When It Snows free porn video

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The sudden cold snap at the beginning of March caught everyone on the hop, even though the Met Office had been forecasting snow for a week and were very specific in the detail of their forecast just the night before the snow came.

So I woke that morning to about two inches of very icy snow sitting on top of half an inch of solid ice from earlier rain falling onto frozen ground. It was very windy in sharp gusts and the tiny ice crystals of snow were blowing into drifts up to a foot deep. The Council had been sending gritting lorries up and down the Esplanade and High Street all night. I knew that for a fact, I saw them trundling by and spraying me with sharp rock crystals on my way home just after midnight from the Pizza Dreem shop in the High Street after an evening’s casual temp work doing pizza deliveries for bang on the minimum wage.

I had to make my way back into the High Street again first thing in the morning to see if the Acme Placement Bureau could find me another couple of days’ casual work this week, Harinder, the pizza shop proprietor, had already said he didn’t need me any more as his “sick dude was now okaydoky”, as he put it.

The monthly mortgage and ground rent on my place were both due on Friday and I was more or less an Isaac short. Also, I had to walk down to the Bureau that morning even though the pavements down the coastal town’s streets were like sheets of glass.

My piece-of-shit 20-odd-year-old classic Jaguar XJ12 rust-bucket gas-gurgling excuse for a fucking motorcar packed up last week and I had no way of repairing it or of even getting it home from where I left it, conked out miles away on the by-pass. I had asked my old mate Macleod to pick it up and take it to his shop a couple of days ago but he just laughed at me. One favour too many on my part I guess.

When I was a kid, fifty years ago now, my parents brought me, Barry Chamberlain, and my two older brothers and a sister down to this resort every single summer. There used to be a rather rundown holiday camp on the outskirts of the town and, although tacky as tuppence, it was perfect for young families who didn’t have the resources for much else. Us kids were organised into various activities all day so we were knackered and slept like corpses by nightfall. There was entertainment and cheap booze laid on for the parents in the evening, with chalet patrols on hand to ensure the kids were safe asleep. We kids loved those visits to the seaside, our mums and dads loved it too, and the owners loved it most of all, so they could take their own holidays in the Caribbean.

When I had kids of my own, two boys from my first marriage, we brought them down here regularly. Even brought my second wife and kid down too for a while when Katherine was a small girl, Shirley and I both sharing similar memories of our parents bringing us down when we were kids, although we never actually met each other back then.

So there I was, six years ago at the age of 52, with no family around (Shirley, the second missus had fucked off and left me after an affair with her boss, my daughter thereafter wanted fuck-all to do with me and, of my first family, one boy had gone gas drilling to Canada, the other to Australia for aquatic research, the first missus? Fuck-knows or cares where the hell she went).

Thus I decided to move down to the resort that held such wonderful memories for me to live there permanently. I didn’t just go blind, I took out a 70% loan at stupid-fucking-percent interest for the 30-year lease of a small café with a two-bed and a tiny studio flat above. I pulled on a masculine pinnie and a chef’s hat and thought I was set comfortably and extremely happily making all-day breakfasts and basic short order lunches for the rest of my life.

Then shit happened. The recession meant that crowds of tourists stopped coming to the resort. My café was a bit off the beaten track so I stopped getting the overflow I used to get from the High Street and Esplanade trade. So subsequently I had to close up the café and the larger of the two flats. I was still paying the bank for the exorbitant lease on the whole caboodle but at least I was able to sublease the shop and the main flat to a trader. He was a big guy called Donovan, selling customised printed tee-shirts on the internet, so I was only left with the studio flat which was almost impossibly squashed into the roof space. Still, I’ll have the whole run of the place again at the end of the month when Donovan moves out to bigger premises. At least one company was thriving in the recession.

After about three months of absolutely nothing coming in after I closed the café, but still having to pay the bills, I managed to get nearly two years of fractionally above minimum wage work in the packing department of a timber yard on the estuary next to the resort. But, thanks to the downturn in the building industry, I got laid off six months ago, a full month before I automatically qualified for redundancy payment. Like I said, shit happens, only it seems to be time after time. Since then I had a total of four and a half days of work at minimum wage to my credit in six months. The debits, which kept on happening, didn’t bare thinking about. At least I was able to bring home a spare pizza last night so I was able to have both supper and breakfast, which was a rarity of late.

Even my cat eats better than me, and he’s not even my fucking cat. He came with the flat and when I moved out into the vacate studio in the attic above, which I had previously used just for storage, he moved up there with me. I think he was intimidated by the big guy covered in tattoos and metal studs who moved into the shop and flat. I don’t blame the cat, Donovan frightened the beejesus out of me too. It may have been the balance of the original 144 tins of tuna that was left in storage in the studio flat after the café went tits up that determined the cat’s residential status. The fussy fucker wouldn’t touch normal cat food, the first time I tried him on a tin of Whiskas, actually the very first day I moved in and became aware of my fauna inheritance, the fat bastard piddled in the corner of the sitting room, hence his rechristened name, Piddles.

Anyway, Karen down at the placement bureau had fuck-all for me as was per usual and then she dropped the bombshell that the pizza guy was unlikely to pay the bureau until the end of this week, so I wouldn’t subsequently get paid until the end of next week, which meant rent wise I was basically fucked.

I stamped grumpily down their narrow stairs. The bureau was situated in offices above an estate agents. As I came out of the doorway with my mind stupidly concentrated elsewhere, I stepped onto the icy fucking pavement and went arse over tit and down like a sack of spuds dropped off a delivery truck.

Oohff! I landed painfully on my thin bony arse and one of my not-so-funny-bone elbows, while my feet continued to describe a perfect arc and consequently the back of my head also struck the pavement with a resounding thud. I carried a haversack on one shoulder. It only contained my empty wallet, a much-used plastic litre bottle refilled with tap water for refreshment and half a dozen library books which I needed to return that very day to avoid any overdue fines which I couldn’t afford to pay if I left them one more bloody day.

