Stranded Ch. 01 free porn video

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Peter’s Accident

It was late, and I was driving over the mountains in an unfamiliar part of the state. I was in a hurry to get home and had 3 more hours of driving before I reached my destination. It was pitch black, raining hard, and the gravel on the road was loose. Patches of fog would occasionally obscure visibility, it was hard to see the edge of the road. Around one of the curves, my wheels caught the rocks and the car pulled sharply towards the bank. I struggled to bring the car back to center and over corrected, it rolled down the embankment towards the river. I can clearly remember thinking ‘Now’s not the time for an accident’. Quickly I became disorientated and felt a heavy blow to my left shoulder, followed by an explosion in my head and I passed out.

I don’t know how long, but when I woke, my left shoulder was pinned beneath the partially open door. Trying to work myself free, the pain was excruciating, I pass out again. The next time my eyes opened, my shoulder was crying out and I was being pulled feet first through the trees. My arms were bound to my waist. I started to speak at the same moment my shoulder hit a bump and I screamed. Next I saw the muzzle of a rifle.

‘You keep quiet, son, or I’ll quiet you up for good.’ He drawled.

The pain was excruciating and my mind was fogged. I couldn’t see his face but the warning was clear. I stifled another cry as he pulled me along. Blood was in my mouth from biting my lip, I wanted to scream but dare not. My shoulder was injured and this person was giving no thought for my well being. Mentally, I attempt to clear my mind but pain clouded it over.

The dragging goes on forever, the surroundings change and I sense a clearing. A blindfold was tied around my eyes and I was dragged into a building. The floor was wood and the place stank of urine, … manure, … sweat. I was tossed in a corner and told … ‘Keep quiet or your breathing might just suddenly stop.’

Whoever this was, he didn’t care whether I lived or died. He’d just as soon kill me as let me live. He left me alone and I took stock. My shoulder was frozen with the excruciating pain. My shoes were gone, my shirt in tatters and everything from my pockets had been removed.

I lay still and heard breathing. Was he watching nearby, ready to shoot? Waiting … no other sound was heard. My bonds are tight and I’m too weak to loosen the knots, my body was reeling from pain and the shoulder is like fire. For hours … who is my captor? Why am I being held? The blindfold keeps me in the dark and I’m unable to determine the time of day.

‘I need to use the bathroom.’

Silence… I repeated it, louder.

Feet shuffled across the floor and I felt a gun muzzle against my face.

‘Son, make another sound and you die. Any sound. I want silence.’ Viciously, he kicked my stomach. ‘Do it in your pants, no noise.’ He growled.

I tried holding it, but pressure built until the choice was no longer mine, it flowed freely and my clothes were soaked, including the ropes. Seizing the opportunity I quietly worked the knots and ever so gently, they loosened. Time passed, my fingers scraped and clawed. Tugging at the fibers, gradually the knots opened and one hand pulled free. Sensitive to the sounds around me, I paused, hearing a scuffling noise, my heart pounding. Minutes passed and not hearing any additional sounds, I loosened my other hand, then my feet. The noise returns and I play ‘possum’. Again silence reigns. Gingerly I removed the blindfold, looking around. Its twilight or dusk, I couldn’t tell which, the shadows are deep. The floor is strewn with trash and except for a large pile of rags in the corner, the room is empty. I stood listening and shaking, then bolted through the door and down the path.

I’d nearly made it to the trees when, ‘Son, now you DIE.’ A gunshot followed, the bullet striking in front of me, and sending up a shower of rocks. A bolt of fear coursed through me as my legs pumped harder. The second shot struck a tree, inches from my face and instinctively I flinched, then stumbled and rolled along the trail, ending face down in the leaves. Before I could rise, he’d placed the gun muzzle on my neck. ‘Boy,’ he said breathlessly, ‘you’re more trouble than you’re worth.’ He said this as a fresh round was levered into the chamber. My right hand reached out and caught a boot, yanking with all my might. He lost balance and attempting to break his fall, releasing the gun, it clattered on top of me, and then rolled back onto his legs. I could see his boots and the gun, and made a grab, my right hand closing around the pistol grip of the stock and trigger, at the same moment he yanked on the barrel.

