Stranded Ch. 01 free porn video

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Peter’s Accident

It was late, and I was driving over the mountains in an unfamiliar part of the state. I was in a hurry to get home and had 3 more hours of driving before I reached my destination. It was pitch black, raining hard, and the gravel on the road was loose. Patches of fog would occasionally obscure visibility, it was hard to see the edge of the road. Around one of the curves, my wheels caught the rocks and the car pulled sharply towards the bank. I struggled to bring the car back to center and over corrected, it rolled down the embankment towards the river. I can clearly remember thinking ‘Now’s not the time for an accident’. Quickly I became disorientated and felt a heavy blow to my left shoulder, followed by an explosion in my head and I passed out.

I don’t know how long, but when I woke, my left shoulder was pinned beneath the partially open door. Trying to work myself free, the pain was excruciating, I pass out again. The next time my eyes opened, my shoulder was crying out and I was being pulled feet first through the trees. My arms were bound to my waist. I started to speak at the same moment my shoulder hit a bump and I screamed. Next I saw the muzzle of a rifle.

‘You keep quiet, son, or I’ll quiet you up for good.’ He drawled.

The pain was excruciating and my mind was fogged. I couldn’t see his face but the warning was clear. I stifled another cry as he pulled me along. Blood was in my mouth from biting my lip, I wanted to scream but dare not. My shoulder was injured and this person was giving no thought for my well being. Mentally, I attempt to clear my mind but pain clouded it over.

The dragging goes on forever, the surroundings change and I sense a clearing. A blindfold was tied around my eyes and I was dragged into a building. The floor was wood and the place stank of urine, … manure, … sweat. I was tossed in a corner and told … ‘Keep quiet or your breathing might just suddenly stop.’

Whoever this was, he didn’t care whether I lived or died. He’d just as soon kill me as let me live. He left me alone and I took stock. My shoulder was frozen with the excruciating pain. My shoes were gone, my shirt in tatters and everything from my pockets had been removed.

I lay still and heard breathing. Was he watching nearby, ready to shoot? Waiting … no other sound was heard. My bonds are tight and I’m too weak to loosen the knots, my body was reeling from pain and the shoulder is like fire. For hours … who is my captor? Why am I being held? The blindfold keeps me in the dark and I’m unable to determine the time of day.

‘I need to use the bathroom.’

Silence… I repeated it, louder.

Feet shuffled across the floor and I felt a gun muzzle against my face.

‘Son, make another sound and you die. Any sound. I want silence.’ Viciously, he kicked my stomach. ‘Do it in your pants, no noise.’ He growled.

I tried holding it, but pressure built until the choice was no longer mine, it flowed freely and my clothes were soaked, including the ropes. Seizing the opportunity I quietly worked the knots and ever so gently, they loosened. Time passed, my fingers scraped and clawed. Tugging at the fibers, gradually the knots opened and one hand pulled free. Sensitive to the sounds around me, I paused, hearing a scuffling noise, my heart pounding. Minutes passed and not hearing any additional sounds, I loosened my other hand, then my feet. The noise returns and I play ‘possum’. Again silence reigns. Gingerly I removed the blindfold, looking around. Its twilight or dusk, I couldn’t tell which, the shadows are deep. The floor is strewn with trash and except for a large pile of rags in the corner, the room is empty. I stood listening and shaking, then bolted through the door and down the path.

I’d nearly made it to the trees when, ‘Son, now you DIE.’ A gunshot followed, the bullet striking in front of me, and sending up a shower of rocks. A bolt of fear coursed through me as my legs pumped harder. The second shot struck a tree, inches from my face and instinctively I flinched, then stumbled and rolled along the trail, ending face down in the leaves. Before I could rise, he’d placed the gun muzzle on my neck. ‘Boy,’ he said breathlessly, ‘you’re more trouble than you’re worth.’ He said this as a fresh round was levered into the chamber. My right hand reached out and caught a boot, yanking with all my might. He lost balance and attempting to break his fall, releasing the gun, it clattered on top of me, and then rolled back onto his legs. I could see his boots and the gun, and made a grab, my right hand closing around the pistol grip of the stock and trigger, at the same moment he yanked on the barrel.

