- 2 years ago
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That week, I gave my landlord a month’s notice so that I wouldn’t lose my deposit, and moved in with Alicia. Most of my furniture and kitchen stuff went into storage, along with my TV and stereo. Alicia’s were much better anyway. We combined our tape and CD collections. Gradually our two households became one.
It could be argued that I was taking a big chance, moving in with a woman whom I had been seeing for only a couple of weeks. But I never had a moment’s doubt, not after the weekend we spent together. Something about taking care of that woman and having her take care of and discipline me caused me to cross over into love for her and submission to her will. During the move-in phase, Alicia asked me, ‘Phillip, will you miss your apartment?’
‘No, mistress. I’m right where I want to be. I know what I’m doing.’
Of course, there were financial arrangements to be worked out. I would pay half the rent on the condo, and half the utilities. Alicia would pay for the groceries. Entertainments such as dinners out, movies and other things we would play by ear.
In return, I would keep the house, do the shopping and cooking, and take care of Alicia.
We decided it would be best to keep our relationship a secret for the time being.
These details were worked out in the month prior to the actual dissolving of my household. Like most couples, we negotiated for our roles in the relationship. During that month, although I stayed at Alicia’s most nights, we had sex only once, and I didn’t get spanked at all. It was as if we were saving that part for later, when I had finally moved in for good.
I could already tell that Alicia would have a bigger adjustment to make than me. A bit passive and submissive by nature, I had no trouble melding my life to hers. I wanted someone to take care of, and I wanted someone to guide and discipline me. Alicia, on the other hand, was used to being alone. I was assigned just a small space in the closet, because her clothes had to be hung up just so. This I took in stride. After all, she was the dominant in the relationship. But when she began insulting me personally, or denigrating the job I did in the hospital, I had to protest.
For instance, one evening we were cleaning the last of my stuff out of my apartment. Alicia had been bitchy all evening, and she remarked nastily, ‘You know, you RTs are not much more than glorified knob turners. I mean, I’m glad that you’re there and all, but it’s the physicians that really make the decisions.’
That remark struck home. I’m not that sensitive, but I was proud of the job I did at the hospital. I considered myself one of the better respiratory therapists. ‘Alicia, I don’t know what has you so pissed off, but it’s no reason for you to say something like that. I always try to do the best job that I can for you, both here and at the hospital. And I try my best to give good patient care all the time.’
‘You better watch your mouth before you make me really mad, mister. I could be turning those controls on the ventilator just as well as you could, Phillip. You know that I’m right. Granted, I’m grateful that you’re there to turn them for me, but you don’t carry the responsibility that I do.’
‘It’s true that I don’t carry the same responsibility, but I carry my share. Having those respirators operating correctly is crucial. Most people in the RT department do a good job.’
‘Yeah, but there are some real shits, as well,’ she said.
We dropped it after that, but, I could tell she was still mad. Later, when we were at her condo, she handed me a pillow and said, ‘Take the couch for tonight.’
The next morning, I woke up first, pulled my tired self off the couch, and walked into the bedroom. Alicia was awake, sitting up in bed, reading a book. She saw me.
‘Good morning,’ she said, a little smile on her face.
‘Good morning,’ I said. ‘What would you like for breakfast.’
‘Nothing right now,’ she said. She patted the bed beside her and said, ‘Come over here.’
I walked over and got on the bed beside her. I especially loved the way she smelled in the morning. It was a combination of warm femininity and sleep.
I wanted her to touch me, to soothe me, to not be mad any more. My feelings had been hurt, but with a word or a caress, she could make me feel better.
Alicia put her arm around me and pulled me close. I snuggled in and laid my head on her breasts, and she stroked my hair. ‘I’m having a little trouble adjusting to having someone around all the time,’ she said quietly. ‘Up to now, it’s always been just me. I’ve come to realize in the past few years that I really have a lot of repressed anger inside. Before, I could take it out on other doctors, or staff members, or even the diseases I was treating. But now, there’s you, and you’re available. Although I care about you, I still find myself taking cheap shots. I’ll try to do better.’