A deafening roar pounded my ears as the gun discharged and his feet began kicking me violently. One boot struck my left shoulder with deadly aim and I screamed. Lights exploded in my head and I was overcome with a throbbing hurt, I had to get away from him, fast. Having lost sight of the gun, my ‘pain numbed’ mind searched for a place to hide, I wanted to find a hole in the dirt along the stream. His feet were still kicking but I’d moved out of their reach. My shoulder and arm were nearly useless, slowing me down. I’d not much hope of escaping and was completely surprised when he didn’t follow into the undergrowth. In fact I heard nothing, except the water flowing in the stream and the birds fluttering as the sky brightened overhead. Peaking through the foliage I could see his feet and legs, still on the path. I watched, he didn’t move and made no sound.

Waiting, his kicking had stopped. I wanted to get the gun, scared, I inched forward. Still he didn’t move. The rifle could be seen on the trail, on the far side, pinned under his leg. Slowly I crawled, hoping to grab it before he knew I was there. It amazed me that he didn’t hear me, despite my grunting and groaning as I crept towards the firearm. My hopes soared as my hand curled around the stock, pulling it towards me. Briefly I glanced towards him and became sick. Everything in my stomach was quickly deposited on the ground, my insides convulsed, the dry heaves took over and still I couldn’t stop. The one shot, as we struggled had entered his lower jaw and exited the top of his head, completely blowing away his face. Anyone who’s ever shot someone, knows the horrible feeling in the pit of their stomach. As vile as I knew him to be, the knowledge was revolting. For a long time after, I’d have nightmares. The picture in my mind of him lying there would send shudders through me.

The heaves stopped, I lay there exhausted, finally turning over and sitting up. My shoulder throbbed terribly and the woods were quiet. Looking around, the gun had a sling, I removed it and fashioned a support for my arm from the neck. My feet were bare, I removed his shoes, putting them on. I checked the gun, the magazine had two rounds in the clip and an empty cartridge in the chamber. Lastly I examined him, searching his pockets. I found nothing much, a pocket knife, few coins, an empty gun clip, three bullets, a handkerchief, and a small length of rope. There was no identification and I never learned his name.

Using the rifle, I stood and walked back down the path, I wanted my personal items. Inside, the light was poor and I was struck with the horrible odor, it was nearly overpowering. I poked through the debris, using the end of the gun. The room was a mess, trash everywhere. I located where I’d been tied and rummaged around, not finding any of my belongings. Continuing, I moved around the room and towards the pile of rags, I’d seen earlier. Poking it, I was startled as it moved and the wafting smell emanated from here. Prodding further I could make out a human form, tied and blindfolded.

Urine and other human waste were strewn around and fly’s buzzing in the air. This person was a woman and her feet were tucked behind her, the bottoms looked as if they’d been cut with knives. I couldn’t tell her age, but her legs, arms
and shoulders were covered with bruises, not merely black, but mottled with greenish-yellow. I knelt and removed her blindfold. Hatred flamed from her eyes. Her lips were drawn, her teeth snarled like a caged animal which had been cornered.

‘He’s gone.’ I said pointing out the door. ‘He’s dead.’

She looked towards the door, then back at me. Her anger softened and her mouth closed, still she didn’t fully comprehend the change. ‘Dead? Sure?’

‘Yes he’ll not bother us again.’

I removed her ropes and freed her bonds. She couldn’t stand, her feet wouldn’t support her. Her stench was sickening as she too, hadn’t been allowed to use a toilet. The first order of business was to get cleaned up, but how? She couldn’t walk and my shoulder wouldn’t permit my arm to lift her. I set the rifle aside, squatted, stifling the gag reflex and straightened her into a sitting position. My left arm hung uselessly at my side.

‘Put your arms around my neck and hang on tight. I’m going to try to carry you. We need to get you cleaned up.’

She locked her hands behind my neck, I placed my right arm under her knees and tried to lift. She didn’t weigh much, but our physical conditions made it difficult to stand. Using the wall, I pushed with my legs and slowly stood. Then gingerly I walked out the door and down the path leading to the stream. She stank to ‘high heaven’ and I kept my mind away from this by focusing on maintaining my balance. We could see the man lying on the path. ‘Is that him?’ she asked.


