- 4 years ago
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Cassandra had never done this before. She had heard a few friends describe their adventures when they were able to leave their small town and visit a large city. However, Cassandra was always a little reluctant for fear her father or one of her brothers would hear of her activities and decide she really wasn't old enough to live on her own. In less than ten days she was moving from her parental home into her first apartment.
The move to be independent still might not help. She feared the men in her family would increase their level of attention to her activities. The few eligible men in town rarely called back for the second or third date. There weren't that many places to go on a date anyway, one movie theatre, one diner and a family style restaurant.
The small home town did not provide the same anonymity a large city would. As for finding a bar, club, or a lounge—-that really was a joke. About the only places to sit in a bar and have a drink were the country club and a beer joint on the edge of town.
The original idea had been to invite a friend to join her on a weekend trip to a large city for some fun and shopping. However, before she could execute her plan, her father had asked her to deliver some paperwork he needed signed and returned immediately. This trip gave her the best opportunity she might ever have. It was a risk, but a risk she was willing to take, just this one time. She only hoped she had planned well enough that she didn't place herself in any real danger, but she did want an adventure.
The hotel was magnificent, not one she would normally select, but so elegant it made Cassandra feel more than comfortable as she started to unpack her bag. Before calling home to let them know she was safely in her hotel room, she read the instructions on the telephone. Tempted to pump her fist in the air, she muttered a breathless, "Yes-s-s."
The convenience of having a telephone number directly to her room removed another obstacle she had been concerned about.
"Hello, Mother."
"Oh, I'm so glad you called Sandy. Your father just asked me if you had reported in."
Cassandra winced at her step-mother's use of the childish name, but kept her tone of voice from changing. She was trying so hard to stop people from calling her Sandy. She wanted to be known by her proper name, Cassandra. It sounded more professional and mature.
"Yes ma'am. Look at the caller ID and tell me if you see the telephone number to my room."
The woman Cassandra called Mother replied, "It says "Unknown" but there is a number displayed."
"Read it to me so I can make sure it's correct."
Her mother read off the numbers for Cassandra to check against the information on her telephone.
"That's correct.
"Oh, before I forget, tell Daddy that when I delivered the documents I was told I should check back about mid-morning tomorrow to see if they are ready for me to pick up the signed copies."
Cassandra looked at the double-size, folded business card in her hand, the one the receptionist had given her. She opened it looking at the list of names, and almost said something to her step-mother, but withheld her comment for fear it would start a discussion she could not handle.
"You didn't have any trouble on the way up there did you?"
"No, ma'am. I found their office right away. Golly, this is a big city."
Her mother chuckled, "Yes, honey, it sure is. It gives you a good idea why we stay in this small town. What are you doing for supper?"
Cassandra paused for a moment, "Oh, I don't know yet, but I looked out the window and saw the signs of a couple of restaurants and some fast-food places. I'll get something quick and come back to my room. I brought a book with me. I'll probably read until I get sleepy. Driving this far made me feel tired."
"Okay, call me before you leave there tomorrow. Or, call me if you need to stay a second night."
"Yes, ma'am. Bye-bye."
Cassandra truly didn't dislike her step-mother and only remembered about half the time that she wasn't her real mother. The woman was only a few years older than men her father's generation might call a trophy wife. She had taken the place of her father's first wife who had not survived the birth of their sixth child. Nor did the woman provide a substitute for the fifth son her father had also lost.
Cassandra had looked forward to being replaced as the baby of the family. Her father finally admitted that four sons and one daughter was enough assurance there would be a continuation of the family business.
Cassandra took a couple of deep breaths and finished pulling her clothes from her bag. She put the skirt, blouse, and blazer she would wear tomorrow on a hanger in the closet along with the low heel shoes. She left her daytime underwear and casual clothes in the bag.
The next item she pulled from the bag was THE DRESS. It had taken her almost a month to find the dress she wanted. Because she came from a small town, there were only a few stores that sold cocktail dresses. Although most were rather conservative, a few had held possibilities. The one she selected would shock her mother, but it was exactly what Cassandra wanted, revealing in a subtle way, but sexy, too.
She had already put her makeup bag and bath items in the bathroom. The only thing left was the secret bag in the front zipper compartment. She had worried that her mother would find the bag so she'd put it in her suitcase as soon as it arrived. It was a thong. Cassandra had never owned a thong and was almost frightened at how revealing the delicate item of lingerie would be when she put it on. The small bag also contained the thigh high stockings she still couldn't believe would stay up for the few hours she would wear them.
Cassandra removed the clothing she was wearing and hung everything, checked the clock then pulled on her favorite long sleep shirt. Although she wasn't really hungry, she needed to eat something. The few snacks and a bottle of water she'd purchased when she stopped to fill her car were still in her oversized handbag, the same bag she had used to carry her father's paperwork.
With nothing left on her list of pre-preparations, Cassandra crawled to the middle of the bed. As an afterthought, she set the small clock on the bedside table to allow for a three-hour nap. She passed on the temptation to look at the business card again. She had finally gotten over the surprise he lived here. She thought he had moved much farther away after he left his job with her father's company. The city was so large it was virtually impossible she would see him.
Even though she was awake before the alarm, Cassandra remained in bed, thinking about what she was going to do that evening. Giggling, she finally walked into the bathroom. She had three hours to make herself into the person she wanted to be for the evening. She had practiced, she had planned, and now it was time to execute the first steps of her adventure.