A deafening roar pounded my ears as the gun discharged and his feet began kicking me violently. One boot struck my left shoulder with deadly aim and I screamed. Lights exploded in my head and I was overcome with a throbbing hurt, I had to get away from him, fast. Having lost sight of the gun, my ‘pain numbed’ mind searched for a place to hide, I wanted to find a hole in the dirt along the stream. His feet were still kicking but I’d moved out of their reach. My shoulder and arm were nearly useless, slowing me down. I’d not much hope of escaping and was completely surprised when he didn’t follow into the undergrowth. In fact I heard nothing, except the water flowing in the stream and the birds fluttering as the sky brightened overhead. Peaking through the foliage I could see his feet and legs, still on the path. I watched, he didn’t move and made no sound.

Waiting, his kicking had stopped. I wanted to get the gun, scared, I inched forward. Still he didn’t move. The rifle could be seen on the trail, on the far side, pinned under his leg. Slowly I crawled, hoping to grab it before he knew I was there. It amazed me that he didn’t hear me, despite my grunting and groaning as I crept towards the firearm. My hopes soared as my hand curled around the stock, pulling it towards me. Briefly I glanced towards him and became sick. Everything in my stomach was quickly deposited on the ground, my insides convulsed, the dry heaves took over and still I couldn’t stop. The one shot, as we struggled had entered his lower jaw and exited the top of his head, completely blowing away his face. Anyone who’s ever shot someone, knows the horrible feeling in the pit of their stomach. As vile as I knew him to be, the knowledge was revolting. For a long time after, I’d have nightmares. The picture in my mind of him lying there would send shudders through me.

The heaves stopped, I lay there exhausted, finally turning over and sitting up. My shoulder throbbed terribly and the woods were quiet. Looking around, the gun had a sling, I removed it and fashioned a support for my arm from the neck. My feet were bare, I removed his shoes, putting them on. I checked the gun, the magazine had two rounds in the clip and an empty cartridge in the chamber. Lastly I examined him, searching his pockets. I found nothing much, a pocket knife, few coins, an empty gun clip, three bullets, a handkerchief, and a small length of rope. There was no identification and I never learned his name.

Using the rifle, I stood and walked back down the path, I wanted my personal items. Inside, the light was poor and I was struck with the horrible odor, it was nearly overpowering. I poked through the debris, using the end of the gun. The room was a mess, trash everywhere. I located where I’d been tied and rummaged around, not finding any of my belongings. Continuing, I moved around the room and towards the pile of rags, I’d seen earlier. Poking it, I was startled as it moved and the wafting smell emanated from here. Prodding further I could make out a human form, tied and blindfolded.

Urine and other human waste were strewn around and fly’s buzzing in the air. This person was a woman and her feet were tucked behind her, the bottoms looked as if they’d been cut with knives. I couldn’t tell her age, but her legs, arms
and shoulders were covered with bruises, not merely black, but mottled with greenish-yellow. I knelt and removed her blindfold. Hatred flamed from her eyes. Her lips were drawn, her teeth snarled like a caged animal which had been cornered.

‘He’s gone.’ I said pointing out the door. ‘He’s dead.’

She looked towards the door, then back at me. Her anger softened and her mouth closed, still she didn’t fully comprehend the change. ‘Dead? Sure?’

‘Yes he’ll not bother us again.’

I removed her ropes and freed her bonds. She couldn’t stand, her feet wouldn’t support her. Her stench was sickening as she too, hadn’t been allowed to use a toilet. The first order of business was to get cleaned up, but how? She couldn’t walk and my shoulder wouldn’t permit my arm to lift her. I set the rifle aside, squatted, stifling the gag reflex and straightened her into a sitting position. My left arm hung uselessly at my side.

‘Put your arms around my neck and hang on tight. I’m going to try to carry you. We need to get you cleaned up.’

She locked her hands behind my neck, I placed my right arm under her knees and tried to lift. She didn’t weigh much, but our physical conditions made it difficult to stand. Using the wall, I pushed with my legs and slowly stood. Then gingerly I walked out the door and down the path leading to the stream. She stank to ‘high heaven’ and I kept my mind away from this by focusing on maintaining my balance. We could see the man lying on the path. ‘Is that him?’ she asked.


