Homelands Pt 2 Ch 13 free porn video

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Had it not been for what Grandma had done to me, I could have gotten through the day without sleeping. But that had taken too much out of me, even though Grandma hadn't even been trying to wipe me out.

I woke up a little before five. That gave me just enough time for some coffee and a shower that wouldn't need to be rushed. I brewed a pot, which was of course really just a cup. It was stale and terrible, like most hotel coffee, but it did help me finish casting off my slumber. The shower did the rest.

When I got out of the shower, Aunt Iva was in my room, already dressed for the rehearsal dinner. It was almost strange, seeing her looking presentable rather than squeezed into some skimpy little bit of lingerie.

"You're not dressed yet?" she said, eying my naked form.

"Do you usually dress in the shower?"

She snickered.

I checked my watch. We had a little time, but not enough for any play. As I dressed, we made small talk. She told me about her afternoon. First, she'd fucked Todd and Melanie. Then came the Farrier Foursome.

"Speaking of your mother," I said. "Do you know she once told me there were only two things in her life that she'd ever regretted?"

"Oh?" she asked, guardedly.

Perhaps what I was about to tell her would not come as a surprise after all, given that tone. Still, I pressed on. "She told me this morning that both of them had to to do with you. Wouldn't elaborate, except to say that you only knew what one of them was."

She was silent for a time. "Really?"

"Should I not have told you?" I asked.

"What?" she asked, turning her brown eyes from the mirror towards me. "No, I'm glad you did. It's just that," she paused, then again said, "I'm glad that you did."

And she left it at that.

I wanted desperately to ask her more about it, but I wasn't so stupid that I couldn't interpret that properly. So I simply came up behind her, wrapped my hands around her waist, and kissed her cheek.

"There's something else I need to tell you," I said.

My aunt smiled. "Okay. But first, let me just quickly go on the record as saying that it's incredibly hot that you didn't ask me what the one thing she regrets that I already know about is. I know you want to know. You reek of it. But I appreciate you respecting my privacy. I'll tell you eventually. I'm promise. Just not right now."

"Good enough," I said, kissing her dirty blonde hair. I could never decide if I liked it best this color, the deep gold she also frequently wore, or the platinum blonde she broke out every now and then. "Did you know that your darling nephew didn't actually Devour Brianna? He just exiled her to some prison world."

"No, I didn't know that," she said, voice weary. "But I should have. I sensed that he was carrying around a lot of guilt, and I'd assumed it was from Devouring her. Should have noticed that his Libido didn't grow. There's no way he could have Devoured a woman that powerful and not gotten a whole lot stronger."

"Now the part you're really going to hate is what I did when I found out."

So I told her.

Iva turned around and kissed me. It wasn't the kind of anxious foreplay kiss that says, "I need to have you inside me this second." It was tender and sweet.

"That was not the reaction I expected," I said.

"From what you described, she's not the same woman anymore," Iva said. "And people deserve second chances. Even people who do really terrible things to people they love when they're young and stupid."

I wondered just which young and stupid woman we were talking about at the moment.

But she wasn't any quicker to explain that comment than she was to tell me what Grandma had been talking about earlier.


Lily and I sat one one small table, as we would tomorrow. Todd and his family sat at another table. Dad, Grandma, Cindy and Iva had another.

My mother should have been there. And Natalie as well. Maybe even Skye and her twin brothers. So many people missing, without even counting the dead.

But it wouldn't do to dwell on that now. I'd shed enough tears over Mom. And would shed still more. In private.

My lovely fiance wore a slinky blue dress that exposed a bit more of her milky cleavage than was probably appropriate, given how modest all the other women had dressed. Her hair was tied up in a mini tower above her head. Blue stiletto heels added a few inches to her height, and emphasized the curves of her lower body.

I was a bit nervous. Not just about tomorrow, though obviously that was true. But about tonight. The veil had long since been lifted. She was doing a nice job of hiding it, but I sensed that she was pretty furious with me. There was still a strong undercurrent of desire there, but at the moment, it was definitely well beneath the surface.

Only an idiot would have thought it would be okay to simply arrange for her to have a date with my brother while I spent two days fucking the women of my family. She hadn't been entirely left out in the cold, but damn close.

With a smile, Lily asked, "So, you are only marrying the one woman tomorrow?"

