Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolThursday part 1
- 3 years ago
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Eventually we untangled ourselves, rearranging into a slightly less compromising position; I felt a sense of loss as his softening dick left me; I felt myself closing up behind him, as if trying to cling to him. Sometimes I wish we could just stay like that forever, him inside me; there is nothing to compare to it. But that wouldn't work very well. He turned me up on my side and lay down behind me, tucking the blanket around us, his arm around my waist, in easy reaching distance of my breasts or my pussy, if either of us should be so inclined. It was comfy and warm next to him, the blanket around us like a cocoon, his receding hardness nestled between the cheeks of my ass. He seems to favor this arrangement, and it's nice, but there are other things I'd prefer... Not that I tell him that. It would be... Unseemly for him to know these things.
"I have to tell you, that... That thing last month, on our anniversary," Brandon's voice rumbled behind me. I could feel the vibrations in my shoulder blades. His fingers gently ruffled my pubic hair. "That was really cool."
"I know," I said, smiling. "I kinda liked it, too."
"Too bad you couldn't keep it that way," he said.
"It itched," I said. "And besides, what if I'd gotten called in for The Program then? It'd cause... Talk."
"True," said Brandon. He'd be very demonstrative in public if he could, but he's conscious of how disturbing it can be to have someone nearby liplocking with their significant other when you don't have one. He says Zach used to rub it in his face a lot. He and Christa don't do that now—not that anyone would really complain—but I like it that he's so considerate. Brandon, not Zach. Though I'm sure Zach's considerateness pleases Christa in equal amounts. The point is, it's wise to keep a low profile, and he knows it.
"You, uh..." Brandon said. "You seem awfully wet down there."
"It's your cum," I said archly. "It's leaking out of me."
"... Oh."
"Yes. That's why I always stop for the blanket whenever we do this."
"I suppose I should wash these then."
Now that's just great. "Yes. Uhm. You should."
"The things you learn from your girlfriend," he said dryly.
Then there was silence again, and the feeling of his chest moving as he breathed. How interested that we had come full circle, starting and ending by just being in one another's arms, talking.
"What did you mean about 'your life's work, '" I asked.
"You said that you were going to get married some day because it was your life's work," I said. "Which is... A different way to put it."
"Oh," he said. "Well."
He was silent for a time, thinking. His hand, quite possibly of its own accord, moved to cover my breast for a moment before slipping away again. His burgeoning erection rested between my thighs again, and I thought about but decided not to slip him into me again. If only... If only.
"It just..." he said. "Well, you know how it is. You've met my parents."
"No, actually, I haven't," I said, amused. "I wasn't able to make it the one time they were around, remember?"
"My point stands," he said, totally serious. "They're never here. I don't see them. I might as well not have parents, for all the attention I get from them. I can't tell you for certain what kind of person I'd be if they hadn't scuttled off when I was ten, but I know I'd be totally, fundamentally different. So different I can't even imagine what my life would be like. Would I have the same friends? Would I have the same hobbies? Would Zach and Sajel even be in my life? I know you wouldn't, because I would've never entered The Program when I did and for the reasons I did, and you'd just go on being that particularly beautiful soprano and I'd just go on being... Whoever I'd be..."
It was a chilling thought. No Brandon? Us never meeting? I shuddered to think of it.
"Yeah, my thoughts exactly," Brandon said. "So you have that. And then you have... Well, Arie's parents, particularly; but also my own; and Jane's to some extent. And on the other hand you have your parents, and Christa's, and Zach's mom, and... Very different people with very different kids. I don't know what effect nature has on our lives, but the nurture effect is very clear to me. And seeing all this, seeing all that I see... It's just obvious to me that... This is the most important thing in life. Parenting. Being a good parent. Being the kind of person your kids come to when they need help, and aren't ashamed of introducing their friends to, and who doesn't screw your kids up so that they end up with scars on their arms. That's the most important thing. And that's what I wanna do with my life."
"Do you know," I said. "You're probably the only sixteen-year-old who has ever thought of it that way."
"Well," he said dryly. "I'm also probably the only sixteen-year-old who's thinking in total seriousness about marrying his girlfriend."
"Yes, but I'm even weirder," I reminded him. "I'm fifteen and I'm thinking that."
"Five days," he reminded me. "You're practically sixteen as it is."
"Yes, but practically's not the same as really," I said. "I felt so tiny and knowledgeless when they skipped me over seventh grade, and I don't think that feeling has ever really left me."
"God," he said, "what about when I turn nineteen. It'll be eight months of no sex for us."
"Why? Oh, the statutory rape laws."
"Well, that's only if my parents find out," I said. They're great people, both of them, but I don't think they'd be keen about finding out their fifteen-year-old baby girl has been having sex. Though, they may be a little more calm when I'm eighteen. "I think they'll have gotten used to the idea by then."
"True," he said. "I mean, we'll only have been together for three years at that point."
"We're gonna have babies, you know," I told him, smiling.
"Huh?" He bolted upright, startled. "What—you mean—right now?"
"No, silly," I said, turning on my back to smile up at him. My naked breasts slipped out from under the blanket. "Eventually. I'm still on birth control, my parents would freak if I got pregnant. But we've only been talking about our marriage and how your dream job is to be a parent—what's the next obvious step?"
"Oh," said Brandon. "Oh yeah. That makes sense."
