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Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Two Ryan was shaking as he hurried from the house, feeling the cool air on his legs, dying inside that he was out like this as he hopped into the front seat. "Oh gawwddd, I'm scared mom," said Ryan, pulling on his seat belt. "And can we please just go to a different Best Buy! People know me at the one off the Chaney blvd." "That's fine, because I was thinking we'd go to the one on the north side off Rector place," replied his mother, putting the car in reverse and then looking over at him, tapping his leg. "And relax even I can barely tell you're not your sister and I didn't even have to tell you to sit with your ankles crossed. You can be mad at me later that you look so pretty, but once you're obsessed playing your games after tomorrow, you'll probably forget you ever even did this." "You're probably right," nodded Ryan relaxing for a moment. "Of course I am," said his mother, beginning to back up and then slamming on the breaks. "Holy shiitttt!" His mother jammed the car into park and opened hopped out as Ryan panicked, looking back. "I'm ok," said familiar voice. "Sorry Mrs. McDermott. I didn't realize you were backing out. It's totally my fault." "You almost gave me a heart attack, Kenny," said his mother, standing next to the car, a little shaken. "I could have killed you! Why would you possibly park your bike behind a moving car?" "Well quite honestly I always park it there in the driveway when I come over, and I didn't know you were moving," said Kenny, moving his bike to the side of the car and looking into the car window. "Hey Tracey what's up, and is Ryan home Mrs. McDermott?" "Uuummm well no, not at the moment, honey," replied his mother. "But I'll let him know you stopped by, and I'm sure he'll call you later." "Yeah, I've been texting him and he's not answering, which is weird for a Friday," said Kenny, checking his phone. "I wanted to make sure he knew there was a huge sale at best buy on the new games that's today only, that I knew he was saving for." "Oh don't worry, I'm headed there now to pick up a few for him, so you guys will be playing them soon," said Mrs. McDermott, getting back in her car. "So try him again in maybe a few hours, and I'm sure you two can talk games later." "That's awesome, so let me hop in with you," said Kenny, getting into the back seat and texting as he closed the door. "I'll text my mom you're giving me a ride there, because I was thinking she could come here and take both of us, but this will work so I don't miss the sale." "Oh?" said Mrs. McDermott glancing over to Ryan who looked petrified, and then at Kenny in the rear view mirror. "Of course I wouldn't mind taking you honey, but we're not going to the regular Best Buy. We're going to the one on the north side." "Oh that'll work even better. It's a bigger store, and closer to where my mom works," said Kenny, fastening his seat belt and then texting his mom again. "Thanks again, Mrs. McDermott." "Sure?" said Mrs. McDermott, patting Ryan to stay calm. "Tell her we should be there in a jiffy." "Perfect," said Kenny. "And what's new Trace? You're not typically this quiet, and did you do something different with your hair or something?" "Uuuummm well no," said Ryan in his squeakiest voice. "I mean maybe, and I've just got a little bit of a sore throat." "Yeah, me too," said Kenny, reaching up and touching his shoulder. "It must be the weather." "Oh definitely. Everyone has sinus issues in our family, and who doesn't have a sore throat with all the weather changes," said Mrs. McDermott. "And out of curiosity Kenny, did you really notice any changes in Tracey's hair, or were you just being nice, honey?" "Well I really wasn't sure, but I think it looks great since she did the whole blonde streaky highlight thing. UUumm and not that it wasn't nice before, but my mom says women get sensitive when they color their hair, so never ask them if they just dyed it," said Kenny, feeling put on the spot. "Really I was just making conversation since my mom always taught me girls appreciate compliments when they do something pretty with their hair, so I'm sorry if I said something wrong." "No you didn't, honey," laughed Mrs. McDermott, glancing at him looking red in the rear view mirror. "I was just curious? It's ok if you think she has pretty hair or I guess think she looks pretty today." "Ok," said Kenny, a bit embarrassed. "What do you say, Trace?" nudged his mother. "Thank you?" said Ryan halfheartedly. "Your welcome, and I'm sorry if that came out wrong," said Ryan, pushing his face up between them, getting right in Ryan's face. "I...uumm." "It's fine, Kenny?" moaned Ryan, rolling his eyes and shaking his head before being stuck looking into his buddy's eyes. "Please just sit back down so we can get there." "Yup," nodded Kenny, sitting quietly as Ryan just stared at the window now. As they finally pulled up at Best Buy, Ryan quickly unbelted himself without saying a word and stormed inside. "Sorry, sweetie," said Mrs. McDermott with a smirk on her face, looking at Kenny. "She's a bit of a diva sometimes." "Yeah we all kind of know that, and probably not too happy to be in an electronic store either I bet," smiled Kenny, following her in. "Ok well have fun shopping, and just let me know when your mom arrives so I know you have a ride, ok?" said Mrs. McDermott, pulling open the store door. "Of course," said Kenny, heading towards the games. As Kenny walked away, Mrs. McDermott headed towards the gaming systems and then stopped a few isles away, just observing her feminized son browsing controllers and accessories. She made sure not to approach too fast, seeing if anyone was looking at him differently than she hoped before finally after about ten minutes, she approached him, interrupting his bliss. "Ok, so play station right?" asked his mother. "Ready to get it and get out of here?" "Yes please," nodded Ryan, squeezing his hands together, getting excited. "Ok, so go pick two games and meet me at the register," smiled his mother, before leaning down and whispering in his ear. "I'm proud of you, and you do know not a soul knows you're not a girl. Not even your friend." "Yeah, but he didn't even get a good look at me," said Ryan. "And he did notice something was different, didn't he?" "Well maybe, or maybe he liked how your hair came out, but really it is no different than Tracey's," said his mother. "You know she wears her hair different all the time, so it could have been just that, so it's a good lesson if anyone senses anything different, you just say you changed your lip gloss or hairdo or outfit or even you're just feeling bloated." "Bloated?" asked Ryan confused. "Mean like it's your time of the month," laughed his mother. "But if you ask me I don't think he noticed anything, and I think he's just always had a little crush on you. Oops I mean her, and once he got in the car with my pretty