"Yes, dear," I said. "Just the one."

"And she wouldn't happen to be a top-heavy blonde with no ass?"

"No ass?" I said. Not that I hadn't myself many times thought Iva would look better if she had just a little more of her older sister in her, but still.

"That's great. Let's argue about whether she's hot enough for you," Lily said.

"That's not what I meant," I said.

Lily offered a conciliatory smile and patted the back of my hand. "I'm sorry. I guess I just feel like I'm supposed to be angry and jealous. I mean, you've been fucking your aunts. And grandmother. And your sister-in-law."

"I have," I said.

"Which is what we immortals do," she said with a sigh. "What I did, when I still had a family. I know that. But." She didn't finish the thought, just sat there folding and refolding the napkin in her lap.


I suppose, if the shoe fits. After all, I'd never heard of any of us dying of natural causes. But I'd just never thought about it that way before.

"But what?" I asked.

"I don't. It's nothing. Just that I sometimes wonder what it says about me that I honestly don't miss my family in the least," Lily said.

"It doesn't say anything except that you have a shitty family," I said.

"Yeah," Lily said. "I'm sure that's it." She looked out across the room, eying the men of my family. "Anyway. I want to fuck the rest of your family. Let me do that, and I'll forget about how much fun you had over the past two days while I had to settle for one entirely too brief encounter with that stud you call a brother."

I gritted my teeth at that. Was it strange that her request didn't bother me, just the way she'd described Todd?

"Now?" I asked.

"Why not?" she asked, staring me in the eye.

"Wouldn't it be more exciting to do that at the reception?"

Her eyes widened. A smile spread across her face. "Yes. It would."

"In your wedding gown."

"The bridal train," she said.

"And I'll tell you what. You can humiliate me the whole time. I won't touch any of the other women. I'll sit in my chair, and you can go down on me while every other guy in the place takes their turn in your hot cunt. Or your ass, if you want."

"Or if they want," she said.

"Whatever," I said.

"Deal," Lily quivered, her breasts jiggling. "Oh, now I'm really excited." She covered her mouth instinctively. "Not that I wasn't before."

I laughed, touched her hand softly. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry. I understand what I'm signing up for, as well as what I'm not."

I frowned. "Well, tell me you do at least want children?"

"Oh, yeah," she said without hesitation. "Absolutely. Preferably a lot of them."

I laughed at her tone. "Okay. Good."

"I can't wait for the day that I can have sex with my son," she said, blushing.

I kissed her on the cheek. "And I can't wait to watch, and to fuck our daughters. You know, if we leave them to be raised by mortals, after a few months, they'll be of age."

She nodded slowly. "Yeah, That's certainly one option."

"Well, I don't entirely love the idea us being absent for most of their development," I said. "But this is pretty close to instant gratification. Isn't that appealing?" When I only saw a hint of a reaction, I added, "If you want to have one or two more kids after that, kids that we do raise ourselves, we can do that too."

"Yeah, that's fine," she said with a sigh. "I'm dying to raise my own children, but I suppose it would be nice to get to know each other better first before we go through that."

I lowered my voice. "Imagine if, once they came of age, we made all our children be our vassals. Talk about a boost in power! And without having to Devour anyone."

She stared at me in horror. "I don't know, Frank."

"We certainly don't have to. Just an idea," I said, feeling like an asshole.

But, at the same time, I felt a bit frustrated with her for making me feel like an asshole. You'd think I'd suggested that we Devour them. Of course, I should have said that we could ask them to be, instead of saying that we'd make them. But that didn't make me a monster.

Did it?


Our ceremony was briefer than brief. Once everyone had assembled in the park, Lily and I stood under an ivied trellis and said our vows to one another. We didn't bother with a flower girl or bridal party or groomsmen or have anyone oversee the ceremony.

The only thing that felt wrong about it to me was that the trees were all green. In the mortal world, it was summer, the season of weddings. But it felt like we should be marrying in autumn, with the leaves all gold and red and orange and brown.

I wore a tux with an indigo bow-tie to match her natural hair color. Lily wore a traditional white gown with a sequined bodice. Her light blue skin looked so beautiful against the white on white dress that I almost thought it comical that ordinary women wore the same colored gowns. As good as she had looked yesterday, as my fiance, wearing her mortal disguise, she looked twice as good today, as my wife, in her true appearance.