I giggled. "Silly boy." Reaching up, my arms twining around his neck, drawing him down—the cool air on my breasts felt good, but I knew what would make them feel better, and I wanted it. "But you're my silly boy."
"Mmm," said Brandon, an assent—or maybe something to do with the fact that his lips were an inch from my nipple. "Mmm..."
Then there was a beep—we both jumped—followed instantly by a high-pitched, electronic tone.
Brandon stared. "What the—"
"Could it be Greta?" I asked.
"No," he said, "she leaves at three and she calls if she has to come again."
The house was wired with an alarm system, with sensors on doors and windows. This was a basic safety precaution for a residence that would contain (when plans were completed) upwards of ten thousand dollars in electronic hardware alone—not to mention furniture, silverware, clothing, books, movies, etc. Whenever any of these were opened, the alarm system itself would beep out of various speakers and sound emitters (this room's surround-sound system, for instance, which was hard-wired into the ceiling), in sufficient volume to alert everyone in the house. The tone, on the other hand, was an indication that a door or window had been opened while the alarm system was armed. Brandon, the cautious sort, set it on Home mode whenever he was indoors; should he be Asleep, an opened portal would trigger a loud siren, not to mention a bunch of light switches that had been programmed to flick on and off every second when security was breached, and then stay on when the alarm was disarmed (if it was). We had triggered the Asleep alarm mode, just for fun, once; it took the seven of us an eternity to cover the entire house and shut down all the automated lights.
What was going on, in case you got bored with that little description, was, simply: someone had entered the house. This in itself was not a bizarre occurrence. However, at this point in time, no one should be entering the house—for that matter, no one should be able to.
And here we were, in a residence containing upwards of ten thousand dollars in electronic hardware—not to mention furniture, silverware, clothing, books, movies, etc.
There was another beep, lower in pitch than the first, indicating that the door had been closed; and then a third, in the highest pitch yet, and the tone cut off. Its silence was even more chilling. I spoke the obvious out of numb lips: "They disarmed the alarm system." Whoever these people were, they knew the security codes.
Brandon shoved himself out of the blanket and began to put on his pants.
I stared at him, incredulous. (The blanket, unnoticed, fell to my waist.) "What the hell are you doing!"
"Somebody's in here," Brandon said. "I don't know who. But if it's... Someone dangerous, I don't intend to be caught with my pants down."
"What are you doing!" I said again.
"I'm going to take a look," Brandon said.
I stood up, reaching for my blouse. "I'm going with you."
"No you're not, it's too dangerous," Brandon said. "My house, my risks."
"Brandon, you just agreed to marry me. If you think I'm going to let you dash off into— Wait." I held up a hand, signaling for silence, my ears straining to make sense of a few distant noises... Rhythmic thumps, with a vague stentorian echo, as from a hardwood floor. I had heard the sound many times before.
"They're in the kitchen," I whispered.
Brandon flashed a glance at me, leaning towards the room's doorway ear-first.
The treads cut off suddenly, replaced by a dimly-heard swishing sound. Clothes. In a hallway.
"They're coming here," I breathed.
Our eyes met, wide.
"The window," Brandon said. He strode over to the wall, unlatched the window, cranked it open. (The alarm system beeped again.) "Can you make it over the sill?"
"I don't have a choice, do I," I said, zipping my jeans closed with as much care as I could manage under the hurried circumstances. I didn't have my panties on and I didn't want to catch anything in the zipper. (Brandon must have it worse.)
"Here, help me with the screen," Brandon said, his fingernails dug in. We strained at the thing, which I don't think had ever been removed before, slowly pulling it out of the window frame, centimeter by infinitesimal—
"What, Brandon. So upset to see us that you have to escape out the window?" said a rich male voice.
And then a woman, dryly amused: "At least let the young lady put all her clothes on first."
Brandon's face went white. I turned to see a man and a woman standing in the doorway, resplendent in stern business suits, lined faces, strange smiles. One had pale blonde hair, the other a dark brown, both lightened by streaks of grey. Facial features leapt out at me, a composite picture I had spent a lifetime of six months memorizing. I gasped.
"Mom?" Brandon said. "Dad?"
M .4
My mom is the dumbest person on the face of the planet. Absolutely the dumbest. No intelligence, no common sense, no smarts, no anything. The dumbest. And if it's not her, then it's my sister Trina.
Hey, I'm Arie Chang, and I don't know where I got my brains from.
I'm also not entirely sure what I'm doing here. Derek asked me to contribute to his Program account because, as he put it, "Your experience of the week was vital—no, integral—to mine." Whatever the hell that means. I think he's just trying to get out of some work. But I guess, why not. Just, let's get this clear: this is Derek's fault. If someone gets into trouble, you know who it ought to be.
