Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls and 12 Prep School Boys
- 2 years ago
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Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls
By Jennifer
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I'm a 27 year old businesswoman. I'm 5'9" tall, with long brunette hair and big brown eyes. I exercise at the fitness center 3-4 times a week, and I'm quite proud that I've maintained my sexy svelte curvy 120 pound figure. My handsome hubby Dan and I got married right after graduation from college, and have quite an active sex life. I'm even prouder of my perfect pair of 36C tits. I'm on the pill, with no immediate plans to try for a baby. My best friend and 1st cousin is Sally, a 28 year old bombshell, who had 36 D tits and oozes sexuality, but her ass is somewhat flat compared to my nicely rounded fanny. She has long black hair and penetrating deep blue eyes. Sally is also on the pill and in no hurry to have children. Sally's and my parents are forever hinting and pressuring us on the baby issue, but we are always sloughing them off. Her husband Bill and she probably have a more rambunctious sex life than Dan and me. We lived just a few houses apart on the same street in Lake Forest, Illinois, though in the slum part of town, with house values in the $1,000,000.00 range. Our husbands are lawyers in the same Lake Forest law firm. Although they were making really good money, but were working longer hours, and had very little time to screw Sally and me, because they came home exhausted and late more often.
From the time we were young children, Sally and I were always around lakes and woods. Our fathers, individually or together, taught us how to swim, fish, camp, sail and canoe, and cook good meals over an open campfire. Going back to the mid 19th Century my great-great grandfather had been somewhat of a land baron. Although much of the original land had been sold off for development or inherited by the next generations. Our family owned a Lake near Antioch, Illinois, that might have been the smallest lake in the 27 different lakes known as the Chain of Lakes. Well, that is not 100% accurate. The family owned all the land around the Lake, but the State of Illinois owned a public right of way, with boating and fishing access for the public. We refer to it as our lake because it was named for my great-great grandmother, Helen. Lake Helen was only about 1 mile long and about 1/2 mile wide. The State stocked it with fish every 2 or 3 years. Thanks to our grand parents, Sally and I received very generous trusts, when we turned 21. Sally opened an upscale women's sportswear store in Lake Forest. She carried golf wear, tennis wear swim wear and casual sporty clothes, along with a large selection of shoes for every sporting occasion. Her products were especially popular with the upper crust North Shore country club crowd. About a year later, I received my trust fund and opened a posh upscale women's clothing boutique, along with those $600.00+ per pair shoes. Our stores were right next to each other, and we knocked a double wide open doorway between our 2 stores.
Along one side of Lake Helen, from the stream inlet to the stream outlet was our family's woodsy summer camp, Shady Oaks. Our family members own the 5 cabins on the other side of Lake Helen. For the past 3 years, Sally and I ran the camp. We are solidly booked at least a year in advance. From Mondays-Thursdays the camp is overrun with girl and boy scouts, church youth groups, and the like. Sally takes care of these bookings, and they are the easiest. They brought their own tents, supplies and food, and counselors or leaders. Other groups of slightly older kids came on weekends, when we had an opening, brought their own chaperones and food, but used our equipment. We charged them a moderate rate. The vast majority of our weekend bookings and profit came from private high schools and prep schools. They paid through the nose, Sally and I were always there, and we provided all the equipment and food. Those who attended those weekends received a 1st class outdoor experience and learned to cook the food we provided over an open campfire. We hired a nearby caretaker couple, who were in their 40s. He mowed the lawn, maintained our equipment and kept the camp clean and spruced up. She cleaned the cabin and laundered the linens, as well as laundering enough towels for the times we used the Lake. She also kept tabs on our frozen and nonperishable foods and contacted me when we needed something.
Camp Shady Oaks had a newly remodeled 2 bedroom cabin, leaving a separate bedroom and newly remodeled bathroom for Sally and me. The kitchen was along one wall in a large open front room, with several posts supporting the roof. There was a stove/oven and a dishwasher and large tubs for washing the large cooking utensils. We had 3 refrigerators and 2 freezers, as well as shelves for the nonperishable foods and smaller cooking utensils. The larger cooking utensils, as well as the grill and wire cooking rack simply hung from nails in the wall. I bought my own 12 cup coffeemaker, and kept a supply of my favorite coffee blend in one of the refrigerators. Out doors, but attached to the cabin for water supply were 6 enclosed outdoor outhouses, with hot and cold running water sinks. They were strung out in a line and attached to the right side of the cabin. On the left side of the cabin were a line of 6 outdoor showers, with hot and cold running water. The water came from a huge 10" well. Hot water was heated by 3 huge hot water heating tanks, fueled by a large L.P Gas storage tank that had to be filled from a tanker truck. Our huge storage shed stored our outdoor game equipment, like fishing gear, soccer and archery. Although our boats were usually stored in the shed, they were currently on or near the beach along the shores of Lake Helen. The rest of Camp Shady Oaks was surrounded by acres of woods and fenced by an old Cyclone fence, with recently added barbed wire atop it.
During my college years, I had done a little lesbian sex experimentation with a few girls. Recently Sally and I would take off from work a little early and do some beaver eating in one of our homes, because our husbands were getting home later from work and often ate out. Fortunately I had a really hot and cute 23 year old red headed secretary at work. Did I look like a lesbian? I didn't think so, but Tiffany came on to me. With some regularity, we pulled up our skirts, stripped off our panties and went down on each other on my desk behind my locked office door, during lunch hour. I thought of including Sally in our little assignations, but it never worked out. In early May our best customer, Miss Greeley the Head Mistress of the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy For Girls called to confirm their standing reservation. She was sending girls the first weekend of June and the first weekend in August. There would be 12 girls, who were attending summer school. All the girls were 18 and no parental permission slip was required. I sent her an invoice, along with a list of supplies that her girls should bring, emphasizing extra tennis shoes, a raincoat or poncho, mosquito spray and spf 30 or higher suntan protection. The girls were to bring their own lunches for their 1st meal on Friday noon.
A few days before we were scheduled to go to Camp Shady Oaks, Sally and I began preparing for this next batch of guests. We bought the food we would need, and even baked and pre-cooked some meals. On Thursday, we went to our favorite day spa for manicures, pedicures and bikini wax jobs. When we wore our string bikinis at Lake Helen, we didn't want to be shown up by any 18 year old prep school girls.
Day 1 –
I got up early Friday morning and packed my SUV, Kissed Dan goodbye and drove the few doors down to Sally's. Our husbands were again on their own for the weekend. It turned out that they had to go inn to work, but after that, they would undoubtedly play golf and watch whatever sporting events were on TV. Sally and I pulled our loaded SUVs into the Lake Forest Academy parking lot a few minutes before 9:00 AM. Some of the girls drove their cars, with one or more passengers, and left them in the parking lot. A few of the girls were dropped off by their Moms, because Daddy was undoubtedly already out on the golf course. Miss Greeley was there with her SUV and the girls packed their stuff in Miss Greeley's SUV. What didn't fit went in either Sally's or my SUV. The 3 SUVs took off for camp about 9:30 AM, with 4 girls in each SUV as passengers. They wore tennis shoes, shorts and either T-shirts or sweatshirts. In my car, the girls talked about boys, and texted the girls in the other cars, and paid little attention to me. I played an old CD softly and was content during our 1+ hour drive to camp. At camp, the 1st thing Miss Greeley did was to confiscate all the girl's cell phones. She said that she wasn't paying for the girls to waste all their time. Iunlocked the storage shed and hauled out three 4 person tents for the girls to set up and figure out who was sleeping with whom. The simple easy directions for tent assembly were stitched on a label on the side of each tent.
While 2 girls assembled and oriented each of the 4 tents, the remaining 4 girls, along with Miss Greeley, Sally and me, unpacked the rest of the stuff from the 3 SUVs and piled it on the cabin's front porch. Miss Greeley said her goodbyes and said that she would be back around 4:00 PM Sunday afternoon, and I locked the gate behind her. While the girls stowed their stuff in their tents, Sally and I packed the foodstuff in the refrigerators or freezers or on the shelves, in the case of non-perishable items. Then we put our personal stuff in each of our bedrooms.
Sally and I had our cabin all in order, and the girls got situated in their tents, with only minor disagreements, so I decided that we could all take a little foray into the woods to collect firewood and eat lunch a little later. I suggested that the girls spray on some mosquito repellent and take a note book along, if they had taken Biology, or wanted to sketch the poisonous plants in the woods. About 1/2 of the girls brought something along in the pockets of their shorts. I still had my old Biology notebook from my high school days. Sally and I quickly found poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac for the girls to study, sketch and avoid. We all scattered and collected downed firewood for more than an hour. When we quit, we had enough firewood, at least, for tonight's dinner and later bonfire. We'd have to gather more firewood, before breakfast tomorrow. We broke for lunch. Everyone ate the sandwiches and packaged dessert they had brought for their lunches. We had quite an assortment of soft drinks and water to accompany everyone's lunch. In addition, we had a large bowl of fresh fruit, and Sally had made a large tin of oatmeal raisin cookies. After lunch, the rubbish and plastic ware were put in a dumpster well behind the cabin. The empty bottles and cans were put in a recycling container next to the garbage dumpster.
Summer had come early that year and it was warm and balmy. The water temperature of the relatively shallow Lake Helen had warmed up and was adequate for swimming. We told the girls to change into their bathing suits for some swimming and sailing. Sally and I changed into our string bikinis in our bedrooms. When we came out of the cabin, we got a little shock. These girls were only about 10 years older than Sally and me, or about 1/2 a generation. Yet, about 1/2 of them were as tall as we were, and they were all really hot looking. While their bikini bottoms were a little more modest than Sally's or mine and covered their untrimmed, unshaved and un-waxed pubic hair, their tops left nothing to the imagination. A few of them put my 36C tits to shame, and rivaled Sally's 36Ds. We all walked down to the shore of Lake Helen. There, Sally and I split up the girls. I took half of the girls and gave them a quick how-to demonstration on sailing our little Sunfish one person sailboats. I made each girl wear a life vest, and after some dunks and crashes, the girls got it and we sailed completely around Lake Helen. The girls learned to tack in the moderate breezes and when they had to sail against the prevailing winds. While I sailed with the first 6 girls, Sally was conducting paired swimming races, of various distances, from one of our boat docks, out to, around, and back from buoys set at specific distances from the dock. After the 1st session was complete, Sally and I switched groups and repeated the sailing and swimming. With the sailing and swimming tests completed for Miss Greeley, Sally and I and the girls dried off, most put on more 30 S.P.F. suntan lotion and bathed in the sun on the beach for about 3/4 hour, until it was time to prepare for dinner. A few of the girls sunbathed topless. However, neither Sally nor I were fair skinned and didn't sunburn. We did our nude sunbathing in the privacy of our back yards.
Old newspapers were kept on a shelf in the cabin by our caretakers and bags of dried kindling were stored alongside the cabin, to get the fire started. Sally and I taught the girls to start a fire, add firewood, and rake and bank the coals for cooking. The girls assigned to cooking wore protective aprons and donned heavy cooking gloves. At one end of the firepit, a good bed of coals was raked level and a cast iron grill grate was suspended on legs over the coals. At the other end of the firepit, a steel tripod suspended a cast iron kettle of bubbling baked beans. I made coffee for sally and me, using the electric coffeemaker in the kitchen area of the cabin. The girl's cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. I had a hamburger, with a slice of cheese and onion, plus delicious, though canned, baked beans. Then I ate a Chicago style 100% all beef hotdog, without a bun, and more baked beans. I had baked 2 - 9" X 9" frosted cakes, but I was too full to have a piece. There was also fresh whole fruit and leftover oatmeal raisin cookies, from lunch. There were heavy oven mitts and heavy insulated gloves to use for cooking around the fire and handling the hot cooking utensils. The few baked beans that remained weren't enough to save. I carried the grill and bean pot into our kitchen's metal washtub and sprayed it with cold water, until it was cool enough for one of the girls to scrub. The other 7 girls put away the uneaten food, cleaned up the campsite and doused the fire.
After dinner, we had the girls get dressed and go out in the woods and collect huge piles of firewood, probably enough to last the rest of the weekend, before the sun went down and the mosquitoes got too bad. The girls got the bonfire going and everyone sat around and made S'mores. After we talked about the events of the day for a while, it got very quiet and awkward. The girls seemed to want to talk in private about boys and other things. Sally and I got a refill of coffee and sat at the picnic tables, well out of earshot of the girls whispering around the campfire. It had been a long day. It was approaching 11:00 PM. Sally and I soon began to fade. We went over to the girls and told them to wrap it up. They could resume their talks in their mosquito free tents. The campfire was scattered and the coals doused with water, until they were out. Sally and I said good night, and retired to our cabin. Who knew how long the girls would stay up, or what they would do in their tents. I was too tired for a shower. It could wait until morning, so I washed my face, peed, brushed my teeth and put on my black lace panties and nightie. I zonked out almost as soon as my head hit my pillow. I never heard a sound. I awoke with a sock stuffed in my mouth and I was being rolled over and my wrists were being tied behind my back. "OK, turn on the lights." Someone yelled. I was marched out in the living room and plopped down on a sofa, next to a bound and gagged Sally. All 12 girls sat around us. Some sat crossed legged on the carpeted floor, without any regard for their exposed panties. Jill appeared to be their leader and Meagan her assistant. The socks were pulled out of our mouths. A chorus of voices said that they wanted us to tell them about sex.
Our responses about having sex education in school or talking to their mothers got us nowhere. "No, No, No," said Jill, "we want you to tell us about lesbian sex and eating pussy!" "Surely you hot babes tried it in high school or college?" It was uncanny. Sally admitted to trying it in college, and I lied, saying that I had read descriptions about it in a book. "That's good enough for us," Meagan proclaimed, "STRIP THEM and tie them into these chairs!" Two rustic cushioned arm chairs were spaced about 8' apart. When the 2 bows of the shoulder straps that held up my slinky satin nightie were untied, it slithered to the floor. They had to untie Sally's wrists, to get her short sleeved nightie off, and then re-tied behind her back. Sally was wearing a true "T" shaped thong, and I had on a lacy pair of black satin bikini panties, but they were quickly removed. They sat us down at the front edge of each chair and pushed us back. Our legs were draped over the arms of the chairs and our ankles were tied to the back legs of each chair. Sally and I were tied spread wide open, with our pussies on full display. "Before we get started with them," Jill announced, "Everybody wash your hands." Twelve girls, still in their nightwear, scattered to the kitchen sink and our 2 bathrooms to wash their hands. When they returned, Meagan and 5 girls crowded around Sally, while Jill and the remaining 5 girls crowded around my chair. Jill used her forefinger to illustrate on me, and Meagan followed on Sally.
Jill started her instructive narrative, "Jennifer and Sally each have what is known as a bikini wax job." The hair to be removed is clipped short, and then a warm wax is spread over the area." "When the wax cools, it is ripped off, and the hairs and their roots are removed." "They may not have to have another treatment for 2-3 months, or they could shave their pussy hair as it grows out." "Now let's get to it." "Their inner thighs are very sensitive during pussy eating, as well as this area below their pussies (perineum)." "OK, here are their outer and inner pussy lips, as she used her fingers to open me up even more, and they will open more, swell and turn red, as they get more turned on." "This is her love hole or cunt, and the next hole is her pee hole, and you want to stay away from that." "She pulled back my hood and finished by showing them my clit. "This is her most sensitive sex organ, and the more it if rubbed or licked or sucked, the hotter and more sensitive that organ will become, and it will get longer and redder" "Now look at how wet Jennifer's and Sally's pussies are getting." "Everyone come and dip your fingers in their pussies and taste their delicious pussy juices." Well, 12 fingers took a swipe through Sally's and my pussies, and licked our pussy juices off their fingers.
Jill laid out her plans, "First, Sally and Jennifer are going to show us how to eat pussy, and then you all are going to finger fuck them and make them come, and play and make out with them!" "After that, we're going to take Sally and Jennifer into their bedrooms, where they will eat your pussies, and you can eat theirs too. All the girls jumped up and down and cheered, while I thought that this wasn't going to be very good for us. When the commotion settled down, Jill continued with some instruction. You can use 1 or 2 or 3 fingers to fuck their twats, and just ram them in and out of their pussies, like your boyfriends do with their cocks." When Jill said 1 or 2 or 3 fingers, she actually buried that many fingers deep in my love hole. "Finally, you can use a finger or two to rub their clits, but it's best if you tease them and rub a finger round and round their clits, before rubbing their sensitive organs, AND don't rub too hard. Sally's legs were untied and they made her kneel in position to eat me out. Sally started by licking round and round my inner and outer pussy lips, and used her tongue to open me up even more. She dove her tongue into my cunt and tongue fucked me, as we had done at my house, before this cursed weekend. As Jill had instructed, Sally teased my clit, by running her tongue round and round it, before licking it good. I was right on the edge, but had yet to crash into orgaasmland. Sally caught my clit between her lips, and sucked and sucked, until I had 2 screaming orgasms. The girls who crowded all around us all cheered.
My ankles were untied, and Sally replaced me on the chair, with her legs hooked over the arms of the chair and her ankles tied to the rear chair legs. Someone shouted, "Lick her all over." I nodded my head, yes, because this was what I really liked and my hubby, Dan, did so very well to me. I ran my tongue up and down Sally's inner thighs. She was so easy, and her pussy was soaking wet already. Then, I gave her warm wet kisses along both inner thighs, from knee to pussy, before attacking her perineum area. Sometime maybe I should tell the girls the name for that area on their bodies. I don't mess with any of that asshole or ass crack stuff, but I licked and kissed Sally's "sensitive area" from the bottom of her ass crack to the bottom of her pussy. I used my tongue to open her pussy lips even more. My tongue plunged right into Sally's cunt. I was merrily tongue fucking her, when I felt her stiffen, quake and shriek her 1st orgasm. I went straight for her clit. There would be no coming down for Sally. I sucked her red growing appendage, until she screamed and came again. I'm sure the girls didn't see me do it. I kept sucking on Sally's clit, but I also used my teeth to nibble carefully on her engorged clit. She hadn't even stopped shaking and spasming, but she shrieked even louder for her 3rd orgasm. You know, those girls had no idea of what coming down from an orgasm was, but they would find out when I had to eat their little pussies.
