Owning Mr. Barrows free porn video

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"Are you going to Tiffany's party tonight?" Chris asked as the final school bell rang. He was already unloading his locker, stuffing text books into his backpack. He'd done this every day for the past three years, Jack noted. Which was funny since Chris spent the majority of his free time hanging out than studying. His grades could attest to that.

"Yeah," Jack confirmed with a slow nod. "Parents are being stingy with the car, though, so I might need a ride. Think you could...?"

"I got you, man." Chris closed his locker and secured its combination lock.

"I 'preciate it, dude," Jack said. They bumped fists, and began walking with the rest of the students toward the exit.

They were almost free when Jack heard his name being yelled behind him, the squeaky little voice making him cringe. He let out an annoyed breath and turned around. His eyes swept over the sea of students walking toward him, and caught a slight and nerdy looking girl practically mosh her way through the crowd.

"Jack!" The girl called out again. "Jack, wait!"

The girl squeezed her way between two football players to get to him, and would have fallen on her face if Jack hadn't caught her shoulders. She straightened, pushed her rimless oval-lens glasses back on her face with an index finger, and smiled skittishly. Jack wondered if she could look any more cliché.

"Gina..." Jack said. He didn't bother to mask the impatience in his voice.

"Uh, hi..." She suddenly seemed self-conscious, her green eyes roaming beneath her overgrown bangs. "Um... tonight—"

"Busy tonight," Jack interrupted, and watched Gina sink a little. Seeing her react that way almost made him feel bad... almost. Chris appeared at his side, looking a little confused. Jack turned to him and smiled apologetically.

"Dude, I was talking to myself for like a minute," Chris complained.

"Sorry. Go on ahead, I'll meet you at your car," Jack said, turning back to Gina. His friend nodded and walked off, but not before shooting Gina something of a repelled look. Gina started to say something, but Jack hushed her by lifting a finger. He lowered it once he felt Chris was out of earshot, nodding his approval for her to speak. It was amazing how much control he had over her. It was almost scary.

"I thought you said you wanted some more tutoring tonight?" she asked helplessly.

Jack snorted. He didn't need tutoring. Not in the least. He was an excellent student with an excellent GPA. Jack was, in truth, using her. Their relationship was simple: she tutored him for a couple of hours out of the week, and he rewarded her by letting her suck his dick. Everybody wins.

"That was before I found out I was busy." Jack patted her shoulder. "Maybe next time, kiddo."

Color filled her cheeks. She cast her head low, pressing her index fingers together. In that moment, a small part of him—a tiny, microscopic part of him—felt bad. But then he looked her over. She was such a... dork. From her nerdy unicorn t-shirt, unappealing denim shorts, and velcro tennis shoes to her boringly flat, shoulder-length hair, geeky glasses, and freakishly pale skin. Yep, he was going to sleep like a baby tonight.

"Ah... well, okay. Um, see you later," she said glumly, her voice cracking.

"Yeah, probably." Jack turned and walked away, shaking his head at how pathetic she was. And it didn't help that she was a Senior, letting a sixteen year old Sophomore push her around like that. He could only imagine what kind of bullshit she was going to endure once she attended college. It was a shame she was such a loser, too, as she wasn't really bad looking in the face. She also knew how to give a good blowjob.

Chris had pulled his Jeep around the front of the school, parked on the other side of the street. Jack pushed off into a light jog, but didn't get to the edge of the sidewalk before he was stopped again by a firm hand on his shoulder. Jack looked over his shoulder to find Principal Harrington's hard, hazel eyes staring at him behind a pair of cheap looking glasses. She didn't look at all pleased.

"I need to see you in my office before you go," Principal Harrington said brusquely.

"Uh...sure," Jack said, a little apprehensive. He turned and looked to Chris with eyes that said 'leave me, save yourself'. Chris nodded in understanding, started his Jeep, and pulled off. Jack sighed, and turned around. Principal Harrington had left him, already making her way back into the school. He followed, struggling to keep up. He thought about that look she'd given him. He'd seen that look before. It was the look she gave when someone's ass was about to get handed to 'em. He let out a short breath, and started to gather his 'I didn't do it' speech in his mind.

"Close the door behind you," she said once inside her office. Jack did as he was told, closing the door quickly. He sat once she gestured toward one of the two chairs sitting in front of her desk. He struggled not to fidget, struggled to keep cool. Was this about Gina? He was going to make her life a living hell if it was.

