Tripletit 02 Saving the Planet
- 3 years ago
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Hey guy's and gals, Ducky here. Just a couple of things before we start. (SKIP THIS SECTION IF YOU JUST WANT TO READ) This will be a very narrative-driven story, however, I certainly do plan to have one hell of a bunch of erotica packed in so no need to worry about that, I must warn You however that the prologue contains only a little, as soon as You get to part One is when the juicy stuff will begin.
Secondly like with my Other stories I have created a discord for fans who wish to ask me questions, discuss lore and put forward suggestions for future content so if that appeals to You, the link is right here, I look forward to hearing from You guys!
Finally, I'd like to shout out Marcus Dark, who assisted in and proofread a lot of my early chapters for this story, He is a very talented writer on CHYOA himself, so do Yourself a favour and check out his work which I will link below:
I hope You all enjoy, I'm always happy to see Your comments and criticism so feel free to leave them in the section, Happy reading and Welcome all to the Scarlet-Empire!
Prologue: Blue Planet, Dull StreetsEye-candy, that was the name of the book shop that Nero Belonna visited every day, in South-London's noise, Eye-candy was a getaway, just a small dusty old fashioned book shop, where He could look for tomes to bury his brown button nose in.
Not too big, not too complicated, sure the store itself didn't have the same effect that his running did, but the Store and it's books; restocked every Tuesday, was a treasured part of the 20-year-old's life. Nero browsed one of the shelves, quietly considering an old book covered in a healthy helping of dust "Greek Demigods..." The dark-skinned Young-man whispered to himself, carefully pulling the book from its place and dusting it off with a light smile "There's that smile again?" Nero jolted at the sudden disturbance, raising an eyebrow as Kira, the girl who worked behind the counter, appeared just beside him, a curious look on her face "Well?" the pretty blonde girl asked, Her emerald eyes staring up at Nero with fascination "You always have that smile on Your face when You find a new book?" He wanted to say something witty, funny, something to surprise her, "Something to really get her attention!" He thought, though, in the end, Nero shrugged his broad but lanky shoulders and spoke in his deep, soft tone"I just really like them, I guess?"
Nero had known this girl for a while now, for the past three years He had come to the Book shop every evening, She liked him He knew that, but Nero had trouble enough with Becky, let alone Kira also.
Nero wasn't exactly shy, He just didn't feel the need to be talkative, but talking to people had never been an issue, However, when Kira came up to him, Her long soft-looking strawberry blonde hair lazily sat down on her shoulders, cute button nose bellow puffy red cheeks and pink lips arcing into a gentle smile as Her Emerald green eyes looked up at him with fascination, "She's really cute..." it made him a little nervous and agitated his Instincts.
Kira chuckled at the answer, beckoning him over to the till so that she could get him paid up, "She's wearing those tight jeans again today..." Nero thought, staring at her shapely ass as she turned away from him. Kira without a shadow of a doubt was probably the Hottest Bookstore employee in the known universe, Nero had seen plenty of cringe-inducing porno's about sexy librarian girls and yet, here was Kira, Her round glasses on her face, Her Breasts standing out in defiance of her loose cardigan
"Hello?" Nero refocused, being pulled out his daydreaming by a snap of Kira's fingers,
"H-Hey, sorry, what were You saying?" Nero asked absently, Kira smiled shaking her head at him "£11.45?" Wow, He hadn't been that distracted in a long time, not even with Becky "Right, sorry."
"So..." Kira started, resting her elbows on the countertop "How did asking out Becky go?" Nero looked away, frowning at being reminded of the subject "That bad huh?" Nero nodded
"Catastrophically bad." He noted, slipping the book into his rucksack "I'd rather not talk about it if that's okay?" Kira smiled warmly
"O-Of course. umm... Up to anything interesting tonight?" He shrugged, pondering on how bored she must get in a store with only 3 or four patrons,
"Gonna meet some mates at the pub, I'm hoping that a couple of Pints might help get... her, off of my mind, after that, if I'm not too pissed, I'll read some of this book" The blonde girl stared at him with dreamy eyes, screwing up her nose and pouting
"Too bad I'm closing, I'd go with You." That was a first, "She's always been flirtatious, but she's never wanted to meet outside of the store before?" Nero thought, smiling weakly "In all honesty, I don't think that You'd like my friends that much." Kira shrugged
"Well, as long as it's with You it doesn't matter who else is..." Kira paused as she heard herself, flushing furiously "Oh um, I mean, not that I just want to spend time with You alone, though I wouldn't say no to that, of course, we see each other all the time so I don't know why I am making such a big deal out of this..." Nero smiled at Her rambling, "I should ask her." Nero thought to himself, Kira was a beautiful girl just like Becky, she was banging hot, super kind, a book worm just like He was, plus just the thought of getting under those clothes, pushing her into a bed and using her like a little blonde fuck-toy "-No, stop." He thought, halting the growing instinct, He had to focus, this was a bad time, it was too early for this, plus what if she said no? Nero didn't think that He could take another Rejection.
