Stranded (MF, Cons, Rom) free porn video

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By Spectre

Emily slammed her car door and cursed loudly. It wasn't enough that the damn car quit on her on this empty country road, she was also out of range for her cell phone to work. She leaned against the door and looked around in frustration. She was stranded.

It was all because she had become so bored. Everything just seemed so routine these days. She was tired of it. Her husband had left her over six months ago, running away with a woman he worked with. Good riddance, she told herself. Nowadays, her job was driving her crazy, and taking this scenic route home had been one way she hoped to change things up enough to stay sane. It was a little too scenic. She hadn't passed another car since leaving the main road, and nothing seemed to be traveling her way now. And she wasn't exactly dressed for walking. She had hoped that dressing differently for work would help, but no one had noticed her short skirt, black hose, tight white blouse, or the new black high heels. No one appreciated her.

She just needed something special in her life.

Like a miracle, the sound of a motorcycle engine came to her ears. She looked up hopefully as a headlight appeared around the turn ahead. The sun was setting soon, and she hadn't relished the idea of waiting in her car for rescue. Rescue had come already. There was a man on the bike and he glided to a stop in the middle of the road beside her.

"Hi," he said, smiling. Emily felt herself smiling in return. His eyes traveled quickly up and down her body, creating a tingle inside her. "You need some help?"

"I'll say," she said. "My car is dead."

His eyes flicked to the car then back to her. "No problem," he said. "Hop on. I'll give you a ride."

Emily hesitated. He looked safe enough. Then again, maybe safe wasn't what she wanted right now. A flush of heat spread through her body from her loins. She looked into his eyes, his deep brown eyes. "I won't hurt you," he said, holding out his hand. "I promise."

Making her decision, Emily reached out and took the man's hand. "I'm Emily," she said.

"Mike," he replied. "My name's Mike." He pulled her closer and scooted forward to make room for her. Emily tried to hold her skirt down as she swung her leg up and over, but it came up anyway giving him a quick glimpse of her crotch. Emily felt herself blushing. It was not the right day to be without panties. At least she was wearing pantyhose instead of stockings.

She snuggled close to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Ready?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah," she said, and squeezed him for good measure. Mike started the motor, kicked the bike into gear, and eased into motion. The first thing she noticed was the vibration of the motor climbing up through the seat and right into her crotch. With her arms full of man, it was working to make her horny.

She rested her chin on his shoulder, enjoying the wind in her hair. Mike was driving slowly, probably to keep the wind from mussing her clothes too much. Emily smiled, preferring to think he was prolonging the time he had with her behind him. She wondered about him, this stranger. He was cute, no doubt about it. But she could see no ring on his finger, a married man. That made it even.

That vibration was really working on her. She was going to leave a wet spot on his seat. Without thinking, she scooted closer to him and hugged him tighter. Mike released put his hand on her arm and stroked it lightly, lingering on her hand, his fingers dancing over hers. Emily turned her face to nuzzle into his hair. He smelled nice. She stroked his chest teasingly. He squirmed a little. She wasn't sure if she was making him uncomfortable or not. She shouldn't be doing this, touching him this way. It was so naughty. But she was tired of being nice, tired of being predictable. She wanted to be wild just once.

Slowly, not certain of what she was doing, or why, Emily stroked her way over Mike's belly, moving downward. It made her pussy tingle even more, and she knew her nipples were hard by now. How would he react if she touched his crotch? She had to find out.

Trembling just a bit, Emily let her fingers trail over his crotch. She was almost surprised to find that he was hard. His cock, hidden inside his black jeans, felt thick and hot. She covered his bulge with her hand and squeezed. She was glad he couldn't see her face. She'd never been this bold before, and she hoped she wasn't making a huge mistake. Did she really want to tease him this way, knowing that she didn't have the nerve to actually have sex with a stranger?

His cock pulsed inside his jeans, under her hand. She stroked him up and down, trying to picture in her mind what it looked like. She wondered what it would taste like. That thought sent such a quiver through her body that he must have felt it. The bike was slowing. Emily brought her attention to the road. They were still a good distance away from the main road. She began to get frightened. Maybe she had gone too far with the teasing. Mike turned the bike off the road and onto a gravel track. It was a short loop which lead back to the road, blocking off a grassy area, its purpose unguessable. He brought the bike to a halt and shut off the motor.