Family therapy has become a sort of a tradition for us, some sort of sadistic Christmas. Every Monday afternoon we get together (Dad has to get out of work an hour early), go to Mr. Moreau's office, get therapized for an hour, get dinner and go home. It's always an ordeal, because Loren (he insists we call him that) always has some pretty stupid advice. Like, a token economy. He suggested we set up a token economy. You know how, when kids are like five or six or something, their parents will offer them rewards in the form of 'Gold Stars (TM)' or 'Happy Points (TM)' or whatever, for doing their chores? Which you can exchange for prizes and stuff? That's a token economy. Mr. Moreau said we should set one up because it would encourage me and Trina to actually do the things we're supposed to—like get out of bed on time; like wash the dishes; like do our homework. Which, actually, is not a bad idea in theory, but is incredibly demeaning when your parents make a big deal out of parading you to the magnetic whiteboard on the fridge and pin a gold star to it in your name. Not to mention how no one actually keeps track of points anymore. We're supposed to get five points for doing the dishes, and one of the privileges we can purchase is the right to stay up half an hour past bedtime, at the cost of fifteen points. Well, it's been three weeks, Trina and I alternate dishwashing duties, but every time, Mom says, "No, you haven't earned enough points. No, sorry, you haven't earned enough points." At which point I just slam the door, turn off the lights make the iMac's display really dim. I mean, honestly. This is part of why my mother's the dumbest person on the face of the planet. I also think Mr. Moreau's a total moron, but that's neither here nor there.
("Dr. Moreau?" Brandon said to me when he heard about it. "Your therapist is named Dr. Moreau?" And I said, "No, he's not even a licensed therapist, there's no doctor about it." And I said, "What's so special about Dr. Moreau," and in answer he gave me a map to the school library. Whatever the hell that meant.)
Anyway, so. Here we were, early on Monday evening. Dad sat on one side of the couch with Trina stretched out longwise across its length, wrapped up in a blanket, her feet in Dad's lap. Mom sat at a right angle to Dad on a wooden chair, and I sat on its twin near the door in mirror relation to Trina. Finally, Mr. Moreau—Loren—sat in the room's only armchair, right in the middle of the room, the head to our five-pointed star.
We were doing what we call the Week In Review. Since we only meet once a week, we take a few minutes at the beginning of each meeting to go over everything that's happened in the last week. Sometimes this sets the agenda for the family's discussion; sometimes it doesn't. Generally, Trina takes longest; more often than not Mr. Moreau has to tell her to wrap up before she'll stop. I think it's a power thing; she wants to be the one who wastes time. I also think she's an idiot.
Trina said, "And so Bobby said—"
"Ah, Trina," said Mr. Moreau—Loren—breaking in gently. "Time's getting on, so, if you could bring this to a close... ?"
"I have just one more thing," Trina said, and composed herself for a final transgression.
"Last Tuesday, I was... Passing by the bathroom," she said, hesitating in a fawning, childish way. "Not long after dinner. And I knew Arie was in there, because I'd... I'd seen her go and I'd heard the door close. But when I passed, I heard...
"Retching sounds."
All eyes went to me.
"We'd just had dinner, so I think she..." said Trina, now stumbling. "I think she was..."
There she stopped, apparently unable to go on. As far as I was concerned, she'd said all she needed to. The damage was done.
"Arie?" said my mother fearfully.
Now, okay. Look. I can explain what was going on in two very simple words:
Tuesdays suck.
Some people say Monday is the worst day of the week. I personally disagree. On Monday you get to see your friends again, which is not what usually happens for me on the weekends because of my parents. Mom has relaxed some things a bit, but she's almost murder on any suggestion that we go somewhere after school; I think she wants us under her eye. Derek's house, forget it; Brandon's house, maybe if I'm lucky. I mean, there's a reason Derek and I have to do a lot of our fucking at school. So, the point is, Mondays are nice because I get to fuck Derek after a long, sexually-deprived weekend. And because I get to see Brandon and Meredith and those other people too.
Wednesdays are good because, halfway through it, you suddenly notice you're halfway to the weekend, you're on the home stretch and heading in. Thursday is even better. And then Friday—well, yeah, school's out! You get two days off! And then Monday hits, and Derek hits, and you start all over again.
But Tuesdays... No. Tuesdays have no redeeming features. They are the butt-ends of the week. Nothing good has ever happened on Tuesday, and a lot of bad things too. And that particular Tuesday was the worst of the lot.
It started by me staying up practically all night to study for a Spanish test. When I woke up to get ready for school I had had way too little sleep and I was groggy and cranky. Mom and I immediately got into an argument about my sleeping habits, and (more accurately) how they tended to be affected by my study habits. The mood in the car when she dropped us off was decidedly frosty.
Then we went into Pre-Calculus. It was good to see Derek again and I wanted to sneak off to the bathrooms then and there, but that wasn't happening, especially since Mr. Bhajra was handing back yesterday's quiz... Which I got about an H+ on.
If F's start at 50% that tells you where an H falls. And then we got into English, where I hadn't done the reading—well, I'd done half of it—so of course Mr. Cavanaugh consistently picks me to answer questions—on the half I hadn't read; and then we got into Current Events, which was the exact same situation, except that this time I hadn't done any of the reading, and so of course I got picked to answer all the time. If anyone had asked me to answer in Spanish, I could've done a damn good job! But no one did.
And so it's break time, and it's like, Yay, Derek time!... Except that he had to go xerox something in the library for his next class, and that took all of recess.
And so it's fourth period and I'm pissy. And while things didn't get worse, they certainly didn't get any better. And then I get home and my parents are all this and my sister is all that and one thing led to another, and I did what any self-respecting girl would do: I broke out the razor blades.
Now. You know how when you get really hurt—say, if you get punched in the stomach (which happens inevitably if you've taken martial arts, like Trina and I have)—you feel like throwing up? (Brandon adds, for the record, that being kicked in the balls produces much the same effect.) I guess I must have hit a nerve or something. I didn't throw up—I produced a lot of sound and fury and prayed that no one would overhear—but I didn't throw up.