"So... am I in trouble?" he asked, hopeful.

"Not yet," Principal Harrington said, her words slow and cryptic. Jack felt a chill run down his spine. She'd yet to take a seat herself, pacing about the windowless office with her slender hands clasped behind her.

"Uh, what do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean that you're not in trouble," she said. "Yet." She was behind him now. He suppressed the urge to look over his shoulder, feeling the best idea was to just sit there obediently with his eyes forward and his posture straight. She'd told him that he wasn't in trouble... but that 'yet' bothered him to no end. It was a weight on his shoulders that he couldn't shrug off.

"I don't understa—"


Jack felt something hard and blunt against the back of his skull, then the world grew black.

                                                          · x · x · x · x · x · x ·

When his lids drifted open, Jack found himself in an unfamiliar place. He was in a room, dimly lit by what could have been hundreds of candles scattered throughout. Also scattered throughout the room had been teenage girls. At least a dozen of them. All nude. Sitting in a large semi-circle surrounding him. He blinked several times, trying to see if he was hallucinating, or dreaming.

He tried to sit up, but couldn't. His wrists were bound. Jack tipped his head back to see his wrists manacled to the ground. Panic shot through him, and he thrashed about, trying to break free. No dice. All he got for his efforts was a buzzing in his head where he'd been struck earlier, and laughter from the girls surrounding him. Anger burned hotly under his skin, and he thrashed some more.

"Calm down, Mr. Barrows," he heard someone say. It sounded like Principal Harrington.

Jack's eyes searched, but found nothing. A breeze swirled around him, and he suddenly realized that he was in the buff himself. And erect. There was something metal wrapped around the base of his cock and his scrotum. Was that a cockring? He couldn't tell, but it seemed like the best logical answer.

Principal Harrington appeared naked above him, her feet planted on either side of his head, with a lithe girl beside her. They were grinning something fierce. Was that... Gina?

"Do you see all of these girls, Mr. Barrows?" Principal Harrington asked.

Jack stared up at Principal Harrington's pussy. She shaved, thoroughly. He didn't see a trace of hair. And her soft lips were moist, inviting. He felt his cock twitch. His skin flushed with embarrassment as the girls cooed and giggled at the sight of it.

"Y-yeah..." Jack finally stammered out.

"These are all of the girls you've tortured and used since your Freshman year," Principal Harrington said. "And now they're going to use you."

Jack lifted his head to search the girls' faces. Valerie, Molly, Kendra... all of them were there. All of them stared with vengeful, hungry eyes. Did he really use all of these girls? Some of them he didn't even recognize.

"Have at him, girls," Principal Harrington said, taking a step back.

Gina stood where she was, smiling down at Jack with a glint in her eye that frightened him and turned him on all at once.

Jack looked back up to the other girls to find them crawling toward him like prowling felines.One of them, a shapely black girl named Katrina, slithered up between his legs. She dipped her head between his thighs, and he felt his balls being sucked into her mouth. He writhed a little bit, pleasure prickling through his legs and stomach, and two more girls held him down. They went to work on his cock, their tongues practically fighting for his shaft.

Two others, a red head and a blonde, went to work on his chest, flicking their tongues against his dark nipples. He writhed more. No one had ever paid any attention to his nipples before. It had made him feel a little weird, but... it was great. He smiled. Did they call this punishing him? Seemed to him like they were rewarding him.

"Yeah, just like that you slu—"

He felt a hand slap viciously across his cheek. He blinked a few times, tears blurring his vision. Where the hell had that come from?

"Nuh uh," a girl said. Gina. "Shut your fucking mouth. We're in charge here."

The girls all made agreeing noises, and Jack suddenly felt the control slip away. He felt small. It was him that usually talked that way. And now the tables had turned. He started to say something something defiant, pain stifled his words as the two girls that swirled their tongues on his nipples bit down. He cried out, his back arching.

"Fuck! Fuck that hurt!"

"You'll live, asshole," Gina said. That deviant little smile of hers never left her face. She knelt over him, hovering her pussy over his face. She was bare, too. He never would have thought. A foreign sense of need swelled in him. He wanted to know what she tasted like. He was curious to know how her clit would feel over his tongue. "Sit on his cock," she told someone with an assertiveness he had no idea was there.

