridget could feel down to her pussy. Her lips lingered on Sian’s skin for much longer than they had on Don. She sucked slightly and licked lightly on the little bit of skin that was pulled up.
Just like Don, Sian’s eyes closed as she tilted her head to one side to let Bridget have more access. But unlike Sian, Don enjoyed the sight of what his wife was doing. He felt his cock hardening. He didn’t know if it would go beyond that but he didn’t have any objections if it did. It was clear from the look on Sian’s face that she was enjoying Bridget’s attentions. When Bridget pulled away, Sian made a little sigh. Don found that he had been holding his breath and let it out as quietly as possible.
For a brief moment Don and Sian looked into each other’s eyes. There was a tiny sense of recognition on Don’s part of just how uncomfortable Sian was in doing anything in front of him. He felt his face flush a little. His desire to watch didn’t diminish but he was embarrassed about it. ‘She only does it to be with Bridget,’ he thought. ‘She must really care for her to put up with me.’ He wondered momentarily what the inscription on Sian’s locket said. Did it carry the same message of love? The thought made him uneasy and he forced himself to dismiss it. Jealously would only ruin the good thing he had going.
They all sat there in the quiet for a few minutes. Bridget was sitting on the floor next to where Sian was sitting. It felt nice to have Sian’s leg touching her. At the same time she didn’t want to leave Don out so she stretched out her foot to touch Don’s leg. Bridget wasn’t sure if none of them felt the need to talk or they all just didn’t know what to say. Finally she stirred and got up. Looking at both Don and Sian, she smiled.
‘I am so very lucky this Christmas to have the two of you here with me,’ Bridget said. She had such a happy look on her face that it broke the somewhat solemn mood into which the other two had fallen. They both quickly agreed. Sian was even able to give Don a warm look. Don got up to make a little something more for everyone to eat while Sian and Bridget started to clean up the mess they had made.
As Sian and Bridget moved about the room, they would occasionally stop and kiss or touch. The newness of the love affair was evident. Most of the time it was brief, just as they passed by each other, every once in a while it developed into a longer embrace with a deeper kiss. Don positioned himself in the kitchen so that he could watch. They didn’t pay any attention to him for the most part. Occasionally Bridget would look over and see him watching. Her eyes would always drop when she saw that. The only time that Sian looked at him was after their longest embrace. Bridget was clearly excited with her hips pressing against Sian’s leg as the kiss ended. One of Don’s hands was below the counter and although out of sight, she could see his arm moving back and forth. She tried to ignore him as she followed up by giving Bridget a little kiss before starting to clean again.
When the room was clean, the two of them came into the kitchen to eat the breakfast that Don made. To start with, they were all quiet but after a few minutes they started to talk. It was just innocuous talk but they all felt better. None of them brought up the previous night. Bridget smiled as Sian complemented Don on his cooking. Over the last month he had gotten lots of practice and he was even better at it than he had been.
‘Another good thing that has come out of this,’ Bridget thought to herself. She no longer felt trapped as the sole person responsible for dinner. Out loud she said, ‘Yes Don, it is really tasty. Thank you for making it.’
Don nodded but tried to just pass off the comments. ‘It was no big deal. I’m glad you like it,’ he said with a self-conscious smile. He lapsed into silence for a few minutes as Sian and Bridget talked about a few movies that had come out for the holidays. They wanted to pick one to see. As he sat listening to them, Don wondered if Bridget would let him go along and just sit somewhere behind them and watch. Just once he would like to be an observer of one of their dates.
When they were finished, Bridget and Sian insisted on cleaning up. Don decided to go have a shower. It didn’t take them long to get it all done.
After she put the last dish in the washer, Bridget turned and walked over to Sian. She put her arms around Sian and gave her a long hug. She sighed happily as she felt Sian’s arms hold her too. Nibbling slightly on Sian’s ear, Bridget whispered, ‘I love you, my darling Sian.’