Emily watched as he climbed off and turned to her. She couldn't help glancing down at his crotch. His hand came up and touched her chin lightly. He wasn't speaking, and that was a little scary. But as soon as their eyes met, when she could look into those lovely brown eyes and he smiled, she knew it was going to be fine. She smiled to let him know she was okay with it, that she wanted it too. He leaned in and put his lips on hers. It was a wonderful kiss, his lips enveloping hers protectively. His hand moved to the back of her head. Emily opened her mouth invitingly, and his tongue slid past her lips to touch hers. Someone moaned, she wasn't sure if it was her or him.

His hand found her breast and held it firmly. His thumb crossed over her stiff nipple, rubbing it sensuously as their tongues danced together. Her pussy was on fire now. She reached out and cupped his crotch, squeezing his hard bulge. It was crazy. She didn't know him. He didn't know her. But it was magical, like they were meant to be together this way. His hand stroked over her shoulder and down her arm, past her waist to her thighs. She was straddling the seat, already spread wide, and moaned into his mouth as he touched her crotch. She was definitely wet and he could feel it through the nylon. His fingers pressed into her, pushing the nylon between her swollen pussy lips, massaging her cunt.

Emily found his zipper and tugged it down. Her hand slipped in through his fly, and she was delighted to discover he wasn't wearing underwear either. Her hand closed around a thick shaft of hot flesh. His cock. She pulled it out, amazed at how thick it felt in her hand. She broke the kiss so she could look down and see it. "Wow," she muttered.

"Yeah," he said, his hand still in her crotch. Emily smiled at him, genuinely happy for the first time in weeks, as she swung her leg over the bike and slid to the ground. She kissed him again, tickled by the lust she saw in his eyes. She had wondered what his cock would taste like.

"I want to suck you," she said. Without a word, Mike slipped his jacket off and lay it on the ground. Emily lowered herself to her knees in front of him. Mike stepped forward, his cock brushing her face. She wrapped her hand around it again and brought the head to her lips. She circled her mouth, teasing him. He gasped loudly when she opened her mouth and let his meat slide in. She ran her tongue over the underside of his shaft, relishing his manly taste. His cock was hot and incredibly hard. She could already imagine what it would feel like inside her cunt. She opened her mouth wider and slide down his length, taking almost all of him. Mike groaned loudly.

His hands tangled in her hair, urging her to eat his cock. She pulled back, slurping loudly, fluttering her tongue. Her hands tugged at the fastenings to his jeans, opening his pants. He helped her push the jeans down his legs then returned his hands to her head. Now she could cup his heavy balls as she sucked his cock, stroking them gently as she moved her head back and forth. Mike groaned and pulled her head to him, fucking her mouth. She reached down with her free hand, pulling her skirt up and thrusting her hand into her hose to stroke her pussy. She couldn't remember ever being this turned on.

"Wait," he said, breathless. "Wait. I'm going to cum." She could tell. His cock was pulsing in her mouth, throbbing. She had a choice to make, and she made it quickly. She sucked gently as she took as much of his cock into her mouth as she could fit. He groaned loudly and began to tremble. The first hot spurt of his cum erupted from his cock into her mouth. She was surprised by the taste, a little sweet and not really unpleasant at all. He groaned as his orgasm gripped him and hot cum flooded her mouth. Emily moved her mouth up and down his shaft, stroking with her hand as his cock pulsed and spewed its load. She let the cum dribble from the corners of her mouth and run over her chin. When she looked up, her mouth still full of his cock, he was smiling down at her, panting.

She let his cock fall from her mouth, trailing a sticky rope of his cum. She swallowed some, let the rest run over her chin. He laughed. "Oh, my god," he said. "You're incredible."