Maybe waiting a while is a good call, it's not like there's any rush. "I ur..." Nero said, interrupting Kira's nervous mumblings "Need to meet my friends so, see You tomorrow?" Kira smiled, chuckling nervously
"Yeah... I'll see You tomorrow, Nero," she said, rubbing her elbows nervously, He nodded, gripping his bag tightly before walking to the exit. Nero heard a furtive whisper from behind him as He left "Stupid, stupid, idiot, just confess your undying affection why don't You, why am I such an idiot!" Nero paused, his hand touching the handle of the door as He turned
"Kira?" She jolted, Her emerald eyes looking through her circular glasses "Y-Yeah?" He gave Her a reassuring smile "You're not stupid." She went a deeper shade of red than He thought possible "Thanks, Nero." He found himself happier after that, it was nice to have a break from being sad about Becky, still, meeting with his friends would change that very quickly.
Nero sipped his Pale Ale in the Chestnut Pub, "You know what? fuck that bitch!" Aaron cried, his seat nearly flying away behind him "Oh Christ, here we go." Nero thought, taking another sip of the earthy elixir, Maxwell an Irishman born and bred, piped up next
"Yeah mate, always thought she was a slag anyway!" Max spoke with nearly as much force, so much in fact that He nearly knocked over his Carlsberg. Barry rolled his eyes at the other two's drunken attempts at encouragement, the only person in their group of misfits to notice that Nero was not quite drunk enough to talk about... that, "You know what, Nezza?" Max sat back down, only just managing to not miss his Bar-stool
"I do not know what, enlighten Me?" Nero replied,
"B-Becky doesn't deserve You man, She hasn't earned the right, to go out with My Best friend!" Aaron gasped in agreement "Our best friend you mean, Because we all love You man, Fuck bitchy-Becky, fuck her!"
"Yeah, my Nigga!" Barry frowned at The Pale freckled teen's use of That Word, but kept it to himself, for now at least. "These two might as well be a pair of Roadman parrots the way this was going," Nero thought, quietly sipping his IPA and trying to smile, Barry, however, had clearly already had enough, clutching his double vodka and coke as He fixed Aaron and Max with a cold stare,
"Will You two shut up, You've had like two drinks and already You've forgotten what I told you about talking about Becky..." Barry's tone was icy, even with the natural warmth of his Jamaican accent, Max threw up his hood, bolstered by liquid courage, his bright blue eyes lazily staring in defiance at Barry's tall stocky form
"Mate don't be telling me what to say, man, Swear down Nigga man's will-" Barry swiftly reached over, flicking Max hard, right in his eye, He recoiled clutching the socket while wincing with the full-blown joy of melodrama that too many beers on a quiet Tuesday night mustered "First things first, You're about two bars of white chocolate too pale of complexion to be calling anybody a Nigga, Second, Mention Becky again and I'll pick you up by your skin and bone, and put You in the Bin, Get me?"
Max frowned suddenly, His eyes falling in defeat, Nero was pretty sure that a feather could kick his ass, if Barry wanted too, then his Irish friend would end up as the world's greatest shit-talking bin bag, Max lowered his hood to expose his messy Ginger hair, shooting Nero an apologetic look as Barry continued "Now, apologize to Nezza and go home, You're getting on my nerves." Aaron and Max looked at Nero, then to Barry's heavy form, then to each other before the ironically drunken Irishmen finally spoke in a hushed tone "S-Sorry, Nero." Max said with quiet guilt "See You in a bit, Max." Nero said, watching as Max wobbled to his feet and waddled out into the sanctuary of the pub garden.
Barry stared intently at Aaron, The geeky dark-skinned teen grimacing under Barry's stare "Yo, sorry for bringing it up man." Nero smiled weakly in return, watching as Aaron walked out a little more gracefully, his unkempt Afro swaying as He vanished into the crowd.