She spat, then spat again. ‘You dirty SOB, I hope you rot in hell.’ Her words were uttered with venom. ‘Serves you right, you SOB.’ She let loose with a string of profanity I’d never expected to hear from a woman. She’d a vile hatred for this man and as I hobbled along, she spat again, this time it found the mark. She started to cry and broke into sobs. ‘Oh God, what am I going to do? What am I going to do?’

I’d reached the stream and walked straight into the water until I was waist deep. The water was cold, yet I let the current swirl around us to wash away most of the accumulated filth. A boulder was nearby and I sat her it, with her feet dangling in the stream. Most of the waste was inside her slacks, rather than sliding off, they disintegrated, the cloth was so rotted. The bruises and cuts covered her and as I examined her feet, I could only imagine the torture he’d put her through. Apparently he’d taken special interest in the bottoms of her feet. The other injuries looked like defensive wounds as she attempted to ward of his blows. I washed her feet as best I could and hoped there was no infection.

With my one good arm, I held her as she washed between her legs. When she was finished she was shivering. ‘I am going to steal his clothes. Be back in a minute.’

Leaving her, I waded through the stream and worked at getting his shirt and trousers. With only one arm it was difficult, but eventually I had the garments and lay them on the trail. Returning, I carried her to the bank and placed her beside the clothes. We were both shaking uncontrollably as I helped her into the oversized shirt and pants. They were large but did provide warmth and coverage.

Walking down the path, I found a shallow depression along the stream. I latched onto his hand and drug him, depositing him at the bottom. Lugging stones from the water’s edge, I filled the hole as best I could, then covered it with brush and leaves. At least he wouldn’t be exposed. I returned to her.

‘Have you eaten?’

‘He gave me a little bread every day. Mostly he just beat me’

‘Let’s get back to the cabin, see if we can find some food and try to get warm.’

Standing up was the most difficult maneuver, but once that was accomplished, I was able to make it back with little difficulty. Inside, the light was now sufficient to look around. There were two rooms and we already knew what was in the front room, nothing of importance. I carried her into the back room and found a cot. As I stooped to set her down, I stumbled and she let go, falling she grabbed my left shoulder and I screamed in pain. She wasn’t fit to travel and neither was I.

I looked around the room after the pain subsided and found a couple shelves with canned goods, a loaf of bread and carrots. I broke the loaf of bread in half and tossed her part. She was starved and quickly ate the whole thing. I hadn’t anything to eat recently and also was glad to get food in my stomach. I took a can of beans, found a sharp knife and cut the top out. A tin cup on the shelf served as a second container and I divided the beans in half. Again, we both polished them off.

The stove was an old pot-belly and could be used for cooking and warmth. I hoped there was some wood outside.

The trousers she wore were much too large so I located a section of twine and used it for a belt. Continuing to search, we located one blanket, another knife, shells for the rifle, a shovel, an axe, and more twine. ‘How’d he manage to live?’ I thought. ‘Not much food.’

‘What’s your name?’ I asked.

‘Kathy, my friends call me Kitty’

‘I’m Peter. Want to be Kathy or Kitty?

‘Kitty. What’re we going to do? We need help?’

‘I’m unable to do much with this shoulder and you can’t walk. For a few of days, we should stay here.’

Squatting, I examined her feet and asked, ‘Was he the only one to do this, or were there others?’

‘Only ONE. God, I HATE him. I’m glad that pig is DEAD.’

I stepped outside and spied the stack of fire wood, sized to fit the stove. No other buildings, except an Outhouse, of sorts. Coming back to the room and walking across the floor, it sounded hollow. Pushing aside boxes, I opened a trap door, a ladder descended into a small dirt store room. There was smoked meat, a several bags of flour, salt, sugar, powdered milk, jerky, matches, 3 fifths of whisky, and a shelf of canned goods. This was the missing food supply, I’d earlier wondered about. Along one wall were cooking utensils. Making numerous trips, I carried several items upstairs.