So, see. It's all because Tuesdays suck.
But Mr. Moreau Loren and my mother and father were still waiting for an answer, and I couldn't tell them one. Because if there's one thing you don't talk about in our family, it's self-injury. Not if you want to keep breathing.
Not that Mom's going to strangle you or anything. No. She smothers you with kindness. And if you don't think that's possible, then clearly you've never had someone dote on you and hover over you and work herself into a state of nervous dread over whether she's going to find you dead tomorrow in a pool of your own blood. Mom's not good with blood. She's also not good with dealing with panic. Pity, then, because she works herself into a panic whenever she sees or smells or thinks blood, and it's a pretty common sight smell thought in our household.
We have a sort of a fucked-up family. In case you hadn't noticed.
I made the mistake once—just once—of identifying where a wound had come from one morning at breakfast. Mom wasn't fit to live with for a week and a half.
So here I was, and I couldn't exactly explain where those 'retching sounds' had come from, and at the moment there was only one question on my mind: had Trina brought this up deliberately?
Looking at her—looking at her reclined on the couch, her face to the ceiling, her faux pathos and her pretty little hesitations and who says 'retching sounds', anyway? Who doesn't just say, 'It sounded like she was throwing up'? Well, if you ask me, it sounded like she had rehearsed this before. I think Trina set me up.
"Arie, were you..." said my mother fearfully.
"Arie," said my father. "You do realize this is very serious news."
"Arie, I can't believe you were..." said my mother brokenly.
"Loren has told us before," my father was saying, "that if he finds out you've been doing such deliberately harmful things, he may have to hospitalize you."
"Arie, why do you have to..." said my mother, practically on the verge of tears.
"Arie?" Mr. Moreau Loren—asked me. "Is there something you'd like to say to us?"
"I think my sister's a big bitch!"
After that there was a pregnant silence, and yet I felt very, very satisfied.
But Trina didn't even blink. She just stared at the ceiling with that blank non-expression on her face, stepping out of the way of the avalanche she had just triggered.
"Arie," my father was saying, "I don't think that sort of hostility is really justified. Trina has just told us something very important, and I think you should appreciate the risk she took in—"
"Arie," Mr. Moreau Loren was saying, "that sort of behavior is indicative of deeper issues, mostly concerning self-esteem and self-image. Is there anything you'd like to tell us? What exactly makes you feel so bad about yourself? Is there anything—"
"Arie," my mother was saying, "don't forget that... Well, today's image is of a woman with the waist of a pencil, but in other cultures... Beauty is an inherited thing. In China and in other places, women who are... Somewhat fleshy are considered very beautiful, and—" ('Somewhat fleshy'. Right. That's exactly how I want to be described.)
And Trina stared at the ceiling and said nothing, said nothing to deepen the pit she had dumped me into, or to dig me out of it. That would be all up to me. Maybe this was a test, to see about my mental agility. Maybe she'd turn around and say, Ha-ha, got you, that was great.
Maybe my sister's a big bitch.
Life in hell, meet Arie Chang. I hope we get along okay.
M .5
The unofficial Program philosophy here at Mount Hill High has always been, 'Look Closer.' It's part of why Dr. Zelvetti keeps choosing the oddball outcast types to go into The Program. She wants everybody to have their fifteen minutes of fame. But the corollary to the philosophy statement is that, simply, things will happen to you that you would never, ever expect.
Hi, I'm Derek Strong, and I didn't expect what came, and when I mean didn't, I really really REALLY didn't.
First off—how awful was that? Arie, I mean. As soon as she could get away after dinner, she phoned me and we talked the situation out—though, by then, it was already past 8 PM. The Changs had eaten out, like they normally do on Mondays after Family Therapy Time, and as Arie described it, Mrs. Chang had been... Persuasive about the amount of food Arie should eat. To put it mildly. To put it as Arie herself did, "I think I am about to throw up. But I better not, or my parents are gonna kill me. Or maybe themselves. Or maybe each other. I dunno."
There wasn't a lot I could say over the phone—especially since our normal form of therapy is to sneak away and fuck like bunnies. "I could try to sneak over again, if you want," I offered, but Arie declined. The one time we'd tried it, we'd almost gotten caught—I mean we, outside in her back yard, her just trying to get me into the house, before anything had even happened.
"I still can't decide," Arie said finally.
"Decide what?"
"Whether she meant it."
"I mean, I... Well, I don't like Trina. And I've got a sort of a hunch that she doesn't like me either. But maybe... Maybe she was trying to help. Maybe she was trying to help. Maybe she honestly figured that... God, I dunno."
"It's really kind of you, actually," I said.
"... Huh?"
"Well, you could've been all, you know, 'God, I hate my sister, she's such a fucking bitch, ' you know? But instead you're wondering... You're wondering if she did it on accident. If she was trying to help. You're not going on a rampage, you're giving her the benefit of the doubt."
"Yeah, I'm only half going on rampage, " Arie grumbled, but she let it go.
"So, " she said, a new smile in her voice. "What's been going on in your life, loverboy?"
"Not a whole lot, really," I said, leaning back in my computer chair, the phone jammed between ear and shoulder. "I've just been—"
The door to my room banged open behind me, closed again. "Derek I have to talk to you."
