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For Mordmorgan, because I promised him a Valentine's Day story a very long time ago.

For nearly forty years, on almost any night between September and June, Angelo's Pizza was standing room only. The Saturday before Valentine's Day proved no exception.

Without question, the best pizza in the small college town, it was also one of the most popular gathering places for students in their off hours. Aside from great food and cold refreshments, it was also the home to Angelo's Girls, an attraction that set it apart from would be imitators.

Back when Angelo Farinelli had first moved his little shop to Trinity Point from New York City in the early sixties, Angelo's Girls had been just that, his six daughters. Tall, pretty and statuesque, they had drawn male students to his pizza parlor like moths to a candle. In the years since, girls from both the town and college had replaced his offspring, but the result had remained the same. To many students, having been one of Angelo's Girls ranked higher than Prom Queen.

Of the dozen girls who wore the red shorts and white T-shirts that made up their familiar uniform, few had been as popular as Jenna Walsh. In her last year at the school, the twenty-one- year-old stood five seven and weighted a hundred and twenty-four pounds. Short black hair, recently cut to just above her neck, framed a flawless face. What caught the attention of most of the male patrons, however, was the perfectly proportioned bust that filled out her tight fitting top. An example of nature's handiwork that no Beverly Hills surgeon could ever match.

"Come on, Jenna, give me one reason why you can't come with me to the party at the Delta Gamma house tonight," George Tyler asked as he leaned over the counter, trying not so hard to keep his eyes off nature's handiwork. This year's starting quarterback, George wasn't used to having girls turn him down. "It's not like you're still going out with Brian, not with him five hundred miles away."

Brian Hennisy, who had graduated last year, had been the previous starting quarterback. He and Jenna had been an item all through her junior year, but had ended their relationship when he went back home to Maine.

"If you must know," Jenna said as she handed the customer she'd been waiting on his change, "I already have a date."

"Break it," George said self confidently, "Whoever it's with, I can guarantee that he'd not the man I am."

"I'll give you that," Jenna smiled knowingly, "but I've never broken a date to go out with someone else before and I'm not going to start now."

"You don't know what you're missing," George replied, hoping to change her mind.

"Oh I have a pretty good idea," came her response as she took a twenty-dollar bill and a check from another customer.

The look on George's face told her he wasn't going to go away easy. It was obvious that he viewed going out with her as one of the perks of being starting quarterback. To pick up where Brian left off so to speak. It was going to take more than a simple no to discourage him.

"Hey, George," Chuck Miller, another member of the team called out as he pushed his way through the crowd, "what's holding things up? That pizza is going to be ice cold by the time we get it back to the party."

"The pizza will be fine," George said as his teammate took the spot next to him at the counter. "I'm just trying to get Jenna here to come back with me to the pre-Valentine's Day party when she gets off in ten minutes."

"You're kidding, right?" Chuck said, a look on his face that baffled George.

"No, I'm serious, why," George replied.

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

Chuck looked at Jenna, getting only a smile in return. It looked like she wasn't going to have to do anything more after all.

Chuck pulled George away from the counter a few feet and began to whisper something into his ear, keeping his voice low enough that only his friend could hear.

Not being too obvious about it, Jenna watched intently, focusing on the reaction on George's face. She couldn't be sure what Chuck was saying, but from the change in expression, the brunette could just about tell when the word "dyke" came into play.

"No fucking way," George exclaimed, loud enough for those around him to hear.

Chuck nodded his head, confirming what he'd just said.

"Shit!" was George's final word before, after glancing back in Jenna's direction for a second, heading for the door and leaving Chuck to manage the ten boxes of pizza on his own.

Jenna gave Chuck a little smile as she helped him tie the boxes into two sets of five. She didn't hold what he had said against him, not when she'd come out publicly at the end of last term. It wasn't either of their fault that not everyone had gotten the word yet. And with those that did, the reactions had been mixed to say the least.

The worse and best reactions, at least those she had been most concerned about, had been right here at Angelo's. Susan Dee, who had came in second to Jenna in just about everything over the last few years, had seen this as her chance to change the playing field. She tried to convince some of the other girls to complain about having to work with Jenna, but few saw it as any of their business. Undeterred, the brunette had gone to Mr. Farinelli himself, sure that the octogenarian would see things her way.

At first, the old man, who still kept control of the business even though his son-in-law ran the day to day operations, said that he was sorry to hear that Susan was unhappy in the way things were at the restaurant. He listened intently as she pointed out that she felt uncomfortable working with that sort of girl, and while she was sure that everyone was entitled to live their life as they wanted, people might eventually think that Angelo's encouraged that kind of lifestyle. And in a town as small as this, that could be very bad for business.

Susan was sure that the day was going to end with Jenna being shown the door. To her dismay Mr. Farinelli's had instead wished her well and promised to write her a glowing letter of recommendation for her next employer. What Susan hadn't counted on was the fact that Maggie Farinelli, his youngest daughter, had come out of the closet a decade before. The product of a much earlier generation, Angelo Farinelli had nevertheless come to grips with whatever homophobia he might have once had long ago.

"And that's it for tonight," Jenna said as she rang up her final customer and logged herself off the register.

"Lucky you," Karen Doyle, Jenna's roommate, said as she took Jenna's place at the counter, "I'm going to be here until closing time."

"I'm sure you'll make up for it tomorrow, " Jenna said as she leaned over and gave Karen a kiss on the cheek.

Out of the corner of her eye, Jenna could see one of the delivery boys watching her. Not the first time, she thought, as if they hoped that one day they'd catch her giving Karen a full one right on the lips. Maybe one of these days she would, just to see their reaction. She was sure Karen would go along with it.