We had one cot, one blanket, two empty wooden boxes, two aluminum basins, and one bucket for hauling water. Not much, but for now, we could survive. I spent the rest of the day carrying water from the stream and organizing the room. Kitty could only watch, offering suggestions. Using the outhouse presented difficulties, we discussed options and agreed that modesty would have to take a ‘back seat’. I, myself, could manage, but she was totally dependant for assistance. Over time, we perfected the method of her being carried, and any personal help required.

With evening coming, the temperature fell. We’d paid our evening visit to the ‘little house’ out back, now it was time to examine her feet. They were severely swollen with areas which looked infected. This wasn’t good. ‘Kitty, we need to get your feet cleaned before the infection gets worse. We need something to disinfect them.’

‘What about the whisky?’

‘Good idea.’ I took one bottle, poured about 2 inches into a basin and she, sitting on the cot, placed one foot gently into the whisky. She winced and stifled a yell.

‘Keep it in there. It’ll kill the infection.’

She gritted her teeth and re-immersed her feet, holding them under for 5 minutes. Darkness descended and with no lights, we settled in for the night. She reclined on the cot and I handed her the blanket.

‘Where’re you sleeping?’ she asked.

‘I’ll sit over there.’

‘Like hell you will. You’re still freezing from our bath today. Get over here.’ She scooted over on the cot, holding back the blanket.

I didn’t argue and climbed in beside her. It took a while to get comfortable, as my shoulder hurt. In the final position, we faced each other and our heads on the other’s shoulder. She pulled the blanket over us, our shivering didn’t cease.

Neither one of us slept much, if at all, my shoulder constantly throbbe
d. Her cuts and bruises would heal, but her feet …, they concerned me.

We were glad when daylight brightened the room. We visited the outdoor toilet and returned her to the cot afterwards to look at her feet. The swelling had increased and I saw more infection. I took the knife and opened some puss pockets, letting them drain. Another whisky bottle was used to soak them again, she screamed, but toughed it out.

‘Your feet are bad. What did he do to you?’

‘He was sadistic. I never saw his face, was always blindfolded. Once or twice each day he’d talk dirty like he’d rape me or have me do sexual favors with him. Nothing happened, it was only talk. Then he’d beat me but mostly my feet. I don’t even know why.’

‘Do you know how long you were held before I came along?’

‘I lost count of the time, three weeks maybe. I don’t know for sure. Little food, no bathroom. He let me wallow in it.’

‘How’d you wind up here?’

‘I had a flat tire on the road and with no spare, began walking. He met me and tricked me into coming with him. God, I hate him. You sure he won’t be back?’

‘You saw him yesterday. He is dead.’ Changing the subject, ‘Kitty, I think we should try to soak your feet in hot water. I’ll get a fire started.’

It took many trips, carrying the wood from outside to create a pile against the wall, inside. Most of it was damp, I needed kindling and used the axe to splinter the driest pieces. With one arm and no experience, this took a while. Kitty helped by pulling apart the wood fibers, gradually a pile was formed. I’d never started a fire before, and the first time failed. Some paper was placed under the kindling and I tried again. Slowly a flame started, with the smoke curling up the chimney, smaller pieces were fed and gradually we had a fire.

I dipped water from the bucket into the large pan, all the while feeding the flames. It took a while, but eventually reached a boil. I pulled the cot close to the stove, Kitty poured the water into the foot basin on the floor. Regulating the water’s temperature, so she could put her feet in, took a few minutes, once this was done, we kept it as hot as she could stand it. She soaked them until the skin wrinkled.

Not wanting the fire to go out, I spent the remainder of the day carrying in more wood, 3 or 4 pieces at a time, adding to the pile along the wall and close to the stove. Despite this work, I was chilled to the bone. The cabin was drafty, with the cot close to the stove, the room remained cold. The weather had turned much colder with a steady drizzle.

That evening I attempted to make pancakes, it was a total failure. Kitty laughed, her results were much better. After we’d eaten, we soaked her feet a second time. As night settled around us, I stoked the fire and together we curled up for the night. We slept well.

The following week, the weather remained wet and cold. We soaked her feet three times through the day and I added the last of the whiskey for disinfectant. I hoped these sessions could heal her feet as the infection appeared to be less. Only time would tell.