She spat, then spat again. ‘You dirty SOB, I hope you rot in hell.’ Her words were uttered with venom. ‘Serves you right, you SOB.’ She let loose with a string of profanity I’d never expected to hear from a woman. She’d a vile hatred for this man and as I hobbled along, she spat again, this time it found the mark. She started to cry and broke into sobs. ‘Oh God, what am I going to do? What am I going to do?’

I’d reached the stream and walked straight into the water until I was waist deep. The water was cold, yet I let the current swirl around us to wash away most of the accumulated filth. A boulder was nearby and I sat her it, with her feet dangling in the stream. Most of the waste was inside her slacks, rather than sliding off, they disintegrated, the cloth was so rotted. The bruises and cuts covered her and as I examined her feet, I could only imagine the torture he’d put her through. Apparently he’d taken special interest in the bottoms of her feet. The other injuries looked like defensive wounds as she attempted to ward of his blows. I washed her feet as best I could and hoped there was no infection.

With my one good arm, I held her as she washed between her legs. When she was finished she was shivering. ‘I am going to steal his clothes. Be back in a minute.’

Leaving her, I waded through the stream and worked at getting his shirt and trousers. With only one arm it was difficult, but eventually I had the garments and lay them on the trail. Returning, I carried her to the bank and placed her beside the clothes. We were both shaking uncontrollably as I helped her into the oversized shirt and pants. They were large but did provide warmth and coverage.

Walking down the path, I found a shallow depression along the stream. I latched onto his hand and drug him, depositing him at the bottom. Lugging stones from the water’s edge, I filled the hole as best I could, then covered it with brush and leaves. At least he wouldn’t be exposed. I returned to her.

‘Have you eaten?’

‘He gave me a little bread every day. Mostly he just beat me’

‘Let’s get back to the cabin, see if we can find some food and try to get warm.’

Standing up was the most difficult maneuver, but once that was accomplished, I was able to make it back with little difficulty. Inside, the light was now sufficient to look around. There were two rooms and we already knew what was in the front room, nothing of importance. I carried her into the back room and found a cot. As I stooped to set her down, I stumbled and she let go, falling she grabbed my left shoulder and I screamed in pain. She wasn’t fit to travel and neither was I.

I looked around the room after the pain subsided and found a couple shelves with canned goods, a loaf of bread and carrots. I broke the loaf of bread in half and tossed her part. She was starved and quickly ate the whole thing. I hadn’t anything to eat recently and also was glad to get food in my stomach. I took a can of beans, found a sharp knife and cut the top out. A tin cup on the shelf served as a second container and I divided the beans in half. Again, we both polished them off.

The stove was an old pot-belly and could be used for cooking and warmth. I hoped there was some wood outside.

The trousers she wore were much too large so I located a section of twine and used it for a belt. Continuing to search, we located one blanket, another knife, shells for the rifle, a shovel, an axe, and more twine. ‘How’d he manage to live?’ I thought. ‘Not much food.’

‘What’s your name?’ I asked.

‘Kathy, my friends call me Kitty’

‘I’m Peter. Want to be Kathy or Kitty?

‘Kitty. What’re we going to do? We need help?’

‘I’m unable to do much with this shoulder and you can’t walk. For a few of days, we should stay here.’

Squatting, I examined her feet and asked, ‘Was he the only one to do this, or were there others?’

‘Only ONE. God, I HATE him. I’m glad that pig is DEAD.’

I stepped outside and spied the stack of fire wood, sized to fit the stove. No other buildings, except an Outhouse, of sorts. Coming back to the room and walking across the floor, it sounded hollow. Pushing aside boxes, I opened a trap door, a ladder descended into a small dirt store room. There was smoked meat, a several bags of flour, salt, sugar, powdered milk, jerky, matches, 3 fifths of whisky, and a shelf of canned goods. This was the missing food supply, I’d earlier wondered about. Along one wall were cooking utensils. Making numerous trips, I carried several items upstairs.

