My Weekend With Nancy free porn video

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As the strains of White Zombie's "Thunderkiss '65" blared in my ears, I knew the show was about to begin, and like the rest of the maniacs, I cheered.

This was the world of professional wrestling - a rather seedy world, in most cases, where the men took steroids, the women were slutty, and the only winners seemed to be the promoters who were either screwing the women or blowing the men, depending on the promotion, and taking all the money either way.

The Ultimate Wrestling Federation, however, was different.

While it was just as predetermined as any other organization, the promoter of this group had come to Philadelphia, taken one look at the inner world of pro wrestling, decided several years earlier that he wanted to make the business "legitimate" by keeping the showmanship intact, but taking away the seedier aspects of it.

But among those in the know, everyone knew that the promoter, for all his wealth and power, was primarily a figurehead. The real reason for *this* promotion's success was a woman.

Her name was Nancy LeDoux, and with her ten years of experience in the business as a valet/"manager", she knew *exactly* what needed to be done for an organization to be successful. The problem was, with the corporate structure of professional wrestling organizations being what it was, women need not have applied for upper management. A woman's place was at ringside, they said - escorting wrestlers to the ring, maybe a secretarial position if they wanted to learn the business.

So Nancy waited, and kept doing her job. Not only was she competent at it, she also, quite frankly, looked fantastic doing it. Indeed, it was her looks that had hooked me - and many other adoring fans - on the wrestling business to begin with.

However, Nancy knew she couldn't last forever on looks alone. And so, when the UWF opened a position for an administrative assistant, Nancy was ready.

She came in and cleaned house. Two-thirds of the wrestlers, managers, and valets were either fired or sent elsewhere, and the organization's debts were paid off within three months. New people were brought in - people who relied not on steroids, but their own showmanship and athletic ability.

Business boomed. Profits soared in the next three years for the UWF, and as a "thank you" to the people that had supported her efforts, Nancy had decided to put together a convention, consisting of two major wrestling shows, a question and answer session with the wrestlers, managers and promoters, and a dinner/dance party for the wrestlers and fans.

This is what brought everyone to Philadelphia - a chance to see the promotion that had been so successful, a chance to meet other wrestling fans - and a chance to meet the woman that had made it all possible.

I sat in my front row seat as the wrestling matches progressed, and was not disappointed with what I was seeing... a marked difference from most promotions.

The world of professional wrestling can be divided into two groups of people. The "marks" were those who bought into the concept of professional wrestling being real, or at least had no true concept of what was really going on. The "smarts" were those who knew how storylines were created and who truly understood how the business worked.

As a "smart", I looked for different things than other people. I wanted good, realistic looking action, without really caring who won, unlike "marks" who were interested in cheering the good guys and booing the bad guys. And the UWF was impressing me to no end. The action was phenomenal, with aerial moves and brawls that were like nothing I'd ever seen anywhere. I immediately understood why the promotion had been making so much money, and began looking forward to asking Nancy about how she'd turned things around.

Those questions, however, went *far* to the back of my mind when Nancy came out to ringside.

As much as she enjoyed being a part of the UWF's true power structure, Nancy enjoyed being the center of attention at ringside as well. And on this night, was she *ever* the center of attention.

She wore a low-cut, blue strapless sequined dress that was slit down one side - a dress that exposed enough leg and breast to fuel a man's fantasies for a good six to eight months. Her face, as usual, was utterly gorgeous, with almond eyes protruding out of a tanned face, with a sparkle in them that suggested a hint of danger for anyone who would consider seducing her. Her long, brown hair completed the package.

I stared at this goddess in front of me, mesmerized. From all the times I'd watched her on television, I'd known she was beautiful. However, in person, her beauty seemed almost palpable, as if it was somehow a seperate entity from the rest of her.

Nancy's main selling point, as you might imagine, was that very beauty, and she used it to its maximum potential, flirting with everyone at ringside as she led her wrestler around the ring. As she went by me, she saw me staring, and gave me a knowing smile. She then licked her lips and blew a kiss at me.

My heart raced. For that brief moment, she had made me feel like I was part of the show... someone who was *important* to her.

I was in awe of her talent at this point - and I desperately wanted to meet her after the show.

One of the traditions in professional wrestling is for the fans to gather outside the building where the show is being held to wait for the wrestlers and managers, and try to get autographs from them. Sometimes they'll sign, sometimes they won't, but usually it's something for the "marks" to enjoy.

This promotion, however, was a little different, as most of the fans who watched the UWF were "smarts", like I was. The two biggest differences were that the gathering was smaller and that the fans who did line up wanted also to talk about the inside scoops in the business.

Many of the wrestlers were willing to come talk to us. Several stayed in their role of not wanting to talk to the fans, but most of the wrestlers and managers were happy to come over and sign autographs or talk about the business.

I was in that gathering, and talked to many of the people there... but not the one I *wanted* to talk to. Nancy had impressed me in so many ways that night, and I was hoping to express to her my appreciation for what she'd done for the wrestling business... and to thank her for making me such a fan. After about an hour, though, after the last wrestlers had gone, it seemed I wasn't going to get my chance. I began to walk back to my car, disappointed and a little sad.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I turned around, and to my astonishment, there was Nancy - trying to catch up. Her manner of dress was completely different from ringside, which wasn't a real surprise, but was something I wasn't used to. She was dressed in a white blouse and a blue vest, with a pleated skirt and high heels. In short, she looked like nothing more than a businesswoman trying to get home - to a husband, I thought dejectedly, or a boyfriend.

An attractive businesswoman, to be sure, but nothing like she looked at ringside.

I walked back toward her, just in time to see her right high heel fall apart and send her tumbling to the ground. I ran toward her, shouting, "Are you OK?"

"God *damn* it!", she shouted. "Perfect ending to a terrible day."

