Expiration, Examination, Visitation, Preperation free porn video

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Brooke White apprehensively approached the Slater Funeral Home & Mortuary. It was the only facility of it’s kind in the county and it was a place she knew she would soon be. Brooke, who was only 19, was surprised when she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour almost a year earlier. She didn’t feel any different, apart from the frequent headaches, she was still the adorable bubbly girl she had always been.

It was her father’s idea to bring her to visit Mr Slater, the funeral director. Brooke was naturally scared of death, she didn’t know what to expect. She had explained countlessly to her father the fear of her passing, the uncertainty about her body and the process which awaited her in the small town’s mortuary.

Brooke walked behind her father and into the morgue. She was a short girl, with long black hair which she had tied up into a bun. She had dressed herself that morning in a tight black t-shirt which brought emphasis to the large D sized breasts. Brooke wore on her lower half some tight black leggings which showed the shape of her toned short legs.

Brooke felt the softness of the carpet through her sneakers as she stepped into the funeral home, the place smelled floral and fresh. Mr Slater soon appeared, and he did not meet Brooke’s expectations. The man was old, probably old enough to be her grandfather. He walked with a hobble and was slightly hunched over. “Hello” he grinned, gazing down at Brooke who stood at only 5’3.

“Hey” Brooke shyly smiled, her green eyes glancing away from the director.

Brooke’s dad and Mr Slater shook hands before he led them to his office a short way up the hall, they all took a seat around Mr Slater’s large oak desk. “So” Mr Slater spoke, his voice echoing around the room. “You want to know what will happen when you die?” he continued, his eyes looking down at Brooke.

“Yeah” Brooke spoke, looking nervously up towards her father.

“Go ahead” he reassured her.

“It’s not so much what happens to me, but what will happen with my body. What happens here and stuff?” she tried to explain, her voice wavering with nerves.

Mr Slater nodded his head. “Well, where do you want me to start? The second you come into my custody?” He raised his eyebrows and gazed down at timid little Brooke.

Brooke nodded.

“Well” he spoke. “When you arrive here we will take you into the morgue where we will undress you and examine you. Because of your illness you most likely won’t be needing an autopsy but we will examine your body, take note of your identifying features; hair colour, eyes, height, weight-”

“So, you’ll see me naked?” Brooke softly muttered, bowing her head to avoid eye contact with the large elderly man before her.

“I will” Mr Slater confirmed, taking an opportunity to glance at the teenage girl’s large firm breasts underneath her tight t-shirt.

“It’s okay” Brooke’s dad said, trying to comfort his only daughter.

“After we have examined you we will place you in a fridge until the details of your funeral are finalised, then the embalming process will begin” Mr Slater spoke.

“What does that mean?” asked the trembling girl.

“You will be cleaned before I make a small cut in your femoral region and drain blood from you, replacing it with an embalming fluid. Your vagina will be stuffed with a gauze and glued together to prevent any bodily fluids leaking out of you. I will also glue your eyes together, your mouth. It’s a strong adhesive substance and it won’t be noticed at your funeral. It will just look like you will be asleep.”

Brooke thought for a moment, her small hands trembled on her lap at the thought of the looming Mr Slater working on her petite young body. She felt violated and the man hadn’t even done anything to her. Brooke glanced towards her father who gave her a sympathetic smile. She felt uncomfortable having her private parts discussed so openly in front of him.

Mr Slater watched the young girl for a moment. He could see that she was startled by the information he had given to her and he could see she was clearly scared about the process. Mr Slater’s penis jolted in his pants at the thought of the young girl lying on his table in the not so distant future. He had worked on young females before but there was something special about Brooke White. He had never met any of his decedents alive.

“Is it true?” Brooke’s tight trembling voice squeaked. “Is it true that I will pee myself?”

“You may” Mr Slater nonchalantly answered. “Depends what your body wants to do. It depends how much is in your bladder. If you go to the toilet before you die, then you will probably stay dry down there.” Mr Slater glanced towards Brooke’s crotch, her hands sat on her thighs which were presented in the tightness of her black leggings.

“There are things I can confirm with your body. One thing for sure is your muscles will stiffen up in a process called rigor mortis. That will last for a day or so before they will relax again. Livor mortis will occur as well, that is where your blood will pools at the lowest point due to gravity.”

Brooke slowly shook her head. She had heard enough, she felt incredibly uncomfortable at the thought of the man touching her body with his large wrinkled hands. Mr Slater on the other hand looked down at the girl, excited for the day he could spend time with the sick girl’s body.


Brooke White died sooner than the doctors had expected. A day after her meeting with Mr. Slater she had been walking through the town’s park, with her brother, when a searing heat came across her head. She took a seat on a park bench where life slowly faded out and her delicate heart soon stopped.

Mr Slater entered the morgue and saw the adorable girl he had once met lying on her back on the table, still fully clothed in the outfit she had dressed herself in that morning. He knew Brooke White would be back, he just didn’t expect it so soon. He walked towards her, firmly asserting his hand on her small ankle. “Back so soon?” he grinned, his large hand crawling up the nylon of her black leggings and over her muscular thigh which he slowly caressed. Mr Slater soon felt a warmth on the girl’s cooling body. “Had a little accident?” he asked her, a large patch of urine soaked into the material of the leggings.