Lily and I were the only ones that were fully clothed. The men wore boxers, the collars and cuffs of dress-shirts, and neck ties the same color as my bow-tie. The women wore their best lingerie. Though none of it white, of course.

When we held hands, Lily's grip was firm. When we kissed, there was real passion. When I studied her Libido, I almost swooned at the intensity of the desire I found there, lurking beneath a warm layer of happiness. Perhaps none of that should have surprised me, even though we weren't really in love with one another. At least, not that I'd noticed. Women everywhere loved weddings, it would seem. Even those from other worlds.

Heck, I had to admit, even I found myself getting caught up in it. So much so that I almost forgot that, even among mortals, most marriages would not last, and plenty of those that did shouldn't. I almost didn't even wish that it was my mother in Lily's place, however much that would violate one of the only taboos left to a people who had no use for taboos. I even almost managed to convince myself that we were as good for each other as two of our kind could be. So what if we didn't see eye to eye on how to raise our children, or even whether to do so ourselves?

Almost, almost, almost.

Part of me knew that I'd very likely see things differently soon enough.

While we sipped our first drinks of the evening, my wife regaled me with stories from her bachelorette party. The sheer relish with which she described her various depraved acts, and those of the mortal women that passed for friends when she was still under my veil, gave new life to what was otherwise a fairly predictable tawdry tale.

"I'm sorry none of your people could be here," I said after she finished her story.

She snorted derisively. "Why? I'm not." The hard edge left her voice. "Sure, I'd gladly fuck them too if they were here, because I'm in that kind of mood, but I thought you understood by now that I pretty much hate them."

I kissed her forehead, then donned my best smart-ass grin. "Well, you see, Lily, the thing is, it's kinda hard for me to understand something you refuse to explain."

"You don't want to know."

"Are you sure? Because it feels to me like I do," I said.

"Trust me, you don't. And I don't want to talk about it. Ever. So please don't ruin my wedding day by asking about it, okay?"

"Okay, okay, sorry," I said. "But I do hope you know that you really can share things with me. That's one of the things that husbands and wives do. Or so I hear."

Lily smiled, laying a gloved hand on my cheek. "I'll keep that in mind." After taking a long sip of her wine, she added, "You know, I thought about you all the time after you left. I was glad you'd got away, because captivity is captivity. But I missed you. A lot."

"Does it look like I forgot about you?" I asked, before pulling her in for a kiss.

"I think we should go mingle," she said breathlessly after our lips parted. "I mean, as I just got done saying, I obviously don't mind having complete strangers inside me. But I think it would be nice to get to know your family at least a little bit beforehand. Or, you know, in general. I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing a lot of them after all."

Seeing as she'd only put a little bite into those last words, I only put a little force into the smack of her ass. She yelped and shuffled forward a few steps, but smiled at me afterwards.

We went over to the pavilion. Everyone was gathered around a picnic table that had been turned into a makeshift bar. I introduced her to everyone, and she took at least a few minutes to make small talk with each person. And she hit it off with everyone.

Especially Todd.

Fucking Todd.

You'd think they were old friends. This, after one night of sex, that, by Todd's account, wasn't even that great. But if he thought she talked too much though, as he'd said to me at one point yesterday, he wasn't letting it show now.

While the four of us talked, Holly made eyes at me, at least when she wasn't glowering at her husband or pretending not to be giving my wife dirty looks. The poor dear. I hoped that after her Elevation, her feelings might evolve. Or that Todd's would.

Lily was almost as comfortable and flirty with Dad as she'd been with Todd. But then, Dad was pretty funny to begin with. Often unintentionally, but sometimes even when he thought he was. And he was always in prime form at parties. It was almost as if he didn't think small gatherings were worth turning his charm up to its highest setting.

While she and Dad joked, Cindy and Iva came to join us. Cindy eased in to the conversation Dad and Lily were having. Iva stared at Cindy longingly, almost jealously, as she tipped back her plastic cocktail glass.

I pulled her aside. Lily looked back at me when I took my hand off her back, but when she saw that I was just stepping a bit off to the side, she smiled, blew me a kiss, and turned her attention back to the story my father was telling, hanging on his every word.

