Meredith And Derek Naked In SchoolWednesday (part 1) free porn video

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W .1

Have you ever felt like a stranger in your own house? Someone weird, someone odd; someone everyone has to walk carefully around, because they aren't sure who you are and they don't want to offend you? Someone unknown, someone strange?

When I came downstairs for breakfast, my mother gave me such a look, and it was clear that she didn't think she knew me.

Hey, I'm Arie Chang, and from the looks of things, I'm a stranger in my own house.

"Hello, Arie," said my mother. "Have you been sleeping well?"

It all started on Monday, with Trina; predictably. Mother just got totally freaked out by the idea that I might not be eating right, and she's been spastic and hesitant at mealtimes ever since. And since I basically only talk to her at mealtimes, she hasn't been fit to live with.

"Would you like anything for breakfast?" my mother asked querulously.

Sarcasm kicked in. "No, Mom, I would like to eat Nothing for breakfast. Have you got any Nothing?"

My mother blinked wide eyes and paled, but stood her ground. "No, actually, Arie, I meant... Would you like anything special for breakfast?"

Feeling flippant, I said, "Yeah, some French toast would be nice, if you could manage it." Well, feeling flippant and having a sudden craving for French toast. You have to understand: breakfast around our house usually consists of cereal or instant ramen or microwavable frozen waffles; nothing that requires actual effort.

My mother blinked at me, but she said, "All right."

Feeling a little cranky, I left it at that and went to check my e-mail and the Candlelight boards. In doing so, I discovered something amusing: a rather vitriolic post by Flicker, tirading against her infamous older sister. By now it was relatively well-known that she and I were related, and most board members preferred to stay away from anything that had the slightest hint of sibling rivalry, instead maintaining a silent neutrality. But there were always younger kids who were willing to get down in the mud and make Flicker feel justified.

The post itself was the usual mudslinging bullshit: she thinks she's such a big deal she gets pissed off at her boyfriend for the stupidest things how come she even has one I deserve one more than she does I have it harder but nobody respects me o woe is me blablablah, same stupid stuff. Cry me a freakin river. How had she found out, anyway? I'd have to look into that.

And as for Trina herself... Well. Good thing for her I believe in that whole 'turn the other cheek' thing, or she'd be feeling the love right now. And of course by 'love' I mean 'fingernails to the eyeballs'.

The lady of the hour was herself sitting at the kitchen table when I arrived for the second time. She was hunched over a bowl of cereal, milk drooling from the spoon, her hair in a mess and bags under her eyes. She gave me a dark, glittering look as I entered.

Well, good morning to you too, bitch.

"What's Mom doing," Trina asked me.

I blinked and glanced, and suddenly noticed what was going on at the other end of the kitchen: about a thousand pots and pans and bowls were laid out on the counters, not to mention bags of flour, cartons of eggs, boxes of sugar, a loaf of bread, a jug of maple syrup; and my mother bustled between them, stopping every five seconds to check a cookbook. I realized she had taken the French toast idea seriously.

Suddenly it was hard not to smile. How awesome is that? It's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I don't think my mom even knows what French toast is; but I had requested, and if it was in her power, she was going to deliver.

Forget all the rest of it: for something as generous as that, I can forgive a whole lot of screw-ups.

When the food actually arrived, Trina eyed it dubiously and went upstairs to change out of her pajamas, an impulse I must admit I understood; the toast was rather blackened and burned, and soggy as well (burned and soggy! How on earth did Mom manage??). But I ate it, and it tasted pretty good, aside from being sort of, well, burned and soggy. But I should probably be silent; my first attempt at French toast wouldn't be edible in the least.

Then Trina came back in and said, "Well, at least you're eating it. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd told her to take it back and make you a new one."

"You know, Trina," I said sweetly. "It's easier to make friends if one isn't a heinous bitch all the time."

She walked right out of the room again.

Maybe that was mean, but, just... Urgh.

We arrived at school somewhat early, like we always do; my mother encourages us to review our notes from the day previous, and our homework, so that when we go into class we're all ready to go. Trina and I just talk with friends instead. But today the only friend around was Meredith, naked at the usual place, talking with Stasya; and, to twist the mood, Michael, loitering nearby and trying to look as though he wasn't being ignored. Interestingly enough there was no Brandon around. I wondered where he was.

There was no Derek either. For this I was glad.

"Hey Arie, what's up?"

"Not a lot, just... Hanging out."

"Same here," Meredith said, spreading her hands wide. "At the mercy of the elements and any prying eyes." A dry smile. "Good thing I have my big brother around to protect me."

Michael seemed to wake up, like a puppet finally called on to perform. "I know. Good thing I'm around to keep you out of trouble, eh?" And then that loathsome smile.

"I shudder to think what would happen if Brandon were around," Stasya said, only half-joking.

"I'd face him down," Michael said easily, rising to the boast. "You know, like a, like a stallion or something, or a moose, you know, where they fight over who gets to have sex with the females? He'd take one look at me and he'd—"

"Why are you fighting over the right to have sex with your sister?" I asked.

"Hey, shut up," Michael said, annoyed.

"Michael, I think you need a better analogy," Meredith said mildly. I wondered why she was protecting him.

"So, anyway, Arie," Stasya said. "What's new in your life?"

"Not much," I said. "Derek and I broke up."

"You broke up?" Meredith asked, surprised. "I knew you two were having troubles, but I didn't realize..."