little Tracey then he was just freaking out a little." "You think he was the only one freaking out?" grinned Ryan. "Of course I don't, but now you don't need to, since you aced this test being out in public no problem," said his mother. "Didn't you?" "You're right?" nodded Ryan, perking up. "I'll pick two games, but when do you think I can get the virtual reality accessories?" "It's one test honey, and I'm already dropping $500 here, plus spending a fortune on our vacation," said his mother. "Now don't push it, and you know I didn't clear any of this with your father, so maybe Christmas." "Christmas!" moaned Ryan. "It's not even really summer yet?" "Well we talked about this before, but maybe think about getting a job like your sister," said his mother. "You think I can afford her wardrobe and I don't think she even realized she let you leave the house in this expensive outfit even she hasn't worn yet? I'm pretty sure she had that targeted for a date." "Isn't like everything she owns targeted for a date?" joked Ryan, rolling his eyes. "Like probably?" joked his mother, imitating him. "And it's like so so cute on you, pretty girl." "Like, is it?" Ryan playacted with a smirk, putting his hand on his hip, playing along being silly. "Well I'd say that little stud muffin over there thinks it is," teased his mother, pointing to a boy with her chin who was glancing their way. "And I bet you didn't happen to notice a few guys walk by you like three or four times eyeing you up in it did you, because I did?" "Mom, I was preoccupied looking at stuff," said Ryan, feeling sick and handing her two games. "Take these and I have to pee real bad." "Ladies room, remember?" whispered his mother. "Sit properly, don't dilly dally and be quick. Got it?" "Like I could forget," nodded Ryan, hurrying off. "Meet you near the cashier." Ryan hurried to the rest room, quickly running inside and locking the stall. The second his panties hit the floor and he hiked his skirt he peed like a racehorse, feeling an instant sense of relief. After a few shakes he felt so much better before making sure his skirt was flat and heading out of the stall. He rolled his eyes looking at himself in the mirror as he washed his hands and then headed out of the bathroom without incident. "Hey," said Kenny, standing against the wall of the private restroom corridor. "Oh hey," said Ryan, seeing him there. "See you in school ok, and this is a weird place to be waiting for your ride? I guess your mom didn't get here yet?" "She'll be here in five minutes, and I was going to wait outside, but when I saw you hurried back here I thought I'd just make sure you were ok?" said Kenny. "Oh I'm fine, and I just had to uuummm," said Ryan, flicking his wrist. "You know tinkle." "Cool, me too?" nodded Kenny. "So I didn't realize you were so into games and stuff. You looked pretty intense looking at everything?" "Oh I was just kind of checking things out. You know for my brother," said Ryan, thinking quickly. "My mom is hooking him up?" "That's awesome, and if you were into it too, that's ok you know? I think a girl that like plays station shit is really cool," said Kenny, stepping closer. "Oh thanks, but it's really just him," said Ryan, softly tapping his forearm before beginning to walk past him. "So see you in school ok?" "Wait?" said Kenny, gingerly stopping him. "Your mom is hooking him up, but maybe we should talk about us hooking up?" "Us?" asked Ryan stunned. "Yeah, I was thinking we could again?" said Kenny, barely able to make eye contact. "I realize you have a boyfriend, and you haven't returned my texts, but I can't stop thinking about us hooking up under the bleachers Wednesday." "Wednesday?" asked Ryan, getting angry and then controlling himself. "You mean that's where you were when I was looking for y... I mean that's where we were when we...Holy shit, hooked up!! Oh yeah and my brother was looking for me or you or I don't even know what the hell I'm saying? Holy shit, under the bleachers and we...we...!"! "I know my brain gets scrambled thinking about you too," said Kenny, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow and trembling as he looked around, confirming they were still alone. "But please just return my texts, and we can talk when no one is around, ok?" "Oh I'll be returning them alright." Ryan smiled with a gleam in his eye. "And you know what, I'm really looking forward to seeing you again after school, but you think we should hide this from Ryan?" "Absolutely not," said Kenny. "I can't believe I'm hearing you say that! I'd love to tell the whole school we're an item." "Then you know what?" smiled Ryan, batting his lashes flirting. "Go right ahead and do that." "Thanks, and then does that mean you're coming with me to my sister's engagement party?" asked Kenny nervously. "I texted you like five times about that and didn't hear from you. I was hoping you'd be there to make me look good? You know, as my date?" "Oh sorry? My mom's been taking my phone away here and there?" said Ryan thinking and smirking. "I'd thought I texted back that I'd love to be there. Sure, count me in and I'll see you soon, ok?" "Thank you so much," said Kenny, hugging him. "That means the world to me!" "Ok, ok," said Ryan, trying to hold in his laugh as he knew his sister would be pissed about all this. "But you can let go now." "I will, and you're so unbelievably beautiful," said Kenny, pulling back and looking into his eyes. "But right after I kiss you again?" "You whattttt?" Ryan started to say, never expecting to hear that. As Ryan opened his mouth to object, it all happened so fast as Kenny's lips pressed down on his and he wanted to scream, realizing he was instantly lip locked with his friend, before it got even worse, feeling his buddy's tongue inside his mouth. For a just moment or two he was frozen as his mind struggled to accept what was happening, and then a cold chill filled his body as he was finally able to push back from the ten second smooch. He was freaking out inside, seeing his lip gloss on Kenny's mouth, stunned, until finally his friend looked down, breaking his tension. "Are you fucking nuts!" yelled Ryan, completely freaked out, looking around. "Sorry, I know it's a weird spot, but you're amazing," said Kenny, looking down and pulling his buzzing phone from his pocket. "That might be a quickie, but for some strange reason, even hotter than our make out session under the bleachers." "Oh gawwdd," shivered Ryan, covering his mouth with his palm. "Sorry, I better go!" said Kenny. "My mom is here. Call you later gorgeous, and can't wait for our next date." "Eeeewwwww!" yelped Ryan, frustrated as he hurried away. "What the fuck!" Ryan could not speak, suddenly sick to his stomach as he stood alone for a moment, trying to regain his composure. He ran back in the bathroom, splashing a little water on his face and then repaired his lips, trying to convince himself that nothing happened. After a minute or two when he