Alicia Hollies disappears
- 2 years ago
- 28
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I was the last of five children, but far younger than my siblings. My father’s first wife had died in a car accident when the youngest of his four children was ten and the oldest, sixteen. About a year after she was gone, he married my mother who twenty years younger than him. She hadn’t anticipated how hard it would be raising four kids, so she told my dad she did not want to have any of her own. My dad was a farmer, so we really had no close neighbors. Once the crops were in, he drove a truck over the road and was gone for weeks at a time. As the kids got older and headed off to college or started their own families I guess my mom got lonely. She told my dad she had changed her mind and about a year later, I was born.
Mom had a teaching degree, but had had a hard time finding a full time job as a teacher, just subbing from time to time. She had finally gotten a job as an administrative assistant several years before she met and married my dad. She had quit her job to become a full time wife and mother. When I was little, she doted on me, reading me book after book. I learned to read by the time I was three, and quickly progressed from children’s books to much more advanced reading. Since the nearest school was over fifteen miles away, and driving conditions often quite bad in the winter, mom decided to home school me.
Dad had always refused to get satellite TV, so we just got the local channels, and since there were no kids around on a regular basis, books became my refuge. I took a keen interest in science and was soon surpassing mom’s ability to teach me. She finally convinced dad to upgrade our dial-up computer to high speed internet so I could enroll in online classes that would be able to keep pace with my abilities and interests. I excelled and by the time I was fourteen, I was already enrolling in some college courses. When I was sixteen, I got accepted to Stanford University as a second year student, beginning in the fall. By the second term, I would be a junior, and I hoped to get my undergraduate degree before I turned eighteen.
I was totally unprepared for the new environment. At first having so many people around was disconcerting and I kept to myself a lot. I spent much of my time either in the library or the labs. My classmates were at least three or four years older than me. Add to that, the fact that I was on the petite side, did not use makeup and wore my hair in a long ponytail, the age difference was even more pronounced. The school paired ne up with a freshman roommate who was only two years older than me. She did her best to bring me out of my shell.
First, we went for a makeover of my hairstyle, shorter and with a more sophisticated look. She did what she could with my wardrobe, taking me to a couple of resale shops for accessories and a few new items of clothing. We also scored a brand new pair of boots that could be worn with jeans or a dress. It took some doing on her part, but she finally convinced me to socialize with her a few times. By spring break, I was much more social than I was when I arrived. With summer coming up, I was looking for an internship, while taking a couple of summer courses, hoping I could stay on campus
Mom and dad really wanted me to come home, but even though I had a partial scholarship, the portion that wasn’t covered, plus other expenses still amounted to a fair amount of money. They were able to cover it without the need for a student loan, but it did not leave much to send me for spending money. An internship would give me a chance to save up some money I could use during the school year. My roommate had come up with a different plan. There were a number of companies near where she lived that did bio research, which was the field I was majoring in. They did hire interns and a good friend of her dad’s worked at one of them.
If I could land a job there, I could spend the summer working, and live with her and her family. She had already cleared it with her folks and her dad said he would discuss it with his friend and try to set up an interview. My parents felt much better when they found out I would not be living on my own if I got the job, so they gave me their blessing. I sent on my credentials and a phone interview was scheduled. I was called back for a face to face interview and after a couple of tense weeks was notified I got the internship.
I was hoping to be able to get home for a week when school let out, but the company wanted me to start right away. Janice and I packed up our room and loaded it into the trailer her dad had towed down behind his SUV to bring us home. We threw our suitcases into the back of the car and then climbed in. While I was a bit apprehensive, I was also looking forward to this new experience. Janice had an older sister who had recently married and was off on her honeymoon, so I would be staying in her old room. She had two younger brothers, and her grandma lived in a mother-in-law setup in the rear of the home.
After arriving at her home, and being greeted with open arms, we unpacked and I got settled in. Her sister had been living at home before the wedding, so there were still a few things she had left behind. Janice’s mom told me just to throw it all in one of the drawers and move the stuff in the closet off to the side. When she returned from the honeymoon, she would be picking up the rest of her stuff and moving in with her new hubby. As I went through the drawers I moved some clothing, magazines and a couple of books and a stack of DVD cases. I threw everything in a bottom drawer, moved her hanging clothes to one side, and unpacked my stuff. I made some room on the desk for my laptop and books, and headed down to dinner.