"Well," I allowed, "maybe not broken up, but... Definitely not... Together. For the moment."

"Are you looking for a replacement?" Michael asked, jumping into the gap. "I'm available. I can tell you with no ego, I'm twice the lover he is."

Meredith and Stasya and I traded glances and said nothing. It was the sort of thing Zach would say, and out of his mouth, it would be harmless. From Michael's, though—from the mouth of this strange manling we didn't know and didn't understand...

"You don't like it that he gives so much attention to his sister," Stasya said, making the obvious connection.

"I don't see how he could possibly need me any longer," I said crossly, "seeing as how he's replaced me with her."

"Now, Arie, you know that's not true..."

"Of course it is," I retorted. "If he's helping her so much, if he's spending all his time with her, if she's the one he'd rather walk around with..." And Meredith gave Stasya a helpless look and fell silent.

The morning's next diversion came in the form of Arturo Chandramouli and Scott Locarno, a bass and a tenor (respectively) in choir. It took a moment to realize that Arturo, despite standing behind Scott, was really pushing the effort along. This is also very contrary to normal tenor / bass behavior patterns; I have noticed that, of the two, tenors tend to be much more outgoing, whereas basses are quieter and less attention-seeking. You know, kind of like Derek and Brandon. But maybe it makes sense: Arturo is a senior and Scott a freshman.

"Ms. Levine!" Arturo called as he crossed the parking lot to reach us. "Ms. Chang. Ms... Ah... Whoever these two are. We require your services in the name of education."

"What can we do for you?" Meredith said.

"This young man," Arturo said, giving Scott a shove forward. "Has recently confided in me a grievous situation. He is, as yet, uninitiated into the wonders of the feminine form. He is unaware of the scent of a woman's hair, the sparkle of her eyes, the firm softness of her... Ah. Lips. Yes. Well. If it does not compromise your maidenly virtue, I would ask—on behalf of my tongue-tied compatriot here—for your services as a living example of such traits."

Meredith rose to the challenge. "Alas! You do wrong me, good sir! 'Tis a boon no proper man would ask for!"

"I despair to cause you such sorrow," Arturo said contritely. "But on the behalf of my companion, who is surely not yet a proper man—if you take my meaning, fair lady—" A great brilliant grin. "—I must still request it of you."

Meredith made a theatrical sigh. "O, but my mother will lament to see her daughter's purity pass in such a way. But, if thus it must—"

"Dude," Michael said, "do you, like, practice this at home or something?"

We all looked at him for a moment.

Stasya turned to Arturo, fluent and gracious despite her strange teeth-clenched accent. "Your pardon, good sirrah. I pray you, bear him no mind. He is lacking in those qualities which a gentleman must needs display."

I mustered my Shakespeare and burst forth in a single valiant effort: "He hath long resided in a place much lacking in virtue and civility."

"Ah, a barbarian," Arturo said knowledgeably. "Fear not, fair companions, for he shall be as a fly's buzz to our proceedings."

"... Craziest bunch of lunatics I ever..." Michael muttered to himself.

"But alas, my dear," Arturo said, turning to Meredith, "we have not yet had your answer."

Meredith, with the air of a woman going to the headsman, stepped forward. "'Tis a strange request, to be sure. But we must not allow this young man to languish so in darkness. I accept."

"We thank you humbly," Arturo said.

Scott Locarno said, "... Dude, what the hell have you guys all been saying?"

Arturo said, "She said yes, dumbass."

And Scott Locarno said, "... Oh, cool!" And came forward with outstretched hands to claim his prize.

For a moment we all stood there, while Scott touched Meredith and stared at Meredith's boobs and we stared at Scott staring at Meredith, and Meredith turned redder and redder. I wondered at the reason for this blush. Surely she wasn't embarrassed. There's nothing in the whole world that can give Meredith pause.

"I never thought I'd see the day," Meredith said finally, "when my brother would stand by and watch someone fondle me."

"I never thought I'd see the day when I'd stand there and watch someone fondle my sister," Michael said.

"I never thought I'd see the day I'd see someone besides Brandon fondling Meredith," Stasya said.

"Hey!" Scott Locarno yelled. "I'm the one doing the fondling here! Pay attention to me!"

"Now now," Arturo chided. "You got what you wanted, young man. You don't have to be the center of attention while you do it."

"Well, one good thing, Meredith," I said. "How many times have people talked to your boobs before?"

"You know," said Meredith, smiling, some of the color fading from her face. "That's a good point."

"Hi, I'm here," Brandon said, bursting into the middle of the scene. "What'd I miss?"

"Meredith is fulfilling her Program obligation as a living, breathing example of human sexuality," Stasya said archly.

"Meredith is submitting to a Rule Three request," I said.

"Meredith is being felt up," Meredith said, totally straight-faced.

"Ah," said Brandon, and he walked over and said hello to Arturo, gave Meredith a kiss on the cheek ("Good morning") and then came back to stand with me and Stasya. "How's he doing?"

"My boobs are fascinating him," Meredith said wryly. "I don't know whether to be flattered or amused."

"It's his first lady," Arturo said, by way of explanation.

"I can't believe you're letting this happen," Michael said to Brandon. His face was dark.

Brandon looked back at him for a second, and as the smile slid off his face, we could suddenly see how it had been glued on to fit the moment. "Well, I don't like it either," he said quietly. "But Meredith is her own person. She can make her own decisions. She doesn't need me to look out for her."