shook off the shock, he hurried back through the store, seeing his mother waiting with his stuff and at least he had something to show for the bizarre events that had already taken place. "What took you so long?" asked his mother, standing and waiting near the door. "I don't know?" said Ryan, shrugging his shoulders. "This shit is exhausting." "What's exhausting?" asked his mother, handing him two shopping bags. "Peeing or how about me having to hold this heavy game while my little diva took forever in the bathroom. Here, take these." "Excuse me, Tracey? Tracey McDermott, right?" said a girl, half out of breath. "Uuumm yeah?" replied Ryan reluctantly as the girl was resting her arm on his shoulder, catching her breath. "I almost didn't recognize you as a blonde," said the girl. "You look amazing." "Thanks," said Ryan politely. "Veronica?" said the girl, pointing at herself. "Did you not remember me?" "Yes of course," said Ryan, flicking his wrist. "I know. Nice to see you again, but I, ahh." "Oh thank gawwdd! I thought maybe you were pissed at me or something? I've been texting you for hours?" said Veronica relieved. "Talk about exhausted. I just ran full speed across the parking lot in this skirt to find you. Don't you check your phone?" "Umm... I've just been kind of busy?" said Ryan. "Sorry, your boss gave me your number. Mr. Gordon from the Cheesecake Factory," said Veronica. "He said you volunteered for extra hours for tonight, and you know tonight's our big event, right?" "Wait you're telling me she volunteered for tonight when she was supposed to be heading to the tutor," asked his mother, jumping in, getting angry. "Uuumm I'm sorry Mrs. McDermott, but I don't know anything about that, but in your daughter's defense, we haven't been able to confirm anything," said Veronica. "I only knew she volunteered and she was here since we tracked her phone on Instagram, so when noticed her in Best Buy I ran over." "Oh then what's this all about?" asked his mother. "My daughter doesn't work in this location and never has?" "No Mrs. McDermott, but this is a much bigger restaurant, and we're desperate for waitresses tonight," said Veronica, turning to Ryan. "I've got a few girls coming in from the south side, but no one from her place, but we really need the help. You can score big tips tonight Tracey if you're willing to help out, but if you have to go to tutoring I guess I'm out of luck." "So, just waitressing?" said Mrs. McDermott. "Serve and clean up?" "Yes ma'am, and just for the main shift," replied Veronica. "And we'd pay to Uber her home too my boss says." "Would you mind giving me a minute, Veronica?" said Mrs. McDermott. "Of course," said Veronica, walking away. "Give me your sister's phone, sweetie," his mother ordered as he opened the pocketbook, handing it over. "She's in big trouble again," smirked Ryan. "Gee, what a shock?" "Well that's always true, but looks like Veronica was actually telling the truth," said his mother, reading all the texts. "She actually did have the tutor scheduled, and hasn't even read any of this from Veronica or her boss." "Shocking?" said Ryan. "So since there's no tutor, and since I'm taking the test anyway, you're going to let her do it?" "Well kinda, and put this back in your purse," nodded his mother, handing him the phone. "You really want that virtual reality thing, don't ya?" "Well yeah! Big time, mom," smiled Ryan. "And you'd make her do this and get it for me?" "Would I maybe? And would I trust her that she made enough to get it? It's mostly tips of which a lot could be cash, so definitely not?" said his mother, holding him by both shoulders. "The girl is a lying machine, and still grounded, but its only waitressing, so this would actually give you a bit more experience being out, so I think this will be good for you." "Did you say me?" Ryan was in shock, tensing up. "I thought you meant she'd be doing it." "Hey... Veronica! She's in," said his mother, calling her back over and then looking down at Ryan. "And she is! Isn't she?" "Mom?" gulped Ryan as Veronica was walking back towards them. "I didn't mean I should do it? I didn't mean me?" "Yeah I know, but I told you it's a way to get what you wanted, and one thing you do lack is some ambition, dear," whispered his mother. "But it's waitressing!" snarled Ryan, without raising his voice. "I'm not a waitress." "O please," sighed his mother. "Tracey does it, so you're telling me a smart kid like you can't handle it? I don't think so?" "Oh gawdddd! This virtual reality crap better be even better than I think it is," mumbled Ryan, taking a breath. "So excited to have you helping, Tracey!" Veronica hugged him before taking his arm. "Come on and let's get you into uniform. Guaranteed you're going to score big tonight, so let's get moving so I can give you some of the better tables before some of the other new girls arrive." His mother watched as he was led off by the cute brunette across the parking lot, looking ready to vomit as before long she led him into the big bustling restaurant. It was surreal as he looked around, not believing he was about to work for the first time in his life as a waitress, and then reality quickly slapped him in the face as Veronica led him into a backroom, tossing a garment right into his face. "So a size 4 top should fit, right?" said Veronica, pulling down a series of hangers with skirts before holding one against his waistline. "And oh gawwdd I hate that you'd don't have the fat ass thing like I do. Size 2 skirt should do." "Uuumm sounds about right, I guess," said Ryan, shrugging his shoulder. "New shoes in the boxes in the closet, and here's a lock for your locker," said Veronica, handing him a combo lock. "Change and once you're ready, meet me in the kitchen while I get your tables assigned. 5 minutes please max. It's already crazy out there." "I think I hate my mother and sister now," Ryan talked to himself before unzipping his boots and pulling them off. He dropped his skirt to the floor and then took off his top, disgusted he would be doing this as he stared down at himself in girls underwear. He shook his head as he unbuttoned the frilly white blouse from the hanger and then slipped it on, slowly buttoning it with his nails and then reached inside it, adjusting his little cleavage, as the blouse was much lower cut than what he was in before. As he unclipped the skirt from the hanger, he heard some commotion right outside the door, quickly hopping to his feet and stepping inside it. As the rumbling turned to muffled conversation he could barely make out, he whisked the skirt up his legs, quickly zipping himself safely inside it and swiftly pulled the sweater vest over his head as the door knob turned. "You ok in there?" said an older woman, peeking in. "I'm Doris the manager, and you one of the loaner girls?" "Yes, hi," said Ryan, standing up and straitening himself as he stood up. "Tracey McDermott?" "Oh, McDermott?" said the woman, shaking his hand