"Thank you," she said, smiling back at him. He bent and hooked his hands under her armpits, lifting her to her feet. She was caught off guard by the passion of his kiss, not expecting to be kissed at all with his cum all over her face. She clutched at him as he hugged her, his hands roaming over her body. He pushed her shirt up, growling with desire, and dipped his head to suckle at her breasts. Emily moaned, holding his head as his hot tongue swirled around her stiff nipple. He pushed her back until her ass rested against the bike. Swiftly his hot kisses trailed down over her tummy as he dropped to his knees. She spread her thighs for him as he pressed his mouth to her crotch. She moaned loudly as she felt his lips nibbling her pussy through the hose.

Suddenly he grabbed the nylon in both hands and pulled. Emily gasped as she heard a ripping sound, then his mouth was on her exposed pussy lips. He had torn away the crotch of her pantyhose. Emily moaned loudly as his tongue pressed between her swollen lips, delving inside her. He licked upward and rubbed his tongue flatly over her clit. His hands squeezed her thighs as he licked between her legs, pushing them apart. Emily grabbed his head, making sure he wasn't going to pull away. His tongue wiggled as it slipped inside her, and he closed his lips around cunt and sucked.

"Oh, god," she moaned, her hands clawing his hair.

Mike replaced his tongue with his fingers, pushing two digits into her wet hole. His thumb covered her clit, flicking it lightly. "You like this?" he said, looking up at her with a smile. His mouth was slick with her juices. "You like me eating your pussy?"

Emily nodded, panting. She tugged at his head, wanting him to continue. "Say it," he said. "Tell me what you want."

"Eat me," she moaned. "Eat my pussy. Please!" Then she moaned loudly as he shoved his tongue into her fuckhole deeply. He licked through her slit and closed his teeth on her clit, letting it drag through gently as his finger pushed into her again. His thumb pressed against her asshole, slick with juices running from her cunt. Emily began to shake as she felt her orgasm starting. Her thighs quivered. Her pussy throbbed. Mike closed his lips on her clit and sucked as she came, crying out loudly. She held his head tightly to her, feeding her cunt to him, trying to grind onto his mouth and his wiggling tongue.

She slumped as the passion began to ebb, but Mike wasn't done. He hooked his arms under her thighs and lifted her legs, shifting her weight onto his shoulders. His mouth covered her pussy, like he was trying to French kiss it, driving his hot tongue in and out of her. He pressed a finger against her asshole. Emily moaned as she felt it start to slide into her backside. He hooked his arm over her thigh and used the fingers of his other hand to massage her clit. Her body shuddered as his finger drilled into her ass deeper. His tongue felt huge inside her hole. She kicked off her shoes and dug her heels into his back, riding his face. She could hear him slurping her juices. She couldn't remember ever being this wet. As his finger began to fuck her ass, she felt his tongue curl inside her, and she hunched her hips, riding out another building orgasm as it spread outward from her crotch to fill her aching body. She squeezed her eyes closed and saw sparks behind her eyelids.

Finally he pulled away, his face glistening. She laughed as she saw him, delighted. "Oh my god," she panted. "You're amazing."

"I want to fuck you," he said, as though asking permission.

Emily hesitated only a moment. "How do you want me?" she asked. Mike smiled broadly. He lowered her legs and stood up. She kissed him hungrily when he leaned in, tasting her own pussy on his mouth. His cock was raging hard again. It pressed against her tummy, rubbing her obscenely. He pulled back, putting his hands on her hips, tugging her, urging her to turn around. Emily obeyed, turning her back to him and leaning over the bike. She spread her legs for him, trying to watch over his shoulder as he got into position. He lifted her skirt and bent his legs. She felt his cock rub across her nylon covered ass, moving lower until it entered the opening he had made and rubbed over the swollen lips of her pussy. He nudged forward and slid into her, grunting.

"You're so tight," he moaned, driving his cock slowly into her. Emily shivered as he filled her. He was thicker than she was used to, and he was stretching her oh so nicely. He gripped her hips hard, pulling her to him as he thrust forward. Finally she felt his pubic hair against her ass. He was completely inside her. For a long moment, he didn't move. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her, though. She squeezed the muscles of her cunt, hugging his dick. He moaned loudly.