"You don't like it?" Scott said, his head yo-yoing up, his eyes wide. "I can stop if you want."

"No, go ahead," Brandon said. The smile returned, natural—perhaps a bit strained, but not forced. "You have my permission."

"No, seriously, I can stop—" said Scott, still staring, his hands shooting out wide.

"Scott," Meredith said, and he looked at her. She took his hands and put them back on her boobs. "It's okay. He said it's okay."

"Scott," Arturo said. "This is your one chance at such a beautiful specimen of womanhood. They've said it's okay. Don't throw it away now."

Meredith beamed at him over Scott's bent head. "Thank you, Arturo."

Brandon grinned. "Yeah, you just keep saying things like that and you'll keep on our good side."

"Oh, come on," Michael scoffed. "There's hotter women than Meredith. I mean, look at that, it's not like she's got anything."

Meredith jarred visibly, her eyes huge. Boiling anger rose inside of me—I mean, talk about public betrayals!—but Brandon spoke before I had a chance to. His voice was deceptively mild. "Maybe she's not very endowed physically, but she does have other things of use in these situations. Like compassion. And patience with bumbling stupidity. A lot more patience than she should, maybe."

The veiled steel behind his words went right past Michael. "Chyeah, no kidding." Michael shook his head, a deprecating gesture. "You'd never get me to stand still for this sort of thing."

Scott must have overheard, because his eyes went wide and his hands fell away slowly. "All right, uhm," he said to Meredith's boobs. "I think I'm done."

"That's it?" Michael exclaimed. "Sheesh. Another man who can't perform." It was such a sudden reversal that we all stared for a second.

"Scott," Arturo said finally, "I think it would be appropriate for you to thank Ms. Levine for agreeing to this, ah. Experience."

"Thank you, Ms. Levine," said Scott obediently.

"Meredith, Scott," she said, smiling, "Meredith."

"Thank you Meredith."

"Oh, and, a tip for future encounters—" Meredith tilted his chin back until he was looking into her face. "I'm flattered, personally, but, um, that's because I'm also flat. Most girls prefer it if you talk to their faces and not their chests."

Scott turned a marvelous shade of red.

"It's okay," Meredith said, smiling. "That's what learning experiences are for. And I'm sure you've learned quite well from this experience."

Scott nodded frantically, still the color of a tomato.

"Come along, Scott, or we'll be late for class," Arturo said. He led the boy away, waving to us. "Thank you again, Meredith!" We waved back.

We all looked at each other for a moment, wondering what to do now.

Then Meredith said, profound exhaustion on her face: "That... Was not fun."

"No kidding," Michael said immediately. "And you're wondering why I don't want to go into The Program?"

"When you put it that way..." Meredith said, reflecting. "... You have a very valid point."

Brandon and Stasya and I exchanged glances. Meredith and her brother agreeing on something was a totally unexpected development—and a rather unwelcome one. What if this were the beginning of friendly overtures between them? Could Michael be trusted?

Into the ringing silence of our heads, Brandon spoke. "You know, Meredith... If it's too much for you, I'm sure you could sign out. What with... Circumstances being what they are, and all." Since Michael was nearby, evidently he didn't want to be more specific than that. "I'm sure Dr. Zelvetti would understand." He was speaking for all of us at that moment, including Michael; it was strangely hard to remain hostile to Michael, knowing he was on our side.

What do you do when the enemy takes off his mask and you discover he has a human face?

"No," Meredith said, shaking her head. "I signed up for... Well, I didn't know what I was signing up for. But I signed up for it. And I'm going to see it through to the end." She laughed a little. "What the heck, it's already Wednesday."

The look of quiet pride on Brandon's face was mirrored on Michael's. And the look of stunned disbelief on Nastasya's face was, I'm sure, mirrored on mine.

And then the bell rang, and we were torn from our thoughts to face the coming school day. For instance, first-period Pre-Calculus class. With Derek. Fuck.

But I kept thinking, and wondering, and worrying:

How do you keep hating somebody if you realize they aren't a monster after all?

W .2

Sometimes I feel like I'm about ten years old.

"Will too."

"Will not."

"Will too."

"Will not."

"Will too."

"Derek, telling Trevor will not solve anything."

"Will too."

"Will not."

"Will... Look, there has got to be a better way of approaching this."

Hi, I'm Derek Strong, and I'm naked in school, which ought to be illegal for kindergarteners like me.

Jenny flashed a humorless smile. "Fine, I'll take Bugs Bunny's approach. 'Will too.'"

"Not gonna work," I retorted.

"It was worth a try," Jenny said.

Around us was the chaos of a school in motion, a school at recess—people dashing across campus, sneaking in a snack or a few minutes of socializing before the bell dragged them back into class. I didn't know where my friends were. I didn't honestly care. I had quite enough on my plate at the moment.

"Look," I said, "let's go over this one more time. If you tell Trevor, what are the possible responses? As I see it, he could either take it well or take it badly."

"Yes, that, um, does seem to cover the contingencies, yes," Jenny said dryly.

"Okay, let's put it another way. What are the likelihoods of him responding in either way?"

"That he'll take it well: slim to none," Jenny said flatly. "That he'll take it badly: very very high."

"And what makes you say that," I asked.

"Because that's the kind of person he is," Jenny said. "He tends to over-react. He panics and makes mountains out of molehills. Remember that cat that used to sit on the coffee table?"