"I hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day," Jenna called out to the other workers as she took a long, heavy cloth coat off the rack and began to bundle up.

"Not at happy as you're probably going to have," Karen replied with a wicked smile, in a voice just loud enough for Jenna to hear.

Karen had been the total opposite of Susan when Jenna had let spill that she was now playing for the home team. A friend since their freshman year, Karen saw no reason to change that because of who shared the other side of Jenna's bed. Jenna certainly had never held it against her when guys of less then sterling character shared hers.

Leaving Angelo's behind, Jenna held her coat tight against the cold and caught the bus out to the small first floor apartment she'd moved into when she'd left the college dorm at the beginning of the term. Once she'd decided to come out, living in the dorm didn't seem like too good an idea. Her parents, who were much more understanding than she ever imagined they'd be, were quite willing to shoulder the extra expense. An expense that turned out to less than she first thought it would be after Karen, who had grown tired of the snide comments of some of more conservative elements in the dorm, had jumped at the chance to also live off campus.

Jenna hadn't told George the whole truth when she'd said she had a date this evening. Actually, she was going away for the holiday with the woman who had become over the last few months, the new love in her life.

Her name was Moira Kerrigan, and was perhaps the most unlikely girlfriend any of Jenna's friends might've imagined. Whereas the men the brunette dated, and sometimes bedded, were usually a mix of GQ and Sport's Illustrated, Moira looked like the nerdy girl everyone picked on in high school.

Three inches taller and a year younger, Moira had bright, curly red hair. A trim figure and modest breasts made her appear quite ordinary, at least to those who gave the bookstore clerk only a casual glance. Jenna herself has almost acted the same way when she'd first met the younger girl at a Winter Solstice Celebration while she was home during the holiday break.

Jenna had overheard Moira quote one of her favorite books in explaining a point to someone else and, after that discussion had ended, introduced herself to the redhead. What had originally been intended as just a brief hello and comment that it was nice to see she wasn't the only one who read obscure books, turned into a conversation that didn't end until long after the party. A dialogue that proved instrumental in Jenna's decision to come out.

Jenna had know she was attracted to girls as far back as her thirteenth birthday. Up until her college years, however, that attraction hadn't gone beyond a handful of stolen kisses with a few close girlfriends. Kisses that had more in common with practicing for boys than reciprocating sexual attraction. At sixteen, Jenna had fallen totally and hopelessly in love with her best friend, Judy Morales, only to have her heart broken when her heartfelt outpouring of affection had been rejected. Not only rejected, she would always remember, but ridiculed.

Any feeling she had for other girls found themselves buried away soon after that. Locked away by the desire to fit in and never suffer that pain again. Always surrounded by boys eager to take her out, Jenna had little problem discouraging any suspicions she might once have aroused. In fact, she eventually realized that she might be overcompensating when it got back to her that some people had begun to think of her as a slut. "Slut", however, had to be preferable to "dyke", she tried to tell herself. Especially since, starting with her freshman year, she'd started sneaking off, first to a lesbian bar about fifty miles away, and to then to private gatherings on campus, to meet other women. Some desires, she finally admitted, could only be buried so long.

Meeting Brian Hennisy the year before had been as great a stroke of good fortune as she could've wished for. As hard as it might've been for anyone to imagine any girl with Jenna's much reported reputation with guys to be more interested in girls, it was even more inconceivable that the All State Quarterback was happiest sharing his bed with another man. Yet both were truth. Each covered for the other on a multitude of levels, going so far at times as to double date with their current interests.

Most of the women Jenna had met over the last two years had been fun enough, both in and out of the sack. But all of those relationships had been based on lust, not love. They usually fell into two categories. Women who were already out and couldn't understand why you weren't also, and girls, like herself, who desired the company of other women but weren't about to publicize the fact.

All that ended the night of the Solstice. Five minutes after she first looked into the nineteen-year-old's soft green eyes, and heard her say her name in a soft lyrical voice, Jenna knew her world had changed forever. Two hours later, it was as if she'd known the younger woman all of her life.

Moira had been out since her sixteenth birthday. An event that she liked to say preceded her moving out on her own by less than twenty-four hours. Her parents, it seemed, were hardly as understanding as Jenna's.

Undeterred, Moira had herself declared an emancipated minor by the courts and set out to make a life for herself. An act that caught her parents by surprise since it gave her early access to an inheritance left to her by her grandparents. While not enough to live on indefinitely, it did help her finish high school while she worked part-time. College on a partial scholarship followed and she never looked back.

A line had been crossed and, only a few nights later, Jenna went out with another girl in public for the first time. Not only just in public, but they found themselves at a table in one of the most high profile restaurants in town, surrounded by the pillars of the small community.

Despite the fact that the pastor of her church was sitting only two tables over, having dinner with the ladies auxiliary, Jenna could think of nothing else but wanting to crawl under the table and between Moira's legs. The prospect of spending the rest of the night licking the redhead to orgasm was more appetizing than anything on the menu.

After dinner, while they took a late night stroll along the town square, Jenna let Moira know in as tactful a way as she could, what she'd been thinking during dinner. Moira laughed and said that not too dissimilar thoughts had occurred to her also.

"That's great," Jenna had said with enthusiasm. "I don't think that going back to my house would be too good an idea though. My parents wouldn't be too cool with my having brought a guy back to my room to sleep with him before I told them, so I don't want to test their understanding too much. But there's a nice motel about a mile or so down the road and we can..."

Moira cut her off with a wave of her hand. Then she took Jenna's in her's and smiled. A smile that made the older girl warm all over.

"Baby, as much as I think the idea of getting naked and nasty with you would be high point of my month, if not my year, that's not what I want from you," she said in that musical voice that Jenna loved. "At least not all I want. I want us to get to know each other, to share what we feel. To see if there's something there that could be more than just a tumble in the sheets."