Emily moved forward, making some of his cock slide back out of her. He followed, driving back into her, pinning her against the bike. "Please," she whimpered. "Please."

"Tell me," he said, his voice quivering.

"Fuck me!" she said loudly. "Damn it, fuck me. Fuck my pussy!" She yelped as he pulled out of her until only the head of his cock remained in her, then rammed back in, driving in deeply. Emily cried out as he filled her again. She felt the head of his cock bottom out inside her cunt and his heavy balls slapped against her clit. He jerked back and slammed into her again, rocking her.

"Jesus," he groaned. "I love your pussy." He held her hips and began to fuck her with long, deep strokes. Emily held onto the bike, her toes curling each time his thick cock rammed into her. His hands moved down to squeeze her ass cheeks. "You are so hot," he moaned.

"Don't stop," she panted. "Oh god, I love this." He laughed and smacked her ass playfully. Emily felt a thrill rush through her. His cock seemed to be getting thicker inside her. He was moving faster, and they were making a squishing noise together. She could feel her pussy juice dripping from her, running over his balls as they slapped against her. He slapped her ass again and she moaned.

"I'm gonna cum," he groaned, fucking her even faster, harder.

"Yes!" she moaned. "Don't pull out. Cum inside me. I want to feel your cum inside me." He groaned and began to shake. She felt his cock swell inside her. He smacked her ass again and she went over the edge. Her cunt spasmed hard around his invading shaft, milking him. She felt the first hot splash of his cum erupt deep inside her. She drove her hips back, taking all of his cock into her as they came together. He groaned loudly, his body shaking as more of his cum jetted from him, filling her. She could feel it oozing out of her, dripping over her throbbing lips. She couldn't speak, breathless from the force of her orgasm.

Emily sagged over the seat of the bike and Mike leaned heavily on top of her. His cock twitched inside her, releasing one last shot of his hot sperm into her. She milked his shaft by squeezing her cunt muscles, managing to give herself a few more twinges of pleasure. His hands came around her and cupped her tits. He pulled her body to him, thrusting his hips forward, rocking her. "God, that was good," he said.

"Oh, yeah," Emily agreed. Mike eased his cock back and slid into her again slowly, sensuously. She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder, smiling. He laughed and thrust into her again.

"Do you have to go home yet?" he asked.

"I guess not," she said, pushing her ass back at him. "What do you have in mind?"

"I'll think of something." Their laughter mingled together and floated away into the cool evening sky.

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THE PROS AND CONS TO HITCH-HIKING Episode One I screamed as the fire-engine red Porsche peeled out, spitting gravel at me like buckshot. I picked myself up off the ground. And just like that, he was gone, just as quick as he had cum. One look at my hard cock and the lousy prick shot his load before he could even undo his belt. It's not that he came so quick, I can handle that, it's that he abandoned me on that lonesome road...

3 years ago
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Stranded Siblings Pt 2

Unlike my previous submissions this is a brand new story. It is the second part to Stranded Siblings and I look forward to turning it into a whole series. I appreciate your comments and ratings. ----------------------------------------------------As day broke and the bright tropical sun began to shine through his eyelids, Jack woke up to find himself still entangled with his sister Kelsey. As he laid there facing his sleeping sister, he felt both joy and fear as he recalled the memories of what...

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Stranded in the Woods

After a busy month, Lilly needed to get away, clear her head and take some time for herself. She had been hoping to escape to the mountains and clear her head in nature. This weekend, she finally had the chance. Early Saturday morning, she arrived at a trailhead on the Appalachian Trail. She planned to hike Saturday and Sunday, camping out both nights, and return Monday morning.It was a beautiful, crisp morning, in the mid-50s. It would rise to the mid-70s during the day and cool back down to...

2 years ago
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Stranded at Sea The Storm Part 2

"Hey Andy. How are you feeling? Did you get much sleep?” she asked, looking concerned. "Pretty well actually", I wasn't lying. I felt very refreshed. "Where did you find those clothes?” I asked quickly. "Downstairs. In that food store room at the back there's a case with lots of old looking clothes", Janet replied. I nodded and my attention turned to the deck of the boat. "What are they doing?" I asked as I spotted Kathy, accompanied by Sarah, both of them leaning over the...

