The Fortune of the O DellsChapter 16
- 4 years ago
- 39
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Kathy Black was mad as hell. She had been sitting in her gynecologist's office for FORTY FIVE minutes waiting for her 4:30 appointment. With this delay she wouldn't be able to get back to the office this evening to polish the brief she was preparing for next Monday's hearing of the Ferguson case. She couldn't understand how Janet could let her office could do this to her. Especially now that she was a Junior Partner, her time was valuable. This delay was costing her close to $1,500.
Kathy had been in a foul mood today, anyway. That asshole, Paul Graves, had been skulking around her office trying to get her to go out with him again. What a skumbag! He knew that she knew he was married and he didn't make any secret about his lewd intentions. Did he think that just because he was a Senior Partner, the newest Junior Partner would sleep with him in gratitude?
She certainly didn't need a pushy bastard like Paul Graves in her life. Kathy already had a perfectly satisfactory boyfriend who was properly infatuated with the sexy young lawyer. She had only to wait another six months until his inheritance vested fully to let him make her Mrs. Trent Atturbury. She would take his name and take his money and in return he would get ... to be seen in public with her.
Trent's family didn't like Kathy. Daddy thought she was a high-class bitch and a gold-digger. That was because Bob Atturbury knew a lot more about women and about life than the somewhat effete Trent ever would. One of the few mistakes Kathy had ever made with a man was to think she could sweeten up old Bob by seducing him. Oh, getting him into her bed was no trouble; he was a horny old goat. Fucked damned good, too. Better than Trent, but then, who didn't? The next morning, however, Bob just laughed at her and said he had only wanted to see just how big a slut she was. Fortunately, although Trent didn't have half his Daddy's brains, he would soon have more than half of Daddy's money.
The receptionist behind the counter wasn't helping Kathy's mood, either. "Suzie" was yacking away on the telephone. Kathy cringed at her own politically incorrect characterization of the young woman who was, no doubt, a victim of an oppressive patriarchal society, but dammit, she was an obvious bimbo. To make matters worse she was painting her nails a garish red while she talked to a girlfriend about the way some 'total hunk' could 'turn her inside out' in bed. Where was Ruth, Janet's regular receptionist, Kathy wondered?
Truth be told, the premises also had Kathy's nose out of joint. Dr. Janet McGuire's former office had been a suite in a downtown office block near Kathy's own. When Kathy had made this appointment for her annual check-up, she had been surprised to learn that Janet's office had moved. Whatever possessed Janet to bring her downtown obstetrics and gynecology practice -- so convenient for career women like herself -- to this large old house on the outskirts of town? The grounds were indeed spacious and the setting was beautiful in a bucolic sort of way, but so out of character for Janet. Kathy had chosen Janet as her OBGYN in part because they were similar types: ambitious, single, hard-working, hard-playing, city girls.
If the house and grounds were puzzling, the new decor was ghastly. Kathy had appreciated the understated former waiting room, done in dark woods and green leather. It had looked like the public area of any other professional firm. The present surroundings screamed out a change. The room was furnished with low couches in the most cloying 'feminine' pastel upholstery. The pattern of the wall covering looked like a cheap valentine. Flowers, voluptuous nymphs, cupids shooting arrows! Gad! The classical music Janet had previously favored had been replaced by 'romantic' soft rock. Kathy had made the receptionist turn off the TV tuned to Oprah re-runs.
The reading material only rubbed in the office's disconcerting transformation. Gone were the almost up-to-date issues of "The New Yorker," "New Republic," "Progressive," and "New York Review of Books." In their place were copies of magazines Kathy had never seen before with names like "Maternity Today," "Babies!," "Body and Child." The worst was one was "Total Woman." Kathy leafed through it in disgusted fascination. She couldn't believe Janet knew what was out here in her waiting room. This publication was an insult to any modern woman. It was filled with "advice" on how to look, dress, talk, and act to please men. "Men Like Minis," "The Lost Art of Being Seduced," "Let Him Give You Super Orgasms." "Is Breast Enlargement for You?" (If you were less than a DD, the unsurprising answer was "yes.") Revolting!