Jenna had never heard words that made her heart beat so fast. Every encounter with a woman she'd had in her life had fallen into what her little brother like to call the 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' category. Fun, but hardly the stuff of relationships. The thought that love, not lust was possible was more than she dared dream about.

So they had begun to date, seeing each other every weekend and taking it slow. So slow in fact that Jenna had to laugh when she realized that she was being more of a prude at twenty than she had been at fifteen. That was the age she'd given her first blow job to Peter Gordon after they had been going out for only three weeks.

Not that their dates had been purely platonic. Right from the start they'd made out with each other, the thrill of Moira's tongue in her mouth carrying more excitement than Peter's cock ever did. They'd explored each other's bodies with their hands, and eventually brought each other to orgasm with their fingers. But still, they had yet to go what Jenna still thought of as ' all the way.'

Two weeks ago, Moira had gone back home following the death of her mother. Her dad had passed on the year before but when she'd called and asked if it would be okay for her to come home and pay her respects, Moira's mother had made it clear that as far as she was concerned, her oldest daughter might as well be dead herself. It was only at the request of her younger sister, Mary Alice, that she was making the trip back now. To put the past behind her and help settle their parents' estate. Evidently, it was a lot for a newly turned eighteen year old to handle. Before she left, Moira had promised Jenna that she would be back for Valentine's Day no matter what happened.

Checking the clock on the mantle as she stepped inside, Jenna, was glad to see that she still had two hours before Moira would be at her door. After eight hours working at Angelo's, the one thing she wanted more than anything else was a long, hot bath.

One of the things she fell in love with about her apartment, aside from the privacy, was the old clawfoot bathtub in the bathroom. Having had to share a shower with four brothers and sisters, it was an almost sinful indulgence.

Small wisps of steam rose from the bathtub as Jenna carefully added enough cold water to bring the temperature down to a tolerable level. Once she was satisfied that it had been reached, she carefully eased herself into the tub, slightly bending her legs so that she could cover her entire body up to her neck.

The warmth of the water felt great as it penetrated her skin, easing away the hours she had spent on her feet. This was always her favorite part of the day, a time when she could let all of her cares float away.

Reaching for a bar of soap and a washcloth on the shelf, Jenna sat up in the tub and began to wash. The mix of hot water and soap felt good as she rubbed it across her breasts. So good in fact that before she knew it, she was playing with her mounds, squeezing them and rubbing her fingers against her nipples.

"It's a pity this tub isn't larger," Jenna mused as she enjoyed the tiny ripples cascading across her chest, "Moira and I could share it."

Jenna shut her eyes and let the warmth of the water and the pleasing sensations of her touch take her away. In her thoughts, she imagined that the redhead was indeed in the tub with her, their bodies intertwined in such a way as to make room for the two of them.

After washing the rest of her body, Jenna ran the washcloth and soap down her legs, coming to rest at the carefully trimmed mound between them. She washed it gently, the motions of her hand sending a familiar tingle radiating outward. Past experience had taught her to wash this part of her body last because it inevitably led to a more pleasing practice. Today proved no exception.

Letting the soap and washcloth drift free, Jenna slipped two outstretched fingers deep inside herself, sliding them along her sensitive inner skin. The excited touch caused her to moan softly as she brought the rest of her fingers into play. It was a well-practiced routine, one that she knew would quickly bring her to a state of bliss.

Leaning back against the wall of the tub, Jenna again pictured Moira, imagined her naked sharing her bath. In her fantasy it was the pretty redhead's fingers bringing her to orgasm, not her own.

Fantasy or not, it wasn't long before her body began to tremble as the forces she had unleashed began to take hold. The tiny ripples were now powerful waves, crashing against the shoals of her sex. Her mouth opened with a silent cry as every inch of her exploded, the fantasy and reality of the moment interlocked.

As much as she wished it could last, the moment like all others soon passed. Laying in the still warm water, Jenna wondered if reality would surpass the fantasy. Then the clock on the mantle chimed the hour, telling her that if she really wanted to find out, she'd have to get a move on.

Standing up in the tub, Jenna retrieved the soap and washcloth and cleaned once more between her legs. Then she climbed out of the tub, grabbing a large bath towel from the wall bar. As she dried herself in front of the large mirror that hung on the back of the bathroom door, she paused for a moment to take stock of herself.

"Not bad Jenna, not bad at all." the brunette mused to herself. "No wonder every guy on campus wants to get you in his bed."

As she tossed the now damp towel into the hamper, she desperately hoped that Moira would feel the same way.

It took just about all of the time she had left for Jenna to select just the right outfit. After trying on half a dozen, she chided herself for her distraction in the tub. They had agreed on casual dress for their date, but nothing in her closet seemed good enough. Should she wear a dress or pants? What colors were Moira's favorites? Finally, she remembered the answer to the latter and picked up a nice blue dress with white trim that showed off her best assets but was still respectable enough to wear to church. At least if you had an understanding pastor.

Standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, Jenna turned every which way she could to judge her choice. Eventually she decided it was the right one and opened her jewelry box to find appropriate accessories.

Keeping it simple seemed the way to go so she settled on just a pair of hear shaped gold stud earrings and her nameplate necklace. The latter had been a gift from her father on her sixteenth birthday and she always thought it brought her luck. Finally, with fifteen minutes to spare, Jenna was ready.

The quarter hour seemed to take forever to pass and as she watched the hand on the clock move just past the hour, the added delay seemed unbearable. Jenna actually jumped when she heard the doorbell ring and had to force herself not to race for the door. Counting to ten before getting up from the chair, she realized that she hadn't been this nervous about a date since junior high school.