I was due to start work the next day, and Janice was going to the bus stop and make sure I got on the right bus. She would ride in with me, and show me where to catch the bus home. The online summer classes I signed up for could be started at anytime, so I was just waiting to get the textbooks I had ordered to arrive. Everything was coming along according to plan. My parents had insisted I pay something to my hosts for room and board, even though they had said it was not necessary; that they were glad to have me.
We had finally settled on a small weekly amount and that I would assume the chores Janice’s older sister did. Even allowing additional money for my personal expenses, lunches and bus fare, I should be able to save a decent amount of my salary, which would ease the burden on my parents. I worked out a schedule for everything, including class and study time. Janice took one look at it and immediately crossed several items off the list.
“You are NOT going to spend all your time working and studying, Alicia. This is our summer break and we are gonna have some fun! Didn’t you enjoy getting out and meeting new people?”
“Good! I am getting a job as well. The store I worked in during high school hired me every time I came home on school breaks. Usually just a few hours as a fill in, but they told me they need a full time person over the summer. One of the employees just had a baby and will be on maternity leave, so I lucked out. But I intend to have some fun too, and so will you.”
I did have to admit to myself that although I had felt quite awkward at first I had come to enjoy socializing. It really had been a new experience for me. Janice wasn’t quite a “party girl”, but she did make new friends easily and enjoyed hanging out with other students. She had belonged to a number of clubs in high school, but she and her parents had agreed that her first year in college should concentrate on studies and acclimating to being responsible for her time without supervision of parents.
After a few weeks, life had fallen into a pattern… work, online classes, study time, chores and getting to know her family. Janice and I also managed to get in some fun time, and I met many of her friends. Her sister had returned from the honeymoon and was settling into her new home. She was coming over this weekend to get the rest of her stuff. Janice and I were sitting on the bed as her sister packed the rest of her clothes in a suitcase, tossing some of them at Janice to keep. The contents of the desk were emptied into a box, as were some items on a shelf.
I pointed out the drawer where I had put some of her stuff. She opened it and removed most of it to one of the boxes and the suit case. She picked up one of the magazines and tossed it onto the bed.
“Here ya go, sis. I’m not gonna need these anymore. Or the books either. I would leave the DVDs, but Tim likes to watch porn sometimes to get us in the mood. I could leave a few though if you want to pick some out.”
As I finally got a good look at the magazine she had tossed over, I turned a bright red when I saw the naked pictures of men and women. I had not paid attention to what they had been as the covers were just blank brown paper. When she saw me blush she apologized.
“Sorry, forgot that you probably aren’t used to that. Janice and I have always been pretty close. I know my little sis over there doesn’t think I know some stuff though, but I have heard her moaning more than once when she was masturbating.”
“Hey, I heard you and Tim a few times too when mom and dad were gone.”
“So we’re even. You want this stuff or not?”
“Hell yeah, and maybe I can even get little Miss Innocent over here interested…”
I turned red again, but I had to admit, seeing those pictures had stirred something in me. I had of course, seen clinical pictures of male and female anatomy, but had never seen an erect penis or a vagina in quite such detail.
“Well, perhaps as a purely scientific exercise.”
They both laughed and I nervously joined in. We helped Janice’s sister carry everything down to her car and returned to my room. Janice took most of the magazines, but left one and the books.
“I know how you love to read, and a couple of those are quite, uhm… stimulating. I would sneak them out of here and read them in my room. The result is probably what my sis heard, lol.”
I didn’t reply, just blushed again. I was not used to such openness. Of course, I had had the “talk” with my mom, and knew all the clinical stuff. We had talked about dangers again before I went off to school, especially given my age. But I was intrigued. I put the magazine back in the drawer with the books and we went downstairs.
