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“I am persuaded that those who designed this system do not know what it is they are doing ... I hold that the slow and daily tampering with mysteries of the brain to be immeasurably worse than the torture of the body.” – Charles Dickens, commenting on Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary in 1842.

Twilight Zone, anyone?

Corey Jamison was an inmate ending the second year of a four-year stretch of solitary confinement. That was the point when the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (Penn-Doc) gave him a female android for company. A psychologist on contract to the DOC determined that he was starting to mentally unravel – that wasn’t the exact terminology used of course – and something had to be done or Jamison would likely lose his sanity before his stint was completed.

Actually Corey, who was twenty-eight-years old in this July of 2114, had solitude but not true confinement. He wasn’t even in Pennsylvania at the time. Like about a hundred other inmates he was on a planet in another solar system far from Earth. The prisoners – they were all male – were scattered around the planet and had no way of travelling any distance. In fact, none of them was aware of the existence of the others on their world.

These offenders – the exact number was 104 – were the first inmates ever to be subjects in an experiment know as Extraterrestrial Institutional Processing, or EIP. Pennsylvania had been an innovator in penal reform going back to what was considered the first modern prison, Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary in 1829. Back then solitary confinement, known as the Pennsylvania System, had also been tried and it was eventually judged a failure.

Over the next 285 years trends, theories and fashions in penology came and went and by the early 22nd Century, solitary confinement was being implemented again. Yet Penn-Doc tried to be innovative and his time an eventual modification to solitary was tried – in effect it was an experiment within an experiment. Corey was one of ten chosen for the Android Companionate / Conjugal Assistance Program (ACCAP, or “Ack-Cap”). He wasn’t consulted or even told about his participation; it just became part of his life one surprising afternoon near the end of his second year of loneliness.

Penn-Doc believed in using sticks as well as carrots to manage its incarcerated population and it had decided that solitary could was a useful tool to isolate and punish certain inmates as needed. There was an attempt at secrecy, but operational security slipped a bit and rumors went through the system soon after the first batch of men shipped out. The planet under the jurisdiction of Penn-Doc had been given a hybrid string of letters and numbers for identification. To the prisoners, it was referred to variously as Prison Planet, Lonely Planet, Off-World, or simply “out there.”

It was a very arid planet, and even though each cabin was energy self-sufficient through solar and wind power, supplies had to be shipped in about every four months. The ships that brought these in had crews although it would have been possible to automate the process. The DOC thought that this brief bit of human contact was a bit of leeway it should provide to those within its extraterrestrial program. On every third trip, a psychologist went along to conduct an examination.

Penn-Doc considered itself to be a firm yet enlightened penal system, and Corey was selected to be one of the ten cases for ACCAP.

Corey Jamison was hardly the toughest inmate in the system. He had been one of the many “mid-pack” people who try to do their time with the least amount of drama and hassles.

He had grown up in a modest old suburb northwest of Philadelphia called Norristown. When he was younger he seemed to have a relatively promising future and he even completed two semesters at Drexel University in downtown Philly.

Yet some kind of restlessness or defiance kept getting him into legal trouble. In his twenties, he was recruited into the lower levels of an organized crime group. He wasn’t that ambitious about rising up through the ranks yet he found it more satisfying than whatever straight life seemed to offer.

Eventually, he would up getting convicted on charges involving burglary, possession of stolen goods, and other activities that landed him in the medium-security facility at Camp Hill near Harrisburg. He probably would have done all right there except that he joined a gang called the Visigoths.

The authorities identified the Visigoths as being “white supremacists” but that was of little interest to Corey. He had connected with them for his own protection and for the bit of status it gave him within the prison population. Unfortunately, not everyone else was so sensible, and one day the gang started a melee that resulted in the death of three inmates and injuries to several guards.

Corey hadn’t been directly involved in the violence but Penn-Doc decided to crack down on gangs. Old-timers noted that this had been going on periodically for as long as anyone could remember. Agency records showed gangs as being a fact of life in its facilities going back to the 19th Century. In any case, Corey would up getting his sentence extended and then being sent off to Lonely Planet.

One afternoon Corey was sitting in a lawn chair outside his cabin with several crates that the ship earlier had been dropped off. There was an awning set up to keep the sun off his little patio. On orders from Captain Allenby, he had delayed opening the biggest box until the ship had left.