That attempt at composure lasted as long as it took to open the door and see Moira standing on the top step. In the space of a moment, how much Jenna had missed the other girl came rushing back in a single flash and, oblivious to how cold it was outside, she rushed forward and threw her arms around her. Their lips met and Jenna pulled her even closer, pressing her tongue deep into Moira's mouth, sharing the passions that were keeping her warm.

"Sweetheart, it's not that I don't appreciate the welcome," Moira gasped as their lips parted and she readjusted the glasses Jenna had nearly knocked off her, "but your neighbors..."

"Fuck my neighbors!" Jenna laughed in the moment before she kissed the redhead again.

"Well if you think we have time," Moira laughed when Jenna again came up for air, "but we have dinner reservations for eight and it's almost an hour's drive to where we're going."

The reminder that they were going away together, coupled with the effect of the cold air on her unprotected skin abruptly snapped Jenna back into focus. Despite having come out a few months before, she hadn't exactly hung out a sign on the door that said 'lesbian lives here'. She'd let people know on a come as you may, case by case basis and sort of liked it that way. Better to not let any nosey neighbors see her trying to give Moira an impromptu tonsilectomy.

"It's just that I'm so glad to see you," Jenna gushed as she finally released her hold.

"I'm happy to see you too, babe," Moira replied, "but do you think we could go inside where it's warmer."

Jenna quickly led her inside, closing the door behind them. She impulsively gave Moira one more kiss, this one a bit more circumspect, before giving the redhead a chance to take off her coat.

Once the long winter coat came off, Jenna was greatly surprised to find Moira wearing a dress. It was the first time she had ever seen her in one. It wasn't like her newfound love was butch or anything, it was just that she always seemed to prefer slacks and buttoned up blouses.

"I hope you like it," Moira said as she watched Jenna take stock of her the bright green garment. "I wanted to wear something special tonight."

"It certainly is special," Jenna beamed as she took Moira's hands in hers and pulled her closer for another kiss, "but then so are you."

The kiss was brief, just enough to accent her words. Moira's admonishment about their reservations told her that they'd better get on the road if they were going to make dinner.

Her overnight bag had been carefully packed the night before so it took only another minute to get that and her coat. Moira had donned hers as well and soon enough they were on their way.

"What did you do to the car?" Jenna asked after they'd been driving a few minutes, taking note that the ride was a lot smoother than she'd come to expect from the ten year old Ford.

"Mary Alice's boyfriend is a mechanic," Moira replied as she turned off the country road onto the Interstate. "She said that as long as I insisted on keeping this hunk of junk, her words not mine of course since I think it's a classic, the least she could do was have Roger make sure it was safe to drive."

"It almost feels like it's brand new," Jenna noted, pointing out that the well worn seats had been redone as well.

"I think it practically is, he had it for almost the whole time I was home. He started out just replacing a few parts, then one thing kept leading to another and before I knew it, he'd rebuilt the engine."

"That must've cost a bundle."

"Yes and no," Moira answered. "He wouldn't let me pay as much as a dime. Said it was the least he could do for his future sister-in-law."

"Sounds like a nice guy, Mary Alice is real lucky."

"He is," Moira said, "and she is. Not only is he totally in love with her, he's also hung like a horse."

"What?" Jenna said in genuine shock, not being able to imagine Moira ever making a statement like that.

"Yup, I sort of accidentally walked in on the two of them one morning, not knowing he'd slept over," Moira grinned as she turned her head just enough that Jenna could see her expression. "You know, I was so impressed, I was almost tempted to find out what the fuss was about. Fucking a guy I mean."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Well I did say, almost," she added as her grin turned into a loud laugh.

A laugh that Jenna then joined in as she realized she was being played.

The road beneath them quickly passed as they caught up on what else had happened in each others lives. At least those details that had been left out of their almost nightly cell phone calls. Thank goodness for free late night minutes, both had thought more than once.

Jenna knew better than to ask where exactly they were going, because she knew that Moira was determined not to tell her. Besides, it was more fun to be surprised.

"Well here we are," Moira announced a half-hour later as she turned onto a paved private road.

It was still too dark to see beyond the limit of the car's headlights and Jenna anxiously looked out for sign of their destination. When it finally came into view, it certainly was a surprise.

Sitting on the edge of a small lake was a quaint nineteenth century bed and breakfast. As they pulled into a small parking lot, Jenna noticed that only two spots were still empty.

"It looks like a full house," Jenna said, a bit of concern in her voice.

"Not to worry," Moira said as they slid into one of those spots. "I made reservations over a month ago, and I confirmed them last week."

"A month ago?" Jenna asked in surprise.

"I just had a feeling that things were going to work out for us," Moira smiled, "I hope you don't mind my presumption."

"Hardly," the older woman said happily as she slid up against the redhead and hugged her. "You don't know how happy that makes me feel."

Moira got a small indication as Jenna sought out her mouth and kissed her. The kiss was brief, but filled with promise.

The interior of the Inn matched the outside, causing a guest to almost imagine they had stepped a hundred years into the past. Like someplace her great-great grandmother might have stayed.

Stepping up to the small desk, behind which sat a pretty young brunette, Moira gave her name and a copy of their reservation. While Moira signed the two of them in, Jenna took an interest in an old telephone on the wall, which was Moira later explained, a modern phone designed to look like an antique. It was also, she further explained, the only phone on the premises. There wasn't even cell phone coverage in the area. Walking through the halls and up the staircase to their second floor room, Jenna noted that even the electric lights on the walls were designed to look like nineteenth century gas lamps.