"Bubble bath," Cassandra muttered, finally accepting the planned Brazilian wax treatment part of her original plan needed to be abandoned. She didn't really want to be hairless "down there" but she did place her rounded point scissors on the edge of the bathtub.
Two and one-half hours later, Cassandra stood in front of the wide mirror at the foot of her bed, looking at her reflection and at the bed.
Cassandra steeled her resolve. She was not going to allow a moment of caution cause her to abandon her plans. She went through her mental checklist:
Room — Check. Everything was put away and neat.
Bathroom — Check. All of the items she had used to make herself into a mature Cassandra were gone, too.
Hair — Check. Her normally straight hair showed her efforts with the curling iron to add body and some gentle waves. Plus the combs at the sides revealed the dangling earrings she'd received as her most recent birthday present from her parents. Diamonds on her twenty-first birthday were some kind of family tradition, or so her mother had told her.
Makeup — Check. All of the practice she had done in the last few weeks, and immediately washed off before anyone saw it, was worth the effort. The result made her eyes look larger and a much deeper blue. The subtle shading on her cheeks gave definition to her bone structure and the slightly darker shade under her jaw lengthened her neck.
Perfume — Check and double-check. She inhaled while holding her wrist near her face. Ah, Joy and nothing but Joy. Finding unscented soaps and shampoos was a challenge, but Sandy had been particular since she was sixteen and received a small emerald-cut bottle, one-half ounce, of the expensive perfume from her Grandmother. Few people recognized the scent, but many complimented Sandy on her "new" perfume, allowing her a secret little smile that she was wearing a fragrance almost 100 years old, once touted as "The most costly perfume in the world." She wasn't sure about the twenty-eight dozen roses per ounce, but she had never lost her feeling it was exactly right for her.
Ass — Check. She grinned when she turned around and lifted her dress to look at the faint line of the thong as it went up to join the one around her waist.
Front — Check. She almost groaned when she turned around to check the trimming she had done "down there." The faintly pink, flesh-colored front of the thong was so sheer she could see much more than she expected.
Legs — Check. Sitting on the bed, on the chair, crossing her legs, and leaning against the dresser had revealed only a small amount of the lace at the top of her thigh high stockings. Bending over more than she would expect to do, even squatting to pick up something she had dropped had been no worse.
Shoes — Check. Three-inch black heels, whose straps across her toes and cups cradling her heels allowed her to walk without slapping her foot with each step. She had practiced in the store, at home, and had worn them for hours when there was no one but her at home. She had even walked up and down the stairs and felt comfortable that she was moving with as much grace as possible. That had been one of her two most important criteria when planning the evening.
Evening Bag — Check. Cash and her identification, plus lipstick and a cotton handkerchief was everything she needed. She finally added her room keycard and snapped the closure.
Dress — Check. The second most important criterion was slinky, elegant, and long. The color closely matched the dark blue of her eyes. When she put her head down to see her feet, only her toes showed. When she took a longer than usual step, the side slit parted to show the lower half of her thigh. No panty line showed at her waist, not even from the rear. The top fit her shape but wasn't tight, not even snug. The deep plunging neckline in front was moderately hidden by draped, shawl-like folds, yet a deep cleavage was revealed to anyone standing near her. The same kinds of folds, seen from the rear, flowed halfway down her back. She wiggled her upper body just to see how much her unfettered breast moved and smiled at what she saw.
Cassandra — Check. It was her reminder to herself that for the remainder of the evening, she was an elegant woman, Cassandra. She was not the childish Sandy, nor was she the Little Sister her four older brothers continued to tease.
Let Cassandra's adventure begin.
When Cassandra stood at the entrance to the hotel's Midnight Lounge she forced herself not to tremble. She had needed the same willpower when she pushed the top-floor elevator button after she left her room. From the elevator she had taken slow, careful steps. Now, standing at the entrance to the lounge, she felt nervous and excited, yet she remained until her eyes adjusted to the subdued lighting inside the club.
On her left was a long, semi-oval bar, showing dark panels of wood and polished brass fittings. The smoky mirror behind the bar reflected the lights shining on the shelves of displayed liquor bottles. A short, stocky bartender in a white waistcoat and neat bow tie was placing a short glass in front of a patron, the ice clinking against the thick glass when his hand moved. There were only a few men sitting on the upholstered, high-backed, bar stools. Each of them was separated by at least one empty stool.
It was a little early, but Cassandra hadn't been able to wait one more minute. She had learned from the bellman that the bar opened shortly after lunch and had a fairly moderate after-work accumulation of patrons. However, late evening hours were better, with a fairly elegant style of dress expected. Another bar in the hotel was available for those who preferred a more casual style.
The right side of the room had several booths with half-circle tables in front of wrap-around bench seating. One of the booths had a couple snuggling close to each other. Between the booths and the bar sat several small tables with deep cushioned club chairs. Three of the tables held people. She didn't give much attention to the far tables in the back since that part of the club wasn't being used this evening. The Midnight Lounge was designed for comfort and intimacy, exactly what Cassandra wanted.
Maintaining her slow, even pace, Cassandra walked to the middle of the bar where there were several empty seats. She selected a stool with at least two empty places on each side, raised her hip and sat on the front of the seat. Placing her feet on the rung, she lifted, shifting back to be more comfortable. She placed her small evening bag on the bar near her left hand.
"Good evening, ma'am. I'm Harvey. And what will you have this evening?"