softly and sizing him up. "Well thanks for helping out, and I heard about you?" "Good things, I hope?" Ryan asked, knowing his sister. "Well let's just say I heard you're a hustler and a decent waitress," said Doris. "But flirt less and work more while you're here princess. Now get your shoes on, clock in and your shift starts in two minutes." "A flirt and a hustler," mumbled Ryan to himself as the door closed, shaking his head as he turned, opening some shoes boxes. "She never even met her and she nailed it to a tee in a sentence." He tried on a few different size shoes, not prepared for the different sizing of girls shoes before quickly looking inside his sister's shoes for her size then finding a pair that fit and buckling them across his ankles. He put away his old clothes in his locker, snapping the lock and then just that quickly he could feel his bladder want to explode, even though he had just emptied it not that long ago. "Ok, I'm doing this for my VM stuff," said Ryan to himself, rolling his neck, trying to stay composed before taking a breath and walking towards the door. "If that ding bat can do it so can I. How hard can it be?" Out the door he went as people buzzed by him with trays and drinks as he ducked back, avoiding contact. He was dressed in a white ruffle blouse with short sleeves that was fairly open on top with a v-neck. Just the slightest amount of fairly flat cleavage beneath his double padded underwire bra would display a young lady with a B-cup like his sister, and assisting to push up his midsize boobs while also holding them perfectly in place was the form fitting, stretchy yellow gold sweater vest. A blue, slightly flairy and triangular pleat-less skirt would fall just above the knee, showing off his bare legs in nude tights and on his feet, black round toed Mary Janes with a simple ankle strap and a half inch wedge would complete his look. He was the honor student now turned into a blonde waitress, dodging servers that sped by him liket bullets as he made his way into the kitchen as Veronica wasted not a second, grabbing him and spouting out instructions. It really wasn't that tough as he balanced his tables, drink orders, and cleaning up, mostly complaining to himself about the customers but quickly assimilated to the work. He was right that if his dingy sister could do it so could he easily, as his excellent memory allowed him to remember every order and correct mistakes before they even left the kitchen. He struggled with the flirting part as he tried being pleasant, yet wasn't sure exactly how he should answer some questions. It felt awkward joking around with obvious teens that could have been making fun of him, or even worse hitting on him, but mostly he just smiled, ignoring them and doing his job serving. After three hours into his five hour shift, Veronica pulled him aside as he came back to place his next order and then the next thing he knew, she pulled him into the backroom locker area. "Everything ok?" asked Ryan, concerned when she quickly locked the door. "Is this like break time or something?" "You have breaks in your location?" said Veronica, giving him a weird look. "No of course not. Hurry up and get changed." "Did I fuck up something?" said Ryan. "Or are they just pissed? It was that nasty guy from table nine, wasn't it? I'm sorry, but I didn't say anything when the jerk touched my ass, but I did push his hand away. Should I not have?" "No you should have spilled a drink in his lap, or better yet kicked him in the balls," giggled Veronica, pulling her top over her head. "We put in three hours out of the five, and remember that was the plan. Now get changed, and our ride is almost here?" "Our ride? What plan?" asked Ryan, mesmerized, staring at her big boobs as she unclipped her bra. "You really have not read any texts have you?" said Veronica, standing with her hands on her hips, topless in nothing but her panties after dropping off her uniform skirt. "It's tonight the party we've been waiting for, and I got us backfilled just like the plan. Now hurry up and I'll be right back after I check to see if our ride is out back." "A party?" Ryan asked, feeling himself straining under his skirt while she wiggled up her jeans. "I mean like the party... Like the one we've been planning for, is tonight... Like now." "You are such an airhead, sometimes," said Veronica, giving him a puzzled look. "Yeah like the one we've been planning this shit for is tonight... Yes like now, and you're staring at my tits, aren't you?" "Uummm No," gulped Ryan, looking away. "I'm just...." "Just admiring in a complimentary sense I hope, and I expected a wise ass comment much earlier," giggled Veronica. "It's cool. I don't mind, and I know it's a bit shocking since last time you saw me change, I was pretty flat." "Were you?" said Ryan, trying to stay calm. "I'm sure I didn't notice?" "Good one you bitch!" laughed Veronica, cupping them and walking towards him. "They really did come out great, and I'm so happy with them honestly. Here, feel how firm they are." "Oh." Ryan was mesmerized as she took his hands, putting them on her boobs. "They're unbelievable." "I know, right?" replied Veronica as Ryan was holding them and slightly squeezing. "Took me a year to convince my mother to let me do it, and I used the money my dad was saving for my car when I can drive in a few months." "So you got these instead of a car?" said Ryan, not wanting to let go. "Yeah! Much better choice right?" replied Veronica, stepping back now. "These suckers get me a ride any place I want to go, so who needs a car? Are you still thinking of trying to convince your mom to let you get them too?" "Uhh?" gasped Ryan, stunned and confused. "I mean I don't know?" "Yeah well you don't have to be a bitch about it, and we all can't be as pretty as you naturally without big hooters, so some of us need other means you know," giggled Veronica, pulling on a thin t-shirt, now braless. "But I wasn't?" said Ryan, squeezing his legs together, feeling himself super tense. "Just get dressed and I already have my friends to cover for us as long as we're back within two hours before our shift ends," said Veronica, shaking her head with a smirk on her face, pulling on a set of pumps. "Doris is gone, so relax we're cool, and it's handled like we planned. We'll be back to punch out, but in the meantime just hurry up and change." "Holy shit!" yelped Ryan, pressing down on his uniform skirt as she hurried out of the room. He quickly rushed over to the single bathroom stall, locking the door and hiking his skirt, unable to control himself. By the time his hand got inside his panties, it took nothing but two yanks before he exploded into the bowl's water. It felt incredible, yet was completely unnerving as he squeezed and wiped himself ,not believing all this just happened. His satisfied state didn't last more than a few gasps as he panicked, wiping himself one last time and then returning his manhood to a tucked