Of course, Brooke never answered. Her head was resting on the metal block, her green eyes hung slightly open and her dry lips were slowly turning a subtle blue. Mr Slater walked to the foot of the table and untied the laces of the girl’s sneakers, slipping them off her small feet along with the white socks she also wore. He tossed her shoes aside and wandered to the head of the table and ran his hand through the locks of Brooke’s dark hair, gazing at her paling young face.

Mr Slater reached for the base of Brooke’s t-shirt and rolled it up her torso, revealing her toned smooth stomach. He pulled it over the hurdle which was her large D cup breasts and continued up, pulling it over her head and yanking her thin arms out. Mr Slater threw the t-shirt aside and gazed at the girl’s breasts which sat comfortably in a lacy pink bra. He placed his large hand on her left tit and squeezed it hard, leaving firm impressions on the girl’s breast where his fingers had dug in. Mr Slater let out a little chuckle to himself.

He moved down to the girl’s lower garments and began to pull the tight leggings off her, revealing her smooth toned legs. He crawled his hand up her legs taking great pleasure in massaging the muscular thigh of the deceased girl. “You’re beautiful” he muttered, examining Brooke who was now wearing nothing but her underwear; a pink bra and black panties.

He placed his fingers on the warm wet patch of the girl’s panties, taking time to feel her vagina underneath. The girl’s pussy was tight, and wet with the remnants of the urine. “You poor thing” he sympathised, pulling the urine-soaked panties down the girl’s legs.

He made his way back up to the head of the table and lifted Brooke up into a seated position, her limp torso leaning against Mr Slater. He looked down as his large hands fumbled with the strap at the back of Brooke’s pink bra until is suddenly snapped apart and her large firm breasts fell free from the constraints of the undergarments.

Brooke White lay naked on the metal slab, her body slowly cooling. Mr. Slater stared at the young woman’s body, her large breasts, and stiff nipples. He felt his cock beginning to stand to attention over the girl and he approached the top of the slab and ran his large hand over the girl’s face. Brooke’s eyes were slightly open and oblivious to the hand which crawled over her. The girl’s lips were dry and beginning to turn blue, her cute nose never to let out a breath again.

Mr. Slater switched on the voice recorder and began his external examination of Brooke White. “The decedent is a healthy, well nourished and matured female of 19 years. She has long black hair, green eyes, her height is 5’3 and her weight is 110 pounds. The girl has medical history of an inoperable brain tumour the most probably cause of her death. Brooke arrived wearing a pair of navy blue sneakers, white socks, black leggings and a grey t-shirt. She was also wearing a pink bra, D cup, and black panties. Note, the female had urinated herself during the onset of death.”

Mr. Slater switched the recorder off and clambered onto the slab, his large body looming over the petite girl’s corpse, he slipped his large dick out and inserted it into Brooke’s tight cleanly shaven vagina. The girl who had only been dead a couple hours still held a slight warmness to her as Mr. Slater began to slowly fuck her corpse. He groaned as his pace increased, he looked at the girl’s dead gaze and wondered how she would feel about the situation. Mr. Slater began to speed up, the girl’s dry vagina making it rough for the elderly man who still had a good fuck in him. He could feel the girl’s breasts move under the momentum of her post-mortem rape. Mr. Slater fired his cum into the girl’s vagina and let out a heavy sigh of relief before rolling off of the slab. As Mr. Slater caught his breath he heard the nearby phone ringing.


Mr. Slater led Brooke’s father and brother into the morgue where their little relative was lying. It was early evening and the girl had been dead close to 7 hours when they arrived to view her. “Once again, I’m sorry for your loss” Mr. Slater stated, holding a bag of clothes the girl’s family had delivered for her to be buried in.

“I thought she’d be covered up or something” Mr. White said, seeing his daughters body lying on the slab naked and with everything on show, apprehensive to approach her.

“I’m afraid that’s just on TV” Mr. Slater answered, leading the relatives closer.

The relatives of Brooke White were silent for a moment as they stared at her corpse which had already started to stiffen, her blood beginning to pool and discolour her skin. “Can I touch her?” her father asked, beginning to reach forward.

“Of course” Mr. Slater answered, wondering how her relatives would react if they had seen him just hours earlier fucking their loved one.

Brooke’s father stepped forward, glancing at her large cool breasts, her nipples still hard and stiff. He places his hand on her face and slowly ran it upwards and through the long black hair of his daughter. “She’s so cold” Mr. White’s voice described.

“I’m sorry for your loss” Mr. Slater repeated, studying Brooke’s brother who stood silently staring at the body of his younger sister.

“She was so scared about been seen like this” Mr. White sobbed, his tears falling onto the face of his daughter.

“I know” Mr. Slater nodded, remembering the meeting from the previous day with Brooke and her father. The girl had been so frightened and now she lay on his table, cold and stiff, one load of cum already fired into her vagina. “Your daughter truly is beautiful” he complimented the family, staring at the young naked body.

“What’s that?” Brooke’s brother piped up.

“What?” wondered Mr. Slater, concerned.

“That stuff?” her brother continued, pointing towards his sister’s vagina.

Mr. Slater stepped forward and inspected the vagina of Brooke White. Dripping slowly from the lips of her pussy was his cum which he had fired into her earlier. “That’s semen” he explained. “That’s her semen” he lied. “Your daughter’s body is going through post-mortem ejaculation, it’s a completely natural process. It is why before burial we will place a gauze up there to soak up her fluids as well as sewing her vagina up” Mr. Slater continued, lying about the origin of the cum.