My aunt's outfit was just unfair. It took great effort on my part to think about anything other than ripping her soft breasts out of her teddy and sucking on them while everyone, including my newlywed wife, stared on.

"She's delightful," Iva said. "Looks like Mel wasn't kidding. You are marrying up."

"When did she say that?" I asked.

"I think I met her once, actually," Iva said, ignoring my question.

"Really? In Silas' Court?"

"Yeah. I think I saw her at parties back when I was with Silas' daughter. Never spoke to her, but I remember being taken by her." She paused. "And, now that I think about it, I also remember there being rumors about her tearing some woman's throat out with her jaws. Be careful with that one, Frank."

"I will be."

"Here," Iva said, handing me her empty glass. "Why don't you go buy me another."

I laughed, kissed her on the forehead, and made my way around the clusters of people to get at the picnic table. Not a minute later, I returned with another cosmotini. Or at least, I hoped that's what it was. She'd told me what went in it a few times in the past, but I never seemed to remember. Even though it wasn't even all that complicated.

"So I've been thinking about what we talked about yesterday," she said.

"Brianna?" I asked.

Iva shook her head. "No, though we ought to talk more about her sooner or later too. I meant what my mother said to you. About the thing she regrets. Or the one that I actually know about." She paused to take a sip of her drink. It would appear I'd gotten the drink right, or near enough that she couldn't tell the difference. "I've never told anyone this, you know. But now that I know there's something else that she regrets, it doesn't seem like as big a deal as it once did. If that makes any sense." Another sip of her drink. For someone who supposedly didn't think it such a big deal anymore, she sure looked nervous. "I guess I don't even care if the others overhear us. Not anymore."

I motioned for her to continue.

"Gus and Cindy aren't really my brother and sister."

I almost dropped my bottle of beer.

"Cindy sure looks like she is," I said, after a moment.

Iva rolled her eyes. "Well, okay, she is. But only half. We don't have the same father. And the story is about him."

"Your father?"

"Theirs. The man I thought was my father too, when I was growing up."

"Hmm. You know, I don't think I ever met him," I said.

"Of course not. I Devoured him not long after I came of age," Iva replied, her tone shockingly casual. "So you wouldn't even have been born yet," she continued.

I hadn't even been born yet?

"So, the regret is banishing you?"

"Yup," Iva said. "It was only because she couldn't be seen to tolerate what I'd done. Not because she was mad about losing him. Maybe she'd loved him once, but she certainly didn't anymore at that point. As queen, though, she had to do something, even though she didn't want to lose me. We cried together for hours."

That was a hard thing to picture. Grandma was warmer with her daughters than anyone else, but the idea of her crying was entirely alien to me.

"So why did you do it?"

She frowned, shrugged one shoulder. "It was stupid."

"No one's judging," I said.

"Well, I guess I am," Iva said, before taking another sip of her drink. "I've paid for it and paid for it. But some days, I still think I haven't suffered enough."

I kissed her on the forehead. "Don't do this to yourself."

She looked up at me with a face that didn't reveal anything. "So, understand that I grew up thinking this man was my father. I loved him. And I yearned for him. I knew what we were. No one told me, but I always knew things I wasn't supposed to know."

No surprise there.

"So there I was," Iva continued, "having fantasized about my father for a long time, but even after I came of age, he wouldn't touch me. Mom told me that he genuinely loved me, but he could never see me the same as he did Cindy, because I wasn't his."

"That had to hurt."

"You have no idea. I think that's why I've always been so interested in Cindy. Like I was convinced there had to be something really special about her."

"Ah," I said. Not that it was hard to believe before, when I hadn't known there was a deeper reason for it. But that did make sense.

"Guess I needed to believe it so bad that I genuinely started to," Iva added. "Not that she isn't. Special. But it's always been more about coping with the way Dad shunned me."

I nodded.

"What made it worse was that, for years, I'd felt bad for Dad. Thought he was being neglected sexually, and was dying to make up the difference for him. You see, he worshiped my mother. But she'd lost interest in him. She told me exactly that, many times. When Mom married him, she was marrying the last scion of a once great house. And he just never really lived up to that. Wasn't his fault though. No one in his family was very powerful. Hadn't been in a long time."

I still didn't know the history of our court as well as I'd liked. But I was gradually correcting that, with Wendy's help. There had been a time when the throne passed regularly between not only Houses Orwin and Farrier, but also Ariand. My grandfather's house.