Sally and I were released, and amid the cheering Jill's order rang out, "TIE THEM TO THE POLES!" There were old varnished poles spaced evenly in the living room that held up the roof rafters. Six girls ascended upon me. My arms were held and I was backed up against one of the poles. A rope was wrapped3 times around my neck and the pole, somewhat loosely, that secured me, with no difficulty breathing. My wrists were tied crossed and my elbows tied together, behind the post. While this was going on, other girls were securing the rest of my body to the post. Three turns were tied under my armpits and over the very tops of my breasts. Perhaps 5 or 6 turns were tightly lashed around my 24" waist and the post. My legs were spread a little and my ankles were actually tied to the sides of the post. There was clear and free access to my pussy, as my legs were tied to the post around my calves, above my knees and over my upper thighs. Finally, a rope was tied to my bound wrists and pulled and stretch and tied to Sally's bound wrists. The result was that my bound arms were extended out behind me and almost parallel to the floor. Naturally, my 36C breasts jutted proudly outward. For some reason, The way my arms were tied pulled my chest muscles, and that combined with the tight loops of rope around the top of my breasts, felt really good and sexy.
Jill didn't fail to point out Sally's and my protruding breasts, as she gave her next orders. "Girls, strip off all your clothes, and before you start to finger fuck them squeeze and knead their lovely breasts; pinch and pull and suck their nipples; and take some time to makeout with them. No sooner had Jill finished, when 2 little voices said, "We DON"T WANT TO DO IT!" It was Annie and Becky. A surprised Jill queried, "I thought we all agreed to our plan?" "Don't you want to get a well rounded sex education, before you go off to college this fall?" They nodded their heads, yes. Jill pondered her next move. "OK then," she decided, "We'll do you with Jennifer and Sally." "TIE THEM TO THE POSTS!" Becky and Annie were stripped and tied to posts, just like Sally and I. I could move my neck enough to see Becky off to my left, about 15' away. I was amazed at how sexy Becky looked, with her B-cup breasts jutting proudly out on her chest, and her bound wrists were stretched out behind her so that her skinny arms were straight out behind her and parallel to the flor.
Jill came at me first. I couldn't move a muscle. First her hands grasped and squeezed my tits, followed by nipple pulling, pinching and sucking. My titties got a pretty good working over. Jill was only 1/2 inch shorter than me and her tits would grow to be a full C-cup in a few months, like mine. She got her arms around the post and pulled our bodies together, tit to tit and snatch to snatch. Her lips captured mine and we embarked on a torrid 10-15 minute makeout session, with lots of tongue and plenty of wet sloppy kisses. Jill was still kissing me, when she worked 3 fingers deep up into my cunt. After a few strokes the fingers were withdrawn, and Jill made me lick my pussy juices off her fingers. Then the fingers were back in my cunt, and in as deep as she could get them. She twisted her hand back and forth, as she finger fucked me. I was so hot and horny from the whole bizarre experience, that Jill made me shriek a little and come vaginally. Although it wasn't a huge orgasm, Jill gave me no break to come down. She teased my clit by rubbing her middle finger round and round my fiery sensitive nub. She stared right into my eyes and sensed my impending explosion. Her forefinger and middle finger rubbed lightly back and forth over the tip of my clit. I crashed and stiffened and screamed. Meagan and Ashley came next. They pretty much followed Jill's script and they made me come like a fucking robot.
Lisa assaulted me next. She was a little more imaginative. She worked over my breasts and nearly sucked the life out of my nipples, until they had become long thin appendages. Instead of giving my nipples a little pinch, Lisa bit them and left little teeth marks. She finger fucked my cunt and I came for her. By now my poor little clit was engorged. Lisa got my clit between the tips of her thumb and forefinger, and pinched it repeatedly. I went berserk and screamed bloody murder. I think that I had 2 massive orgasms in rapid succession that would have buckled my knees, if I wasn't lashed to the post. From that point on, it was all a blur to me. I was coming and coming like a crazed nymphomaniac. Picture 4 females lashed to posts and moaning and shrieking and coming and screaming and coming, for probably well over an hour. I have no idea of how many times I came. I think 7 or 8 girls finger fucked me and stimulated my clit to orgasm. Everything stopped and I glanced over at Becky, who was tied to a post about 15' to my left. Her tits looked like they had been mauled. And were all red, but she still had a smile on her face.
Jill asked Becky if she still wanted to continue. Becky smiled and answered, yes. She looked happy and seemed to be in good spirits. Far behind me and off to my left, I assume that Annie was asked the same thing and answered, yes. The next announcement that Jill made was "Untie Becky and Annie." "They are now going to finger fuck Jennifer and Sally!" OH SHIT, I wasn't sure that I could take anymore. Perhaps in consideration of our mutual ordeals, Becky melded our puffy lips, and we shared several long slow kisses. She also tenderly sucked on each of my sore nipples. However, when it became time to finger fuck my cunt, I received no mercy. She forced 3 fingers all the way inside me. She pistoned away, twisting her little fingers, as they moved in and out of me and really reaming me out, until I came. My clit was, also, sore, red, pulsating, and about 3/4" long. If my clit wasn't already raw, Becky rubbed it, until I thought it might ignite and made me come, twice, with 2 overwhelming orgasms right in a row. When Annie finished with Sally, Jill told the 2 girls that they would still have to do themselves in front of all the girls.. They split into 2 groups, with Jill taking half the girls and Becky into my bedroom. Meagan took Annie and the remaining girls into Sally's bedroom. Both bedroom doors were closed, and Sally and I remained bound to our posts.
About 20 minutes later, 2 girls came out of Sally's bedroom and released her, re-tied her wrists behind her back, and took her into her own bedroom. I couldn't remember if this next part of their plan was for us to eat their pussies, or vice versa. About 10 minutes later, 2 girls came out of my bedroom and released me. As with Sally, my wrists were re-tied behind my back and I was escorted into my bedroom. I never expected to see what lay before me. Jill was laid out on her back, with her wrists tied behind her back and her pussy at the edge of the bed. Her legs had been spread so wide apart, that it looked like she was almost doing the splits, and her ankles were tied to the top and bottom corner posts of my bed. Becky was similarly tied on the other side of my bed. They brought me over to Jill and made me kneel, with my head in front of Jill's pussy. Jill told me that all the girls were going to experience getting their pussies eaten, like Sally and me in the chairs. That seemed so long ago. Jill told me that she wanted the works, and ordered me to commence.
First, I knelt fully upright, leaned my body over her pussy, and licked and sucked her nipples. Although her legs were tied wide open, her pussy slit was only open slightly and her clit was still hiding behind its hood. I licked and kissed up and down both her inner thighs and her perineum. Jill was already moaning and her pussy lips were opening like a flower. I gave her young sweet slit 5 or 6 long slow licks, revealing her little clit. I licked round and round her inner and outer pussy lips, catching her clit, with each revolution of my tongue. I zeroed in on her love tunnel and plunged my tongue in. Her little cunt was really tight, but the more I plunged in and out, her vaginal walls relaxed and let me go deeper and deeper. I didn't know how long it had been since Jill got fucked, but she was no virgin. There wasn't any sign of her hymen. Although Jill was moaning more, I didn't think that I could make her come, after 10 or more minutes of vigorous tongue fucking. The tip of my tongue lazily circled round and round Jill's clit. I could feel it growing, and when I had her gasping in astonishment, I captured her clit with my lips. I sucked and sucked and sucked that clit. Her 1st orgasm came with a surprised squeal. Even though this 18 year old girl was not a virgin, that may have been Jill's 1st real orgasm and her body shuddered and quaked. I kept sucking and her next orgasm came with a loud scream. Jill let out an anguished piercing scream, when she came for the 3rd time in less than 10 minutes. That was enough and I withdrew. Two girls took me around the bed to Becky, and the other 2 girls attended to the still shaking coming down Jill.
They took me around the bed and knelt me between Becky's even slightly wider spread legs. Her finger fucked cunt and well rubbed clit glared up at me, and she had no visible hymen. I bent forward and licked and gently sucked on her abused nipples. When I ran the tip of my tongue along Becky's inner thighs, I found they were a little ticklish, so I settled for warm wet kisses. Her gaping love hole was still oozing out her pussy juices, so I skipped her perineum area. My own pussy juices, from my stint tied to the post in the living room, had run down my legs, nearly to my knees, and were drying sticky on my legs. Becky was soooo ready that I stabbed my tongue deep into her little girl's love tunnel. It took only about 5 minutes for Becky to tense up, screech, quiver and come. I gave her a little time to come down by going back to her nipples and licking and sucking them. I softly asked her if she could take 2 more orgasms in a row. Becky smiled and nodded her head, yes. I noticed that Jill was just getting up from the other side of the bed. The 2 girls with her were asking her if she was all right. I may not have heard her correctly, or Jill momentarily slipped out of her sophisticated leadership role, because I think she said that it was really rad and the coolest thing, but it really spaced me out at the end. While I heard what I thought I heard, I licked and sucked Becky's red inflamed clit through 2 successive back arching uncontrolled nonsense yelling orgasms, that sent her into her own little spasmodic world.
I rested, mostly my tongue, because the other girls were frantically tying Ashley, legs spread wide open, to the other side of the bed for me. I was certain that I heard Jill say that I would be doing them all, meaning all of them in my bedroom, and I could. They took me back and forth, from one side of the bed to the other. I did Ashley and the other 3 girls in my bedroom. Since none of the others had been finger fucked or had their clits rubbed, that is their pussies had not been primed like Becky's, I did the others much as I did Jill. I couldn't get any of them to come by tongue fucking them. I made sure that each had 3 clitoral orgasms, one way or another. I had to resort to a little clit nibbling. There wasn't a virgin among them. Then it was their turn to eat my pussy and make me come even more times that night. My wrists were already tied behind my back, and when they stretched my legs out along the edge of my bed, my 27 year old joints only spread me open maybe 160 degrees. Well all of them did me. Maybe I should say that each of them did their first pussy eating practice run on me. During the time that I spent eating all of their pusssies, my clit had settled down to its normal size, and my pussy juices that had run down my thighs had dried to a sticky mess. Jill went first, followed by Ashley and the other 4 girls. Although sucking my nipples, as I had done to all of them, was not strictly a part of the pussy eating ritual, it would have been nice.
About half of them skipped licking or kissing my inner thighs or perineum. They all licked around my pussy lips and got their tongues into my cunt. Either they didn't go deep enough, or fast enough, or they just hadn't turned me on enough, but I never came vaginally. Wait a minute! Hold everything! I saw Jill with a CAMERA! That little bitch was standing back, zooming in and taking pictures of me. I was doomed. Eventually I would hear about it and undoubtedly they would blackmail me. That let the air out of my balloon, but the girls were steadily eating/practicing on my pussy. Their fail safe and my undoing was always my oversensitive clit. They licked it and they sucked it and even a couple of them nibbled on it, and I performed or came for them like the crazed nymphomaniac that I thought that I was turning into. When the 6th girl had finished with me, I had no idea how many times they made me come, but I was on a real sexual high. I knew that I was spent and could fall asleep in an instant. Even the caffeine in the coffee I had for dinner wouldn't help. I hadn't noticed that Becky was standing over in a corner, with her wrist tied behind her back. Jill told the other girls to take Becky out to their tents and play with her anyway they wanted, and she and Ashley would be spending the night with me. Still bound at the wrists, Jill and Ashley positioned me kneeling on the carpeted floor at the edge of my bed, with my upper body draped over the bed's mattress. "Don't move," they ordered.
I waited and didn't move. I heard voices in the kitchen and some running water. After about 10 minutes and lots of giggling, Ashley came back into my bedroom carrying my discarded nightie and panties. She put them in my clothes bag that was hanging in my closet. Then, Jill strolled in sporting a monstrous strapon dildo. That purple fucking thing must have been 10 curved inches long. It had a big bulbous penis head and the 2" diameter shaft featured random bumps and was heavily veined. I knew that purple monster was going in me, but I wasn't at all sure that I could take it all. Jill told me to spread my legs wide apart and she knelt right between them. Ashley guided the huge unwieldy phallus into the opening of my love tunnel. There is nothing to compare with a real live cock fucking your cunt. The "expert," and notice that I stress the word expert, touch of a woman's tongue eating your pussy comes second. Alas, even my hubby Dan's eating of my pussy was not as good as the soft teasing touch of a woman's tongue. Somewhere down the scale this dildo ranked. OH GOD, it felt so good. Any cock-like toy was a vast improvement over all the finger fucking, clit rubbing and amateur pussy eating that I had been subjected to all night. Jill had to do all the work. She pounded the thing in and out of my cunt, as fast as she could, and then had to rest a few minutes. On her 2nd foray, she got me. The big bulbous head and the bumps and the veins were too much, and I came, with my mouth buried in the mattress. Jill rested and I got to come down and experience the full spasmodic pleasures of my orgasm.
Ashley wanted me up on the bed. She was going to fuck me from a standing position. They helped me climb up on the edge of the bed, with my toes dangling over the edge of the bed. They bent me over and pushed my face into a pillow. My ass was elevated and waited for that big purple dildo to again invade me. Jill took the strapon off and Ashley stepped into the elastic thigh bands and pulled them up. She fastened the supporting belt around her waist and stepped between my spread legs. Surprisingly, the monstrous dildo slipped all the way into my cunt. Ashley started thrusting. The bed started bouncing and rocking under my shifting weight. As Ashley hammered away at my cunt, I began pushing back. We built up a nice little rhythm, and before I knew it, I was coming. I screamed into my pillow and came, but neither of us stopped. I tried to fuck that dildo as hard and fast as itt was fucking me. About 5 minutes later I had an enormous 2nd orgasm. When Ashley pulled the long phallus out, I rolled over on my side to enjoy my orgasm's aftermath. Ashley took off the dildo, washed it in my bathroom and sealed it in a large Zip-loc bag. Jill untied my bound wrists and helped me to my feet.
The 3 of us went into my large bathroom, to get ready for bed. Day 1, which was actually less than 1/2 a day of being captive, was over. We all peed, brushed our teeth, and washed our faces, breasts, pussies and legs. Back in my bedroom, Jill pulled the bedspread and top sheet back on my king sized bed. They positioned me in the center of the bed. My wrists were tied overhead to one of the upright tubes in the old brass bed's headboard. My ankles were tied together. Jill and Ashley climbed into bed and cuddled on either side of me. They pulled the top sheet over us and rested one of their hands on each of my breasts. I was out like a light in and instant.
Day 2
I'll consider myself fortunate in that they only awoke me once, during the night, to go down on each of them. We awoke the next morning to the sounds of the cooking detail getting food and pots and pans in the kitchen. I was untied and Jill, Ashley and I went into the bathroom to pee, brush our teeth and wash our faces. Ashley went outdoors to check on breakfast's progress. I thought that maybe the night before had been a bad nightmare. However, I was quickly jolted back to reality, when Jill tied my wrists behind my back. In the kitchen, I said that Sally and I would want coffee for breakfast. After a little direction and instruction, Jill got a pot brewing in the coffeemaker. While we waited for the coffee to brew, I had to go down on my knees and eat Jill's pussy. Jill grabbed the finished pot of coffee in one hand, and a fistful of coffee mugs in the other. She escorted me outside onto the front porch. The 4 girls working on the cooking were busy at cooking and serving breakfast. Everyone was naked, except the 4 girls, who were near the coals and doing the cooking. They wore protective aprons. We sat on a bench at one of the 4 picnic tables, where a glass of OJ awaited us. Sally, wrists bound, Meagan and Lisa sat across from us. I said good morning, and told Sally that Jill made coffee for us, but that I had to pay for it. The pussy juices on my face told Sally how I had to pay. It was a good thing that the picnic tables and benches were sanded and varnished smooth. I didn't need a splinter up my ass.
With my wrists tied behind my back, Jill fed me my breakfast. I said that I'd chug my whole glass of OJ all at once. Jill tilted the glass and poured it in my mouth. I swallowed it as fast as I could, and only a little dribbled down my chin and onto my breasts. The girls were cooking eggs to order and bacon on the grill. Becky came over and asked what the four of us wanted for breakfast. I chose 2 eggs scrambled and light and fluffy, plus 3 pieces of bacon. My breakfast was cooked on the griddle. Jill chose 2 eggs sunny side up, and they were cooked in a separate fry pan. Jill fed me my eggs steadily by the forkful, with interspersed bites of bacon, and a sip of coffee everytime I nodded to it. With Jill feeding me and herself, and Meagan feeding the bound Sally and herself, there was really no time for conversation. The food was delicious, with that outdoor cooked aroma and taste. I was still a little hungry and ordered 2 pancakes, with warm maple syrup. Jill poured me another cup of coffee. Our little group of 4 was the last to finish breakfast. The girls were already dowsing the fire and washing the griddle and fry pans. When, at last, we had all finished, The girls cleared away our plastic ware and put it around behind the cabin in the dumpster. Sally told one of the cleanup girls that we were done with our coffee and that she could dump the remainder and wash the coffeepot and mugs. I told Jill that I needed to use the bathroom and would like to take a shower. When the dishes were done and the campsite clean, the girls gathered outside. Jill told everyone to take an hour or so and use the outhouses and take a shower. The outdoor outhouses had regular toilets that could be flushed, along with a hot andcold water sink for washing. The outdoor showers, along one side of the cabin, had hot and cold running water. The hot water was supplied by a huge propane water heater.
Jill, Ashley and I headed for my bathroom. My wrists were untied and Jill and I used my 2 toilets first. When we had finished, we got into my 3' X 5' one spray shower. It was a little crowded, but we managed to shampoo and rinse our hair by alternately stepping around each other. Then, Ashley joined us. Three females in a 3' X 5' shower is definitely a crowd, but we managed. After Ashley quickly washed her short hair, we juggled around until everyone was wet. I wound up in the middle and one of them soaped my front, and the other soaped my back. I somehow soaped them up too. Then we shuffled around some more until everyone had gotten under the spray and were rinsed clean. Before we left the shower, we started fingering each other's pussies and making out under the clear water spray. That brief time, with 3 girls fooling around in a shower, was easily the lightest moments that I had all that day. Outside the shower there was plenty of room and towels to dry off and do our hair. I used a blow dryer to brush and dry my long hair. I used a little hair spray on the bottom half of my hair, and then brushed it vigorously, until sexy beautiful waves and curls laid over the tops of my breasts in front, and down my back. I thought that I looked really hot and sexy for a 27 year old woman, but that would change soon. I had left my little traveling cosmetic's case on my sink countertop, containing my lipstick and mascara.