position under his panties. He freaked out for a second, wanting no part of leaving for a party, but then quickly knew if he didn't he might give away he wasn't Tracey quickly changing. By the time she got back, he was zipping up the side of his left boot and then just that fast they were sneaking out a back door with his coat barely on. When the steel door slammed behind them, he looked up, seeing a boy holding forward a seat of a two door Camaro as quickly Veronica dragged him in the back with her. When the seat slammed back pinning them inside and the door closed after the boy jumped in, he could barely breath, knowing he'd just put himself in a situation he had no place being in. He was now outside, trapped in a backseat of a fast car with a girl he barely knew and with guys he didn't know at all, headed to who knows where as girl ready to party. Before the tires could even finish their screech, two beers were handed back to them and big strong looking guys seemed to be eyeing him up. "So finally, the infamous Tracey," said the guy, clicking his beer against Ryan's. "I've heard so much about you, and pleased to meet you, party girl!" "Party girl!" said Ryan, annoyed before catching himself, jumping into character. "Seriously? I mean like party girl?" "Oh yeah," said the guy, pumping his fist. "Whatever?" said Ryan, playing the part. "And like what's that exactly you heard?" "Jeezz! Sorry, I didn't mean anything by that," said the guy, getting defensive. "I was just making conversation, and just because you're that hot doesn't mean you should be so uptight." "You sure about that?" snipped Ryan, attacking his angst. "Uptight? Seriously?" "You do know she's kidding right?" said Veronica, cracking up and hugging Ryan as he played along laughing. "Jeezz Troy, who's the one really uptight now." "Oh you got me you wild bi..." laughed Troy, raising his hand for a high five as Veronica looped her fingers in Ryan's, as suddenly they were high fiving Troy together. "I mean nice to meet you Tracey, and I've heard nothing but awesome things about you." "Thanks," smiled Ryan, giving a wink. "And this is Johnny driving us," said Veronica, patting his shoulder. "He's the best." "Thanks Ronnie, and nice to meet you too, Tracey," said Johnny, giving a wave as he drove. "And I've heard nice things too, but I'll be sure not to call you any names like my idiot buddy." "Ah so you're the smart one then," giggled Ryan. "Actually no, dipshit over there is the A student," joked Johnny. "But I've got the cool car." "Again you're the smart one," laughed Ryan, playing along. "Yeah? No," joked Johnny. "And you don't like bud?" "Well I'm kind of not much of a bottled beer chick," said Ryan. "Me either," joked Veronica, taking the half beer Ryan was milking and downing it. "And she's more a keg vixen." "That's cool," teased Johnny. "And slow down cuz." "He's your cousin?" asked Ryan, feeling better now. "You didn't tell me that?" "Yeah and I love him," said Veronica, leaning forward, kissing him on the cheek while he drove and then snuggling in tightly with Ryan. "But I'm freezing my ass off back here, cuz, so maybe turn down the air please, and you're so warm Trace. Rub my shoulders bestie." "That's what happens when you're down two beers we had on ice, dumb ass," said Johnny, seeing his cousin tightly wiggled in against Ryan. "Bestie?" mumbled Ryan, again feeling himself strain to grow again as she snuggled in tight and he softly rubbed her bare shoulders. " Are we kind of almost there, guys?" "Not kind of," said Johnny, parking the car. "Arrived, ladies." "Oh thank gawwdd," mumbled Ryan, needing to get his body away from her. "Damn you really are dying to party," said Veronica, turning and looking at him with a big smile. "I fucking love it! Let's do it temptress!" As Troy jumped out and pulled up the seat, Ryan sprung from the car quickly, trying to calm his arousal as he casually straightened his skirt. It would be impossible to not be in contact with Veronica as she looped her arm inside his and she dragged him into the party as two excited girl friends. Ryan had been at house parties before and had a few beers, but knew this would be no scenario where he could even entertain getting a buzz on. With college kids everywhere, he was thrust into a huge house party with a bunch of older kids, suddenly being handed a shot from Johnny. "I realize you're not a beer chick," said Johnny, handing him a red cup. "At least without your favorite drink so you can just use it as a chaser." "Oh," said Ryan, suddenly two fisted. "And what's this exactly?" "Don't take this the wrong way, but my friend used to date you last year for like a few moths, so I know your nickname," said Johnny. "So I'm not even sure if I want to know the answer to that, but who exactly was that and what nickname?" cringed Ryan. "Ah, we're not even friends anymore, and we met back then at the Rave," said Johnny, clicking shots. "It was Sean Flanagan and drink up! Tracey Tequila." "Shocking?" mumbled Ryan, rolling his eyes, knowing his sister was wild, having little choice but to down a shot and then chase it with a beer. He did his best just casually talking and never straying too far from Veronica or her cousin, doing his best biding his time until they could hopefully leave. He nonchalantly ditched his cup whenever anyone wasn't looking, or at a minimum dumped most of his beer each time they filled them from the kegs. Right and left guys would check him out as he'd catch them staring, but most were too chicken to approach him, as he knew the deal from being on the other side. When a few did have the guts hitting on him, he kind of enjoyed being a little nasty, swatting them away. "So you sure you're the same girl that dated Sean Flanagan?" asked Johnny, tapping Ryan's elbow. "Uuummm," stuttered Ryan. "Well yeah, but I'm sorry I just don't remember you from back then." "It's cool, and I didn't expect you to," said Johnny. "I just meant you're so different?" "No I'm not!" yelped Ryan. "I'm the same. The same girl. I just changed my hair. Maybe that's what's throwing you off." "Whoahhh. easy firecracker," said Johnny. grabbing his arm. "I just meant different like more mellow. Like you matured I guess." "Oh?" said Ryan. a bit relieved. "But obviously I was wrong. and that's more the chick I remember," laughed Johnny. "The unpredictable girl that goes off just that easily. Just that fast." "Yeah. but not tonight," said Ryan. "I guess I have mellowed." "Bullshit you have," said Veronica, grabbing his arm and yanking him away. "I came here to party with Tequila Tracey, and we've only got a half hour left before we have to skip out. Now I fucking know better, so jello shot time everyone." As Veronica raised her voice, the guys went wild and then she hopped up on the pool table and pulled Ryan up with her. "Bring them on, fellas," yelled Veronica, as suddenly Ryan was sitting next to her as a few college guys rushed over with some jello shots. There