Lots of time was spent soaking her feet, carrying wood, cooking food, using the outhouse, yet we had ample time to talk.

‘I don’t like the looks of your feet.’ I commented. ‘He certainly turned them into mincemeat.’ I placed her foot on my lap to examine it closer, finding splinters. ‘We need to remove these.’

She pulled her foot off my lap and lay it across her knee. ‘I have two hands. Let me do this.’

I scooted closer and kept the one foot elevated so she could see, she worked in silence but I saw the grimace on her face. Her work was steady, teasing the splinters out. When finished, we switched feet. The second one looked clean.

With her feet back in the water ‘Turn around.’ she said. ‘Let me check your shoulder.’ I spun around, her fingers gently probing. I grimaced, then screamed as she touched the shoulder socket. Nothing appeared broken, but something was wrong, she massaged the muscles. Small movement showed me the limitations with my arm.

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I knew campus would be dead the day of July 4th, but I wasn't expecting it to be this dead. Normally, even during the summer session, my Psych 101 class would have a hundred people in it. Today there was maybe twenty of us s**ttered around the auditorium. But that didn't stop Dr. Mallory from droning on at the front of the room.I shouldn't complain. Psych was an easy A for me and watching Dr. Mallory was not without its perks. Like the tight khakis he always wore that cradled his amazing butt....

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Daddys Kinky Barista

It’s been a year since they met. A year that has changed everything. He is no longer the same man; she is no longer the same girl. This past year has changed everything.A year ago, if he would have entered this café, his back would be hunched, his eyes cast down and there would be no trace of the smile that is now playing on his lips. He might have been dressed the same, but he would have looked completely different. His beard is greyer now, but he does not look older. It’s funny what a year...

1 year ago
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My Calendar for KettieChapter 3

June 17 – Mid August By the time I started in my new management position at World ChipTech I had a New York tan, which, believe me, is different than a California tan. The sun angles for our everyday sunny weather and the angles plus humidity make a different tan. I felt comfortable and ready to take over the wheel after my first 3 days and my predecessor gave me her blessing and let me work alone the last 2 days while she looked on. After 4 weeks I was in the groove. The only thing I...

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tag teamed at a construction site at night

Over the course of a few months I would regularly meet a couple different guys at lunch time and depending on their schedule they would either fuck me in the booth or I would suck them dry. Both were average guys in evryway. One a business man and the other a blue collar guy. Both I would say with a 7.7.5 in cock, neither shaved. I will call one of them Joe for the stories purpose. Joe was the blue collar type and his cock was like I said about 7-7.5 inches long but very thick and very big...

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Opus OneChapter 8 Allegro

Richard woke up quite late, and he was the first to stir. For a moment, he was startled by his location. He figured he would have gone back to his room last night after a brief snooze. Instead, it was late morning. Emily was still beside him, but Sandra had moved to Emily's bed and was sleeping soundly. Richard grinned as he saw the remains of the evening strewn about the room. Playing cards were scattered on the floor, clothes sat in little piles, and two empty wine bottles stood on the...

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I’d heard quite a lot of things about dogging, how filthy it could get, but I’d never tried it as I wasn’t even really sure where to go. My sexy owner next door was more than enough for me at first, but now I was craving even more.I went online, the usual sites, and researched/asked around where I could go dogging in the nearby area. I’d got talking to many regulars from the area and I’d come up with a reasonable plan. I’d finally just received my car, I knew it was about time to start my new...

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Balancing Act

Balancing Act By Magentashadow Lord Transformtrix coalesced quietly into existence high above the planet called Earth. Humanoid in appearance, the strange being looked like a perfect blend midway between male and female. His/Her body seemed to be an anthropomorphic version of the yin/yang symbol come to life. Her top right side a right white, his lower left an inky black. Slowly the black and white, and the male and female in the being changed as if the yin/yang symbol it seemed to...