We had one cot, one blanket, two empty wooden boxes, two aluminum basins, and one bucket for hauling water. Not much, but for now, we could survive. I spent the rest of the day carrying water from the stream and organizing the room. Kitty could only watch, offering suggestions. Using the outhouse presented difficulties, we discussed options and agreed that modesty would have to take a ‘back seat’. I, myself, could manage, but she was totally dependant for assistance. Over time, we perfected the method of her being carried, and any personal help required.

With evening coming, the temperature fell. We’d paid our evening visit to the ‘little house’ out back, now it was time to examine her feet. They were severely swollen with areas which looked infected. This wasn’t good. ‘Kitty, we need to get your feet cleaned before the infection gets worse. We need something to disinfect them.’

‘What about the whisky?’

‘Good idea.’ I took one bottle, poured about 2 inches into a basin and she, sitting on the cot, placed one foot gently into the whisky. She winced and stifled a yell.

‘Keep it in there. It’ll kill the infection.’

She gritted her teeth and re-immersed her feet, holding them under for 5 minutes. Darkness descended and with no lights, we settled in for the night. She reclined on the cot and I handed her the blanket.

‘Where’re you sleeping?’ she asked.

‘I’ll sit over there.’

‘Like hell you will. You’re still freezing from our bath today. Get over here.’ She scooted over on the cot, holding back the blanket.

I didn’t argue and climbed in beside her. It took a while to get comfortable, as my shoulder hurt. In the final position, we faced each other and our heads on the other’s shoulder. She pulled the blanket over us, our shivering didn’t cease.

Neither one of us slept much, if at all, my shoulder constantly throbbe
d. Her cuts and bruises would heal, but her feet …, they concerned me.

We were glad when daylight brightened the room. We visited the outdoor toilet and returned her to the cot afterwards to look at her feet. The swelling had increased and I saw more infection. I took the knife and opened some puss pockets, letting them drain. Another whisky bottle was used to soak them again, she screamed, but toughed it out.

‘Your feet are bad. What did he do to you?’

‘He was sadistic. I never saw his face, was always blindfolded. Once or twice each day he’d talk dirty like he’d rape me or have me do sexual favors with him. Nothing happened, it was only talk. Then he’d beat me but mostly my feet. I don’t even know why.’

‘Do you know how long you were held before I came along?’

‘I lost count of the time, three weeks maybe. I don’t know for sure. Little food, no bathroom. He let me wallow in it.’

‘How’d you wind up here?’

‘I had a flat tire on the road and with no spare, began walking. He met me and tricked me into coming with him. God, I hate him. You sure he won’t be back?’

‘You saw him yesterday. He is dead.’ Changing the subject, ‘Kitty, I think we should try to soak your feet in hot water. I’ll get a fire started.’

It took many trips, carrying the wood from outside to create a pile against the wall, inside. Most of it was damp, I needed kindling and used the axe to splinter the driest pieces. With one arm and no experience, this took a while. Kitty helped by pulling apart the wood fibers, gradually a pile was formed. I’d never started a fire before, and the first time failed. Some paper was placed under the kindling and I tried again. Slowly a flame started, with the smoke curling up the chimney, smaller pieces were fed and gradually we had a fire.

I dipped water from the bucket into the large pan, all the while feeding the flames. It took a while, but eventually reached a boil. I pulled the cot close to the stove, Kitty poured the water into the foot basin on the floor. Regulating the water’s temperature, so she could put her feet in, took a few minutes, once this was done, we kept it as hot as she could stand it. She soaked them until the skin wrinkled.

Not wanting the fire to go out, I spent the remainder of the day carrying in more wood, 3 or 4 pieces at a time, adding to the pile along the wall and close to the stove. Despite this work, I was chilled to the bone. The cabin was drafty, with the cot close to the stove, the room remained cold. The weather had turned much colder with a steady drizzle.

That evening I attempted to make pancakes, it was a total failure. Kitty laughed, her results were much better. After we’d eaten, we soaked her feet a second time. As night settled around us, I stoked the fire and together we curled up for the night. We slept well.

The following week, the weather remained wet and cold. We soaked her feet three times through the day and I added the last of the whiskey for disinfectant. I hoped these sessions could heal her feet as the infection appeared to be less. Only time would tell.