The beauty of all she had seen so far paled, however, when they finally reached their room. It was like something out of a fantasy. A large oversized bed, framed by four tall bedposts and a heavy comforter, dominated the center of the room. The light of a recently risen moon filtered in through large, frost framed windows, beyond which was a beautiful view of the lake. In the corner sat a fireplace, as of yet unlit.

"This is spectacular," Jenna finally said.

"I figured you'd like it," Moira smiled.

"But, baby, this also has to be costing a fortune," Jenna added as her more practical side asserted herself. "I'd be just as happy in some off the road motel, as long as you were there with me."

"I know, sugar," Moira replied as she stepped closer and took each of Jenna's hands in her own. "But you deserve the best. I just want you to enjoy yourself and let me worry about how much it cost."

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Cupid’s Arrowscopyright 2016 Brianna LuidLori, a 56-year-old, portish, balding, closeted cross-dresser was chair dancing in front of her computer screen and webcam, joining the other dateless gurls in the chatroom on St. Valentine's Day Eve. A lot of gurls were drinking and had turned on their webcams, so the evening had become a sort-of “lonely hearts” impromptu party.She wore ballet slippers over black tights. Her pink and black mini-skirt was adorned with sparkly pink hearts and fringes. Her...

4 years ago
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Cupids Arrow

Cupid's Arrow By Mister Double-U Harold saw her walking down the hall and knew that it was love at first sight. She was tall, with long blond hair and a body that could stop a truck. 'The face of an angel.' he thought. He mustered up all his courage and approached her, just as her boyfriend rounded the corner. She looked at him with a smile that could melt butter. The boyfriend placed his arms around her and gave Harold a very nasty look. "Somethin' I can do for ya?" he asked....

3 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 6 Becoming a Silver Arrow

"Read this pamphlet over, Mr. Hansen. Before you even sign up for our course, we will want you to have a full medical with one of our approved doctors. That's a state requirement." "Yes, I understand. If you give me the list of doctors, I'll make an appointment right away and then we can talk again." I had been interviewed by Terry Jackson, son of the owner of Jackson Driving School and V.P. of Training. He was not much older than me and, while very pleasant to talk to, he was very...

2 years ago
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The Vendor The Arrow

1. It was a Friday evening in Trotter, Illinois. Timothy Green walked slowly down the main street of the suburb where he lived. He had been walking for hours to try to clear his head, just focusing on his footfalls on the sidewalk. As the spring sun began to set he was still reflecting on his life. He was one of the geeky kids at school so he only associated with his small, all male, group of friends. None of the girls at school even knew he existed. Between his slight frame...

4 years ago
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Cupids Curse Part 3

Sounds simple enough but each time I use that form I've noticed more and more changes to my body and the women I concord and haven't. It would seem my height changed from 5'8 to 6'3. Whatever I eat burns off like nothing, I've lost weight. For the first time in my life I have a six pack, my muscle tone can even be compared to Taylor Lautner. I've also notice whenever I deactivate my power I feel light headed and lose my craving for sex. As far as the women go, the ones I've had sex with...

4 years ago
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Cupids Curse part 1

It's nothing new to me, I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom!” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

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Cupids curse part 5 The fruits of love part 1

As time passed, my cursed eyes became more accustomed to the darkness. Before long, I could just barely make out the shape of my tied up hands if I bought it close to my face. Other things around me began slowy to take on their own dim shapes, like timid little animals letting down their guard in the most gradual stages imaginable. As much as my eyes became use to it, though, the darkness never ceased to be darkness. Anything I tried to focus on would lose its shape and burrow its way...

3 years ago
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Cupids curse part 4 Family bonding

The door was opened by a slim young man with short hair and extremely regular features. He was possibly the handsomest man I have ever seen in my life. But even more than his features, what caught my eye was his clothing. He wore a shirt of almost painful whiteness and a deepgreen necktie with a fine pattern. Not only was the necktie itself stylish, but it even had the perfect knot, every twist and dip exactly as one might see in a men's fashion magazine. His pants were dark gray, and he had...

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Cupids curse part 3 Broken bonds

It would seems my hight changed from 5'8 to 6'3. What ever I eat burns off like nothing, I've lost more weight then gained. For the first time in my life I have a six pack. I've also notice when ever I deactivate my power I feel light headed and lose my craving for sex. As far as the women go, the ones I have had sex with seem to forget about me the instant I deactivate my power, but as soon as I reactivate my power they all seem to call me by the name master. The women I have not...

4 years ago
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Cupids curse part 1 Birth of a god

Shit! Im going to be late. Today is the first day of 18 years on this planet, that I will be living alone,well with my best friend. “Jaden down stairs now!”I hear my mom scream from down stairs. “I'm coming mom. ”I said in a nonchalant tone. You see my mother has always raise me by herself ever since the day I was born. So i was pretty much her baby but recently she married my step dad John. He's a nice guy but lately it seemed like my mother has been acting like a stranger. So I saved up...

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Cupids Bow Making Ben Angry

Ben and Melinda met online, using a website that is not exactly known for its love matches. As they initiated communications they were both tentative and reluctant to believe this might actually be ‘it’. Ben’s friend, Seth, actually completed his profile as a joke on his 28th birthday, when his relationship du jour crashed and burned. But as the emails came pouring in he took the site more seriously and started looking online for a ‘match’. When he spotted Mel’s profile it was kismet, he knew...

2 years ago
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Red Penis Rising Ch 03 The other end of the Arrow

“Master…are you going to…fuck me again?” She said, trying but failing to sound positive. “Yes. But first, a change.” He clicked a few settings on his Datapad. She had a look of terror on her face, and he was worried he had turned it up. Eros took a look at her. She was glistening with sweat. But her body was incredible and the garters and stocking made her pussy look so inviting. He walked around her, admiring her curves, long legs, and perfect breasts. Once he made it back to her legs, he...