“Stop looking at your sister’s vagina” scolded Mr. White to his son. “Give her some respect” glancing at his daughter’s vagina for a moment himself.

“Sorry” sulked Brooke’s brother whose cock was beginning to harden under the presence of his sister’s cold naked corpse.

“Mr. White, I will get your daughter looking beautiful, don’t worry about it” promised Mr. Slater, admiring the girl’s naked body.

Mr. White thanked the funeral director before leaving the morgue, his son following closely behind him. As soon as all had fallen silent in the home and the White family had departed Mr. Slater returned to Brooke’s corpse.

Her lifeless stare was fixated on the ceiling of the morgue and Mr Slater approached placing his large hands firmly on the girl’s breasts. “I’m so sorry you had to die” he spoke, feeling Brooke’s erect and hard nipples. “You’re a beautiful little girl” he breathed, leaning forward and beginning to kiss the nineteen-year-old’s dry lips. He kissed the corpse passionately for several minutes, running his hand over her cheek, through her long black hair.


Brooke White had spent the last five days laying on a gurney locked in the crammed fridge of Slater Funeral Home & Mortuary. She was the only body under sixty and the only female in the packed walk-in fridge. Brooke White never considered that when she died, she would be locked in a room amongst naked elderly men.

Brooke’s green eyes were clouded yet remained open, she was completely pale, and the nipples of her large breasts were harder than they had ever been when she was alive. Brooke’s legs were open slightly and a deceased ninety-four-year-old man who lay opposite had his eyes fixed on her tight vagina.

“Oh Brooke!” called Mr. Slater excitedly before banging his large fist on the metal door of the fridge, the booming sound echoing around the fridge’s interior. The bodies all remained still as he opened the heavy door allowing light to be cast inside illuminating the corpses who had all been brought together.

“Brooke White” grinned the large elderly man walking over to Brooke’s gurney. “It’s your turn” he stated. “Your funeral is tomorrow. Let’s get you away from all these new friends you made” he chuckled, glancing at the bodies of the elderly men.

Mr. Slater pushed Brooke’s gurney down the tiled hallway with a smile on his face, every crack the gurney jolted over caused the girl’s large breasts to jiggle. “Can you believe a week ago you came in here with your dad to discuss your funeral?” Slater spoke in a state of bewilderment. “Now look at you” he shook his head, his eyes distracted by the D cup breasts which bounced over every bump of the tiled floor.

They soon arrived at the prep room and Mr. Slater placed one arm under Brooke’s knees, the other under her neck and lifted her naked corpse up before placing her on the metal table. He pushed the gurney away and took a moment to straighten Brooke’s body up, placing a metal headrest under her skull.

Mr. Slater turned the hose system on which operated like a shower, the water running down the metal table around Brooke’s body and draining down the plughole at the base of the table. Mr. Slater leaned into Brooke’s neck and kissed the cold flesh around her collar bone. “You’re beginning to smell” he spoke dryly, lifting the hose and directing it straight at Brooke’s face.

The water rushed at Brooke’s face some making its way into her nostrils. Mr. Slater directed the hose at her hair making sure it was all wet before moving down. He grabbed her left breast and squeezed with a grin on his wrinkled face as he blasted the hose of water at the girl’s large breasts moving it down her stomach towards her waist. There was the sudden sound of knocking on the door of the funeral home which startled Mr. Slater. He turned the water off and left the hose resting on Brooke’s torso, her dead clouded green eyes staring down the metal slab at her body.

Mr. Slater was surprised at who was visiting, it was Sam, Brooke’s older brother who had a pale look on his face. “Mr. Slater, please, I want to see her again, I want to see her before her funeral, please” he desperately pleaded.

“Follow me” Mr. Slater said inviting the young man in. He led him down the hall to the room where Brooke’s half washed cadaver lay. “There she is” he spoke.

Sam walked forward towards the table and grabbed his sister’s cold hand. His eyes scanned from the haunting look on her face downwards past her large breasts towards her hips and tight vagina. “It’s okay if you want to look down there” comforted Slater.

“I’ve never seen a woman, naked” he nervously stuttered, his eyes still prowling over Brooke’s body.

Mr. Slater stepped forward and grabbed the hose, turning the water back on. “Right now, I’m just cleaning her. Took her out the fridge this morning.” He directed the stream of water at her waist and down to her vagina. Slater elbowed Brooke’s legs open slightly so the stream of cold water was been blasted right at her pussy. Slater gently rubbed the girl’s vagina allowing a finger to slip inside of her as he cleaned her. “Got to make sure she gets cleaned properly.” He continued cleaning her, massaging her thighs before her finally shut the stream of water off.

Sam was rock hard by the time Slater turned the water off, he stared in awe at corpse of his younger sister. Mr. Slater looked over with warm eyes. “I’ll get her dried and then I will start getting her ready, maybe you can help me.”

Sam was trembling as he stood next to his sister. Mr. Slater had a bottle of an adhesive substance and walked to the head of the table. “What we do here is close her eyes and mouth shut, don’t want those freaky peepers opening at her funeral and scaring everyone?”