"Hold on a second Arie." I grabbed the phone by the mouthpiece and turned my head. "Jenny, I'm kind of on the phone with Arie right now. Can this wait?"
My older sister looked back at me with wide eyes. She was pale and her hair was disheveled. Whatever was going on, she looked... Off-balance. And the frightened look in her eyes was all the answer I needed.
I sighed. "Hold on. Hey, uhm, Arie... I'm gonna have to go."
"Aww. Why, what's more important than me?"
I squeezed my eyes closed. Oh God, of all the ways she could have chosen to phrase that question. "My sister just barged in here and she looks like she just saw a ghost. I think I gotta find out what's going on." She may be my older sister, but I look out for her, you know? Most of my friends give my weird looks when I tell them that, because three of them (Zach, Brandon, Meredith) are the only children in their family, and of the rest, only Sajel actually gets along with her siblings. I don't think it's a coincidence that Sajel's the only one who doesn't find it odd that I look out for my sister. "It seems kind of important."
There was no sound from the phone, only silence, but I swear it turned chilly in my hand.
"I see." A pause. "Another hand you have to hold, is it."
"No, Arie, it's not like that, I'll call you back when—"
"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Derek. Bye."
I rubbed my eyes with one hand. "Fuck it. Fuck it."
"Why, is something wrong," Jenny asked.
I sighed. "There's nothing to be done. If you want me, you've got me."
"Maybe I can come back—"
"Jenny, " I said. "Arie hung up on me. Before letting me explain or apologize. If she has problems, they're her problems. Now. What do you want to talk about?"
Jenny blinked at me several times like an owl. An owl that had just flown into a tree or something. An owl crossed with a deer in headlights, if such a thing is possible. An owldeer?
"What's up, Jenny," I asked.
She stared at me, and the words spilled out in a rush. "Derek I'm pregnant."
"Well, umm," I said. "Unless something got mixed up, shouldn't you be telling Trevor? He's your boyfriend, after all, and I suppose he's more likely to be the father than I am... Unless, like I said, something got mixed up somewhere..."
"No, I... I can't tell him," Jenny said. "I..." Her eyes closed and she began to shiver; tears coursed down her cheeks.
I led her from the doorway to my bed (she was shaking, a lot), and sat her down, equipped her with a box of tissues. Christ, no wonder she looked like she'd seen a ghost! "Okay," I said. "Maybe you'd better start from the beginning."
"Okay," said Jenny, gulping, sniffling. She looked bad, but some of the color was coming back into her face, and she took time to comb strands of brown hair from her face. Her trademark humor was coming back into play, too, as her next statement proved.
"Okay," she said. "I hope—I hope it's not news to you that Trevor and I are having sex."
"No, not especially," I said. They've been dating for two years and I've had plenty of chances to see them together. Trevor's a great guy. He's on the varsity swim team and he's never condescended to me or blown me off just because I'm his girlfriend's kid brother. They're very good for each other, and in today's climate of sexual liberation, I'd figured it was only a matter of time before they started doing it. "How long?"
"About nine months," she said. "We gave our virginities to each other on my eighteenth birthday." They're both seniors in high school and are heading off to Hill Valley Community College in the fall, holding out on the hope of scholarships.
Sa .6 By the time Arie, Zach, Derek and Christa arrived, somewhat late because they'd had to swing by and pick up Jenny, the party was in full swing. There was none of this "fashionably-late" stuff; evidently Meredith had gathered a pretty punctual crowd around her. There were a few presents, mostly the slim unmistakable profiles of DVD cases, of CD cases, of hardcover and paperback books; more often it was just an envelope with a gift card. Regardless, with (let's see here... Six plus...
F .5 When it rains, it pours, huh. Get done with one problem—Jenny's situation—and another crops up. I feel like we haven't taken a deep breath in ages. And honestly, I'm a bit scared to. Because then I would smell Brandon on my skin—it's been six hours but I can still smell him, feel the aftershadows of his caress—and I would want to grab him and jump his bones right then and there. Never mind how it's lunchtime and we're out in the middle of nowhere. Hello. I'm Meredith Levine....
M .1 Being naked is a lot less simple than it seems. Of course, I didn't know this at the time. I rather blithely signed up only a few months after Brandon and I got together; I think I had some mad idea of boiling his blood in his veins. Which was a perfectly good idea, of course, and still is; this was during the time, you realize, when we were essentially drunk on each other. People frequently told us to get a room. Which, sometimes, we did. But in any case, I signed up in October, but...
T .3 I'm starting to think that, when you sign up for The Program, events begin to conspire against you. We managed to avoid Michael at the front of the school, when I was stripping down, but not for much longer after that; and bless Brandon's heart, but even he wasn't enough to balance out the trauma of having my brother leering at me. And Bernard... Oh, hello. My name is Meredith Levine. My Program partner confuses me. I still hadn't figured out why he'd gotten so mad at me...
Sa .1 When I rang the doorbell, Meredith's mother answered it. Her face was lined and her hair looked whiter. "Hello, Brandon. Good morning." "Good morning, Mrs. Levine. I, uh. I guess I'm here to help Meredith set up for her birthday party." "Oh, yes, Meredith told me you were coming. Come on in. Ah. Excuse the way everything looks—we, ah. Well, Meredith delivered quite a shock to us last night." "Yes, I imagine. It was... quite a shock to us when we found out." "I don't...