"So Mom thought she'd snagged an alpha male. But he wasn't. He doted on her. Would do anything for her. He was so sweet, Frank. But he didn't realize that every time he said, 'I don't know, dear, whatever you want to do tonight,' she grew even less attracted to him."

"Story old as time," I said.

"Guess so," Iva said. "Anyway, that's pretty much it. Dad was hardly getting any. Mom could barely stand him, and if Cindy's legs were open and Gus wasn't between them, it was most likely because was on the toilet. I wanted so bad to take Dad inside me and make everything okay, to be for him what Mom and Cindy wouldn't."

Sick. And touching at the same time.

I gave my aunt a deep kiss.

"What was that for?" she asked with a smile that said she didn't really care why.

"Just because."

Blushing, she picked right back up. "I always figured we'd be a big happy family when I came of age. And that sorta came true, but not really. I guess I should have been mad at my mother most of all, but somehow I couldn't be. I blamed Dad.

"For a year or so, I tried to accept it. And finally getting to make love to Mom and Cin and Gus, well that definitely nice. But no matter how hard I tried to seduce him, Dad just kept refusing." She paused for a moment and took a swig of her drink. "Until one night. But I'd long ago decided that I hated him so much that if I ever managed to wear down his resistance, I was going to make him pay." Another sip. "And I did."

"That definitely explains a lot."

My aunt shrugged. "I guess. It still doesn't make all that much sense to me, and I lived it. Why wasn't I just happy that he finally saw me the way I'd always wanted him to?"

"Damage had already been done," I said.

Lily came up behind Iva, placed a hand gently on my aunt's shoulder. "So, can I have my husband back now?"

Iva laughed awkwardly. For a moment, I saw a look in her eyes that made me hope that Lily never made the mistake of crossing Iva.

As she pulled me towards the food table, Lily asked, "What was that about?"


She gave me a skeptical look, but didn't say anything more about it. We piled our paper plates high with food before going to sit at one of the empty picnic tables.

It suddenly hit me that while we'd always planned to have the ceremony outdoors, the reception was supposed to be indoors. What was the rehearsal dinner all about if we were going to have a family barbecue afterwards?

"Honey?" I asked, as I forked up a pile of pulled pork, "When did we change the plans for the reception?"

Lily smiled. "Frank, sweetie, `we' didn't. I did. Right before the ceremony. It's just so beautiful out, I didn't want to be inside."

"And that's it?" I asked.

As she chewed a mouthful of potato salad, she said, "Maybe there's something else. But you'll have to wait to see what."

One day, I hoped to meet a woman who told me things when I wanted to know them. It would probably never happen, but it was a nice dream.

Just then, Grandma came over to us. She had what I thought was an Old Fashioned in one hand. I didn't know anyone actually drank those.

"Having a good time?" she asked.

"Absolutely. You?"

She nodded. "You still haven't introduced me to this wife of yours. That's awfully rude of you, Frank. I'm not sure who should be more offended. Her or me."

Had we skipped Grandma when making the rounds?

Freudian slip, I guess.

"You must be Grandma Kailtlin," Lily said, offering her hand.

Grandma ignored her hand, bending down to kiss her on the cheek instead. "A pleasure, Lily. You look absolutely fabulous in that dress."

"Thank you," Lily said for the manyteenth time that day.

"You better take good care of her," Grandma said to me.

Lily laughed, clearly expecting that sentence to end with a different pronoun. "You heard her," she said, pinching my cheek.

"I will, Grandma."

"And keep an eye on her, too. If she came to you from Silas, it's as likely that she's spying for him as not. Any moonlit woman who allows herself to be held prisoner by the likes of us lowly Autumnal folk is either incredibly devious or not worthy of my grandson."

Lily's smiling facade cracked only a little.

But I felt her Libido turn dark and angry. Primal. And, for just a split second, it looked as though the woman sitting across from me was half woman, and half wolf.

The creature was a biped that might have been ten feet tall. It was hard to say, since she was still seated, but she was definitely huge. She was covered from muzzle to tail in indigo fur, save for a patch of light blue fur from groin to collarbone. The teeth bared in her silent snarl were as long as steak knives. Her chest and arms were thicker with muscle than mine had ever been, no matter how much I'd altered my appearance.