That damn heavy bag swung around my shoulder as I fell and landed right on the tip of my nose. Bastard thing! I was lying there, me, an old guy pushing 60 and every able-bodied younger bugger walking by ignoring me, or worse taking the piss. I could hear them, although not actually see them, all I could see were stars. Even if there had been real stars in the sky I wouldn’t’ve been able to see ‘em, though, because my woolly hat with ear flaps had somehow got pushed over my eyes, which were watering like fuck anyway.

“Are you alright?” asked a kindly, gentle sweet woman’s voice.

I felt a warm hand grip one of mine comfortingly.

“Yeah, thanks,” I mumbled as I tried to get back up, feet and knees ineffectively scrambling for traction on the ice until I could at least get on my knees and drag myself up by my fingertips digging into the crumbling brickwork between the bureau doorway and the display window of the estate agents. My sweatpants were very wet from the snow and ice, making my legs cold. I think I was shivering from the shock, too.

When I finally got up, I pushed the hat off my milky grey eyes and was confronted by a pair of crystal clear brilliant blue eyes reminiscent of a Norwegian fjord bathed in mid-summer sunlight.

“You don’t look too good, Baz,” the lovely lady continued, an amused smile playing on the upturned edges of her full crimson lips.

“Oh fuck!” I said.

“Oh!” she briefly pouted, before returning to her amused smile, “Not quite the welcome I have become accustomed to receiving from handsome younger men who have fallen prostrate at my delicate feet.”

“I meant, ‘Oh fuck!’ meaning you were the last f-frigging person I expected to see here, Shirl,” I muttered, trying to bite my tongue to avoid saying anything unredeemably offensive.

“Why so surprised to see me, honey? We both used to love coming here for days out and for our summer holidays,” she said, “Remember? Back in the day?”

“Well that was a long fucking time ago.” I had given up on the not-being-offensive idea as old memories started to flood back.

“And I have regretted what happened to us everyday since we stopped coming here,” she reduced her voice to a whisper, “You know you were the only man I ever truly loved.”

“Yeah, until you fucked me over by shagging your boss. He was the one who could afford to get you the kinda lawyers who took me to the cleaners, while my own legal representative, who hadn’t even started shaving yet, was happy to suck your brief’s arse while selling me down the river into white fucking slavery. They got out of me every fucking bit of shit I had, they were so thorough I can still smell the fucking enema.”

“Honey, I was acting on legal advice,” she said calmly and soothingly, “Henry was just making sure I got everything I was entitled to-”

“-Well I hope the pair of you are very fucking happy!” I bit off, looking around for my wayward haversack.

As I picked it up, a stream of fucking tap water poured out of the bottom of the fucking thing and froze solid the moment it hit the fucking pavement.


I wrenched open the toggles and pulled out the four-fifths empty water bottle, the cap having gone completely AWOL. Then I pulled out the first library book. It was like a bath sponge, water running out the bottom corner in a continuous stream.

“Double fuck!”

No way those library books were going back today or any day soon with no heating at the flat since the gas was cut off. I felt feint all of a sudden. My wet fingers were freezing cold from the wind chill factor, my thin sweatpant bottoms were wet and cold. I hadn’t been eating much lately, just the slice of pizza this morning and a couple of slices late last night. The day before that, me and Piddles shared a can of tuna, which pissed him off no end. He definitely had sharing issues, especially where I was concerned. I guess I’d had the same sharing issues with Shirley, six years previously.

I felt a drip of moisture on the end of my nose. Just this last couple of winters I had noticed that my nose just ran all the time when it was cold, another sign of old age, I guess. I always remember my old grandfather continually dabbing a soiled damp checkered hanky to his nose when he walked me to church on a winter Sunday morning. With the state of my laundry I didn’t have the luxury of a neatly-folded handkerchief, so I wiped the back of my hand along my nose and noticed it was blood flowing, not runny snot. I must’ve started a nose-bleed when I banged my face with my bag. Sweet fuck!

I think Shirley must’ve thought I was going to fall over again. I wasn’t conscious of swaying but in hindsight I guess I must’ve been. She tucked her arm around me and pulled me onto the middle of the pavement where the estate agency had thoughtfully tossed down some welcome grit and my worn-out trainer soles miraculously found some grip.

“Come on, hon,” Shirley urged, “Let’s get you back to your car and get you home and cleaned up. I’ll even put a cold compress on that swan’s egg that’s popped up on the back of your head for you, and for your poor nose. Where’s your car, honey?”

“On the bypass,” I said without thinking, “Piece of shit folded on me last week and I had to leave the bastard behind,” I looked her fully in the eye, snarling, “Shit things like something that’s an important part of my life just giving up on me happens all the time, you know.”

“Honey,” she looked at me with those big baby blues and even I had to look away again in disgust, ashamed at the level of my bitter vindictiveness.

I was still in pain and it had nothing to do with my head, nose or the stabbing pain in my sore arse. I was feeling agonising pains in my heart and soul.

An ex-wife can do that to you, even after six years.

“My car’s in the estate agents’ car park,” Shirley said, pulling me to the covered alleyway between the estate agents and the boarded-up shop that used to be George’s Greengrocers, well it was until the new convenience store two blocks up took away all his trade. As Shirley guided me through the alleyway, mercifully clear of snow, she fumbled in her handbag and extracted her car keys. As we emerged into the low spring sunlight, blindingly bouncing off everything covered in snow, she clicked the button and the lights on a brand-new Mercedes convertible flashed its “welcome home, honey” signal.