A few days later, I was studying when I got to thinking about the books. I went to the drawer and pulled a few out. I skimmed through them and saw one that caught my attention. I set it aside and later, when I was ready for bed, started reading it. I had masturbated before, but always in the shower and quickly. And I had never seen or read porn. As I got into the book, I felt myself getting aroused. In the book, the main character was playing with her breasts, so I mimicked what she was doing, squeezing them and rolling my nipples between my finger and thumb. My pussy immediately began twitching.
I almost let out a moan, then remembered what Janice and her sister had said about hearing each other, and quickly stifled it. I put the book down and started playing with both breasts at the same time. I was amazed how the feelings seemed to go straight to my pussy, which was getting wet. Since I had always been in the shower, I did not realize how wet I got when aroused. I picked the book back up and read some more, getting more aroused the more I read. My hand went into my PJ bottoms and I began touching myself, rubbing my clit. I used the moisture from my vagina as lubrication and soon feel an orgasm rising.
I rubbed faster and turned my head into my pillow as I came to muffle any sounds I made. Where I usually stopped as soon as I came before, I kept rubbing and had several “aftershocks”. I used some Kleenex to clean myself off, put the book back in the drawer and drifted off to sleep. The next day I went about my normal schedule of work and studying. On Friday night, Janice and I went out with a group of friends I had gotten to know, went to a movie and out afterwards for pizza. We got to discussing one of the scenes in the movie where a young couple had “made out”. The girls were saying that if any guy they knew had tried the approach he had, he would never have gotten in the first kiss.
The guys were asking what was wrong with it; they thought it was just fine. I joined in the laughter, but as I had never dated, let alone kissed a boy yet, I had no clue if his approach was good or not. I just hoped no one would ask my opinion. That night, I got out the book again, and picked up where I left off. This time, I put on a nightie instead of pajamas. I pulled it up above my waist, exposing my genitals and used some saliva to lubricate my clit. I read and rubbed and felt my clit swell and harden. I put the book down and used my other hand to expose my clit more and after a few minutes, exploded in the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.
It was all I could do to try and bury my head into the pillow and not be heard. I could only hope that Janice had already fallen asleep and hadn’t heard my moans and gasps. She didn’t give any indication the next morning, so I hoped I had lucked out. Two nights later, I read more of the book, finishing it, but did not touch myself, as I could hear Janice moving around in her room and was afraid to take the chance.
Over the next few weeks, I was busy with studying for one of the classes as there was an important test I need to take soon. I wanted to finish both online classes before the fall term began, as they were both prerequisites for classes I would be taking then. I had also been putting in more hours at work as they had moved me from part time to full time. I had had no time to read anymore of the books, though I did occasionally indulge in a quick shower “rub out”. I did well on the midterm tests, the rest of the courses and the finals as well, passing both classes with an “A”.
With classes at an end, I had a chance to do more reading. I picked another book that looked interesting; it was even better than the first one. I fell into a pattern of masturbating every few days. It got more intense as I got naked before I started now. I also began using my finger in my pussy, though as I was a virgin, it was a little tight and uncomfortable at first. Finally it was nearly time to go back to school. I was going to take the train home and visit with my folks for a week or so before school started, so I packed up all my stuff and Janice would bring it back with her. Since we were rooming together again, it worked out great.
The whole family saw me off and Janice took me to the train station. We hugged and kissed like we were parting for years, even though it would be less than two weeks before we would see each other again. It had surely been an interesting summer.
“See you in a few, Alicia, and try to be quieter at home than you were here!”
“No I understand that it has to be done. Once I make my final decision I’ll let you know who as well as informing the person affected. By Friday it will be finished Mr. Rodman. No it is very unfortunate that it’s come to this I agree. Yes sir I will speak to you soon.”After I heard the click on the other end I hung up the phone and just sat there for a minute thinking. When I accepted my current position I understood that there might be times like this that I would be forced to do unpleasant...
That week, I gave my landlord a month’s notice so that I wouldn’t lose my deposit, and moved in with Alicia. Most of my furniture and kitchen stuff went into storage, along with my TV and stereo. Alicia’s were much better anyway. We combined our tape and CD collections. Gradually our two households became one. It could be argued that I was taking a big chance, moving in with a woman whom I had been seeing for only a couple of weeks. But I never had a moment’s doubt, not after the weekend we...