Grandma smiled. "I've been with Silas too, dear. Not nearly enough times for my liking, but enough to know that it doesn't take a crazy woman to consider doing some crazy things to please him. And spying on the ruler of one court for the benefit of another is hardly crazy. Pretty common, actually."

I didn't know what to say to that. Lily scoffed, but apparently thought it so preposterous that it didn't need a response.

"Anyway, it was truly lovely to meet you," Grandma said, raising her glass in salute before returning to her table.

"Well!" Lily said. "Can you believe that?"

I sure hoped not. "I'm sorry about that, honey. Grandma just kind of speaks her mind."

"Ordinarily, I respect that," Lily said. As she ought to, being that she shared the same trait. "But that's just downright offensive. As if you don't know that I would have run away with you long ago, if you'd just asked."

I stared at her face. It was a beautiful, decidedly fur-free face.

Fuck me. I don't know if I was just enchanted by her and the memories of the really good sex we'd shared in the past or what, but I believed her. "Forget it. It doesn't mean anything. I know she's wrong, you know she's wrong, and that's all that matters."

I'd have loved to ask why Grandma found it hard to believe that a moonlit woman could have been held captive, but I knew how that would sound.

Lily frowned. "You don't think she'll turn your family against me? Or, at least, the Farriers? I mean, I thought things were going well between me and your father, but I've seen the way he looks at her."

"Well, that's true. If she told him she was disowning me, I doubt I'd ever see him again. But I don't know. I'm not even sure she cares enough to do anything like that. She's really not involved much in the court anymore. This weekend is the first time most people her have seen her since she abdicated the throne. And will probably be the last for a while."

"Wicked old bat," she said.

"You get a few of those free, because she was totally out of line. But let's do please remember that she is my grandmother. In her way, she's just trying to look out for me."

Lily sighed, laid a hand atop mine. "I know, baby. I just want them to like me."

"Besides Grandma, they do. Todd is more jealous than he'll let on, I'm pretty sure. Iva thinks I'm marrying up. So does Mel. And from the looks she's been giving you, I'd say Mel might fight me over who gets to take you home tonight."

She laughed. "I only mostly hope you win. She's a sexy little firecracker."

"But don't call her that. I once did. She prefers goddess."

"Ha! I like her style," Lily said, smiling.

I ran a finger over the back of one of my wife's blue hands. "I'm sorry I never offered to take you away back then," I said. "But I'm glad we're together now."

"Me too," she said. "It would have been really hot and romantic if we'd run away without thinking twice about the consequences. But it would have been stupid. And, anyway, here we are, together, and you've signed a peace agreement with him."

"All's well that ends well," I said with a smile I didn't quite feel.

Lily smiled back at me. Her Libido seemed to be telling me that I didn't need to worry about that nightmare beast she'd briefly turned into. But any woman who tried to get in the way of us might need to. Which I suppose should have been reassuring.

Not long after we all had cake and coffee, Mel stood up on the bench seat of her picnic table. "Look, I know you guys didn't want speeches, so I'll keep this brief. The two of you need to get out on the `dance floor' and show us how you really feel." She gestured to the back half of the pavilion, where we'd cleared away some of the picnic tables.

Everyone cheered. They didn't know exactly what we had planned, but they had know things wouldn't stay PG for long. "Good a time as any," I whispered to Lily.

She nodded, took me by the hand and led me out to the dance floor. My wife held one hand up in the air, twirled it around, and huge speakers suddenly appeared at the other end of the pavilion. A moment after they appeared, they began blasting out the requisite bass-heavy, feel-it-in-your-bones dance music.

Mel summoned a chair, placed it in the middle of the makeshift dance floor, and smiled at me deviously before departing.

Lily sat down and made a real show of sliding the garter up her thigh. A few cat-calls rang out as she exposed a shapely thigh. Once it was securely in place, she raised her leg high and stretched it out. Her muscles rippled delightfully as she pointed her foot and swiveled it around. Then she brought it back to the floor and snapped her frilly dress over her leg once more. My family replied with laughter and applause.

I knelt before her, looking back over my shoulder at my family as they egged me on.

Slowly, teasing the crowd as much as my wife, I raised her dress back up. I held it above my head for a few seconds, then let it drop over me.