“Fucking shit bollocks!” was the thought groaning through my foggy head at the sight of that fabulous car.

This was not at all supposed to be how this scene was unfolding in front of my eyes, helpless to intervene. I had dreamt of this scenario hundreds of times since Shirley dumped me six years ago. In my fantasy it was her fancy new husband who was the one who was supposed to be on his uppers as all his investments went south with the economy; while she was supposed to be the poor fucking hard-done-by and abandoned waif and stray that I picked up from her cardboard box alleyway home in my smart Mercedes or Jag or Aston DB-what-fucking-ever, apologetic that I could only drop her off at the seaman’s mission or the Salvation Army centre because my new squeeze, currently on photo-shoot assignment in the Caribbean for next year’s Pirelli Calendar, might hear of my good deed and get the wrong idea.

That was the dream, I had rehearsed it over and over, night after fucking night. This, though, wasn’t a dream, it was a fucking nightmare!

“Which way, hon?” she asked at the car park exit.

In a daze I said, “Left ... Right ... Left again at the bottom, third shop along ... Yeah this is it... ‘To-a-T-Shirts.com’, this is my stop. Just drop me off, you can leave me here. Many thanks. Goodbye, Shirley, have a nice life.”

I was remembering how cold the flat was, the gas had been turned off by the gas company armed with a court order last week, I didn’t know how long the electric would last, I was also three months behind on that, so it was only a matter of time. It was working OK when I warmed up the pizza in the microwave for breakfast but that was a couple of hours ago. It could be turned off already by now.

Then there was also the smell. I ran out of kitty litter, ooh, I guess a month or so ago and had to break up a few lumps and rake over a corner of that disgusting dirt box with a fork for Piddles this morning. He gave me a dirty look before fussing around to do his usual business. That cat hates me, but so what, the feeling’s fucking mutual.

I did have half a dozen pairs of rinsed out underpants hanging up in the tiny bathroom, I hadn’t had any loose change for the launderette in the Parade for the last couple of weeks, nor did I have any soap powder or even a bar of soap. Last night when I looked they were stiff, frozen solid, but this morning at least one pair felt almost dry. It was very stained but at least it smelt more of Head’n’Shoulders than my arse, which was a definite improvement.

I know I’ve got a hairy arse, but at least it’s flake-free.

Then there was the matter of the galley kitchen sink, it was full of every single plate, fork and spoon I possessed. I even had to wash up a plate this morning for my pizza; had to use shampoo for that, no more fairy liquid. In fact, I hardly ever buy fairy fucking liquid, I can’t afford that shit.

“I want to look at that head of yours, sweetheart,” said Shirley. “Don’t worry, I expect your place is a tip,” Shirley chuckled good-naturally, “You guys!”

I took a few sneaky looks at her while we walked up the stairs.

I was 58 and she was two years older than me, but there was no way in hell she looked 60. In anyone’s currency she was 45, tops. She always looked after herself, down the gym a couple of times a week, running at weekends. Damn, I even used to run with her back in the day.

I remembered we used to shower together afterwards and make sweet love in the afterglow of the exercise. A long time ago it was now.

Shirley always dressed nice too, like the beautifully-tailored blue jacket and skirt and white blouse under her warm woollen top coat and scarf that adorned her adorable body now. She had her hair coiffured regularly, always made herself up to look effortlessly pretty glamorous.

Well, she didn’t have do it from a standing start like other women had to, she was already way prettier than average to begin with.

She worked as a personal assistant to a high-profile businessman so she always needed to look the part. How she ended up married to a deadbeat like me is a mystery, both to me and everyone of my acquaintance.

Even my own two near-teenage boys gave me high fives with a chorus of “Way to go, Dad” the first time I brought them over from their Mum’s to meet and greet my then intended, a quarter of a century ago it was now.

I just don’t understand woman at all. I know Henry had money and power and all that crap, but at the end of the day he was a short, bald, fat old guy with nothing appealing about him that I could see, other than enormous personal wealth and power, a nice car and able to take his girlfriends to flash places.

I wondered where the fuck Henry was right now? Probably having a nice warm lie-in in the penthouse suite at the Grand Hotel, while his missus was doing her Good Samaritan act helping me get my poor broken body up my rickety old iron outside staircase leading up to my own personal attic hideaway from hell.

Inside, I swear that little flat is fully five degrees lower than it is on the outside, except in summer when it is ten degrees higher indoors. We entered that single room and the combined stench of cat shit, cat urine and general damp, neglect and mildew hit me like a solid noxious wall, offending the senses like I imagine a Turkish urinal would, and I was fucking-well used to it, so what Shirley must think...

“Oh, you’ve got a pussy cat!” she said and, before I could stop her, she gathered the flea-infested bundle of sinew, teeth and deadly claw in her arms.

I cringed, waiting for the the fur and skin to fly, the screams, the blood, the mayhem, and eventual swingeing lawsuits, inevitable consequences once Henry got the private medical and reconstructive surgery bills.

No, that fucking cat only went and rolled over on its fucking back like a baby cradled in her arms, closing its eyes for Shirley to tickle its tummy and ... it fucking purred. That fucking cat never fucking purred, well never for me. I fed the fucking thing prime fucking tuna and all it fucking did for me was scratch me, bite me and piddle or shit in the fucking corner of my flat when it needed to point out to me my particular shortcomings as a fucking pet owner, when I was never even a fucking pet owner in the first fucking place.

It must’ve been an automatic reaction, I dunno what made me do it, I just reached out with a tentative digit to tickle his furry lickle tummy with my finger.

But then Piddles opened one eye, just the one, like the ever-watchful predator that he was, tempting the patience of a tasty vulture. Piddles glared at me, daring me to tickle him for the first time ever in our tempestuous acquaintance, we both knowing full well that he would lacerate my hand into lean red mincemeat the very second I was within claw-reach. I nodded to him, I could see it in his narrowed eye that he recognised the submissive gesture on my part as I moved my hand up, nowhere near seamlessly as I would like to pretend, to remove my furry fucking hat instead.