‘I don’t really mind, as long as I can stay with you. Just don’t send me away,’ I said.
‘I’m not going to send you away,’ she said. ‘Pull your underwear down. I want to look at your butt.’ I did so, and laid across her lap. My cock was erect, and I was trembling in anticipation. It was not my place to tell my mistress what I wanted, but I wanted to be spanked good and hard, and then I wanted sex.
She lightly stroked my butt. ‘You are completely healed,’ she said. ‘How long has it been since you were spanked?’
‘Almost a month,’ I said, pouting a little.
‘Well, we’ll remedy that–once you’re in here for good.’ She reached under me and grasped my erection. The pleasure exploded in my brain. ‘I bet you’re ready for sex, too. Well, I don’t want you to come yet. Don’t even masturbate. When the time comes, I’ll take care of both those problems. Understand?’
‘Yes, Mistress,’ I whispered.
She slapped me on the butt and said, ‘Now, get up and make me some breakfast. What is left to do at your apartment?’
‘I’m almost done,’ I said as I got up. ‘I’ve got to vacuum and scrub the kitchen floor, and the bathroom’s got to be cleaned.’
‘Let’s see. Today is Saturday. Will you be finished over there by tomorrow afternoon?’
‘I should be,’ I said. ‘The landlord’s going to inspect on Monday, but there won’t be any problem. The place is in better shape than when I rented it.’
‘When do you go back to work?’
‘This is my long weekend. I go back on Tuesday.’
‘Okay,’ she said, looking up at me, ‘here’s what we’ll do. Finish up at your apartment today and tomorrow, and in celebration of your moving in with me, we’ll have a little party tomorrow night. How does that sound?’
‘It sounds great, Mistress.’
‘Good,’ she said, gesturing me down to her. I leaned down, and Alicia put her hand on my face, pulled me to her, and kissed me with all the tenderness and promise she could muster.
It had been a while since she had kissed me like that, and for a moment, I lost myself in her hungry lips. In an instant, that kiss reaffirmed all the reasons I was with her in the first place. Her emotions and appetites were so profound that I felt myself submerging into her. Alicia was such a big woman in so many ways, that I felt that she could have folded me into her with no trouble.
‘I hope you’re ready for tomorrow night,’ she said, smiling a little.
‘I am always ready for you, Mistress,’ I said.
* * *
Alicia had to go into the hospital for a while that day, so I drove over to my apartment and worked hard cleaning it up. I got everything done but the bathroom, and I could finish that on Sunday. I got back at about three that Saturday afternoon to find Alicia listening to the stereo and reading a medical journal. Thankfully, she was in a good mood.
‘What would you like for dinner?’ I asked.
‘It doesn’t matter to me,’ she said.
I took pork chops out of the refrigerator to thaw, then went over to the couch with a boo
k of my own, to pass the time until it was time to cook dinner. After a while, she called me over to the couch where she was reclining. She was still wearing a blouse and slacks, and I suggested that she get into something looser.
‘I’ll rub your back some,’ I cajoled.
She agreed, padded into the bedroom, and came back in a loose terrycloth lounging outfit. I put my hands underneath the thin material of the top, and began kneading her shoulders. She sighed heavily and let her head loll back and forth.
‘Phillip,’ she said.
‘Yes, Mistress,’ I said.
‘I am not easy to get along with,’ she said. ‘But no matter what happens, stay with me. I want you to know that now, while I’m feeling relaxed and comfortable with you.’
‘I’m not going anywhere,’ I said.
She pulled me around and made me lie on the couch beside her. We kissed and petted for a long time. I was very, very hard, and she noticed it.
‘Mmmm, you really are ready for sex, aren’t you?’ she said.
‘It’s been about two weeks now, mistress.’
She reached down into my scrub pants–I had changed after I got home–and began stroking me up and down. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling.’
