Test Subject Turnabout - Angela's Story free porn video

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Test Subject Turnabout - Angela's Story After receiving some negative comments on a previous story I put up (Test Subject Turnabout which focused on a young man who knowingly dated a pre-op transsexual, did some very bad things to her, fell in love, apologized, and tried to win her back), I contacted a well known tg author with a question about dealing with that bad thing. The response I received prompted this alternate viewpoint which has more character development. You may want to read the original story, although there is enough description in this viewpoint for you to understand a lot of what happened. One other note - the original story moves between present and past tense as the young man 'remembers' his earlier actions as he brings the young woman into his place and the story then moves forward. This story starts in the past tense and shifts to the present as she wakes up the morning after their first date, which is where both versions match up. The Story "Theresa, there's something I have to tell you, something we need to talk about." Andy sighed to the fairly attractive young woman about his age sitting across from him at a little outdoor cafe where they were having lunch. She and Andy worked at the same company and had been friends for over a year. "Ooh! Is there anything wrong, Andy?" the young woman replied, looking up at her male co-worker with some concern. "I...well, no, Theresa...not wrong, it's just something...important. I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I'm not really sure how to start." Andy sighed again, looking away quickly in a little embarrassment and then back. Andy Jacobs had been with their company for just about 5 years, having been hired shortly after graduating from college. He had felt lucky to get a job considering the current job market as well as the fact that his degree was in one of the 'softer' majors in the liberal arts field. His grades had been quite substantial and he had been active in several extra-curricular activities including appearing in school and local theater productions, and he believed he interviewed quite well, all of which he felt helped in landing a decent job. Andy was reasonably fit, slender, full head of medium brown hair a little longish, somewhat youthful looking, although to others, because of the way he dressed, he lately seemed to look a little on the heavy side. He had a fair complexion and appeared rather average looking for a male, although some of his female co-workers found him cute, but he had a nice smile, and was friendly. He was on the small side, being about 5' 8", and in his mid-twenties. He also knew he was doing good work as he was constantly getting quality reviews and people seemed quite positive about his job performance, giving him praises when noticed. He just wasn't getting the promotions that he felt he was earning, and he was wondering how much longer he should keep persevering, before considering other possibilities and opportunities. One of the more visible projects on which he had worked in the past year and had thought would be the opportunity to advance, it seemed that most the accolades as well as a promotion had gone to the other major co-worker on the project, Jerry Wilton. To be sure, Andy had received a sizeable bonus (which he was happy he got as he realized he would need it shortly), but he had hoped for a little more. He liked Jerry (perhaps more than he cared to admit to himself) and felt that Jerry had done a good job, or at least it seemed to Andy, who was a few years younger, but Jerry had only been with the company for under 2 years. Andy suspected that Jerry was possibly (or more likely probably) being considered as possible senior staff material, especially from the results of their project together along with other successful projects on which he had worked. Andy did feel that he had contributed more than Jerry had, but also admitted that Jerry did publically give Andy some credit and a share in the success. Andy guessed that Jerry probably did a better job at politicking with upper management. At work, Andy had some casual friends at his level, but most of his closer ones were at levels below him, especially with the younger women. He was almost a favorite with a number of them, although none of them seemed to look at him as a potential sexual partner. He had gone out on 'dates' with several and he and his date always had a good time, but it was never more than as friends and usually in a group. He was now quite close to one, Theresa, the young woman currently sitting across from him, and they would often share confidences. He considered his job prospects and his closeness with Theresa, as well as his own inner desires and finally felt that since this was the time to share his secret with someone, it would be with her. He screwed up his courage while fighting the butterflies in his stomach as he finally blurted out, "We've known each other for some time, and I feel I can trust you. I hope anyway. It's something that might make you reconsider our friendship." Theresa got a hurt look in her eyes which made Andy feel a little bad as she said, "Andy, you're a very dear person and good friend. There's nothing that I can possibly imagine that would cause me to consider you anything less than both of those." She nudged nearer to him and put her hand on top of his on the table. "I'm here for you as you've been here for me for all the time I've known you." He sighed again. "Thanks. I appreciate that. I suppose I should just get it out." "You do whatever you feel right," she said as she took his hand in hers, "and I'll listen, as you have always done for me." He again looked down a little, not wanting to make eye contact, and said, "Well, I..I'm transgendered." And he let out another huge sigh, slumping his shoulders, glancing up at her, waiting for the expected rejection. She looked at him for a moment, gathering her thoughts, replying with a slight smile of concern, "Oh, Andy, why didn't you tell me sooner? I can imagine the pain and anguish you've been going through." "You...you can?" he said rather surprised looking back into her eyes where he saw a tenderness he had not expected. "I've been reading up on it a little, what with some celebrities acknowledging it, and I think I understand some, but tell me about it. I'd like to know more." He smiled slightly and sighed, happily this time. "Thank you. I guess I should start at the beginning...if you have time and won't be bored?" "Not in the least. I do have to be someplace in a few hours but if you want I can postpone it until later." "No, no, I think I can give you some idea, before then. Besides, I'll probably lose my nerve if I wait any longer." "Okay, good, now start wherever you want." And he did, telling her of his early childhood experiences, his desire to be female, his dressing up in his mother's clothes, being found out by her, but her not telling his stepfather, the close calls later in college, his trying to understand it all himself including his confusion about exactly what he was. And finally in some embarrassment, his telling her about the times even currently where he had dressed and even ventured out. "Did you have any problems? Does anyone know?" "No, I think I passed, and I don't think any one knows," he said after a little thought. "But, I don't know, maybe some might have guessed." "Andy? Let me tell you this. It is sort of a surprise. I mean, me and some of the other girls have come to understand and appreciate that you're not the macho, he-man type, that you're caring, supportive, and considerate of others, someone willing to listen, give good advice, and keep a conversation going. But I've known one or two other men who are like that, not particularly the athletic jock type, but willing to share, that sort of trait. Yet I suppose I can see it somewhat. I mean, now that you've told me." "You can't tell anyone, please." "I promise, you have the right to decide who will know and who won't. Can I ask some questions, though?" "I guess, I may not know the answers." "That's all right." She paused for a moment, thinking of what to ask and then continued, "So, are you thinking of, um, transitioning?" she wanted to use the right terms. He sighed again. "Well, yes, I...I'm not 100% sure, but with the way things are going here at work, if I'm going to do it, I guess now is the time. At least get more serious about it." "Why now?" He told her about his latest project, possible upcoming vacation time, and his view of his prospects at work, finishing with, "I've saved some money, and I know how much it will cost and all." "I've heard it's expensive if you have all the operations." "Yes it is, but I guess I'm ready, and I understand this state and the policy I have allows insurance to cover some of it." "Have you seen a therapist?" She had read that seeing one is usually a prerequisite. "I've gone a number of times, and I, we, decided it was time to tell someone." "I'm glad you came to me first. If you need a friend to help you through, I'll do what I can." He smiled a big smile of relief. "Thank you so much, Theresa, I really, really appreciate it." And he began his transitioning, starting hormone replacement therapy, and scheduling appointments with a specialist besides the therapist. He also began laser hair removal from various places on his body as well as working on changing his voice through several methods he found on the internet. And he with Theresa's help, began considering and discussing how he would start transitioning to living as a woman. Several weeks later, as Andy was now living most evenings and weekends as a woman called Andrea, venturing out a little more often with Theresa, they were sitting in another little caf?, having drinks when they started talking about different things including her passing, as well as men (which had come up before). While at this moment dressed as Andrea, he, or she really, was still appearing at work as a male, but had lost some weight, while getting the beginnings of a feminine figure. "Your voice is coming along quite well," Theresa said, "keep at it and pretty soon, you'll have little problem with people accepting it." "Thank you, I have been constantly working on it. I'm just afraid sometimes when I find this place in my throat, I won't be able to go back, and then what will I do? But it does work." She nodded and continued, "Now about your appearance. Have you been thinking about getting clothes that might fit you a little better? I'll be glad to help you." Andy knew Theresa had very good fashion sense, and in the past had occasionally suggested some possible purchases to him. "I know, I know, you've been saying that for a while now. It's just that I'm comfortable that my male clothes are hiding everything while I'm at work. People still think I'm a little overweight when they look at me and nobody at all knows what's happening underneath. Although I certainly do." She smiled at him, "I'll give you that. Your appearance at work is pretty much all male, so mostly you're not even noticed by the other guys as far as I can tell." She paused for a moment staring into space and continued, "Some of those guys, though, the way they look at us girls, I just don't understand them," saying it with a little frown. "I can imagine. I wonder what I'll be thinking when that happens to me. Well, if it does, because I don't know if I'll ever look that feminine." "Let me tell you, from what I see, you're going to be a very attractive young woman." "Do you think so? I mean I think you're really pretty. If I were to be halfway to where you are I'd be happy." "You're gonna have to be careful if you decide to stay working there. Some of those guys are really...well, you know." "Oh? Like who?" Theresa rattled off several names including Jerry Wilton. "Jerry? Really? I've always thought he was a nice guy, decent and all that. He has been that way to me ever since I've known him. Of course, we don't see each other socially, but when I've worked with him and in the halls, he seems decent enough." "Well, I know they're just rumors, but I've heard some questionable things about him. It's said, he can be a real, um, well, dick. Or so I've been told." "Jerry? That's hard to believe." Andrea gazed a little into the distance, thinking about Jerry. "Andrea? Andrea!...You like Jerry?" Theresa asked with some doubt. Andrea returned Theresa's gaze. "Well, he, I mean, he is good looking and all." "Yes, I have to agree, he is. Not