Jill never missed a thing, and said, "Let's make up Jennifer." Before that registered on my mind, my wrists were tied behind my back. Jill and Ashley put lipstick and mascara on my eyelashes and lips, but used much to much. Then, Jill and Ashley made up themselves, using my lipstick and mascara. They brought me out into the living room, where several girls were waiting.. Jill told them to make up Sally and themselves, and join us out in the grass, where they were going to have some fun with Sally and Jennifer out on the lawn. There was almost a stampede of naked girls, shrieking and running every which way. Jill had taken my lipstick with her, and she and Ashley took me about 20 yards out onto the lush green lawn in front of the cabin. Sally was brought out a few minutes later. We were told to lay on our backs with our legs spread, and then the other girls trickled outdoors. Becky was 1st in line, waiting for me, with her lips caked with purple lipstick. Jill told all the girls to suck our nipples, make out with us and have us suck their nipples. Becky got down between my legs, bent over and sucked my nipples, leaving purple lipstick rings around my nipples. Next she was on top of me, pussy to pussy and tit to tit, and made out with me for about 10 minutes, with hot wet sloppy kisses. Finally, Becky had me suck her nipples, and she left with purplish red nipples.
One after another they came to me for a total of six girls. There was orange, peach, raspberry and apple cinnamon lipsticks. My own lipstick lay by my head, and several times, during my ordeal, my own lipstick was refreshed. One girl left an "O" shaped lipstick imprint around my navel. When it was over, 2 girls picked up my leggsand spread them wide apart. Jill and Ashley bent down and each of them left a bright red lipstick imprint on each of my inner thighs, right below my pussy. When I sat up and saw Sally, all I could do was to burst out laughing. She was laughing even harder at me. All the girls were pointing and laughing at each other. However, the fun came to a screeching halt and there was no time to clean lipstick off. Our fun little diversion may have set "the Plan" for the day back?
They lined Becky, Annie, Sally and me up. They were going to try different ways for tying our arms behind our backs. First, they had us cross our elbows behind our backs and tied them tight. It was very uncomfortable, and Sally said that it hurt. Next, they tied our wrists palm-to-palm and tied our elbows together above the joint. That one felt pretty good, but didn't meet with their approval.
Next, they tied our arms forearm-to-fore arm. It was quite comfortable, but nothing special. Finally, they wrenched and twisted our wrists behind our backs and held them crossed and tied them in a double hammer lock. Everyone immediately approved. Our breasts were pushed outward. I liked it. It felt good and I looked sexy. The tightness across my chest reminded me of the way Sally and I were tied to the posts in the cabin the night before. I pictured my hubby, Dan, tying me up like that and making me suck his beautiful cock. They separated Sally and me and made us kneel on the grass, about 10 yards apart. At this point, they split into 2 groups. My group consisted of Meagan, Lisa, Annie and 3 other girls. I had never eaten any of their pussies before, but I had to eat out all 6 of them!
They stood and spread their legs ad straddled my shoulders. I had to slowly lick their pussy slit to open them up. I licked their outer and inner pussy lips, to open them up further. I got nowhere tongue fucking the first 2 girls. They were too easy. I moved my lipstick smeared mouth to their clits. I opened up the other 4 girls, but skipped the tongue fucking and went straight for their clits. I had to eat out Annie's pussy, with her wrists tied behind her, but that made no difference. The disconcerting thing about it all was that one girl or another was always kneeling behind me fingering my pussy. I laid all of them low by teasing and licking and sucking and nibbling their clits. They moaned and yowled and screamed and came. None of them swooned or crumbled to the ground.. Two of them remained standing, but braced themselves by grasping their knees. The rest of them slowly slumped to their knees and rolled into a ball on their sides, grasping their pussies. When I broke it off, all of them had traces of my lipstick on their clits.
Sally and I were untied and taken over to the picnic tables. We each sat on the edge of one of the tables and laid back. Our arms were spread and pulled tight and tied somewhere under the table. Our legs were spread wide and hooked over the side edge of the tables. Finally our ankles were tied to some supporting framework below the table's surface. One by one, the 6 girls in my same group sat on the short bench at the end of the picnic table and ate my pussy. Annie had no difficulty, with her wrists still tied crossed up between her shoulder blades in back. There were always girls on one side of me or the other, making out with me, or pulling and twisting and pinching and sucking my nipples. Sally and I had put on a good demonstration last night in the cabin's living room, and Sally must have taught these 6 girls well last night in her bedroom. They knew how to tease me, or they could make me come quite quickly. My only respite was when one girl replaced another. It seemed that all the girls made me come at least twice. I remember that little Annie went 2nd and made me come 3 times, but I really can't be sure just how many times they made me come tied down on a picnic table. By then, my mind put me into my newly developed crazed nymphomaniac mode, and I just wanted to keep coming and coming and never have those orgasms stop. I know that towards the end I became delirious and may have passed out. I screamed my lungs out and remembered my screams echoing through the surrounding woods. When I regained at least some of my senses, I remember my puffy lips, sore nipples and fiery throbbing swollen clit.
They untied me from the table. I thought that I heard Jill say, "Get the paddles," but I was still dazed and coming down. My arms were again twisted around behind my back and my wrists were tied crossed between my shoulder blades. They got me somewhat shakily to my feet, placed me at the end of my picnic table, bent me over and spread my legs. Things were beginning to clear up. I was bent over at the waist, and my sore jutting nipples were mashed into the picnic table's surface. I looked to my right and saw Annie bent over the picnic table next to me. Of course, she had long since recovered from my eating her pussy. To my left, Sally still looked bewildered, but she was tied like me and bent over the next picnic table. To her left, Becky was tied and bent over the 4th picnic table, like the 3 of us. I had heard correctly. Jill brought out 4 wooden paddles. They were half again larger than ping pong paddles. I recognized them immediately. My parents went to Florida, during the winter months. They picked up the game down there, and now the senior citizens played Pickle Ball at local senior centers in the suburbs north of Chicago. Don't ask me where the game's name came from, but I knew how these paddles were going to be used.
All 10 girls took turns smacking the ass cheeks of their choice. I couldn't tell if Annie or Becky got the worst of it, with their little rumps making good targets, or if Sally and I, with our mature womanly asses took more of a beating. The Pickle Ball paddles continued to reign their pain on our ass cheeks. The first 10-15 blows really stung and I bellowed and screamed my protests to stop, just as my 3 bound cohorts were doing. Oddly enough, after about the 15th blow, my tits and pussy began to tingle. I was getting turned on by my Pickle Ball paddling. The remainder of the blows, and there may have been 30-40 in all, barely registered on me. Again, I was hot and horny, and desperately needed some relief. When they stopped, I was shocked to see that my ass was a fiery burning ugly dark red color. They continued to hold me down on the picnic table. Jill brought a bag out of her tent that contained the two mammoth10" X 2" strapon dildos. She gave them to two girls, who had not had the chance to use them the night before.
One of them fucked Annie doggie-style from the rear, and the 2nd girl fucked me the same way with the other dildo. It was a true blessing to get fucked by a big full cock-like phallus. . She grabbed my hips and pummeled my cunt. Of course I came. She was standing and had complete control, and would have fucked me until I eventually came. I was in pseudo cock fucking mode and it felt wonderful. When the 2 girls took off their strapons, they made Annie and me lick our pussy juices off the phalluses. Two different girls got to fuck Becky and Sally in the same way, and Becky and Sally had to lick their pussy juices off the dildos. The whole process was repeated again, with 4 different girls doing the deed, and again making the 4 of us llick our pussy juices off the artificial cocks that had been buried in our pussies. Finally, Annie and Becky were freed and allowed to go start preparing lunch. Finally, it was just Jill and Meagan, with Ashley and Lisa looking on. Jill teased my cunt forever, before reaming me out, until I came for a 3rd time. Jill and Meagan took off their monstrous strapons and made Sally and I lick them clean, but also wanted Sally and me to demonstrate deep throat for them. Jill tuned the 10" curved dildo upside down, so that its natural curve would go down my throat, My hubby Dan's cock was a little longer than 8", and I deep throated him all the time. Although this sucker was flexible, it still had to be 10" long. I slid my tongue forward, to cover my lower teeth, relaxed my throat muscles as best I could, tilted my head back a little and opened my mouth. Jill slowly slid the 10" dildo deeper and deeper into my mouth and then my throat. I could feel the dildo scrape the back of my throat, as it moved deeper and deeper. I heard Sally gag and choke on her 10" dildo, but she recovered and continued taking her dildo deeper and deeper into her throat. Sally and I had to suck those damn dildos, as if we were sucking a real cock, for several minutes.
Then, it was time for lunch. Sally and I were untied, because lunch was to be a messy greasy delicious repast. Sally and I had gone together and bought buckets of KFC chick and cole slaw and potato salad. I think that I loved the greasy KFC dark meat chicken parts, with all the skin, more than when we picked it up hot at the store. The girls had put out a ton of napkins, and I took several and made the best cushion for my sore beaten ass, before I sat down on my picnic table bench. I gorged myself by eating 2 drumsticks and a thigh, plus a heaping serving of the KFC cole slaw and potato salad, along with Coke. For dessert, there was a selection of Hostess Ding Dongs, Ho-Hos, and Twinkies and fruit pies. I had a Hostess Cherry pie. I had no clue, as to what was in store for Sally and me that afternoon. Any conversations between Meagan and Lisa, who sat to my left, were carried out in hush whispers. I figured they would do what they wanted to us, and Sally and I were in no position to overpower twelve 18 year old Prep School girls, so I just shut up and continued to feed my face. When I finished, I discretely used a napkin to wipe off any residual lipstick from my pussy and breasts, and wiped my face and greasy hands with a fresh napkin. I gave a little nudge to Sally's leg, who sat across from me at the picnic table, and indicated, with my head, the 6 outdoor outhouses. I told Meagan that I needed to use the outhouse, thinking that I could talk to Sally through adjoining walls. Sally got the message and immediately made the same request to Ashley.
We were foiled. Lisa took Sally to the closest #1 outhouse. Ashley took me to the #6 outhouse at the far end of the line. Forget the crescent figures on the door, and the splintery hole cut into a wooden bench, and the smelly bottomless pit. These outhouses had regular toilets and a small sink that, at least, dispensed hot and cold running water. Besides the TP, there was a liquid soap dispenser and a paper towel dispenser. Well anyway, it turned out that I stuffed myself on lunch, and wound up peeing and pooping. Before coming out, I washed and dried my face and pussy, with the hot water. Ashley was waiting for me, and tied my wrists behind my back, and took me out into the lawn, where Sally was already tied up. Ashley had me sit on the lawn about 50' from Sally and tied my ankles together. I sat there while the girls finished cleaning up the remainder of the lunch debris. I curiously watched Jill, up on the cabin's front porch, giving instructions to 2 girls. She was gesturing and pointing to the side of the cabin and the lawn between Sally and me. Soon, the 2 girls had hatchets and 18" long tent stakes, with metal caps on one end. The girls pounded 6 of these tent stakes into the ground in a rectangular pattern. My brain was whirling around, but I couldn't think of how these tent stakes would be used, but I was certain that they were meant for Sally and me.
Everything was cleaned up from lunch and all the girls went into the cabin. They must have been in there for at least 15 minutes. At first, I heard a lot of arguing and shouting. About 5 minutes later all the girls burst out the cabin door, laughing and giggling, except Becky and Annie, who had their wrists tied behind their backs. All the other girls were WEARING SALLY'S AND MY PANTIES! They all looked ridiculous. I didn't know how many pairs of panties Sally brought, but all were the true "T-shaped" thong. I was so stunned at seeing the girls' pussy hairs sticking out from our panties that I couldn't remember how many pairs I packed, but I knew that I had 3 true thongs and the rest were bikini panties. Jill was wearing my favorite tiger striped bikini panties. A few girls came to me, a few to Sally, and others took Becky and Annie to where the tent stakes were pounded into the ground. Sally and I were untied and brought over to the tent stakes and made to lie on our backs on the lawn. Sally and I were tied spread-eagle to the tent stakes, with my right wrist and ankle sharing a stake with Sally's left wrist and ankle. Four more tent stakes were retrieved and pounded into the ground about 8' away from the stakes that our ankles were tied to. Becky and Annie were, also, tied spread-eagle, with all 4 of their wrists being tied to a stake that our ankles were tied to.
I hadn't noticed any of the girls put anything on the picnic tables, but Jill and Meagan brought something back behind their backs. When they approached us, they revealed that they had SALLY'S and MY VIBRATORS! We each brought 3 with us. Not only had those little she-devils raided our under wear drawers, but they rummaged through our suitcases. Four girls got vibrators, turned them up to high and started in on the 4 of us, who were staked out. Four other girls got our 2 remaining vibrators and paired up. They moved a little ways away from us, and took turns buzzing each other's pussies and clits, through our clean panties, until they came. The remaining 2 girls kinda floated around and made out with us and played with our breasts and nipples. After the 4 of us, tied spread-eagle, had come, Jill yelled switch, and a different girl got to use a vibrator on us. THEY FUCKED US WITH OUR OWN VIBRATORS!
Jill had selected my 8" X 2" pink semi-flexible realistic silicone penis-like vibrator and knelt between my spread legs. She turned my multi-speed artificial phallus up to high and gave me "the works," which had become a common term in pussy eating, during the hours of Sally's and my captivity. Jill ran my vibrator all over my inner thighs, perineum, my inner and outer pussy lips, but avoided my clit for now. Nearer and nearer the buzzing vibrator moved towards my cunt hole, and then she plunged it deep inside me. Jill fucked me, with my own vibrator, until I reached the point of no return. She had worked me into such a state that I desperately needed to come. The sounds of the shrieking screaming staked out females echoed across the lawn and throughout the surrounding woods. Jill didn't let me come. Instead, she pulled the vibe out from my love hole and ran its tip round and around my swelling sizzling clit. When she held the tip of my vibe directly on my clit, I lost it. I was never that firm and rough, when I played with myself, so I bucked and stiffened and screamed and blasted off into my own extraterrestrial world of intense orgasmic spasms.
I was beginning to return to the real world, and Jill seemed quite pleased at what she had done to me. She passed my still buzzing vibrator to the next girl waiting to get at my pussy. Actually, the next 3 girls had done pretty much what Jill did, except that each of them skipped my clit and fucked my twat, until I came. Meagan was the last one to do me. By then, I was getting a little confused and dizzy from not being given enough time to come down between orgasms. Meagan skipped all the preliminaries and went directly for my clit. She bent forward and used the tip of her tongue to circle my clit. Of course, after 4 orgasms, I was primed to explode at the touch of a tongue or vibrator. Meagan held the buzzing vibrator directly on my clit and I immediately came. The intensity of that 5th orgasm was so strong that it took me a few moments to realize that Meagan was still holding the tip of the vibrator on my clit. My 6th orgasm came in seconds, and had turned me into a whimpering sniveling gob of mindless spasming goo. Looking around, I could see that all the girls had used the 6 vibrators on themselves, over our panties, and all of them were wet with pussy juices. I was the last one to be released, and all 4 of us were released and stood in a line. Jill called for more longer pieces of rope.
Everyone knew how to tie our wrists crossed behind our backs and up between our shoulder blades and the 4 of us were quickly tied that way. Again, I became the object of 2 demonstrations. First, Jill took a somewhat shorter piece of rope and tied my breasts. She wound one end of the rope 3 times around the base of my right breast, tied it off at the top of my tit, and left the shorter end of the rope dangle. With the longer end of the rope, Jill tied my left breast the same way. As she tied the 2 loose ends of the rope around the back of my neck, Jill told the others that this type of tie could only be left on for about an hour; otherwise permanent damage to the breasts could occur. Maybe I underestimated the knowledge of this 18 year old leader. While the others were getting their boobs tied, Jill called for someone to get the first aid kit. Wow, Sally's tied tits looked as big as grapefruits. Mine were about the size of a Valencia orange, and Becky's and Annie's B-cup breasts were the size of good sized tomatoes.
Next, Jill told everyone to pay close attention, because she was going to teach them to tie a crotchrope on me. She took an extra long piece of rope, wrapped it around my waist and tied a knot in the center of the rope in the small of my back. She left the 2 long strands hang behind me, and told me to spread my legs. She got my big vibrator, turned it up to high and rammed it all the way up my cunt. Next, in front of me, Jill reached between my spread legs and grabbed the 2 long strands of rope, pulled them through my ass crack and my pussy slit, and brought them out in front of me. The 2 strands were tucked, for the moment, under the rope tied around my waist. She told the girls to pay close attention, and explained as she worked that it was important that the 2 strands split my pussy lips, buried the vibrator deep in my cunt, and that the 2 strands of rope had to lie on either side of my clit. With the rope strands all in position, Jill gave a mighty pull which almost lifted me up on my toes, and tied the ropes securely around my waist rope. A few feet remained, which Jill used as a leash to lead me back and forth in front of the others. At first I took little Chinaman steps, and almost came right there. Jill tugged on my leash and soon I was walking fairly normally. The vibrator buzzed in my twat. It, also, vibrated the strands of rope holding it in, and in turn, those strands of rope vibrated my clit. Finally, every step that I took caused the ropes to rub my pussy lips. It was a diabolical instrument of both torment and pleasure.
After the other 3 were tied into their crotchropes, Jill told all the girls to take off Sally's and my pussy juice soaked panties and stuff our mouths with them. Jill packed my mouth with my favorite tiger striped bikini panties. These were followed by 2 "T" shaped thongs, which could have belonged to either Sally or me. From the first aid kit, wide strips of adhesive tape were plastered over our mouths to hold the panty gags in. When everyone was ready, we divided into 2 groups. Annie and I were taken by Meagan's and Lisa's group, while Sally and Becky went with Jill's and Ashley's group. We headed off the field into the woods, while the other group headed for the woods in the opposite direction. We walked about 50' into the woods and came upon several trail markers. As we started off on the 0.8 mile trail, I came, screamed into my gag, and my knees buckled. About 100' feet further down the trail, Annie came and went down to her knees. Annie and I each came again, just before we reached the curve in the trail that headed back towards the cabin.