He felt a mouth pull away from one of his nipples, and a moment later felt the velvet warmth of someone's sopping walls expanding around his cock. He cursed under his breath, the feeling sending waves of pleasure through him. It was the first time he'd been inside of someone without a condom.

"Eat my fucking pussy, dickhead," Gina commanded.

Jack wasted no time. He lifted his head and pressed his mouth against her pussy, working his tongue against her slit as the girl sitting on his cock began bouncing. He heard the other girls cheering as this went on. Gina's pussy bucked against his mouth, pressing his tongue against her clit. The back of his head throbbed, but the pain was distant. The pleasure seemed to drown everything out.

"Ahn! Fuck! Fuck! Here I come!" The girl riding him said.

"Yeah, come on his fat cock!" Another cheered.

The girl worked her hips quickly against his, and he felt her walls clinch around his shaft. It took everything to keep from exploding himself. He wasn't sure how much of this he could take. He would have asked for someone to put a condom on him, but he had a mouthful of pussy.

The girl that rode him got up, and another one straddled him. Her pussy was a little looser than the last, but she still felt good. She rose and fell atop of him, his cock slamming in and out of her rapidly. It became increasingly difficult to focus on Gina. He moaned against her pussy, writhing beneath the two girls.

"Oh God!" he heard Gina say.

"Oh shit, she's gonna come!" someone said. Gina's pussy quivered in his mouth, and her hands fell against his chest, supporting her. She gyrated her hips as the orgasm rolled through her, and Jack's mouth was filled with her hot juices. He swallowed hard, and a gasping breath for air once she got up.

He could see again. Bianca, an Italian nerd girl with short, auburn hair was riding his cock reverse cowgirl, bouncing her ass with her hands in the space between his legs. Her face had been buried in the ass of a girl bent in front of her, while the others sat with their legs spread and their fingers working their slits, hooting and hollering.

He wasn't sure why he hadn't come just yet. He guessed it was the cockring. Whatever the case was, it let pretty much every girl in the room ride him and suck him without shooting off his load once. He saw Principal Harrington a couple of times, standing in the background, her arms folded beneath her ripe, full breasts.

"Gina's turn!" One of the girls announced. A strawberry blond rose from his lap, and Gina sat astride Jack, facing him. For some reason he found himself wanting this the most... of all the girls in the room, he'd yet to feel his cock inside of her. He yearned for it something fierce.

"Yes... oh god, please," Jack heard himself say, and then felt Gina's hand slap across his face again.

"Shut the fuck up!" Gina commanded, to which the other girls cheered. She leaned forward, her deep green eyes gazing into his, her hand wrapped around his length. "I told you that we're in charge here, you piece of shit." She gave his shaft a good squeeze, and Jack whimpered pathetically. His need for her was irrational, he knew. But he didn't care. All he wanted was for her to slide him into her pussy, to punish him some more... anything.

"Gah!" He cried out, feeling her hot, dripping cunt slide around his shaft. His head tipped back, the pleasure overwhelming him. He was going to come soon. He knew it. Gina grabbed his jaw, and made him look at her as her hips moved, working his cock inside of her.

"Look at me... yeah, that's right. I'm in charge, I'm in charge!" Her voice went up an octave every time she spoke, and practically squealed with pleasure. He wanted to thrust up into her, but didn't want to risk getting a correcting hand against his balls again. Looking at her face was enough. Seeing her face twisted with raw pleasure, the sweat lining her brow, her breasts that jounced as she rode him. It was enough.

"Fuck!" Gina leaned back, her hands falling upon his knees. Her body trembled, and her pussy walls clinched around him with vice-like tightness that sent him over the edge. She still worked her hips, bucking wildly.

"I'm gonna come!" he warned, but Gina didn't move.

His body lurched, hips moving spasmodically as pleasure tore through his entire frame. Seed shot up into Gina's warm cunt, painting her walls with hot, white cum. Gina collapsed over him, breathing heavily, her body shaking. The girls in the room erupted in victorious sounds, cheering and hollering, their loudness sending a buzzing through Jack's ears.

Then he heard Gina speak softly. "You will be here, next week. No questions asked. Do you understand?"

"I... I understand," Jack told her, his voice a little shaky.

He tipped his head back, and his world grew black again, his mind drifting into much needed slumber.

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By: Rebelman Chapter 1 My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible. Although I was on the football team, I didn’t get to play much. The coach, an ex-NFL lineman, told me I had natural strength and ability but I just couldn’t come out of my shell. To make matters worse, the Johnson twins had...