The articles that didn't deal with having sex were about having babies. "Convince Him to Give You Another Child," "Twins are Twice the Fun," "Herbs To Increase Your Fertility." "The Talk" advised explaining your surprise pregnancy to your teenage daughter by telling her that, "Daddy decided he wanted Mommy to have more babies and Mommy loves Daddy so much she let him give her one." And not to worry because "Daddy makes enough money so he wants Mommy not to work and stay home to take care of you and the new babies." Outrageous! Judging by the reading material, the OB part of the practice seemed to have swallowed up the GYN.
"The doctor is almost ready to see you," Suzie announced. "Let me just take some information. Give me a second to get over there; I'm not moving too fast these days," she grinned.
When the receptionist stood up, Kathy gasped and saw what she meant. Suzie wasn't just pregnant, she was huge.
Suzie smiled again when she noticed Kathy was staring as the receptionist waddled up to her with the clipboard. "Twins," she said pointing with pride to her bloated abdomen.
Suzie asked a lot of the usual questions. She seemed really to perk up when she heard that Kathy was in the middle of her menstrual cycle. Some of the questions on the other hand, seemed unnecessarily personal and rather crudely phrased. Did Kathy have a regular boyfriend. How frequently she "get laid?" How many times a night could he "screw" her? Did she have multiple orgasms each time her "did her?" How did she manage when she didn't have a man to "get her off?"
Even aside from the vulgar language, Kathy was put off by the whole interrogation. Everything the nurse asked seemed to be either prying or information that the regular receptionist would not have had to ask. "Where is Ruth, today?" Kathy inquired letting more annoyance into her voice than she intended.
"Oh, she leaves early every afternoon so she can nurse her new baby boy."
Kathy was dumbfounded. Ruth? Ruth Pritchet with a baby? Kathy knew that several years ago Ruth's abusive husband had run off with a younger woman, leaving Ruth struggling to bring up two teenage daughters. The experience had left Ruth with a rather sour (realistic, in Kathy's opinion) view of men. Ruth had never so much as mentioned dating. How, in less than a year since Kathy's last appointment, had Ruth met (and married?) a man and let him make her pregnant? It made no sense. The beatific smile of the receptionist compounded Kathy's dismay. Didn't the little ditz realize the loss of independence that having baby meant to a 45 year old woman like Ruth with almost grown children? No, Kathy thought, 'she' wouldn't! That's why she'd let some guy knock her up.
"Kathy, 'darling.'"
Kathy was still trying to digest the news about Ruth as her head snapped around to see her friend, Emma Parks. Kathy was in for her second shock. Emma was just coming out of the doctor's inner office, beaming. Well, 'glowing' was the cliche word. Kathy hardly believed her eyes. Emma's tummy poked out under an almost indecently short maternity dress. She looked about seven months gone.
"Emma! ... You're..." Kathy stumbled over her words, overcome by surprise.
"Pregnant!" her friend confirmed with a big silly grin.
"Uh, congratulations," Kathy offered somewhat insincerely. Emma was a woman about Kathy's age whom she had known since before her friend had met and married Frank last year. Kathy was leery of commitments herself, but had to admit that Frank, a gentle, funny suitor, seemed OK for Emma. The rising marketing executive had told Kathy, however, that after the wedding Frank had turned out to be, "kind of a Neanderthal." He would be happy to keep me home, barefoot and pregnant if I didn't hold him off," she laughed. "He wants to fuck like when we were dating but without his condoms!" Emma didn't plan on giving Frank any children for some time, however, until her career was better established. She was fighting her way up the ladder of a somewhat old-fashioned firm and she didn't want to "give the old bastards any excuses" not to recognize her ability.
"Yes, isn't it 'wonderful'?" her friend gushed.
"It's kind of a surprise." Kathy replied. "I thought you..."
"Well, yes," Emma let out an embarrassed giggle. "I guess it was sort of an accident. [silly grimace] Dr. Bock told me to go off the pill for a while and I guess Frank isn't very good at using condoms. [giggle] And with the testosterone pills the doctor gave me, well, I was just letting Frank 'do it' to me all the time. I guess I let him 'do me' once too often." she shrugged, obviously not unhappy with the outcome.