Barry pushed one of his long brown dreadlocks away from his strong face, downing the rest of his drink in a single gulp, the glass tapping lightly on the liquor stained table as He set his eyes on Nero, "I have no idea why I bother to invite those two..."
Nero rubbed his eyes, trying to create a witty response, though there wasn't exactly any coal to throw in his furnace right now, He simply sipped his beer and tried his best not to look crestfallen
"We can go if ya want?" Nero shook his head,
"And waste the Beer?" He reached over to the drinks that Max and Aaron left behind, placing the practically full glasses in front of him before downing his Punk IPA,
"So My brudda is still in there then!" Barry said with a smile, happily clinking glasses with Nero as He started on Aaron's tall glass of Lager, "So now that we're alone, we can talk about Becky." Barry said with an evil grin "Always the master schemer, He just wanted us to talk alone." Nero thought, shrugging as He took a deep gulp of Aaron's beverage "I guess if You want too."
"Oh, I want to." Barry clarified, flicking his long dreadlocks back dramatically "I know that expression has never been Your strong suit, but recently it's like the Ghost of Nero has been hanging out with us, Get me?" Nero stared, the dull red of his eyes failing to focus in the chaotic noise of the pub, Barry fixed Nero with a worried expression.
Nero Bellona had never been normal, not even nearly, most people liked him enough, for reasons that evaded him, though the strange abnormality in his actions and reactions seemed to throw people off a lot, even Barry. Bertrand Campbell was an eccentric by nature, a 5 foot 8 man of Twenty, that Nero had met during his first year in Uni, Barry was a little wide, but the burliness of his build offered him more fear and respect than You're an average Comic-book reading nerd.
Nero sighed, running his fingertip around the edge of the pint glass' rim as He spoke in his south-London tone "How much do You know, already?" Barry shrugged "Just that Becky rejected You, embarrassed You in front of everyone, I'm sure all the other rumours are just bull." Nero lay his head on the table "Rumours... oh god, how am I ever gonna get through University now, it's only been a week, imagine what things will be like when summer is over!?" Nero thought, shifting uncomfortably, unsure of how to explain the situation without making himself feel even worse "I took Adele's advice, I sucked it up, met with her in the mess hall..." Barry raised an eyebrow
"But she agreed to meet You there right?"
"Yeah, She was just as friendly and flirty as always but..." Barry's eyes fell
"But She said no?" Instinct began to fill Nero, the cold electricity that zapped at his insides, agitated by the memory of Becky's pompous outburst
"She didn't just say no," Nero said, his grip on the Glass of beer tightening "She completely embarrassed me in front of everyone, yelled at me, calling me a freak and a weirdo so that everyone could hear, She... completely switched on me" Nero had the common tone of Brixton, the kind that the Old Fashioned didn't like to hear, although the clarity and tact in his voice was unlike any of his 'Peers' those who heard him knew that He boasted a fierce intelligence, Barry grinned sadly, taking a sip of Max's drink with a cringe on his face, true Barry had greater size and intelligence on his size, but just like Nero He was an outcast at in the eyes of the faculty, He knew their place and it was not up there with Vicky
"I'm sorry to say that I did warn You, guys like us, people don't get us, man. It was bound for failure, it's important to know what league You're in, no matter what Adele says... by the way, has she mentioned me at all, like the texts I sent her or anything?"
"How strange." Nero thought, contemplating the man before him, "How quickly people can switch from Concerned to self-centred, no, maybe I'm just being too harsh, He has had a crush on his Foster-cousin for a while after all."
Nero shrugged "it's important to know what League you're in, Bertrand." Nero lamented, Barry frowned, clearly not appreciating having his word's thrown back at him and quickly changing the subject
"Are You going Running tonight?" He asked, grimacing as He sipped Max's Carlsberg
"Of course I am." Nero thought to himself, though he made a point to smile and gave a convincing chuckle "Of course not, Aunt Minie would kill me." Barry grunted, unsure whether to take Nero's word,
"Well, as much as Aaron and Max piss me off, I must say they had a good toast ready for us at least..." Nero smiled at Barry's words, the two of them lifting their drinks and clinking their drinks, speaking in unison as sounds of the average pub rang around them "Fuck Bitchy-Becky." Barry quickly downed his Carlsberg, but, not Nero, Nero merely sipped his drink, He didn't want to get too drunk, one had to have sure-feet for a night on the run, especially when his Instincts where involved in the matter.