That crate had been the one containing his new android. Now she sat on another box about three feet away from him. Corey thought she looked rather relaxed – certainly a lot more laid-back than Corey himself felt at the moment. She seemed a bit bemused by something; she also appeared quite comfortable on her crate as if had long been her favorite place to hang out.

There had been a very sparse four-page pamphlet attached to the upper lid of the crate. It had little to say beyond that the android had been created by the Zola Corporation, 27-101 Queens Plaza, Long Island City, New York, NY. Corey was familiar with Zola and he had even seen its headquarters once in New York. He knew its manufacturing facilities were spread all over the world. However, he had no clue about the strides in artificial intelligence that it had made in recent years. Zola had kept the public in the dark about what it had accomplished.

The final line in the booklet informed him that the android “herself” would tell him anything else he needed to know. In the seven or eight minutes since he had opened the crate, Corey had only dared glance a few times at whoever or whatever was sharing the patio with him.

Now he did look more closely and his perceptions failed him for a moment. The information coming through his eyes told him that he had to be with another human being. Could this be some kind of trick, some gimmick being played on him? But he had logical abilities, and he knew this couldn’t possibly be a real person. He had seen the android open her eyes and “activate” or come to life when he had opened the sealed crate and air had entered the space. Then, while he had focused on the pamphlet, she had gracefully gotten herself out and found her perch on the box.

She said, “I thought I’d give you a moment to get your bearings. That pamphlet isn’t very detailed, is it?” Again Corey’s thought processes tripped him. She sounded so natural as if she had been acquainted with him for quite a while. He may have been an inmate but his human socialization instinct made him respond to her voice.

“No, it’s not very useful as an owner’s manual if that what it’s supposed to be.” That was a kind of a ridiculous thing to say.

She replied, “Well, it does mention that I can tell you everything you need to know.”

Is that so? Now that the initial surprise was fading some darker thoughts were churning up. “Allenby didn’t say anything about bringing me an android. He never asked me about it; he just dropped you here and left.” Four months: that’s when he’s coming back. Corey caught his own tone of confusion and doubt but couldn’t control himself. He added, “An android, that’s what you are, right?” Of course she is; another stupid comment on his part. And yet he couldn’t shake his sense of dissonance.

She smiled and replied, “Actually, I prefer the term ‘artificial person.’”

She has preferences? And yet there was something oddly familiar about her phrasing.

“Artificial person? I know I’ve heard that somewhere else.”

“I don’t doubt it. It was from a movie, a very old movie in fact.”

“You’ve seen movies?”

“Not literally of course.” She pointed to her own head, “They are, however, up here in my head.”

“So how far back are we talking about here?”

“I’ll give you a hint; it’s from the late twentieth century.”

So she’s playing riddles with me now. Yet Corey deduced something that disturbed him. Did Penn-Doc and Zola program her specifically with him in mind? He tried to remember the endless questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and tests that Penn-Doc had conducted with him over the years. He felt that all of his inner self, most of his secrets must have been long drained into the agency’s databases.

Corey, in fact, did have some nostalgia for eras that had ended long before he was born. The late twentieth-century was one time that intrigued him. He imagined it to be a more vivid period than the present one, a time when the first flowering of high technology seemed to hold great promise. By contrast, the culture of the present seemed bland and more than a bit tiresome.

“Don’t play games with me.” Corey almost added a word like “baby” or “honey” but he stopped himself. “Which one do you mean?”

“It’s this one from 1986, Aliens. Bishop is that character who has the line; he says he prefers ‘artificial person’ to android. Lance Hendrickson, that was the guy; remember him?”

Corey indeed remembered the film and also Hendrickson. He actually liked the long-gone, rather obscure character actor; he always seemed to bring some hard-bitten truthfulness to his roles. There still was that weird sensation that this girl-bot thing knew more about him than he first imagined. He needed to gain some control over the situation.

“So is Bishop like one of your fellow, ah, people-bots? Do you also have white goo running through your veins?”

“No, I think its blood, just like in yours. By the way, my name is Alicia. I didn’t catch yours.”

“That’s because I haven’t said it yet.” He suddenly stood up, “Why don’t you get up, I need to get a better look at you,” She shrugged and stood up too.

As he circled her, the most notable thing about her was – well, it was the very fact that there actually wasn’t anything that striking about her appearance. To Corey, she seemed like any of the young women one could see in an office, store, or school. She was a bit on the short side, about five-foot-two.

Probably her best feature was her thick hair. It was reddish-brown and came down to her shoulders. Corey would probably describe her face as “cute but quirky.” He noted that her nose was wider than proscribed by some standards of beauty.