Alicia Uncovered - 1 Ms. Grundy [email protected] Alan was not always a nasty tyrant. When Karen met and married him four years ago he was sweet and gentle and considerate, but over the last year all that seemed to change. Karen knew that her earning more than he stuck in his craw, but he was so embarrassed that it did bother him that he wouldn't even talk about it. She thought things would improve when he got his promotion. But when that fell through, and it went to...
Alicia may have been sitting in her Friday contracts class but her mind was elsewhere. The first semester of law school had been difficult, but she was enjoying the new challenge. Her major problem at the moment was the fact that she was horny - so horny, in fact, that she was daydreaming in class. "Alicia?" Professor Martin was looking at Alicia. "I'm sorry, Professor, will you repeat the question?" Alicia fumbled, desperately trying to remember what the Professor had said while her classmates...
So how did we get started? I guess it was because after I moved down to the tri-state area, I was really lonely and we both needed someone to be affectionate with. My vivid imagination got the idea that she wanted more from me than just friendship from her letters that summer. Alicia is an intriguing mix of Asian and white. She is pretty, petite, slim, and quite exotic looking, and when combined with her Caribbean accent -- it's quite appealing if you're into that sort of thing (which obviously...
The next few months are difficult for me to think about, let alone write about. We got the news of Alicia’s disease in mid-May. After that, we went for a round of surgery, which did some good, followed by a round of radiation therapy, which also did some good. But by the time we had started to treat the disease in earnest, the cancer had already traveled via her lymph nodes to other parts of her body. In late September, the one-year anniversary of our meeting, I found a small lump underneath...
I was in the hospital for five days. I probably could have been discharged after three days, but Alicia wanted me there, so I stayed. I was lucky: It was only a flesh wound after all, and I didn’t get infected. I would probably need some physical therapy afterwards, though. Alicia made herself officially my doctor, and supervised every aspect of my care. She came in daily and changed my dressing. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the nursing staff, it was simply that she wanted to do it herself....
Alicia By: The Male meI regret fucking up with her. I see her with another woman and I just flip out but I need to realize that it was me who played the stupid ass games. Maybe things would be better if I knew what I know now.When I met Alicia, we were at the bowling alley and she needed some major help on how she handled the ball so I took it as if she wouldn't mind if I helped her."You're holding the ball wrong." I said as I stood behind her.She turned around suddenly and looked at me as if I...
Any feedback would be welcome and can be sent to me at this email address: [email protected] Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid By Paula Hanson March 1998 Chapter 1 The small girl was rolling on the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching her right leg wailing her heart out. Her bother, ran down the stairs after her looking concerned. Her mother also ran out of the kitchen to see what all the crying was about. The mother immediately bent down to console her...
I woke up the next morning lying in the damp evidence of my copious emission of the night before. I got up, made myself breakfast, and set about cleaning the house really well. Then I took some stew meat out of the freezer to thaw. I wanted to make homemade soup for my Mistress, and it would take most of the day to cook. Later that day, I would go to the bakery and buy a loaf of crusty bread to eat with the soup. We would also have a salad and a nice red wine. I had missed my wife very much,...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Bull walked into the cellar, and an amused grin appeared on his face, as he observed Mike’s minimal attire of lacy-topped stockings and garter belt. ‘I see Butch has been up to his old tricks!’ he said, with a chortle. ‘Fuck you!’ Mike snarled, wincing with pain. Bull ignored him, and walked over to the trembling Angelica. ‘You and I...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike awoke, with a groan, holding onto his throbbing forehead. As he rolled over and tried to sit up, a jagged pain shot through his head. ‘Unngh! What hit me?’ he groaned, trying to focus on his surroundings. The room seemed totally unfamiliar. ‘Where the hell am I?’ he wondered, blinking to help clear his vision. Memories came...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 01, the Cabin An original work by HappyPappy aka simaddict. This story is fiction. Any resenblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or over. My name is Alicia. That's not my real name, I've changed the names in this story to protect the guilty. I'm eighteen, my girlfriend Shelly is five months older than me, and we are very close friends, we have been since the fourth grade. It seemed as though we shared the same interests through...