"You wanna get something to eat, Brother?" Barry asked, clearly still concerned with Nero's little problem, Nero felt the pain in his stomach, it had been a while since He ate... but He shook his head "No, I'm not hungry" Nero said, Barry's heavy brow furrowed, doubt practically seething from his chocolate-brown face, but He did not press him, Nero would do what Nero does, and there was no forcing him into anything.
Nero didn't stay for Long, the Noise of everything was throwing off his focus and stirring his instincts, so Nero gave his large Jamaican friend a "See You Later." Barry shook his hand with a tipsy smile
"See You in a bit, Nezza, try not to think about Becky too much?" That very sentence was the catalyst for Nero's thought on his incident with Becky while He walked to the estate. Nero loved nothing more than the Music playing into his ears, playing Don't go by Wretch 32, his fingers tapping against his thigh to the smooth rhythm, it was in those moments of calm lamentation that He could come into complete focus, Nero considered his Error, thinking on why He failed to capture the affection of the only woman that He ever dreamed of having a real relationship with, was it his looks, girls had told him plenty how cute he was before, it was the falling for him that they had trouble with? So his personality was the Achilles heel!? "B-But... I can't change who I am can I? ugh I need to gain some altitude." He thought in quiet despair, looking above to the rooftops as He walked down the alley that led towards his Block.
The Moon stared down from the black sky, the dim shine of its fully emerged silver face casting a Pale light that washed across the high rooftops, highlighting the shadows of skyscrapers in the far distance of London's south.
Nero had enjoyed staring up at the Moon ever since He was just a kid, so much so that it distracted him from his reading, still, it carried his thoughts away, removing him from the complications of people and life, the music blasting loudly into his ears, the heavy bass of the rhythmic music filling rattling and throwing his focus off, Nero huffed, "No, that's not right..." He thought to himself, flicking through his music until the desired song came to greet his eyes, He smiled a little the slow, haunting melody of the Moonlight Sonata's first movement began to sway his focus into its gentle return, closing his eyes as he breathed in the Cool night air from the open window in front of his reading desk, the Sounds of the street bellow lost to his focus, in those moments of calm there was nothing save for the fresh air, the sombre tones of Beethoven's sonata, the soft notes allowing his mind to drift, and the Moon, of course, staring down at him from the Midnight Sky, his eyes finally returning to the Pages of his Book, the words flowing in his Moonlit mind.
"Oi Oi!" A hard but friendly slap met with Nero's broad shoulder, the jolt stripping him of his focus completely and the Shock sparking his Instinct, Nero took a deep, relaxing breath, so that his instinct would calm and turned to see just who He expected.
Adele stood there, Her mane of curly Black hair wild on her shoulders, She wore a black dress tonight, a silk one by the looks of it, the kind that leaves little to the imagination, it took him quite a lot of effort not to stare at her juicy C cup breasts, the beautiful shine on her copper skin, the shape of her fit body almost awakening the Instinct in him again,
"Hey," Nero said, avoiding eye contact with his cousin's large beautiful brown eyes,
"I thought I'd swing by before I went to Becky's party." Her voice was smooth, butter flowing from her thick lips that shone in the low-light, Nero was too distracted to even hear Becky's name
"Okay." He responded, standing to flick on the light and offer Her a seat beside him on his bed, Adele sat happily, her dress hugging her tightly as she plopped down
"So... I uh, wanted to apologize," Adelle said, she looked beautiful even as Her face feel
"I know." He said, still a little distracted "I don't blame You, all You did is encourage me, something that I'm thankful for." Adele shook her head with a weak smile on her face
"There You go again, reading My mind and forgiving me before I even get to apologise," Adele said with a sweet little giggle, Nero looked up to his bookshelf, filled to the brim with stories and information, all of which He had read, a few of them several times
"I can read You like a Book." He said with a smile, Adele chuckled at this, Her fingers creeping towards his
"I know that You probably don't want to be anywhere near her right now but..." Adele's soft hand touched his, it made his chest throb "...You should go come to the Party with us tonight, nothing makes Becky jealous like seeing a potential suitor with some other girl." Nero looked at Adele
"...she is so pretty, and that body... dammit Nero, fostered or no... she's Your cousin, get Yourself under control," He thought, his eyes wandering over to the window, where the moonlit night beckoned.