2 years ago
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Stranded Daddies

By Beating Off Bob Dave Thompson turned the radio up a little as "You're Addicted To Love" came on the station they were listening to. He heard Robert Palmer, but, in his mind's eye, he saw the dead pan faces of the women on the video, as they held guitars and swayed enticingly. Dick Williams, his next door neighbor, and best friend, started rocking in the seat next to him as he got into the beat too. The girls were in the back seat, dead to the world,...

1 year ago
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Stranded an island paradise

Darkness... He could not feel anything, not his feet, arms, even his body. All he could hear was the relaxing waves reaching the sandy beach, the quiet warm breeze and tropical air. Not to worry they said, that storm isnt a threat in any way they said. Well that probably showed them. It was a stormy night at the airport in L.A. The clouds were threatening and dark, the wind blowed furiosly to the south and thunder clapped everywhere. But the flight to New Zealand wasnt canceled...

2 years ago
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Stranded in the Outback

It was supposed to be a graduation present to Jack – a family trip to Australia. Since Jack was little he was always fascinated with the "Land Down Under". He used to watch "Crocodile Dundee" over and over and he would read many books about Australia. Therefore, his parents promised him that upon graduation they would take him on a month long vacation to that distant country.Jack graduated and the date for the trip was set. Jack's parents, Tim and Joanna, decided to do the trip in August – the...

1 year ago
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Emily slammed her car door and cursed loudly. It wasn't enough that the damn car quit on her on this empty country road, she was also out of range for her cell phone to work. She leaned against the door and looked around in frustration. She was stranded. It was all because she had become so bored. Everything just seemed so routine these days. She was tired of it. Her husband had left her over six months ago, running away with a woman he worked with. Good riddance, she told herself. Nowadays,...

3 years ago
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This will be a collection of multiple stories involving being stranded, and it isn't limited to an island. Please if you do want to write a branch for this story I would like you to have 3 chapters that have a minimum word count of 500. Once I have seen and read the first 3 chapters I will publish the story and add you as an author so you can publish at your own leisure. I also would like a small blurb that I can add to this page so that any reader can see what stories they could read The...

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Stranded for Christmas

Chapter 1It is about 8 pm and Andy is heading home from college.  She decided to go to school a few hours from home so that she had some freedom.  Her parents didn't have a lot of money so what little they did save went towards school for Andy.  This meant when she graduated from high school her parents had given her their old car for her to take back and forth to school.  It was an older car with lots of minor problems but it was safe and reliable...normally.   When Andy finished her last...

2 years ago
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One of my coworkers, soon after I started my first job after school, owned a sailboat. He took me out several times and I fell in love with the feeling you get when you're out on the water with very little noise to distract you. There's something special about being out in nature and feeling her caress you. After nine years of working with that same company, I was getting burned out and knew I needed something different in my life. My epiphany came while driving home one night. The radio...

1 year ago
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StrandedChapter 3

Miri awakened with a start. None of the horrible images from her dreams made sense, but they sure did scare her. Unsettled and anxious in the darkened room, the little girl clung tighter to her pillow—wishing desperately not to be afraid. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. Something was wrong, she just didn't know what. As the minutes ticked by, however, she started realizing that everything was wrong. From the pillow, to the sheets, to the nightgown, to the bed, to the room itself—none of...

1 year ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 9 Understated Theatrics

Running through the pelting rain, Josh reached his, or rather Molly's, car. Yanking it open, surprised it wasn't locked, he jumped behind the wheel and tried to wipe the rainwater off him. The weather had worsened while he'd been inside the police station and now it was blowing up a storm. Lightning flashes lit sky, the rolling sounds of thunder arriving several seconds later. That produced a smile, as Josh cast a last surreptitious glance behind him. He wondered which of the empty cars...