By the laughter, I could only guess Lily was making some very suggestive facial expressions. I took hold of the garter and pulled it down with my teeth. I was tempted to give her a little treat while I was there, but I chose not to.

It was hard to resist though. She smelled wonderful.

Emerging with my hands still behind my back and the garter in my teeth, I stood up and turned around so everyone could see. This earned still more applause.

Lily clapped too as she stood up. "Now, baby, it's your turn," she said.

I feigned surprise, holding my hands up, palms to the sky, as I let her push me down into the seat. She gave me a very enjoyable lap dance for a few minutes. Even with her dress on, and her breasts still trapped inside the tight bodice, I came pretty close to getting off. She knew how to work her hips. And the crowd, for that matter.

As the song ended, she stood up and ripped the bottom of her dress off.

I heard gasps, laughter, and clapping. But it felt like it was worlds away. For the time being, my entire universe contained nothing but Lily.

Standing there, wearing the bodice of her dress, white knee-high stockings and gleaming white heels, and a pair of satin panties that were drenched in her juices, my wife took my breath away. The bodice looked like it had always been meant to be a corset rather than part of a wedding gown.

She continued the lap dance through another song. At one point, she stood facing away from me and, with her legs stiff, bent slowly over until her head was tucked between my legs. Her beautiful ass was spread out in front of me. Then Lily reached back and slapped that gorgeous ass, sending a light ripple across the pale blue flesh.

Still, she tortured me for a few more minutes. Whenever I tried to cop a feel, she batted my hands away. Only when the song ended did she finally go to her knees.

I heard someone whisper, "She's not going to-"

And then I was in her mouth.

After all that, I thought she'd work slowly, teasing me. But, no. She swallowed me to the hilt, pressing her nose against my pubes.

My family cheered her on as she bobbed up and down on my member, slobbering noisily, teasing my balls with her long, white nails.

I ran my hands through her otherworldly hair as she worked. Damn, but she was beautiful. Her skin was so smooth and fair, for all that it had an unusual hue. Her hair was dark, thick, andTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Homelands Pt 2 Ch 13 Videos

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IN TRANSIT!It was a while in the planning, choosing a suitable evening, shall we choose a Friday or a Saturday, what shall we wear, arranging an overnight babysitter, planning the route and making sure we had enough pennies to have a nice evening. We'd promised ourselves another night out at X-tasia before Christmas. We'd been once before at the end of August and whilst we were both nervous had a good time even if it was just the fact that we were together alone. This time we had a better idea...

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Cassie Is A Naughty Girl

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this story is a true stroy it happend to a friend of mine.. .. this one day I he was heading home one late night I found my girl naked in bed with someone else it was one of her coworkers they didn't notice I was there it was very dark I saw my girl riding him hard watching her how ahe was moaning n saying ooh yes fuxking my pussy hard I then said wtf is this she was shocked then I said u knw wat I want u to keep fucking your coworkers aracely was waa OK he said he grab my girl n shoved his...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 91 Misaos Resolve

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From Lady Boss To Biwi 8211 Part 3

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I had never really been anything special. The only thing that ever set me apart from other girls were the size of my breasts. About a 34 D. Personally, I'd always thought it to be a curse, passed down from my great aunts. Otherwise, I had boring brown hair that reached the middle of my shoulder blades, rather large, brown eyes, and naturally pale skin. My dark hair and eyes only added to the paleness of my skin. Everyone had always told me that I was pretty, but I could never really bring...

Love Stories
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Ill swap my GF for your Wife Part 2

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The Electricians HaremChapter 27

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Dad8217s Pets I

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My New Slave Male Version

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Rohini The Best A Man Can Get

Hi. I’m Sidharth Ram. I’m 23 years of age. A regular viewer of ISS. I’m an engineer by profession. Basically from Bangalore. I’m 5.11 feet tall and decently built with a finely packed body. I had always been interested in an elder woman. This sex story is about my Rohini . Any lady or aunty could email me on This story has probably changed the view of my life. I learned to dream after knowing her. Now let me break the suspense. Once it so happened that I was supposed to send out an official...