BisexualWarning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Alicia looked at herself, critically, in the full length mirror. She was wearing a tight, black, lace and satin bustier, which left both breasts almost totally exposed, underwired to push them upward and together, to give her a spectacular cleavage. Narrow garters, both front and rear, stretched down her smooth thighs, from her tightly...
I hadn't really planned on a second part to this tale but since a few asked, here it is.sleep seemed to evade me for the most part. I would doze off for twenty or thirty minutes at a time and I must have gotten up to check on Alicia a dozen times or so. I had feared that I would open the door to her room and find her balled up in the corner crying her eyes out over the horrible thing I had allowed her to do but each time she was sound asleep. Around 5AM I finally fell asleep only to be awaken...
Her name was Alicia, and she was a true thing of beauty. She'd been hired at the company the week before me. Huge knockers, a tiny waist, and a high round ass - she was kind of a throw-back to the old pin-up days. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. For a brief time, we worked in the same department (data entry) and luckily for me, she felt a little bit of responsibility towards the new guy. To pay her back for her many workplace kindnesses (and because I thought she was really hot), I invited her...
I had never really been the tough jock kinda guy. Well actually, I’m quite the opposite. I only have 2 friends in school, and they are even more socially awkward then me. I’ve never really been too big on physical fights or confrontation, and I really despise sports. I’m in the second month of high school, and things haven’t taken a turn for the good…yet. Chapter 2 I was laying my head down on my desk, when suddenly the bell rang. The sound pierced the deep slumber, as I was jolted back into...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Alicia was sitting, curled up in a large, comfortable armchair, in the library, reading a book, when Arnie walked in. He strode over and kissed her, affectionately, on the forehead. ‘Good evening, my sweet!’ he murmured, good-humouredly. ‘Did you take those pink pills I gave you, for your stomach upset?’ ‘Mmm, yes thank you, darling....
Hi Alicia is 21 years old and curvy in all the right places she loves being a country girl.She loves being a innocent tease for the older guys as she wears tight low tops to show cleavage and tight black leggings to show cameltoe and her peachy cute ass. She loves when guys that are old enough to be her dad or Grandpa notice her with their eyes and their gestures. On a sunny Monday afternoon you could win a trip to go on a cruise for a 2 weeks everything is paid. Once Alicia heard the news...
Alicia & Shelly, 04, Swinging An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. Your comments are welcome and desired. I use them to fine-tune my stories for better reading. *** I'm Alicia. I just turned eighteen a few months ago. My very best friend, Shelly, is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth grade, we also became...
BisexualWarning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike O’Reilly made his way through the dimly-lit, smoke-filled atmosphere of the Pink Flamingo, over to the long bar, and ordered a Jack Daniels. He’d been coming to the seedy strip joint for more than two weeks now, and he still hadn’t found a single clue as to Alicia’s whereabouts. He was quietly beginning to despair! ‘That will be...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. ‘Ah, ah, ah, ah!’ Alicia’s breath was constantly forced out of her lungs, as Arnie pumped into her sex from behind. She was braced on her hands and knees, on the tiger skin rug, in front of the large open fireplace, in the lounge, her naked body covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. Her only items of clothing, were a pair of patent,...
It's a few years ago. I'm 50 years old and I'm living in Southern California with my wife and kids. It's early evening. My workday is done and I stop in at a nice restaurant/bar on Ventura Blvd. in Encino for a drink. I pull up a stool and order a Chives and soda. Several stools away from me is a nice looking young girl of 16 or 17, dressed in regulation schoolgirl clothes, who is having I assume, a non-alcoholic beverage. She's talking to the bartender. I don't know what this kid is...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. When Angelica finally put in an appearance, her face and upper chest was flushed with excitement, her blonde hair was disheveled, and her dress looked as if she’d just slept in it. ‘Where the hell have you been?’ Mike hissed, grabbing her by the elbow, and pulling her down onto the high stool next to him. ‘I’ve been waiting here for over...