"Here, let me help you," I said. I took her hand and helped her back to her feet. As I did, I couldn't help but notice her soft skin, her tender hands...

"Thanks," she said. "So, how did you like the show tonight?"

I couldn't answer, as stupid as that sounds. I was totally mesmerized by this woman, and she couldn't help but laugh. "Speechless, eh?" she giggled.

This little jab got me back to my senses. "I'm sorry," I said, laughing. "I'm just a little distracted is all."

She winked at me and said, "I'll bet." At this point, I couldn't help myself, and burst out into a fit of giggles. I sheepishly offered a pen and my program, and asked, "Would you mind giving Laughing Boy here an autograph?"

She laughed along with me, and said, "I'd be more than happy to." She signed, and for the next 30 minutes or so, even though she obviously wanted to get home, we talked about the inner workings of the wrestling business. Towards the end, I told her how wonderful I thought her performance had been that night.

"And frankly, the best part of it was the way you flirted with me during the ring entrance," I said. "You made me feel like I was really part of the show, and that's something very few people know how to do very well."

"I'm flattered," she said, almost blushing. "Frankly, I've done so much better the last couple of shows - I guess I was due for a backslide tonight."

I was stunned. This was one of the best performances I'd ever seen - and she thought it wasn't as good as it could have been?

"If *that's* backsliding, I can only imagine what you consider great work," I said.

"That's one of the things about this business," Nancy said. "We're constantly pushing ourselves, challenging ourselves, something that the bigger promotions could care less about doing these days. That's why the wrestlers, promoters and I are trying to create something better."

She began to walk to her car, but it was clear that she was limping, more so than she'd have liked. "I've had surgery on this damn ankle twice, and they *still* haven't gotten it right," she said.

I don't know what brought it on, but I guess I just blurted it out. "Listen, I've got an extra bed in my hotel room if you need some help taking care of that leg."

She looked at me strangely, and I thought maybe I'd gone too far. My mind was eased when she smiled. I'd always loved that smile, and I loved it even more now. It meant she wasn't going to kill me.

"No, it's OK - I thought you knew I lived around here," she said. "I've mentioned it in interviews before, and I figured that knowing as much about the business as you do, you knew that." She grimaced a little. "I'd better get home... I'll have to put that damn ice pack on again and get two hours of sleep, just like the last time."

On impulse, I quickly wrote down the number of where I was staying and handed it to her. "If you're bored, or can't sleep, or whatever, give me a call. I'd love to talk to you some more." My mind was telling me, "What are you, nuts?!? Stop this!"

But she smiled and took the number. "Why not?" she said. "After all, you did help me, out of the blue. Could you help me to my car?"

It took a little doing, but we managed to make it to her car. She put her arm over my shoulder, and I put my arm around her waist as she limped, somewhat painfully, to her BMW. For me, this was a dream come true - I was not only getting to meet the woman who had gotten me interested in pro wrestling in the first place; not only was I helping her through a problem; but I actually had my arm around that gorgeous body of hers!

Anyone looking at me then could tell where my thoughts were at that moment. Apparently, so could she. As I put her briefcase and bags in the trunk of her car, I noticed Nancy, out of the corner of my eye, giving me a very thorough once-over. It was then that I realized that being so close to her had aroused me quite visibly... and that she was getting a very good idea of just how much.

I closed the trunk, trying not to be too distracted. I was probably just imagining her attention, after all.

"Are you going to be at tommorrow's show?" she asked.

"I certainly will!" I said, cheerfully. "I hope your ankle is going to be better by tomorrow night."

She laughed. I noticed she did that a lot. "I certainly hope so too." She shook my hand. "You know, you've just helped me through something big here, and I don't even know your name."

"Andy. I'm glad I could be of help, Ms. LeDoux."

She smiled. "You don't need to call me Ms., dear. It makes me sound like some dyke who hates men. Call me Nancy - everyone else does. See you at the show tommorrow!"

And in the blink of an eye, Nancy was gone.

It was nearly 2 a.m. by the time I finally got back to the hotel. I was so giddy from the night, and frankly, I wasn't in any mood for it to end. But I knew I was going to have a busy day later on, so I figured I'd try to sleep.

Nothing worked. Counting sheep, counting sheperds counting sheep, glasses of water, turning up the air conditioner... nothing seemed to be working. I finally decided that maybe the best way to go to sleep would be to focus on a mental image, and concentrate on that.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to find that Nancy's face was what I focused on. Not only did I feel good about helping her through her injury tonight (at least in some small way), but I couldn't help but think about how incredibly attractive she was, and how I desperately wished that I could spend the night with her.

Deep down, I knew it wasn't going to happen. Whether it was marriage, a boyfriend, or just her lack of desire for me, something was going to get in the way. It always had.

But I still had my fantasies. And the particular fantasy running through my mind - with Nancy as the focal point - was anything but tame.

In my mind's eye, she was next to me in my bed, caressing me with her soft hands, rubbing my chest lightly and moving down my body until she reached my waist. I completely lost myself in the fantasy...

Now she was taking off her dress and letting it slide off of her, revealing her slightly sagged, yet perfect breasts, her long, tanned, gorgeous bare legs, and pubic hair that was trimmed in the shape of a heart... for me, or so I could dream.

She gracefully slid over so that her body was on top of me, and as she did, I could feel her wetness practically dripping out of her, almost leaving imprints where her sex pressed against my waist.

In a heartbeat, she was impaling herself on me and wrapping her arms around me, holding me in a tight embrace as we slowly made love...


**** RING*

Appropriately enough, I was awakened to the sounds of irritating incessance that only a hotel room's phone can provide.

I was not thrilled, and prepared to berate whoever was daring to call me so late at night in no uncertain terms. I picked up the phone and said a weary "Hello", letting the person know I wasn't thrilled about being called at this hour.