Annie and I were pushed down to our knees in the middle of the dirt trail. The tape was peeled off our mouths and stuck to our bare shoulders. They fished the soaked panties from our mouths and hung them around our necks. Saliva, from the sopping panties, steadily ran down my breasts. There were Annie and me kneeling before 5 naked girls. If you've figured out where this was headed, you were probably right. I had to eat 3 girl's pussies, while my vibrator continued to buzz in my cunt, and Annie only had to do 2 of the girls. It did little good, but our pussy juice covered faces were wiped off, using the saliva soaked panties, from around our necks, before our mouths were re-packed with them. The saved strips of adhesive tape were re-applied and made our gags permanent. Sally's and my breasts were turning a rosy pink color by now. They helped us to our feet and we started the trek back to camp. After a couple hundred feet or so, our parade halted and I looked around. Annie was back down on her knees with her 3rd orgasm. I could see the opening out of the woods and our lawn, when I stumbled, went down on one knee and had my 3rd orgasm. Once out of the woods, we turned right and walked about 50' along the edge of the lawn and stopped in front of a tree that had about a 12" horizontal branch that was about 12' above ground. There was no sign of Sally, Jill, Ashley and the other girls.
First they removed Annie's and my crotchropes and vibrators, along with our tied wrists being freed. That long crotchrope was used to tie our wrists crossed in front of us. The other end was thrown over the horizontal branch, yanked tight and tied off. Annie's and my arms were stretched and held us firmly up right. One of the girls was sent to bring back 2 four foot long straight branches or logs. Annie's and my breasts were getting to be a fiery shade of red, and were untied. They rubbed our titties, to help alleviate the pain, from the blood rushing back into our breasts, but it was still painful for several minutes. The 4" X 3" branches were placed at our feet. They used our breast tie ropes and our wrist tie ropes to tie our ankles spread apart near the ends of the branches. Finally, one girl peeled the tapes off our mouths and wadded it all up, and the panties were removed from our mouths. Meagan asked one of the girls to take the tape wad, panties and vibrators into the cabin, and bring back the shaving supplies and a wet and dry towel. When Meagan started combing my pussy's beautiful landing strip bush, I had a damn good idea what was coming next. From a leather pouch, Meagan took out a rechargeable battery powered shears, with about a 2" wide trimming head. I had never seen anything like it and wondered if it was used to groom pets?
Meagan told me to stand perfectly still, fired up the trimmer, and in 3 passes, buzz, zip, buzz, my beautiful landing strip had been shaved off, leaving me with a narrow rectangle of short fuzzy hair, which was a uniform 1/4" long. Two of the girls spread my ass cheeks, and Meagan quickly sheared down my ass crack hair back there. Swoosh, Meagan rubbed some aerosol shaving cream all over my pussy's sheared mons. Using a Lady Schick safety razor and short strokes, Meagan shaved my pussy's mons clean and smooth. The sheared hairs remaining in my ass crack were shaved off next. My shaved areas were washed off, with the wet towel, and then dried off. I was as naked as the day that I was born 27 years earlier, except for maybe the hair on my head. I looked down and thought that I looked really good, and my bare pussy area felt great. I was certain that my hubby Dan would be pleased, and decided that the next time that I went to the spa, I would get a Brazilian Bikini wax. It was Annie's turn next and Meagan asked her how much she wanted shaved off. Annie replied that her mother hadn't seen her naked in about 10 years, so she wanted it all shaved off. Annie was a blonde and her pussy hair was very fine, but she had hair everywhere around her pussy. Annie had hair at the edges of her pubis mons triangle and along her outer pussy lips. Extra care had to be taken when shearing and shaving these areas. The shears did a good job along her pussy lips, but they had to be pulled and stretched to get the Lady Schick safety razor in those areas. Finally, Annie's shaved areas were washed and dried, with the towels.
After looking at Annie's and my shaved pussies, the other 5 girls wanted the works, and for a couple moments there were choruses of "me firsts." There were still no signs of Sally and the others. When I had my bikini wax job done, the ripping off of the wax removed the unwanted hair and some of the hair's roots. However, a lotion was always applied that included some kind of hair growth retardant, so that I could go 2-3 months between wax jobs. "Those shaved areas are going to itch like crazy," I said, "I have a bottle of Aloe lotion in my suitcase that will curb the itching. They released Annie, but left the ropes there. She was to bring back my Aloe lotion and check on the progress of the girls in the cabin. The remaining girls got started on shearing and shaving each other's pussies. The girls stood, with their legs spread wide, and they almost had a little assembly line going. Annie finally returned with my lotion and reported that they were about finished with the last girl, and Jill relayed that 2 girls could go in the cabin for their hair removal. Meagan sent 2 girls, of our 5, into the cabin. The 3 other girls were finished, and they rubbed my lotion into their newly shaved areas. Annie did herself and me. Jill wanted Annie to bring back the lotion for the last girls. Meagan sent Annie back, with the lotion, along with the towels, razor and aerosol shaving cream.
I was strung up, with my bare pussy and legs spread, at the mercy of the remaining 3 girls. All 3 descended upon me in their own pecking order. Meagan wanted to be the first to get at my pussy. She knelt down and thoroughly licked my bare pubis mons, before eating my pussy. While Meagan worked on my pussy, the other 2 girls kissed and made out with me. They played with my breasts and nipples by rubbing, rolling, pinching, pulling, licking and sucking them. After all three girls licked and ate my pussy, I had 3 great orgasms and my nipples had really been worked over. I had no opportunity to see what was going on around me. On the other side of the lawn, Annie and Becky were tied kneeling backed up to 2 small trees near the edge of the lawn. To my left, Jill and Ashley were bringing Sally out of the cabin, followed by the rest of the girls. Every one of them had bare shaved pussies. I wondered what they would do when they went back to school and had to shower in gym class. Of course, they all had enough time, before school started, to let their hair grow back. Sally was strung up next to me, where Annie had been shaved. Jill announced that we would be tied up for an hour or so, and that everyone could eat Sally's or my pussies, or Becky and Annie were available to eat their pussies.
The hour time limit was the restricting factor. Only a few of the remaining girls made out with me and played with my nipples. Six more girls knelt and ate my pussy, and I had 8 more orgasms. Becky and Annie were released a little early, because they had to start cooking dinner. About 10 minutes later, Jill, Ashley, Meagan and Lisa came for Sally and me. We were taken up to the cabin's porch, had our vibrators shoved up our cunts and secured in place by a tight crotchrope. Then, we were tied to the posts that held up the porch's roof. Our wrists and elbows were tied behind the posts. Ropes secured our waists, thighs and ankles to the posts. My vibrator buzzed on low. My clit was red and long, and its tip extended past the 2 strands of rope that buzzed along either side of my clit. Jill knelt down and licked my clit, until I screamed and came. I tried to concentrate on the dinner preparations going on before me.
We were having beef stew and it was my recipe. At 1/2 pounds of meat per person, I bought 14 pounds of cubed lean stew meat. Ashley licked my clit and made me come again. Thank GOD that they gave us a little time between orgasms to come down. I had put some flour in a plastic bag, seasoned it, and shook the bag to coat the meat cubes. I seared and partially cook the meat in small batches, let them cool and wrapped the meat in several aluminum foil packages, along with my instructions for cooking the meal. Meagan rubbed my clit and made me come for the 3rd time. The girls had set up a huge steel tripod over the coals and hung a huge kettle from the apex of the tripod. Two one quart plastic containers of beef stock were poured into the kettle, followed by 1 quart of water. Lisa rubbed my clit for my 4th orgasm. A package of McCormick's beef stew mix was dumped into the kettle, followed by a bottle of cheap screw top red wine. The alcohol in the wine would boil away, before the stew was ready. The meat was added next, and the whole thing was stirred with a long spoon. Finally, new red "B" sized potatoes were cut in half, and carrots and onions were cut into bite sized pieces. When all the vegetables were dumped in the kettle, the stew was made, and all that remained was to stir it occasionally, cook the gravy down and be sure the vegetables were done. It was right after one of Sally's orgasms that she managed to blurt out that she wanted coffee with dinner. I was thinking about asking for coffee, but it was a good thing that I didn't. Jill said that she would go in and make the coffee, but she told the other 3 girls to play with Sally and keep her coming non-stop. They made out with her, worked over her breasts and nipples and kept her coming, and she didn't seem to know where she was. Sally was moaning and screaming and coming, and began to look delirious.
The beef stew was beginning to smell heavenly. Becky came out of the cabin and wanted to know how to heat the bread in the oven. We had 4 large loaves of unsliced Italian bread. I told her to tear off a long sheet of aluminum foil. Sprinkle several scant handfuls of cold water along the foil, place a loaf of bread on the foil and seal it up, and then poke some holes in the top of each bread loaf package to let the steam out. I told her to bake them at 250 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Jill came out of the cabin to say that the coffee was going and would be ready in about 5 minutes, but that it would stay hot on the coffeemaker's burner for an hour or two. With Becky back in the cabin, Jill knelt down and licked my clit for my 5th orgasm there on the cabin's porch. Jill asked Annie, who was stirring the beef stew, to fix up a little sample of the stew for me to try. I would have been terribly embarrassed, if my stew was a flop, and we had to fall back on peanut butter sandwiches on Italian bread. Amy ladled up a small sample, with at least one of everything, on a small plastic plate. It was really hot and I had to blow on every piece of food, before trying them. My campfire cooked beef stew was delicious. In fact, it was scrumptious. Even Jill had a taste and said it was great!
Sally and I were released from the porch's posts and our crotchropes and vibrators were removed. However, our wrists were tied behind our backs and we were taken to benches on either side of a picnic table. It was apparent that Sally and I were going to have our dinner fed to us. Jill brought out the coffee carafe and some mugs. Annie ladled up the beef stew, as fast as she could, while 2 other girls delivered our plates to our places. Becky brought out the 4 loaves of piping hot Italian bread and sticks of real butter. Each table got 2 loaves of bread and 2 1/4 pound sticks of butter. Jill opened the loaf of bread in front of us, sliced the loaf into 2"-3" pieces and slathered butter on each slice. Jill and Ashley, sitting on either side of me, fed me my dinner. It was a little slow going, but I listened to a lot of talk about shaved pussies, new thong panties and boyfriends, as if I wasn't there. I had a 2nd helping of beef stew, 2-1/2 cups of coffee and 3 thick buttered slices of bread. Ashley sopped up the beef gravy left on my plate and fed it to me on my last piece of bread. Dessert was the leftover Hostess packages, which never seem to go bad, but I was too stuffed and passed on dessert.
After the cookware was in the kitchen being washed and the disposable refuse was put in the garbage dumpster, I asked for a pee break. Jill took me over to one of the unoccupied outhouses. My wrists weren't even untied. Jill left the door open and I sat on the toilet and tinkled. When I finished and stood up, Jill flushed the toilet and wiped my pussy with TP. Then, Jill used paper towels and the sink's hot water to wash my pussy, my thighs, where my pussy juices had run down and dried, and my breasts and face, with dried saliva from the girls who played with me. I could have used a shower. After Jill washed me, she patted my pussy dry and rubbed everywhere else dry. She took me out into the lawn, where the tent stakes, from this afternoon, were still sticking out of the ground. Sally was staked out on her back spread-eagle. However, a throw pillow from the cabin's sofa was under her butt, raising her pussy into the air for easy access. Soon, I was tied spread-eagle next to Sally, with a throw pillow under my ass. The girls were getting the bonfire going. Only moments after Jill finished tying me down, Ashley sauntered over with their 2 strap-on dildos. When Jill and Ashley had their 10" fucking phalluses fastened in place, they mounted Sally and me. My pussy was closed and as cold as a witch's tit, from my earlier washing, and Ashley had to use her fingers to open me up.
The angle was different, from when I was fucked, bent over my bed doggie-style the night before, and both girls had more leverage and could really pound into our twats. I was a little afraid that my cervix might be hit by thee bulbous head of the 10" strap-on. Ashley fucked me hard and fast, until I came. After Sally came, the girls switched places and Jill fucked me slow and easy, using long deliberate strokes, until I couldn't take any more teasing, and begged her to finish me off. Jill and Ashley weren't quite done with us. They took our very own 8" X 2" vibrators, turned them on low, and shoved them all the way into our cunts. They left us there tied spread-eagle on the grass to percolate and yet remain frustrated. The bonfire was roaring away and the girls were making s'mores, while they sang a steady stream of old campfire songs, except that they had changed the words to turn the innocent campfire songs into risqu?, salacious and down right dirty songs. Some time later, Jill and Ashley came over to us and each had a freshly made smore. They straddled our bellies and squeezed the softened marshmallow and Hershey's candy bar all over our tits. Then they licked the gooey mess off our breasts and nipples, except that they never really got it all off, and our tits had a sticky shiny residue all over them.
By now it was getting pretty dark outside and the mosquitoes were out. I got one really good bite on my left tit. The girls were dousing the bonfire, which by now had burned itself down to coals. Sally's and my vibrators were removed and we were released from the stakes. Jill and Ashley took us into the cabin, where we were prepared for the next part of their plan. I was backed up against one of the 4 posts in the living room. This was the same post that I had been tied to the night before, when it all began. My wrists were tied behind the post. This time Sally's wrists were tied behind the post to my left and I could easily see her. Our 1st surprise came when leather belts were wrapped twice around our necks and the posts and buckled. Mine was a little tighter than the rope around my neck the previous night, but it held me fast and I could still breathe quite easily. Several loops of rope held our waists to our posts. The bases of our breasts were wrapped and tied. However, instead of the ends of my tit tie rope being secured around the back of my neck, they were pulled and tied behind the post. My bulging orbs were stretched and pulled sideways. Jill told me that my legs wouldn't be tied, but I had to keep my legs spread.
By then, all the girls had come in. Jill "volunteered" Ashley and Lisa, and commanded, "TIE THEM TO THE POSTS!" I couldn't see what the other girls were doing with Ashley and Lisa behind me. After about 5 minutes, I felt a rope being tied to my wrist rope and pulled tightly backwards. My arms were stretched, until they were nearly parallel to the floor. At the same time my elbows were tied together making my bondage tighter and my breasts jut out as far as they possibly could go. I again felt that wonderful tightness and pull across my chest. Apparently as an afterthought, Jill got 2 linen dishtowels from the kitchen area. She grabbed opposite corners and twirled it into a 3" wide band. Before Jill blindfolded me, I got one last look at Sally's huge D-cup thrusting breasts, which put my C-cup tits to shame.
Jill gathered the girls around and started her little speech, "You've all learned a lot in the last 24 hours from our chaperones, Jennifer and Sally." "Tonight will be your last chance to play with them, or practice on them or try something you haven't done with either of them." "There are 10 of us and only 4 tied to the posts." "You probably will have to double up, or even triple up on them once in a while." "Some of you need more practice on pusssy eating, because you don't spend enough time on their inner thighs and perineum, or you go right for their clits, and don't spend enough time tongue fucking them." "One last thing is your will power and teasing." "We can work on your will power later in the bedrooms, but out here don't be in a hurry to make them come." "If you tease their pusssies and get them more and more excited, they may beg you to let them come, and they will have bigger and more spectacular orgasms." "NOW, DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH THEM AND HAVE FUN!!!"
I guess they took Jill's little speech literally, because the first 3 girls licked and licked my inner thigh and perineum areas, before any of their tongues touched my pussy. I even spread my legs further apart for them. With the 10:4 ratio, there were 2 of them alternately doing my breasts and nipples and making out with me. The 1st girl really had to work tongue fucking me, but I did come screaming into another girl's mouth, as we made out. Of course, the more I was played with, the hotter and hotter I became. The 3rd girl easily tongue fucked me to orgasm and moved on to my neglected clit, where she brought me to orgasm again. I think Jill was keeping tabs on what was going on, because things changed. My own 8" X 2" penis vibrator was used to fuck me, while someone else first rubbed and then sucked my clit. That double assault on my pussy gave me a rapid double orgasm that sent me spiraling into a cosmic spasmodic netherworld, which I never quite recovered from. Almost simultaneously, my vibrator was removed from my twat and my pussy juice laden vibrator was shoved into my mouth. At first I had to lick my pussy juices off the vibrator, but it didn't stop there. Whoever had hold of the end of my vibrator started fucking my mouth with my own vibrator. Deeper and deeper and deeper it penetrated past my gag reflex spot and into my throat. I had deep throated my own vibrator! Meanwhile, perhaps Jill or one of the other 3 leaders had penetrated my cunt, with the 10" X 2" strapon, and was pounding that device in and out of me as fast as she could. After I came, I had to lick the monster invader clean, and then got deep throated, with that artificial phallus, deeper than any real cock that I had ever sucked off.
The rope that bound the bases of my breasts and tied me to the post was removed. I was in an almost constant orgasmic state from all the finger fucking, pussy eating, clit licking and sucking, not to mention the making out and nipple sucking, that I barely felt any pain, when my blood ran back into my tits. Of course the cabin's living room echoed almost continuously, from the screams and cries and yelps from all 4 of us, who were tied to the posts. I lost track of how many times I came, during the remainder of the allotted time that I was tied to the post. I remembered getting fucked, and having mind blowing orgasms, with my vibrator and the 10" X 2" strapon. I, of course, had to lick my pussy juices off those phalluses, and had to do deep throat on each of them one more time. Finally, it was over. I had survived their practice session, was released and had to be helped into my bedroom. This was to be the girl's test of their will power. My wrists were tied behind my back and I sat on the edge of my bed and was pushed onto my back. I was certain that I couldn't stand anymore pussy eating, but when my ankles were tied together and fastened to the bed's side rail, I knew something else was planned for me. I was tied at one of the bottom corners of the bed. Spaced around my king sized bed, and tied like me were Becky, Ashley and even head honcho, Jill! The other 4 girls in Jill's group climbed on the bed and straddled our faces. Those of us who were tied down were supposed to lick pussies, tease the hell out of them and get them to beg or plead to come, before I gave them their badly needed relief.
That 1st poor girl, who sat on my face, had no idea what I could do to her. I slowly licked her whole slit several times; licked and parted her pussy lips with my tongue, and then sucked her pussy lips. Next came a long slow deep tongue fucking, which was followed by a tortuous teasing of her clit area by just swirling my tongue round and round the core of her sexual being. I repeated this whole process 3 or 4 times. She started out moaning, followed by gasping and panting, and then a lot of, "NO, NO, NO, or OH NO, OH NO, or OH GOD, OH GOD, I CAN'T TAKE IT." Finally, after what seemed like forever, she barely eeked out a couple pitiful, "Please, please," and I put her out of her misery by sucking her clit hard. I was the last to finish, but that was what Jill wanted. Jill, Ashley and Becky had long ago finished and had switched places with the 3 girls whose pussies they had just teased and eaten out. I remained tied on my back. I had to do Jill, Ashley and Becky, in that order. I ate out each of them, as they straddled my mouth, in much the same way that I ate out the 1st girl. I wouldn't let any of them come, until I heard some begging or pleading or other capitulation.