"Say no more." Our mother has an enormous love of cats, equaled only by the ferocity of her allergic reaction to their fur. Consequently we have a ton of feline-shaped knick-knacks lying around on display—on shelves, in cabinets, on the piano, on basically whatever flat surface is available. The one that looked the best was a large porcelain piece in Chinese decor, about the size of a real cat, that Mom liked to display on the coffee table. One day Trevor and Jenny were on the living room couch, doing whatever it is they do when they're alone, and Trevor's foot went astray, and... Well, not even nine lives could've saved that kitty. Mom wasn't displeased; she'd gotten the thing for like two dollars at a grocery store. But Trevor acted like it was the end of the world. He apologized profusely, he promised to try to repair it, he promised to replace it... He was actually sobbing at one point. It took Mom and Jenny a good half an hour to calm him down.

Yes. I could see why Jenny would expect him to not take the news well.

"But the thing is," I said. "He's going to react that way no matter when you tell him. Whether it's right now, or tomorrow, or in four months when you start to show." I was counting on that time limit, personally; Jenny was a conciliator type, the sort of person who stabilizes the boat instead of rocking it. This wasn't just rocking, this was capsizing, and Jenny would avoid it as long as possible. This is why I was glad she'd eventually be forced to explain it to Trevor. Not because— Well, I can understand why she'd want to be careful about it; I mean, who'd want to shake things up with someone they loved, especially something this momentous? (I pushed the dull ache in my stomach away. Arie... ) But if you ask me, if something has to be done, it's best to do it now rather than push it off; and this, simply, had to be done. "Unless Trevor, like, totally changes his attitude between now and when you tell him, the timing isn't gonna make a difference. Except that maybe it'll get worse, later, because of you hiding it from him for so long. So, tell me: how come you don't wanna do it now?"

Jenny flushed; and then something hardened in her eyes, and she looked away. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me," I said.

"I don't want to talk about it," she said.

"I'm not letting you get away with that," I said. "Jenny. Please. Talk to me."

She turned her head and saw the look on my face, and her stubborn expression softened a little.

"It's..." She hesitated, and then it all spilled out in a torrent: "I'm scared of him breaking up with me, okay?"

I blinked at her. "Why would I not understand that?"

"Well, I mean, you and Arie are like..." She shook her head. "You guys are on the same wavelength. I bet I see you guys getting married in five or ten years."

I gave her a blank look.

"Okay, so maybe I'm just being stupid," Jenny sighed. "But... Can you blame me? I mean, you guys seem to have things figured out."

The dull ache would not be pushed away. "Jenny," I said. "Arie dumped me yesterday. Because of all the people I have to look after."

Jenny blinked in dull confusion. "Because of— All the—"

"Because I wouldn't stop being worried about you," I said. "Or about Faith." Anger boiled up. What kind of girlfriend makes you choose between her and your— "Or about..." I turned away, trying to keep from punching something.

Behind me, Jenny said in a dull, dry voice: "Well, now I know why you're pushing me to tell him."

"It's not that and you know it," I retorted, not turning around. "Even if she were okay with it, I'd tell you to go for it. Hell, I bet she'd tell you to—"

Jenny's hand landed on my shoulder. "Derek, you don't have to—"

"Yes I do," I snarled. Her hand jumped away. "I told you I'd help, and I'm going to."

"No, Derek, you— Yes, but— Why?" she asked.

I was saved from having to answer that by the advent of a wandering Rule Three: two cute freshmen, alternately giggling and blushing—and when I say 'cute' I don't mean it in the attractive sense, I mean 'cuddly small animal.' Not that they weren't attractive—one of them, anyway—but there's something weird about a junior dating a freshman. Besides, how do you kiss with braces? Not to mention that she was the one doing the fondling, and she looked almost desperately uncomfortable with my equipment... Which is not exactly a comforting attitude to see in a potential girlfriend, you know? Not that it's a necessity; some couples are perfectly okay leaving the naughty bits out of play, and I respect that. But this girl was handling my private parts as if they were gonna bite her. They're not. They don't have teeth. I mean... You know?

When they were done, I was happy to shift the conversation in a different direction: "I wonder where Faith is. I haven't seen her in a while."

Jenny gave me a look, and I wondered if she'd picked up on how I'd sort of avoided answering her previous question. She let me get away with it, though. "I dunno. Don't you share any classes together?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I've had a chance to talk with her," I said. "That kinda worries me. I've heard nothing from her."

"What do you mean?"

"No... Reports, no comments, no... No nothing. Everyone's had something to say about it by now, but it's as if she isn't even in The Program."

"Hmm," said Jenny. "That is weird."

"I'm going to go look for her," I said.

Jenny's head swished around to look straight at me. "Why?" And then, skipping past the obvious answer to that question: "Is it that important?"

"I think so," I said. "You don't know her, she's off on a cloud half the time. I'm not sure if she's ever really aware of what's around her." Add to this the fact that she was going around naked... I didn't think I needed to explain any further.

Jenny got it. Her mouth opened soundlessly for a moment, and then she said, "... Oh," and shut it.

"Yeah," I said.

"... Where do we start?" Jenny said.

The obvious place to start was the main quad, and fortunately (unfortunately) we didn't have to go much farther. Right between Stetsen and the cafeteria was a pretty large cluster of people, pretty clearly ringed around some central exhibit. There was a lot of sound coming out of the cluster, and I wondered why more teachers weren't involved. Jenny and I traded looks; and then we began to wedge our way into the morass, not sure what we were going to find there, not really wanting to find it.