"Andy? This is Nancy... Nancy LeDoux?"

The words sounded almost tentative, as if she was really unsure about what she was doing. I found it very difficult to speak, but I managed to stammer out, "Yes, yes, I remember... what's going on?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, there's no way in the world I can possibly sleep right now," she said. "My ankle is hurting, and when I thought of your offer, I figured I could use someone to keep me company."

By this point, I can assure you, I was *wide* awake. "Look, I'd love to come pick you up, but I have no idea where I would even begin looking for you..."

"Don't worry," she said. "You won't have to go far. I'm in the lobby."

I was rather stunned. Something was up, but I had no idea what. "Give me five minutes to throw something on, and I'll be right down, OK?"

I hung up the phone, and in short order I was out the door. Why I was so eager to do this, especially at this hour, I'll never know. All I knew was that I was determined to help her through whatever problems she was having.

No matter what it took...

I went down to the lobby and found Nancy, wincing in pain. Her ankle was wrapped up in ice, and she had what appeared to be a crutch under one arm. "Are you OK?", I asked.

"Well, I've been better," she said, grimacing all the while. "I've been trying my damndest to keep my mind off the pain, but it isn't doing a whole lot of good, I don't think. You mind keeping an injured woman company for a while?"

Who was I to refuse? "Look, can you make it as far as the elevator with a little help? What you need to do is lay down a little bit and just try to relax," I said.

At this, Nancy gave a playful pout that made her look even more sexy than normal... which was saying a lot. "You wouldn't take advantage of an injured, helpless woman, would you, Andy?" she said, almost mockingly. Not really knowing how to answer that (especially since it appeared she was practically reading my *thoughts*, I got a little bit flustered and began to stammer. "Um... well... I guess..."

She giggled, as only she could, and said, "Come on, you silly goof. Let's see if I can't make it to the elevator, hmm?"

It was a bit of a struggle, but she managed to get there, with no small amount of help from me. After arriving at my floor, it was just a minute or two before we managed to find the way to my room.

Practically the first thing she did when she got there was to stagger over to the other bed in the room and sit down. "God, I hate this," she said. "I hope the swelling goes down enough so I can walk tommorrow morning."

She sighed, and I just stared. I couldn't help but notice just how beautiful she looked right at that moment. Every other time I'd seen her, she always had the perfect look, the same perfect smile, the confident gait that made her ring persona so attractive in the first place.

Now, she looked so different... hair messed up badly from the wind outside; blouse and vest rumpled; her ankle wrapped up in ice; her face, pouting a little in disgust over her accident... she looked so... human. So vulnerable. Normally so confident in and out of the ring, she now looked like nothing more than a schoolgirl who needed attention and affection - *my* attention, *my* affection.

It affected me intensely. My groin was rapidly stirring, and if part of me felt ashamed of the thoughts I was having at that moment, much of me was brimming in eager hope. In my head, however, my thoughts were going a mile a minute. While one side was telling me "You mustn't take advantage of her," the other was telling that side to shut the hell up, in no uncertain terms.

The conflict must have registered with Nancy, because she then asked me to come over to where she was sitting. So I did.

"Listen, Andy," she said. "I have a feeling I know what's wrong, and I want to tell you something straight out."

This is it, I thought to myself. She's going to reject me, right here and now. Might as well get this over with.

"Let me save you the trouble," I said. "You're not thrilled with the amount of attention I've been giving you, and though you're grateful for the help I gave you tonight, I'm reading too much into your kindness and I shouldn't even think about getting my hopes up. I understand. It's just that I can't help but see how beautiful you are and wonder just what it would be like to be your husband or boyfriend or whatever, making love to you with soft music and candlelight in the background. I hope you'll forgive me for being so forward, but that's what I feel and think."

She just looked at me for a minute with a slightly surprised look on her face. Then, very slowly, she smiled. Then giggled.

"Well, I guess I can dispense with the seduction process, then," she said. My mouth just dropped open. What the *hell* was she saying?

Nancy took my hand and guided me to where she was sitting. "Andy, I don't have a boyfriend or a husband - not anymore, anyway. And while you were so rudely interrupting me, I was about to tell you that there was a heck of a lot more reason for me than just my ankle to come see you. I was about to tell you that I thought you were incredibly attractive and that deep down, I really needed to be with someone tonight."

I just stared in amazement. Here was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen... and she wanted *me*? I was so stunned, I said the only thing I could think of at the moment:

"Well... you still can if you want."

She laughed and said, "Come here, you," and pulled my lips to hers. Kissing her felt like every fantasy I'd ever had come true. Her lips seemed almost like velvet, and her hair brushing up against my face was as smooth as silk. Her tongue glided into my mouth like an angel's, searching and exploring me for all it was worth.

I heard her grimace a moment and pulled away. "It's my ankle," she said breathlessly. "Even though I do want you, it still hurts like hell."

"Shhh," I said softly. "You just lie back and I'll take care of everything."

With a broad grin inching onto her face, she did as told. I laid down on top of her (being careful not to get anywhere near her bad ankle with my feet), and kissed her softly on the lips, with a loving look on my face. As I began kissing her neck, I flickered my tongue around the nape - and as I did so, I took her body gently into my hands, feeling her body twitch involuntarily.

I unbuttoned her blouse, and had her sit up just enough to get out of her vest and blouse. As I began to ease both of them off of her, I realized that she wore no bra whatsoever... and that her nipples were sticking straight out at me... and that they were more than likely hard enough to cut diamonds.