my type, and they're just rumors, who knows how true they are. Jerry Wilton. Hmmm." Andrea blushed a little, "I mean, he is nice and all, but...." "That's all right, I understand. I can think of a few other girls who probably feel that way about him." They continued talking into the evening as Theresa made a mental note about Andy and Jerry. By the end of the evening, Andy, now seeing herself more and more as Andrea, felt good enough about what she was doing with Theresa's support, that she told her that she was going to take a big step in her transition and had scheduled breast augmentation surgery for the upcoming week. "That is definitely a big step. Will you be presenting as a female after your surgery?" Theresa asked. "I don't think so, not quite yet anyway, I'm involved in a project which is nearing completion, and I want to get that out of the way, then I have that vacation coming up, and I'll seriously consider it then. I'll also be talking to Human Resources and see if there's any future in the company for me." "So you'll be hiding your changes." "Yes, I'll bind my breasts, and continue to wear loose clothing, maybe even a little looser. I'm hoping that will work." "Take my word, if you do that, from what I know of our co-workers, most will just see you as a little heavier, and, more likely, nobody will say anything. Although, you do understand with the hormone therapy, and now breasts eventually people are going to suspect something is happening." "I know, that's why after I get the surgery, with the time off, I'll decide what steps I'll take next." Andy completed the surgery, taking two sick days before a weekend, got his ears pierced the evening before the surgery, and returned on the following Monday. As he hoped and Andrea suspected, with the way he dressed and continued to outwardly appear, nobody really noticed any of this. When his vacation came up, with Theresa's help, he would live full time for those days and then at the end of it, decide if he was ready to go full time into the future, as well as continue discussing his future with Human Resources and decide if even he would stay there. Theresa was fully supportive as Andy (or Andrea) was beginning to tell (or rather come out to) a limited few others of his - or her - friends. The following Monday at work, as Andy was heading to a team status meeting, he happened to pass Jerry in the hallway. When that happened in the past year, somewhat irregularly, they would say hello to each other and if each had time, they would exchange pleasantries. Andy enjoyed those times and he hoped Jerry still did. "Hi, Jerry. Hey, guy, why the long face?" Andy asked as he noticed Jerry seemed to be a little worried about something. Jerry noticed him and stopped, replying, "Oh, hi, Andy, I..um...just working on a little project. And I've seem to have hit a bump." "Need any help?" Jerry looked at him for a moment and then replied, "Well, it's sort of hush-hush, but I need a test subject for a day or two, a young woman, but I'm having trouble finding one." "Oh, okay. I know a few, have you tried..." Andy reeled off some names, hoping he could help his friend. "Yep, to all of them. But no luck. And this project has a cash incentive, too." "Hmmm, how much?" "If all goes well, $500. And any costs the subject might incur." "That sounds reasonable. I might know of some other women who may enjoy that money. Is it dangerous or anything?" Jerry replied, "Nope, just accompanying me to some places around town. Get a reaction, feedback, that sort of thing. See how they like them, what's going on. Give some ideas and thoughts on what I and we'll be doing." "That doesn't sound bad at all. You sure you'll only take women? I know some guys who could use that kind of money," Andy imagined being Andrea and getting that money or even just hanging around with Jerry. It sounded interesting to him, but he knew it would never happen, although the idea of going on a date with Jerry did bring some interesting thoughts to mind. But he didn't want to think about it, at least not now. "I'm sure, but yes, a woman, and she has to be at least a little attractive, and about our age or younger, and maybe get a make-over at a salon, so a guy wouldn't really work." "Oh, well, I suppose." Andy paused for a second in thought than asked, "Is this a project for work here?" "Well, not exactly, I'm doing some independent research." "Oh, okay, sounds good, I guess. Hmm. Well, I gotta go. Status meeting coming up. If I think of any women who fit that I'll let you know, okay?" "Sure, thanks." "Hey, no problem. See ya." "Yep." **** For the next day or so, Andy would occasionally wish he were now a young woman so he could take Jerry up on that project. It sounded like fun, and being with Jerry, that sounded even better. But he knew it couldn't ever happen. 'And anyway,' he thought, 'Jerry probably has a girlfriend, maybe even several of them, and they're probably all models. That'd be Jerry's style. I wouldn't stand a chance. But I suppose I can help him, and ask some of the other young women I know.' Which he did, even asking Theresa. "Jerry wants to pay a woman for a date? Exactly what kind of project is that?" she asked with a bit of doubt. "I don't know all the details, but it sounds reasonable. Maybe he's working with one of those online places that rate restaurants or clubs, and he gets free meals or something. I think he'd be a natural for that. He has told me he frequents some of the high end clubs in the city." "Sounds sort of weird to me, but you know Jerry better than I do. The money does sound good, but I'm not interested. Yes, I agree with you, he is handsome and all that, and seems to be going places in the company, but he's just not my type. Any luck getting any of our friends to agree?" "No, but at least I tried. He'll find someone I'm sure and that person will have a great time," Andy said, again looking into some unfathomable distance. Theresa looked long and hard at Andy, and then asked, "And he'll pay for a salon makeover, if I remember what you said?" "Yes, that alone would be worth it, you'd think." She looked at Andy again, sizing him up, saying, "Yes it would, yes, it certainly would." She paused as if to change the subject. "So, what are your plans for this weekend?" "Nothing much, I'll be dressing full time for the next week or so, like I said, being Andrea. Maybe we can go out for lunch or dinner or something?" "That sounds nice, I'll let you know. I do have some ideas. Oh, look at the time, gotta get back to work." "Take care!" "You too." Two days later, early Wednesday morning, Andy was a little concerned about finishing the project on time when he again ran into Jerry in the hall with this time, Jerry asking, "Hey, Andy, how ya doin?" Brightening up a little upon seeing Jerry, Andy said, "Oh, hi, Jerry. Pretty good I guess, I'm thinking we'll be wrapping our project up this week if I can just solve some small issues, and then it's a week vacation. I'm really looking forward to getting away for a while." He seemed to get a faraway look in his eyes, but then asked, "How are you doin?" "Oh, so, so, I guess." "Any luck with your project and finding a test subject?" "Nope, and I was, um, wondering if you've had a chance to think of anyone else I might ask." "Well, I did come up with a few names but I asked them and they're all busy. It is getting sorta late in the week to line up a date, but I certainly tried," Andy said with a genuine smile of someone really trying their best to help. To Andy's surprise, Jerry's visage changed almost instantly from friendly to a slight anger as he spit out, "For god's sake, man, I just wanted some names. Let me talk to them. Understand?" Andy got all sorrowful looking realizing he had made a mistake, possibly a huge one, "I...I'm sorry, Jerry. I was just trying to help. That's all." Jerry took a deep breath and said without softening his looks, "Okay, look, I appreciate the help, but it's gotta be help, not a hindrance." Then after a brief pause, with a sort of forced smile to Andy's view, he said, "Well, who were they, maybe I can get up with them and give it a try." Andy, looking despondent, told him the names and said, "Hey, I am really sorry, Jerry, truly, I didn't mean to cause any problems. If there's any way I can make it up, please tell me." "Ok, I suppose. I've got a meeting with some of the VP's in a moment, I'll think about it." Jerry sharply turned on his heels and walked off. Andy felt really bad, with a very pained look, as he was left standing there. For the rest of the afternoon Andy was really distraught. He felt he had failed his friend, and instead of the good feeling he thought he would have, along with his fantasies of even going out with Jerry, he was now resigned to maybe losing Jerry as any kind of friend. Theresa came by and saw him, asking, "Andy, is everything all right? You look like something terrible has happened to you." Andy explained what had happened and finished by saying, "I should also tell you, I gave him your name. He may be contacting you about it." "Come with me a moment," she said as she took his hand and dragged him into an empty office. "I will tell him what I told you, that I'm not interested, but I think I know someone who is very interested." "You do?" Andy thought maybe if he could be part of Theresa telling Jerry, he could get back into Jerry's good graces. "Yes, and... it's you." "Me!?! I..I don't...." "Be Andrea for a moment. Okay?" "I..." "You want to go out with him, aren't I right?" "Well...." "This is your opportunity to see if you really like him or not." "But why would he want to go out with me? He sees me as Andy and I have no idea if he would even accept someone transgendered. And I'm guessing the girl he'd like to take out would have to be model pretty, and I'm not that at all." "Andrea, I don't think you realize how attractive you do look, when you're wearing makeup and you're in a cute outfit. And he'll be paying for a salon makeover. You know they do really good work. You'll be looking exactly like what he's looking for." Andy thought about it, it seemed too good to be true to work out, "He'll probably think I'm some kind of queer or something. He may be homophobic for all I know." "Just think about it. If he calls me, I'll suggest that I have a friend, I won't say who, and I'll find out some more information. I've got some ideas. At least think about it. If I like what he's suggesting, we can talk again after he asks and you can still say no. And if he doesn't ask, well, nothing has really changed." "I guess." "Good, trust me on this. Now I've got to get back to work." Later that afternoon, just before quitting time, Jerry stopped by Theresa's desk. After he explained that he got her name from Andy and what he was looking for, going into more detail, she replied, "So, this isn't a real date; you really just want someone to accompany you and give their impressions and feelings of the various places and how you are handling yourself. What you want is to know if you're acting decent and attentive and interested in whoever this girl that you really want to date, who is apparently fairly glamorous, which is why you're thinking of a make-over for this date. Is that it?" "Well, yes. I guess. I just want to make a really good impression, because I tend to get swept up in the moment. I just want to act and be normal and doing it once through will help calm the nerves." She pondered this for a moment and finally said, "Well, it sounds a little odd, but I can see it being legitimate from what Andy and now you have told me, and that make-over certainly sounds appealing. You seem sincere enough, and since you're Andy's friend and I know he's a very decent person, I may be able to help you." "Oh, wow, that's great! You'll let me escort you around?" She smiled a little to herself, maybe thinking it did sound like fun, but said "Well, no, I am busy like I told Andy, but I think I know someone who might be just who you're looking for. And this person might even get a kick out of the makeover. And I'm also sure, will really enjoy going to those places you mentioned, as well as being able to use the money." She noticed that Jerry's manner eased considerably and some of his tenseness disappeared as she said this. She thought, he must be getting a lot of rejections, and she wondered why, but let it drop. "Do you know if this woman is available? Could you ask her or at least introduce me to her? That would be great!" "Who I'm thinking of is from the community theater group I belong to. And I've seen this person act. I'm sure all your requirements can be met. And I wouldn't be surprised if after this makeover at the place you mentioned, you'll be very pleasantly surprised. I've seen some of their work and it's amazing what they can do with anyone. This friend of mine will easily look exactly the part you want." "She sounds perfect. Can I meet her?" The woman smiled a little and said, "Um, well, maybe not exactly perfect but pretty close. Tell you what; let me make the initial contact, and gauge the interest. I'll let you know possibly later today, but I'm telling you now, if it's a go, you won't meet this person until Saturday when we come together and meet you at that makeover place. But just a hint, it is somebody in our company. Are you agreeable?" He paused for a moment, looking at her, then said, "Sure, that sounds really great. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Let me know when you can. Here's my card." "And here's mine in case anything changes and you have to get in touch with us." **** Theresa called Andrea later that night, saying, "It's all set, I've convinced him to let you have the makeover and go out to dinner and maybe some place after. All you have to do is say, 'yes', and it's a done deal." "I probably shouldn't, but okay, I'll say 'yes'. But I may still back out." "Don't worry, Andrea, it'll work out really well. I'm sure. Oh, how is your recovery coming?" "There's some discomfort which it seems is normal, but everything seems to be okay. It is taking a little time to get used to them." "I can imagine. I'm not sure I'm used to mine and I've had them a long time." Andy now had a number of thoughts on his mind for Thursday and Friday. First he had to complete this last project he was on, or his hoped for vacation may not take place. There were a few details that had to be wrapped up and he was sure he could complete them on time. Then there were his other concerns. On Friday, his supervisor called Andy into his office. "Andy, I'm very happy with the results and completion of the project on time, and I'm also happy to say, that you have definitely earned the next week off. I see you've actually saved up several weeks, are you sure you don't want any additional time off? I can afford it now, but in several months, down the line, well, I can't be sure. We do have some important projects coming down the pipeline." "Oh, well, thanks. I'm not sure right now, can I get back to you?" "No problem, just let me know later today or give me a call early next week and I can get the paperwork in. You going anywhere interesting?" "I'm not really sure, probably sleep in a day or two, and then figure out what to do next." He couldn't say to his manager that he'd probably be living as a woman for the next 9 days, and perhaps more if he decided to extend his vacation. And he surely couldn't say anything about this date with Jerry coming up. Better to just leave it open. "Well, make sure you use it appropriately, I want you coming back ready to dive in again like you've been doing. Have a good time!" "Thanks, I hope to," Andy replied as he headed to the door. And now he decided to make a stop in Human Resources. "Thanks for seeing me on such short notice," he said to the woman across the desk from him. "I don't have a lot of time, but I'm here to provide help or information," the woman replied, knowing who Andy was, being part of several groups of women at the company that often included him in various get-togethers. "What's on your mind?" "Well, this is very difficult to say, and I'm just asking questions right now. I just want to understand the company's policies. You promise that anything we talk about will not leave this office, at least right now?" "We adhere to a strict employee privacy policy here. Unless it's something illegal, unethical or against company policies, it will not leave this room. You aren't considering leaving us are you?" "No, I would hope not. I would really like to stay here for a lot more years if possible." "That's good to hear. Your profile is full of excellent performance reviews and complimentary notes. So, what's the problem?" "Well, I've been seeing some specialists and, well, here goes. I...I believe I'm transgendered. I'm seriously considering transitioning. Does the, um, company have policies covering that?" He noticed that she barely flinched as he said all that. Perhaps this may work out, he thought as she replied, "I think so, I'll have to look. If you do transition here, it will be the first for the company as far as I'm aware. Are you scheduled for an operation? Do you plan to return from your vacation presenting as a woman? That quickly may be cause for some issues." "No, no surgeries going that far at this time, although I have had breast augmentation. I have been binding them for a while. Part of the standards that I'm trying to follow, is that I live presenting as a woman for up to a year before final surgeries. I was going to use the week off to start getting into it a little and see if I do want to continue transitioning. I'm pretty sure I do, but before today I felt it was still some time off. Then my manager suggested I take a second week, so that, and some other things which just came up, are changing my thoughts. So that's why I felt it probably a good idea to come here and start a discussion. This isn't going to get out of this office is it?" "No. And I'm not writing anything more down than that you just came in to review some company policies. I'll email the ones I find later today. Whenever you decide, I will need to know as quickly as possible so that we can make sure that the proper procedures and everything are in place. I'm glad you came down here instead of waiting. But I do need to know almost as soon as you make your own decision." "That's what I expected. Emailing will be fine. I promise to notify you when anything happens that may affect me here." "Good. Do you have any other questions? Is there anything else?" "Nope, I just wanted to start exploring a little. I appreciate that you've been supportive." "You're welcome, Andy. You're a good employee and a decent person. I'll help in any way I can." "Thanks, I've got to get back, it was good talking to you." "It was good. Have a great vacation. Bye." "Bye." Andy felt good the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, where he reviewed some of the documents the HR person had sent him, and tried not to let too many worries of Saturday intrude. He had a good night's sleep. The next day, Saturday, Theresa called and they both agreed that Andy would still be called Andrea, She told Andrea what time she'd pick her up to go to the salon which was significantly earlier than what Andrea was expecting. But Andrea was happy because that made less time for her to fret. She was still nervous, but excited too. After the phone call, Andrea prepared at home as much as she could, putting on slacks and a top, fixing her wig, applying some makeup, slipping on panties and a bra, putting on flats, making sure her dress and heels for the evening were ready to take with her. She also tucked her male genitals as best she could. She decided not to use a gaff, but as her male member was now seemingly smaller than before, she was able to push all three parts up into her, and with special tape, she created a small slit. Friday after work, she had gone out to another appointment she had made. Since she had agreed to the date with Jerry, and considering this was sort of a start to her transitioning, she decided to take a few more steps. And the first was to get a little tattoo, a rose, placed just above her right hip. She decided it would be little things like the tattoo and a feminine appearing crotch that would help her be the woman she thought Jerry would like and the woman she wanted to be. Back at her place, Andrea was picked up by Theresa right on time so that Andrea wouldn't need to worry about a car. Andrea showed her the tattoo . "Oh, my. You certainly are getting daring," Theresa said. "It's too late now, but do you think it's a good idea?" "I was thinking about a piercing or two besides my ears, but decided a small tattoo which I could easily hide would probably work out better. I just wanted to do something that would be a reminder and help encourage me to continue. If I need to, I can get it removed, although it could be expensive. But I really like it." Theresa just nodded, and the two also chatted about the weather, their jobs, Andy's new breasts, what the salon may do. It did keep Andrea from starting to worry too much about what might happen, which helped a little on their way into town. Once inside the salon, Theresa asked the girls, "Does this makeover include hair extensions?" "It could, if that's what you want," one replied to Andrea. Theresa looked at Andrea, "I think that would be appropriate. Probably below shoulder length or maybe a little longer. Is that all right with you, Andrea?" "I...I'm...n..." "She thinks it's just fine. Now you," she turned to Andrea, "head back there, and let them do their magic on you." Andrea was starting to worry again, "I don't know if this is going to work out at all. I'm sure I'll wind up terribly embarrassed and Jerry will be upset with me and...." Theresa said, "It'll be all right, trust me. At the very worst you'll be getting a free salon makeover in a few moments, maybe even a dinner, and isn't that itself a rather nice treat?" "I suppose, well, yes, but what do I do when he gets here, and sees me?" she had begun changing into the outfit she had brought. "First, let me do the talking, and then just be yourself." "I'm just afraid that's not going to be enough." "Well, that's part of the reason I rescheduled you for earlier, so that the makeover would get started long before he'd arrive and change his mind. He'll just have to wait until you're mostly done to see you, and if he likes what he sees, which I'd bet anything he will, well, we'll get him to at least take you to dinner." "I can imagine him just dumping me there." "Look, hon, very few men ever do that. They almost always stick it through, but once the first part of the date is over, they'll be all civil and polite but say something like, they're not feeling good or some other lame excuse. They know if they just dump you, they'll get a bad reputation and it will hurt their chances for future dates if word gets around. Which it almost always does. Just trust me on this. And maybe when he gets here and I talk to him, I'll find out something that isn't right. Then I, myself, won't let you go." Andrea sighed, saying, "I hope it'll work out." She looked at herself in her mirror, eying the dress she was wearing which was a black sheath, barely going down her thighs, sleeveless and very form fitting. Even though she had a matching short jacket and the dress covered them, she worried about how noticeable her breasts were. Her augmentation was definitely at least as much as the breast forms she had been wearing in the past when she dressed. And of course, the hormone replacement therapy was also helping increase her bust size. She was concerned that perhaps she had enlarged them too much. Andrea wondered out loud, "Do you think this dress is too revealing? I don't want to look like some kind of call girl or pole dancer." "Andrea, hon? That's probably a very tame outfit especially if he takes you to any of the hot clubs around here. The only thing it does is show off all your assets, your legs, your new and improved figure..." "My boobs." "Yes, but it's all suggestive, hardly revealing at all. Guys will notice them, of course. That's to be expected when a girl has a significant bust, which you now most assuredly do. But I don't think they're oversized for you. I'm sure you'll be fine, especially if Jerry does like breasts, which I would be shocked if he didn't. Oh, I see they're ready to take you. Now go and just relax and enjoy. When you're almost done, I'll be here with Jerry. And it will be fine." "I hope," Andrea said as one of the girls there led her to a back chair. Almost an hour later, Theresa looked up and saw Jerry coming in the door. She was happy she got Andrea into a chair a good time before he showed up. She noticed Jerry seemed a little flustered, which also made her happy. Better to keep these guys off balance. It makes it so much easier to guide them to the right decisions. Jerry saw her and said, "Ah, you're here already. Hello. Is your friend here, too? Can I meet her?" "Hello, Jerry. Yes my friend is here. They were ready when we got here, so your date has already started the makeover. It will be a few minutes now before