Why would a doctor recommend that Emma stop taking contraceptives? And testosterone, wasn't that the stuff that made women... ? Stifling these questions Kathy settled for, "Dr. Bock? Who's that? Janet has a solo practice here, doesn't she?"
"Not any more she doesn't," Emma replied with a mischievous sing-song. "Dr. Bock is Janet's new 'partner.' And I don't blame her. He is a 'hunk.'"
Kathy was getting really annoyed by Emma's attitude. It reminded her too much of those damned magazines. Why did she have to be so "giggly" and "girlish?"
"Why would you be seeing Janet's new partner instead of her, anyway?"
"Oh, Dr. Bock has been taking all Janet's cases for about six months now"
"Why? What's wrong with Janet?"
"Absolutely nothing, darling. She's happy as a kitten lapping cream. It's just that James thought she should stay home and take care of herself until the baby arrived and now that she's nursing ... That's what I'm going to do for Penelope." Emma embraced her bulge affectionately.
"Baby!" Kathy exploded. What the hell was going on here? Was every female associated with this infernal clinic having a baby? Kathy tried to regain her composure. "I didn't even know Janet had a ... boyfriend. Who is the James she's married?"
"Well, they aren't exactly 'married, '" Emma confessed, conspiratorially. "James is just living with her. And I already told you who he is -- Dr. Bock, James Bock."
"When and how did all this happen?" Kathy asked in disbelief.
"I don't know the whole story," Emma began, lowering her voice. "James was just out of medical school and came her for an interview. Janet seems to have kind of fallen for him in a big way. She let him invite her out for dinner the first day they met. I hear she took him back to her apartment that same night and I'll bet it wasn't to pore over Gray's Anatomy," Emma giggled.
"They started dating and before anybody knew it, James was living with Janet and working here at the clinic. A few weeks later, she missed her period. That made Dr. Bock her partner in more ways than one. -- Well, I 'told' you he is a hunk. -- After a couple of months they decided to move their office to this place. Don't you just 'love' it?"
This tale answered some of Kathy's questions, but raised a lot of new ones. She couldn't understand the Janet McGuire she knew, not only taking up with a man ten year younger than she, but immediately letting him knock her up (even if he is a 'hunk' as Emma so irritatingly asserted). Nor could she see Janet pulling out of her medical practice for an extended period to care for herself and a baby because "James though she should."
"When is Janet coming back?" Kathy inquired.
"OH, I don't know. Maybe not for a while. I hear she's got another one on the way."
"Well, got to run," Emma gushed as she flounced off. "Frank likes me to have his dinner ready for him when he gets home. That way we can spend more time in bed with his you know what in my you know where." Kathy was still gaping at this explanation when the door of the inner office opened.
"Kathy, the doctor will see you now."
Kathy was surprised to see a tall, stunning black woman who introduced herself as Amaka. She wore a parody of a nurse's uniform. It was short, barely covering her crotch and cut low in from to reveal large breasts. She had large dangling earrings and a flashy pendant lay on her bosom. "Please accept our apologies for the delay, Kathy. I'm sure you understand, Dr. Bock has such a heavy work load."
Why did everybody have to be on a first name basis. She resented being called "Kathy" by someone she didn't know. Its was condescending. "So I see," Kathy replied a bit sarcastically. "But I hope you realize...".
"Now, now, Kathy. Don't be upset. Dr. Bock will not want to see you like that. Just slow down. Take a few deep breaths. We've done everything we can here to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere. We've taken you far form the hustle and bustle of the city. This should be a soothing, comforting place where you can leave your tensions and concerns behind you. Please, forget your worries. Just ease up a little and relax ... relax."
Kathy was astounded. Why was this striking woman with those beautiful chocolate breasts speaking to her as if she was a child, going on and on about being relaxed and calm? Amazingly, though, it was working; she 'was' starting to unwind as the sexy woman continued to speak. Amaka had such a soft yet commanding voice and Kathy couldn't take her eyes off of those luscious breasts and the pendant that was flashing ... flashing in her eyes. In fact, it was getting hard to remember just why she had ever been upset in the first place. Kathy wasn't really paying attention to what Amaka was saying anymore. She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes.