I laid her back down on the bed and started tending to her breasts, which sagged just a little bit but were *still* very attractive. At first, I confined myself to just caressing them and kneading them with my hands... but then I leaned down and started suckling the nipples, pulling on them slightly with my lips, then rubbing around them and over them with my tongue. It was almost like an electric current was running through her... she clutched my body and held me to her, telling me in no uncertain terms to keep doing what I was doing.

After a moment, I started kneading her breasts again as I began to kiss my way gently down her body, past her navel, all the way down to her waist. I paused just for a moment, and looked into her eyes. They had a glazed-over look about them, with a fire I hadn't seen from anyone in years. I slowly moved my right hand up her left thigh... higher and higher, until I reached my target. Gently, I caressed between her legs, and was rewarded with spasms from Nancy, sighing, and a *lot* of wetness, enough for a Jacques Cousteau voyage, it seemed.

"This is only the beginning, darling," I whispered. I very carefully removed her skirt, and then wondered how I was going to take her panties off without hurting her. Then it came to me. I grabbed my knife and came back to the bed, and I saw a look of fear in her eyes.

"No, it's nothing like that," I said to her. As if to prove my point, I grabbed her panties slowly, and started cutting through the fabric. In a few seconds, I was through. I closed up the knife and tossed it aside, and she relaxed. Slowly, I peeled one side away.

Her entire naked body laid before me, looking like Eve herself on the first day in the Garden of Eden. And, I dare say, this was one tree of knowledge I was dying to eat from.

My tongue slowly licked its way up her left thigh, as close to her sex as I could possibly go without actually getting there. She whimpered, wanting me to lick her, but instead I pulled my head up and just smiled. I then licked up her right thigh... and again I pulled up and smiled. I began to her moans and whimpering, and then a faint cry, "Please... please..."

I decided I'd tortured her enough. I licked up her left thigh again, slow enough to make her tremble with excitement... then darted my tongue over the opening to her soaked pussy. I held her body in my arms and felt her tremble. I then darted it up quickly to her clit, and the reaction was so intense I thought she'd come right there.

"No, I haven't yet," she said. "But don't you *dare* tease me, either."

"You, giving *me* orders, dear?" I playfully said. "You're the one who wants me..."

Her only response was to whimper and cry out, "Oh God, Andy..." I then began attacking her clit in earnest. It peeked out a little, so I was able to roll it around on my tongue and suckle it a little, and the reaction on her face told me all I needed to know about how much she was enjoying it.

As did her grip on my hair, which was increasingly beginning to hurt.

I then began lapping away at her clit as if it were an ice cream cone, and my hands gave her breasts some attention, rubbing them slightly. I brought my right hand back down to her cunt and rubbed one of my fingers against the opening, then gently slid it inside.

If my licking had driven her wild before, this drove her almost crazy. She began bucking her hips against both my face and my hand, wanting and needing more...

... which only angered her more when I stopped again.

"Don't you dare! Not now... please," she whispered. But the look on my face told her at that moment that she wasn't for a moment going to be denied her pleasure.

I stripped out of my clothes, teasing Nancy at every opportunity, trying to keep her close to what I knew would be a very powerful orgasm. Finally, I was naked along with her, my hard cock jutting out like a spear... all because of her.

"Yes... YES..." she said. "Take me now, Andy - don't make me wait any longer..."

I got on top of her, not wanting her to be on top tonight because of her injury. It was a little difficult, but I positioned myself so that I was right outside her opening... then, with a need just as pronounced as Nancy's, I plunged into her.

She gasped, then wrapped her arms around me and gave me a long, passionate kiss as I began to move my hips against hers, giving short, gentle thrusts while grinding my hips against her clit at every opportunity. I cradled her head in my arms as I made soft, gentle love to her as I'd always dreamed, staring lovingly into her eyes for as long as I could.

She moved her hips in a rhythm with mine, constant, not too overly aggressive, as if she wanted to savor this as long as possible. All of a sudden, however, her demeanor changed as I heard a small gasp exhale from her lips. Her eyes closed, and she began to buck back against me in earnest, wanting and needing more. I moved faster, faster, trying to keep up... and I saw her mouth open wide, and heard her breathing grow more and more rapid.

All at once, she grabbed me and held me tightly against her body, her head on my shoulders as she came, so loudly, almost as if she'd been hit by a tidal wave. She grunted, moaned, shrieked... she ran the gamut of noises that could possibly be made during an orgasm. I looked at her face for a fleeting moment during all of this, and I'll never forget the look on her face... mouth wide open, eyes shut, an expression of pleasure on her face that I'll never forget, and all of this while her body shook uncontrollably in my embrace...

It was too much for me. I kept thrusting into her harder and harder, and she encouraged me wholeheartedly. "Come on, baby... come for me... come into me, sweetheart..." She began kissing all over my body as I came, kissing my nipples, my neck, and my lips as I reached heights of pleasure I had never even *dreamed* of feeling before.

It took a little while for us to finally stop, but when we did, we must have kissed each other's lips for a good 30 minutes or so, light fluttery kisses that felt like butterflies, until we just laid there, naked, in each other's arms.

"What time is it?" I asked. She looked over at the clock.

"About 5 a.m.", she said. "Why?"

I chuckled. "What time do you have to be at the office, anyway?" I asked.

She said, "Sweetie, they will *wait* for me. After tonight, I think I deserve a little rest." She kissed me again. "Don't you?"

I giggled. "Well, you weren't too restful just now, dear," I said.

She ran her fingers lightly over my chest. "True enough."

"What about us?" I asked all of a sudden. "Is there an us? Where do you think this is going?"

"That's in the future," Nancy said. "The future will take care of itself. Right now, my immediate future is sleep."

Who was I to argue?

I awoke the next morning as if from a dream, more refreshed than I had been in years. Nancy was in the shower, so I stretched out a little bit and thought about just what had happened the previous evening.