I can get the two of you together." She noticed that he got a furrowed brow for a moment but then he relaxed a little and said, "That's fine, I'm glad you're both here. Can I at least see from a distance?" "Sure, just look back at chair number four, there. They do move fast around here." As she walked with Jerry to the portal to the back rooms, and Jerry peered in, Theresa said, "I think you'll be very surprised and happy when you see the finished product." "I'm sure I'll be quite happy with her," Jerry replied. Theresa smiled and said, "Yes, her. That's right. As I told you the other day, I'm sure Andy will be exactly who and what you're looking for." "Oh, Andie? Nice name. Short for Andrea I assume?" "Sure. Yes." Theresa smiled an enigmatic smile at him. Finally after about a half an hour, as Jerry and Theresa chatted off and on, with Theresa noticing that Jerry was being extremely polite and considerate, she went into the salon area, came back and motioned Jerry to follow her. Jerry followed Theresa back and they came upon Andrea who by now had long dark brown hair, a figure that was very noticeable under the robe she was wearing, and already had great looking finger and toe nails, as well as some make up. It was obvious to Theresa that Jerry didn't recognize the young woman in the chair at all. She now realized that it was a forgone conclusion that Andrea would be accompanying Jerry to dinner at least. She felt quite happy as she noticed that Jerry seemed almost taken by how attractive Andrea was now looking. As they approached the person being made over, Theresa said to Jerry, "I expect you to be polite, courteous, considerate, and understanding when you meet your date. Andrea and I have gone to a lot of trouble and we both want to make a good impression and have her be the date you're looking for." "Hey, no problem at all. I'll be all those and more." "And, you are not to make a scene, no matter what. Do you understand and agree?" Jerry paused only a second before saying, "Of course. I fully understand." They approached Jerry's date who was now quite attractive looking, but still being worked on by several assistants in front of a slightly semi-circular mirror and makeup table. When they got there, Theresa said, "Hello, Andy. Here is the gentleman who will be escorting you tonight and has made all this possible. Jerry, I would like you to meet Andy." The person turned around in the chair and gave a small almost shy smile, and stood up to meet them. From Theresa's view, Jerry seemed very happy and positive, reacting like she had hoped he would. Andrea was still quite nervous and almost afraid to look directly at Jerry, as she was sure that any minute he would realize who she was and get very upset. She then realized that he was talking to her and extending his hand. "I'm so glad to finally meet you, Andie, and I must say, you look very beautiful," he smiled as Andy slowly met the hand. As Andy was saying with a slight smile and what might be a twinkle in her obviously blue eyes, along with a voice that while a little odd sounding, still sounded fairly feminine, "Thank you, I'm so pleased to meet you, Jerry," first Theresa noticed and then Andrea that Jerry had begun to look long and hard at this very attractive looking woman in front of him. "Uh, you're, um....," his voice trailed off as he looked at each woman in front of him. Theresa understood immediately what was happening and was fully prepared as she intervened, 'Perhaps we should have a little chat. Ladies, will you excuse us for a few moments?" she addressed the girls working on Andy. As the girls left, Theresa quickly pulled over a chair and said to Jerry, "Please sit. And you too, Andy." To Theresa's and Andy's little surprise, Jerry did. Andy was becoming quite worried but did as Theresa asked. Theresa remained standing. "Jerry, you asked for a very attractive young woman, who you would take out on a date, where you wanted nothing more than a trial run, so that you could feel at ease and know what to say and how to act with a woman you would really like to see, but were worried you might mess up the first date. Am I right?" Jerry sighed, "Yes. That's it...exactly." He glanced at Theresa and then back at Andy, but took a moment longer to look at her, as Theresa saw that he was beginning to accept Andy as a date. She knew she had to be careful here. Andy wasn't sure what to think and trusted that Theresa knew what she was doing. "And you know Andy was quite upset when he disappointed you the other day while he was trying to help? And that he really wants to make it up to you?" "Yes, I guess. I just didn't know how much." "I've seen Andy on stage in many different roles, including one or two women's roles, and I can tell you that he can easily pull this off. You just give him what you know about your dream woman, and he will pick up on the part and be what you want. Isn't that right, Andy?" "Oh, uh, I don't.." "Don't be modest, you know you've fooled the audiences every time." "I guess. I was just acting." "And very good acting. Well, Jerry, look at your date. She looks all woman, she will pass easily. And you know Andy here will do his, her, best to be what you want. You at least should give her a try." "Well, I'm just not that sure. I mean I understand and all, it's just that I'm really not used to going out with, um, well, you know." "So if you went on this date with Andy here, you would have to handle this date with kid gloves and be on your best behavior and be careful of what you say, and really try to make sure she has a good time? Right?" "I suppose so." "And how much different is that then with the woman you're practicing for? This is perfect...If you really mean what you said." Jerry looked at both of them, as it was obvious to both young women that he was coming around. "Ok, I'll tell you both what. I'll take Andy, or may I call you Andrea," he looked over at Andy and she smiled a tiny bit and looked down and then back up, as he continued, "to dinner and we'll see how it goes. If things look good, and we're both comfortable, we'll try some other places. Does that sound fair? And no matter what, I will pay what I promised." Theresa smiled and looked at Andy, "Is that good for you?" Andy smiled back at Theresa and then at Jerry saying, "Yes, that sounds very fair, and Andrea does sound quite nice, Jerry." Theresa was very happy now as it was obvious that Andrea would be going on a date with Jerry. Now it would be up to Andrea to see how long it might last. Andrea was thrilled and desperately trying not to show it. She couldn't believe that shortly she would be going out to dinner with Jerry...on a real date, as a man and a woman, as herself. **** Theresa smiled and said, "Well, I think my work is done here. I'll leave you two to get acquainted. Have a great time, Andrea, and be sure to give me a call when you can." "Thanks Theresa, I really appreciate all the help and encouragement you've given me. It's been so helpful." "Bye, Theresa. Thanks for your help," Jerry said as Theresa started for the door. "You're welcome, Jerry. And just remember, treat Andrea like the young woman she is. Or you'll have me to answer to." "No need to worry. Everything should be fine," he turned and smiled to Andrea and she smiled back and nodded to Theresa. "Ok, you two, have fun, but not too much!" And she left. The salon girls came back and Jerry asked, "How much longer?" "Oh about an hour," one said and the other nodded in agreement. Jerry looked at his watch and retired to the waiting room as the girls went back to work on Andrea saying, "Sounds good, see you in an hour, Andrea." In a little less than an hour, Andrea walked out the doorway to the waiting room, and smiling at Jerry as he looked up, said, "Hi, Jerry. Well, I guess I'm ready." She noticed that Jerry glanced at her and was quiet for a moment. She hoped it was because of the way she now looked - dark brown hair below her shoulders, very nicely styled, with an auburn streak in the front that was quite attractive on her. She was wearing a very short and tight almost black little dress with a jacket over it. Her breasts though not really visible were obviously significant. Her legs were quite sensual and long. She was wearing stiletto heels with ankle straps. Her makeup was perfect and matched and enhanced her features. She looked every inch a woman. After a moment, he seemed to catch himself and said, "Oh, hi. Uh, you look really nice. Ready to go?" "All ready, please lead the way," she still wasn't quite sure how he felt. They walked out the door which Jerry held for her, towards Jerry's car and again he held the door for her, both of which she appreciated. At least he was being decent. Andrea noticed that Jerry seemed to be in some deep thoughts off and on, but continued smiling at him, hoping for the best, but still a little fearful of how he might react. She also walked a little more deliberately as these heels were as high as she had ever worn, and she had so little practice in them. **** As the couple drove to the first place that Jerry had picked out, he turned to Andrea and said, "You are quite attractive, Andrea, that salon really did a good job." "Thank you, Jerry. I know a little of their work, but both Theresa and I were surprised by how involved and thorough they were. I wasn't expecting it at all," she was beginning to feel a little better. "I asked them for their deluxe package. I hope it was all right with you?" "Oh, yes, thank you, I love it! I feel so good. I hope I won't let you down after all you've gone through." "I don't think so. We'll see how it goes, a drink or two, then dinner. It'll give us a chance to learn about each other a little better." "So, Jerry, tell me what your dream date is like. What are her likes and dislikes if you know. Is she lively or quiet? Things like that." He told Andrea that she was spirited, friendly to a fault, could easily become devoted if she wanted to be, liked the outdoors and winter, but appreciated summer - a few more things like that. "Good, thank you, I think I understand maybe enough. I guess it'll be that we know each other a little from one or two meetings, but this is our first date. This and you will be all fresh to me, as I will be to you, does that sound all right?" "Sounds fine." Soon they arrived at the first place, a little after-work cocktail lounge, that was gaining in popularity. Andrea had heard of it, but hadn't been there before, but she liked it as there was a certain feeling to it. With Andrea's approval, Jerry ordered vodka martinis for both of them. They mostly just chatted about little things, with Andrea working quite hard to make sure she sounded normal and that her comments and replies were totally in character for her. She was constantly glancing to see if Jerry was having a good time, and from what she could tell, he was. After awhile Jerry glanced at his watch then asked, "You getting a little hungry? It's about our reservation time." "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. I'm ready, whenever you are." He got up and pulled her seat back, and saying a soft 'Thank you', she got up and slipped her arm into his as they walked out. She noticed that there seemed to be an almost audible collective sigh let out by the males who remained. And to Andrea's delight, Jerry seemed to like having her on his arm. He told her they were going to this really swank Italian restaurant. Andrea said, "Oh, how did you know I love pasta? And I've always wanted to try that place. I've heard they create the most fantastic meals. It must have taken a little to get reservations. They say they're hard to come by, especially on a weekend." He smiled and said, "Oh, I managed." They arrived right at their reservation time and were seated immediately. The place was widely known for making late arrivals wait for some time. As it was, there were three couples waiting that Jerry and Andrea breezed right by. She ordered a Merlot and nursed the glass through dinner which was a light pasta salad for her. As they were finishing dinner, Andrea looked up at Jerry with a pleasant smile and said, "I've had a very wonderful time tonight. I hope I haven't bored you or caused any problems, but if you want to end it, I'll understand. I just want you to know it has been just wonderful from my view." "Andrea, you've haven't bored or irritated me one bit. This has been very nice, but the night is still young. I'd really like to take you to some really nice places after this, if you want. I'm hoping you'll say yes." "Oh, yes, definitely yes! I'd love to!" This