3 years ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 15 Final Plans Final Messages

"Good afternoon, I don't need to tell you that this is a significant event," Martin Schmidt, the White House Press secretary announced, glancing around at the assembled press corps. "In order to determine what happened to unleash a mysterious unidentified plague at a classified military base a few days back, President Atkinson met with Colonel Whitacre. He was the officer in charge of the base who was en route to a briefing here when the plague spread, killing the remaining occupants of...

2 years ago
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Pros And Cons

It was a dark and stormy Wednesday night - the kind of night that makes you thankful you have a roof over your head and feel sorry for anyone who doesn't. It was raining cats and dogs outside with a cold wind driving that rain straight through you. Not a night to be outdoors to be certain. I had come home a few hours earlier from another day of turning wrenches at a small auto repair shop. It wasn't much of a job, but beggars can't be choosers and it did pay the rent. I wouldn't get rich...

Straight Sex
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Fun times with Romy

As soon as the shower turned on I heard a loud stumble followed by a scream. I put on some pants and went to the source of the sound. It appeared to come from the Women’s changing room. “Is someone in there?” “Yes, please help me” When I walked in I was shocked to see my longtime friend and gym partner Romy compactly bare on the ground. She is your typical sporty teen with dark blond hair and a muscled body. “I slipped while showering, I think I maybe have broken something” “Are you still...

3 years ago
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What the fuck?" I muttered out loud when, after turning on to the dirt road, I saw the girl by the edge of the road. Her long, blond hair was billowing in the wind as she knelt over a bicycle that lay on its side, the tire on its front wheel clearly flat.Slowing I took in every curve of her young body. Her little butt stretched the cloth of a pair of khaki colored hiking shorts so tautly I was afraid they were about to split. Perfect round melons I suddenly ached to put my hands on. I could...

3 years ago
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Consoling in strange circumstances Consoling frie

Consoling in strange circumstances________Consoling friend’s grieving mother______ Life is more dramatic than dramaSome events are unbelievable and appear to be crazy, taboo and perverted but happens. The persons in the story happen to fulfill their inner desire the basic instinct, some people may call it a****l instinct indecent but the desire prompted by physiological need erupts despite all reasoning, logic, traditions, religious fears, and possible consequences. The story describes a love...

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THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ROMEROby theduck1930IntroductionRomero was a very plain looking young man of 33 years old, though he had a body that would make even Mr. America jealous to look at it. Abs that looked like a rippled sidewalk. His hips were small and his chest large giving him a near V shaped torso, green eyes and blond hair and a full on tan without tan lines. His legs were muscled and bulged in all the right places. In all respects he was an Adonis if it were not for his face.Romero had...

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Helga and Consuela

Consuela opened the door soon after the doorbell rang. “Helga!” she said as she hugged the pretty blonde girl on the steps. Helga hugged her back and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m glad to see you too,” Consuela said with a slight blush. “Did you have a nice stay?” “Yes, Aunt Ella decided I was grown up enough to spend my time as I liked, so I had lots of fun.” Helga continued hugging her waist and seemed almost as if she was going to lean in for another kiss, but after two seconds let her go. ...

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Anne Makes the Grade Chapter 4Mike and Consuela

Mike found Consuela’s house with a little difficulty. While not far from town , it was rural. Her house, surrounded by trees felt isolated. “Wow,” Mike whispered, “Nice house.” He pulled into the garage and turned off his car. He jumped a little when the garage door started down. His arms full , he turned to see Consuela leaning against the door jam. “You don’t look too bad for having your ass kicked.” “You look great.” “Thanks, come on in,” She said and move back inside. “This house is...

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My First Twosome With Neepa And Roma

This is a continuation of my previous story. You can read it at : It was almost 11 in the night, the phone vibrates. I looked at the phone – it was an alert from Neepa. “This Saturday come back from directly after college. Once you are back have proper shower, and wear only pajamas. Nothing inside. And no masturbation  till Saturday. And no disobey” Neepa told me earlier that if I don’t follow her instructions, I would invite...