Lots of time was spent soaking her feet, carrying wood, cooking food, using the outhouse, yet we had ample time to talk.

‘I don’t like the looks of your feet.’ I commented. ‘He certainly turned them into mincemeat.’ I placed her foot on my lap to examine it closer, finding splinters. ‘We need to remove these.’

She pulled her foot off my lap and lay it across her knee. ‘I have two hands. Let me do this.’

I scooted closer and kept the one foot elevated so she could see, she worked in silence but I saw the grimace on her face. Her work was steady, teasing the splinters out. When finished, we switched feet. The second one looked clean.

With her feet back in the water ‘Turn around.’ she said. ‘Let me check your shoulder.’ I spun around, her fingers gently probing. I grimaced, then screamed as she touched the shoulder socket. Nothing appeared broken, but something was wrong, she massaged the muscles. Small movement showed me the limitations with my arm.

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Working Girl 7 By Susan Brown Kindly edited by Angel O'Hare As I went through the swing doors of the restaurant into the cold night air, it hit me. I was homeless again and I didn't have a clue as to what I could do about it. *** I was out on the pavement. It was cold and quite dark. I knew that I had a long walk home, so I started down the road. As usual, I was in a panic over whether anyone would see me, realise that I was not all girl and shout for the police. I could...

1 year ago
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Are you ready for pain at hc BDSM, a (bondage) BDSM tube? I totally get it if you are a crazy, fucked-up freak whose porn tastes veer towards the bizarre and kinky direction. I know rough, painful female domination in a dungeon solves your wet pussy/hard dick problems as does the sight of pregnant girls lactating milk, Japanese bukkake scenes which involve multiple dudes depositing their perverted juices on one [un]lucky slut, women being choked and bound to the bed and being force fucked and...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Memorable Threesome

Mukesh was 26 years old “ghar jamai” (husband living with his in laws). His wife Ishita worked as a Manager in a firm where she had to go on weekly tours and Mukesh found it hard to stay without a juicy woman like Ishita to fuck. Mukesh ran a Video store where he had employed a servant. At home beside him and his wife was his Saasu Maa Yashodha, a 45 years old always horny slut who had become a widow a year ago. Yashodha was 5 feet 4 inches tall, full body with terrific tits, nice legs and a...

3 years ago
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The Cherry PopperChapter 7

As she walked home from the bus stop Cindy couldn't stop thinking about the cock that would soon be slamming into wet cunt. Just the thought of Steve's cock in her cunt was enough to soak her panties as she kicked through the colored leaves scattered across the sidewalk. It wasn't until she turned to walk the last few feet to the front door that the redhead realized Steve probably wouldn't be home from work for another two hours and she wondered how she could go that much longer without a...

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"Are you ready for me to make love to you, Aubery?" she asked, getting on top of me."Yes, Erin," I muttered, failing to make eye contact."I love you," she stated, sticking the dildo into my twat."I love you too," I groaned, placing my hands on her lower back. 'Just fuck me, and get it over with, woman.'I didn't look at her, but I was sure she glared right at me as she let the dildo thrust in and out of my slit. She stayed close enough, so our boobs stayed in contact, but it didn't...

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Ricky Goes Grey

After my pre Christmas exploits, not much happened sexually for a good 6 months. I’d made the peace with Sharon, however it was just a matter of time before things fell apart. I hadn’t been able to get the holiday from work, so we had agreed that she would spend a week with her parents in their caravan, and then fly home for our anniversary. The sex had returned to a fairly mundane pattern, with any attempt by me to liven things up being met with resistance. At work, Sam was transferred to...

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My New Old BabysitterChapter 3

I felt a tickling sensation on my dick as I started to awaken. Kristen was just barely touching the end of my cock with her finger, just a tiny touch. "Hmm, I just wanted to see how sensitive you were there. I'd say, pretty sensitive. Look, you're hard again. Incredible. Think you can save it until after dinner? Thought we'd order pizza." "Yeah, if you want." "Maybe I'll do my special thing for you tonight. Find me some candles, we'll make it romantic, okay?" "Oh, for sure. I...