Th .4 There are always people who know things we don't. And, when we need help, we ask those people, because sometimes we don't have the tools we need to deal with problems. Like, if my computer breaks, I call Brandon—since a certain someone is evidently off-limits to me. Brandon can't strip down and rebuilt a computer like that certain someone, but at least he can tell me what some of the error messages mean. But this time it wasn't hardware. Brandon and Meredith were nowhere in sight...
Su .1 When I awoke, the first thing I saw was Brandon's sleeping face. So I woke up with a smile. It was a face I'd seen forever, a face I knew practically by heart... But sometimes I don't think I see him. I just recognize that, oh, yeah, over there, that's Brandon, and then instead of actually seeing him there's just this blur, which is labeled, Brandon, kind of like a video game or something—and then I can see his emotions on his face, in his neck and shoulders and hands, but...
T .1 Waking up is all about memory. We sleep, all of us; we have to disconnect from the world for six or eight or ten hours, and then come back and figure out what we've missed. 9/11 is a good example. Wake up and your radio alarm is saying something about terrorists and the World Trade Center. Huh? At first I figured terrorists had landed in a helicopter or something. But by the time I got to school, I had the whole story. I think I liked mine better. In any case, waking up is all about...
F .1 When I woke up on Friday morning, the first thing that occured to me was that I really didn't want to get up: it was warm in bed, and comfortable—for some reason more so than normal—and I didn't want to leave. I didn't hear any alarms going off, suggesting that I had time to go back to sleep... But first I wanted to see what time it actually was. When I opened my eyes, I didn't recognize the wall, and the clock wasn't where it should be. But when I tried to roll over, I felt an...
Meredith Reborn By Amanda McCree "Making that call en femme as Meredith was the best idea I ever had," Richard thought to himself. Richard Tucker was very pleased with himself, and he had good reason to be. All his work to pass as Meredith had paid off. The income from this one call would cover his overhead for the next two years. He was almost dizzy with the impact of the figures. He was practically set for life. Dressing as Meredith had made the difference. "Here's your...
As I walked into the hotel room hours in advance, my cock was rock hard with anticipation. The last time me, my lover Amy, and her husband Matt were all together, it was my dear love Amy’s turn to be in charge. Amy had Matt and I dress like two Fifties sluts. The kind of girls uptight parents used to believe would cause the downfall of society. It was both Matt and I’s first times with other males though not my first time dressed up. He is still fairly new to this as his wife just discovered...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
As I walked into the hotel room hours in advance, my cock was rock hard with anticipation. The last time me, my lover Amy, and her husband Matt were all together, it was my dear love Amy's turn to be in charge. Amy had Matt and I dress like two Fifties sluts. The kind of girls uptight parents used to believe would cause the downfall of society. It was both Matt and I's first times with other males though not my first time dressed up. He is still fairly new to this as his wife just discovered...
CrossdressingKate and Derek were a pretty typical brother and sister. Derek was a freshman in high school and Kate was in the eighth grade. Both were blooming into full sexuality, Kate one year younger, like most girls when they bloomed. They lived in a typical middle class neighborhood, two story - three bedrooms - two baths, and their parents had typical middle class jobs. Neither Kate nor Derek thought they were really good looking but Kate's friends thought Derek was hot, and in the past six months as...
This follows on from Fucked 3 The Abbey, so read Fucked 1/2/3 first please. C 1997: I was around 21, Derek would have been 39/40, Lyn about 30 , and Kevin about 35.In fucked 3 I had outlined some of my sexual fantasies to Derek. I had met Lyn on a couple of occasions and I thought she was gorgeous (see Fucked 2 ). We had technically sucked each other's tits, but this was for the entertainment of a man.I had met Derek's buddy Kevin once by chance on a train on the way in to work after a night...
Melissa Campbell looked thoughtful as she replaced the phone on its cradle. It was the hospital calling with the news. Forty eight hours her husband, Derek, had been lying comatose in intensive care after the car crash, but it looked like he was going to pull through. The doctor wanted to see her as soon as possible for a "little chat" as he put it. A couple of hours later, Melissa was sitting in Dr Marlow's office. It was her first visit ... there'd been no point coming while Derek was...
I walked into the executive offices and looked at the managingdirector's PA. She was a slightly plump very pretty blonde in her earlytwenties, dressed in a smart business suit with a white blouse and dark,sheer, hose, probably tights. I knew that I would have three days at thecompany and I needed somewhere to stay and some amusement. To fill in timebefore my meetings started, using my security clearance I checked thepersonnel records and made a note of her address. I also discovered thather...
Part two. Sheila and Jay Meet Jackie and Derek for the first time. Sorry it took so long to get done, hope it’s worth the wait. Jay and Sheila started off Saturday like any ordinary weekend. They slept in a bit and had breakfast with the kids. A little later Sheila ran some errands and stopped to get her nails done. She had picked up outfits for both her and Jay. Simple yet trendy for Jay, and jeans and a top that accentuated her body for her. Jay was hanging out at home with the kids. It...