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Cupids Arrows

Cupid’s Arrows copyright 2016 Brianna Luid Lori, a 56-year-old, portish, balding, closeted cross-dresser was chair dancing in front of her computer screen and webcam, joining the other dateless gurls in the chatroom on St. Valentine’s Day Eve. A lot of gurls were drinking and had turned on their webcams, so the evening had become a sort-of “lonely hearts” impromptu party. She wore ballet slippers over black tights. Her pink and black mini-skirt was adorned with sparkly pink hearts and...

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The Haunted Wheelbarrow

I slowly crawled along Councillor Tookbungs Boulevard. In some parts of town this sort of behaviour would get me moved on by the police, or perhaps even arrested. Not the sort of publicity I wanted in my calling. Fortunately in this area, at this time of day, I was perfectly safe. Or perhaps not, judging by the multitude of ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ and ‘No Doorstep Selling’ signs. Finally I found what I was looking for; the number 42 in small print below the floral ornateness comprising the name...

2 years ago
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2 down with 1 arrow

Well my name is Ayan and my forefathers are from Iran. I am well built have 7 inch dick. Well coming to the topic in summer vacations i used to wake up late and had tea very late . What used to happen was that for washing clothes my mother had kept to lady servants who came to wash clothes. Due to my late awakal they used to drink the tea made for me. One day am idea came when i was watching a triple . And fantasized of having sex with the small girl accompanied with her mother. The war very...

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Cupid Boy

Cupid Boy By topaz172 The Exotix bar was busy tonight I noted as I scanned the occupants. The usual sundry mix of aliens, demons, inhumans and used-to-be humans propped up the bar. Most of the regulars were in; Balphagor leering demonically at some triple breasted cat-women, Morph demonstrating his party piece by taking on the appearance of a six foot tall erection; and of course Mark the carnivorous Yucca sat in his corner, still digesting the smoker who'd stubbed a...

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Cupid Boy and the Tenticular Terror

Author's note: This is set in the 'Exotix Bar' universe and features characters from the stories 'An American Were-Hypnotist in London', 'Supernatural Erotic Xenomorphs' and 'Cupid Boy'. Don't worry though it is a stand alone story. Special thanks to 'Putrescent Stench' for use of some characters. Cupid Boy 2: Cupid Boy and Tenticular Terror The Exotix Bar, (located in a small parasite dimension illegally attached to reality by questionable methods...) It's Monday morning, and...

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Owning Mr Barrows

‘Are you going to Tiffany’s party tonight?’ Chris asked as the final school bell rang. He was already unloading his locker, stuffing text books into his backpack. He’d done this every day for the past three years, Jack noted. Which was funny since Chris spent the majority of his free time hanging out than studying. His grades could attest to that. ‘Yeah,’ Jack confirmed with a slow nod. ‘Parents are being stingy with the car, though, so I might need a ride. Think you could…?’ ‘I got you, man.’...

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Barry the Barrower

NOTE: Feel free to add alternative routes - first story of mine and may not be continued. Or if you enjoyed, like up the routes you want continued and I may do so. Amelia "Millie" Satra was an office bombshell of a woman. Currently in her late 20's Millie was always the center of attention at her workplace. She had long, voluminous brown hair, curvy thighs, excellent legs and breasts which were so perfectly shaped you'd think they were fake (but completely natural). She worked as the Personal...

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Siege At Castle Arrowthorn

Lady Amelia felt a final sharp pull on her hair as the last of the intricate braids were pinned in place with an ornate ivory clasp studded with rubies. Her lady-in-waiting Jacinta held up a silver mirror so that Amelia could inspect the work that had been carried out upon her head. Amelia nodded her approval and Jacinta returned the mirror to the large chest in Amelia’s bedchambers and then sat in a chair opposite her lady. In the nineteen years since she had been born, the last three of which...

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Kidnapping the ladies of the Arrowverse

You were a normal guy, but when the particular accelerator exploded you found you could copy the powers and abilities of women you get physically intimate with. Now after years of intensive training you’re ready to kidnap these lovely ladies. And currently you have a list of Cities/locations where superheroines reside, where’s your first target? -Star City -Central City

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Black Sparrows

Die "Black Sparrows" sind eine Organisation, eine Tradition, die tief zurück reicht, bis ins dunkelste Mittelalter, in welcher Mädchen von klein an lernen, Männern zu gehorchen. Diese Mädchen haben keinen Namen, keine Eltern, sie sind niemand. Sie werden von ihrer Geburt an in der Organisation großgezogen. Und wenn sie das richtige Alter erreicht haben und somit volljährig sind, nehmen sie an einer Zeremonie Teil, welche 9 Tage dauert. Während dieser Zeremonie werden sie in Gruppen von einer...

Group Sex
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Owning Mr Barrows

"Are you going to Tiffany's party tonight?" Chris asked as the final school bell rang. He was already unloading his locker, stuffing text books into his backpack. He'd done this every day for the past three years, Jack noted. Which was funny since Chris spent the majority of his free time hanging out than studying. His grades could attest to that."Yeah," Jack confirmed with a slow nod. "Parents are being stingy with the car, though, so I might need a ride. Think you could...?""I got you, man."...

Group Sex
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 28 Sparrowhawk

Sparrowhawk The security klaxon in the bedroom jarred Matt and the girls from a deep, comfortable sleep a couple months later. Seconds later, the voice of one of the security guards came over the speaker that was installed in every room on the estate, even the bathrooms. “This is not a drill. We have a Sparrowhawk inbound from 512. Security teams one and four, take two armored vehicles and appropriate weapons to the intercept point. All other security units, report to assigned Sparrowhawk...