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LoveHerFeet Amia Miley House Hunting

I was house hunting with my boyfriend when we met this handsome realtor, Bill. My boyfriend loved the house we were looking at so he was busy exploring looking around while chatting on the phone with his business partner. I admit I’m a little slut who loves to flirt behind my boyfriend’s back. It’s turns me on like everything does that’s sneaky. So while boyfriend was on the phone I started teasing Bill by putting my sexy heels up on his chair to expose my tanned, toned, naked...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 47

Amelia continues the Narrative: "Are you expecting anyone else?" I asked quietly, as Duncan and Connor cast wards around the room as a precaution. "No! Let me go and see who it is," Captain Billy told us, and started for the hall that led to the rear of the house. Connor created an opening in the ward for him. After several minutes, the Captain returned with another man who appeared very reluctant to be seen here. "Tell them what you told me," the Captain directed, without...

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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 8

Alone, Gaston Larreau relaxed in his favorite chair with a tall scotch-soda. He smiled to himself, exhilarated with his accomplished seduction. It had gone so much better than he had ever anticipated; Mon Dieu, but she was a delightful creature; his legs were still weak and trembling from the extent of his climax, yet the mere thought of her voluptuous, naked body caused his prick to again stir in his trousers. He'd never get enough of her; she was the one he'd been waiting for, and he...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 9 Love is a Surprise

1866 "Love is certainly a funny thing," said Seth's mother, steadily snapping beans while she looked out her kitchen window. Rustling leaves now filled the fruit and shade trees and the trumpet vine on the outhouse wandered in glorious bloom. "A very funny thing. Don't you think so, Annie my sweet?" "I dunno," her daughter said, scratching her shaggy head. "And don't you say anything 'bout Jimmy Willson jus' 'cause he throws acorns at me." "Right," said her mother, smiling...

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Kaedes Catfight Club 1 the Red Haired gir

Kaede gulped down yet another glass of vodka, breathing out as it returned empty on the counter.She felt like shit, and yet somehow her mood was enough to keep her sober. Being forced to get out of your house because your girlfriend preferred to fuck another woman isn’t something she expected to add in her to-do list, that day.Left with nothing but a little backpack containing the few clothes she owned, not counting the slim t-shirt that barely govered her giant chest, her denim shorts and the...

2 years ago
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Susan RayChapter 3

“Raymond, it’s too hot,” my sister said, pulling off her t-shirt. I saw her bikini top was about to reveal more than she would like, so I went over and held it in place with my hands as she got her shirt off. “Let me know in advance that you’re making a move, Ray. I could be ready for you then,” she giggled. “Your bikini top was about to reveal ... you’re really incredible ... absolutely fascinating ... beautifully shaped ... breasts!” I declared. She blushed nearly as much as I did. “Get...

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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 22 Home Again

Roy stopped his own impulse. There were simply to many of the Kermac elite commandos on the platform and there were a few civilians and innocents as well, not to mention the 200 plus Kermac already in the City. He also did not forget Cara who had remained on Desolate, tied up in the office of a fat man he had only briefly seen. He was certain Cara would die if he could not do something to get her rescued. It was better to gather more information and then he could try to contact Uncle Sam and...

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Caught and Conditioned 3

The standard disclaimer applies: If you are under the age of consent in your area please continue no further, go find some place more age appropriate, there will be plenty of time for this when you are older. If you are of legal age and any or all of these themes: humiliation, crossdressing, punishment, non-consensual sex, and/or possible homosexual themes bother you please read no further. However, if this disclaimer has peaked your more prurient interests please enjoy some, hopefully...

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In the heat of the moment

It was around Super Bowl weekend. My best friend had invited her ex-boy friend, Mike over to play cards and to hang out. The entire time he was there she was trying to prove to him that he no longer has control over her. Another friend of ours were there as well, Jay, but he was also one of those friends who constantly looked for signs that my best friend and I were together. Jay and Mike both slept in the living room most of the nights that they stayed with us. And my best friend and I slept...

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Private EyefulChapter 2

I sit in Dolly's, at the bar, nursing my Chivas Regal Scotch. It's a busy night, and the babes are out in force. The dance floor is full, with girls dancing and kissing and practically humping each other. Damned nice, if ya ask me. Murray Antoinette, P.I., A Limited Liability Corporation, is doing just great, thank you. Teresa catches my eye and smiles. She's the bartender, a hot little Hispanic girl with a slut's taste in clothes. I like her, a lot. She nods, with a leer. Yeah, we...