Having tickled Piddles until he was purring louder than her lovely Merc had on the drive over, Shirley dropped him gently on one end of my saggy sofa and urged to me that I sit myself down at the other end. Shirley took off her coat and scarf, momentarily looking around for somewhere safe or clean to put them, before draping them carefully over the back of the sofa, which was covered in fucking cat hairs. With a hand on each of my knees she lowered her slim athletic body onto her own knees right in front of me.

Before I could stop her she picked up a tissue from where it rested on the arm of the sofa and lifted it to those delicious red lips, and she licked the end languorously, maintaining eye contact with me all the while.

Then she stopped, recognising some remotely recalled taste from her memory banks, sniffed tentatively at that used tissue, before smiling knowingly at me.

I groaned. I know what I did in that tissue. She knew what I had done in that tissue. More importantly she knew I fucking knew she knew. Shit.

She dropped the tissue on the floor, next to a couple or maybe seven other crumpled evidences of my lonely depravity. The opened DVD box entitled “Mature Lesbos in Furry Handcuffs” that I had plugged into the player two nights ago screamed “Fucking Pervert!” to any guest, whether they were invited or otherwise into my extremely humble and embarrassing abode.

“For fuck’s sake, Shirl,” I groaned once more, “It’s agony, just seeing you, having you here like this as well is, well, torture.”

She spotted the box of tissues tucked on the floor by the end of the sofa and tugged out a fresh tissue or two. Still smiling, she dabbed them on the tantalisingly moist tip of her hot wet tongue and wiped my nose for me like a snotty kid who had fallen off the swings yet again, the clumsy sod.

“Like mature lesbians, then, do we honey?” she enquired softly, moving her head nearer as she examined my face for any blood stains that had escaped her initial ministrations with the dampened tissue. “Or do the furry handcuffs do it for you?”

“No, I, er, oh sh-sugar!” I said, “If you must know, I delivered some pizza to a bunch of broke students the other night and they gave me that thing in lieu of a proper tip.”

“Any good?” she glanced around the floor, unconsciously totting-up, eight used tissues in one sitting, I could imagine her wondering, did that rate a porn flick as two stars or three?

“No, it was absolute sh-crap,” I stuttered, “Bugger all else to watch on the box, I don’t have cable or satellite any more.”

“Well at least you can still get it ... up,” she whispered, moving her lovely head and delicious lips even closer, so close I was becoming aware of her subtle scent, like a meadow full of summer wild blooms, a crisp freshness which eclipsed even the stench of my humble hermit’s hovel. What the fuck? How did this happen? She was my bitch of an ex-wife, I didn’t hate her but I didn’t like her much either. OK, that wasn’t quite true. But there is no denying that she had taken me to the cleaners and wiped me from her life like a j-cloth saturated in flash cleaner burnishing out a grimy tidemark on her stand-alone enamel bath.

What the fuck’s going on now?

Before we knew what was going down, we were sucking each others tongues like a pair of demented intertwined Dysons, tearing off our clothes like teenagers with the parents gone up the shops for just ten minutes, tops.

I swear I must’ve popped a couple of buttons off her blouse. I hitched her dress up and she pulled down my damp dishevelled sweatpants, my erection sprang up like a steel girder. I yanked the gusset of her delicate lace knickers to one side and she climbed up on the sofa and plunged down on me until our pelvic bones mashed together like two HGVs crossing the dividing line and hitting head on, both of us explosively expelling the air from our lungs.

Piddles jumped off his end of the sofa in shock at such goings on and hid under the bed. Shirley and I fucked each other like frantic maybugs. We were all over the place, completely out of sync with one another, each urgently trying to catch up with the other and failing, failing wonderfully. I pushed up like a submerged mariner desperately fighting for air, she ground down on me like she needed to scratch an itch that she couldn’t quite reach no matter how hard she tried. Our bodies steamed in that freezing flat like we were in a Swedish sauna, the sweat poured off us in streams like the flood running from my fucking library books. We came, not together like we used to when we were regular practised lovers, but untidily, spasming to our separate conclusions.

I guess she beat me by a short head.

“What the fuck just happened, Shirl?” I puffed, the blood rushing back to my brain and logical thought belatedly trying to re-establish authority over my bodily reactions.

“Love, honey, love,” grinned Shirley, still panting, as she continued to slowly grind our pelvises together, making little squealing noises as she did so. I had started to soften after coming but, still embedded in her slick velvet heaven, my response appeared to be stiffening under her minuscule movements.

“What about ... Henry?” I hated even mentioning his bastard name, but I remembered how much pain I had felt when some other greedy randy male organ had trespassed into pussy territory that I felt I had exclusive drilling rights on.

“He died,” she said matter-of-factly, without passion, her eyes closed as she continued rocking to and fro on my lap sending scintillating tingles up my spine, while I involuntarily started little thrusting actions upwards again. She continued after some thought, “November... 14 it was. Oh that’s great honey, just like that only harder!”

“But...” I said, stopping my accelerating movements in shock at the news of my old adversary’s premature demise.

Shirley stopped too, opened her eyes and said quite casually, “He had a heart attack, Barry. He is no longer an issue between us. I lived with him, I never loved him. I love you. Now, where the fuck were we, darling?”

She started her familiar little gyrations again, then changed them slightly, into tight little heavenly figures of eight.

“So, are you single again ... Or are you... ?” I stuttered, I never seemed to be able to string words together when I was with this woman.

“Single. You?”

“Very single,” I muttered, “Not done this in ... years.”