Day 3 -
Everyone was untied, including me, and all the girls were dismissed to their tents, except Jill and Ashley. I knew that I was a mess. That day I had received the makeout/lipstick treatment in the morning, plus being staked out on the lawn twice. I had been on my knees, eating pussy, on the dirty hiking trail and on the lawn. This didn't even include the pussy juices that seemed to be all over me. When Jill mentioned a shower, I said to myself, "THANK GOD!" However, this didn't mean that I got to shower by myself. Jill and Ashley twisted my arms behind my back and my wrists were tied crossed between my shoulder blades. All 3 of us went into my bathroom first, and we all stopped to pee. When I finished, Ashley wiped my pussy with TP and flushed the toilet. Next we all piled into my 3' X 5' shower, with only one shower head. They washed my hair, as well as their own. They soaped me up first, scrubbed me from head to toe with washcloths, and took extensive liberties by groping my primary and secondary erogenous zones. I was shuffled to stand in front of the shower head and rinse myself off, while Jill and Ashley washed and rinsed themselves. When everyone was washed and rinsed off and squeaky clean, it was play time with Jennifer.
We reshuffled our positions for the 3rd time and I found myself as the center of a female sandwich. Jill was in front of me, kissing and making out with me, while one of her hands worked 2 fingers into my twat. From behind me, Ashley had reached around me and was squeezing my breasts and rolling and pinching my nipples. They had me pinned between them and my breasts were protruding provocatively, which made them easy targets for torment and rough treatment. As Jill's finger fucking brought me closer and closer to orgasm, Ashley slid her right hand down my body, from behind, and rubbed my clit, until I gurgled out a scream, through the spray of water hitting my face, and came. They spun me around and reversed roles. I came again in short order. Out of the shower now, Jill and Ashley dried my hair and the rest of my body, as well as their own. They spent a good deal of time on our hair, using the blow dryer, comb and hair brush, until the 3 of us were looking pretty good, without any makeup. They removed my reverse double hammerlock bondage, and re-did it with a fresh dry piece of rope. There I was again, with my wrists tied crossed between my shoulder blades and my breast forced outward. They centered me on the bed on my back. It seemed that their 10" X 2" strapon dildos were always nearby. Without even tying my legs apart, Jill and Ashley mounted me and fucked me silly with their dildos. Although I really needed a good hard fuck, before going to sleep, I wondered why we showered, because my sex juices were again accumulating all over my pussy. My ankles were tied together, a sheet pulled over us and I went to sleep on my back, with Jill and Ashley cuddling on either side of me.
Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, I awoke and found myself being dragged off the bed. My ankles and wrists were still tied as they were when I fell asleep. They positioned me kneeling on the floor's carpet and made me eat each of their pussies. When they finished with me, I was pushed on my side, covered with a blanket and allowed to go back to sleep. The alarm clock went off at 6:00 AM. I was untied and allowed to use the bathroom and brush my teeth. Ashley had disappeared. Jill and I sat on my bed, side by side, and she scrolled through the photos of Sally and me that she had taken of the 2 of us, in compromising situations, during the previous 30 hours or so. There were 40-50 photos in all. Next came the blackmail. Jill told me that if anything got out about the weekend activities, she would post the pictures on facebook and twitter, and send copies to our husbands. I stunned Jill by telling her how hot I thought the pics were, and asked her if I could send some of the pictures to my anonymous email account, but I assured her that Sally and I would cooperate and not tell anyone.
Jill handed me her cellphone, and I selected maybe 15 or so of her pictures and sent them to myself at my gmail account. I didn't get enough sleep that night, and suspected that Sally didn't either.
I figured that I'd probably have to pay, but asked Jill to make coffee for Sally and me. Sure enough, Jill tied my wrists crossed behind my back and up between my shoulder blades. She made me kneel in front of her, and as the coffee brewed, I had to eat out her pussy. Jill had been nice enough in allowing me access to her pictures that I decided to give her a pussy licking that she would not soon forget. Before I finished with Jill, she had 3 orgasms and the coffee was ready. Jill took me out of the cabin, along with the coffee pot and a tray full of coffee mugs. Everyone was dressed, except Sally and Meagan, plus Jill and me. Sally was bound like me and sitting at a picnic table with Meagan. Jill and I sat down across from them. The girls were cooking link sausage, eggs cooked to order and pancakes. I ordered 3 sausages, 2 eggs scrambled and one big pancake, which Jill fed to me, along with 3 cups of black coffee. \
When breakfast was over, Jill was rummaging deep inside the bowels of our equipment storage shed. She pulled out the soccer goals and a soccer ball. Searching further, she found goalie's protective wear for soccer or some other sport. Jill and the few girls who were not dressed donned tennis shoes, bras and either Sally's or my panties, from their souvenirs. The 12 girls divided into their usual 2 teams of 6, and set out the goals. It was decided that anyone who kicked the soccer ball outside of the narrow boundaries of the course and into the woods, would be subject to an immediate 10 smacks on the ass with a pickle ball paddle. Sally and I had our tennis shoes put on. We were each dressed in a catcher's protective mask and a chest protector. However, these padded beauties would protect out tits and sensitive nipples, BUT they did not have those little padded
flaps, that hung down between the legs, and would protect a guy's balls from a foul ball, or in this case my pussy from a kicked soccer ball. Instead, Sally and I had to wear a boy's jock strap, which was stuffed with a cup or athletic supporter. We took our places in front of our goals. Did I mention that Sally and I had to play goalie with our wrists tied behind our backs? It was Jill' group versus Meagan's group, and they were going to play up to 5 goals and then shuffle the teams.
It was a yelling, shoving, hair pulling match, but we won in a slaughter 5-1. The girls from the losing team immediately dropped to their knees and ate out the pussy of their nearest opponent, after pulling down her shorts and panties. I guess that Sally and I would never get our original panties back. Speaking of Sally, she had to kneel and eat out Meagan's pussy. Jill helped me out of my cup and jock strap, and knelt and ate me out. Meagan and Jill chose new teams, but the results were no better. This time our team won 5-3. This time Ashley took off my cup and jock strap and knelt and ate my pussy, while I leaned against the top crossbar of my goal. Jill took off my goalie mask and chest protector. They had served me well and stopped innumerable shots on goal, with no damage done. However, my legs might develop a few bruises later, from the stops I made. I handful of girls put all the equipment back in the shed. Sally and I, still naked and bound, were escorted by Jill, Ashley, Meagan and Lisa to our places at one of the picnic tables. It was time for lunch and our last meal of the weekend.
We were having xhicken salad and the cooks needed some instructions on how to make it. I was excused and went into the kitchen to advise and oversee. I had bought pre-cut cubes and pieces of boneless white meat chicken. I had our cooks core and dice 2 apples from our fruit bowl, as well as add the rest of the seedless grapes and a few handfuls of walnut pieces. They were to mix everything together and add enough gobs of mayonnaise to make a slightly gloppy chicken salad. When I returned to my seat at the picnic table, I noticed Meagan and Jill ending a fairly heated whispered discussion. Our cold lunch was served. We had the chicken salad, available either as a sandwich or a simple mound on a plate. The leftover KFC cole slaw and potatoes salad were served, with soft drinks. For dessert, we finished off the leftover Hostess Ding Dongs, Cupcakes, Fruit Pies and other products from the large mixed box. I had a large mound of the delicious chicken salad and a little bit of everything else, including a Coke, all fed to me by Jill. I, also, had a cherry fruit pie for dessert. When lunch was over and everything cleaned up, Meagan came to claim me. She took me into my bedroom and locked the door.
Meagan took off all her clothes and my tennis shoes. We moved into my bathroom, where she put shower caps on both of us. She adjusted the water temperature and we stepped into the shower. I was backed up against the shower wall. Meagan started gently rolling my nipples, just for a few moments, as she said, "We're going to have some fun this afternoon, but first your body has to be clean and fresh." She soaped me up all over, rinsed me off and did likewise to herself. Our pussies and cunts got triple clear water cleanings, as deep as her fingers would go in my twat. Outside the shower, Meagan dried me off, including my ass crack and patting my pussy dry. She searched the vanities and found some roll-on floral scented deodorant and a container of Johnson's Baby Powder. After we were deodorized and sprinkled with baby powder, which was rubbed into our bodies. We smelled like a florist shop and our skins were silky smooth. Meagan combed and brushed our hair out and made up our faces, using just a little lipstick, mascara and a little eye liner. I was glad that she did a tasteful expert job, which so many of her peers are incapable of doing.
Out in my bedroom, Meagan removed the wet rope, from the shower that bound my wrists behind my back, and used a dry rope to tie my wrists behind my back in the double hammer lock position. She found my big vibrator right on top inside my suitcase. It was turned on low and worked all the way up my love tunnel. Meagan used a long rope to tie an especially tight crotchrope and bury my vibrator deep inside me, leaving enough extra rope in front to use as a leash. The insides of our tennis shoes were given a shot of baby powder, and Meagan put them on us. We left my bedroom and went outdoors. Meagan stopped by her tent and got one of the 10" strapons and a couple more pieces of rope. Sure, I wondered what Meagan was going to do to me, but I figured that on this 3rd day it would involve fucking, and I was ready for more of that. We headed out across the soccer field. I walked behind Meagan or she pulled me by my crotchrope leash, when my vibrator started to get to me. At the end of the 50 yard long soccer field, we veered off into the woods on the side away from Lake Helen. We seemed to weave and wander through the woods for 15 minutes. Meagan was looking for a particular tree. At last, we stopped at the base of a huge smooth barked Beech tree that must have been 30"-36" in diameter.
My wrists were untied and I was backed up to the enormous tree trunk. With some hand gestures from Meagan, I voluntarily raised my arms way over my head and wrapped them backwards around the tree trunk. Meagan tied my wrists behind the tree, with my elbows slightly bent, and the rope over a small branch, so that I could not lower my arms any to relieve the tension. I had to do something similar with my legs. Shorter ropes were tied to each of my ankles. From behind the tree, Meagan pulled the ropes really tight and knotted them together. The result was that my feet were somewhat behind my vertical standing plane. I was basically supported against the tree by my shoulders and ass. My tits were pushed out, but my pussy sorta hung out there in space and in prime position to get fucked,, and my vibrator continued buzzing on low. Meagan put a hand on each of my cheeks, looked me square in the eyes, allowed her tits to rub mine and said, "Jennifer, I think you're really hot and I just have to have you uninterrupted even if only for a couple hours!" I thought that Meagan was an extraordinarily hot looking18 year old girl in her own right. She was easily the cutest of all the girls there. I was 27 compared to her 18 years of age, and we could be mistaken for sisters, I suppose, but although she had me and could do what she wanted with me, any ideas of a lesbian relationship would not happen. Her long brown hair and brown eyes were only a shade lighter than mine. She was about the same height and weight as I was. Her 36 C tits matched mine and her constant rubbing her's against my own hardening nipples jolted me from my thoughts and back to reality. Besides, Meagan was still holding my face and kissing me softly and tenderly.
Meagan said that she really loved to do things to me and watch me come, and she loved how I teased and prolonged her coming. Never mind all that talk. Meagan was kissing and licking me everywhere. She kissed or licked my eyelids, face, ears, jaw, neck and chest, down to my breasts. She went back to my mouth and we had an extended scorching 10-15 minute makeout session. When Meagan broke it off, she moved her mouth down to my breasts. She devoured them. She licked and kissed my breasts and nearly sucked the life out of my nipples. I would have gone further South, but maybe that was inexperience. My crotchrope was untied and my vibrator removed. Meagan turned it up to high and fucked me with it, until I came. Next, her fingers were buried and twisted in my cunt, as Meagan finger fucked me roughly to 2 orgasms. She put on the 10" strap-on dildo. She fucked the shit out of my love hole, with that wicked device. Finally, and on a more tender note, Meagan knelt before me and slowly and mischievously ate my pussy, until I could come no more, and had to say that I'd had enough. After I recovered, Meagan completely released me. She insisted that I tie her to the large beech tree exactly as she had tied me. I did, and had to admit to myself that I had a beautiful young woman tied to a tree and waiting for me to ravish her. I did it all exactly as she had done me, except that I spent a little more time, I think, at each stage of my taking of Meagan, except at the end. I teased her cunt and pussy so mercilessly that she could take only 2 mammoth orgasms. When Meagan had come to her senses, she, even though she wasn't in any position to do so, told me to tied her up just like she tied me up, when she brought me to the tree. I guess it served as some symbolic gesture, that would only have been known and understood by the other girls, but was beyond me.
So, I tied her wrists behind her back in a double hammer lock. When I shoved my vibrator up her twat, I set it on speed #4, out of 6, instead of the #2 setting that she used for me. I tied a good tight crotchrope on her, leaving me enough rope for a leash to lead her back. There was an extra piece of rope left that Meagan had not used. I tied her 36C breasts at their bases, and with the excess rope, tied a halter around the back of her neck, raising her tits a couple inches. Her breasts formed a globular shape about the size of a large navel orange, which is just about the way my titties look, when they are tied. I tugged her through the woods out onto the soccer field. Then we started the long walk back to the cabin. About halfway there, Meagan stumbled, but quickly recovered. I think she had a little orgasm, because I was dragging her along at a fairly fast pace. As we approached the cabin, I noticed that Sally and Becky and Annie were tied down to picnic tables, and the rest of the girls were playing with them and doing different things to them. Passing by, Jill told me that Meagan really owed me for allowing me to tie her that way and playing with her. Meagan just smiled and nodded her head, yes. I didn't have any idea what it meant. I asked if it wasn't time to start breaking camp. In the cabin, the clock on the wall said a little after 3:00 P.M. We had less than an hour, before Miss Greeley was due to arrive from the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy.
I took Meagan into my bedroom. I untied her bound breasts, untied her crotchrope and removed the vibrator, and took off our shoes. Her love tunnel and clit had a pretty good workout, during our long walk back, so I finger fucked her juicy twat to orgasm. Without a pause, Meagan was on her knees eating my pussy, and I let her bring me off twice. I untied her double hammerlock bondage and we moved into my bathroom, where we put on shower caps. I doused both of us with shower gel, and we washed our own bodies. There was a good amount of kissing and feeling up of our soapy bodies, before we rinsed off. We dried ourselves off, made ourselves presentable and performed our necessary bodily functions. Meagan got dressed in her soccer clothes, which weren't too bad, took her ropes and strapon and left to pack. On the way out my bedroom door, Meagan reiterated that she owed me. I got dressed in a clean t-shirt and shorts, and a white bra, but I also had to wear my last pair of clean panties, plain white cotton, because the girls had taken the rest of my panties as souvenirs. I packed my dirty clothes bag into my suitcase and I was ready to go. Sally, who apparently had not showered, was busy packing the refrigerated items into coolers and the non-refrigerated items into boxes. I went out and opened the gate for Miss Greeley and stowed the girl's tents into the storage shed.
Sally's and my suitcases, and the food, were packed in our SUVs. The girls were packed and ready to load their stuff into Miss Greeley's SUV. While everyone waited, Jill came up to me and took me aside. She showed me on her smuggled in camera two pictures of Meagan and I playing and fucking deep in the woods on that huge beech tree. That sneaky bitch had followed or found us and shot the pictures of Meagan's and my most intimate moments. The pictures didn't phase me, and I used her cellphone to send copies of them to my secret g-mail account. There was the final blackmail threat, but I almost laughed. Instead, I re-assured, again, that neither Sally nor I would give her any trouble. Miss Greeley arrived around 4:10 PM. We had an uneventful trip back and let the girls out in the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy parking lot.
Part 2 – After Camp Shady Oaks
When I got home from camp, I unpacked my car and sprawled on Dan's and my bed. Dan woke me up when he got home from the law offices around 7:30 PM. I was too tired to cook and we went out for a little dinner. I went to bed right after the local TV news. Monday morning I went to work and printed out 2 sets of the pictures that I sent to myself from Jill's camera. I took a set over to Sally, in her office, and reminded her to show them to Bill, when he got home from work. I showed my set of pictures to Dan that night at dinner. As a lawyer, he wasn't too concerned about them or the blackmail threat, but he kept them. I still kept them on my gmail email account. Sally and I did our usual once a week business lunch out on Tuesday, but this day we didn't talk business at all. Instead, we discussed the previous weekend's lesbian sexual activities, which we had been forced to participate in. We had been blackmailed, and had no intention of telling anyone about our lesbian sexual adventures with a bunch of sex starved 18 year old Prep School girls, who were sexually mature well beyond their ages. Looming over our heads was another scheduled weekend, with the same group of girls, in about 2 months. We knew that they would capture us, keep us tied up for most of the weekend and force us to do whatever deviant sexual acts they dreamed up. However, Sally and I actually had a blast, and had never experienced so many diverse orgasms in such a short span of time, and had certainly educated 12 Prep School girls in the techniques and pleasures of eating pussy, while the Prep School girls had taught us how to tie each other up in different ways. Our major concern was our sexual endurance and getting some rope and practicing.
That evening after work, I stopped by a hardware store and bought a 500' spool of 1/2" soft cotton rope, and Sally stopped at a sporting goods store and bought 2 large duffle bags. While I cut the rope into various length pieces at my house, Sally went berserk ordering sex toys online at her house. You know that Sally and I had just started playing lesbian sex games, but without toys and ropes, before the previous weekend. Sally ordered everything for Next Day Delivery at her store. On Wednesday, sometime after lunch, Sally called my office and said the toys had arrived. I carried 2 bags of rope pieces over to her office and we divvyed up the goodies. I couldn't believe it. Sally had bought 10" strapons, 9" realistic flesh-like vibrators, ballgags, nipple clamps, silent 3" egg vibrators and a curious pair of 18" flexible vibrating Double Dongs. All of this was for our experimentation and pleasure on Thursdays, when we planned to have our play sessions, without the knowledge of our husbands. We packed our ropes and toys into the 2 duffle bags, except that somehow we wound up with 3 multi-speed remote controlled silent 3" egg vibrators. After work on Wednesday, we each took our stuffed duffle bags home and hid them. I had my own separate walk-in closet in Dan's and my bedroom, and I hid my duffle bag in the back of the closet, under some boxes.