Found it.

Faith seemed to be enjoying herself, though it's hard to tell, since she's normally rather distractible. Sometimes she sits in class with a look just like that: eyes closed, eyebrows lifted, mouth carelessly left open. It might have been normal. It might have also had something to do with the tall whipcord youth, red-haired and freckled, standing beside her with one hand between her legs and the other on her boobs. With Faith, it's hard to tell. Around her, the hundred or so students, mostly boys but a few girls mixed in, watched and yelled. Some of them were submitting encouragements. Some of them were submitting suggestions. A panicked yammer started in a corner of my mind.

The stringy redhead looked up. "You next in line?" he asked.

Faith opened her eyes and saw me, and a smile lit her features. "Oh, hi, Derek. How are you?"

Despite all the worry, despite the rising tide of alarm bells in my mind, I smiled back. Faith, like Brandon, has the sort of smile that goes straight to the heartstrings. "I'm okay, kiddo. How are you?"

The redhead did something between her legs, because she gasped and her eyes went wide, but she said, "I'm okay." And then, extraneously, "Somebody's touching me."

"Hey, buddy, if you're not next in line, you better get outa here," the redhead told me. "They're pretty territorial around here." He didn't seem belligerent, and he didn't have the sort of pompous arrogance that seems to define so many high school males nowadays—Stand aside everyone, I take large steps and all that. Just a normal guy, getting his kicks in a really not-normal way.

"I'm her Program partner," I said.

A bevy of suggestions filtered up through the crowds. Hey, there's two of 'em. Hey, any of the girls want a shot? Hey, he's naked; they could have sex.

"I don't think that's gonna cut it," the redhead said, smiling wryly.

"I'm not in line, I'm dissolving the line," I said, anger building. "This is wrong."

"Oh, come on, she likes it," the fellow said. "Look at her, she's not complaining."

"Do you like what he's doing to you, Faith," I asked.

"Oh, uh, well," said Faith. "I think it's... O-ohhhhhh, " as, evidently, the redhead did something to her clit again. "Uh... Sorry, what was that again?"

"Did he ask you whether he could do it," I asked.

"I think he... I'm not sure if he... O-ohhhhhh."

"Look, what's the problem," the redhead asked. "She likes it. It's Rule Three. Everything's fine."

This had gone far enough. "Okay, guys." I pitched my voice so that everyone could hear. "Get lost. The line is over. The fun is over. All of you, go away, now."

A thousand pairs of eyes regarded me without comment.

"How you gonna make us stop, buddy," redhead asked.

My hand closed over the silver whistle at my sternum. I held it up for all to see. "I can force the issue if you want."

I could see the eyes turning against me. But I knew the teachers would support me, and they knew it too. The crowd began to disperse.

Jenny pushed up to join me, her eyes wide. "I can't believe you just stood up to them like that."

Faith pouted. "Why'd you make him stop? It felt nice."

"Faith, don't let anybody touch you if they don't ask first," I told her.

"Even if it feels nice?" Faith said. "I touch myself down there sometimes but he did an even better job." A smile blossomed across her face. "I hope people do it again."

It's going to be a long day.

W .3

There are a lot of brightly-colored animals out there. A riot of loud color is Mother Nature's way of telling predators to stay away: "This doesn't taste good!" Though, of course, the truth might be otherwise. The point is, though, that when you see something with loud defensive markings, it might be a good idea to heed the warning.

Same as Meredith and Derek Naked in School
Wednesday (part 1) Videos

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F .5 When it rains, it pours, huh. Get done with one problem—Jenny's situation—and another crops up. I feel like we haven't taken a deep breath in ages. And honestly, I'm a bit scared to. Because then I would smell Brandon on my skin—it's been six hours but I can still smell him, feel the aftershadows of his caress—and I would want to grab him and jump his bones right then and there. Never mind how it's lunchtime and we're out in the middle of nowhere. Hello. I'm Meredith Levine....

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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolMonday part 2

Eventually we untangled ourselves, rearranging into a slightly less compromising position; I felt a sense of loss as his softening dick left me; I felt myself closing up behind him, as if trying to cling to him. Sometimes I wish we could just stay like that forever, him inside me; there is nothing to compare to it. But that wouldn't work very well. He turned me up on my side and lay down behind me, tucking the blanket around us, his arm around my waist, in easy reaching distance of my...

2 years ago
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolThursday part 2

Th .4 There are always people who know things we don't. And, when we need help, we ask those people, because sometimes we don't have the tools we need to deal with problems. Like, if my computer breaks, I call Brandon—since a certain someone is evidently off-limits to me. Brandon can't strip down and rebuilt a computer like that certain someone, but at least he can tell me what some of the error messages mean. But this time it wasn't hardware. Brandon and Meredith were nowhere in sight...

3 years ago
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolSunday

Su .1 When I awoke, the first thing I saw was Brandon's sleeping face. So I woke up with a smile. It was a face I'd seen forever, a face I knew practically by heart... But sometimes I don't think I see him. I just recognize that, oh, yeah, over there, that's Brandon, and then instead of actually seeing him there's just this blur, which is labeled, Brandon, kind of like a video game or something—and then I can see his emotions on his face, in his neck and shoulders and hands, but...