Her clothes were simple: a sleeveless pullover top, a skirt, and sandals. Cory wondered: if I was at a bar, would I approach her? He decided, maybe, it would depend on the circumstances.

What he noticed next were her light-brown eyes. He saw an intensity in them, yet a calmness too. He was getting the impression that she was confident, self-assured. But what has she got to be confident about? She’s only really existed for about fifteen minutes. During his examination, she had steadily looked back at him without any trace of shyness.

Finally, he said, “If you must know, my name is Corey.”

“Okay Corey, so what do you think, I mean of me? Or is your type a big blonde?”

“I don’t think I actually have a type.” She couldn’t possibly be fishing for a compliment? “So what version are you, the ‘girl next door’ model?”

Alicia laughed, “No, but that’s pretty funny anyway.”

He gave voice to a rather sour, ungrateful thought, “It’s not like anybody consulted me about what I wanted.”

Alicia gestured at the desolate landscape around them, “Well, it’s also not like you were in any position to negotiate.” She smiled and he could tell that this was meant as a joke. Yet a prickly kind of pride got to him and he imagined that she was making fun of him.

“You know, I don’t have to put up with this shit.” Then he shook his head and said, “I’ve got to think about some things,” and he walked inside his cabin.

His first thought in there was, I need a drink. Penn-Doc provided him with something he’d never get in their facilities on Earth. During each four-month segment, he got a six-pack of beer for each week and one bottle of vodka for the entire stretch. He never binged but rather always timed it so he ran out just as the supply ship returned.

He got a beer bottle out of the fridge and sat down on his bed against the far wall. He found that he had no further thoughts now, or rather these were so jumbled that he couldn’t untangle anything coherent out of them. He came to a decision: he’d have to bring that android chick in here if he was going to resolve anything.

The door was open. It was going to be a high of only 80 degrees today, so he had decided not to run the air conditioner. There were days when it approached 110.

He called out, “Hey, Alicia, would you come in here?” He tried to sound gruff but not too much so. At the moment his agitation was focused on Penn-Doc, not necessarily on her or it or whatever was here in his compound.

When she appeared in the doorway a moment later and saw him she said, “Mind if I have one of those too?”

He answered almost automatically, “Go ahead, help yourself.” Then he thought, if she drinks beer, does that mean she pees too? He thought of asking her, then decided he’d find out soon enough.

Then he said, “Sit down, I’ve got to figure out some things about you.” She took a place facing him at his table. It was much like a picnic table with a bench attached on either side. He looked at his bottle and said, “Rolling Rock, brewed in Latrobe; a product of Pennsylvania like I am. I wonder if they kickback something to Penn-Doc, that’s all I ever get. Can’t complain too much I guess, it’s not like they gave any out back on Earth.”

He was surprised how easily he slipped into this conversational tone. Time to get down to business. “So obviously you’re here as a sex-bot.”

Sex-bots had existed for decades, but even the best of them never seemed fully human. Corey suspected that there must have been some recent advances in technology that he hadn’t been aware of.

Alicia replied, “I’m a lot more than that.”

“Like what then?”

“I’m here to keep you company. But, in turn, you have to keep me company too.” Corey was getting a hint that there was something tongue-in-cheek about much of she was saying. He wasn’t sure what he thought of that possibility.

“I’m a convict, I don’t have to do anything.” Penn-Doc never used the term “convict” but Corey liked the word precisely because it wasn’t a euphemism. He had been influenced by a line from The Chronicles of Riddick, a film released 104 years earlier, and it hadn’t even been spoken by Riddick. There are inmates and there are convicts. A convict has a certain code. And he knows to show a certain respect. An inmate, on the other hand, pulls the pin on his fellow man.

Alicia replied calmly, “No one said you have to do anything...”

Corey interrupted here, “The thing is, Penn-Doc exiled me to this hell and now they drop this – their equipment, whatever you are, on me. It’s not enough for them to just leave me alone out here for years, now they have to go improve things – or so they think.”

He was struggling to articulate exactly what was bothering him, “I never went with sex-bots; I always thought there was something weird about them. Now with you, they programmed you or made you look like something you’re not – and you’re basically just a machine-slut.” The hell with her, she couldn’t have any feelings to get butthurt over, could she?

