Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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I met Pam in my junior year at college. She had taken the seat next to me on the first day of Managerial Economics. As far as meetings go it was not an auspicious one.
I glanced over at her when she sat down and that glance turned into a long appreciative look. She was a sexy looking ash blond, but what caught my attention were the long legs sticking out from under the short skirt and the pair of four inch 'come fuck me' heels on her feet. I have always been a leg man and high heels have always been a turn on for me. What my attention got me was a:
"What the fuck are you looking at asshole?"
That of course pissed me off and so I said, "If you are dumb enough to have to ask that question you obviously aren't smart enough to understand the answer."
Before it could go any farther Professor Smythe called the class to order. When class was over I was on my feet and rushing out the door. My next class was in ten minutes and Carlyle Hall was on the other side of the campus.
At twelve I was sitting at a table in the Student Union cafeteria having lunch and reviewing my afternoon class schedule when my attention was pulled away from what I was reading by someone pulling out a chair and sitting down at my table. I looked up and saw that it was the leggy ash blond.
"Just what the fuck did you mean by your smart assed remark this morning?"
As they had in class her words and tone of voice got to me. I looked at my watch and said:
"It has been two hours and twenty minutes since I said it and you still haven't figured it out? Well I did say you were dumb and stupid didn't I."
She reached over, picked up my glass of water and tossed it in my face as she said "Fuckhead!" and then got up and stormed off.
Managerial Econ was a Monday/Thursday class and the next time I saw the ash blond was at the Thursday class. I waited in the hall until I saw her enter the classroom and take her seat and then I walked in and tipped the cup of water I was carrying so the water ran down the back of her neck. It got a predictable reaction and a "What the fuck?!!" out of her. I just smiled at her and said:
"Surely in one of your high school classes you must have learned of Newton's Third Law. That for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction? Or maybe you have heard the modern day equivalent. What goes around comes around."
"Fuckhead" she snarled as she got up to go to the girl's lavatory to dry off or whatever.
When she came back class was already in session and as she took her seat Professor Smythe said:
"Class starts at 9:05 Miss Stewart. I would appreciate it if you would be in your seat by then and not create a disruption by coming in late."
This got me a look from the ash blond (other than hearing Smythe call her Miss Stewart I still didn't know her name) that should have killed me on the spot. A glance or two during the class showed that she was still steaming and no doubt was waiting for the end of class so she could get at me, but the same as Monday as soon as class was over I was up and running to my next class.
As I hurried to class I was trying to make up my mind on whether or not to take lunch in the cafeteria. The odds were pretty damned good that Miss Stewart would be there expecting to see me or at least hoping to. Did I want another confrontation? Then I smiled as I realized that of course I did. I was getting a kick out of tweaking Miss Stewart's nose.
As I carried my tray to an empty table I looked around the room, but I didn't see the sexy ash blond, but that meant nothing as she could arrive at any minute. I chose a table close to the wall and sat in the chair that put my back to it so she couldn't sneak up on me. I was joined at the table, but not by Miss Stewart. Billy Neubert sat down across from me.
I'd known Billy for years. He had been my next door neighbor for years until his folks had moved. We reconnected on the football field in the tenth grade when my school played his school. He was a wide receiver and I was a middle line backer and I didn't know it was him when I tackled him. When I offered him a hand to help him up he said:
"Damn Rob; that ain't no way to treat an old friend."
After that we had kept in touch. He was a better receiver than I was a line backer and he was attending school on a full athletic scholarship while my way was being paid by a trust fund that my grandparents had set up when I was born. After Billy sat down he said:
"I saw Snake throw water in your face the other day and I heard that you got back at her today."
"Snake? Who is Snake?"
"That's the nickname we hung on Pam Stewart in high school."
"Why would you call her Snake?"
"Because she was like a snake in the grass. If you did anything to her that pissed her off she would lie in wait until she could strike back at you. I've seen her wait a year to get back at someone who pissed her off. Behaved like sugar and spice until she could get even. Just giving you a heads up bud. Keep an eye on her."
I didn't see Miss Stewart that day and guessed that it would be Monday before we crossed paths again.
I was wrong.
I didn't belong to a fraternity because I didn't have the time. Summers, weekends and a couple of times a week I worked at my Uncle Mike's brake shop or on construction with my Uncle Jim. My parents had given me a car on my sixteenth birthday with the caveat that I was responsible for plates, insurance, upkeep, and of course that gas to make it move. That meant job.
Even though I didn't belong to a frat I did know plenty of guys who did and as a result I got invited to a lot of frat parties. It was Saturday night and I was at a party at the Pi Kappa Alpha house when I saw Pam Stewart come in with a guy I didn't know. I didn't know him, but I knew of him. He was a fullback on the football team and he had a reputation as a hot head and I could just see me getting into it with him if Miss Stewart and I continued our little feud and he decided to back her play.
I wasn't afraid of him, but as an invited guest I didn't want to be part of a ruckus that might cause a problem for the fraternity. A fight could mean cops which could lead to God only knows what as far as the college administration was concerned. I decided to do my best to avoid Miss Stewart and her escort even if it meant leaving the party.
My best wasn't good enough.
About forty-five minutes after I saw Miss Stewart arrive I had to take a potty break and when I came out of the bathroom I found her standing in the hall just outside the door. She put her hands against my chest and pushed and I stumbled backward. By the time I caught my balance she had stepped into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. I don't know what her plans were, but it was obvious that she didn't expect me to do what I did.
I stepped forward and put both of my hands against her chest – one hand over each boob – and pushed her back against the door as I said:
"You are apparently a slow learner. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The 'what goes around comes around thing' you know."
"Get your hands off my tits" she snarled.
"No fucking way lady. You invited my hands on your chest when you put yours on my chest. Besides, thy feel pretty damned good."