‘Does that feel good, Phillip?’
‘Yes Mistress, it does.’
‘Do you want to come?’
‘Only if you say so,’ I managed to reply. ‘However, Mistress, I think that I should warn you, that if you continue touching me like that, I may not be able to help myself.’
She took her hand off me, pulled my pants up, and tied the drawstring. ‘We’ll save it for later, then, Phillip. Besides, I have something special planned for you tomorrow night.’ She patted me gently down there, and picked up her journal again. I got up and went into the kitchen to check on the pork chops. They were thawed, so I made dinner.
Later that night, we went out to a movie. When we came back, she made me sleep nude with her, but didn’t touch me. She kissed me goodnight and we slept. The next morning, I got up, made coffee, made her breakfast, then went over to my apartment, where I finished cleaning the bathroom.
I was proud of myself. The apartment was spotless. I was a good respiratory therapist, but I was an excellent housekeeper. Alicia had also found that out once I started cleaning her condo.
It so happened that the manager was at the complex performing a repair. I saw him and managed to convince him to inspect my apartment then and there. It passed–of course–and we filled out the paperwork for me to get my security deposit back.
I returned to Alicia’s condo with a light heart. Once I had told her that I was officially separated from my old apartment, she said, ‘Good. Let’s go out to dinner this evening and celebrate. I’ve got to admit, Phillip, that I’m happy for us. I’m glad you are here with me.’
‘Why don’t you let me do your body care this afternoon? I would love to get you ready,’ I said.
We spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other’s company. We put music on the stereo and sipped cold white wine while I bathed her and shaved her, did her hair and nails, and helped her pick out her clothes for the evening. A couple of weeks earlier, I had bought her a satin bra and panties for just this occasion. I brought them out and helped her get into them. Their deep teal color complemented her pale skin and red hair perfectly. For my sake, she wore a black lace garter belt and stockings. In her lingerie, Alicia was breathtaking!
We then spent a considerable amount of time choosing her outfit. She settled on a simple, mid-length silk sheath in a beautiful shimmery green. I added a string of small pearls and matching earrings, and the effect was perfect.
‘How do I look?’ she asked.
‘You need shoes,’ I said. I looked through her closet until I found what I was looking for: black high-heeled pumps. I knelt in front of her and slipped them on, then kissed the toe. ‘Now you look perfect.’
Alicia walked over to the mirror and looked. ‘I must say, Phillip, that you have excellent taste in women’s clothes. I’ve gotten more compliments in the month that we’ve known each other than in all the years I’ve been at this hospital. One of the interns even asked me out the other day. Of course,’ she looked at me smiling, with one eyebrow raised, ‘I refused.’
‘Thank you, Mistress,’ I said. I got up and stood behind her, pulling the dress up a little, and straightening the hem.
‘Stop fussing over me now. Go get dressed so that we can go.’
I went into the bedroom, chose a white dress shirt, burgundy tie, and my best dark blue sport coat. I put on gray slacks, and slipped on penny loafers. When I got into the living room, Alicia said, ‘You look nice, Phillip. But I think that we should go clothes shopping for you, soon. Come, stand with me in front of the mirror.’
We stood in front of the mirror. I thought we made a handsome, if slightly incongruous couple. There was Alicia, red-haired and beautiful, dressed in deep green and standing more than six inches taller than me because of the heels she was wearing. And there I was, sort of short and (I thought) nerdy-looking, quite a bit smaller than Alicia. She stepped behind me, put her arms around me, and rested her chin on the top of my head.
‘We make a nice couple,’ Alicia said, a bit wonderingly.
‘I consider myself very lucky, Mistress,’ I said quietly.
‘Me, too,’ she replied.
Alicia took me out to the swankiest steak place in town. She ordered for me, held my hand, and generally was at her most appealing all night. ‘If I didn’t know better, Alicia,’ I said, ‘I’d think you were trying to seduce me.’
‘You just wait until I get you home,’ she said archly.