was little choice but to lean over and take one, as colorful shots went down easy as everyone downed a shot. First the green and then a red and before long he felt the mild zing of the Tequila inside as everyone was chanting their names. "Veronica, maybe we better take it easy ok?" said Ryan, getting a bit nervous as they were both handed a purple shot. "Fine, but after this one," said Veronica, clinking shot glasses. "Ok," smirked Ryan, downing it. "Last one for Tracey Tequila for now ok?" "Good, because I don't need the shots to get a little wild with you," giggled Veronica. "I've been thinking about a little experimenting since the first time I met you." Veronica leaned in now, softly kissing Ryan as the entire place went nuts. As much as he knew it was wrong to be kissing her right at that moment, it felt so amazing, as all he could think about was her topless and sticking his tongue down her throat. The guy inside took over for a moment until he need to shake the cobwebs and alcohol from his mind as he broke the kiss, looking up as guys screamed and a few girls smirking at them. "You really are one hot wild bitch! I fucking love it," yelled Veronica, pumping her fist in the air and yelling loud. "Six pack Challenge!" "Wait what?" said Ryan, looking at her. "Please no! No more beer." "Just lay back, and there's no drinking," laughed Veronica, pecking a kiss and then pulling him back as they were now lying back on a pool table next to each other. "Tighten you stomach, pull your top up below your boobs and you'll probably beat me easily with those freaking tight abs that I hate you for. Now chill and let the hot college boys do the work." "Oh shit! Fucking cold," said Ryan as Veronica pulled his shirt up, exposing his mid-section and then they began piling jello shots on his stomach. "Cold like the cold bitch you are, and maybe very cold because you're used to being the hot one," teased Veronica. "Now suck it up you fucking prima dona, and let's see if your abs are as tight as your ass." "What the..." Ryan started to say, seeing a guy's head dip down and suck a giggly jello shot off his stomach. Instinctively he squeezed his ab muscles, tightening them even further as the guy sucked all three shots off his stomach. Three shots next became four, and kept increasing as guy after guy took turns sucking down the wiggly structures from his stomach as he lay back helplessly, revolted by their saliva. Chants rooted on every guy as they nibbled on his stomach and Veronica's right next to his. By the sixth guy, he could feel nothing as his stomach was numb from the frozen jello sitting near his naval, no longer feeling their gross slurps or purposeful nips, sinking their teeth across his belly. "Frozen and ready!" yelled Veronica, reaching over and grabbing Ryan's hand and then tapping his abs. "Feel anything?" "Frozen and ready to go," said Ryan, looking over at her as their heads were next to each other. "Yes! Big time, but feel anything no? Not a damn thing?" "Ok then! Perfect!" nodded Veronica. "I call Troy and she's obviously chill over for Johnny! Indoctrinate us, ladies!" As Ryan looked up, all he see was Johnny's face as he leaned down, initiating a kiss. As he tried pushing up, he realized Johnny's fingers were looped between his and then he felt a weird pinch on his frozen belly as Johnny's tongue entered his mouth. He quickly spun his head to the side, breaking the kiss and Johnny pulled back a bit miffed as Ryan took a second, catching his breath. "Was that not that hot for you?" said Johnny. "I guess I'm no Sean?" "Fuck!" yelled Ryan, sitting up and looking down at himself and then over at Veronica. "You crazy drunken bitch! Are you nuts?" "I'm sorry! I thought you liked him and he's my cousin. Cut him a break. He is really cute and the guy's hot for you?" said Veronica, confused. "So you kissed him? What's the big deal? I'm not asking you to suck him off?" "Oooohhhhhh!" yelled Ryan in a huff, rushing off to the bathroom and slamming the door. He looked down, touching his naval, ready to rip out his hair in anger and frustration, staring at the silver rhinestone piercing that now surrounded his belly button. He had felt nothing with his stomach being frozen from the shots, but now realized this was a game planned long in advance to be executed by his sister when the chance would come, except somehow that chance was cashed in tonight on the wrong six pack. He need a few minutes to come to grips with not only the piercing, but the insane college drinking game, realizing he better not leave the room being a jerk to Johnny, since he was his ride. He broke down for a minute, letting go of a few tears and then a gasp before pulling himself together and leaving the bathroom. When he walked out, Veronica was making out with Troy while Johnny was waiting, looking concerned as he knew the only thing he could do was walk up to him and apologize. "Hey I'm sorry about that?" said Ryan, going up and softly touching his arm, trying to flirt a bit. "Don't be mad at me, ok?" "I'm not," said Johnny meekly. "I just thought you liked me." "Oh sure," said Ryan, playing along. "You're like really awesome, and it had nothing to do with you. Don't say anything to anyone, but I'm uuuummm... you know kind of bloated, so all the drinking and kissing plus pushing hard on my belly kind of made me like you know sick to my stomach." "Oh that's awesome and I mean kinda horrible too," mumbled Johnny. "I mean I feel bad you didn't feel so good and still did all that. I was kind of worried it was me?" "Oh no, definitely not?" replied Ryan, batting his lashes, acting flirty. "You're really sweet, but maybe you can drive me back now please?" "Sure if you're ready," smiled Johnny, pointing over at Troy and Veronica making out in a corner. "But I'm not so sure your bestie's ready to scram right now." "Yup I see that, but I can't be missing if my mom shows up, or I'm dead," said Ryan, looking at the time on his phone. "Please just take me and I'll punch her out so she won't get snagged as missing." "Of course," smiled Johnny. "And I hope you know I would have never been that forward. You know, kissing you like that?" "Ok," said Ryan, reaching up, softly touching his face and looking into his eyes while covering his lips. "But I'd say you don't want to kiss me again today if you know what I mean. No tooth brush here, and I feel kind of gross." "Sure I get it, and I'd feel the same way I guess," said Johnny, reaching down, taking his hand. "So then you'll just have to give me your number and let me take you out again soon after you get to brush that gorgeous smile of yours? Ok?" "Uuummm?" said Ryan, thinking for a moment and then softly smiling, gladly giving out his sister's number. "Sure! You know what? I'd love that." "Me too," gasped Johnny, overcome with joy. "It's a date!" "A date? Sure. Why not?" smirked Ryan, walking out hand in hand with the cute boy and whispering to himself. "What's another one?"