"Good girl, Kathy. You are totally relaxed, totally at peace. Now we are going to get you ready for the doctor to see you. Here, let me help you off with your clothes."
Kathy opened her eyes dreamily at the woman who was reaching down to unbutton her blouse. Instinctively, she raised her hands but Amaka shushed her. "That's alright, baby. You're a little out of it. I'll do everything for you."
It felt strange, but nice to let this sexy woman undress her like a little girl being put to bed for the night by her nanny. Soon her blouse had been laid aside and her brassiere was unclasped and placed beside her blouse. "You have lovely breasts," Amaka whispered as she fondled them. Kathy was glad this hot young woman liked her breasts, but she didn't say anything.
Kathy hardly knew when she stood up at Amaka's gentle touch to allow her skirt to be deftly removed, but she felt a little thrill when Amaka's soft hands slipped under the waistband of her panties and slithered the silky garment down to her ankles. The dazed young lawyer was completely nude when she let the pretty black woman lead her to an examination table and lay her down.
"Now just relax, Kathy. I am going to examine these very pretty titties," Amaka explained. Slowly, with almost feathery touches, she began to brush and stroke Kathy's breasts which immediately hardened. Seeing the effect this had on the semi-conscious young woman, Amaka began a more decided massaging and gentle pinching of the protruding nipples.
Kathy moaned with pleasure. "Feels good, doesn't it baby? I knew titties this big had to be super sensitive. You like having your titties felt up, don't you?" Kathy's whimpers were her only reply. "The file says you have regular boyfriend but you haven't let him fuck you in over a week. So these beauties haven't been getting the loving they deserve, have they"
"Oh, no!" Kathy whimpered.
"You know a girl like you shouldn't go so long without sex. You ought to have a man in you every night. You must be really horny. I'll bet you're getting wet down here, aren't you girl?" Amaka asked as she pushed Kathy's legs apart ad slipped a long smooth finger into her pussy.
"Ohhhhhhhhh!" Kathy sighed.
"Are you ever a juicy one! Your boyfriend must like you. No trouble getting the biggest cock in a pussy this wet," Amaka commented as she slipped another and then a third fingers deep into Kathy's well-lubricated vagina.
"Poor horny baby, I'll bet you really need to come, don't you?" Kathy's moan might have been an attempt at protest, but Amaka took it as an affirmative. "That's it. Just close your eyes and let Amaka get you off, honey," the black woman cooed and pushed Kathy's legs farther apart while beginning to work on Kathy's pussy with more determination.
"No, Ohhhh. Don't Ohhhh!"
"Don't worry, honey, it's natural to get turned on during these examinations. You are just a healthy, sexy girl who hasn't had a good come in way too long. Now you relax and let me do you. It's so easy to come on my fingers ... Let your self go, baby. You want to come so bad ... I can make you feel so good, honey ... Relax ... Don't fight me, baby ... Let me give you want ... what you need ... That's it, hump my hand, baby ... It feel so good ... You're getting there. So ... close ... NOW!"
Amaka gave one final flick to Kathy's clitoris and the helpless young lawyer surrendered herself to an enormous orgasm that seemed to go on and on. Kathy sobbed her release and gasped "Yes, Oh yes ... Oh yes ... Oh yes."
"Good girl, Kathy ... You had a good come ... Now you can realty relax ... Float down gently, ... floating, ... So relaxed ... so satisfied ... That's it, breathe deeply now ... You came really hard, baby. You re exhausted ... You need to rest now. Close your eyes. A good cum always makes a girl sleepy ... sooo sleepy. Just rest. You need a little nap," the smiling nurse said, her voice dropping to a barely audible whisper. "You can't stay awake, Kathy ... You're going to sleep, ... sleep, ... s l e e p..."
After observing the young woman on the table for a few seconds to be sure she was really out, Amaka reached over and hit the intercom button. "I've got her under, James. Everything worked as you said."