Sally and I took Thursday afternoon off to play and try our new equipment. We went through a drive-in restaurant and picked up a little lunch, which we ate at my house. Then we stripped in my living room. We planned on splitting up the afternoon, and still leaving us enough time for a shower, before our husbands came home from work. Sally tied me up first and tried all the toys on me in various locations and positions in my living room. Although this was our first brief trial and sampling of all our toys, I was coming virtually constantly. We switched roles about 3:00 PM and I went to work on Sally. We were doing great, until a little after 4:00 PM, when we got caught. I had Sally tied down naked on top of a coffee table, and was kneeling between her spread legs about to eat her pussy. All of our rope and other sex toys were piled on the floor or sitting on the couch. All of a sudden, SLAM, I heard the door close. Sally and I panicked. There was no chance that we could recover in 30 seconds. "Jennifer," my hubby Dan called out, "Are you home?" "Well, well, well, look what we have here," Dam said, "It's a good thing we got out early from work today, or I never would have known what goes on here in the daytime. Dan sized things up in a second, and tied my wrists behind my back and tied my ankles together. Next, Dan called Bill and asked him if he was looking for Sally. I assumed Bill said yes. "Sally is over here and you've got to see what our wives are up to!" Dan said, "Never mind dinner out tonight, bring a mess of condoms and some beer, and I'll order pizza later." "We can have fun with these girls all night long!"
Dan said that he was going upstairs for a quick shower and change into more casual clothes. Sally asked, "What are we going to do" I responded that we were caught fair and square, and that we could have a lot of fun. Dan came downstairs first and looked freshly showered and relaxed. Bill showed up a few minutes later with a case of beer and 2 boxes of condoms. They made us eat each other's pussies, which was followed by Sally and me sucking each of them off, and concluding with Dam and Bill each fucking us from behind doggie-style, while we were tied bent over the coffee table. Then, the pizza arrived and
Sally and I were taken into the kitchen, still bound, and our husbands fed us our pizza and beer. During dinner, we first discussed condoms, with the prevalence of HIV and STDs. We all agreed that everyone would get blood tests at the local clinic, or in the case of our husbands, at their work's health clinic. If all 4 of our tests came back negative, we could have uninhibited sex among all 4 of us, without having to use condoms. Back in the kitchen, Sally and I made an agreement with our husbands. Sally and I could pursue our lesbian bondage games during the week, and our husbands could have us Saturday afternoons through Sunday afternoons. Sally and I often went into our stores on Saturday mornings. I think that agreement was broken more times than it was adhered to, but what could we do when we were all tied up and getting fucked?
Before we resumed our bondage sex activities, Sally and I demonstrated the proper way to tie us up, the positions that they could tie us in and gave our husbands some suggestions as to the different locations that they could tie us up. I was tied spread-eagle to the top of our dining room table and fucked by Bill, with a condom on. Sally was also tied spread-eagle on the kitchen table and being ravaged by Dan, again wearing a condom. I'm not sure how many condoms our husbands went through that night, and over the next 10 days, while we waited for our blood test results. Next, Sally and I had our wrists tied behind our backs, and were positioned on our sides on the living room carpet and forced to "69" each other. Finally, before we went upstairs, we were bent over the back of one of our couches and fucked doggie-style by each of them. While still bent over the back of the couch, the men spanked our butts, until they were red. Then they sat on a couch opposite us and drank another beer. GOD, I was turned on and I could feel my pussy juices running down my thighs. I knew that I would have to deal with Sally's and my pussy juices wherever they dripped around our house.
Bill took me up to our spare bedroom, where he re-bound my wrists crossed behind my back and positioned up between my shoulder blades. For about 3 hours, he fucked me on the bed, and ate my pussy, and I sucked him off many times, during that 3 hour period. with Bill going downstairs, at one point, for another beer, which he drank in front of me. My wrists were still tied crossed behind my back and tied up between my shoulder blades and my legs were tied spread to the bottom bedposts, for my final fucking with Bill. Then, we switched partners.. I was taken into our master bedroom, where Dan resumed my fucking and pussy eating and blowjobs. A strange thing happened after about 1-1/2 hours. Dan's cock gave out. It just shriveled up shortly after he entered me. I felt as though I could go on for hours. My sexual endurance had built up to the point where I could take hours of multiple orgasms. Dan was embarrassed, but I told him not to worry. I suggested that he look into seeing a doctor and getting a prescription for Viagra or Cialis. I don't know if he saw his doctor or the one at work, but by the following Saturday both Dan and Bill had prescriptions for Cialis.
Saturday afternoon was kind of like a trial run, with both Bill and Dan trying out their new Cialis prescriptions, which they had gotten just the day before. We all stripped in my living room and more or less duplicated what we did the previous Thursday evening, sans the beers. So far so good. Bill took me upstairs to the spare bedroom and Sally went upstairs with Dan. While Bill and I didn't do the same things that we had done the previous Thursday, we gave each other a pretty good workout for nearly 3 hours. He tied me in some different positions and on different pieces of furniture. He also spanked me twice. Then, we switched partners again. Dan had seemed to survive an equal amount of time with Sally. Maybe the Cialis was the answer all along. For about an hour and a half, Dan pummeled my cunt and buried his face in my pussy to give me multiple orgasms, and I nearly sucked the life out of his beautiful 8+" cock. MY GOD, we had been going at each other for about 2 hours, with Dan's cock working perfectly. I don't think that he was paying any attention to the clock radio's time on our bedside table. I spent the rest of my time with Dan tied spread-eagle on my back, with my head hanging over the bottom of the mattress. Dan made me suck him off twice upside down. The 1sttime he let me do him slowly, at my pace, and I deep throated him 5 or 6 times, until he shot his load of cum directly down my throat. The 2nd time he held my head, lined his cock up, and battered my throat ruthlessly. He went back and forth, between my mouth and my cunt, and by then I didn't care what he did to me, because my Dan was back for sure. The Cialis was a God send. When he was on top of me, he treated my cunt as he did my mouth. The 1st time he ravaged my twat as hard and as fast as he could go, and I came twice. The 2nd time he took his old sweet time boffing me. The man had real control and will power. He brought me to the very edge three times, until I begged him to finish me off. Then he got 2 fingers between us and rubbed my clit, until I shrieked out another orgasm.
Sally and I were taken downstairs. Our husbands got dressed, and Sally and I were dressed only in our tennis shoes. Our wrists were tied behind our backs. Dan went into our front hall closet and pulled out 2 of my raincoats. One was a simple zip up nylon shell that ended at mid-thigh. The other raincoat was a little heavier buttoned lined London Fog raincoat, which Dan zipped the lining out of, that hung just over the knees. The raincoats were put over Sally's and my shoulders and zipped up or buttoned. The empty sleeves were tucked into the raincoat's pockets. The 4 of us went out our front door and marched down the public sidewalk past the 3 houses to Sally's and Bill's house. We entered, our rain coats were removed, and we were taken into the kitchen. Sally and I were tied to kitchen chairs and our mouths were ballgagged to keep us quiet. The ropes that tied our wrists came from my stash. However all other ropes and equipment that was subsequently used on us belonged to Sally. Bill used his new gas grill out on their patio to cook those delicious 100% all beef Chicago hot dogs in no time. Sally and I were served the hotdogs on a lightly grilled bun, with mustard for me, Sally's homemade potato salad and Coke. The guys finished their beers, which they had started out on the patio. I had strawberry ice cream for dessert. Dan, of course, had to feed me, since I was tied up. After being released from our chairs, Sally and I were taken down to the cellar. Finally, the guys took their clothes off, and Sally and I were on our knees sucking them off.
Next, our wrists were tied in front of us and pulled overhead and tied to a beam in the ceiling. Our legs were tied spread wide apart. Each of our outer legs was tied to a post, while our inner legs were tied to each other's at the ankle. This time Dan ad Bill fucked each of us, while we were standing upright. Our wrists were released, but our legs remained tied as they were. Our wrists were tied behind our backs and another rope was tied to our bound wrists and tossed over the ceiling beam and pulled tight and tied off. Sally and I were tied in the strappado position, with our arms pointing up towards the ceiling. Our husbands made a race of it. They got behind us, grabbed our hips and hammered the shit out of our cunts. That was the end of the fun for the night. They took their belts off of their pants on the floor. They stood back and began whacking our cute asses. I loved to be spanked maybe twice a week. Sure, the first blows hurt and stung, but the initial pain fades to my mind's background, and my brain becomes overwhelmed by the raw sensual electrical signals emanating from my incredibly hot pussy. However this was more than a spanking and more like a beating. Though the pain from my ass did not diminish and I yelped and screamed, Bill seemed to be taking his aggression out on Sally's ass. She was howling and screaming at the top of her lungs.
Bill screamed, "WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT WENT ON WITH THE PREP SCHOOL GIRLS LAST WEEKEND!" HOLY SHIT, this was what the whole day of rough sex and the beating was all about? The beating continued and Sally soon caved. She started at the beginning and blurted out every detail of our lurid salacious lesbian bondage weekend with the 12 Prep School Girls, as Bill brandished the pictures that Jill had taken, right in front of our faces. I knew they weren't my pictures, because I had given mine to Dan. I saved my emailed pictures in my secret gmail account. DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT, I told Sally to hide those prints that I gave her in a place where Bill could never find them. With Sally's story finished and 2 viewings of all the pictures, Bill's righteous indignation vanished. He smiled and displayed the picture of Sally and I tied back to back to the 10' spaced posts in our cabin. He said that they were going to tie us like that and let us come forever!
We were released from the overhead beam and backed against the posts. My wrists were tied palm-to palm behind the posts and my upper arms were tied together just above my elbows. My neck was loosely secured to the post. A rope was tied between my bound wrists and threaded through Sally's bound wrists. They pulled and stretched the rope tight and tied it off. Sally's and my arms were sticking straight out behind us, and our breasts were forced provocatively outward. A long doubled rope was wound over and under my breasts and around the post. The doubled rope was threaded up between my bound arms and tied to an overhead beam. Finally, a rope wrapped around my waist and the post secured me further. I didn't think they could secure the upper half of my body any more or tighter. I expected the vibrator and crotchrope. My biggest 8" X 2" vibe was shoved up my love hole and tightly tied and buried in my cunt. I thought the binding of my thighs and ankles would complete my bondage. I was already feeling the effects of my vibrator, which was set on high, but our husbands had a couple more surprises for Sally and me. Dan sucked my nipples, until they were long and hard. Then he fastened a pair of adjustable nipple clamps to the base of my nipples and tightened them up as much as I could endure. Hanging below each nipple clamp was a small little bell that tinkled whenever I moved. The guys had obviously done a little online shopping of their own. I was treated to a big red ballgag being stuffed in my mouth and buckled deep in my mouth and fastened behind my head. A black elastic banded sleepmask left me in darkness.
The boys said they were going to watch a movie, take a little nap and left us. It wasn't long before I was moaning, groaning, screaming and coming into my new effective ballgag. I could hear Sally whimpering and yelling and screaming, as she jerked on the rope connecting our wrists and coming and coming as often as I was. I don't know how many times I climaxed. It had to be at least 10, or maybe 15? I could have fallen asleep or passed out, and continued coming for all I knew. When the guys staggered downstairs, the battery in my vibrator had died and my whole pussy was a little sore. Itt may have taken them 15 minutes to untie all the ropes and release us. The guys had to help both Sally and me up 2 flights of stairs, so that we could take a shower. We were too tired to fool around in the shower. Our husbands fixed us a nice hot breakfast, which we were able to enjoy, unbound. The only thing left was to get my naked body home. Again without being tied, I slipped into my nylon shell raincoat and walked home with Dan. I immediately went to bed and didn't wake up until late Sunday afternoon.
For the next 5-6 weekends, we could not play with our husbands. Both Sally and I were at Camp Shady Oaks, or our husbands had to go into their law offices to prepare for upcoming important trials. However, this did not mean that Sally and I couldn't play together, or that I couldn't play with a certain gorgeous18 year old hot body. One Monday morning, my secretary rapped on my office door, with a story that a young lady named Meagan had a problem with a $900.00 pair of shoes and needed to talk personally to me. When my secretary showed her into my office and shut the door, it turned out to be my Meagan, from Camp Shady Oaks, who owed me. I rang for coffee and Meagan had mineral water. It turned out that there actually was nothing wrong with the shoes, and that Meagan was there to pay me back and wanted to work out a time and place to play. I wasn't comfortable with going to her house, and she didn't want to include Sally. We settled on my house, without Sally, this coming Wednesday. She met me at my work and I took her out for an early lunch. Meagan was smartly dressed in a bright flowery summer dress, the $900.00 pair of sandals, tasteful makeup, her hair in a high ponytail and summer straw hat. We talked some about Sally's and my businesses and Camp Shady Oaks. Meagan told me that she would be a commuter student at Northwestern University. Her mother was a legacy at Kappa Delta Sorority, and she was going to pledge there. I also learned that Meagan had a sister, just one year younger, and that I would have the pleasure of Meagan's sister at Camp Shady Oaks next summer?!.
After lunch, I took Meagan to my house. At my house, we played in the living room. With all the drapes closed, I took all my clothes off, but told Meagan to hold off. I tied her wrists behind her back palm-to-palm, and for added effect, Off came her straw hat and I tied her elbows together. Her summer dress had spaghetti straps and was held up by 2 tiny bows atop her shoulders. She wore a strapless bra and her beautiful 36C breasts stuck out nicely for me to suck and play with later. I moved in on her, held her tight, and made out with her for at least 15 minutes. Before taking her dress off, I rubbed and rolled and pinched her nipples through her dress and bra. I untied the bows holding up the top of her dress and unfastened the belt that held the rest of her dress on. Meagan's dress fluttered to the floor, and she stepped out of it. I helped her remove her shoes and set her dress and shoes aside. Meagan's strapless white pushup bra easily popped off. I got quite a surprise, when I peeled her white thong panties down her long lean legs, and she kicked them away. Meagan had a tattoo! Right in the center of her cleanly shaved pubis mons was a 2" X 2" purple, white edged, capital letter "N," which stood for our local Northwestern University. I guessed that she was pretty serious about going there to college in about 2 months. Her arms and wrists were untied and I retied her arms and wrists in a reverse double hammer lock position, which Meagan could stand for several hours. I worked one finger, then 2 fingers, and finally 3 fingers deep into her twat, and she opened her legs wider and wider for me. I finger fucked her cunt, until she came for me.
I had purchased a new 10" realistic flexible penis vibrator. Her love hole was opened up, from the finger fucking, and easily accepted my new vibrator. I turned it on medium and buried it deep inside her. I held the vibrator in by tying a tight crotchrope on her. In rapid succession, I made Meagan kneel and kiss and lick my pussy to orgasm. Next, I lay on the coffee table. Meagan was kneeling between my spread legs, and I grabbed her head and forced her to eat out my pussy, with 2 spectacular orgasms. I got Meagan on her back on the coffee table. I straddled her face and she ate me out with more orgasms. I had a new 10" extra bumpy strapon. I got Meagan up on her feet and pulled up the elastic leg bands and tightened the waistband. Meagan was kneeling over the coffee table, and before I let her loose with my strapon, I spanked her vivacious ass, until it was good and red and sore. I helped guide the phallus into my twat, until Meagan was kneeling behind my spread knees and fucking the shit out of my cunt. Of course I came like a wanton nymphomaniac. I got us up on our feet, and I bent over an upholstered chair. Meagan fucked me standing, with the 10" strapon, and she was able to get that phallus to go much deeper inside me. It felt really good and I easily had another orgasm. I stood up and looked at the clock. That was 5 fuckings, but Meagan owed me. I said to myself, "WHAT THE HELL." I stood upright, with my legs spread and made Meagan kneel and eat my pussy again. When we were finished and I had regained my senses, I released Meagan from the double hammer lock bondage and simply tied her wrists behind her back. I knew Meagan came, when I finger fucked her. I was pretty sure that she came, when I spanked her, but wasn't sure if she had any other orgasms, while we played with a vibrator buzzing away on medium inside her.
I gathered up a mess of rope and equipment, and stuffed it all into my duffle bag. I got my nylon raincoat and draped it over Meagan's shoulders. The raincoat was zipped up and the empty sleeves stuffed in the pockets. I helped her into her $900.00 sling backs. We marched out the front door of my house and headed along the public side walk towards Sally's house. Meagan asked me where we were going, perhaps because she was still wearing the vibrator and crotchrope, under the rain coat. I simply told her that we were going to the white house, with the blue shutters, just down the street. I had a key, when we got to Sally's house and took off Meagan's raincoat. I took her down the stairs into the basement. For some reason, our house, just a few doors away, didn't have a basement. I re-tied Meagan's wrists crossed in front of her, and then tied them overhead to a crossbeam in the ceiling. Her legs were tied spread wide apart to the 2 supporting posts. If she had come 2 or more times at my house, while we played, she was going to far exceed that number here. This part of our games was mostly for Meagan. I loosened her crotchrope enough to turn her vibrator up to high, and re-tightened it. Her 1st orgasm started to build immediately. I grabbed her and held her tightly to my breasts. Meagan was quickly losing her ability to speak clearly, but seem to want my mouth on hers. We kissed open mouthed, and she moaned and screamed into my mouth, during 3 successive orgasms.
I untied Meagan's crotchrope and turned off the vibrator, before removing both items. Meagan was still strung up, with her legs tied wide apart. When the vibrator was pulled out, Meagan's love juices came pouring out and ran down her legs. I dropped to my knees, and licked and sucked and nibbled and kissed and teased her juicy pussy, and didn't let her come, until she begged for it. From my duffel bag, I retrieved one of my new pieces of equipment, a 3" pair of connected padded leather handcuffs that buckled on and each cuff had a "D" ring connected to it. I decided to slowly introduce her to some of my new toys and pieces of equipment one at a time. I released her from the overhead tie, and quickly buckled her wrists crossed into the padded leather cuffs. A rope was threaded through both "D" rings of the cuffs and knotted. I threw the other end of that rope over the overhead beam and pulled. Meagan's arms and wrists rose upward, as I pulled the rope, and when Meaganwas bent over at the waist in prime fucking position, I tied the rope off. This was the classic strappado position. Meagan had seen my new strapon and had used it on me earlier at my house, but she had yet to feel it inside her vagina. I put it on, went around behind her and fucked her twice doggie-style.