Sam stepped forward. “One sec.” He paused for a moment in front of Mr. Slater and leaned forward locking his lips onto Brooke’s loose jaw, his warm tongue made it’s way into her cold mouth and touched her cold tongue. He kissed the limp jaw passionately for a moment as Mr. Slater stood near by smirking at the sight. Sam knew how much Brooke would hate been kissed by her brother, he knew how much she hated the idea of her body been seen naked after she passed, but here she was. Sam pulled back and stared into Brooke’s dead green clouded eyes for one last time.

Mr. Slater glued the teenager’s eyes closed for the last time and glued her mouth. He then moved down to her vagina where he stuck his finger up her tight cunt once again. “You know exactly a week ago your sister was sat in my office, now she is lying on my slab with my finger up her cunt.” He removed it and bent down beginning to lick the girl’s cold vagina in front of her older brother. Sam let out an excited whimper as he watched the old man lick his sister’s vagina, he unzipped his jeans releasing his large throbbing cock and began to rub it as his sister’s corpse was defiled.

Mr. Slater stuck his tongue deep into the lips of the cold dry vagina and let out an excited sigh. He stood up and fingered her pussy which had become wet with his saliva. He looked across to Sam. “Fuck her, it’s okay.”

Sam nodded and immediately jumped onto the table, lowering his jeans to his ankles. His cock was harder than it had ever been as he stuck it into his sister. “I’m sorry, sis” he muttered. He started to slowly fuck her. The dryness of her cunt made it uncomfortable, but the thrill compensated for it. He stared at the peaceful expression her pale face had been glued into as he fucked her hard before glancing down and watching as her breasts bounced with every fuck he gave her, his hands gripping his sister’s cold shoulders tightly. Then he felt the warmth of his cum inside of her and he let out a groan, slipping his dick from her as he knelt on the metal slab. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” Sam breathlessly spoke, glancing to Mr. Slater.

“It’s okay” he said reassuringly. “You loved her in life and in death. She may not have liked it but she didn’t feel a thing” he grinned.

Sam jumped down from the slab and Mr. Slater started to work on Brooke’s vagina. He placed a roll of gauze which looked similar to a tampon into Brooke’s vagina before grabbing the glue and applying it to her, stroking the substance of the lips of her pussy and sealing it shut.

Mr. Slater wheeled a machine on a trolley over towards the table and grabbed a small scalpel where he made an incision into Brooke’s meaty thigh. There was no blood to Sam’s surprise as Mr. Slater placed a hose from the machine into Brooke’s leg and switched it on. There was a low hum as a chemical solution began to be injected into Brooke’s corpse. Mr. Slater made his way to the girl’s ankles where he lifted her left leg and made quickly lacerated her heel, he done the same with her right ankle next. “You watch, Sam” Slater said with excitement.

Suddenly blood came pouring from the wounds at Brooke’s ankles and disappeared down the drain. Mr. Slater grinned and Sam stared in fascination. “What’s happening, Mr. Slater?”

“The embalming machine pumps fluid into your sister, the pressure pushes the blood to the lowest point of her body, her ankles as the table has a slight gradient. The fluid will make her look a bit more lifelike, take away the paleness” Slater explained. “Give it an hour she should look a lot better.”

Sam and Slater returned an hour later to find Brooke look astonishingly life like. Sam forgot that she was still dead when he touched his sister’s arm still finding it icy cold. “The outfit your dad brought, let’s take a look. The bag is on the worktop over there” he gestured to Sam.

Sam grabbed the bag of clothes from the worktop as Slater disconnected the embalming machine from Brooke’s corpse and stitched up the wound in her leg and at her ankles, wiping away the remaining traces of blood. He pushed her legs aside slightly and emptied the contents of the bag onto the metal surface of the slab.

Slater rummaged through the contents, a black dress, a pair of thick black tights, matching lacy black bra and panties as well as a pair of black high heels. “Fuck” Mr. Slater spat.


“Fucking tights, do you know how difficult it is to put tights on a corpse?”

“Brooke always wore tights with a dress or a skirt” Samuel replied innocently.

Slater laughed. “Help me dress her and I’ll take a bit of money of the bill for her funeral” he winked.

They started with Brooke’s underwear. Slater slipped on her lacy black panties without an issue before moving to the top of the table and lifting Brooke up into a seated position, her breasts moving with gravity. “Alright, Sam, grab her bra.”

Sam grabbed his sisters bra and stepped forward, gently placing her arm through the straps and lifting the undergarment up to her shoulders, making sure her large breasts sat in the cups. “It’s on.” Slater, still holding Brooke upright clipped the bra on.

“Perfect” Slater smiled just dropping Brooke’s body onto the table. She dropped like a rock and hit the metal surface with a thud causing an echo to ring out across the room. “Oh my god” Sam stood stunned at the sound of his sister’s corpse hitting the metal table.

“Relax, she’s dead.” Slater spoke, grabbing the black tights from the bottom of the table. Carefully he slipped Brooke’s small soft feet into the nylon garment and began to gently roll it up her cool legs. “Right, Sam, put your hands on her legs.” Sam grabbed his sister by the shins. “Hold onto the tights so they don’t roll down” he spoke. Sam done as he was told and watched as Mr. Slater pulled the tights up Brooke’s cold legs grunting every time the tights got stuck or attempted to crawl back down. Eventually the waistband of the tights sat by Brooke’s stomach, just above her panty line.