Part two. Sheila and Jay Meet Jackie and Derek for the first time. Sorry it took so long to get done, hope it's worth the wait. Jay and Sheila started off Saturday like any ordinary weekend. They slept in a bit and had breakfast with the kids. A little later Sheila ran some errands and stopped to get her nails done. She had picked up outfits for both her and Jay. Simple yet trendy for Jay, and jeans and a top that accentuated her body for her. Jay was hanging out at home with the kids. It was...
Group SexI had been on a lunch break when I saw some black folks approaching and one lady was carrying a small baby. I watched intently as she sat down and proceeded to breast feed the baby as discretely as possible and something inside me seemed to click. My thoughts went to Derek and after a minute or so, I decided to call him up and tell him I wanted his cock. He had given me his number for just this reason and after I talked with him, he agreed to me and let me take him home with me, even with Joe...
This is my first story so tell me what you think The waves were calm that night as Derek and Jenny walked along the beach. They were out for night swim. Jenny’ s figure looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight. As they stood in the moonlight staring out at the waves, Derek couldn’t help but stare. Jenny and Derek had been best friends since elementary school. Derek wanted to be more than friends ,but was afraid to tell jenny how he felt. Jenny had a good figure. Her breasts were just...
This is my first story so tell me what you think The waves were calm that night as Derek and Jenny walked along the beach. They were out for night swim. Jenny’ s figure looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight. As they stood in the moonlight staring out at the waves, Derek couldn’t help but stare. Jenny and Derek had been best friends since elementary school. Derek wanted to be more than friends ,but was afraid to tell jenny how he felt. Jenny had a good figure. Her breasts were...
First TimeWe were married for six months. Our relationship is still fantastic—lots of sex, great companionship, and just a feeling of completeness. I was happy, but then John's brother returned from a tour of the far east. I had only met him a few times, and his flirtatious manner, I ignored. John told me he was coming for a visit, and after a year of combat in the far east, I should try to make it all pleasant. I wasn't quite sure what that meant, but I guess I would try to be a good hostess.The minute...
Wife LoversChapter 5Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the FullestI gathered up my clothes and shoes and silently went in search of thebathroom to freshen up, as I was ordered to do by my wife's best friendand my doctor, Helen. I couldn't quite believe I had just given head toDerek, who I had only met less than an hour ago and who I suspected wasless than a reputable figure although I had to acknowledge he had a cockworthy of worship. It was the first time I had done that in my life and Ifound the experience both...
Chapter 5 Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the Fullest I gathered up my clothes and shoes and silently went in search of the bathroom to freshen up, as I was ordered to do by my wife's best friend and my doctor, Helen. I couldn't quite believe I had just given head to Derek, who I had only met less than an hour ago and who I suspected was less than a reputable figure although I had to acknowledge he had a cock worthy of worship. It was the first time I had done that in my life and I found...
Derek, my mother’s new boyfriend, was a pervy old man. After Mum split with my dad, her financial situation became precarious. Dad was always the breadwinner of the household. Once he left, Mum was in dire straits. Problem was, she was a materialistic woman, always wanting something for nothing and expecting the best of everything. So she was determined to maintain her affluent lifestyle, even after Dad had gone.It took a few months but she finally snagged a guy with lots of money. Problem was,...
TabooIntroduction: This is another true story of what Derek and I done together. Continuing from the end of My First Sleepover. We lay together on the bathroom floor, our lips glued together with the sticky residue left behind from that mornings activities. Neither one of us moved nor wanted time to go on, so we just stayed in that position for what could of been hours, hugging eachother in a sort of comforting yet sexual embrace. Dereks dick was still twitching and seeping cum when I realised that...
My lover and my husband are in separate rooms changing into the clothing I’ve laid out for them. When they’re finished they’ll come into the library where I’m sitting waiting for them. This will be the first time they’ve touched each other and I’m not going to miss a minute of it. I’m sitting in a big padded chair diagonal to the door. My husband, Matt, comes in first. He looks more comfortable in his dress than I ever imagined he would. The dress I picked out for him reminds me of that...
My lover and my husband are in separate rooms changing into the clothing I've laid out for them. When they're finished they'll come into the library where I'm sitting waiting for them. This will be the first time they've touched each other and I'm not going to miss a minute of it. I'm sitting in a big padded chair diagonal to the door. My husband, Matt, comes in first. He looks more comfortable in his dress than I ever imagined he would. The dress I picked out for him reminds me of that...
CrossdressingBarely speaking to eachother I got dressed, brushed my teeth and left Derek's house. And that was all that happened for several months, things continued as normal each day and I visited his house more frequently; straight after school for a few hours whilst my Mom was still at work and sometimes all day on the weekend when both my parents were in a hotel some place. My Mother, being the perceptive woman she was, noticed that I was spending a lot of my time outside of school with my new...
I was greeted at the door by a very hot nude male stripper for a birthday party I was invited to over Memorial Day weekend. I found out that his name was Derek Tyson and that he entertained for different private parties and events along with dancing at some regional strip clubs. I was also told that he had done several porn shoots. There were at least fifty or sixty people at the party, and the host had the evening well planned out. Since it was a pool party, Derek actually was totally naked...
Gay MaleDerek was a corporate lawyer I met through work. He was an average sort of guy, intelligent but not overly so, well dressed but not exactly sartorial, polite, considerate and quietly spoken but interesting and kind of fun to be with.I was surprised and flattered when he asked me out to dinner. He was an average sort of guy but I knew I was well below average and I didn't asked out much. Hardly ever, to be honest.I liked him. I liked him instinctively from the first time I met him and when I got...