She tried to bring her knee up into the family jewels, but I expected it and my legs were clamped together and I was standing too close to her and almost pushing my cock into her. Then I thought "Why not?" I pressed my body into her and I saw her eyes widen when she felt my hard cock pressing into her. Hey; I did say she was a sexy looking babe right?
"Get away from me asshole or I'll scream rape."
"Do it and get laughed at you stupid cunt. You were so intent on what you were planning for me that you didn't notice Billy Neubert and Harry Short standing in the hallway. They saw you ambush me, shove me back into the room and then follow me in."
It was a lie, but one I thought I could get away with.
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm giving some serious thought to bending you over the sink and fucking you."
"You wouldn't dare!"
The words and tone pissed me off – something that Miss Stewart excelled in – and I laughed and said, "Oh no? I guess we will just have to see about that."
She wasn't expecting it so it wasn't all that hard to do. I let go of her tits, grabbed her and pulled her over to the sink and bent her over it. She struggled, but it did her no good. She was a little thing, not much over five feet if that, and with my hand in the middle of her back holding her down the pointed toes of her CFMs were barely touching the floor so she couldn't get any leverage.
With my free hand I pushed up her mini-skirt and exposed the black thong she was wearing. I pulled my zipper down and I felt her tense up as she heard it. I pulled the thong aside and said, "Here it comes" and I pushed my thumb into her pussy. She was dripping wet! She wanted it! She really wanted to be taken right then and there. She thought my thumb was the head of my cock starting into her and she moaned.
I laughed, took my hands off of her and stepped back. She got her feet under her and turned to see me smiling at her as I sucked my thumb. "Not bad" I said as I gave it another lick. "Not bad at all" and I turned, unlocked the door and left her standing there in the room. As I walked down the hall I figured that it was probably best that I get the hell out of there.
As I headed for Managerial Econ on Monday I wondered what was in store for me. Not class wise, but from Miss Stewart. She was already there when I took my seat and she ignored me. Didn't even look my way once. At least not as far as I could tell. I did look at her though. And often. Short skirt leaving a lot of leg hanging out. Four inch heels on her feet. Oh yeah; I looked.
I remembered the taste of her pussy and of course it made my dick hard. I was starting to regret not fucking her while I had her bent over that sink. I was remembering her taste on my thumb and how sexy her ass looked with her skirt pulled up and not paying attention to what was going on around me so it caught me by surprise when everyone started getting up and leaving the room. Before I could stand up and join them Miss Stewart plopped down on my lap.
"You aren't running away on me this time. I want to know what you meant on that first day."
I mentioned that looking at her and remembering the party at the frat house had given me a hard on right? I still had it, she was sitting on it and I was wishing that neither one of us ad clothes on. Usually her bossy attitude and the tone of her voice pissed me off, but for some reason (probably the little head's influence) this time I didn't flare up.
"Get serious girl. There isn't a female over the age of twelve who doesn't know the effect she has on the opposite sex. You come into class dressed to attract male attention and then you get pissed off when you get it? I liked looking at what you were showing and you get hostile with me? Of course I got hostile back. You don't want guys looking at you like I was looking at you then you need to tone things down a bit. Longer skirts and tennis shoes instead of heels. But right now you need to get off me or I'll be late for my next class and you get marked down for being late. Then, in what I could only believe was a flat out invitation she said:
"And as I recall you did seem to like the taste."
No dummy me I said, "Damned right I did and we can discuss the topic over lunch at the cafeteria, but right now I need to get to my next class."
"Till then" she said as she got off my lap and walked away. I had to run as fast as I could to do it, but I did get to Carlyle Hall on time.
On my way to the Student Union cafeteria I was asking myself if I was reading things wrong. Was Miss Steward just flirting and playing some sort of female game or had she in fact invited me to sample some more of 'her taste.' I had to admit that I wanted that taste. Miss Stewart was a very sexy looking girl and I was in a long dry spell. I hadn't been laid since my girlfriend Bonnie broke it off with me some nine months before.
I still got pissed when I thought about it.
We had been a couple since the eighth grade and had already started planning the wedding that would take place when we graduated from college. I'd already put an engagement ring on her finger and I remembered seeing it sparkle when she told me that she had to break our date that night.
"I met a guy in one of my classes and he is taking me out tonight."
"Let me get this straight. You are breaking a date with me, your fiancée, to go out with another guy?"
I reached over, took her hand and pulled the ring off of it. Then, without another word I stood up and walked away from her. She called me two or three times a day for over a month, but I wouldn't talk to her. She tried to catch me at home, at work and at school, but as soon as I saw her I took off in the other direction. She called my parents and tried to get them to make me talk with her, but when they did I told them what had happened and they stopped pushing me to get in touch.
Once she caught me sitting in a booth at a local pizza joint and she slid in next to me. With a wall to my left and her to my right she thought she had me pinned in place so she could finally talk to me. I did the only thing open to me. I shoved her out of the booth and onto the floor and then I stood up, stepped over her and walked out of the place. She eventually gave up trying to get me to talk to her. I still saw her around the campus from time to time and while she did smile at me I ignored her.
Miss Stewart was not in the cafeteria when I got there, but she did get there just as I was sitting down at a table. She joined me and as soon as she sat down she said:
"Tell me some more about how you like looking at me."
"Why? When it obviously pissed you off when I did it."
"I guess I need to apologize for going off on you like that. I went through a nasty breakup with my boyfriend and I've been down on men in general since then. They all – most of them anyway – act like pigs. Always looking at me as if I'm a piece of meat meant for their use. When I saw you looking at me I thought Oh boy; just what I need. Another pig and I'll be stuck sitting beside him all term."
"If that's the case why did you keep after me after I snarled back at you?"
"Because you did snarl back. I'm so used to guys backing off when I try to put them in their place that I was intrigued when you didn't back down and instead fired back."