He noticed her wince, a look of skepticism perhaps, and then she smiled at him. She gestured towards the windows, “Well, as you can see, there’s no one else out there for me to slut around with. I’m yours and yours alone. ““

“That’s not the point.” He blurted out something that he did regret, “They don’t ship porn in here you’ll notice, that would be bad enough.” What bothered him was that he was revealing more about himself than he had wanted. What I have to do, what any convict has to do in dealing with sexuality is none of her damned business.

Alicia said, “It is true that if you just wanted to grab me, I’d comply, but it can be a whole lot better than that.”

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3X Planet! Everyone who prefers to watch Asian porn will surely enjoy what has to offer, as this is a site dedicated to all Asian porn clips. There is really a lot of content for you to explore here, from basic porn to hentai and a lot of other shit. However, as every other site, the ups and downs will always exist, and I am here to tell you the good and bad side of visiting… although seeing as their overall content revolves around Asians, I am not sure how anyone...

Free Porn Download Sites
1 year ago
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Another Life on Consolidated Planets

~ National City - Earth-38 "There's so many more ways to harm your kind than to simply weaken you." Kara bit the inside of her cheek, forcing herself to remain level headed, despite the burning urge to do... something. Queen Rhea of Daxam had just used Silver Kryptonite to convince Superman that Supergirl, his cousin, was his worst enemy. Rhea was still talking about how amazing her plan was, but Kara could barely hear it through the hazy panic taking over her mind. "Kal," she called, trying to...

3 years ago
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Futa Planet

Futanari are women who were born with both sets of genitals, a penis and a vagina. In the mid twenty-first century, women began to be born with this genetic disorder. Their semen had the same effect as a man's semen, and could impregnate both women and futanari. Unfortunately, not enough men were being born, since they became obsolete. Since there were no more male births, human males became extinct. Futanari are driven primarily by one emotion: lust. The hormones produced make them horny very...

3 years ago
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Lovers Planet

Jaa woke and untangled himself from his younger sister, Cha. He cleansed and evacuated his body then selected a look and his body was covered. Nothing fancy today, just loose silks of leaf green and wood brown. “Cha, my lov lov, schedule won’t wait. Clock says Learn time. Waky, waky.” She had crawled into his bed again last night, needing hug cuddles. His loins ached from need. It had been three rotations since he had fufilled but she didn’t want to fuk fuk. He sighed as her eyes open,...

1 year ago
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Scandal Planet

Looking for nude celeb leaks at ScandalPlanet? Most people with a functioning libido have at some point in their life developed a celebrity crush for a certain actor/actress, diva, pop-star, fashion model and so on. Most of the world would love to see some A-list celebrities naked or getting fucked, and the paparazzi have been trying to get evidence of that for literally decades now. But with the introduction of the internet and better technology in general, it’s become easier and easier to...

The Fappening
4 years ago
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Politics Prejudice Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

2 years ago
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Tender Trap

Tender Trap By Amanda More Would the gamble work? I was sure it would but I was still so nervous. Here I was a 22 year old transvestite with a growing interest in the male sex, about to reveal myself to a male friend. Why, was I going insane? I had only gone out to meet others, strangers, on a handful of occasions at specialist bars. But on a couple of those outings I had been pampered and chased sufficiently by guys to let them have what they wanted and I had loved it. I...

4 years ago
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My First Fantasy Girl on Girl Part 1

"Baby, come look she is finally here!" It was hard to contain my excitement as I called to my husband to come look at her through the window. She was so much prettier than her picture. Butterflies filled my stomach as I thought about how much fun it was going to be kissing her. She was dressed in a long black trench coat, hopefully hiding the scandalous outfit I asked her to wear. Her long, dark brown, hair was shining in the sun, and her curves showed slightly as she walked in her knee high,...

3 years ago
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BreederChapter 16 R R T A

Rick slowly opened his eyes. "So, you're finally awake." He heard a giggling female voice exclaim. "I'll call Dr. Curtis. You know it's amazing what you'll sleep through." She giggled again. Looking over he saw a pretty nurse standing by the sink. It took a few moments for him to realize that she was gently washing cum from her face and breasts. Looking down he saw that he was lying naked on the bed, his cock still warm and thick against his stomach. "I'll say." He replied. "I...

2 years ago
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Desi Beauty Sophie Whom I Met In A Webcam Chat

Hello, friends. I am Jash and I am from Mumbai. I use to read a lot of stories in Indian Sex Stories but I have not submitted any till now. Whenever I feel horny, I used to come here to read some hot experiences of people. But if I feel very horny, I use to visit some girls online. Thanks to Delhi Sex Chat. I frequently visit this site since they had kept me satisfied all the time. Since I have a platinum membership, I have more credits to have plenty of online fun. ;) Many used to tell me that...