1 year ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 22

David and June met with Chuck Denver; David paid the divorce attorney's retainer, and they agreed that Denver would extract his fee and return David's retainer out of the divorce settlement. When asked, June told them that she hadn't signed a prenuptial agreement. David also informed Denver about the danger June faced and the plot to lure June and her daughter out of the compound, including her husband's desired results if the plot succeeded. "Can you prove these allegations?" Denver...

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My wife told me some while after we were married one night following a fabulous fuck session with my thick cum still swimming in her sweet cunt about how innocent she was before her friend Heidi “corrupted” her, Adding she was ever so grateful Heidi had. Sarah’s Mum Who was a.rather nice lady for a mother in law, RIP had told her all about sex, but very little about how it works or what to do when she got sexual feelings. Heidi’s Mum.had actually explained and showed pictures from a printed sex...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 2

Mom works for Dad at the car lot in the mornings from 9:00 to 12:00 each day, six days a week. Sherry and I always sleep until Mom wakes us for school. I woke up at 9:30 on Saturday and thought I had overslept ... then I realized school was out for the summer and I was off all weekend. Mom had left a note for us, saying she’d be back to get Sherry so they could go shopping. She told me to have a good time and be sure to use protection tonight ... Dang, my own Mom telling me to use a condom,...

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My Modeling Debut

My Modeling Debut By Helen Jane Carpenter Well I said I would tell you my story and here it is, factual and in full. Chapter 1 If you are looking for a pornographic article, please look elsewhere, lovers of pornography are liable to be somewhat disappointed. We have some good friends, Annette and Tony who have a son the same age as our daughter. It was through playschool and nursery school that the women became firm friends, and Tony and myself followed on with the odd game...

1 year ago
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10 year reunion pt 2

After I was untied and let go from them it was after 2 I thanked them and went to get dressed but they had torn my clothes up pretty good taking them off me all the buttons on my blouse were gone my bra was torn my skirt was ripped but wearable my pantyhose were still on me the crotch all ripped open and full of runs so I put my skirt on put my bra and blouse in my purse and put my jacket on and as I got outside I had to get the water out of me I only had a few blocks to moms but I couldn't...

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Windows Part 3 of 3

Beth crossed the street, and entered the door that led up the flight of stairs. As she climbed, she filmed herself with her iphone, unfastening the buttons of her jacket. On the screen, razr242/Jessup was no longer lying on his bed, but sitting straight up at the edge of it. By the time she reached the top, her coat was hanging fully open. 'Let's see him ignore me now,' she thought to herself as she knocked loudly on door B. She saw him in the window of her phone stand and scurry out of the...

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Husbands Fantasy Gone Real

A few years ago whilst visiting the UK from Europe on business, I was driving in UK late at night, from Southampton back to London in a hire car, when on a country road, the engine stopped and would not restart. My mobile phone charging lead had ceased to function earlier and my mobile battery was flat. So I started to walk to a large house whose lights were visible in the distance. I was hoping to use the house phone to call the hire company to arrange help to get back to my hotel.By the time...

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How Did This Happen Shaynes Story

Just to make this clear, so there’s no confusion, I wanted to try something a little different and decided to write from the female perspective. I hope everyone enjoys this story and please leave me feedback. It’s greatly appreciated! *** How did it come to this? I asked myself as I rolled over to take a better look at the stranger that occupied my bed. He was a good looking guy, so I felt better about the situation. Then I realized who it was – John, the guy who took me to the lake. Feeling...

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Nikkis Teen Intern Training Chapters 1 4

First multi-chaptered story of mine. This will be the first four chapters with 7 or 8 in all. Starts off slow, but picks up.After years of arduous work and climbing menial rank after rank, I had finally been promoted to a very respectable position of management in my firm where I could reap the benefits of a heavier pay and a lighter workload. It had been too long, years upon years of 50-hour work weeks of taking on the most laborious aspects of the office, for me to fully enjoy what I had...

3 years ago
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Fun With Ron and Others Dogging and GangfuckedChapter 2

Following on from the great dogging session at the car park we decided to carry on the fun back at Ron's. Sam, Ron and I travelled back to his with one of the guys from the serviceman's club(Barry), whilst Simon and Louise(the young couple) took another two of the guys (Paul and Trevor) in their car, following Ron slowly as we trundled to the house. That was giving me and Louise a total of 6 guys between us! I had redressed in a fashion. My skirt was back on, as was my blouse and my...