evening was turning out quite wonderful, Andrea mused, and she really felt he was now really accepting her. As they walked to the car, Andrea asked, "Jerry, would you like to hear my impressions so far?" "Yeah, I would, I just wasn't sure when to ask you for them. Now would be fine." "Ok, my honest feelings, right?" "Of course, I want to know." "Well, this has been almost a dream date. I'm not really sure why you were saying you'd be nervous. You've been a gentleman, very attentive, considerate. The places we have been so far, have been divine. No girl in her right mind would have anything but a good feeling going each place, or with you." Jerry smiled, "Thanks. I don't know about that, though. I think it's the company I'm with, you make it so enjoyable to be with you." Andrea blushed at that, looking down and said, "Thank you." She again put her arm in his as they walked, which he seemed to encourage. The next place was one of the several hot clubs in the city. Jerry had a VIP card and he also had a place to park, which impressed Andrea as she could see people walking from much further away. When they got to the entrance, they went right to the VIP line and the bouncer immediately recognized Jerry, and let them right in, after, of course, Jerry slipped him some money. "Hey, Jerry, my man, good to see you again! And who's this beautiful woman you've got in tow? How did you rate her? Does she know about you? " "Hey, Sam, great seeing you again, too. This is Andrea. We actually work at the same place but I just met her recently. Be careful around Sam, he's got arms like an octopus." "Good evening, ma'am, you'd better watch this guy. And have a nice evening." "Nice to meet you, Sam, I'll be watching him, but I'm sure the evening will be great." And they were in. The music was loud, the crowd was thickly packed, and people who wanted to see or be seen were in attendance. Jerry saw some people he knew at a partly open high table, and parked Andrea there after introducing her around quickly and went to get them drinks. Andrea asked for just a white wine. The first thing she noticed was that while what she was wearing was adequate, it was quite tame for what most the young women were wearing. She immediately took off the jacket, because she knew that she would fit in better without it, and it would get warm in a hurry. Making small talk with the several people at the table, Andrea was aware that upon taking off the jacket, several guys were quickly making their way over to her. The most forward of them got there just as Jerry returned with the drinks. Andrea was a little surprised but mostly delighted when Jerry seemed to understand what was going on, and quite expertly managed to slip in right in front of the guy, totally ignoring him and handing Andrea her drink. She noticed that the guy slunk back to his friends. They chatted for a while enjoying the drinks and talking to Jerry's friends. "Hey, do you want to dance a little?" he asked eventually, just loud enough to be heard. "Sure, let's go!" she replied as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. After several numbers, they decided to go back to their table and wended their way back, stopping occasionally to say hello to some people that Jerry knew, which turned out to be a fair number. He certainly was known here. And most were friendly to Jerry, and in turn to Andrea. "You havin an ok time?" he asked her. "Oh, for sure, this is a lot of fun," she responded, "I could come here again." After dancing again, it was starting to get late and the crowd was just starting to thin out a little. They had finished their drinks and Jerry asked, "Hey, how about one more, and then we'll think about callin it in? You okay with that?" "That sounds really good, it's been a long day, but a really fun one. Okay, just one more wine, and I may not finish it all." "That's ok." And he went to get another round. Smiling, Jerry returned to the table. While he was away, this time a guy did try to move in, because Andrea was being noticed now most of the night. "Hey." "Hey." "So tell me, are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?" She looked at him with a little smirk, and replied, "There's my boyfriend, I think he can give a better answer than I can, especially if you come back in the morning." Just then Jerry came back with the drinks, and as before, pretended like he didn't even know there was anyone there and cut him right off, handing Andrea her drink. "You ok?" "Yes, these guys certainly are tenacious, but they're mostly out of luck, I would guess." "At least for the good looking ones, like you." "Thank you again. You are too sweet, and kind, and considerate." "Well, you're welcome. Let's toast to a great evening and a great time together." "That sounds good," she replied as she took a nice long sip. "I'm glad you're having a good time, because I certainly am, having you with me," Jerry mused. "Oh, so am I. And again, I think you're a wonderful date, and you'll make any woman happy." "I hope so," he replied as Andrea took another sip. He glanced at his watch and said, "It is getting a little late, and I know you live across town, we should think about going. Sound good?" "Uh, oh, uh...huh," Andrea replied a little unsteady as she finished another sip. "Let's see, there's your purse and your jacket, I think that's it." "Uh...yeah, I...I think. Wow...it is, um, get.getting late, is.isn't it?" she felt awfully sleepy deciding that it was because it was getting late and she had had probably one too many drinks. Perhaps heading home was a good idea now. She was quite happy with how things had been going, thinking that she would treasure this day for a long time. "Yeah, here, finish your drink, not much left, and we'll get going." He cupped her hands around her glass, and helped her start it to her mouth. She downed the remaining wine. "Th.there...all...all...finish...ed, I'm g.getting a lit.little light h.headed!" she smiled as if she had accomplished something. "Good, come on and take my arm." Which she did after a momentary hesitation, and, after Jerry helped her on with her jacket, they left with her continuing to become more unsteady. They made it to his car, with Andrea leaning heavily upon Jerry, feeling like she could fall asleep at any time. Once there she said, "Oh, g..good! I re.real.ly n.need to s.sit down for a.a mo.ment." Jerry helped her in, and fastened the belt for her, and got in his side. "You ok, babe?" "Oh, I.I think...I guess f.four is the.the m.max. Ooh! Uh, I'm n.not fee.feeling so.so g.good." Her breathing was a little labored. "Oh, I'm sorry, how about we stop at my place, which isn't that far away, and see if we can find something to help, then on to your place. Okay?" he asked as they drove away. He glanced and saw that she was trying to focus and respond. "Uh, oh...uh, y.yeahhhhh......" she finally said as it became a slur. Her head drooped to the side and her heavier breathing was now leveling off. **** Andrea slowly wakes up feeling quite relaxed. It must be these satin sheets, she thinks. And then she realizes she doesn't have any like these on her bed. She glances around wondering where she is, trying to recall the last events she can remember. 'Oh, that's right. I was out with Jerry. We had drinks, dinner, and that club, danced, another drink or two. Must have been one too many. I do feel a slight headache. Oh, my, I'm still in my clothes, and there's no sign of Jerry. Am I in his bedroom? Where else could I be? Look around. This does look like a swinging bachelor's bedroom. Did anything happen last night? I don't think so. My body aches a little in odd places, but nothing really bad. Funny taste in my mouth, but all those drinks and that Italian dinner, who knows what might cause that. I do need a glass of water. I wonder if he has any aspirin or something.' She slowly gets out of bed, enjoying the luxurious feel of the satin sheets on it. She wonders how many women have woken up here, next to Jerry. She hears something in an outer room, must be him, she thinks. She sees her little clutch on the nightstand, grabs it and goes to the bathroom, searches and find some pain reliever and takes one. She looks in the mirror, splashes some water on her face, brushes out her hair a little, and takes a different pill from her clutch. She does need to use the toilet and glances to see if it looks clean, which it does. As she thinks about the previous night with nothing but good thoughts, for a brief moment she has another of those odd feelings, but everything seems all right, as again she thinks there might have been something in what she ate to give her these odd feelings. She doesn't think about them again. Finishing, checking herself in the mirror and doing some touch-ups, she goes back into the bedroom, glances around and decides it's time. Peeking behind a closed shade, she sees the sun shining brightly and wonders if it's later than she imagined, as well as how long she has been asleep. She goes to the door and finds that it's locked, obviously from the inside where she is, and she feels a little more relieved. Nothing much must have happened. But how did she get here? She wonders. She takes a breath, opens the door and follows the sounds into the kitchen, sees Jerry, smells the freshly brewing coffee and gives him a nice smile. "Good morning, Jerry! Would you have an extra cup I could have?" she asks, thinking again how nice he looks and how nice he was the night before. "Oh! Good morning, Andrea. Sure. Let me get you one. Did you sleep ok?" As he gets a cup and pours it for her, she says, "Thanks, black is fine. Yes, a good night's sleep. As a matter of fact, a lot more restful than I could have imagined. And that bed is so soft." "Okay. Here you go." "Thank you, I can use that. I do still feel a little funny. Maybe groggy, I don't know. Maybe the wine and the martini didn't go too well together." She takes a sip and obviously enjoys it, "Is this one of those special blends? It tastes pretty good." "Yeah, I found it at a store nearby. They blend it themselves." "Jerry, um, how did I get here? When I woke up, I wasn't sure where I was for awhile. I thought it might be your place." "Well, you may have had one drink too many, or you just got tired. It was a busy and active evening." "Yes, it was, but it was a lot of fun. I really had a good time at dinner with you and then at the club." "Thanks, so did I. A great time. Anyway, we got in the car and you said you didn't feel well, and I suggested we could stop by here for something to help. You said, okay, but by the time we got here, you were sleeping, I guess, so I got you in, and put you in my bed, covered you up and locked the door behind me." "Oh, I don't remember any of that. Where did you sleep?" "Uh, on the couch." She glances over at it through the entryway to the kitchen, and sees a blanket lying on it, and says, "Oh, my! I am so sorry, I didn't mean to put you out. Were you okay? Was it comfortable enough?" "No problem, sometimes I take a nap there or whatever, I'm used to it." "Oh, ok, I am sorry, I guess I can't hold my liquor, what was it, four, I think? That is about my limit." "Four maybe, I don't remember, but you really were a very good date for the whole evening, as far as I'm concerned. I would have taken you home, but that is a distance, and I'm not really terribly familiar with your neighborhood, and it might have been difficult getting you in there." "Oh, no, this is fine, you did the right thing. It would have been a little difficult. And I'm not sure I want you seeing my place at least right now. It's nothing compared to this. This is so elegant and upscale, and very nicely furnished," she looks around at all the furnishings and d?cor. "Thanks, it's home and I try to keep it up." "Well, it's very attractive. So all you did was bring me in here and put me to bed, right?" After a second or two pause, Jerry replies with a smile, "Yep, pretty much. I did help you off with your jacket so you could sleep better. Oh, and your shoes. I hope that was all right." "Oh, yes, that was fine. I don't remember it at all, I must have been really out of it." Angela is quite relieved that it appears nothing happened, what with the locked door, Jerry having slept on the couch, and now his affirmative response. "You were pretty sleepy, I know that." "What time is it? I promised Theresa I would call this morning and I don't want her worried about me." "It's after 10." "Oh! Could I use your phone? My cell batteries died. And I don't want her calling my number and getting all worried." "Sure, here you go