Cassandra paused for a moment, looked behind the bartender and quietly said, "Grey Goose, please, Harvey."
"Straight, with a twist, or on ice?"
Cassandra looked at the middle-aged man as if she were thinking for a moment then said, "On ice, with a twist of lime if you have it. If not, lemon is fine."
"Grey Goose with a lime twist it is," the bartender educated her how to ask for the drink next time.
Cassandra reached for her bag, but her fingers stilled on the clasp when Harvey patted the back of her hand.
"For a beautiful woman, the first drink is on the house."
Cassandra nodded her head at the man's compliment and smiled slowly, then whispered, "Thank you."
Harvey returned a few moments later to place a coaster in front of Cassandra and a napkin beside it. The ice in the thick glass tinkled as he placed her drink before her, then stood for a moment as if he were waiting for something.
Cassandra lifted the glass and took a tiny sip. She nodded, tasting only the mild sting of the lime in her drink. "Very good, Harvey. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Miss ... ah," Harvey said quietly after dropping his eyes to Cassandra's left hand.
"Cassandra," she breathed her name quietly, but not so quietly that the two men nearest her couldn't hear.
"Are you a guest in our hotel this evening?"
Cassandra nodded once, just barely moving her chin downward, not interested in anyone hearing her response.
Harvey nodded too, accepting her desire for privacy. He tapped his fingers twice on his edge of the bar, sort of a shorthand message that he would check back with her in a little while. Cassandra took another small sip of her drink and looked straight ahead examining the part of the room she could see reflected in the mirror behind the bar.
Now that Cassandra was sitting on a barstool and had a drink in front of her, she began to relax. The stiffness of her posture softened and the fabric of her dress over her shoulders wasn't quite as tight as it had felt before. She did not look down as front of her dress slipped an inch, displaying more cleavage.
For the first time, she noticed the faint sound of music coming from some hidden speakers. Perhaps this particular piece was a little louder than the previous ones, or maybe she had been so tense she hadn't paid attention. She recognized the instrumental and silently thought about the words that matched it.
Cassandra looked in the bar mirror watching the man and woman in the booth directly behind her. They were talking quietly. His body was turned toward hers while his arm rested on the table in front of them. He appeared to whisper something in her ear then gently kissed her cheek. She turned her head as if to respond, and his lips touched hers for a moment. It was a gentle, pleasant demonstration of affection, mesmerizing with its ease.
From behind one end of the wall at the back of the bar, a young lady appeared and began to set up the server station, checking the supplies of coasters, napkins, and drink garnishes she would need. Her costume was similar to Harvey's, except her white waistcoat was sleeveless. She wore no shirt and her pants were short, black shorts. She, too, was wearing a black bowtie.
The waitress's movements seemed to attract the attention of most of the men around the bar. It was a good opportunity for Cassandra to give each of them a careful look. She might not have the opportunity to meet each of them before one decided to get a little friendlier and occupy her attention. She didn't want to make a wrong choice.
The unknown men presented her greatest risk, but they were also the reason for the whole adventure. The few men she knew in her small town were nothing compared to a man who lived in a large city, one who matched himself against others. She was looking for a man of substance, not a lazy, small town hick.
Had Cassandra been paying attention to the lounge's entry, she would have seen a tall man, perhaps in his late thirties or early forties, examine the room while his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. His shoulders were slightly broader than most, which emphasized the neat cut of his suit. She might have noticed his dark charcoal, custom made suit; either that or it had been skillfully altered for him.
She missed his glance at her as he noted the color of her dress. He confirmed that it closely matched the dark blue of his own shirt before returning his eyes to her.
He looked around the interior of the lounge, recognizing a few people he had seen before. He knew the names of several of the women, but wasn't interested in their kind of action for the evening.
He could not stand being at home alone for another hour so he had dressed and left, at the last minute deciding to visit the lounge in the hotel. It would be quiet. He could have a few drinks and perhaps spend an hour or two with a woman who didn't mind having a good conversation and nothing more.
The man relaxed one leg as if he would take a step forward then locked his knee again, supporting his weight on both legs.
"No!" he whispered. He didn't realize the faint sound of his word could be heard by someone standing beside him. His other thoughts were silent. 'It can't be her. She doesn't live in this city. But — damn, the resemblance is remarkable.'
It had been six years since he'd last seen the real Sandy. His first impression of the woman at the bar may have been a bit of wishful thinking. A thirty-two year old man did not lust after his employer's teenage daughter. And ... he certainly didn't stick around to see if what he felt was deeper than infatuation.
He almost took a step but decided to watch the woman for a moment longer. He shook his head from side to side, just the barest movement, finally accepting he was mistaken. The woman in front of him was a few years older, more elegant, her movements were more sensual and easier than the young woman, actually a girl, he had known.
Sandy may not have been the primary reason he had moved to a big city, but she was certainly one of them. He had seen her often, too often. He worked closely with her father. He had introduced his sister to Sandy's father. After they married, he had been around when Sandy was six years old. He was there when she turned ten, he recalled her birthday party that year. He watched her budding into a true beauty when she was fifteen. He fled before she turned sixteen.
Fearing he would make an absolute fool of himself, he'd told her father of his attraction to Sandy and quit his job. Fletch had understood and promised not to push him to visit. He also promised to keep the secret from his wife, Helen, who was a little over-protective of Sandy.