I was anxious to try my newest toy on Meagan. Out of my duffle bag, I produced my 18" flexible vibrating Double Dong. I held it in front of Meagan's face and demonstrated its flexibility, and how it could be bent into a "U" shape. I told her to take it in her mouth and suck it. I worked it into her mouth, as she sucked the phallus, until she choked. I took it out. Someday, Meagan would have to learn how to do "deep throat." I took it out of her mouth. Went around behind her and shoved the Dong where it belonged. I turned it on and fucked her, with the vibrating phallus, for a teasing 2-3 minute sample. When I turned the dong off, I left half, or a bit less than 9", buried in her cunt. With the Dong sticking out of Meagan's twat, I untied and released her from all bondage. It was time for my finale. I took her over to the post and backed her up to it. I was going to tie her to the post similarly to the way the Prep School girls had tied me at Camp Shady Oaks, but with some additions. I tied a loose rope around her neck and the post. This was followed by a long rope wrapped several times around her waist and the post, and tightly tied, so that it held her firmly in place. Meagan was still bound with the padded leather cuffs behind her back. I had to free her from one side of the pair of the cuffs, get her arms and wrists behind the post, and re-buckle the cuff onto her left wrist. Then, an extra long rope was tied to the wrist cuffs, and the other end was pulled taut, at about chest height, and tied to the other post, about 10' away.
As expected, Meagan's tits stuck out on her chest and her nipples were invitingly pointed and hard. Before dealing with them, I tied her thighs,calfs and ankles to the outside of her post, and remember that Meagan still had 1/2 of the 18" Dong hanging out of her vagina. OK, only 4 more things to go. I thought that I'd give Meagan a little sampling of everything I had. I tied her tits and used the excess rope to tie an uplifting halter around the back of her neck. Next, came the nipple clamps, which were affixed to the base of each nipple and connected by a silver chain. I tightened the thumb screws, until she screamed. Maybe I got them a little too tight. Finally, I forced a ballgag behind her teeth and buckled it behind her head, and blindfolded her with a black sleepmask. Meagan was prepared, and what an alluring sexy package she made. My final act was to connect us. For that, I used one more piece of doubled rope. I positioned myself against Meagan's body. After a little fingering of my twat, I was able to bend the flexible 18" vibrating Dong, which still hung from Meagan's cunt and work the other 9" end of it up my love tunnel. The doubled rope was wrapped around Meagan's and my body and the post and tied behind her back. I was beginning to think that there had to be a better way for 2 girls to use this toy, possibly with the aid of a 3rd person. Anyway, I reached down between us and turned the Monster on, with the switch in the 1/2" wide plastic collar centered at the midpoint of the Dong. The Monster sprang to life.
I couldn't kiss Meagan, because of her ballgag. I couldn't play with or suck her nipples, because of the nipple clamps. My free hands caressed her body, where I could reach, and I kissed the rest of her face, ears and jaw line. My free hands caressed her body, wherever they could reach. The Dong began its fairly noisy relentless vibrating. It was much noisier than any of my other vibrators. In fact, it sounded like a jackhammer compared to my silent egg vibrators. After we each had 3 orgasms, I untied the doubled rope holding Meagan and me together. I left Meagan there by herself to enjoy a few more orgasms. I got dressed and went into Sally's kitchen. I left her a fairly long note and "borrowed" a couple Cokes from her refrigerator. I went back downstairs to take a look at Meagan. She didn't look like she was in any distress, and seemed to be having a lot of fun all by herself. I waited until she had her ??? orgasm. I turned off the Dong's power switch and began to release Meagan. As soon as I removed her ballgag and freed her hands, I handed her a can of Coke. As I finished releasing her, she nearly chugged the whole can down, and had finished it by the time I totally freed her. I decided not to tie her wrists for the short walk back to my house. I packed the rest of my stuff into my duffle bag and Meagan got into my nylon shell raincoat.
During our short walk back to my house, Meagan described how she loved my new toys, and asked where I got them. I told her about the Adam&Eve.com website. Back at my house, we showered together, without ropes, but did eat each other's pussies. Once dried off, made up and dressed, I drove Meagan back to my store's parking lot. I told her that when I next saw her, with the rest of her Lake Forest Prep Schoolgirls, in a couple weeks, that there would be a group of 12 guys from North Shore Country Day Academy in Winnetka that would share Camp Shady Oaks with us. Meagan smiled and waved goodbye and thanks, as she got in her Ferrari convertible and peeled out of my parking lot.
Sally and I finally got together, with our husbands, for a regular bondage sex play session on a Saturday afternoon, although Dan and I were a couple hours late because of some last minute problems at my store. Dan and I went to Sally's house for our weekly bondage sex and fun session. We began the afternoon with everyone stripping in the living room. Then it started getting a little rough. My wrists were tied palm-to-palm behind my back, followed by my elbows being really tightly tied and touching. Bill tied a really tight crotchrope through my pussy, without a vibrator, and laid me on my back on the carpet, where my ankles were tied together. I had a really hard time getting comfortable onn my back, and my crotchrope was really uncomfortable. Sally simply had her wrists tied behind her back. Dan and Bill helped the bound Sally straddle my face and position her wet pussy over my mouth. I ate Sally's pussy, but for the entire time, my body, below my neck, fidgeted and squirmed trying to find a comfortable position. When I finished, they stood Sally up and her feet were straddling my prone body. Bill stepped over me, behind Sally, and pulled her bound wrists upwards, until she was bent over at the waist. He fucked her from behind, and at the same time, Sally was sucking Dan's cock. When these guys were about to come, they pulled out and shot their cum down on me! My chest and torso, and even my face, had wet warm sticky blobs of cum all over them. Dan took Sally aside and made out and fingered her pusssy to keep her wet and juicy. Bill got me up on my feet and removed my crotchrope. THANK GOD! He grabbed my wrists and pulled them skyward, causing me to bend really far over at the waist. I had to readjust my stance and spread my legs really far apart. He entered my cunt from behind and fucked me ever so slowly. He really went deep, and it felt so really good.
After Bill shot his load deep inside me, I was down on my knees. Dan brought a warmed up Sally over to me, amd I had to eat her pussy for the 2nd time. Now, I was standing and Sally was kneeling, and she ate my pussy and gave me a little double orgasm. Finally, Sally and I were on our knees side-by-side. We had to suck off each of the guys. I took my time with my hubby Dan's beautiful 8+" cock and gave him the best blowjob that I could. I was still a little miffed at Bill and finished him off as quickly as possible. Dan took Sally away somewhere. Bill took me into the dining room. He untied my wrists and elbows, but quickly re-tied them in my favorite double hammerlock position. Sally's highly polished wood-grained Formica topped dining table was partially covered by a large beach towel. Bill picked me up and laid me on the table on my back. Using 2 ropes, he frog-tied each of my legs. He pried my legs open and down, saying, Don't move." Bill disappeared into the kitchen for several minutes. I lay there on my back, with my breasts pointing up to the ceiling, and my legs and pussy were splayed open like a Thanksgiving turkey waiting to be stuffed. Little did I know just how stuffed I would be, or with what! When Bill returned, he was carrying a box loaded with unseen items. The beach towel and my body easily slid down the table, when Bill pulled it, until my pussy was at the edge of the table. He used 1, then2, and then 3 fingers to open up my cunt. From the box, he retrieved a large squirt bottle of Hershey's syrup, shoved the nozzle into my vagina, and loaded me up with 2 big squirts of that thick gooey liquid. Then, he held my thighs and fucked me. It was slow going at first, but soon my pusssy juices were churning, and diluted the chocolate. He stayed inside me for a couple minutes, after each of us came. When Bill withdrew his still pretty stiff penis, it was coated with chocolate syrup and cum. I knew that my cunt still had quite a load of sticky cum in it, not to mention some chocolate syrup. The beach towel was pulled towards the other end of the table, until my head was hanging down over the edge of the table. Bill told me to lick his cock clean. So, from my head's upside down position, I licked all the chocolate syrup and cum off his cock. Then, he fucked my mouth and throat. It seemed to take forever. I let some of the cum from my throat drain back into my mouth, and had to swallow it in little gulps, so that I could get some air and not choke. Finally, I licked Bill's withering cock clean for the 2nd time.
Bill set a jar of maraschino cherries and a fork between my splayed legs. He speared a dripping cherry, plucked it off with his forefinger and thumb, and stuffed it into my twat. One by one, Bill packed my hole with plump juicy cherries. Now my cunt was full of cherries, cum and chocolate syrup. I hadn't noticed Dan bring Sally into the dining room. Her arms were now bound like mine in a double reverse hammerlock. A chair was placed at my pussy's end of the table. Bill and Dan helped Sally kneel on the chair. She was bent over onto the table, crushing her huge breasts, and her face was right in my pussy. Sally had to use her tongue to extract and then eat the cherries from my cunt. Then she had to eat my pussy and make me come. My other hole was unoccupied, but was quickly filled by Dan's beautiful 8+" cock. First he made me suck his balls and clean off Sally's pussy juices from his cock. Then, he fucked the Hell out of my mouth and throat, as he loves to do. I think Sally used her tongue to somewhat flatten the cherries in my cunt and eat them, because before I knew it, Sally was tongue fucking me. She was certainly familiar with my pussy, from the many times we played lesbian bondage games, and could make me come any number of ways. She finished me off by sucking and nibbling on my clit.
The guys had one more triple tease and torment for me to perform or endure. Bill and Dan each grabbed one of Sally's bound arms and pulled her down the table about a foot, just so they could get at my pussy. They stuffed my cunt with ice cubes. The ice cubes had been in a bowl melting in the supply box from the kitchen. They had been melting and softening all this time, and there were no hard sharp edges or corners, but still it was quite a shock to my love hole. I was really hot and turned on, and the ice cubes started melting in my box almost immediately. Working quickly, Bill and Dan made whipped cream sundaes on each of my breasts. Whoosh, the aerosol whipped cream covered each of my tits completely. A generous drizzle of Hershey's chocolate syrup followed, and was topped off with a maraschino cherry sitting on top of each of my nipples. Dan and Bill again grabbed Sally by the arms and dragged her onto the table, across my pussy, and plopped her face into my right breast's sundae. Sally had to eat and lick my breasts clean. With Sally lapping away at my titties, Bill coated his stiff dick with chocolate sauce and made me lick and suck his cock like a Popsicle, and then he fucked my mouth. Dan didn't just stand idly by. He managed to get a finger amongst the tangle of Sally's and my legs, and started teasing my clit. It was difficult concentrating on Bill's cock, even though it was mostly buried in my throat. The melting ice was pouring out of my cunt and Sally was sucking my nipples. Dan made me come twice, and Bill finally exploded and shot his wad down my throat.
Bill and Dan half lifted and half dragged Sally off of me. They walked her around to my still dangling head. I got a shot of whipped cream and a squirt of chocolate sauce in my mouth. The whipped cream nozzle was shoved in Sally's twat, and WHOOSH. It looked like Dan filled her hole up to overflowing. Then, I had to eat her pussy. WHAT A MESS!!! When they pushed Sally's pussy up to my mouth, I tried to expel as much of the chocolate and whipped cream out of my mouth as I could. I spread the goo all over Sally's pussy and beyond. When my tongue dove into her love hole, more whipped cream oozed out, and I had to swallow most of it. I think we both wanted to get it over with. I fought through the goo that I had covered her clit with, and finally found it. It probably took 10 minutes to first get her little sensitive nub throbbing and growing. Then I sucked it hard and nibbled it, until Sally came. As they led Sally away, I got to thinking. I had only been fucked once on the table, plus a pussy eating and clit rubbing by Dan. I had no idea what time it was, and for that matter, how long had I been tied on that table? Despite all the whipped cream, chocolate syrup, cum and pussy juice that I swallowed, I was really hungry. What I really needed was for the guys to fuck me silly.
Eventually, Bill returned, slid my beach towel and me down to the bottom of the dining table. He pulled up a chair and began eating my pussy. He grabbed my pussy lips and stretched them so that every millimeter of my internal pussy was glaring at his face. After all that had happened down there, I had no idea what it looked like. Bill forced 3 fingers up my hole and twisted them as he finger fucked me. At the same time, his lips found my distended clit. He licked it for a minute or two, and began sucking it. I lost it completely, stiffened, held my breath, screamed and came. When Dan came into the room, he and Bill had a short whispered exchange. It had something to do with getting Sally ready. I told Dan that I needed to be fucked, but he merely took a seat in the chair and stuck his face in my pussy. He asked me how I wanted it, and I told him that I wanted to be teased mercilessly and forced to beg for it. He did that in spades. He licked and kissed me everywhere, starting with my thighs, perineum and pussy lips. Before getting down to the real business of teasing me, he sucked my pussy lips. He teased my cunt and clit for who knew how long? I had to beg him 3 times, before he sucked and sucked and sucked my clit. I screamed and bellowed and came and came and came. Dan untied my frog-tied legs. He turned me over onto my stomach, still mostly on the beach towel, and pulled me off the side of the table, until my feet hit the floor.
Dan grabbed my hips and plowed into my cunt with his big cock. He asked me if this was what I wanted, and I replied, "YES, YES, YES, For GOD'S SAKE FUCK ME HARD!" Dan did just that. I spread my legs wider and wider apart, as Dan fucked me faster and faster. My orgasm built steadily, until I finally burst and shattered into my own private corner of the cosmic Universe. That long awaited orgasm nearly blew my mind, and it was a good thing that Dam was there holding me, because my knees crumbled and I would have slid to the floor. With all my moaning and screaming, I had not heard Bill come in the dining room with Sally. Sally's wrists were tied behind her back and her breasts were tied tightly at their base making her D-cup breasts look like grapefruits, with outtie navels. Her breasts hadn't been tied too long, because they were just a pinkish red color. They had a crotchrope on her and I could hear whatever vibrator they had buried in her twat steadily buzzing away. Finally, they had managed to mount my 10" X 2" bumpy knobby strapon dildo over her pussy. Sally had to watch and wait, because Bill got behind me and fucked me long and hard. Dan guided my long knobby phallus into my cunt. This was the big finale and Sally really took her time, teasing my twat with alternating fast and slow thrusts. I swear that I felt every knob and bump, as she shoved it all the way in and rhythmically out. She was doing it on purpose that way, but nearly drove me out of my mind, before I came.
Sally and I were totally released from all bondage, told to go upstairs and shower and get all glammed up, because we were going out to a night club for dinner. Sally and I scampered up the stairs, through the master bedroom and into their bathroom. Before jumping in the shower, we peed and brushed our teeth. We soaped each other up twice, rinsing in-between each soaping, to get all the dried gunk off our bodies. I flushed my pussy 3 times to get everything out and clean. We dried ourselves off and did our hair. With the aid of a blow dryer, comb, brush and a smidgen of hair spray, the natural waves at the end of my hair looped and curled around my breasts. We finished up by applying lipstick, eye liner, mascara, a little eye shadow and a dab of perfume. Bill and Dan were showered and Dan wore the clothes he came in, while Sally and Bill merely had to get all dressed up for dinner out. Dan had brought my clothes that I originally wore, upstairs and I slipped into them. We walked the short distance to our house to change. Since it was still the weekend, Sally and I were under the control of our husbands. Dan chose my outfit.
We were going out to a nightclub for some dinner and dancing. Dan chose an obscenely short little black dress with spaghetti straps, holding it up, and 4" heels. I only wore that dress, when we went clubbing and the likelihood of my having to sit down was remote. When I was ready, Dan bent me over a chair, pushed my narrow "T" shaped thong aside and inserted my extra quiet 3" egg vibrator way up into my vagina. Before he put me back together, Dan packed a few Kleenexes on my pussy and under my thong. He kept the remote in his sport coat pocket. Finally, Dan buckled my wrists behind my back into 3" padded leather wrist cuffs. We went downstairs and into the kitchen. Bill had pulled his SUV right up to our closed garage door. The back windows were tinted, and it wasn't until Dan opened the door for me, that I saw Sally. Her wrists were cuffed behind her back, and her ankles and thighs were tied together. Her red panties glared openly at me. Dan helped me into the SUV's back seat, and when I got settled in my seat, my black mesh g-string showed even more than Sally's panties. My see-through mesh strapless pushup bra was holding its own. Before we took off, Dan tied my thighs and ankles, and hopped in the front seat.
I wasn't sure where we were going for dinner, and we seemed to be driving around aimlessly, with my egg vibrator running on low speed, just to keep me simmering. Dan had both remotes for our egg vibrators in his sportcoat pocket. Dan cranked up our vibrators to high and made us come. When we got to the restaurant, our husbands released us and helped us out of the back seat of the SUV. I noticed that Bill parked in the darkest part of the restaurant's parking lot. With our egg vibrators back on low and Sally and I composed, we were seated at a corner table. Fortunately, when I sat in the straight back chair, my thong panties didn't show, but I quickly covered my lap with my linen napkin. We had a sumptuous dinner, along with sharing 2 bottles of wine. The entertainment was a female pianist and vocalist, who played and sang slow romantic songs. Throughout dinner, dessert and coffee, my egg vibrator buzzed away at the random setting, keeping me stirred up and turned on, but never went fast enough for long enough to take me over the edge. After we finished dinner, Bill took me out on the dance floor for 4-5 dances. He held me tight and whirled me around the dance floor. His sport coat was open and I could feel his erection poking me in the belly. I could only brace my hands against his chest, because if I put my arms around his neck, my dress would rise up and expose my ass cheeks. It soon became apparent that Bill did not have the remote for my egg vibrator, because Bill's hand never went into his sport coat pocket, when the speed of my vibrator changed. Dam was with Sally, across the dance floor, and he just smiled and waved. My orgasm was building rapidly. Bill could sense it, and when my world shattered, Bill had captured my mouth in a passionate kiss, and held me tight, because my knees turned to Jell-O.