What had happened, really, seemed nothing short of a miracle. It had been years since I'd been in love with someone, and truth be told, it was yet to be determined whether love had anything to do with last night. There was no reason to believe anything more than a one-night stand had taken place. And yet, it had been so passionate - but at the same time so tender, it was hard to believe it wasn't the start of something more.

Out of the blue, this tanned goddess had come into my life, wanting me. All too often, it seemed as though I had been fated for this my whole life - to have brief but wild encounters that faded into the early morning sunrise. And here it was, happening all over again... or was it?

I heard the shower turn off. Whatever thoughts were running through my mind needed to be put on the back burner for now.

"What a great idea, Nancy," I said, beaming. "Breakfast in bed - the perfect formula for us lazy bums who can't bear to drag their carcasses out of bed in the morning."

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A Night Out With Nancy

Let me tell you a little about my wife, she is 49 years old, a little over weight but that only adds voluptuousness to her all ready large “36D” tits and her beautiful round ass. She was raised a Mormon, but in my hands has become a really nice slut who, with a couple of drinks in her and some coke up her nose, will do the dirtiest sexy things. I like to see my wife dress provocative when we go out on nights like this, and tonight she didn’t disappoint me. She came down stairs dressed to...

3 years ago
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Returning to School Nancy

This actually precedes the "Returning to School - Ellen" stories I've already written. Initially when I returned to school, I was initially enrolled in night school at one of the local universities while I was working. When I started my initial transition from night school to full-time day classes, they had a program where you could attend both which I took advantage of primarily because it was less expensive. When I did the initial transition, I had left my girlfriend of 3...

2 years ago
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Nancy was unable to shake the feeling that today was going to be special, but had no idea why. She had tried to write some more of her thesis, but it was warm outside, and she couldn't find any motivation to sit here in front of the computer. This thesis had been much more involved than at first thought, and she was tired of the struggle. Maybe a walk would clear her mind. Nancy had been staying in the farmhouse for two weeks now, and the quiet and seclusion had definitely improved both the...

2 years ago
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Meals on Wheels 2 Nancy

As I walked up to Nancy’s house, I was a little depressed at the fact that I would not be doing any freaky experimentation with Ruth, so I had a little storm cloud hovering above my head. I was quickly snapped out of my bad mood when I was hit with the scent of chocolate chip cookies baking. The front door of Nancy’s house was open, and the smell of the cookies was drifting through the screen door. I came up to the door and rang the bell. Nancy poked her head around the corner from the...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 10 Aunt Nancy

I perked up when Wilson turned the limousine into the long driveway. It had been a depressing ride from the rail yard. Neither Catherine nor Nancy had seemed in the mood to talk much. Penny had begun the rather lengthy report she had to submit to the Bureau. Once we were on the ferry, the ladies elected to stay in the car, but I got out to stretch my legs and breathe in the salt air. I made the hour long ferry trip across Long Island Sound, leaning against the hood of the limo, talking...

3 years ago
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Naughty Niece Nancy

Naughty Niece NancyBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Well, I have no objection and I have no plans that would be disturbed”, I told my elder brother; “but she is a senior in High School and at an age when she would resent you and I both. I will do whatever you tell me to”.This was my elder brother calling, telling me that he was taking a vacation with his new girlfriend, going to Europe and would appreciate if I could help him out. He wanted me to take care of his daughter for the next 2 weeks. He also...

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A weekend with Nancy

 CHAPTER 1Upon arriving home from work one Friday afternoon my wife informed me that the kids would be staying the weekend at some friends house, and that she had made some special plans for us. She then went on to say that she would be gone for a couple of hours and that while she was gone I was to shower and to shave myself from head to toe. Then I was to get my "special clothing" from storage and neatly arrange them on the bed. You see, for years now I have enjoyed cross dressing and while...

1 year ago
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Teaching Nancy

Nancy tucked her dark hair behind her ear before starting the car and glancing in the rear-view mirror. She didn’t exactly try to make herself look ugly when she made the delivery to Mr. Burgess, but she avoided makeup. It wouldn’t have really been possible anyway. She had never really felt like she was beautiful, but she knew she wasn’t ugly. Her dark hair had a hint of red in it, and came down to the small of her back. It swept decidedly across her forehead and curved around her ears. Her...

2 years ago
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Date Night for Nancy

My Wife, Nancy, and I have an open marriage; she can have all the sex she wants to have and I can have all that she gives me permission to have. Nancy makes no secret about our open arrangements and openly flirts even when I'm with her. The other night Nancy, her mother, and I were at dinner when Nancy spotted a guy she was interested in. Her mother thought he was cute so the flirting was on. Eventually he came over to our table with some after dinner drinks for Nancy and her mother and a...

3 years ago
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Hot blonde Nancy

Hello readers,Rajeev is back with his true incidence happened 03 years ago. I was just 20 as my hot mom Nancy is in her last thirties,looking gorgeous in her modern outfit or traditional dress. Her physical measurement is of 34-26-36 and her lovely face as well as white complexion makes her sexy. My penis get erected as she walks fast and her ass swings faster. I have seen my hot mom with a younger guy Dev of my neighbour hood and I am eyeing her round water melons making her chest attractive...

2 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 19 Nailing Naughty Nancy

The girls in the school had been, at first, curious about the arrival of two males in their midst. Even though the men were robed and priestly, they were younger than the priests that had visited before and also, they appeared to be living there, too. The older girls joked that they had been brought in to service the Sisters who were their teachers. They did not know their true purpose although, had any of them seen the Mother Superior on the previous night, they would have believed their...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife Nancy

Nancy and I have been married for a bit more than twenty year and for nineteen of those years my biggest fantasy has been to see her with another man. Nancy and I have always been open and honest with each other so she has always known about my desire to watch her. It really didn't surprise me when she said no, but her 'no' didn't stop my continuing to fantasize about it off and on over the years. Nancy and I both work and her job requires some travel while mine doesn't. Nancy was in New...