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Vs Suggestive Ways Finally Worked

I’m not the best story teller, but here goes…V has often expressed the fantasy of watching me with getting fucked by a gorgeous, big tit, big cocked shemale or two. Every now in and her fantasy changes from two shemales to two men. One problem with her fantasy is that I have never been attracted to a man, but I would be down to spend some time with a couple beautiful gurls (a Natalie Mars or Baily Jay…there are too many to name, lol). Another issue is that I am not really the submissive type....

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One Fine Night

************************************************* This encounter happened just at our Anniversary. We went out to eat at a local Shushi we enjoy. I ordered a glass of wine, and Sara ordered a Blue Hawaiian. This was our norm. We ate and as we did we just chatted. I only had one drink as I was the driver. Sara, on the other hand, had one drink, then another, then another. All told, she had six Blue Hawaiian's and she was at the happy giggly stage. I paid the bill and poured my slightly...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 93 Valentine

We may easily conceive where Morrel's appointment was. On leaving Monte Cristo he walked slowly towards Villefort's; we say slowly, for Morrel had more than half an hour to spare to go five hundred steps, but he had hastened to take leave of Monte Cristo because he wished to be alone with his thoughts. He knew his time well--the hour when Valentine was giving Noirtier his breakfast, and was sure not to be disturbed in the performance of this pious duty. Noirtier and Valentine had given him...

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Stripped By Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Greed is good? My name is Richie Adams and I have a strange story to tell you. I guess I should have suspected something when, at the beginning of my senior year in high school, my mother taught me to walk in high heels. Mom was always getting involved in all sorts of odd, trendy things, so when she told me that she and Olivia, my best friend Warren Baker's mom, were involved in some research study that compared male balance to female...

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MyFriendsHotMom Cherie Deville 24429

It’s hot as balls outside. Codey Steele is over at his buddy Sam’s mom place, and they’re lounging outside by the pool trying to beat the heat. A perfectly innocuous day, until Sam’s mom, Cherie DeVille walks outside in her bikini. Codey’s eyes light up. She’s tan, blonde, busty, and hotter than the weather. “Come into the pool why don’t you?” she beckons. Codey just about jumps out of his seat, but Sam isn’t so keen. Codey falls into a trancelike state watching the MILF splash around in the...

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The story of Beth

One particular women, Beth, I was sexually involved with was open to all kinds of things. Our relationship, if you want to call it a relationship was strictly sexual. We never went out. Sometimes I would sleep over at her apartment. When we did get together, she always asked me what I wanted to do. Our first sexual encounters were plain old vanilla sex. Missionary fucking and blow jobs. One day I thought, can I push the envelope. I was fucking her doggie style and looking down at...

1 year ago
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A brides tale

I woke up to the sound of our neighbors pulling up into their driveway. The car's headlights briefly penetrated the roman shades, casting shadows on the dark bedroom ceiling. I turned on my side, one hand tucked under my pillow and the other, fondling Ryan's bare chest. I watched it rise and fall in sync with his deep breathing. His handsome face was calm and relaxed. I moved my hand lower to his muscular midsection, tracing the outlines of his athletic abs with my fingers. Ryan is a wonderful...

Group Sex
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The Black Widow

They called the Black Widow but I had never actually met her. She was the Group Company Accountant and had a fierce reputation as a hard nosed bitch. I had only been head of our business section for a couple of months but had so far avoided meeting her, then one day out of the blue she decide to undertake a surprise audit of our division. One of the girls in the office announced that the "Black Widow was coming the next day and everyone fell silent, the other girls in the office looked like...

4 years ago
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Her 1st Ass Stretching

I met Danielle when she was 18. It was 2 days after I had parted ways with a girl that I was under the impression wanted to spend her life with me. I was mistaken. I went over to a friend's house of mine with one of my 45s. I wanted to shoot and get my anger out that way. I got to his house and immediately I paned around to see who was there there were a few people there that I knew and there was this short kind of redhead cute pale girl standing there piss drunk staring at me. The first thing...