At this point, Dan and Bill switched dance partners. I watched and there was no exchange of remotes. Dan teased me for the first 3 songs by setting my egg vibrator to random. Then he got serious. He revved up my egg vibrator and shamelessly kissed and made out with me right there on the dance floor. I came and came, groaning into his mouth. Dan took me back to our corner table, where we pushed our chairs together, cuddled and kissed, and I had one more orgasm. When Sally and Bill were finished on the dance floor, they came back to our table looking a little flushed. Bill called for the check. Our husbands split the bill, leaving a generous tip to perhaps placate the staff for our little over exuberant antics. Back at Bill's SUV, Sally and I were cuffed and tied in the back seat. We took the direct route home. Sally and I knew the restaurant well, and our families were great friends with the owners, although I never saw them, the staff put up with us. As we pulled into my driveway, something was different. Dan got out of the SUV, went around to Sally's side, picked her up and carried her into our house. Bill drove me to his house and inside the garage, closing the big door behind us. The first thing that Bill did was to open my door and buckle a ballgag deep in my mouth. He untied my ankles and thighs, but left me bound in the padded leather handcuffs. He walked me into his house. THIS WAS OUR BEGINNING INTO WIFE SWAPPING!!!
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“What the fuck?!” That exclamation came from Sherri. It got Emma and Amelia’s attention. Liz was busy sliding a another dollar bill into a speedo and didn’t bother to look. Sherri had turned to see what was going on with the waitress and noticed my cum splattered shirt. “What happened to you?” she asked. Jess answered for me. “Nice waitress, Britney, happened to him. And she got him way ahead of the rest of us on the contest.” “So I see...” Sherri said. “And that is what I think it is?”...
The job went off without a hitch, both shows, Best of all I was fully engaged. I watched over the inside of the dressing room, and I walked Soda to the stage. When the show ended, I watched group change, then put them safely on the bus. "Well Tom it't over and I will be moving on tomorrow. So would you like to come to the suite again?" I asked. "Sylvia, I have a lot of respect for you. Most of the women I know would still be in bed whining about how sick they are. The stories I have...
Yahiko: Oh, so now you're all "I'm gonna make you regret this"? Saying it and doing it are two different things! Henya: Fool. I said anyone could kill you with one shot. With this-- (He drops a stick of dynamite; Yahiko loses him in the smoke.) Henya: I can do this! (He reappears in the air directly above Yahiko, wings spread.) Henya: This is the fighting style of Soaring Henya of the Ten Swords--Hikuu Happa! I've taken the use of weapons to the limits--humans have a natural blind...
~~Natasha~~ They went back to her apartment. With the hunters defeated, and the few remaining still in the Prince’s custody, there wasn’t any reason she couldn’t sleep in her apartment anymore. Maybe Samantha would get her own place too? Daniel slept in the Elysium Tower, somewhere secret, but that didn’t mean Samantha had to as well. She sat on the couch between her boyfriends, and looked between them as they obviously prepared a tale. “It was ten years ago,” Art said, smiling down at...
January 7, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke as someone next to me moved. As I laid there, I remembered last night. Crazy! Our new gang members are into our lifestyle! And why wouldn’t they be. Sex is wonderful with those you love. Yes, it’s girl-on-girl sex, but we see nothing wrong with that. It’s certainly safer than some of the alternatives and way more enjoyable than masturbation. Once again, however, I wondered about our interest in and enjoyment of so many partners. I thought long and...
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Both girls were sound asleep when I woke. I had a problem that I wished I had far more often: deciding which of the girls I'd slept with to clamber over. I easily picked Carol as I could use a light blob with her, and I didn't want to wake Donna in case she tried to get sexy again, as it'd only end up disappointing her. [[I'm amused by my recalled thought processes from this time. I had been strongly determined that there would be no sex when we went to bed, and...
During the time Gwen drove, and when she didn't try to film for TV, I tried to decide on my next move. Actually I tried to decide what my next move might be under several different scenarios. We were most likely going to stay out of jail on this one. What else we did was up in the air. I was determined to make the Atwood bothers pay for my pain, as well as their past sins. When we pulled into the yard, I saw the Georgia State Police car, complete with it's driver, sitting at the end of the...
I had planned on sleeping in and go to the college at noon but I had been getting emails from Patti all day yesterday. I was showered, dressed and in the kitchen at 5:30 setting up breakfast this morning for the brood. Toast, topped with the apple or grape jelly, fruit, several kinds of cereal, orange juice, coffee, hot chocolate or milk was the menu for today. Jeanna came down to have breakfast with us. The G5 was going to carry her to a meeting in Nebraska and then stop at the banks...
Dear Louisa, I'm upset that I made Brianna cry. I'm not sure why I shared things with her that I would not have shared with anyone else. Maybe it was missing Master Will. Then again maybe it is because I hoped that sharing them would start to help me to overcome the areas of drag in my life. All I'm certain of for now is that I no longer want to walk in fear where fear has no reign. Here on Atlantis-at that is true, that is that no one would dare molest me. Even my Master or Mistress...
Barging into the room, were Stu, Princess and Jennifer, seeing us dressed with me on my phone in the wheelchair, packed and ready to go. Peter sent me a text. I let Honey ‘man’ my wheelchair as the ladies all giggled at the look on her face. Stuart understood what had happened and I saw him shaking his head in deference to me. My lap held my, Honora’s, and Jennifer’s bags as we all got to the bus together. Stu handed me a piece of paper, which I put in my shirt pocket because Peter had come...
Jeff, Diana, Dave and Evie sat in the living room, waiting. When the phone rang, Diana checked the caller ID and answered. "Glad you guys are back." "Diana, I..." The voice chopped off, then Carla cleared her throat and tried again. "Diana, our dreams..." Carla's voice stopped again, to be replaced by quiet sobs of joy. "I can't..." "You just did," Diana said softly. "You're on speaker, so all of us can hear you. Jeff, Dave and Evie are here with me and listening. And, you're...
Veronica was sitting dutifully in the office when Adam entered with his entourage. She smiled at him, which surprised him slightly. He figured she would be pissed off that his irritation with the others had filtered down to her. "I have never seen so many people move that fast," Veronica said with a laugh. "Allie and Karlie lit out of here like their asses were on fire." "I offered but they said they had class later," Adam replied. The girls laughed and then explained the joke to...
Immediately she had second thoughts. She recalled the sick jealousy she had felt only weeks ago at the mere thought of Sholandra naked in Rhonda's arms, or of Rhonda's tongue in Sholandra's sweet pussy, or of Rhonda sucking those incredible big soft black nipples. How could I ever give her up? Laura thought in a sharp fit of anguish. How could I have suggested it? Even though it was nearly midnight, Trina was still awake. Laura had promised she would call. "Must be some project," Trina...
"You are now Husband and wife," A voice coaxed softly behind them. With every thing going on it took Tenchi some seconds realizing it was Masaki addressing them. "There is no longer a need to restrain yourselves!" Ayeka's mother smiled. Responding to the gentle urging Tenchi opened his hand shifting his grip. Only just aware of the last of the vines still entwining their fore arms falling away. Noting in its passing the delicate patterns now indelibly there understandable more livid...
Joanne had never been on birth control. She couldn’t risk the changes in her body if she’d taken the pills and eventually after she and I were together, she’d never seen a reason to get an IUD. I always used a condom if we made love and that had been a rare occurrence. But that left her vulnerable. She sat staring at the picture of her vagina with Conrad’s semen running out of it. If the last unfortunate event, being pregnant with his child, occurred, she didn’t have the mental fortitude to...
It was just getting light when Josh and Mike left Warsaw. The crowd, if anything, was bigger than the night before, lining the streets for a couple of blocks. Unfortunately, the fire department hadn't laid out a wide enough path for a racing start that had never quite been anticipated, and only Mike knew the way out of town, so it was a fairly quiet start. The dogs had come back a long way from their run the night before, and Mike felt better for having four hours of good sleep. He still...
The second day, although we weren’t really following any diurnal pattern, began as the first, although our allies were conspicuous in their presence as they watched patiently from the start of the ramp. Maurice and Chinc’lithss had their people working on the toxin and had come up with a formula that gave some immunity to its effects, though was not able to help those already with it too far into their systems. Still, it would allow a victim to stop the spread and get to the medic Mages...
John stood in the doorway and stared at the destruction Larn’kelnar had wrought. When the energy beam had cut the Invictus in half, it had scythed through the bedroom, melting the titanium superstructure with ease. Where John’s massive bed had once rested against the wall, the room was now open to the elements, giving him a spectacular view of the Arcadian jungle. There was no longer any furniture left in his quarters, as it had all been sucked out into the upper atmosphere as the...
Say thanks to a great supporter of J & G for these. Trump Jokes In a recent survey, 70% of Americans responded that Donald Trump becoming president has made them nervous. The other 30% said it will make them Canadians. Donald Trump has announced that now he’s president, he’s going to put a wig on the Presidential plane and call it Hair Force One. Donald Trump becoming President isn’t the first time he’s kicked a black family out of their home. I just found out Donald Trump ran...
Christine was fit to be tied. As she drove her car, she thought to herself, This is serious! Alan is in extreme danger! Katherine and Amy are in serious danger too. Yet they all seem to be taking a "que sera sera" attitude. The football game is less than 24 hours away and all Hell will break loose then. I just know it. We need to plan. Strategize. Prepare! Alan mentioned something about how his family has their Thanksgiving meal early, and my family doesn't have it until late. Plus, he's...
"So our window of opportunity, if you are tied to that location, is 4PM to 1AM," Mel said. "I would say so," I replied. "That is sorta good because I don't like cooking breakfast," she said with a smile. "It's almost time to go do some basic research," I suggested. "You mean dinner?" Wilson asked. "Yes I do," I replied. I drove the Honda up and down Jefferson Island before I swung it onto the mainland and into the slightly rundown watch tower section of town. That is where...
Now what? I thought I was going to driving school. Why would they drug us to make us sleep? After we came to a stop in the parking garage, the van doors were all opened. I saw some men come to take Doreen and the boys out. When they came for me and the other two girls I got another surprise. “David quit pretending to be asleep and help us get Beth up off the seat so we can carry her inside. You get Lora. She smells like a whorehouse and it is your fault. You get to clean her up and not in a...
Flashback – Masha and Louise – Home Again We returned to the furniture store, finished shopping for furniture for Louise’s room and of course bought a few things for Linda while we were at it. We made it back to the house and I was shocked when we arrived. Television news vans lined the streets. Louise stated the obvious, “Auntie Masha, it looks like the television stations have finally figured out your home address.” I complained, “This is the last thing I want to deal with today!” Then...
After filling my mug, Connie handed me the note that Ben and Frank were in the building and that Art was on his way and would be here in ten minutes. While I was at her desk I picked up the handful of messages that had accumulated in the last two hours. One was a note from VP Harrison - he needed guidance on a trip he was making tomorrow when I had time. That would be an interesting conversation for sure. I carried the rest and the mug back to the meeting room. The Admiral, the Secretary...
“I’m not playing music to stay alive. I am alive. And I’m playing music for the pleasure of sharing the excitement with other musicians and other human beings.” —Maude Julien, The Only Girl in the World: A Memoir “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Beca asked when she opened the door. I’d tried to catch her before she and Rachel left school but I had to go to the music room and get my practice guitar to take with me to Kentucky and Mr. LeBlanc wanted to discuss a rehearsal schedule for Cindy’s...
Ben and his crew had already headed across the back pasture by the time Liz wrapped up her calls. I had taken the opportunity to slip out of my sling and T-shirt to let the sun warm a section of skin that hadn’t seen sunlight since the first day of June. I sat down in the warm water (and hoped it hadn’t increased in temperature because Spenser or Stone had peed in it) and let the water wash over me. I even slipped over to let the waterfall cascade down on me. I was alone so I was able to...
1997-1998 The Future Republican Party came out in November, just in time for the New York Times Christmas list. As far as Newt Gingrich and some of the Republican powers were concerned, it was about as welcome as a loud and juicy fart in church. These guys were busy riding the white male vote, and the word that the fast and fun ride was going to stop was not welcome. I found myself doing the Sunday morning talk show circuit and having to face fellow Republicans who disagreed. This took one...
“The Wardens found more darkspawn than they expected inside the Keep’s basement,” Nate informed me. “There are apparently multiple camps within the tunnels, many on the inside of the barrier door. The Commander assumes that they were assembling there for the assault you warned us about. They were apparently not prepared to attack, but the first skirmish got them a lot of attention. He’s asked for reinforcements; he’s not sure they’ll be able to hold the tunnels.” I gasped, and Nathaniel...
Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter One "Mom, I'm home," said Tracey, dropping down her book bag as she raced into the house. "You almost ready to take me to the tutor?" "Ahh no I'm kind of busy right now," yelled his mother from the other room. "Well drop it whatever it is, mom." Tracey stopped and fixed her hair in the hallway mirror. "You know tomorrow is the big test, right?" "The question is do you know, and give a shit, Tracey," barked her mother...
I have always been a smart kid with a love of weapons and learning. I was fifteen when both my parents were killed. My uncle filed papers with the court to become executor of their estate. Even though they had named someone else he was named by the court. Of course there were things he could not change like the quarterly audit that was done and sent to me. I was sent to a military academy on Griffin which was in another solar system. Because I was going to a military academy my grandfather...
Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Two Ryan was shaking as he hurried from the house, feeling the cool air on his legs, dying inside that he was out like this as he hopped into the front seat. "Oh gawwddd, I'm scared mom," said Ryan, pulling on his seat belt. "And can we please just go to a different Best Buy! People know me at the one off the Chaney blvd." "That's fine, because I was thinking we'd go to the one on the north side off Rector place,"...
Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Three They hopped inside Johnny's Camaro as Ryan was of course in the passenger seat instead of the back as he sat half leaning towards Johnny, who had his right arm across his shoulders as they drove. On one hand it was funny that he had just secured another boyfriend for his sister, and then the more he thought about the situation he realized he?d soon have to tell her about everything. It was ten minutes of half listening...
Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Four He'd never felt so happy to see his mother's car at the curb as he held out the paper, showing her he passed and was quickly embraced. She could barely contain her emotion as they drove off and she asked him a million questions about the content of the test. All the way home she was on cloud nine, loving every detail that her daughter could never provide, more proud than ever that their little plan had ended in...
Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Five Gingerly down the steps he went, hearing each click of his stilettos reverberate loudly. He walked to the door, closing his eyes, pausing for a moment then straightened his dress and unlocked the latch. It took one last second to gather himself even though there'd be no running away, as they'd already seen his silhouette in the beveled glass sidelight approach as they waited patiently on the stoop. As he opened the...
Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Six It actually might have felt even worse than almost sucking off Layton or even kissing countless guys, as Chelsea air kissed him on each cheek and left the bathroom. He'd suddenly been anointed as not only gay, but the boy desired by other men who were doing gawd knows what as they stared as his picture. He wondered how he'd ever shake the thoughts of guys desiring him as his male self, and even worse, he'd lost out on...
Prior to dinner, Jason went into the kitchen to spend time with Robert to discuss some menu ideas that he had in mind. He found Marie helping him, and he had a fine time enjoying their company. Linda and Andrea had been very busy working with their teams during the day. They had requested to be informed when Jason emerged. They then made their way to his canteen half an hour after he had provided his instructions and requested dishes to the chefs for an elaborate Thai feast. After Jason...
Sarah sat down clumsily onto the couch. She’d only had a drink or two, but her head was spinning, people around her continued to chat and laugh amiably, yet she was struggling to make out the words. Her focus was slipping, and she slumped forward groggily, resting her head in her hands as her vision started to blur. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, a girl with a concerned expression seemed to be asking her something. Sarah dimly remembered meeting her earlier in the...
As she woke for the first day in her new dorm and took a look around she noticed the plush bed and beautiful views from her room... what a dream to be recruited to this prestigious academy and how kind of the professor to look after her... She noticed her tight 18 year old barely legal body in the mirror as she passed and got into the shower... she stood a reasonable 5ft 5 inches with perky C cup tits that seemed to defy gravity... her abs were tight and sculpted from years of cheerleading and...
Note: The following journal entries are sanctioned by the overseers of the Sissy Training Academy. STA staff believes that this history might prove useful for the future training of young sissies. With that goal in mind, Sissy 16452 has been authorozed to recount her experiences as part of the graduation and release process. As always, STA welcomes any and all comments regarding this sissy's account. Your thoughts are helpful in deciding future training courses for our young...
Girls With Muscle!? I’m getting mixed feeling here guys. On one hand, I love fit women, I like it when women take care of themselves and their bodies. But on the other hand, when some of them have bigger muscles than me, I don’t really know what to think of that. Welcome to GirlsWithMuscle.com, where you’ll find tons of real images of real women who are packing heat. And by heat, I mean guns. And by guns, I mean their biceps. Holy cow, look at those biceps! I can feel a bit of insecurity coming...
Fetish Porn SitesRobot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University. ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...
Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept. The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke. As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed Sarah and...
My god I thought my new step-son’s girlfriend Brittany was a hot little piece the moment I first saw her sauntering inside from the back French doors, obviously intent on sex with my, Billy. It was her cute body shaped by designer grunge look faded ripped but cuffed denim cut off overalls, crotch defining, and her tits brazenly bra-less under a white singlet top and of course one shoulder strap hanging loose, as was the fashion, to really accentuate her perky breast. Natural blonde too the...
This story is a two part. We did it my way, then her way. Enjoy The first part is about how a schoolgirl fantasy, that I wanted to do with my girlfriend. The second part is how my girlfriend did the same kind of fantasy, but she had a twist of her own to do it. It all started, when we looking up costume on what to be for her Halloween company party. She wanted to be something sexy because everyone in her office think it's kind of boring, and she wants to change that. We were looking online and...
StraightThis next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesEvery year since graduating from university my group of girlfriends and I have always tried to catch up to spend a weekend away somewhere together usually consisting of drinking lots of wine, pampering ourselves and reminiscing about the good old days spent as students. Having been unable to catch up last year we were more determined than ever to meet up this time and a hotel was booked in the quaint city of York perfect for satisfying our shopping, drinking and gossip needs. It was a beautiful...
“... and we continue to see promising momentum in our Gen Y-factor line, where sales increased 22% in the quarter, with strong demand evident for the retro-styled merchandise. These successes underpin our confidence in the direction of our model. Over the last quarter, as more of these exciting concepts are hitting the market, it’s obvious that we are not only maintaining momentum but… uh… we are not only maintaining momentum…”Kellen paused in front of the bathroom mirror, his hands frozen in...
Oral SexThe final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...
Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...
Reddit NSFW List