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The Wife Next Door Part VIIAngelas Best Friend

The Wife Next Door: Part VII- Angela’s Best Friend I was emerging slowly from an incredibly restful sleep. Almost dreamlike visions of Angela and what had happened last night flitted through my brain and I wasn’t sure what was real and what was, perhaps, just a dream. In this half awakened state my mind thought of Angela’s beautiful little pink nipples and how I had sucked on them. I thought of how my big purple cockhead had slipped into her seventeen-year-old pale pink labia and had finally...

4 years ago
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Test subject number 4 Complete

Author's note. Thank you all for all your encouraging reviews for my first attempt. I hope you will enjoy the complete story. And many thanks to Editor Sissy Kathy! Kathy, you did a great job turning my sleazy writing in a real story! Love you! ******************************* Test subject Number 4 It is not easy to be a foreign student. Especially when your family is poor and there is nobody who can provide financial support. Managing to enroll, getting a student loan,...

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Angelas and Martin P2 repost

Finally that little twerp left. Angela hated her brother Martin with all her might...yet, for some reason, she felt a tingle from down below. There's no way, she thought. I mean, it was my brother for fuck's sake! But as she reached down to wipe, she noticed she was wetter than usual. A lot wetter. Her brother walking in on her made her wet. No, she thought. It was just a lot of piss that's all. In the back of her mind, though, she knew her pussy couldn't lie to her. Angela needed a...

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Angelas Night Ben Tramer

Ben flipped Angela’s invitation over in his hands a few times. He couldn’t understand why she would invite him to her party. Was it some kind of trick? Maybe Angela and her whore roommate were planning some kind of revenge? No, that couldn’t be it. If they wanted revenge they could have had it a long time ago. After all, he was fucking Gitane, the whore roommate. God, that girl did know how to fuck too. Ben flipped the invitation back up and smelled it. It smelled like Angela. He missed...

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Angelas Night Father Paul chapter 4

Father Paul saw Angela’s car turn into the drive way. His heart quickened and his hands started to shake. He tried to look busy with his plants and pretend that he didn’t notice her. He heard the tires crunch on the gravel in front of the house. “Please Lord, give me the strength to resist this temptation. Please give me the strength. Please. Please.” Father Paul prayed. He heard the car door open and close and knew that his resolve was already fading. He hadn’t turned to face Angela but he...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Wright The Sexy Turnabout

Case 1: The Sexy Turnabout A flash of lightning illuminates the dark room and gives life to the shadows of statues lining the extended hallway of what appears to be in a large mansion. The sound of heavy breathing fills the air along with the pitter patter of heavy foot steps. "M-must keep g-going..." A male voice pants. "Ergh...my heart..." "Heh heh heh..." Another voice cackles. "W-who are you?" The man cries out wearily. Another flash of lightning followed by the clap of thunder. "W-why...

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She Stole My Wife Ch 03 Turnabout

Turnabout is fair play. Kim came home , still dressed in workout clothes and sweaty from a long session. When she realized Andrea was gone and would be out for sometime, she stepped into my room."So, you fucked Karen, didn't you?""Yes I did.""I didn't think you had it in you.""You were wrong.""Andy tells me you always had a high sex drive, how did you manage without? A little internet porn? Spend all night in here alone jerking off? Feel like less of a man, losing your woman?"I didn't respond....

2 years ago
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Turnabout Virus

TURNABOUT VIRUS By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 Dr. Harold Haas handed the younger man a glossy print. "And this?" "What is this Harry?" Smirked Dr. Carl Stine. "A post-dissertation exam?" Even at fifty, Carl still had that boyish quality that had been his trade mark back in the old days at Cal Tech. All those years working in corporate America, double breasted suits and all, hadn't completely erased the child that had come into Dr. Hass' laboratory, some twenty-five years...

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Turnabout is Fair Play

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

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Turnabout Intruder Part 2

Greetings. A few years back I wrote this story. It never made it on to FM or any list. So for those who may have missed it before, here it is slightly expanded. Thanks to CJ, who asked me to write the tale and who sent it back to me. Star Trek is owned by Paramount - the lucky stiffs, and I'm just playing with the characters. Turnabout Intruder: Part 2 By Eric ([email protected]) (Note: The ending of this show always has irritated me. They rushed it because they didn't want...