It didn’t matter that she had heard them before, Sian felt the same surge of joy go through her as Bridget spo
ke. Reaching up she turned Bridget’s face so that she could kiss her. As it ended, Sian spoke. It wasn’t quite a whisper but it didn’t carry far. ‘I love you too, Bridge.’ She hugged Bridget again. Even with the weird situation they were in, she was happy. It was good enough for now.
‘Hey, Sian. How does a shower sound to you? I am pretty sure that Don is in the guest bathroom. You’ve seen our shower in the master bathroom. It is nice and big enough for two. I could wash you,’ Bridget said with an impish grin.
‘You are such a temptress.’ Sian laughed as she said it. ‘Not that it is a bad thing!’ She laughed even harder. ‘I think a shower sounds wonderful.’
Bridget took Sian’s hand and led her into the bathroom. It was empty. She was right about where Don was showering. Bridget dropped her robe to the floor and once again Sian admired how good Bridget looked in her new nightie. She watched as Bridget slowly took it off. It wasn’t a strip-tease but Bridget definitely was aware of how it was affecting Sian. When she had it off, Bridget came over to Sian and helped her take off her pajamas. She was careful to make sure that her fingers stroked Sian’s skin with every opportunity.
‘God you turn me on, Bridge. I’m all wet just from this. If we get into the shower and you keep doing this, it could be a long shower.’ Sian couldn’t help adding a little moan as she finished talking when Bridget touched a particularly sensitive spot.
‘Don’t worry. We have two big hot water tanks. I made Don put in the second one because I hate running out of water!’ Bridget said as she tried to find that spot again. After a couple of experiments, she was rewarded when Sian moaned again. It was a little louder and a little longer this time.
As Sian started to get into the walk in shower, Bridget looked at the door to the bedroom. She thought for a moment and then went over to shut it. She didn’t lock it but now if Don wanted to watch, he couldn’t just look through the door. He would have to actually open the door and Bridget’s guess was that he wouldn’t. It was as much privacy as they were likely to get there. She turned around and got into the shower with Sian.
‘You have two showers in here! That is totally cool,’ Sian said. She already had both of them going and the water was nice and warm.
Smiling at Sian, Bridget nodded. ‘That was totally a selling point for us when we looked at the house. I love this bathroom.’ She picked up a bottle of body wash and poured some into her hand. ‘Turn around, Darling,’ she said.
Sian turned to face away and started slightly when Bridget’s fingers first touched her. It felt so good as Bridget ran her fingers up and down Sian’s back. When Bridget curled her fingers and lightly scratched Sian’s back, Sian let out a long exhale. ‘That feels good, Bridge,’ she said. Sian knew that she was trembling. It was just that Bridget had a powerful effect upon her. She arched her back as Bridget dragged her nails down the length of it. This time, Bridget didn’t stop. Her fingers continued down over Sian’s tush. Sian couldn’t help it. She pressed her butt back against Bridget’s fingers and they slid down in between her cheeks. Sian couldn’t avoid moaning.
Bridget smiled at the sound. She loved making Sian feel good. Her soapy fingers slipped up and down in Sian’s ass crack. It was clear that touching her there was not forbidden territory. As her fingers brushed the tight little rosebud there, Sian’s body jerked and she moaned again. Bridget circled it, feeling how Sian’s body tensed each time Bridget’s finger came close to it. This was something new for her. She had never played with Don’s ass before but Sian obviously liked it.
After playing with it for a minute or so, Bridget noticed how Sian was pushing back against her finger as she touched Sian’s puckered little hole. Deciding to experiment a little further, Bridget touched her there again. Once again Sian pushed, but this time Bridget pushed as well. She felt the tip of her finger slip past the tight ring of muscle. Sian’s moan this time was long and drawn out. When Bridget pulled her finger out, she whimpered just a little. Bridget did it again, letting her finger go in further.

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