They then slipped Brooke into her black dress which came down to her mid-thigh. Slater smirked to Sam as he slipped Brooke’s heels onto her feet. “Cute little thing isn’t she” Slater complimented. Mr. Slater then started work tying Brooke’s long black hair into a crown braid, something she had wished as well as applying a basic layer of make-up to her face.

Sam watched on until Slater was finished. “Can I have a moment with her, alone?” he asked.

Slater nodded his head. “Sure but don’t go ripping her pussy open and sticking your dick in her, you’ll just make more work for me” he complained as he left the room.

Sam paused for a moment and listened to Slater’s footsteps walk down the hallway away from the room until there was nothing but silence. Sam placed his hand gently onto his sister’s nylon clad leg and felt the coldness of her skin through the material. “Remember when we picked this outfit out for you, I took you shopping and bought it all for you. You’re death seemed so far away and now look at you, I love you sis, I love you so much.”

Sam moved to the top of the table and pecked his sister on her cold cheek. The next day Brooke White was buried in her grave where she lay in her silver casket for the rest of eternity, slowly decomposing, unaware of the love her brother had truly felt for her and the experience her corpse underwent at Slater Funeral Home & Mortuary.

Sam became Mr. Slater’s apprentice.


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The Crossexamination of Malcolm Tangiers MD PhD

This story has adult content and adult themes. If that is the type of thing which upsets you, then you should not be reading this. Mindy at Fictionmania has permission to archive this story if she should find it suitable. All others must first seek my express permission. The Cross-examination of Malcolm Tangiers, M.D., Ph.D. (A Surreal Episode of "Ally McBeal") by Ariel the Fallen Angel "I believe that's all of the questions that I have for this witness, Your Honor," Ally...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked An Examination CoOrdinator

Hi guys! I’m Rahul and I am 25 years old living in Delhi. Please do comment and like if you find my sexual story arousing. Please mail for your valuable feedback or for any sort of sexual queries, I’ll be happy to help. Any lady seeking for a sexual encounter please mail me on the below mail address. Mail id : Anyways, getting on to the point. This is my first time in writing an erotic encounter on a website. I love to fuck and probably every guy in the world loves to fuck, who doesn’t? I’m a...

2 years ago
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My Shallow Regret Chapter 5 Examination

"Oh, shit. What the hell did I do?" I wasn't reacting to the vomit in the toilet -- that had become almost routine at this point. Well, as "routine" as any of this madness could be. As I looked up at my reflection in the mirror, the unfamiliar female face that looked back at me looked very concerned. Thankfully, when I'd woken up this morning, I still had all my clothes on. That was the good news. The bad news was that Mark -- the man I knew as my best friend but who in this reality...

4 years ago
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Sex During My Examination

I am Aayaan Khan from mumbai, 24 years old, 6 feet tall and have a great personality (Wrestlers Personality) I am new to ISS but a old reader. I am now going to narrate you the true instant happened last month when I and a team of other 3 persons were busy in examination preparation. Our team consists of 2 females and 2 males including me. All the three members were outsiders and are there till the examination ends I am very crazy of cleavages and I never miss a chance to have the view of...

1 year ago
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Fingered onto the examination table

I called my good girlfriend Stella and she told me that she was having some troubles with her vagina; because the smallest cock inside even caused her a great pain…I joked with her, saying her problem was she loved to be used just by huge black cocks, no small white pieces…She joked back, laughing and saying that even my beloved hubby’s dick could cause her any pain…So good Stella asked me to go with her to see a new doctor that I had met before; to see if he could find out what was going...

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Examination Table

Ladies, are you suffering from anxiety, confusion, depression, edema, fainting, forgetfulness, giddiness, headaches, hyperemia, insomnia, irritability, lassitude, loss of appetite, muscle spasms, nervousness, palpitations of the heart, heaviness in the abdomen, paralytic states, shortness of breath, stomach upsets, tendency to cause trouble for others, ticklishness, weepiness, writing cramps, indifference to marital duty, lustful yearnings or excessive vaginal lubrication? If so, you may...

3 years ago
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The Examination

The Examination She sat in the sparkling white office in the scratchy, thin paper robe that they make everyone wear. Perched upon the barely cushioned table that sported a pair of metal torture devices that forces women to lie in the most completely vulnerable position, she waited for her turn with an unsympathetic doctor. Yes, Jodi could say without a doubt, that she hated getting her yearly pap smears. They probed, poked and prodded, and worse, it didn’t even feel good while they did it. If...

1 year ago
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An Intimate Examination

"Send the next patient in please, Cynthia.""It's Mrs. Marshall, doctor, your last one for the day; I'll get off home now if that's all right.""Certainly, I'll see you tomorrow."I switched the intercom off and turned to see Mary Marshall coming in through the door, a big smile on her beautiful face."Good afternoon, Mrs. Marshall," I smiled. "What can I do for you this afternoon?"She smiled and sat down, crossing her long, nylon-clad legs."I think I have a small problem, doctor.""Well, that's...

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The Examination

The Examination She sat in the sparkling white office in the scratchy, thin paper robe that they make everyone wear. Perched upon the barely cushioned table that sported a pair of metal torture devices that forces women to lie in the most completely vulnerable position, she waited for her turn with an unsympathetic doctor. Yes, Jodi could say without a doubt, that she hated getting her yearly pap smears. They probed, poked and prodded, and worse, it didn’t even feel good while they did it. If...