“Nor me,” she said, eyes closed again.


“He was fucking his Secretary, ok? I suppose you find that funny? Just desserts, or something?”

“No,” I lied, trying hard to stop smiling, thanking whoever was concerned that her eyes were still closed as I said it.

She opened her eyes and almost caught me smiling, I was trying to keep a poker face even though I was back enthusiastically poking her again. All right, I only held it impassively for a second or two and then I couldn’t help grinning again and she grinned too.

It’s impossible to keep a straight face when you’re nuts-deep in the woman you love.

Fuck it, I just thought the fucking L word. Good job I never said it out loud.

“I thought he had just slowed down his libido over the last few years and finally given up on sex altogether about two years ago. He was seventy-three then after all, so I was resigned to take out my urges in the home-gym and ... you know, I used up a lot of batteries. Then he had a heart attack while he was fucking his twenty-eight-year-old fucking secretary and died almost instantly with them both stuck together on the office desk.”

“It’s a hell of a way to go,” I suggested, seeing a vivid image in my head that looked perversely cartoon-like.

She giggled.

“Only sweet Miss Shorthand couldn’t get my fat husband off her and she had to call for help from the paramedics.”

“No shit?”

“No shit.” she continued, “The facts all came out in the inquest. She had to reach down to pull up his trousers in order to get at the phone in his pocket before she could ring for the emergency services. To get them to the ambulance they had to wheel them through the office with a blanket over them but clear to everyone that they were still joined together. Something about vacuum suction apparently, I didn’t quite understand the medical terminology but it happens more frequently that would appear, apparently. I don’t have much sympathy for either of them quite frankly. In fact, I hope she still has nightmares about it. He was a massive 24 stone at the end, it was a wonder the poor girl could breath with the dead weight of that deadbeat on and in her.”

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EverywhenChapter 8

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I met Sam back at the table with his lunch. I offered him a choice, “Sweet tea, or Coke?” He opted for the Coke. We shared a side of the picnic table with a comfortable space between us as neither of us wanted to lose the best views. I opened a bag of potato chips and started my questions with, “Well, I guess there is no sense tiptoeing around. Feel free not to answer any questions you feel are too personal and I won’t hold it against you. The personal ones are...

2 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 9

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam sat there staring at either me or the ticket for a good 5 minutes. Eventually, he shook his head and said, “John, my temper can get a little out of hand sometimes. Normally, someone trying to give me a handout would piss me right off, but you’ve managed to kinda blow my mind here. I don’t know if I can make you understand, but I’ll try to explain.” “You see, I need to live my life by certain rules. I won’t lie. I won’t steal. I will earn my keep. That’s it,...

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EverywhenChapter 10

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam and I pulled back into the parking lot at about 6:45 pm. I briefly considered using the valet parking, but as much as I loved my old 626, it would have been embarrassing to pull up behind the Jaguar and Mercedes crowd. Sam and I headed to the valet area anyway and our passes quickly gained us access to the stairwell. When we got to the Lounge we found only about 40 people in the whole place. We didn’t exactly fit in, but it wasn’t the Red Carpet event I half...

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EverywhenChapter 11

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke around 6 am and made it into the shower without running into anyone, as I would expect for the time. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen and was in the mood to make some breakfast. I had come across a jar of instant coffee the other day and decided to go for it. We were going to have to get a coffee machine soon. This instant coffee stuff was going to be horrible. I put the kettle on the stove to work and started rummaging for food ideas. Two...

4 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 12

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] The next thing we knew, the front door was opening, and my mom was home. Fortunately, she spent a little time putting groceries away in the kitchen and pantry. Kim and I had time to get our shirts buttoned up again. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, smashing the volume button and hoping it wouldn’t be deafening when it came on. It wasn’t, and I flipped through the channels until I came to MTV and slowly increased the volume. One video was just...

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EverywhenChapter 13

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] When I woke up, the alarm clock told me it was nearly 8 am. In case I ran into anyone to or from the shower, I donned a pair of shorts from the laundry hamper to cover myself. I should get myself a decent robe for that. The bathroom was surprisingly free. I took my shower and headed back upstairs to change for the day, carrying my shorts and wrapped in just a towel. I dressed in jeans and one of my new polo shirts. I liked my new wardrobe a lot better than the...

3 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 14

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

4 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 15

[Sunday, June 22nd, 1986] I woke again to the sunlight coming through the window. Looking at the alarm clock showed me it was almost 7 am. I got up and took my morning shower. After getting dressed for the day, I headed out to the car and made my way to the nearby diner. While I drank the coffee that Carol had poured for me, I considered the menu. Carol soon came back and asked, “So what can I get for you this morning?” I replied, “I think I’ll go with a short stack of pancakes and a side...

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EverywhenChapter 16

[Monday, June 23nd, 1986] I got to Kim’s house right after 7 am, as requested. She had made french toast for all of us. Her mom was still in a nice comfortable robe, but her dad was dressed in a suit for the office where he worked. We all enjoyed the food, and Kim and I left for the mall right after her dad headed out for the day. Our day of shopping went very similarly to the first time, with a couple of notable changes. Kim modeled almost a dozen dresses for me. After she decided on the...

4 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 17

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and found the Sun shining in my eyes. Looking over to the alarm clock, I saw I had slept in a bit this morning. It was nearly 8 am. I quickly got showered and dressed for the day, but I took special care to shave well and apply a little cologne. I wanted to look nice, and I opted for khakis and a light blue polo. The penny loafers we had purchased went well with them. I grabbed my backpack and headed out to the car. I headed to the diner and grabbed the...

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EverywhenChapter 18

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke up to a heavenly sensation. Kim had decided to start her day with a little more practice. I could only applaud her dedication. There was more than enough light in the room to see that Kim had crawled under the covers, and the alarm clock on the nightstand showed it was just after 8:00 am. We were up pretty late last night. I’m not surprised I had slept in a bit later than my norm. I said, “Well, good morning to you too.” I heard and felt what I could...