3 years ago
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Cupid Story 8211 Lesson Learnt In Seduction Of Housewife

It is continual learning about the behavior and expectations of women. I constantly question my level of winning them. Few of my trials or actions have failed mercilessly. There are few women whom I see in my daily life and wish to share my love with them. Some dont even look; some will throw cheap look; luckily some will look but will turn back if I look at them. I believed that the time and situation plays a vital role in bringing us together besides our ingenious attempts. The traveling is...

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Cupid Retires

I knocked on the doors of one of the nicest castles in the world. It was answered by a beautiful lady but what else would you expect when knocking on the castle door of Venus, the goddess of love. I was there to inform her of some not so good news. I asked the lady at the door if she would please get Venus for me? She replied, "Whom should I say is calling?" "Saint Peter. I think she is expecting me." She asked me to come in while she informed Venus that I was there. I sat on one of the...

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Nicolette The Fuck Wheelbarrow

It was a Tuesday afternoon, the grade 11 class of girls all jumped into the pool; Ms. Robins watched as the girls stretched and occasionally splashed each other. “Ms. Fields, please watch the girls, make sure each girl does 20 laps, they can play some water polo after that. I’m going to the office to file a few things I’ll be back before the period is over”. “Sure thing Ms. Robins” she replied. She turned and asked the girls to line up against the wall. Ms....

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Cupid curse part 5 Fruits of lovethe rewrite

At 11:30 one monday, after a lecture on Euripides in History of drama, I took a ten minute walk to a little restaurant and had a burger and some fries for lunch. The place was a quiet back street and it had somewhat higher prices then mcdonald's or burger king, but you could relax there, and they knew how to make a good burger. They were a married couple who rarely spoke to each other, and they had one waitress. As I sat there eating by the window, a group of four students came in, two men...

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Cupid Story 8211 Sexual Intimacy With Housewife

This is the narration of sexual intimacy which I enjoyed with a housewife. I am Yuvraj from Chennai, aged 25 and work for a private organization. I am regular reader of ISS and have passion to explore the love with sex. I love housewives for their settled mindset and understandable feelings for others. This is my successful attempt in making love with such a house wife and felt the ecstasy of sexual intimacy. It was during the weekend I got to see her initially. I was window-shopping and it was...

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An Attachment Is Made Ch 02

Part 2 — Junction Sally really did not know what to do. A message for her in a container pushed into her vagina without her knowing anything about it. That could not be: but yet it was. She wanted to talk about it but couldn’t seem to get the words out to her friend, Jessie, at work. It was too unreal, too peculiar to start with—how could she explain it to Jessie or Jerry. And could she confide in him, given she was (probably anyway) about to dump him. She was subdued all day and not exact­ly...

2 years ago
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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 6

Chris’s Narrative continues: The following new character appears in the next several chapters: Jim Army Lieutenant, Ranger student, 5’-11’’ tall, 165 pounds, 28 years old, brown hair, blue eyes On Thursday the 23 of November, our fourth day on the FTX, our platoon was tasked to hit an aggressor camp that evening. Roy was the one who had been selected by the RI as the platoon leader for the raid. A number of Army students were added to our platoon to increase our strength for this raid....

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Wanting This

A foreword from the author: Amongst the comments in the reviews concerning my writing have been many intelligently critical, both positive and negative comments. And I don't wish to seem ignorant so I'd like to provide a brief explanation as to why my stories run as they do. This is about sexual fetish for me, the thrill of the image. The sensation of disbelief, control and repulsion. I will never care for any of my characters for longer than I need for them to paint their...

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Storyline4Chapter 3 Daily Routine

The next two days were uneventful because my wife was at home and we did our running and our chores and shopping. But the following day, she was gone for the day so I opened up her garage door, my signal to the neighbors. I didn't know if they would see it or react to it, and if they did, who would be coming over. Soon I saw Lena coming down the drive by herself. She went in to get Tawny for her morning walk. By the way, if the garage door wasn't up, Lena didn't come over to walk the dog...

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fantasy fulfilled

New experience   Where to begin?   I’m sixty nine years old male, feel about forty, am still working and keeping fit. I’ve had a varied life, done the wife swopping and been to a number of swinging parties. I have watched my wife having sex with up to four guys at a time and also with two women. The most I have had, was two women at the same time.   Well my wife and I parted company about six years ago.   We are still friends,...

First Time
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Smugglers Pass

There were just two of them in that cabin, a man and a woman.  They gave me shelter for the night when I was on my way to the Smuggler’s Pass.Asking questions was not safe in that land torn by the war for years and none were asked.  The woman was very young. She looked innocent and beautiful with blond hair and eyes blue and deep like lakes.  She glanced at me a few times and blushed slightly when realized that I spotted her attention. The man was much older than her, but I hardly remember him...

Straight Sex
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Road TripChapter 46

There are those who are never happy to see someone else make money and they aren’t getting their share. Generally, they want you to pay them so you can keep working. The mob tried to muscle in. Joe A had connections ... sometimes connections fail. A cold solder joint loses contact and the song dies. A tube flashes or the glass cracks and the song dies. A fuse blows and the song dies. We had three more days to play when Joe A was killed in his office. When we showed up to play we couldn’t...

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Fictionmania The Case Of The Missing Story

Fictionmania: The case of the missing story. By Danielle J As always any comments or criticism are welcome. My email is [email protected]. This story is dedicated to fearless FM volunteer Alyssa who helped me with this story. Author?s note- This all started because of a missing FM story. I had a wild idea and I am using some of the FM volunteers and Authors for this story. ******** The names have been left the same to protect the innocent. My Name is Joe...