Ten years ago I went to work for a large corporation that had their hands in several different industries. After five years of climbing the corporate ladder in a large city I accepted a position to run a much smaller office in what can best be described as a rural area. At first I hated it and told myself that it was only temporary. I would turn the place around and the big wigs would see fit to bump me up and put me someplace that would make use of my skills and ambition. Funny thing is that...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike barged into the dressing room, quickly followed by the club bouncer. There were several girls in there, all in various stages of undress. He ignored their screams, and indignant cries, and made a bee-line for the surprised and shocked, Angelica, who was sitting in front of the vanity, powdering her naked tits. ‘Angelica…?’ As he...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. CHAPTER 13 The ‘Pilgrim’s Retreat’ was a quiet country pub, so quiet that Angelica and Mike were its only customers, at that time of the early evening. Her high-heels clicked on the tile floor, as they walked up to the shiny, wooden bar. Pewter tankards hung from a row of hooks above their heads and several traditional beer pumps along...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. There was light coming from one of the downstairs windows, as Mike and Angelica crept up through the overgrown Laburnum bushes, toward the side of the house. They peered in through the dirty glass panes, and Angelica gave a gasp of surprise, her fist flying to her open mouth. The room appeared to be some sort of library, the walls lined...
Alicia & Shelly, 04, Swinging * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. * Your comments are welcome and desired. I use them to fine-tune my stories for better reading. ***** I’m Alicia. I just turned eighteen a few months ago. My very best friend, Shelly, is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth grade, we...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 01, the Cabin An original work by HappyPappy aka simaddict. * This story is fiction. Any resenblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or over. My name is Alicia. That’s not my real name, I’ve changed the names in this story to protect the guilty. I’m eighteen, my girlfriend Shelly is five months older than me, and we are very close friends, we have been since the fourth grade. It seemed as though we shared the same interests...
Recently I met a very captivatingly beautiful woman at a singles event at a downtown cocktail bar. From the moment we made eye contact, we clicked. She imediately sucked me in with her easyness. Easy to talk to, fun to flirt with, lovely to look at. Luckily for me, she seemed to enjoy my company as much as i hers. Being that it was her first time at one of these local events, every guy in the room was circling her like sharks. The friend who had brought her there slipped out with a guy she had...
ALLICIA & SHELLY, 02, New Friends An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. **** A few weeks after the big snowstorm my best friend Shelly and I were in Gym class one afternoon. As usual, we showered after class in the girl's locker room. We had plenty of time because the class was small in size, our town being a small town with about thirty senior girls....
BisexualIntroduction: A family is kidnapped and forced to make porn movies, then find out they are going to be very well paid. PREFACE This was originally posted in Jan 2007 as a short story to someones request, but lost with the revision to the SEX STORIES. I had re-edited it – hopefully with no errors and re-posted it in the forum on Feb 11, 2009. It had good reviews and readership. This was the original parts one and two. It is now expanded it into a novel and has characters added, four girls, two...
Introduction: Alicia finds herself restrained and soon pregnant It was dark, darker than usual in the room wed been kept for what felt now like months. It honestly couldnt have been more than a few days but it had always been dark down here, impossible to tell day from night. I know Im not alone here, I hear others breathing around me, occasional squirming to try and get out of the restraints wed been placed in. We, or at least I, had woken up to find myself in this dark room on my knees, a...
My fourteen-year old sister was in a dressing room trying on some jeans and shirts. She had to get some bigger clothes because her belly was growing. She was pregnant. Who the father was, none of us knew. It could be me and it could be one of the many guys she has seduced. It could also be that her horniness day in and day out got herself pregnant and that what was growing in her was a clone of herself. Shit, I hoped so. Despite being fourteen years old, Alicia was very good looking. She was...
My fourteen-year old sister was in a dressing room trying on some jeans and shirts. She had to get some bigger clothes because her belly was growing. She was pregnant. Who the father was, none of us knew. It could be me and it could be one of the many guys she had seduced. It could also be that her horniness day in and day out got herself pregnant and that what was growing in her was a clone of herself. Shit, I hoped so. Despite being fourteen years old, Alicia was very good looking. She was...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 03, the Club * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. ****** I was soaking in a tub of bath salts and hot water, trying to calm my excited feelings about the coming night. I have never been to an all female sex party so big, and was both eager and apprehensive about it. Brea’s mother, Madeline, had invited her friends, Jaquline...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 03, the Club An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. ***** I was soaking in a tub of bath salts and hot water, trying to calm my excited feelings about the coming night. I have never been to an all female sex party so big, and was both eager and apprehensive about it. Brea's mother, Madeline, had invited her friends, Jaquline and Yvonne,...