No, she couldn't possibly be the Sandy he knew. She was a helluva woman, though. He could imagine what the long slender leg, he could see in the side slit of her skirt, would feel like wrapped around him. He had no special plans for the evening, but never passed up an opportunity to be with a beautiful woman.
Although few people knew it, the Midnight Lounge was his favorite watering hole. He didn't bring dates to the exclusive club, yet he did visit often enough that the bartender and owner knew him. He'd been fortunate, if that was the proper term, to find an attractive woman or two in the club. They were either guests of the hotel or otherwise had special access to the quiet surroundings by being a close friend of a friend. A number of the more playful women in town were known to visit occasionally. There was a rather loose, gentleman's agreement that no one recognized anyone who entered the club, even if they had been a previous sexual partner.
Half-mesmerized by the profile he could see, the man walked to the bar and selected a seat to the right of the woman, leaving only one stool vacant between them.
Harvey looked up from rinsing glasses in the bar dish washer, "Scotch, Tank?"
Cassandra drew in a deep breath, praying she hadn't made a sound.
"Yeah, thanks, Harvey," the man answered. He glanced at the bar in front of the woman. Perhaps he might advance his efforts if she were ready for another drink.
Cassandra tensed in her seat, her shoulders raised and stiffened. She could no longer relax. 'No, oh please, no, ' she thought, but she knew her thoughts betrayed her knowledge. All the weeks of planning, the purchases she had managed to hide from her parents, and her earlier preparations were wasted. She took a quick swallow of her drink barely managing to do so without choking.
Harvey placed the coaster, napkin, and drink in front of Tank and stood a moment for the taste test. When Tank nodded, Harvey moved away, stopping for a moment in front of Cassandra to tap his edge of the bar, silently asking if she was ready for a refill.
Cassandra shook her head and managed to stop the movement so her profile was turned slightly away from the new man at the bar, looking in the mirror as the waitress stopped at a table to take an order. 'Relax Sandy, relax, ' she instructed herself. 'It's been a few years, maybe he doesn't recognize you. Give him time to get interested in what's happening in the other parts of the room.' Her mind was still whirling, flashes of memories and short conversations drifted through her mind.
Could she do it? Could she deceive him? As a young teen she had stared moon-eyed at this man. Could she flirt with him tonight, convince him she was a sophisticated woman out for a night of fun?
The scrape of a chair across the wood floor came from the opposite end of the room as lighting came up and began to reflect in the mirror. A few test notes played on a piano overwhelmed the sound coming from the speakers. A slow melody was executed with expression and style. A male voice humming unspoken words replaced the former gentle sounds of canned music.
The sound of the piano grew dimmer as the player spoke, "For your listening and dancing pleasure this evening, I'm Tony. If you have a favorite you would like to hear, let the waitress, Star, know about it. I've never known a star before. Don't you think her name is rather appropriate for the Midnight Lounge?"
A faint smattering of laughter ended Tony's remarks as he continued to play, adding a few hummed phrases now and then. He soon switched to a little faster music for several minutes. Then the slow strains of a waltz filled the room. Tony was demonstrating that he could provide every type of dancing music.
Tank recognized the man from the near corner of the bar as he approached. They had certainly sampled a few of the same women, although Carlton was a much heavier player than Tank knew, visiting the club at least two nights a week. Tank came in just a few times a month and was much more selective of the women he found attractive. Many of his visits were only for the opportunity to dance and converse with a woman in a somewhat "no holds barred" conversation, enjoying the tease as much as if he had a night with the woman.
Cassandra watched as a man from the near corner of the bar approached to ask, "Would you like to dance?"
Cassandra offered her hand and smiled then slipped off her stool. She felt the man's hand squeeze hers as he led her to the dance floor. He pulled her to him, pushed her hip to turn her in a circle under his arm and wrapped one arm around her. He was a little bit of a showoff, but Sandy could follow him easily. His hand rested against her back with his thumb slowly stroking the bare skin above the low drape of the neckline at the back of her dress.
He introduced himself as Carlton and nodded when she said her name. Otherwise, they were silent as they enjoyed the dance with several other couples on the floor. Tony was quite a talented piano player, plus his baritone voice added sensuality to the atmosphere inside the club.
Carlton kept her on the dance floor through three different songs, demonstrating his skill, occasionally trying to hold Cassandra a little tighter than she preferred. He finally got the message and just enjoyed the dance along with a few comments on why each of them had selected this lounge for the evening.
When Carlton finally returned her to her seat, the barstool on her left had been moved a little farther left to be nearer its neighbor. A couple occupied the two stools. They were chatting as if they were well acquainted, using short sentences as they discussed their day. Tank was now sitting on her immediate right. He had moved to give two couples the stools between him and the far corner of the bar.
Cassandra thanked Carlton for the dance and climbed back up on her seat. The interlude had given her a chance to relax a little, but now her tension was back. A full glass was sitting before her. She looked at Harvey and he jerked his head to the man beside her. Tank had bought her a fresh drink. It was now or never. Could she pull it off? She did not know but it was worth the effort to try. Oh well, here goes nothing.
"Thank you," Cassandra turned her head as she spoke, keeping her chin down and speaking quietly. The practice to lower her voice and speak slowly produced sounds she was so proud of, they added an extra sparkle to her eyes and a little more to her smile.
"You're welcome," Tank replied, trying not to stare down the front of this woman's dress but still barely glancing at her face. He finally decided he had been mistaken. This was a woman, several years older than Sandy, although the resemblance was remarkable. Her facial features were more mature and her body was certainly much more voluptuous. He suspected she was two or more inches taller than his memory of Sandy.