Group Sex
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Eve Examination Table

TITLE????????????????????? : Eve?s Examination AUTHOR????????????? : YamiNoHikariDISCLAIMER?????? : I own nothing! I do not own Black Cat! Don?t bother to sue me because I don?t have any money to give.RATING??????????????????????????????? : NC-17PAIRING????????????? : Train/Kyoko, Doctor/EveNOTE???????????????????? : [bondage] [loli] [watersport] [torture] [toys]TIMELINE???????????? : when the group invaded Apostles' Island, the fight with Doctor. (manga volume...

1 year ago
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Oral Examination

Ms. Phoenix sat upon the edge of her desk. Her long curls piled lightly on her head, gray hair marbled at the sides. Louise Phoenix had a way of using only a few combs to work her hair into a style all her own. She indeed had an air of distinction. The dusty blue long sleeved buttoned down blouse was neatly tucked into a long a-line skirt, the skirts multi-colored blend complimented the blouse. The upper two buttons of the blouse were opened, exposing a delicate silver chain with a lapis...

2 years ago
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Fucking Session During Examination With Cousin Sister

Hello all ISS readers! I am writing my true story with my cousin sister in first time so please ignore any mistake. I am Sumit from Indore; age 29 with average body, I live in Vijay Nagar with my mother and father. I am ready to give the pleasure to sexually urged or unsatisfied girls/ladies/women/matured lady with privacy and faith. Please leave your valuable comments/query to me @ Now coming to story without wasting your more time. The heroine of my story is my cousin sister (Maternal uncle...

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Annies Examination

Annie's Examination As he carefully washed his hands with Betadinesoap, and hot water, he explained quite matter of factly to Annie that hermaster wanted to find out the sensitivity of her Urethra and how wide it couldbe stretched. He also explained that it would be uncomfortable, but no realharm would come to her as he knew how much the human body could take, and wouldbe very careful. When the doctor had finished washing his hands, he laid herback on the cool green examination table. However,...

3 years ago
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Moms Observation of Sons Examination

"I made you an appointment with Dr White" my mother, Ms. Jane smith, tells me as she stands in the doorway to my room. I look up at her; I am laying on my bed reading. I don't say anything; I just look at her with the same humiliation and embarrassment I always feel when this comes up. "You do want the appointment right"? She says. "I mean it is time for you to get one of his examinations, it's been six months." My face flushes, "yes mom" I say, "I want the appointment" I stare down...

1 year ago
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My First Gynelogical Examination

Even though I had never had sex, my made me go to the gynecologist to be examined. I was the last patient of the day and was seated in the waiting room feeling very nervous. Every time I heard something I jumped thinking it was my turn. Evevntually a woman in a white coat appeared and ushered me in to the examination room. He told me to undress and put on the gown. I did this and then climbed up on to the bed. I was shaking and I felt it kind of hard to breath as I lay on my back. After what...

4 years ago
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The Village 2 The Examination

The first part: http://xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/448244.htmlChapter 2-The ExaminationBella cringed as she took her place in line to be displayed for the Master that claimed her. She nodded at Raisa trying to reassure her that she was going to be okay. The piercing emerald eyes of the Master shot through her as Bella looked at him. He had a wicked grin on his face."You know, little tiger, that I can request to see all of you right here in front of all these other men. I am going...

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Airport Examination

Zoë and Jonathan had arrived just in time. As an engineer working on the great dam Jonathan had somehow been tipped the nod by sympathetic colleagues; revolution was in the air and he and his wife should get out while they could. The roads were almost completely blocked by now, but with the tip off they had managed to get here early enough for a ticket on a plane out. The pass port control continued its shambolic attempt at security and visa examination acting oblivious to the worried...

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Airport Examination

Introduction: Western wife is intimately interrogated by revolutionaries The orderly queue had slowly but surely descended into a jostling chaotic snake of passengers. The normal Western reserve had begun to crumble as more and more military vehicles appeared on the airport tarmac and outside the entrance hall. The military coup had come so quickly that even the international news agencies were only just getting the first patchy information. The presidential palace had been stormed and although...

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Airport Examination

The orderly queue had slowly but surely descended into a jostling chaotic snake of passengers The orderly queue had slowly but surely descended into a jostling chaotic snake of passengers. The normal Western reserve had begun to crumble as more and more military vehicles appeared on the airport tarmac and outside the entrance hall. The military coup had come so quickly that even the international news agencies were only just getting the first patchy information. The presidential palace...

1 year ago
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An Intimate Examination

"Send the next patient in please Cynthia." "It's Mrs. Marshall doctor, your last one for the day, I'll get off home now if that's all right." "Certainly, I'll see you tomorrow." I switched the intercom off and turned to see Mary Marshall coming in through the door, a big smile on her beautiful face, "Good afternoon Mrs. Marshall" I smiled, "What can I do for you this afternoon?" She smiled and sat down crossing her long, nylon clad legs, "I think I have a small problem...

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Medical examination

A true storyI was circumcised at 19. My first sexual experience if you can call it that was when I was in the process of joining the Army. I had to have a complete medical examination. I had just turned 18.13:20I went to a Doctors. The Doctor was a much older guy. As i was just a young k** who didnt know any better. Anyway Nurse first older woman in her 40s i would guess certain tests height, etc the weight test she told me to remove my clothes. I left my underware on. She then told me...