"You may change your mind on me because I am a pig. I was looking at you with thoughts of what I would like to do with you."
"I doubt that. If you were a pig you would have done the deed when you had me over that sink. The fact that you could have but didn't just intrigued me more."
I just sat there and looked at her for a bit and then said, "You wanted it didn't you. You were already wet when I pushed my thumb in you. You were wet and you moaned and it wasn't a moan of pain."
She looked away for a second or so and then she turned back, looked me right in the eye and said:
"At that exact minute yes I did want it. I didn't go into that bathroom with it on my mind and I wasn't thinking of it when you had your hands on my boobs, but something in the way you bent me over that sink coupled with the fact that I'm a very sexual person and hadn't been laid in over six months did something to me. There was a war going on in my head between a part of my brain screaming "Do it" and another part yelling back "Stop it. Don't let it happen."
"If you would have walked out of the room when you pulled back we probably wouldn't be sitting here right now. But you didn't walk out of the room. You stood there smiling at me while licking your thumb and saying that you liked the taste. All I've thought about since then is giving you more of a taste. Brazen hussy comes to mind along with easy slut, but I don't care. Something about you grabbed me and I just have to find out if there is something there. Betting that you wouldn't come after me it had to be up to me to make the first move. Ergo, your lap after class."
"You really think there is something there?"
"I saw interest in your eyes while you were checking me out on that first day of class. I am a very outspoken and sometimes forceful girl and I believe in going after what I want and a girl like me needs a guy she can't walk on and I think you have shown that you won't put up with my shit."
"You are definitely right about that part, but I don't know about the rest. I'll admit that you grabbed my attention on the first day of class, but I like my women to have a softer edge than what you've shown."
"I can do soft. The hard edge you perceive is because of how I was feeling about men in general at the time I caught you looking at me. I told you about breaking up with my boyfriend, but I didn't go into detail. The asshole gave me a social disease. Two of my girlfriends also got STDs from guys they were going with. All in all it didn't put men in a good light so I have been pissy to guys. When I saw the way you were checking me out I reacted the way I reacted to other guys. How was I supposed to know that you were different from the other creeps who were always coming after me?"
I listened to her talk and I thought 'pigish' thoughts about her. To be bluntly honest about it I wanted to fuck her, but I didn't want to get into a relationship with her. I know it sounds strange, but I was getting bad vibes from her. Just a bad feeling, but I always tried to pay attention to my feelings.
On the other hand from the way she was talking and behaving my long dry spell could come to an end if I even half tried. But I didn't even have to do that. Half try I mean."
"Like I said" she went on, "I've spent every night since that party thinking of giving you more of that taste you seemed to like. Hell, I might as well be totally honest about it. If you liked the taste it means that you have eaten pussy which is something I love, but that my last two boyfriends refused to do. They were happy as hell to get oral from me, but to return the favor? Not on your life. Besides being the number between 68 and 70 does the number 69 mean anything to you?"
Again – no dummy me – I asked "When?"
"I get out of my last class at four."
"It can't be tonight because I have to work until nine, but I'm off work tomorrow and I get out of my last class at two fifty-five."
"I don't have any classes tomorrow" she said and then she gave me her address. I told her I'd be there by three-fifteen and we got up and headed for class.
She was a tiger in bed. She turned me every which way but loose. She loved to be eaten and she was damned good at giving head. Doggie was her position of choice, but what she really craved more than anything else was anal. She was my first. I'd never taken a ride up the Hershey highway before, but I had always wanted to try. Never had a girl who would even think about it let alone do it until I met Pam.
She came when I ate her pussy and she came when I fucked it, but her orgasms when doing those two things were mild compared to the ones she had when I was buried in her ass. The first time I panicked because I thought she was having an epileptic fit and I had no idea of what to do. I was actually getting ready to pull out and call 911 when she asked me what I was doing. I told her and she laughed and told me what I had just witnessed was her cumming.
I witnessed that event a couple of dozen times over the next couple of months and I don't know how long the relationship would have gone on if my uncle hadn't closed the shop early one Thursday night. Pam was constantly bitching about my having to work three nights a week and I thought I would surprise her when Uncle Jim told me he was closing early.
I was the one surprised when I got to her place just in time to see her get in a car with some guy. She slid over next to him and they exchanged what looked like one hell of a passionate kiss. I pulled up along side them, stopped and waited to be noticed. When after a minute they still hadn't come up for air I honked my horn twice. That got their attention and they split apart and looked over at me. The look on the guy's face was one of irritation, but he blocked my view of Pam so I've no idea of what her facial expression was. She looked around the guy to see who was honking the horn and when she saw me I waved 'bye-bye' and drove off.
As I was driving away I was remembering the 'bad vibes' I'd sensed way back when and I chastised myself for not paying attention to the feelings I'd had at the time.
The term still had a month to go and it was assigned seating so Pam was going to be sitting next to me for that long. It could be awkward to say the least. I made it a point to be in my seat before Pam got to class and when she got there I did look over and acknowledge her presence. If she intended to say something she never got the chance because Smythe called the class to order.
I never looked over at Pam during the class and as soon as class was over I was up and rushing for Carlyle Hall. I skipped lunch in the cafeteria so the next time Pam would see me would be in class on Monday morning unless she made an attempt to see me over the weekend. She didn't call me and of course I didn't call her.
Monday I was running late and Pam was already in her seat when I got there so I loitered in the hall until Professor Smythe arrived and I waited until he reached the front of the classroom before I entered the room and took my seat just as he called the class to order. I ignored Pam and once again as soon as class was over I was out of my seat and running for my next class.