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Back in 2000 I was still working security in London at a news agency. Due to terrorist threats I was positioned at the main entrance controlling entry/exit and to monitor the cctv system. My shifts were 7pm to 7am six nights a week with alternating Saturdays and Sundays off. News agency staff worked only eight hours three on three off luckynoeople and got paid at least five times as much ch as me. At 7 am no,less than two guards took over from me. One of the news agency staff Nancy Allen,...

4 years ago
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What follows is a brief description of some of the sexual experiences of a young girl in 1840s America called Nancy. She lived on a small farm just over a day's ride from the nearest town, which was small in any case, just a church, a saloon, some stores and a few houses. She lived with her three older step-brothers and her Pa (who was really her step-father - her father died just before she was born and her mother just after she turned 10), and a few farmhands: four black men and a fat white...

1 year ago
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Nurse Nancy

Jack's eyes felt heavy but he managed to open them anyway. From his vantage point he knew that he was in a bed of some sort but there seemed to be bars right in front of his face. Was he in a jail? As his thoughts dwelled on that eventuality he drifted back off to sleep. The next time Jack was able to open his eyes he was a bit more oriented as to time and place. He now realized that his body was shaking off the effects of the anesthesia he was given for his operation and he was probably in...

3 years ago
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doubled down with Bonnie then Nancy

Bonnie was sitting on the front porch waiting for me with her friend when I arrived. She introduced me to Kathy who was a very attractive girl. It is like Bonnie always seem to find cute friends for some reason, and Kathy had to be the prettiest one I have met yet. She was a tall blonde, long hair and blue eyes, since it was warm out they were both wearing shorts and tank tops.I couldn’t help to notice the nice set of breasts Kathy had and how tanned her long legs were. Bonnie finally said...

2 years ago
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Copyright© 1992-2003 "A woman who lived in St. Paul Had breasts undeniably small Her husband growled, 'Dear, Why not burn your brassiere? It's fulfilling no function at all.'" -author unknown My childhood friend Nancy called after trying me at my office. Since I had won the lottery, I had wrote or spoken to her three times, and things were not going well for her. I promised to come to her house tomorrow instead of heading back home. I rented a car and drove to the small...

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Pam and Nancy

I met Pam in my junior year at college. She had taken the seat next to me on the first day of Managerial Economics. As far as meetings go it was not an auspicious one. I glanced over at her when she sat down and that glance turned into a long appreciative look. She was a sexy looking ash blond, but what caught my attention were the long legs sticking out from under the short skirt and the pair of four inch 'come fuck me' heels on her feet. I have always been a leg man and high heels have...

1 year ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 35 Nancy

Captain Foster believed my lies, patted my back and made me a corporal again. I got out of Morristown as fast as I could and back to staging ambushes. It became slow work as a winter storm and extra cold weather blanketed the countryside. We spilt up, went to seek whatever shelter we could find and promised to get back to work the next time the creeks were flowing. I headed for Trenton, despite the long cold ride, since I knew I would find a warm welcome in one or another bed there and might...

2 years ago
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I was in a club I had never ben there before a friend had told me about it said it was a good spot to pick up guys and have fun so here I am at the bar looking around but after a drink or two I have to pee so I go to the little boys room for a tinkle I go into the stall because I like to pee sitting down its more relaxing that way and its how girls pee...I go into the stall in the back and put paper all around the rim first and then as I'm sitting there peeing I notice a cardboard sign on the...

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My cousin Nancy

I come from a large family, with aunts, uncles and cousins all over the place here in Scotland. During the 70's and when I was 15, my Dad got back in touch with one of these cousins who he hadn't seen since they were c***dren. They lived only an hours drive away on a farm, so one Sunday afternoon, Mum, Dad and I drove there for a visit.It turned out that Dad's cousin had three c***dren, two girls and a boy. One of the girls was only about 5, the boy was 8, but Nancy was a stunning fully...

1 year ago
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The Captain and Nancy

It all started as harmless chat in an online adult chat room. She caught my attention and I was intrigued by her lusty manner. She was Scarlett and I became Rhett. We figured out when the best times to meet in the chat room were and chatted more and more frequently as time went on. I learned that she was married with three children and living in Puerto Rico where her hubby was stationed in the Coast Guard. I told her that I was also married with two children and living on the East coast of the...

First Time
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Aunt Nancy

I have always wanted to make love to my aunt Nancy. Many times I have seen her scantily dressed in panties and a T-shirt, a skimpy bathing suit, and even pantyhose and a bra. One time I even caught her lying on the couch wearing a robe that was open in the front, exposing her large tits. They are c-cups, but they look much larger, and she has very dark nipples, almost maroon colored. She has long dark-brown hair and a fairly trim figure, too. At the time this all took place I was about 16...

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Note: I know several people who participate in the "LARP" (Live Action Role Play) called "Vampire-Masquerade". They asked me to come down to check it out. As they explained it to me, I asked how the characters were developed, and got some interesting answers. While the idea of joining in this activity doesn't hold my interest, I came up with this particular character, in case I ever do. Read, enjoy, point and snicker, whatever. I make no apologies to the fans of "Twilight" or "True...

2 years ago
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Fisting Nancy

When I was in my late 20’s I was working at a company and I’d often take lunch the same time as Nancy She was in her late 30’s, maybe 40 something. She was pretty hot and lots of guys took her out. She liked to talk about sex, and how when she was horny she’d use ‘stuff’ to help her. I showed such interest, that we agreed to go out for a bite and go to her house after and ‘play’From our first date she had me mesmerized. She loved to show off and get me hot she would masturbate with all kinds of...