"Give her about ten minutes of the audio, darling. I'll be right in," the voice replied, sounding slightly winded. Amaka made a face imagining why attending to the plump Mrs. Rutherford might have James slightly out of breath. Then she smiled as she slipped the earphones onto the lolling head of the sleeping young woman. Only minutes ago Kathy had been so full of hard, aggressive energy. Now she was the image of docile femininity.
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Part 2 Walking out of the newly acquired apartment the couple made their way toward the parking structure, where Kara assumed Tanner's car was now located. "Remind me to adjust reality so you have your own wheels, I don't want to be driving you all over the place all the time," Tanner absently mentioned as he walked over to his Camaro parked in the space allocated for their apartment. Kara was largely ignoring most of what Tanner was saying at this point and still in a dull shock at...
HorrorWhen I stepped out of the shower after a good half hour with my skin all wrinkly, I still had the smell of pee linger in my nose, but I was quite sure that it was only in my head by now. Anne was waiting for me, sitting on the toilet lid, one of my socks dangling from her fingers. I saw her wince the moment she spotted my body and couldn’t keep myself from feeling a twinge of satisfaction. I even turned around and closed the shower stall to give her a good view of my equally decorated derriere....
BDSMPart 5 This was a day when my wife was coming back , the day when myself and Harini had to go back to being a SIL and sisters hubby. This was really making us edgy, nervous and restless. We had had rounds and rounds of love making last night and yet we could not get enough. The flight was supposed to land at 10 and it was around 7:30 when I woke up. Harini was next to me, bare bodied , sexy and erotic. She was lying on her chest, her wonderful breasts pressing down and repelling against the...
IncestHello All! Rudra here again. I’m so happy with all your feedback for my last story. Those who didn’t read can go and read the first part. As I said I’m here to share another incident how I and Saritha fucked our brains out in my cousin’s wedding. So coming to the story. After that incident, I used to go to her home daily and we used to fuck each other like mad dogs. The intensity kept on increasing with each session. We tried so many different positions also. It was quite fun fucking her daily....
I needed a drink. I didn't get one. It was way too early in the morning and I hadn't even eaten yet. The women were adamant about that. No beer! They did make me up a pot of coffee and some breakfast before we got down to talking. I made certain that I thanked them for it. I still wanted that beer and a few more, but the coffee and food helped. Once I was done eating, we started talking. Thankfully, Rebecca threw me a lifeline. "Matilda was always a needy child," she stated as my dishes...
Tammy had just awakened from a restless night's sleep. Her boyfriend Larry had been with her during the previous evening and she'd sent her kids over to her mom's house so the two of them could be alone and carry on the way they needed to without little prying eyes seeing what Mommy and Larry were up to. The kids knew Mommy and Larry sleep in her bedroom together but they were still much to young to know that they fucked and sucked each other to multiple orgasms in there. And they didn't...
Yesterday afternoon my Mom and I were in the living room watching television. She was laying on the couch and I was sitting in my Dad's favorite chair. Several cars came up the driveway and parked, so I looked out the window to see who it was. The first car was my brother Michael's, but I didn't recognize the other three. Michael got out of car first then three guys got out of the others and they followed him around back to the kitchen door. They came into the house and Michael got them all a...
With Kim in her senior year in high school things were getting serious. Academically she was taking the courses which would set her up to enter college next fall. She was heavy in science and math as well as taking the technology class. Her plan to go to University of Houston meant she had to buckle down on her studies. She did, however, have time to develop her social life and was dating some very nice guys on a regular basis. Some of them almost measured up to my requirements. She and I...
I am a 47 year old male and am married to a 39 year old conservative girl for the past twenty years. In my wildest dreams I could not have dreamt what she was like. Our sex live is pretty good but in the last couple of years I have neglected her a bit, because it became actually boring to screw her. Because of her conservative upbringing she did not want to give me blow jobs or any other kinky stuff. We are not actually party a****ls and does not drink often. But one night, about two years ago...
Copyright© 2007 Chapter 1: The Old School "I wonder what she's up to?" Ray mused as he noticed the young girl walk slowly passed the wall at the road end of his front garden for the fourth time. He called it a front garden but at the moment it was a waist high wilderness of grass and weeds; a wilderness he was trying to reduce to a manageable length using an old fashioned scythe hired locally. "When it's short enough, I'll use the ride-on rotary mower to keep it under control and...