3 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 19

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] I opened my eyes and found myself looking at another pair of eyes from about a foot away. I blinked a couple of times to clear the sleepiness away, and Kim smiled at me. I said, “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?” She grinned and said, “Other than that very friendly wake-up call at 2 am, I slept fine. Why don’t you go use the bathroom then come back out here so I can thank you again for that. I enjoyed it very much.” I said, “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right...

3 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 20

[Saturday, June 28th, 1986] Kim and I made it to the kitchen just a few minutes before Amanda and Rob joined us. If the smile on Amanda’s face was any indication, we weren’t the only ones in the house who had a little fun this morning. Kim had just started the Coffee going, and I was looking in the fridge for breakfast ideas. I noticed a pound of breakfast sausage and a nearly full carton of milk in the fridge, so I offered to make biscuits and gravy. Everyone liked that idea, so I got to...

1 year ago
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At first glance, you might think that WHentai is just like any other hentai-image website out there, but there is a lot you probably do not know. Do not worry, because I am an expert when it comes to hentai and manga, and I will explain all the necessary shit you need to know when it comes to this place.Now the first thing I will mention is that whentai.com has created a game called Fap Titans, so check it out if you want, I could not have been bothered. The reason why I mentioned this first,...

Hentai Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The EndLust In The Snowstorm

Callie awoke a few hours later urgently needing to use the bathroom so she quietly crawled over Doug to the front seat and slid on her jeans and sweater, not bothering to look for her underwear. She then put on her boots and coat, opened the door just enough to slip out and headed across the dark deserted parking lot toward the truck stop. It was still snowing lightly but she felt confident that the roads would be open later this morning.Unbeknown to Callie, she did not manage to slip out of...

3 years ago
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The Snowstorm

The snow is starting to fall harder as I ease up over the mountain in my Kenworth, God I sure hope the worst of it holds off till I get parked. The only thing I hate worse than driving in a blizzard is sheet ice. I've been lucky so far this year, only one major storm has shut me down and that was only for a day. The life of a trucker is not what I had in mind when I was a young, but circumstance has lead me to it. Who am I? Well once upon a time I was a career soldier, a Sergeant First Class,...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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The Disabled Police Detectivethe Snowstorm

Winter 2014 December 20th 2014 5 days before Christmas Police detective Andy Ironside Ripley a member of the Farmhouse Indiana Police department's special division. Is off duty and doing his best to stay warm because the small city of Farmhouse Indiana is being pounded by a snow storm the kind of snowstorm that happens once maybe twice in a lifetime midway through supper his phone rings. RING!!! RING!!! He quickly answers it "Hello? Yes sir I will be there as soon as I can goodbye sir."...

1 year ago
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Evelyn Blowing Snow

There is something about the words ‘blow’ and ‘blowing’ that puts most guys’ cocks on edge, especially when they are said, in any context, by a sexy girl. Over the years, I’ve worked as a sound-man at a number of TV news stations and one of my biggest thrills has been when one of these gorgeous young weather girls so many stations now have talks about ‘blowing snow.” For me, there’s a particular reason for this. You see, my name is Snow... Charlie Snow. Never in my 20-year career in TV have I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Love and Snow

Waiting in this empty world, Waiting for Then, when the life spray cools. For Now does ride in on the curl of the wave, And you will dance with me in the sunlit pools. We are of the going water and the gone. We are of water in the holy land of water And all that’s to come runs in With the thrust on the strand.’ Kate Bush, ‘Jig of Life’ Gabriel viewed the village from a flat rock jutting from the mountainside. A morning storm had covered the land in a shimmering blanket of snow. Streams of...

3 years ago
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Like the Driven Snow

Stephen sighed in relief as the ending credits of the movie rolled across the screen. He’d tolerated the overly sweet romance for Rachel’s pleasure, but a love story between a woman and her husband’s ghost was far too weird for his sensibilities. Stephen would have preferred to see the mafia flick that was also playing, but he could afford to take an hour and a half out of his life to please his new girlfriend. He would do anything for his black-haired angel, but he wasn’t about to let her in...

4 years ago
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Sex in the Snow

It was a calm Saturday night, a peaceful atmosphere in our small home as I added more wood to the fireplace. It was our first holiday season together as husband and wife, and our credit cards certainly bore the evidence of that… as did the bags of holiday decorations and gifts still piled near the sofa. I glanced up to gaze upon my beautiful young wife. She stood and looked out the window at the snowfall, something she had missed during our four years at an Arizona university. Her cherry-red...

3 years ago
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Chapter One A Pixie In The Snow

The world was blinding white. Burning, yet cold. Unbearably bright to the naked eye with the exception of the odd husk that s**ttered the washed out landscape.Husks of long dead trees, protruding from the ground, just above the snow. They themselves almost enveloped in the Sun’s glare.I adjusted the sun glasses perched on my face, squinting still, despite their protection.I shuffled my weight softly so as not to make a sound.A clearing stood before me, where the warped shapes of dead bark...

2 years ago
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Footprints in the Snow

"Who found him?" "The postman, Guv. It wasn't fully light and he could see there was a light on in the hall, and for no reason he can think of he looked through the bull's eye and saw the body hanging there." "Well, it's suicide, Sergeant. Yes, definitely. Get it wrapped up and get back to the station, with half the force tied up on this bloody party conference we've no time to piss about with this. It's suicide, plain and simple, there's the note, now let's have no more...