I figured that my avoiding Pam since seeing her in the car with that guy would send her the message that I no longer wished to have anything more to do with her. With that thought in mind I figured that she would stay away from me so I took lunch in the cafeteria. I'd no sooner sat down at the table when Pam appeared and sat down opposite me. She cut right to it.
"Why haven't you called?"
"I didn't want to cause problems for you and your new man."
"He isn't my new man."
"Okay. I didn't want to cause problems for you and your new fuck buddy."
"He isn't that either."
"Whatever. He is something. That kiss the two of you exchanged wasn't a sisterly peck on the cheek and the quickness with which you got into his car and slid over to him to do a lip lock on him pretty much told me that it wasn't the first time."
"It wasn't, but it didn't mean anything. He was just a guy to date while you were working."
"Well now you can date him fulltime."
"I don't want to date him fulltime. I don't want to sit at home in front of the TV and watch junk when you are working so I date Chuck. It gets me out of the house."
"You couldn't go out with your girlfriends? It had to be a guy? I'm sorry Pam, but for me it won't work. That kiss you gave him told me everything I needed to know. You don't kiss like that unless you are doing other more intimate things."
"What are you saying?"
"Simple Pam. I saw you and him so I'm not interested in you any more."
She stood up so quick that her chair tipped over. She snarled, "Fuck you asshole" and she stomped away.
As I watched her walk away I thought that it was too bad. She was a marvelous piece of ass and I would miss it. But a marvelous piece of ass is all she had been to me. I'd had no plans of ever making her more than a girlfriend with benefits. Great benefits, but that is all there was to our relationship. At least as far as I was concerned.
We managed to get through the rest of the term without speaking to each other and then it was June and no school until late August.
I worked full time for Uncle Jim and dated some. I had one what I guess you could call an affair with a woman whose car I'd worked on. She was a good ten years older than me, but so what? She was good looking and she loved sex. It lasted five weeks and ended when she told me that her husband would be coming home from an overseas assignment. I'd never even known she was married.
School started back up and being that we were both business majors it was inevitable that Pam and I would end up in some of the same classes. I sat as far away from her as I could and we didn't speak to each other. From time to tine I did notice that she kept an eye on me and the look on her face was what I thought was contemplative.
Three weeks into the term I was having lunch in the Student Union cafeteria and Pam walked up and sat down with me. I just looked at her in silence until she said:
"We need to talk Rob."
"Go ahead; I'm listening."
"There was nothing going on between Chuck and me. He wanted to get something going, but all I was interested in was having someone to get me out of the house. I admit that I led him on with some kissing and some mild touching, but it was only so he would keep coming around and asking me out. He never got anywhere and he was never going to get anywhere.
"I know from the way you reacted that we will never get back to what we were, but I want to at least try and stay friends. I miss being able to talk with you as much as I miss the other. Can we stop avoiding each other? Can't we at least be friends?"
I had never been interested in a long term relationship with Pam anyway so the way we separated didn't bother me at all, but I could see her point. Because of school we were bound to be thrown together and it made no sense to make it any more difficult than it had to be. I think I surprised her when I said:
"I can do that."
From then on until the end of the term she would join me for lunch, study with me at the library and we even formed a team for an assigned project in Production Management. Toward the end of the term she was making subtle moves to get something sexual going again. I ignored them. For one thing I still had my job and I knew I couldn't trust her not to go out on the evenings I worked. To be fair, at least as far as my thoughts were concerned, she could have been telling the truth about her relationship with Chuck. But what if she wasn't? I didn't know Chuck and who he ran with and I'm sure that by now everyone has heard the saying:
"When you have sex with some one you are having sex with every one they have had sex with."
In the old days when gonorrhea and syphilis were all you had to worry about a couple shots of penicillin would take care of them. But now? Aids could kill your ass. And did I know that Chuck was the only one?
There was also the fact that for the last couple of months I had been dating Nancy Neubert and I was considering Nancy for the long term and she seemed to feel the same toward me. Sex with Nancy wasn't as hot and nasty as sex with Pam had been, but it was a lot more loving and intimate if you know what I mean.
End of term came and there were two weeks before spring term (the last one before graduation) started and I spent the two weeks dating Nancy and working for Uncle Jim.
When spring term started I found myself back in the same situation with Pam. She was in three of my classes and we resumed the relationship we had in the previous term. As the term progressed I kept getting those subtle hints that Pam wanted to rekindle our sexual relationship. I kept ignoring them and I could see that it was irritating Pam, but she tried not to show it.
It was two weeks before graduation when Pam came right out and said:
"I'm horny as hell Rob. Help me out. We were always good together so I know that you can cure my problem."
"It is a tempting offer Pam, but I don't think my wife would approve."
"Your wife?"
Nancy wasn't a college student and as far as I knew Pam didn't even know Nancy existed. I had proposed to Nancy and she had said yes. We planned to be married the week after graduation.
"My wife to be to be in three weeks. I'm sure she would take a dim view of my straying so close to the wedding."
As I said that I saw something pass over Pam's face and it wasn't something that I associated with sweet and kind thoughts.
Graduation came and I went to work full time for Uncle Jim while I looked for a job where I could put my degree to work.
"Why are you looking for another job" my uncle asked. I always assumed that you were going to stay with me. I'm planning on opening another shop on the other side of town and having you run it."
We talked about it and I decided to stay with him.
Nancy and I were married in a civil ceremony with my parents and uncles as witnesses. Nancy had no family to speak of. She was an only child and both of her parents were dead. What relatives she did have were on the other side of the country and she hadn't had any contact with them in years.
The next four years rolled by and life was good. The job was going well and the marriage was great. With our combined incomes Nancy and I were able to buy a three bedroom ranch style in a pretty good neighborhood. We went for a three bedroom because we were planning on having kids only not right away. Our plan was to wait four or five years until we were a little better off financially and also give us some time to enjoy ourselves before taking on the responsibilities of parents.