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How I lost my virginity to an older man Pt 5

When we arrived at his house, he got a couple of sodas and we sat on the couch.He said, “First, I don’t want you to feel embarrassed or ashamed of anything. Please believe me when I tell you that I am a very non judgmental person. There is probably nothing you can tell me that will be a shock. I hope you have the confidence in me to speak openly. Ask me anything you like.”i was very nervous and shyly said, “i’m really confused about yesterday. i don’t understand what happened.” i opened my...

4 years ago
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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 5

Hayden was up before I was. I had maybe an hour of sleep. She acted like it was perfectly normal to get such little sleep on a school day. Waverly was snoring in her bed naked. “Check this out,” Hayden told me to watch her sister sleep. She pulled Waverly’s large butt cheeks apart and as she snored her asshole puckered and then I kid you not it looked like her asshole blew a kiss in time with her snoring. I actually saw a fart ripple out of her ass while she slept. I had always wondered what...

3 years ago
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My First Hotwife Experiance

Introduction: My first time as a shared wife Ive always been a very sexual person. My husband realized this and since then has encouraged me to continue to have fun as along as I let him know what Im doing and even let him watch (smile) if hes around. I was very reluctant at first because I felt I was happy with my sex life. One day when we were coming home from a friends wedding and staying over night in a hotel, we struck up a conversation in the hotel bar with a salesman, who happened to...

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Angel in Miami

This is a true story. It was the middle of July and I was flying to Miami for a conference. I was bumped from my flight and was upgraded to first class on the next flight from NY. I had never flown first class so I was happy about being able to relax after sitting and waiting at the airport all day. After boarding the airplane and finding my seat, the most exotic and sexy woman I had ever seen walked over and introduced herself as the first class flight attendant. Lucky me, I thought, at least...

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Lockdown With A Young Neighbour Girl In Mumbai

Day 1 of the lockdown happened without warning. She rang the doorbell 5 times to wake me up. As I groggily opened the door in my track pants and t-shirt, she was standing in her usual immaculate style. Almost perfect figure, neatly dressed in a white churidar and yellow kurta. Her big black eyes were rimmed with kajal, thick silky hair in a loose braid till mid-back, perfect lips with only lipgloss, simple rings in her ears and a smooth complexion that closely matched the golden color. She...

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Twins Share My Virginity

This is Sue’s story of her loss of virginity. Twins are involved. This a story can be read in conjunction with a” Bisexual” story titled - Jan And Sue’s Affair Begins At The Beach. I was seventeen and was studying in a boarding school and did not have much experience with guys beyond a bit of touching and kissing. I had a few experiences with girls who had encouraged me to join them in bed after lights out and we masturbated a few times. I quite enjoyed it even though it had been with other...

First Time
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Cat Gets Creamed Part 2

Tilly’s kiss was more than just a welcoming peck. It might more properly be called a Deep Snog, complete with stroking tongues, lots of saliva, full-out groping, and twat-tingling intent. She and Cat worked on that kiss, to the point where some of the other orgy-goers stopped to appreciate it and comment.When a small crowd had gathered, and whistles started to rain down, Tilly broke, smiled up at the crowd, kissed Cat on the nose, then said to the assembled multitude, “So, who’s going to help...

Group Sex
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Macmanrsquos adventures in the red light districts

There were two reasons why I often parked up near a red light district. One was to see very sexy-dressed girls in the street. Another was to spread my dirty mags round so the girls could see me ogling them like the perv I was. I’d maybe find a bus-stop so I could hang around there, close enough to see the girls. I’d hold my knob upright under my mac and ogle Her in Her short skirt and skimpy top till She made me spunk my pants. More risky was to drive up and park alongside the road they were...

2 years ago
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Cumming at a glory hole near you

I had been going to the glory holes for quite a while, but stopped about a year ago. Recently I’ve felt the urge more to play since my friends with benefits moved away. There was an ABS about 25 minutes west of me and a quick stop off the h-way. I went there a couple of times and I didn’t have much luck. Except for that encounter in the parking lot. There was another ABS one exit more and about another 15 minutes so I decided to try this one. I had been there before and I had a good time. At...

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