"I uh... I have some studying to do, maybe another day?" Adele raised an eyebrow
"Studying huh, studying the rapid traversal of the City rooftops You mean?" He did not reply, Adele wasn't a narc, He kept her secrets she kept his, that after all was the deal "try not to shit Yourself, Nero, You're secrets safe with me, however, my time at Mom's office has given me an appreciation for a little thing called compromise, so I want to make a deal!" Oh no, here we go again
"Another Deal, how long are You gonna hold this over my head for?" He asked She gripped his hand tighter
"Only for as long as it benefits me." He sighed, there was nothing He could do now, Her mind was made up "Fine, what do You want?"
Adele grinned mischievously, "I'll keep Your little activities tonight to myself If You come with Me to Ladies night at Unique tomorrow." Holding back a grimace at the prospect of going to a nightclub again, Nero huffed
"Just Me? with a bunch of girls, I don't think so." Adele quickly shot that down
"How about, You ask that Bookshop girl then, She likes You right? maybe You'll finally score some action!" He shifted uncomfortably
"Kira? I mean sure she flirts sometimes, I don't know if I can just ask Her out on such short notice though... I..." He paused, looking at the knowing grin on her face, Nero sucked in a thoughtful breath
"I should know by now, there is no changing her mind when it's made up." He considered, sighing and shaking his head, "I'll... I'll ask but-." You could practically taste the hesitation in his tone, but Adele just tapped him on the shoulder again,
"-Ah don't look so glum, Trust me it will be fun and who knows, Becky might melt when she sees You with another girl." Great Becky's gonna be there because this wasn't complicated enough, just fantastic...
"(That's if I can even be bothered with Becky at this point)" Nero mumbled to himself
"What's that?" She inquired with a victorious smile,
"Nothing. don't forget Your part of the deal, if Aunt Minie finds out I'm running again She'll-"
"Verbally batter You, make sure that Your charged and potentially kick You out of the Flat, I know. See You in a bit, Cuz!" with that gloomy sing-song claim, Adele slipped out the door, her beautiful figure slipping with Her,
"Why do I even bother resisting, she might as well be my Boss." Nero thought, clutching at the Pendant around his neck, the familiar warmth of the Ruby in its centre enflaming his already growing instinct, He didn't often think about his dad... it was bad enough thinking about his mother, yet He pondered the Pendant that His father left behind for him, the only thing that His father left behind for him... He hated the man, He hated him with all of his heart, for leaving him to grieve for his mother alone, Nero could barely even remember what his face looked like, yet, He kept the Ruby pendant hidden away under his shirt, refusing to part with it under any circumstances.
"I need to Run..." Nero thought, feeling his instincts growing, it wouldn't be long before it grew to overpower him, so he closed the book on his desk, carefully placing it back on the shelf and prepared to take to the Moonlit night.
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"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...
Nina was not beside him when Freddy woke up. He was glad she was being cautious as far as not being discovered by other members of the family. The apartment was already stirring. Freddy figured Teresa would want to grill him about what had happened but he wasn't ready for that yet. He had plans for the morning. The biggest plan was to start laying the groundwork for Josie's seduction. Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on...
Freda came from a loving family. She was a sweet girl and her mother and father worshipped her. It was time for her to go to college and she would live alone for the first time. Well not exactly alone. She was going to share an apartment with another girl. Her name was Jenny. Freda had all her clothes packed and her parents kissed her good by. Freda drove away in the used car her father had given her. Freda was sad and homesick already but as the miles slipped by she sensed that she was going...
LesbianCHAPTER THREE On Monday, Freddie decided that she really wanted to face King on her own terms and get it over with. She dressed in jeans and went in search of the man. She started by knocking on his door. When she didn’t get an answer there, she looked in the kitchen, where she had found him the week before. When she didn’t find him there, she searched for him in the motel. But no one had seen him and no one had any idea where he was. Disappointed, Freddie returned to her rooms. As she...
"Ya wanted to see us, Cap'n?" Ezra asked as he and Sean walked into Capt. Johnson's office. "Yeah, I got a little job fer y'all." "Thank God, Cap'n. Sean an' I been sittin' on our tailbones for over four hours since we got back from that last little jaunt ya sent us on an' we're gittin' a little stir crazy." "Y'all are crazy, no matter what! But, to business. There's been a rash of stage robberies between here and Frontline, an' I want y'all to put a stop to 'em. It...
CORNELIA'S HIDDEN DEPTHS You have probably read my sister Winifred's story called "Winifred Was Willing". I want to state right up front that her portrayal of me as "plain" and destined to be an old maid is sheer and utter poppycock. It is true that I have no love of the French powders and scents that my sister Winifred and Annette are prone to employ in their shameless pursuit of male admirers. I seldom simper and daydream about this cute boy or that. There is a huge gulf between my...