"Are you a guest at the hotel tonight?" His question was so nonchalant she didn't recognize it as one of the oldest pick up lines the man knew.
Rather than cross her fingers, Cassandra crossed her ankles, hoping for the same effect, when she replied, "Yes, but only for one night." Oh heck, why did she tell him that? A simple positive response would have worked just as well.
"Are you traveling on business?"
Cassandra tested the chuckle she had practiced for a month, "Oh yes, and hoping my business doesn't keep me here longer than one night." She took a deep breath before asking her own get-acquainted question, "And you?"
"No, I live here. I just like this place. It's quiet. If I stay too late Harvey will call someone to put me in a cab for home." He laughed a little, matching her humor.
"Yes, it is quiet. The man at the piano, Tony, he's good."
"This is his bar."
Think slow Cassandra, she reminded herself, "Oh really? Does he own the bar so he can have a permanent place to entertain, or is it the other way around?"
Tank looked at Tony then turned back to the woman, "You know, I'm not sure. I could go ask him."
Cassandra put her hand on Tank's arm, "Oh please, don't." She tried to laugh. "I think I was just making conversation."
They continued their polite conversation for a few more minutes, interspersed with short periods of silence. Several times Cassandra looked at Carlton but his attention was usually directed elsewhere. She also gave her attention to the other men around the perimeter of the bar, none of whom interested her. She might as well see how far she could go with hiding who she was from Tank.
Tank turned and offered his right hand, "My friends call me Tank."
She placed her right hand in his. "Cass." She did not know why she didn't complete the rest of her first name. He had known her as Sandy, perhaps not saying Sandra would help with her subterfuge.
"Is that short for Cassidy or something like that?"
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I know many of the people who come to my website love big tits. I mean, let’s face it, if you’re a fan of porn like me, big tits are what got you into porn in the first place! Seeing all those hot pornstars with fabulous, grabbable tits had to be one of the best things you got to watch when you were a kid. You would see them on shelves of Blockbuster, on magazine covers, and so on... Today, however, you can actually see them on the internet with just a few clicks! However, it’s getting harder...
Big Tits Porn SitesKagney Linn Karter is working to be the top realtor in her area but her best friend Britney always comes out on top, mostly because she’ll do ANYTHING to sell a home. The listing Kagney’s showing today should put her over the top if her client Nat Turnher decides to buy it. After touring the house, Nat mentions that this is the second time he’s seen the house, his first being with Britney, who didn’t close the deal because she didn’t want to lend a “helping...
xmoviesforyouPROLOGUE Autumn 1980. Me and Paul had been mates. Not best mates, but mates nonetheless, and good mates. I was 18 and worked in a bank. Paul was 20 and in the army, stationed mostly in Germany but also doing his stints in Northern Ireland. As such, we only met up when Paul was on leave, and trust me, a good time was always had on those rare occasions! The hangovers were not so good, but hey, we were young - we recovered quickly. But this story is not about Paul, I only mention...
I was the last of five children, but far younger than my siblings. My father’s first wife had died in a car accident when the youngest of his four children was ten and the oldest, sixteen. About a year after she was gone, he married my mother who twenty years younger than him. She hadn’t anticipated how hard it would be raising four kids, so she told my dad she did not want to have any of her own. My dad was a farmer, so we really had no close neighbors. Once the crops were in, he drove a...
TeenJim changing into Rachael Jane Once upon a time, there was a man called Jim, who was struggling to keep control of his life. The main problem was the stress that he was under from the work that he was doing. He was doing 18 hours a day, so he had no time to rest or play games. One day he got so stressed out that he totally flipped his mind and started to daydream of what it would be like to be a little girl. Then one of his work colleges found out about this and thought to...
A being in a dark room stretches. "Ah time to get explore the cosmos. Been awhile" The room shifts. Stars, planets, light, shadow, colors all wiz by on the walls until it all stops on a blue green planet. "First one. Alright lets see the life on this rock." The room zooms in to view a city, then shifts to the left for a suburb. The being points to a human and the room shifts in front of them. "Perfect first choice."
Back at Celle I had my platoon to attend to, and this took my mind off Miriam and the state she was in. I got distracted from my own problems by one of the riflemen in the platoon going Absent Without Leave (AWOL). He was a young bloke, not long out of the Junior Leaders battalion, about the same age as I had been when I'd joined 3RGJ. He had taken up with some local girl and wanted to marry her. You need permission from your CO to wed a local when serving abroad; he had been refused and was...
[Author's warning: this is a supernatural horror story about Vampires. Consequently, there is a good deal of mayhem and blood in this story. It may not be for everyone. This is fiction, and I abhor real violence of any kind. Please read the author's note.] [Pictures of the main characters can be found here, as well as along the story paths as characters are introduced.] Jessica awakens, disoriented and confused, in an unfamiliar room. She shivers a bit in the cold, and tries to remember the...
FantasyHe woke up to a tingling feeling around his cock. He didn’t know what it was at first, but once he oriented himself and moved the blanket away, he saw part of his wife’s dark hair bobbing up and down. The soft slurping sound blended with the unique stillness that you can only find in the middle of the night. He looked at the alarm clock on his dresser and saw that it was 3:45am. “God, you’re sexy,” he said finally. She smiled with his cock still in her mouth and then kept going. Now that he was...