3 years ago
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolTuesday part 1

T .1 Waking up is all about memory. We sleep, all of us; we have to disconnect from the world for six or eight or ten hours, and then come back and figure out what we've missed. 9/11 is a good example. Wake up and your radio alarm is saying something about terrorists and the World Trade Center. Huh? At first I figured terrorists had landed in a helicopter or something. But by the time I got to school, I had the whole story. I think I liked mine better. In any case, waking up is all about...

2 years ago
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolFriday part 1

F .1 When I woke up on Friday morning, the first thing that occured to me was that I really didn't want to get up: it was warm in bed, and comfortable—for some reason more so than normal—and I didn't want to leave. I didn't hear any alarms going off, suggesting that I had time to go back to sleep... But first I wanted to see what time it actually was. When I opened my eyes, I didn't recognize the wall, and the clock wasn't where it should be. But when I tried to roll over, I felt an...

3 years ago
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Meredith Reborn

Meredith Reborn By Amanda McCree "Making that call en femme as Meredith was the best idea I ever had," Richard thought to himself. Richard Tucker was very pleased with himself, and he had good reason to be. All his work to pass as Meredith had paid off. The income from this one call would cover his overhead for the next two years. He was almost dizzy with the impact of the figures. He was practically set for life. Dressing as Meredith had made the difference. "Here's your...

1 year ago
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Derek and Amy Dereks Turn

As I walked into the hotel room hours in advance, my cock was rock hard with anticipation. The last time me, my lover Amy, and her husband Matt were all together, it was my dear love Amy’s turn to be in charge. Amy had Matt and I dress like two Fifties sluts. The kind of girls uptight parents used to believe would cause the downfall of society. It was both Matt and I’s first times with other males though not my first time dressed up. He is still fairly new to this as his wife just discovered...

3 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

3 years ago
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Derek and Amy Dereks Turn

As I walked into the hotel room hours in advance, my cock was rock hard with anticipation. The last time me, my lover Amy, and her husband Matt were all together, it was my dear love Amy's turn to be in charge. Amy had Matt and I dress like two Fifties sluts. The kind of girls uptight parents used to believe would cause the downfall of society. It was both Matt and I's first times with other males though not my first time dressed up. He is still fairly new to this as his wife just discovered...

2 years ago
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Kate And Derek

Kate and Derek were a pretty typical brother and sister. Derek was a freshman in high school and Kate was in the eighth grade. Both were blooming into full sexuality, Kate one year younger, like most girls when they bloomed. They lived in a typical middle class neighborhood, two story - three bedrooms - two baths, and their parents had typical middle class jobs. Neither Kate nor Derek thought they were really good looking but Kate's friends thought Derek was hot, and in the past six months as...

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Fucked 4 Jo Derek Lyn and Kevin

This follows on from Fucked 3 The Abbey, so read Fucked 1/2/3 first please. C 1997: I was around 21, Derek would have been 39/40, Lyn about 30 , and Kevin about 35.In fucked 3 I had outlined some of my sexual fantasies to Derek. I had met Lyn on a couple of occasions and I thought she was gorgeous (see Fucked 2 ). We had technically sucked each other's tits, but this was for the entertainment of a man.I had met Derek's buddy Kevin once by chance on a train on the way in to work after a night...

2 years ago
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Poor Derek

Melissa Campbell looked thoughtful as she replaced the phone on its cradle. It was the hospital calling with the news. Forty eight hours her husband, Derek, had been lying comatose in intensive care after the car crash, but it looked like he was going to pull through. The doctor wanted to see her as soon as possible for a "little chat" as he put it. A couple of hours later, Melissa was sitting in Dr Marlow's office. It was her first visit ... there'd been no point coming while Derek was...

4 years ago
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Derek and Susan

I walked into the executive offices and looked at the managingdirector's PA. She was a slightly plump very pretty blonde in her earlytwenties, dressed in a smart business suit with a white blouse and dark,sheer, hose, probably tights. I knew that I would have three days at thecompany and I needed somewhere to stay and some amusement. To fill in timebefore my meetings started, using my security clearance I checked thepersonnel records and made a note of her address. I also discovered thather...

2 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 2

Part two. Sheila and Jay Meet Jackie and Derek for the first time. Sorry it took so long to get done, hope it’s worth the wait. Jay and Sheila started off Saturday like any ordinary weekend. They slept in a bit and had breakfast with the kids. A little later Sheila ran some errands and stopped to get her nails done. She had picked up outfits for both her and Jay. Simple yet trendy for Jay, and jeans and a top that accentuated her body for her. Jay was hanging out at home with the kids. It...

4 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 2

Part two. Sheila and Jay Meet Jackie and Derek for the first time. Sorry it took so long to get done, hope it's worth the wait. Jay and Sheila started off Saturday like any ordinary weekend. They slept in a bit and had breakfast with the kids. A little later Sheila ran some errands and stopped to get her nails done. She had picked up outfits for both her and Jay. Simple yet trendy for Jay, and jeans and a top that accentuated her body for her. Jay was hanging out at home with the kids. It was...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Carmen and Derek

I had been on a lunch break when I saw some black folks approaching and one lady was carrying a small baby. I watched intently as she sat down and proceeded to breast feed the baby as discretely as possible and something inside me seemed to click. My thoughts went to Derek and after a minute or so, I decided to call him up and tell him I wanted his cock. He had given me his number for just this reason and after I talked with him, he agreed to me and let me take him home with me, even with Joe...