By DOCKER5000 Chapter 1 Hello let me tell you about myself my name is John Carter and I have just turned 18. I live with my Mother Pam she is 38 years old 5 feet 8 inches in height with long black hair and green eyes. She as a great figure with nice long legs and nice rounded ass. Her best part of her body is her big breasts I think they are a double D. My Father was in the army and was killed in a training accident while he was serving in Northern Island. That was ten...
Pamela Martin was speeding down the interstate at well over the legal limit whenshe noticed the tell-tale flashing lights of a State Trooper following her.The 30 something wife and mother swore under her breath as she made her wayto the side of the road. Pam wasn't worried about a speeding ticket. She hadplenty of experience flirting her way out of many traffic violations. One thingabout Pam is that she had kept her figure at all costs. She was a stunningwoman. Her blonde hair and blue eyes had...
Pam was angry with Kevin for taking her for granted after promising not ever take her for granted by getting angry for Pam’s suggestion to trade her next weekend. She thought he also angry at Dennis for ever moving here and being competitive with Kevin. Pam felt he was keeping her as piece of his personnel property never to be questioned after honestly describing to Kevin how good Dennis was as a lover. Kevin had started to us the word fuck or fucking as universal adjective while Dennis never...
Part 9 of Ethan and Pam's sexcapades and adventuresAmber closed her eyes. Her lips were open just a bit, showing the tips of her teeth. Her face angled forward, anticipating the kiss. She was pretty and she had straight brown hair and she was a year older, in ninth grade. None of that mattered, though, not there, not then. Pam closed her own eyes, tilted her head to the side, and kissed her.Amber moaned. Her lips were soft and moist. Her tongue touched Pam's lips and pushed into her mouth....
Pam Coburn could not concentrate on her work. No matter how hard she tried, her mind just was not in it. Pam was a thirty-two year old single mother of Sam, who was fourteen. She was raised in a Christian home and believed most of what she was taught in Sunday school. She attended one year at a Christian college but was asked not to return for the following year when she could no longer hide her pregnancy. She knew fooling around with Tom was a stupid thing to do but being young and away from...
Pam was bored. She was married with two young children. She loved her family more than she could ever describe. Yet something was missing. She needed something different. Something exciting.It wasn’t something she was comfortable talking about. So she talked to her best friend, a coworker at the ad agency. Renee and Pam had known each other since college. Pam was the creative department at Carter & Kaplan; Renee worked as an account executive. After a lunch meeting, the conversation turned...
BisexualINTRO: If the intro looses you, sorry. This is a back story to put the times in context. In the days of analogue technology (i.e., records, cassettes, 8 Tracks), it was possible to eke out a living as a musician. People with a few hundred dollars could make a record, have a few hundred printed, placed in the trunk of a car and go on "Tour." Selling records as one went along. This was all in hopes of some large producer or radio station would notice the artist and the gravy train would...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The hallway was packed with kids, a thousand of them, from one end to the other. The stairs were crowded with kids going up and coming down. Pam's locker was down that hall somewhere, she hoped. Twice already that day she got lost, and the books were getting heavy in her arms. She hated the first day of high school. She pushed through the crowd. Her locker was on the left side, wasn't it? She had to remember which hallway, the locker number and the...
LesbianI woke up before Pam the next morning and slipped out of bed trying not to wake her. I headed into the kitchen and made coffee. While waiting for the drip machine to do its thing, I sat down at the kitchen table. As I gazed out of the window, my thoughts drifted to the events of last night.Pam and I would have to talk sometime very soon, maybe even today. There were things both of us needed to say and to hear. I hoped that understanding on both of our parts would result from having a real and...
Wife LoversI woke up before Pam the next morning and slipped out of bed trying not to wake her. I headed into the kitchen and made coffee. While waiting for the drip machine to do its thing, I sat down at the kitchen table. As I gazed out of the window, my thoughts drifted to the events of last night.Pam and I would have to talk sometime very soon, maybe even today. There were things both of us needed to say and to hear. I hoped that understanding on both of our parts would result from having a real and...
Wife LoversDebbie paused. "You have a brother?" "Yeah. I thought you knew." Debbie shook her head. "How old is he?" She set Pam's right hand aside and started on her left. "He's eighteen. He plays hockey." "Is he cute?" Pam shrugged. "I guess so. He's my brother." Debbie grinned. "Is he hung?" "Is he what?" "Hung, you know, is he hung?" "What does that mean?" "It means does he have a big dick." Pam giggled, trying not to let Debbie see how nervous she was. "How should I know?" She hoped Debbie couldn't...
LesbianDebbie paused. "You have a brother?" "Yeah. I thought you knew." Debbie shook her head. "How old is he?" She set Pam's right hand aside and started on her left. "He's eighteen. He plays hockey." "Is he cute?" Pam shrugged. "I guess so. He's my brother." Debbie grinned. "Is he hung?" "Is he what?" "Hung, you know, is he hung?" "What does that mean?" "It means does he have a big dick." Pam giggled, trying not to let Debbie see how nervous she was. "How...
This couldn’t be more cool. A sunny day driving around with her older cousin Todd in his excellent convertible. She might have just turned eighteen, but she felt so grown up. Todd was almost twenty two. That was older than anyone she knew. Pam brushed her hair out of her face. She liked the way he looked at her. It made her feel like he wanted her. It was weird to think something like that of her cousin, but he was a cute guy, after all. She kept thinking about what Melanie told her when...
This is a choose your own misadventure story in which you decide at certain points what a character will do or not do. When you see STOP read the question make a decision and follow the instructions. Ch 1 Saviors Bible College Ch 2 Old Salt Ch 3 Motel Seduction Ch 4 Motel Courtship Ch 5 Romance Ch 6 After Church Seduction Ch 7 After Church Courtship Ch 8 Wedding Bells Ch 9 Old Salt Again * Chapter One Savior’s Bible College Pam carefully applied her pink lipstick and checked her outfit....