Bisexual‘Who the hell draws these little devil chics anyway?’ I asked Sil. ‘I don’t know, but I have been thinking about getting one tattooed on my ass!’ Sil said. ‘Ohhhh…my…god! That would be sooo fucking cool! If you do it, I’m gonna get a tattoo too!’ I said. ‘Yeah! Fucking-A-stylely! Let’s do it!’ Sil said laughing and we gave each other this little high five! Alicia walked in and she was in a somber-as-usual mood. ‘Hey ‘Licia!? Wanna go get a tattoo on your ass?!’ I said. She gave me a ‘you are...
This is a continuation of the tale of Ed who has a big cock. The first tale was "Lil s*s Discovers My Big Dick!"Britney was looking forward to spending the day with her brother Ed who was home from college on mid-term break. Today would be really special since mom and dad would be gone. You see Ed was not just her brother but also the best fuck she had ever had in her life!It all started last summer when she had walked in on him jacking off. What she discovered that day was the biggest cock...
Porn Pics! With a name like that, you can tell right off the bat that this site is going to straightforward. No bullshit, no beating around the bush (except, of course, for you beating around your own bush). From the moment the homepage loads, it is exactly what you expect it to be: a shit ton of pictures taken from porn. Easy enough. Extra-large thumbnails are sorted into categories, so you can easily start your journey into whatever type of smut you like best.I am 100% an ass man, and, sure...
Porn Pictures SitesMichelle Discovers Black Cock - a true storyThe slutty times started for Michelle when she was going to college. She had a part-time office job at the same time. She loved to dress sexy at her job and tease the guys, and sometimes accepted invitations to go drinking with them after work, even though we were dating. One night at a bar, the guys talked her into volunteering to model lingerie for a charity fund raiser to fill in for another girl that had chickened out. She had been drinking and...
Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a young boy and his whore mother. The young boy has sexual desires for his slut of a mother and also longs to be like her. This is the first instalment documenting his journey to becoming a shemale whore. (Fb, M+F, prost, whore, size, tv, toys, creampie, strap-on, ws) Chapter One “Tara discovers Timmy’s secret”The sound of Salt-N-Pepper let’s talk about sex broke the mornings silence, as Tara’s mobile phone came to life, it was just coming up to seven...
This is a continuation of "Lil S*s Discovers my Big Cock"After I had my little adventure with Britney I wondered if I would feel guilty but when she snuck in my bedroom later that night and begged me to fuck her again I did not worry about any moreThis went on for the next several days and frankly she is a real good fuck and I would have been plenty happy with just her for the summer. One day she came home and as usual was on her knees sucking me when there was a sound outside. I checked...
He discovers that he is a cuckold and seeks revenge.Jane and I and Bridget and George had been close friends for many years. Bridget and George had moved away several times but always ended up back in Florida. Jane and I had stayed put and had done well. No matter where they lived we always got together several times a year if we could.My wife, Jane is a very pretty woman. At 32 she shows no signs of being the mother of four c***dren from 5 to 11 years old. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and...
He discovers that he is a cuckold and seeks revenge.Jane and I and Bridget and George had been close friends for many years. Bridget and George had moved away several times but always ended up back in Florida. Jane and I had stayed put and had done well. No matter where they lived we always got together several times a year if we could.My wife, Jane is a very pretty woman. At 32 she shows no signs of being the mother of four c***dren from 5 to 11 years old. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and...
Prelude: A beautiful thirty eight year old woman with a sexy body is pleasantly surprised when she discovers her son's new girlfriend is bi-sexual like she is. deleted
ALLICIA & SHELLY, 02, New Friends * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. ***** A few weeks after the big snowstorm my best friend Shelly and I were in Gym class one afternoon. As usual, we showered after class in the girl’s locker room. We had plenty of time because the class was small in size, our town being a small town with about thirty...