We had a full meal, but Alicia limited my alcohol, and insisted that I have coffee. ‘I don’t want you too drunk tonight to do your duty,’ she said.
‘There is no chance of that, I assure you,’ I said.
After dinner, we walked the few blocks to her car in brisk autumn air. It was now late October, and the air was crisp and cool. Alicia took my hand and held it firmly. As we got near her car, I started to walk ahead and open the door for her, as always. She stopped me and said, ‘No, tonight, let me do it.’
She opened the passenger side door and held it for me. I slipped in, protesting a little.
‘Hush,’ she said, closing the door. She slipped into the driver’s side and buckled up, then started the car and pulled out of the parking spot.
‘Mistress,’ I said, ‘I feel that I should be doing more for you this evening. All this attention is making me uncomfortable.’
‘Phillip, this is my way of showing you how much I appreciate you. I’m glad you’re moving in with me, I just want to do a little something for you.’
‘But it’s really not necessary,’ I said.
‘Oh, shut up and enjoy it,’ she said, a slight edge to her voice. ‘Let me do this thing. Besides, you’ll be doing something for me soon enough.’ She reached down and squeezed my thigh.
It suddenly occurred to me that Alicia may have been trying to make up for what she had said to me earlier that week.
When we got to the door of our condo, she handed me her keys. I opened the door and quickly checked to make sure that nothing was amiss. This was something that I always did for Alicia, and I was glad she let me do it this time as well. We went in, I helped her off with her cloak, and as I was hanging it up, she said, ‘Now, I’m going into the bedroom. Don’t come in until I say so.’
‘Yes, Ma’am,’ I said.
I took my sport coat off and laid it across the couch, but kept my tie and shirt on. In a few minutes, I heard, ‘Come in, Phillip.’
The bedroom was dark and lit by candles. Alicia lay across the bed with her bra and panties on, and nothing else. Her eyes were shining in the soft glow of the candles. There was soft jazz on the bedside radio.
‘Undress for me, Phillip,’ she said.
I wasn’t su
re exactly how to go about it, so I started by kicking off my shoes, and slipping off my socks. Then I loosened my tie and removed it, draping it neatly over the back of a chair. I started unbuttoning my shirt. I got all the way down to the bottom, pulled my shirttail out, and slipped the shirt off. I started to loosen my belt, and Alicia said, ‘Come over here and let me do that.’
I walked over to her. She sat up in bed and moved to the edge. I stood in front of her. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, her lips parted. I could feel her warm breath on my belly as she moved in close and undid my belt. She unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. She put her arms around my waist and embraced me, nuzzling my erect cock through the material of my underwear. Then, she pulled my shorts down. My cock sprang out at her. I heard her sigh.
‘Phillip,’ she said quietly, ‘I love our sex together. It means very, very much to me.’
She leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth, sucking on me hard. The sudden surge of pleasure made me groan out loud. Gently, gently, I touched my beloved mistress’ hair. She looked up at me and said, ‘Go ahead and touch my hair, if you like.’
I ran my fingers through her thick, slightly coarse hair. Alicia swallowed my cock completely, bobbing her head up and down, savoring me, as I savored the feeling. Then, she stopped.
She slipped back on to bed so that she reclined in the middle of it. She said, ‘Get across my lap, Phillip.’
I began trembling with eagerness. Quickly, I slipped out of my shorts and pants and, with my iron-hard cock jutting out in front of me, got onto the bed.
‘Wait a minute,’ she said. ‘Help me out of these things.’
I leaned over her and undid the clasp of the bra. Her large, firm, fragrant breasts fell free, and Alicia said, ‘That’s better. Now my panties.’ I knelt in front of her and grasped the waistband of the satin panties. Alicia raised her butt off the bed, and I slipped them down and off. She was now gloriously nude. I couldn’t help it, and I buried my face in her pubic hair, breathing in the aroma of her sex, and kissing her fervently down there. Alicia stroked my hair and let me do it as long as I wanted.