Straight SexI applied the dark black makeup to my eyes and put on my red lipstick, I was getting horny as fuck and was extremely ready for action. I'm a 15 year old love machine, as innocent as I look... And I have a fetish for way older men, that's why I was especially excited that my uncle was coming over for the week, my uncle Mike. I sat down on my bed slowly getting wet just at the thought of him slowly filling me with his hot penis... I tossed and turned as I let out another orgasm of the day and...
Waits patiently beside the school, to feast on girls and boys." -"The Ghoul," Jack Prelutsky *** The first time the Night People came for Amina she was six years old, and it was Valentine's Day, and also her birthday. She stayed up late that night with a flashlight, looking at the Valentines from her classmates and chewing the small, chalky candy hearts the teacher gave out. The cards were flat, pink and red cartoons that didn’t really make sense to her. When she thought of...
CRUEL INTENTIONS ? By Sonya Esperanto [email protected] ? This is a non-profit story. It is also not intended for anyone below 18. ? Solar Woman is a property of Nightwing316. Power Princess is a character from Squadron Supreme and hence, belongs to Marvel. Sersi is an Avengers character and also belongs to Marvel. Voodoo is a character from WILDC.A.T.S., and so hence, belongs to...
They took the long way back. Big Bend to Del Rio to Kountze to Town Bluffs Dam to Woodville to Tyler. Del Rio because the DEA chase plane insisted ... they fueled up on the government dime. Kountze, Town Bluffs and Woodville because E'veen wanted to see it. Tyler ... well ... their planes were there. Besides their jobs. On final approach into Pounds Field, E'veen agreed to Bill's scheme. "It's Science Fiction, Bill ... but what we're doing is just as bad. If anyone had told me I'd...
I heard Grace’s sobs for me as I lay in my coffin deep in my darkened apartment. My heart ached for her agony. As promised though, I sent her my heart in my stead. It would calm her for a moment and then someone would brush against her and frighten her in the crowded city street. She’d murmur to herself: ‘If Angel were here, I’d not feel so frightened.’ Just by thinking my name, she woke me from my trance. I was obligated by my promise to at least touch her telepathically. It was harder than I...
Nervously, I knelt on the ground, and wait for Mistress to return. The whole day, I had spent cleaning her house, wearing my maid outfit, always making sure that everything on it was in order. It was difficult to keep the white stockings and gloves clean, but I had managed to do so, all while in 5" black heels, a lace-like maid outfit, and of course, a plug, collar, and cage to keep me from playing early. So I had finished my tasks, re applied my make-up, combed my short black, hair and had...
The party was more than a little awkward for Allen, especially as the “guest of honor,” since he wasn’t known as the partying type of guy. Even so, it was such a nice gesture from his boss, Dan, and Dan’s fiancee, Samira. Furthermore, Allen had branched out a little and gotten it on with two other women and a man that same day. He had also been hit on by various people during the hearing, much to his surprise. It was more than a little flattering. Allen got a little spruced up for the event...
I think I gave a sigh of relief when school started, and my days were no longer interrupted by girls who wanted to get naked with me. Plus the weather got cool, and with the wind that's constant in Oklahoma, it felt even cooler. Everybody started wearing clothing that covered them up, including Emma and Ashley. I had about a month of relief until they showed up one night asking if they could do homework at my house, because there were too many distractions at their own homes. What they...
Has Lyn and I lay our bodies entwined could hear Mom and Sunny in the next room. Laughter and moans of sexual pleasure, Sunny had drifted into our lives two days ago Mom had selected herself to look after Sunny and the two had quickly become inseparable. The previous night Sunny had been seduced by Mom whilst Lyn and I made love by the side of them. Lyn nuzzled my breast. I stroked Lyn’s breast she moaned with pleasure she reached down I felt her warm hand rub my clitoris I soon reached my...
A Meeting of TV GirlfriendsBy kara1970tv2Part 3 - our evening concludes...Our makeup redone once again, and a quick change of outfit each, a quick visit to the loo, and our drinks refreshed, our girlie night-in was ready to be continued...My dress was actually the very first item of female apparel that I’d ever bought (with the exception of some lingerie). It has always been my favourite dress, and I still have it. I chose to match it with the same lingerie as before, but with the sheer...
I savored my Ojo-sama’s breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen’s edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us in the warm, summer evening. Their chirping cries celebrated our love. My tongue brushed...
The video image flickered on the core’s largest screen television. Suddenly, a nice-looking couple appeared sitting side-by-side on a sofa twelve hundred miles to the north. The style of dress to accommodate the cooler northern weather was quite noticeable. A small box in the lower corner of the screen showed the local view and what they saw. Aaron spoke first, “Hi Martin and Sasha. We can see you fine. Thanks for the call. I have a cast of thousands here to meet you for the first time...
JUICY JANE IS MY FIRST EVER GIRLFRIEND FOR FEW YUMMY YEARS - HOT HELEN SWEET SISTERJUICY JANE ENORMOUSLY EROTICALLY ENJOYS TO MODEL FOR ME - EVEN FULLY NUDE AS ABOVEJane is first to offer me access to her Private Parts at an almost daily base Whereas my young sis is first LOVEJane is first to come from my kissing hissing whispering before fingering to heaven from first to sixth or seventhJane is first to make my warm wet wooden Mighty Manhood wet her hands our pants and front-seats of my...