2 years ago
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Turnabout Is Fair Play

Turnabout Is Fair Play By (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 2001 (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Sunday, 7:30 AM As John Taylor awoke in his 7th story apartment at 1200 Lakeshore on Lake Merritt in Oakland, he looked out his window onto the lake and sighed. Soon this wonderful view would be gone unless he could come up with cash and quick. He knew that this was the day that many of the Chinatown merchants came to deposit their week's payroll at the...

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Turnabout is Fair Play

"Turnabout is Fair Play" (Another Terry and Joe Production) (Kinda, sorta, the sequel to "Jolene") Joe adjusted his tie as he checked himself out in the mirror in the waiting room. "Not bad, if I do say so myself," he smiled and winked at the handsome devil looking back at him. "You can come in now, Joe," came a feminine, but very stern voice from the other side of the door. Whistling a happy tune, he took one last look at the sharply dressed guy in the glass and they...

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Turnabout By Margaret Jeanette Margaret and Stanley Morgan were making love. Maggie was on top of Stanley. That was how they'd made love for the last three years. They finished, and when Maggie grabbed at the clothing on the floor she found she'd grabbed Stanley's under shorts. On impulse she put them on, then reached down and grabbed her panties and tossed them to Stanley. He asked what he was supposed to do with them. She told him to put them on. He protested and she...

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Turnabout By Mr 20 Inch Biceps He waited in the alley. He waited for the one he had chosen. She was plain, a brunette, but with all the curves in the right places. He'd taken his time to find her. Today marked a year of his 'fishing' for new partners to dominate. He'd had many partners; perhaps too many to recall; but today was special. It marked a year of his prowling the streets of the city looking for that someone who'd gone without; who was vulnerable and perhaps just a little...

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Turnabout Trip

Turnabout Trip By Heather St. Claire Patrick and Stephanie had been married almost nine years when they made their fateful visit to the Pleasure Palace, Las Vegas' Mecca for techno- sexuals and lovers of all kinds. They were both approaching their 30th birthdays, and at first glance, both were still quite attractive. Stephanie's long red hair was still thick and full and shiny; her green eyes still flashed with a sexual hunger; her 38 D breasts didn't show a bit of sag; and there...

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Star Trek Mirror Universe Turnabout

Ever wondered how the events of 'Turnabout Intruder' might have played out in the mirror universe? STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE TURNABOUT by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures -1- I beamed down to Camus II with a security team of five redshirts loyal to me, materializing in a large, recently-unearthed subterranean chamber. Janice Lester and her toady Arthur Coleman were waiting for us, as arranged. My...

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Turnabout Possesson

Turnabout Possession Emily couldn't say what it was that woke her in the dark hours of the early morning, but it wasn't the restful awakening that comes after a full night's sleep. Her eyes wanted nothing more than to glue themselves shut and return to their rest, but something kept her from letting them have their way. Blearily searching the oppressive darkness of her ceiling, Emily tried to pinpoint the reason she'd been awoken. Did she need to use the restroom? It wouldn't be out of...

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Turnabout at the Beach

TURNABOUT AT THE BEACHChapter 1Dotty and Carol had been best friends for years.  They both worked in the accounting department of a small insurance firm and their families had gotten together often for picnics and such over the years, until Carol’s husband, Roger, had died five years earlier.  Although the two remained close, the family get-togethers had ceased.  Dotty and her husband, Mike had a son in high school, Greg, who was the same age as Carol’s only child, Beth. Spring had arrived and...

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Turnabout Is Fair Play

Sarah’s nipple was so responsive within his mouth that he had to struggle to keep his suction gentle. Her center was so slick under his hands that he could add his second finger to his index. Her grip on them was tight, but he could tell that she was nearly ready for him. As he was entirely ready for her, his phallus swollen to the point of pain, feeling somehow tight. Chad’s lips on her breast were so luscious that she could almost feel her nipples stretch towards his mouth. His fingers on...

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Test subject number 4 Part 1

Dear Reader, please be informed that English is not my first language and I apologies if my poor grammar offends you. I started to learn English late in life and did it on my own. One of the main reason to learn English was to read Fictionmania :) After visiting it for many years I would like to give something back and contribute if not by good language skills than by ideas. Feel free to use my ideas and rewrite the story as long as you mentioning me and profit is not involved...

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Test Subject1

By Droid447 Aylin analyzed every electric circuit but she couldn't find the glitch that was keeping her spacecraft from reaching hyper speed. Her fuel pods were running on empty and there were no space ports close enough to provide shelter. Lucky for her, a small dot showed up on her long range scanner and she adjusted the curse accordingly. When she got closer to the coordinates, Aylin was astounded. It was a derelict cruiser, and there was nothing small about it. Wow! That thing is...

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Test subject number 4 Part 2

Author's notes. I dedicate this chapter to Ficko, some dude, Brittany, Griz1357, Kevin Meyer, Olioli. Thank you guys for encouraging me. Please contact me if you like to use this story, part of the story or ideas. [email protected] ******************** Test subject number 4 Part 2. I'm looking at the mirror in the bathroom and I'm trying to comprehend strange feeling that somehow, I like what I see. It is strange. I don't like makeup, I don't like my lips being so big that I can't...

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Angelas Party

Jill heard them honking the horn and almost opened the door. She stopped, turned as if she was about to go back into her room, stopped, turned back to the door, stopped, turned, stopped…finally she took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped outside. Her hands tried to cover herself but there was too much skin to cover so she let her hand drop. “Holy fuckin’ shit.” Cliff said from inside the car. “Dude, I have to agree with you here.” Roger replied not taking his eyes off Jill. Jill...

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Angelas Night Jill and Gitane

Jill was naked and bound. Nervously she peered about the room at the men who wanted to fuck her. Jill felt the uneven grain of the worn wood floor boards beneath her knees and curled her toes to get a better purchase in case she needed to spring up suddenly. She cupped her naked breasts tightly with her hands to cover herself. The supple white flesh of her large soft breasts crushed together under her hands and arms was only more enticing to the men around her. They had left her hands unbound,...

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The Swinger Confessions Angelas Hunger

Alone again. Sometimes, well if I’m honest, oftentimes I hate when my husband travels for business. I guess I’m just spoiled, I want him here with me always. Robert’s the ultimate provider. He sees it as his life’s mission to protect and nurture me. Our relationship consumes us, but sometimes his job takes priority. I’ve accepted this and his seemingly constant business trips as the norm, and thus I found myself alone…again. Laptop in hand, I flopped down on my favorite chaise and logged into...

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Test Subjects Wanted

The sign outside the office said, "Test Subjects Wanted." He looked nervously at the door, glancing up and down the street, seeing no one he knew, he turned the knob and entered. The first thing David noticed was her blond short hair and glasses. She was sitting behind a desk, reading her People Magazine, obviously not interested in who just came through the door. David cleared his throat She looked up over the magazine and her glasses at him. "Yesss?" she said, clearly annoyed at...

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Test Subject Unusual Changes

Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature adults who appreciate certain aspects of life that some might from offensive or simple not entertaining. If you do not enjoy transgender fiction then it's not for you. As the author I give you permission to reprint my story freely, so long as you give me credit for my work. If you are a writer, and feel inspired by certain plot details of this story, then feel free to borrow from it as much as you'd like. I'd love to read what you came...

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Test subject number 4 Part 3

Author's notes. I don't like to read small stories. Even if it is a continuation of a bigger story. I don't even consider to read stories below 30kb. It may be a good story, but hey! I need time to be tuned in, I need to be gripped by the story to be able to enjoy it. With this being said, I think it may be better for me to write smaller parts. As this is my very first attempt to write in English I'm getting tired quickly while trying to write a big piece. And when tired I'm loosing...

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Test Subjects Wanted Chapter 2

Candace Krazinki's bank account was nearly over drawn. For the last 3 months she had lived a life of luxury, vacationing in St. Croix, enjoying every last penny of her former employers money. Dr. Catherine Jones had amassed a small fortune. Candace was sly enough to have observed the doctor opening the safe in her office over the years of employment. The doctor was in her factory, fiddling with the equipment. Candace snuck into her office. Three spins to the right, then, 23 to the...

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E112 Wednesday night two more Subjects Subject D and Subject G

When both Emma and Donald have cum strongly, she pulls him up into her arms.  This is different for Donald too.  He is the one who holds Emma in his arms.  But Donald feels safe cuddling against Emma, his ass against her crotch; his back against her soft breasts; Emma kissing his neck and softly stroking his shaft and thighs is magical.  He feels like her sweet pet being pampered by his mistress.After laying quietly like this for a few minutes, Emma tells him to continue with his next subject...

Love Stories
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Turnabout With Sister

I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Dad was gone long before I knew him and Mom never met a mind altering chemical she didn’t like. My sister, well, she wanted to be just like Mom. As for myself, I was a loser as a kid and I wanted to be just like all the worthless gang bangers in my neighborhood, and I let everyone, including my mom and my sister, treat me like garbage, and I didn’t feel like I was worth a damn. Well, it just so happened I had one school teacher who got through...