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Owning a Slave Bitch

By: MartyMan96 Chapter 1 My freshman year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that made my first year horrible.  Although I was on the football team I didn’t get to play much and even though the coach, an ex-NFL lineman, told me I had natural strength and ability but I just couldn’t come out of my shell. To make matters worse, the Johnson twins had...

2 years ago
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Owning a Dominant Bitch Complete

By: Rebelman Chapter 1 My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible. Although I was on the football team, I didn’t get to play much. The coach, an ex-NFL lineman, told me I had natural strength and ability but I just couldn’t come out of my shell. To make matters worse, the Johnson twins had...

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Owning a Dominant Bitch

Introduction:Ultra long, slow story, set in high school, about a humiliated girl, an intelligent girl, a dominant girl, and a heck of a nice guy. Chapter 1My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible.Although I was on the football team, I didn’t get to play much. The coach, an ex-NFL lineman, told me...

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Owning Beth

I work as a secretary for a large investment firm in New York. My name is Beth and I’m thirty four. Been married to a wonderful guy for six years. One of the girls, at work, wanted to celebrate  her birthday. . She invited me and some of the other girls, for a drink at the little bar not far from our office after work. I'd intended to have one drink then make my excuse and leave but, for the first time in a long time, I felt relaxed. I was having a good time.I excused myself and walked outside...

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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 4

I don’t know what I expected to wake up to, but it wasn’t a gun in my face, I can tell you that much. Nor was it Dad holding the gun, a Smith and Wesson .375 magnum revolver, to be precise. Why was Barry Ezekiel March back, and why was he armed, pointing a fucking hand cannon right at me? I tried to get up, but Dad shook his head. When I tried to speak, the gag in my mouth stopped me. I was also handcuffed to a chair, as were Stacey, Ellie, and Trish. Duane and Vince held guns of their own...

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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 8

“Hey, what gives, Stacey? Why are we meeting here?” Wendy Flanagan demanded of her niece, while her sister, my mother, Kelly Flanagan, stared off into space for a moment. “All will be revealed in the due course of time, Auntie,” Stacey snickered wickedly. “Perhaps I can assist with that,” Manfred Schultz announced himself now. “Okay, Fred, what’s the deal? We know that you were never ... fond of us, after all. Then again, I never liked Jews myself, except for Stacey, and she’s only sorta...

3 years ago
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Owning a HighSchool Djin

Hello, this chapter is mostly background, and is completely me, as a writer, talking to you, the reader. This is a story about a teenager who finds out that a classmate they barely know is a djin, or genie (they are the exact same thing, djin is the original name and genie is a slang name). This story is a tale of what he does with the power of a djin at his fingertips. I hope you enjoy, I will be slowly adding to it but if you have any ideas, feel free to add them, I will fix grammatical...

2 years ago
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Owning My Boss

Something out of the ordinary happened at work the other day: I got summoned to see the big boss. Didn’t know what it was about. Was I in trouble for some reason? “Emily, hi,” said Mr Rose, as I entered his penthouse office. His office, his secretary out in the anteroom, that’s all there was on the top floor. The air felt different up here. Rarified. “Hi,” I replied, controlling my anxiety. “Should I close the door?” “Yes please,” he said. “And take a seat.” I closed the door behind me and made...

Office Sex
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Owning The Owner8217s Wife 8211 Part 3 The Sex Game

Hello ISS readers, please read part 1 and part 2 of the story before you read this part. So, cum poured out of my cock into the condom I was wearing. Veda rolled over beside me and her pussy juice all over her pussy. We both were exhausted after the sex session. I turned towards Veda. She was closing her eyes and she looked happy and satisfied. I was thinking, “Why did Veda let me fuck her?” That’s the big question now. She is a married woman. Things happened so fast that I didn’t even realize...

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Owning a People Farm Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a bratty girl who went to school and somehow managed to live alone. She was incredibly attractive with her blond hair, brown eyes and nice figure. The girl’s name was Vanessa Catherine and she was somehow a goddess due to some cosmic anomaly. Her favorite place to be so far, was an interesting planet she found called Earth. Vanessa’s favorite toy she created was an ant farm she contained in her ordinary bedroom. It was not a normal ant farm due to the fact that this...