I got into my usual place across her lap, with my cock wedged in between her thighs. I felt her caress on my bottom, and then she said, ‘Are you ready, Phillip?’
Overcome with emotion, I answered, ‘Yes, oh yes, Mistress.’
When the blows began, I was surprised that it wasn’t her hand that I was feeling. Instead, she was spanking me with a wooden hairbrush. She started on the backs of my thighs, just above my knees, and gradually worked her way up.
At first, it merely warmed me. But as she continued, the blows got harder and harder, and the pain began to mount. My cock got harder and harder, and began leaking pre-come. I squirmed under her, one part of me wanting to dodge the blows, another part of me wanting to accept them, embrace them.
Inexorably, the hairbrush came down again and again. The pain became almost unbearable. Each slap of the brush sent a burst of fire throughout my loins. I began moaning with pain, and eventually crying out. It wasn’t long before I had tears in my eyes. And still the blows came.
She had now worked her way up to my buttocks. She concentrated squarely on the fleshy part, before moving over to each side. Then, she moved back and spanked the fleshy part again.
At one point, the pain became so intense, that it was almost subliminal. I was aware that I was being struck again and again, but I could no longer tell precisely where I was being hit. My whole bottom was a mass of fiery hot sensation. It was impossible to pin down any specific area.
Finally, Alicia stopped. I was sure that it had been one of the worst spankings I had ever had. My ass throbbed with a heavy, burning pain that I was sure would be there for quite a while.
I heard her say, ‘God, Phillip, I spanked you until my arm was too tired to go on, and you were still crying for more. Here, lay on your side, honey.’
Gingerly, I got off of her and lay down on my side. Alicia looked down at me and said, ‘Is that what you needed, Phillip?’
Hot tears came to my eyes and I nodded silently.
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Sunday morning, Tim and Abbie get started on their day. But not before Abbie peeks out the window one more time. Les appears not to be back yet. She says as much to Tim as they head to the shower. Tim again spanks one of Abbie’s bare cheeks and laughingly tells her to stop being a little spy. But he, in reality, is extremely interested to know the status of things between Les and Phoebe himself.They shower, taking their time to enjoy each other’s attention to the important parts of their...
TransI found Adriana Chechik doing yoga, She is so hot that I could not resist to approach her, when she realized I was there, she got turned on and started teasing me, I ripped her yoga pants, fingered all her holes and she started giving me a rough and messy blowjob, just the way she likes it. I was dying to stretch her tight ass, what the heck!. I never imagined she was such a freak, we fucked in many different positions filling all her holes, ass to pussy, pussy to mouth, mouth to ass again, I...
xmoviesforyouThe evening of the day of Victoria’s chastisement both girls looked absolutely lovely at dinner and the flow of conversation showed no sign from either of the girls regarding the day’s events, but only discussions of how things could move forward. Aunt Lydia of course disapproved of business being discussed over dinner but the enthusiasm of the younger members of the family was infectious. After dinner Jake had a short discussion with his uncle before retiring to bed. It was less than half...
Those who are reading this i'm a cute half Latina girl petite but adorable none the less.His name will be changed to "Papi".Papi's not the average black guy,he's kinda nerdy with glasses big arms little muscles weighing 180 soft big lips and a big thick dig that curves to the right. I was driving with him to the South Carolina me in the front seat, and he decided at the red light to start kissing my neckl.I couldn't focus so i pulled on the side of the road and started yelling at him.He decided...
"... Two eggs over easy, hash browns, wheat toast - dry, and one cup of decaf." The request was a simple one, number seven on her mental list of twelve hundred and twenty-four possible combinations. Marcella noted the order on her pad and turned to go, just as she had done every morning for... How long had it been? Behind her, the elderly customer made some comment in a pleasant voice, but his words didn't register. The question came back to haunt her all through the morning, and she...