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Bridesmaid Mf cons

Bridesmaid by SpectrOfHell Robert could tell that Lisa was nervous by the way her hand trembled in his as he lead her to the dance floor. ‘Don’t worry,’ he told her as the music swelled. ‘You look beautiful.’ She gave him a slightly surprised look which he understood very well. He hadn’t really meant to say anything about what she looked like, he’d meant to say she would be a good dancer or something like that. But she WAS beautiful, and why shouldn’t he say it? Just because she was thirteen...

4 years ago
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Laying Out MF semicons

Laying Out By SpectreOfHell It was a warm day, but not as warm as Vicky wanted it to be. Summer was fading and she still hoped to get a little bit of a tan before she couldn’t lay out anymore. Her husband had to work that day, and the contractor he’d hired to work on the dock was late, but it was a Saturday and she wasn’t going to let it go to waste. She started to put on a par of shorts and a halter top then changed her mind. No, today she’d wear that bikini she’d bought on impulse and had...

2 years ago
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Identity MF inc fatdau semicons

Identity By SpectreOfHell Krista woke from her dream with a gasp. She couldn’t remember the details, but the heat emanating from her body and the moistness between her legs were indication enough that it was another erotic dream. She sat up and threw her legs off the bed angrily. There was no reason to be sitting here horny like this. No reason at all. She was a free woman now, and after a solid two years with no sex she deserved to be royally fucked. But she knew it wasn’t that easy. She...

1 year ago
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Prom Night Mf cons rom 1st

This is another story from my early days. I wish I’d kept more of them. I posted at least a dozen back in the day to various sites but this and ‘Independence Day’ are the only two I could recover. Oh well. Prom Night By Zarathos (a.k.a. a younger SpectreOfHell) I was sitting on the couch dressed in my usual late night attire, an open robe and boxer shorts, watching the Tonight show and waiting for my daughter to come home. I was understandably worried. Jean was only 14, a freshman in high...

4 years ago
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Boning sr mf teens boss semicons

Boning s****r By SpectreOfHell Sometimes events don’t work out the way you pictured in your head. Like when my s****r Toni came home from her date two weeks ago. Being a year younger than her, I’d always kinda looked up to her. At 16 she was trying her best to break out of her niche as a nerdy girl, but if you remember high school at all you know that was impossible. People saw her as a chubby pale girl with glasses and braces who was smart and made good grades, and no amount of new clothes...

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Helping Dad Pt 1 MM inc cons

Helping Dad (Adult son/Father) Chapter 1 Back in the days of Universal Military Service, better known as ‘the draft’, I opted for 3+ years in the Navy and some education and decent training instead of two years in the Army crawling around in the mud and cleaning an M1 rifle. About half way through my obligation I was coming home for a welcome 14 day leave near the end of June. School was out so my dad, a janitor at the high school, was working days instead of his usual graveyard shift and he...

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Outdoor Adventure MF cons cheat

Outdoor Adventure By Spectre As Kayla settled into her sl**ping bag, she couldn’t help feeling frustrated. Not only would her husband not share a bag with her, he had already turned his back to her and gone to sl**p. She had been eager to go camping, fantasizing about wild sex in the great outdoors. The meadow where they had stopped to pitch their tent was secluded with only a narrow dirt road connecting it to the outside world. The scene was ripe for something thrilling to happen. But...

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A Boy and Girl Story mf teens trans rom cons

A Boy and Girl Story By SpectreOfHell Only yesterday, Nick had been on top of the world. For four years, he’d been a geek, an outsider, the guy that none of the glamorous girls would date. Jana had been the incredibly beautiful cheerleader who had chosen him, ahead of all others, to fall in love with. It had seemed too good to be true. And then, just last night, he had discovered that it was. She had revealed herself to him in the most unexpected way imaginable, and he was still reeling from...

3 years ago
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The Nurse MF rom cons

The Nurse By SpectreOfHell Greg made no effort to be quiet when he entered, no more than usual. He had told Valerie, the day nurse, that he would be unable to visit his grandmother today, but plans had changed, giving him the afternoon free. It was well after lunch, and it was likely his grandmother had already taken her medication and was fast asl**p. That was okay. It would give him more time to spend with Valerie. Valerie had been the second nurse Greg’s had hired to watch his ailing...

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