Main us waqt mumbai mein kaam karta tha, woh saal 2005 tha, mein 35th floor pe rehta tha, us floor pe sifr do flats occupied the, ek mera aur dusra tha reddy uncle ka, mein toh akela rehta tha, so us floor pe agar koi aur aata toh woh reddy uncle ke ghar he aata. mera yaha koi kabaar he aata tha. Aate toh mere kuch dost. Toh woh 35th floor ko jo passage tha woh ek tarah se reddy uncle ne aaram karne ke liye apni personal space jaisa rakha tha. Passage ko balcony thi, so woh waha apni aaram...
Gay MaleSamuel Xavier here. A big and tall, openly bisexual Black male college graduate and urban fiction writer living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I’ve lived in America for almost a decade, having moved here from the Republic of Haiti in the early 2000s. My history with America has been one of love and hate. A very complicated history. And that’s what today’s tale is all about. America is the land of the free. It’s also a land where Middle-Eastern people get harassed simply because...
You've been saving up since you got your first job as a delivery driver, but you finally have the money you need to get your own spaceship. All your friends have the latest and greatest super-spaceships, which are fast as all hell but need tons of fuel. You on the other hand are getting yourself the Centauri. While not able to go 100 light years a minute, they're self sustaining and are able to charge their batteries off local stars as you travel. As well, they're well made for long voyages....
FantasyAuthor's Note: I noticed that this story has not been edited properly to make better sense. Will be working on it when I get the time. It seemed like it was only yesterday when society seemed to suddenly appear a little different. People began to act strangely after new facets of necessity appeared from out of thin air. When it began, individuals received notices from the authorities to report to the newly opened health centers all across the world, where specific people were gathered to take...
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2372 nach den Correctness Kriegen, die Menschheit hat ihre Zersplitterung überwunden, zusammen mit aller Hand nutzloser Dinge, wie zum Beispiel überholte Ideologien, Krankheiten oder Vorurteile. Vor fast 2000 Jahren war es dann der Menschheit gelungen, aus ihrem Sonnensystem auszubrechen und entferntere Sterne zu besiedeln. Vor 1000 Jahren war die Universale Liga zerbrochen und Chaos hatte vom menschlichen Teil des Universums Besitz ergriffen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war der...
An all female explorer group has landed on an alien planet, they now have to explore it. You are one of these women. (Or create your own)
Not that it mattered that the desert winds blinded him as he struggled towards the shelter of the cratered foothills. Nor did he find refuge in the locaters steady hum as its powerful beacon saturated the heavens with it's powerful signal. He assumed his rescue was imminent, but his survival until then was in serious doubt. For even now, as his tortured genitals released yet another spurt of his dwindling seed, his knees gave way and he crumbled into the sand. Not far behind, a pack of...
It seems that one of the more raffish of the hangers-on that are evidently continually present on a ship of Mothers size, she would, after all, make a decent small planet, has conceived a passion for Simone, or Ship. The edict passed against Ship is running the gamut of the rumor mill and he is not capable of discerning the difference between the two. Words have been said to both, in the mistaken belief that both are Ship, or Simone. Indeed, a blow was struck, and the evidence plain upon the...
When it became impossible to tell whether or not someone was wearing a bodysuit - and almost everyone was, anyway - how could you know anyone's true age or gender? BODYSUIT PLANET by BobH (c) 2023 Robin Dukayne: "Yes, oooh yeeesss!!!" I cried as Grant's powerful, skillful ramming brought me to orgasm. Seconds later he came too, filling me with his seed. Afterwards, we lay together smiling and gazing into each others eyes, he caressing my breasts and me running my fingers...
It is all a bit too much for a god-fearing, good girl to take. I am too well aware of the fact that my two devious sisters, Winifred and Cornelia have "poisoned the waters" with regard to my character and moral demeanor. I must protest and offer some enlightening perspective on my private affairs. There is some truth in the obvious fact that I am easily the most attractive and intelligent of the three Winkle sisters. Even my scheming siblings would admit to that simple fact. I believe it...
Laredo As I walked out on the streets of Laredo. As I walked out on Laredo a.m., I spied a young cowboy wrapped in white cotton, Wrapped in white cotton with lace on the hem. "I can see by your outfit that you are a cowboy." These words as I boldly walked by he did say. "Come an' sit down beside me an' hear my glad story. "I'm caught in drag gear but I'm still a good lay" "It was once in the saddle, I used to go dashing. "Tall in the saddle and first to a fight. "Then to the...