Reddit Porn, aka r/Porn! Everyone, including myself, loves some good porn every once in a while. I mean isn't jerking off the order of the day for most of you anyway, regardless of what anyone thinks of it. In any case, most of you can only hit a pussy as much thanks to the harsh economic times versus the money tags unapologetically placed on them. Well, thank god for porn tubes, porn sites, and, most importantly, the porn rich dominative world of Reddit.However, while there are so many...
Reddit NSFW ListThe cafeteria reunited Franco Varizzi with Aurelia and Octavia, who was now free of her asthma. It also allowed her to demonstrate her gratitude, which she did with considerable enthusiasm, sitting eagerly next to him and planting kisses on his face. Evidently, the Latina was happy to belong to this tough Italian guard. The other concubines all winked at him, clearly understanding what was likely to happen. Giulio, meanwhile, constantly felt Marta's and Janine's fingers caressing his cock...
Dressed once again in my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose, I pull on a tshirt and trousers, slip on a pair of shoes and head on out. I am hoping to catch a few views of some nice legs in nylon. I head into town and take a wander round the shops, taking in a few charity shops, looking to pick up a few nice pairs of pantyhose or stockings or maybe some nice panties or other lingerie. I have some success and manage to find some nice seamed stockings, a pair of sheer pantyhose and a few...
I woke early the next morning as usual, leaving Alice fast asleep in our double bed. The sun was shining, the morning was still not too hot and I felt hungry so I showered, dressed and walked the mile or so into the nearest village and bought bread, milk and croissants for our breakfast. As I returned to the apartment with my purchases in a paper bag, my mind was full of plans for the coming evening. In less than twelve hours Steve would be here with a full day and, more importantly, two full...
CuckoldThe purpose of this story is to explore a bunch of wacky ideas and the smutty scenarios they enable. It's also a central hub for all the random concepts I've never quite been able to share anywhere else. That being said, I love seeing people take ideas or characters in their own directions. If you see something you like, or want to explore your own weird, wacky, or sexy concept, you're welcome to jump in so long as you follow the directions below. You may start your own branching story so long...
Mind ControlThis is a fantasy of mine, The old man next door has woman come care for him as a live in nurse.Hoping something similar will happen in near future.Every morning we sit on porch drinking our coffee and talking.One morning I walk over and my chair is missing. She says sorry it broke. So I stood and there leaning against the porch in front of her as we talk. Still in her bath robe when no one else was around she spread her legs open revealing her self to me. I can't take my eyes off her I just...
That afternoon at the pool, Babs met two young men who took her to their room and fucked her so many times that the exhausted youngster slept until late the next morning. When she finally awakened and found her parents and brother gone, she showered and brushed her teeth. She was just about to leave when she heard a knock on the door. Opening it, she saw a big handsome man with a very long, thick cock hanging down between his legs. "I'm looking for Doreen Barber," he gulped, staring at...
We have been married for seven years now. My wife, Judy, and I have successful careers and enjoy a great relationship. She has colored her long straight hair a beautiful shade of red with reddish-blond. I like it when she pulls it back severely into a bun or twist. She has a slender, petite frame, and a bright smile. For your perverts, she is a size 2, small breasted, slender hips with a little thigh-gap, and she has a nice cute ass. Our sex life is normal and has tapered off a little over the...
Hi viewers, I’m back again with another real story of me. I’m also one of the followers of this site like all of you. I’m 23, 5’11 fair, athletic ,working in an MNC in hyderabad. I’m writing this story to reach out to similar minded people. So to begin with this happened with my friends mom in my hometown during my inter college days. She was married may be at an early age of her life so she is still in her 30’s though she has an 18 yr old son. She is pretty white complexioned and her figures...
Both of Sandra's parents were holding her in their arms, and they were glad that they could feel how Sandra's body was relaxing. Sandra had calmed down after her mother had said that they weren't angry at her. However, Sandra sure was dumbstruck by how her parents were acting. She had been expecting to be shout at, and she even had already seen how she would be lying over her dad's knees while he was spanking her ass red in her mind. But this ... No, she sure hadn't expected this from...