3 years ago
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Absinthe By Morpheus What do you do when you have an angry mutant on your tail, chasing after you with every intention of killing you, or at the very least, kicking your butt? In my case, you just run like hell. My name is Adam Wylann, and at fifteen years old, I was a little shorter than most of the guys in my class. However I made up for that by being lean and athletic, due in no small part to all the free running and parkour that I'd been doing for the last year and a half. ...

4 years ago
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Size MattersChapter 3

The following Friday a largish teenager asked to speak with me privately. "As you can tell, I'm somewhat big up top. I have always bought my bras at that well known department store and have never been happy with how they feel. By the end of the day my back aches and my boobs are usually sore." "Yes, you need the right fit and the right material as well as extra support. We have several bra lines to choose from that would do the job right for you. I would recommend Aviana. Most bra...

3 years ago
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Wisconsin Ranger

Despite all the time that’s gone by, I know this was a mistake. I know it even if she didn’t considering I didn’t do it just with her. There was her mother as well. Despite what I believed, and seeing as she was only a 20 year young lady, Lucy was cuter then a dickens and with a darling shapely figure like hers how could I deny myself that chance of not laying down with her? She happened to be my daughter’s friend back then. They grew up together and did lots of things almost all the way...

3 years ago
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Degrees of IntimacyChapter 8 Camden

Marianne never used to smoke. It just wasn't something you ever did in New York. So much had changed in the last year that it was natural to accept the cigarette Phillippa offered her. It was far from the first she'd had today or even the last few weeks. She balanced the length of the British cigarette on her lower lip, her upper lip holding it in place, while drawing in determinedly on the flame from Phillippa's cigarette lighter. 'Fag' they called it over here in London, England, she...

3 years ago
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Breaking FreeChapter 2

It was while I was still in Atlanta that I experienced something of a crisis of conviction. It occurred right at the time I'd finished writing up what was then the single biggest dollar volume sales order of my entire life. I'd spent an hour with two buyers from a national chain of home improvement centers, negotiating shipping and delivery schedules to their twelve main regional distribution warehouses. Price of goods hadn't been too much of an issue for them, rather, it had been the...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alexis Crystal Cherry Kiss Porn8217s Happiest DP

Flashy, platinum blonde pornographer Cherry Kiss and dirty blonde starlet Alexis Crystal wear lingerie that accentuates their tight, tan, natural bodies. Long-legged, brown-eyed Alexis sports a happy disposition and hair hanging down to her hot ass. She plays with a dildo, spreads her cheeks and winks her sphincter for stud David Perry. He spanks her cute rear and drizzles lube in her crack; his boner goes straight to anal! Alexis can’t stop smiling, except to moan. She kneels for an...

3 years ago
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My cousin Jo ans I Part 1

It all started when My aunt and uncle the twins Dee, Dorlene and Jolene come with them to visit. The eldest 2 Connie and Ricky stayed home. The twins are 19 a year older than Jolene. Jolene and I are the same age. Jolene (I always called her Jo) was coming to stay the summer. Ricky was just three years older then me and was a half brother as was Connie. She was four years older. Connie had a boy friend to go out with and never around. They never seem to want to be around me...

3 years ago
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The Dead Kid Returns Part 4 Phase Two

The Dead Kid Returns: Chapter 4: Phase Two Beth decided that it was time for Phase two of her plan to help the new kid. One Thursday, as they read together in the park, she asked, "Could we get together on Saturday? Maybe you could come over to my house?" "Or I could come to yours," she added. "I'll ask," the new kid said softly. The next morning, the new kid said to her, "You can come over Saturday, if you want to." "I do." The new kid gave her the address and a phone...

3 years ago
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Chocolate And Caramel 8211 Pt 1 Bisexual Fuck Buddies

Warm and wet greetings to all of you. This is my first story. For privacy reasons, all the female names are fictional. This is the story about me and my two fuck buddies who are also bisexual. I met them at the fitness center I go to workout. The yoga hall was one floor below the gym and one day, I saw them making love in a vacant room near the hall. They offered me money to keep it a secret but I had other intentions. It will be a trueful boast if I say the women who have been rammed by my...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Night

I can't move, I can't see. All my other senses heightened. My skin feels cool, but on fire with need. My hands are shaking as I slowly approach the motel door. I can hear my footsteps echoing in the darkness. I swallow hard, nervous, playing with the paper I have in my hand that has the room number and time on it. It was given to me at my office earlier, excitement flowed between my thighs from seeing the dark numbers scribbled harshly into the paper. I knock softly, hesitantly. Knowing that my...