1 year ago
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Kristen Blowing Snow

There is something about the words ‘blow’ and ‘blowing’ that puts most guys’ cocks on edge. I work on the late night production crew of one of those all night, all weather T.V. stations that seem so popular now. We work from midnight to 7 a.m. There are several of us guys and one brunette named Kristen. One particularly bad-weather day last February, Kris was up there in front of the big map telling everybody everywhere all about the ‘blowing snow’ here and ‘blowing snow warnings’ there. All of...

2 years ago
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Twenty Words For Snow

She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...

3 years ago
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Cabins in the Snow

We were heading up to our cabin. My husband and I were avid boarders (snowboards) and had a cabin in ski country. We tried to get there at least once a month during snow season. We left the k**s with grandma and grandpa and left the day after Christmas. We were going to come back the day after New Years. I was looking forward to the break. My husband Conner and I were 35 and 32 respectively. Between k**s and our busy careers we barely had time to breath. We were both looking forward to some...

3 years ago
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Twenty Words For Snow

She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...

1 year ago
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Let It Snow

The blizzard was in full swing. Already a foot of snow was on the ground with more on the way. I had the fire roaring and was sipping my cognac while reading my book. I placed two calls into the plow man to get on the list. With two feet of snow expected, there was no way I was going to be shoveling out my driveway. Better to pay the $45.00 and have it done by someone else. I was on my third cognac when I heard the plow outside. Even a big 4x4 pickup truck was having problems pushing all that...

4 years ago
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Starting Out 1 Deep Snow

I was on my way to the barn to do the evening chores, my feet crunching in the ice and snow when I saw Roy Thomas coming up the valley. The coats and firs he was wearing against the cold made him look twice his large size. Mounted on his dark horse and leading a pack horse behind him, they were making slow progress through the deep snow at the bottom of my south pasture. The antler rack at the side of the pack horse told me that the horse was carrying a large buck. I turned back to the house...

3 years ago
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Meeting The Neighbor While Shoveling Snow

The weather report said that we were expected to get four inches of snow last night. We got the dreaded phone call that school had a delayed opening. The kids slept in and their bus picked them up at ten o'clock. I looked out the window and saw that my husband hadn't shovelled the driveway. I really hated him for just leaving without bothering to help me out. I guess since I was a stay at home mother, he figured I had all the time in the world to take care of it. I really did think he thought I...

3 years ago
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Out in the snow

One late afternoon my new fuck buddy the young black 18 yer old wanted to try something new he wanted to fuck in the snow. I was excited to try it so I went and got a pair of black bikini panties on with a black pair of leggings and a pair of fluffy snow boots and a tight black sweater. We got in my car and drove to a park near by. I had been snowing for a bit so the snow was pretty deep it was about a foot deep. After we looked around for a bit to see that no one was around I leaned in and...

3 years ago
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Fun in the Snow

Rrrawrrawarrr!!!! The snowmobile screams as we vault over the large mound of snow. The fresh powder sprays everywhere, as we land with a crash. I laugh as I do a tailspin, leaving a doughnut in the soft snow. You grip tightly around my waist, as my gloved hands rev the engine. We fly though the field, the wind whipping at our coats. We both laugh at the sheer exhilaration of the ride. The woods and scenery pass quickly by in almost a white blur as we rocket towards our destination. I had wanted...

4 years ago
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I open my eyes, waking myself from the slumber of my sleep and I stare at the white ceiling. I woke up nicely, as if a kind soul led the way from the world of dreams to the world of reality, dismissing me like an old friend looking forward to meet again the following sleep.Content and still disoriented from the sleep I close my eyes again and try to feel my body waking up. Spread out on the bed like a snow angel I feel my limbs coming back to life as my heart beats faster to pump the cold blood...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Melting Snow

I hate the snow. I have never enjoyed it. It's cold and wet and not something I wanted to deal with. I've hated snow since I was a kid and the one who everyone decided needed to be the one who went out and shoved the five hundred yard long drive-way we had when I was growing up. So why did I let them talk me into going to the Winter Carnival? I was also tired of being alone. I'd been alone for over a year. My ex had left me and run off to California and I just hadn't really been interested...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub and Snow

It was a cold January day which found me sitting at my computer wondering how I would entertain myself. With the snow flying outside the prospects of finding something fun to do dwindled as the minutes seemed to crawl by. Being lulled into the glow of my screen it was a shock when my phone vibrated in my pocket snapping my mind back to reality. Looking at the screen a simple message flashed, “I’m coming, be ready.” Now this message came from one of my closest friends. Her name is Kelsey and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Marooned in the Snow

It was one day in early January, when the north wind blew strongly, and you just knew there was snow on the way. I was away from home on business in London, and was looking forward to being back at home. Hotels are all very well, but the comforts of home are hard to beat. I’d been single for about three years, after my wife, Rowena, and I had divorced after 15 years together. It had been amicable, and as she was a successful career woman herself; we parted on equal terms. We had had no...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Terror in the Snowstorm

It started to snow as I was packing for my hundred-mile trip home. I wasn't really that worried, since I knew that my old rust-bucket Chevy 4X4 pickup was mechanically sound and I had mounted four good used snow tires on it before I had left for school in August. Even when the radio station I was listening to announced that the main highway I was planning to use for part of my trip had been closed due to a massive pile-up, I figured I would be OK, since I knew the back roads I could use to...

3 years ago
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But I had her, and even now, almost two decades later, our desire for one another never lessened. She can make me wet with a flick of her tongue on her lips, her eyes hooded and smoky gray. I know what she's thinking, and it's the same thing I think about when I rub myself in the shower: our first time together. It was the day she seduced me and introduced a beautiful world into mine: the delicious, secret world of another woman's body. We were merely neighbors at first. Waves over...