Hey guy's and gals, Ducky here. Just a couple of things before we start. (SKIP THIS SECTION IF YOU JUST WANT TO READ) This will be a very narrative-driven story, however, I certainly do plan to have one hell of a bunch of erotica packed in so no need to worry about that, I must warn You however that the prologue contains only a little, as soon as You get to part One is when the juicy stuff will begin. Secondly like with my Other stories I have created a discord for fans who wish to ask me...
FantasyJenny and I still had our arms around each other when I woke up. I stared at her, watching her sleep. Jenny stirred, opening her eyes. Before she said a word, she kissed me."Hi," Jenny said as she grinned at me."Hi," I replied."I had fun last night.""Me too." I kissed Jenny and grinned. "Want to wake up our brothers?""In a minute. I guess you're not mad at me then," Jenny whispered."No, I'm not mad. As I said, I had fun. It was kind of weird at first, but then I began to...
IncestFor Mordmorgan, because I promised him a Valentine's Day story a very long time ago. For nearly forty years, on almost any night between September and June, Angelo's Pizza was standing room only. The Saturday before Valentine's Day proved no exception. Without question, the best pizza in the small college town, it was also one of the most popular gathering places for students in their off hours. Aside from great food and cold refreshments, it was also the home to Angelo's Girls, an...
I had always considered myself 100% straight. All through high school and college I never battered an eyelid if a sexy girl walked past as I had no interest in them only men. But it was only until I joined a salsa class every week on a Monday did I begin to doubt my sexuality.I entered the dance studio and there were were a group of men and women there already and a young and sexy latina salsa teacher stood in a black leotard and cropped leggings. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun. She was...
LesbianI had to go to Mumbai on an official work for about a week. I was staying in a five star hotel near Juhu and after finishing my first day’s work I had nothing to do so I decided to kill time by going to the Juhu beach. I was all alone watching and enjoying the sea waves. After about half an hour I saw a woman in her late twenties standing near me and she asked me: “Are you alone?” I said that yes I am all alone. Then she said: “Do you need company?” I said if it were a company of a beautiful...
Hi na peru nandini…Andaru nandu ani pilustaru..Nakkuda alage pilipinchukovadam istam.. Idi konchem lengthy story but na jeevitam lo jarigina nijamaina sangatanulu. Na age 23.Ma intlo 5 members. Amma,nanna, tammudu, chelli and nenu. Amma house wife, nanna gold business. Tammudu, chelli studying still. Ha height 5.5, na size 34-25-35.Nenu present bangalore lo oka mnc lo panichestunnanu. Nenu putti perigindi antha madanpalle, tirupati. Nenu 2014 lo b.Tech tirupati lo complete chesanu, naku...
Eric had been thinking of calling Joan, but after four weeks at college, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to continue involvement with her. Joan was wishing Eric would call because she really liked him. She wasn’t sure if Eric approved of her continuing relationship with her older friend, but she really liked to have dinner and sex with him. One evening Eric decided to call. When Joan answered the phone, she said to call back in about an hour. Eric hung up a little disappointed, but called again...
Hi doston, mera naam nikhil hai main 19 saal ka hun. Sharir se kaafi hatta katta dikhne mein average lekin kisi bodybuilder se kam nhi lgta.Main din mein 2 bar 2-2 ghante ke liye gym jata hun. Aur color bhi mera average hi hai.Baat tb ki hai jb 18 saal ka tha.To mai kahaani shuru krta hun- School mein annual function ki rehearsal chal rhi thi sbhi bachche concert m baithe the tbhi mujhe pyas lgi to m apni class m aa gya aur jaise hi apni bottle nikaal rha tha mujhe ek ladki vhan se nahaati hui...
Had it not been for what Grandma had done to me, I could have gotten through the day without sleeping. But that had taken too much out of me, even though Grandma hadn't even been trying to wipe me out. I woke up a little before five. That gave me just enough time for some coffee and a shower that wouldn't need to be rushed. I brewed a pot, which was of course really just a cup. It was stale and terrible, like most hotel coffee, but it did help me finish casting off my slumber. The shower did...