2 years ago
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Grace the BikersChapter 9

Final He humped me fast and furious. His cock hitting me all over my ass before finally burying himself into my very wet large cunt. As he thrust and pounded and his precum spurted into me, I could hear the sound of Meat Loaf ringing in my ears. “Like A Bat Out Of Hell”! My body shook and danced to the beat of that wild brute on my back and to my shock my fear had vanished and the tell tell sign of a climax started. How could I possibly enjoy this rape but I was. I even heard myself shout...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Alexis Zara Alexis Zara Loves Fucking That Hard Cock

Busty and bubbly babe Alexis Zara is back for more and this time she ha a real hard cock to join the fucking fun! She loves to laugh and bounce on that cock once she gets it all nice and wet from her sloppy blowjob. She lets you admire those beautiful large breasts as they bounce and bounce from her grinding down hard on that cock! If there is one thing this girl can do it is mesmerize you with those gorgeous perfect curves and one deliciously tight pussy that consumes that hard cock to the...

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A Weekend With My Big sis Pt 2

Chapter TwoWe woke around 10 am. Georgia got up first; I heard her go through to the loo and heard her pissing in the bowl through the door she’d neglected to close. After a stream lasting almost a minute, I concluded she’d been a bit desperate. Two minutes later she came into the bedroom with a glass brimful of orange juice and placed it on the dressing table beside her purply pink vibrator. She gave my shoulder a shake. “Come on Jay, its 10 already, here’s some juice. I’ve put the kettle on...

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Sex in me School

One day the teacher was teaching us biology class and explaining the human reproduction system. The teacher was telling about the penis, the sperms, the ovum, the pussy and breasts and the whole process of human reproduction. I just turned 13 and am in e···h g#@de, the teacher is an attractive female named Ms. Besbokners, she is 32, 5ft 8in, 110lbs, brunette. She was explaining the topic with help of sketches and diagrams, she was asking questions to us on the topic to determine whether we were...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 52 Barbie vs Barbie

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Contemplating Angelas First Foursome Leads To A Threesome Part 3 of 3

The restaurant had closed by now and was in darkness. No one seemed to be around. We could see 2 cars in the parking area. One of them was ours and was furthest away, at the other end. As we neared the other car we could see someone desperately trying to open it. As we got nearer we realized it was Barry.I called out to him, ‘Barry, are you okay?’Barry turned towards us and replied, ‘I have probably left my car keys inside the restaurant and the owners had locked and left before I...

Wife Lovers
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Love Is All We Need 8211 Making Love

The woman is a creature which cares for us and loves us. So it’s our duty to make love to them too.   I am Dhruv Sharma delhite of Pitampura area. 20 yr old 6 ft tall bright complexion guy well bearded and with body well maintained with a big 6 inch cock.   As I was 19 I started hitting the gym and was so much into the workout. Many young ladies and girls also used to come there but I wasn’t close to any one   One fine day when I was heading to the gym I saw a car breakdown nearby and stopped...

2 years ago
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A Virgin Scenario

You asked me how would I, as an experienced lover (which I am not too sure I am), make love to a girl I knew was a virgin. My mind has to imagine this because I don’t think I have ever been in this situation. I know that she wasn’t when I was [G] and, being shy in the extreme in my younger days, I was never the one to place myself in a situation where I might be rejected. I hated rejection (don’t like it much today, either) I visualize the circumstances like this…a fairly lengthy ‘getting to...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Natalia Nix Skinny AllNatural Babe Passionate Bedroom Sex

Skinny tattooed hottie, Natalia Nix, can’t control her lust any longer. She wants to have sex with her man, Jessy Jones, as soon as possible. Natalia is quick to take off her clothes to show off her new blue lingerie to the lucky stud. The horny duo shares a deep passionate kiss before going down on each other. Natalia moans in delight as her man showers her body with kisses. She then returns the pleasure by giving Jessy a sloppy blowjob. Natalia’s moans fill the room as she rides...