2 years ago
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Naked Examination

Hans pulled on the leash attached to my training collar, and ordered me to heel. I crawled on my hands and knees, following him into the shower.He yanked me up to a standing position, and we lathered soap over ourselves, edging one another until he finally picked me up like a toy, and pushed me against the wall of the shower. Then, with water raining down on us, he kissed me deeply as he impaled me on his cock. I wrapped my legs around him, and put my arms around his neck, broke from the kiss...

2 years ago
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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 3 The Girls Look Forward to Their Medical Examinations

Thursday morning and all the girls were quite happy and Dennis wondered if the doctor’s visit that evening had anything to do with it. He also wondered if if the pending PE lessons had anything to do with it. Each girl was holding up their skirts and tops waiting for Dennis to inspect them before they left for school. He again had Mandy cumming on his hand as he fingered her before she set off. Dennis was feeling really pleased with himself as he got a taxi into town to purchase more of the...

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Kathy Black was mad as hell. She had been sitting in her gynecologist's office for FORTY FIVE minutes waiting for her 4:30 appointment. With this delay she wouldn't be able to get back to the office this evening to polish the brief she was preparing for next Monday's hearing of the Ferguson case. She couldn't understand how Janet could let her office could do this to her. Especially now that she was a Junior Partner, her time was valuable. This delay was costing her close to $1,500. Kathy...

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Workplace Medical Examination

This story happened on leaving school and starting my first ever job back in 1980.It was a Friday and I was close to finish my first week as an employee at a small printing company, I was given a few duties between departments. On the Friday I was helping out in the accounts department, which consisted of two women in their late fifties Margaret and Muriel, also working there was Tracey who was in my year at School and to be honest I had a crush on her for as long as I could remember. I was...

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Future Father InLaw Examination

Future Father In-Law Examination After returning to college after the holiday break, I was introduced to Michelle by one of my fraternity brothers. My name is Gary. God she was pretty…and smart. Michelle and I fell in love immediately. We were both in our senior year and would be graduating in May. I couldn’t believe the luck I’d had, finding the perfect girl.By early March, Michelle and I decided to get married following graduation. Yeah, it would be a quick courtship, but when you’re in love...

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My examination was not done properly

I was sixteen and lying on a bed in a quiet room, down a side corridor in my local hospital. I had arrived two hours ago and the pain in my stomach was excruciating, so I lay in the fetal position, knees drawn up to my chin, trying desperately, to ease the discomfort.I heard the door opening and whoever it was moved behind me, but I just laid perfectly still, as turning would aggravate the pain and that was the last thing I wanted.When he spoke to ask me a few questions, his voice was soothing...

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Big Boobs Indian Mom8217s Hot Medical Examination

Hello readers!! My name is Anand. I am 20 years old, I will be sharing an incident which happened in my life about 2 months ago. Let me introduce you to my Indian mom first, her name is Sudha. Her age is around 45. She is a bit short about 5’2 white and a little bit on the heavier side (not too fat). The most attractive part was her boobs. My mom has a huge pair of tits which are visible in every type of clothing. She did not mind it all when people used to stare at her big boobs directly on...

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An Examination for StMarys

I opened the envelope with trembling fingers and took out the hand written invitation inside. I knew it was from Mistress Megan, the girl I couldn't keep from my mind for longer than five minuets these days; I had been anticipating something from her for days. But before I tell you what the invitation was for, maybe I should tell you a little bit about myself, for those of you who don't already know me. Now what can I tell you? Maybe I should start with the basics. My name is Josie. I'm...

3 years ago
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by Oediplex 8==3~ It helped that daddy was rich and mommy was good looking. For if my father had not been a well off executive with a major firm, earning six figures back then, nor my mother what we now days call a MILF, certainly the events which set up the affair between my mom and I would never have happen. But thirty-five years ago we began a long term liaison which ended only shortly before her death from cancer several months ago. At the beginning I was in Graduate school, having...

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Anniversary Visitation

It had been a rough day. It was June 20th and for me, June 20th was never a good day. Normally I would be working, but this year the date fell on a Saturday and I didn't have to work. So I hung around the house for the most part and felt sorry for myself.You see, June 20th was the day my sweet Jenny had stood beside me in front of the preacher and our friends and became my wife. It was the happiest day of my life and I planned on having many wonderful years with her by my side, having a family,...

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An Examination Night Changed Our Life

Hello Friends, I am a regular visitor and a great fan of ISS. I had read almost all the stories posted in this site. Today is a Big day I decided to post one of my real encounter with my friend jasmine(name changed) with you all.Any Delhi Aunty or Gal like to share any feelings please tell me on Firstly I would like to tell you about myself. I am Alok, 26 yrs of age and currently working with a reputed company and currently in delhi . I am atheletic build and my height is 5,7.Not taking your...

3 years ago
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Indian Bride Examination and Skills Training Institute

Chapter 1 – My admission to the instituteI am Aiswarya, aged 22, from Chennai in south India. I am about 5’8? in height and about 52 kgs in weight. I have a good physique and quite fair in skin colour for my part of the world. I have thick long hair and sharp blue eyes and generally look beautiful and attractive. My father is a construction supervisor and mother is a bank employee. I have one younger sister, Leela, aged 18. I just completed my Bachelors in Computer Science at a nearby college...