Pam Wants Sex When Pam asked me if I found her sexually attractive I sure did and I told her so too. At sixty-four years old she was really cute and at sixty-one years old I sure wanted her sexually. She was a little shorter than I was at about five feet five inches tall and she was a little overweight too, as we all are. I asked Pam what she was getting at and she told me that she was so horny that she could not stand it a minute longer. I told her that I would be happy to help her...
This is an excerpt from an unposted story, 'Windfall' Pam learns early Pam went on to describe to me, in detail, her childhood awareness of sex and her early fascination with it. She was fortunate that she grew up in a close-knit household with a great extended family and parents that were stern but doted on her. But she had discovered when she was about six that playing with herself brought on the greatest pleasures she had ever experienced, and she was masturbating from that time...
It was about 6 months before Pam's wedding and she was busy making preparations. Her fiancé Ron was an engineer for a construction company and was busy on the road trying to wrap up a project before the big day. Although they weren't living together Pam and Ron had a pretty active sex life.Pam was a 32 year old petite blue eyed blonde, 5-2, 110 lbs, beautiful legs; small but perky boobs, curvy hips, tiny waistline and looked great in anything she wore. As the inventory manager for a large auto...
This is just a work of fiction. Any similarity to real cases is unintentional.If reading this is illegal for your age where you are, just leave right now and don't continue reading.This story contains non-consensual sex, forced exhibition, blackmailing, incest, etc. Most things I don't agree with. If you feel offended with this kind of materials just leave now and don't continue reading.If you reach this point, and like to go on reading, do it at your own responsibility. Enjoy this as much as...
My name is Jon and this is a story of what happened last week, the 30th of October 2009. For the sake of the person involved i have changed her name to Pam but i have kept her age and every other detail the the same. Lets start at the beginging. I work in a department store and have done for a number of years and Pam used to be my manager up until 3 years ago when she left my department and moved to another part of the store. Pam is 50 years old and we get on very well, we would spend hours...
Group SexI have one hot sister. Pamela is a younger version of Pamela Denise Anderson the babe from Baywatch. At fifteen years old Pam is one hot little sexpot too. She is five feet four inches tall and about a hundred and ten pounds. She wears a 32-B bra and is a cheerleader. She is very popular. I’m just your typical seventeen-year-old boy. I’m two years ahead of Pan in school and am in the eleventh grade or a junior in high school while Pam is in the ninth grade or a freshman in high...
Steve and his sexy 24-year old blonde daughter, Pam, had been lovers for nearly eleven years. He'd been there on the front row the night Pam's cherry was taken by a horny big-cocked black player from the high school football team. Not only had he been there as a part of the large sex swap group that he and his wife had joined many years earlier, but after the jock had played with Pam and then fucked her in front of a huge group of watchers, Steve had gone over to his just-deflowered daughter...
Steve looked at me in awe as he drained his beer. I had quickly filled him in on the day’s events leading up to the present. Here we were, standing in the middle of my driveway, on a sunny Saturday afternoon. He was wearing a golf shirt, khaki shorts and sandals, and I was as naked as the day I was born. My hard-on had subsided somewhat but was still slightly swollen and my cum laden balls hung low in the early August heat. “Does Nancy know about the three of us last night?” Steve asked kind of...
Steve looked at me in awe as he drained his beer. I had quickly filled him in on the day’s events leading up to the present. Here we were, standing in the middle of my driveway, on a sunny Saturday afternoon. He was wearing a golf shirt, khaki shorts and sandals, and I was as naked as the day I was born. My hard-on had subsided somewhat but was still slightly swollen and my cum laden balls hung low in the early August heat. “Does Nancy know about the three of us last night?” Steve asked kind of...
Group SexNancy was desperate that day. She got her progress report and the Principal has asked to bring her parents to school. Out of the 8 subjects in her 12th, she failed in 4 subjects and that includes chemistry, her father’s favorite. Tomorrow is Saturday, and she needs to ask her father to see the principal at his home by morning 11am. She shivers at the thought, for she knew what to expect after the meeting at home.Nancy is the only daughter of Mr. James Hurston. She has an elder brother who is...
To understand the extraordinary events of this true story, you need to understand what life was like in California in the late nineteen seventies and early eighties.Society was changing across the USA. Cultural traditions had been breaking down since the sixties but America is a big county with a strong, traditional, conservative religious heritage so the new norms of life were taking a long time to work their way into the population as a whole.The result was that, even in California, it was...
CuckoldNancy walked quickly to the parking garage, her last meeting finally over. It was very late, after 10 pm and she was the last one leaving. Nancy enjoyed her new position; she was 48 years old and finally made it to the top of the company. The new position meant more money and Nancy was able to afford some things she always wanted.As she approached her car, Nancy caught a glimpse of herself in the window of another car. One of the things she was now able to afford was a trip to the gym. Nancy...
I must have been reliving the previous night’s events in my dreams because I woke up with my eight inch cock throbbing in my hand. I looked over at my sexy wife still asleep beside me and began to gently stroke my cock. I licked my lips as I rubbed the little drop of pre-cum over the head of my cock and could still taste Kim’s pussy from the night before.“Mmm. That looks so damn sexy babe” Kim said to me as she opened her eyes and fixed them on my hand working my cock so well. “Are you going to...
Exhibitionism"Do you wanna eat me now?" "What?" Pam said. The doorbell rang. Debbie sat up quickly, closing her legs. "Oh shit. Who the hell is that?" Pam shrugged. Debbie jumped off the bed and grabbed an oversize football jersey from the dresser drawer. "You wait here. I'll get rid of whoever it is," Debbie said. She stepped through the door and pulled it shut. Pam held her breath, trying to hear through the door. She heard voices, but not clearly enough to understand what they were...