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Lady Luck

Nathan’s a good looking man, tall and broad shouldered. Naturally blessed with lean, chiseled features, he’s something of a small-time con artist. Nathan likes to rely on the kindness of strangers. He enjoys people’s trust. His toffee coloured eyes give the impression of generosity and warmth. In his presence a person can be made to feel both interesting and appreciated. He’s aware of the affect he sometimes has on strangers, making sure his self-effacing demeanor keeps his manners endearing...

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The Tales of the Movie Star

The Tale of the Movie Star, the Afreet, the Librarian & the Djinn. by Eric The Afreet Salabah was fuming -literally. . The Djinn Kassan had brutally kicked her out of his bed saying. 'Your breath is like camel dung! Your face would stop an hour glass. Your voice is like the croak of a hoarse vulture, & your personality would make a serpent shudder with remorse. You are no fit bed companion for such as me the most valiant & handsome of the Pasha's elite guard.' ...

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Damsels in Need Bree

Bob was a 40 year old divorcee, and father to James his 23 year old son who had moved into his own place at the age of 18, wanting to have some independence. He had raised him for most of his life, after his ex-wife left their lives almost 15 years previously. She was very self centered, and unfortunately James was heading in the same direction after having reconnected with his mother in the last few years. James had been married for three years to 22 year old Bree, but that marriage had...

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Legally Binding Ch 6

I’m writing this as You have instructed me to do, in longhand on a legal pad. I am in my office on the morning after You took me as Your possession. I’m dressed as You ordered, Sir. I really do resemble “a sexless librarian” - except for the fact that I’m writing this on all fours behind my desk, with my skirt up over my hips and my pantyhose halfway down my thighs. My head is down, my ass is in the air and the panties You so graciously inscribed for me are on full display, as You ordered....

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Nackt im Flur

Melina kaute langsam auf ihrer vollen Unterlippe während sie unschlüssig in ihrem Wohnungsflur stand. In ihrer linken Hand hielt sie einen durchaus feinen und teuren Spitzenstring. Sonst war die vollbusige, kurvige Frau von 1,65 splitternackt. „Was zum Teufel mache ich eigentlich hier?“ murmelte sie schon zum vierten mal. Aber sie wusste ziemlich genau, was sie tat. Ende zwanzig und seit Monaten Single war sie kurz vor dem Durchdrehen. Und ihr Nachbar nahm jeden zweiten Abend seine Freundin...

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Sassey Wife

My wife Tina and I have been married for three years now and we have been very happy. She is twenty four now but because she only stands a little over 4 7 and looks so young, you would swear she was only thirteen. She loves sex and is very multi-orgasmic. I have never met a women who could cum so easily or so often. Though she is very small she is very well proportioned and looks like a 6 fashion model in miniature. She has long golden blonde hair, wide hips, a tight ass, small breasts with...

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TeamSkeetExtras Shay Evans The Bodyguard

In The Bodyguard, Shay Evans is stuck in the Witness Protection Program while waiting to testify against her husband and his cartel. She is trapped in suburbia and followed everywhere by her bodyguard, Danny Mountain. Alone with her protector and with nothing to do, it didn’t take long for Shay to start fantasizing about the man watching over her. She hadn’t been fucked in months and was getting horny, so she decided to have a little fun. She starts to rub her wet pussy in front of him, and...

1 year ago
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I Love Being Nude

I am nude as much of the time that I can be. I sleep nude, I work around the house nude and at nights I walk around outside and sit on our front porch nude till midnight. I love it when the wind blows around my big cock and balls. My story takes place on my front porch one night when a girl caught me standing there naked. My porch is about 20' from the street in the front of my house and a sidewalk that's about 16' in front. I like to stand on the porch facing the street pretending people were...

First Time
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Lonely WivesChapter 2

I stored my stuff in the garage, threw my shirt back on, and went back through the gate. I opened the sliding glass door at the other side of the patio, and went inside. It was cool and dark inside in comparison to the hot, humid morning outside. I went through the kitchen and into the front hallway, following the sound of Patty's voice. She was obviously talking to someone on the phone when she called out to me, "Duncan, is that you?" "Yes Mrs. Johnson, it's me." "Come on up, the...

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