Greetings, All - for those who follow accounts of my sexual exploits, thank you for doing so - for I love to demonstrate what it attainable if one is open and honest and direct and flexible.We're having some horrible winter weather. A low pressure system dumped >8" of snow on Sunday night/Monday early morning. That system was pushed out by a high pressure system that cleared out the clouds - gave us clear skies - and it's currently -21 degrees F., with a wind chill of -44. At the Mall today,...
We’ve got a real treat today in Spain for another episode of Public Bang! We’ve got a fucking super model with us today. This girl has got it all. Gorgeous face, perfect body, wet pussy, and a slutty personality. This girl is a freak, and when you need people to fuck in public, you NEED a freak. She shows us her body and we bring in our guy Alberto to have some fun. We are fucking jealous of this guy today. They sit at the park bench and he eats her booty like dinner. She move...
xmoviesforyouEdyn Blair is waiting on a delivery as she hangs out with her stepdaughter Katie Kush. When there’s a knock on the door, Edyn jumps up to get it. Katie can’t help but notice how cute the delivery boy, Brad Sterling, is as her stepmom is inviting him in. Both the girls are falling all over themselves to get Brad’s attention, but Edyn gets her hands and mouth on Brad’s package first, but Katie eventually catches them in the act. She chases Edyn away with the threat of...
xmoviesforyouI watched my sister start through the gate onto the school grounds. "Hey Mary, hang on a minute." She hesitated and I caught up to her. "What was all that about?" "All what?" "You know, the cat sound." "I was just commenting that Jill had her claws out." What do you mean?" "Couldn't you see? She was watching Sara like a hawk. Waiting for her to make some kind of move toward you. She would have torn her eyes out if she had." "Wait a minute. Who would have torn whose...
Emmy’s First Gangbang. Emmy’s first gangbang happed a few months after we me Stephan. I had been back from Georgia for about 2 weeks when Stephan came over while Emmy was at work. He told me he had a surprise for Emmy that night. He instructed me to stock the fridge with beer, and take her out and get her drunk. After 2 months of fucking her while I was away Stephan Learned quick that Emmy got super wild when you got just the right amount of alcohol in her. On the way back to our apartment I...
I was sitting on my bed, my boyfriend was about to come around any minute. I was wearing a short, black dress, which squeezed my breasts together. I was wearing no underwear, when he entered the door he was completely naked. I spread my legs and sighed as the air hit against my pussy, he walked up to me and sat in between my legs with his face close to my pussy. I was 25 and he was 28 so we were both ready, he teased my pussy with histongue, flicking it against my clit. I sighed and closed my...
First TimeShe was very conscious as she walked that he was standing behind her watching her back as she walked. Not only her back but also her bottom and legs. She was conscious that with the tension in her leg and buttock muscles from wearing high heeled shoes and the black pencil skirt the hem of which was an inch or so above the knee, he would be able to see the panty line across her bottom" but that was the least other worries for he'd soon see far more than the suggestion of the line. She...
I was just in the front door of my house after returning from a Sunday drink at my local and had gone into my room to change into lighter clothes when I peered out the window at my sweet little girl Rebecca as she sunbathed on our back lawn, Rebecca was my beautiful 16 year old girl, She had blonde hair, a slim toned body with well developed big breasts and an ass like a peach, She had a pretty face, big blue eyes, pouted lips and was the picture of innocence except for the white two piece...
The stick and the carrot The stick and the carrot. The cunt was throwing a tantrum. Master smiled. It was hard to take her seriously when despite her tantrum she was lying with her legs spread with his toes in her fuckhole. Admittedly he may have pushed her too far. It has been three weeks and he had not allowed the cunt to cum. It has started as an experiment in obedience. Testing her to see if she would obey his command and control herself. In the first week she had been pliable...
An always quiet and very shy young lady, she had just turned 25 the other day. The day I saw her again we started to catch up when out of nowhere she had told me something quite extraordinary, wild, and very, very unusual. Her name is Summer and to me she is a pretty young lady but seeing as I hadn’t seen her since we were kids I found I was still more than a little impressed with her when she came to our annual neighborhood party. Summer and her family came to our Area Friends and Family...