The development of (comparatively) cheap and easy faster-than-light travel and terraforming technologies brought on a wave of colonization unlike any before seen. Among the most enthusiastic colonizers were those "fringe" groups who's beliefs and practices were looked on askance by mainstream society. Sector 3030Y is perhaps the most interesting result of this trend. Consisting of twelve adjacent star systems in which every planet, moon, and large asteroid was terraformed, the "Pervert...
Introduction: This is a rewrite of the first story that I ever posted to an X-rated adult website. I can only hope that you will find it worth reading. And I realize that some of you may also find this story to be shocking and disturbing, and possibly even disgusting. However, I will not apologize for my having candidly written about one of the most important sexual events that ever took place in my life. Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away by slick_chick * * * * * Im a middle-aged...
by slick_chick * * * * * I'm a middle-aged housewife and mother, and I have a "dirty little secret" that I want to share with you. On a hot and sunny Sunday afternoon, back when I was a young lady, an older boy named Freddy unexpectedly cornered me in a residential bathroom. And then he sexually molested me for an extended period of time, before he finally fucked me. And I didn't do anything to try to stop Freddy from having sex with me. I didn't try to talk him out of it. I didn't...
Introduction: This story is all about the unexpected confession that my wife, Bea (not her real name), made to me one afternoon, when she described for me in detail how she had lost her virginity to an older teenage boy who had forced his intentions on her, back when she was a young lady. * * * * * Authors Note: Although I wrote this story in such a way that it can be read as a stand-alone story, it is really meant to act as a companion story (a sequel) to the Freddy in the Bathroom:...
Author's Note: Although I wrote this story in such a way that it can be read as a stand-alone story, it is really meant to act as a companion story (a sequel) to the “Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away” story, which has already been posted to this same website by my better half. So I would highly recommend that you read that story first, before you read this one. * * * * * Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife's Confession by rat_race * * * * * “How would you feel if you found...
It’s fucking weird how Uncensored Hentai is still something of a rarity even in 2023. The internet and pop culture as a whole both seem to get a little bit kinkier and a little bit more sexually liberated every day, yet so many Japanese porn cartoon sites still cover up the wee-wees and hoo-has during all the best scenes. Whole fucking families sit around to watch dicks and dragons together on HBO these days, but you’re telling me I can’t see an animation of a schoolgirl’s butthole with a...
Hentai Streaming SitesIt was a dingy, nasty redneck dive bar where I first saw Karen. She was obviously out of her element and was not the type that would not usually patronize a seedy bar such as Red's Bar. Red's bar catered to the lowlifes of the world, or at least this seedy neighborhood. Working men who did a daily grind at one of the local and looked forward to a shot and a beer before going home to the old lady if they were still married or hooked up. The women that came to Red's were women without morals...
"Say, Pat. "Yessor, Mr. Hennessey, sor." "Ye ever hear of a bunch called The Brotherhood?" "Yessor, Mr. Hennessey, sor. I hear of 'um frum time ta time. They's a bad crowd ta cross, I hear. They gives our folks a real hard time." "Well, I jus' thunk uv a way we kin pay 'um back fer some uv that trouble. An', at the same time, we kin make a penny er two fer our own selves." "How's that, Mr. Hennessey, sor? "It's kinda complicated. I ain't shore ye wud unnerstand, but...
Sa .6 By the time Arie, Zach, Derek and Christa arrived, somewhat late because they'd had to swing by and pick up Jenny, the party was in full swing. There was none of this "fashionably-late" stuff; evidently Meredith had gathered a pretty punctual crowd around her. There were a few presents, mostly the slim unmistakable profiles of DVD cases, of CD cases, of hardcover and paperback books; more often it was just an envelope with a gift card. Regardless, with (let's see here... Six plus...
W .1 Have you ever felt like a stranger in your own house? Someone weird, someone odd; someone everyone has to walk carefully around, because they aren't sure who you are and they don't want to offend you? Someone unknown, someone strange? When I came downstairs for breakfast, my mother gave me such a look, and it was clear that she didn't think she knew me. Hey, I'm Arie Chang, and from the looks of things, I'm a stranger in my own house. "Hello, Arie," said my mother. "Have you...