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Thanks to Steve Zink, the prince of editors, and to Mindy and others who asked me to write a sequel to TEST with 'Alice's' new adventures! This story takes place right after Alice has received her proposal. Note: After Steve edited I made some changes in the story so any mistakes are mine. Test 6: Alice's Adventures in Love and Life By Eric PART ONE - Love and Marriage I am now Alice Reynolds. I try not to let it feel strange. Most of the time I succeed. I'm getting...

1 year ago
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Test tube infidelity

A British man discovered his wife used her lover’s sperm to get pregnant at a Spanish clinicA court ruling from the case is now raising questions about fertility treatment proceduresSix years after attending the birth of his son, and bringing him up as his own, a British man who shall be referred to as Mr X discovered that his ex-wife, Ms Y, had tricked him: the c***d was another man’s. It’s an old story, but with a new twist. The infidelity did not take place...

4 years ago
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Test Run

I had waited feverishly for this moment. Months of preparation had gone into this one instant where I would be asking one of my best friends out. I knew I wasn't her type - and usually I wouldn't have tried anything since the gap between "The Mountain shrunk down to 5'8 with half his muscle mass turned to fat" (me) and her type (basically Zayn) was too big.On the other hand, she laughed at my jokes, we had a lot in common, and we had many friends we hung out with together. Which is more than I...

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Test Driving Me

I was made redundant at the begining of the year, but luckily I got a job selling 'prestige' 4x4's in Leeds. Part of the job includes taking vehicles to clients homes to ensure that they fit in driveways and garages etc.I had an appointment with a couple at their home, so I arrived outside a very nice house at the appointed time, parked up, went to the front door and rang the bell. Within a minute the door was answered by a handsome man in a bath robe about 60, grey hair, tanned and in good...

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Test Subjects Wanted Chapter 2

Candace Krazinki's bank account was nearly over drawn. For the last 3 months she had lived a life of luxury, vacationing in St. Croix, enjoying every last penny of her former employers money. Dr. Catherine Jones had amassed a small fortune. Candace was sly enough to have observed the doctor opening the safe in her office over the years of employment. The doctor was in her factory, fiddling with the equipment. Candace snuck into her office. Three spins to the right, then, 23 to the...

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Testing WhimChapter 2 Testing

"This test is not for the faint of heart," I warned. "I know you've 'sampled' this door, but I'm not sure you fully realize what lies beyond." "What do you mean?" she asked, still staring at the ground. I felt my anger rise at her continued lack of enthusiasm for a fantasy I didn't particularly want. Here this upstart had stumbled into my study and disturbed my reading, yet now lacked the backbone that made her so attractive. "I don't mind playing a dominant role, but this is...

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Testing Grounds Ch 01

May 23rd, 2057 11:24 am PST Like a spy cloaked against its enemies, three small spiked shapes danced unnoticed by the neighboring cells floating in the culture dish. Dimmed light from the monitor lit Dr. Campbell's face while he watched the movement of the magnified sample. Computers hummed in the darkened room, providing power to the algorithms that automatically tracked and recorded the specimens. Dr. Campbell cleared his throat before speaking. "Allie, begin recording. Adenovirus Infection...