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Sexy Nights With My Cousin Sister

Hello ISS I am Rahul from Mumbai, India. I am regular reader of ISS and here I am sharing my own experience with my cousin sister. Let me tell about myself. I am Rahul 24 year guy from Mumbai. And I am only son of my mom and dad. I have cousin sister her name is Priyanka age is 23. She is very beautiful looking having great boobs and nice figure. We have been very close right from our childhood. As she is also single daughter in her family. We have been sharing everything from our childhood and...

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Crema Take Me Like Your Coffee 5

“This is it,” Ray thought, admiring rich brown coffee dripping majestically into the pot. The coffee was beautiful, single origin of course, and smelt almost floral and fruity. Just perfect. Ray smiled and twirled his ironic mustache which according to his friends from Warsaw made him look like Polish nobility. Today was indeed the day. Alex, the only other person who was supposed to be at work in the morning, had just called in sick. Ray had the entire place to himself. He slowly began to...

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Darrens Diary fucked in suspenders

It’s the first day of term again. But it’s the first day of the last term. My last term here at St. Jude’s. Can’t believe it – after all these years I get to leave at last! So what did I do in the holidays? Well, the best thing I did was get fucked by Steve. Steve’s this guy who lives in the house across the road from us. If I look through my bedroom window, which is at the front of the house, I can see right into his bedroom window which is also at the front. Obviously! Steve’s about the same...

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Tim Learns To Share His Wife Anne

It’s the 1970’s. Tim and Anne were dating in high school. Anne was so cute and beautiful. The boys also pursued her. She would meet the boys over in a ditch by the railroad tracks acrossed from the school at lunch time. The k**s would smoke cigarettes passing them around. Anne would let the boys rub her nipples or finger fuck her. Eventually she would get so stimulated she would do blowjobs. Anne loved the attention, the sexual stimulations and cocks.After graduation from high school, Anne and...

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Kim Comes Home

Kim and I did everything when we were growing up together. We experiment with sex on each other before either of us had been with a boy. Kim was my first true love. I loved the fun we always had together, staying at each others places on weekend sleep over’s. Kim had a well-developed body by the time we were sixteen and seventeen. I loved my alone time with her back then, I loved to see those big tits of her bouncing in her nightgown as we sat on her bedroom bed. We would talk mostly about...

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Mouni My Yoga Teacher

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Monica Bhabhi 8211 The Seduction

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Lindseys diary

Dear diary Sept 12 Saturday, OMG diary this is the first time I have made an entry that really feels like it means something. Today, well tonight actually mom drank almost half a bottle of wine and got really drunk. She started crying and apologizing to me but I couldn't get her to tell me why she was sorry at first. Finally she said it was because she was such a geek, and that she knows that she raised me to be such a geek too. I think that its because she's really lonely, all...

4 years ago
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A More Permanent Position Ch 02

Half so Proud Maddie finished her work for the morning, and Amanda gave her permission to wander around the office a little bit. She crawled out from beneath Amanda’s desk and bowed to her before she left the office. Her ‘work’ was to massage Amanda’s feet and calves as the girl browsed fashion websites, picking outfits to order on the company card. Occasionally, Amanda would ask Maddie her opinion on something, which was the only break she got all day. Meanwhile, messages were flashing on...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 241

Tuesday morning, Bobby was in my office as soon as I walked in the door. I removed the ankle monitor and reminded him not to get into any more trouble - that he was on probation until January like the other five students were. Even minor trouble could be a serious thing for them. I followed up by sending an email to Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Short so they could bring their personal files up to date. With the repairs to the damaged dorm completed and the contractor back to construction on the...

4 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 10

Mom and grandma went upstairs to change out of their workout gear, as Jessie relaxed on the family room couch. That was quite the workout. He felt good about himself though. It had been a while since he did physical exercise, so it was nice to get back into a routine. The exercises themselves were far different from his usual lifting weights, but he enjoyed the cardio segments and the one which targeted the thighs and buttocks. Knock Knock Knock. Someone was at the door. Jessie was...

3 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity Libbys Lover Part 1

This story initially felt like a fantasy, as do so many of the tales I am sent by male readers, but as I chatted with ‘Mike’ more and more, online and by then phone, I started to believe it was real and to enjoy it considerably.There are so many aspects of his narrative that ring true. Mike himself comes over as honest and open, if a less faithful husband than most wives would want. But then I am in no position to pass judgement on other people’s fidelity.In the end, and by way of final proof,...


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