4 years ago
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Derek and Jenny

This is my first story so tell me what you think   The waves were calm that night as Derek and Jenny walked along the beach. They were out for night swim. Jenny’ s figure looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight. As they stood in the moonlight staring out at the waves, Derek couldn’t help but stare. Jenny and Derek had been best friends since elementary school. Derek wanted to be more than friends ,but was afraid to tell jenny how he felt. Jenny had a good figure. Her breasts were just...

3 years ago
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Derek and Jenny

This is my first story so tell me what you think   The waves were calm that night as Derek and Jenny walked along the beach. They were out for night swim. Jenny’ s figure looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight. As they stood in the moonlight staring out at the waves, Derek couldn’t help but stare. Jenny and Derek had been best friends since elementary school. Derek wanted to be more than friends ,but was afraid to tell jenny how he felt. Jenny had a good figure. Her breasts were...

First Time
3 years ago
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Derek Visits

We were married for six months. Our relationship is still fantastic—lots of sex, great companionship, and just a feeling of completeness. I was happy, but then John's brother returned from a tour of the far east. I had only met him a few times, and his flirtatious manner, I ignored. John told me he was coming for a visit, and after a year of combat in the far east, I should try to make it all pleasant. I wasn't quite sure what that meant, but I guess I would try to be a good hostess.The minute...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Chapter 5 Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the Fullest

Chapter 5Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the FullestI gathered up my clothes and shoes and silently went in search of thebathroom to freshen up, as I was ordered to do by my wife's best friendand my doctor, Helen. I couldn't quite believe I had just given head toDerek, who I had only met less than an hour ago and who I suspected wasless than a reputable figure although I had to acknowledge he had a cockworthy of worship. It was the first time I had done that in my life and Ifound the experience both...

3 years ago
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Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the Fullest

Chapter 5 Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the Fullest I gathered up my clothes and shoes and silently went in search of the bathroom to freshen up, as I was ordered to do by my wife's best friend and my doctor, Helen. I couldn't quite believe I had just given head to Derek, who I had only met less than an hour ago and who I suspected was less than a reputable figure although I had to acknowledge he had a cock worthy of worship. It was the first time I had done that in my life and I found...

4 years ago
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The Teen Slut Meets Dirty Derek

Derek, my mother’s new boyfriend, was a pervy old man. After Mum split with my dad, her financial situation became precarious. Dad was always the breadwinner of the household. Once he left, Mum was in dire straits. Problem was, she was a materialistic woman, always wanting something for nothing and expecting the best of everything. So she was determined to maintain her affluent lifestyle, even after Dad had gone.It took a few months but she finally snagged a guy with lots of money. Problem was,...

4 years ago
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Derek Babysitter at 15

Introduction: This is another true story of what Derek and I done together. Continuing from the end of My First Sleepover. We lay together on the bathroom floor, our lips glued together with the sticky residue left behind from that mornings activities. Neither one of us moved nor wanted time to go on, so we just stayed in that position for what could of been hours, hugging eachother in a sort of comforting yet sexual embrace. Dereks dick was still twitching and seeping cum when I realised that...

3 years ago
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Derek and Amy Matt makes three

My lover and my husband are in separate rooms changing into the clothing I’ve laid out for them. When they’re finished they’ll come into the library where I’m sitting waiting for them. This will be the first time they’ve touched each other and I’m not going to miss a minute of it. I’m sitting in a big padded chair diagonal to the door. My husband, Matt, comes in first. He looks more comfortable in his dress than I ever imagined he would. The dress I picked out for him reminds me of that...

2 years ago
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Derek and Amy Matt makes three

My lover and my husband are in separate rooms changing into the clothing I've laid out for them. When they're finished they'll come into the library where I'm sitting waiting for them. This will be the first time they've touched each other and I'm not going to miss a minute of it. I'm sitting in a big padded chair diagonal to the door. My husband, Matt, comes in first. He looks more comfortable in his dress than I ever imagined he would. The dress I picked out for him reminds me of that...

2 years ago
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Derek Babysitter at 15

Barely speaking to eachother I got dressed, brushed my teeth and left Derek's house. And that was all that happened for several months, things continued as normal each day and I visited his house more frequently; straight after school for a few hours whilst my Mom was still at work and sometimes all day on the weekend when both my parents were in a hotel some place. My Mother, being the perceptive woman she was, noticed that I was spending a lot of my time outside of school with my new...

2 years ago
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Hunky Gogo Boy and Stripper Derek Tyson

I was greeted at the door by a very hot nude male stripper for a birthday party I was invited to over Memorial Day weekend. I found out that his name was Derek Tyson and that he entertained for different private parties and events along with dancing at some regional strip clubs. I was also told that he had done several porn shoots. There were at least fifty or sixty people at the party, and the host had the evening well planned out. Since it was a pool party, Derek actually was totally naked...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Derek the Pantyman

Derek was a corporate lawyer I met through work. He was an average sort of guy, intelligent but not overly so, well dressed but not exactly sartorial, polite, considerate and quietly spoken but interesting and kind of fun to be with.I was surprised and flattered when he asked me out to dinner. He was an average sort of guy but I knew I was well below average and I didn't asked out much. Hardly ever, to be honest.I liked him. I liked him instinctively from the first time I met him and when I got...