"So did you get a costume yet for tomorrow's Halloween party?" Chris asked Leanne as they walked back to her dorm together. "Well I didn't have the money to buy me a costume, so I'm just going to make one," Leanne responded, giggling. She felt Chris' arm hold her tight as they stopped in front of her building. He smiled at her, cupping her pretty pale freckled face. "You know how much I love you don't you?" She nodded, tiptoeing to kiss his lips softly. "Yes and I love you. I'm...
T .3 I'm starting to think that, when you sign up for The Program, events begin to conspire against you. We managed to avoid Michael at the front of the school, when I was stripping down, but not for much longer after that; and bless Brandon's heart, but even he wasn't enough to balance out the trauma of having my brother leering at me. And Bernard... Oh, hello. My name is Meredith Levine. My Program partner confuses me. I still hadn't figured out why he'd gotten so mad at me...
T .1 Waking up is all about memory. We sleep, all of us; we have to disconnect from the world for six or eight or ten hours, and then come back and figure out what we've missed. 9/11 is a good example. Wake up and your radio alarm is saying something about terrorists and the World Trade Center. Huh? At first I figured terrorists had landed in a helicopter or something. But by the time I got to school, I had the whole story. I think I liked mine better. In any case, waking up is all about...
Th .4 There are always people who know things we don't. And, when we need help, we ask those people, because sometimes we don't have the tools we need to deal with problems. Like, if my computer breaks, I call Brandon—since a certain someone is evidently off-limits to me. Brandon can't strip down and rebuilt a computer like that certain someone, but at least he can tell me what some of the error messages mean. But this time it wasn't hardware. Brandon and Meredith were nowhere in sight...
Back at Stetsen, Derek marshaled his forces. "Guys. Guys. Can I have your attention please. I need some help." We all looked up, and gathered as he beckoned: Meredith and I; Zach and Christa; Sajel; and even Jane, for whatever reason. Maybe she and Sajel had shared a 5th-period class. (I was close; it's Christa who's in AP Chemistry with Jane in 5th period.) We sat in the customary ring: Derek at the head, with Sajel at the next station around; directly across from Derek, Zach leaned...
Meredith Reborn By Amanda McCree "Making that call en femme as Meredith was the best idea I ever had," Richard thought to himself. Richard Tucker was very pleased with himself, and he had good reason to be. All his work to pass as Meredith had paid off. The income from this one call would cover his overhead for the next two years. He was almost dizzy with the impact of the figures. He was practically set for life. Dressing as Meredith had made the difference. "Here's your...
Th .1 By the time I had gotten to school, I already knew it was going to be a bad day. It started with me staying up until about 3 AM trying to study for an English quiz. I may be Derek Strong, naked in school and staggering around under a shitload of problems, but the grade waits for no man. The problem was, I couldn't concentrate. I hadn't spoken to Arie in a couple of days and I was horny. Which was only the least of my problems, but the most easily addressable—shut the door, whip it...
It was a regular day for the morbidly obese Jared, all except for the fact that he had received a knock at the door. Jared normally received his disability checks from the vocational department at this time of the month, but he always had to make the arduous journey across the parking lot to get his mail. Maybe they stopped being so lazy, Jared thought. He opened the door looking around only to find a box of chocolates at his feet. Without a second thought the fat man shut the door...
I found out about RedditTube recently, and I knew right away it was probably something I’d be reviewing here at ThePornDude. The funny thing about Reddit is that some folks out there might not realize it’s a goldmine of fap fodder, especially with all the incels and no-fap retards who hang out there, discussing fedora brands and giving waifu pillow purchasing tips. You perverts know a lot better, though, don’t you? Hell, I’ve got more than 500 of the filthiest subreddits ranked and reviewed, so...
Free Porn Tube SitesHow often do you wish you could walk down the street and peek in on a girl masturbating? Probably all the fucking time. You may even feel the need to walk up to a window and look inside, hoping that you catch someone fingering their pussy before they catch you.Let me give you a newsflash, mother fucker: that’s illegal. Highly illegal. You can go to prison for that kind of shit! And if you live in a certain territory in a certain country, they may just even cut your penis off…Instead, I urge you...
Female Masturbation Porn SitesJared and Andrea ? by: Ashley Shine Jared loved these times. He was alone in the house, free to explore his stepsister's room. The parents were down in Florida vacationing for three weeks, and Andrea was away at college. Fortunately for Jared, Andrea kept almost a full wardrobe back home. Jared had always been attracted to frilly clothes. He loved the taboo nature of dressing up in girl's clothing it was exhilarating. Access to Andrea's clothes was a big bonus when his mom...