2 years ago
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Baby Nancy

Baby Nancy Ich lernte meine neue Familie ?ber Facebook kennen. Meine neue Familie besteht aus Nicole 16 Jahre, Katja 12 Jahre und meiner Freundin 32 Jahre. Naja es ist nicht direkt meine Freundin, sondern ich, eigentlich 30 Jahre, lebe als ihre 3. Tochter in dieser Familie. Und nicht nur das, ich lebe als ihre Babytochter und werde behandelt, je nach dem, als w?re zwischen 2 und 4 Jahre alt. Au?erdem hat Heidi geerbt und ist recht wohlhabend, meinen Job habe ich aufgegeben. Meine Fr...

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I suprised Nancy

I saw Nancy on the street seeing her husband off in the car, I casually asked her where he was going and she replied he's taking the car for a service. So I came in the house and got a virtual hard on immediatly, five minutes later I saw Nancy walking back from the shop and I called her in.She came to the door and asked me what I wanted, I said "Can you come here for a minute", she came into the kitchen and I said "Look out of the window", as she turned round, I lifted up her skirt and started...

3 years ago
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Thanks Ms Nancy

This is my story about Ms.Sakina, she was our English teacher, and I guess Ms. Nancy my French teacher with whom I had sex would have told her about it. You can read that story (Frenched By Milf French Tuition Teacher) Anyway, one day after school, Ms. Sakina, called me and told me that I had to improve my marks in English and I can come to her home for tuition. I was always fascinated by her, she was fair good-looking, with big boobs, she would always wear a sari and her navel would be...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Nancy

My name is Mike. This all started last summer. I had just finished high school, turned 18 and was soon going to college. The place my aunt lived was somewhat rural, but it was a large neighborhood. This neighborhood was a lot closer to the college I was going to, since it was only a half an hour away. My mom suggested that I go live with her to save money on gas. My aunt was 41yrs old and still pretty hot for that age; at 5'6" she had slightly wavy black hair that went just below her...

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Sub Nancy

Hi, I am Nancy. This is my first story. I hope you like it. Please do leave your feedback. After my graduation I was looking forward to move to a better place, somewhere more peaceful and silent. I decided to move to Southport, a very peaceful place near the sea. I took a house near to the sea. Here the culture was different people lived in houses instead of flats with garden around them. I started looking for a job. A month passed by but I couldn’t find anything. I was also into BDSM. I used...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 14 Nancy

I heard the words that Carmine spoke with equal parts of sadness and shock. I heard him say that he blamed himself for what he did. It was news to me that he felt that way at all since the lawyers had convinced me that he wasn't guilty of trying to kill Hugo because he was truly impaired in his judgment because of the extended hours he was working. Even the DA said so, but he couldn't do anything when Carmine decided to plead guilty! But I could see his side of things as well. Carmine was...

2 years ago
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An Evening at the Opera With Her Nancy

An Evening at the Opera with Her Nancy With his wrists attached to a lacing bar Jaycen watched Basilia, his lover and demanding husband, walk over to the wall and pull on the rope attached to the pulley above Jaycen. Gradually the bar rose upwards pulling his wrists with it until his arms were vertical, but still it continued to rise until he was standing on tiptoe. Only then did Basilia tie the rope to a stanchion mounted on the wall. He turned his head and watched as best he...

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A quick visit with Nancy

If you've seen my other post about Nancy you'll know it's been quite a while since I saw her. Furthermore, aside from that one night, I've not had sex with her. But, that's okay. I have a very fond and favorite memory of that night and every time I see her I flash back to the night I made her mine and filled her young pussy full of my seed. I fantasize that I was the first man to have that pussy.So, with that backdrop, you can well imagine my surprise when I saw her at the local grocery store...

4 years ago
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For Nancy

For Nancy…The sunny afternoon brought on by the lovely sunrise at the break of dawn. You’ve been sitting on the hillside for hours, thinking, will I be over the hill and far away, or close to you? Your focus is tested with the distraction of me in your mind, with how we’ll be in person. How I’ll look at you when we lock eyes? What my body language will say when I extend my arms for you to fall in? Your thoughts battle in your mind, filling you with anticipation. Exhilarated, thrilled and full...

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Summer whith aunt nancy

My aunt lived in a very rural trailer park out in the country. She was single and needed some one to help her around her property. So my mom sent me to stay with her through the summer. I got there we hugged and she told me to sit down and relax. She made me lunch and then sent me out side to rake leaves. My aunt is a very bossy and dominant person who will tell you what to do and make you do it. My aunt was a wild country girl and very hillbillyish. She was also a alcoholic and drank every day...

1 year ago
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She was about in her mid 50’s but had what looked like a nice figure. Not voluptuous, pretty average. Probably an average set of tits and not beautiful, maybe not even pretty, but a little enticing. She walked her dogs two to three times a day, and always between my house and the neighbors. She lived across the street. We barely spoke to each other. I was sitting on the chair by my front door when she walked by with the dogs. I called out to her, “Nancy, got a minute?” She reluctantly walked...

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Aunt Nancy

Hi Id likes to tell you a story that happened to me when I was 18.I had just graduated high school and still lived at home. I was raised by my dad and grandparents. My fathers brother lived about a mile away with his wife Nancy who id known since I was a kid. My uncle worked a lot of hours for years, basically ignoring her. She uses to ask me to go to the drive in (when they still had them) and I liked going she had always treated me like an adult and talked to me that way. Anyways this time we...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 4 Nancy

I had just finished washing one of the dogs, getting him ready for neutering when Ruben called. It was a cute little Poodle, a miniature white almost ten months old. He was happy now, not knowing what was coming. Actually, it didn't hurt and they never knew anything was done. I pulled him out of the tub, wrapped him with a towel and put him down on the table where I would use the blow dryer to complete the job. His tongue was trying to reach my face as I rubbed him with the soft towel. I...