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Expiration Examination Visitation Preperation

Brooke White apprehensively approached the Slater Funeral Home & Mortuary. It was the only facility of it’s kind in the county and it was a place she knew she would soon be. Brooke, who was only 19, was surprised when she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour almost a year earlier. She didn’t feel any different, apart from the frequent headaches, she was still the adorable bubbly girl she had always been. It was her father’s idea to bring her to visit Mr Slater, the funeral director....

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Helping with college preperations

“Keith, Keith Zane” the nursed called as I sat waiting in the doctor’s office. “The doctor will see you now” she said pointing to room number 2. The one with the sign “DR V. Edwards” on its door. I got up and started walking over to it. I opened the door, walked in and closed the door behind me. Inside the office, sitting at her desk was a very attractive blonde who I assumed was doctor V. Edwards. “Please sit down” She said while looking over at her computer screen. I sat down in...

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The prepper

She sat in front of him on the floor watching the TV as she scanned through the stations. He was hired by her mother for a very specific purpose based on word of mouth reputation. His hands stroked her neck and her shoulders as he sat behind her on the couch, slight amounts of oil came to the surface of his fingers and hands as he stroked. She was young, she was headstrong and belligerent. However, during the evening unnoticed odors from him caused her to relax. So as he stroked her, she became...

3 years ago
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A Days Preperation

To begin every day, I take a shower or bath, cleaning up nice and proper. I will shave my entire body and apply baby oil, skin lotion and a light tanning cream all over. All to make sure my Legs, Bottom, and Body Feel silky creamy smooth. Yes, I carefully shave my bottom and testicals as well. Then I will push an enema up my bottom to flush and clean it out nicely. Making sure my eyebrows are trimed, I will apply mascara, eyeshadow and sometimes eyeliner; for gorgeous to look at eyes. Next...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 23 Party PreparationsGarys

Gary's Golf Outing - Chapter 23 - Party Preparations Somehow, Kay and Gabrielle left Betty's Boutique unobserved, Gabrielle in her red French maid uniform, red stockings and strappy red high heeled sandals, and Kay in the sexy black bra with her bright red lipstick painted nipples protruding through holes, a black garter belt and panties and black four inch high patent leather pumps. When Kay and Gabrielle got into the car, Kay said, "Can you drive with those shoes on or do you...

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Halloween Girl Chapter 1 Preperation

I had met Haley just a couple weeks into my freshman year at college. Well more like she met me. I was alone studying in the courtyard when she sat next to me. There were plenty of empty spots, yet she sat by me. College was lonely for me, I was the intellectual nerd, smart yet socially awkward. Haley was the opposite of anything I was. She had also just pledge the sorority on campus, but beautiful. Not at all the type of girl I usually meet. OK all girls are not girls I usually...

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Pre Race Preperations

Although this is complete fiction, it was written for a special Friend. Good luck Kat. Kathy's boyfriend had been distant for some time. It wasn't entirely his fault, as he worked a lot of hours, and by the time he would get back to the home that they shared, he was dead tired. By the time the kids were in bed, and he got his dinner, the only thing he wanted to do was go to bed. Kathy however, wanted more. She needed more. Even in the rare case that he was awake, and had the energy, she had...

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The Prepper

She sat in front of him on the floor watching the TV as she scanned through the stations. He was hired by her mother for a very specific purpose based on word of mouth reputation. His hands stroked her neck and her shoulders as he sat behind her on the couch, slight amounts of oil came to the surface of his fingers and hands as he stroked. She was young, she was headstrong and belligerent. However, during the evening unnoticed odors from him caused her to relax. So as he stroked her, she became...

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Peters Prepack

(go ahead say that three times) My name is Peter Pastor. At the time I was picked up, I was a 25-year-old single white male with master's degrees in Computer Science, Education and Chemistry. I taught at a local college. I had kept myself in pretty good shape, mostly by eating right and jogging a mile or so every morning. There had been a lot of media hype the past week or so that we were not alone in the universe. So much so that the President was going to make a big announcement that...

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Testing Ground Pt 1

Testing Ground (1) We'd knocked off of work a little sooner than we should have, but the weather was great - perfect spring day, a cool breeze mixed with sunshine. An extra hour to hike. A stupid New Year's resolution to better enjoy the nature in our town, but a resolution we'd somehow stuck with. Once a week or more, just for an hour, but without fail. Besides, Grant almost always had really nice weed. Today, getting off work earlier and with more daylight to burn, Grant and I...

1 year ago
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Testing Testing Testing

‘Do you love your husband?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then why are you here with me?’ The woman on the bed was obviously thrown by the question. Naked, and with her arms tethered to the headboard she struggled to see the man sitting on a low chair at the end of the bed. ‘You explained,’ she said. ‘You and your partner explained. Is she your wife?’ ‘Yes, she’s my wife.’ ‘Well the two of you explained that it was better for you to show me everything, to demonstrate the items we ordered, while she talked to Ralph...

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PnP GangBangPt I Prepping

There were about six of them playing in his apartment when I arrived. I was the only bottom--several were vers and several others tops, and the host (my FB), Terry, had told the others he wanted them to take turns using me, but he had first-call.The guy whose apartment we were in was a regular FB of mine, and I trusted him to ensure the players in anything beyond one-to-one were guys he knew and could trust. I loved having sex with Terry--we had a dad/son, S&M kind of relationship.I was...

1 year ago
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“Please tell me she didn’t have you try to get her pregnant,” Desmond asks and Stuart shifts between me and my heavy hitter. “No she said not to. She only wanted anal which was different but she said she was waiting for permission from Katy to have your baby,” Stuart explains with honesty. “Desmond calm down he didn’t know and was told it was okay from Katy,” I explain when Stuart interrupts. “Well she said that she messaged Katy to say it was okay and then there was a message on my...

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