“So, you did go over there then, talked to them?” said Victoria. “Yes, and it was a battle. You were right; they hate us,” said Selena. “In retrospect, I can’t blame them. I guess my words hurt the woman real bad. I didn’t need to do that, say the things I said. It was just selfishness on my part. I see that now. The man has done so much for me and for your dad ... well, I just don’t know what I was thinking,” said Victoria. “Yes, and he is my dad too,” said Selena. “He was really hurt and...
I was going to meet Tanya's family and I was nervous, if only there was someway to relax... “ You ready?” Tanya shouted. She was stood down in the hall, with an eye on the clock. “ Yep,” Jenna said. Jenna's mind was on other things. She looked again to make sure her new hair colour matched the clothes she'd picked to wear. Tonight was such a big night that her dark red hair was playing on her mind. She usually slapped any colour on her head, safe in the knowledge that it wouldn't be too bad...
LesbianOne evening, a few months ago, my secretary Sheena transferred a call into my chamber, it was probably 7 o’clock & I was working late on one of my new export project, normally, I do not like to be disturbed when I am working late, as during the day, there are many calls, visitors & appointments, so my chain of thought & working gets disturbed, if I am working on a new project, I usually start late in the evening & work into the wee hours of the morning to avoid disturbances….anyways Sheena...
After dinner, Count Tellan spoke privately to those who were going east. "The man who commands the soldiers is Captain Andromus. He is a bit of a prig and very conceited. His sister is one of Lady Becky's foremost students and will be assuming many of her duties while she is gone. Lady Becky has a formidable weapon there, and, Lady Becky, you have my permission to use it. Moreover, both Lady Becky and Lady Noia will have letters from me, proclaiming that they aren't to be interfered with,...
My Instant Messaging Sub Chapter 1 ? First meeting A/N: Just to let you all know, this is biographical, so be prepared... Love, Robyn It had started out as all normal days had, several Instant Messages on the go, when all of a sudden I get an IM from a guy, looking to be a sub for a dominant woman. Of course, I took him up on it, hook, line and sinker. He seems nice enough... a man from Toronto, and very subservient, so when I led him into my trap, he didn't even try to shy...
THE FINAL CONDITIONING Laura's time at the Mayim Clinic, Amy told her, was approaching its end. Even as Laura approached her graduation, her friends were starting their own path of conditioning. Amy had arranged for Taylor and Erica to join Laura at the clinic and begin having training sessions to make them into good little hetero fuckdolls at a more fundamental level. Shortly thereafter, Alistair added his own harem of sluts, by invitation of the clinic, and Candy and Hayley and Katy,...
Introduction: You think Kurtz would have some sort of sexually transmitted desease by now. Good thing hes nailing a doctor this time ,) (yeah the original version kind of sucked so I made it better, hope you like it) Part five: Doctor Love I walked away from Ravens village only thinking of my own survival. I ran until my legs couldnt hold me anymore. I collapsed and realized my nose started bleeding again. Damn it all I snapped. I held my sleeve up to my nose to realize it really hurt. I...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1:????? A New Hunt It was an island prison like none other.? It was the home of continual rape, sodomy, torture, and total degradation for its prisoners, all women. It was the source of great pleasures for honored guests of both sexes who paid large sums to visit and brutally amuse themselves with its imprisoned inhabitants.? For Katrina Brandt, however, it was the most enjoyable and highly paid job of her life. She loved every moment of it. Katrina was in great...
I disliked my boss, Nathan O'Brian--hell I hated him. He walked into my cubical. "Denton, my daughter needs an escort to the dance at the club Saturday night. It would be nice if you could find the time to take her. Here is her phone number. You can call and make the arrangements." The son-of-a-bitch had the power to make me do this. I needed this job (until yesterday) and as I was the next one for layoff without any excuse, it was all he needed to make sure I complied. Just before I made...
In the back room of the sheriff's office, Clete and Priscilla sat watching the video tape they had made the night before. The rich, auburn-haired girl watched with a sneer of disdain mixed with triumph. Clete's mouth hung open in awe, awe at the sight of his huge genitalia and technique of his lovemaking and the beauty and grace of the young beauty he was fucking dog-style. In spite of his satisfying session with Desirée last night, he felt an instant arousal at sight of what he had...
Sitting at home, could not sleep, so tried to watch some late night infomericals. The girl friend was out with the girlfriends. I figure it was an all nighter, since it was 1am.My girl friend had a university daughter that loved to flirt and had a body to go with it. She was always rubbing into me, shoving her hips sideways into my hip, when her mom was not around. I brushed it off as cheap harmless firty.About 1:30am, car lights pulled into the drive, and sat there for awhile. I figured it was...
Chapter 1 Okay, guys, you're not gonna believe this but it happened, it sure did, right here in Meridian, Mississippi, another of the many towns and cities nicknamed, 'Queen City.' Well, I've dated a few of the queens here in Meridian and, like in the other like-named cities, some put out and some didn't, some were good at it, some weren't. I'm single (You already guessed, right?), have a good, full-time job as a head maintenance mechanic in a fair-sized factory here, make pretty good money,...
Group SexAlycia Abused AcquanintedActress Amazing Amateur Amusee As Astoundedas Attractive Awesome aa Boobies Bare Beautifulelted Best Bilingual Bisexual Blond Baby Beauty Bare Blows BDSM-submissiveCandid Careful Carelessly Central Climaxing & Clitorial Climaxin& -- Coming from Penile PenistrationDaring Dear 'Dirty Defloration Demonstration Destimnation Doll Doing Doneas 'Dyke's Dynami Dynamo Energizing from Eroticising Every Experience @ 'Experimental Erotics' Eventful Evenings Enorm Eyes Fine...