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My Aunt Nancy

100% fictional! My name is Mike. This all started last summer when I had just finished high school. I just turned 18 and was soon going to college. The place my aunt lived was somewhat rural, but it was a large neighborhood. This neighborhood was a lot closer to the college I was going to, for it was only a half an hour away from the college. My mom suggested that I go live with her to save money on gas. My aunt was 41yrs old and was still pretty hot for that age; at 5'6" she had slightly wavy...

1 year ago
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Aunt Nancy

*** Everyone in this story is over 18 and its fiction. Hi Id like to tell you a story that happened to me when I was 18.I had just graduated high school and still lived at home.I was raised by my dad and grandparents. My fathers brother lived about a mile away with his wife Nancy who id known since I was a kid. My uncle worked a lot of hours for years,Basicly ignoring her. She use to ask me to go to the drive in (when they still had them) and I liked going she had always treated me like an...

4 years ago
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Our Fun with Nancy

I must have been reliving the previous night’s events in my dreams because I woke up with my eight inch cock throbbing in my hand. I looked over at my sexy wife still asleep beside me and began to gently stroke my cock. I licked my lips as I rubbed the little drop of pre-cum over the head of my cock and could still taste Kim’s pussy from the night before. “Mmm. That looks so damn sexy babe” Kim said to me as she opened her eyes and fixed them on my hand working my cock so well. “Are you going...

2 years ago
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A weekend with Nancy

CHAPTER 1 Upon arriving home from work one Friday afternoon my wife informed me that the kids would be staying the weekend at some friends house, and that she had made some special plans for us. She then went on to say that she would be gone for a couple of hours and that while she was gone I was to shower and to shave myself from head to toe. Then I was to get my ‘special clothing’ from storage and neatly arrange them on the bed. You see, for years now I have enjoyed cross dressing and while...

2 years ago
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The Captain and Nancy

It all started as harmless chat in an online adult chat room. She caught my attention and I was intrigued by her lusty manner. She was Scarlett and I became Rhett. We figured out when the best times to meet in the chat room were and chatted more and more frequently as time went on. I learned that she was married with three children and living in Puerto Rico where her hubby was stationed in the Coast Guard. I told her that I was also married with two children and living on the East coast of...

1 year ago
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For my white whore Nancy

The doorbell rang and I wondered who it could be. I got up off the couch and walked over to the window. Looking out my large front window, I could see a delivery truck parked down in the street in front of my house. I wasn't expecting anything. Suddenly my eyes caught some movement on the porch. I glanced to my left and saw the grinning face of a young black guy staring back at me. He was enjoying the view of my big white 42DD tits bouncing back and forth in the window. I saw him say something...

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Naughty Nurse Nancy

This is a work of adult fiction. If you are offended by such material, please exit NOW.       FM, NC   Naughty Night Nurse   By Tom Anon   The middle of the 11 to 7 shift was usually quiet in Lincoln Hospital. As a very expensive private hospital, the rules were strict. No colorful smocks or pant suits for the nurses. The Administrator insisted on the traditional white uniforms, stockings, and caps. Decorum was the order of the day,...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 6 Nancy

He called! I waited all day and began to believe he was not going to call, but he did! And he was coming to see us both! He wanted me to be free to bow out and not have to see him? What the hell was that all about? Did he think I was afraid of him? That I didn't want to be with him again? How in the world could he come to that conclusion? He shut me out, not the other way around. And I told him I wanted nothing more to do with Hugo. I told him that and made sure he got the note. The doctor...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 10 Nancy

I was not much good all day today as I tried to put everything but my job out of my mind. It was not much use, since all I could think of was Ruben and his father. I knew this was a good thing for Ruben, and I knew that Carmine needed to see his son. I had no problem with that and I was being honest when I said I would trust Ruben's life to Carmine. Carmine would never do anything to cause pain for Ruben. Even going to prison was to spare him the pain of seeing his father in jail. Carmine...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 12 Nancy

I was not surprised when Ruben said he was going over to Eddie's. I understood that he wanted to give me time with Carmine without him overhearing. I walked him to the door, whispered my gratitude in his ear and made him blush. He couldn't get out of the door fast enough. I watched him go then turned to Carmine and asked him to join me in the family room for coffee. I went into the kitchen, poured the coffee from the coffeemaker into a decorative pitcher and added two cups to the small tray...

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Weekend with Daniel part 1

-------------------------------------- This is a story of fiction and fantasy. If it comes true I would be ecstatic. Thanks for reading and be positive and kind with your remarks. -------------------------------------- I decided that it had been way too long since I have been laid. The upcoming 3 day weekend I had nothing at all planned, so I decided to put an ad on a local website looking for fun and lots of sex. The ad: "I am mid 50's, 5'11" 212# dad-bod, construction worker,...

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Weekend With 122 Prep School Girls

Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls By JenniferHi, my name is Jennifer. I'm a 27 year old businesswoman. I'm 5'9" tall, with long brunette hair and big brown eyes. I exercise at the fitness center 3-4 times a week, and I'm quite proud that I've maintained my sexy svelte curvy 120 pound figure. My handsome hubby Dan and I got married right after graduation from college, and have quite an active sex life. I'm even prouder of my perfect pair of 36C tits. I'm on the pill, with no immediate plans to...

1 year ago
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Weekend with Carleigh

Weekend with Carleigh The plane banked to the left, aligning itself with the runway in preparation to land. Looking out the window I could see the university campus off in the distance. Soon I would be there, finishing the plans that we had made. After landing and gathering my bag, I rented a car and drove toward campus. There were two motels on my list to check out, one of which I was going to rent a room for the weekend. After checking both of them out I decided on the Fairfield Inn on...

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