San Juan was fun. I'd taken Spanish in school, so I could sort of follow what people were saying, but they talked a lot faster than my Spanish instructor did. But the people were patient with me, and even helped me when I mispronounced things. I did learn one thing that changed the way I spoke: the subjunctive is much more widely used than I thought. And that's what marks the 'taught' speaker of Spanish from one who grows up with it: the subjunctive. We had an exhausting day of shopping;...
Page released Willow from the belt restraint and the ball gag. "Clean up this mess. Shower and then come find me. Present yourself like you think a slave should. You have two hours." Page left the room and went to fix a small bite to eat. Willow would eat later. Two hours and seven minutes later Willow found Page in a chair looking over blueprints of some kind. Willow stood by her chair and quietly coughed. "Ma'am? I am done ma'am." Page did not move for a minute then looked up and...
When I was a child, I had many Barbie dolls. I would dress them in pretty clothes, and cut their hair. I was never a good hairdresser though, and they ended up practically bald. My fantasy is to be a human Barbie for you, though, please leave my hair as I like it! :o) It’s Christmas morning. I’m still wrapped and boxed, untouched. As yet unspoiled. A virgin life size Barbie. Unwrap me, and use me for your pleasure. With anticipation, you rip open the box. I cannot speak to tell you...
birth right“Hey mom,” I said to my mother just before I got inside her car, each word feeling like arazor blade cutting through my throat as I said it out.I knew she loved me, and I loved her too, but I wasn't really her biggest fan those days.Giving her the silent treatment was something I would’ve preferred, but it was only going tobreak her heart more, and since the pain caused by her recent heartbreak was too muchalready, I didn't want to add on to that. “Hey Baby,” she replied and I gave...
"I don't even know why I'm here," said Catherine over the salads she and Rhonda were sharing at a small cafe two days later. "By all rights I should be furious with you and never want to speak to you again." "Okay, okay, I set you up and you have a right to be angry." "Have a right? After what she did to me?" "Come on now," smiled Rhonda wryly, "even though I left before the fun began..." "Fun?" "Now Catherine, even though I wasn't there, I have a pretty good idea of...
Her alarm clock blared. She reached one arm out in search of the snooze button, but ultimately she was unsuccessful. Amara sat up in bed and covered her mouth as she yawned, and squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the mild sunlight shining in through the window. She had turned off the alarm and pulled the sheets off of her, as she knew she wouldn't go back to sleep now that she was fully awake. She plopped back down, and lay there as already a thin layer of glistening sweat had formed on her...
EroticI lay in my marriage bed last night. My beloved breathing deeply beside me; his slow, even breaths a constant reminder of his trust, and I dreamt of you. Dreamt of your fingertips owning my soul. Dreamt of your hands; hard and rough, digging into the softness of my flesh. Controlling, demanding... My body aches, and my small breasts heave; the tips swollen and hard, desperately awaiting your touch. My hips left to writhe and twist, lifting ever upward in a never-ending, futile search… for...
Straight SexIt was the last day of school, we just finished taking the final exam and I was the last one to hand in my paper, I had already finished but wanted to hand it out last. All the students were gone and I was the only one left with at least 45 minutes to go before it was officially over. The teacher, Mrs. McElroy, was sitting at her desk reading a novel; I was sitting in the second row in the middle of the room. I watched her for a few more seconds and got up, walked up to her and handed her my...
Simon was despairing about when exactly he was going to lose his virginity. At eighteen years old, he was the only left in his social group at college who hadn’t lost their virginity. In fact, he had rarely experienced any sexual contact to speak of and he was getting pissed off listening to his friends stories about their carnal exploits. It wasn’t as if Simon wasn’t attractive. With deep frustration, he would look at himself in the mirror on a daily basis and wonder where he was going...