3 years ago
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Julie and the Snowstorm

It’s not even like we really needed the money; we were doing fine, but my wife Julie decided she’d find a part-time job to earn a little extra cash for the Christmas season. She looked all around and finally found a greenhouse and gift shop that needed somebody to run the register. This is one of those places where you can get your Christmas tree and all the decorations at the same time. Julie worked inside, and there were a couple burly young guys outside helping people haul their tree to...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Snowstorm

The snow is starting to fall harder as I ease up over the mountain in my Kenworth, God I sure hope the worst of it holds off till I get parked. The only thing I hate worse than driving in a blizzard is sheet ice. I’ve been lucky so far this year, only one major storm has shut me down and that was only for a day. The life of a trucker is not what I had in mind when I was a young, but circumstance has lead me to it. Who am I? Well once upon a time I was a career soldier, a Sergeant First Class,...

3 years ago
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The Snowstorm

OK, so here it is. By now it is known that my SIL is completely sexually dominating me with my wife's complete enthusiasm. I love it and never know where it will lead! Well, here is a fun exploit........ As a contractor, I plow snow. Sometimes almost continuously for days and sometimes need a place to crash. My SIL's abode is conveniently located right at the mid-point of my route and sometimes becomes my crash zone. Well, isn't that convenient???Our story starts slightly before the new year,...

4 years ago
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The Snowstorm

The forecast had been right, it began to snow just in time for rush hour. Nobody was sure just how much snow was going to fall but all agreed that it would be a big storm. There was a chance of up to a foot of fresh snow on top of the four inches already on the ground. Ruth was a nervous wreck driving home, she just absolutely hated driving in the snow. She was also worried about her son Jason. She knew he had to work at the gas station till 11:00 p.m. and she wished that somehow he could just...

3 years ago
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Kentucky Snowstorm

This is a true event. My wife Becca greeted me at the door after work with a message to immediately call my boss at work. He tried to catch me before I had left for the day. When I returned the call, he advised me I needed to make a trip to Kentucky to resolve some customer issues with new equipment being installed in their factory. Becca began packing my clothes as I took my shower. As I was preparing to leave, I checked the weather, being it we were in the month of December. As figured, a...

3 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 4 Birthdays Robotix and a Snowstorm

“Hi, Jim,” a friendly feminine voice sounded from my office doorway. “Did you miss us? Did you even think about us? Wow, look at your suntan. You’re so brown.” I stood to greet Christine and Ashley as they came into my office. They were bundled up against the cold weather that had blasted into New England over the holidays. I hugged each of the girls. “Yes. Of course, I missed you, and yes, I thought about you every day – many times each day.” I paused and then confessed, “I even took the...

2 years ago
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Its Snowing

It’s Snowing My teenage daughter thinks that looking good outweighs being comfortable. So needless to say she runs around in micro miniskirts, sexy blouses, and occasionally a bra. In essence she drives me freaking crazy. I think that she does it on purpose too. That brings us to the fall when we were going out into the woods in search of colorful leaves for a collage that she was planning for a school project. I suggested that she dress warmer and bring a coat but that didn’t go...

2 years ago
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Softly Falls the Snow

"Good morning to you, young lady. Would you care to purchase a Christmas ornament? I made them myself." Leslie Stuart stared at the sweet faced old woman on her doorstep through eyes still wet from crying. She had discovered Gil's favorite coffee cup in a kitchen cabinet and the tears had begun to flow again. Leslie's husband had died eleven months ago, but the wound in Leslie's heart was still fresh and raw. She had almost welcomed the ringing of the doorbell to distract her from the...

4 years ago
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Pyx 4 VacationChapter 2 Fun in the Snow

The flight from Tulsa to Denver was a short one, about an hour. We spent more time going through check-in and security than we did in the air. Neither Vonda nor Pyx had ever flown before. They were both excited at the prospect; and not the least bit afraid, like I had feared. The flight was about a fourth full, that allowed them to sit where they wished. They both were glued to the windows, watching the take off, the land fall away, and the clouds float by. When we came in for a landing, and...

4 years ago
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Let it snow

The sun is high, reverberating on the fresh snow at the sides of the road. Seeing were he was headed, had started to get really difficult for Ethan since the clouds had parted. Fortunately, they have finally arrived. It had been snowing for the whole night, so the area surrounding Isaac's cabin seems all the same. The letterbox is the only hint of where the driveway is, under that thick white blanket. "Dude, we have to shovel all this snow here as soon as possible or people won't be able to...

3 years ago
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A Tow In The Snow

This fictional story was written by Alex Foremen and shall not be copied or re-produced. When I was in my early twenties I drove a tow truck. For the most part it was a great gig, but some days were better than others. One cold snowy day I responded to a call from a guy who slid off the road and got his car stuck in the snow. This was common, just hook-it-up and pull-it-out. But this 40ish guy told me he was sick of driving and wanted me to tow it to his home. Turns out he lived about 20 miles...

2 years ago
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Curious Casey Plays in the Snow

C urious Casey sits at home by herself on a cold, February afternoon, feeling horny and creative. Casey’s laptop was open with big-dick-porn. Watching porn was a new hobby of Casey’s but today she was bored of it and looking to try something new. Casey was a sixteen-year-old girl with blond hair past her shoulders, pale skin and blue eyes. She stood at just five feet tall, with well-formed firm breasts. She had a curvy body giving her a round ass and bare feet with painted-red toenails. Casey...

3 years ago
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Let It Snow

"I don't think you can leave anytime soon, Alyson," Michael smirked, "the snow is nearly covering my door." "But I need to get home!" I protested. My boyfriend walked over to me from the window and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Baby, it's cold outside," he murmured, lightly kissing my neck. "My dad will be worried, and it's Christmas Eve, and I need to visit my grandma!" I whined. His kisses raised goosebumps all around my body and I stroked Michael's almond colored hair. "Are you cold?"...

Straight Sex

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