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All for Mr Redman Chapter 2

In the morning I woke up slightly disoriented. I opened my eyes and glanced around. I knew my dorm room didn't look this nice. The gorgeous furniture, amazing decor, the tranquillity of silence. I smiled sleepily and it all came back. I had just had the most amazing night of sex with Mr. Redman, my favourite highschool science teacher. Well, no guilt there. I had a strong crush on him when I was in highschool and I had discovered last night that this way more than a crush. Much to my...

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A Conversation about Pegging

Kim and I were sitting on the couch relaxing when she looked up from her laptop with a grin on her face. “Honey, I was reading an article today about a sex act for which a local sex writer coined a term. It is called pegging. Have you heard about it?” she asked with a slight twinkle in her eye. “Yeah, I have heard about it. I have read a few articles of his about it and some other stuff.” “Well, I am glad you know what it is. I thought I was going to have to go into a long, drawn out...

Straight Sex
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Athe Magalu Moti Tumkur

Hi friends, idu nanna modala anubava kannada sex stories yenadaru tap idre excuse madi.. ge feedback kalsi. Modalne kathe kannada dalle barithidini e kathe olle feedback barathe ankothini…. Nanna hesaru Ram diploma madi automobile spare parts shop madkondidini. Time sikkadaga Indian sex stories odthairthini. Ega helthiro kathe nanna life alli 7 years munche nadedaddu nanna athe magal jothe. Avl hesru beda nick name moti antha ibrugu 1 year diff u nane doddavnu. Avl nodak ast chanag irlilla...

4 years ago
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"Are you full yet?" That is the questions he always asks me as I lay there across his knee with the nozzle of the enema bag shoved deep inside me...I will answer "No Sir not yet!" As he squirts his ice cold urine into my colon it has to be ice cold so I can feel it rise up inside of me and I do inch by frigid in it creeps up my intestines and I cramp a little from the cold see he saves his pee all day long and stores it in the fridge and then every morning he feeds it into my ass he enjoys...

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SullyChapter 27

Erin arrived shortly after eight and appeared somewhat subdued from her normal vivacious self. "Down in the dumps, sweetie? Velvet inquired. "Ummm," the lithe redheaded dancer replied, shaking her head as if to imply it could be either way. "Well," Velvet continued, choosing not to pursue Erin's vagaries. "We've had us some goings on around here today." "Really? Like what?" "Oh, I came home and found Farrell here pumping that dick of his into my niece Mickie." "Oh, my...

3 years ago
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He stood before her in his baggy, grey jogging bottoms, which hung loosely from his huge ass. There was no visible waist to help keep them up and folds of the material lay bunched around his hefty ankles. His feet were bare, revealing both the dry black skin that covered them and the dirty uncut toenails that were their end. The only other item of clothing he wore was a once white t-shirt, in desperate need of a clean. It covered his upper chest but failed to contain his obese stomach, which,...

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DelawareChapter 2

As you remember from the previous part of this story, I - Fredrick Ohlson, 'The Moose' among my friends - was visiting an old friend and customer, Michael Norrlin, for both social and business reasons when he said, "Do you know that Ronny Hedman has joined that theater gang and he says he has been flirting with Emma during the whole time he's been there. The gossip says that she has shown a slowly increasing interest for him, though nothing serious has happened yet. A friend of mine met...

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Anjali Chalanged Me She Lost Her Virginity

Hello reader My name is Mohit (22 years), Punjabi guy with good physics toned body and approx 8 inch tool(a bit less than 8 inch) This is my first story. (Actually I want to clear this is not a story it’s a true incidence of my life happened just 6 months back) I am from Indore. if you like to comment or contact me you can write on (u can also contact me for phone sex, only girls). Main social networks regularly use karta hu aur internet meri life ka hissa hai ek din mujhe ek unknown profile...

4 years ago
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Yolanda and the Sprite

Cum Girl's Faerie Tales: Yolanda and the Sprite  Author's Note: There is a vanity about faeries and it is their preference to tell tales about themselves. I have narrated this story as I heard it from Yolanda. I hope you enjoy it. Cum Girl x The pain was intense; fixed in her abdomen it sent forth slithers of agony making Yolanda's body twitch within her comfy bedding. It had started late in the afternoon; a dull rumbling rolling around her stomach, occasionally exacerbated by sharp cramps....

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BillTheTraitorcom By Sirbosk1 ? 2009 SirBosk1Warning! This story may be too extreme for some readers!This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of forced homosexuality, ball busting, piercing, body modifications, CBT, blackmail, public humiliation, rimming, BDSM, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any...

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I live in a suburban area outside a large metropolitan area in the southwest. My wife, Josie and I were high school sweethearts and married a year after graduation. I was 8 months her junior at 18 when we married against both our parents wishes. We both headed to college just up the road and commuted from her parent's house were we lived the first year of marriage. As school ended that first year, my patience did as well as the living arrangements got unbearable. I dropped out of school in...

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Dont make my mistakes

Stacey crept down the stairs and quietly went into the kitchen without turning on any lights as there was enough glow coming in from the outside to allow her to see where she was going. “Seems funny creeping about my house,” Stacey thought to herself as she opened the door to the tall upright fridge and was suddenly illuminated in the glow, revealing he naked body. Stacey hadn’t bothered putting on a nightdress or grabbing a gown as the house was still warm though at 2 am it was starting to...

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Sister Caught Me Dressed

Having her stay was limiting my dressing time and meeting people but it was my sister and she needed help. As we were having a meal, she cooked she told me that she would be going out with one of her friends and that she would be staying overnight. What a chance I had and decided there and then that would be spend the evening as Chloe and spend the evening dressed and on cam and chat with anyone who wanted to chat. When she had left with her overnight bag, I raced to get dressed to make...

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