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Derek then JaxPart One

I pulled up to Dereks place. I texted him as I walked up to the front door to let him know I was here. Derek and I had been talking for just under a month. Neither of us really wanted a relationship. We both wanted the cute fun stuff of a relationship, but not the commitment. We’d still go on dates together and constantly flirt, but really it was all about the sex. Whenever we had 10 minutes alone we’d be all over each other, it didn't matter where we were. Whenever he was home alone I’d go...

3 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 1

He watched as the large cock stretched his wife’s pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6’1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...

4 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 1

He watched as the large cock stretched his wife's pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6'1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...

Straight Sex
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Derek and MeganFICTION

IT ALL STARTED ON ONE RAINY MONDAY MORNING. Megan woke up, and made sure she was wearing nothing underneath her ultra mega short nightgown. She went down stairs, and saw her step dad, Derek. DEREK WAS DRINKING COFFEE. Derek's 9'' cock always goes hard every time he sees his step daughter Megan in her ultra mega short nightgown. Derek is 10 years older than Megan. She's 18, he's 28, her mom is 48. MEGAN HAS A GREAT BODY. 37 D cup sized tits, a slim body, a virgin pussy and a great round ass....

2 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 10

As expected, Julie Moran became a frequent visitor to the Derek Ranch. She and Bo would frolic with the dogs at almost every visit, there were awkward times when they were prevented to try. Bo had even convinced the beautiful Entertainment Tonight reporter to get gangbanged by all of her ranch hands, including the maids. Bo had been fucking the staff regularly for a few years now, with John's approval. That was a most pleasurable weekend. She and Julie shared all twenty of the staff...

3 years ago
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The Derek Thompson Plan part 1

“Good practice ladies! I’ll see you tomorrow” Coach Barbra Jones yelled as she walked into her office. “I love conditioning practices” Kayley said, slapping my ass as I bent over to get my towel from the bottom of my locker. Her slap stung my ass even through my shorts and spandex. I looked up over my shoulder at her, admiring her body. Kayley was standing behind me, naked, with a towel over her shoulder, ready for her shower. I smiled at her as I slipped out of my clothes and followed her...

1 year ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 1

John Derek was looking for a new movie for his beautiful young wife, the ravishing Bo Derek. He needed something to show off her beautiful body to the world once more. Ever since she was first presented to the world in her first movie, '10', Bo Derek had been the source of many fantasies for thousands of men. And a fair share of the woman population as well, I would suspect. Her chiseled features and firm body was a rare find indeed, even in the world of movie stars. Yes, Bo Derek is a...

3 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 12

Today would be the follow-up to Miles O'Keefe's audition for John and Bo Derek for their next movie project. A project that was as yet to be revealed to him. After finishing lunch, the three of them headed for the stables. Once there they mounted the horses that were prepared for them by some of the hands. Miles followed the famous couple as they headed down the trail which lead to their private lake. He noticed that a couple of their guard dogs were following as well. He wasn't too...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 3

That night, John showed his wife his next movie project for her. She spent the night reading the screenplay and fell in love with it. She particularly was fascinated with her scene of riding a stallion bareback and naked. It brought back memories of the bestial fucking she had received that very afternoon. The notion of being naked on a powerful horse started her mind thinking of the possibility of taking the next step in her newly discovered passion. When they went to bed that night John...

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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 14

Bo Derek continued fucking and sucking the, black movie extras, throughout the filming of 'Tarzan'. Occasionally her husband, John Derek, or her leading man, Miles O'Keefe, would fuck her in their tent. A few times her two white lovers would just sit back and watched as the black actors had their way with her. The filming continued uneventfully for the next three months. The first problem arose when Bo started showing up for her nude scenes sporting hickeys across her body, leaving no...

1 year ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 15

The opening of their movie, 'Tarzan of the Apes', brought them rave reviews, as all of Bo Derek's movies did, and shot a newcomer in the limelight of celebrity. One in the name of Miles O'Keefe, a.k.a. 'Tarzan'. And with success of a movie came numerous interviews. But none more awaited for than by Julie Moran of Entertainment Tonight. It had been so long since they had seen other and Bo had so much to relate to her friend Julie. The ET crew showed up at their ranch, as they usually...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 9

When morning came along, Julie Moran awoke to find herself lying on the floor next to a sleeping Bo Derek. It took her a few minutes to recall the events of the previous night. At first she reacted out of revulsion, then she remembered how good it all felt to her. She turned back to face Bo and leaned down and kissed the sleeping beauty next to her. And just as in the story of 'Sleeping Beauty' Bo woke up to the smiling face of her lover. She looked around and noticed that all three dogs...

2 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 13

Miles O'keefe received word two months later that he would be the star in John Derek's next movie project, a remake of 'Tarzan.' Now he knew why all the questions regarding animals. After his introduction into Bo Derek's quirky love habits, he had convinced himself that they were for that rather than a movie. Now he knew. What happened back at the Derek Ranch was just a bonus. He could still picture Bo and John along with the dogs. That same night he had given the Derek's young...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Fernanda Peituda Safada hottest stories part2

Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...

1 year ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

2 years ago
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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

4 years ago
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Dereks Mistake

Introduction: (This story may contain some misspelling and mistakes. I re-read everything too fast to catch a simple mistake, so sorry.) This story is based on the 1800s even though it doesnt REALLY seem like it. I hope you enjoy. Ill start on part 2 immediately. ^_^ Dont trouble yourself, sweet heart, Derek watched as one of the house maids roughly scrubbed the kitchen floor. She was hired 4 months ago and was paid so little even though she worked harder than anyone else in the house did....

2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

3 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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