MasturbationMike's father agreed to drop the four friends up there Saturday morning early and collect them at the end of next Sunday giving them almost nine days. When they got there, he would check over the generator, fill its tank, check the gas for the stove and generally make sure everything was safe for them. Finishing all the checks, he left the boys alone by 10:00am saying, 'have fun.' Once they were alone Mike told them to just throw their kit into the bedroom, saying 'we will sort it out...
It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me, I am sure Cora was and told me as much. “Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.” Jealous or what? The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare...
Sleeping with the Enemy QUICK NOTE: This story is essentially the second chapter of my attempt to turn ‘Sexual Healing’ into a novel, re-titled and posted as a love story…there is no real sex in this story, so keep that in mind…thanks to all who have been asking about it, and thanks for reading… Chapter 2. Failure. There are some events in a man’s life that just seem to eat away at his soul. Events that etch themselves indelibly upon us with the passage of time, like the lines that form upon...
Please read the previous part before continuing. In the following weeks, my sexual interactions with my boss kept increasing. I kept getting fucked by Supriya, Shanice, Rekha, and her maid. After a few months, Shanice told me that she had to leave Pune as her marriage was fixed with a boy. Her parents were forcing her to get married as it was her grandpa’s dying wish to see her get married. With a heavy heart, Supriya and I let her go. Now it was mostly me and my boss Supriya...
Second Comings Part I: August Jordan Secord had, like so many professors in this day and age, managed to avoid a tenure tracked position at any reputable university with a breathtaking adroitness that had left his many peers dumbfounded. How could an intellect so curious, a historian and practitioner of American foreign policy of such wide achievement not have been snapped up by a Harvard or a Princeton? It just made no sense at all. Secord was indeed generally well-regarded wherever he...
Chat Guest: Radioactive Loner On Saturday October 9, 1999 5PM PST Moderated by Bashful Edited by Anne-Mal His stories have appeared on Fictionmania, the Transformation Stories Archive and Sapphire's Spells 'R' Us Annex. All of his stories can be found at his website. You can e-mail RL at: [email protected] So Bash started the log, warming up the crowd, he then left and... (cNf) RL there is you, the moderator and Carrie! The rest of us are just spectators! (Or groupies!)...
I want to strip you naked, tie you to a chair, and make you watch.She has nice full tits. Her lips are the kind that you look at and can't help but picture them wrapped around your cock. Her nipples are so hard, she rubs them on my clit. Essentially fucking my pussy with her tits. Making me cum all over them.She lets you have a tiny taste of my cum with just the tip of your tongue.I make her lay on her back with her pussy facing you. I straddle her face and lower my pussy to her mouth. She...
Hi friends ye meri doosri kahani hai engineering khatm hone ke baad main mumbai aa gya tha meri posting Mumbai mein ho gyi thi. Engineering ke time mein meri class mein ek bahut sundar ladki hua karti thi. Uska naam Riya tha. Wo bahut jyada sundar to thi hi. Saath hi uske honth bahut sexy the. Uske boobs bahut jyada bade nahi the. Par haan uski ass bahut badi thi and uski thighs bhi. Badi ass aur thighs ki ladkiyaan hamesha se hi mujhe attract karti rahi hain. To baat kuch aise shuru hui ki...
This story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. Please read and enjoy Part 1 and Part 2 of this story. Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I am not an expert in writing good conversational English. My name is Raj and am 18 years of age, slender build, tan colour skin, and an average student attending school in Pune and staying with my mum’s sister Anita (I call her aunty) in Pune. Aunty is...
IncestChapter Nine: Incestuous Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Vicky Samuels I loved how Pam Hiragawa trembled as I led her into my dark classroom. Trickles of light bled through the closed Venetian blinds, painting stripes across the neat rows of desk. The nineteen-year-old, Japanese girl trembled, hands clasped before her, pale-olive cheeks flushed. Her silk-black hair was gathered in a French braid falling down her back. She was the type of Japanese girl Clinton would love. I...