"Do you wanna eat me now?" "What?" Pam said. The doorbell rang. Debbie sat up quickly, closing her legs. "Oh shit. Who the hell is that?" Pam shrugged. Debbie jumped off the bed and grabbed an oversize football jersey from the dresser drawer. "You wait here. I'll get rid of whoever it is," Debbie said. She stepped through the door and pulled it shut. Pam held her breath, trying to hear through the door. She heard voices, but not clearly enough to understand what they were saying. They were...
LesbianSomewhere in the Black Hills of South Dakota lived a woman by the name of Magill but everyone knew her as Nancy. So let's call her Nancy from the Badlands of South Dakota.She lived in a very small rural town where everyone knew each other. Whatever you did in town was broadcast like breaking news on national TV. Everyone was okay with that because it was one of the town's sources of entertainment. The other was sex.Nancy's husband was Virgil who went to North Dakota to work on the pipeline....
Straight SexPam Pam is a character from a couple chapters of ‘Epiphanous’. Her circumstance fueled a storyboard in my mind that I think was worth exploring. This is not a story of great wrongs and retribution. There is no bitch burning and from my perspective there is no judgement of right or wrong. These are people who might do what others would not or not do what others might rush into. There were no real people harmed in the writing of this story and it is not a collection of my experiences in any way...
The girls: Nancy Artz and Judy Caporale Warren's buddy, Eppy: Epsolen Anderson noted jazz saxophone player Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts. The shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and...
Brad, Sandy, and Stacy stood just outside airport security and watched as the passengers arriving at the city airport flowed from the planes to the main concourse, and then headed for the escalators to go and get their luggage. It was Friday evening. Brad kept looking at the photograph of his daughter, and then looking up a scanning the crowd, looking way down into the secure area as deplaning passengers streamed towards him. Suddenly, there she was. A brunette with long hair tied back in a...
This actually precedes the "Returning to School - Ellen" stories I've already written. Initially when I returned to school, I was initially enrolled in night school at one of the local universities while I was working. When I started my initial transition from night school to full-time day classes, they had a program where you could attend both which I took advantage of primarily because it was less expensive. When I did the initial transition, I had left my girlfriend of 3...
A number of years ago I used to teach a few evening classes at a local community college. Now everyone has heard of the co-ed who got a passing grade by screwing her professor or instructor. Any professor or instructor you have ever talked to about it always claimed that when they had been approached with such a proposal always turned it down. First of all, I had to wonder how many were bull-shitting to start with, and if there was any truth to it, how butt-ugly was the girl making the...
Recently, I visited a friend in the hospital. As I walked through the hallways, I was overcome by the fond memories I had experienced while training there many years earlier. This is the story of Nancy, my preceptor. Your ratings and comments are greatly appreciated. I was training at a local hospital to become a medical technologist in the late 1980’s. I had decided to enter he medical field because: one; I needed a job that paid better than my current one, and two; I actually enjoyed the...
MasturbationAs the strains of White Zombie's "Thunderkiss '65" blared in my ears, I knew the show was about to begin, and like the rest of the maniacs, I cheered. This was the world of professional wrestling - a rather seedy world, in most cases, where the men took steroids, the women were slutty, and the only winners seemed to be the promoters who were either screwing the women or blowing the men, depending on the promotion, and taking all the money either way. The Ultimate Wrestling Federation,...
Nancy was unable to shake the feeling that today was going to be special, but had no idea why. She had tried to write some more of her thesis, but it was warm outside, and she couldn't find any motivation to sit here in front of the computer. This thesis had been much more involved than at first thought, and she was tired of the struggle. Maybe a walk would clear her mind. Nancy had been staying in the farmhouse for two weeks now, and the quiet and seclusion had definitely improved both the...
As I walked up to Nancy’s house, I was a little depressed at the fact that I would not be doing any freaky experimentation with Ruth, so I had a little storm cloud hovering above my head. I was quickly snapped out of my bad mood when I was hit with the scent of chocolate chip cookies baking. The front door of Nancy’s house was open, and the smell of the cookies was drifting through the screen door. I came up to the door and rang the bell. Nancy poked her head around the corner from the...
Let me tell you a little about my wife, she is 49 years old, a little over weight but that only adds voluptuousness to her all ready large “36D” tits and her beautiful round ass. She was raised a Mormon, but in my hands has become a really nice slut who, with a couple of drinks in her and some coke up her nose, will do the dirtiest sexy things. I like to see my wife dress provocative when we go out on nights like this, and tonight she didn’t disappoint me. She came down stairs dressed to...
I perked up when Wilson turned the limousine into the long driveway. It had been a depressing ride from the rail yard. Neither Catherine nor Nancy had seemed in the mood to talk much. Penny had begun the rather lengthy report she had to submit to the Bureau. Once we were on the ferry, the ladies elected to stay in the car, but I got out to stretch my legs and breathe in the salt air. I made the hour long ferry trip across Long Island Sound, leaning against the hood of the limo, talking...
Naughty Niece NancyBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Well, I have no objection and I have no plans that would be disturbed”, I told my elder brother; “but she is a senior in High School and at an age when she would resent you and I both. I will do whatever you tell me to”.This was my elder brother calling, telling me that he was taking a vacation with his new girlfriend, going to Europe and would appreciate if I could help him out. He wanted me to take care of his daughter for the next 2 weeks. He also...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Nancy tucked her dark hair behind her ear before starting the car and glancing in the rear-view mirror. She didn’t exactly try to make herself look ugly when she made the delivery to Mr. Burgess, but she avoided makeup. It wouldn’t have really been possible anyway. She had never really felt like she was beautiful, but she knew she wasn’t ugly. Her dark hair had a hint of red in it, and came down to the small of her back. It swept decidedly across her forehead and curved around her ears. Her...