Andrew’s appearance ended their conversation with Susan guiding Dan’s hand back under her hem. “Your pussy is soaking wet!” She smiled at Andrew as Dan made her body jolt again. Andrew grinned enjoying the view down her dress and knowing what Dan was doing to her pussy. “Please enjoy your meals and let me know if there’s anything I can get you,” Andrew. “Yeah, get down between my legs!” she muttered for Dan to hear. He smiled at her comment. “I understand that you and Heather are going...
Boys Brigade Femucation Chapter 1 - Discovery From a very young age I was aware that I am a pretty boy and have experienced the pleasure of being dressed in my elder sister's clothes for the entertainment of family members - although not when my father is at home. My sisters think it is great fun and my mum goes along with my aunt who is the main protagonist in making me look so sweet and girly. From around the age of four, I enjoyed these sessions, however I became aware that it...
Life went on; Natalie was offered, and accepted the post of administrative manager for the charity; she worked at riding the motorbike, finished the CBT and began riding on the road with L plates; of course, having passed the driving test for a car she had a head start on "Roadcraft" and the Highway Code. She put in for the test, but it wouldn't be until March. The both regularly visited the stables, and if Charles would never be an expert horseman, at least he knew what to do with the...
Kyle is very deep in thought while they conceal the portal and head up to the garage from the sub-basement. Recognizing his concentration Kathleen waits for him to communicate what’s rumbling around in his mind. After closing the hidden door and resetting the circuit breaker for the garage doors Kyle says, “KK, I think we need to get more security. Carl sees Shiloh as the key to Chaos and all his plans, so he’ll really be after us once he realizes I’m active on Crossroads and Chaos.” “I...
About 2yrs ago my wife and I took up watching porn as a way of adding some excitement to our sex life, it was regulation sucking and fucking porn but it became apparent that Susan took a special interest in the interracial ones, she watched more intently and certainly became more aroused than when watching white/white, black/black videos. i didnt make an issue of it but eventually asked her if she had ever dated a black guy before we met. She said she hadnt but at a New years eve party had had...
When blonde bombshell Savannah Bond gets a recommendation for kinky doctor Cody Steele from a girlfriend, she makes a house call appointment asap. While waiting for the doc to arrive, the busty nympho starts masturbating, stuffing both her pussy and asshole with a huge dildo. After checking the buxom babe’s vitals, they get down to dirty business with all of her horny holes getting filled with his monster cock. It’s hardcore Penthouse premium porn with balls deep ass fucking not to...
xmoviesforyouCheers to all ISS readers, I am a big fan of ISS and love the way the site is dedicated for Incest stories. This is a personal incest experience that I had with my Mom, Rekha and would like to describe for the fellow mother fuckers/people intend to fuck their mom’s. My self Ganesh, I am 29 and married, I do give my wife a regular fuck and satisfy her to the core, but the lust for my mom keeps my dick up all the time, I am a person who loves the pussy and ass part of a woman, and would love to...
IncestChrissy found himself back under the shower with two hot girls rubbing him down, but strangely he wasn’t as turned on as he thought he would be. Instead he was thinking about the two brothers who had just used his mouth and arse to deposit their creamy loads in. Chrissy stepped out from under the water and dried off before sub consciously putting on the panties offered to him. The bra offered to him next threw him but the girls helped in on with it. The pink summer frock came to mid thigh and...
Wir hatten einen frühen Sommerurlaub am Mittelmeer gebucht, um ein bisschen in der Sonne zu baden. Meine Frau, Susan, freute sich auf einem der vielen Sandstrände auf der Insel Zakinthos. Wir beide baden gern in der Sonne und schwimmen nackt und bald fanden wir einen der FKK-Strände der Insel. Susan war ziemlich begeistert, ihre fabelhafte Figur vorzeigen zu können. Sie ist 5 Fuß 8 Zoll groß, hat lange Beine, einen flachen Bauch und schöne volle Brüste, mit Brustwarzen, die einfach gesaugt...
When I came home that night from a long days work, I was amazed that I was actually supposed to get off two hours from now. Thankfully a large catering client delayed for another evening, so I got to come home early. The first thing I wanted to do was to call my girlfriend, Emily. It was so terrific to meet another lesbian, but it was difficult, since we were both 18 and would be leaving for university by summer's end. She'd be going off to the West Coast; and me to the East Coast. I still...
IncestZoe Parker is really into her stepbrother Codey Steele, but she’s so inexperienced that she doesn’t know how to seduce him. She starts by trying out makeup tutorials in her bedroom. Codey finds her mid-tutorial, wearing horrifying makeup. He mocks her, which both hurts Zoe’s feelings and doubles her determination to seduce him. Later, Zoe seeks out Codey in a hot dress and proper makeup. He’s blown away by how hot his stepsis is, but he does try to resist her advances....
xmoviesforyouLindsay was seriously pissed off. Of all the times Cade could’ve chosen to go to Aspen and ski, he had to pick a weekend she had to work, and her head was splitting from the hangover she earned after partying with Andrea last night. What the fuck did I tell her? Lindsay knew she had confessed in detail, how Cade rocked her world in the bedroom, but she couldn’t remember specifically what she had said. Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter. Lindsay dismissed the thought and tried to focus on work...