4 years ago
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Jasons QuestChapter 28 Marie

After a miserable night in the cold with only intermittent sleep, Marie awoke to a white world of frost. Her meager blanket provided little warmth and, still naked, she was shaking with cold. The sun was at least a half hour short of rising, but Marie had to get up and move around to get any semblance of warmth to return to her body. She went first for her morning ablutions at the stream and then kept moving, picking up firewood where she could. After the sun was several hours old, Red...

1 year ago
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Str8 Curious ARMY Buddy PART 1

I'm feeling a little horny tonight, so I'd figure I'd share another ARMY sex story I have (of the many), which involves a buddy of mine (who I still sometimes talk to still to this day). This is part one of two encounters between us. Wish there was more, but I ended up getting out of the military, so I had to leave and we couldn't hook up anymore. Now, there's a lot of build up to the encounter, so I have to explain that in order to set the scene.So, all of this took place around winter/spring...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 22

[Erica] Early December Genetics or environment? It is often very difficult to tell which is the primary cause. For a teenaged girl like Erica McCann, the cause did not matter. All she knew was that she was fat, she was a disgrace to her parents and her siblings, and she absolutely hated her life. In the McCann family, style was everything. Both parents, her older sister, and her younger brother were examples of physical perfection, and that seemed to be the most important thing in their...

2 years ago
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Unfaithful FianceChapter 10

Dan knew he had set himself up for this one. And he must have intended it all along. It was no accident he had just happened to call up the girl he had bad the biggest crush on in high school, when he heard she was still in town working as a city planner-and not married. Lola had been one of the few girls in school who had not thrown themselves at Dan. For that reason, she had captivated him. She was the unattainable. And she was beautiful, with her high Indian cheekbones and her flashing...

1 year ago
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Wendys New Pet

This is a story. It is only a story and should remain only a story you should no more try this then you should try reinacting a cereal kill in a movie. Reality is never as good as fictions so don't ruin it for yourself. Wendy's New Pet It had been a month into summer vacation and Wendy, a cute thirteen-year-old red head who looked like a live action version of the Peter Pan character, was still on cloud nine from the events at the start of the summer. On the first day of break her mom, step-dad...

1 year ago
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I couldnt pay the rent

I couldn't pay the rent. The knock on the door meant that time was up. Rob, my landlord, let himself in. "Looks like I finally caught up to you," he said with a grin. "You know what that means." And I knew he was serious! He had burst in on me the last time I was late on rent. He'd caught me naked; I'd hoped he'd just leave after witnessing my humiliation. I'd just tried shaving my pubic hair and he saw the result! Rob joked (I thought it was a joke at the time, anyway) he'd find another way...

2 years ago
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The Impression That I GetChapter 3 So Heavy You Collapse

Morgan liked to joke she'd been friends with Elis since before birth. Their moms proudly showed anyone, who stood still too long, baby pictures of the two playing, bathing, and sleeping together. Morgan staying our friend after puberty was a something of a mystery. She had the goods in the looks department: tall, short hair more red than brown, pale skin, and flat-out pretty as hell. Her mother (a lot on the overweight side) loved shopping for Morgan and saw no issue with her daughter's...

3 years ago
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Life Felt Complete

The air smelled musty, and the thick smell of cigarette smoke clouded her nostrils. Amy Thompson sat at her usual bar, in her usual spot, drinking her usual Corona Light. She watched her best friend pulling the man she was dancing with by his tie. Her friend bit her lip seductively. Amy sighed. She’d definitely have the apartment to herself tonight. For the, ‘what was it again?’ Amy thought, ‘the 3rd night in a row?’ 3 nights at Thompson Tavern, 3 different guys, 3 times that Amy walked...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Jamie Jett I Like Fitness And Fucking

Jamie Jett wants to be a personal trainer, but she has to interview with Jason for the job. That’s okay; this perky little blonde is keen to do whatever it takes to get the job. She starts with a more traditional interview, but when it starts looking like Jason isn’t convinced she’s the right fit, Jamie goes for broke. She pops her perky big titties out of her shirt so Jason can see how well endowed she is. Then she pulls down her shorts so he can admire what yoga has done for...


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