2 years ago
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Physical Examination

I was in Noida to get a physical examination for a job. The doctor’s office was located near the mall and I went over there one afternoon to get it done.I went in and after signing in I sat to wait. There were some other guys there and a few of us started talking some. They all commented on how good looking the doctor was. With my luck I didn’t think she’d be all that great, or I’d get a guy. When they pointed her out I looked through the receptionist’s window and didn’t see anything except big...

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Airport examination

The orderly queue had slowly but surely descended into a jostling chaotic snake of passengers. The normal Western reserve had begun to crumble as more and more military vehicles appeared on the airport tarmac and outside the entrance hall. The military coup had come so quickly that even the international news agencies were only just getting the first patchy information. The presidential palace had been stormed and although the world carried on around them things had changed. Everyone in the...

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The Village of Agony and EcstasyCh 2 The Examination

Chapter 2-The Examination Bella cringed as she took her place in line to be displayed for the master that claimed her. She nodded at Raisa trying to reassure her that she was going to be okay. The piercing emerald eyes of the Master shot through her as Bella looked at him. He had a wicked grin on his face. "You know, little tiger, that I can request to see all of you right here in front of all these other men. I am going to do that, so prepare yourself. Maybe it will take some of the fire out...

4 years ago
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By Jax_Teller This story is part of the Jessica Series The saga begins > http://www.sexstories.com/story/77442/ I had been traveling around the country in my truck going from Homeopathic event to event. Sometimes I would work the events for admission other times I would just show up and start playing my guitar. Either way I was just living by the seat of my pants and I met a guy on a Motorcycle who was doing the same as me as I was. We shared...

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The Haunting Visitation

I sat there, perched upon the edge of the king sized bed, the bed where, not long before, the two of us had made passionate love together.The memory of being with her still lingered in my mind, like a fresh scent of flowers blossoming in a field. Yet, this day didn't remind me so much of a beautiful day, but the heartache and pain that came with it. 'Is this what love actually feels like?' I questioned myself.We'd met only a day prior. Unlike others, she saw something different in me. Not on...

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Visitation Rights

Sam was back in town for the weekend. Business. "Could we do supper?" she asked via a facebook message. Unless commanded to, it wasn't in her nature to apologize. This time around, I wasn't feeling so forgiving. "Not interested, but do enjoy your weekend," I replied. The four days that followed before friday night where busy enough that Sam wasn't even a gentle ember in my thoughts. It was nearing midnight when I finished my walk home. The front door was already unlocked. I...

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Made to Do All DoneChapter 5 Cartwrongs Visitation

The Franklins were just finishing supper several days later, when there was a knocking on the front door. Very rarely did they have visitors. In the yard was a crude cart meant to be drawn by a beast. Mule or ox. In the traces instead, were two dusty sweat streaked young men, bent over at the waist, supporting their exhausted panting bodies by locked elbows, arms rigid to their hands, propped on their bent knees. An old man with a wispy gray beard and gray hair tufts escaping from under a...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 7 Second Timothy Visitation

The hole was getting deeper; sharp ... thin ... dripping. The ... Evil ... was palpable, nauseating ... if she didn't find a way out soon... "Oh..." Wendy sat up in different surroundings, she was terrified. "I need to tell Wanzor ... no wait, Wanzor?" Wendy visibly shifted gear, "That's me, Wanzor ... Seer to Horus "Catfish" of Hierakonpolis. The strength that was Sumer is gone. I'm in upper Egypt. I MUST tell the King." 'Sometimes I hate that damn watch!' She rushed to the...

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The VisitationChapter 2

So he was on some godforsaken back road in Louisiana, a state he wished he had never heard of, driving some weird creature in the form of a very hot babe, a babe who could probably clear out a pool hall full of drunken rednecks, without even using a cue stick. Of all the rotten goddam luck. "I like sex," Elsie said, matter-of-factly. "I like blow jobs and fucking. I didn't think I'd like it so much, but I do." "Yeah, well, I'm sure every man in America is happy to hear that," said...

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Wish Shift Examinations

Wish Shift: Chapter Five Examinations Year 1 A.S. Day 43 Dianne didn't arrive the next day, but she did show up the day after that. Sometime after four p.m., when Kira and Jenny were lighting the charcoal in the small portable grill, Kira's phone started ringing. While Jenny busied herself with using the hand cranked fan to get the coal bed well fired, Kira answered it and started laying out the directions to where they were. After they finished talking Kira told Jenny that...

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Teen Males Special Examination

I was very anxious as I got off my bike in front of Dr. White's office. It was time for me to receive a basic checkup from him. The last few times I had been examined by him, I had to fight back the urge for my young cock to harden when he would pull down my jeans and white cotton briefs. My Doctor was an older man, maybe in his mid fifties. He had gray hair, and wore these old fashioned half rim glasses. His eyebrows were bushy and thick; he would peer down at me, as he would examine my young...

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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 4 Mary Anns Examination

A freshly scrubbed, towel wrapped Ginger walked up to the entrance of the hut she shared with Mary Ann. She hoped that all previous evidence of her sexual encounters earlier that day had been washed away. She did her best to look as penitent as possible. Imagining the Professor uncharacteristic stern attitude toward her helped. Tentatively, she knocked. "Mary Ann, Mary Ann," Ginger said gently, "Mary Ann, are you awake?" "Go away!" "Mary Ann, please, you must believe how sorry I...

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