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Defense Attorney Turnabout Parody

01-31-20XX Defendant Lobby No. 3 5:30 PM "Oh god... Oh god oh god oh god, I can't believe I'm finally doing this." I'm hyperventilating. I'm actually hyperventi- I never hyperventilate! If the court sees me like this, they'll all know that I'm not ready for this! Okay... Okay, calm down Eliza. Calm calm calm calm calm- You can do this. It may be your first case, but you can do this! You've trained for this! You studied for this! YOU EARNED THIS! YOU. WILL. NOT. FAIL. My name is Eliza Hope. I'm...

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July 27, 2020Since 1983, I have watched my wife take cock after cock into her little body. We (myself and the other 900+ different men) have put our penis’s into her mouth, pussy and extremely tight little butthole. Yes, I have wondered what she must be feeling with a dick is “inside” her. I have often heard her tell us “I can feel you cumming”. Can she really? Does she actually feel the jizz splashing against the lining of her bowels or or in the depths of her vagina?Yesterday morning, I was...

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You thought you had him at a disadvantage. You'd been keeping him denied for months. So horny he couldn't think straight. Just for fun you said he could tie you up tonight. He was so eager he agreed to it right away. But, when the time came he was still in his cock cage with his hands handcuffed behind his back. "How am I supposed to tie you up like this?" he complained. "That's up to you, but you have 10 minutes", you said. He ran to the toy drawer and pulled out the wrist and ankle...

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SRU TurnaboutFair Play

SRU: Turn-about...fair play? by Bobbi Dare (Copyright 1999, all rights reserved) This a story set in the Spells'R Us universe, created by Bill Hart. So I guess he can claim some credit for this work (but none of the blame). ------------------------------------ *That creep...that goddamn asshole...I can't believe I'm even here with him! Why am I still here...oh shit, walk faster...I gotta catch up...damn, he's walking too fast* "Will...

5 years ago
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Turnabout is Fair Play femdom

We're about five years married so far and my wife Jamie is pretty straight laced, other than a few visits to couples clubs which she wrote about here in Literotica. Anyway, the one thing missing from our sex lives as far as I was concerned was anal sex. I never had the pleasure before marriage, and Jamie has always resisted any attempts on my part to experiment. She has considered it unnatural, dirty, and probably painful. No amount of cajoling had convinced her otherwise until recently....

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My regular friend came by today to cream my hole - I had worked all night and one of my favorite things to do is have a nice hard fuck then sleep like a baby with a big hot load in my ass. Today my lover didnt dissapoint. He came in and I fell to my knees and got him nice and hard in my mouth. I like to tickle the underside of his cock and wriggle the tip of my tongue in his pee hole. He backed out of my mouth so I knew that he had a pent up load to give me. I gave his hairy nut sack a quick...

4 years ago
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Watching sis In Law Turnabout

After my recent experience of watching my s*s in law get off in the bathtub, I find that most every time I think about it I get aroused and need to rub one off to satisfy the state of excitement. Because her job requires some travel, she sometimes spends 2-3 day per week with us and has complete access to our home.The wife is out, and I am laying back in the bed with my hard cock in my hand, slowly stroking. I have a porno on the bedroom TV, but I am really thinking of the next time I get a...

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Jazz Turnabout

March 8th, 1929 Jazz music and alcohol flowed as wealthy patrons flaunted the law of the land. Every vice was serviced here at the Seven Scriptures, the seediest dive in town. It was temple to excess, a place where even the most ardent Temperence Leaguer would find tempting. Bones Malone, notorious gangster, took in the smell of it all. He loved the stink of this town, this den of sin. It filled his pockets with money, and that meant power. Looking up at the stage, Bones...

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Turnabout Part 2

I woke up the next morning and, before I opened my eyes, felt my chest. "Shit," I said, feeling breasts. "Shit shit shit." Another day in drag. OK, I knew it wasn't drag since I was Jess, but it may as well have been. The alarm went off. Jess rolled over, opened her eyes and said, "So, it wasn't a dream..." "Nope. The nightmare continues." "That's upbeat," she said, getting up to pee. As she walked out, I walked in and sat down. The seat was wet. "Would it kill you lift...

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Turnabout Part 3

When I woke up and looked over, Jess was up and looking at me. "Hey beautiful," she said, giving me a kiss. "That's a wake-up call," I smiled. I had gotten used to her calling me beautiful. At first, it felt weird and mocking. Now it felt normal. "What time is it?" "9:15." "How long have you been up?" "About an hour," she said. "Why didn't you wake me? Weren't you bored?" "I read the paper. Besides you looked so sexy lying there. " I was wearing a teal satin nightie...

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Turnabout Part 4

"Do I look OK?" We were going to my parents for Rosh Hashanah. I was wearing a blue v neck three quarter sleeve top with a black wool skirt that fell 2" above the knee and white Tory Burch espadrilles with a black toe. I was wearing a blue quartz necklace. I was down another 3 pounds. "Should I have worn the blue dress?" "You are so adorable." "I'm serious. They haven't seen me like this." "You look beautiful. Plus, it's not like you transitioned or something. As far as they...

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Turnabout Part 5

The next day, Jess tried to call me while I was getting dressed. I saw her number on the phone. "Fuck you for calling," and I hung up. I was trying to decide what to wear. I was not in the mood for a dress. Given everything that transpired, my brain was not in dress mode. I put on a white blouse, black wool skinny pants and a pair of black boots with a 3" heel. I looked at myself in the mirror. "You are ready to kick ass. You are ready to kick ass. You are ready to kick...

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Turnabout Part 6

We were walking into the apartment after dinner with my parents. "What's wrong with this outfit?" I was wearing a blue women's oxford shirt, black skinny jeans, boots and a black blazer. "Nothing," Jess said, with a smile. "You actually look really good. Clothes look good on you." "Why did she say something then?" She laughed. "That is a separate question." "Why is she pushing my buttons?" Jess grinned widely. "She installed them." "Why did she never bother me this...

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Turnabout Part 7

It was Charles' day off, so Marty offered to take us to the airport. It was only twenty minutes from the house to Miami International, but those were the longest twenty minutes of my life. South Florida traffic is, at its best, a harrowing experience. It's a mix of people too old and blind to drive and people driving according to the law - the law, as Dave Barry says, of their home country. The speed limit is viewed as, at most, a suggestion. I was not a shy driver. I had cut my...

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Turnabout Part 8

Jess and I were about to leave the airport to go to the Breakers. I turned to her and asked, "Do I look OK?" I was wearing a batik print dress that came to just above the thigh and a pair of Tom's canvas espadrilles. I would have worn sandals but it was too cold. "Stop it. You look gorgeous. That dress is perfect. I can't believe you put in all this effort for the plane," Jess said. "These are your co-workers. We're going from the airport with them. The host VP, what his name...

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Turnabout Part 9

I woke up Tuesday morning ready to face the day. Today was the day we were going to try and get pregnant. I had been regularly checking my basal temperature and I was sure that this afternoon was the perfect time. Jess was next to me, still snoring. I looked at the ceiling and thought about yesterday. "Do you really think people care that much? Do you really think they spent time going, 'do you think she knows he cheated on her?' No, they didn't. People are self-absorbed. If...

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Turnabout Part 10

Wednesday night was the couples' dinner. As part of team building, they would pair you with another couple, not from your district (if you were sales) and not from headquarters (if you were like us). I suppose the idea was for everyone to get to know each other. As I said, when we were the old us, I'd end up in conversations about sports with the husband, if his wife was the Stone person. If the husband was the Stone person, Jess would have some awkward conversation with the wife...

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Turnabout Part 11

The dinner Friday night had been amazing. When Greg announced Jess' promotion, everyone came over and congratulated her. Jane came over and said, "That explains the bar." "Sorry," I said, "I wasn't sure what was for public consumption..." She laughed. "Please. I totally get it." She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "Did you see Bonnie's face when they announced Julie Mannheim was getting Bruce's job?" I giggled and said, "I am above such things," and then I paused,...

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Turnabout Part 12

Saturday morning. We were going to brunch with Michelle and Amanda at a restaurant a couple of blocks from their place. We were first so we gave our name to the hostess. There was a wait for a table so we went to the bar for a drink. I knew that I wasn't pregnant so I had a mimosa. It had been a long week and I needed a break. Jess looked at me and I just said "not today, OK? It doesn't really matter today, does it? Who knows maybe it'll help?" She put her hand on my...

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Turnabout Part 13

The average full sized watermelon weighs 18 pounds. A mini watermelon weighs seven. Now, you're asking yourself, 'why does she know this?' It's actually quite logical. RIght after I told Danny about the positive test, I downloaded a pregnancy app to my phone - and I'm proud of that. Plato said, 'the unexamined life is not worth living,' and I was going to have the Platonic ideal of a pregnancy. I wanted to keep track of every aspect of my pregnancy and the baby's development. I...

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Turnabout Part 14

December 16 - 25 weeks pregnant. Thumper was as big as cauliflower. I was meeting Laura to go shopping for Carrie's Christmas party. I didn't really want to go shopping or to deal with anyone. I had had a horrible week at work, which was capped by something that happened yesterday. Every year, Danny's company had a Christmas open house, also known as the "kiss the ring" ceremony. Basically, everyone brought their kids in and they had candy and cookies and someone dressed as...

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