I discovered porn at about age 14, a few months after I’d discovered masturbation. Here’s how.Since I’d first wanked I’d worked on my technique, different ways of stroking and tugging, different positions etc. and I’d also discovered the delights to be found in my big sister’s laundry basket and underwear drawer!There was no internet in those days, but I’d discovered I liked ogling the pictures in the swimsuit and lingerie pages of my mother’s catalogs. I especially liked black bras and...
She was known for reading too much. At least, that’s what the other kids at school said. She was the class nerd, always delving whole-heartedly into biology class while the others talked about the homecoming game and flipped bits of dissected frog up into the light fixtures. Naturally, she was not well-liked, but she didn’t seem to notice too much — her world was on paper. Her favorite books were science fiction, and she must have gone through two or three a week....
John Derek was looking for a new movie for his beautiful young wife, the ravishing Bo Derek. He needed something to show off her beautiful body to the world once more. Ever since she was first presented to the world in her first movie, ’10’, Bo Derek had been the source of many fantasies for thousands of men. And a fair share of the woman population as well, I would suspect. Her chiseled features and firm body was a rare find indeed, even in the world of movie stars. Yes, Bo...
This is Swankyess. I’ve earlier written some stories that are posted on ISS. I’m about to share some experiences of Suhasini, a sexy 20 year old [her true age] sex worker from Aurangabad district. Although, not very literate, she shares about one stranger who teaches her about her own biological body, and how she is on an immaculate journey of pleasing her customers. The story in her own words, only edited by me: I’m Suhasini, and I stay in Aurangabad District. This is very close to historical...
It was 6:30 A.M on a Sunday morning in November and we had the day ahead of us. Laura had changed from her madam's dress to the loose fitting pants and shirt she so often wore. In twenty-five minutes I would have her undressed and we would be in her bed. She took her seat on the passenger's side but when I started to close the car door she grabbed me by my jacket lapels and pulled me to her. "You smell like a whorehouse," she said accusingly. I thought she was joking. We had just come...
To begin this story we will start with alittle bit of kims history. Kim grew up in a small town with a lone mother and three big sissters. In school the other k**s found him alittle nerdy. He was a shy boy who rather sank his mind into comicbooks and nature hikes as opposed to sports cars and girls like his male peers. He had a few friends, all of them female but as he grew older annd moved thru his teens he had never really kissed a girl, even tho he thougt it might be nice. But his female...
I’m about to share some experiences of Suhasini, a sexy 20 year old [her true age] sex worker from Aurangabad district. Although, not very literate, she shares about one stranger who teaches her about her own biological body, and how she is on an immaculate journey of pleasing her customers. The story in her own words, only edited by me:I’m Suhasini, and I stay in Aurangabad District. This is very close to historical structures like Ajanta and Ellora. I’m 20 year old very have a soft erotic...
Part 1Meeting Sally.Arriving back from overseas and having had the amazing experience with Lars and Anna with them helping me to truly accept my other being, Samantha, it was time to get back into life here in South Africa.The experience of embracing my feminine side and accepting my cross-dressing was unfortunately going to have to take a back seat as I moved back in with my parents upon my return. For the next 3 months while I lived at home and found a job while finding my feet I was limited...
Part 1Meeting Sally.Arriving back from overseas and having had the amazing experience with Lars and Anna with them helping me to truly accept my other being, Samantha, it was time to get back into life here in South Africa.The experience of embracing my feminine side and accepting my cross-dressing was unfortunately going to have to take a back seat as I moved back in with my parents upon my return. For the next 3 months while I lived at home and found a job while finding my feet I was limited...
After about fifteen minutes of rest, Bruiser began rocking his butt once more. But with Bo passed out under him, there was not much interaction at this time. But being a dog, he didn't really mind her non- participation. He kept on humping his ass against her upraised butt. His balls were refilling rapidly with fresh sperm and his energy was increasing accordingly. Bo's slumbering body also was now beginning to have some reaction to the steady stroking of the huge beast above her. Slowly,...