I pulled up to Dereks place. I texted him as I walked up to the front door to let him know I was here. Derek and I had been talking for just under a month. Neither of us really wanted a relationship. We both wanted the cute fun stuff of a relationship, but not the commitment. We’d still go on dates together and constantly flirt, but really it was all about the sex. Whenever we had 10 minutes alone we’d be all over each other, it didn't matter where we were. Whenever he was home alone I’d go...
He watched as the large cock stretched his wife’s pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6’1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...
He watched as the large cock stretched his wife's pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6'1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...
Straight SexIT ALL STARTED ON ONE RAINY MONDAY MORNING. Megan woke up, and made sure she was wearing nothing underneath her ultra mega short nightgown. She went down stairs, and saw her step dad, Derek. DEREK WAS DRINKING COFFEE. Derek's 9'' cock always goes hard every time he sees his step daughter Megan in her ultra mega short nightgown. Derek is 10 years older than Megan. She's 18, he's 28, her mom is 48. MEGAN HAS A GREAT BODY. 37 D cup sized tits, a slim body, a virgin pussy and a great round ass....
As expected, Julie Moran became a frequent visitor to the Derek Ranch. She and Bo would frolic with the dogs at almost every visit, there were awkward times when they were prevented to try. Bo had even convinced the beautiful Entertainment Tonight reporter to get gangbanged by all of her ranch hands, including the maids. Bo had been fucking the staff regularly for a few years now, with John's approval. That was a most pleasurable weekend. She and Julie shared all twenty of the staff...
“Good practice ladies! I’ll see you tomorrow” Coach Barbra Jones yelled as she walked into her office. “I love conditioning practices” Kayley said, slapping my ass as I bent over to get my towel from the bottom of my locker. Her slap stung my ass even through my shorts and spandex. I looked up over my shoulder at her, admiring her body. Kayley was standing behind me, naked, with a towel over her shoulder, ready for her shower. I smiled at her as I slipped out of my clothes and followed her...
LesbianJohn Derek was looking for a new movie for his beautiful young wife, the ravishing Bo Derek. He needed something to show off her beautiful body to the world once more. Ever since she was first presented to the world in her first movie, '10', Bo Derek had been the source of many fantasies for thousands of men. And a fair share of the woman population as well, I would suspect. Her chiseled features and firm body was a rare find indeed, even in the world of movie stars. Yes, Bo Derek is a...
Today would be the follow-up to Miles O'Keefe's audition for John and Bo Derek for their next movie project. A project that was as yet to be revealed to him. After finishing lunch, the three of them headed for the stables. Once there they mounted the horses that were prepared for them by some of the hands. Miles followed the famous couple as they headed down the trail which lead to their private lake. He noticed that a couple of their guard dogs were following as well. He wasn't too...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
That night, John showed his wife his next movie project for her. She spent the night reading the screenplay and fell in love with it. She particularly was fascinated with her scene of riding a stallion bareback and naked. It brought back memories of the bestial fucking she had received that very afternoon. The notion of being naked on a powerful horse started her mind thinking of the possibility of taking the next step in her newly discovered passion. When they went to bed that night John...
Bo Derek continued fucking and sucking the, black movie extras, throughout the filming of 'Tarzan'. Occasionally her husband, John Derek, or her leading man, Miles O'Keefe, would fuck her in their tent. A few times her two white lovers would just sit back and watched as the black actors had their way with her. The filming continued uneventfully for the next three months. The first problem arose when Bo started showing up for her nude scenes sporting hickeys across her body, leaving no...
The opening of their movie, 'Tarzan of the Apes', brought them rave reviews, as all of Bo Derek's movies did, and shot a newcomer in the limelight of celebrity. One in the name of Miles O'Keefe, a.k.a. 'Tarzan'. And with success of a movie came numerous interviews. But none more awaited for than by Julie Moran of Entertainment Tonight. It had been so long since they had seen other and Bo had so much to relate to her friend Julie. The ET crew showed up at their ranch, as they usually...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
When morning came along, Julie Moran awoke to find herself lying on the floor next to a sleeping Bo Derek. It took her a few minutes to recall the events of the previous night. At first she reacted out of revulsion, then she remembered how good it all felt to her. She turned back to face Bo and leaned down and kissed the sleeping beauty next to her. And just as in the story of 'Sleeping Beauty' Bo woke up to the smiling face of her lover. She looked around and noticed that all three dogs...
Miles O'keefe received word two months later that he would be the star in John Derek's next movie project, a remake of 'Tarzan.' Now he knew why all the questions regarding animals. After his introduction into Bo Derek's quirky love habits, he had convinced himself that they were for that rather than a movie. Now he knew. What happened back at the Derek Ranch was just a bonus. He could still picture Bo and John along with the dogs. That same night he had given the Derek's young...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Introduction: (This story may contain some misspelling and mistakes. I re-read everything too fast to catch a simple mistake, so sorry.) This story is based on the 1800s even though it doesnt REALLY seem like it. I hope you enjoy. Ill start on part 2 immediately. ^_^ Dont trouble yourself, sweet heart, Derek watched as one of the house maids roughly scrubbed the kitchen floor. She was hired 4 months ago and was paid so little even though she worked harder than anyone else in the house did....
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...