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 3

It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen her naked, she thought. The boys always found excuses to pop their heads into the bathroom while she showered or got dressed. On hot days, she was almost never full dressed, letting them see her in the skimpiest of cut-off jeans and bikini tops. Hell, she’d flash them her boobs or tits just because they asked any time. And they asked a lot, usually on movie nights when they’d compare her to the actresses on the screen. They’d seen men fuck her on more than one...

3 years ago
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Owning Me

I had always been attracted to my brother in law Mike, although I never admitted that fact to either him or my husband. Both my husband and his brother are over 6′, Mike is 6-2 with my husband topping him at 6-3, both with solid, muscular bodies. I lost my job a month back, leaving my husband the sole bread winner. He worked overtime, but we still could not afford to keep our place, so his brother suggested we move in with him in his three bedroom. He was recently unemployed too, and needed...

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Owning The Neighbor Couple 1

My name is Wallz and I live in one of those quiet rich suburban neighborhoods outside a major city. I have black hair and brown eyes and I am a bisexual top guy. I'm not just a top guy; I'm a total control freak. I have to be in total charge of things during sex and my partner must be submissive. With my experience and looks, I had no problem finding partners that will go along with my desires. I was very active in dominating couples and single women. My other requirement was that only I fuck...

2 years ago
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Owning My Friends Mom

"See you, Mom. I'm heading out to the mall with Carol and Joan," Stacey hollered as she headed for the back door. "Oh hey, Greg. I didn't hear you come in. Got anything planned for today?" Stacey asked as she entered the kitchen."Nah. Just dropped in for some breakfast. Probably head over to the basketball courts this afternoon to shoot some hoops," replied Greg with a grin."Alright. I'll see you later. Have fun." Stacey waved goodbye as she ran out the door.It was the first week of summer...

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Owning The Owners Wife Part 4 The Mole Game

Hello ISS readers, please read the previous parts to know what’s going on here. The Mole Game Starts. As Veda lost the toss, she got naked and was blindfolded on the bed. So I scanned her body for a few seconds. (in my mind) She has a mole on her right collar bone, one on the left forearm. The cutest was the mole on her lip on the left side. Then one mole slightly towards the right of her pussy lips, and the mole on her navel stood the most. Me – Veda rollover let me see the moles on your...

4 years ago
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Owning The Owner8217s Wife 8211 Pt 2 Sex As Birthday Gift For Teen

Hi ISS Readers. I recommend you to read the first part before this story for continuation. Well, I woke up with cum all over my bed, all because of the sex bomb upstairs. I could hear two female voices. I recognized one voice. It was my mother’s voice. I cleaned my room, changed my bedspread and opened all the windows so that no smell of cum was there. As I did all these, I changed my clothes too and stepped outside of my room and found that my mother was talking to my sex angel, Veda. She was...

2 years ago
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Owning The Owner8217s Wife 8211 Part 1

Hello, sex story readers, I finally completed my 12th std and in two days I am going to turn 18 years. I was planning for a party with my friends but, that day my dad came home as usual at 6.30 pm and said that he has been transferred to Mangalore. At present, we stayed in Bangalore.(Family of dad, mom and me) My dad told me that we are shifting the day after tomorrow. BOOM, my 18th B’day is doomed. As said, we started packing our goods, furniture and all stuff. And we were set to sail on the...

2 years ago
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Owning My Ex Girlfriend

Hi guys and girls, I’m Dr Sunny, age 25, 5’8 ft, fair, athletic, from Delhi. This sex story is about me and my ex girlfriend Naina, age 24, super hot with a model like figure and boobs worth dying for. This is a lengthy story and I request u to be patient. Let’s get started… I’m a doctor and I was away from Delhi for 5 years for my education. I fell for naina when I was in high school when I first saw her. She’s the daughter of our family friend who live in MP. She had come to see Delhi with...

4 years ago
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owning him

doggy and mistress, had fabulous diner, he was wondering all evening on her charm, beauty, style and her beautiful company and nice way to make him feel a real close person to her, he could not keep his eyes from steeling? look to her gorgeous feet with beautiful golden sandals...finally time came for there first intim meeting... she make a sign for him to ask for the bill and say: when we arrive, the moment u close the door, i want u on ur knees, kiss my feet one time each, those feet that you...

4 years ago
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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 5

“So, as to your marital status, it’s much simpler now, Stace. You’ll marry Trish here. She’ll be your wife and know her place, right, Trish?” I instructed my sister/cousin/lover Stacey ... Schultz? “Do I get to eat her pussy ... and Ellie’s ... a lot?” Trish pleaded with me now. “Damn, lady, you really do have a one-track mind! Simon Says, be honest with me. You’re a lesbian, aren’t you? Deep down, despite your obvious willingness to put out for favors, benefits, etc ... that’s just sex...