My Wife, Nancy, and I have an open marriage; she can have all the sex she wants to have and I can have all that she gives me permission to have. Nancy makes no secret about our open arrangements and openly flirts even when I'm with her. The other night Nancy, her mother, and I were at dinner when Nancy spotted a guy she was interested in. Her mother thought he was cute so the flirting was on. Eventually he came over to our table with some after dinner drinks for Nancy and her mother and a...
CHAPTER 1Upon arriving home from work one Friday afternoon my wife informed me that the kids would be staying the weekend at some friends house, and that she had made some special plans for us. She then went on to say that she would be gone for a couple of hours and that while she was gone I was to shower and to shave myself from head to toe. Then I was to get my "special clothing" from storage and neatly arrange them on the bed. You see, for years now I have enjoyed cross dressing and while...
CrossdressingChester July 1978 Tex padded up to her, then rose and began licking her face. His collar tags jingled in her ears and Pam's hands spread over his warm ribcage to run down his sides. Having just made ready for a shower she had only her pants on. Had odour made him frisky? A damp nose mussed round her earlobe; his chest brushed against her bare nipples. Pam drew in her breath at this new sensation. Then she giggled nervously while her hand stroked the warm sheath between his hindquarter. Her...
Hello readers,Rajeev is back with his true incidence happened 03 years ago. I was just 20 as my hot mom Nancy is in her last thirties,looking gorgeous in her modern outfit or traditional dress. Her physical measurement is of 34-26-36 and her lovely face as well as white complexion makes her sexy. My penis get erected as she walks fast and her ass swings faster. I have seen my hot mom with a younger guy Dev of my neighbour hood and I am eyeing her round water melons making her chest attractive...
The girls in the school had been, at first, curious about the arrival of two males in their midst. Even though the men were robed and priestly, they were younger than the priests that had visited before and also, they appeared to be living there, too. The older girls joked that they had been brought in to service the Sisters who were their teachers. They did not know their true purpose although, had any of them seen the Mother Superior on the previous night, they would have believed their...
Nancy and I have been married for a bit more than twenty year and for nineteen of those years my biggest fantasy has been to see her with another man. Nancy and I have always been open and honest with each other so she has always known about my desire to watch her. It really didn't surprise me when she said no, but her 'no' didn't stop my continuing to fantasize about it off and on over the years. Nancy and I both work and her job requires some travel while mine doesn't. Nancy was in New...
When Rob asked me to share my side of our story, I never in my wildest dreams thought we’d be at Part Five. The way things are developing in my parts of the story makes me think I might need at least one or two more chapters to take readers up to the point Rob left off. Rob often teases me by saying I can talk the pants off a horse. Apparently, there’s more truth in his teasing than I thought.You’ll remember that in Part Four, Rob and I had “the talk”. It led to some very insightful perspective...
Wife LoversBack in 2000 I was still working security in London at a news agency. Due to terrorist threats I was positioned at the main entrance controlling entry/exit and to monitor the cctv system. My shifts were 7pm to 7am six nights a week with alternating Saturdays and Sundays off. News agency staff worked only eight hours three on three off luckynoeople and got paid at least five times as much ch as me. At 7 am no,less than two guards took over from me. One of the news agency staff Nancy Allen,...
What follows is a brief description of some of the sexual experiences of a young girl in 1840s America called Nancy. She lived on a small farm just over a day's ride from the nearest town, which was small in any case, just a church, a saloon, some stores and a few houses. She lived with her three older step-brothers and her Pa (who was really her step-father - her father died just before she was born and her mother just after she turned 10), and a few farmhands: four black men and a fat white...
Jack's eyes felt heavy but he managed to open them anyway. From his vantage point he knew that he was in a bed of some sort but there seemed to be bars right in front of his face. Was he in a jail? As his thoughts dwelled on that eventuality he drifted back off to sleep. The next time Jack was able to open his eyes he was a bit more oriented as to time and place. He now realized that his body was shaking off the effects of the anesthesia he was given for his operation and he was probably in...
Copyright© 1992-2003 "A woman who lived in St. Paul Had breasts undeniably small Her husband growled, 'Dear, Why not burn your brassiere? It's fulfilling no function at all.'" -author unknown My childhood friend Nancy called after trying me at my office. Since I had won the lottery, I had wrote or spoken to her three times, and things were not going well for her. I promised to come to her house tomorrow instead of heading back home. I rented a car and drove to the small...
Bonnie was sitting on the front porch waiting for me with her friend when I arrived. She introduced me to Kathy who was a very attractive girl. It is like Bonnie always seem to find cute friends for some reason, and Kathy had to be the prettiest one I have met yet. She was a tall blonde, long hair and blue eyes, since it was warm out they were both wearing shorts and tank tops.I couldn’t help to notice the nice set of breasts Kathy had and how tanned her long legs were. Bonnie finally said...
If you’ve read the series and especially the previous episode you know my name is Pam, I’m in my mid-thirties and I’ve been married to my childhood sweetheart since we got out of high school. We have two lovely daughters who were born in the first two years of our marriage. After our second daughter was born, Rob got a vasectomy as I had problems taking the pill and we both agreed that two kids were all we’d ever want.Our lives have changed dramatically in the last two months. Rob asked me to...
Wife LoversMy FWB called me yesterday morning. After a few minutes of small talk, the conversation quickly turned to sex. Soon, I could tell Pam was horny as hell. She was hesitant to come out and say it at first, so I just asked if she wanted me to come over. "On hell YES! Can you come over right NOW!!!" Having caught her in some of her horny moods in the past, I knew I was in for a good time. Pam is a very sensual woman and absolutely loves sex. But, when she is in one of those moods, horny as hell, sex...