3 years ago
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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 9

I wanted to have my fun with Aunt Wendy, of course, but I was already a little tired of her bullshit. I suspected that the same would soon be true of Mom. I decided that I would discipline and re-educate my mother and aunt, but would soon make a pact with Uncle Manfred. He would get his former sisters-in-law, while his congress with Stacey, Ellie, and Trish would fade over time. I wanted revenge, but didn’t particularly desire either woman in reality these days. They were better off as...

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Owning my Aunt and Cousin 3

Raghav looked at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in a traditional sherwani with headgear. “It’s been a while since I’ve cleaned up,” he thought. He took a sip of water and sat on the bed in his room. Downstairs, preparations were being made for a marriage ceremony. The pyre was set up in the living room by the pujari. He also happened to be Raghav’s closest friend Aashish. Raghav thought back to when he first told Aashish about his ‘situation.’ He smiled, remembering how Aashish’s jaw...

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Barry the Barrower

NOTE: Feel free to add alternative routes - first story of mine and may not be continued. Or if you enjoyed, like up the routes you want continued and I may do so. Amelia "Millie" Satra was an office bombshell of a woman. Currently in her late 20's Millie was always the center of attention at her workplace. She had long, voluminous brown hair, curvy thighs, excellent legs and breasts which were so perfectly shaped you'd think they were fake (but completely natural). She worked as the Personal...

2 years ago
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Crowning Glory

Baron Bartholomew cracked open the door of his daughter's bedchamber. Like the Lord's prayer, it was a dawn ritual he had developed after the death of his eldest son. He gazed upon the young woman in proud silence, watching her chest rise and fall under the rich silk sheets he had brought back from Palestine. Christine looked safe while locked in her dreams. Her long dark brown hair spread like angel wings either side, he thought her a sleeping angel. A result of love and beauty untainted by...

1 year ago
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Crowning Achievement

My father was an amazing man. He was loved by all who truly got to know him for that humorous, gentle, and downright sexy person that he was. He had it all with looks, wife, job, money, his home, and anything else possibly imaginable. Dad was good at everything but even the best have to leave us at some point and his time ran shorter than he thought when we lost him to stage 4 lung cancer. He never smoked a day in his life. I'm Jason, his son. I have none of what he had. Not a damn thing was...

Mind Control
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Downing Abbey Chapter 3

(Abigail)It was hard not to notice Luke’s palm rested so low on my back, his pinkie edging the line between back and butt. His free hand opened the door and he smiled before ushering me inside, and I had to assume we entered almost looking like a couple. A small smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth at the idea.‘Christ Luke, are you sure we’re in a bar?’The first thing I noticed was the smell, and this place didn’t smell like a bar. No hint of vomit or Axe undertone, instead, this place was...

Straight Sex
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Downing Abbey Chapter 2

(Abigail)At some point in every woman’s life, a man’s personality becomes more important than his looks. Whether it’s by choice or by circumstance, it’s the concept that still makes life-long unions possible, and what some consider true love. It signifies the kind of maturity that you and your partner benefit from for the rest of your lives.And Lucas Brimstone made it glaringly obvious that I was not at that point yet.I sat down beneath a declining willow, unpacking a familiar lunch of turkey...

Straight Sex
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Downing Abbey Chapter 1

(Abigail)If I had known there’d be eight inches of hot lawyer inside of me before the end of the week, I’d have asked to take Monday off. Instead of making that call, I’m about to walk into a law firm. But first, some context explaining why I’m buried six-feet under a mountain of crap. Gender equality is a fantasy, just like karma.There I am, two weeks ago. I’m doing my deep breathing after washing off the last of my smudged mascara and runny nose. The right amount of pride and stubbornness...

Straight Sex
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Drowning in Rain

Even after so much time, I always thought I could feel that night over and over. If I closed my eyes and held very still, the scent of sea air and wood smoke would engage my senses and my mind would respond by igniting my body. The caress of air across my naked flesh, the gentle lull of surf lapping sand, the warmth of bodies pressed upon one another. All of those memories would carry me back to a time when I was eighteen and alone in the world. Although it was a self-imposed solitude, it was...

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